2018/5/24 下午5)05COMP9318-Specs
第 1 ⻚页(共 8 ⻚页)http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Desktop/UNSW/COMP9318(2)/COMP9318-Project/COMP9318-Specs.ipynb
COMP-9318 Final Project
1. This note book contains instructions for COMP9318 Final-Project.
2. You are required to complete your implementation in a file provided
along with this notebook.
3. You are not allowed to print out unnecessary stuff. We will not consider any output
printed out on the screen. All results should be returned in appropriate data structures
returned by corresponding functions.
4. This notebook encompasses all the requisite details regarding the project. Detailed
instructions including CONSTRAINTS, FEEDBACK and EVALUATION are provided in
respective sections. In case of additional problem, you can post your query @ Piazza.
5. This project is time-consuming, so it is highly advised that you start working on this as
early as possible.
6. You are allowed to use only the permitted libraries and modules (as mentioned in the
CONSTRAINTS section). You should not import unnecessary modules/libraries, failing to
import such modules at test time will lead to errors.
7. You are NOT ALLOWED to use dictionaries and/or external data resources for this
8. We will provide you LIMITED FEEDBACK for your submission (only 15 attempts allowed
to each group). Instructions for the FEEDBACK and final submission are given in the
9. For Final Evaluation we will be using a different dataset, so your final scores may vary.
10. Submission deadline for this assignment is 23:59:59 on 27-May, 2018.
11. Late Penalty: 10-% on day-1 and 20% on each subsequent day.
2018/5/24 下午5)05COMP9318-Specs
第 2 ⻚页(共 8 ⻚页)http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Desktop/UNSW/COMP9318(2)/COMP9318-Project/COMP9318-Specs.ipynb
In this Project, you are required to devise an algorithm/technique to fool a binary classifier
named target-classifier. In this regard, you only have access to following information:
1. The target-classifier is a binary classifier classifying data to two categories, ,
class-1 and class-0.
2. You have access to part of classifiers’ training data, , a sample of 540 paragraphs.
180 for class-1, and 360 for class-0, provided in the files: class-1.txt and class-
0.txt respectively.
3. The target-classifier belong to the SVM family.
4. The target-classifier allows EXACTLY 20 DISTINCT modifications in each test
5. You are provided with a test sample of 200 paragraphs from class-1 (in the file:
test_data.txt). You can use these test samples to get feedback from the target
classifier (only 15 attempts allowed to each group.).
6. NOTE: You are not allowed to use the data test_data.txt for your model training
(if any). VIOLATIONS in this regard will get ZERO score.
You are required to come up with an algorithm named fool_classifier() that makes
best use of the above-mentioned information (point 1-4) to fool the target-
classifier. By fooling the classifier we mean that your algorithm can help mis-classify
a bunch of test instances (point-5) with minimal possible modifications (EXACTLY 20
DISTINCT modifications allowed to each test sample).
NOTE:: We put a harsh limit on the number of modifications allowed for each test
instance. You are only allowed to modify each test sample by EXACTLY 20 DISTINCT
tokens (NO MORE NO LESS).
NOTE:: ADDING or DELETING one word at a time is ONE modification. Replacement
will be considered as TWO modifications Deletion followed by Insertion).
2018/5/24 下午5)05COMP9318-Specs
第 3 ⻚页(共 8 ⻚页)http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Desktop/UNSW/COMP9318(2)/COMP9318-Project/COMP9318-Specs.ipynb
Your implementation should comply with following constraints.
1. You should implement your methodology using Python3.
2. You should implement your code in the function fool_classifier() in the file
3. You are only allowed to use pre-defined class strategy() defined in the file: in order to train your models (if any).
4. You should not do any pre-processing on the data. We have already pre-processed the
data for you.
5. You are supposed to implement your algorithm using scikit-learn (version=0.19.1). We
will NOT accept implementations using other Libraries.
6. You are not supposed to augment the data using external/additional resources. You are
only allowed to use the partial training data provided to you ( class-1.txt and
7. You are not allowed to use the test samples ( test_data.txt) for model training
and/or inference building. You can only use this data for testing, calculating success
%-age (as described in the EVALUATION section.). VIOLATIONS IN THIS REGARD
8. You are not allowed to hard code the ground truth and any other information into your
9. Considering the RUNNING TIME, your implementation is supposed to read the test data
file ( test_data.txt with 200 test samples), process it and write the modified file
(modified_data.txt) within 12 Minutes.
10. Each modified test sample in the modified file (modified_data.txt) should not differ
from the original test sample corresponding to the file (test_data.txt) by more than
20 tokens.
11. NOTE:: Inserting or Deleting a word is ONE modification. Replacement will be
considered as TWO modifications deletion followed by insertion).
2018/5/24 下午5)05COMP9318-Specs
第 4 ⻚页(共 8 ⻚页)http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Desktop/UNSW/COMP9318(2)/COMP9318-Project/COMP9318-Specs.ipynb
Submission Instructions:
Please read these instructions VERY CAREFULLY.
For this project, we will provide real-time feed-back on a test data ( the file
test_data.txt containing 200 test cases).
Each group is allowed to avail only 15 attempts in TOTAL, so use your attempts
We will only provide ACCUMULATIVE FEEDBACK ( how many modified test
samples out of 200 were classified as Class-0). We WILL NOT provide detailed feedback
for individual test cases.
For the feedback, you are required to submit the modified text file (
modified_data.txt) via the submission portal: ( (using
Group name and Group password).
NOTE:: Please make sure that the modified text file is generated by your program
fool_classifier(), and it obeys the modification constraints. We have provided a
function named: check_data() in the class: strategy()to check whether the
modified file: modified_data.txt obeys the constraints.
