Imperial College London – Department of Computing
MSc in Computing Science
580: Algorithms
Assessed Coursework
Event Driven Simulation
This is a group exercise. You may work in groups of up to three people. Each of you has been
given a code respository, but you should choose a group leader and submit your work via their
repository. Only the group leader should submit.
Computer simulations have extensive applications in science and engineering. In this exercise
you will be implementing a Java event driven simulation. This type of simulation works by
maintaining a queue of events. The key component is this queue, which must work very hard.
You will be implementing the queue, the events that are placed into the queue, and completing
the simulation controller itself. The rest of the framework is provided for you.
Event Driven Simulations
In an event driven simulation, events are continually being created. When an event is created it
is assigned a time at which it will happen. The events then queue up, ordered by time, waiting
to be processed. Time within the simulation is measured in ticks, and only progresses when
events happen. So, given the following queue:
[E1(t = 1.67), E2(t = 1.73), E3(t = 2.33), E4(t = 2.65)]
the time will jump from 1.67 ticks to 1.73 ticks, then 2.33, then 2.65 as events E1 to E4 happen.
Since there are no events between these times it does not matter that the system jumps like
this. This method of advancing the clock is why the process is called event driven.
Figure 1: A particle simulation.
The Simulation
Specifically, you will be completing a program that implements a two-dimensional simulation
of the movement of particles undergoing elastic collisions. You have been provided with the
following parts of the simulation framework, some of which need to be completed:
Particle a Particle object represents a single particle, which has a position, a velocity, a
mass, a diameter and a colour. A Particle can be made to move for some amount of
time dt. The class also provides static methods that compute collision events based on a
particle’s current trajectory, and update a particle object when a collision happens.
Simulation Model A ParticlesModel contains all the particles for a simulation, and provides
methods that move all the particles, and find the next collisions for all the particles.
Graphical Display The ParticlesView class provides a graphical display of a ParticlesModel.
The class provides an update() method to update the display.
Simulation Clients The classes
• SimpleSimulation,
• DiffusionSimulation, and
• BrownianSimulation
set up and run specific simulations. They create a specific set of particles, put them into
a model, pass this model into a new simulation and run it. You can try running these
programs once your system is complete (or even during testing).
Event types a set of interfaces and classes defining a hierarchy of events (see below).
Simulation Controller The ParticleSimulation class controls the simulation. It maintains
the queue, determines the time, and processes events.
What To Do
Obtain the Exercise Files
You will need to clone the skeleton respository to your DoC home directory in order to work
on it. Later you will need to push your changes back to the server.
• You can get your skeleton repository by issuing the following command (all on one line,
replacing the occurrence of login with your college username):
git clone spring/580particlesimulation login.git
Or, if you have set up ssh key access you can use:
git clone spring/580particlesimulation login.git
• This will create a new directory called 580particlesimulation login . Inside you will
find the following files / directories:
– src/simulation — this directory contains Java source files of classes in the simulation
– src/utils — this directory contains Java source files of classes in the utils package.
– .git and .gitignore
Complete The Program
There are several classes for you to implement as part of the exercise.
The Priority Queue (70%)
The file src/utils/ contains the skeleton of a min priority queue
class which you should complete. The order of the objects in the queue will be determined by
comparing the objects themselves, rather than associating them with separate keys. This is
done as follows. MinPriorityQueue is a generic class that can provide a queue of objects of any
(single) type that is Comparable. In other words, any class that implements the Comparable
interface. This interface is part of the java.lang library package and contains a single method:
public int compareTo(Object o)
that must be provided by all Comparable types. This method allows objects of the same type to
be compared. So, given a Comparable object comp1, of type T, calling comp1.compareTo(comp2),
where comp2 is also of type T, will return:
• 0 if the objects are ‘equal’
• a negative integer if comp1 is ‘less than’ comp2
• a positive integer if comp1 is ‘greater than’ comp2
The definition of ‘less than’, ‘greater than’ or ‘equal’ depends on how the type T has implemented
compareTo. Whatever the definition, your queue can use the compareTo method to decide how
the different T objects that it contains should be ordered.
The important public interface methods of MinPriorityQueue are:
• void add(T elem) – which adds a new element to the queue.
• T remove() – which returns the ‘smallest’ element, removing it from the queue.
These methods will both need to run in O(log2N) time or your program will not be able to
keep pace with all the events. You may want to design the class to contain other methods too.
Events (20%)
Figure 2: The Event classes.
The objects that are put into the priority queue are various types of Event. The hierarchy of
Event types is shown in Figure 2. At the top is the Comparable interface. All Events must be
Comparable so that they can be placed into the queue. Next is the Event type itself, which is
also an interface. Event defines three methods:
• public double time() – returns the time that this event will occur,
• public boolean isValid() – returns true if this event can occur,
• public void happen(ParticleEventHandler h) – makes the event happen;
that must be implemented by all concrete event types. The happen() method warrants a little
explanation. This method will be called by the simulation controller. When it is called the
Event has two things to do. First it should update any objects that are part of the event (like
particles). Once this is done, it must pass on the message that it has now occurred. This is
where the ParticleEventHandler parameter comes in.
