程序代写代做代考 Java Lab Class 2

Lab Class 2

1. Locate your Java program from previous lab class. It illustrates the interference between two

concurrent threads, both incrementing a single shared variable. This lab will provide solutions to this


2. Transform your program in the following way (avoid using static keyword):

2.1 Define a class SharedClass with 2 private attributes (you may use different identifiers):

private long SharedValue;
private Lock LocalLock;

2.2 Define 2 constructors:

First constructor initialises the shared value SharedValue

Second constructor initialises the shared value SharedValue and the explicit lock

2.3 Define the Increment Member Method using the following steps:

long TempValue;
TempValue = this.SharedValue;
this.SharedValue = TempValue;

(Using TempValue increases the chance of interference)

2.4 Define member method public long getSharedValue(), which will return the private

attribute SharedValue.

3. Once your class is ready, create a second class, which will extend the class Thread. (class

MyThread extends Thread). Alternatively, you can implement the Runnable Interface.

3.1 The constructor of the Thread class should capture an instance of the previously defined class


3.2 The run() method of the Thread class will call the Increment Method multiple times in the

following fashion:

for(i=0; i<1000000; i++) { SharedLocal.ExplicitLockIncrement(); } 4. In your main method: 4.1 Create an Instance of the Shared class (SharedClass MySharedClass) 4.2 Create 2 instances (MyThreadA and MyThreadB) of the thread class: MyThread MyThreadA = new MyThread(MySharedClass); MyThread MyThreadB = new MyThread(MySharedClass); 4.3 Run both threads. After the threads complete (ensure this by using join), print the shared value of MySharedClass by invoking getSharedValue() method. Observe the result. 5. Implement synchronization by adding additional methods to the SharedClass. (The only modification to the Thread Class should be calling the corresponding Increment Method.) 5.1 By adding synchronized method: public synchronized void SynchronizedMethodIncrement() 5.2 By adding synchronized block synchronized(this) { // Increment code } 5.3 By using Explicit Lock This will require an instance of the Lock as follows: Lock MyLock = new ReentrantLock(); MyLock will be passed during instantiation, invoking the second class constructor: SharedClass MySharedClass = new SharedClass(0,MyLock); Explicit lock can be implemented by calling: 1. Lock and unlock methods, or 2. tryLock and unlock methods Use both and observe the result. Finally, you will have 5 versions of the Increment method: 1. No synchronization Synchronization achieved by: 2. Synchronized Method 3. Synchronized Block 4. Explicit Lock using Lock/unlock 5. Explicit Lock using tryLock/unlock