程序代写代做代考 scheme arm algorithm ant GPU Fortran assembler CGI case study distributed system AI Excel Lambda Calculus c# mips Erlang x86 finance Haskell c/c++ IOS compiler crawler prolog data structure assembly flex file system javaEE Java jvm gui F# SQL python computer architecture cuda ada database javascript information theory android ocaml javaFx concurrency ER cache interpreter matlab Hive c++ chain Programming Language Pragmatics

Programming Language Pragmatics

Programming Language Pragmatics

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Programming Language Pragmatics

Michael L. Scott
Department of Computer Science

University of Rochester


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ISBN: 978-0-12-410409-9

About the Author

Michael L. Scott is a professor and past chair of the Department of Computer Sci-
ence at the University of Rochester. He received his Ph.D. in computer sciences in
1985 from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. From 2014–2015 he was a Vis-
iting Scientist at Google. His research interests lie at the intersection of program-
ming languages, operating systems, and high-level computer architecture, with an
emphasis on parallel and distributed computing. His MCS mutual exclusion lock,
co-designed with John Mellor-Crummey, is used in a variety of commercial and
academic systems. Several other algorithms, co-designed with Maged Michael,
Bill Scherer, and Doug Lea, appear in the java.util.concurrent standard li-
brary. In 2006 he and Dr. Mellor-Crummey shared the ACM SIGACT/SIGOPS
Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing.

Dr. Scott is a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery, a Fellow of
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and a member of Usenix, the
Union of Concerned Scientists, and the American Association of University Pro-
fessors. The author of more than 150 refereed publications, he served as General
Chair of the 2003 ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) and
as Program Chair of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Transactional Com-
puting (TRANSACT), the 2008 ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and
Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), and the 2012 International Confer-
ence on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Sys-
tems (ASPLOS). In 2001 he received the University of Rochester’s Robert and
Pamela Goergen Award for Distinguished Achievement and Artistry in Under-
graduate Teaching.

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To family and friends.

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Foreword xxiii

Preface xxv

1 Introduction 5

1.1 The Art of Language Design 7

1.2 The Programming Language Spectrum 11

1.3 Why Study Programming Languages? 14

1.4 Compilation and Interpretation 17

1.5 Programming Environments 24

1.6 An Overview of Compilation 26
1.6.1 Lexical and Syntax Analysis 28
1.6.2 Semantic Analysis and Intermediate Code Generation 32
1.6.3 Target Code Generation 34
1.6.4 Code Improvement 36

1.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks 37

1.8 Exercises 38

1.9 Explorations 39

1.10 Bibliographic Notes 40

2 Programming Language Syntax 43

2.1 Specifying Syntax: Regular Expressions and Context-Free Grammars 44
2.1.1 Tokens and Regular Expressions 45
2.1.2 Context-Free Grammars 48
2.1.3 Derivations and Parse Trees 50

x Contents

2.2 Scanning 54
2.2.1 Generating a Finite Automaton 56
2.2.2 Scanner Code 61
2.2.3 Table-Driven Scanning 65
2.2.4 Lexical Errors 65
2.2.5 Pragmas 67

2.3 Parsing 69
2.3.1 Recursive Descent 73
2.3.2 Writing an LL(1) Grammar 79
2.3.3 Table-Driven Top-Down Parsing 82
2.3.4 Bottom-Up Parsing 89
2.3.5 Syntax Errors C 1 . 102

2.4 Theoretical Foundations C 13 . 103
2.4.1 Finite Automata C 13
2.4.2 Push-Down Automata C 18
2.4.3 Grammar and Language Classes C 19

2.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks 104

2.6 Exercises 105

2.7 Explorations 112

2.8 Bibliographic Notes 112

3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings 115

3.1 The Notion of Binding Time 116

3.2 Object Lifetime and Storage Management 118
3.2.1 Static Allocation 119
3.2.2 Stack-Based Allocation 120
3.2.3 Heap-Based Allocation 122
3.2.4 Garbage Collection 124

3.3 Scope Rules 125
3.3.1 Static Scoping 126
3.3.2 Nested Subroutines 127
3.3.3 Declaration Order 130
3.3.4 Modules 135
3.3.5 Module Types and Classes 139
3.3.6 Dynamic Scoping 142

3.4 Implementing Scope C 26 . 144
3.4.1 Symbol Tables C 26
3.4.2 Association Lists and Central Reference Tables C 31

Contents xi

3.5 The Meaning of Names within a Scope 145
3.5.1 Aliases 145
3.5.2 Overloading 147

3.6 The Binding of Referencing Environments 152
3.6.1 Subroutine Closures 153
3.6.2 First-Class Values and Unlimited Extent 155
3.6.3 Object Closures 157
3.6.4 Lambda Expressions 159

3.7 Macro Expansion 162

3.8 Separate Compilation C 36 . 165
3.8.1 Separate Compilation in C C 37
3.8.2 Packages and Automatic Header Inference C 40
3.8.3 Module Hierarchies C 41

3.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks 165

3.10 Exercises 167

3.11 Explorations 175

3.12 Bibliographic Notes 177

4 Semantic Analysis 179

4.1 The Role of the Semantic Analyzer 180

4.2 Attribute Grammars 184

4.3 Evaluating Attributes 187

4.4 Action Routines 195

4.5 Space Management for Attributes C 45 . 200
4.5.1 Bottom-Up Evaluation C 45
4.5.2 Top-Down Evaluation C 50

4.6 Tree Grammars and Syntax Tree Decoration 201

4.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks 208

4.8 Exercises 209

4.9 Explorations 214

4.10 Bibliographic Notes 215

5 Target Machine Architecture C 60 . 217
5.1 The Memory Hierarchy C 61

5.2 Data Representation C 63

xii Contents

5.2.1 Integer Arithmetic C 65
5.2.2 Floating-Point Arithmetic C 67

5.3 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) C 70
5.3.1 Addressing Modes C 71
5.3.2 Conditions and Branches C 72

5.4 Architecture and Implementation C 75
5.4.1 Microprogramming C 76
5.4.2 Microprocessors C 77
5.4.3 RISC C 77
5.4.4 Multithreading and Multicore C 78
5.4.5 Two Example Architectures: The x86 and ARM C 80

5.5 Compiling for Modern Processors C 88
5.5.1 Keeping the Pipeline Full C 89
5.5.2 Register Allocation C 93

5.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks C 98

5.7 Exercises C 100

5.8 Explorations C 104

5.9 Bibliographic Notes C 105

6 Control Flow 223

6.1 Expression Evaluation 224
6.1.1 Precedence and Associativity 226
6.1.2 Assignments 229
6.1.3 Initialization 238
6.1.4 Ordering within Expressions 240
6.1.5 Short-Circuit Evaluation 243

6.2 Structured and Unstructured Flow 246
6.2.1 Structured Alternatives to goto 247
6.2.2 Continuations 250

6.3 Sequencing 252

6.4 Selection 253
6.4.1 Short-Circuited Conditions 254
6.4.2 Case/Switch Statements 256

6.5 Iteration 261

Contents xiii

6.5.1 Enumeration-Controlled Loops 262
6.5.2 Combination Loops 266
6.5.3 Iterators 268
6.5.4 Generators in Icon C 107 . 274
6.5.5 Logically Controlled Loops 275

6.6 Recursion 277
6.6.1 Iteration and Recursion 277
6.6.2 Applicative- and Normal-Order Evaluation 282

6.7 Nondeterminacy C 110 . 283
6.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks 284

6.9 Exercises 286

6.10 Explorations 292

6.11 Bibliographic Notes 294

7 Type Systems 297

7.1 Overview 298
7.1.1 The Meaning of “Type” 300
7.1.2 Polymorphism 302
7.1.3 Orthogonality 302
7.1.4 Classification of Types 305

7.2 Type Checking 312
7.2.1 Type Equivalence 313
7.2.2 Type Compatibility 320
7.2.3 Type Inference 324
7.2.4 Type Checking in ML 326

7.3 Parametric Polymorphism 331
7.3.1 Generic Subroutines and Classes 333
7.3.2 Generics in C++, Java, and C# C 119 . 339

7.4 Equality Testing and Assignment 340

7.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks 342

7.6 Exercises 344

7.7 Explorations 347

7.8 Bibliographic Notes 348

8 Composite Types 351

8.1 Records (Structures) 351

xiv Contents

8.1.1 Syntax and Operations 352
8.1.2 Memory Layout and Its Impact 353
8.1.3 Variant Records (Unions) C 136 . 357

8.2 Arrays 359
8.2.1 Syntax and Operations 359
8.2.2 Dimensions, Bounds, and Allocation 363
8.2.3 Memory Layout 368

8.3 Strings 375

8.4 Sets 376

8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 377
8.5.1 Syntax and Operations 378
8.5.2 Dangling References C 144 . 388
8.5.3 Garbage Collection 389

8.6 Lists 398

8.7 Files and Input/Output C 148 . 401
8.7.1 Interactive I/O C 148
8.7.2 File-Based I/O C 149
8.7.3 Text I/O C 151

8.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks 402

8.9 Exercises 404

8.10 Explorations 409

8.11 Bibliographic Notes 410

9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction 411

9.1 Review of Stack Layout 412

9.2 Calling Sequences 414
9.2.1 Displays C 163 . 417
9.2.2 Stack Case Studies: LLVM on ARM; gcc on x86 C 167 . 417
9.2.3 Register Windows C 177 . 419
9.2.4 In-Line Expansion 419

9.3 Parameter Passing 422
9.3.1 Parameter Modes 423
9.3.2 Call by Name C 180 . 433
9.3.3 Special-Purpose Parameters 433
9.3.4 Function Returns 438

9.4 Exception Handling 440

Contents xv

9.4.1 Defining Exceptions 444
9.4.2 Exception Propagation 445
9.4.3 Implementation of Exceptions 447

9.5 Coroutines 450
9.5.1 Stack Allocation 453
9.5.2 Transfer 454
9.5.3 Implementation of Iterators C 183 . 456
9.5.4 Discrete Event Simulation C 187 . 456

9.6 Events 456
9.6.1 Sequential Handlers 457
9.6.2 Thread-Based Handlers 459

9.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks 461

9.8 Exercises 462

9.9 Explorations 467

9.10 Bibliographic Notes 468

10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation 471

10.1 Object-Oriented Programming 473
10.1.1 Classes and Generics 481

10.2 Encapsulation and Inheritance 485
10.2.1 Modules 486
10.2.2 Classes 488
10.2.3 Nesting (Inner Classes) 490
10.2.4 Type Extensions 491
10.2.5 Extending without Inheritance 494

10.3 Initialization and Finalization 495
10.3.1 Choosing a Constructor 496
10.3.2 References and Values 498
10.3.3 Execution Order 502
10.3.4 Garbage Collection 504

10.4 Dynamic Method Binding 505
10.4.1 Virtual and Nonvirtual Methods 508
10.4.2 Abstract Classes 508
10.4.3 Member Lookup 509
10.4.4 Object Closures 513

10.5 Mix-In Inheritance 516
10.5.1 Implementation 517
10.5.2 Extensions 519

xvi Contents

10.6 True Multiple Inheritance C 194 . 521
10.6.1 Semantic Ambiguities C 196
10.6.2 Replicated Inheritance C 200
10.6.3 Shared Inheritance C 201

10.7 Object-Oriented Programming Revisited 522
10.7.1 The Object Model of Smalltalk C 204 . 523

10.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks 524

10.9 Exercises 525

10.10 Explorations 528

10.11 Bibliographic Notes 529

11 Functional Languages 535

11.1 Historical Origins 536

11.2 Functional Programming Concepts 537

11.3 A Bit of Scheme 539
11.3.1 Bindings 542
11.3.2 Lists and Numbers 543
11.3.3 Equality Testing and Searching 544
11.3.4 Control Flow and Assignment 545
11.3.5 Programs as Lists 547
11.3.6 Extended Example: DFA Simulation in Scheme 548

11.4 A Bit of OCaml 550
11.4.1 Equality and Ordering 553
11.4.2 Bindings and Lambda Expressions 554
11.4.3 Type Constructors 555
11.4.4 Pattern Matching 559
11.4.5 Control Flow and Side Effects 563
11.4.6 Extended Example: DFA Simulation in OCaml 565

11.5 Evaluation Order Revisited 567
11.5.1 Strictness and Lazy Evaluation 569
11.5.2 I/O: Streams and Monads 571

11.6 Higher-Order Functions 576

11.7 Theoretical Foundations C 212 . 580
11.7.1 Lambda Calculus C 214

Contents xvii

11.7.2 Control Flow C 217
11.7.3 Structures C 219

11.8 Functional Programming in Perspective 581

11.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks 583

11.10 Exercises 584

11.11 Explorations 589

11.12 Bibliographic Notes 590

12 Logic Languages 591

12.1 Logic Programming Concepts 592

12.2 Prolog 593
12.2.1 Resolution and Unification 595
12.2.2 Lists 596
12.2.3 Arithmetic 597
12.2.4 Search/Execution Order 598
12.2.5 Extended Example: Tic-Tac-Toe 600
12.2.6 Imperative Control Flow 604
12.2.7 Database Manipulation 607

12.3 Theoretical Foundations C 226 . 612
12.3.1 Clausal Form C 227
12.3.2 Limitations C 228
12.3.3 Skolemization C 230

12.4 Logic Programming in Perspective 613
12.4.1 Parts of Logic Not Covered 613
12.4.2 Execution Order 613
12.4.3 Negation and the “Closed World” Assumption 615

12.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks 616

12.6 Exercises 618

12.7 Explorations 620

12.8 Bibliographic Notes 620

13 Concurrency 623

13.1 Background and Motivation 624
13.1.1 The Case for Multithreaded Programs 627
13.1.2 Multiprocessor Architecture 631

13.2 Concurrent Programming Fundamentals 635

xviii Contents

13.2.1 Communication and Synchronization 635
13.2.2 Languages and Libraries 637
13.2.3 Thread Creation Syntax 638
13.2.4 Implementation of Threads 647

13.3 Implementing Synchronization 652
13.3.1 Busy-Wait Synchronization 653
13.3.2 Nonblocking Algorithms 657
13.3.3 Memory Consistency 659
13.3.4 Scheduler Implementation 663
13.3.5 Semaphores 667

13.4 Language-Level Constructs 669
13.4.1 Monitors 669
13.4.2 Conditional Critical Regions 674
13.4.3 Synchronization in Java 676
13.4.4 Transactional Memory 679
13.4.5 Implicit Synchronization 683

13.5 Message Passing C 235 . 687
13.5.1 Naming Communication Partners C 235
13.5.2 Sending C 239
13.5.3 Receiving C 244
13.5.4 Remote Procedure Call C 249

13.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks 688

13.7 Exercises 690

13.8 Explorations 695

13.9 Bibliographic Notes 697

14 Scripting Languages 699

14.1 What Is a Scripting Language? 700
14.1.1 Common Characteristics 701

14.2 Problem Domains 704
14.2.1 Shell (Command) Languages 705
14.2.2 Text Processing and Report Generation 712
14.2.3 Mathematics and Statistics 717
14.2.4 “Glue” Languages and General-Purpose Scripting 718
14.2.5 Extension Languages 724

14.3 Scripting the World Wide Web 727
14.3.1 CGI Scripts 728
14.3.2 Embedded Server-Side Scripts 729

Contents xix

14.3.3 Client-Side Scripts 734
14.3.4 Java Applets and Other Embedded Elements 734
14.3.5 XSLT C 258 . 736

14.4 Innovative Features 738
14.4.1 Names and Scopes 739
14.4.2 String and Pattern Manipulation 743
14.4.3 Data Types 751
14.4.4 Object Orientation 757

14.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks 764

14.6 Exercises 765

14.7 Explorations 769

14.8 Bibliographic Notes 771

15 Building a Runnable Program 775

15.1 Back-End Compiler Structure 775
15.1.1 A Plausible Set of Phases 776
15.1.2 Phases and Passes 780

15.2 Intermediate Forms 780
15.2.1 GIMPLE and RTL C 273 . 782
15.2.2 Stack-Based Intermediate Forms 782

15.3 Code Generation 784
15.3.1 An Attribute Grammar Example 785
15.3.2 Register Allocation 787

15.4 Address Space Organization 790

15.5 Assembly 792
15.5.1 Emitting Instructions 794
15.5.2 Assigning Addresses to Names 796

15.6 Linking 797
15.6.1 Relocation and Name Resolution 798
15.6.2 Type Checking 799

15.7 Dynamic Linking C 279 . 800
15.7.1 Position-Independent Code C 280
15.7.2 Fully Dynamic (Lazy) Linking C 282

xx Contents

15.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks 802

15.9 Exercises 803

15.10 Explorations 805

15.11 Bibliographic Notes 806

16 Run-Time Program Management 807

16.1 Virtual Machines 810
16.1.1 The Java Virtual Machine 812
16.1.2 The Common Language Infrastructure C 286 . 820

16.2 Late Binding of Machine Code 822
16.2.1 Just-in-Time and Dynamic Compilation 822
16.2.2 Binary Translation 828
16.2.3 Binary Rewriting 833
16.2.4 Mobile Code and Sandboxing 835

16.3 Inspection/Introspection 837
16.3.1 Reflection 837
16.3.2 Symbolic Debugging 845
16.3.3 Performance Analysis 848

16.4 Summary and Concluding Remarks 850

16.5 Exercises 851

16.6 Explorations 853

16.7 Bibliographic Notes 854

17 Code Improvement C 297 . 857
17.1 Phases of Code Improvement C 299

17.2 Peephole Optimization C 301

17.3 Redundancy Elimination in Basic Blocks C 304
17.3.1 A Running Example C 305
17.3.2 Value Numbering C 307

17.4 Global Redundancy and Data Flow Analysis C 312
17.4.1 SSA Form and Global Value Numbering C 312
17.4.2 Global Common Subexpression Elimination C 315

17.5 Loop Improvement I C 323
17.5.1 Loop Invariants C 323
17.5.2 Induction Variables C 325

17.6 Instruction Scheduling C 328

Contents xxi

17.7 Loop Improvement II C 332
17.7.1 Loop Unrolling and Software Pipelining C 332
17.7.2 Loop Reordering C 337

17.8 Register Allocation C 344

17.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks C 348

17.10 Exercises C 349

17.11 Explorations C 353

17.12 Bibliographic Notes C 354

A Programming Languages Mentioned 859

B Language Design and Language Implementation 871

C Numbered Examples 877

Bibliography 891

Index 911

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Programming languages are universally accepted as one of the core subjects that
every computer scientist must master. The reason is clear: these languages are
the main notation we use for developing products and for communicating new
ideas. They have influenced the field by enabling the development of those
multimillion-line programs that shaped the information age. Their success is
owed to the long-standing effort of the computer science community in the cre-
ation of new languages and in the development of strategies for their implemen-
tation. The large number of computer scientists mentioned in the footnotes and
bibliographic notes in this book by Michael Scott is a clear manifestation of the
magnitude of this effort as is the sheer number and diversity of topics it contains.

Over 75 programming languages are discussed. They represent the best and
most influential contributions in language design across time, paradigms, and ap-
plication domains. They are the outcome of decades of work that led initially to
Fortran and Lisp in the 1950s, to numerous languages in the years that followed,
and, in our times, to the popular dynamic languages used to program the Web.
The 75 plus languages span numerous paradigms including imperative, func-
tional, logic, static, dynamic, sequential, shared-memory parallel, distributed-
memory parallel, dataflow, high-level, and intermediate languages. They include
languages for scientific computing, for symbolic manipulations, and for accessing
databases. This rich diversity of languages is crucial for programmer productivity
and is one of the great assets of the discipline of computing.

Cutting across languages, this book presents a detailed discussion of control
flow, types, and abstraction mechanisms. These are the representations needed
to develop programs that are well organized, modular, easy to understand, and
easy to maintain. Knowledge of these core features and of their incarnation in to-
day’s languages is a basic foundation to be an effective programmer and to better
understand computer science today.

Strategies to implement programming languages must be studied together
with the design paradigms. A reason is that success of a language depends on
the quality of its implementation. Also, the capabilities of these strategies some-
times constraint the design of languages. The implementation of a language starts
with parsing and lexical scanning needed to compute the syntactic structure of
programs. Today’s parsing techniques, described in Part I, are among the most
beautiful algorithms ever developed and are a great example of the use of mathe-
matical objects to create practical instruments. They are worthwhile studying just


xxiv Foreword

as an intellectual achievement. They are of course of great practical value, and a
good way to appreciate the greatness of these strategies is to go back to the first
Fortran compiler and study the ad hoc, albeit highly ingenious, strategy used to
implement precedence of operators by the pioneers that built that compiler.

The other usual component of implementation are the compiler components
that carry out the translation from the high-level language representation to a
lower level form suitable for execution by real or virtual machines. The transla-
tion can be done ahead of time, during execution (just in time), or both. The
book discusses these approaches and implementation strategies including the
elegant mechanisms of translation driven by parsing. To produce highly effi-
cient code, translation routines apply strategies to avoid redundant computations,
make efficient use of the memory hierarchy, and take advantage of intra-processor
parallelism. These, sometimes conflicting goals, are undertaken by the optimiza-
tion components of compilers. Although this topic is typically outside the scope
of a first course on compilers, the book gives the reader access to a good overview
of program optimization in Part IV.

An important recent development in computing is the popularization of paral-
lelism and the expectation that, in the foreseeable future, performance gains will
mainly be the result of effectively exploiting this parallelism. The book responds
to this development by presenting the reader with a range of topics in concurrent
programming including mechanisms for synchronization, communication, and
coordination across threads. This information will become increasingly impor-
tant as parallelism consolidates as the norm in computing.

Programming languages are the bridge between programmers and machines.
It is in them that algorithms must be represented for execution. The study of pro-
gramming languages design and implementation offers great educational value
by requiring an understanding of the strategies used to connect the different as-
pects of computing. By presenting such an extensive treatment of the subject,
Michael Scott’s Programming Language Pragmatics, is a great contribution to the
literature and a valuable source of information for computer scientists.

David Padua
Siebel Center for Computer Science

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


A course in computer programming provides the typical student’s first ex-
posure to the field of computer science. Most students in such a course will have
used computers all their lives, for social networking, email, games, web brows-
ing, word processing, and a host of other tasks, but it is not until they write their
first programs that they begin to appreciate how applications work. After gaining
a certain level of facility as programmers (presumably with the help of a good
course in data structures and algorithms), the natural next step is to wonder how
programming languages work. This book provides an explanation. It aims, quite
simply, to be the most comprehensive and accurate languages text available, in a
style that is engaging and accessible to the typical undergraduate. This aim re-
flects my conviction that students will understand more, and enjoy the material
more, if we explain what is really going on.

In the conventional “systems” curriculum, the material beyond data struc-
tures (and possibly computer organization) tends to be compartmentalized into a
host of separate subjects, including programming languages, compiler construc-
tion, computer architecture, operating systems, networks, parallel and distributed
computing, database management systems, and possibly software engineering,
object-oriented design, graphics, or user interface systems. One problem with
this compartmentalization is that the list of subjects keeps growing, but the num-
ber of semesters in a Bachelor’s program does not. More important, perhaps,
many of the most interesting discoveries in computer science occur at the bound-
aries between subjects. Computer architecture and compiler construction, for
example, have inspired each other for over 50 years, through generations of su-
percomputers, pipelined microprocessors, multicore chips, and modern GPUs.
Over the past decade, advances in virtualization have blurred boundaries among
the hardware, operating system, compiler, and language run-time system, and
have spurred the explosion in cloud computing. Programming language tech-
nology is now routinely embedded in everything from dynamic web content, to
gaming and entertainment, to security and finance.

Increasingly, both educators and practitioners have come to emphasize these
sorts of interactions. Within higher education in particular, there is a growing
trend toward integration in the core curriculum. Rather than give the typical stu-
dent an in-depth look at two or three narrow subjects, leaving holes in all the
others, many schools have revised the programming languages and computer or-
ganization courses to cover a wider range of topics, with follow-on electives in


xxvi Preface

various specializations. This trend is very much in keeping with the ACM/IEEE-
CS Computer Science Curricula 2013 guidelines [SR13], which emphasize the need
to manage the size of the curriculum and to cultivate both a “system-level per-
spective” and an appreciation of the interplay between theory and practice. In
particular, the authors write,

Graduates of a computer science program need to think at multiple levels of detail and
abstraction. This understanding should transcend the implementation details of the
various components to encompass an appreciation for the structure of computer systems
and the processes involved in their construction and analysis [p. 24].

On the specific subject of this text, they write

Programming languages are the medium through which programmers precisely describe
concepts, formulate algorithms, and reason about solutions. In the course of a career,
a computer scientist will work with many different languages, separately or together.
Software developers must understand the programming models underlying different
languages and make informed design choices in languages supporting multiple com-
plementary approaches. Computer scientists will often need to learn new languages
and programming constructs, and must understand the principles underlying how pro-
gramming language features are defined, composed, and implemented. The effective
use of programming languages, and appreciation of their limitations, also requires a ba-
sic knowledge of programming language translation and static program analysis, as well
as run-time components such as memory management [p. 155].

The first three editions of Programming Language Pragmatics (PLP) had the
good fortune of riding the trend toward integrated understanding. This fourth
edition continues and strengthens the “systems perspective” while preserving the
central focus on programming language design.

At its core, PLP is a book about how programming languages work. Rather
than enumerate the details of many different languages, it focuses on concepts
that underlie all the languages the student is likely to encounter, illustrating those
concepts with a variety of concrete examples, and exploring the tradeoffs that ex-
plain why different languages were designed in different ways. Similarly, rather
than explain how to build a compiler or interpreter (a task few programmers will
undertake in its entirety), PLP focuses on what a compiler does to an input pro-
gram, and why. Language design and implementation are thus explored together,
with an emphasis on the ways in which they interact.

Changes in the Fourth Edition

In comparison to the third edition, PLP-4e includes

1. New chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, in place of the
older single chapter on types

Preface xxvii

2. Updated treatment of functional programming, with extensive coverage of

3. Numerous other reflections of changes in the field
4. Improvements inspired by instructor feedback or a fresh consideration of fa-

miliar topics

Item 1 in this list is perhaps the most visible change. Chapter 7 was the longest
in previous editions, and there is a natural split in the subject material. Reorgani-
zation of this material for PLP-4e afforded an opportunity to devote more explicit
attention to the subject of type inference, and of its role in ML-family languages
in particular. It also facilitated an update and reorganization of the material on
parametric polymorphism, which was previously scattered across several differ-
ent chapters and sections.

Item 2 reflects the increasing adoption of functional techniques into main-
stream imperative languages, as well as the increasing prominence of SML,
OCaml, and Haskell in both education and industry. Throughout the text,
OCaml is now co-equal with Scheme as a source of functional programming
examples. As noted in the previous paragraph, there is an expanded section
(7.2.4) on the ML type system, and Section 11.4 includes an OCaml overview,
with coverage of equality and ordering, bindings and lambda expressions, type
constructors, pattern matching, and control flow and side effects. The choice of
OCaml, rather than Haskell, as the ML-family exemplar reflects its prominence in
industry, together with classroom experience suggesting that—at least for many
students—the initial exposure to functional thinking is easier in the context of
eager evaluation. To colleagues who wish I’d chosen Haskell, my apologies!

Other new material (Item 3) appears throughout the text. Wherever appro-
priate, reference has been made to features of the latest languages and standards,
including C & C++11, Java 8, C# 5, Scala, Go, Swift, Python 3, and HTML 5.
Section 3.6.4 pulls together previously scattered coverage of lambda expressions,
and shows how these have been added to various imperative languages. Com-
plementary coverage of object closures, including C++11’s std::function and
std::bind, appears in Section 10.4.4. Section c-5.4.5 introduces the x86-64 and
ARM architectures in place of the x86-32 and MIPS used in previous editions. Ex-
amples using these same two architectures subsequently appear in the sections on
calling sequences (9.2) and linking (15.6). Coverage of the x86 calling sequence
continues to rely on gcc; the ARM case study uses LLVM. Section 8.5.3 intro-
duces smart pointers. R-value references appear in Section 9.3.1. JavaFX replaces
Swing in the graphics examples of Section 9.6.2. Appendix A has new entries for
Go, Lua, Rust, Scala, and Swift.

Finally, Item 4 encompasses improvements to almost every section of the
text. Among the more heavily updated topics are FOLLOW and PREDICT sets
(Section 2.3.3); Wirth’s error recovery algorithm for recursive descent (Sec-
tion c-2.3.5); overloading (Section 3.5.2); modules (Section 3.3.4); duck typing
(Section 7.3); records and variants (Section 8.1); intrusive lists (removed from
the running example of Chapter 10); static fields and methods (Section 10.2.2);

xxviii Preface

mix-in inheritance (moved from the companion site back into the main text,
and updated to cover Scala traits and Java 8 default methods); multicore proces-
sors (pervasive changes to Chapter 13); phasers (Section 13.3.1); memory models
(Section 13.3.3); semaphores (Section 13.3.5); futures (Section 13.4.5); GIMPLE
and RTL (Section c-15.2.1); QEMU (Section 16.2.2); DWARF (Section 16.3.2);
and language genealogy (Figure A.1).

To accommodate new material, coverage of some topics has been condensed
or even removed. Examples include modules (Chapters 3 and 10), variant
records and with statements (Chapter 8), and metacircular interpretation (Chap-
ter 11). Additional material—the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) in
particular—has moved to the companion site. Throughout the text, examples
drawn from languages no longer in widespread use have been replaced with more
recent equivalents wherever appropriate. Almost all remaining references to Pas-
cal and Modula are merely historical. Most coverage of Occam and Tcl has also
been dropped.

Overall, the printed text has grown by roughly 40 pages. There are 5 more
“Design & Implementation” sidebars, 35 more numbered examples, and about
25 new end-of-chapter exercises and explorations. Considerable effort has been
invested in creating a consistent and comprehensive index. As in earlier editions,
Morgan Kaufmann has maintained its commitment to providing definitive texts
at reasonable cost: PLP-4e is far less expensive than competing alternatives, but
larger and more comprehensive.

The Companion Site

To minimize the physical size of the text, make way for new material, and al-
low students to focus on the fundamentals when browsing, over 350 pages of
more advanced or peripheral material can be found on a companion web site:
booksite.elsevier.com/web/9780124104099. Each companion-site (CS) section is
represented in the main text by a brief introduction to the subject and an “In
More Depth” paragraph that summarizes the elided material.

Note that placement of material on the companion site does not constitute a
judgment about its technical importance. It simply reflects the fact that there is
more material worth covering than will fit in a single volume or a single-semester
course. Since preferences and syllabi vary, most instructors will probably want to
assign reading from the CS, and most will refrain from assigning certain sections
of the printed text. My intent has been to retain in print the material that is likely
to be covered in the largest number of courses.

Also included on the CS are pointers to on-line resources and compilable
copies of all significant code fragments found in the text (in more than two dozen

Preface xxix

Design & Implementation Sidebars

Like its predecessors, PLP-4e places heavy emphasis on the ways in which
language design constrains implementation options, and the ways in which antic-
ipated implementations have influenced language design. Many of these connec-
tions and interactions are highlighted in some 140 “Design & Implementation”
sidebars. A more detailed introduction appears in Sidebar 1.1. A numbered list
appears in Appendix B.

Numbered and Titled Examples

Examples in PLP-4e are intimately woven into the flow of the presentation. To
make it easier to find specific examples, to remember their content, and to refer
to them in other contexts, a number and a title for each is displayed in a marginal
note. There are over 1000 such examples across the main text and the CS. A
detailed list appears in Appendix C.

Exercise Plan

Review questions appear throughout the text at roughly 10-page intervals, at the
ends of major sections. These are based directly on the preceding material, and
have short, straightforward answers.

More detailed questions appear at the end of each chapter. These are divided
into Exercises and Explorations. The former are generally more challenging than
the per-section review questions, and should be suitable for homework or brief
projects. The latter are more open-ended, requiring web or library research, sub-
stantial time commitment, or the development of subjective opinion. Solutions
to many of the exercises (but not the explorations) are available to registered in-
structors from a password-protected web site: visit textbooks.elsevier.com/web/

How to Use the Book

Programming Language Pragmatics covers almost all of the material in the PL
“knowledge units” of the Computing Curricula 2013 report [SR13]. The languages
course at the University of Rochester, for which this book was designed, is in fact
one of the featured “course exemplars” in the report (pp. 369–371). Figure 1 il-
lustrates several possible paths through the text.

For self-study, or for a full-year course (track F in Figure 1), I recommend
working through the book from start to finish, turning to the companion site
as each “In More Depth” section is encountered. The one-semester course at
Rochester (track R) also covers most of the book, but leaves out most of the CS

xxx Preface






























































Part I Part II Part III Part IV


The full-year/self-study plan
The one-semester Rochester plan
The traditional Programming Languages plan;
would also de-emphasize implementation material
throughout the chapters shown
The compiler plan; would also de-emphasize design material
throughout the chapters shown
The 1+2 quarter plan: an overview quarter and two independent, optional
follow-on quarters, one language-oriented, the other compiler-oriented

Companion site (CS) section

To be skimmed by students
in need of review




Figure 1 Paths through the text. Darker shaded regions indicate supplemental “In More Depth” sections on the companion
site. Section numbers are shown for breaks that do not correspond to supplemental material.

sections, as well as bottom-up parsing (2.3.4), logic languages (Chapter 12), and
the second halves of Chapters 15 (Building a Runnable Program) and 16 (Run-
time Program Management). Note that the material on functional programming
(Chapter 11 in particular) can be taught in either OCaml or Scheme.

Some chapters (2, 4, 5, 15, 16, 17) have a heavier emphasis than others on im-
plementation issues. These can be reordered to a certain extent with respect to the
more design-oriented chapters. Many students will already be familiar with much
of the material in Chapter 5, most likely from a course on computer organization;
hence the placement of the chapter on the companion site. Some students may
also be familiar with some of the material in Chapter 2, perhaps from a course on
automata theory. Much of this chapter can then be read quickly as well, pausing
perhaps to dwell on such practical issues as recovery from syntax errors, or the
ways in which a scanner differs from a classical finite automaton.

A traditional programming languages course (track P in Figure 1) might leave
out all of scanning and parsing, plus all of Chapter 4. It would also de-emphasize
the more implementation-oriented material throughout. In place of these, it
could add such design-oriented CS sections as multiple inheritance (10.6), Small-
talk (10.7.1), lambda calculus (11.7), and predicate calculus (12.3).

Preface xxxi

PLP has also been used at some schools for an introductory compiler course
(track C in Figure 1). The typical syllabus leaves out most of Part III (Chapters 11
through 14), and de-emphasizes the more design-oriented material throughout.
In place of these, it includes all of scanning and parsing, Chapters 15 through 17,
and a slightly different mix of other CS sections.

For a school on the quarter system, an appealing option is to offer an introduc-
tory one-quarter course and two optional follow-on courses (track Q in Figure 1).
The introductory quarter might cover the main (non-CS) sections of Chapters 1,
3, 6, 7, and 8, plus the first halves of Chapters 2 and 9. A language-oriented follow-
on quarter might cover the rest of Chapter 9, all of Part III, CS sections from
Chapters 6 through 9, and possibly supplemental material on formal semantics,
type theory, or other related topics. A compiler-oriented follow-on quarter might
cover the rest of Chapter 2; Chapters 4–5 and 15–17, CS sections from Chapters 3
and 9–10, and possibly supplemental material on automatic code generation, ag-
gressive code improvement, programming tools, and so on.

Whatever the path through the text, I assume that the typical reader has already
acquired significant experience with at least one imperative language. Exactly
which language it is shouldn’t matter. Examples are drawn from a wide variety of
languages, but always with enough comments and other discussion that readers
without prior experience should be able to understand easily. Single-paragraph
introductions to more than 60 different languages appear in Appendix A. Algo-
rithms, when needed, are presented in an informal pseudocode that should be
self-explanatory. Real programming language code is set in “typewriter” font.
Pseudocode is set in a sans-serif font.

Supplemental Materials

In addition to supplemental sections, the companion site contains complete
source code for all nontrivial examples, and a list of all known errors in the
book. Additional resources are available on-line at textbooks.elsevier.com/web/
9780124104099. For instructors who have adopted the text, a password-protected
page provides access to

Editable PDF source for all the figures in the book

Editable PowerPoint slides

Solutions to most of the exercises

Suggestions for larger projects

Acknowledgments for the Fourth Edition

In preparing the fourth edition, I have been blessed with the generous assis-
tance of a very large number of people. Many provided errata or other feed-
back on the third edition, among them Yacine Belkadi, Björn Brandenburg,

xxxii Preface

Bob Cochran, Daniel Crisman, Marcelino Debajo, Chen Ding, Peter Drake,
Michael Edgar, Michael Glass, Sérgio Gomes, Allan Gottlieb, Hossein Hadavi,
Chris Hart, Thomas Helmuth, Wayne Heym, Scott Hoge, Kelly Jones, Ahmed
Khademzadeh, Eleazar Enrique Leal, Kyle Liddell, Annie Liu, Hao Luo, Dirk
Müller, Holger Peine, Andreas Priesnitz, Mikhail Prokharau, Harsh Raju, and
Jingguo Yao. I also remain indebted to the many individuals acknowledged in
previous editions, and to the reviewers, adopters, and readers who made those
editions a success.

Anonymous reviewers for the fourth edition provided a wealth of useful sug-
gestions; my thanks to all of you! Special thanks to Adam Chlipala of MIT for his
detailed and insightful suggestions on the coverage of functional programming.
My thanks as well to Nelson Beebe (University of Utah) for pointing out that com-
pilers cannot safely use integer comparisons for floating-point numbers that may
be NaNs; to Dan Scarafoni for prompting me to distinguish between FIRST/EPS
of symbols and FIRST/EPS of strings in the algorithm to generate PREDICT sets; to
Dave Musicant for suggested improvements to the description of deep binding; to
Allan Gottlieb (NYU) for several key clarifications regarding Ada semantics; and
to Benjamin Kowarsch for similar clarifications regarding Objective-C. Problems
that remain in all these areas are entirely my own.

In preparing the fourth edition, I have drawn on 25 years of experience teach-
ing this material to upper-level undergraduates at the University of Rochester. I
am grateful to all my students for their enthusiasm and feedback. My thanks as
well to my colleagues and graduate students, and to the department’s administra-
tive, secretarial, and technical staff for providing such a supportive and produc-
tive work environment. Finally, my thanks to David Padua, whose work I have
admired since I was in graduate school; I am deeply honored to have him as the
author of the Foreword.

As they were on previous editions, the staff at Morgan Kaufmann has been a
genuine pleasure to work with, on both a professional and a personal level. My
thanks in particular to Nate McFadden, Senior Development Editor, who shep-
herded both this and the previous two editions with unfailing patience, good hu-
mor, and a fine eye for detail; to Mohana Natarajan, who managed the book’s
production; and to Todd Green, Publisher, who upholds the personal touch of
the Morgan Kauffman imprint within the larger Elsevier universe.

Most important, I am indebted to my wife, Kelly, for her patience and support
through endless months of writing and revising. Computing is a fine profession,
but family is what really matters.

Michael L. Scott
Rochester, NY

August 2015

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A central premise of Programming Language Pragmatics is that language design and implemen-
tation are intimately connected; it’s hard to study one without the other.

The bulk of the text—Parts II and III—is organized around topics in language design,
but with detailed coverage throughout of the many ways in which design decisions have been
shaped by implementation concerns.

The first five chapters—Part I—set the stage by covering foundational material in both
design and implementation. Chapter 1 motivates the study of programming languages, in-
troduces the major language families, and provides an overview of the compilation process.
Chapter 3 covers the high-level structure of programs, with an emphasis on names, the bind-
ing of names to objects, and the scope rules that govern which bindings are active at any given
time. In the process it touches on storage management; subroutines, modules, and classes;
polymorphism; and separate compilation.

Chapters 2, 4, and 5 are more implementation oriented. They provide the background
needed to understand the implementation issues mentioned in Parts II and III. Chapter 2
discusses the syntax, or textual structure, of programs. It introduces regular expressions and
context-free grammars, which designers use to describe program syntax, together with the scan-
ning and parsing algorithms that a compiler or interpreter uses to recognize that syntax. Given
an understanding of syntax, Chapter 4 explains how a compiler (or interpreter) determines
the semantics, or meaning of a program. The discussion is organized around the notion of at-
tribute grammars, which serve to map a program onto something else that has meaning, such
as mathematics or some other existing language. Finally, Chapter 5 (entirely on the companion
site) provides an overview of assembly-level computer architecture, focusing on the features of
modern microprocessors most relevant to compilers. Programmers who understand these fea-
tures have a better chance not only of understanding why the languages they use were designed
the way they were, but also of using those languages as fully and effectively as possible.

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The first electronic computers were monstrous contraptions, filling
several rooms, consuming as much electricity as a good-size factory, and costing
millions of 1940s dollars (but with much less computing power than even the sim-
plest modern cell phone). The programmers who used these machines believed
that the computer’s time was more valuable than theirs. They programmed in
machine language. Machine language is the sequence of bits that directly controls
a processor, causing it to add, compare, move data from one place to another,
and so forth at appropriate times. Specifying programs at this level of detail is an
enormously tedious task. The following program calculates the greatest commonEXAMPLE 1.1

GCD program in x86
machine language

divisor (GCD) of two integers, using Euclid’s algorithm. It is written in machine
language, expressed here as hexadecimal (base 16) numbers, for the x86 instruc-
tion set.

55 89 e5 53 83 ec 04 83 e4 f0 e8 31 00 00 00 89 c3 e8 2a 00
00 00 39 c3 74 10 8d b6 00 00 00 00 39 c3 7e 13 29 c3 39 c3
75 f6 89 1c 24 e8 6e 00 00 00 8b 5d fc c9 c3 29 d8 eb eb 90 �

As people began to write larger programs, it quickly became apparent that a
less error-prone notation was required. Assembly languages were invented to al-
low operations to be expressed with mnemonic abbreviations. Our GCD programEXAMPLE 1.2

GCD program in x86

looks like this in x86 assembly language:

pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
pushl %ebx
subl $4, %esp
andl $-16, %esp
call getint
movl %eax, %ebx
call getint
cmpl %eax, %ebx
je C

A: cmpl %eax, %ebx

jle D
subl %eax, %ebx

B: cmpl %eax, %ebx
jne A

C: movl %ebx, (%esp)
call putint
movl -4(%ebp), %ebx

D: subl %ebx, %eax
jmp B �


6 Chapter 1 Introduction

Assembly languages were originally designed with a one-to-one correspon-
dence between mnemonics and machine language instructions, as shown in this
example.1 Translating from mnemonics to machine language became the job
of a systems program known as an assembler. Assemblers were eventually aug-
mented with elaborate “macro expansion” facilities to permit programmers to
define parameterized abbreviations for common sequences of instructions. The
correspondence between assembly language and machine language remained ob-
vious and explicit, however. Programming continued to be a machine-centered
enterprise: each different kind of computer had to be programmed in its own as-
sembly language, and programmers thought in terms of the instructions that the
machine would actually execute.

As computers evolved, and as competing designs developed, it became increas-
ingly frustrating to have to rewrite programs for every new machine. It also be-
came increasingly difficult for human beings to keep track of the wealth of de-
tail in large assembly language programs. People began to wish for a machine-
independent language, particularly one in which numerical computations (the
most common type of program in those days) could be expressed in something
more closely resembling mathematical formulae. These wishes led in the mid-
1950s to the development of the original dialect of Fortran, the first arguably
high-level programming language. Other high-level languages soon followed, no-
tably Lisp and Algol.

Translating from a high-level language to assembly or machine language is the
job of a systems program known as a compiler.2 Compilers are substantially more
complicated than assemblers because the one-to-one correspondence between
source and target operations no longer exists when the source is a high-level
language. Fortran was slow to catch on at first, because human programmers,
with some effort, could almost always write assembly language programs that
would run faster than what a compiler could produce. Over time, however, the
performance gap has narrowed, and eventually reversed. Increases in hardware
complexity (due to pipelining, multiple functional units, etc.) and continuing
improvements in compiler technology have led to a situation in which a state-
of-the-art compiler will usually generate better code than a human being will.
Even in cases in which human beings can do better, increases in computer speed
and program size have made it increasingly important to economize on program-
mer effort, not only in the original construction of programs, but in subsequent

1 The 22 lines of assembly code in the example are encoded in varying numbers of bytes in ma-
chine language. The three cmp (compare) instructions, for example, all happen to have the same
register operands, and are encoded in the two-byte sequence (39 c3). The four mov (move) in-
structions have different operands and lengths, and begin with 89 or 8b. The chosen syntax is
that of the GNU gcc compiler suite, in which results overwrite the last operand, not the first.

2 High-level languages may also be interpreted directly, without the translation step. We will return
to this option in Section 1.4. It is the principal way in which scripting languages like Python and
JavaScript are implemented.

1.1 The Art of Language Design 7

program maintenance—enhancement and correction. Labor costs now heavily
outweigh the cost of computing hardware.

1.1 The Art of Language Design
Today there are thousands of high-level programming languages, and new ones
continue to emerge. Why are there so many? There are several possible answers:

Evolution. Computer science is a young discipline; we’re constantly finding bet-
ter ways to do things. The late 1960s and early 1970s saw a revolution in
“structured programming,” in which the goto-based control flow of languages
like Fortran, Cobol, and Basic3 gave way to while loops, case (switch)
statements, and similar higher-level constructs. In the late 1980s the nested
block structure of languages like Algol, Pascal, and Ada began to give way to
the object-oriented structure of languages like Smalltalk, C++, Eiffel, and—a
decade later—Java and C#. More recently, scripting languages like Python and
Ruby have begun to displace more traditional compiled languages, at least for
rapid development.

Special Purposes. Some languages were designed for a specific problem domain.
The various Lisp dialects are good for manipulating symbolic data and com-
plex data structures. Icon and Awk are good for manipulating character
strings. C is good for low-level systems programming. Prolog is good for rea-
soning about logical relationships among data. Each of these languages can be
used successfully for a wider range of tasks, but the emphasis is clearly on the

Personal Preference. Different people like different things. Much of the parochi-
alism of programming is simply a matter of taste. Some people love the terse-
ness of C; some hate it. Some people find it natural to think recursively; others
prefer iteration. Some people like to work with pointers; others prefer the im-
plicit dereferencing of Lisp, Java, and ML. The strength and variety of personal
preference make it unlikely that anyone will ever develop a universally accept-
able programming language.

Of course, some languages are more successful than others. Of the many that
have been designed, only a few dozen are widely used. What makes a language
successful? Again there are several answers:

Expressive Power. One commonly hears arguments that one language is more
“powerful” than another, though in a formal mathematical sense they are all

3 The names of these languages are sometimes written entirely in uppercase letters and sometimes
in mixed case. For consistency’s sake, I adopt the convention in this book of using mixed case for
languages whose names are pronounced as words (e.g., Fortran, Cobol, Basic), and uppercase for
those pronounced as a series of letters (e.g., APL, PL/I, ML).

8 Chapter 1 Introduction

Turing complete—each can be used, if awkwardly, to implement arbitrary algo-
rithms. Still, language features clearly have a huge impact on the programmer’s
ability to write clear, concise, and maintainable code, especially for very large
systems. There is no comparison, for example, between early versions of Basic
on the one hand, and C++ on the other. The factors that contribute to ex-
pressive power—abstraction facilities in particular—are a major focus of this

Ease of Use for the Novice. While it is easy to pick on Basic, one cannot deny its
success. Part of that success was due to its very low “learning curve.” Pascal was
taught for many years in introductory programming language courses because,
at least in comparison to other “serious” languages, it was compact and easy
to learn. Shortly after the turn of the century, Java came to play a similar role;
though substantially more complex than Pascal, it is simpler than, say, C++. In
a renewed quest for simplicity, some introductory courses in recent years have
turned to scripting languages like Python.

Ease of Implementation. In addition to its low learning curve, Basic was success-
ful because it could be implemented easily on tiny machines, with limited re-
sources. Forth had a small but dedicated following for similar reasons. Ar-
guably the single most important factor in the success of Pascal was that its de-
signer, Niklaus Wirth, developed a simple, portable implementation of the lan-
guage, and shipped it free to universities all over the world (see Example 1.15).4

The Java and Python designers took similar steps to make their language avail-
able for free to almost anyone who wants it.

Standardization. Almost every widely used language has an official international
standard or (in the case of several scripting languages) a single canonical im-
plementation; and in the latter case the canonical implementation is almost
invariably written in a language that has a standard. Standardization—of
both the language and a broad set of libraries—is the only truly effective way
to ensure the portability of code across platforms. The relatively impover-
ished standard for Pascal, which was missing several features considered essen-
tial by many programmers (separate compilation, strings, static initialization,
random-access I/O), was at least partially responsible for the language’s drop
from favor in the 1980s. Many of these features were implemented in different
ways by different vendors.

Open Source. Most programming languages today have at least one open-source
compiler or interpreter, but some languages—C in particular—are much
more closely associated than others with freely distributed, peer-reviewed,
community-supported computing. C was originally developed in the early

4 Niklaus Wirth (1934–), Professor Emeritus of Informatics at ETH in Zürich, Switzerland, is
responsible for a long line of influential languages, including Euler, Algol W, Pascal, Modula,
Modula-2, and Oberon. Among other things, his languages introduced the notions of enumera-
tion, subrange, and set types, and unified the concepts of records (structs) and variants (unions).
He received the annual ACM Turing Award, computing’s highest honor, in 1984.

1.1 The Art of Language Design 9

1970s by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson at Bell Labs,5 in conjunction
with the design of the original Unix operating system. Over the years Unix
evolved into the world’s most portable operating system—the OS of choice for
academic computer science—and C was closely associated with it. With the
standardization of C, the language became available on an enormous variety
of additional platforms. Linux, the leading open-source operating system, is
written in C. As of June 2015, C and its descendants account for well over half
of a variety of language-related on-line content, including web page references,
book sales, employment listings, and open-source repository updates.

Excellent Compilers. Fortran owes much of its success to extremely good com-
pilers. In part this is a matter of historical accident. Fortran has been around
longer than anything else, and companies have invested huge amounts of time
and money in making compilers that generate very fast code. It is also a matter
of language design, however: Fortran dialects prior to Fortran 90 lacked recur-
sion and pointers, features that greatly complicate the task of generating fast
code (at least for programs that can be written in a reasonable fashion with-
out them!). In a similar vein, some languages (e.g., Common Lisp) have been
successful in part because they have compilers and supporting tools that do an
unusually good job of helping the programmer manage very large projects.

Economics, Patronage, and Inertia. Finally, there are factors other than technical
merit that greatly influence success. The backing of a powerful sponsor is one.
PL/I, at least to first approximation, owed its life to IBM. Cobol and Ada owe
their life to the U. S. Department of Defense. C# owes its life to Microsoft. In
recent years, Objective-C has enjoyed an enormous surge in popularity as the
official language for iPhone and iPad apps. At the other end of the life cycle,
some languages remain widely used long after “better” alternatives are avail-
able, because of a huge base of installed software and programmer expertise,
which would cost too much to replace. Much of the world’s financial infras-
tructure, for example, still functions primarily in Cobol.

Clearly no single factor determines whether a language is “good.” As we study
programming languages, we shall need to consider issues from several points of
view. In particular, we shall need to consider the viewpoints of both the pro-
grammer and the language implementor. Sometimes these points of view will be
in harmony, as in the desire for execution speed. Often, however, there will be
conflicts and tradeoffs, as the conceptual appeal of a feature is balanced against
the cost of its implementation. The tradeoff becomes particularly thorny when
the implementation imposes costs not only on programs that use the feature, but
also on programs that do not.

5 Ken Thompson (1943–) led the team that developed Unix. He also designed the B programming
language, a child of BCPL and the parent of C. Dennis Ritchie (1941–2011) was the principal
force behind the development of C itself. Thompson and Ritchie together formed the core of an
incredibly productive and influential group. They shared the ACM Turing Award in 1983.

10 Chapter 1 Introduction

In the early days of computing the implementor’s viewpoint was predominant.
Programming languages evolved as a means of telling a computer what to do. For
programmers, however, a language is more aptly defined as a means of expressing
algorithms. Just as natural languages constrain exposition and discourse, so pro-
gramming languages constrain what can and cannot easily be expressed, and have
both profound and subtle influence over what the programmer can think. Donald
Knuth has suggested that programming be regarded as the art of telling another
human being what one wants the computer to do [Knu84].6 This definition per-
haps strikes the best sort of compromise. It acknowledges that both conceptual
clarity and implementation efficiency are fundamental concerns. This book at-
tempts to capture this spirit of compromise, by simultaneously considering the
conceptual and implementation aspects of each of the topics it covers.


1.1 Introduction
Throughout the book, sidebars like this one will highlight the interplay of

language design and language implementation. Among other things, we will

Cases (such as those mentioned in this section) in which ease or difficulty
of implementation significantly affected the success of a language

Language features that many designers now believe were mistakes, at least
in part because of implementation difficulties

Potentially useful features omitted from some languages because of concern
that they might be too difficult or slow to implement

Language features introduced at least in part to facilitate efficient or elegant

Cases in which a machine architecture makes reasonable features unreason-
ably expensive

Various other tradeoffs in which implementation plays a significant role

A complete list of sidebars appears in Appendix B.

6 Donald E. Knuth (1938–), Professor Emeritus at Stanford University and one of the foremost
figures in the design and analysis of algorithms, is also widely known as the inventor of the TEX
typesetting system (with which this book was produced) and of the literate programming method-
ology with which TEX was constructed. His multivolume The Art of Computer Programming has
an honored place on the shelf of most professional computer scientists. He received the ACM
Turing Award in 1974.

1.2 The Programming Language Spectrum 11

functional Lisp/Scheme, ML, Haskell
dataflow Id, Val
logic, constraint-based Prolog, spreadsheets, SQL

von Neumann C, Ada, Fortran, . . .
object-oriented Smalltalk, Eiffel, Java, . . .
scripting Perl, Python, PHP, . . .

Figure 1.1 Classification of programming languages. Note that the categories are fuzzy, and
open to debate. In particular, it is possible for a functional language to be object-oriented, and
many authors do not consider functional programming to be declarative.

1.2 The Programming Language Spectrum
The many existing languages can be classified into families based on their modelEXAMPLE 1.3

Classification of
programming languages

of computation. Figure 1.1 shows a common set of families. The top-level di-
vision distinguishes between the declarative languages, in which the focus is on
what the computer is to do, and the imperative languages, in which the focus is
on how the computer should do it. �

Declarative languages are in some sense “higher level”; they are more in tune
with the programmer’s point of view, and less with the implementor’s point of
view. Imperative languages predominate, however, mainly for performance rea-
sons. There is a tension in the design of declarative languages between the desire
to get away from “irrelevant” implementation details and the need to remain close
enough to the details to at least control the outline of an algorithm. The design of
efficient algorithms, after all, is what much of computer science is about. It is not
yet clear to what extent, and in what problem domains, we can expect compilers
to discover good algorithms for problems stated at a very high level of abstrac-
tion. In any domain in which the compiler cannot find a good algorithm, the
programmer needs to be able to specify one explicitly.

Within the declarative and imperative families, there are several important

Functional languages employ a computational model based on the recursive
definition of functions. They take their inspiration from the lambda calculus,
a formal computational model developed by Alonzo Church in the 1930s. In
essence, a program is considered a function from inputs to outputs, defined in
terms of simpler functions through a process of refinement. Languages in this
category include Lisp, ML, and Haskell.

Dataflow languages model computation as the flow of information (tokens)
among primitive functional nodes. They provide an inherently parallel model:
nodes are triggered by the arrival of input tokens, and can operate concur-
rently. Id and Val are examples of dataflow languages. Sisal, a descendant of
Val, is more often described as a functional language.

12 Chapter 1 Introduction

Logic or constraint-based languages take their inspiration from predicate logic.
They model computation as an attempt to find values that satisfy certain spec-
ified relationships, using goal-directed search through a list of logical rules.
Prolog is the best-known logic language. The term is also sometimes applied
to the SQL database language, the XSLT scripting language, and programmable
aspects of spreadsheets such as Excel and its predecessors.

The von Neumann languages are probably the most familiar and widely used.
They include Fortran, Ada, C, and all of the others in which the basic means of
computation is the modification of variables.7 Whereas functional languages
are based on expressions that have values, von Neumann languages are based
on statements (assignments in particular) that influence subsequent computa-
tion via the side effect of changing the value of memory.

Object-oriented languages trace their roots to Simula 67. Most are closely
related to the von Neumann languages, but have a much more structured
and distributed model of both memory and computation. Rather than pic-
ture computation as the operation of a monolithic processor on a monolithic
memory, object-oriented languages picture it as interactions among semi-
independent objects, each of which has both its own internal state and sub-
routines to manage that state. Smalltalk is the purest of the object-oriented
languages; C++ and Java are probably the most widely used. It is also possi-
ble to devise object-oriented functional languages (the best known of these are
CLOS [Kee89] and OCaml), but they tend to have a strong imperative flavor.

Scripting languages are distinguished by their emphasis on coordinating or
“gluing together” components drawn from some surrounding context. Sev-
eral scripting languages were originally developed for specific purposes: csh
and bash are the input languages of job control (shell) programs; PHP and
JavaScript are primarily intended for the generation of dynamic web content;
Lua is widely used to control computer games. Other languages, including
Perl, Python, and Ruby, are more deliberately general purpose. Most place
an emphasis on rapid prototyping, with a bias toward ease of expression over
speed of execution.

One might suspect that concurrent (parallel) languages would form a separate
family (and indeed this book devotes a chapter to such languages), but the dis-
tinction between concurrent and sequential execution is mostly independent of
the classifications above. Most concurrent programs are currently written using
special library packages or compilers in conjunction with a sequential language
such as Fortran or C. A few widely used languages, including Java, C#, and Ada,
have explicitly concurrent features. Researchers are investigating concurrency in
each of the language families mentioned here.

7 John von Neumann (1903–1957) was a mathematician and computer pioneer who helped to
develop the concept of stored program computing, which underlies most computer hardware. In
a stored program computer, both programs and data are represented as bits in memory, which
the processor repeatedly fetches, interprets, and updates.

1.2 The Programming Language Spectrum 13

As a simple example of the contrast among language families, consider the
greatest common divisor (GCD) problem introduced at the beginning of this
chapter. The choice among, say, von Neumann, functional, or logic program-
ming for this problem influences not only the appearance of the code, but how
the programmer thinks. The von Neumann algorithm version of the algorithm isEXAMPLE 1.4

GCD function in C very imperative:

To compute the gcd of a and b, check to see if a and b are equal. If so, print one of
them and stop. Otherwise, replace the larger one by their difference and repeat.

C code for this algorithm appears at the top of Figure 1.2. �
In a functional language, the emphasis is on the mathematical relationship ofEXAMPLE 1.5

GCD function in OCaml outputs to inputs:

The gcd of a and b is defined to be (1) a when a and b are equal, (2) the gcd of b and
a – b when a > b, and (3) the gcd of a and b – a when b > a. To compute the gcd of
a given pair of numbers, expand and simplify this definition until it terminates.

An OCaml version of this algorithm appears in the middle of Figure 1.2. The key-
word let introduces a definition; rec indicates that it is permitted to be recursive
(self-referential); arguments for a function come between the name (in this case,
gcd) and the equals sign. �

In a logic language, the programmer specifies a set of axioms and proof rulesEXAMPLE 1.6
GCD rules in Prolog that allows the system to find desired values:

The proposition gcd(a, b, g) is true if (1) a, b, and g are all equal; (2) a is greater
than b and there exists a number c such that c is a – b and gcd(c, b, g) is true; or
(3) a is less than b and there exists a number c such that c is b – a and gcd(c, a,
g) is true. To compute the gcd of a given pair of numbers, search for a number g (and
various numbers c) for which these rules allow one to prove that gcd(a, b, g) is true.

A Prolog version of this algorithm appears at the bottom of Figure 1.2. It may be
easier to understand if one reads “if” for :- and “and” for commas. �

It should be emphasized that the distinctions among language families are not
clear-cut. The division between the von Neumann and object-oriented languages,
for example, is often very fuzzy, and many scripting languages are also object-
oriented. Most of the functional and logic languages include some imperative
features, and several recent imperative languages have added functional features.
The descriptions above are meant to capture the general flavor of the families,
without providing formal definitions.

Imperative languages—von Neumann and object-oriented—receive the bulk
of the attention in this book. Many issues cut across family lines, however, and
the interested reader will discover much that is applicable to alternative compu-
tational models in most chapters of the book. Chapters 11 through 14 contain
additional material on functional, logic, concurrent, and scripting languages.

14 Chapter 1 Introduction

int gcd(int a, int b) { // C
while (a != b) {

if (a > b) a = a – b;
else b = b – a;

return a;


let rec gcd a b = (* OCaml *)
if a = b then a
else if a > b then gcd b (a – b)

else gcd a (b – a)

gcd(A,B,G) :- A = B, G = A. % Prolog
gcd(A,B,G) :- A > B, C is A-B, gcd(C,B,G).
gcd(A,B,G) :- B > A, C is B-A, gcd(C,A,G).

Figure 1.2 The GCD algorithm in C (top), OCaml (middle), and Prolog (bottom). All three
versions assume (without checking) that their inputs are positive integers.

1.3 Why Study Programming Languages?
Programming languages are central to computer science, and to the typical com-
puter science curriculum. Like most car owners, students who have become fa-
miliar with one or more high-level languages are generally curious to learn about
other languages, and to know what is going on “under the hood.” Learning about
languages is interesting. It’s also practical.

For one thing, a good understanding of language design and implementation
can help one choose the most appropriate language for any given task. Most lan-
guages are better for some things than for others. Few programmers are likely to
choose Fortran for symbolic computing or string processing, but other choices
are not nearly so clear-cut. Should one choose C, C++, or C# for systems pro-
gramming? Fortran or C for scientific computations? PHP or Ruby for a web-
based application? Ada or C for embedded systems? Visual Basic or Java for a
graphical user interface? This book should help equip you to make such deci-

Similarly, this book should make it easier to learn new languages. Many lan-
guages are closely related. Java and C# are easier to learn if you already know
C++; Common Lisp if you already know Scheme; Haskell if you already know
ML. More importantly, there are basic concepts that underlie all programming
languages. Most of these concepts are the subject of chapters in this book: types,
control (iteration, selection, recursion, nondeterminacy, concurrency), abstrac-
tion, and naming. Thinking in terms of these concepts makes it easier to assim-
ilate the syntax (form) and semantics (meaning) of new languages, compared to
picking them up in a vacuum. The situation is analogous to what happens in nat-

1.3 Why Study Programming Languages? 15

ural languages: a good knowledge of grammatical forms makes it easier to learn a
foreign language.

Whatever language you learn, understanding the decisions that went into its
design and implementation will help you use it better. This book should help

Understand obscure features. The typical C++ programmer rarely uses unions,
multiple inheritance, variable numbers of arguments, or the .* operator. (If
you don’t know what these are, don’t worry!) Just as it simplifies the assimi-
lation of new languages, an understanding of basic concepts makes it easier to
understand these features when you look up the details in the manual.

Choose among alternative ways to express things, based on a knowledge of imple-
mentation costs. In C++, for example, programmers may need to avoid un-
necessary temporary variables, and use copy constructors whenever possible,
to minimize the cost of initialization. In Java they may wish to use Executor
objects rather than explicit thread creation. With certain (poor) compilers,
they may need to adopt special programming idioms to get the fastest code:
pointers for array traversal; x*x instead of x**2. In any language, they need
to be able to evaluate the tradeoffs among alternative implementations of ab-
stractions—for example between computation and table lookup for functions
like bit set cardinality, which can be implemented either way.

Make good use of debuggers, assemblers, linkers, and related tools. In general, the
high-level language programmer should not need to bother with implementa-
tion details. There are times, however, when an understanding of those details
is virtually essential. The tenacious bug or unusual system-building problem
may be dramatically easier to handle if one is willing to peek at the bits.

Simulate useful features in languages that lack them. Certain very useful features
are missing in older languages, but can be emulated by following a deliberate
(if unenforced) programming style. In older dialects of Fortran, for exam-
ple, programmers familiar with modern control constructs can use comments
and self-discipline to write well-structured code. Similarly, in languages with
poor abstraction facilities, comments and naming conventions can help imi-
tate modular structure, and the extremely useful iterators of Clu, C#, Python,
and Ruby (which we will study in Section 6.5.3) can be imitated with subrou-
tines and static variables.

Make better use of language technology wherever it appears. Most programmers
will never design or implement a conventional programming language, but
most will need language technology for other programming tasks. The typ-
ical personal computer contains files in dozens of structured formats, en-
compassing word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, raster and vector
graphics, music, video, databases, and a wide variety of other application do-
mains. Web content is increasingly represented in XML, a text-based format
designed for easy manipulation in the XSLT scripting language (discussed in
Section C 14.3.5). Code to parse, analyze, generate, optimize, and otherwise

16 Chapter 1 Introduction

manipulate structured data can thus be found in almost any sophisticated pro-
gram, and all of this code is based on language technology. Programmers with
a strong grasp of this technology will be in a better position to write well-
structured, maintainable tools.

In a similar vein, most tools themselves can be customized, via start-up con-
figuration files, command-line arguments, input commands, or built-in exten-
sion languages (considered in more detail in Chapter 14). My home directory
holds more than 250 separate configuration (“preference”) files. My personal
configuration files for the emacs text editor comprise more than 1200 lines
of Lisp code. The user of almost any sophisticated program today will need
to make good use of configuration or extension languages. The designers of
such a program will need either to adopt (and adapt) some existing extension
language, or to invent new notation of their own. Programmers with a strong
grasp of language theory will be in a better position to design elegant, well-
structured notation that meets the needs of current users and facilitates future

Finally, this book should help prepare you for further study in language de-
sign or implementation, should you be so inclined. It will also equip you to un-
derstand the interactions of languages with operating systems and architectures,
should those areas draw your interest.

1. What is the difference between machine language and assembly language?

2. In what way(s) are high-level languages an improvement on assembly lan-
guage? Are there circumstances in which it still make sense to program in

3. Why are there so many programming languages?

4. What makes a programming language successful?

5. Name three languages in each of the following categories: von Neumann,
functional, object-oriented. Name two logic languages. Name two widely
used concurrent languages.

6. What distinguishes declarative languages from imperative languages?

7. What organization spearheaded the development of Ada?

8. What is generally considered the first high-level programming language?

9. What was the first functional language?

10. Why aren’t concurrent languages listed as a separate family in Figure 1.1?

1.4 Compilation and Interpretation 17

1.4 Compilation and Interpretation
At the highest level of abstraction, the compilation and execution of a program inEXAMPLE 1.7

Pure compilation a high-level language look something like this:

Source program


Input Target program Output

The compiler translates the high-level source program into an equivalent target
program (typically in machine language), and then goes away. At some arbitrary
later time, the user tells the operating system to run the target program. The com-
piler is the locus of control during compilation; the target program is the locus of
control during its own execution. The compiler is itself a machine language pro-
gram, presumably created by compiling some other high-level program. When
written to a file in a format understood by the operating system, machine lan-
guage is commonly known as object code. �

An alternative style of implementation for high-level languages is known asEXAMPLE 1.8
Pure interpretation interpretation:

Source program


Unlike a compiler, an interpreter stays around for the execution of the appli-
cation. In fact, the interpreter is the locus of control during that execution. In
effect, the interpreter implements a virtual machine whose “machine language”
is the high-level programming language. The interpreter reads statements in that
language more or less one at a time, executing them as it goes along. �

In general, interpretation leads to greater flexibility and better diagnostics (er-
ror messages) than does compilation. Because the source code is being executed
directly, the interpreter can include an excellent source-level debugger. It can also
cope with languages in which fundamental characteristics of the program, such as
the sizes and types of variables, or even which names refer to which variables, can
depend on the input data. Some language features are almost impossible to im-
plement without interpretation: in Lisp and Prolog, for example, a program can
write new pieces of itself and execute them on the fly. (Several scripting languages
also provide this capability.) Delaying decisions about program implementation
until run time is known as late binding; we will discuss it at greater length in
Section 3.1.

18 Chapter 1 Introduction

Compilation, by contrast, generally leads to better performance. In general,
a decision made at compile time is a decision that does not need to be made at
run time. For example, if the compiler can guarantee that variable x will always
lie at location 49378, it can generate machine language instructions that access
this location whenever the source program refers to x. By contrast, an interpreter
may need to look x up in a table every time it is accessed, in order to find its loca-
tion. Since the (final version of a) program is compiled only once, but generally
executed many times, the savings can be substantial, particularly if the interpreter
is doing unnecessary work in every iteration of a loop.

While the conceptual difference between compilation and interpretation isEXAMPLE 1.9
Mixing compilation and

clear, most language implementations include a mixture of both. They typically
look like this:

Intermediate program

OutputVirtual machine

Source program


We generally say that a language is “interpreted” when the initial translator is
simple. If the translator is complicated, we say that the language is “compiled.”
The distinction can be confusing because “simple” and “complicated” are sub-
jective terms, and because it is possible for a compiler (complicated translator)
to produce code that is then executed by a complicated virtual machine (inter-
preter); this is in fact precisely what happens by default in Java. We still say that a
language is compiled if the translator analyzes it thoroughly (rather than effecting
some “mechanical” transformation), and if the intermediate program does not
bear a strong resemblance to the source. These two characteristics—thorough
analysis and nontrivial transformation—are the hallmarks of compilation. �


1.2 Compiled and interpreted languages
Certain languages (e.g., Smalltalk and Python) are sometimes referred to as
“interpreted languages” because most of their semantic error checking must
be performed at run time. Certain other languages (e.g., Fortran and C)
are sometimes referred to as “compiled languages” because almost all of their
semantic error checking can be performed statically. This terminology isn’t
strictly correct: interpreters for C and Fortran can be built easily, and a com-
piler can generate code to perform even the most extensive dynamic semantic
checks. That said, language design has a profound effect on “compilability.”

1.4 Compilation and Interpretation 19

In practice one sees a broad spectrum of implementation strategies:

Most interpreted languages employ an initial translator (a preprocessor) that re-EXAMPLE 1.10
Preprocessing moves comments and white space, and groups characters together into tokens

such as keywords, identifiers, numbers, and symbols. The translator may also
expand abbreviations in the style of a macro assembler. Finally, it may identify
higher-level syntactic structures, such as loops and subroutines. The goal is to
produce an intermediate form that mirrors the structure of the source, but can
be interpreted more efficiently. �

In some very early implementations of Basic, the manual actually suggested
removing comments from a program in order to improve its performance.
These implementations were pure interpreters; they would re-read (and then
ignore) the comments every time they executed a given part of the program.
They had no initial translator.

