程序代写代做代考 python Bayesian algorithm 17-classifiers.pptx


Ling 131A
Introduc0on to NLP with Python


Marc Verhagen, Fall 2018


•  The task of choosing the correct class label for
a given input
–  Is this spam?
–  Is this a posi0ve or a nega0ve review?
– To what synset does this word belong?
–  Is this a named en0ty?
– What POS is this word?
– What kind of named en0ty is this?


•  Classifier can be rule-based
– Date à Month DayOfMonth Year

•  But most classifiers in use are machine
learning classifiers

•  The ones that we look at are supervised
– That is, they use example data

NLTK Classifier Example

ML Classifiers

Training versus tes0ng


•  Evaluate a model by par00oning the original
sample into a training set to train the model,
and a test set to evaluate it.

•  N-fold cross-valida0on
– par00on into n equal size subsamples
– a single subsample is retained as the test data, the
remaining n-1 subsamples are used for training

– Repeat n 0mes with each subsample as the test

N-fold cross-valida0on

Source: wikipedia.org

N-fold cross-valida0on

•  MaZers less how the data are divided
•  Test and training data need to be taken from
the same data set
– That is, test data and training data have the same
characteris0cs and the overall data are

•  Avoid human bias
– Splits have to be random

•  Avoid dependencies between folds


•  Decision tree
•  Bayesian classifier
•  Maximum entropy classifier
•  Neural networks and deep learning
– Maybe towards the end of the course

Decision Trees

•  A flowchart-like structure
in the shape of a tree

•  Internal nodes are tests
– Each test is a test for the value of a feature
– Numbers of outcomes determines the number of
branches from that node

•  Leaf nodes have final classifica0on
•  Tradi0onally built manually

Building a decision tree

•  Create decision stumps
– A mini tree with just one test and branches depending
on how many outcomes the test has

– We could do one stump for each feature
•  lastleZer=vowel
•  length>5
•  count(e)=2

–  If a decision stump implements a test for a binary
features, then it splits your training corpus into two
par00ons (that is, the tree stump has two daughters)

Note that the algorithm itself does not
associate any seman3cs with these names

Building a decision tree

•  Select the decision stump that has the highest
capacity of predic0ng the final label

The lastleZer=vowel
feature performs beZer
than the other feature
so we pick it and insert it
into the decision tree.

Building a decision tree

•  So we chose lastleZer=vowel
•  Now let’s see if we can
do something with that
lower lec distribu0on

•  We now work with a
domain of only five

Building a decision tree

•  Again select the decision stump that has the
highest capacity of predic0ng the final label

Hard to say which
feature performs beZer,
but let’s say that the
length>5 feature is
beZer so we pick it and
insert it into the decision

Building a decision tree

Par0al tree acer adding two

You keep going 0ll you can add
no more rules or 0ll adding rules
makes no sense.

Danger of overfieng, that is, the
tree gets to be too tailored to
the training data. You could
avoid this by not adding rules
when your domain gets too
small or by pruning the tree.

Building a decision tree

•  Itera0ve process star0ng at the very top
•  At any point you have a par0al tree
– Select a ? node
– Decide whether
there is a good
stump that can
be added

– Or replace with

How to choose the stump?

•  Use accuracy
•  Use entropy and informa0on gain

Accuracy in decision trees

•  Calculate accuracy of each par00ons and take
the weighted average

Accuracy = 0.80 Accuracy = 0.40

Entropy and informa0on gain

•  More popular way for choosing a stump
•  How much more organized do the values get to
be when you par00on them with a given feature?

