程序代写代做代考 Java javascript COMP284 Practical 6

COMP284 Practical 6
JavaScript (1)


• This worksheet contains exercises that are intended to familiarise you with JavaScript
Programming. While you work through the tasks below compare your results with those
of your fellow students and ask for help and comments if required.

• This document can be found at


and you might proceed more quickly if you cut-and-paste code from the PDF file. Note that
a cut-and-paste operation may introduce extra spaces into your code. It is important that
those are removed and that your code exactly matches that shown in this worksheet.

• The exercises and instructions in this worksheet assume that you use the Department’s
Linux systems to experiment with JavaScript.

If you want to use the Department’s Windows systems instead, then you can do so.

• To keep things simple, we will just use a text editor, a terminal, and a web browser. You
can use whatever text editor and web browser you are most familiar or comfortable with.

• If you do not manage to get through all the exercises during this practical session, please
complete them in your own time before the next practical takes place.


1. Let us start by re-creating the ‘Hello World’ JavaScript example that you have seen in the

It is assumed that you have already created a sub-directory called public_html in your
home directory and that the directory is both readable and executable by everyone. Make
sure that this is so before you proceed.

a. Open a text editor and enter the following HTML markup and JavaScript code:

Practical 6: JavaScript and Variables

Practical 6: JavaScript and Variables



This is the rest of the page

Replace with your own name.
Note that there are three JavaScript scripts in this code. In order to be able to refer
to each of these three scripts they have been given the ids s1, s2 and s3. We will use
these ids in the instructions below.

b. Save the code to a file named js06A.html in $HOME/public_html/.

c. Open a terminal, go to the directory in which the file has been stored and make sure
that the file is only readable by yourself and nobody else can read, write or execute
the file:

chmod u+r,og-rwx $HOME/public_html/js06A.html

(Note: No space after the comma!) You will only have to do so once. File permissions
should not change while you continue to edit the file.

d. Now open a web browser and access the URL


where should be replaced by your departmental user name.
Check that the page looks as expected and also that the HTML code producing the web
page you are shown is exactly the HTML code you have seen in 1a above, including
the JavaScript code.
Hint: Your web browser can show you the HTML source of a web page.

e. If already at this point or in one of the later exercises the web browser does not show
the expected result, you will have to debug your code. For that you will need access to
some diagnostic output for the JavaScript code that you have written.
A lot of web browsers provide an ‘error console’. For example, in Firefox the error
console can be found in the ‘Tools’ menu. The shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+J in Firefox
also opens the error console.
Figure out how to access the error console in your web browser and open it. If the
web browser you use does not have an error console (or you cannot figure out how to
open it), switch to a better browser.

f. To see how the error console works let us introduce an error into our JavaScript code.
At the end of the script with id s2 insert

document.writeln(“(1) The value of userAge is: ” +

userAge + “

document.writeln(“(2) This statement is executed

into js06A.html. Save the file again and refresh the page in your web browser.
Note that the web page appears unchanged. In particular, the statements introduced
in 1f seem to produce no output. However, in the error console you should now see
an error message indicating that userAge has not been defined/declared.

g. We should correct the error by adding a declaration for userAge.
First, try the following: Add

var userAge = “27”

document.writeln(“(3) The value of userAge is: ” +

userAge + “


at the end of the script with id s2 in js06A.html (that is, after the document.writeln
statement that already uses userAge). Save the file again. Clear the output shown in
the error console, then refresh the page in your web browser.
The error console should no longer show an error message and the web page should
include the lines:

(1) The value of userAge is: undefined

(2) This statement is executed

(3) The value of userAge is: 27

This shows you that in JavaScript a declaration of a variable does not have to precede
its use in order to prevent a reference error, however the initialisation of a variable
only affects code that is executed later (even if the initialisation is done as part of a
But this principle only applies to a particular JavaScript code fragment enclosed in the
tags as we will see next.

h. Move the declaration

var userAge = “27”

from the script with id s2 to the script with id s3.
Save the file again. Clear the output shown in the error console, then refresh the page
in your web browser.
Is the code correct now or does it produce an error?

i. Move the declaration

var userAge = “27”

from the script with id s3 to the script with id s1.
Save the file again. Clear the output shown in the error console, then refresh the page
in your web browser.
Is the code correct now or does it produce an error? Is the output the same as in
Exercise 1g? If not, why not?