Your algorithm should modify each test sample in test_data.txt by EXACTLY 20
Final Submission:
1. For final submission, you need to submit:
Your code in the file
A report (report.pdf) outlining your approach for this project.
2. We will release the detailed instructions for the final submission submission via Piazza.
2018/5/24 下午5)05COMP9318-Specs
第 5 ⻚页(共 8 ⻚页)http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Desktop/UNSW/COMP9318(2)/COMP9318-Project/COMP9318-Specs.ipynb
Implementation Details
1. In the file, you are required to implement a function named:
fool_classifier() that reads a text file named: test_data.txt from Present
Working Directory(PWD), and writes out the modified text file: modified_data.txt in
the same directory.
2. We have provided the implementation of strategy class in a seperate file
You are supposed to use this class for your model training (if any) and inference building.
3. Detailed description of input and/or output parts is given below:
The function fool_classifier() reads a text files named test_data.txt having
almost (500-1500) test samples. Each line in the input file corresponds to a single test
Note: We will also provide the partial training data ( class-0.txt and class-
1.txt) in the test environment. You can access this data using the class: strategy().
You are supposed to write down the modified file named modified_data.txt in the
same directory, and in the same format as that of the test_data.txt. In addition, your
program is supposed to return the instance of the strategy class defined in
Note: Please make sure that the file: modified_data.txt is generated by your code,
DISTINCT TOKENS). In case of ERRORS, we will NOT allow more feedback attempts.
(i) (ii)
In [1]: # We have provided these implementations in the file, provided along with this project.
## Please do not change these functions.
class countcalls(object):
__instances = {}
def __init__(self, f):
self.__f = f
self.__numcalls = 0
countcalls.__instances[f] = self
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__numcalls += 1
return self.__f(*args, **kwargs)
def count(f):
return countcalls.__instances[f].__numcalls
def counts():
res = sum(countcalls.count(f) for f in countcalls.__instances)
for f in countcalls.__instances:
2018/5/24 下午5)05COMP9318-Specs
第 6 ⻚页(共 8 ⻚页)http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Desktop/UNSW/COMP9318(2)/COMP9318-Project/COMP9318-Specs.ipynb
for f in countcalls.__instances:
countcalls.__instances[f].__numcalls = 0
return res
## Strategy() class provided in to facilitate the implementation.
class strategy:
## Read in the required training data…
def __init__(self):
with open(‘class-0.txt’,’r’) as class0:
class_0=[line.strip().split(‘ ‘) for line in class0]
with open(‘class-1.txt’,’r’) as class1:
class_1=[line.strip().split(‘ ‘) for line in class1]
def train_svm(parameters, x_train, y_train):
## Populate the parameters…
## Train the classifier…
clf = svm.SVC(kernel=kernel, C=C, gamma=gamma, degree=degree, coef0
assert x_train.shape[0] <=541 and x_train.shape[1] <= 5720, y_train)
return clf
## Function to check the Modification Limits...(You can modify EXACTLY 20-DISTINCT TOKENS)
def check_data(self, original_file, modified_file):
with open(original_file, 'r') as infile:
data=[line.strip().split(' ') for line in infile]
for idx in range(len(data)):
Original[idx] = data[idx]
with open(modified_file, 'r') as infile:
data=[line.strip().split(' ') for line in infile]
for idx in range(len(data)):
Modified[idx] = data[idx]
for k in sorted(Original.keys()):
assert len((set(record)-set(sample)) | (set(sample)-set(record
return True
2018/5/24 下午5)05COMP9318-Specs
第 7 ⻚页(共 8 ⻚页)http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Desktop/UNSW/COMP9318(2)/COMP9318-Project/COMP9318-Specs.ipynb
In [2]:
1. You are required to return the instance of the class: strategy(), ,
strategy_instance in the above cell.
2. You are supposed to write out the file modified_data.txt in the same directory,
and in the same format as that of test_data.txt
How we test your code
import helper
def fool_classifier(test_data): ## Please do not change the function defination...
## Read the test data file, i.e., 'test_data.txt' from Present Working Directory...
## You are supposed to use pre-defined class: 'strategy()' in the file `` for model training (if any),
# and modifications limit checking
## Your implementation goes here....#
## Write out the modified file, i.e., 'modified_data.txt' in Present Working Directory...
## You can check that the modified text is within the modification limits.
assert strategy_instance.check_data(test_data, modified_data)
return strategy_instance ## NOTE: You are required to return the instance of this class.
2018/5/24 下午5)05COMP9318-Specs
第 8 ⻚页(共 8 ⻚页)http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Desktop/UNSW/COMP9318(2)/COMP9318-Project/COMP9318-Specs.ipynb
In [9]:
1. For evaluation, we will consider a bunch of test paragraphs having:
Approximately 500-1500 test samples for class-1, with each line corresponding to a
distinct test sample.The input test file will follow the same format as that of
We will consider the success rate of your algorithm for final evaluation. By success
rate we mean %-age of samples miss-classified by the target-classifier (
instances of class-1, classified as class-0 after 20 distinct modifications).
1. Consider 200 test-samples (classified as class-1 by the target-classifier).
2. For-Example, after modifying each test sample by (20 DISTINCT TOKENS) the target-
classifier mis-classifies 100 test samples ( 100 test samples are classified as
class-0 then your success %-age is:
3. success %-age = (100) x 100/200 = 50%
In [ ]:
Success %-age = 89.5-%
import helper
import submission as submission
strategy_instance = submission.fool_classifier(test_data)
# Testing Script.......
print('Success %-age = {}-%'.format(result))