程序代写代做代考 interpreter CPSC 311: Practice Midterm Exam #1 Solution

CPSC 311: Practice Midterm Exam #1 Solution

October 2, 2018

We CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH that looking at sample solutions without putting signi�-
cant e�ort into working the blank exam �rst and discussing/critiquing your solutions with someone is not
generally a good study strategy.

1 I’m Syntax, Your Nemesis [?? marks]

Here is the original syntax for the EP language, expressed in EBNF:
SOLUTION: inline

::= |

| { }

| {fun {} }

| {with {*} }

| {extend }

| { } ; function application

::= + | – | * | /

::= { }

| {def { } }

::= { => }

1. Neatly edit the EBNF above to add a new way to bind identi�ers inside of a with expression in order
to conveniently de�ne a function. [?? marks]

This should look like:

{with {{def {double n} {+ n n}}}

{double 5}}

which would be equivalent to:

{with {{double {fun {n} {+ n n}}}}

{double 5}}

Note that it should be possible to freely mix original- and function-style bindings in a single with
expression, e.g.:

{with {{x 5}

{def {add-x y} {+ x y}}}

{add-x 10}}

SOLUTION: Inline above.

2. Select the easier strategy of (1) implementing this as a desugaring or (2) introducing a new withfun
AST node and implementing this new binding type in interpretation, and then complete the imple-
mentation. Argue for why your strategy is easier and for whether it is better. [?? marks]

SOLUTION: We think a desugaring would be easiest. Here’s a parser case, with the existing 1+
binding with followed by our new one:

(define (parse sexp)

(local [(define binops …)]

(match sexp

; All other withs:

[(list ‘with (cons (list (? valid-id? name) named-exp) bindings) body)

; Here’s the desugaring. Effectively:

#;{{fun {} {with }} }

(parse `{{fun {,name} {with ,bindings ,body}} ,named-exp})

#;(app (fun name (parse (list ‘with bindings body)))

(parse named-exp))]

; We’ll desugar to a “normal-style” binding via recursive parsing:

[(list ‘with (cons (list ‘def (list fname pname) fbody) bindings) body)

(parse `{with {{,fname {fun {,pname} ,fbody}}}

{with ,bindings ,body}})]

[_ (error ‘parse “Something went wrong in ~a” sexp)])))

We think this strategy is the easier one since it requires little to no change in the overall
parser/interpreter, and the desugaring of the binding {def {

} } to the binding
{ {fun {

} }} is fairly straightforward.

Whether this strategy is better may depend on some larger issues. For example, the desugaring
loses some information present in the original program, such as dissociating the function name from
the (now-anonymous) function at the moment the function value is created. The interpreter solution
maintains this information, but note that our interpreter has already lost information that’s important
to the end-user programmer, such as the original line number on which this binding occurred. To use
our system in production, we’d want to determine the information we want to maintain throughout
the system and record it. At that point, it would probably be doable to maintain aspects like the
function’s name across our desugaring. So.. it depends 🙂

2 Dynaguise [?? marks]

An extendClosureV is a variant of Value de�ned as:

[extendClosureV (key Value?) (rexp Expr?) (enclosed-fun Value?)] ; CUT the env field

It stores the unevaluated result expression (rexp) and the environment (env) in which the extend expression
was evaluated. We use this code to apply an extendClosureV:

[extendClosureV (kval rexp fval) ; CUT cenv binding

(if (and (numV? kval) (numV? aval) (= (numV-n kval) (numV-n aval)))