The Event Handler
The last thing an Event should do when it happens is to let an event handler know. The event
handler then performs any other actions that are necessary as a result of the event. (Hopefully
it will become clear what this means!) ParticleEventHandler is another interface (supplied),
and defines two methods:
• public void reactTo(Tick t) – reacts to a Tick event
• public void reactTo(Collision c) – reacts to a Collision event
A ParticleEventHandler must be passed to the Event as a parameter of happen(). The
event should complete its job by calling reactTo() on the event handler and pass itself as a
parameter. The reactTo() method that is called will be determined by the type of event. This
is an example of the visitor design pattern (the event handler being the visitor).
Implementing the Events
Abstract Events AbstractEvent is the next class for you to complete. The source file
is src/simulation/ (this class is part of the simulation package).
AbstractEvent should implement Comparable, but only partially implement Event (making
it abstract). To implement Comparable, AbstractEvent must define the compareTo method.
AbstractEvents should be compared according to their times. So, an AbstractEvent will also
need to have a time attribute (a double). This attribute will be set when the event is created,
and will not change. You should also implement the time() method, which should return the
value of the time attribute. AbstractEvent should not implement isValid() or happen().
Ticks Next we come to the first concrete Event type, Tick. A Tick is a very simple event,
but it drives the whole simulation. A Tick event happens every 1.0 ticks. You must create a
Tick class (none is provided), placing it into the simulation package. As shown in Figure 2,
Tick should extend AbstractEvent. It must also implement isValid() and happen(). This
is simple since a Tick is always valid, and when a Tick happens the only thing it must do is
make a callback to the ParticleEventHandler (see above).
Collisions A Collision is the other direct subclass of AbstractEvent. Unlike
Tick, Collision itself is also abstract. A skeleton source file is supplied in
src/simulation/ A collision can occur between a Particle and a Wall, or
between two Particles. It always involves particles though, which are set when the Collision
is created. Collision should also define the isValid() method from the Event interface. A
collision will be valid only if the particles involved have not been through any other collisions
since it was created. When a collision is created it is a type of prediction. The collision might
happen if the particles continue on their current paths for long enough. However, if they hit
other particles, or walls, between the time the prediction is made (when the Collision object
is created) and the time the collision is supposed to occur, the collision becomes invalid. A
Particle object (class supplied) keeps track of how many collisions it has been through, so a
Collision must check for any differences when isValid() is called.
Particle–Wall Collisions Finally, we come to the concrete collision classes. The first
is ParticleWallCollision. You must create this class, which extends Collision. A
ParticleWallCollision must know what Particle and what Wall it will involve, and what
time it is supposed to happen. Like Tick it should also define the happen() method. When
a ParticleWallCollision happens it must use the Particle class to update the state of its
particle (via one of the collide() methods) and then tell the ParticleEventHandler to react.
Particle–Particle Collisions The final type of event is a TwoParticleCollision. This is
equivalent to a ParticleWallCollision but, you guessed it, involves two particles.
The Simulation Controller (10%)
The simulation is controlled by the ParticleSimulation class. The skeleton code for this is in
• When a ParticleSimulation is created it is supplied with a ParticlesModel.
• The ParticleSimulation must create a ParticlesView, telling it what name to display
and what data model to represent.
• The ParticleSimulation class maintains the queue of events. This queue will be an
instance of your min priority queue class. It is initialised by adding a single Tick event,
set for time 1, and predicted collision events for all particles in their initial state.
• The ParticleSimulation class is in charge of time (ticks). It should maintain a clock
(an attribute of type double) which is updated as events occur.
• The ParticleSimulation has a run() method that is called to start the simulation. The
method begins by creating a new thread for the display to run in. This code has been
supplied. Following this the method should start processing events and keep running as
long as there are more events available. Its operation is as follows:
– Remove an event from the queue
– If the event is valid
∗ Update the current time to the time of the event
∗ Move the particles for the amount of time elapsed since the previous event
∗ Tell the event to happen
• The last repsonsibility of ParticleSimulation is to act as event handler. The class
implements ParticleEventHandler, so it must provide the two methods that are part of
that interface. When these methods are called the simulation should:
– If a Tick has happened:
∗ Pause for FRAME INTERVAL MILLIS milliseconds by calling the Thread.sleep()
method. (This is the only point at which ‘real’ time is relevant.)
∗ Tell the display to update.
∗ Add a new Tick event to the queue.
– If a Collision has happened:
∗ Add new collisions to the queue for the particles that just collided.
You should test your classes’ methods as you develop them, and ultimately try running the
three client programs. Before submitting please check the test output on LabTS to ensure your
code compiles and runs without errors in the test environment.
Submit By 1900, 19th February 2018
1. Make a Group on CATE. The group leader should go to the hand in page and create
a group. Group members should sign the declaration.
2. Push To Gitlab. Use git add, git commit and git push to update the group leader’s
repository on the Gitlab server with the changes you have made to the skeleton code. Use
git status to confirm that you have no local changes you have not pushed, and then
inspect the files on Gitlab:
3. Click the appropriate Submit To CATe button.
Assessment and Feedback
The marks for the exercise are assigned as follows:
MinPriorityQueue 70%
Event classes 20%
ParticleSimulation 10%
This exercise will be marked and returned by 5th March 2018. Feedback on your solution
will be given on the returned copy.