The typical Fortran implementation comes close to pure compilation. TheEXAMPLE 1.11
Library routines and linking compiler translates Fortran source into machine language. Usually, however,

it counts on the existence of a library of subroutines that are not part of the
original program. Examples include mathematical functions (sin, cos, log,
etc.) and I/O. The compiler relies on a separate program, known as a linker, to
merge the appropriate library routines into the final program:

Incomplete machine language Library routines


Machine language program

Fortran program


In some sense, one may think of the library routines as extensions to the
hardware instruction set. The compiler can then be thought of as generating
code for a virtual machine that includes the capabilities of both the hardware
and the library.

In a more literal sense, one can find interpretation in the Fortran routines
for formatted output. Fortran permits the use of format statements that con-
trol the alignment of output in columns, the number of significant digits and
type of scientific notation for floating-point numbers, inclusion/suppression
of leading zeros, and so on. Programs can compute their own formats on the
fly. The output library routines include a format interpreter. A similar inter-
preter can be found in the printf routine of C and its descendants. �

20 Chapter 1 Introduction

Many compilers generate assembly language instead of machine language. ThisEXAMPLE 1.12
Post-compilation assembly convention facilitates debugging, since assembly language is easier for people

to read, and isolates the compiler from changes in the format of machine lan-
guage files that may be mandated by new releases of the operating system (only
the assembler must be changed, and it is shared by many compilers):

Assembly language


Machine language

Source program


Compilers for C (and for many other languages running under Unix) beginEXAMPLE 1.13
The C preprocessor with a preprocessor that removes comments and expands macros. The pre-

processor can also be instructed to delete portions of the code itself, providing
a conditional compilation facility that allows several versions of a program to
be built from the same source:

Modified source program


Assembly language

Source program


A surprising number of compilers generate output in some high-levelEXAMPLE 1.14

language—commonly C or some simplified version of the input language.
Such source-to-source translation is particularly common in research languages
and during the early stages of language development. One famous example was
AT&T’s original compiler for C++. This was indeed a true compiler, though
it generated C instead of assembler: it performed a complete analysis of the
syntax and semantics of the C++ source program, and with very few excep-

1.4 Compilation and Interpretation 21

tions generated all of the error messages that a programmer would see prior
to running the program. In fact, programmers were generally unaware that
the C compiler was being used behind the scenes. The C++ compiler did not
invoke the C compiler unless it had generated C code that would pass through
the second round of compilation without producing any error messages:

Alternative source program (e.g., in C)

Source program

Compiler 1

Assembly language

Compiler 2

Occasionally one would hear the C++ compiler referred to as a preproces-
sor, presumably because it generated high-level output that was in turn com-
piled. I consider this a misuse of the term: compilers attempt to “understand”
their source; preprocessors do not. Preprocessors perform transformations
based on simple pattern matching, and may well produce output that will gen-
erate error messages when run through a subsequent stage of translation.

Many compilers are self-hosting: they are written in the language theyEXAMPLE 1.15
Bootstrapping compile—Ada compilers in Ada, C compilers in C. This raises an obvious

question: how does one compile the compiler in the first place? The answer
is to use a technique known as bootstrapping, a term derived from the inten-
tionally ridiculous notion of lifting oneself off the ground by pulling on one’s
bootstraps. In a nutshell, one starts with a simple implementation—often an
interpreter—and uses it to build progressively more sophisticated versions. We
can illustrate the idea with an historical example.

Many early Pascal compilers were built around a set of tools distributed by
Niklaus Wirth. These included the following:

– A Pascal compiler, written in Pascal, that would generate output in P-code,
a stack-based language similar to the bytecode of modern Java compilers

– The same compiler, already translated into P-code

– A P-code interpreter, written in Pascal

To get Pascal up and running on a local machine, the user of the tool set
needed only to translate the P-code interpreter (by hand) into some locally
available language. This translation was not a difficult task; the interpreter was
small. By running the P-code version of the compiler on top of the P-code

22 Chapter 1 Introduction

interpreter, one could then compile arbitrary Pascal programs into P-code,
which could in turn be run on the interpreter. To get a faster implementa-
tion, one could modify the Pascal version of the Pascal compiler to generate
a locally available variety of assembly or machine language, instead of gen-
erating P-code (a somewhat more difficult task). This compiler could then
be bootstrapped—run through itself—to yield a machine-code version of the

Pascal to machine
language compiler,

in Pascal

Pascal to machine
language compiler,

in P-code

Pascal to P-code
compiler, in P-code

Pascal to machine
language compiler,

in machine language

In a more general context, suppose we were building one of the first compil-
ers for a new programming language. Assuming we have a C compiler on our
target system, we might start by writing, in a simple subset of C, a compiler
for an equally simple subset of our new programming language. Once this
compiler was working, we could hand-translate the C code into (the subset of)
our new language, and then run the new source through the compiler itself.
After that, we could repeatedly extend the compiler to accept a larger subset


1.3 The early success of Pascal
The P-code-based implementation of Pascal, and its use of bootstrapping, are
largely responsible for the language’s remarkable success in academic circles
in the 1970s. No single hardware platform or operating system of that era
dominated the computer landscape the way the x86, Linux, and Windows do
today.8 Wirth’s toolkit made it possible to get an implementation of Pascal up
and running on almost any platform in a week or so. It was one of the first
great successes in system portability.

8 Throughout this book we will use the term “x86” to refer to the instruction set architecture of the
Intel 8086 and its descendants, including the various Pentium, “Core,” and Xeon processors. Intel
calls this architecture the IA-32, but x86 is a more generic term that encompasses the offerings of
competitors such as AMD as well.

1.4 Compilation and Interpretation 23

of the new programming language, bootstrap it again, and use the extended
language to implement an even larger subset. “Self-hosting” implementations
of this sort are actually quite common. �
One will sometimes find compilers for languages (e.g., Lisp, Prolog, Smalltalk)EXAMPLE 1.16

Compiling interpreted

that permit a lot of late binding, and are traditionally interpreted. These com-
pilers must be prepared, in the general case, to generate code that performs
much of the work of an interpreter, or that makes calls into a library that does
that work instead. In important special cases, however, the compiler can gen-
erate code that makes reasonable assumptions about decisions that won’t be
finalized until run time. If these assumptions prove to be valid the code will
run very fast. If the assumptions are not correct, a dynamic check will discover
the inconsistency, and revert to the interpreter. �
In some cases a programming system may deliberately delay compilation untilEXAMPLE 1.17

Dynamic and just-in-time

the last possible moment. One example occurs in language implementations
(e.g., for Lisp or Prolog) that invoke the compiler on the fly, to translate newly
created source into machine language, or to optimize the code for a particu-
lar input set. Another example occurs in implementations of Java. The Java
language definition defines a machine-independent intermediate form known
as Java bytecode. Bytecode is the standard format for distribution of Java pro-
grams; it allows programs to be transferred easily over the Internet, and then
run on any platform. The first Java implementations were based on byte-code
interpreters, but modern implementations obtain significantly better perfor-
mance with a just-in-time compiler that translates bytecode into machine lan-
guage immediately before each execution of the program:

Input Machine language Output


Java byte code

Java compiler

Java program

JIT compiler


Bytecode interpreter

C#, similarly, is intended for just-in-time translation. The main C# com-
piler produces Common Intermediate Language (CIL), which is then translated
into machine language immediately prior to execution. CIL is deliberately lan-
guage independent, so it can be used for code produced by a variety of front-
end compilers. We will explore the Java and C# implementations in detail in
Section 16.1. �

24 Chapter 1 Introduction

On some machines (particularly those designed before the mid-1980s), theEXAMPLE 1.18
Microcode (firmware) assembly-level instruction set is not actually implemented in hardware, but in

fact runs on an interpreter. The interpreter is written in low-level instructions
called microcode (or firmware), which is stored in read-only memory and ex-
ecuted by the hardware. Microcode and microprogramming are considered
further in Section C 5.4.1. �

As some of these examples make clear, a compiler does not necessarily translate
from a high-level programming language into machine language. Some compil-
ers, in fact, accept inputs that we might not immediately think of as programs at
all. Text formatters like TEX, for example, compile high-level document descrip-
tions into commands for a laser printer or phototypesetter. (Many laser printers
themselves contain pre-installed interpreters for the Postscript page-description
language.) Query language processors for database systems translate languages
like SQL into primitive operations on files. There are even compilers that trans-
late logic-level circuit specifications into photographic masks for computer chips.
Though the focus in this book is on imperative programming languages, the term
“compilation” applies whenever we translate automatically from one nontrivial
language to another, with full analysis of the meaning of the input.

1.5 Programming Environments
Compilers and interpreters do not exist in isolation. Programmers are assisted in
their work by a host of other tools. Assemblers, debuggers, preprocessors, and
linkers were mentioned earlier. Editors are familiar to every programmer. They
may be augmented with cross-referencing facilities that allow the programmer to
find the point at which an object is defined, given a point at which it is used. Pretty
printers help enforce formatting conventions. Style checkers enforce syntactic or
semantic conventions that may be tighter than those enforced by the compiler
(see Exploration 1.14). Configuration management tools help keep track of de-
pendences among the (many versions of) separately compiled modules in a large
software system. Perusal tools exist not only for text but also for intermediate
languages that may be stored in binary. Profilers and other performance analysis
tools often work in conjunction with debuggers to help identify the pieces of a
program that consume the bulk of its computation time.

In older programming environments, tools may be executed individually, at
the explicit request of the user. If a running program terminates abnormally with
a “bus error” (invalid address) message, for example, the user may choose to in-
voke a debugger to examine the “core” file dumped by the operating system. He
or she may then attempt to identify the program bug by setting breakpoints, en-
abling tracing and so on, and running the program again under the control of the
debugger. Once the bug is found, the user will invoke the editor to make an ap-
propriate change. He or she will then recompile the modified program, possibly
with the help of a configuration manager.

1.5 Programming Environments 25

Modern environments provide more integrated tools. When an invalid address
error occurs in an integrated development environment (IDE), a new window is
likely to appear on the user’s screen, with the line of source code at which the
error occurred highlighted. Breakpoints and tracing can then be set in this win-
dow without explicitly invoking a debugger. Changes to the source can be made
without explicitly invoking an editor. If the user asks to rerun the program af-
ter making changes, a new version may be built without explicitly invoking the
compiler or configuration manager.

The editor for an IDE may incorporate knowledge of language syntax, provid-
ing templates for all the standard control structures, and checking syntax as it is
typed in. Internally, the IDE is likely to maintain not only a program’s source
and object code, but also a partially compiled internal representation. When the
source is edited, the internal representation will be updated automatically—often
incrementally (without reparsing large portions of the source). In some cases,
structural changes to the program may be implemented first in the internal rep-
resentation, and then automatically reflected in the source.

IDEs are fundamental to Smalltalk—it is nearly impossible to separate the lan-
guage from its graphical environment—and have been routinely used for Com-
mon Lisp since the 1980s. With the ubiquity of graphical interfaces, integrated
environments have largely displaced command-line tools for many languages and
systems. Popular open-source IDEs include Eclipse and NetBeans. Commercial
systems include the Visual Studio environment from Microsoft and the XCode
environment from Apple. Much of the appearance of integration can also be
achieved within sophisticated editors such as emacs.

11. Explain the distinction between interpretation and compilation. What are the

comparative advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches?

12. Is Java compiled or interpreted (or both)? How do you know?

13. What is the difference between a compiler and a preprocessor?

14. What was the intermediate form employed by the original AT&T C++ com-


1.4 Powerful development environments
Sophisticated development environments can be a two-edged sword. The
quality of the Common Lisp environment has arguably contributed to its
widespread acceptance. On the other hand, the particularity of the graphi-
cal environment for Smalltalk (with its insistence on specific fonts, window
styles, etc.) made it difficult to port the language to systems accessed through
a textual interface, or to graphical systems with a different “look and feel.”

26 Chapter 1 Introduction

15. What is P-code?

16. What is bootstrapping?

17. What is a just-in-time compiler?

18. Name two languages in which a program can write new pieces of itself “on
the fly.”

19. Briefly describe three “unconventional” compilers—compilers whose pur-
pose is not to prepare a high-level program for execution on a general-
purpose processor.

20. List six kinds of tools that commonly support the work of a compiler within
a larger programming environment.

21. Explain how an integrated development environment (IDE) differs from a
collection of command-line tools.

1.6 An Overview of Compilation
Compilers are among the most well-studied computer programs. We will con-
sider them repeatedly throughout the rest of the book, and in chapters 2, 4, 15,
and 17 in particular. The remainder of this section provides an introductory

In a typical compiler, compilation proceeds through a series of well-definedEXAMPLE 1.19
Phases of compilation and

phases, shown in Figure 1.3. Each phase discovers information of use to later
phases, or transforms the program into a form that is more useful to the subse-
quent phase.

The first few phases (up through semantic analysis) serve to figure out the
meaning of the source program. They are sometimes called the front end of the
compiler. The last few phases serve to construct an equivalent target program.
They are sometimes called the back end of the compiler.

An interpreter (Figure 1.4) shares the compiler’s front-end structure, but
“executes” (interprets) the intermediate form directly, rather than translating
it into machine language. The execution typically takes the form of a set of
mutually recursive subroutines that traverse (“walk”) the syntax tree, “execut-
ing” its nodes in program order. Many compiler and interpreter phases can
be created automatically from a formal description of the source and/or target
languages. �

One will sometimes hear compilation described as a series of passes. A pass
is a phase or set of phases that is serialized with respect to the rest of compila-
tion: it does not start until previous phases have completed, and it finishes before
any subsequent phases start. If desired, a pass may be written as a separate pro-
gram, reading its input from a file and writing its output to a file. Compilers are
commonly divided into passes so that the front end may be shared by compilers

1.6 An Overview of Compilation 27

Character stream

Token stream

Parse tree

Abstract syntax tree or
other intermediate form

intermediate form

Target language
(e.g., assembler)

target language

Scanner (lexical analysis)

Parser (syntax analysis)

Semantic analysis and
intermediate code generation

code improvement (optional)

Target code generation

code improvement (optional)







Figure 1.3 Phases of compilation. Phases are listed on the right and the forms in which
information is passed between phases are listed on the left. The symbol table serves throughout
compilation as a repository for information about identifiers.

Character stream

Token stream

Parse tree

Abstract syntax tree or
other intermediate form

Scanner (lexical analysis)

Program input

Program output

Parser (syntax analysis)

Semantic analysis and
intermediate code generation

Tree-walk routines






Figure 1.4 Phases of interpretation. The front end is essentially the same as that of a compiler.
The final phase “executes” the intermediate form, typically using a set of mutually recursive
subroutines that walk the syntax tree.

for more than one machine (target language), and so that the back end may be
shared by compilers for more than one source language. In some implementa-
tions the front end and the back end may be separated by a “middle end” that
is responsible for language- and machine-independent code improvement. Prior

28 Chapter 1 Introduction

to the dramatic increases in memory sizes of the mid to late 1980s, compilers
were also sometimes divided into passes to minimize memory usage: as each pass
completed, the next could reuse its code space.

1.6.1 Lexical and Syntax Analysis

Consider the greatest common divisor (GCD) problem introduced at the begin-EXAMPLE 1.20
GCD program in C ning of this chapter, and shown as a function in Figure 1.2. Hypothesizing trivial

I/O routines and recasting the function as a stand-alone program, our code might
look like this in C:

int main() {
int i = getint(), j = getint();
while (i != j) {

if (i > j) i = i – j;
else j = j – i;


} �

Scanning and parsing serve to recognize the structure of the program, withoutEXAMPLE 1.21
GCD program tokens regard to its meaning. The scanner reads characters (‘i’, ‘n’, ‘t’, ‘ ’, ‘m’, ‘a’, ‘i’, ‘n’,

‘(’, ‘)’, etc.) and groups them into tokens, which are the smallest meaningful units
of the program. In our example, the tokens are

int main ( ) { int i =
getint ( ) , j = getint (
) ; while ( i != j )
{ if ( i > j ) i
= i – j ; else j =
j – i ; } putint ( i
) ; } �

Scanning is also known as lexical analysis. The principal purpose of the scanner
is to simplify the task of the parser, by reducing the size of the input (there are
many more characters than tokens) and by removing extraneous characters like
white space. The scanner also typically removes comments and tags tokens with
line and column numbers, to make it easier to generate good diagnostics in later
phases. One could design a parser to take characters instead of tokens as input—
dispensing with the scanner—but the result would be awkward and slow.

Parsing organizes tokens into a parse tree that represents higher-level con-EXAMPLE 1.22
Context-free grammar and

structs (statements, expressions, subroutines, and so on) in terms of their con-
stituents. Each construct is a node in the tree; its constituents are its children. The
root of the tree is simply “program”; the leaves, from left to right, are the tokens
received from the scanner. Taken as a whole, the tree shows how the tokens fit

1.6 An Overview of Compilation 29

together to make a valid program. The structure relies on a set of potentially re-
cursive rules known as a context-free grammar. Each rule has an arrow sign (−→)
with the construct name on the left and a possible expansion on the right.9 In C,
for example, a while loop consists of the keyword while followed by a parenthe-
sized Boolean expression and a statement:

iteration-statement −→ while ( expression ) statement

The statement, in turn, is often a list enclosed in braces:

statement −→ compound-statement
compound-statement −→ { block-item-list opt }


block-item-list opt −→ block-item-list


block-item-list opt −→ �


block-item-list −→ block-item
block-item-list −→ block-item-list block-item
block-item −→ declaration
block-item −→ statement

Here � represents the empty string; it indicates that block-item-list opt can simply
be deleted. Many more grammar rules are needed, of course, to explain the full
structure of a program. �

A context-free grammar is said to define the syntax of the language; parsing
is therefore known as syntax analysis. There are many possible grammars for C
(an infinite number, in fact); the fragment shown above is taken from the sam-
ple grammar contained in the official language definition [Int99]. A full parseEXAMPLE 1.23

GCD program parse tree tree for our GCD program (based on a full grammar not shown here) appears in
Figure 1.5. While the size of the tree may seem daunting, its details aren’t par-
ticularly important at this point in the text. What is important is that (1) each
individual branching point represents the application of a single grammar rule,
and (2) the resulting complexity is more a reflection of the grammar than it is
of the input program. Much of the bulk stems from (a) the use of such artificial
“constructs” as block item-list and block item-list opt to generate lists of arbitrary

9 Theorists also study context-sensitive grammars, in which the allowable expansions of a construct
(the applicable rules) depend on the context in which the construct appears (i.e., on constructs
to the left and right). Context sensitivity is important for natural languages like English, but it is
almost never used in programming language design.

30 Chapter 1 Introduction








































































































































































































































1.6 An Overview of Compilation 31




















































= re










































































































































































































































































































32 Chapter 1 Introduction

length, and (b) the use of the equally artificial assignment-expression, additive-
expression, multiplicative-expression, and so on, to capture precedence and asso-
ciativity in arithmetic expressions. We shall see in the following subsection that
much of this complexity can be discarded once parsing is complete. �

In the process of scanning and parsing, the compiler or interpreter checks to
see that all of the program’s tokens are well formed, and that the sequence of
tokens conforms to the syntax defined by the context-free grammar. Any mal-
formed tokens (e.g., 123abc or $@foo in C) should cause the scanner to produce
an error message. Any syntactically invalid token sequence (e.g., A = X Y Z in C)
should lead to an error message from the parser.

1.6.2 Semantic Analysis and Intermediate Code Generation

Semantic analysis is the discovery of meaning in a program. Among other things,
the semantic analyzer recognizes when multiple occurrences of the same identi-
fier are meant to refer to the same program entity, and ensures that the uses are
consistent. In most languages it also tracks the types of both identifiers and ex-
pressions, both to verify consistent usage and to guide the generation of code in
the back end of a compiler.

To assist in its work, the semantic analyzer typically builds and maintains a
symbol table data structure that maps each identifier to the information known
about it. Among other things, this information includes the identifier’s type, in-
ternal structure (if any), and scope (the portion of the program in which it is

Using the symbol table, the semantic analyzer enforces a large variety of rules
that are not captured by the hierarchical structure of the context-free grammar
and the parse tree. In C, for example, it checks to make sure that

Every identifier is declared before it is used.

No identifier is used in an inappropriate context (calling an integer as a sub-
routine, adding a string to an integer, referencing a field of the wrong type of
struct, etc.).
Subroutine calls provide the correct number and types of arguments.

Labels on the arms of a switch statement are distinct constants.
Any function with a non-void return type returns a value explicitly.

In many front ends, the work of the semantic analyzer takes the form of semantic
action routines, invoked by the parser when it realizes that it has reached a partic-
ular point within a grammar rule.

Of course, not all semantic rules can be checked at compile time (or in the
front end of an interpreter). Those that can are referred to as the static semantics
of the language. Those that must be checked at run time (or in the later phases
of an interpreter) are referred to as the dynamic semantics of the language. C has
very little in the way of dynamic checks (its designers opted for performance over
safety). Examples of rules that other languages enforce at run time include:

1.6 An Overview of Compilation 33

Variables are never used in an expression unless they have been given a value.10

Pointers are never dereferenced unless they refer to a valid object.

Array subscript expressions lie within the bounds of the array.

Arithmetic operations do not overflow.

When it cannot enforce rules statically, a compiler will often produce code to
perform appropriate checks at run time, aborting the program or generating an
exception if one of the checks then fails. (Exceptions will be discussed in Sec-
tion 9.4.) Some rules, unfortunately, may be unacceptably expensive or impossi-
ble to enforce, and the language implementation may simply fail to check them.
In Ada, a program that breaks such a rule is said to be erroneous; in C its behavior
is said to be undefined.

A parse tree is sometimes known as a concrete syntax tree, because it demon-
strates, completely and concretely, how a particular sequence of tokens can be
derived under the rules of the context-free grammar. Once we know that a token
sequence is valid, however, much of the information in the parse tree is irrele-
vant to further phases of compilation. In the process of checking static semanticEXAMPLE 1.24

GCD program abstract
syntax tree

rules, the semantic analyzer typically transforms the parse tree into an abstract
syntax tree (otherwise known as an AST, or simply a syntax tree) by removing
most of the “artificial” nodes in the tree’s interior. The semantic analyzer also
annotates the remaining nodes with useful information, such as pointers from
identifiers to their symbol table entries. The annotations attached to a particular
node are known as its attributes. A syntax tree for our GCD program is shown in
Figure 1.6. �

Many interpreters use an annotated syntax tree to represent the running pro-
gram: “execution” then amounts to tree traversal. In our GCD program, an inter-EXAMPLE 1.25

Interpreting the syntax

preter would start at the root of Figure 1.6 and visit, in order, the statements on
the main spine of the tree. At the first “:=” node, the interpreter would notice that
the right child is a call: it would therefore call the getint routine (found in slot
3 of the symbol table) and assign the result into i (found in slot 5 of the symbol
table). At the second “:=” node the interpreter would similarly assign the result
of getint into j. At the while node it would repeatedly evaluate the left (“ �=”)
child and, if the result was true, recursively walk the tree under the right (if) child.
Finally, once the while node’s left child evaluated to false, the interpreter would
move on to the final call node, and output its result. �

In many compilers, the annotated syntax tree constitutes the intermediate
form that is passed from the front end to the back end. In other compilers, se-
mantic analysis ends with a traversal of the tree (typically single pass) that gener-
ates some other intermediate form. One common such form consists of a control
flow graph whose nodes resemble fragments of assembly language for a simple

10 As we shall see in Section 6.1.3, Java and C# actually do enforce initialization at compile time,
but only by adopting a conservative set of rules for “definite assignment,” outlawing programs
for which correctness is difficult or impossible to verify at compile time.

34 Chapter 1 Introduction


func : (1) → (2)
func : (2) → (1)







Index Symbol Type




(5) call

(6) call

if (4) (5)


(5) (6)

(5) (6) (5)

(5) (6) (6) (5)


> := :=

− −


Figure 1.6 Syntax tree and symbol table for the GCD program. Note the contrast to Fig-
ure 1.5: the syntax tree retains just the essential structure of the program, omitting details that
were needed only to drive the parsing algorithm.

idealized machine. We will consider this option further in Chapter 15, where a
control flow graph for our GCD program appears in Figure 15.3. In a suite of re-
lated compilers, the front ends for several languages and the back ends for several
machines would share a common intermediate form.

1.6.3 Target Code Generation

The code generation phase of a compiler translates the intermediate form into
the target language. Given the information contained in the syntax tree, gener-
ating correct code is usually not a difficult task (generating good code is harder,
as we shall see in Section 1.6.4). To generate assembly or machine language, theEXAMPLE 1.26

GCD program assembly

code generator traverses the symbol table to assign locations to variables, and
then traverses the intermediate representation of the program, generating loads
and stores for variable references, interspersed with appropriate arithmetic opera-
tions, tests, and branches. Naive code for our GCD example appears in Figure 1.7,
in x86 assembly language. It was generated automatically by a simple pedagogical

The assembly language mnemonics may appear a bit cryptic, but the com-
ments on each line (not generated by the compiler!) should make the correspon-

1.6 An Overview of Compilation 35

pushl %ebp # \
movl %esp, %ebp # ) reserve space for local variables
subl $16, %esp # /
call getint # read
movl %eax, -8(%ebp) # store i
call getint # read
movl %eax, -12(%ebp) # store j

A: movl -8(%ebp), %edi # load i
movl -12(%ebp), %ebx # load j
cmpl %ebx, %edi # compare
je D # jump if i == j
movl -8(%ebp), %edi # load i
movl -12(%ebp), %ebx # load j
cmpl %ebx, %edi # compare
jle B # jump if i < j movl -8(%ebp), %edi # load i movl -12(%ebp), %ebx # load j subl %ebx, %edi # i = i - j movl %edi, -8(%ebp) # store i jmp C B: movl -12(%ebp), %edi # load j movl -8(%ebp), %ebx # load i subl %ebx, %edi # j = j - i movl %edi, -12(%ebp) # store j C: jmp A D: movl -8(%ebp), %ebx # load i push %ebx # push i (pass to putint) call putint # write addl $4, %esp # pop i leave # deallocate space for local variables mov $0, %eax # exit status for program ret # return to operating system Figure 1.7 Naive x86 assembly language for the GCD program. dence between Figures 1.6 and 1.7 generally apparent. A few hints: esp, ebp, eax, ebx, and edi are registers (special storage locations, limited in number, that can be accessed very quickly). -8(%ebp) refers to the memory location 8 bytes before the location whose address is in register ebp; in this program, ebp serves as a base from which we can find variables i and j. The argument to a subroutine call instruction is passed by pushing it onto a stack, for which esp is the top-of- stack pointer. The return value comes back in register eax. Arithmetic operations overwrite their second argument with the result of the operation.11 � 11 As noted in footnote 1, these are GNU assembler conventions; Microsoft and Intel assemblers specify arguments in the opposite order. 36 Chapter 1 Introduction Often a code generator will save the symbol table for later use by a symbolic debugger, by including it in a nonexecutable part of the target code. 1.6.4 Code Improvement Code improvement is often referred to as optimization, though it seldom makes anything optimal in any absolute sense. It is an optional phase of compilation whose goal is to transform a program into a new version that computes the same result more efficiently—more quickly or using less memory, or both. Some improvements are machine independent. These can be performed as transformations on the intermediate form. Other improvements require an un- derstanding of the target machine (or of whatever will execute the program in the target language). These must be performed as transformations on the target pro- gram. Thus code improvement often appears twice in the list of compiler phases: once immediately after semantic analysis and intermediate code generation, and again immediately after target code generation. Applying a good code improver to the code in Figure 1.7 produces the codeEXAMPLE 1.27 GCD program optimization shown in Example 1.2. Comparing the two programs, we can see that the im- proved version is quite a lot shorter. Conspicuously absent are most of the loads and stores. The machine-independent code improver is able to verify that i and j can be kept in registers throughout the execution of the main loop. (This would not have been the case if, for example, the loop contained a call to a subrou- tine that might reuse those registers, or that might try to modify i or j.) The machine-specific code improver is then able to assign i and j to actual regis- ters of the target machine. For modern microprocessors, with complex internal behavior, compilers can usually generate better code than can human assembly language programmers. � 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 22. List the principal phases of compilation, and describe the work performed by each. 23. List the phases that are also executed as part of interpretation. 24. Describe the form in which a program is passed from the scanner to the parser; from the parser to the semantic analyzer; from the semantic analyzer to the intermediate code generator. 25. What distinguishes the front end of a compiler from the back end? 26. What is the difference between a phase and a pass of compilation? Under what circumstances does it make sense for a compiler to have multiple passes? 27. What is the purpose of the compiler’s symbol table? 28. What is the difference between static and dynamic semantics? 1.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks 37 29. On modern machines, do assembly language programmers still tend to write better code than a good compiler can? Why or why not? 1.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks In this chapter we introduced the study of programming language design and implementation. We considered why there are so many languages, what makes them successful or unsuccessful, how they may be categorized for study, and what benefits the reader is likely to gain from that study. We noted that language design and language implementation are intimately tied to one another. Obviously an implementation must conform to the rules of the language. At the same time, a language designer must consider how easy or difficult it will be to implement various features, and what sort of performance is likely to result. Language implementations are commonly differentiated into those based on interpretation and those based on compilation. We noted, however, that the dif- ference between these approaches is fuzzy, and that most implementations in- clude a bit of each. As a general rule, we say that a language is compiled if exe- cution is preceded by a translation step that (1) fully analyzes both the structure (syntax) and meaning (semantics) of the program, and (2) produces an equiva- lent program in a significantly different form. The bulk of the implementation material in this book pertains to compilation. Compilers are generally structured as a series of phases. The first few phases— scanning, parsing, and semantic analysis—serve to analyze the source program. Collectively these phases are known as the compiler’s front end. The final few phases—target code generation and machine-specific code improvement—are known as the back end. They serve to build a target program—preferably a fast one—whose semantics match those of the source. Between the front end and the back end, a good compiler performs extensive machine-independent code im- provement; the phases of this “middle end” typically comprise the bulk of the code of the compiler, and account for most of its execution time. Chapters 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 form the core of the rest of this book. They cover fundamental issues of language design, both from the point of view of the pro- grammer and from the point of view of the language implementor. To support the discussion of implementations, Chapters 2 and 4 describe compiler front ends in more detail than has been possible in this introduction. Chapter 5 provides an overview of assembly-level architecture. Chapters 15 through 17 discuss com- piler back ends, including assemblers and linkers, run-time systems, and code improvement techniques. Additional language paradigms are covered in Chap- ters 11 through 14. Appendix A lists the principal programming languages men- tioned in the text, together with a genealogical chart and bibliographic references. Appendix B contains a list of “Design & Implementation” sidebars; Appendix C contains a list of numbered examples. 38 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.8 Exercises 1.1 Errors in a computer program can be classified according to when they are detected and, if they are detected at compile time, what part of the compiler detects them. Using your favorite imperative language, give an example of each of the following. (a) A lexical error, detected by the scanner (b) A syntax error, detected by the parser (c) A static semantic error, detected by semantic analysis (d) A dynamic semantic error, detected by code generated by the compiler (e) An error that the compiler can neither catch nor easily generate code to catch (this should be a violation of the language definition, not just a program bug) 1.2 Consider again the Pascal tool set distributed by Niklaus Wirth (Exam- ple 1.15). After successfully building a machine language version of the Pascal compiler, one could in principle discard the P-code interpreter and the P-code version of the compiler. Why might one choose not to do so? 1.3 Imperative languages like Fortran and C are typically compiled, while scripting languages, in which many issues cannot be settled until run time, are typically interpreted. Is interpretation simply what one “has to do” when compilation is infeasible, or are there actually some advantages to interpret- ing a language, even when a compiler is available? 1.4 The gcd program of Example 1.20 might also be written int main() { int i = getint(), j = getint(); while (i != j) { if (i > j) i = i % j;
else j = j % i;



Does this program compute the same result? If not, can you fix it? Under
what circumstances would you expect one or the other to be faster?

1.5 Expanding on Example 1.25, trace an interpretation of the gcd program on
the inputs 12 and 8. Which syntax tree nodes are visited, in which order?

1.6 Both interpretation and code generation can be performed by traversal of a
syntax tree. Compare these two kinds of traversals. In what ways are they

1.7 In your local implementation of C, what is the limit on the size of inte-
gers? What happens in the event of arithmetic overflow? What are the

1.9 Explorations 39

implications of size limits on the portability of programs from one ma-
chine/compiler to another? How do the answers to these questions differ
for Java? For Ada? For Pascal? For Scheme? (You may need to find a man-

1.8 The Unix make utility allows the programmer to specify dependences among
the separately compiled pieces of a program. If file A depends on file B and
file B is modified, make deduces that A must be recompiled, in case any of
the changes to B would affect the code produced for A. How accurate is this
sort of dependence management? Under what circumstances will it lead
to unnecessary work? Under what circumstances will it fail to recompile
something that needs to be recompiled?

1.9 Why is it difficult to tell whether a program is correct? How do you go about
finding bugs in your code? What kinds of bugs are revealed by testing? What
kinds of bugs are not? (For more formal notions of program correctness,
see the bibliographic notes at the end of Chapter 4.)

1.9 Explorations
1.10 (a) What was the first programming language you learned? If you chose it,

why did you do so? If it was chosen for you by others, why do you think
they chose it? What parts of the language did you find the most difficult
to learn?

(b) For the language with which you are most familiar (this may or may
not be the first one you learned), list three things you wish had been
differently designed. Why do you think they were designed the way
they were? How would you fix them if you had the chance to do it
over? Would there be any negative consequences, for example in terms
of compiler complexity or program execution speed?

1.11 Get together with a classmate whose principal programming experience is
with a language in a different category of Figure 1.1. (If your experience is
mostly in C, for example, you might search out someone with experience
in Lisp.) Compare notes. What are the easiest and most difficult aspects
of programming, in each of your experiences? Pick a simple problem (e.g.,
sorting, or identification of connected components in a graph) and solve it
using each of your favorite languages. Which solution is more elegant (do
the two of you agree)? Which is faster? Why?

1.12 (a) If you have access to a Unix system, compile a simple program with
the -S command-line flag. Add comments to the resulting assembly
language file to explain the purpose of each instruction.

(b) Now use the -o command-line flag to generate a relocatable object file.
Using appropriate local tools (look in particular for nm, objdump, or

40 Chapter 1 Introduction

a symbolic debugger like gdb or dbx), identify the machine language
corresponding to each line of assembler.

(c) Using nm, objdump, or a similar tool, identify the undefined external
symbols in your object file. Now run the compiler to completion, to
produce an executable file. Finally, run nm or objdump again to see
what has happened to the symbols in part (b). Where did they come
from—how did the linker resolve them?

(d) Run the compiler to completion one more time, using the -v command-
line flag. You should see messages describing the various subprograms
invoked during the compilation process (some compilers use a dif-
ferent letter for this option; check the man page). The subprograms
may include a preprocessor, separate passes of the compiler itself (of-
ten two), probably an assembler, and the linker. If possible, run these
subprograms yourself, individually. Which of them produce the files
described in the previous subquestions? Explain the purpose of the
various command-line flags with which the subprograms were invoked.

1.13 Write a program that commits a dynamic semantic error (e.g., division by
zero, access off the end of an array, dereference of a null pointer). What
happens when you run this program? Does the compiler give you options
to control what happens? Devise an experiment to evaluate the cost of run-
time semantic checks. If possible, try this exercise with more than one lan-
guage or compiler.

1.14 C has a reputation for being a relatively “unsafe” high-level language. For
example: it allows the programmer to mix operands of different sizes and
types in many more ways than its “safer” cousins. The Unix lint utility can
be used to search for potentially unsafe constructs in C programs. In effect,
many of the rules that are enforced by the compiler in other languages are
optional in C, and are enforced (if desired) by a separate program. What do
you think of this approach? Is it a good idea? Why or why not?

1.15 Using an Internet search engine or magazine indexing service, read up on
the history of Java and C#, including the conflict between Sun and Microsoft
over Java standardization. Some have claimed that C# was, at least in part,
an attempt by Microsoft to undermine the spread of Java. Others point to
philosophical and practical differences between the languages, and argue
that C# more than stands on its merits. In hindsight, how would you char-
acterize Microsoft’s decision to pursue an alternative to Java?

1.10 Bibliographic Notes
The compiler-oriented chapters of this book attempt to convey a sense of what
the compiler does, rather than explaining how to build one. A much greater level
of detail can be found in other texts. Leading options include the work of Aho

1.10 Bibliographic Notes 41

et al. [ALSU07], Cooper and Torczon [CT04], and Fischer et al. [FCL10]. Other
excellent, though less current texts include those of Appel [App97] and Grune et
al. [GBJ+12]. Popular texts on programming language design include those of
Louden [LL12], Sebesta [Seb15], and Sethi [Set96].

Some of the best information on the history of programming languages can be
found in the proceedings of conferences sponsored by the Association for Com-
puting Machinery in 1978, 1993, and 2007 [Wex78, Ass93, Ass07]. Another excel-
lent reference is Horowitz’s 1987 text [Hor87]. A broader range of historical mate-
rial can be found in the quarterly IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. Given
the importance of personal taste in programming language design, it is inevitable
that some language comparisons should be marked by strongly worded opin-
ions. Early examples include the writings of Dijkstra [Dij82], Hoare [Hoa81],
Kernighan [Ker81], and Wirth [Wir85a].

Much modern software development takes place in integrated programming
environments. Influential precursors to these environments include the Genera
Common Lisp environment from Symbolics Corp. [WMWM87] and the Small-
talk [Gol84], Interlisp [TM81], and Cedar [SZBH86] environments at the Xerox
Palo Alto Research Center.

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2Programming Language Syntax
Unlike natural languages such as English or Chinese, computer languages
must be precise. Both their form (syntax) and meaning (semantics) must be spec-
ified without ambiguity, so that both programmers and computers can tell what
a program is supposed to do. To provide the needed degree of precision, lan-
guage designers and implementors use formal syntactic and semantic notation.
To facilitate the discussion of language features in later chapters, we will cover
this notation first: syntax in the current chapter and semantics in Chapter 4.

As a motivating example, consider the Arabic numerals with which we repre-EXAMPLE 2.1
Syntax of Arabic numerals sent numbers. These numerals are composed of digits, which we can enumerate

as follows (‘ | ’ means “or”):

digit −→ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Digits are the syntactic building blocks for numbers. In the usual notation, we say
that a natural number is represented by an arbitrary-length (nonempty) string of
digits, beginning with a nonzero digit:

non zero digit −→ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
natural number −→ non zero digit digit *

Here the “Kleene1 star” metasymbol (*) is used to indicate zero or more repeti-
tions of the symbol to its left. �

Of course, digits are only symbols: ink blobs on paper or pixels on a screen.
They carry no meaning in and of themselves. We add semantics to digits when
we say that they represent the natural numbers from zero to nine, as defined by
mathematicians. Alternatively, we could say that they represent colors, or the
days of the week in a decimal calendar. These would constitute alternative se-
mantics for the same syntax. In a similar fashion, we define the semantics of
natural numbers by associating a base-10, place-value interpretation with each

1 Stephen Kleene (1909–1994), a mathematician at the University of Wisconsin, was responsible
for much of the early development of the theory of computation, including much of the material
in Section C 2.4.


44 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

string of digits. Similar syntax rules and semantic interpretations can be devised
for rational numbers, (limited-precision) real numbers, arithmetic, assignments,
control flow, declarations, and indeed all of programming languages.

Distinguishing between syntax and semantics is useful for at least two reasons.
First, different programming languages often provide features with very similar
semantics but very different syntax. It is generally much easier to learn a new lan-
guage if one is able to identify the common (and presumably familiar) semantic
ideas beneath the unfamiliar syntax. Second, there are some very efficient and
elegant algorithms that a compiler or interpreter can use to discover the syntactic
structure (but not the semantics!) of a computer program, and these algorithms
can be used to drive the rest of the compilation or interpretation process.

In the current chapter we focus on syntax: how we specify the structural rules
of a programming language, and how a compiler identifies the structure of a
given input program. These two tasks—specifying syntax rules and figuring out
how (and whether) a given program was built according to those rules—are dis-
tinct. The first is of interest mainly to programmers, who want to write valid
programs. The second is of interest mainly to compilers, which need to analyze
those programs. The first task relies on regular expressions and context-free gram-
mars, which specify how to generate valid programs. The second task relies on
scanners and parsers, which recognize program structure. We address the first of
these tasks in Section 2.1, the second in Sections 2.2 and 2.3.

In Section 2.4 (largely on the companion site) we take a deeper look at the for-
mal theory underlying scanning and parsing. In theoretical parlance, a scanner is
a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) that recognizes the tokens of a program-
ming language. A parser is a deterministic push-down automaton (PDA) that
recognizes the language’s context-free syntax. It turns out that one can gener-
ate scanners and parsers automatically from regular expressions and context-free
grammars. This task is performed by tools like Unix’s lex and yacc,2 among oth-
ers. Possibly nowhere else in computer science is the connection between theory
and practice so clear and so compelling.

2.1 Specifying Syntax: Regular Expressions and
Context-Free Grammars

Formal specification of syntax requires a set of rules. How complicated (expres-
sive) the syntax can be depends on the kinds of rules we are allowed to use. It
turns out that what we intuitively think of as tokens can be constructed from
individual characters using just three kinds of formal rules: concatenation, alter-
nation (choice among a finite set of alternatives), and so-called “Kleene closure”

2 At many sites, lex and yacc have been superseded by the GNU flex and bison tools, which
provide a superset of the original functionality.

2.1 Specifying Syntax 45

(repetition an arbitrary number of times). Specifying most of the rest of what
we intuitively think of as syntax requires one additional kind of rule: recursion
(creation of a construct from simpler instances of the same construct). Any set of
strings that can be defined in terms of the first three rules is called a regular set,
or sometimes a regular language. Regular sets are generated by regular expressions
and recognized by scanners. Any set of strings that can be defined if we add recur-
sion is called a context-free language (CFL). Context-free languages are generated
by context-free grammars (CFGs) and recognized by parsers. (Terminology can
be confusing here. The meaning of the word “language” varies greatly, depending
on whether we’re talking about “formal” languages [e.g., regular or context-free],
or programming languages. A formal language is just a set of strings, with no
accompanying semantics.)

2.1.1 Tokens and Regular Expressions

Tokens are the basic building blocks of programs—the shortest strings of char-
acters with individual meaning. Tokens come in many kinds, including key-
words, identifiers, symbols, and constants of various types. Some kinds of token
(e.g., the increment operator) correspond to only one string of characters. Oth-
ers (e.g., identifier) correspond to a set of strings that share some common form.
(In most languages, keywords are special strings of characters that have the right
form to be identifiers, but are reserved for special purposes.) We will use the word
“token” informally to refer to both the generic kind (an identifier, the increment
operator) and the specific string (foo, ++); the distinction between these should
be clear from context.

Some languages have only a few kinds of token, of fairly simple form. Other
languages are more complex. C, for example, has more than 100 kinds ofEXAMPLE 2.2

Lexical structure of C11 tokens, including 44 keywords (double, if, return, struct, etc.); identifiers
(my_variable, your_type, sizeof, printf, etc.); integer (0765, 0x1f5, 501),
floating-point (6.022e23), and character (






) constants; string

literals (“snerk”, “say \”hi\”\n”); 54 “punctuators” (+, ], ->, *=, :, ||, etc.),
and two different forms of comments. There are provisions for international
character sets, string literals that span multiple lines of source code, constants
of varying precision (width), alternative “spellings” for symbols that are missing
on certain input devices, and preprocessor macros that build tokens from smaller
pieces. Other large, modern languages (Java, Ada) are similarly complex. �

To specify tokens, we use the notation of regular expressions. A regular expres-
sion is one of the following:

1. A character
2. The empty string, denoted �
3. Two regular expressions next to each other, meaning any string generated by

the first one followed by (concatenated with) any string generated by the sec-
ond one

46 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

4. Two regular expressions separated by a vertical bar ( | ), meaning any string
generated by the first one or any string generated by the second one

5. A regular expression followed by a Kleene star, meaning the concatenation of
zero or more strings generated by the expression in front of the star

Parentheses are used to avoid ambiguity about where the various subexpres-
sions start and end.3

Consider, for example, the syntax of numeric constants accepted by a simpleEXAMPLE 2.3
Syntax of numeric

hand-held calculator:

number −→ integer | real
integer −→ digit digit *
real −→ integer exponent | decimal ( exponent | � )
decimal −→ digit * ( . digit | digit . ) digit *
exponent −→ ( e | E ) ( + | – | � ) integer
digit −→ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

The symbols to the left of the −→ signs provide names for the regular expres-
sions. One of these (number) will serve as a token name; the others are simply


2.1 Contextual keywords
In addition to distinguishing between keywords and identifiers, some lan-
guages define so-called contextual keywords, which function as keywords in
certain specific places in a program, but as identifiers elsewhere. In C#, for ex-
ample, the word yield can appear immediately before return or break—a
place where an identifier can never appear. In this context, it is interpreted as
a keyword; anywhere else it is an identifier. It is therefore perfectly acceptable
to have a local variable named yield: the compiler can distinguish it from the
keyword by where it appears in the program.

C++11 has a small handful of contextual keywords. C# 4.0 has 26. Most
were introduced in the course of revising the language to create a new stan-
dard version. Given a large user community, any short, intuitively appealing
word is likely to have been used as an identifier by someone, in some existing
program. Making that word a contextual keyword in the new version of the
language, rather than a full keyword, reduces the risk that existing programs
will suddenly fail to compile.

3 Some authors use λ to represent the empty string. Some use a period (.), rather than juxtaposi-
tion, to indicate concatenation. Some use a plus sign (+), rather than a vertical bar, to indicate

2.1 Specifying Syntax 47

for convenience in building larger expressions.4 Note that while we have allowed
definitions to build on one another, nothing is ever defined in terms of itself,
even indirectly. Such recursive definitions are the distinguishing characteristic of
context-free grammars, described in Section 2.1.2. To generate a valid number,
we expand out the sub-definitions and then scan the resulting expression from left
to right, choosing among alternatives at each vertical bar, and choosing a number
of repetitions at each Kleene star. Within each repetition we may make different
choices at vertical bars, generating different substrings. �

Character Sets and Formatting Issues

Upper- and lowercase letters in identifiers and keywords are considered distinct in
some languages (e.g., Perl, Python, and Ruby; C and its descendants), and identi-
cal in others (e.g., Ada, Common Lisp, and Fortran). Thus foo, Foo, and FOO all
represent the same identifier in Ada, but different identifiers in C. Modula-2 and
Modula-3 require keywords and predefined (built-in) identifiers to be written in
uppercase; C and its descendants require them to be written in lowercase. A few
languages allow only letters and digits in identifiers. Most allow underscores. A
few (notably Lisp) allow a variety of additional characters. Some languages (e.g.,
Java and C#) have standard (but optional) conventions on the use of upper- and
lowercase letters in names.5

With the globalization of computing, non-Latin character sets have become
increasingly important. Many modern languages, including C, C++, Ada 95,
Java, C#, and Fortran 2003 have introduced explicit support for multibyte char-
acter sets, generally based on the Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646 international stan-
dards. Most modern programming languages allow non-Latin characters to ap-
pear within comments and character strings; an increasing number allow them
in identifiers as well. Conventions for portability across character sets and for lo-
calization to a given character set can be surprisingly complex, particularly when
various forms of backward compatibility are required (the C99 Rationale devotes
five full pages to this subject [Int03a, pp. 19–23]); for the most part we ignore
such issues here.

Some language implementations impose limits on the maximum length of
identifiers, but most avoid such unnecessary restrictions. Most modern languages
are also more or less free format, meaning that a program is simply a sequence of
tokens: what matters is their order with respect to one another, not their physical
position within a printed line or page. “White space” (blanks, tabs, carriage re-
turns, and line and page feed characters) between tokens is usually ignored, except
to the extent that it is needed to separate one token from the next.

4 We have assumed here that all numeric constants are simply “numbers.” In many programming
languages, integer and real constants are separate kinds of token. Their syntax may also be more
complex than indicated here, to support such features are multiple lengths or nondecimal bases.

5 For the sake of consistency we do not always obey such conventions in this book: most examples
follow the common practice of C programmers, in which underscores, rather than capital letters,
separate the “subwords” of names.

48 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

There are a few noteworthy exceptions to these rules. Some language imple-
mentations limit the maximum length of a line, to allow the compiler to store the
current line in a fixed-length buffer. Dialects of Fortran prior to Fortran 90 use
a fixed format, with 72 characters per line (the width of a paper punch card, on
which programs were once stored), and with different columns within the line re-
served for different purposes. Line breaks serve to separate statements in several
other languages, including Go, Haskell, Python, and Swift. Haskell and Python
also give special significance to indentation. The body of a loop, for example, con-
sists of precisely those subsequent lines that are indented farther than the header
of the loop.

Other Uses of Regular Expressions

Many readers will be familiar with regular expressions from the grep family of
tools in Unix, the search facilities of various text editors, or such scripting lan-
guages and tools as Perl, Python, Ruby, awk, and sed. Most of these provide a rich
set of extensions to the notation of regular expressions. Some extensions, such as
shorthand for “zero or one occurrences” or “anything other than white space,”
do not change the power of the notation. Others, such as the ability to require a
second occurrence, later in the input string, of the same character sequence that
matched an earlier part of the expression, increase the power of the notation, so
that it is no longer restricted to generating regular sets. Still other extensions are
designed not to increase the expressiveness of the notation but rather to tie it to
other language facilities. In many tools, for example, one can bracket portions of
a regular expression in such a way that when a string is matched against it the con-
tents of the corresponding substrings are assigned into named local variables. We
will return to these issues in Section 14.4.2, in the context of scripting languages.

2.1.2 Context-Free Grammars

Regular expressions work well for defining tokens. They are unable, however, to
specify nested constructs, which are central to programming languages. ConsiderEXAMPLE 2.4

Syntactic nesting in

for example the structure of an arithmetic expression:


2.2 Formatting restrictions
Formatting limitations inspired by implementation concerns—as in the
punch-card-oriented rules of Fortran 77 and its predecessors—have a ten-
dency to become unwanted anachronisms as implementation techniques im-
prove. Given the tendency of certain word processors to “fill” or auto-format
text, the line break and indentation rules of languages like Haskell, Occam, and
Python are somewhat controversial.

2.1 Specifying Syntax 49

expr −→ id | number | – expr | ( expr )
| expr op expr

op −→ + | – | * | /
Here the ability to define a construct in terms of itself is crucial. Among other
things, it allows us to ensure that left and right parentheses are matched, some-
thing that cannot be accomplished with regular expressions (see Section C 2.4.3
for more details). The arrow symbol (−→) means “can have the form”; for brevity
it is sometimes pronounced “goes to.” �

Each of the rules in a context-free grammar is known as a production. The
symbols on the left-hand sides of the productions are known as variables, or non-
terminals. There may be any number of productions with the same left-hand side.
Symbols that are to make up the strings derived from the grammar are known as
terminals (shown here in typewriter font). They cannot appear on the left-hand
side of any production. In a programming language, the terminals of the context-
free grammar are the language’s tokens. One of the nonterminals, usually the one
on the left-hand side of the first production, is called the start symbol. It names
the construct defined by the overall grammar.

The notation for context-free grammars is sometimes called Backus-Naur
Form (BNF), in honor of John Backus and Peter Naur, who devised it for the
definition of the Algol-60 programming language [NBB+63].6 Strictly speaking,
the Kleene star and meta-level parentheses of regular expressions are not allowed
in BNF, but they do not change the expressive power of the notation, and are
commonly included for convenience. Sometimes one sees a “Kleene plus” (+) as
well; it indicates one or more instances of the symbol or group of symbols in front
of it.7 When augmented with these extra operators, the notation is often called
extended BNF (EBNF). The constructEXAMPLE 2.5

Extended BNF (EBNF)
id list −→ id ( , id )*

is shorthand for

id list −→ id
id list −→ id list , id

“Kleene plus” is analogous. Note that the parentheses here are metasymbols. In
Example 2.4 they were part of the language being defined, and were written in
fixed-width font.8

6 John Backus (1924–2007) was also the inventor of Fortran. He spent most of his professional
career at IBM Corporation, and was named an IBM Fellow in 1987. He received the ACM Turing
Award in 1977.

7 Some authors use curly braces ({ }) to indicate zero or more instances of the symbols inside.
Some use square brackets ([ ]) to indicate zero or one instances of the symbols inside—that is, to
indicate that those symbols are optional.

8 To avoid confusion, some authors place quote marks around any single character that is part of
the language being defined: id list −→ id ( ‘,’ id ) * ; expr −→ ‘(’ expr ‘ )’. In both regular
and extended BNF, many authors use ::= instead of −→ .

50 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

Like the Kleene star and parentheses, the vertical bar is in some sense superflu-
ous, though it was provided in the original BNF. The construct

op −→ + | – | * | /

can be considered shorthand for

op −→ +
op −→ –
op −→ *
op −→ /

which is also sometimes written

op −→ +
−→ –
−→ *
−→ / �

Many tokens, such as id and number above, have many possible spellings (i.e.,
may be represented by many possible strings of characters). The parser is obliv-
ious to these; it does not distinguish one identifier from another. The semantic
analyzer does distinguish them, however; the scanner must save the spelling of
each such “interesting” token for later use.

2.1.3 Derivations and Parse Trees

A context-free grammar shows us how to generate a syntactically valid string of
terminals: Begin with the start symbol. Choose a production with the start sym-
bol on the left-hand side; replace the start symbol with the right-hand side of that
production. Now choose a nonterminal A in the resulting string, choose a pro-
duction P with A on its left-hand side, and replace A with the right-hand side of
P. Repeat this process until no nonterminals remain.

As an example, we can use our grammar for expressions to generate the stringEXAMPLE 2.6
Derivation of slope * x +

“slope * x + intercept”:

expr =⇒ expr op expr
=⇒ expr op id
=⇒ expr + id
=⇒ expr op expr + id
=⇒ expr op id + id
=⇒ expr * id + id
=⇒ id

* id

+ id


2.1 Specifying Syntax 51






expr expr




Figure 2.1 Parse tree for slope * x + intercept (grammar in Example 2.4).


id(slope) *

id(x) +







Figure 2.2 Alternative (less desirable) parse tree for slope * x + intercept (grammar in
Example 2.4). The fact that more than one tree exists implies that our grammar is ambiguous.

The =⇒ metasymbol is often pronounced “derives.” It indicates that the right-
hand side was obtained by using a production to replace some nonterminal in the
left-hand side. At each line we have underlined the symbol A that is replaced in
the following line. �

A series of replacement operations that shows how to derive a string of termi-
nals from the start symbol is called a derivation. Each string of symbols along the
way is called a sentential form. The final sentential form, consisting of only ter-
minals, is called the yield of the derivation. We sometimes elide the intermediate
steps and write expr =⇒∗ slope * x + intercept , where the metasymbol =⇒∗
means “derives after zero or more replacements.” In this particular derivation, we
have chosen at each step to replace the right-most nonterminal with the right-
hand side of some production. This replacement strategy leads to a right-most
derivation. There are many other possible derivations, including left-most and
options in-between.

We saw in Chapter 1 that we can represent a derivation graphically as a parse
tree. The root of the parse tree is the start symbol of the grammar. The leaves of
the tree are its yield. Each internal node, together with its children, represents the
use of a production.

A parse tree for our example expression appears in Figure 2.1. This tree isEXAMPLE 2.7
Parse trees for slope * x
+ intercept

not unique. At the second level of the tree, we could have chosen to turn the
operator into a * instead of a +, and to further expand the expression on the
right, rather than the one on the left (see Figure 2.2). A grammar that allows the

52 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

construction of more than one parse tree for some string of terminals is said to be
ambiguous. Ambiguity turns out to be a problem when trying to build a parser:
it requires some extra mechanism to drive a choice between equally acceptable
alternatives. �

A moment’s reflection will reveal that there are infinitely many context-free
grammars for any given context-free language.9 Some grammars, however, are
much more useful than others. In this text we will avoid the use of ambiguous
grammars (though most parser generators allow them, by means of disambiguat-
ing rules). We will also avoid the use of so-called useless symbols: nonterminals
that cannot generate any string of terminals, or terminals that cannot appear in
the yield of any derivation.

When designing the grammar for a programming language, we generally try
to find one that reflects the internal structure of programs in a way that is useful
to the rest of the compiler. (We shall see in Section 2.3.2 that we also try to find
one that can be parsed efficiently, which can be a bit of a challenge.) One place
in which structure is particularly important is in arithmetic expressions, where
we can use productions to capture the associativity and precedence of the various
operators. Associativity tells us that the operators in most languages group left
to right, so that 10 – 4 – 3 means (10 – 4) – 3 rather than 10 – (4 – 3).
Precedence tells us that multiplication and division in most languages group more
tightly than addition and subtraction, so that 3 + 4 * 5 means 3 + (4 * 5) rather
than (3 + 4) * 5. (These rules are not universal; we will consider them again in
Section 6.1.1.)

Here is a better version of our expression grammar:EXAMPLE 2.8
Expression grammar with
precedence and

1. expr −→ term | expr add op term
2. term −→ factor | term mult op factor
3. factor −→ id | number | – factor | ( expr )
4. add op −→ + | –
5. mult op −→ * | /

This grammar is unambiguous. It captures precedence in the way factor, term,
and expr build on one another, with different operators appearing at each level.
It captures associativity in the second halves of lines 1 and 2, which build subexprs
and subterms to the left of the operator, rather than to the right. In Figure 2.3, we
can see how building the notion of precedence into the grammar makes it clear
that multiplication groups more tightly than addition in 3 + 4 * 5, even without
parentheses. In Figure 2.4, we can see that subtraction groups more tightly to the
left, so that 10 – 4 – 3 would evaluate to 3, rather than to 9. �

9 Given a specific grammar, there are many ways to create other equivalent grammars. We could,
for example, replace A with some new symbol B everywhere it appears in the right-hand side of
a production, and then create a new production B −→ A.

2.1 Specifying Syntax 53





expr add_op

term factormult_op


factor factor


Figure 2.3 Parse tree for 3 + 4 * 5, with precedence (grammar in Example 2.8).





expr add_op



term factor

term factor


Figure 2.4 Parse tree for 10 – 4 – 3, with left associativity (grammar in Example 2.8).

1. What is the difference between syntax and semantics?

2. What are the three basic operations that can be used to build complex regular
expressions from simpler regular expressions?

3. What additional operation (beyond the three of regular expressions) is pro-
vided in context-free grammars?

4. What is Backus-Naur form? When and why was it devised?

5. Name a language in which indentation affects program syntax.

6. When discussing context-free languages, what is a derivation? What is a sen-
tential form?

7. What is the difference between a right-most derivation and a left-most deriva-

8. What does it mean for a context-free grammar to be ambiguous?

9. What are associativity and precedence? Why are they significant in parse trees?

54 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

2.2 Scanning
Together, the scanner and parser for a programming language are responsible for
discovering the syntactic structure of a program. This process of discovery, or
syntax analysis, is a necessary first step toward translating the program into an
equivalent program in the target language. (It’s also the first step toward inter-
preting the program directly. In general, we will focus on compilation, rather
than interpretation, for the remainder of the book. Most of what we shall dis-
cuss either has an obvious application to interpretation, or is obviously irrelevant
to it.)

By grouping input characters into tokens, the scanner dramatically reduces the
number of individual items that must be inspected by the more computationally
intensive parser. In addition, the scanner typically removes comments (so the
parser doesn’t have to worry about them appearing throughout the context-free
grammar—see Exercise 2.20); saves the text of “interesting” tokens like identifiers,
strings, and numeric literals; and tags tokens with line and column numbers, to
make it easier to generate high-quality error messages in subsequent phases.

In Examples 2.4 and 2.8 we considered a simple language for arithmetic expres-EXAMPLE 2.9
Tokens for a calculator

sions. In Section 2.3.1 we will extend this to create a simple “calculator language”
with input, output, variables, and assignment. For this language we will use the
following set of tokens:

assign −→ :=
plus −→ +
minus −→ –
times −→ *
div −→ /
lparen −→ (
rparen −→ )
id −→ letter ( letter | digit )*

except for read and write

number −→ digit digit * | digit * ( . digit | digit . ) digit *

In keeping with Algol and its descendants (and in contrast to the C-family lan-
guages), we have used := rather than = for assignment. For simplicity, we have
omitted the exponential notation found in Example 2.3. We have also listed the
tokens read and write as exceptions to the rule for id (more on this in Sec-
tion 2.2.2). To make the task of the scanner a little more realistic, we borrow the
two styles of comment from C:

comment −→ /* ( non-* | * non-/ )* *+ /
| // ( non-newline )* newline

Here we have used non-*, non-/, and non-newline as shorthand for the alterna-
tion of all characters other than *, /, and newline, respectively. �

2.2 Scanning 55

How might we go about recognizing the tokens of our calculator language? TheEXAMPLE 2.10
An ad hoc scanner for
calculator tokens

simplest approach is entirely ad hoc. Pseudocode appears in Figure 2.5. We can
structure the code however we like, but it seems reasonable to check the simpler
and more common cases first, to peek ahead when we need to, and to embed
loops for comments and for long tokens such as identifiers and numbers.

After finding a token the scanner returns to the parser. When invoked again it
repeats the algorithm from the beginning, using the next available characters of
input (including any that were peeked at but not consumed the last time). �

As a rule, we accept the longest possible token in each invocation of the scan-
ner. Thus foobar is always foobar and never f or foo or foob. More to the
point, in a language like C, 3.14159 is a real number and never 3, ., and 14159.
White space (blanks, tabs, newlines, comments) is generally ignored, except to
the extent that it separates tokens (e.g., foo bar is different from foobar).

Figure 2.5 could be extended fairly easily to outline a scanner for some larger
programming language. The result could then be fleshed out, by hand, to create
code in some implementation language. Production compilers often use such
ad hoc scanners; the code is fast and compact. During language development,
however, it is usually preferable to build a scanner in a more structured way, as
an explicit representation of a finite automaton. Finite automata can be generated
automatically from a set of regular expressions, making it easy to regenerate a
scanner when token definitions change.

An automaton for the tokens of our calculator language appears in pictorialEXAMPLE 2.11
Finite automaton for a
calculator scanner

form in Figure 2.6. The automaton starts in a distinguished initial state. It then
moves from state to state based on the next available character of input. When
it reaches one of a designated set of final states it recognizes the token associated
with that state. The “longest possible token” rule means that the scanner returns
to the parser only when the next character cannot be used to continue the current
token. �


2.3 Nested comments
Nested comments can be handy for the programmer (e.g., for temporarily
“commenting out” large blocks of code). Scanners normally deal only with
nonrecursive constructs, however, so nested comments require special treat-
ment. Some languages disallow them. Others require the language implemen-
tor to augment the scanner with special-purpose comment-handling code. C
and C++ strike a compromise: /* … */ style comments are not allowed to
nest, but /* … */ and //… style comments can appear inside each other.
The programmer can thus use one style for “normal” comments and the other
for “commenting out.” (The C99 designers note, however, that conditional
compilation (#if) is preferable [Int03a, p. 58].)

56 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

skip any initial white space (spaces, tabs, and newlines)
if cur char ∈ { ‘(’, ‘)’, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’ }

return the corresponding single-character token
if cur char = ‘:’

read the next character
if it is ‘=’ then return assign else announce an error

if cur char = ‘/’
peek at the next character
if it is ‘*’ or ‘/’

read additional characters until “*/” or newline is seen, respectively
jump back to top of code

else return div
if cur char = .

read the next character
if it is a digit

read any additional digits
return number

else announce an error
if cur char is a digit

read any additional digits and at most one decimal point
return number

if cur char is a letter
read any additional letters and digits
check to see whether the resulting string is read or write
if so then return the corresponding token
else return id

else announce an error

Figure 2.5 Outline of an ad hoc scanner for tokens in our calculator language.

2.2.1 Generating a Finite Automaton

While a finite automaton can in principle be written by hand, it is more com-
mon to build one automatically from a set of regular expressions, using a scanner
generator tool. For our calculator language, we should like to covert the regular
expressions of Example 2.9 into the automaton of Figure 2.6. That automaton has
the desirable property that its actions are deterministic: in any given state with a
given input character there is never more than one possible outgoing transition
(arrow) labeled by that character. As it turns out, however, there is no obvious
one-step algorithm to convert a set of regular expressions into an equivalent de-
terministic finite automaton (DFA). The typical scanner generator implements
the conversion as a series of three separate steps.

The first step converts the regular expressions into a nondeterministic finite
automaton (NFA). An NFA is like a DFA except that (1) there may be more than
one transition out of a given state labeled by a given character, and (2) there may
be so-called epsilon transitions: arrows labeled by the empty string symbol, �. The
NFA is said to accept an input string (token) if there exists a path from the start

2.2 Scanning 57

space, tab, newline

* *






digit digit

non-/or *

-+) *(







plus minuslparen


id or keyword


letter, digit







4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12


14 15


Figure 2.6 Pictorial representation of a scanner for calculator tokens, in the form of a
finite automaton. This figure roughly parallels the code in Figure 2.5. States are numbered
for reference in Figure 2.12. Scanning for each token begins in the state marked “Start.” The
final states, in which a token is recognized, are indicated by double circles. Comments, when
recognized, send the scanner back to its start state, rather than a final state.

state to a final state whose non-epsilon transitions are labeled, in order, by the
characters of the token.

To avoid the need to search all possible paths for one that “works,” the second
step of a scanner generator translates the NFA into an equivalent DFA: an automa-
ton that accepts the same language, but in which there are no epsilon transitions,
and no states with more than one outgoing transition labeled by the same char-
acter. The third step is a space optimization that generates a final DFA with the
minimum possible number of states.

58 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

(a) Base case

(b) Concatenation

(c) Alternation

(d) Kleene closure









� �

Figure 2.7 Construction of an NFA equivalent to a given regular expression. Part (a) shows
the base case: the automaton for the single letter c. Parts (b), (c), and (d), respectively, show
the constructions for concatenation, alternation, and Kleene closure. Each construction retains a
unique start state and a single final state. Internal detail is hidden in the diamond-shaped center

From a Regular Expression to an NFA

A trivial regular expression consisting of a single character c is equivalent to aEXAMPLE 2.12
Constructing an NFA for a
given regular expression

simple two-state NFA (in fact, a DFA), illustrated in part (a) of Figure 2.7. Simi-
larly, the regular expression � is equivalent to a two-state NFA whose arc is labeled
by �. Starting with this base we can use three subconstructions, illustrated in parts
(b) through (d) of the same figure, to build larger NFAs to represent the concate-
nation, alternation, or Kleene closure of the regular expressions represented by
smaller NFAs. Each step preserves three invariants: there are no transitions into
the initial state, there is a single final state, and there are no transitions out of
the final state. These invariants allow smaller automata to be joined into larger

2.2 Scanning 59

Start Start Start


d*. d �

� �



� � d

� �



Start .d |d.


.d Start

d .


. d

d .

. d

d .

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

8 9 10

11 12 13 14

Figure 2.8 Construction of an NFA equivalent to the regular expression d *( .d | d. ) d * .
In the top row are the primitive automata for . and d, and the Kleene closure construction for
d * . In the second and third rows we have used the concatenation and alternation constructions
to build .d, d., and ( .d | d. ) . The fourth row uses concatenation again to complete the
NFA. We have labeled the states in the final automaton for reference in subsequent figures.

ones without any ambiguity about where to create the connections, and without
creating any unexpected paths. �

To make these constructions concrete, we consider a small but nontrivialEXAMPLE 2.13
NFA for d * ( .d | d. ) d * example—the decimal strings of Example 2.3. These consist of a string of decimal

digits containing a single decimal point. With only one digit, the point can come
at the beginning or the end: ( .d | d. ), where for brevity we use d to represent
any decimal digit. Arbitrary numbers of digits can then be added at the beginning
or the end: d * ( .d | d. ) d *. Starting with this regular expression and using the
constructions of Figure 2.7, we illustrate the construction of an equivalent NFA
in Figure 2.8. �

60 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

From an NFA to a DFA

With no way to “guess” the right transition to take from any given state, any prac-EXAMPLE 2.14
DFA for d *( .d | d. ) d * tical implementation of an NFA would need to explore all possible transitions,

concurrently or via backtracking. To avoid such a complex and time-consuming
strategy, we can use a “set of subsets” construction to transform the NFA into an
equivalent DFA. The key idea is for the state of the DFA after reading a given
input to represent the set of states that the NFA might have reached on the same
input. We illustrate the construction in Figure 2.9 using the NFA from Figure 2.8.
Initially, before it consumes any input, the NFA may be in State 1, or it may make
epsilon transitions to States 2, 4, 5, or 8. We thus create an initial State A for our
DFA to represent this set. On an input of d, our NFA may move from State 2
to State 3, or from State 8 to State 9. It has no other transitions on this input
from any of the states in A. From State 3, however, the NFA may make epsilon
transitions to any of States 2, 4, 5, or 8. We therefore create DFA State B as shown.

On a ., our NFA may move from State 5 to State 6. There are no other transi-
tions on this input from any of the states in A, and there are no epsilon transitions
out of State 6. We therefore create the singleton DFA State C as shown. None of
States A, B, or C is marked as final, because none contains a final state of the
original NFA.

Returning to State B of the growing DFA, we note that on an input of d the
original NFA may move from State 2 to State 3, or from State 8 to State 9. From
State 3, in turn, it may move to States 2, 4, 5, or 8 via epsilon transitions. As these
are exactly the states already in B, we create a self-loop in the DFA. Given a .,
on the other hand, the original NFA may move from State 5 to State 6, or from
State 9 to State 10. From State 10, in turn, it may move to States 11, 12, or 14 via
epsilon transitions. We therefore create DFA State D as shown, with a transition
on . from B to D. State D is marked as final because it contains state 14 of the
original NFA. That is, given input d., there exists a path from the start state to
the end state of the original NFA. Continuing our enumeration of state sets, we
end up creating three more, labeled E, F, and G in Figure 2.9. Like State D, these
all contain State 14 of the original NFA, and thus are marked as final. �

In our example, the DFA ends up being smaller than the NFA, but this is only
because our regular language is so simple. In theory, the number of states in the
DFA may be exponential in the number of states in the NFA, but this extreme is
also uncommon in practice. For a programming language scanner, the DFA tends
to be larger than the NFA, but not outlandishly so. We consider space complexity
in more detail in Section C 2.4.1.

