程序代写代做代考 Programming Exercise 4-5

Programming Exercise 4-5

# Declare variables to hold the total rainfall,
# monthly rainfall, average rainfall, the number
# of years, and the total number of months.
totalRainfall = 0.0
monthRainfall = 0.0
averageRainfall = 0.0
years = 0
totalMonths = 0

# Get number of years
years = int(input(‘Enter the number of years: ‘))

# Get rainfall by month
for year in range(years):
print (‘For year ‘, year + 1, ‘:’)
for month in range(12):
monthRainfall = float(input( \
‘Enter the rainfall amount for the month: ‘))
# Add to total number of months
totalMonths += 1
# Add to total rainfall amount
totalRainfall += monthRainfall

# Calculate the average rainfall
averageRainfall = totalRainfall / totalMonths

print(‘For ‘, totalMonths, ‘months’)
print(‘Total rainfall: ‘, format(totalRainfall, ‘.2f’), \
print(‘Average monthly rainfall: ‘, \
format(averageRainfall, ‘.2f’), ‘inches’)