程序代写代做代考 Haskell Programming Assignment #3

Programming Assignment #3
Functional Programming Haskell

CS-4337.HON – Organization of Programming Languages

Due: 11:59PM, April 23, 2017

De#ine and test the functions described below. In some cases below you may be restricted
to which helper functions you may use from the Haskell standard library.

Your implementation of each function must have its function name spelled exactly as
it is in the description.

Your submission should consist of a single Haskell source code #ile. This may be
accomplished by de#ining your functions in a text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, etc). Your
Haskell source #ile should be named using your NetID, beginning with a capital letter.
Example: Cid021000.hs. The #irst line of your source code #ile should be: module
where. For example:

module Cid021000.hs where

Upload this #ile to eLearning.

In addition to class lectures and eLearning posted examples, you may #ind Haskell language
help here:

• Learn You A Haskell For Great Good
• Haskell (of#icial website)
• Haskell Wiki


1. divbyn

De#ine your own Haskell function that takes a single integer as an argument and returns function
takes a single integer as an argument and returns a Boolean that indicates whether the number is
evenly divisible by its argument.

Your function should return an error (using the built-in error function) if the argument is a non-

Input: An integer.

Output: A function that accepts and integer and returns a Boolean.


Prelude> divbyn 7 14

Prelude> divbyn 3 8

Prelude> let divby5 = divbyn 5
Prelude> divby5 110

2. f3

De#ine a Haskell function that takes a function as its argument and passes the number 3 to that
function. The function argument must be able to accept a single number value as its argument.

Input: A function (named or anonymous) which takes a single number as an argument.

Output: The value returned by applying the named function to the number 3.


Prelude> f3 sqrt

Prelude> f3 (\ x -> x + 7)

Prelude> f3 succ

3. mymap

De#ine your own Haskell function that duplicates the functionality of map from the standard library.
You may not use the built-in map function as a helper function.

Input: The input to mymap is a function that takes a single argument and a homogeneous list of
elements of the same data type compatible with the function.

Output: A new list the same length as the original list whose elements are function applied to
each, respectively.


Prelude> mymap sqrt [9,25,81,49]

Prelude> mymap succ [6,4,8,3]

Prelude> mymap (\ n -> n * n) [5,7]

Prelude> mymap even [2,5,7,12]

4. myfilter

De#ine your own Haskell function that duplicates the functionality of filter from the standard
library. You may not use the built-in filter function as a helper function.

Input: The input to myfilter is a function that takes a single argument and a homogeneous
list of elements of the same data type compatible with the function. The function should return
a Boolean.

Output: A new list of a subset of original elements that have returned True in response to the
input function.


Prelude> myfilter even [1,2,3,4,5]

— In this example assume that a hypothetical function (lessthan5)
— exists that returns a Boolean value indicating whether its Num
— argument is less than 5.
Prelude> myfilter lessthan5 [2,6,3,7,4,8]

5. zipper

De#ine a Haskell function takes two lists as arguments and returns a single list of 2-tuples. The #irst
tuple should be the both #irst elements from the respective lists. The second tuple should be the
second elements from the respective lists, and so on. If one input list is longer than the other, extra
elements of the longer list are ignored. Your implementation must be recursive.

Input: Two lists of elements of any type. Each of the two lists must be homogenous, but the two
lists do not have to be the same type of elements as each other. The two lists do not have to be
the same length.

Output: A new list whose elements are each 2-tuples. The #irst tuple is composed of the #irst
elements from two input lists respectively, the second tuple is composed of the second elements
form the two input lists respectively, etc. If one list is longer than the other, extra elements of the
longer list are ignored.


Prelude> zipper [1,2,3,4] [‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’]

Prelude> zipper [1,2,3] [4,9,5,7]

Prelude> zipper [5] []