2. The following exercise concerns types, equality and comparisons in JavaScript.

a. Start a new file js06B.html in your public_html directory with the following content:

Practical 6: JavaScript Types, Equality and Comparisons

Practical 6: JavaScript Types, Equality and Comparisons

b. Save the file and make sure that its access rights are set correctly, that is, the access
rights should be set as in 1c.

c. Open the file js06B.html in a web browser and inspect the output that our JavaScript
script has produced. Make sure that you understand why each array element is printed
in the way it is and why the types of each array element are what they are.

d. As we can see from the last line of the output that our script has produced, the way
in which JavaScript converts arrays to strings leaves a lot to be desired: Some of
the elements (undefined and null) in values are not shown at all, although each
element converted into a string by itself produces a non-empty string, and the fact
that the string representation of values is not enclosed in brackets causes problems
with elements that are themselves arrays (for example, [0]).
We want to improve on that by redefining the toString-function that JavaScript uses
to convert an array to a string. To do so add the following code to js06B.html just
after the opening

Then create a separate file js06C.js in your public_html directory with the following

for (var ii = 4, jj = 3; jj >= 0; ii++, jj--) {

document.writeln(ii + " * " + jj + " = " +

ii*jj + "

document.writeln(ii + " / " + jj + " = " +

ii/jj + "

document.writeln("log(" + jj + ") = " +

Math.log(jj) + "

document.writeln("sqrt(" + jj-1 + ") = " +

Math.sqrt(jj-1) + "



b. Save the files and make sure that their access rights are set correctly, that is, the access
rights should be set as in Exercise 1c.

c. Open the file js06C.html in a web browser and inspect the output that our JavaScript
script has produced. Make sure that you understand how results like NaN, Infinity,
and -Infinity come about.

d. The first four lines of output produced by our JavaScript script are:

4 * 3 = 12

4 / 3 = 1.3333333333333333

log(3) = 1.0986122886681098

sqrt(2) = 1.4142135623730951

As you can see the results of the mathematical operations are displayed with quite
a high number of decimal places. We would like to limit that to just three decimal
places, that is, the output should be

4 * 3 = 12.000

4 / 3 = 1.333

log(3) = 1.099

sqrt(2) = 1.414


Hint: Search on-line for a JavaScript function that limits the number of decimal places
in the conversion of a number to a string.

e. Extend js06C.js with the following code:

x = 1.275

y = 1.27499999999999991118

document.writeln(x + " and " + y + " are " +

((x == y) ? "equal" : "not equal") + "

f. Save the file and refresh the page js06C.html in your web browser. The last line of
the output should now be:

1.275 and 1.275 are equal

While this statement in itself it is true, something strange seems to have happened to
the value of the variable y. What is going on?

g. Extend js06C.js with the following code:

mode = Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1)

switch (mode) {

case 1: randvar = Math.round(Math.random()*100); break;

case 2: randvar = String(Math.random()); break;

case 3: randvar = Math.random()/(Math.random()+1); break;

default: randvar = Boolean(Math.random()+0.5); break;


document.writeln("Random value: (" + typeof(randvar) + ")"

+ randvar + "

h. Save the file and execute the script several times by repeatedly refreshing the page in
your web browser. See how the value of randvar changes every time.

4. Your JavaScript code is accessible and readable by everyone who can access your web
page. If you want to make it a bit more difficult for others to read, copy, and/or modify
your code, then you should obscure it, for example, using uglifyjs.

a. In a terminal, go to the directory in which the files js06C.js and jsDemo3.html has
been stored and execute the commands

cp js06C.js js06C.js.bak

mv js06C.js js06C.pretty.js

uglifyjs js06C.pretty.js -m -c > js06C.js

(The option “-m” is for mangle and the option “-c” is for compress; to see a full list of
options, use uglifyjs -h.)

b. Check that js06C.html still produces the same output as before. Compare the files
js06C.js and js06C.pretty.js to see how they differ.

c. If anything goes wrong, then the file js06C.js.bak should still contain your original
code, just copy it back to js06C.js.

If you use this method for the COMP284 JavaScript assignment, then make sure that you
submit the readable/pretty code via the departmental submission system and place the
unreadable/uglified only code in your public_html directory.

5. We conclude with an exercise on JavaScript arrays and array operations.


a. Replicate the array example we have seen in the lecture, that is, create a web page
js06D.html that executes the following JavaScript code:

planets = ["earth"]



document.writeln("planets\@1: "+ planets.join(" ")+"

last = planets.pop()

document.writeln("planets\@2: "+ planets.join(" ")+"

first = planets.shift()

document.writeln("planets\@3: "+ planets.join(" ")+"

document.writeln(" \@4: "+ first + " " +last+"

home = ["mercury","venus","earth"].pop()

document.writeln(" \@5: " + home + "

number = ["earth"].push("mars");

document.writeln(" \@6: " + number + "

b. Save the file in your public_html directory and make sure that its access rights are set
correctly. Check that the output produced by the script is as expected.

c. Extend the script with the following code:

planets.length = 2;

document.writeln("planets\@7: "+planets.join(" ")+"

list = planets; // Modify this line in Exercise 4e

document.writeln("list \@8: "+list.join(" ")+"

planets[1] = "midgard"

document.writeln("list \@9: "+list.join(" ")+"

d. Save the file and refresh the page in your web browser. The last line of the output
should now be:

list @9: venus midgard

How does this come about?

e. Modify the code in 5c at the indicated point so that changes to planets do not affect