(helper rexp env) ; <-- CHANGED from cenv to env (apply fval aval) env)])) ; <-- ADDED env as a parameter to recursive call Consider two approaches to that result expression: 1. The original approach above. 2. The body only approach: We discard the environment included in the extendClosureV, using the current environment of the expression applying the extendClosureV instead. Now, answer the questions below. 1. Neatly edit the value type and interpreter above as needed to implement the body only strategy. SOLUTION: inline above. We removed the environment �eld from extendClosureV and altered the call (helper rexp cenv) to (helper rexp env). Note, however, that we also need env as a parameter, which means it needs to come from somewhere! (It's in scope within apply, but the one we have access to is the env from the outermost call to interp-env, not the local environment at the application point.) That's the more general change we need to make. . . In addition, clearly explain the one other change (or set of changes) required in the broader interpreter to implement these semantics. [?? marks] SOLUTION: We need to change apply to take an environment parameter. At each call site, we simply pass the locally available environment (which happens to always be named env). 2. Does the body only approach introduce dynamic scoping? Fill in the circle next to the best answer. [?? marks] Yes, because the environment used is not the static environment of the extend expression. Yes, because the parameter leaks dynamic scope into the result expression No, because dynamic scoping requires function de�nition not just function application. No, because mappings cannot directly access the extended function's parameter. It's not possible to tell with the details given in this problem. SOLUTION: Yep. Dynamic scoping is when we allow the environment to pass along the dynamic "�ow" of the program, even when it "jumps around" in the static structure of the program, which is exactly what we're doing here. You can see that in the rewriting to pass plain old env into function application. It doesn't change all scoping to be dynamic in our program, but it certainly introduces dynamic scoping. 3. Each of the following programs in EP has one or two boxes after it for you to �ll in the value of the program. Each box is labelled with semantics to use in evaluation (original or body only). Write in each box the value of the program under the requested semantics. [?? marks] (a) {+ 1 4} Body only: 5 (b) {fun {x} y} Original: other SOLUTION: A closure like (closureV 'x (id 'y) (mtEnv)). (c) {{extend {fun {x} {+ x 10}} {y => 100}} ; <-- unbound in the KEY expression {with {{y 3}} y}} Original: error Body only: error SOLUTION: The key expression is evaluated immediately in both variants; so, this causes an error in both versions. (d) {with {{x 100} {f {extend {fun {x} {+ x 10}} {x => y}}}}

{with {{x 1} {y 1000}}

{f 1}}}

Original: 11 Body only: 11

SOLUTION: This may seem surprising. If we defer evaluation of the key expression until
its use and scope it dynamically, we’d �nd the binding x 7→ 1, match the function argument 1
against that, and return 1000 for the (dynamically-scoped) value of y.

However, as mentioned above, the key expression is eagerly evaluated. So, both versions’ map-
pings are from 100. Thus, both versions return the result of the enclosed function when called
on 1, which is 11.

(e) {with {{x 100}
{f {extend {fun {x} {+ x 10}}

{x => y}}}}

{with {{x 1} {y 1000}}

{f 100}}}

Original: error Body only: 1000

SOLUTION: And here’s where all that reasoning above pays o�. When we call {f 100}, we
get 1000 for the body only version but an error on the unbound identi�er y for the original

(f) {{extend {fun {x} 100}
{{fun {y} y} => 10}}

{fun {z} z}}

Original: 100

SOLUTION: The key expression is supposed to have a numeric value. There’s a surprising
bit in the speci�cation that says that key expressions of the wrong type are essentially ignored

rather than creating an error, which is how they are implemented. That spec should perhaps
change, but as is, it means that the closure argument passed in bypasses the mapping (even
though one might argue that these are semantically identical functions) and gives the enclosed
function’s result.

Aside: It turns out to be impossible in the general case to compare functions for equality; so,
at least disallowing them in the key position is probably a good idea, though creating an error
might be an even better idea!

(g) {with {{g {with {{f {fun {x} {+ x 10}}}}
{extend f {{f 1} => {f 10}}}}}}

{g {g 1}}}

Original: 20 Body only: error

SOLUTION: In the original approach, we map {f 1} = 11 to {f 10} = 20. {g 1} is the
same as {f 1}. So, {g {g 1}} = {g {f 1}} = {g 11}, which is {f 10}, but in the body only
approach, this is evaluated outside the with that binds f; so, we get an unbound identi�er error
when we try to evaluate {f 10}.

