程序代写代做代考 Programming Exercise 3-1

Programming Exercise 3-1

Programming Exercise 7-7
# The program assumes that the student’s solutions are listed such

# that each line includes the student’s answer to the question,

# without the question number preceding the answer. The student’s

# answers are assumed to be in the order of the questions.

def main():

# Setup variables

solution = [‘A’, ‘C’, ‘A’, ‘A’, ‘D’,

‘B’, ‘C’, ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘B’,

‘A’, ‘D’, ‘C’, ‘A’, ‘D’,

‘C’, ‘B’, ‘B’, ‘D’, ‘A’]

correct_count = 0

incorrect_count = 0

incorrect_questions = []

counter = 0


# Open the file for reading.

input_file = open(‘student_solution.txt’, ‘r’)

# Read all the lines in the file into a list.

student_solutions = input_file.readlines()

# Strip trailing ‘\n’ from all elements of the list.

for i in range(len(student_solutions)):

student_solutions[i] = student_solutions[i].rstrip(‘\n’)

# Compare student solution to correct solution and update

# appropriate counters.

for i in range(len(student_solutions)):

if student_solutions[i] == solution[i]:

correct_count += 1


incorrect_count += 1

incorrect_questions.append(str(i + 1))

# Determine if student passed and display result.

if correct_count >= 15:

print(‘Congratulations!! You passed the exam.’)


print(‘Sorry, you did not pass the exam.’)

# Display exam details.

print(‘Number of questions you answered correctly:’, \


print(‘Number of questions you answered incorrectly:’, \


# Determine if the student got any questions wrong.

if incorrect_count > 0:

# Display the numbers of questions that student got wrong.

print(‘Questions you answered incorrectly:’, end=”)

while counter < incorrect_count: print(incorrect_questions[counter], end='') if counter + 1 < incorrect_count: print (', ', end='') counter += 1 # Handle any errors that may occur. except IOError: print('The file could not be found') except IndexError: print('There was an indexing error') except: print('An error occurred') # Call the main function. main()