程序代写代做代考 Java javascript COMP284 Practical 7

COMP284 Practical 7
JavaScript (2)


• This worksheet contains further exercises that are intended to familiarise you with JavaScript
Programming. While you work through the tasks below compare your results with those
of your fellow students and ask for help and comments if required.

• This worksheet can be found at


and you might proceed more quickly if you cut-and-paste code from that PDF file. Note
that a cut-and-paste operation may introduce extra spaces into your code. It is important
that those are removed and that your code exactly matches that shown in this worksheet.

• The exercises and instructions in this worksheet assume that you use the Department’s
Linux systems to experiment with JavaScript.

If you want to use the Department’s Windows systems instead, then you can do so.

• To keep things simple, we will just use a text editor, a terminal, and a web browser. You
can use whatever text editor and web browser you are most familiar or comfortable with.

• If you do not manage to get through all the exercises during this practical session, please
complete them in your own time.


1. Let us start with an exercise related to functions in JavaScript.

It is assumed that you have already created a sub-directory called public_html in your
home directory and that the directory is both readable and executable by everyone. Make
sure that this is so before you proceed.

a. Open a text editor and enter the following JavaScript code:

JavaScript Functions



Exercises with JavaScript Functions


b. Save the code to a file named js07A.html in $HOME/public_html/.

c. Open a terminal, go to the directory in which the file has been stored and make sure
the file is only readable by yourself and nobody else can read, write or execute the file:

chmod u+r,og-rwx $HOME/public_html/js07A.html

(Note: No space after the comma!) You will only have to do so once. File permissions
should not change while you continue to edit the file.

d. Now open a web browser and access the URL


where should be replaced by your departmental user name.
If everything is working correctly, then you should be shown the following in your web

Exercises with JavaScript Functions


sumAll() = null

sumAll(2) = 2

sumAll(2,3) = 5

sumAll(2,3,4) = 9

If not, open the error console in your web browser and track down the errors in your

e. In the definition of sumAll we have used a variable sum. We have learned that one of
the distinctions that JavaScript makes with respect to variables that are introduced in
a function is whether they are local (only accessible from within the function) or global
(accessible from elsewhere in the code).
Is sum local or global?
Let us test that by adding the following code before the last -tag in your file:

document.writeln(“sum = “+sum+”

Save the file again. Clear the output shown in the error console, then refresh the page
in your web browser.
What does the additional output tell you about whether sum is local or global?


f. If your conclusion is that sum is global, then change the code for the function sumAll
so that it will be local.
Test that any change you make has the desired effect. Once you have confirmed that
sum is local, comment out the line of code introduced in Exercise 1e.

2. We now move on to a more complex function, the bubble_sort function we discussed in
the lectures.

a. Add the following function to the JavaScript code in the head section of js07A.html
(where we have already placed the function sumAll):

function bubble_sort(array) {

function swap(array,i, j) {

// swap can change array because array is

// a local variable of the outer function bubble_sort

var tmp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = tmp;


if (!(array && array.constructor == Array))

throw(“Argument not an array”)

for (var i=0; i“)


array before sorting”+

“ “+array.join(“, “)+”


sorted = bubble_sort(array.slice()) // slice creates copy


array after sorting of copy”+

“ “+array.join(“, “)+”


sorted = bubble_sort(array)


array after sorting of itself”+

“ “+array.join(“, “)+”



sorted array “+

sorted.join(“, “)+”




Save the file. Clear the output shown in the error console, then refresh the page in
your web browser.

b. Compare the additional output produced by the code in Exercise 2a with that in the
lecture notes. Check that it is the same.
Make sure that you understand what the difference between bubble_sort(array) and
bubble_sort(array.slice()) is.

c. In the lectures we have seen how we can use the prototype property to change the
methods associated with an object. This not only works for user-defined objects, but
also for objects that JavaScript already provides, for example, Array. We will explore
this further with the help of the bubble_sort function.
In preparation for this exercise add the following code in the head section of js07A.html:


function bubble_sort2() {

return this


Also add the following code at the end of the JavaScript code in the body section of

Array.prototype.bubble_sort = bubble_sort2

array = [2,4,3,9,6,8,5,1]


bubble sort method






sorted = array.slice().bubble_sort() // slice creates copy



sorted = array.bubble_sort()






array before sorting”+

“+array.join(“, “)+”
array after sorting of copy”+

“+array.join(“, “)+”
array after sorting of itself”+

“+array.join(“, “)+”
sorted array “+

sorted.join(“, “)+”


Save the file. Clear the output shown in the error console, then refresh the page in
your web browser.
As the additional output indicates array.bubble_sort() does not (yet) return a sorted
array. Make sure that you understand what the line

Array.prototype.bubble_sort = bubble_sort2

does and why the output is as it is.
Expand the definition of bubble_sort2, re-using code from bubble_sort, so that
array.bubble_sort() does return a sorted array.
Hint: Take the code from bubble_sort and replace the appropriate occurrences of
array by the keyword this.

d. Extend Array with a method peek: array.peek() returns the first item of array with-
out changing array if array has at least one element. If array has length 0, then the
value undefined should be returned.
Test you method using arrays of varying length.