(h) {with {{f {fun {x} {+ x 10}}}
{g {extend f {{f 1} => {g 10}}}}}

{g {g 1}}}

Body only: 20

SOLUTION: Dynamic scoping makes implementing recursion easy!

g is available in the body of the with; so, the call to {g 10} behaves normally. 10 is not
overridden in the extend; so, we get {f 10} = 20.

(i) {with {{x 0}
{f {extend {fun {x} x}

{1 => {/ 1 x}}}}

{x 1}}

{f 2}}

Original: 2 Body only: 2

SOLUTION: 2 isn’t remapped in the extension; so, we get the identity function {fun {x} x}
applied to 2, which is just 2.

(j) {with {{x 0}
{f {extend {fun {x} x}

{1 => {/ 1 x}}}}

{x 1}}

{f 1}}

Original: error Body only: 1

SOLUTION: Now dynamic scoping kicks in again, and we get the second binding of x under
the body only approach but the �rst under the original approach.

3 The Unde�ner [?? marks]

We want to add three new forms to our language:

::= {undefine }

| {unmap { => ..}}

| {withdef }

Value has been edited to add the variant [undefV]. Evaluating a {undefine } form causes
to be bound to (undefV) with a static scope of the , and then returns the result of evaluating
the . To evaluate a {unmap { => ..}} form, we evaluate the �rst to a
function value f (a closureV or extendClosureV), evaluate the second to a numeric value n, and
then produce a function value that extends f such that if it is applied to n, it produces (undefV) and
otherwise it applies f to the argument value and returns the result. A withdef evaluates to (undefV) if
is bound to (undefV) and otherwise evaluates and returns its value. (It produces an error if
is unbound.)

1. Here are the parser cases for extend and a new (correct) one for undefine. Neatly add a new
parser case for {unmap { => ..}} that is implemented by desugaring it using the
new {undefine } form and the previously existing ones. (Note that .. is just syntax
constisting of two consecutive periods and not some special EBNF symbol.) [?? marks]

SOLUTION: inline below along with explanation

(define (parse sexp)

(local [(define binops …)]

(match sexp …

[(list ‘extend fun-expr (list key-expr ‘=> res-expr))

(extend (parse fun-expr) (parse key-expr) (parse res-expr))]

[(list ‘undefine (? valid-id? id) body-expr)

(undefine id (parse body-expr))]

; SAMPLE SOLUTION, with match code based mostly off the extend case above.

[(list ‘unmap fun-expr (list key-expr ‘=> ‘..))

; If we can create an (undefV), the desugaring becomes easy.

; Look at {undefine x …}. Inside the …, x is bound to (undefV).

; So, we just return x: {undefine x x}

(parse `{extend ,fun-expr {,key-expr => {undefine x x}}})]

; THOUGHT EXPERIMENT: Is x OK to use as a name? Will it cause problems?

[_ (error ‘parse “Something went wrong in ~a” sexp)])))

2. Here is the existing datatype used for the language’s abstract syntax. Neatly complete the new
variants named undefine and withdef to represent the undefine and withdef concrete syntax.
[?? marks]

SOLUTION: inline with explanation below

(define-type Expr

[num (n number?)]

[id (name symbol?)]

[binop (op procedure?) (lhs Expr?) (rhs Expr?)]

[fun (param symbol?) (body Expr?)]

[extend (fun-exp Expr?) (key-exp Expr?) (result-exp Expr?)]

[app (fun-exp Expr?) (arg-exp Expr?)]

[undefine (name symbol?) (body Expr?)]

[withdef (name symbol?) (body Expr?)]

SOLUTION: Inline above. Sadly, they both have essentially the same form! Their form is the same
as a fun and similar to a with. The �elds needn’t be named name and body, but they should be
reasonable names and should have exactly the given types.

