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Recommender Systems

Social Network Analysis
Community Detection
Robin Burke
DePaul University
Chicago, IL


Finding groups in networks
Discover communities of practice
Measure isolation of groups
Understand opinion dynamics / adoption


Zachary Karate Club


Community finding
Social and other networks have a natural community structure
We want to discover this structure rather than impose a certain size of community or fix the number of communities


What makes a community
similarity of members
shared connectivity
mutuality of ties
everybody in the group knows everybody else
frequency of ties among members
everybody in the group has links to at least k others in the group
closeness or reachability of a subgroup
individual are separated by at most n hops
relative frequency of ties among subgroup members compared to nonmembers


Communities summarize
Grouping nodes can give us a “high level” picture of a network


Open research topic
Even though we know (in some cases) good measures for cluster quality
we can’t calculate those clusterings
for reasonably large networks
Lots of research on-going on this question
Talk about BIGCLAM later


Seen this measure before
for assortativity
Are there more edges than you would expect if the connections were random?
Measure this probability over all clusters
Random clustering has modularity = 0
because edges in and out of the clusters are equally likely
Good clustering has high modularity
edges within clusters are many
edges between clusters relatively few


Use cluster ids in our previous equation

Remember also B
modularity matrix


Modularity maximization
We can attempt to find maximum modularity
look at all possible subsets of nodes
exponential task
built into R
small graphs only!


Greedy approaches
Merge nodes into a community as long as the modularity continues to increase
Then move to a different community
Continue until finished
No guarantee of optimality
In R
Also implemented in Gephi
Used this in lab
A faster version


Edge weights
igraph methods will use edge weights if present
and labeled “weight”
Same modularity calculation applies
now the “value” of an edge is weighted
a weak edge crossing group boundaries
not as significant as a strong edge


Simulated annealing
An optimization approach
add and remove nodes from communities
occasionally allow moves that make the modularity worse
but tolerance for “bad” moves goes down over time
Eventually the communities converge
In R
this has the nice property that you can find a community for a single vertex without finding all of them


Spectral methods
Remember equation with modularity matrix

Create a vector s where si=1 if in group 1 and si=-1 if in group 2
We can rewrite Q as


We want to find assignments for s that maximize Q
Looks like “all subsets” again
If s is the eigenvector of B with the greatest eigenvalue
then we’ll maximize Q


Sounds good, but
entries in the eigenvector won’t be +1 and -1
Creating clusters
if si > 0, put node i in class 1
if si < 0, put node i in class 2 General strategy turn an exponential discrete problem into a continuous one that can be optimized move the solution back into the discrete domain we will see this idea again 16 Multiple communities Keep subdividing until modularity cannot be improved In R cluster_leading_eigen() 17 Modularity maximization Nice theoretical foundation corresponds with intuition Problem resolution limit the larger the network, the larger the communities it finds not possible to find small communities in a large network this is a fundamental problem with the modularity measure “resolution” parameter in Gephi doesn’t really fix the problem Non-overlapping communities only 18 Betweenness clustering A hierarchical technique Find the edge of highest betweenness this is the edge on the most shortest paths Remove it When you have disconnected the network those are your communities Keep going until you are down to single vertices 19 Betweenness clustering: successively remove edges of highest betweenness (the bridges, or local bridges), breaking up the network into separate components 20 betweenness clustering algorithm & the karate club data set source: Girvan and Newman, PNAS June 11, 2002 99(12):7821-7826 21 Betweenness clustering In igraph cluster_edge_betweenness() Completely different criteria from modularity more global may be good or bad depends on the purpose of the network Note counter-intuitive interpretation of weights Usually will want to set weights=NULL to avoid 22 What if communities overlap? Users are often in multiple communities cannot use the same techniques reliably More open research questions how to measure the quality of non-exclusive clustering how to compute such clusters Particularly an issue in large social networks modularity maximization doesn’t work 23 Random walk Idea short random walks will (on average) stay within the community Properties very efficient compared to some others often matches real data quite well Overlapping communities possible to extend this idea to allow overlap In igraph cluster_infomap() cluster_walktrap() cluster_labelprop() 24 Return value Clustering methods return a community object Various methods length = # of communities sizes = vector of community sizes (number of nodes) membership = vector of community labels modularity = the modularity of the clustering (even if it wasn’t computed that way) 25 BIGCLAM For more see mmds.org A generative model of overlapping communities in networks Assume that the network is a projection of a bipartite network Our job is to recover the latent (unknown) shared interests that generate the graph Generative model B(V, C, M, {pc}) for graphs: Nodes V, Communities C, Memberships M Each community c has a single probability pc Model Network Communities, C Nodes, V Community Affiliations pA pB Memberships, M Maximum Likelihood Estimation Our goal: Find such that: How do we find that maximizes the likelihood? AGM arg max P( | ) 28 Approximation Cannot be solved directly Approximation Assume each user has an affiliation FuA for each community A Assume independence Assume probability of shared community 29 With assumptions Turns into an optimization problem that can be solved with gradient descent Very efficient even on large networks Comparing clusterings visually # of communities distribution of size if there are lots of small communities, that’s not good modularity But this is not always a great measure Adjusted Rand index computes the probability that two clusterings agree on a given pair of items normalized by the expected number of agreements by chance vi.dist is similar Both in mcclust package 31 Conclusion Community structure is a way of ‘x-raying’ the network seeing components with strong interactions Idea: discover the “natural” community boundaries hard to define what this means many techniques an area of open research Analytic utility identifying areas of the network with particular properties subnetworks can be isolated for further analysis 32 Many techniques What to use? Modularity is intuitively appealing but controversial many studies show it does not work with real networks esp. large ones Random walks Pretty good but analyst has to decide how to set walk size Overlapping communities BIGCLAM and other techniques not implemented in igraph 33 Homework 5 Hashtag-hashtag projection from twitter Tags connected if used by the same user Filter Community detection and analysis Extract communities surrounding a given node Different for each community detection algorithm Next week Mathematical models of networks Data due 35 Example 36 Q = 1 2m Ai, j − kik j 2m ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ i, j ∑ ⋅δ(ci,cj ) Q= 1 2m A i,j - k i k j 2m é ë ê ù û ú i,j å ×d(c i ,c j ) Bi, j = Ai, j − kik j 2m ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ B i,j =A i,j - k i k j 2m é ë ê ù û ú Q = 1 2m Bi, jδ(ci,cj ) i, j ∑ Q= 1 2m B i,j d(c i ,c j ) i,j å Q = 1 2m sTBi, js i, j ∑ Q= 1 2m s T B i,j s i,j å Q Q /docProps/thumbnail.jpeg