INF 553 – Spring 2017
Assignment3 Recommendation System
Deadline: 03/20 2017 11:59 PM PST
Assignment Overview
This assignment contains two parts. First, you will implement a Model-based Collaborating
Filtering(CF) recommendation system using Spark MLlib. Second, you will implement either a User-
based CF system or Item-based CF system without using a library. The datasets you are going to
use are the MovieLens datasets. The task sections below will explain the assignment instructions
in detail. The goal of the assignment is to make you understand how different types of
recommendation systems work and more importantly, try to find a way to improve the accuracy
of the recommendation system yourself.
Write your own code!
For this assignment to be an effective learning experience, you must write your own code! I
emphasize this point because you will be able to find Python implementations of most or
perhaps even all of the required functions on the web. Please do not look for or at any such
code! Do not share code with other students in the class!!
The MovieLens datasets can be found in the following link:
You will download two datasets: and Once you extract the zip
archives, you will find multiple data files. In this assignment, we will only use ratings.csv. However,
you can combine other files to improve the performance of your recommendation system.
You will also download two testing files from Blackboard: testing_small.csv and testing_20m.csv.
The testing datasets are a subset of the original dataset, each containing two columns:
correspondingly the file testing_20m.csv (4054451 records) is a subset of ratings.csv in ml-20m.
Your goal is to predict the ratings of every
You CANNOT use the ratings in the testing datasets to train your recommendation system.
Specifically, you should first extract training data from the ratings.csv file downloaded from
MovieLenses using the testing data. Then by using the training data, you will need to predict rate
for movies in the testing datasets. You can use the testing data as your ground truth to evaluate
the accuracy of your recommendation system.
Example: Assuming ratings.csv contains 1 million records and the testing_small.csv contains two
records: (12345, 2, 3) and (12345, 13, 4). You will need to first remove the ratings of user ID 12345
on movie IDs 2 and 13 from ratings.csv. You will then use the remaining records in the ratings.csv
to train a recommendation system (1 million – 2 records). Finally, given the user ID 12345 and
movie IDs 2 and 13, your system should produce rating predictions as close as 3 and 4, respectively.
Task1 : Model-based CF Algorithm (30%)
In task1, you are required to implement a Model-based CF recommendation system by using Spark
MLlib. You can only use Scala to implement this task. You can learn more about Spark MLlib by
this link:
You are going to predict for both the small and large testing datasets mentioned above. In your
code, you can set the parameters yourself to reach a better performance. You can make any
improvement to your recommendation system: speed, accuracy.
After achieving the prediction for ratings, you need to compare your result to the correspond
ground truth and compute the absolute differences. You need to divide the absolute differences
into 5 levels and count the number of your prediction for each level as following:
>=0 and <1: 12345 //there are 12345 predictions with a < 1 difference from the ground truth >=1 and <2: 123 >=2 and <3: 1234 >=3 and <4: 1234 >=4: 12
Additionally, you need to compute the RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) by using following formula:
RMSE = √
∑(𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖 − 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑖)
Where 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖 is the prediction for movie i, 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑖 is the true rating for movie I; n is the total
number of the movies. Read the Microsoft paper mentioned in class1 to know more about how to
use RMSE for evaluating your recommendation system.
Result format:
1, Save the predication results in a text file. The result is ordered by
ascending order. For example,
1Shani, G., & Gunawardana, A. (2011). Evaluating recommendation systems.
In Recommender systems handbook (pp. 257-297). Springer US.
2, Print the accuracy information in terminal, and copy this value in your description file.
Task2 : User-based CF / Item-based CF Algorithm (70%)
In this part, you are required to implement either a User-based CF recommendation system or
Item-based CF recommendation system with Spark. You can use Scala or Python for this task.
You are going to predict for only the small testing datasets mentioned above. You can make any
improvement to your recommendation system: speed, accuracy (e.g., Hybird approaches). It’s your
time to design the recommendation system yourself, but first you need to beat the baseline.
After achieving the prediction for ratings, you need to compute the accuracy in the same way
mentioned in Task 1. Result format is also the same as Task1.
Description File
Please include the following content in your description file:
1. Mention the Spark version and Python version
2. Describe how to run your program for both tasks:
For example, to run jar package, you should write the commend as:
3. The accuracy for both tasks. The format is described above.
4. If you make any improvement in your recommendation system, please also describe it in your
description file.
Submission Details
Your submission must be a .zip file with name:
Please include all the files as following:
1. A description file:
2. A Scala script for task1:
3. A jar package for task1:
4. Two result files for task1 for small and large data sets and name it as:
5. A Scala or Python script for task2:
6. If you use Scala in task2, please submit the jar package as well and name it as
7. One result file for task2:
Grading Criteria:
1. If your programs cannot run with the commands you provide, your submission will be graded
based on the result files you submit, and there will be a 80% penalty
2. If the files generated are not sorted based on the specifications, there will be 20% penalty.
3. If your program generates more than one file, there will be 20% penalty.
4. If your prediction result files miss any records, there will be 30% penalty
5. If you don’t provide the source code, especially the Scala scripts, there will be 80% penalty.
6. If you don’t state inside the description file that how to run your code, which Spark/Python
version you used, or the accuracy result, there will be a penalty of 30%.
7. There will be 20% penalty for late submission.
8. We will grade on this assignment based on your accuracy. We will provide the baseline for your
reference, you need to beat the baseline to get the full score.
Task1 Task2
Small Large Small
>=0 and <1 13195 3240397 13937 >=1 and <2 5027 707886 4878 >=2 and <3 1525 93517 1211 >=3 and <4 407 12598 218 >=4 102 53 12
RMSE 1.21686778 0.83075011 1.039897994