Minimizing the DFA

Starting from a regular expression, we have now constructed an equivalent DFA.
Though this DFA has seven states, a bit of thought suggests that a smaller oneEXAMPLE 2.15

Minimal DFA for
d *( .d | d. ) d *

should exist. In particular, once we have seen both a d and a ., the only valid
transitions are on d, and we ought to be able to make do with a single final state.

2.2 Scanning 61


G[12, 13, 14]

A[1, 2, 4, 5, 8] B[2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9]

C[6] D[6, 10, 11, 12, 14]

E[7, 11, 12, 14] F[7, 11, 12, 13, 14]

d d


d d

. .


Figure 2.9 A DFA equivalent to the NFA at the bottom of Figure 2.8. Each state of the DFA
represents the set of states that the NFA could be in after seeing the same input.

We can formalize this intuition, allowing us to apply it to any DFA, via the fol-
lowing inductive construction.

Initially we place the states of the (not necessarily minimal) DFA into two
equivalence classes: final states and nonfinal states. We then repeatedly search for
an equivalence class X and an input symbol c such that when given c as input,
the states in X make transitions to states in k > 1 different equivalence classes.
We then partition X into k classes in such a way that all states in a given new class
would move to a member of the same old class on c. When we are unable to find
a class to partition in this fashion we are done.

In our example, the original placement puts States D, E, F, and G in one class
(final states) and States A, B, and C in another, as shown in the upper left of
Figure 2.10. Unfortunately, the start state has ambiguous transitions on both d
and .. To address the d ambiguity, we split ABC into AB and C, as shown in the
upper right. New State AB has a self-loop on d; new State C moves to State DEFG.
State AB still has an ambiguity on ., however, which we resolve by splitting it into
States A and B, as shown at the bottom of the figure. At this point there are no
further ambiguities, and we are left with a four-state minimal DFA. �

2.2.2 Scanner Code

We can implement a scanner that explicitly captures the “circles-and-arrows”
structure of a DFA in either of two main ways. One embeds the automaton in
the control flow of the program using gotos or nested case (switch) statements;
the other, described in the following subsection, uses a table and a driver. As
a general rule, handwritten automata tend to use nested case statements, while

62 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

. .




d d




d,. d
. .




d d




Figure 2.10 Minimization of the DFA of Figure 2.9. In each step we split a set of states to
eliminate a transition ambiguity.

most automatically generated automata use tables. Tables are hard to create by
hand, but easier than code to create from within a program. Likewise, nested
case statements are easier to write and to debug than the ad hoc approach of Fig-
ure 2.5, if not quite as efficient. Unix’s lex/flex tool produces C language output
containing tables and a customized driver.

The nested case statement style of automaton has the following general struc-EXAMPLE 2.16
Nested case statement


state := 1 –– start state

read cur char
case state of

1 : case cur char of
‘ ’, ‘\t’, ‘\n’ : . . .
‘a’. . . ‘z’ : . . .
‘0’. . . ‘9’ : . . .
‘>’ : . . .
. . .

2 : case cur char of
. . .

. . .
n: case cur char of

. . .

The outer case statement covers the states of the finite automaton. The inner
case statements cover the transitions out of each state. Most of the inner clauses
simply set a new state. Some return from the scanner with the current token. (If

2.2 Scanning 63

the current character should not be part of that token, it is pushed back onto the
input stream before returning.) �

Two aspects of the code typically deviate from the strict form of a formal finite
automaton. One is the handling of keywords. The other is the need to peek ahead
when a token can validly be extended by two or more additional characters, but
not by only one.

As noted at the beginning of Section 2.1.1, keywords in most languages look
just like identifiers, but are reserved for a special purpose (some authors use the
term reserved word instead of keyword). It is possible to write a finite automaton
that distinguishes between keywords and identifiers, but it requires a lot of states
(see Exercise 2.3). Most scanners, both handwritten and automatically generated,
therefore treat keywords as “exceptions” to the rule for identifiers. Before return-


2.4 Recognizing multiple kinds of token
One of the chief ways in which a scanner differs from a formal DFA is that it
identifies tokens in addition to recognizing them. That is, it not only deter-
mines whether characters constitute a valid token; it also indicates which one.
In practice, this means that it must have separate final states for every kind of
token. We glossed over this issue in our RE-to-DFA constructions.

To build a scanner for a language with
n different kinds of tokens, we begin with
an NFA of the sort suggested in the figure
here. Given NFAs Mi, 1≤ i≤ n (one au-
tomaton for each kind of token), we cre-
ate a new start state with epsilon transi-
tions to the start states of the Mis. In con-
trast to the alternation construction of Fig-
ure 2.7(c), however, we do not create a single
final state; we keep the existing ones, each
labeled by the token for which it is final.





We then apply the NFA-to-DFA construction as before. (If final states for dif-
ferent tokens in the NFA ever end up in the same state of the DFA, then we
have ambiguous token definitions. These may be resolved by changing the reg-
ular expressions from which the NFAs were derived, or by wrapping additional
logic around the DFA.)

In the DFA minimization construction, instead of starting with two equiv-
alence classes (final and nonfinal states), we begin with n + 1, including a sep-
arate class for final states for each of the kinds of token. Exercise 2.5 explores
this construction for a scanner that recognizes both the integer and decimal
types of Example 2.3.

64 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

ing an identifier to the parser, the scanner looks it up in a hash table or trie (a tree
of branching paths) to make sure it isn’t really a keyword.10

Whenever one legitimate token is a prefix of another, the “longest possible to-
ken” rule says that we should continue scanning. If some of the intermediate
strings are not valid tokens, however, we can’t tell whether a longer token is pos-
sible without looking more than one character ahead. This problem arises withEXAMPLE 2.17

The nontrivial prefix

dot characters (periods) in C. Suppose the scanner has just seen a 3 and has a dot
coming up in the input. It needs to peek at characters beyond the dot in order
to distinguish between 3.14 (a single token designating a real number), 3 . foo
(three tokens that the scanner should accept, even though the parser will object
to seeing them in that order), and 3 … foo (again not syntactically valid, but
three separate tokens nonetheless). In general, upcoming characters that a scan-
ner must examine in order to make a decision are known as its look-ahead. In
Section 2.3 we will see a similar notion of look-ahead tokens in parsing. �

In messier languages, a scanner may need to look an arbitrary distance ahead.
In Fortran IV, for example, DO 5 I = 1,25 is the header of a loop (it executes theEXAMPLE 2.18

Look-ahead in Fortran

statements up to the one labeled 5 for values of I from 1 to 25), while DO 5 I
= 1.25 is an assignment statement that places the value 1.25 into the variable
DO5I. Spaces are ignored in (pre-Fortran 90) Fortran input, even in the middle
of variable names. Moreover, variables need not be declared, and the terminator
for a DO loop is simply a label, which the parser can ignore. After seeing DO,
the scanner cannot tell whether the 5 is part of the current token until it reaches
the comma or dot. It has been widely (but apparently incorrectly) claimed that
NASA’s Mariner 1 space probe was lost due to accidental replacement of a comma
with a dot in a case similar to this one in flight control software.11 Dialects of
Fortran starting with Fortran 77 allow (in fact encourage) the use of alternative


2.5 Longest possible tokens
A little care in syntax design—avoiding tokens that are nontrivial prefixes of
other tokens—can dramatically simplify scanning. In straightforward cases
of prefix ambiguity, the scanner can enforce the “longest possible token” rule
automatically. In Fortran, however, the rules are sufficiently complex that no
purely lexical solution suffices. Some of the problems, and a possible solution,
are discussed in an article by Dyadkin [Dya95].

10 Many languages include predefined identifiers (e.g., for standard library functions), but these are
not keywords. The programmer can redefine them, so the scanner must treat them the same as
other identifiers. Contextual keywords, similarly, must be treated by the scanner as identifiers.

11 In actuality, the faulty software for Mariner 1 appears to have stemmed from a missing “bar”
punctuation mark (indicating an average) in handwritten notes from which the software was
derived [Cer89, pp. 202–203]. The Fortran DO loop error does appear to have occurred in at least
one piece of NASA software, but no serious harm resulted [Web89].

2.2 Scanning 65

syntax for loop headers, in which an extra comma makes misinterpretation less
likely: DO 5,I = 1,25. �

In C, the dot character problem can easily be handled as a special case. In
languages requiring larger amounts of look-ahead, the scanner can take a more
general approach. In any case of ambiguity, it assumes that a longer token will
be possible, but remembers that a shorter token could have been recognized at
some point in the past. It also buffers all characters read beyond the end of the
shorter token. If the optimistic assumption leads the scanner into an error state, it
“unreads” the buffered characters so that they will be seen again later, and returns
the shorter token.

2.2.3 Table-Driven Scanning

In the preceding subsection we sketched how control flow—a loop and nested
case statements—can be used to represent a finite automaton. An alternative ap-EXAMPLE 2.19

Table-driven scanning proach represents the automaton as a data structure: a two-dimensional transition
table. A driver program (Figure 2.11) uses the current state and input character
to index into the table. Each entry in the table specifies whether to move to a new
state (and if so, which one), return a token, or announce an error. A second table
indicates, for each state, whether we might be at the end of a token (and if so,
which one). Separating this second table from the first allows us to notice when
we pass a state that might have been the end of a token, so we can back up if we
hit an error state. Example tables for our calculator tokens appear in Figure 2.12.

Like a handwritten scanner, the table-driven code of Figure 2.11 looks tokens
up in a table of keywords immediately before returning. An outer loop serves to
filter out comments and “white space”—spaces, tabs, and newlines. �

2.2.4 Lexical Errors

The code in Figure 2.11 explicitly recognizes the possibility of lexical errors. In
some cases the next character of input may be neither an acceptable continuation
of the current token nor the start of another token. In such cases the scanner must
print an error message and perform some sort of recovery so that compilation can
continue, if only to look for additional errors. Fortunately, lexical errors are rel-
atively rare—most character sequences do correspond to token sequences—and
relatively easy to handle. The most common approach is simply to (1) throw away
the current, invalid token; (2) skip forward until a character is found that can le-
gitimately begin a new token; (3) restart the scanning algorithm; and (4) count
on the error-recovery mechanism of the parser to cope with any cases in which
the resulting sequence of tokens is not syntactically valid. Of course the need for
error recovery is not unique to table-driven scanners; any scanner must cope with
errors. We did not show the code in Figure 2.5, but it would have to be there in

66 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

state = 0 . . number of states
token = 0 . . number of tokens
scan tab : array [char, state] of record

action : (move, recognize, error)
new state : state

token tab : array [state] of token –– what to recognize
keyword tab : set of record

k image : string
k token : token

–– these three tables are created by a scanner generator tool

tok : token
cur char : char
remembered chars : list of char

cur state : state := start state
image : string := null
remembered state : state := 0 –– none

read cur char
case scan tab[cur char, cur state].action

if token tab[cur state] �= 0

–– this could be a final state
remembered state := cur state
remembered chars := �

add cur char to remembered chars
cur state := scan tab[cur char, cur state].new state

tok := token tab[cur state]
unread cur char –– push back into input stream
exit inner loop

if remembered state �= 0

tok := token tab[remembered state]
unread remembered chars
remove remembered chars from image
exit inner loop

–– else print error message and recover; probably start over
append cur char to image

–– end inner loop
until tok �∈ {white space, comment}
look image up in keyword tab and replace tok with appropriate keyword if found
return 〈tok, image〉

Figure 2.11 Driver for a table-driven scanner, with code to handle the ambiguous case in
which one valid token is a prefix of another, but some intermediate string is not.

2.2 Scanning 67

Current input character
State space, tab newline / * ( ) + – : = . digit letter other

1 17 17 2 10 6 7 8 9 11 – 13 14 16 –
2 – – 3 4 – – – – – – – – – – div
3 3 18 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 4 4 18 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
6 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – lparen
7 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – rparen
8 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – plus
9 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – minus

10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – times
11 – – – – – – – – – 12 – – – –
12 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – assign
13 – – – – – – – – – – – 15 – –
14 – – – – – – – – – – 15 14 – – number
15 – – – – – – – – – – – 15 – – number
16 – – – – – – – – – – – 16 16 – identifier
17 17 17 – – – – – – – – – – – – white space
18 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – comment

Figure 2.12 Scanner tables for the calculator language. These could be used by the code of Figure 2.11. States are numbered
as in Figure 2.6, except for the addition of two states—17 and 18—to “recognize” white space and comments. The right-hand
column represents table token tab; the rest of the figure is scan tab. Numbers in the table indicate an entry for which the
corresponding action is move. Dashes appear where there is no way to extend the current token: if the corresponding entry
in token tab is nonempty, then action is recognize; otherwise, action is error. Table keyword tab (not shown) contains the
strings read and write.

The code in Figure 2.11 also shows that the scanner must return both the kind
of token found and its character-string image (spelling); again this requirement
applies to all types of scanners. For some tokens the character-string image is
redundant: all semicolons look the same, after all, as do all while keywords. For
other tokens, however (e.g., identifiers, character strings, and numeric constants),
the image is needed for semantic analysis. It is also useful for error messages:
“undeclared identifier” is not as nice as “foo has not been declared.”

2.2.5 Pragmas

Some languages and language implementations allow a program to contain con-
structs called pragmas that provide directives or hints to the compiler. Prag-
mas that do not change program semantics—only the compilation process—are
sometimes called significant comments. In some languages the name is also ap-
propriate because, like comments, pragmas can appear anywhere in the source
program. In this case they are usually processed by the scanner: allowing them
anywhere in the grammar would greatly complicate the parser. In most languages,

68 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

however, pragmas are permitted only at certain well-defined places in the gram-
mar. In this case they are best processed by the parser or semantic analyzer.

Pragmas that serve as directives may

Turn various kinds of run-time checks (e.g., pointer or subscript checking) on
or off

Turn certain code improvements on or off (e.g., on in inner loops to improve
performance; off otherwise to improve compilation speed)

Enable or disable performance profiling (statistics gathering to identify pro-
gram bottlenecks)

Some directives “cross the line” and change program semantics. In Ada, for ex-
ample, the unchecked pragma can be used to disable type checking. In OpenMP,
which we will consider in Chapter 13, pragmas specify significant parallel exten-
sions to Fortran, C and C++: creating, scheduling, and synchronizing threads. In
this case the principal rationale for expressing the extensions as pragmas rather
than more deeply integrated changes is to sharply delineate the boundary between
the core language and the extensions, and to share a common set of extensions
across languages.

Pragmas that serve (merely) as hints provide the compiler with information
about the source program that may allow it to do a better job:

Variable x is very heavily used (it may be a good idea to keep it in a register).
Subroutine F is a pure function: its only effect on the rest of the program is the
value it returns.

Subroutine S is not (indirectly) recursive (its storage may be statically allo-

32 bits of precision (instead of 64) suffice for floating-point variable x.

The compiler may ignore these in the interest of simplicity, or in the face of con-
tradictory information.

Standard syntax for pragmas was introduced in C++11 (where they are known
as “attributes”). A function that prints an error message and terminates execu-
tion, for example, can be labeled [[noreturn]], to allow the compiler to opti-
mize code around calls, or to issue more helpful error or warning messages. As
of this writing, the set of supported attributes can be extended by vendors (by
modifying the compiler), but not by ordinary programmers. The extent to which
these attributes should be limited to hints (rather than directives) has been some-
what controversial. New pragmas in Java (which calls them “annotations”) and
C# (which calls them “attributes”) can be defined by the programmer; we will
return to these in Section 16.3.1.

2.3 Parsing 69

10. List the tasks performed by the typical scanner.

11. What are the advantages of an automatically generated scanner, in compari-
son to a handwritten one? Why do many commercial compilers use a hand-
written scanner anyway?

12. Explain the difference between deterministic and nondeterministic finite au-
tomata. Why do we prefer the deterministic variety for scanning?

13. Outline the constructions used to turn a set of regular expressions into a min-
imal DFA.

14. What is the “longest possible token” rule?

15. Why must a scanner sometimes “peek” at upcoming characters?

16. What is the difference between a keyword and an identifier?

17. Why must a scanner save the text of tokens?

18. How does a scanner identify lexical errors? How does it respond?

19. What is a pragma?

2.3 Parsing
The parser is the heart of a typical compiler. It calls the scanner to obtain the
tokens of the input program, assembles the tokens together into a syntax tree,
and passes the tree (perhaps one subroutine at a time) to the later phases of the
compiler, which perform semantic analysis and code generation and improve-
ment. In effect, the parser is “in charge” of the entire compilation process; this
style of compilation is sometimes referred to as syntax-directed translation.

As noted in the introduction to this chapter, a context-free grammar (CFG) is
a generator for a CF language. A parser is a language recognizer. It can be shown
that for any CFG we can create a parser that runs in O(n3) time, where n is the
length of the input program.12 There are two well-known parsing algorithms that
achieve this bound: Earley’s algorithm [Ear70] and the Cocke-Younger-Kasami
(CYK) algorithm [Kas65, You67]. Cubic time is much too slow for parsing siz-
able programs, but fortunately not all grammars require such a general and slow
parsing algorithm. There are large classes of grammars for which we can build
parsers that run in linear time. The two most important of these classes are called
LL and LR (Figure 2.13).

12 In general, an algorithm is said to run in time O(f (n)), where n is the length of the input, if
its running time t(n) is proportional to f (n) in the worst case. More precisely, we say t(n) =
O(f (n)) ⇐⇒ ∃ c,m [n > m −→ t(n) < c f (n)]. 70 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax Direction Derivation Parse tree Class of scanning discovered construction Algorithm used LL left-to-right left-most top-down predictive LR left-to-right right-most bottom-up shift-reduce Figure 2.13 Principal classes of linear-time parsing algorithms. LL stands for “Left-to-right, Left-most derivation.” LR stands for “Left-to- right, Right-most derivation.” In both classes the input is read left-to-right, and the parser attempts to discover (construct) a derivation of that input. For LL parsers, the derivation will be left-most; for LR parsers, right-most. We will cover LL parsers first. They are generally considered to be simpler and easier to under- stand. They can be written by hand or generated automatically from an appropri- ate grammar by a parser-generating tool. The class of LR grammars is larger (i.e., more grammars are LR than LL), and some people find the structure of the LR grammars more intuitive, especially in the handling of arithmetic expressions. LR parsers are almost always constructed by a parser-generating tool. Both classes of parsers are used in production compilers, though LR parsers are more common. LL parsers are also called “top-down,” or “predictive” parsers. They construct a parse tree from the root down, predicting at each step which production will be used to expand the current node, based on the next available token of input. LR parsers are also called “bottom-up” parsers. They construct a parse tree from the leaves up, recognizing when a collection of leaves or other nodes can be joined together as the children of a single parent. We can illustrate the difference between top-down and bottom-up parsingEXAMPLE 2.20 Top-down and bottom-up parsing by means of a simple example. Consider the following grammar for a comma- separated list of identifiers, terminated by a semicolon: id list −→ id id list tail id list tail −→ , id id list tail id list tail −→ ; These are the productions that would normally be used for an identifier list in a top-down parser. They can also be parsed bottom-up (most top-down grammars can be). In practice they would not be used in a bottom-up parser, for reasons that will become clear in a moment, but the ability to handle them either way makes them good for this example. Progressive stages in the top-down and bottom-up construction of a parse tree for the string A, B, C; appear in Figure 2.14. The top-down parser begins by predicting that the root of the tree (id list) will expand to id id list tail. It then matches the id against a token obtained from the scanner. (If the scanner pro- duced something different, the parser would announce a syntax error.) The parser then moves down into the first (in this case only) nonterminal child and predicts that id list tail will expand to , id id list tail. To make this prediction it needs 2.3 Parsing 71 id(C) id(B) , , id_list_tail id_list_tail id_list_tail id(A) id_list ; id(C) id(B) , , id_list_tail id_list_tail id_list_tail id(A) id_list id(B), id_list_tail id_list_tail id(A) id_list id_list_tailid(A) id_list id_list ; id(C) id(B) , , id_list_tail id_list_tail id_list_tail id(A) id_list id(A) , id(B) id(A) ; ; id(C), id(A) , id(B) , id(C) id(A) , id(B) , id(C) ; id(A) , id(B) , id(C) id(A) , id(B) , id(A) , id(B) id(A) , id(A) id_list_tail id_list_tail id_list_tail ; id(C) id(B) , , id_list_tail id_list_tail id_list_tail id , id ; id_list id_list_tail id_list_tail id_list_tail id_list_tail Figure 2.14 Top-down (left) and bottom-up parsing (right) of the input string A, B, C;. Grammar appears at lower left. to peek at the upcoming token (a comma), which allows it to choose between the two possible expansions for id list tail. It then matches the comma and the id and moves down into the next id list tail. In a similar, recursive fashion, the top- down parser works down the tree, left-to-right, predicting and expanding nodes and tracing out a left-most derivation of the fringe of the tree. 72 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax The bottom-up parser, by contrast, begins by noting that the left-most leaf of the tree is an id . The next leaf is a comma and the one after that is another id . The parser continues in this fashion, shifting new leaves from the scanner into a forest of partially completed parse tree fragments, until it realizes that some of those fragments constitute a complete right-hand side. In this grammar, that doesn’t occur until the parser has seen the semicolon—the right-hand side of id list tail −→ ; . With this right-hand side in hand, the parser reduces the semi- colon to an id list tail. It then reduces , id id list tail into another id list tail. After doing this one more time it is able to reduce id id list tail into the root of the parse tree, id list. At no point does the bottom-up parser predict what it will see next. Rather, it shifts tokens into its forest until it recognizes a right-hand side, which it then reduces to a left-hand side. Because of this behavior, bottom-up parsers are some- times called shift-reduce parsers. Moving up the figure, from bottom to top, we can see that the shift-reduce parser traces out a right-most derivation, in reverse. Because bottom-up parsers were the first to receive careful formal study, right- most derivations are sometimes called canonical. � There are several important subclasses of LR parsers, including SLR, LALR, and “full LR.” SLR and LALR are important for their ease of implementation, full LR for its generality. LL parsers can also be grouped into SLL and “full LL” subclasses. We will cover the differences among them only briefly here; for fur- ther information see any of the standard compiler-construction or parsing theory textbooks [App97, ALSU07, AU72, CT04, FCL10, GBJ+12]. One commonly sees LL or LR (or whatever) written with a number in paren- theses after it: LL(2) or LALR(1), for example. This number indicates how many tokens of look-ahead are required in order to parse. Most real compilers use just one token of look-ahead, though more can sometimes be helpful. The open- source ANTLR tool, in particular, uses multitoken look-ahead to enlarge the class of languages amenable to top-down parsing [PQ95]. In Section 2.3.1 we will look at LL(1) grammars and handwritten parsers in more detail. In Sections 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 we will consider automatically generated LL(1) and LR(1) (ac- tually SLR(1)) parsers. The problem with our example grammar, for the purposes of bottom-up pars-EXAMPLE 2.21 Bounding space with a bottom-up grammar ing, is that it forces the compiler to shift all the tokens of an id list into its forest before it can reduce any of them. In a very large program we might run out of space. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done to avoid a lot of shifting. In this case, however, we can use an alternative grammar that allows the parser to reduce prefixes of the id list into nonterminals as it goes along: id list −→ id list prefix ; id list prefix −→ id list prefix , id −→ id This grammar cannot be parsed top-down, because when we see an id on the input and we’re expecting an id list prefix, we have no way to tell which of the two 2.3 Parsing 73 id(A) id(A) id(B) , id(B) , id(B) , id(B) id(A) id(A) ; , id_list_prefix id_list_prefix id_list_prefix id_list_prefix id_list_prefix id_list id(A) , , id(B) , id(B) , id(B) id(A) id(A) id(A) id(A) id(A) , id_list_prefix id_list_prefix id_list_prefix id_list_prefix id_list_prefix id_list_prefix id_list_prefix , id id ;id_list_prefix id_list_prefixid_list_prefix id_list , id(C)id_list_prefix , id(C)id_list_prefix id_list_prefix , id(C)id_list_prefix ;id_list_prefix , id(C)id_list_prefix Figure 2.15 Bottom-up parse of A, B, C; using a grammar (lower left) that allows lists to be collapsed incrementally. possible productions we should predict (more on this dilemma in Section 2.3.2). As shown in Figure 2.15, however, the grammar works well bottom-up. � 2.3.1 Recursive Descent To illustrate top-down (predictive) parsing, let us consider the grammar for a sim-EXAMPLE 2.22 Top-down grammar for a calculator language ple “calculator” language, shown in Figure 2.16. The calculator allows values to be read into named variables, which may then be used in expressions. Expressions in turn may be written to the output. Control flow is strictly linear (no loops, if statements, or other jumps). In a pattern that will repeat in many of our examples, we have included an initial augmenting production, program−→ stmt list $$, 74 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax program −→ stmt list $$ stmt list −→ stmt stmt list | � stmt −→ id := expr | read id | write expr expr −→ term term tail term tail −→ add op term term tail | � term −→ factor factor tail factor tail −→ mult op factor factor tail | � factor −→ ( expr ) | id | number add op −→ + | - mult op −→ * | / Figure 2.16 LL(1) grammar for a simple calculator language. which arranges for the “real” body of the program (stmt list) to be followed by a special end marker token, $$. The end marker is produced by the scanner at the end of the input. Its presence allows the parser to terminate cleanly once it has seen the entire program, and to decline to accept programs with extra garbage tokens at the end. As in regular expressions, we use the symbol � to denote the empty string. A production with � on the right-hand side is sometimes called an epsilon production. It may be helpful to compare the expr portion of Figure 2.16 to the expression grammar of Example 2.8. Most people find that previous, LR grammar to be significantly more intuitive. It suffers, however, from a problem similar to that of the id list grammar of Example 2.21: if we see an id on the input when expecting an expr, we have no way to tell which of the two possible productions to predict. The grammar of Figure 2.16 avoids this problem by merging the common prefixes of right-hand sides into a single production, and by using new symbols (term tail and factor tail) to generate additional operators and operands as required. The transformation has the unfortunate side effect of placing the operands of a given operator in separate right-hand sides. In effect, we have sacrificed grammatical elegance in order to be able to parse predictively. � So how do we parse a string with our calculator grammar? We saw the basic idea in Figure 2.14. We start at the top of the tree and predict needed productions on the basis of the current left-most nonterminal in the tree and the current in- put token. We can formalize this process in one of two ways. The first, described in the remainder of this subsection, is to build a recursive descent parser whose subroutines correspond, one-one, to the nonterminals of the grammar. Recur- sive descent parsers are typically constructed by hand, though the ANTLR parser generator constructs them automatically from an input grammar. The second approach, described in Section 2.3.3, is to build an LL parse table which is then read by a driver program. Table-driven parsers are almost always constructed automatically by a parser generator. These two options—recursive descent and table-driven—are reminiscent of the nested case statements and table-driven ap- 2.3 Parsing 75 proaches to building a scanner that we saw in Sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. It should be emphasized that they implement the same basic parsing algorithm. Handwritten recursive descent parsers are most often used when the language to be parsed is relatively simple, or when a parser-generator tool is not available. There are exceptions, however. In particular, recursive descent appears in recent versions of the GNU compiler collection (gcc). Earlier versions used bison to create a bottom-up parser automatically. The change was made in part for perfor- mance reasons and in part to enable the generation of higher-quality syntax error messages. (The bison code was easier to write, and arguably easier to maintain.) Pseudocode for a recursive descent parser for our calculator language appearsEXAMPLE 2.23 Recursive descent parser for the calculator language in Figure 2.17. It has a subroutine for every nonterminal in the grammar. It also has a mechanism input token to inspect the next token available from the scanner and a subroutine (match) to consume and update this token, and in the process verify that it is the one that was expected (as specified by an argument). If match or any of the other subroutines sees an unexpected token, then a syntax error has occurred. For the time being let us assume that the parse error subroutine simply prints a message and terminates the parse. In Section 2.3.5 we will consider how to recover from such errors and continue to parse the remainder of the input. � Suppose now that we are to parse a simple program to read two numbers andEXAMPLE 2.24 Recursive descent parse of a “sum and average” program print their sum and average: read A read B sum := A + B write sum write sum / 2 The parse tree for this program appears in Figure 2.18. The parser begins by calling the subroutine program. After noting that the initial token is a read, program calls stmt list and then attempts to match the end-of-file pseudoto- ken. (In the parse tree, the root, program, has two children, stmt list and $$.) Procedure stmt list again notes that the upcoming token is a read. This ob- servation allows it to determine that the current node (stmt list) generates stmt stmt list (rather than �). It therefore calls stmt and stmt list before returning. Continuing in this fashion, the execution path of the parser traces out a left-to- right depth-first traversal of the parse tree. This correspondence between the dy- namic execution trace and the structure of the parse tree is the distinguishing characteristic of recursive descent parsing. Note that because the stmt list non- terminal appears in the right-hand side of a stmt list production, the stmt list subroutine must call itself. This recursion accounts for the name of the parsing technique. � Without additional code (not shown in Figure 2.17), the parser merely ver- ifies that the program is syntactically correct (i.e., that none of the otherwise parse error clauses in the case statements are executed and that match always sees what it expects to see). To be of use to the rest of the compiler—which must produce an equivalent target program in some other language—the parser must 76 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax procedure match(expected) if input token = expected then consume input token() else parse error –– this is the start routine: procedure program() case input token of id, read, write, $$ : stmt list() match($$) otherwise parse error procedure stmt list() case input token of id, read, write : stmt(); stmt list() $$ : skip –– epsilon production otherwise parse error procedure stmt() case input token of id : match(id); match(:=); expr() read : match(read); match(id) write : match(write); expr() otherwise parse error procedure expr() case input token of id, number, ( : term(); term tail() otherwise parse error procedure term tail() case input token of +, - : add op(); term(); term tail() ), id, read, write, $$ : skip –– epsilon production otherwise parse error procedure term() case input token of id, number, ( : factor(); factor tail() otherwise parse error Figure 2.17 Recursive descent parser for the calculator language. Execution begins in proce- dure program . The recursive calls trace out a traversal of the parse tree. Not shown is code to save this tree (or some similar structure) for use by later phases of the compiler. (continued) 2.3 Parsing 77 procedure factor tail() case input token of *, / : mult op(); factor(); factor tail() +, -, ), id, read, write, $$ : skip –– epsilon production otherwise parse error procedure factor() case input token of id : match(id) number : match(number) ( : match((); expr(); match()) otherwise parse error procedure add op() case input token of + : match(+) - : match(-) otherwise parse error procedure mult op() case input token of * : match(*) / : match(/) otherwise parse error Figure 2.17 (continued) save the parse tree or some other representation of program fragments as an ex- plicit data structure. To save the parse tree itself, we can allocate and link together records to represent the children of a node immediately before executing the re- cursive subroutines and match invocations that represent those children. We shall need to pass each recursive routine an argument that points to the record that is to be expanded (i.e., whose children are to be discovered). Procedure match will also need to save information about certain tokens (e.g., character-string repre- sentations of identifiers and literals) in the leaves of the tree. As we saw in Chapter 1, the parse tree contains a great deal of irrelevant detail that need not be saved for the rest of the compiler. It is therefore rare for a parser to construct a full parse tree explicitly. More often it produces an abstract syntax tree or some other more terse representation. In a recursive descent compiler, a syntax tree can be created by allocating and linking together records in only a subset of the recursive calls. The trickiest part of writing a recursive descent parser is figuring out which tokens should label the arms of the case statements. Each arm represents one production: one possible expansion of the symbol for which the subroutine was named. The tokens that label a given arm are those that predict the production. A token X may predict a production for either of two reasons: (1) the right-hand 78 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax stmt stmt read id(A) id(B) id(B) read +id(A) stmt stmt_list stmt_list stmt_list expr expr stmt stmtwriteterm term term term_tail term_tail term_tailfactor factor_tail add_op factor factor_tailfactor factor_tail program stmt_list $$ id(sum) id(sum) id(sum) := stmt_list stmt_list exprwrite term term_tail factor factor factor_tail factor_tailmult_op / number(2) � � � � � � � � Figure 2.18 Parse tree for the sum-and-average program of Example 2.24, using the grammar of Figure 2.16. side of the production, when recursively expanded, may yield a string beginning with X, or (2) the right-hand side may yield nothing (i.e., it is �, or a string of nonterminals that may recursively yield �), and X may begin the yield of what comes next. We will formalize this notion of prediction in Section 2.3.3, using sets called FIRST and FOLLOW, and show how to derive them automatically from an LL(1) CFG. 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 20. What is the inherent “big-O” complexity of parsing? What is the complexity of parsers used in real compilers? 21. Summarize the difference between LL and LR parsing. Which one of them is also called “bottom-up”? “Top-down”? Which one is also called “predictive”? “Shift-reduce”? What do “LL” and “LR” stand for? 2.3 Parsing 79 22. What kind of parser (top-down or bottom-up) is most common in produc- tion compilers? 23. Why are right-most derivations sometimes called canonical? 24. What is the significance of the “1” in LR(1)? 25. Why might we want (or need) different grammars for different parsing algo- rithms? 26. What is an epsilon production? 27. What are recursive descent parsers? Why are they used mostly for small lan- guages? 28. How might a parser construct an explicit parse tree or syntax tree? 2.3.2 Writing an LL(1) Grammar When designing a recursive-descent parser, one has to acquire a certain facility in writing and modifying LL(1) grammars. The two most common obstacles to “LL(1)-ness” are left recursion and common prefixes. A grammar is said to be left recursive if there is a nonterminal A such that AEXAMPLE 2.25 Left recursion =⇒+ A α for someα.13 The trivial case occurs when the first symbol on the right- hand side of a production is the same as the symbol on the left-hand side. Here again is the grammar from Example 2.21, which cannot be parsed top-down: id list −→ id list prefix ; id list prefix −→ id list prefix , id −→ id The problem is in the second and third productions; in the id list prefix pars- ing routine, with id on the input, a predictive parser cannot tell which of the productions it should use. (Recall that left recursion is desirable in bottom-up grammars, because it allows recursive constructs to be discovered incrementally, as in Figure 2.15.) � Common prefixes occur when two different productions with the same left-EXAMPLE 2.26 Common prefixes hand side begin with the same symbol or symbols. Here is an example that com- monly appears in languages descended from Algol: 13 Following conventional notation, we use uppercase Roman letters near the beginning of the al- phabet to represent nonterminals, uppercase Roman letters near the end of the alphabet to rep- resent arbitrary grammar symbols (terminals or nonterminals), lowercase Roman letters near the beginning of the alphabet to represent terminals (tokens), lowercase Roman letters near the end of the alphabet to represent token strings, and lowercase Greek letters to represent strings of arbitrary symbols. 80 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax stmt −→ id := expr −→ id ( argument list ) –– procedure call With id at the beginning of both right-hand sides, we cannot choose between them on the basis of the upcoming token. � Both left recursion and common prefixes can be removed from a grammar me- chanically. The general case is a little tricky (Exercise 2.25), because the prediction problem may be an indirect one (e.g., S −→ A α and A −→ S β , or S −→ A α, S −→ B β , A =⇒∗ c γ , and B =⇒∗ c δ). We can see the general idea in the examples above, however. Our left-recursive definition of id list can be replaced by the right-recursiveEXAMPLE 2.27 Eliminating left recursion variant we saw in Example 2.20: id list −→ id id list tail id list tail −→ , id id list tail id list tail −→ ; � Our common-prefix definition of stmt can be made LL(1) by a technique calledEXAMPLE 2.28 Left factoring left factoring: stmt −→ id stmt list tail stmt list tail −→ := expr | ( argument list ) � Of course, simply eliminating left recursion and common prefixes is not guar- anteed to make a grammar LL(1). There are infinitely many non-LL languages— languages for which no LL grammar exists—and the mechanical transformations to eliminate left recursion and common prefixes work on their grammars just fine. Fortunately, the few non-LL languages that arise in practice can generally be handled by augmenting the parsing algorithm with one or two simple heuristics. The best known example of a “not quite LL” construct arises in languages likeEXAMPLE 2.29 Parsing a “dangling else” Pascal, in which the else part of an if statement is optional. The natural gram- mar fragment stmt −→ if condition then clause else clause | other stmt then clause −→ then stmt else clause −→ else stmt | � is ambiguous (and thus neither LL nor LR); it allows the else in if C1 then if C2 then S1 else S2 to be paired with either then. The less natural grammar fragment stmt −→ balanced stmt | unbalanced stmt balanced stmt −→ if condition then balanced stmt else balanced stmt | other stmt unbalanced stmt −→ if condition then stmt | if condition then balanced stmt else unbalanced stmt 2.3 Parsing 81 can be parsed bottom-up but not top-down (there is no pure top-down grammar for Pascal else statements). A balanced stmt is one with the same number of thens and elses. An unbalanced stmt has more thens. � The usual approach, whether parsing top-down or bottom-up, is to use the ambiguous grammar together with a “disambiguating rule,” which says that in the case of a conflict between two possible productions, the one to use is the one that occurs first, textually, in the grammar. In the ambiguous fragment above, the fact that else clause −→ else stmt comes before else clause −→ � ends up pairing the else with the nearest then. Better yet, a language designer can avoid this sort of problem by choosing dif- ferent syntax. The ambiguity of the dangling else problem in Pascal leads to prob-EXAMPLE 2.30 “Dangling else” program bug lems not only in parsing, but in writing and maintaining correct programs. Most Pascal programmers at one time or another ended up writing a program like this one: if P <> nil then
if P^.val = goal then

foundIt := true

endOfList := true

Indentation notwithstanding, the Pascal manual states that an else clause
matches the closest unmatched then—in this case the inner one—which is clearly
not what the programmer intended. To get the desired effect, the Pascal program-
mer needed to write

if P <> nil then begin
if P^.val = goal then

foundIt := true

endOfList := true �

Many other Algol-family languages (including Modula, Modula-2, and Oberon,
all more recent inventions of Pascal’s designer, Niklaus Wirth) require explicit end
markers on all structured statements. The grammar fragment for if statementsEXAMPLE 2.31

End markers for structured

in Modula-2 looks something like this:


2.6 The dangling else
A simple change in language syntax—eliminating the dangling else—not
only reduces the chance of programming errors, but also significantly sim-
plifies parsing. For more on the dangling else problem, see Exercise 2.24 and
Section 6.4.

82 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

stmt −→ IF condition then clause else clause END | other stmt
then clause −→ THEN stmt list
else clause −→ ELSE stmt list | �

The addition of the END eliminates the ambiguity. �
Modula-2 uses END to terminate all its structured statements. Ada and For-

tran 77 end an if with end if (and a while with end while, etc.). Al-
gol 68 creates its terminators by spelling the initial keyword backward (if. . . fi,
case. . . esac, do. . . od, etc.).

One problem with end markers is that they tend to bunch up. In Pascal oneEXAMPLE 2.32
The need for elsif could write

if A = B then …
else if A = C then …
else if A = D then …
else if A = E then …
else …

With end markers this becomes

if A = B then …
else if A = C then …
else if A = D then …
else if A = E then …
else …
end end end end

To avoid this awkwardness, languages with end markers generally provide an
elsif keyword (sometimes spelled elif):

if A = B then …
elsif A = C then …
elsif A = D then …
elsif A = E then …
else …
end �

2.3.3 Table-Driven Top-Down Parsing

In a recursive descent parser, each arm of a case statement corresponds to aEXAMPLE 2.33
Driver and table for
top-down parsing

production, and contains parsing routine and match calls corresponding to the
symbols on the right-hand side of that production. At any given point in the
parse, if we consider the calls beyond the program counter (the ones that have yet
to occur) in the parsing routine invocations currently in the call stack, we obtain
a list of the symbols that the parser expects to see between here and the end of the
program. A table-driven top-down parser maintains an explicit stack containing
this same list of symbols.

2.3 Parsing 83

terminal = 1 . . number of terminals
non terminal = number of terminals + 1 . . number of symbols
symbol = 1 . . number of symbols
production = 1 . . number of productions

parse tab : array [non terminal, terminal] of record
action : (predict, error)
prod : production

prod tab : array [production] of list of symbol
–– these two tables are created by a parser generator tool

parse stack : stack of symbol

parse stack.push(start symbol)

expected sym : symbol := parse stack.pop()
if expected sym ∈ terminal

match(expected sym) –– as in Figure 2.17
if expected sym = $$ then return –– success!

if parse tab[expected sym, input token].action = error

parse error

prediction : production := parse tab[expected sym, input token].prod
foreach sym : symbol in reverse prod tab[prediction]

parse stack.push(sym)

Figure 2.19 Driver for a table-driven LL(1) parser.

Pseudocode for such a parser appears in Figure 2.19. The code is language
independent. It requires a language-dependent parsing table, generally produced
by an automatic tool. For the calculator grammar of Figure 2.16, the table appears
in Figure 2.20. �

To illustrate the algorithm, Figure 2.21 shows a trace of the stack and the inputEXAMPLE 2.34
Table-driven parse of the
“sum and average”

over time, for the sum-and-average program of Example 2.24. The parser iter-
ates around a loop in which it pops the top symbol off the stack and performs
the following actions: If the popped symbol is a terminal, the parser attempts
to match it against an incoming token from the scanner. If the match fails, the
parser announces a syntax error and initiates some sort of error recovery (see Sec-
tion 2.3.5). If the popped symbol is a nonterminal, the parser uses that nontermi-
nal together with the next available input token to index into a two-dimensional
table that tells it which production to predict (or whether to announce a syntax
error and initiate recovery).

Initially, the parse stack contains the start symbol of the grammar (in our case,
program). When it predicts a production, the parser pushes the right-hand-side
symbols onto the parse stack in reverse order, so the first of those symbols ends up
at top-of-stack. The parse completes successfully when we match the end marker

84 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

Top-of-stack Current input token
nonterminal id number read write := ( ) + – * / $$

program 1 – 1 1 – – – – – – – 1
stmt list 2 – 2 2 – – – – – – – 3

stmt 4 – 5 6 – – – – – – – –
expr 7 7 – – – 7 – – – – – –

term tail 9 – 9 9 – – 9 8 8 – – 9
term 10 10 – – – 10 – – – – – –

factor tail 12 – 12 12 – – 12 12 12 11 11 12
factor 14 15 – – – 13 – – – – – –

add op – – – – – – – 16 17 – – –
mult op – – – – – – – – – 18 19 –

Figure 2.20 LL(1) parse table for the calculator language. Table entries indicate the production to predict (as numbered in
Figure 2.23). A dash indicates an error. When the top-of-stack symbol is a terminal, the appropriate action is always to match
it against an incoming token from the scanner. An auxiliary table, not shown here, gives the right-hand-side symbols for each

token, $$. Assuming that $$ appears only once in the grammar, at the end of the
first production, and that the scanner returns this token only at end-of-file, any
syntax error is guaranteed to manifest itself either as a failed match or as an error
entry in the table. �

As we hinted at the end of Section 2.3.1, predict sets are defined in terms of
simpler sets called FIRST and FOLLOW, where FIRST(A) is the set of all tokens that
could be the start of an A and FOLLOW(A) is the set of all tokens that could come
after an A in some valid program. If we extend the domain of FIRST in the obvious
way to include strings of symbols, we then say that the predict set of a production
A −→ β is FIRST(β), plus FOLLOW(A) if β =⇒∗ �. For notational convenience,
we define the predicate EPS such that EPS(β) ≡ β =⇒∗ �.

We can illustrate the algorithm to construct these sets using our calculatorEXAMPLE 2.35
Predict sets for the
calculator language

grammar (Figure 2.16). We begin with “obvious” facts about the grammar and
build on them inductively. If we recast the grammar in plain BNF (no EBNF
‘ | ’ constructs), then it has 19 productions. The “obvious” facts arise from ad-
jacent pairs of symbols in right-hand sides. In the first production, we can see
that $$ ∈ FOLLOW(stmt list). In the third (stmt list −→ �), EPS(stmt list) =
true. In the fourth production (stmt −→ id := expr), id ∈ FIRST(stmt) (also
:= ∈ FOLLOW(id), but it turns out we don’t need FOLLOW sets for nontermi-
nals). In the fifth and sixth productions (stmt −→ read id | write expr),
{read, write} ⊂ FIRST(stmt). The complete set of “obvious” facts appears in
Figure 2.22.

From the “obvious” facts we can deduce a larger set of facts during a second
pass over the grammar. For example, in the second production (stmt list −→
stmt stmt list) we can deduce that {id, read, write} ⊂ FIRST(stmt list), be-
cause we already know that {id, read, write} ⊂ FIRST(stmt), and a stmt list can

2.3 Parsing 85

Parse stack Input stream Comment

program read A read B . . . initial stack contents
stmt list $$ read A read B . . . predict program −→ stmt list $$
stmt stmt list $$ read A read B . . . predict stmt list −→ stmt stmt list
read id stmt list $$ read A read B . . . predict stmt −→ read id
id stmt list $$ A read B . . . match read
stmt list $$ read B sum := . . . match id
stmt stmt list $$ read B sum := . . . predict stmt list −→ stmt stmt list
read id stmt list $$ read B sum := . . . predict stmt −→ read id
id stmt list $$ B sum := . . . match read
stmt list $$ sum := A + B . . . match id
stmt stmt list $$ sum := A + B . . . predict stmt list −→ stmt stmt list
id := expr stmt list $$ sum := A + B . . . predict stmt −→ id := expr
:= expr stmt list $$ := A + B . . . match id
expr stmt list $$ A + B . . . match :=
term term tail stmt list $$ A + B . . . predict expr −→ term term tail
factor factor tail term tail stmt list $$ A + B . . . predict term −→ factor factor tail
id factor tail term tail stmt list $$ A + B . . . predict factor −→ id
factor tail term tail stmt list $$ + B write sum . . . match id
term tail stmt list $$ + B write sum . . . predict factor tail −→ �
add op term term tail stmt list $$ + B write sum . . . predict term tail −→ add op term term tail
+ term term tail stmt list $$ + B write sum . . . predict add op −→ +
term term tail stmt list $$ B write sum . . . match +
factor factor tail term tail stmt list $$ B write sum . . . predict term −→ factor factor tail
id factor tail term tail stmt list $$ B write sum . . . predict factor −→ id
factor tail term tail stmt list $$ write sum . . . match id
term tail stmt list $$ write sum write . . . predict factor tail −→ �
stmt list $$ write sum write . . . predict term tail −→ �
stmt stmt list $$ write sum write . . . predict stmt list −→ stmt stmt list
write expr stmt list $$ write sum write . . . predict stmt −→ write expr
expr stmt list $$ sum write sum / 2 match write
term term tail stmt list $$ sum write sum / 2 predict expr −→ term term tail
factor factor tail term tail stmt list $$ sum write sum / 2 predict term −→ factor factor tail
id factor tail term tail stmt list $$ sum write sum / 2 predict factor −→ id
factor tail term tail stmt list $$ write sum / 2 match id
term tail stmt list $$ write sum / 2 predict factor tail −→ �
stmt list $$ write sum / 2 predict term tail −→ �
stmt stmt list $$ write sum / 2 predict stmt list −→ stmt stmt list
write expr stmt list $$ write sum / 2 predict stmt −→ write expr
expr stmt list $$ sum / 2 match write
term term tail stmt list $$ sum / 2 predict expr −→ term term tail
factor factor tail term tail stmt list $$ sum / 2 predict term −→ factor factor tail
id factor tail term tail stmt list $$ sum / 2 predict factor −→ id
factor tail term tail stmt list $$ / 2 match id
mult op factor factor tail term tail stmt list $$ / 2 predict factor tail −→ mult op factor factor tail
/ factor factor tail term tail stmt list $$ / 2 predict mult op −→ /
factor factor tail term tail stmt list $$ 2 match /
number factor tail term tail stmt list $$ 2 predict factor −→ number
factor tail term tail stmt list $$ match number
term tail stmt list $$ predict factor tail −→ �
stmt list $$ predict term tail −→ �
$$ predict stmt list −→ �

Figure 2.21 Trace of a table-driven LL(1) parse of the sum-and-average program of Example 2.24.

86 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

program −→ stmt list $$ $$ ∈ FOLLOW(stmt list)
stmt list −→ stmt stmt list
stmt list −→ � EPS(stmt list) = true
stmt −→ id := expr id ∈ FIRST(stmt)
stmt −→ read id read ∈ FIRST(stmt)
stmt −→ write expr write ∈ FIRST(stmt)
expr −→ term term tail
term tail −→ add op term term tail
term tail −→ � EPS(term tail) = true
term −→ factor factor tail
factor tail −→mult op factor factor tail
factor tail −→ � EPS(factor tail) = true
factor −→ ( expr ) ( ∈ FIRST(factor) and ) ∈ FOLLOW(expr)
factor −→ id id ∈ FIRST(factor)
factor −→ number number ∈ FIRST(factor)
add op −→ + + ∈ FIRST(add op)
add op −→ – – ∈ FIRST(add op)
mult op −→ * * ∈ FIRST(mult op)
mult op −→ / / ∈ FIRST(mult op)

Figure 2.22 “Obvious” facts (right) about the LL(1) calculator grammar (left).


2.7 Recursive descent and table-driven LL parsing
When trying to understand the connection between recursive descent and
table-driven LL parsing, it is tempting to imagine that the explicit stack of
the table-driven parser mirrors the implicit call stack of the recursive descent
parser, but this is not the case.

A better way to visualize the two implementa-
tions of top-down parsing is to remember that both
are discovering a parse tree via depth-first left-to-
right traversal. When we are at a given point in
the parse—say the circled node in the tree shown
here—the implicit call stack of a recursive descent
parser holds a frame for each of the nodes on the
path back to the root, created when the routine cor-
responding to that node was called. (This path is
shown in grey.)

But these nodes are immaterial. What matters for the rest of the parse—as
shown on the white path here—are the upcoming calls on the case statement
arms of the recursive descent routines. Those calls—those parse tree nodes—
are precisely the contents of the explicit stack of a table-driven LL parser.

2.3 Parsing 87

program {id, read, write, $$}
stmt list {id, read, write}
stmt {id, read, write}
expr {(, id, number}
term tail {+, -}
term {(, id, number}
factor tail {*, /}
factor {(, id, number}
add op {+, -}
mult op {*, /}

program ∅
stmt list {$$}
stmt {id, read, write, $$}
expr {), id, read, write, $$}
term tail {), id, read, write, $$}
term {+, -, ), id, read, write, $$}
factor tail {+, -, ), id, read, write, $$}
factor {+, -, *, /, ), id, read, write, $$}
add op {(, id, number}
mult op {(, id, number}

1. program −→ stmt list $$ {id, read, write, $$}
2. stmt list −→ stmt stmt list {id, read, write}
3. stmt list −→ � {$$}
4. stmt −→ id := expr {id}
5. stmt −→ read id {read}
6. stmt −→ write expr {write}
7. expr −→ term term tail {(, id, number}
8. term tail −→ add op term term tail {+, -}
9. term tail −→ � {), id, read, write, $$}

10. term −→ factor factor tail {(, id, number}
11. factor tail −→mult op factor factor tail {*, /}
12. factor tail −→ � {+, -, ), id, read, write, $$}
13. factor −→ ( expr ) {(}
14. factor −→ id {id}
15. factor −→ number {number}
16. add op −→ + {+}
17. add op −→ – {-}
18. mult op −→ * {*}
19. mult op −→ / {/}

Figure 2.23 FIRST, FOLLOW, and PREDICT sets for the calculator language. FIRST(c) = {c} ∀ tokens c. EPS(A) is true iff A
∈ {stmt list, term tail, factor tail}.

begin with a stmt. Similarly, in the first production, we can deduce that $$ ∈
FIRST(program), because we already know that EPS(stmt list) = true.

In the eleventh production (factor tail −→ mult op factor factor tail), we can
deduce that {(, id, number} ⊂ FOLLOW(mult op), because we already know
that {(, id, number} ⊂ FIRST(factor), and factor follows mult op in the right-
hand side. In the production expr −→ term term tail, we can deduce that )
∈ FOLLOW(term tail), because we already know that ) ∈ FOLLOW(expr), and a
term tail can be the last part of an expr. In this same production, we can also de-
duce that ) ∈ FOLLOW(term), because the term tail can generate � (EPS(term tail)
= true), allowing a term to be the last part of an expr.

There is more that we can learn from our second pass through the grammar,
but the examples above cover all the different kinds of cases. To complete our
calculation, we continue with additional passes over the grammar until we don’t
learn any more (i.e., we don’t add anything to any of the FIRST and FOLLOW sets).
We then construct the PREDICT sets. Final versions of all three sets appear in
Figure 2.23. The parse table of Figure 2.20 follows directly from PREDICT. �

The algorithm to compute EPS, FIRST, FOLLOW, and PREDICT sets appears, a
bit more formally, in Figure 2.24. It relies on the following definitions:

88 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

–– EPS values and FIRST sets for all symbols:
for all terminals c, EPS(c) := false; FIRST(c) := {c}
for all nonterminals X, EPS(X) := if X −→ � then true else false; FIRST(X) := ∅
〈outer〉 for all productions X −→ Y1 Y2 . . . Yk ,
〈inner〉 for i in 1 . . k

add FIRST(Yi) to FIRST(X)
if not EPS(Yi) (yet) then continue outer loop

EPS(X) := true
until no further progress

–– Subroutines for strings, similar to inner loop above:

function string EPS(X1 X2 . . . Xn )
for i in 1 . . n

if not EPS(Xi) then return false
return true

function string FIRST(X1 X2 . . . Xn )
return value := ∅
for i in 1 . . n

add FIRST(Xi) to return value
if not EPS(Xi) then return

–– FOLLOW sets for all symbols:
for all symbols X, FOLLOW(X) := ∅

for all productions A −→ α B β ,
add string FIRST(β) to FOLLOW(B)

for all productions A −→ α B
or A −→ α B β , where string EPS(β) = true,

until no further progress

–– PREDICT sets for all productions:
for all productions A −→ α

PREDICT(A −→ α) := string FIRST(α) ∪ (if string EPS(α) then FOLLOW(A) else ∅ )

Figure 2.24 Algorithm to calculate FIRST, FOLLOW, and PREDICT sets. The grammar is LL(1)
if and only if all PREDICT sets for productions with the same left-hand side are disjoint.

EPS(α) ≡ if α =⇒∗ � then true else false
FIRST(α) ≡ {c : α =⇒∗ c β }
FOLLOW(A) ≡ {c : S =⇒+ α A c β }
PREDICT(A −→ α) ≡ FIRST(α) ∪ ( if EPS(α) then FOLLOW(A) else ∅ )

The definition of PREDICT assumes that the language has been augmented with
an end marker—that is, that FOLLOW(S) = {$$}. Note that FIRST sets and EPS
values for strings of length greater than one are calculated on demand; they are

2.3 Parsing 89

not stored explicitly. The algorithm is guaranteed to terminate (i.e., converge on
a solution), because the sizes of the FIRST and FOLLOW sets are bounded by the
number of terminals in the grammar.

If in the process of calculating PREDICT sets we find that some token belongs to
the PREDICT set of more than one production with the same left-hand side, then
the grammar is not LL(1), because we will not be able to choose which of the
productions to employ when the left-hand side is at the top of the parse stack (or
we are in the left-hand side’s subroutine in a recursive descent parser) and we see
the token coming up in the input. This sort of ambiguity is known as a predict-
predict conflict; it can arise either because the same token can begin more than one
right-hand side, or because it can begin one right-hand side and can also appear
after the left-hand side in some valid program, and one possible right-hand side
can generate �.

29. Describe two common idioms in context-free grammars that cannot be

parsed top-down.

30. What is the “dangling else” problem? How is it avoided in modern lan-

31. Discuss the similarities and differences between recursive descent and table-
driven top-down parsing.

32. What are FIRST and FOLLOW sets? What are they used for?

33. Under what circumstances does a top-down parser predict the production
A −→ α?

34. What sorts of “obvious” facts form the basis of FIRST set and FOLLOW set

35. Outline the algorithm used to complete the construction of FIRST and
FOLLOW sets. How do we know when we are done?

36. How do we know when a grammar is not LL(1)?

2.3.4 Bottom-Up Parsing

Conceptually, as we saw at the beginning of Section 2.3, a bottom-up parser works
by maintaining a forest of partially completed subtrees of the parse tree, which it
joins together whenever it recognizes the symbols on the right-hand side of some
production used in the right-most derivation of the input string. It creates a new
internal node and makes the roots of the joined-together trees the children of
that node.

In practice, a bottom-up parser is almost always table-driven. It keeps the roots
of its partially completed subtrees on a stack. When it accepts a new token from

90 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

the scanner, it shifts the token into the stack. When it recognizes that the top
few symbols on the stack constitute a right-hand side, it reduces those symbols
to their left-hand side by popping them off the stack and pushing the left-hand
side in their place. The role of the stack is the first important difference between
top-down and bottom-up parsing: a top-down parser’s stack contains a list of
what the parser expects to see in the future; a bottom-up parser’s stack contains a
record of what the parser has already seen in the past.

Canonical Derivations

We also noted earlier that the actions of a bottom-up parser trace out a right-
most (canonical) derivation in reverse. The roots of the partial subtrees, left-
to-right, together with the remaining input, constitute a sentential form of the
right-most derivation. On the right-hand side of Figure 2.14, for example, weEXAMPLE 2.36

Derivation of an id list have the following series of steps:

Stack contents (roots of partial trees) Remaining input

� A, B, C;
id (A) , B, C;
id (A) , B, C;
id (A) , id (B) , C;
id (A) , id (B) , C;
id (A) , id (B) , id (C) ;
id (A) , id (B) , id (C) ;
id (A) , id (B) , id (C) id list tail
id (A) , id (B) id list tail
id (A) id list tail
id list

The last four lines (the ones that don’t just shift tokens into the forest) correspond
to the right-most derivation:

id list =⇒ id id list tail
=⇒ id , id id list tail
=⇒ id , id , id id list tail
=⇒ id , id , id ;

The symbols that need to be joined together at each step of the parse to represent
the next step of the backward derivation are called the handle of the sentential
form. In the parse trace above, the handles are underlined. �

In our id list example, no handles were found until the entire input had beenEXAMPLE 2.37
Bottom-up grammar for
the calculator language

shifted onto the stack. In general this will not be the case. We can obtain a more
realistic example by examining an LR version of our calculator language, shown
in Figure 2.25. While the LL grammar of Figure 2.16 can be parsed bottom-
up, the version in Figure 2.25 is preferable for two reasons. First, it uses a left-
recursive production for stmt list. Left recursion allows the parser to collapse
long statement lists as it goes along, rather than waiting until the entire list is

2.3 Parsing 91

1. program −→ stmt list $$
2. stmt list −→ stmt list stmt
3. stmt list −→ stmt
4. stmt −→ id := expr
5. stmt −→ read id
6. stmt −→ write expr
7. expr −→ term
8. expr −→ expr add op term
9. term −→ factor

10. term −→ term mult op factor
11. factor −→ ( expr )
12. factor −→ id
13. factor −→ number
14. add op −→ +
15. add op −→ –
16. mult op −→ *
17. mult op −→ /

Figure 2.25 LR(1) grammar for the calculator language. Productions have been numbered for
reference in future figures.

on the stack and then collapsing it from the end. Second, it uses left-recursive
productions for expr and term. These productions capture left associativity while
still keeping an operator and its operands together in the same right-hand side,
something we were unable to do in a top-down grammar. �

Modeling a Parse with LR Items

Suppose we are to parse the sum-and-average program from Example 2.24:EXAMPLE 2.38
Bottom-up parse of the
“sum and average”

read A
read B
sum := A + B
write sum
write sum / 2

The key to success will be to figure out when we have reached the end of a right-
hand side—that is, when we have a handle at the top of the parse stack. The trick
is to keep track of the set of productions we might be “in the middle of” at any
particular time, together with an indication of where in those productions we
might be.

When we begin execution, the parse stack is empty and we are at the begin-
ning of the production for program. (In general, we can assume that there is only
one production with the start symbol on the left-hand side; it is easy to modify

92 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

any grammar to make this the case.) We can represent our location—more spe-
cifically, the location represented by the top of the parse stack—with a . in the
right-hand side of the production:

program −→ . stmt list $$
When augmented with a ., a production is called an LR item. Since the . in
this item is immediately in front of a nonterminal—namely stmt list—we may be
about to see the yield of that nonterminal coming up on the input. This possibility
implies that we may be at the beginning of some production with stmt list on the
left-hand side:

program −→ . stmt list $$
stmt list −→ . stmt list stmt
stmt list −→ . stmt

And, since stmt is a nonterminal, we may also be at the beginning of any produc-
tion whose left-hand side is stmt:

program −→ . stmt list $$ (State 0)
stmt list −→ . stmt list stmt
stmt list −→ . stmt
stmt −→ . id := expr
stmt −→ . read id
stmt −→ . write expr

Since all of these last productions begin with a terminal, no additional items need
to be added to our list. The original item (program −→ . stmt list $$) is called
the basis of the list. The additional items are its closure. The list represents the ini-
tial state of the parser. As we shift and reduce, the set of items will change, always
indicating which productions may be the right one to use next in the derivation
of the input string. If we reach a state in which some item has the . at the end
of the right-hand side, we can reduce by that production. Otherwise, as in the
current situation, we must shift. Note that if we need to shift, but the incoming
token cannot follow the . in any item of the current state, then a syntax error has
occurred. We will consider error recovery in more detail in Section C 2.3.5.

Our upcoming token is a read. Once we shift it onto the stack, we know we
are in the following state:

stmt −→ read . id (State 1)
This state has a single basis item and an empty closure—the . precedes a terminal.
After shifting the A, we have

stmt −→ read id . (State 1′)

2.3 Parsing 93

We now know that read id is the handle, and we must reduce. The reduction
pops two symbols off the parse stack and pushes a stmt in their place, but what
should the new state be? We can see the answer if we imagine moving back in
time to the point at which we shifted the read—the first symbol of the right-hand
side. At that time we were in the state labeled “State 0” above, and the upcoming
tokens on the input (though we didn’t look at them at the time) were read id. We
have now consumed these tokens, and we know that they constituted a stmt. By
pushing a stmt onto the stack, we have in essence replaced read id with stmt on
the input stream, and have then “shifted” the nonterminal, rather than its yield,
into the stack. Since one of the items in State 0 was

stmt list −→ . stmt
we now have

stmt list −→ stmt . (State 0′)
Again we must reduce. We remove the stmt from the stack and push a stmt list in
its place. Again we can see this as “shifting” a stmt list when in State 0. Since two
of the items in State 0 have a stmt list after the ., we don’t know (without looking
ahead) which of the productions will be the next to be used in the derivation, but
we don’t have to know. The key advantage of bottom-up parsing over top-down
parsing is that we don’t need to predict ahead of time which production we shall
be expanding.

Our new state is as follows:

program −→ stmt list . $$ (State 2)
stmt list −→ stmt list . stmt
stmt −→ . id := expr
stmt −→ . read id
stmt −→ . write expr

The first two productions are the basis; the others are the closure. Since no item
has a . at the end, we shift the next token, which happens again to be a read,
taking us back to State 1. Shifting the B takes us to State 1′ again, at which point
we reduce. This time however, we go back to State 2 rather than State 0 before
shifting the left-hand-side stmt. Why? Because we were in State 2 when we began
to read the right-hand side. �

The Characteristic Finite-State Machine and LR Parsing Variants

An LR-family parser keeps track of the states it has traversed by pushing them into
the parse stack, along with the grammar symbols. It is in fact the states (rather
than the symbols) that drive the parsing algorithm: they tell us what state we
were in at the beginning of a right-hand side. Specifically, when the combina-
tion of state and input tells us we need to reduce using production A −→ α, we
pop length(α) symbols off the stack, together with the record of states we moved

94 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

through while shifting those symbols. These pops expose the state we were in im-
mediately prior to the shifts, allowing us to return to that state and proceed as if
we had seen A in the first place.

We can think of the shift rules of an LR-family parser as the transition function
of a finite automaton, much like the automata we used to model scanners. Each
state of the automaton corresponds to a list of items that indicate where the parser
might be at some specific point in the parse. The transition for input symbol X
(which may be either a terminal or a nonterminal) moves to a state whose basis
consists of items in which the . has been moved across an X in the right-hand
side, plus whatever items need to be added as closure. The lists are constructed
by a bottom-up parser generator in order to build the automaton, but are not
needed during parsing.

It turns out that the simpler members of the LR family of parsers—LR(0),
SLR(1), and LALR(1)—all use the same automaton, called the characteristic finite-
state machine, or CFSM. Full LR parsers use a machine with (for most grammars)
a much larger number of states. The differences between the algorithms lie in how
they deal with states that contain a shift-reduce conflict—one item with the . in
front of a terminal (suggesting the need for a shift) and another with the . at
the end of the right-hand side (suggesting the need for a reduction). An LR(0)
parser works only when there are no such states. It can be proven that with the
addition of an end-marker (i.e., $$), any language that can be deterministically
parsed bottom-up has an LR(0) grammar. Unfortunately, the LR(0) grammars
for real programming languages tend to be prohibitively large and unintuitive.

SLR (simple LR) parsers peek at upcoming input and use FOLLOW sets to re-
solve conflicts. An SLR parser will call for a reduction via A −→ α only if the
upcoming token(s) are in FOLLOW(α). It will still see a conflict, however, if the
tokens are also in the FIRST set of any of the symbols that follow a . in other
items of the state. As it turns out, there are important cases in which a token
may follow a given nonterminal somewhere in a valid program, but never in a
context described by the current state. For these cases global FOLLOW sets are
too crude. LALR (look-ahead LR) parsers improve on SLR by using local (state-
specific) look-ahead instead.

Conflicts can still arise in an LALR parser when the same set of items can occur
on two different paths through the CFSM. Both paths will end up in the same
state, at which point state-specific look-ahead can no longer distinguish between
them. A full LR parser duplicates states in order to keep paths disjoint when their
local look-aheads are different.

LALR parsers are the most common bottom-up parsers in practice. They are
the same size and speed as SLR parsers, but are able to resolve more conflicts.
Full LR parsers for real programming languages tend to be very large. Several
researchers have developed techniques to reduce the size of full-LR tables, but
LALR works sufficiently well in practice that the extra complexity of full LR is
usually not required. Yacc/bison produces C code for an LALR parser.

2.3 Parsing 95

Bottom-Up Parsing Tables

Like a table-driven LL(1) parser, an SLR(1), LALR(1), or LR(1) parser executes
a loop in which it repeatedly inspects a two-dimensional table to find out what
action to take. However, instead of using the current input token and top-of-
stack nonterminal to index into the table, an LR-family parser uses the current
input token and the current parser state (which can be found at the top of the
stack). “Shift” table entries indicate the state that should be pushed. “Reduce”
table entries indicate the number of states that should be popped and the non-
terminal that should be pushed back onto the input stream, to be shifted by the
state uncovered by the pops. There is always one popped state for every symbol
on the right-hand side of the reducing production. The state to be pushed next
can be found by indexing into the table using the uncovered state and the newly
recognized nonterminal.

The CFSM for our bottom-up version of the calculator grammar appears inEXAMPLE 2.39
CFSM for the bottom-up
calculator grammar

Figure 2.26. States 6, 7, 9, and 13 contain potential shift-reduce conflicts, but all
of these can be resolved with global FOLLOW sets. SLR parsing therefore suffices.
In State 6, for example, FIRST(add op) ∩ FOLLOW(stmt) = ∅. In addition to shift
and reduce rules, we allow the parse table as an optimization to contain rules of
the form “shift and then reduce.” This optimization serves to eliminate trivial
states such as 1′ and 0′ in Example 2.38, which had only a single item, with the .
at the end.

