程序代写代做代考 Programming Exercise 4-7

Programming Exercise 4-7

# Declare variables for the number of pennies
# per day, the number of days, and the total
# number of pennies.
dayPennies = 1
numDays = 0
total = 0.0

# Get number of days from the user.
numDays = int(input(‘Enter the number of days: ‘))

# Display table showing salary for each day.
print (‘Day\tPennies’)
print (‘————————-‘)

for day in range(1, numDays + 1):
print(day, ‘\t$’, float(dayPennies / 100))
total += dayPennies
dayPennies *= 2

# Display total pay.
print(‘The total salary for’, numDays, \
‘days is: $’,float(total/100))