•  Entropy is a measure where a low value reflects
highly organized input and a high value reflects
– Or beZer: low probability versus high probability

•  You gain informa0on if entropy goes down:
–  InfoGain(S1, S2) = Entropy(S1) – Entropy(S2)


Zero is lowest possible value
and reflects that your output
is completely homogeneous

Highest value depends on how
many possible labels there are

Example calcula0on

•  Original set of observa0ons had 5 white dots
(female names) and 5 black dots (male names)

•  Entropy:

= – (0.5 x log(0.5) + 0.5 x log(0.5))
= – (0.5 x -1.0 + 0.5 x -1.0)
= – (-0.5 + -0.5)
= – (-1)
= 1

More calcula0ons

= – (0.2 x log(0.2) + 0.8 x log(0.8))
= – (0.2 x -2.322 + 0.8 x -0.322)
= – (-0.464 + -0.258)
= – (-0.722)
= 0.722

= – (0.4 x log(0.4) + 0.6 x log(0.6))
= – (0.4 x -1.322 + 0.6 x -0.737)
= – (-0.529 + -0.442)
= – (-0.971)
= 0.971

Entropy in decision trees

•  Calculate entropy of original set
•  Calculate average entropy of the par00ons

H = 1.00

H = 0.72
InfoGain = 1.00 – 0.72 = 0.28

H = 0.97
InfoGain = 1.00 – 0.97 = 0.03

Decision tree pros and cons

•  Advantages
– Easy to interpret
– Good match for hierarchical classifica0ons

•  Disadvantages
– Training sets for lower nodes may be too small
– Features checked in par0cular order
– Not enough space at top for “good” features
– Features that are weak predictors will be ignored

Naïve Bayes Classifier

•  Every feature counts
•  Algorithm
– Calculate prior probability of a label

•  check frequency in data set
– For each feature

•  how do features change the probability of labels
•  changes the es0mated likelihood of a label given a

– Pick highest likelihood

Naïve Bayes Classifier

Finding the topic
of a document

Naïve Bayes Classifier

Each feature reduces the likelihood that a label is true, but for some
labels the likelihood will be reduced more

Bayes Rule

Weather data example
outlook temperature humidity windy play

sunny hot high false no

sunny hot high true no

overcast hot high false yes

rainy mild high false yes

rainy cool normal false yes

rainy cool normal true no

overcast cool normal true yes

sunny mild high false no

sunny cool normal false yes

rainy mild normal false yes

sunny mild normal true yes

overcast mild high true yes

overcast hot normal false yes

rainy mild high true no

WiZen & Frank
Data Mining

Weather data example

outlook temperature humidity windy play
sunny cool high true ?

yes no
outlook=sunny 2/9 3/5
temperature=cool 3/9 1/5
humidity=high 3/9 4/5
windy=true 3/9 3/5
play 9/14 5/14

What is the chance of play=yes/no with the following condi0ons

Tabulate individual probabili0es

It is sunny 3/5 3mes when
we do not play

We do not play 5/14 3mes

Weather data example

yes no
outlook=sunny 2/9 3/5
temperature=cool 3/9 1/5
humidity=high 3/9 4/5
windy=true 3/9 3/5
play 9/14 5/14

Calculate P(yes|F) and P(no|F)

P(yes|F) = (2/9 * 3/9 * 3/9 * 3/9 * 9/14) / P(F) = 0.0053 / P(F)
P(no|F) = (3/5 * 1/5 * 4/5 * 3/5 * 5/14) /P(F) = 0.0206 / P(F)

What is so naïve about this?

•  It is naïve because features are considered
independent from each other
–  If features are dependent, then the results will get

•  S0ll, it performs reasonably well for many
problems and it is ocen used as a baseline.

What about scalar values?

•  Say we have the temperature as a feature
•  Take poten0ally infinite range of values and
put them in bins
– Do not use a bin for each value
– Overfieng

•  Or use the scalar values and calculate
averages and standard devia0ons for the
values for some label

What about zero values?

•  Example
– Fn à outlook=overcast
C à play=yes

– P(Fn|C) = Count(Fn+C) / Count(C) = 0 / 5
•  Adjust the formula
– P(Fn|C) = Count(Fn+C) + 1 / Count(C) = 1 / 5
– similar to Laplace smoothing