A pictorial representation of the CFSM appears in Figure 2.27. A tabular rep-
resentation, suitable for use in a table-driven parser, appears in Figure 2.28. Pseu-
docode for the (language-independent) parser driver appears in Figure 2.29. A
trace of the parser’s actions on the sum-and-average program appears in Fig-
ure 2.30. �

Handling Epsilon Productions

The careful reader may have noticed that the grammar of Figure 2.25, in additionEXAMPLE 2.40
Epsilon productions in the
bottom-up calculator

to using left-recursive rules for stmt list, expr, and term, differs from the grammar
of Figure 2.16 in one other way: it defines a stmt list to be a sequence of one or
more stmts, rather than zero or more. (This means, of course, that it defines a
different language.) To capture the same language as Figure 2.16, production 3 in
Figure 2.25,

stmt list −→ stmt

would need to be replaced with

stmt list −→ � �
Note that it does in general make sense to have an empty statement list. In the cal-
culator language it simply permits an empty program, which is admittedly silly. In
real languages, however, it allows the body of a structured statement to be empty,
which can be very useful. One frequently wants one arm of a case or multi-
way if. . . then . . . else statement to be empty, and an empty while loop allows

96 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

State Transitions

0. program −→. stmt list $$ on stmt list shift and goto 2
stmt list −→ . stmt list stmt
stmt list −→ . stmt on stmt shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push stmt list on input)
stmt −→. id := expr on id shift and goto 3
stmt −→. read id on read shift and goto 1
stmt −→. write expr on write shift and goto 4

1. stmt −→ read . id on id shift and reduce (pop 2 states, push stmt on input)
2. program −→ stmt list . $$ on $$ shift and reduce (pop 2 states, push program on input)

stmt list −→ stmt list . stmt on stmt shift and reduce (pop 2 states, push stmt list on input)
stmt −→. id := expr on id shift and goto 3
stmt −→. read id on read shift and goto 1
stmt −→. write expr on write shift and goto 4

3. stmt −→ id . := expr on := shift and goto 5
4. stmt −→ write . expr on expr shift and goto 6

expr −→. term on term shift and goto 7
expr −→. expr add op term
term −→. factor on factor shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push term on input)
term −→. term mult op factor
factor −→ . ( expr ) on ( shift and goto 8
factor −→ . id on id shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push factor on input)
factor −→ . number on number shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push factor on input)

5. stmt −→ id := . expr on expr shift and goto 9
expr −→. term on term shift and goto 7
expr −→. expr add op term
term −→. factor on factor shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push term on input)
term −→. term mult op factor
factor −→ . ( expr ) on ( shift and goto 8
factor −→ . id on id shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push factor on input)
factor −→ . number on number shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push factor on input)

6. stmt −→ write expr . on FOLLOW(stmt) = {id, read, write, $$} reduce
expr −→ expr . add op term (pop 2 states, push stmt on input)

on add op shift and goto 10
add op −→. + on + shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push add op on input)
add op −→. – on – shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push add op on input)

Figure 2.26 CFSM for the calculator grammar (Figure 2.25). Basis and closure items in each state are separated by a
horizontal rule. Trivial reduce-only states have been eliminated by use of “shift and reduce” transitions. (continued)

2.3 Parsing 97

State Transitions

7. expr −→ term . on FOLLOW(expr) = {id, read, write, $$, ), +, -} reduce
term −→ term . mult op factor (pop 1 state, push expr on input)

on mult op shift and goto 11
mult op −→ . * on * shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push mult op on input)
mult op −→ . / on / shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push mult op on input)

8. factor −→ ( . expr ) on expr shift and goto 12
expr −→. term on term shift and goto 7
expr −→. expr add op term
term −→. factor on factor shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push term on input)
term −→. term mult op factor
factor −→ . ( expr ) on ( shift and goto 8
factor −→ . id on id shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push factor on input)
factor −→ . number on number shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push factor on input)

9. stmt −→ id := expr . on FOLLOW(stmt) = {id, read, write, $$} reduce
expr −→ expr . add op term (pop 3 states, push stmt on input)

on add op shift and goto 10
add op −→. + on + shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push add op on input)
add op −→. – on – shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push add op on input)

10. expr −→ expr add op . term on term shift and goto 13
term −→. factor on factor shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push term on input)
term −→. term mult op factor
factor −→ . ( expr ) on ( shift and goto 8
factor −→ . id on id shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push factor on input)
factor −→ . number on number shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push factor on input)

11. term −→ term mult op . factor on factor shift and reduce (pop 3 states, push term on input)
factor −→ . ( expr ) on ( shift and goto 8
factor −→ . id on id shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push factor on input)
factor −→ . number on number shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push factor on input)

12. factor −→ ( expr . ) on ) shift and reduce (pop 3 states, push factor on input)
expr −→ expr . add op term on add op shift and goto 10
add op −→. + on + shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push add op on input)
add op −→. – on – shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push add op on input)

13. expr −→ expr add op term . on FOLLOW(expr) = {id, read, write, $$, ), +, -} reduce
term −→ term . mult op factor (pop 3 states, push expr on input)

on mult op shift and goto 11
mult op −→ . * on * shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push mult op on input)
mult op −→ . / on / shift and reduce (pop 1 state, push mult op on input)

Figure 2.26 (continued)

98 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax





mult_op mult_op
































Figure 2.27 Pictorial representation of the CFSM of Figure 2.26. Reduce actions are not

Top-of-stack Current input symbol
state sl s e t f ao mo id lit r w := ( ) + – * / $$

0 s2 b3 – – – – – s3 – s1 s4 – – – – – – – –
1 – – – – – – – b5 – – – – – – – – – – –
2 – b2 – – – – – s3 – s1 s4 – – – – – – – b1
3 – – – – – – – – – – – s5 – – – – – – –
4 – – s6 s7 b9 – – b12 b13 – – – s8 – – – – – –
5 – – s9 s7 b9 – – b12 b13 – – – s8 – – – – – –
6 – – – – – s10 – r6 – r6 r6 – – – b14 b15 – – r6
7 – – – – – – s11 r7 – r7 r7 – – r7 r7 r7 b16 b17 r7
8 – – s12 s7 b9 – – b12 b13 – – – s8 – – – – – –
9 – – – – – s10 – r4 – r4 r4 – – – b14 b15 – – r4

10 – – – s13 b9 – – b12 b13 – – – s8 – – – – – –
11 – – – – b10 – – b12 b13 – – – s8 – – – – – –
12 – – – – – s10 – – – – – – – b11 b14 b15 – – –
13 – – – – – – s11 r8 – r8 r8 – – r8 r8 r8 b16 b17 r8

Figure 2.28 SLR(1) parse table for the calculator language. Table entries indicate whether to shift (s), reduce (r), or shift
and then reduce (b). The accompanying number is the new state when shifting, or the production that has been recognized
when (shifting and) reducing. Production numbers are given in Figure 2.25. Symbol names have been abbreviated for the sake
of formatting. A dash indicates an error. An auxiliary table, not shown here, gives the left-hand-side symbol and right-hand-side
length for each production.

2.3 Parsing 99

state = 1 . . number of states
symbol = 1 . . number of symbols
production = 1 . . number of productions
action rec = record

action : (shift, reduce, shift reduce, error)
new state : state
prod : production

parse tab : array [symbol, state] of action rec
prod tab : array [production] of record

lhs : symbol
rhs len : integer

–– these two tables are created by a parser generator tool

parse stack : stack of record
sym : symbol
st : state

parse stack.push(〈null, start state〉)
cur sym : symbol := scan() –– get new token from scanner

cur state : state := parse stack.top().st –– peek at state at top of stack
if cur state = start state and cur sym = start symbol

return –– success!
ar : action rec := parse tab[cur state, cur sym]
case ar.action

parse stack.push(〈cur sym, ar.new state〉)
cur sym := scan() –– get new token from scanner

cur sym := prod tab[ar.prod].lhs
parse stack.pop(prod tab[ar.prod].rhs len)

shift reduce:
cur sym := prod tab[ar.prod].lhs
parse stack.pop(prod tab[ar.prod].rhs len−1)

parse error

Figure 2.29 Driver for a table-driven SLR(1) parser. We call the scanner directly, rather
than using the global input token of Figures 2.17 and 2.19, so that we can set cur sym to be
an arbitrary symbol. We pass to the pop() routine a parameter that indicates the number of
symbols to remove from the stack.

100 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

Parse stack Input stream Comment

0 read A read B . . .
0 read 1 A read B . . . shift read
0 stmt read B . . . shift id(A) & reduce by stmt −→ read id
0 stmt list read B . . . shift stmt & reduce by stmt list −→ stmt
0 stmt list 2 read B sum . . . shift stmt list
0 stmt list 2 read 1 B sum := . . . shift read
0 stmt list 2 stmt sum := . . . shift id(B) & reduce by stmt −→ read id
0 stmt list sum := . . . shift stmt & reduce by stmt list −→ stmt list stmt
0 stmt list 2 sum := A . . . shift stmt list
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := A + . . . shift id(sum)
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 A + B . . . shift :=
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 factor + B . . . shift id(A) & reduce by factor −→ id
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 term + B . . . shift factor & reduce by term −→ factor
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 term 7 + B write . . . shift term
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 expr + B write . . . reduce by expr −→ term
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 expr 9 + B write . . . shift expr
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 expr 9 add op B write . . . shift + & reduce by add op −→ +
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 expr 9 add op 10 B write sum . . . shift add op
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 expr 9 add op 10 factor write sum . . . shift id(B) & reduce by factor −→ id
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 expr 9 add op 10 term write sum . . . shift factor & reduce by term −→ factor
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 expr 9 add op 10 term 13 write sum . . . shift term
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 expr write sum . . . reduce by expr −→ expr add op term
0 stmt list 2 id 3 := 5 expr 9 write sum . . . shift expr
0 stmt list 2 stmt write sum . . . reduce by stmt −→ id := expr
0 stmt list write sum . . . shift stmt & reduce by stmt list −→ stmt
0 stmt list 2 write sum . . . shift stmt list
0 stmt list 2 write 4 sum write sum . . . shift write
0 stmt list 2 write 4 factor write sum . . . shift id(sum) & reduce by factor −→ id
0 stmt list 2 write 4 term write sum . . . shift factor & reduce by term −→ factor
0 stmt list 2 write 4 term 7 write sum . . . shift term
0 stmt list 2 write 4 expr write sum . . . reduce by expr −→ term
0 stmt list 2 write 4 expr 6 write sum . . . shift expr
0 stmt list 2 stmt write sum . . . reduce by stmt −→ write expr
0 stmt list write sum . . . shift stmt & reduce by stmt list −→ stmt list stmt
0 stmt list 2 write sum / . . . shift stmt list
0 stmt list 2 write 4 sum / 2 . . . shift write
0 stmt list 2 write 4 factor / 2 . . . shift id(sum) & reduce by factor −→ id
0 stmt list 2 write 4 term / 2 . . . shift factor & reduce by term −→ factor
0 stmt list 2 write 4 term 7 / 2 $$ shift term
0 stmt list 2 write 4 term 7 mult op 2 $$ shift / & reduce by mult op −→ /
0 stmt list 2 write 4 term 7 mult op 11 2 $$ shift mult op
0 stmt list 2 write 4 term 7 mult op 11 factor $$ shift number(2) & reduce by factor −→ number
0 stmt list 2 write 4 term $$ shift factor & reduce by term −→ term mult op factor
0 stmt list 2 write 4 term 7 $$ shift term
0 stmt list 2 write 4 expr $$ reduce by expr −→ term
0 stmt list 2 write 4 expr 6 $$ shift expr
0 stmt list 2 stmt $$ reduce by stmt −→ write expr
0 stmt list $$ shift stmt & reduce by stmt list −→ stmt list stmt
0 stmt list 2 $$ shift stmt list
0 program shift $$ & reduce by program −→ stmt list $$

Figure 2.30 Trace of a table-driven SLR(1) parse of the sum-and-average program. States in the parse stack are shown in
boldface type. Symbols in the parse stack are for clarity only; they are not needed by the parsing algorithm. Parsing begins with
the initial state of the CFSM (State 0) in the stack. It ends when we reduce by program −→ stmt list $$ , uncovering State 0
again and pushing program onto the input stream.

2.3 Parsing 101

a parallel program (or the operating system) to wait for a signal from another
process or an I/O device.

If we look at the CFSM for the calculator language, we discover that State 0 isEXAMPLE 2.41
CFSM with epsilon

the only state that needs to be changed in order to allow empty statement lists.
The item

stmt list −→ . stmt

stmt list −→ . �
which is equivalent to

stmt list −→ � .
or simply

stmt list −→ .
The entire state is then

program −→. stmt list $$ on stmt list shift and goto 2
stmt list −→ . stmt list stmt
stmt list −→ . on $$ reduce (pop 0 states, push stmt list on input)
stmt −→. id := expr on id shift and goto 3
stmt −→. read id on read shift and goto 1
stmt −→. write expr on write shift and goto 4

The look-ahead for item

stmt list −→ .
is FOLLOW(stmt list), which is the end-marker, $$. Since $$ does not appear in
the look-aheads for any other item in this state, our grammar is still SLR(1). It is
worth noting that epsilon productions commonly prevent a grammar from being
LR(0): if such a production shares a state with an item in which the dot precedes
a terminal, we won’t be able to tell whether to “recognize” � without peeking
ahead. �

37. What is the handle of a right sentential form?

38. Explain the significance of the characteristic finite-state machine in LR pars-

39. What is the significance of the dot (.) in an LR item?
40. What distinguishes the basis from the closure of an LR state?

41. What is a shift-reduce conflict? How is it resolved in the various kinds of LR-
family parsers?

102 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

42. Outline the steps performed by the driver of a bottom-up parser.

43. What kind of parser is produced by yacc/bison? By ANTLR?

44. Why are there never any epsilon productions in an LR(0) grammar?

2.3.5 Syntax Errors

Suppose we are parsing a C program and see the following code fragment in aEXAMPLE 2.42
A syntax error in C context where a statement is expected:

A = B : C + D;

We will detect a syntax error immediately after the B, when the colon appears
from the scanner. At this point the simplest thing to do is just to print an error
message and halt. This naive approach is generally not acceptable, however: it
would mean that every run of the compiler reveals no more than one syntax er-
ror. Since most programs, at least at first, contain numerous such errors, we really
need to find as many as possible now (we’d also like to continue looking for se-
mantic errors). To do so, we must modify the state of the parser and/or the input
stream so that the upcoming token(s) are acceptable. We shall probably want to
turn off code generation, disabling the back end of the compiler: since the input is
not a valid program, the code will not be of use, and there’s no point in spending
time creating it. �

In general, the term syntax error recovery is applied to any technique that al-
lows the compiler, in the face of a syntax error, to continue looking for other
errors later in the program. High-quality syntax error recovery is essential in any
production-quality compiler. The better the recovery technique, the more likely
the compiler will be to recognize additional errors (especially nearby errors) cor-
rectly, and the less likely it will be to become confused and announce spurious
cascading errors later in the program.


On the companion site we explore several possible approaches to syntax error re-
covery. In panic mode, the compiler writer defines a small set of “safe symbols”
that delimit clean points in the input. Semicolons, which typically end a state-
ment, are a good choice in many languages. When an error occurs, the compiler
deletes input tokens until it finds a safe symbol, and then “backs the parser out”
(e.g., returns from recursive descent subroutines) until it finds a context in which
that symbol might appear. Phrase-level recovery improves on this technique by
employing different sets of “safe” symbols in different productions of the gram-
mar (right parentheses when in an expression; semicolons when in a declara-
tion). Context-specific look-ahead obtains additional improvements by differenti-
ating among the various contexts in which a given production might appear in a

2.4 Theoretical Foundations 103

syntax tree. To respond gracefully to certain common programming errors, the
compiler writer may augment the grammar with error productions that capture
language-specific idioms that are incorrect but are often written by mistake.

Niklaus Wirth published an elegant implementation of phrase-level and
context-specific recovery for recursive descent parsers in 1976 [Wir76, Sec. 5.9].
Exceptions (to be discussed further in Section 9.4) provide a simpler alternative
if supported by the language in which the compiler is written. For table-driven
top-down parsers, Fischer, Milton, and Quiring published an algorithm in 1980
that automatically implements a well-defined notion of locally least-cost syntax
repair. Locally least-cost repair is also possible in bottom-up parsers, but it is sig-
nificantly more difficult. Most bottom-up parsers rely on more straightforward
phrase-level recovery; a typical example can be found in yacc/bison.

2.4 Theoretical Foundations
Our understanding of the relative roles and computational power of scanners,
parsers, regular expressions, and context-free grammars is based on the formal-
isms of automata theory. In automata theory, a formal language is a set of strings
of symbols drawn from a finite alphabet. A formal language can be specified ei-
ther by a set of rules (such as regular expressions or a context-free grammar) that
generates the language, or by a formal machine that accepts (recognizes) the lan-
guage. A formal machine takes strings of symbols as input and outputs either
“yes” or “no.” A machine is said to accept a language if it says “yes” to all and only
those strings that are in the language. Alternatively, a language can be defined as
the set of strings for which a particular machine says “yes.”

Formal languages can be grouped into a series of successively larger classes
known as the Chomsky hierarchy.14 Most of the classes can be characterized in
two ways: by the types of rules that can be used to generate the set of strings,
or by the type of formal machine that is capable of recognizing the language. As
we have seen, regular languages are defined by using concatenation, alternation,
and Kleene closure, and are recognized by a scanner. Context-free languages are
a proper superset of the regular languages. They are defined by using concatena-
tion, alternation, and recursion (which subsumes Kleene closure), and are recog-
nized by a parser. A scanner is a concrete realization of a finite automaton, a type
of formal machine. A parser is a concrete realization of a push-down automaton.
Just as context-free grammars add recursion to regular expressions, push-down
automata add a stack to the memory of a finite automaton. There are additional
levels in the Chomsky hierarchy, but they are less directly applicable to compiler
construction, and are not covered here.

14 Noam Chomsky (1928–), a linguist and social philosopher at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, developed much of the early theory of formal languages.

104 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

It can be proven, constructively, that regular expressions and finite automata
are equivalent: one can construct a finite automaton that accepts the language
defined by a given regular expression, and vice versa. Similarly, it is possible to
construct a push-down automaton that accepts the language defined by a given
context-free grammar, and vice versa. The grammar-to-automaton constructions
are in fact performed by scanner and parser generators such as lex and yacc.
Of course, a real scanner does not accept just one token; it is called in a loop
so that it keeps accepting tokens repeatedly. As noted in Sidebar 2.4, this detail
is accommodated by having the scanner accept the alternation of all the tokens
in the language (with distinguished final states), and by having it continue to
consume characters until no longer token can be constructed.


On the companion site we consider finite and pushdown automata in more detail.
We give an algorithm to convert a DFA into an equivalent regular expression.
Combined with the constructions in Section 2.2.1, this algorithm demonstrates
the equivalence of regular expressions and finite automata. We also consider the
sets of grammars and languages that can and cannot be parsed by the various
linear-time parsing algorithms.

2.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks
In this chapter we have introduced the formalisms of regular expressions and
context-free grammars, and the algorithms that underlie scanning and parsing
in practical compilers. We also mentioned syntax error recovery, and presented a
quick overview of relevant parts of automata theory. Regular expressions and
context-free grammars are language generators: they specify how to construct
valid strings of characters or tokens. Scanners and parsers are language recogniz-
ers: they indicate whether a given string is valid. The principal job of the scanner
is to reduce the quantity of information that must be processed by the parser, by
grouping characters together into tokens, and by removing comments and white
space. Scanner and parser generators automatically translate regular expressions
and context-free grammars into scanners and parsers.

Practical parsers for programming languages (parsers that run in linear time)
fall into two principal groups: top-down (also called LL or predictive) and
bottom-up (also called LR or shift-reduce). A top-down parser constructs a parse
tree starting from the root and proceeding in a left-to-right depth-first traversal.
A bottom-up parser constructs a parse tree starting from the leaves, again working
left-to-right, and combining partial trees together when it recognizes the children
of an internal node. The stack of a top-down parser contains a prediction of what
will be seen in the future; the stack of a bottom-up parser contains a record of
what has been seen in the past.

2.6 Exercises 105

Top-down parsers tend to be simple, both in the parsing of valid strings and in
the recovery from errors in invalid strings. Bottom-up parsers are more power-
ful, and in some cases lend themselves to more intuitively structured grammars,
though they suffer from the inability to embed action routines at arbitrary points
in a right-hand side (we discuss this point in more detail in Section C 4.5.1). Both
varieties of parser are used in real compilers, though bottom-up parsers are more
common. Top-down parsers tend to be smaller in terms of code and data size, but
modern machines provide ample memory for either.

Both scanners and parsers can be built by hand if an automatic tool is not
available. Handbuilt scanners are simple enough to be relatively common. Hand-
built parsers are generally limited to top-down recursive descent, and are most
commonly used for comparatively simple languages. Automatic generation of
the scanner and parser has the advantage of increased reliability, reduced devel-
opment time, and easy modification and enhancement.

Various features of language design can have a major impact on the complex-
ity of syntax analysis. In many cases, features that make it difficult for a compiler
to scan or parse also make it difficult for a human being to write correct, main-
tainable code. Examples include the lexical structure of Fortran and the if. . .
then . . . else statement of languages like Pascal. This interplay among language
design, implementation, and use will be a recurring theme throughout the re-
mainder of the book.

2.6 Exercises
2.1 Write regular expressions to capture the following.

(a) Strings in C. These are delimited by double quotes (“), and may not
contain newline characters. They may contain double-quote or back-
slash characters if and only if those characters are “escaped” by a pre-
ceding backslash. You may find it helpful to introduce shorthand nota-
tion to represent any character that is not a member of a small specified

(b) Comments in Pascal. These are delimited by (* and *) or by { and }.
They are not permitted to nest.

(c) Numeric constants in C. These are octal, decimal, or hexadecimal inte-
gers, or decimal or hexadecimal floating-point values. An octal integer
begins with 0, and may contain only the digits 0–7. A hexadecimal
integer begins with 0x or 0X, and may contain the digits 0–9 and a/A–
f/F. A decimal floating-point value has a fractional portion (beginning
with a dot) or an exponent (beginning with E or e). Unlike a decimal
integer, it is allowed to start with 0. A hexadecimal floating-point value
has an optional fractional portion and a mandatory exponent (begin-
ning with P or p). In either decimal or hexadecimal, there may be digits

106 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

to the left of the dot, the right of the dot, or both, and the exponent it-
self is given in decimal, with an optional leading + or – sign. An integer
may end with an optional U or u (indicating “unsigned”), and/or L or
l (indicating “long”) or LL or ll (indicating “long long”). A floating-
point value may end with an optional F or f (indicating “float”—single
precision) or L or l (indicating “long”—double precision).

(d) Floating-point constants in Ada. These match the definition of real in
Example 2.3, except that (1) a digit is required on both sides of the dec-
imal point, (2) an underscore is permitted between digits, and (3) an
alternative numeric base may be specified by surrounding the nonex-
ponent part of the number with pound signs, preceded by a base in
decimal (e.g., 16#6.a7#e+2). In this latter case, the letters a . . f (both
upper- and lowercase) are permitted as digits. Use of these letters in
an inappropriate (e.g., decimal) number is an error, but need not be
caught by the scanner.

(e) Inexact constants in Scheme. Scheme allows real numbers to be ex-
plicitly inexact (imprecise). A programmer who wants to express all
constants using the same number of characters can use sharp signs (#)
in place of any lower-significance digits whose values are not known. A
base-10 constant without exponent consists of one or more digits fol-
lowed by zero of more sharp signs. An optional decimal point can be
placed at the beginning, the end, or anywhere in-between. (For the
record, numbers in Scheme are actually a good bit more complicated
than this. For the purposes of this exercise, please ignore anything you
may know about sign, exponent, radix, exactness and length specifiers,
and complex or rational values.)

(f) Financial quantities in American notation. These have a leading dollar
sign ($), an optional string of asterisks (*—used on checks to discour-
age fraud), a string of decimal digits, and an optional fractional part
consisting of a decimal point (.) and two decimal digits. The string of
digits to the left of the decimal point may consist of a single zero (0).
Otherwise it must not start with a zero. If there are more than three
digits to the left of the decimal point, groups of three (counting from
the right) must be separated by commas (,). Example: $**2,345.67.
(Feel free to use “productions” to define abbreviations, so long as the
language remains regular.)

2.2 Show (as “circles-and-arrows” diagrams) the finite automata for Exer-
cise 2.1.

2.3 Build a regular expression that captures all nonempty sequences of letters
other than file, for, and from. For notational convenience, you may
assume the existence of a not operator that takes a set of letters as argument
and matches any other letter. Comment on the practicality of constructing
a regular expression for all sequences of letters other than the keywords of a
large programming language.

2.6 Exercises 107

2.4 (a) Show the NFA that results from applying the construction of Figure 2.7
to the regular expression letter ( letter | digit ) * .

(b) Apply the transformation illustrated by Example 2.14 to create an
equivalent DFA.

(c) Apply the transformation illustrated by Example 2.15 to minimize the

2.5 Starting with the regular expressions for integer and decimal in Exam-
ple 2.3, construct an equivalent NFA, the set-of-subsets DFA, and the min-
imal equivalent DFA. Be sure to keep separate the final states for the two
different kinds of token (see Sidebar 2.4). You may find the exercise easier if
you undertake it by modifying the machines in Examples 2.13 through 2.15.

2.6 Build an ad hoc scanner for the calculator language. As output, have it print
a list, in order, of the input tokens. For simplicity, feel free to simply halt in
the event of a lexical error.

2.7 Write a program in your favorite scripting language to remove comments
from programs in the calculator language (Example 2.9).

2.8 Build a nested-case-statements finite automaton that converts all letters in
its input to lower case, except within Pascal-style comments and strings. A
Pascal comment is delimited by { and }, or by (* and *). Comments do
not nest. A Pascal string is delimited by single quotes (

. . .

). A quote

character can be placed in a string by doubling it (

Madam, I

m Adam.


This upper-to-lower mapping can be useful if feeding a program written
in standard Pascal (which ignores case) to a compiler that considers upper-
and lowercase letters to be distinct.

2.9 (a) Describe in English the language defined by the regular expression a*
( b a* b a* ) * . Your description should be a high-level characteriza-
tion—one that would still make sense if we were using a different regu-
lar expression for the same language.

(b) Write an unambiguous context-free grammar that generates the same

(c) Using your grammar from part (b), give a canonical (right-most)
derivation of the string b a a b a a a b b.

2.10 Give an example of a grammar that captures right associativity for an expo-
nentiation operator (e.g., ** in Fortran).

2.11 Prove that the following grammar is LL(1):

decl −→ ID decl tail
decl tail −→ , decl

−→ : ID ;

(The final ID is meant to be a type name.)
2.12 Consider the following grammar:

108 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

G −→ S $$
S −→ A M
M −→ S | �
A −→ a E | b A A
E −→ a B | b A | �
B −→ b E | a B B

(a) Describe in English the language that the grammar generates.
(b) Show a parse tree for the string a b a a.
(c) Is the grammar LL(1)? If so, show the parse table; if not, identify a

prediction conflict.

2.13 Consider the following grammar:

stmt −→ assignment
−→ subr call

assignment −→ id := expr
subr call −→ id ( arg list )
expr −→ primary expr tail
expr tail −→ op expr

−→ �
primary −→ id

−→ subr call
−→ ( expr )

op −→ + | – | * | /
arg list −→ expr args tail
args tail −→ , arg list

−→ �

(a) Construct a parse tree for the input string
foo(a, b).

(b) Give a canonical (right-most) derivation of this same string.
(c) Prove that the grammar is not LL(1).
(d) Modify the grammar so that it is LL(1).

2.14 Consider the language consisting of all strings of properly balanced paren-
theses and brackets.

(a) Give LL(1) and SLR(1) grammars for this language.
(b) Give the corresponding LL(1) and SLR(1) parsing tables.
(c) For each grammar, show the parse tree for ([]([]))[](()).
(d) Give a trace of the actions of the parsers in constructing these trees.

2.15 Consider the following context-free grammar.

2.6 Exercises 109

G −→ G B
−→ G N
−→ �

B −→ ( E )
E −→ E ( E )
−→ �

N −→ ( L ]
L −→ L E
−→ L (
−→ �

(a) Describe, in English, the language generated by this grammar. (Hint:
B stands for “balanced”; N stands for “nonbalanced”.) (Your descrip-
tion should be a high-level characterization of the language—one that
is independent of the particular grammar chosen.)

(b) Give a parse tree for the string (( ]( ).
(c) Give a canonical (right-most) derivation of this same string.
(d) What is FIRST(E) in our grammar? What is FOLLOW(E)? (Recall that

FIRST and FOLLOW sets are defined for symbols in an arbitrary CFG,
regardless of parsing algorithm.)

(e) Given its use of left recursion, our grammar is clearly not LL(1). Does
this language have an LL(1) grammar? Explain.

2.16 Give a grammar that captures all levels of precedence for arithmetic expres-
sions in C, as shown in Figure 6.1. (Hint: This exercise is somewhat tedious.
You’ll probably want to attack it with a text editor rather than a pencil.)

2.17 Extend the grammar of Figure 2.25 to include if statements and while
loops, along the lines suggested by the following examples:

abs := n
if n < 0 then abs := 0 - abs fi sum := 0 read count while count > 0 do

read n
sum := sum + n
count := count – 1

write sum

Your grammar should support the six standard comparison operations in
conditions, with arbitrary expressions as operands. It should also allow an
arbitrary number of statements in the body of an if or while statement.

110 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

2.18 Consider the following LL(1) grammar for a simplified subset of Lisp:

P −→ E $$
E −→ atom
−→ ’ E
−→ ( E Es )

Es −→ E Es

(a) What is FIRST(Es)? FOLLOW(E)? PREDICT(Es −→ �)?
(b) Give a parse tree for the string (cdr ‚(a b c)) $$.
(c) Show the left-most derivation of (cdr ‚(a b c)) $$.
(d) Show a trace, in the style of Figure 2.21, of a table-driven top-down

parse of this same input.

(e) Now consider a recursive descent parser running on the same input.
At the point where the quote token (’) is matched, which recursive
descent routines will be active (i.e., what routines will have a frame on
the parser’s run-time stack)?

2.19 Write top-down and bottom-up grammars for the language consisting of
all well-formed regular expressions. Arrange for all operators to be left-
associative. Give Kleene closure the highest precedence and alternation the
lowest precedence.

2.20 Suppose that the expression grammar in Example 2.8 were to be used in
conjunction with a scanner that did not remove comments from the input,
but rather returned them as tokens. How would the grammar need to be
modified to allow comments to appear at arbitrary places in the input?

2.21 Build a complete recursive descent parser for the calculator language. As
output, have it print a trace of its matches and predictions.

2.22 Extend your solution to Exercise 2.21 to build an explicit parse tree.
2.23 Extend your solution to Exercise 2.21 to build an abstract syntax tree di-

rectly, without constructing a parse tree first.

2.24 The dangling else problem of Pascal was not shared by its predecessor Al-
gol 60. To avoid ambiguity regarding which then is matched by an else,
Algol 60 prohibited if statements immediately inside a then clause. The
Pascal fragment

if C1 then if C2 then S1 else S2

had to be written as either

if C1 then begin if C2 then S1 end else S2


2.6 Exercises 111

if C1 then begin if C2 then S1 else S2 end

in Algol 60. Show how to write a grammar for conditional statements that
enforces this rule. (Hint: You will want to distinguish in your grammar
between conditional statements and nonconditional statements; some con-
texts will accept either, some only the latter.)

2.25 Flesh out the details of an algorithm to eliminate left recursion and common
prefixes in an arbitrary context-free grammar.

2.26 In some languages an assignment can appear in any context in which an
expression is expected: the value of the expression is the right-hand side
of the assignment, which is placed into the left-hand side as a side effect.
Consider the following grammar fragment for such a language. Explain
why it is not LL(1), and discuss what might be done to make it so.

expr −→ id := expr
−→ term term tail

term tail −→ + term term tail | �
term −→ factor factor tail
factor tail −→ * factor factor tail | �
factor −→ ( expr ) | id

2.27 Construct the CFSM for the id list grammar in Example 2.20 and verify that
it can be parsed bottom-up with zero tokens of look-ahead.

2.28 Modify the grammar in Exercise 2.27 to allow an id list to be empty. Is the
grammar still LR(0)?

2.29 Repeat Example 2.36 using the grammar of Figure 2.15.
2.30 Consider the following grammar for a declaration list:

decl list −→ decl list decl ; | decl ;
decl −→ id : type
type −→ int | real | char

−→ array const .. const of type
−→ record decl list end

Construct the CFSM for this grammar. Use it to trace out a parse (as in
Figure 2.30) for the following input program:

foo : record
a : char;
b : array 1 .. 2 of real;


2.31–2.37 In More Depth.

112 Chapter 2 Programming Language Syntax

2.7 Explorations
2.38 Some languages (e.g., C) distinguish between upper- and lowercase letters

in identifiers. Others (e.g., Ada) do not. Which convention do you prefer?

2.39 The syntax for type casts in C and its descendants introduces potential am-
biguity: is (x)-y a subtraction, or the unary negation of y, cast to type x?
Find out how C, C++, Java, and C# answer this question. Discuss how you
would implement the answer(s).

2.40 What do you think of Haskell, Occam, and Python’s use of indentation
to delimit control constructs (Section 2.1.1)? Would you expect this con-
vention to make program construction and maintenance easier or harder?

2.41 Skip ahead to Section 14.4.2 and learn about the “regular expressions” used
in scripting languages, editors, search tools, and so on. Are these really
regular? What can they express that cannot be expressed in the notation
introduced in Section 2.1.1?

2.42 Rebuild the automaton of Exercise 2.8 using lex/flex.
2.43 Find a manual for yacc/bison, or consult a compiler textbook [ALSU07,

Secs. 4.8.1 and 4.9.2] to learn about operator precedence parsing. Explain
how it could be used to simplify the grammar of Exercise 2.16.

2.44 Use lex/flex and yacc/bison to construct a parser for the calculator lan-
guage. Have it output a trace of its shifts and reductions.

2.45 Repeat the previous exercise using ANTLR.

2.46–2.47 In More Depth.

2.8 Bibliographic Notes
Our coverage of scanning and parsing in this chapter has of necessity been
brief. Considerably more detail can be found in texts on parsing theory [AU72]
and compiler construction [ALSU07, FCL10, App97, GBJ+12, CT04]. Many
compilers of the early 1960s employed recursive descent parsers. Lewis and
Stearns [LS68] and Rosenkrantz and Stearns [RS70] published early formal stud-
ies of LL grammars and parsing. The original formulation of LR parsing is due to
Knuth [Knu65]. Bottom-up parsing became practical with DeRemer’s discovery
of the SLR and LALR algorithms [DeR71]. W. L. Johnson et al. [JPAR68] describe
an early scanner generator. The Unix lex tool is due to Lesk [Les75]. Yacc is due
to S. C. Johnson [Joh75].

Further details on formal language theory can be found in a variety of
textbooks, including those of Hopcroft, Motwani, and Ullman [HMU07] and

2.8 Bibliographic Notes 113

Sipser [Sip13]. Kleene [Kle56] and Rabin and Scott [RS59] proved the equiva-
lence of regular expressions and finite automata.15 The proof that finite automata
are unable to recognize nested constructs is based on a theorem known as the
pumping lemma, due to Bar-Hillel, Perles, and Shamir [BHPS61]. Context-free
grammars were first explored by Chomsky [Cho56] in the context of natural lan-
guage. Independently, Backus and Naur developed BNF for the syntactic descrip-
tion of Algol 60 [NBB+63]. Ginsburg and Rice [GR62] recognized the equiva-
lence of the two notations. Chomsky [Cho62] and Evey [Eve63] demonstrated
the equivalence of context-free grammars and push-down automata.

Fischer et al.’s text [FCL10] contains an excellent survey of error recovery
and repair techniques, with references to other work. The phrase-level recov-
ery mechanism for recursive descent parsers described in Section C 2.3.5 is due
to Wirth [Wir76, Sec. 5.9]. The locally least-cost recovery mechanism for table-
driven LL parsers described in Section C 2.3.5 is due to Fischer, Milton, and Quir-
ing [FMQ80]. Dion published a locally least-cost bottom-up repair algorithm in
1978 [Dio78]. It is quite complex, and requires very large precomputed tables.
McKenzie, Yeatman, and De Vere subsequently showed how to effect the same
repairs without the precomputed tables, at a higher but still acceptable cost in
time [MYD95].

15 Dana Scott (1932–), Professor Emeritus at Carnegie Mellon University, is known principally for
inventing domain theory and launching the field of denotational semantics, which provides a
mathematically rigorous way to formalize the meaning of programming languages. Michael Ra-
bin (1931–), of Harvard University, has made seminal contributions to the concepts of nondeter-
minism and randomization in computer science. Scott and Rabin shared the ACM Turing Award
in 1976.

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3Names, Scopes, and Bindings
Early languages such as Fortran, Algol, and Lisp were termed “high level”
because their syntax and semantics were significantly more abstract—farther
from the hardware—than those of the assembly languages they were intended
to supplant. Abstraction made it possible to write programs that would run well
on a wide variety of machines. It also made programs significantly easier for hu-
man beings to understand. While machine independence remains important, it
is primarily ease of programming that continues to drive the design of modern
languages. This chapter is the first of six to address core issues in language de-
sign. (The others are Chapters 6 through 10.) Much of the current discussion will
revolve around the notion of names.

A name is a mnemonic character string used to represent something else.
Names in most languages are identifiers (alphanumeric tokens), though certain
other symbols, such as + or :=, can also be names. Names allow us to refer to
variables, constants, operations, types, and so on using symbolic identifiers rather
than low-level concepts like addresses. Names are also essential in the context of
a second meaning of the word abstraction. In this second meaning, abstraction is
a process by which the programmer associates a name with a potentially compli-
cated program fragment, which can then be thought of in terms of its purpose or
function, rather than in terms of how that function is achieved. By hiding irrel-
evant details, abstraction reduces conceptual complexity, making it possible for
the programmer to focus on a manageable subset of the program text at any par-
ticular time. Subroutines are control abstractions: they allow the programmer to
hide arbitrarily complicated code behind a simple interface. Classes are data ab-
stractions: they allow the programmer to hide data representation details behind
a (comparatively) simple set of operations.

We will look at several major issues related to names. Section 3.1 introduces the
notion of binding time, which refers not only to the binding of a name to the thing
it represents, but also in general to the notion of resolving any design decision in
a language implementation. Section 3.2 outlines the various mechanisms used
to allocate and deallocate storage space for objects, and distinguishes between


116 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

the lifetime of an object and the lifetime of a binding of a name to that object.1

Most name-to-object bindings are usable only within a limited region of a given
high-level program. Section 3.3 explores the scope rules that define this region;
Section 3.4 (mostly on the companion site) considers their implementation.

The complete set of bindings in effect at a given point in a program is known as
the current referencing environment. Section 3.5 discusses aliasing, in which more
than one name may refer to a given object in a given scope, and overloading, in
which a name may refer to more than one object in a given scope, depending on
the context of the reference. Section 3.6 expands on the notion of scope rules
by considering the ways in which a referencing environment may be bound to a
subroutine that is passed as a parameter, returned from a function, or stored in a
variable. Section 3.7 discusses macro expansion, which can introduce new names
via textual substitution, sometimes in ways that are at odds with the rest of the
language. Finally, Section 3.8 (mostly on the companion site) discusses separate

3.1 The Notion of Binding Time
A binding is an association between two things, such as a name and the thing it
names. Binding time is the time at which a binding is created or, more generally,
the time at which any implementation decision is made (we can think of this
as binding an answer to a question). There are many different times at which
decisions may be bound:

Language design time: In most languages, the control-flow constructs, the set of
fundamental (primitive) types, the available constructors for creating complex
types, and many other aspects of language semantics are chosen when the lan-
guage is designed.

Language implementation time: Most language manuals leave a variety of issues
to the discretion of the language implementor. Typical (though by no means
universal) examples include the precision (number of bits) of the fundamental
types, the coupling of I/O to the operating system’s notion of files, and the
organization and maximum sizes of the stack and heap.

Program writing time: Programmers, of course, choose algorithms, data struc-
tures, and names.

Compile time: Compilers choose the mapping of high-level constructs to ma-
chine code, including the layout of statically defined data in memory.

1 For want of a better term, we will use the term “object” throughout Chapters 3–9 to refer to
anything that might have a name: variables, constants, types, subroutines, modules, and oth-
ers. In many modern languages “object” has a more formal meaning, which we will consider in
Chapter 10.

3.1 The Notion of Binding Time 117

Link time: Since most compilers support separate compilation—compiling dif-
ferent modules of a program at different times—and depend on the availability
of a library of standard subroutines, a program is usually not complete until
the various modules are joined together by a linker. The linker chooses the
overall layout of the modules with respect to one another, and resolves inter-
module references. When a name in one module refers to an object in another
module, the binding between the two is not finalized until link time.

Load time: Load time refers to the point at which the operating system loads the
program into memory so that it can run. In primitive operating systems, the
choice of machine addresses for objects within the program was not finalized
until load time. Most modern operating systems distinguish between virtual
and physical addresses. Virtual addresses are chosen at link time; physical ad-
dresses can actually change at run time. The processor’s memory management
hardware translates virtual addresses into physical addresses during each indi-
vidual instruction at run time.

Run time: Run time is actually a very broad term that covers the entire span from
the beginning to the end of execution. Bindings of values to variables occur at
run time, as do a host of other decisions that vary from language to language.
Run time subsumes program start-up time, module entry time, elaboration
time (the point at which a declaration is first “seen”), subroutine call time,
block entry time, and expression evaluation time/statement execution.

The terms static and dynamic are generally used to refer to things bound before
run time and at run time, respectively. Clearly “static” is a coarse term. So is

Compiler-based language implementations tend to be more efficient than
interpreter-based implementations because they make earlier decisions. For ex-
ample, a compiler analyzes the syntax and semantics of global variable declara-
tions once, before the program ever runs. It decides on a layout for those variables
in memory and generates efficient code to access them wherever they appear in
the program. A pure interpreter, by contrast, must analyze the declarations every
time the program begins execution. In the worst case, an interpreter may reana-
lyze the local declarations within a subroutine each time that subroutine is called.
If a call appears in a deeply nested loop, the savings achieved by a compiler that
is able to analyze the declarations only once may be very large. As we shall see in


3.1 Binding time
It is difficult to overemphasize the importance of binding times in the design
and implementation of programming languages. In general, early binding
times are associated with greater efficiency, while later binding times are as-
sociated with greater flexibility. The tension between these goals provides a
recurring theme for later chapters of this book.

118 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

the following section, a compiler will not usually be able to predict the address of
a local variable at compile time, since space for the variable will be allocated dy-
namically on a stack, but it can arrange for the variable to appear at a fixed offset
from the location pointed to by a certain register at run time.

Some languages are difficult to compile because their semantics require funda-
mental decisions to be postponed until run time, generally in order to increase the
flexibility or expressiveness of the language. Most scripting languages, for exam-
ple, delay all type checking until run time. References to objects of arbitrary types
(classes) can be assigned into arbitrary named variables, as long as the program
never ends up applying an operator to (invoking a method of) an object that is
not prepared to handle it. This form of polymorphism—applicability to objects or
expressions of multiple types—allows the programmer to write unusually flexi-
ble and general-purpose code. We will mention polymorphism again in several
future sections, including 7.1.2, 7.3, 10.1.1, and 14.4.4.

3.2 Object Lifetime and Storage Management
In any discussion of names and bindings, it is important to distinguish between
names and the objects to which they refer, and to identify several key events:

Creation and destruction of objects

Creation and destruction of bindings

Deactivation and reactivation of bindings that may be temporarily unusable

References to variables, subroutines, types, and so on, all of which use bindings

The period of time between the creation and the destruction of a name-to-
object binding is called the binding’s lifetime. Similarly, the time between the
creation and destruction of an object is the object’s lifetime. These lifetimes need
not necessarily coincide. In particular, an object may retain its value and the po-
tential to be accessed even when a given name can no longer be used to access it.
When a variable is passed to a subroutine by reference, for example (as it typically
is in Fortran or with ‘&’ parameters in C++), the binding between the parame-
ter name and the variable that was passed has a lifetime shorter than that of the
variable itself. It is also possible, though generally a sign of a program bug, for a
name-to-object binding to have a lifetime longer than that of the object. This can
happen, for example, if an object created via the C++ new operator is passed as a
& parameter and then deallocated (delete-ed) before the subroutine returns. A
binding to an object that is no longer live is called a dangling reference. Dangling
references will be discussed further in Sections 3.6 and 8.5.2.

Object lifetimes generally correspond to one of three principal storage alloca-
tion mechanisms, used to manage the object’s space:

1. Static objects are given an absolute address that is retained throughout the
program’s execution.

3.2 Object Lifetime and Storage Management 119

2. Stack objects are allocated and deallocated in last-in, first-out order, usually in
conjunction with subroutine calls and returns.

3. Heap objects may be allocated and deallocated at arbitrary times. They require
a more general (and expensive) storage management algorithm.

3.2.1 Static Allocation

Global variables are the obvious example of static objects, but not the only one.
The instructions that constitute a program’s machine code can also be thought
of as statically allocated objects. We shall see examples in Section 3.3.1 of vari-
ables that are local to a single subroutine, but retain their values from one invo-
cation to the next; their space is statically allocated. Numeric and string-valued
constant literals are also statically allocated, for statements such as A = B/14.7
or printf(“hello, world\n”). (Small constants are often stored within the
instruction itself; larger ones are assigned a separate location.) Finally, most
compilers produce a variety of tables that are used by run-time support routines
for debugging, dynamic type checking, garbage collection, exception handling,
and other purposes; these are also statically allocated. Statically allocated ob-
jects whose value should not change during program execution (e.g., instructions,
constants, and certain run-time tables) are often allocated in protected, read-only
memory, so that any inadvertent attempt to write to them will cause a processor
interrupt, allowing the operating system to announce a run-time error.

Logically speaking, local variables are created when their subroutine is called,
and destroyed when it returns. If the subroutine is called repeatedly, each invo-
cation is said to create and destroy a separate instance of each local variable. It is
not always the case, however, that a language implementation must perform work
at run time corresponding to these create and destroy operations. Recursion wasEXAMPLE 3.1

Static allocation of local

not originally supported in Fortran (it was added in Fortran 90). As a result, there
can never be more than one invocation of a subroutine active in an older Fortran
program at any given time, and a compiler may choose to use static allocation
for local variables, effectively arranging for the variables of different invocations
to share the same locations, and thereby avoiding any run-time overhead for cre-
ation and destruction. �


3.2 Recursion in Fortran
The lack of recursion in (pre-Fortran 90) Fortran is generally attributed to the
expense of stack manipulation on the IBM 704, on which the language was
first implemented. Many (perhaps most) Fortran implementations choose to
use a stack for local variables, but because the language definition permits the
use of static allocation instead, Fortran programmers were denied the benefits
of language-supported recursion for over 30 years.

120 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

In many languages a named constant is required to have a value that can be
determined at compile time. Usually the expression that specifies the constant’s
value is permitted to include only other known constants and built-in functions
and arithmetic operators. Named constants of this sort, together with constant
literals, are sometimes called manifest constants or compile-time constants. Mani-
fest constants can always be allocated statically, even if they are local to a recursive
subroutine: multiple instances can share the same location.

In other languages (e.g., C and Ada), constants are simply variables that cannot
be changed after elaboration (initialization) time. Their values, though unchang-
ing, can sometimes depend on other values that are not known until run time.
Such elaboration-time constants, when local to a recursive subroutine, must be
allocated on the stack. C# distinguishes between compile-time and elaboration-
time constants using the const and readonly keywords, respectively.

3.2.2 Stack-Based Allocation

If a language permits recursion, static allocation of local variables is no longer an
option, since the number of instances of a variable that may need to exist at the
same time is conceptually unbounded. Fortunately, the natural nesting of sub-
routine calls makes it easy to allocate space for locals on a stack. A simplifiedEXAMPLE 3.2

Layout of the run-time

picture of a typical stack appears in Figure 3.1. Each instance of a subroutine at
run time has its own frame (also called an activation record) on the stack, contain-
ing arguments and return values, local variables, temporaries, and bookkeeping
information. Temporaries are typically intermediate values produced in complex
calculations. Bookkeeping information typically includes the subroutine’s return
address, a reference to the stack frame of the caller (also called the dynamic link),
saved values of registers needed by both the caller and the callee, and various other
values that we will study later. Arguments to be passed to subsequent routines lie
at the top of the frame, where the callee can easily find them. The organization
of the remaining information is implementation-dependent: it varies from one
language, machine, and compiler to another. �

Maintenance of the stack is the responsibility of the subroutine calling se-
quence—the code executed by the caller immediately before and after the call—
and of the prologue (code executed at the beginning) and epilogue (code executed
at the end) of the subroutine itself. Sometimes the term “calling sequence” is used
to refer to the combined operations of the caller, the prologue, and the epilogue.
We will study calling sequences in more detail in Section 9.2.

While the location of a stack frame cannot be predicted at compile time (the
compiler cannot in general tell what other frames may already be on the stack),
the offsets of objects within a frame usually can be statically determined. More-
over, the compiler can arrange (in the calling sequence or prologue) for a par-
ticular register, known as the frame pointer to always point to a known location
within the frame of the current subroutine. Code that needs to access a local vari-
able within the current frame, or an argument near the top of the calling frame,

3.2 Object Lifetime and Storage Management 121

Subroutine A

Direction of stack
growth (usually

lower addresses) Subroutine B

Subroutine C

Subroutine D




Return address

to called



fp (when subroutine
C is running)

Subroutine B

procedure C
D; E

procedure B
if … then B else C

procedure A

−− main program

Figure 3.1 Stack-based allocation of space for subroutines. We assume here that subroutines have been called as shown
in the upper right. In particular, B has called itself once, recursively, before calling C . If D returns and C calls E, E’s frame
(activation record) will occupy the same space previously used for D’s frame. At any given time, the stack pointer (sp) register
points to the first unused location on the stack (or the last used location on some machines), and the frame pointer (fp)
register points to a known location within the frame of the current subroutine. The relative order of fields within a frame may
vary from machine to machine and compiler to compiler.

can do so by adding a predetermined offset to the value in the frame pointer.
As we discuss in Section C 5.3.1, almost every processor provides a displacement
addressing mechanism that allows this addition to be specified implicitly as part
of an ordinary load or store instruction. The stack grows “downward” toward
lower addresses in most language implementations. Some machines provide spe-
cial push and pop instructions that assume this direction of growth. Local vari-
ables, temporaries, and bookkeeping information typically have negative offsets
from the frame pointer. Arguments and returns typically have positive offsets;
they reside in the caller’s frame.

Even in a language without recursion, it can be advantageous to use a stack for
local variables, rather than allocating them statically. In most programs the pat-
tern of potential calls among subroutines does not permit all of those subroutines
to be active at the same time. As a result, the total space needed for local vari-
ables of currently active subroutines is seldom as large as the total space across all

122 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings


Allocation request

Figure 3.2 Fragmentation. The shaded blocks are in use; the clear blocks are free. Cross-
hatched space at the ends of in-use blocks represents internal fragmentation. The discontiguous
free blocks indicate external fragmentation. While there is more than enough total free space
remaining to satisfy an allocation request of the illustrated size, no single remaining block is large

subroutines, active or not. A stack may therefore require substantially less mem-
ory at run time than would be required for static allocation.

3.2.3 Heap-Based Allocation

A heap is a region of storage in which subblocks can be allocated and deallocated
at arbitrary times.2 Heaps are required for the dynamically allocated pieces of
linked data structures, and for objects such as fully general character strings, lists,
and sets, whose size may change as a result of an assignment statement or other
update operation.

There are many possible strategies to manage space in a heap. We review the
major alternatives here; details can be found in any data-structures textbook. The
principal concerns are speed and space, and as usual there are tradeoffs between
them. Space concerns can be further subdivided into issues of internal and ex-
ternal fragmentation. Internal fragmentation occurs when a storage-management
algorithm allocates a block that is larger than required to hold a given object; the
extra space is then unused. External fragmentation occurs when the blocks thatEXAMPLE 3.3

External fragmentation in
the heap

have been assigned to active objects are scattered through the heap in such a way
that the remaining, unused space is composed of multiple blocks: there may be
quite a lot of free space, but no one piece of it may be large enough to satisfy some
future request (see Figure 3.2). �

Many storage-management algorithms maintain a single linked list—the free
list—of heap blocks not currently in use. Initially the list consists of a single block
comprising the entire heap. At each allocation request the algorithm searches the
list for a block of appropriate size. With a first fit algorithm we select the first block
on the list that is large enough to satisfy the request. With a best fit algorithm we
search the entire list to find the smallest block that is large enough to satisfy the

2 Unfortunately, the term “heap” is also used for the common tree-based implementation of a
priority queue. These two uses of the term have nothing to do with one another.

3.2 Object Lifetime and Storage Management 123

request. In either case, if the chosen block is significantly larger than required,
then we divide it into two and return the unneeded portion to the free list as a
smaller block. (If the unneeded portion is below some minimum threshold in
size, we may leave it in the allocated block as internal fragmentation.) When a
block is deallocated and returned to the free list, we check to see whether either
or both of the physically adjacent blocks are free; if so, we coalesce them.

Intuitively, one would expect a best fit algorithm to do a better job of reserving
large blocks for large requests. At the same time, it has higher allocation cost than
a first fit algorithm, because it must always search the entire list, and it tends to
result in a larger number of very small “left-over” blocks. Which approach—first
fit or best fit—results in lower external fragmentation depends on the distribution
of size requests.

In any algorithm that maintains a single free list, the cost of allocation is lin-
ear in the number of free blocks. To reduce this cost to a constant, some stor-
age management algorithms maintain separate free lists for blocks of different
sizes. Each request is rounded up to the next standard size (at the cost of inter-
nal fragmentation) and allocated from the appropriate list. In effect, the heap is
divided into “pools,” one for each standard size. The division may be static or
dynamic. Two common mechanisms for dynamic pool adjustment are known as
the buddy system and the Fibonacci heap. In the buddy system, the standard block
sizes are powers of two. If a block of size 2k is needed, but none is available, a
block of size 2k+1 is split in two. One of the halves is used to satisfy the request;
the other is placed on the kth free list. When a block is deallocated, it is coa-
lesced with its “buddy”—the other half of the split that created it—if that buddy
is free. Fibonacci heaps are similar, but use Fibonacci numbers for the standard
sizes, instead of powers of two. The algorithm is slightly more complex, but leads
to slightly lower internal fragmentation, because the Fibonacci sequence grows
more slowly than 2k.

The problem with external fragmentation is that the ability of the heap to sat-
isfy requests may degrade over time. Multiple free lists may help, by clustering
small blocks in relatively close physical proximity, but they do not eliminate the
problem. It is always possible to devise a sequence of requests that cannot be
satisfied, even though the total space required is less than the size of the heap. If
memory is partitioned among size pools statically, one need only exceed the maxi-
mum number of requests of a given size. If pools are dynamically readjusted, one
can “checkerboard” the heap by allocating a large number of small blocks and
then deallocating every other one, in order of physical address, leaving an alter-
nating pattern of small free and allocated blocks. To eliminate external fragmen-
tation, we must be prepared to compact the heap, by moving already-allocated
blocks. This task is complicated by the need to find and update all outstanding
references to a block that is being moved. We will discuss compaction further in
Section 8.5.3.

124 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

3.2.4 Garbage Collection

Allocation of heap-based objects is always triggered by some specific operation in
a program: instantiating an object, appending to the end of a list, assigning a long
value into a previously short string, and so on. Deallocation is also explicit in
some languages (e.g., C, C++, and Rust). As we shall see in Section 8.5, however,
many languages specify that objects are to be deallocated implicitly when it is no
longer possible to reach them from any program variable. The run-time library
for such a language must then provide a garbage collection mechanism to identify
and reclaim unreachable objects. Most functional and scripting languages require
garbage collection, as do many more recent imperative languages, including Java
and C#.

The traditional arguments in favor of explicit deallocation are implementa-
tion simplicity and execution speed. Even naive implementations of automatic
garbage collection add significant complexity to the implementation of a lan-
guage with a rich type system, and even the most sophisticated garbage collector
can consume nontrivial amounts of time in certain programs. If the programmer
can correctly identify the end of an object’s lifetime, without too much run-time
bookkeeping, the result is likely to be faster execution.

The argument in favor of automatic garbage collection, however, is compel-
ling: manual deallocation errors are among the most common and costly bugs in
real-world programs. If an object is deallocated too soon, the program may follow
a dangling reference, accessing memory now used by another object. If an object
is not deallocated at the end of its lifetime, then the program may “leak memory,”
eventually running out of heap space. Deallocation errors are notoriously diffi-
cult to identify and fix. Over time, many language designers and programmers
have come to consider automatic garbage collection an essential language feature.
Garbage-collection algorithms have improved, reducing their run-time overhead;
language implementations have become more complex in general, reducing the
marginal complexity of automatic collection; and leading-edge applications have
become larger and more complex, making the benefits of automatic collection
ever more compelling.

1. What is binding time?

2. Explain the distinction between decisions that are bound statically and those
that are bound dynamically.

3. What is the advantage of binding things as early as possible? What is the
advantage of delaying bindings?

4. Explain the distinction between the lifetime of a name-to-object binding and
its visibility.

3.3 Scope Rules 125

5. What determines whether an object is allocated statically, on the stack, or in
the heap?

6. List the objects and information commonly found in a stack frame.

7. What is a frame pointer? What is it used for?

8. What is a calling sequence?

9. What are internal and external fragmentation?

10. What is garbage collection?

11. What is a dangling reference?

3.3 Scope Rules
The textual region of the program in which a binding is active is its scope. In
most modern languages, the scope of a binding is determined statically, that is,
at compile time. In C, for example, we introduce a new scope upon entry to a
subroutine. We create bindings for local objects and deactivate bindings for global
objects that are hidden (made invisible) by local objects of the same name. On
subroutine exit, we destroy bindings for local variables and reactivate bindings for
any global objects that were hidden. These manipulations of bindings may at first
glance appear to be run-time operations, but they do not require the execution of
any code: the portions of the program in which a binding is active are completely
determined at compile time. We can look at a C program and know which names
refer to which objects at which points in the program based on purely textual
rules. For this reason, C is said to be statically scoped (some authors say lexically
scoped 3). Other languages, including APL, Snobol, Tcl, and early dialects of Lisp,
are dynamically scoped: their bindings depend on the flow of execution at run
time. We will examine static and dynamic scoping in more detail in Sections 3.3.1
and 3.3.6.

In addition to talking about the “scope of a binding,” we sometimes use the
word “scope” as a noun all by itself, without a specific binding in mind. Infor-
mally, a scope is a program region of maximal size in which no bindings change
(or at least none are destroyed—more on this in Section 3.3.3). Typically, a scope
is the body of a module, class, subroutine, or structured control-flow statement,
sometimes called a block. In C family languages it would be delimited with {…}

3 Lexical scope is actually a better term than static scope, because scope rules based on nesting can
be enforced at run time instead of compile time if desired. In fact, in Common Lisp and Scheme
it is possible to pass the unevaluated text of a subroutine declaration into some other subroutine
as a parameter, and then use the text to create a lexically nested declaration at run time.

126 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

Algol 68 and Ada use the term elaboration to refer to the process by which
declarations become active when control first enters a scope. Elaboration entails
the creation of bindings. In many languages, it also entails the allocation of stack
space for local objects, and possibly the assignment of initial values. In Ada it
can entail a host of other things, including the execution of error-checking or
heap-space-allocating code, the propagation of exceptions, and the creation of
concurrently executing tasks (to be discussed in Chapter 13).

At any given point in a program’s execution, the set of active bindings is called
the current referencing environment. The set is principally determined by static
or dynamic scope rules. We shall see that a referencing environment generally
corresponds to a sequence of scopes that can be examined (in order) to find the
current binding for a given name.

In some cases, referencing environments also depend on what are (in a con-
fusing use of terminology) called binding rules. Specifically, when a reference to a
subroutine S is stored in a variable, passed as a parameter to another subroutine,
or returned as a function value, one needs to determine when the referencing en-
vironment for S is chosen—that is, when the binding between the reference to
S and the referencing environment of S is made. The two principal options are
deep binding, in which the choice is made when the reference is first created, and
shallow binding, in which the choice is made when the reference is finally used.
We will examine these options in more detail in Section 3.6.

3.3.1 Static Scoping

In a language with static (lexical) scoping, the bindings between names and ob-
jects can be determined at compile time by examining the text of the program,
without consideration of the flow of control at run time. Typically, the “current”
binding for a given name is found in the matching declaration whose block most
closely surrounds a given point in the program, though as we shall see there are
many variants on this basic theme.

The simplest static scope rule is probably that of early versions of Basic, in
which there was only a single, global scope. In fact, there were only a few hundred
possible names, each of which consisted of a letter optionally followed by a digit.
There were no explicit declarations; variables were declared implicitly by virtue
of being used.

Scope rules are somewhat more complex in (pre-Fortran 90) Fortran, though
not much more. Fortran distinguishes between global and local variables. The
scope of a local variable is limited to the subroutine in which it appears; it is not
visible elsewhere. Variable declarations are optional. If a variable is not declared,
it is assumed to be local to the current subroutine and to be of type integer if its
name begins with the letters I–N, or real otherwise. (Different conventions for
implicit declarations can be specified by the programmer. In Fortran 90 and its
successors, the programmer can also turn off implicit declarations, so that use of
an undeclared variable becomes a compile-time error.)

3.3 Scope Rules 127

Place into *s a new name beginning with the letter ‘L’ and
continuing with the ASCII representation of a unique integer.
Parameter s is assumed to point to space large enough to hold any
such name; for the short ints used here, 7 characters suffice.

void label_name (char *s) {

static short int n; /* C guarantees that static locals
are initialized to zero */

sprintf (s, “L%d\0”, ++n); /* “print” formatted output to s */

Figure 3.3 C code to illustrate the use of static variables.

Semantically, the lifetime of a local Fortran variable (both the object itself and
the name-to-object binding) encompasses a single execution of the variable’s sub-
routine. Programmers can override this rule by using an explicit save statement.
(Similar mechanisms appear in many other languages: in C one declares the vari-
able static; in Algol one declares it own.) A save-ed (static, own) variable has
a lifetime that encompasses the entire execution of the program. Instead of a log-
ically separate object for every invocation of the subroutine, the compiler creates
a single object that retains its value from one invocation of the subroutine to the
next. (The name-to-variable binding, of course, is inactive when the subroutine
is not executing, because the name is out of scope.)

As an example of the use of static variables, consider the code in Figure 3.3.EXAMPLE 3.4
Static variables in C The subroutine label_name can be used to generate a series of distinct character-

string names: L1, L2, . . . . A compiler might use these names in its assembly
language output. �

3.3.2 Nested Subroutines

The ability to nest subroutines inside each other, introduced in Algol 60, is a fea-
ture of many subsequent languages, including Ada, ML, Common Lisp, Python,
Scheme, Swift, and (to a limited extent) Fortran 90. Other languages, including C
and its descendants, allow classes or other scopes to nest. Just as the local variables
of a Fortran subroutine are not visible to other subroutines, any constants, types,
variables, or subroutines declared within a scope are not visible outside that scope
in Algol-family languages. More formally, Algol-style nesting gives rise to the clos-
est nested scope rule for bindings from names to objects: a name that is introduced
in a declaration is known in the scope in which it is declared, and in each inter-
nally nested scope, unless it is hidden by another declaration of the same name in
one or more nested scopes. To find the object corresponding to a given use of a
name, we look for a declaration with that name in the current, innermost scope.
If there is one, it defines the active binding for the name. Otherwise, we look
for a declaration in the immediately surrounding scope. We continue outward,

128 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

examining successively surrounding scopes, until we reach the outer nesting level
of the program, where global objects are declared. If no declaration is found at
any level, then the program is in error.

Many languages provide a collection of built-in, or predefined objects, such as
I/O routines, mathematical functions, and in some cases types such as integer
and char. It is common to consider these to be declared in an extra, invisible,
outermost scope, which surrounds the scope in which global objects are declared.
The search for bindings described in the previous paragraph terminates at this ex-
tra, outermost scope, if it exists, rather than at the scope in which global objects
are declared. This outermost scope convention makes it possible for a program-
mer to define a global object whose name is the same as that of some predefined
object (whose “declaration” is thereby hidden, making it invisible).

An example of nested scopes appears in Figure 3.4.4 In this example, procedureEXAMPLE 3.5
Nested scopes P2 is called only by P1, and need not be visible outside. It is therefore declared

inside P1, limiting its scope (its region of visibility) to the portion of the program
shown here. In a similar fashion, P4 is visible only within P1, P3 is visible only
within P2, and F1 is visible only within P4. Under the standard rules for nested
scopes, F1 could call P2 and P4 could call F1, but P2 could not call F1.

Though they are hidden from the rest of the program, nested subroutines are
able to access the parameters and local variables (and other local objects) of the
surrounding scope(s). In our example, P3 can name (and modify) A1, X, and A2,
in addition to A3. Because P1 and F1 both declare local variables named X, the
inner declaration hides the outer one within a portion of its scope. Uses of X in F1
refer to the inner X; uses of X in other regions of the code refer to the outer X. �

A name-to-object binding that is hidden by a nested declaration of the same
name is said to have a hole in its scope. In some languages, the object whose name
is hidden is simply inaccessible in the nested scope (unless it has more than one
name). In others, the programmer can access the outer meaning of a name by
applying a qualifier or scope resolution operator. In Ada, for example, a name may
be prefixed by the name of the scope in which it is declared, using syntax that
resembles the specification of fields in a record. My_proc.X, for example, refers
to the declaration of X in subroutine My_proc, regardless of whether some other
X has been declared in a lexically closer scope. In C++, which does not allow
subroutines to nest, ::X refers to a global declaration of X, regardless of whether
the current subroutine also has an X.5

Access to Nonlocal Objects

We have already seen (Section 3.2.2) that the compiler can arrange for a frame
pointer register to point to the frame of the currently executing subroutine at run

4 This code is not contrived; it was extracted from an implementation (originally in Pascal) of the
FMQ error repair algorithm described in Section C 2.3.5.

5 The C++ :: operator is also used to name members (fields or methods) of a base class that are
hidden by members of a derived class; we will consider this use in Section 10.2.2.

3.3 Scope Rules 129

procedure P1(A1)
var X −− local to P1

procedure P2(A2)

procedure P3(A3)

… −− body of P3

… −− body of P2

procedure P4(A4)

function F1(A5)
var X −− local to F1

… −− body of F1

… −− body of P4

… −− body of P1

A1 X P2

A2 P3



A4 F1

A5 X

Figure 3.4 Example of nested subroutines, shown in pseudocode. Vertical bars indicate the
scope of each name, for a language in which declarations are visible throughout their subroutine.
Note the hole in the scope of the outer X.

time. Using this register as a base for displacement (register plus offset) address-
ing, target code can access objects within the current subroutine. But what about
objects in lexically surrounding subroutines? To find these we need a way to find
the frames corresponding to those scopes at run time. Since a nested subroutine
may call a routine in an outer scope, the order of stack frames at run time may not
necessarily correspond to the order of lexical nesting. Nonetheless, we can be sure
that there is some frame for the surrounding scope already in the stack, since the
current subroutine could not have been called unless it was visible, and it could
not have been visible unless the surrounding scope was active. (It is actually pos-
sible in some languages to save a reference to a nested subroutine, and then call
it when the surrounding scope is no longer active. We defer this possibility to
Section 3.6.2.)

The simplest way in which to find the frames of surrounding scopes is to main-
tain a static link in each frame that points to the “parent” frame: the frame of the

130 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings










Figure 3.5 Static chains. Subroutines A , B, C , D , and E are nested as shown on the left. If the
sequence of nested calls at run time is A , E, B , D , and C , then the static links in the stack will
look as shown on the right. The code for subroutine C can find local objects at known offsets
from the frame pointer. It can find local objects of the surrounding scope, B , by dereferencing its
static chain once and then applying an offset. It can find local objects in B ’s surrounding scope,
A , by dereferencing its static chain twice and then applying an offset.

most recent invocation of the lexically surrounding subroutine. If a subroutine is
declared at the outermost nesting level of the program, then its frame will have a
null static link at run time. If a subroutine is nested k levels deep, then its frame’s
static link, and those of its parent, grandparent, and so on, will form a static chain
of length k at run time. To find a variable or parameter declared j subroutine
scopes outward, target code at run time can dereference the static chain j times,
and then add the appropriate offset. Static chains are illustrated in Figure 3.5. WeEXAMPLE 3.6

Static chains will discuss the code required to maintain them in Section 9.2. �

3.3.3 Declaration Order

In our discussion so far we have glossed over an important subtlety: suppose an
object x is declared somewhere within block B. Does the scope of x include the
portion of B before the declaration, and if so can x actually be used in that portion
of the code? Put another way, can an expression E refer to any name declared in
the current scope, or only to names that are declared before E in the scope?

Several early languages, including Algol 60 and Lisp, required that all declara-
tions appear at the beginning of their scope. One might at first think that this rule

3.3 Scope Rules 131

would avoid the questions in the preceding paragraph, but it does not, because
declarations may refer to one another.6

In an apparent attempt to simplify the implementation of the compiler, Pas-EXAMPLE 3.7
A “gotcha” in

cal modified the requirement to say that names must be declared before they are
used. There are special mechanisms to accommodate recursive types and sub-
routines, but in general, a forward reference (an attempt to use a name before its
declaration) is a static semantic error. At the same time, however, Pascal retained
the notion that the scope of a declaration is the entire surrounding block. Taken
together, whole-block scope and declare-before-use rules can interact in surpris-
ing ways:

1. const N = 10;
2. …
3. procedure foo;
4. const
5. M = N; (* static semantic error! *)
6. …
7. N = 20; (* local constant declaration; hides the outer N *)

Pascal says that the second declaration of N covers all of foo, so the semantic
analyzer should complain on line 5 that N is being used before its declaration.
The error has the potential to be highly confusing, particularly if the programmer
meant to use the outer N:

const N = 10;

procedure foo;

M = N; (* static semantic error! *)

A : array [1..M] of integer;
N : real; (* hiding declaration *)

Here the pair of messages “N used before declaration” and “N is not a constant”
are almost certainly not helpful.


3.3 Mutual recursion
Some Algol 60 compilers were known to process the declarations of a scope in
program order. This strategy had the unfortunate effect of implicitly outlawing
mutually recursive subroutines and types, something the language designers
clearly did not intend [Atk73].

6 We saw an example of mutually recursive subroutines in the recursive descent parsing of Sec-
tion 2.3.1. Mutually recursive types frequently arise in linked data structures, where nodes of two
types may need to point to each other.

132 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

In order to determine the validity of any declaration that appears to use a
name from a surrounding scope, a Pascal compiler must scan the remainder of
the scope’s declarations to see if the name is hidden. To avoid this complication,
most Pascal successors (and some dialects of Pascal itself) specify that the scope of
an identifier is not the entire block in which it is declared (excluding holes), but
rather the portion of that block from the declaration to the end (again excluding
holes). If our program fragment had been written in Ada, for example, or in C,
C++, or Java, no semantic errors would be reported. The declaration of M would
refer to the first (outer) declaration of N. �

C++ and Java further relax the rules by dispensing with the define-before-use
requirement in many cases. In both languages, members of a class (including
those that are not defined until later in the program text) are visible inside all
of the class’s methods. In Java, classes themselves can be declared in any order.
Interestingly, while C# echos Java in requiring declaration before use for localEXAMPLE 3.8

Whole-block scope in C# variables (but not for classes and members), it returns to the Pascal notion of
whole-block scope. Thus the following is invalid in C#:

class A {
const int N = 10;
void foo() {

const int M = N; // uses inner N before it is declared
const int N = 20; �

Perhaps the simplest approach to declaration order, from a conceptual point
of view, is that of Modula-3, which says that the scope of a declaration is the en-
tire block in which it appears (minus any holes created by nested declarations),
and that the order of declarations doesn’t matter. The principal objection to this
approach is that programmers may find it counterintuitive to use a local variable
before it is declared. Python takes the “whole block” scope rule one step furtherEXAMPLE 3.9

“Local if written” in Python by dispensing with variable declarations altogether. In their place it adopts the
unusual convention that the local variables of subroutine S are precisely those
variables that are written by some statement in the (static) body of S. If S is
nested inside of T, and the name x appears on the left-hand side of assignment
statements in both S and T, then the x’s are distinct: there is one in S and one
in T. Non-local variables are read-only unless explicitly imported (using Python’s
global statement). We will consider these conventions in more detail in Sec-
tion 14.4.1, as part of a general discussion of scoping in scripting languages. �

In the interest of flexibility, modern Lisp dialects tend to provide several op-EXAMPLE 3.10
Declaration order in

tions for declaration order. In Scheme, for example, the letrec and let* con-
structs define scopes with, respectively, whole-block and declaration-to-end-of-
block semantics. The most frequently used construct, let, provides yet another

(let ((A 1)) ; outer scope, with A defined to be 1
(let ((A 2) ; inner scope, with A defined to be 2

(B A)) ; and B defined to be A
B)) ; return the value of B

3.3 Scope Rules 133

Here the nested declarations of A and B don’t take effect until after the end of the
declaration list. Thus when B is defined, the redefinition of A has not yet taken
effect. B is defined to be the outer A, and the code as a whole returns 1. �

Declarations and Definitions

Recursive types and subroutines introduce a problem for languages that require
names to be declared before they can be used: how can two declarations each
appear before the other? C and C++ handle the problem by distinguishing be-
tween the declaration of an object and its definition. A declaration introduces a
name and indicates its scope, but may omit certain implementation details. A
definition describes the object in sufficient detail for the compiler to determine
its implementation. If a declaration is not complete enough to be a definition,
then a separate definition must appear somewhere else in the scope. In C we canEXAMPLE 3.11

Declarations vs definitions
in C


struct manager; /* declaration only */
struct employee {

struct manager *boss;
struct employee *next_employee;

struct manager { /* definition */

struct employee *first_employee;



void list_tail(follow_set fs); /* declaration only */
void list(follow_set fs)

switch (input_token) {
case id : match(id); list_tail(fs);

void list_tail(follow_set fs) /* definition */

switch (input_token) {
case comma : match(comma); list(fs);


The initial declaration of manager needed only to introduce a name: since point-
ers are generally all the same size, the compiler can determine the implementa-
tion of employee without knowing any manager details. The initial declaration
of list_tail, however, must include the return type and parameter list, so the
compiler can tell that the call in list is correct. �

134 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

Nested Blocks

In many languages, including Algol 60, C89, and Ada, local variables can be de-
clared not only at the beginning of any subroutine, but also at the top of any
begin. . . end ({…}) block. Other languages, including Algol 68, C, and all of
C’s descendants, are even more flexible, allowing declarations wherever a state-
ment may appear. In most languages a nested declaration hides any outer dec-
laration with the same name (Java and C# make it a static semantic error if the
outer declaration is local to the current subroutine).


