程序代写代做代考 python chain Exercises


Level 3: Intermediate Python Syntax

3.1: Advanced Functions

1) Create a stored lambda function that calculates the hypotenuse of a right triangle; it should take

base and height as its parameter. Invoke (test) this lambda with different arguments.

2) This exercise is a modification of Exercise 1.5.8, to use the reduce function. To this end, create a list

of loan terms and a list of rates:

a. Use the reduce function, with a regular function as its callable, to calculate the WAM of the

list of terms.

b. Use the reduce function, with a lambda as its callable, to calculate the WAR of the list of


c. Modify your WAR and WAM functions in your LoanPool class to use the above code.

3) Create a regular function (called reconcileLists) that takes two separate lists as its parameters. In

this example, List 1 represents risk valuations per trade (i.e. Delta) from Risk System A and List 2 has

the same from Risk System B. The purpose of this function is to reconcile the two lists and report the

differences between the two systems. To this end, it should return a list of True or False values,

corresponding to each value in the lists (True means they match at index, False means they don’t

match at index).

Test the reconcileLists function with different lists of values (lists should be of at least length ten).

Note that the assumption is that both lists are the same length (report an error otherwise).

4) To incorporate lambda into the previous exercise, do the following:

a. Create a breakAbsolute stored lambda which takes two values and an epsilon parameter.

This lambda should ‘return’ True if the two values are not within epsilon of each other.

b. Create a breakRelative stored lambda which takes two values and a percent parameter. This

lambda should ‘return’ True if the percent difference between the two values exceeds


c. Create a breakAbsRelative function which takes two values and a percent parameter. This

should return True if the percent difference between the absolute values of the two values

exceeds percent.

d. Modify the reconcileLists function to take a third parameter, called breakFn (this represents

a passed-in function or lambda). The reconcileLists function should utilize the passed-in

breakFn function to build the True/False list. You will need to use functools.partial to

specify the parameter of the breakFn function (i.e., epsilon or percent).

e. Test reconcileLists with different lists of values (should be large lists of numbers) and with

each of the above break* functions.

5) The previous exercise presents a good use-case for functools.partial:

a. Create a partial called reconcileListsBreakAbsolute (which uses the breakAbsolute

function). Test this comprehensively.

b. Create similar partial functions for each of the break* functions in the previous exercise.

3.2: Generators 101

1) Create a list of 1000 numbers. Convert the list to an iterable and iterate through it.

2) Create a list of 1000 numbers. Convert the list to a reversed iterable and iterate through it.

3) Modify your LoanPool class to be an iterable. To do this, you will need to define an __iter__ method

within the class; this method should be a generator, that returns one Loan at a time. Effectively, the

result will be that you should be able to loop over a LoanPool object’s individual Loan objects. For

example, the following should now work:

4) Modify the Fibonacci function from Exercise 1.3.2 to be a generator function. Note that the function

should no longer have any input parameter since making it a generator allows it to return the

infinite sequence. Do the following:

a. Display the first and second values of the Fibonacci sequence.

b. Iterate through and display the next 100 values of the sequence.

5) Generator expressions:

a. Create a list comprehension that contains the square of all numbers from 0-5,000,000, using

range. Sum this list, using the built-in sum function.

b. Port the above to a generator expression, using xrange. Sum this generator expression,

using the built-in sum function.

c. Compare the total time taken to build and sum each. Which one is faster? What are the

benefits of using the generator instead of the list comprehension? Why?

6) Create three generator expressions and use itertools.chain to attach them together. Print out the

result as a list.

7) Create three generator expressions and zip them together. Print out the result as a list.

8) Create three generator expressions and use the appropriate itertools function to get all the

combinations of the values. Print out the result as a list.

9) Create a list of ten names. Loop through the list and output each name in the following format:

Name 1: Henry
Name 2: Jake

3.3: Exception Handling

1) Create code that takes a numerator and denominator input from the user. Output the quotient in

decimal form. Handle the divide-by-zero case gracefully, using exception handling.

2) Extend exercise 1) to handle the situation when the user inputs something other than a number,

using exception handling. If the user does not enter a number, the code should provide the user

with an error message and ask the user to try again.

Note that this is an example of duck typing.

3) Create a function that calculates the factorial of an input number. If the input value is invalid, raise

an exception. Test this out in main(), and handle the exception. Provide several examples, using

explicit error handling and general error handling (catching all error types).

4) Modify all the applicable Loan classes from Level 2 so that if an incorrect Asset type is passed-into

the __init__ function, an exception is raised (instead of printing the message to the user). Test this

out in main, and handle the exception.

Note that all future exercises should utilize exception raising/handling instead of printing error messages

to the user.

3.4: Context Managers

1) Open a file and write to it, using the with statement. Verify that the file has indeed been closed,

once the with statement exits (check the closed attribute on the file handle variable).

2) Modify the Timer class to work as a context manager. Essentially, it should be possible to do the


An example output would look like: timerName: 1.5467 seconds

The timer class should still have a configurable display. The context manager should be coded so

that the following code works, to configure the display when using the context manager:

How does this compare to the previous approach of using the regular Timer class?