3. In the lectures we have also considered various aspects of objects in JavaScript, in par-
ticular, the way instance variables and ‘class’ variables are declared and how these can be
made public or private.

The following exercise is intended to reinforce those considerations.

a. Open a text editor and enter the following JavaScript code:

JavaScript Functions


This code will serve as test code for Exercise 3c.

b. Save the code to a file named js07B.html in $HOME/public_html/. Make sure that the
access rights js07B.html are set correctly.

c. We want to define an employee object. To keep the exercise simple, we assume that the
only attributes of an employee are a name and a salary. The first should be public, the
second private. In addition, we need a method to obtain information on an employee’s
salary as well as a method that allows us to change it. Finally, we want to keep track
of how many employees there are in total and we want to keep that number private.
The total number of employee’s should be automatically incremented each time a new
employee object is created.
Create a constructor for employee objects that satisfies these requirements and add it
to the head section of js07B.html.

d. Test your definition of the employee constructor by opening js07B.html in your web
browser and observing that the output is as expected.

e. Since the total employee count is not really an attribute of a particular employee, it is a
bit odd that we obtain that count by using an expressions like e[1].employeeCount().
Is it possible to define employeeCount() in such a way that we could use the expression
Employee.employeeCount() instead? If so, modify your code accordingly and test your
solution by replacing

document.writeln(“Employees: “+e[1].getEmployeeCount()+

“) // prints Employees: 3



document.writeln(“Employees: “+Employee.getEmployeeCount()+

“) // prints Employees: 3

and checking that you get the correct output after you have saved the file and refreshed
the page in the browser.

f. Being able to ‘create’ new employees is obviously nice, but sometimes we also have to
‘delete’ an existing employee.
Can we extend our definition of Employee by a method remove that deletes a particular
employee object and at the same time decrements the total employee count? If so,
modify your code accordingly and test your solution by adding the code


document.writeln(“Employees: “+Employee.getEmployeeCount()+

“) // prints Employees: 2

and checking that you get the correct output after you have saved the file and refreshed
the page in the browser.
Hint: Refer to


g. We want to prompt the user to enter a new salary for one of our employees. Add the
following code to the body section of js07B.html (after the already existing code):

do {

string = prompt(“Enter a new salary for “+


newSalary = parseInt(string)

} while (isNaN(newSalary) || newSalary <= 0) e[0].setSalary(newSalary) alert("The new salary for "+e[0].name+" is "+ e[0].getSalary()) Save the file. Clear the output shown in the error console, then refresh the page in your web browser. Check that the code is working correctly. If it does you will first see a dialog box that prompts you to enter a new salary for ’Hal Smith’ and then another dialog box will inform you what the salary of ’Hal Smith’ has been changed to which should be the new salary that you have just entered. h. Obviously, that dialog would be much more useful if you could change the salary of an employee whom you specify by providing his/her name. As a first step you would need an additional dialog box that prompts the user for the name of an employee. Then you would need to define a function that given a name finds which of the employee objects in the array e stores data for an employee with that name and returns that particular oject; for comparison of names you could either use string equality or a regular expression search. Finally, you need to execute that function for the name that the user entered, and pass the returned object to the code in the previous step. Implement that functionality and test it by entering various names that do or do not concur with the names for one of the existing employees and change their salaries. 4. Create a new file jsDemo7.html with HTML and JavaScript code that provides the fol- lowing functionality. Initially, the page shows the user a two-dimensional table with 3 columns and 3 rows where every cell of the table contains the number zero. Below the table should be a clickable HTML element with the label ‘Calculate’. 6 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/684575/how-to-quickly-clear-a-javascript-object Whenever the user clicks on a cell, the number currently in the cell is replaced by a new random number between 1 and 9. If the user clicks on ‘Calculate’ a message box will be shown with the message ‘The sum of all the numbers on the board is X ’ where X is the sum of all the numbers currently in the cells of the table. 7