3.4 Redeclarations
Some languages, particularly those that are intended for interactive use, permit
the programmer to redeclare an object: to create a new binding for a given
name in a given scope. Interactive programmers commonly use redeclarations
to experiment with alternative implementations or to fix bugs during early
development. In most interactive languages, the new meaning of the name
replaces the old in all contexts. In ML dialects, however, the old meaning of
the name may remain accessible to functions that were elaborated before the
name was redeclared. This design choice can sometimes be counterintuitive.
Here’s an example in OCaml (the lines beginning with # are user input; the
others are printed by the interpreter):

# let x = 1;;
val x : int = 1
# let f y = x + y;;
val f : int -> int =
# let x = 2;;
val x : int = 2
# f 3;;
– : int = 4

The second line of user input defines f to be a function of one argument (y)
that returns the sum of that argument and the previously defined value x.
When we redefine x to be 2, however, the function does not notice: it still
returns y plus 1. This behavior reflects the fact that OCaml is usually com-
piled, bit by bit on the fly, rather than interpreted. When x is redefined, f
has already been compiled into a form (bytecode or machine code) that ac-
cesses the old meaning of x directly. By comparison, a language like Scheme,
which is lexically scoped but usually interpreted, stores the bindings for names
in known locations. Programs always access the meanings of names indirectly
through those locations: if the meaning of a name changes, all accesses to the
name will use the new meaning.

3.3 Scope Rules 135

Variables declared in nested blocks can be very useful, as for example in theEXAMPLE 3.12
Inner declarations in C following C code:

int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;


Keeping the declaration of temp lexically adjacent to the code that uses it makes
the program easier to read, and eliminates any possibility that this code will in-
terfere with another variable named temp. �

No run-time work is needed to allocate or deallocate space for variables de-
clared in nested blocks; their space can be included in the total space for local
variables allocated in the subroutine prologue and deallocated in the epilogue.
Exercise 3.9 considers how to minimize the total space required.

12. What do we mean by the scope of a name-to-object binding?

13. Describe the difference between static and dynamic scoping.

14. What is elaboration?

15. What is a referencing environment?

16. Explain the closest nested scope rule.

17. What is the purpose of a scope resolution operator?

18. What is a static chain? What is it used for?

19. What are forward references? Why are they prohibited or restricted in many
programming languages?

20. Explain the difference between a declaration and a definition. Why is the dis-
tinction important?

3.3.4 Modules

An important challenge in the construction of any large body of software is to
divide the effort among programmers in such a way that work can proceed on
multiple fronts simultaneously. This modularization of effort depends critically
on the notion of information hiding, which makes objects and algorithms invisi-
ble, whenever possible, to portions of the system that do not need them. Properly
modularized code reduces the “cognitive load” on the programmer by minimiz-
ing the amount of information required to understand any given portion of the

136 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

system. In a well-designed program the interfaces among modules are as “nar-
row” (i.e., simple) as possible, and any design decision that is likely to change is
hidden inside a single module.

Information hiding is crucial for software maintenance (bug fixes and en-
hancement), which tends to significantly outweigh the cost of initial development
for most commercial software. In addition to reducing cognitive load, hiding re-
duces the risk of name conflicts: with fewer visible names, there is less chance
that a newly introduced name will be the same as one already in use. It also safe-
guards the integrity of data abstractions: any attempt to access an object outside
of the module to which it belongs will cause the compiler to issue an “undefined
symbol” error message. Finally, it helps to compartmentalize run-time errors: if a
variable takes on an unexpected value, we can generally be sure that the code that
modified it is in the variable’s scope.

Encapsulating Data and Subroutines

Unfortunately, the information hiding provided by nested subroutines is limited
to objects whose lifetime is the same as that of the subroutine in which they are
hidden. When control returns from a subroutine, its local variables will no longer
be live: their values will be discarded. We have seen a partial solution to this
problem in the form of the save statement in Fortran and the static and own
variables of C and Algol.

Static variables allow a subroutine to have “memory”—to retain information
from one invocation to the next—while protecting that memory from acciden-
tal access or modification by other parts of the program. Put another way, static
variables allow programmers to build single-subroutine abstractions. Unfortu-
nately, they do not allow the construction of abstractions whose interface needs
to consist of more than one subroutine. Consider, for example, a simple pseudo-EXAMPLE 3.13

Pseudorandom numbers as
a motivation for modules

random number generator. In addition to the main rand_int routine, we might
want a set_seed routine that primes the generator for a specific pseudorandom
sequence (e.g., for deterministic testing). We should like to make the state of
the generator, which determines the next pseudorandom number, visible to both
rand_int and set_seed, but hide it from the rest of the program. We can
achieve this goal in many languages through use of a module construct. �

Modules as Abstractions

A module allows a collection of objects—subroutines, variables, types, and so
on—to be encapsulated in such a way that (1) objects inside are visible to each
other, but (2) objects on the inside may not be visible on the outside unless they
are exported, and (3) objects on the outside may not be visible on the inside un-
less they are imported. Import and export conventions vary significantly from
one language to another, but in all cases, only the visibility of objects is affected;
modules do not affect the lifetime of the objects they contain.

3.3 Scope Rules 137

namespace rand_mod {

unsigned int seed = time(0); // initialize from current time of day
const unsigned int a = 48271;
const unsigned int m = 0x7fffffff;

void set_seed(unsigned int s) {
seed = s;

unsigned int rand_int() {

return seed = (a * seed) % m;


Figure 3.6 Pseudorandom number generator module in C++. Uses the linear congruential
method, with a default seed taken from the current time of day. While there exist much better
(more random) generators, this one is simple, and acceptable for many purposes.

Modules were one of the principal language innovations of the late 1970s and
early 1980s; they appeared in Clu7 (which called them clusters), Modula (1, 2,
and 3), Turing, and Ada 83, among others. In more modern form, they also
appear in Haskell, C++, Java, C#, and all the major scripting languages. Several
languages, including Ada, Java, and Perl, use the term package instead of module.
Others, including C++, C#, and PHP, use namespace. Modules can be emulated
to some degree through use of the separate compilation facilities of C; we discuss
this possibility in Section C 3.8.

As an example of the use of modules, consider the pseudorandom numberEXAMPLE 3.14
Pseudorandom number
generator in C++

generator shown in Figure 3.6. As discussed in Sidebar 3.5, this module (names-
pace) would typically be placed in its own file, and then imported wherever it is
needed in a C++ program.

Bindings of names made inside the namespace may be partially or totally hid-
den (inactive) on the outside—but not destroyed. In C++, where namespaces can
appear only at the outermost level of lexical nesting, integer seed would retain its
value throughout the execution of the program, even though it is visible only to
set_seed and rand_int.

Outside the rand_mod namespace, C++ allows set_seed and rand_int to be
accessed as rand_mod::set_seed and rand_mod::rand_int. The seed variable
could also be accessed as rand_mod::seed, but this is probably not a good idea,
and the need for the rand_mod prefix means it’s unlikely to happen by accident.

7 Barbara Liskov (1939–), the principal designer of Clu, is one of the leading figures in the history
of abstraction mechanisms. A faculty member at MIT since 1971, she was also the principal de-
signer of the Argus programming language, which combined language and database technology
to improve the reliability and programmability of distributed systems. She received the ACM
Turing Award in 2008.

138 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

The need for the prefix can be eliminated, on a name-by-name basis, with a using

using rand_mod::rand_int;

int r = rand_int();

Alternatively, the full set of names declared in a namespace can be made available
at once:

using namespace rand_mod;

int r = rand_int();

Unfortunately, such wholesale exposure of a module’s names increases both the
likelihood of conflict with names in the importing context and the likelihood
that objects like seed, which are logically private to the module, will be accessed
accidentally. �

Imports and Exports

Some languages allow the programmer to specify that names exported from mod-
ules be usable only in restricted ways. Variables may be exported read-only, for
example, or types may be exported opaquely, meaning that variables of that type
may be declared, passed as arguments to the module’s subroutines, and possibly
compared or assigned to one another, but not manipulated in any other way.

Modules into which names must be explicitly imported are said to be closed
scopes. By extension, modules that do not require imports are said to be open
scopes. Imports serve to document the program: they increase modularity by
requiring a module to specify the ways in which it depends on the rest of the pro-
gram. They also reduce name conflicts by refraining from importing anything
that isn’t needed. Modules are closed in Modula (1, 2, and 3) and Haskell. C++
is representative of an increasingly common option, in which names are auto-
matically exported, but are available on the outside only when qualified with the
module name—unless they are explicitly “imported” by another scope (e.g., with
the C++ using directive), at which point they are available unqualified. This op-
tion, which we might call selectively open modules, also appears in Ada, Java, C#,
and Python, among others.

Modules as Managers

Modules facilitate the construction of abstractions by allowing data to be made
private to the subroutines that use them. When used as in Figure 3.6, however,
each module defines a single abstraction. Continuing our previous example, thereEXAMPLE 3.15

Module as “manager” for a

are times when it may be desirable to have more than one pseudorandom num-
ber generator. When debugging a game, for example, we might want to obtain
deterministic (repeatable) behavior in one particular game module (a particular

3.3 Scope Rules 139

namespace rand_mgr {

const unsigned int a = 48271;
const unsigned int m = 0x7fffffff;

typedef struct {
unsigned int seed;

} generator;

generator* create() {
generator* g = new generator;
g->seed = time(0);
return g;

void set_seed(generator* g, unsigned int s) {

g->seed = s;
unsigned int rand_int(generator* g) {

return g->seed = (a * g->seed) % m;


Figure 3.7 Manager module for pseudorandom numbers in C++.

character, perhaps), regardless of uses of pseudorandom numbers elsewhere in
the program. If we want to have several generators, we can make our namespace
a “manager” for instances of a generator type, which is then exported from the
module, as shown in Figure 3.7. The manager idiom requires additional subrou-
tines to create/initialize and possibly destroy generator instances, and it requires
that every subroutine (set_seed, rand_int, create) take an extra parameter,
to specify the generator in question.

Given the declarations in Figure 3.7, we could create and use an arbitrary num-
ber of generators:

using rand_mgr::generator;
generator *g1 = rand_mgr::create();
generator *g2 = rand_mgr::create();

using rand_mgr::rand_int;
int r1 = rand_int(g1);
int r2 = rand_int(g2);

In more complex programs, it may make sense for a module to export several
related types, instances of which can then be passed to its subroutines. �

3.3.5 Module Types and Classes

An alternative solution to the multiple instance problem appeared in Eu-
clid, which treated each module as a type, rather than a simple encapsulation

140 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

construct. Given a module type, the programmer could declare an arbitrary
number of similar module objects. As it turns out, the classes of modern object-
oriented languages are an extension of module types. Access to a module instance
typically looks like access to an object, and we can illustrate the ideas in any
object-oriented language. For our C++ pseudorandom number example, theEXAMPLE 3.16

A pseudorandom number
generator type


generator *g = rand_mgr::create();

int r = rand_int(g);

might be replaced by

rand_gen *g = new rand_gen();

int r = g->rand_int();

where the rand_gen class is declared as in Figure 3.8. Module types or classes
allow the programmer to think of the rand_int routine as “belonging to” the
generator, rather than as a separate entity to which the generator must be passed


3.5 Modules and separate compilation
One of the hallmarks of a good abstraction is that it tends to be useful in multi-
ple contexts. To facilitate code reuse, many languages make modules the basis
of separate compilation. Modula-2 actually provided two different kinds of
modules: one (external modules) for separate compilation, the other (internal
modules) for textual nesting within a larger scope. Experience with these op-
tions eventually led Niklaus Wirth, the designer of Modula-2, to conclude that
external modules were by far the more useful variety; he omitted the internal
version from his subsequent language, Oberon. Many would argue, however,
that internal modules find their real utility only when extended with instan-
tiation and inheritance. Indeed, as noted near the end of this section, many
object-oriented languages provide both modules and classes. The former sup-
port separate compilation and serve to minimize name conflicts; the latter are
for data abstraction.

To facilitate separate compilation, modules in many languages (Modula-2
and Oberon among them) can be divided into a declaration part (header) and
an implementation part (body), each of which occupies a separate file. Code
that uses the exports of a given module can be compiled as soon as the header
exists; it is not dependent on the body. In particular, work on the bodies of
cooperating modules can proceed concurrently once the headers exist. We will
return to the subjects of separate compilation and code reuse in Sections C 3.8
and 10.1, respectively.

3.3 Scope Rules 141

class rand_gen {
unsigned int seed = time(0);
const unsigned int a = 48271;
const unsigned int m = 0x7fffffff;

void set_seed(unsigned int s) {

seed = s;
unsigned int rand_int() {

return seed = (a * seed) % m;


Figure 3.8 Pseudorandom number generator class in C++.

as an argument. Conceptually, there is a dedicated rand_int routine for every
generator (rand_gen object). In practice, of course, it would be highly wasteful
to create multiple copies of the code. As we shall see in Chapter 10, rand_gen
instances really share a single pair of set_seed and rand_int routines, and the
compiler arranges for a pointer to the relevant instance to be passed to the routine
as an extra, hidden parameter. The implementation turns out to be very similar
to that of Figure 3.7, but the programmer need not think of it that way. �

Object Orientation

The difference between module types and classes is a powerful pair of features
found together in the latter but not the former—namely, inheritance and dynamic
method dispatch.8 Inheritance allows new classes to be defined as extensions or
refinements of existing classes. Dynamic method dispatch allows a refined class
to override the definition of an operation in its parent class, and for the choice
among definitions to be made at run time, on the basis of whether a particular
object belongs to the child class or merely to the parent.

Inheritance facilitates a programming style in which all or most operations are
thought of as belonging to objects, and in which new objects can inherit many of
their operations from existing objects, without the need to rewrite code. Classes
have their roots in Simula-67, and were further developed in Smalltalk. They ap-
pear in many modern languages, including Eiffel, OCaml, C++, Java, C#, and sev-
eral scripting languages, notably Python and Ruby. Inheritance mechanisms can
also be found in certain languages that are not usually considered object-oriented,
including Modula-3, Ada 95, and Oberon. We will examine inheritance, dynamic
dispatch, and their impact on scope rules in Chapter 10 and in Section 14.4.4.

8 A few languages—notably members of the ML family—have module types with inheritance—but
still without dynamic method dispatch. Modules in most languages are missing both features.

142 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

Module types and classes (ignoring issues related to inheritance) require only
simple changes to the scope rules defined for modules in Section 3.3.4. Every
instance A of a module type or class (e.g., every rand_gen) has a separate copy
of the module or class’s variables. These variables are then visible when executing
one of A’s operations. They may also be indirectly visible to the operations of
some other instance B if A is passed as a parameter to one of those operations.
This rule makes it possible in most object-oriented languages to construct binary
(or more-ary) operations that can manipulate the variables (fields) of more than
one instance of a class.

Modules Containing Classes

While there is a clear progression from modules to module types to classes, it is
not necessarily the case that classes are an adequate replacement for modules in
all cases. Suppose we are developing an interactive “first person” game. ClassEXAMPLE 3.17

Modules and classes in a
large application

hierarchies may be just what we need to represent characters, possessions, build-
ings, goals, and a host of other data abstractions. At the same time, especially on
a project with a large team of programmers, we will probably want to divide the
functionality of the game into large-scale subsystems such as graphics and ren-
dering, physics, and strategy. These subsystems are really not data abstractions,
and we probably don’t want the option to create multiple instances of them. They
are naturally captured with traditional modules, particularly if those modules are
designed for separate compilation (Section 3.8). Recognizing the need for both
multi-instance abstractions and functional subdivision, many languages, includ-
ing C++, Java, C#, Python, and Ruby, provide separate class and module mecha-
nisms. �

3.3.6 Dynamic Scoping

In a language with dynamic scoping, the bindings between names and objects
depend on the flow of control at run time, and in particular on the order in which
subroutines are called. In comparison to the static scope rules discussed in the
previous section, dynamic scope rules are generally quite simple: the “current”
binding for a given name is the one encountered most recently during execution,
and not yet destroyed by returning from its scope.

Languages with dynamic scoping include APL, Snobol, Tcl, TEX (the type-
setting language with which this book was created), and early dialects of Lisp
[MAE+65, Moo78, TM81] and Perl.9 Because the flow of control cannot in gen-
eral be predicted in advance, the bindings between names and objects in a lan-
guage with dynamic scoping cannot in general be determined by a compiler. As a

9 Scheme and Common Lisp are statically scoped, though the latter allows the programmer to
specify dynamic scoping for individual variables. Static scoping was added to Perl in version 5;
the programmer now chooses static or dynamic scoping explicitly in each variable declaration.
(We consider this choice in more detail in Section 14.4.1.)

3.3 Scope Rules 143

1. n : integer –– global declaration

2. procedure first( )
3. n := 1

4. procedure second( )
5. n : integer –– local declaration
6. first( )

7. n := 2
8. if read integer( ) > 0
9. second( )

10. else
11. first( )
12. write integer(n)

Figure 3.9 Static versus dynamic scoping. Program output depends on both scope rules and,
in the case of dynamic scoping, a value read at run time.

result, many semantic rules in a language with dynamic scoping become a matter
of dynamic semantics rather than static semantics. Type checking in expressions
and argument checking in subroutine calls, for example, must in general be de-
ferred until run time. To accommodate all these checks, languages with dynamic
scoping tend to be interpreted, rather than compiled.

Consider the program in Figure 3.9. If static scoping is in effect, this programEXAMPLE 3.18
Static vs dynamic scoping prints a 1. If dynamic scoping is in effect, the output depends on the value read

at line 8 at run time: if the input is positive, the program prints a 2; otherwise it
prints a 1. Why the difference? At issue is whether the assignment to the variable
n at line 3 refers to the global variable declared at line 1 or to the local variable
declared at line 5. Static scope rules require that the reference resolve to the closest
lexically enclosing declaration, namely the global n. Procedure first changes n to
1, and line 12 prints this value. Dynamic scope rules, on the other hand, require
that we choose the most recent, active binding for n at run time.


3.6 Dynamic scoping
It is not entirely clear whether the use of dynamic scoping in Lisp and other
early interpreted languages was deliberate or accidental. One reason to think
that it may have been deliberate is that it makes it very easy for an interpreter to
look up the meaning of a name: all that is required is a stack of declarations (we
examine this stack more closely in Section C 3.4.2). Unfortunately, this simple
implementation has a very high run-time cost, and experience indicates that
dynamic scoping makes programs harder to understand. The modern consen-
sus seems to be that dynamic scoping is usually a bad idea (see Exercise 3.17
and Exploration 3.36 for two exceptions).

144 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

We create a binding for n when we enter the main program. We create another
when and if we enter procedure second. When we execute the assignment state-
ment at line 3, the n to which we are referring will depend on whether we entered
first through second or directly from the main program. If we entered through
second, we will assign the value 1 to second’s local n. If we entered from the
main program, we will assign the value 1 to the global n. In either case, the write
at line 12 will refer to the global n, since second’s local n will be destroyed, along
with its binding, when control returns to the main program. �

With dynamic scoping, errors associated with the referencing environmentEXAMPLE 3.19
Run-time errors with
dynamic scoping

may not be detected until run time. In Figure 3.10, for example, the declara-
tion of local variable max score in procedure foo accidentally redefines a global
variable used by function scaled score, which is then called from foo. Since the
global max score is an integer, while the local max score is a floating-point num-
ber, dynamic semantic checks in at least some languages will result in a type clash
message at run time. If the local max score had been an integer, no error would
have been detected, but the program would almost certainly have produced in-
correct results. This sort of error can be very hard to find. �

3.4 Implementing Scope
To keep track of the names in a statically scoped program, a compiler relies on a
data abstraction called a symbol table. In essence, the symbol table is a dictionary:
it maps names to the information the compiler knows about them. The most ba-
sic operations are to insert a new mapping (a name-to-object binding) or to look
up the information that is already present for a given name. Static scope rules add
complexity by allowing a given name to correspond to different objects—and thus
to different information—in different parts of the program. Most variations on
static scoping can be handled by augmenting a basic dictionary-style symbol table
with enter scope and leave scope operations to keep track of visibility. Nothing
is ever deleted from the table; the entire structure is retained throughout compi-
lation, and then saved for use by debuggers or run-time reflection (type lookup)

In a language with dynamic scoping, an interpreter (or the output of a com-
piler) must perform operations analogous to symbol table insert and lookup at
run time. In principle, any organization used for a symbol table in a compiler
could be used to track name-to-object bindings in an interpreter, and vice versa.
In practice, implementations of dynamic scoping tend to adopt one of two spe-
cific organizations: an association list or a central reference table.


A symbol table with visibility support can be implemented in several different
ways. One appealing approach, due to LeBlanc and Cook [CL83], is described on
the companion site, along with both association lists and central reference tables.

3.5 The Meaning of Names within a Scope 145

max score : integer –– maximum possible score

function scaled score(raw score : integer) : real
return raw score / max score * 100

. . .
procedure foo( )

max score : real := 0 –– highest percentage seen so far
. . .
foreach student in class

student.percent := scaled score(student.points)
if student.percent > max score

max score := student.percent

Figure 3.10 The problem with dynamic scoping. Procedure scaled score probably does not
do what the programmer intended when dynamic scope rules allow procedure foo to change
the meaning of max score.

An association list (or A-list for short) is simply a list of name/value pairs.
When used to implement dynamic scoping it functions as a stack: new declara-
tions are pushed as they are encountered, and popped at the end of the scope in
which they appeared. Bindings are found by searching down the list from the top.
A central reference table avoids the need for linear-time search by maintaining
an explicit mapping from names to their current meanings. Lookup is faster, but
scope entry and exit are somewhat more complex, and it becomes substantially
more difficult to save a referencing environment for future use (we discuss this
issue further in Section 3.6.1).

3.5 The Meaning of Names within a Scope
So far in our discussion of naming and scopes we have assumed that there is
a one-to-one mapping between names and visible objects at any given point in
a program. This need not be the case. Two or more names that refer to the
same object at the same point in the program are said to be aliases. A name
that can refer to more than one object at a given point in the program is said
to be overloaded. Overloading is in turn related to the more general subject of
polymorphism, which allows a subroutine or other program fragment to behave
in different ways depending on the types of its arguments.

3.5.1 Aliases

Simple examples of aliases occur in the variant records and unions of many pro-
gramming languages (we will discuss these features detail in Section C 8.1.3).

146 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

They also arise naturally in programs that make use of pointer-based data struc-
tures. A more subtle way to create aliases in many languages is to pass a variableEXAMPLE 3.20

Aliasing with parameters by reference to a subroutine that also accesses that variable directly. Consider the
following code in C++:

double sum, sum_of_squares;

void accumulate(double& x) { // x is passed by reference

sum += x;
sum_of_squares += x * x;


If we pass sum as an argument to accumulate, then sum and x will be aliases for
one another inside the called routine, and the program will probably not do what
the programmer intended. �

As a general rule, aliases tend to make programs more confusing than they
otherwise would be. They also make it much more difficult for a compiler
to perform certain important code improvements. Consider the followingEXAMPLE 3.21

Aliases and code

C code:

int a, b, *p, *q;

a = *p; /* read from the variable referred to by p */
*q = 3; /* assign to the variable referred to by q */
b = *p; /* read from the variable referred to by p */


3.7 Pointers in C and Fortran
The tendency of pointers to introduce aliases is one of the reasons why For-
tran compilers tended, historically, to produce faster code than C compilers:
pointers are heavily used in C, but missing from Fortran 77 and its predeces-
sors. It is only in recent years that sophisticated alias analysis algorithms have
allowed C compilers to rival their Fortran counterparts in speed of generated
code. Pointer analysis is sufficiently important that the designers of the C99
standard decided to add a new keyword to the language. The restrict qual-
ifier, when attached to a pointer declaration, is an assertion on the part of the
programmer that the object to which the pointer refers has no alias in the cur-
rent scope. It is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that the assertion is
correct; the compiler need not attempt to check it. C99 also introduced strict
aliasing. This allows the compiler to assume that pointers of different types
will never refer to the same location in memory. Most compilers provide a
command-line option to disable optimizations that exploit this rule; other-
wise (poorly written) legacy programs may behave incorrectly when compiled
at higher optimization levels.

3.5 The Meaning of Names within a Scope 147

type month is (jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun,

jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec);
type print_base is (dec, bin, oct, hex);
mo : month;
pb : print_base;

mo := dec; — the month dec (since mo has type month)
pb := oct; — the print_base oct (since pb has type print_base)
print(oct); — error! insufficient context

— to decide which oct is intended

Figure 3.11 Overloading of enumeration constants in Ada.

The initial assignment to a will, on most machines, require that *p be loaded into
a register. Since accessing memory is expensive, the compiler will want to hang on
to the loaded value and reuse it in the assignment to b. It will be unable to do so,
however, unless it can verify that p and q cannot refer to the same object—that
is, that *p and *q are not aliases. While compile-time verification of this sort is
possible in many common cases, in general it’s undecidable. �

3.5.2 Overloading

Most programming languages provide at least a limited form of overloading. In
C, for example, the plus sign (+) is used to name several different functions, in-
cluding signed and unsigned integer and floating-point addition. Most program-
mers don’t worry about the distinction between these two functions—both are
based on the same mathematical concept, after all—but they take arguments of
different types and perform very different operations on the underlying bits. AEXAMPLE 3.22

Overloaded enumeration
constants in Ada

slightly more sophisticated form of overloading appears in the enumeration con-
stants of Ada. In Figure 3.11, the constants oct and dec refer either to months or
to numeric bases, depending on the context in which they appear. �

Within the symbol table of a compiler, overloading must be handled (resolved)
by arranging for the lookup routine to return a list of possible meanings for the
requested name. The semantic analyzer must then choose from among the ele-
ments of the list based on context. When the context is not sufficient to decide,
as in the call to print in Figure 3.11, then the semantic analyzer must announce
an error. Most languages that allow overloaded enumeration constants allow theEXAMPLE 3.23

Resolving ambiguous

programmer to provide appropriate context explicitly. In Ada, for example, one
can say


In Modula-3 and C#, every use of an enumeration constant must be prefixed with
a type name, even when there is no chance of ambiguity:

148 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

struct complex {
double real, imaginary;

enum base {dec, bin, oct, hex};

int i;
complex x;

void print_num(int n) { …
void print_num(int n, base b) { …
void print_num(complex c) { …

print_num(i); // uses the first function above
print_num(i, hex); // uses the second function above
print_num(x); // uses the third function above

Figure 3.12 Simple example of overloading in C++. In each case the compiler can tell which
function is intended by the number and types of arguments.

mo := month.dec; (* Modula-3 *)

pb = print_base.oct; // C#

In C, one cannot overload enumeration constants at all; every constant visible in a
given scope must be distinct. C++11 introduced new syntax to give the program-
mer control over this behavior: enum constants must be distinct; enum class
constants must be qualified with the class name (e.g., month::oct). �

Both Ada and C++ have elaborate facilities for overloading subroutine names.EXAMPLE 3.24
Overloading in C++ Many of the C++ facilities carry over to Java and C#. A given name may refer

to an arbitrary number of subroutines in the same scope, so long as the subrou-
tines differ in the number or types of their arguments. C++ examples appear in
Figure 3.12. �

Redefining Built-in Operators

Many languages also allow the built-in arithmetic operators (+, -, *, etc.) to be
overloaded with user-defined functions. Ada, C++, and C# do this by definingEXAMPLE 3.25

Operator overloading
in Ada

alternative prefix forms of each operator, and defining the usual infix forms to be
abbreviations (or “syntactic sugar”) for the prefix forms. In Ada, A + B is short
for “+”(A, B). If “+” (the prefix form) is overloaded, then + (the infix form)
will work for the new types as well. It must be possible to resolve the overloading
(determine which + is intended) from the types of A and B. �

Fortran 90 provides a special interface construct that can be used to
associate an operator with some named binary function. In C++ and C#,EXAMPLE 3.26

Operator overloading
in C++

which are object-oriented, A + B may be short for either operator+(A, B) or
A.operator+(B). In the latter case, A is an instance of a class (module type) that
defines an operator+ function. In C++ one might say

3.5 The Meaning of Names within a Scope 149

class complex {
double real, imaginary;

complex operator+(complex other) {

return complex(real + other.real, imaginary + other.imaginary);


complex A, B, C;

C = A + B; // uses user-defined operator+

C# syntax is similar. �
In Haskell, user-defined infix operators are simply functions whose namesEXAMPLE 3.27

Infix operators in Haskell consist of non-alphanumeric characters:

let a @@ b = a * 2 + b

Here we have defined a 2-argument operator named @@. We could also have de-
clared it with the usual prefix notation, in which case we would have needed to
enclose the name in parentheses:

let (@@) a b = a * 2 + b

Either way, both 3 @@ 4 and (@@) 3 4 will evaluate to 10. (An arbitrary function
can also be used as infix operator in Haskell by enclosing its name in backquotes.
With an appropriate definition, gcd 8 12 and 8 `gcd` 12 will both evaluate
to 4.)

Unlike most languages, Haskell allows the programmer to specify both the as-
sociativity and the precedence of user-defined operators. We will return to this
subject in Section 6.1.1. �

Both operators and ordinary functions can be overloaded in Haskell, using aEXAMPLE 3.28
Overloading with type

mechanism known as type classes. Among the simplest of these is the class Eq,
declared in the standard library as


3.8 User-defined operators in OCaml
OCaml does not support overloading, but it does allow the user to create new
operators, whose names—as in Haskell—consist of non-alphanumeric char-
acters. Each such name must begin with the name of one of the built-in op-
erators, from which the new operator inherits its syntactic role (prefix, infix,
or postfix) and precedence. So, for example,+. is used for floating-point addi-
tion; +/ is used for “bignum” (arbitrary precision) integer addition.

150 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

class Eq a, where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool

This declaration establishes Eq as the set of types that provide an == operator.
Any instance of ==, for some particular type a, must take two arguments (each of
type a) and return a Boolean result. In other words, == is an overloaded operator,
supported by all types of class Eq; each such type must provide its own equality
definition. The definition for integers, again from the standard library, looks like

instance Eq Integer where
x == y = x `integerEq` y

Here integerEq is the built-in, non-overloaded integer equality operator. �
Type classes can build upon themselves. The Haskell Ord class, for example,

encompasses all Eq types that also support the operators <, >, <=, and >=. The
Num class (simplifying a bit) encompasses all Eq types that also support addition,
subtraction, and multiplication. In addition to making overloading a bit more
explicit than it is in most languages, type classes make it possible to specify that
certain polymorphic functions can be used only when their arguments are of a
type that supports some particular overloaded function (for more on this subject,
see Sidebar 7.7).

Related Concepts

When considering function and subroutine calls, it is important to distinguish
overloading from the related concepts of coercion and polymorphism. All three
can be used, in certain circumstances, to pass arguments of multiple types to (or
return values of multiple types from) what appears to be a single named routine.
The syntactic similarity, however, hides significant differences in semantics and

Coercion, which we will cover in more detail in Section 7.2.2, is the process
by which a compiler automatically converts a value of one type into a value of
another type when that second type is required by the surrounding context. Poly-
morphism, which we will consider in Sections 7.1.2, 7.3, 10.1.1, and 14.4.4, allows
a single subroutine to accept arguments of multiple types.

Consider a print routine designed to display its argument on the standard out-EXAMPLE 3.29
Printing objects of multiple

put stream, and suppose that we wish to be able to display objects of multiple
types. With overloading, we might write a separate print routine for each type of
interest. Then when it sees a call to print(my object), the compiler would choose
the appropriate routine based on the type of my object.

Now suppose we already have a print routine that accepts a floating-point ar-
gument. With coercion, we might be able to print integers by passing them
to this existing routine, rather than writing a new one. When it sees a call to
print(my integer), the compiler would coerce (convert) the argument automati-
cally to floating-point type prior to the call.

3.5 The Meaning of Names within a Scope 151

Finally, suppose we have a language in which many types support a to string
operation that will generate a character-string representation of an object of that
type. We might then be able to write a polymorphic print routine that accepts
an argument of any type for which to string is defined. The to string operation
might itself be polymorphic, built in, or simply overloaded; in any of these cases,
print could call it and output the result. �

In short, overloading allows the programmer to give the same name to multiple
objects, and to disambiguate (resolve) them based on context—for subroutines,
on the number or types of arguments. Coercion allows the compiler to perform
an automatic type conversion to make an argument conform to the expected type
of some existing routine. Polymorphism allows a single routine to accept argu-
ments of multiple types, provided that it attempts to use them only in ways that
their types support.

21. Explain the importance of information hiding.

22. What is an opaque export?

23. Why might it be useful to distinguish between the header and the body of a

24. What does it mean for a scope to be closed?

25. Explain the distinction between “modules as managers” and “modules as

26. How do classes differ from modules?

27. Why might it be useful to have modules and classes in the same language?

28. Why does the use of dynamic scoping imply the need for run-time type check-

29. Explain the purpose of a compiler’s symbol table.

30. What are aliases? Why are they considered a problem in language design and

31. Explain the value of the restrict qualifier in C.

32. What is overloading? How does it differ from coercion and polymorphism?

33. What are type classes in Haskell? What purpose do they serve?

152 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

3.6 The Binding of Referencing Environments
We have seen in Section 3.3 how scope rules determine the referencing environ-
ment of a given statement in a program. Static scope rules specify that the refer-
encing environment depends on the lexical nesting of program blocks in which
names are declared. Dynamic scope rules specify that the referencing environ-
ment depends on the order in which declarations are encountered at run time.
An additional issue that we have not yet considered arises in languages that allow
one to create a reference to a subroutine—for example, by passing it as a parame-
ter. When should scope rules be applied to such a subroutine: when the reference
is first created, or when the routine is finally called? The answer is particularly im-
portant for languages with dynamic scoping, though we shall see that it matters
even in languages with static scoping.

A dynamic scoping example appears as pseudocode in Figure 3.13. ProcedureEXAMPLE 3.30
Deep and shallow binding print selected records is assumed to be a general-purpose routine that knows

how to traverse the records in a database, regardless of whether they represent
people, sprockets, or salads. It takes as parameters a database, a predicate to make
print/don’t print decisions, and a subroutine that knows how to format the data
in the records of this particular database. We have hypothesized that procedure
print person uses the value of nonlocal variable line length to calculate the num-
ber and width of columns in its output. In a language with dynamic scoping, it is
natural for procedure print selected records to declare and initialize this variable
locally, knowing that code inside print routine will pick it up if needed. For this
coding technique to work, the referencing environment of print routine must not
be created until the routine is actually called by print selected records. This late
binding of the referencing environment of a subroutine that has been passed as a
parameter is known as shallow binding. It is usually the default in languages with
dynamic scoping.

For function older than threshold, by contrast, shallow binding may not work
well. If, for example, procedure print selected records happens to have a local
variable named threshold, then the variable set by the main program to influ-
ence the behavior of older than threshold will not be visible when the function
is finally called, and the predicate will be unlikely to work correctly. In such a
situation, the code that originally passes the function as a parameter has a par-
ticular referencing environment (the current one) in mind; it does not want the
routine to be called in any other environment. It therefore makes sense to bind
the environment at the time the routine is first passed as a parameter, and then
restore that environment when the routine is finally called. That is, we arrange
for older than threshold to see, when it is eventually called, the same referencing
environment it would have seen if it had been called at the point where the refer-
ence was created. This early binding of the referencing environment is known as
deep binding. It is almost always the default in languages with static scoping, and
is sometimes available as an option with dynamic scoping as well. �

3.6 The Binding of Referencing Environments 153

type person = record
. . .
age : integer
. . .

threshold : integer
people : database

function older than threshold(p : person) : boolean
return p.age ≥ threshold

procedure print person(p : person)
–– Call appropriate I/O routines to print record on standard output.
–– Make use of nonlocal variable line length to format data in columns.
. . .

procedure print selected records(db : database;
predicate, print routine : procedure)

line length : integer

if device type(stdout) = terminal
line length := 80

else –– Standard output is a file or printer.
line length := 132

foreach record r in db
–– Iterating over these may actually be
–– a lot more complicated than a ‘for’ loop.
if predicate(r)

print routine(r)

–– main program
. . .
threshold := 35
print selected records(people, older than threshold, print person)

Figure 3.13 Program (in pseudocode) to illustrate the importance of binding rules. One
might argue that deep binding is appropriate for the environment of function older than
threshold (for access to threshold), while shallow binding is appropriate for the environment
of procedure print person (for access to line length).

3.6.1 Subroutine Closures

Deep binding is implemented by creating an explicit representation of a refer-
encing environment (generally the one in which the subroutine would execute
if called at the present time) and bundling it together with a reference to the
subroutine. The bundle as a whole is referred to as a closure. Usually the sub-
routine itself can be represented in the closure by a pointer to its code. In a lan-
guage with dynamic scoping, the representation of the referencing environment
depends on whether the language implementation uses an association list or a

154 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

def A(I, P):

def B():

# body of A:
if I > 1:


A(2, B)

def C():
pass # do nothing

A(1, C) # main program

main program

I == 1

P == C

I == 2

P == B


Figure 3.14 Deep binding in Python. At right is a conceptual view of the run-time stack.
Referencing environments captured in closures are shown as dashed boxes and arrows. When
B is called via formal parameter P , two instances of I exist. Because the closure for P was
created in the initial invocation of A, B’s static link (solid arrow) points to the frame of that earlier
invocation. B uses that invocation’s instance of I in its print statement, and the output is a 1.

central reference table for run-time lookup of names; we consider these alterna-
tives at the end of Section C 3.4.2.

In early dialects of Lisp, which used dynamic scoping, deep binding was avail-
able via the built-in primitive function, which took a function as its argument
and returned a closure whose referencing environment was the one in which the
function would have executed if called at that moment in time. The closure could
then be passed as a parameter to another function. If and when it was eventually
called, it would execute in the saved environment. (Closures work slightly differ-
ently from “bare” functions in most Lisp dialects: they must be called by passing
them to the built-in primitives funcall or apply.)

At first glance, one might be tempted to think that the binding time of refer-
encing environments would not matter in a language with static scoping. After
all, the meaning of a statically scoped name depends on its lexical nesting, not on
the flow of execution, and this nesting is the same whether it is captured at the
time a subroutine is passed as a parameter or at the time the subroutine is called.
The catch is that a running program may have more than one instance of an ob-
ject that is declared within a recursive subroutine. A closure in a language with
static scoping captures the current instance of every object, at the time the closure
is created. When the closure’s subroutine is called, it will find these captured in-
stances, even if newer instances have subsequently been created by recursive calls.

One could imagine combining static scoping with shallow binding [VF82], but
the combination does not seem to make much sense, and does not appear to have
been adopted in any language. Figure 3.14 contains a Python program that illus-EXAMPLE 3.31

Binding rules with static

trates the impact of binding rules in the presence of static scoping. This program
prints a 1. With shallow binding it would print a 2. �

3.6 The Binding of Referencing Environments 155

It should be noted that binding rules matter with static scoping only when
accessing objects that are neither local nor global, but are defined at some inter-
mediate level of nesting. If an object is local to the currently executing subroutine,
then it does not matter whether the subroutine was called directly or through a
closure; in either case local objects will have been created when the subroutine
started running. If an object is global, there will never be more than one instance,
since the main body of the program is not recursive. Binding rules are therefore
irrelevant in languages like C, which has no nested subroutines, or Modula-2,
which allows only outermost subroutines to be passed as parameters, thus ensur-
ing that any variable defined outside the subroutine is global. (Binding rules are
also irrelevant in languages like PL/I and Ada 83, which do not permit subroutines
to be passed as parameters at all.)

Suppose then that we have a language with static scoping in which nested sub-
routines can be passed as parameters, with deep binding. To represent a closure
for subroutine S, we can simply save a pointer to S’s code together with the static
link that S would use if it were called right now, in the current environment.
When S is finally called, we temporarily restore the saved static link, rather than
creating a new one. When S follows its static chain to access a nonlocal object, it
will find the object instance that was current at the time the closure was created.
This instance may not have the value it had at the time the closure was created,
but its identity, at least, will reflect the intent of the closure’s creator.

3.6.2 First-Class Values and Unlimited Extent

In general, a value in a programming language is said to have first-class status
if it can be passed as a parameter, returned from a subroutine, or assigned into
a variable. Simple types such as integers and characters are first-class values in
most programming languages. By contrast, a “second-class” value can be passed
as a parameter, but not returned from a subroutine or assigned into a variable,
and a “third-class” value cannot even be passed as a parameter. As we shall see
in Section 9.3.2, labels (in languages that have them) are usually third-class val-
ues, but they are second-class values in Algol. Subroutines display the most vari-
ation. They are first-class values in all functional programming languages and
most scripting languages. They are also first-class values in C# and, with some
restrictions, in several other imperative languages, including Fortran, Modula-2
and -3, Ada 95, C, and C++.10 They are second-class values in most other imper-
ative languages, and third-class values in Ada 83.

Our discussion of binding so far has considered only second-class subroutines.
First-class subroutines in a language with nested scopes introduce an additional
level of complexity: they raise the possibility that a reference to a subroutine may

10 Some authors would say that first-class status requires anonymous function definitions—lambda
expressions—that can be embedded in other expressions. C#, several scripting languages, and all
functional languages meet this requirement, but many imperative languages do not.

156 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

outlive the execution of the scope in which that routine was declared. ConsiderEXAMPLE 3.32
Returning a first-class
subroutine in Scheme

the following example in Scheme:

1. (define plus-x
2. (lambda (x)
3. (lambda (y) (+ x y))))
4. …
5. (let ((f (plus-x 2)))
6. (f 3)) ; returns 5

Here the let construct on line 5 declares a new function, f, which is the result of
calling plus-x with argument 2. Function plus-x is defined at line 1. It returns
the (unnamed) function declared at line 3. But that function refers to parameter x
of plus-x. When f is called at line 6, its referencing environment will include the
x in plus-x, despite the fact that plus-x has already returned (see Figure 3.15).
Somehow we must ensure that x remains available. �

If local objects were destroyed (and their space reclaimed) at the end of each
scope’s execution, then the referencing environment captured in a long-lived clo-
sure might become full of dangling references. To avoid this problem, most func-
tional languages specify that local objects have unlimited extent: their lifetimes
continue indefinitely. Their space can be reclaimed only when the garbage col-
lection system is able to prove that they will never be used again. Local objects
(other than own/static variables) in most imperative languages have limited ex-
tent: they are destroyed at the end of their scope’s execution. (C# and Smalltalk
are exceptions to the rule, as are most scripting languages.) Space for local ob-
jects with limited extent can be allocated on a stack. Space for local objects with
unlimited extent must generally be allocated on a heap.

Given the desire to maintain stack-based allocation for the local variables
of subroutines, imperative languages with first-class subroutines must generally
adopt alternative mechanisms to avoid the dangling reference problem for clo-
sures. C and (pre-Fortran 90) Fortran, of course, do not have nested subrou-
tines. Modula-2 allows references to be created only to outermost subroutines
(outermost routines are first-class values; nested routines are third-class values).
Modula-3 allows nested subroutines to be passed as parameters, but only outer-


3.9 Binding rules and extent
Binding mechanisms and the notion of extent are closely tied to implementa-
tion issues. A-lists make it easy to build closures (Section C 3.4.2), but so do
the non-nested subroutines of C and the rule against passing nonglobal sub-
routines as parameters in Modula-2. In a similar vein, the lack of first-class
subroutines in many imperative languages reflects in large part the desire to
avoid heap allocation, which would be needed for local variables with unlim-
ited extent.

3.6 The Binding of Referencing Environments 157

main program main program

x = 2

rtn = anon
anon y = 3

Figure 3.15 The need for unlimited extent. When function plus-x is called in Example 3.32,
it returns (left side of the figure) a closure containing an anonymous function. The referencing
environment of that function encompasses both plus-x and main—including the local variables
of plus-x itself. When the anonymous function is subsequently called (right side of the figure),
it must be able to access variables in the closure’s environment—in particular, the x inside
plus-x—despite the fact that plus-x is no longer active.

most routines to be returned or stored in variables (outermost routines are first-
class values; nested routines are second-class values). Ada 95 allows a nested rou-
tine to be returned, but only if the scope in which it was declared is the same as,
or larger than, the scope of the declared return type. This containment rule, while
more conservative than strictly necessary (it forbids the Ada equivalent of Figure
3.14), makes it impossible to propagate a subroutine reference to a portion of the
program in which the routine’s referencing environment is not active.

3.6.3 Object Closures

As noted in Section 3.6.1, the referencing environment in a closure will be non-
trivial only when passing a nested subroutine. This means that the implementa-
tion of first-class subroutines is trivial in a language without nested subroutines.
At the same time, it means that a programmer working in such a language is
missing a useful feature: the ability to pass a subroutine with context. In object-
oriented languages, there is an alternative way to achieve a similar effect: we can
encapsulate our subroutine as a method of a simple object, and let the object’s
fields hold context for the method. In Java we might write the equivalent of Ex-EXAMPLE 3.33

An object closure in Java ample 3.32 as follows:

interface IntFunc {
public int call(int i);

class PlusX implements IntFunc {

final int x;
PlusX(int n) { x = n; }
public int call(int i) { return i + x; }


IntFunc f = new PlusX(2);
System.out.println(f.call(3)); // prints 5

158 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

Here the interface IntFunc defines a static type for objects enclosing a function
from integers to integers. Class PlusX is a concrete implementation of this type,
and can be instantiated for any integer constant x. Where the Scheme code in
Example 3.32 captured x in the subroutine closure returned by (plus-x 2), the
Java code here captures x in the object closure returned by new PlusX(2). �

An object that plays the role of a function and its referencing environment
may variously be called an object closure, a function object, or a functor. (This is
unrelated to use of the term functor in Prolog, ML, or Haskell.) In C#, a first-classEXAMPLE 3.34

Delegates in C# subroutine is an instance of a delegate type:

delegate int IntFunc(int i);

This type can be instantiated for any subroutine that matches the specified argu-
ment and return types. That subroutine may be static, or it may be a method of
some object:

static int Plus2(int i) return i + 2;

IntFunc f = new IntFunc(Plus2);
Console.WriteLine(f(3)); // prints 5

class PlusX
int x;
public PlusX(int n) x = n;
public int call(int i) return i + x;

IntFunc g = new IntFunc(new PlusX(2).call);
Console.WriteLine(g(3)); // prints 5 �

Remarkably, though C# does not permit subroutines to nest in the generalEXAMPLE 3.35
Delegates and unlimited

case, it does allow delegates to be instantiated in-line from anonymous (unnamed)
methods. These allow us to mimic the code of Example 3.32:

static IntFunc PlusY(int y) {
return delegate(int i) { return i + y; };


IntFunc h = PlusY(2);

Here y has unlimited extent! The compiler arranges to allocate it in the heap,
and to refer to it indirectly through a hidden pointer, included in the closure.
This implementation incurs the cost of dynamic storage allocation (and eventual
garbage collection) only when it is needed; local variables remain in the stack in
the common case. �

Object closures are sufficiently important that some languages support them
with special syntax. In C++, an object of a class that overrides operator() canEXAMPLE 3.36

Function objects in C++ be called as if it were a function:

3.6 The Binding of Referencing Environments 159

class int_func {

virtual int operator()(int i) = 0;
class plus_x : public int_func {

const int x;

plus_x(int n) : x(n) { }
virtual int operator()(int i) { return i + x; }


plus_x f(2);
cout << f(3) << "\n"; // prints 5 Object f could also be passed to any function that expected a parameter of class int_func. � 3.6.4 Lambda Expressions In most of our examples so far, closures have corresponded to subroutines that were declared—and named—in the usual way. In the Scheme code of Exam- ple 3.32, however, we saw an anonymous function—a lambda expression. Simi- larly, in Example 3.35, we saw an anonymous delegate in C#. That example canEXAMPLE 3.37 A lambda expression in C# be made even simpler using C#’s lambda syntax: static IntFunc PlusY(int y) { return i => i + y;


Here the keyword delegate of Example 3.35 has been replaced by an => sign
that separates the anonymous function’s parameter list (in this case, just i) from
its body (the expression i + y). In a function with more than one parameter, the
parameter list would be parenthesized; in a longer, more complicated function,
the body could be a code block, with one or more explicit return statements. �

The term “lambda expression” comes from the lambda calculus, a formal no-
tation for functional programming that we will consider in more detail in Chap-
ter 11. As one might expect, lambda syntax varies quite a bit from one languageEXAMPLE 3.38

Variety of lambda syntax to another:

(lambda (i j) (> i j) i j) ; Scheme

(int i, int j) => i > j ? i : j // C#

fun i j -> if i > j then i else j (* OCaml *)

->(i, j){ i > j ? i : j } # Ruby

Each of these expressions evaluates to the larger of two parameters.

160 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

In Scheme and OCaml, which are predominately functional languages, a
lambda expression simply is a function, and can be called in the same way as
any other function:

; Scheme:
((lambda (i j) (> i j) i j) 5 8) ; evaluates to 8

(* OCaml: *)
(fun i j -> if i > j then i else j) 5 8 (* likewise *)

In Ruby, which is predominately imperative, a lambda expression must be called

print ->(i, j){ i > j ? i : j }.call(5, 8)

In C#, the expression must be assigned into a variable (or passed into a parameter)
before it can be invoked:

Func m = (i, j) => i > j ? i : j;
Console.WriteLine(m.Invoke(5, 8));

Here Func is how one names the type of a function taking two
integer parameters and returning an integer result. �

In functional programming languages, lambda expressions make it easy to ma-
nipulate functions as values—to combine them in various ways to create new
functions on the fly. This sort of manipulation is less common in imperative lan-
guages, but even there, lambda expressions can help encourage code reuse and
generality. One particularly common idiom is the callback—a subroutine, passed
into a library, that allows the library to “call back” into the main program when
appropriate. Examples of callbacks include a comparison operator passed into a
sorting routine, a predicate used to filter elements of a collection, or a handler to
be called in response to some future event (see Section 9.6.2).

With the increasing popularity of first-class subroutines, lambda expressions
have even made their way into C++, where the lack of garbage collection and
the emphasis on stack-based allocation make it particularly difficult to solve the
problem of variable capture. The adopted solution, in keeping with the nature of
the language, stresses efficiency and expressiveness more than run-time safety.

In the simple case, no capture of nonlocal variables is required. If V is a vectorEXAMPLE 3.39
A simple lambda
expression in C++11

of integers, the following will print all elements less than 50:

for_each(V.begin(), V.end(),
[](int e){ if (e < 50) cout << e << " "; } ); Here for_each is a standard library routine that applies its third parameter—a function—to every element of a collection in the range specified by its first two 3.6 The Binding of Referencing Environments 161 parameters. In our example, the function is denoted by a lambda expression, introduced by the empty square brackets. The compiler turns the lambda expres- sion into an anonymous function, which is then passed to for_each via C++’s usual mechanism—a simple pointer to the code. � Suppose, however, that we wanted to print all elements less than k, where k isEXAMPLE 3.40 Variable capture in C++ lambda expressions a variable outside the scope of the lambda expression. We now have two options in C++: [=](int e){ if (e < k) cout << e << " "; } [&](int e){ if (e < k) cout << e << " "; } Both of these cause the compiler to create an object closure (a function object in C++), which could be passed to (and called from) for_each in the same way as an ordinary function. The difference between the two options is that [=] ar- ranges for a copy of each captured variable to be placed in the object closure; [&] arranges for a reference to be placed there instead. The programmer must choose between these options. Copying can be expensive for large objects, and any changes to the object made after the closure is created will not be seen by the code of the lambda expression when it finally executes. References allow changes to be seen, but will lead to undefined (and presumably incorrect) behavior if the closure’s lifetime exceeds that of the captured object: C++ does not have un- limited extent. In particularly complex situations, the programmer can specify capture on an object-by-object basis: [j, &k](int e){ ... // capture j's value and a reference to k, // so they can be used in here � DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 3.10 Functions and function objects The astute reader may be wondering: In Example 3.40, how does for_each manage to “do the right thing” with two different implementations of its third parameter? After all, sometimes that parameter is implemented as a simple pointer; other times it is a pointer to an object with an operator(), which re- quires a different kind of call. The answer is that for_each is a generic routine (a template in C++). The compiler generates customized implementations of for_each on demand. We will discuss generics in more detail in Section 7.3.1. In some situations, it may be difficult to use generics to distinguish among “function-like” parameters. As an alternative, C++ provides a standard function class, with constructors that allow it to be instantiated from a func- tion, a function pointer, a function object, or a manually created object closure. Something like for_each could then be written as an ordinary (nongeneric) subroutine whose third parameter was a object of class function. In any given call, the compiler would coerce the provided argument to be a function object. 162 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings Lambda expressions appear in Java 8 as well, but in a restricted form. In situa- tions where they might be useful, Java has traditionally relied on an idiom known as a functional interface. The Arrays.sort routine, for example, expects a pa-EXAMPLE 3.41 Lambda expressions in Java 8 rameter of type Comparator. To sort an array of personnel records by age, we would (traditionally) have written class AgeComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) {

return Integer.compare(p1.age, p2.age);

Person[] People = …

Arrays.sort(People, new AgeComparator());

Significantly, Comparator has only a single abstract method: the compare rou-
tine provided by our AgeComparator class. With lambda expressions in Java 8, we
can omit the declaration of AgeComparator and simply write

Arrays.sort(People, (p1, p2) -> Integer.compare(p1.age, p2.age));

The key to the simpler syntax is that Comparator is a functional interface, and
thus has only a single abstract method. When a variable or formal parameter
is declared to be of some functional interface type, Java 8 allows a lambda ex-
pression whose parameter and return types match those of the interface’s single
method to be assigned into the variable or passed as the parameter. In effect, the
compiler uses the lambda expression to create an instance of an anonymous class
that implements the interface. �

As it turns out, coercion to functional interface types is the only use of lambda
expressions in Java. In particular, lambda expressions have no types of their own:
they are not really objects, and cannot be directly manipulated. Their behav-
ior with respect to variable capture is entirely determined by the usual rules for
nested classes. We will consider these rules in more detail in Section 10.2.3;
for now, suffice it to note that Java, like C++, does not support unlimited

3.7 Macro Expansion
Prior to the development of high-level programming languages, assembly lan-
guage programmers could find themselves writing highly repetitive code. To ease
the burden, many assemblers provided sophisticated macro expansion facilities.
Consider the task of loading an element of a two-dimensional array from memoryEXAMPLE 3.42

A simple assembly macro into a register. As we shall see in Section 8.2.3, this operation can easily require

3.7 Macro Expansion 163

half a dozen instructions, with details depending on the hardware instruction
set; the size of the array elements; and whether the indices are constants, values
in memory, or values in registers. In many early assemblers, one could define a
macro that would replace an expression like ld2d(target reg, array name, row, col-
umn, row size, element size) with the appropriate multi-instruction sequence. In
a numeric program containing hundreds or thousands of array access operations,
this macro could prove extremely useful. �

When C was created in the early 1970s, it was natural to include a macro pre-EXAMPLE 3.43
Preprocessor macros in C processing facility:

#define LINE_LEN 80
#define DIVIDES(a,n) (!((n) % (a)))

/* true iff n has zero remainder modulo a */
#define SWAP(a,b) {int t = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = t;}
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

Macros like LINE_LEN avoided the need (in early versions of C) to support named
constants in the language itself. Perhaps more important, parameterized macros
like DIVIDES, MAX, and SWAP were much more efficient than equivalent C func-
tions. They avoided the overhead of the subroutine call mechanism (including
register saves and restores), and the code they generated could be integrated into
any code improvements that the compiler was able to effect in the code surround-
ing the call. �

Unfortunately, C macros suffer from several limitations, all of which stem fromEXAMPLE 3.44
“Gotchas” in C macros the fact that they are implemented by textual substitution, and are not understood

by the rest of the compiler. Put another way, they provide a naming and binding
mechanism that is separate from—and often at odds with—the rest of the pro-
gramming language.

In the definition of DIVIDES, the parentheses around the occurrences of a and
n are essential. Without them, DIVIDES(y + z, x) would be replaced by (!(x %
y + z)), which is the same as (!((x % y) + z)), according to the rules of prece-
dence. In a similar vein, SWAP may behave unexpectedly if the programmer writes
SWAP(x, t): textual substitution of arguments allows the macro’s declaration of
t to capture the t that was passed. MAX(x++, y++) may also behave unexpect-
edly, since the increment side effects will happen more than once. Unfortunately,


3.11 Generics as macros
In some sense, the ability to import names into an ordinary module provides a
primitive sort of generic facility. A stack module that imports its element type,
for example, can be inserted (with a text editor) into any context in which the
appropriate type name has been declared, and will produce a “customized”
stack for that context when compiled. Early versions of C++ formalized this
mechanism by using macros to implement templates. Later versions of C++
have made templates (generics) a fully supported language feature, giving them
much of the flavor of hygienic macros. (More on templates and on template
metaprogramming can be found in Section C 7.3.2.)

164 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

in standard C we cannot avoid the extra side effects by assigning the parameters
into temporary variables: a C macro that “returns” a value must be an expression,
and declarations are one of many language constructs that cannot appear inside
(see also Exercise 3.23). �

Modern languages and compilers have, for the most part, abandoned macros
as an anachronism. Named constants are type-safe and easy to implement, and
in-line subroutines (to be discussed in Section 9.2.4) provide almost all the per-
formance of parameterized macros without their limitations. A few languages
(notably Scheme and Common Lisp) take an alternative approach, and integrate
macros into the language in a safe and consistent way. So-called hygienic macros
implicitly encapsulate their arguments, avoiding unexpected interactions with as-
sociativity and precedence. They rename variables when necessary to avoid the
capture problem, and they can be used in any expression context. Unlike subrou-
tines, however, they are expanded during semantic analysis, making them gen-
erally unsuitable for unbounded recursion. Their appeal is that, like all macros,
they take unevaluated arguments, which they evaluate lazily on demand. Among
other things, this means that they preserve the multiple side effect “gotcha” of our
MAX example. Delayed evaluation was a bug in this context, but can sometimes
be a feature. We will return to it in Sections 6.1.5 (short-circuit Boolean eval-
uation), 9.3.2 (call-by-name parameters), and 11.5 (normal-order evaluation in
functional programming languages).

34. Describe the difference between deep and shallow binding of referencing en-


35. Why are binding rules particularly important for languages with dynamic

36. What are first-class subroutines? What languages support them?

37. What is a subroutine closure? What is it used for? How is it implemented?

38. What is an object closure? How is it related to a subroutine closure?

39. Describe how the delegates of C# extend and unify both subroutine and object

40. Explain the distinction between limited and unlimited extent of objects in a
local scope.

41. What is a lambda expression? How does the support for lambda expressions in
functional languages compare to that of C# or Ruby? To that of C++ or Java?

42. What are macros? What was the motivation for including them in C? What
problems may they cause?

3.8 Separate Compilation 165

3.8 Separate Compilation
Since most large programs are constructed and tested incrementally, and since the
compilation of a very large program can be a multihour operation, any language
designed to support large programs must provide for separate compilation.


On the companion site we consider the relationship between modules and sepa-
rate compilation. Because they are designed for encapsulation and provide a nar-
row interface, modules are the natural choice for the “compilation units” of many
programming languages. The separate module headers and bodies of Modula-3
and Ada, for example, are explicitly intended for separate compilation, and reflect
experience gained with more primitive facilities in other languages. C and C++,
by contrast, must maintain backward compatibility with mechanisms designed in
the early 1970s. Modern versions of C and C++ include a namespace mechanism
that provides module-like data hiding, but names must still be declared before
they are used in every compilation unit, and the mechanisms used to accom-
modate this rule are purely a matter of convention. Java and C# break with the
C tradition by requiring the compiler to infer header information automatically
from separately compiled class definitions; no header files are required.

3.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks
This chapter has addressed the subject of names, and the binding of names to ob-
jects (in a broad sense of the word). We began with a general discussion of the
notion of binding time—the time at which a name is associated with a particular
object or, more generally, the time at which an answer is associated with any open
question in language or program design or implementation. We defined the no-
tion of lifetime for both objects and name-to-object bindings, and noted that they
need not be the same. We then introduced the three principal storage allocation
mechanisms—static, stack, and heap—used to manage space for objects.

In Section 3.3 we described how the binding of names to objects is governed by
scope rules. In some languages, scope rules are dynamic: the meaning of a name is
found in the most recently entered scope that contains a declaration and that has
not yet been exited. In most modern languages, however, scope rules are static, or
lexical: the meaning of a name is found in the closest lexically surrounding scope
that contains a declaration. We found that lexical scope rules vary in important
but sometimes subtle ways from one language to another. We considered what
sorts of scopes are allowed to nest, whether scopes are open or closed, whether the
scope of a name encompasses the entire block in which it is declared, and whether

166 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

a name must be declared before it is used. We explored the implementation of
scope rules in Section 3.4.

In Section 3.5 we examined several ways in which bindings relate to one an-
other. Aliases arise when two or more names in a given scope are bound to the
same object. Overloading arises when one name is bound to multiple objects. We
noted that while behavior reminiscent of overloading can sometimes be achieved
through coercion or polymorphism, the underlying mechanisms are really very
different. In Section 3.6 we considered the question of when to bind a referencing
environment to a subroutine that is passed as a parameter, returned from a func-
tion, or stored in a variable. Our discussion touched on the notions of closures
and lambda expressions, both of which will appear repeatedly in later chapters. In
Sections 3.7 and 3.8 we considered macros and separate compilation.

Some of the more complicated aspects of lexical scoping illustrate the evolu-
tion of language support for data abstraction, a subject to which we will return
in Chapter 10. We began by describing the own or static variables of languages
like Fortran, Algol 60, and C, which allow a variable that is local to a subroutine
to retain its value from one invocation to the next. We then noted that simple
modules can be seen as a way to make long-lived objects local to a group of sub-
routines, in such a way that they are not visible to other parts of the program.
By selectively exporting names, a module may serve as the “manager” for one or
more abstract data types. At the next level of complexity, we noted that some
languages treat modules as types, allowing the programmer to create an arbitrary
number of instances of the abstraction defined by a module. Finally, we noted
that object-oriented languages extend the module-as-type approach (as well as
the notion of lexical scope) by providing an inheritance mechanism that allows
new abstractions (classes) to be defined as extensions or refinements of existing

Among the topics considered in this chapter, we saw several examples of useful
features (recursion, static scoping, forward references, first-class subroutines, un-
limited extent) that have been omitted from certain languages because of concern
for their implementation complexity or run-time cost. We also saw an example
of a feature (the private part of a module specification) introduced expressly to
facilitate a language’s implementation, and another (separate compilation in C)
whose design was clearly intended to mirror a particular implementation. In sev-
eral additional aspects of language design (late vs early binding, static vs dynamic
scoping, support for coercions and conversions, toleration of pointers and other
aliases), we saw that implementation issues play a major role.

In a similar vein, apparently simple language rules can have surprising implica-
tions. In Section 3.3.3, for example, we considered the interaction of whole-block
scope with the requirement that names be declared before they can be used. Like
the do loop syntax and white space rules of Fortran (Section 2.2.2) or the if. . .
then . . . else syntax of Pascal (Section 2.3.2), poorly chosen scoping rules can
make program analysis difficult not only for the compiler, but for human beings
as well. In future chapters we shall see several additional examples of features that
are both confusing and hard to compile. Of course, semantic utility and ease of

3.10 Exercises 167

implementation do not always go together. Many easy-to-compile features (e.g.,
goto statements) are of questionable value at best. We will also see several ex-
amples of highly useful and (conceptually) simple features, such as garbage col-
lection (Section 8.5.3) and unification (Sections 7.2.4, C 7.3.2, and 12.2.1), whose
implementations are quite complex.

3.10 Exercises
3.1 Indicate the binding time (when the language is designed, when the pro-

gram is linked, when the program begins execution, etc.) for each of the
following decisions in your favorite programming language and implemen-
tation. Explain any answers you think are open to interpretation.

The number of built-in functions (math, type queries, etc.)

The variable declaration that corresponds to a particular variable refer-
ence (use)

The maximum length allowed for a constant (literal) character string

The referencing environment for a subroutine that is passed as a pa-

The address of a particular library routine

The total amount of space occupied by program code and data

3.2 In Fortran 77, local variables were typically allocated statically. In Algol
and its descendants (e.g., Ada and C), they are typically allocated in the
stack. In Lisp they are typically allocated at least partially in the heap. What
accounts for these differences? Give an example of a program in Ada or
C that would not work correctly if local variables were allocated statically.
Give an example of a program in Scheme or Common Lisp that would not
work correctly if local variables were allocated on the stack.

3.3 Give two examples in which it might make sense to delay the binding of an
implementation decision, even though sufficient information exists to bind
it early.

3.4 Give three concrete examples drawn from programming languages with
which you are familiar in which a variable is live but not in scope.

3.5 Consider the following pseudocode:

1. procedure main()
2. a : integer := 1
3. b : integer := 2

4. procedure middle()
5. b : integer := a

6. procedure inner()
7. print a, b

168 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

8. a : integer := 3

9. –– body of middle
10. inner()
11. print a, b

12. –– body of main
13. middle()
14. print a, b

Suppose this was code for a language with the declaration-order rules of C
(but with nested subroutines)—that is, names must be declared before use,
and the scope of a name extends from its declaration through the end of
the block. At each print statement, indicate which declarations of a and b
are in the referencing environment. What does the program print (or will
the compiler identify static semantic errors)? Repeat the exercise for the
declaration-order rules of C# (names must be declared before use, but the
scope of a name is the entire block in which it is declared) and of Modula-3
(names can be declared in any order, and their scope is the entire block in
which they are declared).

3.6 Consider the following pseudocode, assuming nested subroutines and static

procedure main()
g : integer

procedure B(a : integer)
x : integer

procedure A(n : integer)
g := n

procedure R(m : integer)
write integer(x)
x /:= 2 –– integer division
if x > 1

R(m + 1)


–– body of B
x := a × a

–– body of main
write integer(g)

(a) What does this program print?

3.10 Exercises 169

typedef struct list_node {
void* data;
struct list_node* next;

} list_node;

list_node* insert(void* d, list_node* L) {
list_node* t = (list_node*) malloc(sizeof(list_node));
t->data = d;
t->next = L;
return t;


list_node* reverse(list_node* L) {
list_node* rtn = 0;
while (L) {

rtn = insert(L->data, rtn);
L = L->next;

return rtn;


void delete_list(list_node* L) {
while (L) {

list_node* t = L;
L = L->next;


Figure 3.16 List management routines for Exercise 3.7.

(b) Show the frames on the stack when A has just been called. For each
frame, show the static and dynamic links.

(c) Explain how A finds g.

3.7 As part of the development team at MumbleTech.com, Janet has written a
list manipulation library for C that contains, among other things, the code
in Figure 3.16.

(a) Accustomed to Java, new team member Brad includes the following
code in the main loop of his program:

list_node* L = 0;
while (more_widgets()) {

L = insert(next_widget(), L);
L = reverse(L);

170 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

Sadly, after running for a while, Brad’s program always runs out of
memory and crashes. Explain what’s going wrong.

(b) After Janet patiently explains the problem to him, Brad gives it another

list_node* L = 0;
while (more_widgets()) {

L = insert(next_widget(), L);
list_node* T = reverse(L);
L = T;

This seems to solve the insufficient memory problem, but where the
program used to produce correct results (before running out of mem-
ory), now its output is strangely corrupted, and Brad goes back to Janet
for advice. What will she tell him this time?

3.8 Rewrite Figures 3.6 and 3.7 in C. You will need to use separate compilation
for name hiding.

3.9 Consider the following fragment of code in C:

{ int a, b, c;

{ int d, e;

{ int f;



{ int g, h, i;



(a) Assume that each integer variable occupies four bytes. How much total
space is required for the variables in this code?

(b) Describe an algorithm that a compiler could use to assign stack frame
offsets to the variables of arbitrary nested blocks, in a way that mini-
mizes the total space required.

3.10 Consider the design of a Fortran 77 compiler that uses static allocation for
the local variables of subroutines. Expanding on the solution to the pre-
vious question, describe an algorithm to minimize the total space required
for these variables. You may find it helpful to construct a call graph data

3.10 Exercises 171

structure in which each node represents a subroutine, and each directed arc
indicates that the subroutine at the tail may sometimes call the subroutine
at the head.

3.11 Consider the following pseudocode:

procedure P(A, B : real)
X : real

procedure Q(B, C : real)
Y : real
. . .

procedure R(A, C : real)
Z : real
. . . –– (*)

. . .

Assuming static scope, what is the referencing environment at the location
marked by (*)?

3.12 Write a simple program in Scheme that displays three different behaviors,
depending on whether we use let, let*, or letrec to declare a given set
of names. (Hint: To make good use of letrec, you will probably want your
names to be functions [lambda expressions].)

3.13 Consider the following program in Scheme:

(define A

(let* ((x 2)
(C (lambda (P)

(let ((x 4))

(D (lambda ()

(B (lambda ()
(let ((x 3))

(C D)))))

What does this program print? What would it print if Scheme used dynamic
scoping and shallow binding? Dynamic scoping and deep binding? Explain
your answers.

3.14 Consider the following pseudocode:

x : integer –– global

procedure set x(n : integer)
x := n

172 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

procedure print x()
write integer(x)

procedure first()
set x(1)
print x()

procedure second()
x : integer
set x(2)
print x()

set x(0)
print x()
print x()

What does this program print if the language uses static scoping? What does
it print with dynamic scoping? Why?

