程序代写代做代考 Java flex JDBC CS430/630 – Homework 4

CS430/630 – Homework 4

Released Mar 29, Due Apr 13

Instructions: The homework is due on Fri, Apr 13, 23:59:59. Submission is done in electronic format,
create a folder HW4 in your course directory and place source code and compilation scripts there. Recall
to set the proper permissions for files!

Question 1 (50 points) – JDBC

You must create a JDBC application for managing the course enrollment at a university. The schema is as


Students(sid:integer, sname:string)

Courses(cid:integer, cname:string, credits:integer)

Enrolled(sid:integer, cid:integer)

The Students relation stores data about students: a unique student id and name. Each course has a

course id, name and number of credits). The Enrolled relation stores what courses are taken by which


You must create the above schema definition in your submission in a file called schema.sql. You are
allowed flexibility on the exact attribute types you use for your schema, as long as they reasonably match
the specification above (e.g., in terms of number types, string types). Also, you have to create a Java JDBC-
based application run by students, with name Student.java. The application must have a command-line
interface menu that allows the user to select one option as below. Once that menu function is completed,
the program must return to the main menu. For each menu option, you are allowed (and even
recommended, if needed) to have multiple steps (or “screens”) to complete the tasks. You will use the
DBS3 Oracle instance as DBMS.

Student Menu:

Application starts by requesting student’s ID; no authentication is necessary, and the remaining session

assumes that student ID is active. If (-1) is introduced, a new student is created, and the user is prompted

for all necessary information. The main menu is the following:

L – List: lists all records in the course table

E – Enroll: enrolls the active student in a course; user is prompted for course ID; check for conflicts, i.e.,

student cannot enroll twice in same course

W – Withdraw: deletes an entry in the Enrolled table corresponding to active student; student is prompted

for course ID to be withdrawn from

S – Search: search course based on substring of course name which is given by user; list all matching


M – My Classes: lists all classes enrolled in by the active student.

X – Exit: exit application