3. Neatly edit the interpreter to implement the desired behaviour for undefine and withdef. [?? marks]

SOLUTION: inline below

(define (interp-env exp env)

(local [(define (apply fval aval)

(type-case Value fval

[numV (n) (error ‘interp-env “attempt to apply a number ~a as a function in ~a”

n exp)]

[closureV (param body cenv)

(helper body (anEnv param aval cenv))]

[extendClosureV (kval rexp cenv fval) ; <-- shadowing fval, which is OK (if (and (numV? kval) (numV? aval) (= (numV-n kval) (numV-n aval))) (helper rexp cenv) (apply fval aval))])) ... (define (helper exp env) (type-case Expr exp ... ; Insert your cases here. [undefine ( name body ) ; Like a with, but we already know the value of the named expression: ; it's (undefV). (helper body (anEnv name (undefV) env)) ] [withdef ( name body ) ; A bit like an if/else combined with an id reference: (local [(define val (lookup-env name env))] (if (undefV? val) val (helper body env))) ] [extend (fexp kexp rexp) (extendClosureV (assert-type (helper kexp env) numV?) rexp env (assert-type (helper fexp env) (or/c closureV? extendClosureV?)))] [app (fexp aexp) (apply (helper fexp env) (helper aexp env))]))] (helper exp env))) 4 Mint Condition in its Original Set-Box [?? marks] Imagine we have correctly added mutation via boxes to our language, with these extra syntactic forms using their usual semantics (where set-box! returns the new value placed in the box): ::= {box }

| {set-box! }

| {unbox }

This requires de�ning an order of evaluation of subexpressions. Where that is not already explicit in
the language semantics, it will be left-to-right within an expression.

In each box after a program below, write the result of evaluating the program as a number (e.g., for the
program {+ 1 2}, write 3). All results are numbers. [?? marks per problem]

1. {unbox {box 3}}


2. {with {{b {box 1}}
{f {fun {x} {set-box! x {* 10 {unbox x}}}}}

{g {extend f {1 => {set-box! b {* 2 {unbox b}}}}}}}

{+ {g b}

{g 1}}}


SOLUTION: f multiplies the value in its box parameter by 10. g extends f so that if it receives a
(numeric) 1, it doubles the value in b. Then we add the result of multiplying b’s contents by 10 (10,
and now b contains 10) and then doubling b’s contents (20), which is 30.

3. {with {{f {fun {x} {box 1}}} ; <-- returns a (fresh) box [1] {b1 {f 1}} ; <-- b1 is one box [1] {b2 {f 1}}} ; <-- b2 is a DIFFERENT box [1] {+ {set-box! b1 {* 10 {unbox b1}}} ; <-- b1 = [10] {set-box! b2 {* 10 {unbox b2}}}}} ; <-- b2 = [10] 20 SOLUTION: See the notes above. Critically, each time we call f, we produce a new box, not a new reference to the same box. 4. {with {{f {fun {x} {box 1}}} ; <-- return a fresh box {g {extend f {1 => {box 1}}}} ; <-- on 1 return a fresh box {b1 {g 1}} ; {b2 {g 1}}} ; As a result, the rest of this {+ {set-box! b1 {* 10 {unbox b1}}} ; is much like the previous problem! {set-box! b2 {* 10 {unbox b2}}}}}; 20 SOLUTION: See above in comments. 5. {with {{f {fun {x} x}} {g {extend f {2 => {box 10}}}}

{b {box 1}}}

{+ {set-box! b 2}

{unbox {g b}}}}


SOLUTION: f is the identity function. g is the same as f except with the parameter 2, it returns
a fresh box containing 10.

It’s somewhat unclear exactly what our extended closures do in the presence of boxes. If we leave
their code as it is now, they simply don’t match keys that are boxes. Then, this will set the value in
b to 2 and then unbox that same value of 2 again, adding them to 4.

Conceivably, you might decide that the implementation does match on boxes if their contents are
numbers (though in that case, you should think about what happens when the contents of the box
are. . . a box). In that case, this actually returs 12 instead, which we would also accept as a reasonable

I’m Syntax, Your Nemesis [?? marks]
Dynaguise [?? marks]
The Undefiner [?? marks]
Mint Condition in its Original Set-Box[height=2ex]2018W1-mt1-SymbolfromTheIncredibleslogo.jpg [?? marks]