3.15 The principal argument in favor of dynamic scoping is that it facilitates
the customization of subroutines. Suppose, for example, that we have a
library routine print integer that is capable of printing its argument in any
of several bases (decimal, binary, hexadecimal, etc.). Suppose further that
we want the routine to use decimal notation most of the time, and to use
other bases only in a few special cases: we do not want to have to specify
a base explicitly on each individual call. We can achieve this result with
dynamic scoping by having print integer obtain its base from a nonlocal
variable print base. We can establish the default behavior by declaring a
variable print base and setting its value to 10 in a scope encountered early
in execution. Then, any time we want to change the base temporarily, we
can write

begin –– nested block
print base : integer := 16 –– use hexadecimal
print integer(n)

The problem with this argument is that there are usually other ways to
achieve the same effect, without dynamic scoping. Describe at least two
for the print integer example.

3.16 As noted in Section 3.6.3, C# has unusually sophisticated support for first-
class subroutines. Among other things, it allows delegates to be instantiated
from anonymous nested methods, and gives local variables and parameters
unlimited extent when they may be needed by such a delegate. Consider the
implications of these features in the following C# program:

3.10 Exercises 173

using System;
public delegate int UnaryOp(int n);

// type declaration: UnaryOp is a function from ints to ints

public class Foo {
static int a = 2;
static UnaryOp b(int c) {

int d = a + c;
return delegate(int n) { return c + n; };

public static void Main(string[] args) {



What does this program print? Which of a, b, c, and d, if any, is likely to be
statically allocated? Which could be allocated on the stack? Which would
need to be allocated in the heap? Explain.

3.17 If you are familiar with structured exception handling, as provided in Ada,
C++, Java, C#, ML, Python, or Ruby, consider how this mechanism relates
to the issue of scoping. Conventionally, a raise or throw statement is
thought of as referring to an exception, which it passes as a parameter to
a handler-finding library routine. In each of the languages mentioned, the
exception itself must be declared in some surrounding scope, and is sub-
ject to the usual static scope rules. Describe an alternative point of view, in
which the raise or throw is actually a reference to a handler, to which it
transfers control directly. Assuming this point of view, what are the scope
rules for handlers? Are these rules consistent with the rest of the language?
Explain. (For further information on exceptions, see Section 9.4.)

3.18 Consider the following pseudocode:

x : integer –– global

procedure set x(n : integer)
x := n

procedure print x()
write integer(x)

procedure foo(S, P : function; n : integer)
x : integer := 5
if n in {1, 3}

set x(n)


174 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

if n in {1, 2}
print x()


set x(0); foo(set x, print x, 1); print x()
set x(0); foo(set x, print x, 2); print x()
set x(0); foo(set x, print x, 3); print x()
set x(0); foo(set x, print x, 4); print x()

Assume that the language uses dynamic scoping. What does the program
print if the language uses shallow binding? What does it print with deep
binding? Why?

3.19 Consider the following pseudocode:
x : integer := 1
y : integer := 2

procedure add()
x := x + y

procedure second(P : procedure)
x : integer := 2

procedure first
y : integer := 3

write integer(x)

(a) What does this program print if the language uses static scoping?
(b) What does it print if the language uses dynamic scoping with deep bind-


(c) What does it print if the language uses dynamic scoping with shallow

3.20 Consider mathematical operations in a language like C++, which supports
both overloading and coercion. In many cases, it may make sense to pro-
vide multiple, overloaded versions of a function, one for each numeric type
or combination of types. In other cases, we might use a single version—
probably defined for double-precision floating point arguments—and rely
on coercion to allow that function to be used for other numeric types (e.g.,
integers). Give an example in which overloading is clearly the preferable
approach. Give another in which coercion is almost certainly better.

3.21 In a language that supports operator overloading, build support for ration-
al numbers. Each number should be represented internally as a (numera-
tor, denominator) pair in simplest form, with a positive denominator. Your

3.11 Explorations 175

code should support unary negation and the four standard arithmetic oper-
ators. For extra credit, create a conversion routine that accepts two floating-
point parameters—a value and a error bound—and returns the simplest
(smallest denominator) rational number within the given error bound of
the given value.

3.22 In an imperative language with lambda expressions (e.g., C#, Ruby, C++, or
Java), write the following higher-level functions. (A higher-level function,
as we shall see in Chapter 11, takes other functions as argument and/or
returns a function as a result.)

compose(g, f)—returns a function h such that h(x) == g(f(x)).
map(f, L)—given a function f and a list L returns a list M such that
the ith element of M is f(e), where e is the ith element of L.
filter(L, P)—given a list L and a predicate (Boolean-returning
function) P, returns a list containing all and only those elements of L
for which P is true.

Ideally, your code should work for any argument or list element type.

3.23 Can you write a macro in standard C that “returns” the greatest common
divisor of a pair of arguments, without calling a subroutine? Why or why

3.24–3.31 In More Depth.

3.11 Explorations
3.32 Experiment with naming rules in your favorite programming language.

Read the manual, and write and compile some test programs. Does the
language use lexical or dynamic scoping? Can scopes nest? Are they open
or closed? Does the scope of a name encompass the entire block in which it
is declared, or only the portion after the declaration? How does one declare
mutually recursive types or subroutines? Can subroutines be passed as pa-
rameters, returned from functions, or stored in variables? If so, when are
referencing environments bound?

3.33 List the keywords (reserved words) of one or more programming languages.
List the predefined identifiers. (Recall that every keyword is a separate to-
ken. An identifier cannot have the same spelling as a keyword.) What cri-
teria do you think were used to decide which names should be keywords
and which should be predefined identifiers? Do you agree with the choices?
Why or why not?

3.34 If you have experience with a language like C, C++, or Rust, in which dy-
namically allocated space must be manually reclaimed, describe your ex-
perience with dangling references or memory leaks. How often do these

176 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

bugs arise? How do you find them? How much effort does it take? Learn
about open-source or commercial tools for finding storage bugs (Valgrind
is a popular open-source example). Do such tools weaken the argument for
automatic garbage collection?

3.35 A few languages—notably Euclid and Turing, make every subroutine a
closed scope, and require it to explicitly import any nonlocal names it uses.
The import lists can be thought of as explicit, mandatory documentation of
a part of the subroutine interface that is usually implicit. The use of import
lists also makes it easy for Euclid and Turing to prohibit passing a variable,
by reference, to a subroutine that also accesses that variable directly, thereby
avoiding the errors alluded to in Example 3.20.

In programs you have written, how hard would it have been to document
every use of a nonlocal variable? Would the effort be worth the improve-
ment in the quality of documentation and error rates?

3.36 We learned in Section 3.3.6 that modern languages have generally aban-
doned dynamic scoping. One place it can still be found is in the so-called
environment variables of the Unix programming environment. If you are
not familiar with these, read the manual page for your favorite shell (com-
mand interpreter—ksh/bash, csh/tcsh, etc.) to learn how these behave.
Explain why the usual alternatives to dynamic scoping (default parameters
and static variables) are not appropriate in this case.

3.37 Compare the mechanisms for overloading of enumeration names in Ada
and in Modula-3 or C# (Section 3.5.2). One might argue that the (histor-
ically more recent) Modula-3/C# approach moves responsibility from the
compiler to the programmer: it requires even an unambiguous use of an
enumeration constant to be annotated with its type. Why do you think this
approach was chosen by the language designers? Do you agree with the
choice? Why or why not?

3.38 Learn about tied variables in Perl. These allow the programmer to asso-
ciate an ordinary variable with an (object-oriented) object in such a way
that operations on the variable are automatically interpreted as method in-
vocations on the object. As an example, suppose we write tie $my_var,
“my_class”;. The interpreter will create a new object of class my_class,
which it will associate with scalar variable $my_var. For purposes of dis-
cussion, call that object O. Now, any attempt to read the value of $my_var
will be interpreted as a call to method O->FETCH(). Similarly, the assign-
ment $my_var = value will be interpreted as a call to O->STORE(value).
Array, hash, and filehandle variables, which support a larger set of built-in
operations, provide access to a larger set of methods when tied.

Compare Perl’s tying mechanism to the operator overloading of C++.
Which features of each language can be conveniently emulated by the other?

3.39 Do you think coercion is a good idea? Why or why not?
3.40 The syntax for lambda expressions in Ruby evolved over time, with the re-

sult that there are now four ways to pass a block into a method as a closure:

3.12 Bibliographic Notes 177

by placing it after the end of the argument list (in which case it become an
extra, final parameter); by passing it to Proc.new; or, within the argument
list, by prefixing it with the keyword lambda or by writing it in -> lambda
notation. Investigate these options. Which came first? Which came later?
What are their comparative advantages? Are their any minor differences in
their behavior?

3.41 Lambda expressions were a late addition to the Java programming language:
they were strongly resisted for many years. Research the controversy sur-
rounding them. Where do your sympathies lie? What alternative proposals
were rejected? Do you find any of them appealing?

3.42 Give three examples of features that are not provided in some language with
which you are familiar, but that are common in other languages. Why do
you think these features are missing? Would they complicate the implemen-
tation of the language? If so, would the complication (in your judgment) be

3.43–3.47 In More Depth.

3.12 Bibliographic Notes
This chapter has traced the evolution of naming and scoping mechanisms
through a very large number of languages, including Fortran (several versions),
Basic, Algol 60 and 68, Pascal, Simula, C and C++, Euclid, Turing, Modula (1, 2,
and 3), Ada (83 and 95), Oberon, Eiffel, Perl, Tcl, Python, Ruby, Rust, Java, and
C#. Bibliographic references for all of these can be found in Appendix A.

Both modules and objects trace their roots to Simula, which was developed
by Dahl, Nygaard, Myhrhaug, and others at the Norwegian Computing Center
in the mid-1960s. (Simula I was implemented in 1964; descriptions in this book
pertain to Simula 67.) The encapsulation mechanisms of Simula were refined in
the 1970s by the developers of Clu, Modula, Euclid, and related languages. Other
Simula innovations—inheritance and dynamic method binding in particular—
provided the inspiration for Smalltalk, the original and arguably purest of the
object-oriented languages. Modern object-oriented languages, including Eiffel,
C++, Java, C#, Python, and Ruby, represent to a large extent a reintegration of the
evolutionary lines of encapsulation on the one hand and inheritance and dynamic
method binding on the other.

The notion of information hiding originates in Parnas’s classic paper, “On the
Criteria to be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules” [Par72]. Compara-
tive discussions of naming, scoping, and abstraction mechanisms can be found,
among other places, in Liskov et al.’s discussion of Clu [LSAS77], Liskov and Gut-
tag’s text [LG86, Chap. 4], the Ada Rationale [IBFW91, Chaps. 9–12], Harbison’s
text on Modula-3 [Har92, Chaps. 8–9], Wirth’s early work on modules [Wir80],
and his later discussion of Modula and Oberon [Wir88a, Wir07]. Further infor-
mation on object-oriented languages can be found in Chapter 10.

178 Chapter 3 Names, Scopes, and Bindings

For a detailed discussion of overloading and polymorphism, see the survey by
Cardelli and Wegner [CW85]. Cailliau [Cai82] provides a lighthearted discus-
sion of many of the scoping pitfalls noted in Section 3.3.3. Abelson and Suss-
man [AS96, p. 11n] attribute the term “syntactic sugar” to Peter Landin.

Lambda expressions for C++ are described in the paper of Järvi and Free-
man [JF10]. Lambda expressions for Java were developed under JSR 335 of the
Java Community Process (documentation at jcp.org).

4Semantic Analysis
In Chapter 2 we considered the topic of programming language syntax.
In the current chapter we turn to the topic of semantics. Informally, syntax con-
cerns the form of a valid program, while semantics concerns its meaning. Meaning
is important for at least two reasons: it allows us to enforce rules (e.g., type con-
sistency) that go beyond mere form, and it provides the information we need in
order to generate an equivalent output program.

It is conventional to say that the syntax of a language is precisely that portion
of the language definition that can be described conveniently by a context-free
grammar, while the semantics is that portion of the definition that cannot. This
convention is useful in practice, though it does not always agree with intuition.
When we require, for example, that the number of arguments contained in a call
to a subroutine match the number of formal parameters in the subroutine defini-
tion, it is tempting to say that this requirement is a matter of syntax. After all, we
can count arguments without knowing what they mean. Unfortunately, we can-
not count them with context-free rules. Similarly, while it is possible to write a
context-free grammar in which every function must contain at least one return
statement, the required complexity makes this strategy very unattractive. In gen-
eral, any rule that requires the compiler to compare things that are separated by
long distances, or to count things that are not properly nested, ends up being a
matter of semantics.

Semantic rules are further divided into static and dynamic semantics, though
again the line between the two is somewhat fuzzy. The compiler enforces static
semantic rules at compile time. It generates code to enforce dynamic semantic
rules at run time (or to call library routines that do so). Certain errors, such as
division by zero, or attempting to index into an array with an out-of-bounds sub-
script, cannot in general be caught at compile time, since they may occur only for
certain input values, or certain behaviors of arbitrarily complex code. In special
cases, a compiler may be able to tell that a certain error will always or never occur,
regardless of run-time input. In these cases, the compiler can generate an error
message at compile time, or refrain from generating code to perform the check at
run time, as appropriate. Basic results from computability theory, however, tell
us that no algorithm can make these predictions correctly for arbitrary programs:


180 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

there will inevitably be cases in which an error will always occur, but the compiler
cannot tell, and must delay the error message until run time; there will also be
cases in which an error can never occur, but the compiler cannot tell, and must
incur the cost of unnecessary run-time checks.

Both semantic analysis and intermediate code generation can be described in
terms of annotation, or decoration of a parse tree or syntax tree. The annotations
themselves are known as attributes. Numerous examples of static and dynamic
semantic rules will appear in subsequent chapters. In this current chapter we
focus primarily on the mechanisms a compiler uses to enforce the static rules. We
will consider intermediate code generation (including the generation of code for
dynamic semantic checks) in Chapter 15.

In Section 4.1 we consider the role of the semantic analyzer in more detail,
considering both the rules it needs to enforce and its relationship to other phases
of compilation. Most of the rest of the chapter is then devoted to the subject
of attribute grammars. Attribute grammars provide a formal framework for the
decoration of a tree. This framework is a useful conceptual tool even in compilers
that do not build a parse tree or syntax tree as an explicit data structure. We
introduce the notion of an attribute grammar in Section 4.2. We then consider
various ways in which such grammars can be applied in practice. Section 4.3
discusses the issue of attribute flow, which constrains the order(s) in which nodes
of a tree can be decorated. In practice, most compilers require decoration of the
parse tree (or the evaluation of attributes that would reside in a parse tree if there
were one) to occur in the process of an LL or LR parse. Section 4.4 presents action
routines as an ad hoc mechanism for such “on-the-fly” evaluation. In Section 4.5
(mostly on the companion site) we consider the management of space for parse
tree attributes.

Because they have to reflect the structure of the CFG, parse trees tend to be
very complicated (recall the example in Figure 1.5). Once parsing is complete, we
typically want to replace the parse tree with a syntax tree that reflects the input
program in a more straightforward way (Figure 1.6). One particularly common
compiler organization uses action routines during parsing solely for the purpose
of constructing the syntax tree. The syntax tree is then decorated during a sepa-
rate traversal, which can be formalized, if desired, with a separate attribute gram-
mar. We consider the decoration of syntax trees in Section 4.6.

4.1 The Role of the Semantic Analyzer
Programming languages vary dramatically in their choice of semantic rules. Lisp
dialects, for example, allow “mixed-mode” arithmetic on arbitrary numeric types,
which they will automatically promote from integer to rational to floating-point
or “bignum” (extended) precision, as required to maintain precision. Ada, by
contract, assigns a specific type to every numeric variable, and requires the pro-
grammer to convert among these explicitly when combining them in expressions.

4.1 The Role of the Semantic Analyzer 181

Languages also vary in the extent to which they require their implementations to
perform dynamic checks. At one extreme, C requires no checks at all, beyond
those that come “free” with the hardware (e.g., division by zero, or attempted
access to memory outside the bounds of the program). At the other extreme,
Java takes great pains to check as many rules as possible, in part to ensure that
an untrusted program cannot do anything to damage the memory or files of the
machine on which it runs. The role of the semantic analyzer is to enforce all static
semantic rules and to annotate the program with information needed by the in-
termediate code generator. This information includes both clarifications (this is
floating-point addition, not integer; this is a reference to the global variable x)
and requirements for dynamic semantic checks.

In the typical compiler, analysis and intermediate code generation mark the
end of front end computation. The exact division of labor between the front end
and the back end, however, may vary from compiler to compiler: it can be hard
to say exactly where analysis (figuring out what the program means) ends and
synthesis (expressing that meaning in some new form) begins (and as noted in
Section 1.6 there may be a “middle end” in between). Many compilers also carry
a program through more than one intermediate form. In one common orga-
nization, described in more detail in Chapter 15, the semantic analyzer creates
an annotated syntax tree, which the intermediate code generator then translates
into a linear form reminiscent of the assembly language for some idealized ma-
chine. After machine-independent code improvement, this linear form is then
translated into yet another form, patterned more closely on the assembly lan-
guage of the target machine. That form may undergo machine-specific code

Compilers also vary in the extent to which semantic analysis and intermedi-
ate code generation are interleaved with parsing. With fully separated phases, the
parser passes a full parse tree on to the semantic analyzer, which converts it to
a syntax tree, fills in the symbol table, performs semantic checks, and passes it
on to the code generator. With fully interleaved phases, there may be no need
to build either the parse tree or the syntax tree in its entirety: the parser can call
semantic check and code generation routines on the fly as it parses each expres-
sion, statement, or subroutine of the source. We will focus on an organization in
which construction of the syntax tree is interleaved with parsing (and the parse
tree is not built), but semantic analysis occurs during a separate traversal of the
syntax tree.

Dynamic Checks

Many compilers that generate code for dynamic checks provide the option of dis-
abling them if desired. It is customary in some organizations to enable dynamic
checks during program development and testing, and then disable them for pro-
duction use, to increase execution speed. The wisdom of this practice is ques-

182 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

tionable: Tony Hoare, one of the key figures in programming language design,1

has likened the programmer who disables semantic checks to a sailing enthusiast
who wears a life jacket when training on dry land, but removes it when going to
sea [Hoa89, p. 198]. Errors may be less likely in production use than they are
in testing, but the consequences of an undetected error are significantly worse.
Moreover, on modern processors it is often possible for dynamic checks to exe-
cute in pipeline slots that would otherwise go unused, making them virtually free.
On the other hand, some dynamic checks (e.g., ensuring that pointer arithmetic
in C remains within the bounds of an array) are sufficiently expensive that they
are rarely implemented.


When reasoning about the correctness of their algorithms (or when formally
proving properties of programs via axiomatic semantics) programmers fre-
quently write logical assertions regarding the values of program data. Some pro-
gramming languages make these assertions a part of the language syntax. The
compiler then generates code to check the assertions at run time. An assertionEXAMPLE 4.1

Assertions in Java is a statement that a specified condition is expected to be true when execution
reaches a certain point in the code. In Java one can write


4.1 Dynamic semantic checks
In the past, language theorists and researchers in programming methodology
and software engineering tended to argue for more extensive semantic checks,
while “real-world” programmers “voted with their feet” for languages like C
and Fortran, which omitted those checks in the interest of execution speed. As
computers have become more powerful, and as companies have come to ap-
preciate the enormous costs of software maintenance, the “real-world” camp
has become much more sympathetic to checking. Languages like Ada and Java
have been designed from the outset with safety in mind, and languages like C
and C++ have evolved (to the extent possible) toward increasingly strict defi-
nitions. In scripting languages, where many semantic checks are deferred until
run time in order to avoid the need for explicit types and variable declarations,
there has been a similar trend toward stricter rules. Perl, for example (one of
the older scripting languages), will typically attempt to infer a possible mean-
ing for expressions (e.g., 3 + “four”) that newer languages (e.g., Python or
Ruby) will flag as run-time errors.

1 Among other things, C. A. R. Hoare (1934–) invented the quicksort algorithm and the case
statement, contributed to the design of Algol W, and was one of the leaders in the development
of axiomatic semantics. In the area of concurrent programming, he refined and formalized the
monitor construct (to be described in Section 13.4.1), and designed the CSP programming model
and notation. He received the ACM Turing Award in 1980.

4.1 The Role of the Semantic Analyzer 183

assert denominator != 0;

An AssertionError exception will be thrown if the semantic check fails at run
time. �

Some languages (e.g., Euclid, Eiffel, and Ada 2012) also provide explicit sup-
port for invariants, preconditions, and postconditions. These are essentially struc-
tured assertions. An invariant is expected to be true at all “clean points” of a given
body of code. In Eiffel, the programmer can specify an invariant on the data in-
side a class: the invariant will be checked, automatically, at the beginning and
end of each of the class’s methods (subroutines). Similar invariants for loops are
expected to be true before and after every iteration. Pre- and postconditions are
expected to be true at the beginning and end of subroutines, respectively. In Eu-
clid, a postcondition, specified once in the header of a subroutine, will be checked
not only at the end of the subroutine’s text, but at every return statement as well.

Many languages support assertions via standard library routines or macros. InEXAMPLE 4.2
Assertions in C C, for example, one can write

assert(denominator != 0);

If the assertion fails, the program will terminate abruptly with the message

myprog.c:42: failed assertion `denominator != 0′

The C manual requires assert to be implemented as a macro (or built into the
compiler) so that it has access to the textual representation of its argument, and
to the file name and line number on which the call appears. �

Assertions, of course, could be used to cover the other three sorts of checks,
but not as clearly or succinctly. Invariants, preconditions, and postconditions are
a prominent part of the header of the code to which they apply, and can cover
a potentially large number of places where an assertion would otherwise be re-
quired. Euclid and Eiffel implementations allow the programmer to disable as-
sertions and related constructs when desired, to eliminate their run-time cost.

Static Analysis

In general, compile-time algorithms that predict run-time behavior are known
as static analysis. Such analysis is said to be precise if it allows the compiler to
determine whether a given program will always follow the rules. Type checking,
for example, is static and precise in languages like Ada and ML: the compiler
ensures that no variable will ever be used at run time in a way that is inappropriate
for its type. By contrast, languages like Lisp, Smalltalk, Python, and Ruby obtain
greater flexibility, while remaining completely type-safe, by accepting the run-
time overhead of dynamic type checks. (We will cover type checking in more
detail in Chapter 7.)

Static analysis can also be useful when it isn’t precise. Compilers will often
check what they can at compile time and then generate code to check the rest
dynamically. In Java, for example, type checking is mostly static, but dynamically
loaded classes and type casts may require run-time checks. In a similar vein, many

184 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

compilers perform extensive static analysis in an attempt to eliminate the need for
dynamic checks on array subscripts, variant record tags, or potentially dangling
pointers (to be discussed in Chapter 8).

If we think of the omission of unnecessary dynamic checks as a performance
optimization, it is natural to look for other ways in which static analysis may
enable code improvement. We will consider this topic in more detail in Chap-
ter 17. Examples include alias analysis, which determines when values can be
safely cached in registers, computed “out of order,” or accessed by concurrent
threads; escape analysis, which determines when all references to a value will be
confined to a given context, allowing the value to be allocated on the stack in-
stead of the heap, or to be accessed without locks; and subtype analysis, which
determines when a variable in an object-oriented language is guaranteed to have
a certain subtype, so that its methods can be called without dynamic dispatch.

An optimization is said to be unsafe if it may lead to incorrect code in certain
programs. It is said to be speculative if it usually improves performance, but may
degrade it in certain cases. A compiler is said to be conservative if it applies op-
timizations only when it can guarantee that they will be both safe and effective.
By contrast, an optimistic compiler may make liberal use of speculative optimiza-
tions. It may also pursue unsafe optimizations by generating two versions of the
code, with a dynamic check that chooses between them based on information not
available at compile time. Examples of speculative optimization include nonbind-
ing prefetches, which try to bring data into the cache before they are needed, and
trace scheduling, which rearranges code in hopes of improving the performance
of the processor pipeline and the instruction cache.

To eliminate dynamic checks, language designers may choose to tighten se-
mantic rules, banning programs for which conservative analysis fails. The ML
type system, for example (Section 7.2.4), avoids the dynamic type checks of Lisp,
but disallows certain useful programming idioms that Lisp supports. Similarly,
the definite assignment rules of Java and C# (Section 6.1.3) allow the compiler to
ensure that a variable is always given a value before it is used in an expression, but
disallow certain programs that are legal (and correct) in C.

4.2 Attribute Grammars
In Chapter 2 we learned how to use a context-free grammar to specify the syntax
of a programming language. Here, for example, is an LR (bottom-up) grammarEXAMPLE 4.3

Bottom-up CFG for
constant expressions

for arithmetic expressions composed of constants, with precedence and associa-

2 The addition of semantic rules tends to make attribute grammars quite a bit more verbose than
context-free grammars. For the sake of brevity, many of the examples in this chapter use very
short symbol names: E instead of expr, TT instead of term tail.

4.2 Attribute Grammars 185

E −→ E + T
E −→ E – T
E −→ T
T −→ T * F
T −→ T / F
T −→ F
F −→ – F
F −→ ( E )
F −→ const �

This grammar will generate all properly formed constant expressions over the
basic arithmetic operators, but it says nothing about their meaning. To tie these
expressions to mathematical concepts (as opposed to, say, floor tile patterns or
dance steps), we need additional notation. The most common is based on at-
tributes. In our expression grammar, we can associate a val attribute with eachEXAMPLE 4.4

Bottom-up AG for
constant expressions

E, T, F, and const in the grammar. The intent is that for any symbol S, S.val
will be the meaning, as an arithmetic value, of the token string derived from S.
We assume that the val of a const is provided to us by the scanner. We must
then invent a set of rules for each production, to specify how the vals of different
symbols are related. The resulting attribute grammar (AG) is shown in Figure 4.1.

In this simple grammar, every production has a single rule. We shall see more
complicated grammars later, in which productions can have several rules. The
rules come in two forms. Those in productions 3, 6, 8, and 9 are known as copy
rules; they specify that one attribute should be a copy of another. The other rules
invoke semantic functions (sum, quotient, additive inverse, etc.). In this exam-
ple, the semantic functions are all familiar arithmetic operations. In general, they
can be arbitrarily complex functions specified by the language designer. Each se-
mantic function takes an arbitrary number of arguments (each of which must be
an attribute of a symbol in the current production—no global variables are al-
lowed), and each computes a single result, which must likewise be assigned into
an attribute of a symbol in the current production. When more than one sym-
bol of a production has the same name, subscripts are used to distinguish them.
These subscripts are solely for the benefit of the semantic functions; they are not
part of the context-free grammar itself. �

In a strict definition of attribute grammars, copy rules and semantic function
calls are the only two kinds of permissible rules. In our examples we use a �
symbol to introduce each code fragment corresponding to a single rule. In prac-
tice, it is common to allow rules to consist of small fragments of code in some
well-defined notation (e.g., the language in which a compiler is being written),
so that simple semantic functions can be written out “in-line.” In this relaxed
notation, the rule for the first production in Figure 4.1 might be simply E1.val :=
E2.val + T.val. As another example, suppose we wanted to count the elements of aEXAMPLE 4.5

Top-down AG to count the
elements of a list

comma-separated list:

186 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

1. E1 −→ E2 + T � E1.val := sum(E2.val, T.val)
2. E1 −→ E2 – T � E1.val := difference(E2 .val, T.val)
3. E −→ T � E.val := T.val
4. T1 −→ T2 * F � T1.val := product(T2 .val, F.val)
5. T1 −→ T2 / F � T1.val := quotient(T2 .val, F.val)
6. T −→ F � T.val := F.val
7. F1 −→ – F2 � F1.val := additive inverse(F2.val)
8. F −→ ( E ) � F.val := E.val
9. F −→ const � F.val := const.val

Figure 4.1 A simple attribute grammar for constant expressions, using the standard arith-
metic operations. Each semantic rule is introduced by a � sign.

L −→ id LT � L.c := 1 + LT.c
LT −→ , L � LT.c := L.c
LT −→ � � LT.c := 0

Here the rule on the first production sets the c (count) attribute of the left-hand
side to one more than the count of the tail of the right-hand side. Like explicit
semantic functions, in-line rules are not allowed to refer to any variables or at-
tributes outside the current production. We will relax this restriction when we
introduce action routines in Section 4.4. �

Neither the notation for semantic functions (whether in-line or explicit) nor
the types of the attributes themselves is intrinsic to the notion of an attribute
grammar. The purpose of the grammar is simply to associate meaning with the
nodes of a parse tree or syntax tree. Toward that end, we can use any notation
and types whose meanings are already well defined. In Examples 4.4 and 4.5, we
associated numeric values with the symbols in a CFG—and thus with parse tree
nodes—using semantic functions drawn from ordinary arithmetic. In a compiler
or interpreter for a full programming language, the attributes of tree nodes might

for an identifier, a reference to information about it in the symbol table

for an expression, its type

for a statement or expression, a reference to corresponding code in the com-
piler’s intermediate form

for almost any construct, an indication of the file name, line, and column
where the corresponding source code begins

for any internal node, a list of semantic errors found in the subtree below

For purposes other than translation—e.g., in a theorem prover or machine-
independent language definition—attributes might be drawn from the disciplines
of denotational, operational, or axiomatic semantics. Interested readers can find
references in the Bibliographic Notes at the end of the chapter.

4.3 Evaluating Attributes 187



* F





E )(




















Figure 4.2 Decoration of a parse tree for (1 + 3) * 2, using the attribute grammar of
Figure 4.1. The val attributes of symbols are shown in boxes. Curving arrows show the attribute
flow, which is strictly upward in this case. Each box holds the output of a single semantic rule;
the arrow(s) entering the box indicate the input(s) to the rule. At the second level of the tree,
for example, the two arrows pointing into the box with the 8 represent application of the rule
T1.val := product(T2 .val, F.val).

4.3 Evaluating Attributes
The process of evaluating attributes is called annotation or decoration of the parse
tree. Figure 4.2 shows how to decorate the parse tree for the expression (1 + 3)EXAMPLE 4.6

Decoration of a parse tree * 2, using the AG of Figure 4.1. Once decoration is complete, the value of the
overall expression can be found in the val attribute of the root of the tree. �

Synthesized Attributes

The attribute grammar of Figure 4.1 is very simple. Each symbol has at most one
attribute (the punctuation marks have none). Moreover, they are all so-called
synthesized attributes: their values are calculated (synthesized) only in produc-
tions in which their symbol appears on the left-hand side. For annotated parse
trees like the one in Figure 4.2, this means that the attribute flow—the pattern in
which information moves from node to node—is entirely bottom-up.

188 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

An attribute grammar in which all attributes are synthesized is said to be S-
attributed. The arguments to semantic functions in an S-attributed grammar are
always attributes of symbols on the right-hand side of the current production, and
the return value is always placed into an attribute of the left-hand side of the pro-
duction. Tokens (terminals) often have intrinsic properties (e.g., the character-
string representation of an identifier or the value of a numeric constant); in a
compiler these are synthesized attributes initialized by the scanner.

Inherited Attributes

In general, we can imagine (and will in fact have need of) attributes whose values
are calculated when their symbol is on the right-hand side of the current produc-
tion. Such attributes are said to be inherited. They allow contextual information
to flow into a symbol from above or from the side, so that the rules of that produc-
tion can be enforced in different ways (or generate different values) depending on
surrounding context. Symbol table information is commonly passed from sym-
bol to symbol by means of inherited attributes. Inherited attributes of the root of
the parse tree can also be used to represent the external environment (character-
istics of the target machine, command-line arguments to the compiler, etc.).

As a simple example of inherited attributes, consider the following fragmentEXAMPLE 4.7
Top-down CFG and parse
tree for subtraction

of an LL(1) expression grammar (here covering only subtraction):

expr −→ const expr tail
expr tail −→ – const expr tail | �
For the expression 9 – 4 – 3, we obtain the following parse tree:






3 expr_tail

If we want to create an attribute grammar that accumulates the value of the
overall expression into the root of the tree, we have a problem: because subtrac-
tion is left associative, we cannot summarize the right subtree of the root with
a single numeric value. If we want to decorate the tree bottom-up, with an S-
attributed grammar, we must be prepared to describe an arbitrary number of
right operands in the attributes of the top-most expr tail node (see Exercise 4.4).
This is indeed possible, but it defeats the purpose of the formalism: in effect, it
requires us to embed the entire tree into the attributes of a single node, and do all
the real work inside a single semantic function.

4.3 Evaluating Attributes 189

If, however, we are allowed to pass attribute values not only bottom-up butEXAMPLE 4.8
Decoration with
left-to-right attribute flow

also left-to-right in the tree, then we can pass the 9 into the top-most expr tail
node, where it can be combined (in proper left-associative fashion) with the 4.
The resulting 5 can then be passed into the middle expr tail node, combined with
the 3 to make 2, and then passed upward to the root:

9 2

5 2








2 23const expr_tail

To effect this style of decoration, we need the following attribute rules:EXAMPLE 4.9
Top-down AG for
subtraction expr −→ const expr tail

� expr tail.st := const.val
� expr.val := expr tail.val

expr tail1 −→ – const expr tail2
� expr tail2.st := expr tail1.st − const.val
� expr tail1.val := expr tail2.val

expr tail −→ �
� expr tail.val := expr tail.st

In each of the first two productions, the first rule serves to copy the left context
(value of the expression so far) into a “subtotal” (st) attribute; the second rule
copies the final value from the right-most leaf back up to the root. In the expr tail
nodes of the picture in Example 4.8, the left box holds the st attribute; the right
holds val. �

We can flesh out the grammar fragment of Example 4.7 to produce a moreEXAMPLE 4.10
Top-down AG for constant

complete expression grammar, as shown (with shorter symbol names) in Fig-
ure 4.3. The underlying CFG for this grammar accepts the same language as the
one in Figure 4.1, but where that one was SLR(1), this one is LL(1). Attribute flow
for a parse of (1 + 3) * 2, using the LL(1) grammar, appears in Figure 4.4. As in
the grammar fragment of Example 4.9, the value of the left operand of each oper-
ator is carried into the TT and FT productions by the st (subtotal) attribute. The
relative complexity of the attribute flow arises from the fact that operators are left
associative, but the grammar cannot be left recursive: the left and right operands
of a given operator are thus found in separate productions. Grammars to perform

190 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

1. E −→ T TT
� TT.st := T.val � E.val := TT.val

2. TT1 −→ + T TT2
� TT2.st := TT1.st + T.val � TT1.val := TT2.val

3. TT1 −→ – T TT2
� TT2.st := TT1.st − T.val � TT1.val := TT2.val

4. TT −→ �
� TT.val := TT.st

5. T −→ F FT
� FT.st := F.val � T.val := FT.val

6. FT1 −→ * F FT2
� FT2.st := FT1.st × F.val � FT1.val := FT2.val

7. FT1 −→ / F FT2
� FT2.st := FT1.st ÷ F.val � FT1.val := FT2.val

8. FT −→ �
� FT.val := FT.st

9. F1 −→ – F2
� F1.val := − F2.val

10. F −→ ( E )
� F.val := E.val

11. F −→ const
� F.val := const.val

Figure 4.3 An attribute grammar for constant expressions based on an LL(1) CFG. In this
grammar several productions have two semantic rules.

semantic analysis for practical languages generally require some non-S-attributed
flow. �

Attribute Flow

Just as a context-free grammar does not specify how it should be parsed, an at-
tribute grammar does not specify the order in which attribute rules should be
invoked. Put another way, both notations are declarative: they define a set of valid
trees, but they don’t say how to build or decorate them. Among other things, this
means that the order in which attribute rules are listed for a given production is
immaterial; attribute flow may require them to execute in any order. If, in Fig-
ure 4.3, we were to reverse the order in which the rules appear in productions
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and/or 7 (listing the rule for symbol.val first), it would be a purely
cosmetic change; the grammar would not be altered.

We say an attribute grammar is well defined if its rules determine a unique set
of values for the attributes of every possible parse tree. An attribute grammar is
noncircular if it never leads to a parse tree in which there are cycles in the attribute
flow graph—that is, if no attribute, in any parse tree, ever depends (transitively)

4.3 Evaluating Attributes 191


8 8

4 8

8 8

1 4

1 1

3 3

4 4
















( )




const FT












� �

Figure 4.4 Decoration of a top-down parse tree for (1 + 3) * 2, using the AG of Figure 4.3. Curving arrows again indicate
attribute flow; the arrow(s) entering a given box represent the application of a single semantic rule. Flow in this case is no
longer strictly bottom-up, but it is still left-to-right. At FT and TT nodes, the left box holds the st attribute; the right holds val.

on itself. (A grammar can be circular and still be well defined if attributes are
guaranteed to converge to a unique value.) As a general rule, practical attribute
grammars tend to be noncircular.

An algorithm that decorates parse trees by invoking the rules of an attribute
grammar in an order consistent with the tree’s attribute flow is called a translation
scheme. Perhaps the simplest scheme is one that makes repeated passes over a
tree, invoking any semantic function whose arguments have all been defined, and
stopping when it completes a pass in which no values change. Such a scheme is
said to be oblivious, in the sense that it exploits no special knowledge of either the
parse tree or the grammar. It will halt only if the grammar is well defined. Better
performance, at least for noncircular grammars, may be achieved by a dynamic
scheme that tailors the evaluation order to the structure of a given parse tree—for
example, by constructing a topological sort of the attribute flow graph and then
invoking rules in an order consistent with the sort.

The fastest translation schemes, however, tend to be static—based on an analy-
sis of the structure of the attribute grammar itself, and then applied mechanically
to any tree arising from the grammar. Like LL and LR parsers, linear-time static
translation schemes can be devised only for certain restricted classes of gram-

192 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

mars. S-attributed grammars, such as the one in Figure 4.1, form the simplest
such class. Because attribute flow in an S-attributed grammar is strictly bottom-
up, attributes can be evaluated by visiting the nodes of the parse tree in exactly
the same order that those nodes are generated by an LR-family parser. In fact, the
attributes can be evaluated on the fly during a bottom-up parse, thereby inter-
leaving parsing and semantic analysis (attribute evaluation).

The attribute grammar of Figure 4.3 is a good bit messier than that of Fig-
ure 4.1, but it is still L-attributed: its attributes can be evaluated by visiting the
nodes of the parse tree in a single left-to-right, depth-first traversal (the same or-
der in which they are visited during a top-down parse—see Figure 4.4). If we say
that an attribute A.s depends on an attribute B.t if B.t is ever passed to a semantic
function that returns a value for A.s, then we can define L-attributed grammars
more formally with the following two rules: (1) each synthesized attribute of a
left-hand-side symbol depends only on that symbol’s own inherited attributes or
on attributes (synthesized or inherited) of the production’s right-hand-side sym-
bols, and (2) each inherited attribute of a right-hand-side symbol depends only
on inherited attributes of the left-hand-side symbol or on attributes (synthesized
or inherited) of symbols to its left in the right-hand side.

Because L-attributed grammars permit rules that initialize attributes of the
left-hand side of a production using attributes of symbols on the right-hand
side, every S-attributed grammar is also an L-attributed grammar. The reverse
is not the case: S-attributed grammars do not permit the initialization of at-
tributes on the right-hand side, so there are L-attributed grammars that are not

S-attributed attribute grammars are the most general class of attribute gram-
mars for which evaluation can be implemented on the fly during an LR parse.
L-attributed grammars are the most general class for which evaluation can be im-
plemented on the fly during an LL parse. If we interleave semantic analysis (and
possibly intermediate code generation) with parsing, then a bottom-up parser
must in general be paired with an S-attributed translation scheme; a top-down
parser must be paired with an L-attributed translation scheme. (Depending on
the structure of the grammar, it is often possible for a bottom-up parser to ac-
commodate some non-S-attributed attribute flow; we consider this possibility in
Section C 4.5.1.) If we choose to separate parsing and semantic analysis into sepa-
rate passes, then the code that builds the parse tree or syntax tree must still use an
S-attributed or L-attributed translation scheme (as appropriate), but the semantic
analyzer can use a more powerful scheme if desired. There are certain tasks, such
as the generation of code for “short-circuit” Boolean expressions (to be discussed
in Sections 6.1.5 and 6.4.1), that are easiest to accomplish with a non-L-attributed

4.3 Evaluating Attributes 193

One-Pass Compilers

A compiler that interleaves semantic analysis and code generation with parsing is
said to be a one-pass compiler.3 It is unclear whether interleaving semantic analysis
with parsing makes a compiler simpler or more complex; it’s mainly a matter
of taste. If intermediate code generation is interleaved with parsing, one need
not build a syntax tree at all (unless of course the syntax tree is the intermediate
code). Moreover, it is often possible to write the intermediate code to an output
file on the fly, rather than accumulating it in the attributes of the root of the
parse tree. The resulting space savings were important for previous generations
of computers, which had very small main memories. On the other hand, semantic
analysis is easier to perform during a separate traversal of a syntax tree, because
that tree reflects the program’s semantic structure better than the parse tree does,
especially with a top-down parser, and because one has the option of traversing
the tree in an order other than that chosen by the parser.

Building a Syntax Tree

If we choose not to interleave parsing and semantic analysis, we still need to add
attribute rules to the context-free grammar, but they serve only to create the syn-
tax tree—not to enforce semantic rules or generate code. Figures 4.5 and 4.6EXAMPLE 4.11

Bottom-up and top-down
AGs to build a syntax tree

contain bottom-up and top-down attribute grammars, respectively, to build a
syntax tree for constant expressions. The attributes in these grammars hold nei-
ther numeric values nor target code fragments; instead they point to nodes of
the syntax tree. Function make leaf returns a pointer to a newly allocated syntax
tree node containing the value of a constant. Functions make un op and make
bin op return pointers to newly allocated syntax tree nodes containing a unary or


4.2 Forward references
In Sections 3.3.3 and C 3.4.1 we noted that the scope rules of many languages
require names to be declared before they are used, and provide special mech-
anisms to introduce the forward references needed for recursive definitions.
While these rules may help promote the creation of clear, maintainable code,
an equally important motivation, at least historically, was to facilitate the con-
struction of one-pass compilers. With increases in memory size, processing
speed, and programmer expectations regarding the quality of code improve-
ment, multipass compilers have become ubiquitous, and language designers
have felt free (as, for example, in the class declarations of C++, Java, and C#)
to abandon the requirement that declarations precede uses.

3 Most authors use the term one-pass only for compilers that translate all the way from source to
target code in a single pass. Some authors insist only that intermediate code be generated in a
single pass, and permit additional pass(es) to translate intermediate code to target code.

194 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

E1 −→ E2 + T
� E1.ptr := make bin op(“+”, E2.ptr, T.ptr)

E1 −→ E2 – T
� E1.ptr := make bin op(“−”, E2.ptr, T.ptr)

E −→ T
� E.ptr := T.ptr

T1 −→ T2 * F
� T1.ptr := make bin op(“×”, T2.ptr, F.ptr)

T1 −→ T2 / F
� T1.ptr := make bin op(“÷”, T2.ptr, F.ptr)

T −→ F
� T.ptr := F.ptr

F1 −→ – F2
� F1.ptr := make un op(“+/−”, F2.ptr)

F −→ ( E )
� F.ptr := E.ptr

F −→ const
� F.ptr := make leaf(const.val)

Figure 4.5 Bottom-up (S-attributed) attribute grammar to construct a syntax tree. The
symbol +/− is used (as it is on calculators) to indicate change of sign.

binary operator, respectively, and pointers to the supplied operand(s). Figures 4.7
and 4.8 show stages in the decoration of parse trees for (1 + 3) * 2, using the
grammars of Figures 4.5 and 4.6, respectively. Note that the final syntax tree is the
same in each case. �

1. What determines whether a language rule is a matter of syntax or of static


2. Why is it impossible to detect certain program errors at compile time, even
though they can be detected at run time?

3. What is an attribute grammar?

4. What are programming assertions? What is their purpose?

5. What is the difference between synthesized and inherited attributes?

6. Give two examples of information that is typically passed through inherited

7. What is attribute flow?

8. What is a one-pass compiler?

4.4 Action Routines 195

E −→ T TT
� TT.st := T.ptr
� E.ptr := TT.ptr

TT1 −→ + T TT2
� TT2.st := make bin op(“+”, TT1.st, T.ptr)
� TT1.ptr := TT2.ptr

TT1 −→ – T TT2
� TT2.st := make bin op(“−”, TT1.st, T.ptr)
� TT1.ptr := TT2.ptr

TT −→ �
� TT.ptr := TT.st

T −→ F FT
� FT.st := F.ptr
� T.ptr := FT.ptr

FT1 −→ * F FT2
� FT2.st := make bin op(“×”, FT1.st, F.ptr)
� FT1.ptr := FT2.ptr

FT1 −→ / F FT2
� FT2.st := make bin op(“÷”, FT1.st, F.ptr)
� FT1.ptr := FT2.ptr

FT −→ �
� FT.ptr := FT.st

F1 −→ – F2
� F1.ptr := make un op(“+/−”, F2.ptr)

F −→ ( E )
� F.ptr := E.ptr

F −→ const
� F.ptr := make leaf(const.val)

Figure 4.6 Top-down (L-attributed) attribute grammar to construct a syntax tree. Here the
st attribute, like the ptr attribute (and unlike the st attribute of Figure 4.3), is a pointer to a
syntax tree node.

9. What does it mean for an attribute grammar to be S-attributed? L-attributed?
Noncircular? What is the significance of these grammar classes?

4.4 Action Routines
Just as there are automatic tools that will construct a parser for a given context-
free grammar, there are automatic tools that will construct a semantic analyzer
(attribute evaluator) for a given attribute grammar. Attribute evaluator gen-

196 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis







const 2




( )E


E (b)






1 1

E + T


3 3














Figure 4.7 Construction of a syntax tree for (1 + 3) * 2 via decoration of a bottom-up
parse tree, using the grammar of Figure 4.5. This figure reads from bottom to top. In diagram
(a), the values of the constants 1 and 3 have been placed in new syntax tree leaves. Pointers
to these leaves propagate up into the attributes of E and T. In (b), the pointers to these leaves
become child pointers of a new internal + node. In (c) the pointer to this node propagates up
into the attributes of T, and a new leaf is created for 2. Finally, in (d), the pointers from T and F
become child pointers of a new internal × node, and a pointer to this node propagates up into
the attributes of E.

4.4 Action Routines 197









const 1 1



( )



T+ +








( )




const 2





const 3











Figure 4.8 Construction of a syntax tree via decoration of a top-down parse tree, using the grammar of Figure 4.6. In the
top diagram, (a), the value of the constant 1 has been placed in a new syntax tree leaf. A pointer to this leaf then propagates to
the st attribute of TT. In (b), a second leaf has been created to hold the constant 3. Pointers to the two leaves then become
child pointers of a new internal + node, a pointer to which propagates from the st attribute of the bottom-most TT, where
it was created, all the way up and over to the st attribute of the top-most FT. In (c), a third leaf has been created for the
constant 2 . Pointers to this leaf and to the + node then become the children of a new × node, a pointer to which propagates
from the st of the lower FT, where it was created, all the way to the root of the tree.

198 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

erators have been used in syntax-based editors [RT88], incremental compil-
ers [SDB84], web-page layout [MTAB13], and various aspects of programming
language research. Most production compilers, however, use an ad hoc, hand-
written translation scheme, interleaving parsing with the construction of a syntax
tree and, in some cases, other aspects of semantic analysis or intermediate code
generation. Because they evaluate the attributes of each production as it is parsed,
they do not need to build the full parse tree.

An ad hoc translation scheme that is interleaved with parsing takes the form
of a set of action routines. An action routine is a semantic function that the pro-
grammer (grammar writer) instructs the compiler to execute at a particular point
in the parse. Most parser generators allow the programmer to specify action rou-
tines. In an LL parser generator, an action routine can appear anywhere within a
right-hand side. A routine at the beginning of a right-hand side will be called as
soon as the parser predicts the production. A routine embedded in the middle of
a right-hand side will be called as soon as the parser has matched (the yield of) the
symbol to the left. The implementation mechanism is simple: when it predicts a
production, the parser pushes all of the right-hand side onto the stack, including
terminals (to be matched), nonterminals (to drive future predictions), and point-
ers to action routines. When it finds a pointer to an action routine at the top of
the parse stack, the parser simply calls it, passing (pointers to) the appropriate
attributes as arguments.

To make this process more concrete, consider again our LL(1) grammar forEXAMPLE 4.12
Top-down action routines
to build a syntax tree

constant expressions. Action routines to build a syntax tree while parsing this
grammar appear in Figure 4.9. The only difference between this grammar and
the one in Figure 4.6 is that the action routines (delimited here with curly braces)
are embedded among the symbols of the right-hand sides; the work performed
is the same. The ease with which the attribute grammar can be transformed into
the grammar with action routines is due to the fact that the attribute grammar is
L-attributed. If it required more complicated flow, we would not be able to cast it
as action routines. �


4.3 Attribute evaluators
Automatic evaluators based on formal attribute grammars are popular in lan-
guage research projects because they save developer time when the language
definition changes. They are popular in syntax-based editors and incremental
compilers because they save execution time: when a small change is made to
a program, the evaluator may be able to “patch up” tree decorations signifi-
cantly faster than it could rebuild them from scratch. For the typical compiler,
however, semantic analysis based on a formal attribute grammar is overkill: it
has higher overhead than action routines, and doesn’t really save the compiler
writer that much work.

4.4 Action Routines 199

E −→ T { TT.st := T.ptr } TT { E.ptr := TT.ptr }
TT1 −→ + T { TT2.st := make bin op(“+”, TT1.st, T.ptr) } TT2 { TT1.ptr := TT2.ptr }
TT1 −→ – T { TT2.st := make bin op(“−”, TT1.st, T.ptr) } TT2 { TT1.ptr := TT2.ptr }
TT −→ � { TT.ptr := TT.st }
T −→ F { FT.st := F.ptr } FT { T.ptr := FT.ptr }
FT1 −→ * F { FT2.st := make bin op(“×”, FT1.st, F.ptr) } FT2 { FT1.ptr := FT2.ptr }
FT1 −→ / F { FT2.st := make bin op(“÷”, FT1.st, F.ptr) } FT2 { FT1.ptr := FT2.ptr }
FT −→ � { FT.ptr := FT.st }
F1 −→ – F2 { F1.ptr := make un op(“+/−”, F2.ptr) }
F −→ ( E ) { F.ptr := E.ptr }
F −→ const { F.ptr := make leaf(const.ptr) }

Figure 4.9 LL(1) grammar with action routines to build a syntax tree.

procedure term tail(lhs : tree node ptr)
case input token of

+, – :
op : string := add op()
return term tail(make bin op(op, lhs, term()))

–– term() is a recursive call with no arguments
), id, read, write, $$ : –– epsilon production

return lhs
otherwise parse error

Figure 4.10 Recursive descent parsing with embedded “action routines.” Compare with the
routine of the same name in Figure 2.17, and with productions 2 through 4 in Figure 4.9.

As in ordinary parsing, there is a strong analogy between recursive descent and
table-driven parsing with action routines. Figure 4.10 shows the term tail rou-EXAMPLE 4.13

Recursive descent and
action routines

tine from Figure 2.17, modified to do its part in constructing a syntax tree. The
behavior of this routine mirrors that of productions 2 through 4 in Figure 4.9.
The routine accepts as a parameter a pointer to the syntax tree fragment con-
tained in the attribute grammar’s TT1 . Then, given an upcoming + or – sym-
bol on the input, it (1) calls add op to parse that symbol (returning a character
string representation); (2) calls term to parse the attribute grammar’s T; (3) calls
make bin op to create a new tree node; (4) passes that node to term tail, which
parses the attribute grammar’s TT2; and (5) returns the result. �

Bottom-Up Evaluation

In an LR parser generator, one cannot in general embed action routines at arbi-
trary places in a right-hand side, since the parser does not in general know what
production it is in until it has seen all or most of the yield. LR parser generators
therefore permit action routines only in the portion (suffix) of the right-hand

200 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

side in which the production being parsed can be identified unambiguously (this
is known as the trailing part; the ambiguous prefix is the left corner). If the at-
tribute flow of the action routines is strictly bottom-up (as it is in an S-attributed
attribute grammar), then execution at the end of right-hand sides is all that is
needed. The attribute grammars of Figures 4.1 and 4.5, in fact, are essentially
identical to the action routine versions. If the action routines are responsible for
a significant part of semantic analysis, however (as opposed to simply building
a syntax tree), then they will often need contextual information in order to do
their job. To obtain and use this information in an LR parse, they will need some
(necessarily limited) access to inherited attributes or to information outside the
current production. We consider this issue further in Section C 4.5.1.

4.5 Space Management for Attributes
Any attribute evaluation method requires space to hold the attributes of the gram-
mar symbols. If we are building an explicit parse tree, then the obvious approach
is to store attributes in the nodes of the tree themselves. If we are not building a
parse tree, then we need to find a way to keep track of the attributes for the sym-
bols we have seen (or predicted) but not yet finished parsing. The details differ in
bottom-up and top-down parsers.

For a bottom-up parser with an S-attributed grammar, the obvious approach
is to maintain an attribute stack that directly mirrors the parse stack: next to every
state number on the parse stack is an attribute record for the symbol we shifted
when we entered that state. Entries in the attribute stack are pushed and popped
automatically by the parser driver; space management is not an issue for the writer
of action routines. Complications arise if we try to achieve the effect of inherited
attributes, but these can be accommodated within the basic attribute-stack frame-

For a top-down parser with an L-attributed grammar, we have two principal
options. The first option is automatic, but more complex than for bottom-up
grammars. It still uses an attribute stack, but one that does not mirror the parse
stack. The second option has lower space overhead, and saves time by “short-
cutting” copy rules, but requires action routines to allocate and deallocate space
for attributes explicitly.

In both families of parsers, it is common for some of the contextual infor-
mation for action routines to be kept in global variables. The symbol table in
particular is usually global. Rather than pass its full contents through attributes
from one production to the next, we pass an indication of the currently active
scope. Lookups in the global table then use this scope information to obtain the
right referencing environment.

4.6 Tree Grammars and Syntax Tree Decoration 201

program −→ stmt list $$
stmt list −→ stmt list decl | stmt list stmt | �
decl −→ int id | real id
stmt −→ id := expr | read id | write expr
expr −→ term | expr add op term
term −→ factor | term mult op factor
factor −→ ( expr ) | id | int_const | real_const |

float ( expr ) | trunc ( expr )

add op −→ + | –
mult op −→ * | /

Figure 4.11 Context-free grammar for a calculator language with types and declarations.
The intent is that every identifier be declared before use, and that types not be mixed in com-


We consider attribute space management in more detail on the companion site.
Using bottom-up and top-down grammars for arithmetic expressions, we illus-
trate automatic management for both bottom-up and top-down parsers, as well
as the ad hoc option for top-down parsers.

4.6 Tree Grammars and Syntax Tree Decoration
In our discussion so far we have used attribute grammars solely to decorate parse
trees. As we mentioned in the chapter introduction, attribute grammars can also
be used to decorate syntax trees. If our compiler uses action routines simply to
build a syntax tree, then the bulk of semantic analysis and intermediate code gen-
eration will use the syntax tree as base.

Figure 4.11 contains a bottom-up CFG for a calculator language with types andEXAMPLE 4.14
Bottom-up CFG for
calculator language with

declarations. The grammar differs from that of Example 2.37 in three ways: (1) we
allow declarations to be intermixed with statements, (2) we differentiate between
integer and real constants (presumably the latter contain a decimal point), and (3)
we require explicit conversions between integer and real operands. The intended
semantics of our language requires that every identifier be declared before it is
used, and that types not be mixed in computations. �

Extrapolating from the example in Figure 4.5, it is easy to add semantic func-EXAMPLE 4.15
Syntax tree to average an
integer and a real

tions or action routines to the grammar of Figure 4.11 to construct a syntax tree
for the calculator language (Exercise 4.21). The obvious structure for such a tree
would represent expressions as we did in Figure 4.7, and would represent a pro-
gram as a linked list of declarations and statements. As a concrete example, Fig-
ure 4.12 contains the syntax tree for a simple program to print the average of an
integer and a real. �

202 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis










b null





int a

read a

real b

read b

write (float (a) + b) / 2.0 +


Figure 4.12 Syntax tree for a simple calculator program.

Much as a context-free grammar describes the possible structure of parse treesEXAMPLE 4.16
Tree grammar for the
calculator language with

for a given programming language, we can use a tree grammar to represent the
possible structure of syntax trees. As in a CFG, each production of a tree grammar
represents a possible relationship between a parent and its children in the tree.
The parent is the symbol on the left-hand side of the production; the children are
the symbols on the right-hand side. The productions used in Figure 4.12 might
look something like the following:

program −→ item
int decl : item −→ id item
read : item −→ id item
real decl : item −→ id item
write : item −→ expr item
null : item −→ �
‘÷’ : expr −→ expr expr
‘+’ : expr −→ expr expr
float : expr −→ expr
id : expr −→ �
real const : expr −→ �

Here the notation A : B on the left-hand side of a production means that A is one
variant of B, and may appear anywhere a B is expected on a right-hand side. �

4.6 Tree Grammars and Syntax Tree Decoration 203

Class of node Variants Inherited Synthesized

program — — location, errors
item int decl, real decl, symtab, errors in location, errors out

read, write, :=, null
expr int const, real const, symtab location, type, errors,

id, +, −, ×, ÷, name (id only)
float, trunc

Figure 4.13 Classes of nodes for the syntax tree attribute grammar of Figure 4.14. With the
exception of name, all variants of a given class have all the class’s attributes.

Tree grammars and context-free grammars differ in important ways. A
context-free grammar is meant to define (generate) a language composed of
strings of tokens, where each string is the fringe (yield) of a parse tree. Pars-
ing is the process of finding a tree that has a given yield. A tree grammar, as we
use it here, is meant to define (or generate) the trees themselves. We have no need
for a notion of parsing: we can easily inspect a tree and determine whether (and
how) it can be generated by the grammar. Our purpose in introducing tree gram-
mars is to provide a framework for the decoration of syntax trees. Semantic rules
attached to the productions of a tree grammar can be used to define the attribute
flow of a syntax tree in exactly the same way that semantic rules attached to the
productions of a context-free grammar are used to define the attribute flow of a
parse tree. We will use a tree grammar in the remainder of this section to perform
static semantic checking. In Chapter 15 we will show how additional semantic
rules can be used to generate intermediate code.

A complete tree attribute grammar for our calculator language with types canEXAMPLE 4.17
Tree AG for the calculator
language with types

be constructed using the node classes, variants, and attributes shown in Fig-
ure 4.13. The grammar itself appears in Figure 4.14. Once decorated, the program
node at the root of the syntax tree will contain a list, in a synthesized attribute,
of all static semantic errors in the program. (The list will be empty if the pro-
gram is free of such errors.) Each item or expr node has an inherited attribute
symtab that contains a list, with types, of all identifiers declared to the left in the
tree. Each item node also has an inherited attribute errors in that lists all static
semantic errors found to its left in the tree, and a synthesized attribute errors out
to propagate the final error list back to the root. Each expr node has one synthe-
sized attribute that indicates its type and another that contains a list of any static
semantic errors found inside.

Our handling of semantic errors illustrates a common technique. In order to
continue looking for other errors, we must provide values for any attributes that
would have been set in the absence of an error. To avoid cascading error mes-
sages, we choose values for those attributes that will pass quietly through subse-
quent checks. In this specific case we employ a pseudotype called error, which

204 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

program −→ item
� item.symtab := null
� program.errors := item.errors out
� item.errors in := null

int decl : item1 −→ id item2
� declare name(id, item1, item2, int)
� item1.errors out := item2.errors out

real decl : item1 −→ id item2
� declare name(id, item1, item2, real)
� item1.errors out := item2.errors out

read : item1 −→ id item2
� item2.symtab := item1.symtab
� if 〈id.name, ?〉 ∈ item1.symtab

item2.errors in := item1.errors in

item2.errors in := item1.errors in + [id.name “undefined at” id.location]
� item1.errors out := item2.errors out

write : item1 −→ expr item2
� expr.symtab := item1.symtab
� item2.symtab := item1.symtab
� item2.errors in := item1.errors in + expr.errors
� item1.errors out := item2.errors out

‘:=’ : item1 −→ id expr item2
� expr.symtab := item1.symtab
� item2.symtab := item1.symtab
� if 〈id.name, A〉 ∈ item1.symtab –– for some type A

if A �= error and expr.type �= error and A �= expr.type
item2.errors in := item1.errors in + [“type clash at” item1.location]

item2.errors in := item1.errors in + expr.errors

item2.errors in := item1.errors in + [id.name “undefined at” id.location]

+ expr.errors
� item1.errors out := item2.errors out

null : item −→ �
� item.errors out := item.errors in

Figure 4.14 Attribute grammar to decorate an abstract syntax tree for the calculator lan-
guage with types. We use square brackets to delimit error messages and pointed brackets to
delimit symbol table entries. Juxtaposition indicates concatenation within error messages; the
‘+’ and ‘−’ operators indicate insertion and removal in lists. We assume that every node has
been initialized by the scanner or by action routines in the parser to contain an indication of
the location (line and column) at which the corresponding construct appears in the source (see
Exercise 4.22). The ‘?’ symbol is used as a “wild card”; it matches any type. (continued)

4.6 Tree Grammars and Syntax Tree Decoration 205

id : expr −→ �
� if 〈id.name, A〉 ∈ expr.symtab –– for some type A

expr.errors := null
expr.type := A

expr.errors := [id.name “undefined at” id.location]
expr.type := error

int const : expr −→ �
� expr.type := int

real const : expr −→ �
� expr.type := real

‘+’ : expr1 −→ expr2 expr3
� expr2.symtab := expr1.symtab
� expr3.symtab := expr1.symtab
� check types(expr1, expr2, expr3)

‘−’ : expr1 −→ expr2 expr3
� expr2.symtab := expr1.symtab
� expr3.symtab := expr1.symtab
� check types(expr1, expr2, expr3)

‘×’ : expr1 −→ expr2 expr3
� expr2.symtab := expr1.symtab
� expr3.symtab := expr1.symtab
� check types(expr1, expr2, expr3)

‘÷’ : expr1 −→ expr2 expr3
� expr2.symtab := expr1.symtab
� expr3.symtab := expr1.symtab
� check types(expr1, expr2, expr3)

float : expr1 −→ expr2
� expr2.symtab := expr1.symtab
� convert type(expr2, expr1, int, real, “float of non-int”)

trunc : expr1 −→ expr2
� expr2.symtab := expr1.symtab
� convert type(expr2, expr1, real, int, “trunc of non-real”)

Figure 4.14 (continued on next page)

we associate with any symbol table entry or expression for which we have already
generated a message.

Though it takes a bit of checking to verify the fact, our attribute grammar is
noncircular and well defined. No attribute is ever assigned a value more than
once. (The helper routines at the end of Figure 4.14 should be thought of as
macros, rather than semantic functions. For the sake of brevity we have passed
them entire tree nodes as arguments. Each macro calculates the values of two dif-
ferent attributes. Under a strict formulation of attribute grammars each macro

206 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

macro declare name(id, cur item, next item : syntax tree node; t : type)
if 〈id.name, ?〉 ∈ cur item.symtab

next item.errors in := cur item.errors in + [“redefinition of” id.name “at” cur item.location]
next item.symtab := cur item.symtab − 〈id.name, ?〉 + 〈id.name, error〉

next item.errors in := cur item.errors in
next item.symtab := cur item.symtab + 〈id.name, t〉

macro check types(result, operand1, operand2)
if operand1.type = error or operand2.type = error

result.type := error
result.errors := operand1.errors + operand2.errors

else if operand1.type �= operand2.type
result.type := error
result.errors := operand1.errors + operand2.errors + [“type clash at” result.location]

result.type := operand1.type
result.errors := operand1.errors + operand2.errors

macro convert type(old expr, new expr : syntax tree node; from t, to t : type; msg : string)
if old expr.type = from t or old expr.type = error

new expr.errors := old expr.errors
new expr.type := to t

new expr.errors := old expr.errors + [msg “at” old expr.location]
new expr.type := error

Figure 4.14 (continued)

would be replaced by two separate semantic functions, one per calculated at-
tribute.) �

Figure 4.15 uses the grammar of Figure 4.14 to decorate the syntax tree ofEXAMPLE 4.18
Decorating a tree with the
AG of Example 4.17

Figure 4.12. The pattern of attribute flow appears considerably messier than in
previous examples in this chapter, but this is simply because type checking is more
complicated than calculating constants or building a syntax tree. Symbol table
information flows along the chain of items and down into expr trees. The int decl
and real decl nodes add new information; other nodes simply pass the table along.
Type information is synthesized at id : expr leaves by looking up an identifier’s
name in the symbol table. The information then propagates upward within an
expression tree, and is used to type-check operators and assignments (the latter
don’t appear in this example). Error messages flow along the chain of items via
the errors in attributes, and then back to the root via the errors out attributes.
Messages also flow up out of expr trees. Wherever a type check is performed, the
type attribute may be used to help create a new message to be appended to the
growing message list. �

In our example grammar we accumulate error messages into a synthesized at-
tribute of the root of the syntax tree. In an ad hoc attribute evaluator we might be
tempted to print these messages on the fly as the errors are discovered. In prac-

4.6 Tree Grammars and Syntax Tree Decoration 207





















= errors_in
= errors_out
= errors
= symtab
= type
= name

s ei eo

s ei eo

s ei eo

s ei eo

s ei eo

s ei eo





location attribute not shown

s t e

s t e s t e

s t e s t en

s t en

Figure 4.15 Decoration of the syntax tree of Figure 4.12, using the grammar of Figure 4.14.
Location information, which we assume has been initialized in every node by the parser, con-
tributes to error messages, but does not otherwise propagate through the tree.

tice, however, particularly in a multipass compiler, it makes sense to buffer the
messages, so they can be interleaved with messages produced by other phases of
the compiler, and printed in program order at the end of compilation.

One could convert our attribute grammar into executable code using an au-
tomatic attribute evaluator generator. Alternatively, one could create an ad hoc
evaluator in the form of mutually recursive subroutines (Exercise 4.20). In the lat-
ter case attribute flow would be explicit in the calling sequence of the routines. We
could then choose if desired to keep the symbol table in global variables, rather
than passing it from node to node through attributes. Most compilers employ the
ad hoc approach.

208 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

10. What is the difference between a semantic function and an action routine?

11. Why can’t action routines be placed at arbitrary locations within the right-
hand side of productions in an LR CFG?

12. What patterns of attribute flow can be captured easily with action routines?

13. Some compilers perform all semantic checks and intermediate code genera-
tion in action routines. Others use action routines to build a syntax tree and
then perform semantic checks and intermediate code generation in separate
traversals of the syntax tree. Discuss the tradeoffs between these two strate-

14. What sort of information do action routines typically keep in global variables,
rather than in attributes?

15. Describe the similarities and differences between context-free grammars and
tree grammars.

16. How can a semantic analyzer avoid the generation of cascading error mes-

4.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks
This chapter has discussed the task of semantic analysis. We reviewed the sorts of
language rules that can be classified as syntax, static semantics, and dynamic se-
mantics, and discussed the issue of whether to generate code to perform dynamic
semantic checks. We also considered the role that the semantic analyzer plays in
a typical compiler. We noted that both the enforcement of static semantic rules
and the generation of intermediate code can be cast in terms of annotation, or
decoration, of a parse tree or syntax tree. We then presented attribute grammars
as a formal framework for this decoration process.

An attribute grammar associates attributes with each symbol in a context-free
grammar or tree grammar, and attribute rules with each production. In a CFG,
synthesized attributes are calculated only in productions in which their symbol
appears on the left-hand side. The synthesized attributes of tokens are initialized
by the scanner. Inherited attributes are calculated in productions in which their
symbol appears within the right-hand side; they allow calculations in the subtree
below a symbol to depend on the context in which the symbol appears. Inher-
ited attributes of the start symbol (goal) can represent the external environment
of the compiler. Strictly speaking, attribute grammars allow only copy rules (as-
signments of one attribute to another) and simple calls to semantic functions, but
we usually relax this restriction to allow more or less arbitrary code fragments in
some existing programming language.

4.8 Exercises 209

Just as context-free grammars can be categorized according to the parsing al-
gorithm(s) that can use them, attribute grammars can be categorized according to
the complexity of their pattern of attribute flow. S-attributed grammars, in which
all attributes are synthesized, can naturally be evaluated in a single bottom-up
pass over a parse tree, in precisely the order the tree is discovered by an LR-family
parser. L-attributed grammars, in which all attribute flow is depth-first left-to-
right, can be evaluated in precisely the order that the parse tree is predicted and
matched by an LL-family parser. Attribute grammars with more complex pat-
terns of attribute flow are not commonly used for the parse trees of production
compilers, but are valuable for syntax-based editors, incremental compilers, and
various other tools.

While it is possible to construct automatic tools to analyze attribute flow and
decorate parse trees, most compilers rely on action routines, which the compiler
writer embeds in the right-hand sides of productions to evaluate attribute rules at
specific points in a parse. In an LL-family parser, action routines can be embed-
ded at arbitrary points in a production’s right-hand side. In an LR-family parser,
action routines must follow the production’s left corner. Space for attributes in
a bottom-up compiler is naturally allocated in parallel with the parse stack, but
this complicates the management of inherited attributes. Space for attributes in a
top-down compiler can be allocated automatically, or managed explicitly by the
writer of action routines. The automatic approach has the advantage of regularity,
and is easier to maintain; the ad hoc approach is slightly faster and more flexible.

In a one-pass compiler, which interleaves scanning, parsing, semantic analysis,
and code generation in a single traversal of its input, semantic functions or action
routines are responsible for all of semantic analysis and code generation. More
commonly, action routines simply build a syntax tree, which is then decorated
during separate traversal(s) in subsequent pass(es). The code for these traversals
is usually written by hand, in the form of mutually recursive subroutines, allowing
the compiler to accommodate essentially arbitrary attribute flow on the syntax

In subsequent chapters (6–10 in particular) we will consider a wide variety
of programming language constructs. Rather than present the actual attribute
grammars required to implement these constructs, we will describe their seman-
tics informally, and give examples of the target code. We will return to attribute
grammars in Chapter 15, when we consider the generation of intermediate code
in more detail.

4.8 Exercises
4.1 Basic results from automata theory tell us that the language L = an bncn =

�, abc, aabbcc, aaabbbccc, . . . is not context free. It can be captured,
however, using an attribute grammar. Give an underlying CFG and a set of
attribute rules that associates a Boolean attribute ok with the root R of each

210 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

cdr .










Figure 4.16 Natural syntax tree for the Lisp expression (cdr ‚(a b c)).

parse tree, such that R.ok = true if and only if the string corresponding to
the fringe of the tree is in L.

4.2 Modify the grammar of Figure 2.25 so that it accepts only programs that
contain at least one write statement. Make the same change in the solution
to Exercise 2.17. Based on your experience, what do you think of the idea of
using the CFG to enforce the rule that every function in C must contain at
least one return statement?

4.3 Give two examples of reasonable semantic rules that cannot be checked at
reasonable cost, either statically or by compiler-generated code at run time.

4.4 Write an S-attributed attribute grammar, based on the CFG of Example 4.7,
that accumulates the value of the overall expression into the root of the
tree. You will need to use dynamic memory allocation so that individual
attributes can hold an arbitrary amount of information.

4.5 Lisp has the unusual property that its programs take the form of parenthe-
sized lists. The natural syntax tree for a Lisp program is thus a tree of binary
cells (known in Lisp as cons cells), where the first child represents the first
element of the list and the second child represents the rest of the list. The
syntax tree for (cdr

(a b c)) appears in Figure 4.16. (The notation

L is

syntactic sugar for (quote L).)
Extend the CFG of Exercise 2.18 to create an attribute grammar that will

build such trees. When a parse tree has been fully decorated, the root should
have an attribute v that refers to the syntax tree. You may assume that each
atom has a synthesized attribute v that refers to a syntax tree node that holds
information from the scanner. In your semantic functions, you may assume
the availability of a cons function that takes two references as arguments
and returns a reference to a new cons cell containing those references.

4.8 Exercises 211

4.6 Refer back to the context-free grammar of Exercise 2.13. Add attribute rules
to the grammar to accumulate into the root of the tree a count of the max-
imum depth to which parentheses are nested in the program string. For
example, given the string f1(a, f2(b * (c + (d – (e – f))))), the stmt
at the root of the tree should have an attribute with a count of 3 (the paren-
theses surrounding argument lists don’t count).

4.7 Suppose that we want to translate constant expressions into the postfix,
or “reverse Polish” notation of logician Jan Łukasiewicz. Postfix notation
does not require parentheses. It appears in stack-based languages such as
Postscript, Forth, and the P-code and Java bytecode intermediate forms
mentioned in Section 1.4. It also served, historically, as the input language
of certain hand-held calculators made by Hewlett-Packard. When given a
number, a postfix calculator would push the number onto an internal stack.
When given an operator, it would pop the top two numbers from the stack,
apply the operator, and push the result. The display would show the value
at the top of the stack. To compute 2 × (15 − 3)/4, for example, one would
push 2 E 1 5 E 3 E – * 4 E / (here E is the “enter” key, used to end the
string of digits that constitute a number).

Using the underlying CFG of Figure 4.1, write an attribute grammar that
will associate with the root of the parse tree a sequence of postfix calculator
button pushes, seq, that will compute the arithmetic value of the tokens
derived from that symbol. You may assume the existence of a function
buttons(c) that returns a sequence of button pushes (ending with E on a
postfix calculator) for the constant c. You may also assume the existence of
a concatenation function for sequences of button pushes.

4.8 Repeat the previous exercise using the underlying CFG of Figure 4.3.
4.9 Consider the following grammar for reverse Polish arithmetic expressions:

E −→ E E op | id
op −→ + | – | * | /

Assuming that each id has a synthesized attribute name of type string, and
that each E and op has an attribute val of type string, write an attribute
grammar that arranges for the val attribute of the root of the parse tree to
contain a translation of the expression into conventional infix notation. For
example, if the leaves of the tree, left to right, were “A A B – * C /,” then
the val field of the root would be “( ( A * ( A – B ) ) / C ).” As an extra
challenge, write a version of your attribute grammar that exploits the usual
arithmetic precedence and associativity rules to use as few parentheses as

4.10 To reduce the likelihood of typographic errors, the digits comprising most
credit card numbers are designed to satisfy the so-called Luhn formula, stan-
dardized by ANSI in the 1960s, and named for IBM mathematician Hans
Peter Luhn. Starting at the right, we double every other digit (the second-
to-last, fourth-to-last, etc.). If the doubled value is 10 or more, we add the

212 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

resulting digits. We then sum together all the digits. In any valid number
the result will be a multiple of 10. For example, 1234 5678 9012 3456
becomes 2264 1658 9022 6416, which sums to 64, so this is not a valid
number. If the last digit had been 2, however, the sum would have been 60,
so the number would potentially be valid.

Give an attribute grammar for strings of digits that accumulates into the
root of the parse tree a Boolean value indicating whether the string is valid
according to Luhn’s formula. Your grammar should accommodate strings
of arbitrary length.

4.11 Consider the following CFG for floating-point constants, without exponen-
tial notation. (Note that this exercise is somewhat artificial: the language in
question is regular, and would be handled by the scanner of a typical com-

C −→ digits . digits
digits −→ digit more digits
more digits −→ digits | �
digit −→ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Augment this grammar with attribute rules that will accumulate the value
of the constant into a val attribute of the root of the parse tree. Your answer
should be S-attributed.

4.12 One potential criticism of the obvious solution to the previous problem is
that the values in internal nodes of the parse tree do not reflect the value,
in context, of the fringe below them. Create an alternative solution that
addresses this criticism. More specifically, create your grammar in such
a way that the val of an internal node is the sum of the vals of its chil-
dren. Illustrate your solution by drawing the parse tree and attribute flow
for 12.34. (Hint: You will probably want a different underlying CFG, and
non-L-attributed flow.)

4.13 Consider the following attribute grammar for variable declarations, based
on the CFG of Exercise 2.11:

decl −→ ID decl tail
� decl.t := decl tail.t
� decl tail.in tab := insert (decl.in tab, ID.n, decl tail.t)
� decl.out tab := decl tail.out tab

decl tail −→ , decl
� decl tail.t := decl.t
� decl.in tab := decl tail.in tab
� decl tail.out tab := decl.out tab

decl tail −→ : ID ;
� decl tail.t := ID.n
� decl tail.out tab := decl tail.in tab

4.8 Exercises 213

Show a parse tree for the string A, B : C;. Then, using arrows and textual
description, specify the attribute flow required to fully decorate the tree.
(Hint: Note that the grammar is not L-attributed.)

4.14 A CFG-based attribute evaluator capable of handling non-L-attributed at-
tribute flow needs to take a parse tree as input. Explain how to build a parse
tree automatically during a top-down or bottom-up parse (i.e., without ex-
plicit action routines).

4.15 Building on Example 4.13, modify the remainder of the recursive descent
parser of Figure 2.17 to build syntax trees for programs in the calculator

4.16 Write an LL(1) grammar with action routines and automatic attribute space
management that generates the reverse Polish translation described in Ex-
ercise 4.7.

4.17 (a) Write a context-free grammar for polynomials in x. Add semantic func-
tions to produce an attribute grammar that will accumulate the poly-
nomial’s derivative (as a string) in a synthesized attribute of the root of
the parse tree.

(b) Replace your semantic functions with action routines that can be eval-
uated during parsing.

4.18 (a) Write a context-free grammar for case or switch statements in the
style of Pascal or C. Add semantic functions to ensure that the same
label does not appear on two different arms of the construct.

(b) Replace your semantic functions with action routines that can be eval-
uated during parsing.

4.19 Write an algorithm to determine whether the rules of an arbitrary attribute
grammar are noncircular. (Your algorithm will require exponential time in
the worst case [JOR75].)

4.20 Rewrite the attribute grammar of Figure 4.14 in the form of an ad hoc tree
traversal consisting of mutually recursive subroutines in your favorite pro-
gramming language. Keep the symbol table in a global variable, rather than
passing it through arguments.

4.21 Write an attribute grammar based on the CFG of Figure 4.11 that will build
a syntax tree with the structure described in Figure 4.14.

4.22 Augment the attribute grammar of Figure 4.5, Figure 4.6, or Exercise 4.21 to
initialize a synthesized attribute in every syntax tree node that indicates the
location (line and column) at which the corresponding construct appears
in the source program. You may assume that the scanner initializes the
location of every token.

4.23 Modify the CFG and attribute grammar of Figures 4.11 and 4.14 to permit
mixed integer and real expressions, without the need for float and trunc.
You will want to add an annotation to any node that must be coerced to the
opposite type, so that the code generator will know to generate code to do

214 Chapter 4 Semantic Analysis

so. Be sure to think carefully about your coercion rules. In the expression
my_int + my_real, for example, how will you know whether to coerce the
integer to be a real, or to coerce the real to be an integer?

4.24 Explain the need for the A : B notation on the left-hand sides of produc-
tions in a tree grammar. Why isn’t similar notation required for context-free

4.25 A potential objection to the tree attribute grammar of Example 4.17 is that it
repeatedly copies the entire symbol table from one node to another. In this
particular tiny language, it is easy to see that the referencing environment
never shrinks: the symbol table changes only with the addition of new iden-
tifiers. Exploiting this observation, show how to modify the pseudocode of
Figure 4.14 so that it copies only pointers, rather than the entire symbol

4.26 Your solution to the previous exercise probably doesn’t generalize to lan-
guages with nontrivial scoping rules. Explain how an AG such as that in
Figure 4.14 might be modified to use a global symbol table similar to the
one described in Section C 3.4.1. Among other things, you should consider
nested scopes, the hiding of names in outer scopes, and the requirement
(not enforced by the table of Section C 3.4.1) that variables be declared be-
fore they are used.

4.27–4.31 In More Depth.

4.9 Explorations
4.32 One of the most influential applications of attribute grammars was the Cor-

nell Synthesizer Generator [Rep84, RT88]. Learn how the Generator used
attribute grammars not only for incremental update of semantic informa-
tion in a program under edit, but also for automatic creation of language
based editors from formal language specifications. How general is this tech-
nique? What applications might it have beyond syntax-directed editing of
computer programs?

4.33 The attribute grammars used in this chapter are all quite simple. Most are
S- or L-attributed. All are noncircular. Are there any practical uses for
more complex attribute grammars? How about automatic attribute eval-
uators? Using the Bibliographic Notes as a starting point, conduct a survey
of attribute evaluation techniques. Where is the line between practical tech-
niques and intellectual curiosities?

4.34 The first validated Ada implementation was the Ada/Ed interpreter from
New York University [DGAFS+80]. The interpreter was written in the set-
based language SETL [SDDS86] using a denotational semantics definition
of Ada. Learn about the Ada/Ed project, SETL, and denotational semantics.
Discuss how the use of a formal definition aided the development process.

4.10 Bibliographic Notes 215

Also discuss the limitations of Ada/Ed, and expand on the potential role of
formal semantics in language design, development, and prototype imple-

4.35 Version 5 of the Scheme language manual [KCR+98] included a formal def-
inition of Scheme in denotational semantics. How long is this definition,
compared to the more conventional definition in English? How readable is
it? What do the length and the level of readability say about Scheme? About
denotational semantics? (For more on denotational semantics, see the texts
of Stoy [Sto77] or Gordon [Gor79].)

Version 6 of the manual [SDF+07] switched to operational semantics.
How does this compare to the denotational version? Why do you suppose
the standards committee made the change? (For more information, see the
paper by Matthews and Findler [MF08].)

4.36–4.37 In More Depth.

4.10 Bibliographic Notes
Much of the early theory of attribute grammars was developed by Knuth [Knu68].
Lewis, Rosenkrantz, and Stearns [LRS74] introduced the notion of an L-
attributed grammar. Watt [Wat77] showed how to use marker symbols to em-
ulate inherited attributes in a bottom-up parser. Jazayeri, Ogden, and Rounds
[JOR75] showed that exponential time may be required in the worst case to dec-
orate a parse tree with arbitrary attribute flow. Articles by Courcelle [Cou84] and
Engelfriet [Eng84] survey the theory and practice of attribute evaluation.

Language-based program editing based on attribute grammars was pioneered
by the Synthesizer Generator [RT88] (a follow-on to the language-specific Cor-
nell Program Synthesizer [TR81]) of Reps and Teitelbaum. Magpie [SDB84] was
an early incremental compiler, again based on attribute grammars. Meyerovich
et al. [MTAB13] have recently used attribute grammars to parallelize a variety of
tree-traversal tasks—notably for web page rendering and GPU-accelerated ani-

Action routines to implement many language features can be found in the
texts of Fischer et al. or Appel [App97]. Further notes on attribute grammars
can be found in the texts of Cooper and Torczon [CT04, pp. 171–188] or Aho et
al. [ALSU07, Chap. 5].

Marcotty, Ledgard, and Bochmann [MLB76] provide an early survey of formal
notations for programming language semantics. More detailed but still somewhat
dated treatment can be found in the texts of Winskel [Win93] and Slonneger and
Kurtz [SK95]. Nipkow and Klein cover the topic from a modern and mathe-
matically rigorous perspective, integrating their text with an executable theorem-
proving system [NK15].

The seminal paper on axiomatic semantics is by Hoare [Hoa69]. An excellent
book on the subject is Gries’s The Science of Programming [Gri81]. The seminal
paper on denotational semantics is by Scott and Strachey [SS71]. Early texts on
the subject include those of Stoy [Sto77] and Gordon [Gor79].

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5Target Machine Architecture
As described in Chapter 1, a compiler is simply a translator. It translates
programs written in one language into programs written in another language.
This second language can be almost anything—some other high-level language,
phototypesetting commands, VLSI (chip) layouts—but most of the time it’s the
machine language for some available computer.

Just as there are many different programming languages, there are many differ-
ent machine languages, though the latter tend to display considerably less diver-
sity than the former. Each machine language corresponds to a different processor
architecture. Formally, an architecture is the interface between the hardware and
the software—that is, the language generated by a compiler, or by a programmer
writing for the bare machine. The implementation of the processor is a concrete
realization of the architecture, generally in hardware. To generate correct code, it
suffices for a compiler writer to understand the target architecture. To generate
fast code, it is generally necessary to understand the implementation as well, be-
cause it is the implementation that determines the relative speeds of alternative
translations of a given language construct.


Chapter 5 can be found in its entirety on the companion site. It provides a brief
overview of those aspects of processor architecture and implementation of partic-
ular importance to compiler writers, and may be worth reviewing even by readers
who have seen the material before. Principal topics include data representation,
instruction set architecture, the evolution of implementation techniques, and the
challenges of compiling for modern processors. Examples are drawn largely from
the x86, a legacy CISC (complex instruction set) architecture that dominates the
desktop/laptop market, and the ARM, a more modern RISC (reduced instruction
set) design that dominates the embedded, smart phone, and tablet markets.


218 Chapter 5 Target Machine Architecture


5.1 Pseudo-assembly notation
At various times throughout the remainder of this book, we shall need to con-
sider sequences of machine instructions corresponding to some high-level lan-
guage construct. Rather than present these sequences in the assembly language
of some particular processor architecture, we will (in most cases) rely on a sim-
ple notation designed to represent a generic RISC machine. The following is
a brief example that sums the elements of an n-element floating-point vector,
V, and places the results in s:

r1 = &V
r2 := n
f1 := 0
goto L2

L1: f2 := *r1 –– load
f1 +:= f2
r1 +:= 8 –– floating-point numbers are 8 bytes long
r2 −:= 1

L2: if r2 > 0 goto L1
s := f1

The notation should in most cases be self-explanatory. It uses “assignment
statements” and operators reminiscent of high-level languages, but each line
of code corresponds to a single machine instruction, and registers are named
explicitly (the names of integer registers begin with ‘r’; those of floating-point
registers begin with ‘f’). Control flow is based entirely on gotos and subroutine
calls (not shown). Conditional tests assume that the hardware can perform a
comparison and branch in a single instruction, where the comparison tests
the contents of a register against a small constant or the contents of another

Main memory in our notation can be accessed only by load and store in-
structions, which look like assignments to or from a register, with no arith-
metic. We do, however, assume the availability of displacement addressing,
which allows us to access memory at some constant offset from the address
held in a register. For example, to store register r1 to a local variable at an offset
of 12 bytes from the frame pointer (fp) register, we could say *(fp−12) := r1.

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IICore Issues in Language Design
Having laid the foundation in Part I, we now turn to issues that lie at the core of most program-
ming languages: control flow, data types, and abstractions of both control and data.

Chapter 6 considers control flow, including expression evaluation, sequencing, selection,
iteration, and recursion. In many cases we will see design decisions that reflect the sometimes
complementary but often competing goals of conceptual clarity and efficient implementation.
Several issues, including the distinction between references and values and between applicative
(eager) and lazy evaluation, will recur in later chapters.

The next two chapters consider the subject of types. Chapter 7 covers type systems and type
checking, including the notions of equivalence, compatibility, and inference of types. It also
considers the subject of parametric polymorphism, in both its implicit and explicit (generic)
forms. Chapter 8 then presents a survey of concrete composite types, including records and
variants, arrays, strings, sets, pointers, lists, and files. The section on pointers includes an
introduction to garbage collection techniques.

Both control and data are amenable to abstraction, the process whereby complexity is hid-
den behind a simple and well-defined interface. Control abstraction is the subject of Chap-
ter 9. Subroutines are the most common control abstraction, but we also consider exceptions
and coroutines, and return briefly to the subjects of continuations and iterators, introduced in
Chapter 6. The coverage of subroutines focuses on calling sequences and on parameter-passing

Chapter 10 returns to the subject of data abstraction, introduced in Chapter 3. In many
modern languages this subject takes the form of object orientation, characterized by an encapsu-
lation mechanism, inheritance, and dynamic method dispatch (subtype polymorphism). Our
coverage of object-oriented languages will also touch on constructors, access control, generics,
closures, and mix-in and multiple inheritance.

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6Control Flow
Having considered the mechanisms that a compiler uses to enforce se-
mantic rules (Chapter 4) and the characteristics of the target machines for which
compilers must generate code (Chapter 5), we now return to core issues in lan-
guage design. Specifically, we turn in this chapter to the issue of control flow or
ordering in program execution. Ordering is fundamental to most models of com-
puting. It determines what should be done first, what second, and so forth, to
accomplish some desired task. We can organize the language mechanisms used to
specify ordering into several categories:

1. Sequencing: Statements are to be executed (or expressions evaluated) in a cer-
tain specified order—usually the order in which they appear in the program

2. Selection: Depending on some run-time condition, a choice is to be made
among two or more statements or expressions. The most common selection
constructs are if and case (switch) statements. Selection is also sometimes
referred to as alternation.

3. Iteration: A given fragment of code is to be executed repeatedly, either a cer-
tain number of times, or until a certain run-time condition is true. Iteration
constructs include for/do, while, and repeat loops.

4. Procedural abstraction: A potentially complex collection of control constructs
(a subroutine) is encapsulated in a way that allows it to be treated as a single
unit, usually subject to parameterization.

5. Recursion: An expression is defined in terms of (simpler versions of) itself, ei-
ther directly or indirectly; the computational model requires a stack on which
to save information about partially evaluated instances of the expression. Re-
cursion is usually defined by means of self-referential subroutines.

6. Concurrency: Two or more program fragments are to be executed/evaluated
“at the same time,” either in parallel on separate processors, or interleaved on
a single processor in a way that achieves the same effect.

7. Exception handling and speculation: A program fragment is executed optimisti-
cally, on the assumption that some expected condition will be true. If that con-


224 Chapter 6 Control Flow

dition turns out to be false, execution branches to a handler that executes in
place of the remainder of the protected fragment (in the case of exception han-
dling), or in place of the entire protected fragment (in the case of speculation).
For speculation, the language implementation must be able to undo, or “roll
back,” any visible effects of the protected code.

8. Nondeterminacy: The ordering or choice among statements or expressions is
deliberately left unspecified, implying that any alternative will lead to correct
results. Some languages require the choice to be random, or fair, in some for-
mal sense of the word.

Though the syntactic and semantic details vary from language to language, these
categories cover all of the control-flow constructs and mechanisms found in most
programming languages. A programmer who thinks in terms of these categories,
rather than the syntax of some particular language, will find it easy to learn new
languages, evaluate the tradeoffs among languages, and design and reason about
algorithms in a language-independent way.

Subroutines are the subject of Chapter 9. Concurrency is the subject of Chap-
ter 13. Exception handling and speculation are discussed in those chapters as
well, in Sections 9.4 and 13.4.4. The bulk of the current chapter (Sections 6.3
through 6.7) is devoted to the five remaining categories. We begin in Section 6.1
by considering the evaluation of expressions—the building blocks on which all
higher-level ordering is based. We consider the syntactic form of expressions, the
precedence and associativity of operators, the order of evaluation of operands,
and the semantics of the assignment statement. We focus in particular on the
distinction between variables that hold a value and variables that hold a reference
to a value; this distinction will play an important role many times in future chap-
ters. In Section 6.2 we consider the difference between structured and unstructured
(goto-based) control flow.

The relative importance of different categories of control flow varies signif-
icantly among the different classes of programming languages. Sequencing is
central to imperative (von Neumann and object-oriented) languages, but plays
a relatively minor role in functional languages, which emphasize the evaluation
of expressions, de-emphasizing or eliminating statements (e.g., assignments) that
affect program output in any way other than through the return of a value. Sim-
ilarly, functional languages make heavy use of recursion, while imperative lan-
guages tend to emphasize iteration. Logic languages tend to de-emphasize or hide
the issue of control flow entirely: The programmer simply specifies a set of infer-
ence rules; the language implementation must find an order in which to apply
those rules that will allow it to deduce values that satisfy some desired property.

6.1 Expression Evaluation
An expression generally consists of either a simple object (e.g., a literal constant,
or a named variable or constant) or an operator or function applied to a col-

6.1 Expression Evaluation 225

lection of operands or arguments, each of which in turn is an expression. It
is conventional to use the term operator for built-in functions that use special,
simple syntax, and to use the term operand for an argument of an operator. InEXAMPLE 6.1

A typical function call most imperative languages, function calls consist of a function name followed by
a parenthesized, comma-separated list of arguments, as in

my_func(A, B, C) �

Operators are typically simpler, taking only one or two arguments, and dispensingEXAMPLE 6.2
Typical operators with the parentheses and commas:

a + b
– c

As we saw in Section 3.5.2, some languages define their operators as syntactic
sugar for more “normal”-looking functions. In Ada, for example, a + b is short
for “+”(a, b); in C++, a + b is short for a.operator+(b) or operator+(a,
b) (whichever is defined). �

In general, a language may specify that function calls (operator invocations)
employ prefix, infix, or postfix notation. These terms indicate, respectively,
whether the function name appears before, among, or after its several arguments:

prefix: op a b or op (a, b) or (op a b)
infix: a op b
postfix: a b op

Most imperative languages use infix notation for binary operators and prefix
notation for unary operators and (with parentheses around the arguments) other
functions. Lisp uses prefix notation for all functions, but with the third of theEXAMPLE 6.3

Cambridge Polish (prefix)

variants above: in what is known as Cambridge Polish1 notation, it places the
function name inside the parentheses:

(* (+ 1 3) 2) ; that would be (1 + 3) * 2 in infix
(append a b c my_list) �

ML-family languages dispense with the parentheses altogether, except whenEXAMPLE 6.4
Juxtaposition in ML they are required for disambiguation:

max (2 + 3) 4;; =⇒ 5 �

1 Prefix notation was popularized by Polish logicians of the early 20th century; Lisp-like parenthe-
sized syntax was first employed (for noncomputational purposes) by philosopher W. V. Quine of
Harvard University (Cambridge, MA).

226 Chapter 6 Control Flow

A few languages, notably ML and the R scripting language, allow the user to
create new infix operators. Smalltalk uses infix notation for all functions (which
it calls messages), both built-in and user-defined. The following Smalltalk state-EXAMPLE 6.5

Mixfix notation in Smalltalk ment sends a “displayOn: at:” message to graphical object myBox, with ar-
guments myScreen and 100@50 (a pixel location). It corresponds to what other
languages would call the invocation of the “displayOn: at:” function with ar-
guments myBox, myScreen, and 100@50.

myBox displayOn: myScreen at: 100@50 �

This sort of multiword infix notation occurs occasionally in other languages asEXAMPLE 6.6
Conditional expressions well.2 In Algol one can say

a := if b <> 0 then a/b else 0;

Here “if. . . then . . . else” is a three-operand infix operator. The equivalent op-
erator in C is written “. . . ? . . . : . . . ”:

a = b != 0 ? a/b : 0; �

Postfix notation is used for most functions in Postscript, Forth, the input lan-
guage of certain hand-held calculators, and the intermediate code of some com-
pilers. Postfix appears in a few places in other languages as well. Examples in-
clude the pointer dereferencing operator (^) of Pascal and the post-increment
and decrement operators (++ and –) of C and its descendants.

6.1.1 Precedence and Associativity

Most languages provide a rich set of built-in arithmetic and logical operators.
When written in infix notation, without parentheses, these operators lead to am-
biguity as to what is an operand of what. In Fortran, for example, which uses **EXAMPLE 6.7

A complicated Fortran

for exponentiation, how should we parse a + b * c**d**e/f? Should this be
grouped as

((((a + b) * c)**d)**e)/f


a + (((b * c)**d)**(e/f))


2 Most authors use the term “infix” only for binary operators. Multiword operators may be called
“mixfix,” or left unnamed.

6.1 Expression Evaluation 227

a + ((b * (c**(d**e)))/f)

or yet some other option? (In Fortran, the answer is the last of the options
shown.) �

In any given language, the choice among alternative evaluation orders depends
on the precedence and associativity of operators, concepts we introduced in Sec-
tion 2.1.3. Issues of precedence and associativity do not arise in prefix or postfix

Precedence rules specify that certain operators, in the absence of parentheses,
group “more tightly” than other operators. In most languages multiplication andEXAMPLE 6.8

Precedence in four
influential languages

division group more tightly than addition and subtraction, so 2 + 3 × 4 is 14 and
not 20. Details vary widely from one language to another, however. Figure 6.1
shows the levels of precedence for several well-known languages. �

The precedence structure of C (and, with minor variations, of its descendants,
C++, Java, and C#) is substantially richer than that of most other languages. It
is, in fact, richer than shown in Figure 6.1, because several additional constructs,
including type casts, function calls, array subscripting, and record field selection,
are classified as operators in C. It is probably fair to say that most C program-
mers do not remember all of their language’s precedence levels. The intent of
the language designers was presumably to ensure that “the right thing” will usu-
ally happen when parentheses are not used to force a particular evaluation order.
Rather than count on this, however, the wise programmer will consult the manual
or add parentheses.

It is also probably fair to say that the relatively flat precedence hierarchy of Pas-EXAMPLE 6.9
A “gotcha” in Pascal

cal was a mistake. Novice Pascal programmers would frequently write conditions

if A < B and C < D then (* ouch *) Unless A, B, C, and D were all of type Boolean, which is unlikely, this code would result in a static semantic error, since the rules of precedence cause it to group as A < (B and C) < D. (And even if all four operands were of type Boolean, the result was almost certain to be something other than what the programmer intended.) Most languages avoid this problem by giving arithmetic operators higher prece- dence than relational (comparison) operators, which in turn have higher prece- dence than the logical operators. Notable exceptions include APL and Smalltalk, in which all operators are of equal precedence; parentheses must be used to specify grouping. � Associativity rules specify whether sequences of operators of equal precedenceEXAMPLE 6.10 Common rules for associativity group to the right or to the left. Conventions here are somewhat more uniform across languages, but still display some variety. The basic arithmetic operators almost always associate left-to-right, so 9 - 3 - 2 is 4 and not 8. In Fortran, as noted above, the exponentiation operator (**) follows standard mathematical convention, and associates right-to-left, so 4**3**2 is 262144 and not 4096. In Ada, exponentiation does not associate: one must write either (4**3)**2 or 228 Chapter 6 Control Flow Fortran Pascal C Ada ++, -- (post-inc., dec.) ** not ++, -- (pre-inc., dec.), +, - (unary), &, * (address, contents of), !, ~ (logical, bit-wise not) abs (absolute value), not, ** *, / *, /, div, mod, and * (binary), /, % (modulo division) *, /, mod, rem +, - (unary and binary) +, - (unary and binary), or +, - (binary) +, - (unary) <<, >>
(left and right bit shift)

+, – (binary),
& (concatenation)

.eq., .ne., .lt.,

.le., .gt., .ge.

<, <=, >, >=,
=, <>, IN

<, <=, >, >=
(inequality tests)

=, /= , <, <=, >, >=

.not. ==, != (equality tests)

& (bit-wise and)

^ (bit-wise exclusive or)

| (bit-wise inclusive or)

.and. && (logical and) and, or, xor
(logical operators)

.or. || (logical or)

.eqv., .neqv.
(logical comparisons)

?: (if . . . then . . . else)

=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=,
>>=, <<=, &=, ^=, |= (assignment) , (sequencing) Figure 6.1 Operator precedence levels in Fortran, Pascal, C, and Ada. The operators at the top of the figure group most tightly. 4**(3**2); the language syntax does not allow the unparenthesized form. In languages that allow assignments inside expressions (an option we will consider more in Section 6.1.2), assignment associates right-to-left. Thus in C, a = b = a + c assigns a + c into b and then assigns the same value into a. � Haskell is unusual in allowing the programmer to specify both the associativityEXAMPLE 6.11 User-defined precedence and associativity in Haskell and the precedence of user-defined operators. The predefined ^ operator, for ex- 6.1 Expression Evaluation 229 ample, which indicates integer exponentiation, is declared in the standard library (and could be redefined by the programmer) as infixr 8 ^ Here infixr means “right associative infix operator,” so 4 ^ 3 ^ 2 groups as 4 ^ (3 ^ 2) rather than as (4 ^ 3) ^ 2. The similar infixl and infix dec- larations specify left associativity and nonassociativity, respectively. Precedence levels run from 0 (loosest) to 9 (tightest). If no “fixity” declaration is provided, newly defined operators are left associative by default, and group at level 9. Func- tion application (specified simply via juxtaposition in Haskell) groups tightest of all—effectively at level 10. � Because the rules for precedence and associativity vary so much from one lan- guage to another, a programmer who works in several languages is wise to make liberal use of parentheses. 6.1.2 Assignments In a purely functional language, expressions are the building blocks of programs, and computation consists entirely of expression evaluation. The effect of any individual expression on the overall computation is limited to the value that ex- pression provides to its surrounding context. Complex computations employ re- cursion to generate a potentially unbounded number of values, expressions, and contexts. In an imperative language, by contrast, computation typically consists of an ordered series of changes to the values of variables in memory. Assignments pro- vide the principal means by which to make the changes. Each assignment takes a pair of arguments: a value and a reference to a variable into which the value should be placed. In general, a programming language construct is said to have a side effect if it influences subsequent computation (and ultimately program output) in any way other than by returning a value for use in the surrounding context. Assignment is perhaps the most fundamental side effect: while the evaluation of an assignment may sometimes yield a value, what we really care about is the fact that it changes the value of a variable, thereby influencing the result of any later computation in which the variable appears. Many imperative languages distinguish between expressions, which always pro- duce a value, and may or may not have side effects, and statements, which are ex- ecuted solely for their side effects, and return no useful value. Given the centrality of assignment, imperative programming is sometimes described as “computing by means of side effects.” At the opposite extreme, purely functional languages have no side effects. As a result, the value of an expression in such a language depends only on the referenc- ing environment in which the expression is evaluated, not on the time at which 230 Chapter 6 Control Flow the evaluation occurs. If an expression yields a certain value at one point in time, it is guaranteed to yield the same value at any point in time. In fancier terms, expressions in a purely functional language are said to be referentially transparent. Haskell and Miranda are purely functional. Many other languages are mixed: ML and Lisp are mostly functional, but make assignment available to program- mers who want it. C#, Python, and Ruby are mostly imperative, but provide a variety of features (first-class functions, polymorphism, functional values and aggregates, garbage collection, unlimited extent) that allow them to be used in a largely functional style. We will return to functional programming, and the features it requires, in several future sections, including 6.2.2, 6.6, 7.3, 8.5.3, 8.6, and all of Chapter 11. References and Values On the surface, assignment appears to be a very straightforward operation. Be- low the surface, however, there are some subtle but important differences in the semantics of assignment in different imperative languages. These differences are often invisible, because they do not affect the behavior of simple programs. They have a major impact, however, on programs that use pointers, and will be ex- plored in further detail in Section 8.5. We provide an introduction to the issues here. Consider the following assignments in C:EXAMPLE 6.12 L-values and r-values d = a; a = b + c; In the first statement, the right-hand side of the assignment refers to the value of a, which we wish to place into d. In the second statement, the left-hand side refers to the location of a, where we want to put the sum of b and c. Both interpretations—value and location—are possible because a variable in C (as in many other languages) is a named container for a value. We sometimes say that languages like C use a value model of variables. Because of their use on the left- hand side of assignment statements, expressions that denote locations are referred to as l-values. Expressions that denote values (possibly the value stored in a loca- tion) are referred to as r-values. Under a value model of variables, a given expres- sion can be either an l-value or an r-value, depending on the context in which it appears. � Of course, not all expressions can be l-values, because not all values have a location, and not all names are variables. In most languages it makes no sense toEXAMPLE 6.13 L-values in C say 2 + 3 = a, or even a = 2 + 3, if a is the name of a constant. By the same token, not all l-values are simple names; both l-values and r-values can be complicated expressions. In C one may write (f(a)+3)->b[c] = 2;

In this expression f(a) returns a pointer to some element of an array of pointers
to structures (records). The assignment places the value 2 into the c-th element

6.1 Expression Evaluation 231

4a 4







Figure 6.2 The value (left) and reference (right) models of variables. Under the reference
model, it becomes important to distinguish between variables that refer to the same object and
variables that refer to different objects whose values happen (at the moment) to be equal.

of field b of the structure pointed at by the third array element after the one to
which f’s return value points. �

In C++ it is even possible for a function to return a reference to a structure,EXAMPLE 6.14
L-values in C++ rather than a pointer to it, allowing one to write

g(a).b[c] = 2; �

We will consider references further in Section 9.3.1.
A language can make the distinction between l-values and r-values more ex-

plicit by employing a reference model of variables. Languages that do this include
Algol 68, Clu, Lisp/Scheme, ML, and Smalltalk. In these languages, a variable is
not a named container for a value; rather, it is a named reference to a value. TheEXAMPLE 6.15

Variables as values and

following fragment of code is syntactically valid in both Pascal and Clu:

b := 2;
c := b;
a := b + c;

A Pascal programmer might describe this code by saying: “We put the value 2 in b
and then copy it into c. We then read these values, add them together, and place
the resulting 4 in a.” The Clu programmer would say: “We let b refer to 2 and
then let c refer to it also. We then pass these references to the + operator, and let
a refer to the result, namely 4.”

These two ways of thinking are illustrated in Figure 6.2. With a value model
of variables, any integer variable can contain the value 2. With a reference model
of variables, there is (at least conceptually) only one 2—a sort of Platonic Ideal—
to which any variable can refer. The practical effect is the same in this example,
because integers are immutable: the value of 2 never changes, so we can’t tell
the difference between two copies of the number 2 and two references to “the”
number 2. �

In a language that uses the reference model, every variable is an l-value. When
it appears in a context that expects an r-value, it must be dereferenced to obtain
the value to which it refers. In most languages with a reference model (including
Clu), the dereference is implicit and automatic. In ML, the programmer must use

232 Chapter 6 Control Flow

an explicit dereference operator, denoted with a prefix exclamation point. We will
revisit ML pointers in Section 8.5.1.

The difference between the value and reference models of variables becomes
particularly important (specifically, it can affect program output and behavior)
if the values to which variables refer can change “in place,” as they do in many
programs with linked data structures, or if it is possible for variables to refer to
different objects that happen to have the “same” value. In this latter case it be-
comes important to distinguish between variables that refer to the same object
and variables that refer to different objects whose values happen (at the moment)
to be equal. (Lisp, as we shall see in Sections 7.4 and 11.3.3, provides more than
one notion of equality, to accommodate this distinction.) We will discuss the
value and reference models of variables further in Section 8.5.

Java uses a value model for built-in types and a reference model for user-
defined types (classes). C# and Eiffel allow the programmer to choose between
the value and reference models for each individual user-defined type. A C# class
is a reference type; a struct is a value type.


A drawback of using a value model for built-in types is that they can’t be passed
uniformly to methods that expect class-typed parameters. Early versions of JavaEXAMPLE 6.16

Wrapper classes required the programmer to “wrap” objects of built-in types inside corresponding
predefined class types in order to insert them in standard container (collection)

import java.util.Hashtable;

Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

Integer N = new Integer(13); // Integer is a “wrapper” class
ht.put(N, new Integer(31));
Integer M = (Integer) ht.get(N);
int m = M.intValue();

The wrapper class was needed here because Hashtable expects a parameter of
object type, and an int is not an object. �


6.1 Implementing the reference model
It is tempting to assume that the reference model of variables is inherently
more expensive than the value model, since a naive implementation would
require a level of indirection on every access. As we shall see in Section 8.5.1,
however, most compilers for languages with a reference model use multiple
copies of immutable objects for the sake of efficiency, achieving exactly the
same performance for simple types that they would with a value model.

6.1 Expression Evaluation 233

C# and more recent versions of Java perform automatic boxing and unboxingEXAMPLE 6.17
Boxing in Java 5 and C# operations that avoid the wrapper syntax in many cases:

ht.put(13, 31);
int m = (Integer) ht.get(13);

Here the Java compiler creates hidden Integer objects to hold the values 13 and
31, so they may be passed to put as references. The Integer cast on the return
value is still needed, to make sure that the hash table entry for 13 is really an
integer and not, say, a floating-point number or string. Generics, which we will
consider in Section 7.3.1, allow the programmer to declare a table containing only
integers. In Java, this would eliminate the need to cast the return value. In C#, it
would eliminate the need for boxing. �


A common design goal is to make the various features of a language as orthogonal
as possible. Orthogonality means that features can be used in any combination,
the combinations all make sense, and the meaning of a given feature is consistent,
regardless of the other features with which it is combined.

Algol 68 was one of the first languages to make orthogonality a principal design
goal, and in fact few languages since have given the goal such weight. Among
other things, Algol 68 is said to be expression-oriented: it has no separate notion
of statement. Arbitrary expressions can appear in contexts that would call for
a statement in many other languages, and constructs that are considered to be
statements in other languages can appear within expressions. The following, forEXAMPLE 6.18

Expression orientation in
Algol 68

example, is valid in Algol 68:

a := if b < c then d else e; a := begin f(b); g(c) end; g(d); 2 + 3 end Here the value of the if. . . then . . . else construct is either the value of its then part or the value of its else part, depending on the value of the condition. The value of the “statement list” on the right-hand side of the second assignment is the value of its final “statement,” namely the return value of g(c). There is no need to distinguish between procedures and functions, because every subroutine call returns a value. The value returned by g(d) is discarded in this example. Finally, the value of the code fragment as a whole is 5, the sum of 2 and 3. � C takes an intermediate approach. It distinguishes between statements and ex- pressions, but one of the classes of statement is an “expression statement,” which computes the value of an expression and then throws it away; in effect, this allows an expression to appear in any context that would require a statement in most other languages. Unfortunately, as we noted in Section 3.7, the reverse is not the 234 Chapter 6 Control Flow case: statements cannot in general be used in an expression context. C provides special expression forms for selection and sequencing. Algol 60 defines if. . . then . . . else as both a statement and an expression. Both Algol 68 and C allow assignments within expressions. The value of an assignment is simply the value of its right-hand side. Where most of the descen- dants of Algol 60 use the := token to represent assignment, C follows Fortran in simply using =. It uses == to represent a test for equality (Fortran uses .eq.). Moreover, in any context that expects a Boolean value, C accepts anything thatEXAMPLE 6.19 A “gotcha” in C conditions can be coerced to be an integer. It interprets zero as false; any other value is true.3 As a result, both of the following constructs are valid—common—in C: if (a == b) { /* do the following if a equals b */ ... if (a = b) { /* assign b into a and then do the following if the result is nonzero */ ... Programmers who are accustomed to Ada or some other language in which = is the equality test frequently write the second form above when the first is what is intended. This sort of bug can be very hard to find. � Though it provides a true Boolean type (bool), C++ shares the problem of C, because it provides automatic coercions from numeric, pointer, and enumeration types. Java and C# eliminate the problem by disallowing integers in Boolean con- texts. The assignment operator is still =, and the equality test is still ==, but the statement if (a = b) ... will generate a compile-time type clash error unless a and b are both of Boolean type. Combination Assignment Operators Because they rely so heavily on side effects, imperative programs must frequently update a variable. It is thus common in many languages to see statements likeEXAMPLE 6.20 Updating assignments a = a + 1; or, worse, b.c[3].d = b.c[3].d * e; Such statements are not only cumbersome to write and to read (we must examine both sides of the assignment carefully to see if they really are the same), they also 3 Historically, C lacked a separate Boolean type. C99 added _Bool, but it’s really just a 1-bit integer. 6.1 Expression Evaluation 235 result in redundant address calculations (or at least extra work to eliminate the redundancy in the code improvement phase of compilation). � If the address calculation has a side effect, then we may need to write a pair ofEXAMPLE 6.21 Side effects and updates statements instead. Consider the following code in C: void update(int A[], int index_fn(int n)) { int i, j; /* calculate i */ ... j = index_fn(i); A[j] = A[j] + 1; } Here we cannot safely write A[index_fn(i)] = A[index_fn(i)] + 1; We have to introduce the temporary variable j because we don’t know whether index_fn has a side effect or not. If it is being used, for example, to keep a log of elements that have been updated, then we shall want to make sure that update calls it only once. � To eliminate the clutter and compile- or run-time cost of redundant address calculations, and to avoid the issue of repeated side effects, many languages, be- ginning with Algol 68, and including C and its descendants, provide so-called assignment operators to update a variable. Using assignment operators, the state-EXAMPLE 6.22 Assignment operators ments in Example 6.20 can be written as follows: a += 1; b.c[3].d *= e; and the two assignments in the update function can be replaced with A[index_fn(i)] += 1; In addition to being aesthetically cleaner, the assignment operator form guaran- tees that the address calculation and any side effects happen only once. � As shown in Figure 6.1, C provides 10 different assignment operators, one for each of its binary arithmetic and bit-wise operators. C also provides prefix andEXAMPLE 6.23 Prefix and postfix inc/dec postfix increment and decrement operations. These allow even simpler code in update: A[index_fn(i)]++; or ++A[index_fn(i)]; 236 Chapter 6 Control Flow More significantly, increment and decrement operators provide elegant syntax for code that uses an index or a pointer to traverse an array: A[--i] = b; *p++ = *q++; When prefixed to an expression, the ++ or -- operator increments or decrements its operand before providing a value to the surrounding context. In the postfix form, ++ or -- updates its operand after providing a value. If i is 3 and p and q point to the initial elements of a pair of arrays, then b will be assigned into A[2] (not A[3]), and the second assignment will copy the initial elements of the arrays (not the second elements). � The prefix forms of ++ and -- are syntactic sugar for += and -=. We couldEXAMPLE 6.24 Advantages of postfix inc/dec have written A[i -= 1] = b; above. The postfix forms are not syntactic sugar. To obtain an effect similar to the second statement above we would need an auxiliary variable and a lot of extra notation: *(t = p, p += 1, t) = *(t = q, q += 1, t); � Both the assignment operators (+=, -=) and the increment and decrement op- erators (++, --) do “the right thing” when applied to pointers in C (assuming those pointers point into an array). If p points to element i of an array, where each element occupies n bytes (including any bytes required for alignment, as discussed in Section C 5.1), then p += 3 points to element i + 3, 3n bytes later in memory. We will discuss pointers and arrays in C in more detail in Section 8.5.1. Multiway Assignment We have already seen that the right associativity of assignment (in languages that allow assignment in expressions) allows one to write things like a = b = c. InEXAMPLE 6.25 Simple multiway assignment several languages, including Clu, ML, Perl, Python, and Ruby, it is also possible to write a, b = c, d; Here the comma in the right-hand side is not the sequencing operator of C. Rather, it serves to define an expression, or tuple, consisting of multiple r-values. The comma operator on the left-hand side produces a tuple of l-values. The effect of the assignment is to copy c into a and d into b.4 � While we could just as easily have writtenEXAMPLE 6.26 Advantages of multiway assignment 4 The syntax shown here is for Perl, Python, and Ruby. Clu uses := for assignment. ML requires parentheses around each tuple. 6.1 Expression Evaluation 237 a = c; b = d; the multiway (tuple) assignment allows us to write things like a, b = b, a; (* swap a and b *) which would otherwise require auxiliary variables. Moreover, multiway assign- ment allows functions to return tuples, as well as single values: a, b, c = foo(d, e, f); This notation eliminates the asymmetry (nonorthogonality) of functions in most programming languages, which allow an arbitrary number of arguments, but only a single return. � 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1. Name eight major categories of control-flow mechanisms. 2. What distinguishes operators from other sorts of functions? 3. Explain the difference between prefix, infix, and postfix notation. What is Cambridge Polish notation? Name two programming languages that use post- fix notation. 4. Why don’t issues of associativity and precedence arise in Postscript or Forth? 5. What does it mean for an expression to be referentially transparent? 6. What is the difference between a value model of variables and a reference model of variables? Why is the distinction important? 7. What is an l-value? An r-value? 8. Why is the distinction between mutable and immutable values important in the implementation of a language with a reference model of variables? 9. Define orthogonality in the context of programming language design. 10. What is the difference between a statement and an expression? What does it mean for a language to be expression-oriented? 11. What are the advantages of updating a variable with an assignment operator, rather than with a regular assignment in which the variable appears on both the left- and right-hand sides? 238 Chapter 6 Control Flow 6.1.3 Initialization Because they already provide a construct (the assignment statement) to set the value of a variable, imperative languages do not always provide a means of spec- ifying an initial value for a variable in its declaration. There are several reasons, however, why such initial values may be useful: 1. As suggested in Figure 3.3, a static variable that is local to a subroutine needs an initial value in order to be useful. 2. For any statically allocated variable, an initial value that is specified in the dec- laration can be preallocated in global memory by the compiler, avoiding the cost of assigning an initial value at run time. 3. Accidental use of an uninitialized variable is one of the most common pro- gramming errors. One of the easiest ways to prevent such errors (or at least ensure that erroneous behavior is repeatable) is to give every variable a value when it is first declared. Most languages allow variables of built-in types to be initialized in their dec- larations. A more complete and orthogonal approach to initialization requires a notation for aggregates: built-up structured values of user-defined composite types. Aggregates can be found in several languages, including C, C++, Ada, For- tran 90, and ML; we will discuss them further in Section 7.1.3. It should be emphasized that initialization saves time only for variables that are statically allocated. Variables allocated in the stack or heap at run time must be initialized at run time.5 It is also worth noting that the problem of using an uninitialized variable occurs not only after elaboration, but also as a result of any operation that destroys a variable’s value without providing a new one. Two of the most common such operations are explicit deallocation of an object referenced through a pointer and modification of the tag of a variant record. We will consider these operations further in Sections 8.5 and C 8.1.3, respectively. If a variable is not given an initial value explicitly in its declaration, the lan- guage may specify a default value. In C, for example, statically allocated variables for which the programmer does not provide an initial value are guaranteed to be represented in memory as if they had been initialized to zero. For most types on most machines, this is a string of zero bits, allowing the language implementation to exploit the fact that most operating systems (for security reasons) fill newly allocated memory with zeros. Zero-initialization applies recursively to the sub- components of variables of user-defined composite types. Java and C# provide a similar guarantee for the fields of all class-typed objects, not just those that are statically allocated. Most scripting languages provide a default initial value for all variables, of all types, regardless of scope or lifetime. 5 For variables that are accessed indirectly (e.g., in languages that employ a reference model of variables), a compiler can often reduce the cost of initializing a stack or heap variable by placing the initial value in static memory, and only creating the pointer to it at elaboration time. 6.1 Expression Evaluation 239 Dynamic Checks Instead of giving every uninitialized variable a default value, a language or imple- mentation can choose to define the use of an uninitialized variable as a dynamic semantic error, and can catch these errors at run time. The advantage of the se- mantic checks is that they will often identify a program bug that is masked or made more subtle by the presence of a default value. With appropriate hardware support, uninitialized variable checks can even be as cheap as default values, at least for certain types. In particular, a compiler that relies on the IEEE standard for floating-point arithmetic can fill uninitialized floating-point numbers with a signaling NaN value, as discussed in Section C 5.2.2. Any attempt to use such a value in a computation will result in a hardware interrupt, which the language implementation may catch (with a little help from the operating system), and use to trigger a semantic error message. For most types on most machines, unfortunately, the costs of catching all uses of an uninitialized variable at run time are considerably higher. If every possible bit pattern of the variable’s representation in memory designates some legitimate value (and this is often the case), then extra space must be allocated somewhere to hold an initialized/uninitialized flag. This flag must be set to “uninitialized” at elaboration time and to “initialized” at assignment time. It must also be checked (by extra code) at every use, or at least at every use that the code improver is unable to prove is redundant. Definite Assignment For local variables of methods, Java and C# define a notion of definite assignment that precludes the use of uninitialized variables. This notion is based on the con- trol flow of the program, and can be statically checked by the compiler. RoughlyEXAMPLE 6.27 Programs outlawed by definite assignment speaking, every possible control path to an expression must assign a value to every variable in that expression. This is a conservative rule; it can sometimes prohibit programs that would never actually use an uninitialized variable. In Java: int i; int j = 3; ... if (j > 0) {

i = 2;
… // no assignments to j in here
if (j > 0) {

System.out.println(i); // error: “i might not have been initialized”

While a human being might reason that i will be used only when it has previously
been given a value, such determinations are undecidable in the general case, and
the compiler does not attempt them. �

240 Chapter 6 Control Flow


Many object-oriented languages (Java and C# among them) allow the program-
mer to define types for which initialization of dynamically allocated variables
occurs automatically, even when no initial value is specified in the declaration.
Some—notably C++—also distinguish carefully between initialization and as-
signment. Initialization is interpreted as a call to a constructor function for the
variable’s type, with the initial value as an argument. In the absence of coercion,
assignment is interpreted as a call to the type’s assignment operator or, if none
has been defined, as a simple bit-wise copy of the value on the assignment’s right-
hand side. The distinction between initialization and assignment is particularly
important for user-defined abstract data types that perform their own storage
management. A typical example occurs in variable-length character strings. An
assignment to such a string must generally deallocate the space consumed by the
old value of the string before allocating space for the new value. An initialization
of the string must simply allocate space. Initialization with a nontrivial value is
generally cheaper than default initialization followed by assignment, because it
avoids deallocation of the space allocated for the default value. We will return to
this issue in Section 10.3.2.

Neither Java nor C# distinguishes between initialization and assignment: an
initial value can be given in a declaration, but this is the same as an immedi-
ate subsequent assignment. Java uses a reference model for all variables of user-
defined object types, and provides for automatic storage reclamation, so assign-
ment never copies values. C# allows the programmer to specify a value model
when desired (in which case assignment does copy values), but otherwise mirrors

6.1.4 Ordering within Expressions

While precedence and associativity rules define the order in which binary infix
operators are applied within an expression, they do not specify the order in which
the operands of a given operator are evaluated. For example, in the expressionEXAMPLE 6.28

Indeterminate ordering
a – f(b) – c * d

we know from associativity that f(b) will be subtracted from a before perform-
ing the second subtraction, and we know from precedence that the right operand
of that second subtraction will be the result of c * d, rather than merely c, but
without additional information we do not know whether a – f(b) will be evalu-
ated before or after c * d. Similarly, in a subroutine call with multiple arguments

f(a, g(b), h(c))

we do not know the order in which the arguments will be evaluated. �
There are two main reasons why the order can be important:

6.1 Expression Evaluation 241

1. Side effects: If f(b) may modify d, then the value of a – f(b) – c * d willEXAMPLE 6.29
A value that depends on

depend on whether the first subtraction or the multiplication is performed
first. Similarly, if g(b) may modify a and/or c, then the values passed to
f(a, g(b), h(c)) will depend on the order in which the arguments are eval-
uated. �

2. Code improvement: The order of evaluation of subexpressions has an impact
on both register allocation and instruction scheduling. In the expression a * bEXAMPLE 6.30

An optimization that
depends on ordering

+ f(c), it is probably desirable to call f before evaluating a * b, because the
product, if calculated first, would need to be saved during the call to f, and f
might want to use all the registers in which it might easily be saved. In a similar
vein, consider the sequence

a := B[i];
c := a * 2 + d * 3;

On an in-order processor, it is probably desirable to evaluate d * 3 before eval-
uating a * 2, because the previous statement, a := B[i], will need to load a
value from memory. Because loads are slow, if the processor attempts to use
the value of a in the next instruction (or even the next few instructions on
many machines), it will have to wait. If it does something unrelated instead
(i.e., evaluate d * 3), then the load can proceed in parallel with other compu-
tation. �
Because of the importance of code improvement, most language manuals say

that the order of evaluation of operands and arguments is undefined. (Java and
C# are unusual in this regard: they require left-to-right evaluation.) In the ab-
sence of an enforced order, the compiler can choose whatever order is likely to
result in faster code.


6.2 Safety versus performance
A recurring theme in any comparison between C++ and Java is the latter’s will-
ingness to accept additional run-time cost in order to obtain cleaner semantics
or increased reliability. Definite assignment is one example: it may force the
programmer to perform “unnecessary” initializations on certain code paths,
but in so doing it avoids the many subtle errors that can arise from missing
initialization in other languages. Similarly, the Java specification mandates au-
tomatic garbage collection, and its reference model of user-defined types forces
most objects to be allocated in the heap. As we shall see in future chapters, Java
also requires both dynamic binding of all method invocations and run-time
checks for out-of-bounds array references, type clashes, and other dynamic
semantic errors. Clever compilers can reduce or eliminate the cost of these
requirements in certain common cases, but for the most part the Java design
reflects an evolutionary shift away from performance as the overriding design

242 Chapter 6 Control Flow

Applying Mathematical Identities

Some language implementations (e.g., for dialects of Fortran) allow the compiler
to rearrange expressions involving operators whose mathematical abstractions are
commutative, associative, and/or distributive, in order to generate faster code.
Consider the following Fortran fragment:EXAMPLE 6.31

Optimization and
mathematical “laws” a = b + c

d = c + e + b

Some compilers will rearrange this as

a = b + c
d = b + c + e

They can then recognize the common subexpression in the first and second state-
ments, and generate code equivalent to

a = b + c
d = a + e


a = b/c/d
e = f/d/c

may be rearranged as

t = c * d
a = b/t
e = f/t �

Unfortunately, while mathematical arithmetic obeys a variety of commuta-
tive, associative, and distributive laws, computer arithmetic is not as orderly. The


6.3 Evaluation order
Expression evaluation presents a difficult tradeoff between semantics and im-
plementation. To limit surprises, most language definitions require the com-
piler, if it ever reorders expressions, to respect any ordering imposed by paren-
theses. The programmer can therefore use parentheses to prevent the applica-
tion of arithmetic “identities” when desired. No similar guarantee exists with
respect to the order of evaluation of operands and arguments. It is therefore
unwise to write expressions in which a side effect of evaluating one operand or
argument can affect the value of another. As we shall see in Section 6.3, some
languages, notably Euclid and Turing, outlaw such side effects.

6.1 Expression Evaluation 243

problem is that numbers in a computer are of limited precision. Suppose a, b,EXAMPLE 6.32
Overflow and arithmetic

and c are all integers between two billion and three billion. With 32-bit arith-
metic, the expression b – c + d can be evaluated safely left-to-right (232 is a little
less than 4.3 billion). If the compiler attempts to reorganize this expression as
b + d – c, however (e.g., in order to delay its use of c), then arithmetic overflow
will occur. Despite our intuition from math, this reorganization is unsafe. �

Many languages, including Pascal and most of its descendants, provide dy-
namic semantic checks to detect arithmetic overflow. In some implementations
these checks can be disabled to eliminate their run-time overhead. In C and C++,
the effect of arithmetic overflow is implementation-dependent. In Java, it is well
defined: the language definition specifies the size of all numeric types, and re-
quires two’s complement integer and IEEE floating-point arithmetic. In C#, the
programmer can explicitly request the presence or absence of checks by tagging
an expression or statement with the checked or unchecked keyword. In a com-
pletely different vein, Scheme, Common Lisp, and several scripting languages
place no a priori limit on the size of integers; space is allocated to hold extra-large
values on demand.

Even in the absence of overflow, the limited precision of floating-point arith-
metic can cause different arrangements of the “same” expression to produce sig-
nificantly different results, invisibly. Single-precision IEEE floating-point num-EXAMPLE 6.33

Reordering and numerical

bers devote one bit to the sign, eight bits to the exponent (power of two), and
23 bits to the mantissa. Under this representation, a + b is guaranteed to result
in a loss of information if | log2(a/b)| > 23. Thus if b = -c, then a + b + c
may appear to be zero, instead of a, if the magnitude of a is small, while the
magnitudes of b and c are large. In a similar vein, a number like 0.1 cannot be
represented precisely, because its binary representation is a “repeating decimal”:
0.0001001001. . . . For certain values of x, (0.1 + x) * 10.0 and 1.0 + (x *
10.0) can differ by as much as 25%, even when 0.1 and x are of the same mag-
nitude. �

6.1.5 Short-Circuit Evaluation

Boolean expressions provide a special and important opportunity for code im-
provement and increased readability. Consider the expression (a < b) andEXAMPLE 6.34 Short-circuited expressions (b < c). If a is greater than b, there is really no point in checking to see whether b is less than c; we know the overall expression must be false. Similarly, in the expression (a > b) or (b > c), if a is indeed greater than b there is no point in
checking to see whether b is greater than c; we know the overall expression must
be true. A compiler that performs short-circuit evaluation of Boolean expressions
will generate code that skips the second half of both of these computations when
the overall value can be determined from the first half. �

Short-circuit evaluation can save significant amounts of time in certain situa-EXAMPLE 6.35
Saving time with


if (very_unlikely_condition && very_expensive_function()) … �

244 Chapter 6 Control Flow

But time is not the only consideration, or even the most important. Short-EXAMPLE 6.36
Short-circuit pointer

circuiting changes the semantics of Boolean expressions. In C, for example, one
can use the following code to search for an element in a list:

p = my_list;
while (p && p->key != val)

p = p->next;

C short-circuits its && and || operators, and uses zero for both null and false, so
p->key will be accessed if and only if p is non-null. The syntactically similar code
in Pascal does not work, because Pascal does not short-circuit and and or:

p := my_list;
while (p <> nil) and (p^.key <> val) do (* ouch! *)

p := p^.next;

Here both of the <> relations will be evaluated before and-ing their results to-
gether. At the end of an unsuccessful search, p will be nil, and the attempt to
access p^.key will be a run-time (dynamic semantic) error, which the compiler
may or may not have generated code to catch. To avoid this situation, the Pascal
programmer must introduce an auxiliary Boolean variable and an extra level of

p := my_list;
still_searching := true;
while still_searching do

if p = nil then
still_searching := false

else if p^.key = val then
still_searching := false

p := p^.next; �

Short-circuit evaluation can also be used to avoid out-of-bound subscripts:EXAMPLE 6.37
Short-circuiting and other
errors const int MAX = 10;

int A[MAX]; /* indices from 0 to 9 */

if (i >= 0 && i < MAX && A[i] > foo) …

division by zero:

if (d == 0 || n/d < threshold) ... and various other errors. � 6.1 Expression Evaluation 245 There are situations, however, in which short circuiting may not be appropri- ate. In particular, if expressions E1 and E2 both have side effects, we may want the conjunction E1 and E2 (and likewise E1 or E2) to evaluate both halves (Ex- ercise 6.12). To accommodate such situations while still allowing short-circuit evaluation in scenarios like those of Examples 6.35 through 6.37, a few languages include both regular and short-circuit Boolean operators. In Ada, for example,EXAMPLE 6.38 Optional short-circuiting the regular Boolean operators are and and or; the short-circuit versions are the two-word combinations and then and or else: found_it := p /= null and then p.key = val; ... if d = 0.0 or else n/d < threshold then ... (Ada uses /= for “not equal.”) In C, the bit-wise & and | operators can be used as non-short-circuiting alternatives to && and || when their arguments are logical (zero or one) values. � If we think of and and or as binary operators, short circuiting can be consid- ered an example of delayed or lazy evaluation: the operands are “passed” uneval- uated. Internally, the operator evaluates the first operand in any case, the second only when needed. In a language like Algol 68, which allows arbitrary control flow constructs to be used inside expressions, conditional evaluation can be specified explicitly with if. . . then . . . else; see Exercise 6.13. When used to determine the flow of control in a selection or iteration con- struct, short-circuit Boolean expressions do not really have to calculate a Boolean value; they simply have to ensure that control takes the proper path in any given situation. We will look more closely at the generation of code for short-circuit expressions in Section 6.4.1. 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 12. Given the ability to assign a value into a variable, why is it useful to be able to specify an initial value? 13. What are aggregates? Why are they useful? 14. Explain the notion of definite assignment in Java and C#. 15. Why is it generally expensive to catch all uses of uninitialized variables at run time? 16. Why is it impossible to catch all uses of uninitialized variables at compile time? 17. Why do most languages leave unspecified the order in which the arguments of an operator or function are evaluated? 18. What is short-circuit Boolean evaluation? Why is it useful? 246 Chapter 6 Control Flow 6.2 Structured and Unstructured Flow Control flow in assembly languages is achieved by means of conditional and un- conditional jumps (branches). Early versions of Fortran mimicked the low-levelEXAMPLE 6.39 Control flow with gotos in Fortran approach by relying heavily on goto statements for most nonprocedural control flow: if (A .lt. B) goto 10 ! ".lt." means "<" ... 10 The 10 on the bottom line is a statement label. Goto statements also featured prominently in other early imperative languages. � Beginning in the late 1960s, largely in response to an article by Edsger Dijk- stra [Dij68b],6 language designers hotly debated the merits and evils of gotos. It seems fair to say the detractors won. Ada and C# allow gotos only in limited contexts. Modula (1, 2, and 3), Clu, Eiffel, Java, and most of the scripting lan- guages do not allow them at all. Fortran 90 and C++ allow them primarily for compatibility with their predecessor languages. (Java reserves the token goto as a keyword, to make it easier for a Java compiler to produce good error messages when a programmer uses a C++ goto by mistake.) The abandonment of gotos was part of a larger “revolution” in software en- gineering known as structured programming. Structured programming was the “hot trend” of the 1970s, in much the same way that object-oriented program- ming was the trend of the 1990s. Structured programming emphasizes top-down design (i.e., progressive refinement), modularization of code, structured types (records, sets, pointers, multidimensional arrays), descriptive variable and con- stant names, and extensive commenting conventions. The developers of struc- tured programming were able to demonstrate that within a subroutine, almost any well-designed imperative algorithm can be elegantly expressed with only se- quencing, selection, and iteration. Instead of labels, structured languages rely on the boundaries of lexically nested constructs as the targets of branching control. Many of the structured control-flow constructs familiar to modern program- mers were pioneered by Algol 60. These include the if. . . then . . . else con- struct and both enumeration (for) and logically (while) controlled loops. The modern case (switch) statement was introduced by Wirth and Hoare in Al- gol W [WH66] as an alternative to the more unstructured computed goto and switch constructs of Fortran and Algol 60, respectively. (The switch statement of C bears a closer resemblance to the Algol W case statement than to the Algol 60 switch.) 6 Edsger W. Dijkstra (1930–2002) developed much of the logical foundation of our modern un- derstanding of concurrency. He was also responsible, among many other contributions, for the semaphores of Section 13.3.5 and for much of the practical development of structured program- ming. He received the ACM Turing Award in 1972. 6.2 Structured and Unstructured Flow 247 6.2.1 Structured Alternatives to goto Once the principal structured constructs had been defined, most of the contro- versy surrounding gotos revolved around a small number of special cases, each of which was eventually addressed in structured ways. Where once a goto might have been used to jump to the end of the current subroutine, most modern lan- guages provide an explicit return statement. Where once a goto might have been used to escape from the middle of a loop, most modern languages provide a break or exit statement for this purpose. (Some languages also provide a state- ment that will skip the remainder of the current iteration only: continue in C; cycle in Fortran 90; next in Perl.) More significantly, several languages allow a program to return from a nested chain of subroutine calls in a single opera- tion, and many provide a way to raise an exception that propagates out to some surrounding context. Both of these capabilities might once have been attempted with (nonlocal) gotos. Multilevel Returns Returns and (local) gotos allow control to return from the current subroutine. On occasion it may make sense to return from a surrounding routine. Imagine, forEXAMPLE 6.40 Escaping a nested subroutine example, that we are searching for an item matching some desired pattern within a collection of files. The search routine might invoke several nested routines, or a single routine multiple times, once for each place in which to search. In such a situation certain historic languages, including Algol 60, PL/I, and Pascal, permit- ted a goto to branch to a lexically visible label outside the current subroutine: function search(key : string) : string; var rtn : string; ... procedure search_file(fname : string); ... begin ... for ... (* iterate over lines *) ... if found(key, line) then begin rtn := line; goto 100; end; ... end; ... begin (* search *) ... 248 Chapter 6 Control Flow for ... (* iterate over files *) ... search_file(fname); ... 100: return rtn; end; � In the event of a nonlocal goto, the language implementation must guarantee to repair the run-time stack of subroutine call information. This repair operation is known as unwinding. It requires not only that the implementation deallocate the stack frames of any subroutines from which we have escaped, but also that it perform any bookkeeping operations, such as restoration of register contents, that would have been performed when returning from those routines. As a more structured alternative to the nonlocal goto, Common Lisp provides a return-from statement that names the lexically surrounding function or block from which to return, and also supplies a return value (eliminating the need for the artificial rtn variable in Example 6.40). But what if search_file were not nested inside of search? We might, for example, wish to call it from routines that search files in different orders. Algol 60, Algol 68, and PL/I allowed labels to be passed as parameters, so a dynamically nested subroutine could perform a goto to a caller-defined location. CommonEXAMPLE 6.41 Structured nonlocal transfers Lisp again provides a more structured alternative, also available in Ruby. In either language an expression can be surrounded with a catch block, whose value can be provided by any dynamically nested routine that executes a matching throw. In Ruby we might write def searchFile(fname, pattern) file = File.open(fname) file.each {|line| throw :found, line if line =~ /#{pattern}/ } end match = catch :found do searchFile("f1", key) searchFile("f2", key) searchFile("f3", key) "not found\n" # default value for catch, end # if control gets this far print match Here the throw expression specifies a tag, which must appear in a matching catch, together with a value (line) to be returned as the value of the catch. (The if clause attached to the throw performs a regular-expression pattern match, looking for pattern within line. We will consider pattern matching in more detail in Section 14.4.2.) � 6.2 Structured and Unstructured Flow 249 Errors and Other Exceptions The notion of a multilevel return assumes that the callee knows what the caller expects, and can return an appropriate value. In a related and arguably more common situation, a deeply nested block or subroutine may discover that it is unable to proceed with its usual function, and moreover lacks the contextual in- formation it would need to recover in any graceful way. Eiffel formalizes this notion by saying that every software component has a contract—a specification of the function it performs. A component that is unable to fulfill its contract is said to fail. Rather than return in the normal way, it must arrange for control to “back out” to some context in which the program is able to recover. Conditions that require a program to “back out” are usually called exceptions. We mentioned an example in Section C 2.3.5, where we considered phrase-level recovery from syntax errors in a recursive descent parser. The most straightforward but generally least satisfactory way to cope with ex-EXAMPLE 6.42 Error checking with status codes ceptions is to use auxiliary Boolean variables within a subroutine (if still_ok then ...) and to return status codes from calls: status := my_proc(args); if status = ok then ... � The auxiliary Booleans can be eliminated by using a nonlocal goto or multilevel return, but the caller to which we return must still inspect status codes explic- itly. As a structured alternative, many modern languages provide an exception- handling mechanism for convenient, nonlocal recovery from exceptions. We will discuss exception handling in more detail in Section 9.4. Typically the program- mer appends a block of code called a handler to any computation in which an exception may arise. The job of the handler is to take whatever remedial action is required to recover from the exception. If the protected computation completes in the normal fashion, execution of the handler is skipped. Multilevel returns and structured exceptions have strong similarities. Both in- volve a control transfer from some inner, nested context back to an outer context, unwinding the stack on the way. The distinction lies in where the computing oc- curs. In a multilevel return the inner context has all the information it needs. It completes its computation, generating a return value if appropriate, and transfers to the outer context in a way that requires no post-processing. At an exception, by contrast, the inner context cannot complete its work—it cannot fulfill its con- tract. It performs an “abnormal” return, triggering execution of the handler. Common Lisp and Ruby provide mechanisms for both multilevel returns and exceptions, but this dual support is relatively rare. Most languages support only exceptions; programmers implement multilevel returns by writing a trivial han- dler. In an unfortunate overloading of terminology, the names catch and throw, which Common Lisp and Ruby use for multilevel returns, are used for exceptions in several other languages. 250 Chapter 6 Control Flow 6.2.2 Continuations The notion of nonlocal gotos that unwind the stack can be generalized by defin- ing what are known as continuations. In low-level terms, a continuation con- sists of a code address, a referencing environment that should be established (or restored) when jumping to that address, and a reference to another continua- tion that represents what to do in the event of a subsequent subroutine return. (The chain of return continuations constitutes a backtrace of the run-time stack.) In higher-level terms, a continuation is an abstraction that captures a context in which execution might continue. Continuations are fundamental to deno- tational semantics. They also appear as first-class values in several programming languages (notably Scheme and Ruby), allowing the programmer to define new control-flow constructs. Continuation support in Scheme takes the form of a function named call- with-current-continuation, often abbreviated call/cc. This function takes a single argument f , which is itself a function of one argument. Call/cc calls f , passing as argument a continuation c that captures the current program counter, referencing environment, and stack backtrace. The continuation is implemented as a closure, indistinguishable from the closures used to represent subroutines passed as parameters. At any point in the future, f can call c, passing it a value, v. The call will “return” v into c’s captured context, as if it had been returned by the original call to call/cc. Ruby support is similar:EXAMPLE 6.43 A simple Ruby continuation def foo(i, c) printf "start %d; ", i if i < 3 then foo(i+1, c) else c.call(i) end printf "end %d; ", i end v = callcc { |d| foo(1, d) } printf "got %d\n", v Here the parameter to callcc is a block—roughly, a lambda expression. The block’s parameter is the continuation c, which its body passes, together with the DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 6.4 Cleaning up continuations The implementation of continuations in Scheme and Ruby is surprisingly straightforward. Because local variables have unlimited extent in both lan- guages, activation records must in general be allocated on the heap. As a re- sult, explicit deallocation of frames in the current context is neither required nor appropriate when jumping through a continuation: if those frames are no longer accessible, they will eventually be reclaimed by the standard garbage collector (more on this in Section 8.5.3). 6.2 Structured and Unstructured Flow 251 number 1, to subroutine foo. The subroutine then calls itself twice recursively before executing c.call(i). Finally, the call method jumps into the context captured by c, making i (that is, 3) appear to have been returned by callcc. The final program output is start 1; start 2; start 3; got 3. � In this simple example, the jump into the continuation behaved much as an exception would, popping out of a series of nested calls. But continuations can do much more. Like other closures, they can be saved in variables, returned fromEXAMPLE 6.44 Continuation reuse and unlimited extent subroutines, or called repeatedly, even after control has returned out of the con- text in which they were created (this means that they require unlimited extent; see Section 3.6). Consider the following more subtle example: def here return callcc { |a| return a } end def bar(i) printf "start %d; ", i b = if i < 3 then bar(i+1) else here end printf "end %d; ", i return b end n = 3 c = bar(1) n -= 1 puts # print newline if n > 0 then c.call(c) end
puts “done”

This code performs three nested calls to bar, returning a continuation created by
function here in the middle of the innermost call. Using that continuation, we
can jump back into the nested calls of bar—in fact, we can do so repeatedly. Note
that while c’s captured referencing environment remains the same each time, the
value of n can change. The final program output is

start 1; start 2; start 3; end 3; end 2; end 1;
end 3; end 2; end 1;
end 3; end 2; end 1;
done �

Call/cc suffices to build a wide variety of control abstractions, including
gotos, midloop exits, multilevel returns, exceptions, iterators (Section 6.5.3),
call-by-name parameters (Section 9.3.1), and coroutines (Section 9.5). It even
subsumes the notion of returning from a subroutine, though it seldom replaces
it in practice. Used in a disciplined way, continuations make a language surpris-
ingly extensible. At the same time, they allow the undisciplined programmer to
construct completely inscrutable programs.

252 Chapter 6 Control Flow

6.3 Sequencing
Like assignment, sequencing is central to imperative programming. It is the prin-
cipal means of controlling the order in which side effects (e.g., assignments) oc-
cur: when one statement follows another in the program text, the first statement
executes before the second. In most imperative languages, lists of statements can
be enclosed with begin. . . end or { . . . } delimiters and then used in any context
in which a single statement is expected. Such a delimited list is usually called
a compound statement. A compound statement optionally preceded by a set of
declarations is sometimes called a block.

In languages like Algol 68, which blur or eliminate the distinction between
statements and expressions, the value of a statement (expression) list is the value
of its final element. In Common Lisp, the programmer can choose to return
the value of the first element, the second, or the last. Of course, sequencing is a
useless operation unless the subexpressions that do not play a part in the return
value have side effects. The various sequencing constructs in Lisp are used only
in program fragments that do not conform to a purely functional programming

Even in imperative languages, there is debate as to the value of certain kinds of
side effects. In Euclid and Turing, for example, functions (i.e., subroutines that
return values, and that therefore can appear within expressions) are not permitted
to have side effects. Among other things, side-effect freedom ensures that a Euclid
or Turing function, like its counterpart in mathematics, is always idempotent: if
called repeatedly with the same set of arguments, it will always return the same
value, and the number of consecutive calls (after the first) will not affect the results
of subsequent execution. In addition, side-effect freedom for functions means
that the value of a subexpression will never depend on whether that subexpression
is evaluated before or after calling a function in some other subexpression. These
properties make it easier for a programmer or theorem-proving system to reason
about program behavior. They also simplify code improvement, for example by
permitting the safe rearrangement of expressions.

Unfortunately, there are some situations in which side effects in functions areEXAMPLE 6.45
Side effects in a random
number generator

highly desirable. We saw one example in the label name function of Figure 3.3.
Another arises in the typical interface to a pseudorandom number generator:

procedure srand(seed : integer)
–– Initialize internal tables.
–– The pseudorandom generator will return a different
–– sequence of values for each different value of seed.

function rand() : integer
–– No arguments; returns a new “random” number.

Obviously rand needs to have a side effect, so that it will return a different value
each time it is called. One could always recast it as a procedure with a reference

6.4 Selection 253

procedure rand(ref n : integer)

but most programmers would find this less appealing. Ada strikes a compromise:
it allows side effects in functions in the form of changes to static or global vari-
ables, but does not allow a function to modify its parameters. �

6.4 Selection
Selection statements in most imperative languages employ some variant of theEXAMPLE 6.46

Selection in Algol 60 if. . . then . . . else notation introduced in Algol 60:

if condition then statement
else if condition then statement
else if condition then statement

else statement �

As we saw in Section 2.3.2, languages differ in the details of the syntax. In Algol
60 and Pascal both the then clause and the else clause were defined to contain
a single statement (this could of course be a begin. . . end compound statement).
To avoid grammatical ambiguity, Algol 60 required that the statement after the
then begin with something other than if (begin is fine). Pascal eliminated this
restriction in favor of a “disambiguating rule” that associated an else with the
closest unmatched then. Algol 68, Fortran 77, and more modern languages avoid
the ambiguity by allowing a statement list to follow either then or else, with a
terminating keyword at the end of the construct.

To keep terminators from piling up at the end of nested if statements, mostEXAMPLE 6.47
elsif/elif languages with terminators provide a special elsif or elif keyword. In Ruby,

one writes

if a == b then

elsif a == c then

elsif a == d then


end �

In Lisp, the equivalent construct isEXAMPLE 6.48
cond in Lisp

((= A B)


254 Chapter 6 Control Flow

((= A C)

((= A D)


Here cond takes as arguments a sequence of pairs. In each pair the first ele-
ment is a condition; the second is an expression to be returned as the value of
the overall construct if the condition evaluates to T (T means “true” in most Lisp
dialects). �

6.4.1 Short-Circuited Conditions

While the condition in an if. . . then . . . else statement is a Boolean expression,
there is usually no need for evaluation of that expression to result in a Boolean
value in a register. Most machines provide conditional branch instructions that
capture simple comparisons. Put another way, the purpose of the Boolean expres-
sion in a selection statement is not to compute a value to be stored, but to cause
control to branch to various locations. This observation allows us to generate
particularly efficient code (called jump code) for expressions that are amenable to
the short-circuit evaluation of Section 6.1.5. Jump code is applicable not only to
selection statements such as if. . . then . . . else, but to logically controlled loops
as well; we will consider the latter in Section 6.5.5.

In the usual process of code generation, a synthesized attribute of the root of
an expression subtree acquires the name of a register into which the value of the
expression will be computed at run time. The surrounding context then uses
this register name when generating code that uses the expression. In jump code,
inherited attributes of the root inform it of the addresses to which control should
branch if the expression is true or false, respectively.

Suppose, for example, that we are generating code for the following source:EXAMPLE 6.49
Code generation for a
Boolean condition if ((A > B) and (C > D)) or (E �= F) then

then clause

else clause

In a language without short-circuit evaluation, the output code would look some-
thing like this:

r1 := A –– load
r2 := B
r1 := r1 > r2
r2 := C
r3 := D

6.4 Selection 255

r2 := r2 > r3
r1 := r1 & r2
r2 := E
r3 := F
r2 := r2 �= r3
r1 := r1 | r2
if r1 = 0 goto L2

L1: then clause –– (label not actually used)
goto L3

L2: else clause

The root of the subtree for ((A > B) and (C > D)) or (E �= F) would name r1 as the
register containing the expression value. �

In jump code, by contrast, the inherited attributes of the condition’s rootEXAMPLE 6.50
Code generation for

would indicate that control should “fall through” to L1 if the condition is true, or
branch to L2 if the condition is false. Output code would then look something
like this:

r1 := A
r2 := B
if r1 <= r2 goto L4 r1 := C r2 := D if r1 > r2 goto L1

L4: r1 := E
r2 := F
if r1 = r2 goto L2

L1: then clause
goto L3

L2: else clause

Here the value of the Boolean condition is never explicitly placed into a register.
Rather it is implicit in the flow of control. Moreover for most values of A, B, C, D,
and E, the execution path through the jump code is shorter and therefore faster
(assuming good branch prediction) than the straight-line code that calculates the
value of every subexpression. �


6.5 Short-circuit evaluation
Short-circuit evaluation is one of those happy cases in programming language
design where a clever language feature yields both more useful semantics and a
faster implementation than existing alternatives. Other at least arguable exam-
ples include case statements, local scopes for for loop indices (Section 6.5.1),
and Ada-style parameter modes (Section 9.3.1).

256 Chapter 6 Control Flow

If the value of a short-circuited expression is needed explicitly, it can of courseEXAMPLE 6.51
Short-circuit creation of a
Boolean value

be generated, while still using jump code for efficiency. The Ada fragment

found_it := p /= null and then p.key = val;

is equivalent to

if p /= null and then p.key = val then
found_it := true;

found_it := false;

end if;

and can be translated as
r1 := p
if r1 = 0 goto L1
r2 := r1→key
if r2 �= val goto L1
r1 := 1
goto L2

L1: r1 := 0
L2: found it := r1

The astute reader will notice that the first goto L1 can be replaced by goto L2,
since r1 already contains a zero in this case. The code improvement phase of the
compiler will notice this also, and make the change. It is easier to fix this sort of
thing in the code improver than it is to generate the better version of the code in
the first place. The code improver has to be able to recognize jumps to redundant
instructions for other reasons anyway; there is no point in building special cases
into the short-circuit evaluation routines. �

6.4.2 Case/Switch Statements

The case statements of Algol W and its descendants provide alternative syntaxEXAMPLE 6.52
case statements and
nested ifs

for a special case of nested if. . . then . . . else. When each condition compares
the same expression to a different compile-time constant, then the following code
(written here in Ada)

i := … — potentially complicated expression
if i = 1 then

clause A
elsif i = 2 or i = 7 then

clause B
elsif i in 3..5 then

clause C
elsif i = 10 then

clause D

clause E
end if;

6.4 Selection 257

can be rewritten as

case … — potentially complicated expression

when 1 => clause A
when 2 | 7 => clause B
when 3..5 => clause C
when 10 => clause D
when others => clause E

end case;

The elided code fragments (clause A, clause B, etc.) after the arrows are called the
arms of the case statement. The lists of constants in front of the arrows are case
statement labels. The constants in the label lists must be disjoint, and must be of a
type compatible with the tested (“controlling”) expression. Most languages allow
this type to be anything whose values are discrete: integers, characters, enumera-
tions, and subranges of the same. C# and (recent versions of) Java allow strings
as well. �

The case statement version of the code above is certainly less verbose than the
if. . . then . . . else version, but syntactic elegance is not the principal motivation
for providing a case statement in a programming language. The principal mo-
tivation is to facilitate the generation of efficient target code. The if. . . then . . .EXAMPLE 6.53

Translation of nested ifs else statement is most naturally translated as follows:

r1 := . . . –– calculate controlling expression
if r1 �= 1 goto L1
clause A
goto L6

L1: if r1 = 2 goto L2
if r1 �= 7 goto L3

L2: clause B
goto L6

L3: if r1 < 3 goto L4 if r1 > 5 goto L4
clause C
goto L6

L4: if r1 �= 10 goto L5
clause D
goto L6

L5: clause E
L6: �

Rather than test its controlling expression sequentially against a series of pos-
sible values, the case statement is meant to compute an address to which it jumps
in a single instruction. The general form of the anticipated target code appearsEXAMPLE 6.54

Jump tables in Figure 6.3. The elided calculation at label L6 can take any of several forms.
The most common of these simply indexes into an array, as shown in Figure 6.4.

258 Chapter 6 Control Flow

goto L6 –– jump to code to compute address
L1: clause A

goto L7
L2: clause B

goto L7
L3: clause C

goto L7
. . .

L4: clause D
goto L7

L5: clause E
goto L7

L6: r1 := . . . –– computed target of branch
goto *r1


Figure 6.3 General form of target code generated for a five-arm case statement.

T: &L1 –– controlling expression = 1
&L4 –– controlling expression = 10

L6: r1 := . . . –– calculate controlling expression
if r1 < 1 goto L5 if r1 > 10 goto L5 –– L5 is the “else” arm
r1 −:= 1 –– subtract off lower bound
r1 := T[r1]
goto *r1


Figure 6.4 Jump table to control branching in a case statement. This code replaces the last
three lines of Figure 6.3.

The “code” at label T in that figure is in fact an array of addresses, known as a
jump table. It contains one entry for each integer between the lowest and highest
values, inclusive, found among the case statement labels. The code at L6 checks
to make sure that the controlling expression is within the bounds of the array (if
not, we should execute the others arm of the case statement). It then fetches
the corresponding entry from the table and branches to it. �

6.4 Selection 259

Alternative Implementations

A jump table is fast: it begins executing the correct arm of the case statement
in constant time, regardless of the value of the controlling expression. It is also
space efficient when the overall set of case statement labels is dense and does not
contain large ranges. It can consume an extraordinarily large amount of space,
however, if the set of labels is nondense, or includes large value ranges. Alter-
native methods to compute the address to which to branch include sequential
testing, hashing, and binary search. Sequential testing (as in an if. . . then . . .
else statement) is the method of choice if the total number of case statement
labels is small. It chooses an arm in O(n) time, where n is the number of labels.
A hash table is attractive if the set of label values is large, but has many missing
values and no large ranges. With an appropriate hash function it will choose the
right arm in O(1) time. Unfortunately, a hash table, like a jump table, requires a
separate entry for each possible value of the controlling tested expression, making
it unsuitable for statements with large value ranges. Binary search can accommo-
date ranges easily. It chooses an arm in O(log n) time.

To generate good code for all possible case statements, a compiler needs to be
prepared to use a variety of strategies. During compilation it can generate code
for the various arms of the case statement as it finds them, while simultaneously
building up an internal data structure to describe the label set. Once it has seen
all the arms, it can decide which form of target code to generate. For the sake
of simplicity, most compilers employ only some of the possible implementations.
Some use binary search in lieu of hashing. Some generate only jump tables; oth-
ers only that plus sequential testing. Users of less sophisticated compilers may
need to restructure their case statements if the generated code turns out to be
unexpectedly large or slow.

Syntax and Label Semantics

As with if. . . then . . . else statements, the syntactic details of case statements
vary from language to language. Different languages use different punctuation
to delimit labels and arms. More significantly, languages differ in whether they
permit label ranges, whether they permit (or require) a default (others) clause,
and in how they handle a value that fails to match any label at run time.

In some languages (e.g., Modula), it is a dynamic semantic error for the con-
trolling expression to have a value that does not appear in the label lists. Ada


6.6 Case statements
Case statements are one of the clearest examples of language design driven by
implementation. Their primary reason for existence is to facilitate the gener-
ation of jump tables. Ranges in label lists (not permitted in Pascal or C) may
reduce efficiency slightly, but binary search is still dramatically faster than the
equivalent series of ifs.

260 Chapter 6 Control Flow

requires the labels to cover all possible values in the domain of the controlling
expression’s type; if the type has a very large number of values, then this cover-
age must be accomplished using ranges or an others clause. In some languages,
notably C and Fortran 90, it is not an error for the tested expression to evaluate
to a missing value. Rather, the entire construct has no effect when the value is

The C switch Statement

C’s syntax for case (switch) statements (retained by C++ and Java) is unusual
in several respects:

switch (… /* controlling expression */) {
case 1: clause A

case 2:
case 7: clause B

case 3:
case 4:
case 5: clause C

case 10: clause D

default: clause E


Here each possible value for the tested expression must have its own label
within the switch; ranges are not allowed. In fact, lists of labels are not al-
lowed, but the effect of lists can be achieved by allowing a label (such as 2, 3,
and 4 above) to have an empty arm that simply “falls through” into the code for
the subsequent label. Because of the provision for fall-through, an explicit break
statement must be used to get out of the switch at the end of an arm, rather than
falling through into the next. There are rare circumstances in which the ability toEXAMPLE 6.55

Fall-through in C switch

fall through is convenient:

letter_case = lower;
switch (c) {

case ‘A’ :

letter_case = upper;

case ‘a’ :


} �

6.5 Iteration 261

Most of the time, however, the need to insert a break at the end of each arm—
and the compiler’s willingness to accept arms without breaks, silently—is a recipe
for unexpected and difficult-to-diagnose bugs. C# retains the familiar C syntax,
including multiple consecutive labels, but requires every nonempty arm to end
with a break, goto, continue, or return.

19. List the principal uses of goto, and the structured alternatives to each.

20. Explain the distinction between exceptions and multilevel returns.

21. What are continuations? What other language features do they subsume?

22. Why is sequencing a comparatively unimportant form of control flow in Lisp?

23. Explain why it may sometimes be useful for a function to have side effects.

24. Describe the jump code implementation of short-circuit Boolean evaluation.

25. Why do imperative languages commonly provide a case or switch statement
in addition to if. . . then . . . else?

26. Describe three different search strategies that might be employed in the im-
plementation of a case statement, and the circumstances in which each
would be desirable.

27. Explain the use of break to terminate the arms of a C switch statement, and
the behavior that arises if a break is accidentally omitted.

6.5 Iteration
Iteration and recursion are the two mechanisms that allow a computer to per-
form similar operations repeatedly. Without at least one of these mechanisms,
the running time of a program (and hence the amount of work it can do and the
amount of space it can use) would be a linear function of the size of the program
text. In a very real sense, it is iteration and recursion that make computers useful
for more than fixed-size tasks. In this section we focus on iteration. Recursion is
the subject of Section 6.6.

Programmers in imperative languages tend to use iteration more than they
use recursion (recursion is more common in functional languages). In most lan-
guages, iteration takes the form of loops. Like the statements in a sequence, the it-
erations of a loop are generally executed for their side effects: their modifications
of variables. Loops come in two principal varieties, which differ in the mecha-
nisms used to determine how many times to iterate. An enumeration-controlled
loop is executed once for every value in a given finite set; the number of iterations
is known before the first iteration begins. A logically controlled loop is executed

262 Chapter 6 Control Flow

until some Boolean condition (which must generally depend on values altered in
the loop) changes value. Most (though not all) languages provide separate con-
structs for these two varieties of loop.

6.5.1 Enumeration-Controlled Loops

Enumeration-controlled iteration originated with the do loop of Fortran I. Sim-
ilar mechanisms have been adopted in some form by almost every subsequent
language, but syntax and semantics vary widely. Even Fortran’s own loop has
evolved considerably over time. The modern Fortran version looks somethingEXAMPLE 6.56

Fortran 90 do loop like this:

do i = 1, 10, 2


Variable i is called the index of the loop. The expressions that follow the equals
sign are i’s initial value, its bound, and the step size. With the values shown here,
the body of the loop (the statements between the loop header and the enddo de-
limiter) will execute five times, with i set to 1, 3, . . . , 9 in successive iterations. �

Many other languages provide similar functionality. In Modula-2 one wouldEXAMPLE 6.57
Modula-2 for loop say

FOR i := first TO last BY step DO


By choosing different values of first, last, and step, we could arrange to iter-
ate over an arbitrary arithmetic sequence of integers, namely i = first, first
+ step, . . . , first + �(last − first)/step
× step. �

Following the lead of Clu, many modern languages allow enumeration-
controlled loops to iterate over much more general finite sets—the nodes of a
tree, for example, or the elements of a collection. We consider these more general
iterators in Section 6.5.3. For the moment we focus on arithmetic sequences. For
the sake of simplicity, we use the name “for loop” as a general term, even for
languages that use a different keyword.

Code Generation for for Loops

Naively, the loop of Example 6.57 can be translated asEXAMPLE 6.58
Obvious translation of a
for loop r1 := first

r2 := step
r3 := last

L1: if r1 > r3 goto L2
. . . –– loop body; use r1 for i
r1 := r1 + r2
goto L1

L2: �

6.5 Iteration 263

A slightly better if less straightforward translation isEXAMPLE 6.59
for loop translation with
test at the bottom r1 := first

r2 := step
r3 := last
goto L2

L1: . . . –– loop body; use r1 for i
r1 := r1 + r2

L2: if r1 ≤ r3 goto L1

This version is likely to be faster, because each iteration contains a single con-
ditional branch, rather than a conditional branch at the top and an uncondi-
tional branch at the bottom. (We will consider yet another version in Exer-
cise C 17.4.) �

Note that both of these translations employ a loop-ending test that is funda-
mentally directional: as shown, they assume that all the realized values of i will
be smaller than last. If the loop goes “the other direction”—that is, if first >
last, and step < 0—then we will need to use the inverse test to end the loop. To allow the compiler to make the right choice, many languages restrict the generality of their arithmetic sequences. Commonly, step is required to be a compile-time constant. Ada actually limits the choices to ±1. Several languages, including both Ada and Pascal, require special syntax for loops that iterate “backward” (for i in reverse 10..1 in Ada; for i := 10 downto 1 in Pascal). Obviously, one can generate code that checks the sign of step at run time, and chooses a test accordingly. The obvious translations, however, are either time or space inefficient. An arguably more attractive approach, adopted by manyEXAMPLE 6.60 for loop translation with an iteration count Fortran compilers, is to precompute the number of iterations, place this iteration count in a register, decrement the register at the end of each iteration, and branch back to the top of the loop if the count is not yet zero: r1 := first r2 := step r3 := max(�(last − first + step)/step , 0) –– iteration count –– NB: this calculation may require several instructions. –– It is guaranteed to result in a value within the precision of the machine, –– but we may have to be careful to avoid overflow during its calculation. if r3 ≤ 0 goto L2 L1: . . . –– loop body; use r1 for i r1 := r1 + r2 r3 := r3 − 1 if r3 > 0 goto L1
i := r1

L2: �

The use of the iteration count avoids the need to test the sign of step within
the loop. Assuming we have been suitably careful in precomputing the count, itEXAMPLE 6.61

A “gotcha” in the naive
loop translation

also avoids a problem we glossed over in the naive translations of Examples 6.58

264 Chapter 6 Control Flow

and 6.59: If last is near the maximum value representable by integers on our
machine, naively adding step to the final legitimate value of i may result in arith-
metic overflow. The “wrapped” number may then appear to be smaller (much
smaller!) than last, and we may have translated perfectly good source code into
an infinite loop. �

Some processors, including the Power family, PA-RISC, and most CISC ma-
chines, can decrement the iteration count, test it against zero, and conditionally
branch, all in a single instruction. For many loops this results in very efficient

Semantic Complications

The astute reader may have noticed that use of an iteration count is fundamen-
tally dependent on being able to predict the number of iterations before the loop
begins to execute. While this prediction is possible in many languages, including
Fortran and Ada, it is not possible in others, notably C and its descendants. The
difference stems largely from the following question: is the for loop construct
only for iteration, or is it simply meant to make enumeration easy? If the lan-
guage insists on enumeration, then an iteration count works fine. If enumeration
is only one possible purpose for the loop—more specifically, if the number of iter-
ations or the sequence of index values may change as a result of executing the first
few iterations—then we may need to use a more general implementation, along
the lines of Example 6.59, modified if necessary to handle dynamic discovery of
the direction of the terminating test.


6.7 Numerical imprecision
Among its many changes to the do loop of Fortran IV, Fortran 77 allowed the
index, bounds, and step size of the loop to be floating-point numbers, not
just integers. Interestingly, this feature was taken back out of the language in
Fortran 90.

The problem with real-number sequences is that limited precision can cause
comparisons (e.g., between the index and the bound) to produce unexpected
or even implementation-dependent results when the values are close to one
another. Should

for x := 1.0 to 2.0 by 1.0 / 3.0

execute three iterations or four? It depends on whether 1.0 / 3.0 is rounded up
or down. The Fortran 90 designers appear to have decided that such ambiguity
is philosophically inconsistent with the idea of finite enumeration. The pro-
grammer who wants to iterate over floating-point values must use an explicit
comparison in a pretest or post-test loop (Section 6.5.5).

6.5 Iteration 265

The choice between requiring and (merely) enabling enumeration manifests
itself in several specific questions:

1. Can control enter or leave the loop in any way other than through the enumer-
ation mechanism?

2. What happens if the loop body modifies variables that were used to compute
the end-of-loop bound?

3. What happens if the loop body modifies the index variable itself?
4. Can the program read the index variable after the loop has completed, and if

so, what will its value be?

Questions (1) and (2) are relatively easy to resolve. Most languages allow a
break/exit statement to leave a for loop early. Fortran IV allowed a goto to
jump into a loop, but this was generally regarded as a language flaw; Fortran 77
and most other languages prohibit such jumps. Similarly, most languages (but
not C; see Section 6.5.2) specify that the bound is computed only once, before the
first iteration, and kept in a temporary location. Subsequent changes to variables
used to compute the bound have no effect on how many times the loop iterates.

Questions (3) and (4) are more difficult. Suppose we write (in no particularEXAMPLE 6.62
Changing the index in a
for loop


for i := 1 to 10 by 2

if i = 3

i := 6

What should happen at the end of the i=3 iteration? Should the next iteration
have i = 5 (the next element of the arithmetic sequence specified in the loop
header), i = 8 (2 more than 6), or even conceivably i = 7 (the next value of
the sequence after 6)? One can imagine reasonable arguments for each of these
options. To avoid the need to choose, many languages prohibit changes to the
loop index within the body of the loop. Fortran makes the prohibition a mat-
ter of programmer discipline: the implementation is not required to catch an
erroneous update. Pascal provided an elaborate set of conservative rules [Int90,
Sec.] that allowed the compiler to catch all possible updates. These rules
were complicated by the fact that the index variable was declared outside the loop;
it might be visible to subroutines called from the loop even if it was not passed as
a parameter. �

If control escapes the loop with a break/exit, the natural value for the in-EXAMPLE 6.63
Inspecting the index after a
for loop

dex would seem to be the one that was current at the time of the escape. For
“normal” termination, on the other hand, the natural value would seem to be
the first one that exceeds the loop bound. Certainly that is the value that will be
produced by the implementation of Example 6.59. Unfortunately, as we noted in
Example 6.60, the “next” value for some loops may be outside the range of integer
precision. For other loops, it may be semantically invalid:

266 Chapter 6 Control Flow

c : ’a’..’z’ –– character subrange

for c := ’a’ to ’z’ do

–– what comes after ’z’?

Requiring the post-loop value to always be the index of the final iteration is
unattractive from an implementation perspective: it would force us to replace
Example 6.59 with a translation that has an extra branch instruction in every it-

r1 := ’a’
r2 := ’z’
if r1 > r2 goto L3 –– Code improver may remove this test,

–– since ’a’ and ’z’ are constants.
L1: . . . –– loop body; use r1 for i

if r1 = r2 goto L2
r1 := r1 + 1
goto L1

L2: i := r1

Of course, the compiler must generate this sort of code in any event (or use an
iteration count) if arithmetic overflow may interfere with testing the terminating
condition. To permit the compiler to use the fastest correct implementation in all
cases, several languages, including Fortran 90 and Pascal, say that the value of the
index is undefined after the end of the loop. �

An attractive solution to both the index modification problem and the post-
loop value problem was pioneered by Algol W and Algol 68, and subsequently
adopted by Ada, Modula 3, and many other languages. In these, the header of the
loop is considered to contain a declaration of the index. Its type is inferred from
the bounds of the loop, and its scope is the loop’s body. Because the index is not
visible outside the loop, its value is not an issue. Of course, the programmer must
not give the index the same name as any variable that must be accessed within the
loop, but this is a strictly local issue: it has no ramifications outside the loop.

6.5.2 Combination Loops

Algol 60 provided a single loop construct that subsumed the properties of more
modern enumeration and logically controlled loops. It allowed the programmer
to specify an arbitrary number of “enumerators,” each of which could be a single
value, a range of values similar to those of modern enumeration-controlled loops,
or an expression with a terminating condition. Common Lisp provides an even
more powerful facility, with four separate sets of clauses, to initialize index vari-
ables (of which there may be an arbitrary number), test for loop termination (in
any of several ways), evaluate body expressions, and clean up at loop termination.

6.5 Iteration 267

A much simpler form of combination loop appears in C and its successors.
Semantically, the C for loop is logically controlled. It was designed, however, to
make enumeration easy. Our Modula-2 exampleEXAMPLE 6.64

Combination (for) loop
in C FOR i := first TO last BY step DO


would usually be written in C as

for (i = first; i <= last; i += step) { ... } With caveats for a few special cases, C defines this to be equivalent to { i = first; while (i <= last) { ... i += step; } � } This definition means that it is the programmer’s responsibility to worry about the effect of overflow on testing of the terminating condition. It also means that both the index and any variables contained in the terminating condition can be modified by the body of the loop, or by subroutines it calls, and these changes will affect the loop control. This, too, is the programmer’s responsibility. Any of the three clauses in the for loop header can be null (the condition is considered true if missing). Alternatively, a clause can consist of a sequence of comma-separated expressions. The advantage of the C for loop over its while loop equivalent is compactness and clarity. In particular, all of the code affecting DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 6.8 for loops Modern for loops reflect the impact of both semantic and implementation challenges. Semantic challenges include changes to loop indices or bounds from within the loop, the scope of the index variable (and its value, if any, out- side the loop), and gotos that enter or leave the loop. Implementation chal- lenges include the imprecision of floating-point values, the direction of the bottom-of-loop test, and overflow at the end of the iteration range. The “com- bination loops” of C (Section 6.5.2) move responsibility for these challenges out of the compiler and into the application program. 268 Chapter 6 Control Flow the flow of control is localized within the header. In the while loop, one must read both the top and the bottom of the loop to know what is going on. While the logical iteration semantics of the C for loop eliminate any ambigu- ity about the value of the index variable after the end of the loop, it may still be convenient to make the index local to the body of the loop, by declaring it in the header’s initialization clause. In Example 6.64, variable i must be declared in the surrounding scope. If we instead writeEXAMPLE 6.65 C for loop with a local index for (int i = first; i <= last; i += step) { ... } then i will not be visible outside. It will still, however, be vulnerable to (deliberate or accidental) modification within the loop. � 6.5.3 Iterators In all of the examples we have seen so far (with the possible exception of the com- bination loops of Algol 60, Common Lisp, or C), a for loop iterates over the ele- ments of an arithmetic sequence. In general, however, we may wish to iterate over the elements of any well-defined set (what are often called collections, or instances of a container class, in object-oriented code). Clu introduced an elegant iterator mechanism (also found in Python, Ruby, and C#) to do precisely that. Euclid and several more recent languages, notably C++, Java, and Ada 2012, define a stan- dard interface for iterator objects (sometimes called enumerators) that are equally easy to use, but not as easy to write. Icon, conversely, provides a generalization of iterators, known as generators, that combines enumeration with backtracking search.7 True Iterators Clu, Python, Ruby, and C# allow any container abstraction to provide an iterator that enumerates its items. The iterator resembles a subroutine that is permitted to contain yield statements, each of which produces a loop index value. For loops are then designed to incorporate a call to an iterator. The Modula-2 fragmentEXAMPLE 6.66 Simple iterator in Python FOR i := first TO last BY step DO ... END would be written as follows in Python: 7 Unfortunately, terminology is not consistent across languages. Euclid uses the term “generator” for what are called “iterator objects” here. Python uses it for what are called “true iterators” here. 6.5 Iteration 269 class BinTree: def __init__(self): # constructor self.data = self.lchild = self.rchild = None ... # other methods: insert, delete, lookup, ... def preorder(self): if self.data != None: yield self.data if self.lchild != None: for d in self.lchild.preorder(): yield d if self.rchild != None: for d in self.rchild.preorder(): yield d Figure 6.5 Python iterator for preorder enumeration of the nodes of a binary tree. Because Python is dynamically typed, this code will work for any data that support the operations needed by insert, lookup , and so on (probably just <). In a statically typed language, the BinTree class would need to be generic. for i in range(first, last, step): ... Here range is a built-in iterator that yields the integers from first to first + �(last − first)/step × step in increments of step. � When called, the iterator calculates the first index value of the loop, which it returns to the main program by executing a yield statement. The yield be- haves like return, except that when control transfers back to the iterator after completion of the first iteration of the loop, the iterator continues where it last left off—not at the beginning of its code. When the iterator has no more elements to yield it simply returns (without a value), thereby terminating the loop. In effect, an iterator is a separate thread of control, with its own program counter, whose execution is interleaved with that of the for loop to which it sup- plies index values.8 The iteration mechanism serves to “decouple” the algorithm required to enumerate elements from the code that uses those elements. The range iterator is predefined in Python. As a more illustrative example,EXAMPLE 6.67 Python iterator for tree enumeration consider the preorder enumeration of values stored in a binary tree. A Python iterator for this task appears in Figure 6.5. Invoked from the header of a for loop, it yields the value in the root node (if any) for the first iteration and then calls itself recursively, twice, to enumerate values in the left and right subtrees. � 8 Because iterators are interleaved with loops in a very regular way, they can be implemented more easily (and cheaply) than fully general threads. We will consider implementation options further in Section C 9.5.3. 270 Chapter 6 Control Flow Iterator Objects As realized in most imperative languages, iteration involves both a special form of for loop and a mechanism to enumerate values for the loop. These concepts can be separated. Euclid, C++, Java, and Ada 2012 all provide enumeration- controlled loops reminiscent of those of Python. They have no yield statement, however, and no separate thread-like context to enumerate values; rather, an it- erator is an ordinary object (in the object-oriented sense of the word) that pro- vides methods for initialization, generation of the next index value, and testing for completion. Between calls, the state of the iterator must be kept in the object’s data members. Figure 6.6 contains the Java equivalent of the BinTree class of Figure 6.5.EXAMPLE 6.68 Java iterator for tree enumeration Given this code, we can write BinTree myTree = …

for (Integer i : myTree) {


The loop here is syntactic sugar for

for (Iterator it = myTree.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Integer i = it.next();


The expression following the colon in the more concise version of the loop must
be an object that supports the standard Iterable interface. This interface in-
cludes an iterator() method that returns an Iterator object. �

C++ takes a related but somewhat different approach. With appropriate defi-EXAMPLE 6.69
Iteration in C++11 nitions, the Java for loop of the previous example could be written as follows in


tree_node* my_tree = …

for (int n : *my_tree) {

cout << n << "\n"; } DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 6.9 “True” iterators and iterator objects While the iterator library mechanisms of C++ and Java are highly useful, it is worth emphasizing that they are not the functional equivalents of “true” iterators, as found in Clu, Python, Ruby, and C#. Their key limitation is the need to maintain all intermediate state in the form of explicit data structures, rather than in the program counter and local variables of a resumable execu- tion context. 6.5 Iteration 271 class BinTree implements Iterable {
BinTree left;
BinTree right;
T val;

// other methods: insert, delete, lookup, …

public Iterator iterator() {
return new TreeIterator(this);

private class TreeIterator implements Iterator {

private Stack> s = new Stack>();
TreeIterator(BinTree n) {

if (n.val != null) s.push(n);
public boolean hasNext() {

return !s.empty();
public T next() {

if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
BinTree n = s.pop();
if (n.right != null) s.push(n.right);
if (n.left != null) s.push(n.left);
return n.val;

public void remove() {

throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


Figure 6.6 Java code for preorder enumeration of the nodes of a binary tree. The nested
TreeIterator class uses an explicit Stack object (borrowed from the standard library) to keep
track of subtrees whose nodes have yet to be enumerated. Java generics, specified as type
arguments for BinTree , Stack, Iterator, and Iterable, allow next to return an object of
the appropriate type, rather than the undifferentiated Object. The remove method is part of
the Iterator interface, and must therefore be provided, if only as a placeholder.

This loop is syntactic sugar for

for (tree_node::iterator it = my_tree->begin();
it != my_tree->end(); ++it) {

int n = *it;
cout << n << "\n"; } Where a Java iterator has methods to produce successive elements of a collection on demand (and to indicate when there are no more), a C++ iterator is designed 272 Chapter 6 Control Flow to act as a special kind of pointer. Support routines in the standard library lever- age the language’s unusually flexible operator overloading and reference mecha- nisms to redefine comparison (!=), increment (++), dereference (*), and so on in a way that makes iterating over the elements of a collection look very much like using pointer arithmetic to traverse a conventional array (“Pointers and Arrays in C,” Section 8.5.1). As in the Java example, iterator it encapsulates all the state needed to find successive elements of the collection, and to determine when there are no more. To obtain the current element, we “dereference” the iterator, using the * or ->
operators. The initial value of the iterator is produced by a collection’s begin
method. To advance to the following element, we use the increment (++) opera-
tor. The end method returns a special iterator that “points beyond the end” of the
collection. The increment (++) operator must return a reference that tests equal
to this special iterator when the collection has been exhausted. �

Code to implement our C++ tree iterator is somewhat messier than the Java
version of Figure 6.6, due to operator overloading, the value model of variables
(which requires explicit references and pointers), and the lack of garbage collec-
tion. We leave the details to Exercise 6.19.

Iterating with First-Class Functions

In functional languages, the ability to specify a function “in line” facilitates a pro-
gramming idiom in which the body of a loop is written as a function, with the
loop index as an argument. This function is then passed as the final argument to
an iterator, which is itself a function. In Scheme we might writeEXAMPLE 6.70

Passing the “loop body” to
an iterator in Scheme (define uptoby

(lambda (low high step f)
(if (<= low high) (begin (f low) (uptoby (+ low step) high step f)) '()))) We could then sum the first 50 odd numbers as follows: (let ((sum 0)) (uptoby 1 100 2 (lambda (i) (set! sum (+ sum i)))) sum) =⇒ 2500 Here the body of the loop, (set! sum (+ sum i)), is an assignment. The =⇒ symbol (not a part of Scheme) is used here to mean “evaluates to.” � Smalltalk, which we consider in Section C 10.7.1, supports a similar idiom:EXAMPLE 6.71 Iteration with blocks in Smalltalk sum <- 0. 1 to: 100 by: 2 do: [:i | sum <- sum + i] 6.5 Iteration 273 Like a lambda expression in Scheme, a square-bracketed block in Smalltalk creates a first-class function, which we then pass as argument to the to: by: do: iterator. The iterator calls the function repeatedly, passing successive values of the index variable i as argument. � Iterators in Ruby are also similar, with functional semantics but syntax remi- niscent of Python or C#. Our uptoby iterator in Ruby could be written as follows:EXAMPLE 6.72 Iterating with procs in Ruby def uptoby(first, last, inc) while first <= last do yield first first += inc end end ... sum = 0 uptoby(1, 100, 2) { |i| sum += i } puts sum =⇒ 2500 This code is defined as syntactic sugar for def uptoby(first, last, inc, block) while first <= last do block.call(first) first += inc end end ... sum = 0 uptoby(1, 100, 2, Proc.new { |i| sum += i }) puts sum When a block, delimited by braces or do. . . end, follows the parameter list of a function invocation, Ruby passes a closure representing the block (a “proc”) as an implicit extra argument to the function. Within the body of the function, yield is defined as a call to the function’s last parameter, which must be a proc, and need not be explicitly declared. For added convenience, all of Ruby’s collection objects (arrays, ranges, map- pings, and sets) support a method named each that will invoke a block for every element of the collection. To sum the first 100 integers (without the step size of 2), we could say sum = 0 (1..100).each { |i| sum += i } puts sum =⇒ 5050 This code serves as the definition of conventional for-loop syntax, which is fur- ther syntactic sugar: 274 Chapter 6 Control Flow sum = 0 for i in (1..100) do sum += i end puts sum In Lisp and Scheme, one can define similar syntactic sugar using continuations (Section 6.2.2) and lazy evaluation (Section 6.6.2); we consider this possibility in Exercises 6.34 and 6.35. � Iterating without Iterators In a language with neither true iterators nor iterator objects, we can still decou-EXAMPLE 6.73 Imitating iterators in C ple the enumeration of a collection from actual use of the elements by adopting appropriate programming conventions. In C, for example, we might define a tree_iter type and associated functions that could be used in a loop as follows: bin_tree *my_tree; tree_iter ti; ... for (ti_create(my_tree, &ti); !ti_done(ti); ti_next(&ti)) { bin_tree *n = ti_val(ti); ... } ti_delete(&ti); There are two principal differences between this code and the more structured al- ternatives: (1) the syntax of the loop is a good bit less elegant (and arguably more prone to accidental errors), and (2) the code for the iterator is simply a type and some associated functions—C provides no abstraction mechanism to group them together as a module or a class. By providing a standard interface for iterator ab- stractions, object-oriented languages facilitate the design of higher-order mech- anisms that manipulate whole collections: sorting them, merging them, finding their intersection or difference, and so on. We leave the C code for tree_iter and the various ti_ functions to Exercise 6.20. � 6.5.4 Generators in Icon Icon generalizes the concept of iterators, providing a generator mechanism that causes any expression in which it is embedded to enumerate multiple values on demand. IN MORE DEPTH We consider Icon generators in more detail on the companion site. The language’s enumeration-controlled loop, the every loop, can contain not only a generator, 6.5 Iteration 275 but any expression that contains a generator. Generators can also be used in con- structs like if statements, which will execute their nested code if any generated value makes the condition true, automatically searching through all the possi- bilities. When generators are nested, Icon explores all possible combinations of generated values, and will even backtrack where necessary to undo unsuccessful control-flow branches or assignments. 6.5.5 Logically Controlled Loops In comparison to enumeration-controlled loops, logically controlled loops have many fewer semantic subtleties. The only real question to be answered is where within the body of the loop the terminating condition is tested. By far the most common approach is to test the condition before each iteration. The familiarEXAMPLE 6.74 while loop in Algol-W while loop syntax for this was introduced in Algol-W: while condition do statement To allow the body of the loop to be a statement list, most modern languages use an explicit concluding keyword (e.g., end), or bracket the body with delimiters (e.g., { . . . }). A few languages (notably Python) indicate the body with an extra level of indentation. � Post-test Loops Occasionally it is handy to be able to test the terminating condition at the bottom of a loop. Pascal introduced special syntax for this case, which was retained in Modula but dropped in Ada. A post-test loop allows us, for example, to writeEXAMPLE 6.75 Post-test loop in Pascal and Modula repeat readln(line) until line[1] = '$'; instead of readln(line); while line[1] <> ‘$’ do


The difference between these constructs is particularly important when the body
of the loop is longer. Note that the body of a post-test loop is always executed at
least once. �

C provides a post-test loop whose condition works “the other direction” (i.e.,EXAMPLE 6.76
Post-test loop in C “while” instead of “until”):

do {
line = read_line(stdin);

} while (line[0] != ‘$’);

276 Chapter 6 Control Flow

Mid-test Loops

Finally, as we noted in Section 6.2.1, it is sometimes appropriate to test the ter-
minating condition in the middle of a loop. In many languages this “mid-test”
can be accomplished with a special statement nested inside a conditional: exit
in Ada, break in C, last in Perl. In Section 6.4.2 we saw a somewhat unusual useEXAMPLE 6.77

break statement in C of break to leave a C switch statement. More conventionally, C also uses break
to exit the closest for, while, or do loop:

for (;;) {
line = read_line(stdin);
if (all_blanks(line)) break;


Here the missing condition in the for loop header is assumed to always be
true. (C programmers have traditionally preferred this syntax to the equivalent
while (1), presumably because it was faster in certain early C compilers.) �

In some languages, an exit statement takes an optional loop-name argumentEXAMPLE 6.78
Exiting a nested loop in

that allows control to escape a nested loop. In Ada we might write

outer: loop
get_line(line, length);
for i in 1..length loop

exit outer when line(i) = ‘$’;

end loop;
end loop outer; �

In Perl this would beEXAMPLE 6.79
Exiting a nested loop in
Perl outer: while (<>) { # iterate over lines of input

foreach $c (split //) { # iterate over remaining chars
last outer if ($c =~ ‘\$’); # exit main loop if we see a $ sign

} �

Java extends the C/C++ break statement in a similar fashion, with optional labels
on loops.

28. Describe three subtleties in the implementation of enumeration-controlled


29. Why do most languages not allow the bounds or increment of an enumeration-
controlled loop to be floating-point numbers?

6.6 Recursion 277

30. Why do many languages require the step size of an enumeration-controlled
loop to be a compile-time constant?

31. Describe the “iteration count” loop implementation. What problem(s) does
it solve?

32. What are the advantages of making an index variable local to the loop it con-

33. Does C have enumeration-controlled loops? Explain.

34. What is a collection (a container instance)?

35. Explain the difference between true iterators and iterator objects.

36. Cite two advantages of iterator objects over the use of programming conven-
tions in a language like C.

37. Describe the approach to iteration typically employed in languages with first-
class functions.

38. Give an example in which a mid-test loop results in more elegant code than
does a pretest or post-test loop.

6.6 Recursion
Unlike the control-flow mechanisms discussed so far, recursion requires no spe-
cial syntax. In any language that provides subroutines (particularly functions), all
that is required is to permit functions to call themselves, or to call other functions
that then call them back in turn. Most programmers learn in a data structures
class that recursion and (logically controlled) iteration provide equally powerful
means of computing functions: any iterative algorithm can be rewritten, auto-
matically, as a recursive algorithm, and vice versa. We will compare iteration and
recursion in more detail in the first subsection below. In the following subsection
we will consider the possibility of passing unevaluated expressions into a func-
tion. While usually inadvisable, due to implementation cost, this technique will
sometimes allow us to write elegant code for functions that are only defined on a
subset of the possible inputs, or that explore logically infinite data structures.

6.6.1 Iteration and Recursion

As we noted in Section 3.2, Fortran 77 and certain other languages do not permit
recursion. A few functional languages do not permit iteration. Most modern
languages, however, provide both mechanisms. Iteration is in some sense the
more “natural” of the two in imperative languages, because it is based on the
repeated modification of variables. Recursion is the more natural of the two in

278 Chapter 6 Control Flow

functional languages, because it does not change variables. In the final analysis,
which to use in which circumstance is mainly a matter of taste. To compute aEXAMPLE 6.80

A “naturally iterative”



f (i)

it seems natural to use iteration. In C one would say

typedef int (*int_func) (int);
int summation(int_func f, int low, int high) {

/* assume low <= high */ int total = 0; int i; for (i = low; i <= high; i++) { total += f(i); // (C will automatically dereference // a function pointer when we attempt to call it.) } return total; } � To compute a value defined by a recurrence,EXAMPLE 6.81 A “naturally recursive” problem gcd(a, b) (positive integers, a, b) ≡ ⎧⎨ ⎩ a if a = b gcd(a−b, b) if a > b
gcd(a, b−a) if b > a

recursion may seem more natural:

int gcd(int a, int b) {
/* assume a, b > 0 */
if (a == b) return a;
else if (a > b) return gcd(a-b, b);
else return gcd(a, b-a);

} �

In both these cases, the choice could go the other way:EXAMPLE 6.82
Implementing problems
“the other way” typedef int (*int_func) (int);

int summation(int_func f, int low, int high) {
/* assume low <= high */ if (low == high) return f(low); else return f(low) + summation(f, low+1, high); } 6.6 Recursion 279 int gcd(int a, int b) { /* assume a, b > 0 */
while (a != b) {

if (a > b) a = a-b;
else b = b-a;

return a;

} �

Tail Recursion

It is sometimes argued that iteration is more efficient than recursion. It is more
accurate to say that naive implementation of iteration is usually more efficient
than naive implementation of recursion. In the examples above, the iterative im-
plementations of summation and greatest divisors will be more efficient than the
recursive implementations if the latter make real subroutine calls that allocate
space on a run-time stack for local variables and bookkeeping information. An
“optimizing” compiler, however, particularly one designed for a functional lan-
guage, will often be able to generate excellent code for recursive functions. It
is particularly likely to do so for tail-recursive functions such as gcd above. A
tail-recursive function is one in which additional computation never follows a re-
cursive call: the return value is simply whatever the recursive call returns. For
such functions, dynamically allocated stack space is unnecessary: the compiler
can reuse the space belonging to the current iteration when it makes the recursive
call. In effect, a good compiler will recast the recursive gcd function above asEXAMPLE 6.83

Iterative implementation of
tail recursion


int gcd(int a, int b) {
/* assume a, b > 0 */

if (a == b) return a;
else if (a > b) {

a = a-b; goto start;
} else {

b = b-a; goto start;

} �

Even for functions that are not tail-recursive, automatic, often simple trans-
formations can produce tail-recursive code. The general case of the transforma-
tion employs conversion to what is known as continuation-passing style [FWH01,
Chaps. 7–8]. In effect, a recursive function can always avoid doing any work after
returning from a recursive call by passing that work into the recursive call, in the
form of a continuation.

Some specific transformations (not based on continuation passing) are often
employed by skilled users of functional languages. Consider, for example, theEXAMPLE 6.84

By-hand creation of
tail-recursive code

recursive summation function above, written here in Scheme:

280 Chapter 6 Control Flow

(define summation
(lambda (f low high)

(if (= low high)
(f low) ; then part
(+ (f low) (summation f (+ low 1) high))))) ; else part

Recall that Scheme, like all Lisp dialects, uses Cambridge Polish notation for ex-
pressions. The lambda keyword is used to introduce a function. As recursive calls
return, our code calculates the sum from “right to left”: from high down to low.
If the programmer (or compiler) recognizes that addition is associative, we can
rewrite the code in a tail-recursive form:

(define summation
(lambda (f low high subtotal)

(if (= low high)
(+ subtotal (f low))
(summation f (+ low 1) high (+ subtotal (f low))))))

Here the subtotal parameter accumulates the sum from left to right, passing it
into the recursive calls. Because it is tail recursive, this function can be translated
into machine code that does not allocate stack space for recursive calls. Of course,
the programmer won’t want to pass an explicit subtotal parameter to the initial
call, so we hide it (the parameter) in an auxiliary, “helper” function:

(define summation
(lambda (f low high)

(letrec ((sum-helper
(lambda (low subtotal)

(let ((new_subtotal (+ subtotal (f low))))
(if (= low high)

(sum-helper (+ low 1) new_subtotal))))))

(sum-helper low 0))))

The let construct in Scheme serves to introduce a nested scope in which local
names (e.g., new_subtotal) can be defined. The letrec construct permits the
definition of recursive functions (e.g., sum-helper). �

Thinking Recursively

Detractors of functional programming sometimes argue, incorrectly, that recur-
sion leads to algorithmically inferior programs. Fibonacci numbers, for example,EXAMPLE 6.85

Naive recursive Fibonacci

are defined by the mathematical recurrence

(non-negative integer n)


1 if n = 0 or n = 1
Fn−1 + Fn−2 otherwise

The naive way to implement this recurrence in Scheme is

6.6 Recursion 281

(define fib
(lambda (n)

(cond ((= n 0) 1)
((= n 1) 1)
(#t (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))))
; #t means ‘true’ in Scheme �

Unfortunately, this algorithm takes exponential time, when linear time is possi-
ble.9 In C, one might writeEXAMPLE 6.86

Linear iterative Fibonacci
function int fib(int n) {

int f1 = 1; int f2 = 1;
int i;
for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) { int temp = f1 + f2; f1 = f2; f2 = temp; } return f2; } � One can write this iterative algorithm in Scheme: the language includes (non- functional) iterative features. It is probably better, however, to draw inspirationEXAMPLE 6.87 Efficient tail-recursive Fibonacci function from the tail-recursive version of the summation example above, and write the following O(n) recursive function: (define fib (lambda (n) (letrec ((fib-helper (lambda (f1 f2 i) (if (= i n) f2 (fib-helper f2 (+ f1 f2) (+ i 1)))))) (fib-helper 0 1 0)))) For a programmer accustomed to writing in a functional style, this code is per- fectly natural. One might argue that it isn’t “really” recursive; it simply casts an iterative algorithm in a tail-recursive form, and this argument has some merit. Despite the algorithmic similarity, however, there is an important difference be- tween the iterative algorithm in C and the tail-recursive algorithm in Scheme: the latter has no side effects. Each recursive call of the fib-helper function creates a new scope, containing new variables. The language implementation may be able to reuse the space occupied by previous instances of the same scope, but it guarantees that this optimization will never introduce bugs. � 9 Actually, one can do substantially better than linear time using algorithms based on binary matrix multiplication or closest-integer rounding of continuous functions, but these approaches suffer from high constant-factor costs or problems with numeric precision. For most purposes the linear-time algorithm is a reasonable choice. 282 Chapter 6 Control Flow 6.6.2 Applicative- and Normal-Order Evaluation Throughout the discussion so far we have assumed implicitly that arguments are evaluated before passing them to a subroutine. This need not be the case. It is possible to pass a representation of the unevaluated arguments to the subroutine instead, and to evaluate them only when (if) the value is actually needed. The for- mer option (evaluating before the call) is known as applicative-order evaluation; the latter (evaluating only when the value is actually needed) is known as normal- order evaluation. Normal-order evaluation is what naturally occurs in macros (Section 3.7). It also occurs in short-circuit Boolean evaluation (Section 6.1.5), call-by-name parameters (to be discussed in Section 9.3.1), and certain functional languages (to be discussed in Section 11.5). Algol 60 uses normal-order evaluation by default for user-defined functions (applicative order is also available). This choice was presumably made to mimic the behavior of macros (Section 3.7). Most programmers in 1960 wrote mainly in assembler, and were accustomed to macro facilities. Because the parameter- passing mechanisms of Algol 60 are part of the language, rather than textual ab- breviations, problems like misinterpreted precedence or naming conflicts do not arise. Side effects, however, are still very much an issue. We will discuss Algol 60 parameters in more detail in Section 9.3.1. Lazy Evaluation From the points of view of clarity and efficiency, applicative-order evaluation is generally preferable to normal-order evaluation. It is therefore natural for it to be employed in most languages. In some circumstances, however, normal-order evaluation can actually lead to faster code, or to code that works when applicative- order evaluation would lead to a run-time error. In both cases, what matters is that normal-order evaluation will sometimes not evaluate an argument at all, if its value is never actually needed. Scheme provides for optional normal-order DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 6.10 Normal-order evaluation Normal-order evaluation is one of many examples we have seen where ar- guably desirable semantics have been dismissed by language designers because of fear of implementation cost. Other examples in this chapter include side- effect freedom (which allows normal order to be implemented via lazy evalu- ation), iterators (Section 6.5.3), and nondeterminacy (Section 6.7). As noted in Sidebar 6.2, however, there has been a tendency over time to trade a bit of speed for cleaner semantics and increased reliability. Within the functional programming community, Haskell and its predecessor Miranda are entirely side-effect free, and use normal-order (lazy) evaluation for all parameters. 6.7 Nondeterminacy 283 evaluation in the form of built-in functions called delay and force.10 These functions provide an implementation of lazy evaluation. In the absence of side effects, lazy evaluation has the same semantics as normal-order evaluation, but the implementation keeps track of which expressions have already been evaluated, so it can reuse their values if they are needed more than once in a given referencing environment. A delayed expression is sometimes called a promise. The mechanism used to keep track of which promises have already been evaluated is sometimes called memoization.11 Because applicative-order evaluation is the default in Scheme, the programmer must use special syntax not only to pass an unevaluated argument, but also to use it. In Algol 60, subroutine headers indicate which arguments are to be passed which way; the point of call and the uses of parameters within sub- routines look the same in either case. One important use of lazy evaluation is to create so-called infinite or lazy data structures, which are “fleshed out” on demand. The following example, adaptedEXAMPLE 6.88 Lazy evaluation of an infinite data structure from version 5 of the Scheme manual [KCR+98, p. 28], creates a “list” of all the natural numbers: (define naturals (letrec ((next (lambda (n) (cons n (delay (next (+ n 1))))))) (next 1))) (define head car) (define tail (lambda (stream) (force (cdr stream)))) Here cons can be thought of, roughly, as a concatenation operator. Car returns the head of a list; cdr returns everything but the head. Given these definitions, we can access as many natural numbers as we want: (head naturals) =⇒ 1 (head (tail naturals)) =⇒ 2 (head (tail (tail naturals))) =⇒ 3 The list will occupy only as much space as we have actually explored. More elab- orate lazy data structures (e.g., trees) can be valuable in combinatorial search problems, in which a clever algorithm may explore only the “interesting” parts of a potentially enormous search space. � 6.7 Nondeterminacy Our final category of control flow is nondeterminacy. A nondeterministic con- struct is one in which the choice between alternatives (i.e., between control paths) 10 More precisely, delay is a special form, rather than a function. Its argument is passed to it un- evaluated. 11 Within the functional programming community, the term “lazy evaluation” is often used for any implementation that declines to evaluate unneeded function parameters; this includes both naive implementations of normal-order evaluation and the memoizing mechanism described here. 284 Chapter 6 Control Flow is deliberately unspecified. We have already seen examples of nondeterminacy in the evaluation of expressions (Section 6.1.4): in most languages, operator or subroutine arguments may be evaluated in any order. Some languages, notably Algol 68 and various concurrent languages, provide more extensive nondetermin- istic mechanisms, which cover statements as well. IN MORE DEPTH Further discussion of nondeterminism can be found on the companion site. Ab- sent a nondeterministic construct, the author of a code fragment in which order does not matter must choose some arbitrary (artificial) order. Such a choice can make it more difficult to construct a formal correctness proof. Some language designers have also argued that it is inelegant. The most compelling uses for non- determinacy arise in concurrent programs, where imposing an arbitrary choice on the order in which a thread interacts with its peers may cause the system as a whole to deadlock. For such programs one may need to ensure that the choice among nondeterministic alternatives is fair in some formal sense. 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 39. What is a tail-recursive function? Why is tail recursion important? 40. Explain the difference between applicative- and normal-order evaluation of expressions. Under what circumstances is each desirable? 41. What is lazy evaluation? What are promises? What is memoization? 42. Give two reasons why lazy evaluation may be desirable. 43. Name a language in which parameters are always evaluated lazily. 44. Give two reasons why a programmer might sometimes want control flow to be nondeterministic. 6.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks In this chapter we introduced the principal forms of control flow found in pro- gramming languages: sequencing, selection, iteration, procedural abstraction, recursion, concurrency, exception handling and speculation, and nondetermi- nacy. Sequencing specifies that certain operations are to occur in order, one after the other. Selection expresses a choice among two or more control-flow alter- natives. Iteration and recursion are the two ways to execute operations repeat- edly. Recursion defines an operation in terms of simpler instances of itself; it depends on procedural abstraction. Iteration repeats an operation for its side 6.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks 285 effect(s). Sequencing and iteration are fundamental to imperative programming. Recursion is fundamental to functional programming. Nondeterminacy allows the programmer to leave certain aspects of control flow deliberately unspecified. We touched on concurrency only briefly; it will be the subject of Chapter 13. Procedural abstractions (subroutines) are the subject of Chapter 9. Exception handling and speculation will be covered in Sections 9.4 and 13.4.4. Our survey of control-flow mechanisms was preceded by a discussion of ex- pression evaluation. We considered the distinction between l-values and r-values, and between the value model of variables, in which a variable is a named con- tainer for data, and the reference model of variables, in which a variable is a ref- erence to a data object. We considered issues of precedence, associativity, and ordering within expressions. We examined short-circuit Boolean evaluation and its implementation via jump code, both as a semantic issue that affects the cor- rectness of expressions whose subparts are not always well defined, and as an implementation issue that affects the time required to evaluate complex Boolean expressions. In our survey we encountered many examples of control-flow constructs whose syntax and semantics have evolved considerably over time. An important early example was the phasing out of goto-based control flow and the emergence of a consensus on structured alternatives. While convenience and readability are difficult to quantify, most programmers would agree that the control-flow con- structs of a language like Ada are a dramatic improvement over those of, say, Fortran IV. Examples of features in Ada that are specifically designed to rectify control-flow problems in earlier languages include explicit terminators (end if, end loop, etc.) for structured constructs; elsif clauses; label ranges and default (others) clauses in case statements; implicit declaration of for loop indices as read-only local variables; explicit return statements; multilevel loop exit state- ments; and exceptions. The evolution of constructs has been driven by many goals, including ease of programming, semantic elegance, ease of implementation, and run-time ef- ficiency. In some cases these goals have proved complementary. We have seen for example that short-circuit evaluation leads both to faster code and (in many cases) to cleaner semantics. In a similar vein, the introduction of a new local scope for the index variable of an enumeration-controlled loop avoids both the semantic problem of the value of the index after the loop and (to some extent) the implementation problem of potential overflow. In other cases improvements in language semantics have been considered worth a small cost in run-time efficiency. We saw this in the development of iterators: like many forms of abstraction, they add a modest amount of run-time cost in many cases (e.g., in comparison to explicitly embedding the implementa- tion of the enumerated collection in the control flow of the loop), but with a large pay-back in modularity, clarity, and opportunities for code reuse. In a similar vein, the developers of Java would argue that for many applications the portabil- ity and safety provided by extensive semantic checking, standard-format numeric types, and so on are far more important than speed. 286 Chapter 6 Control Flow In several cases, advances in compiler technology or in the simple willingness of designers to build more complex compilers have made it possible to incorpo- rate features once considered too expensive. Label ranges in Ada case statements require that the compiler be prepared to generate code employing binary search. In-line functions in C++ eliminate the need to choose between the inefficiency of tiny functions and the messy semantics of macros. Exceptions (as we shall see in Section 9.4.3) can be implemented in such a way that they incur no cost in the common case (when they do not occur), but the implementation is quite tricky. Iterators, boxing, generics (Section 7.3.1), and first-class functions are likewise rather tricky, but are increasingly found in mainstream imperative languages. Some implementation techniques (e.g., rearranging expressions to uncover common subexpressions, or avoiding the evaluation of guards in a nondeter- ministic construct once an acceptable choice has been found) are sufficiently im- portant to justify a modest burden on the programmer (e.g., adding parentheses where necessary to avoid overflow or ensure numeric stability, or ensuring that expressions in guards are side-effect-free). Other semantically useful mechanisms (e.g., lazy evaluation, continuations, or truly random nondeterminacy) are usu- ally considered complex or expensive enough to be worthwhile only in special circumstances (if at all). In comparatively primitive languages, we can often obtain some of the benefits of missing features through programming conventions. In early dialects of For- tran, for example, we can limit the use of gotos to patterns that mimic the control flow of more modern languages. In languages without short-circuit evaluation, we can write nested selection statements. In languages without iterators, we can write sets of subroutines that provide equivalent functionality. 6.9 Exercises 6.1 We noted in Section 6.1.1 that most binary arithmetic operators are left- associative in most programming languages. In Section 6.1.4, however, we also noted that most compilers are free to evaluate the operands of a binary operator in either order. Are these statements contradictory? Why or why not? 6.2 As noted in Figure 6.1, Fortran and Pascal give unary and binary minus the same level of precedence. Is this likely to lead to nonintuitive evaluations of certain expressions? Why or why not? 6.3 In Example 6.9 we described a common error in Pascal programs caused by the fact that and and or have precedence comparable to that of the arith- metic operators. Show how a similar problem can arise in the stream-based I/O of C++ (described in Section C 8.7.3). (Hint: Consider the precedence of << and >>, and the operators that appear below them in the C column of
Figure 6.1.)

6.4 Translate the following expression into postfix and prefix notation:

6.9 Exercises 287

[−b + sqrt(b × b− 4× a× c)]/(2 × a)

Do you need a special symbol for unary negation?

6.5 In Lisp, most of the arithmetic operators are defined to take two or more
arguments, rather than strictly two. Thus (* 2 3 4 5) evaluates to 120,
and (- 16 9 4) evaluates to 3. Show that parentheses are necessary to dis-
ambiguate arithmetic expressions in Lisp (in other words, give an example
of an expression whose meaning is unclear when parentheses are removed).

In Section 6.1.1 we claimed that issues of precedence and associativity do
not arise with prefix or postfix notation. Reword this claim to make explicit
the hidden assumption.

6.6 Example 6.33 claims that “For certain values of x, (0.1 + x) * 10.0 and
1.0 + (x * 10.0) can differ by as much as 25%, even when 0.1 and x
are of the same magnitude.” Verify this claim. (Warning: If you’re us-
ing an x86 processor, be aware that floating-point calculations [even on
single-precision variables] are performed internally with 80 bits of preci-
sion. Roundoff errors will appear only when intermediate results are stored
out to memory [with limited precision] and read back in again.)

6.7 Is &(&i) ever valid in C? Explain.
6.8 Languages that employ a reference model of variables also tend to employ

automatic garbage collection. Is this more than a coincidence? Explain.

6.9 In Section 6.1.2 (“Orthogonality”), we noted that C uses = for assignment
and == for equality testing. The language designers state: “Since assignment
is about twice as frequent as equality testing in typical C programs, it’s ap-
propriate that the operator be half as long” [KR88, p. 17]. What do you
think of this rationale?

6.10 Consider a language implementation in which we wish to catch every use of
an uninitialized variable. In Section 6.1.3 we noted that for types in which
every possible bit pattern represents a valid value, extra space must be used
to hold an initialized/uninitialized flag. Dynamic checks in such a system
can be expensive, largely because of the address calculations needed to ac-
cess the flags. We can reduce the cost in the common case by having the
compiler generate code to automatically initialize every variable with a dis-
tinguished sentinel value. If at some point we find that a variable’s value is
different from the sentinel, then that variable must have been initialized. If
its value is the sentinel, we must double-check the flag. Describe a plausible
allocation strategy for initialization flags, and show the assembly language
sequences that would be required for dynamic checks, with and without the
use of sentinels.

6.11 Write an attribute grammar, based on the following context-free grammar,
that accumulates jump code for Boolean expressions (with short-circuiting)

288 Chapter 6 Control Flow

into a synthesized attribute code of condition, and then uses this attribute
to generate code for if statements.

stmt −→ if condition then stmt else stmt
−→ other stmt

condition −→ c term | condition or c term
c term −→ c factor | c term and c factor
c factor −→ ident relation ident | ( condition ) | not ( condition )
relation −→ < | <= | = | <> | > | >=

You may assume that the code attribute has already been initialized for
other stmt and ident nodes. (For hints, see Fischer et al.’s compiler
book [FCL10, Sec. 14.1.4].)

6.12 Describe a plausible scenario in which a programmer might wish to avoid
short-circuit evaluation of a Boolean expression.

6.13 Neither Algol 60 nor Algol 68 employs short-circuit evaluation for Boolean
expressions. In both languages, however, an if. . . then . . . else construct
can be used as an expression. Show how to use if. . . then . . . else to
achieve the effect of short-circuit evaluation.

6.14 Consider the following expression in C: a/b > 0 && b/a > 0. What will
be the result of evaluating this expression when a is zero? What will be the
result when b is zero? Would it make sense to try to design a language in
which this expression is guaranteed to evaluate to false when either a or
b (but not both) is zero? Explain your answer.

6.15 As noted in Section 6.4.2, languages vary in how they handle the situation
in which the controlling expression in a case statement does not appear
among the labels on the arms. C and Fortran 90 say the statement has no
effect. Pascal and Modula say it results in a dynamic semantic error. Ada
says that the labels must cover all possible values for the type of the expres-
sion, so the question of a missing value can never arise at run time. What
are the tradeoffs among these alternatives? Which do you prefer? Why?

6.16 The equivalence of for and while loops, mentioned in Example 6.64, is
not precise. Give an example in which it breaks down. Hint: think about
the continue statement.

6.17 Write the equivalent of Figure 6.5 in C# or Ruby. Write a second version
that performs an in-order enumeration, rather than preorder.

6.18 Revise the algorithm of Figure 6.6 so that it performs an in-order enumera-
tion, rather than preorder.

6.19 Write a C++ preorder iterator to supply tree nodes to the loop in Exam-
ple 6.69. You will need to know (or learn) how to use pointers, references,
inner classes, and operator overloading in C++. For the sake of (relative)
simplicity, you may assume that the data in a tree node is always an int;
this will save you the need to use generics. You may want to use the stack
abstraction from the C++ standard library.

6.9 Exercises 289

6.20 Write code for the tree_iter type (struct) and the ti_create, ti_done,
ti_next, ti_val, and ti_delete functions employed in Example 6.73.

6.21 Write, in C#, Python, or Ruby, an iterator that yields
(a) all permutations of the integers 1 . . n
(b) all combinations of k integers from the range 1 . .n (0 ≤ k ≤ n).
You may represent your permutations and combinations using either a list
or an array.

6.22 Use iterators to construct a program that outputs (in some order) all struc-
turally distinct binary trees of n nodes. Two trees are considered structurally
distinct if they have different numbers of nodes or if their left or right sub-
trees are structurally distinct. There are, for example, five structurally dis-
tinct trees of three nodes:

These are most easily output in “dotted parenthesized form”:


(Hint: Think recursively! If you need help, see Section 2.2 of the text by
Finkel [Fin96].)

6.23 Build true iterators in Java using threads. (This requires knowledge of ma-
terial in Chapter 13.) Make your solution as clean and as general as possible.
In particular, you should provide the standard Iterator or IEnumerable
interface, for use with extended for loops, but the programmer should not
have to write these. Instead, he or she should write a class with an Iterate
method, which should in turn be able to call a Yield method, which you
should also provide. Evaluate the cost of your solution. How much more
expensive is it than standard Java iterator objects?

6.24 In an expression-oriented language such as Algol 68 or Lisp, a while loop (a
do loop in Lisp) has a value as an expression. How do you think this value
should be determined? (How is it determined in Algol 68 and Lisp?) Is
the value a useless artifact of expression orientation, or are there reasonable
programs in which it might actually be used? What do you think should
happen if the condition on the loop is such that the body is never executed?

6.25 Consider a mid-test loop, here written in C, that looks for blank lines in its

290 Chapter 6 Control Flow

for (;;) {
line = read_line();
if (all_blanks(line)) break;


Show how you might accomplish the same task using a while or do
(repeat) loop, if mid-test loops were not available. (Hint: One alterna-
tive duplicates part of the code; another introduces a Boolean flag variable.)
How do these alternatives compare to the mid-test version?

6.26 Rubin [Rub87] used the following example (rewritten here in C) to argue
in favor of a goto statement:

int first_zero_row = -1; /* none */
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (A[i][j]) goto next; } first_zero_row = i; break; next: ; } The intent of the code is to find the first all-zero row, if any, of an n × n matrix. Do you find the example convincing? Is there a good structured alternative in C? In any language? 6.27 Bentley [Ben00, Chap. 4] provides the following informal description of binary search: We are to determine whether the sorted array X[1..N] contains the element T. . . . Binary search solves the problem by keeping track of a range within the array in which T must be if it is anywhere in the array. Initially, the range is the entire array. The range is shrunk by comparing its middle element to T and discarding half the range. The process continues until T is discovered in the array or until the range in which it must lie is known to be empty. Write code for binary search in your favorite imperative programming lan- guage. What loop construct(s) did you find to be most useful? NB: when he asked more than a hundred professional programmers to solve this prob- lem, Bentley found that only about 10% got it right the first time, without testing. 6.28 A loop invariant is a condition that is guaranteed to be true at a given point within the body of a loop on every iteration. Loop invariants play a major role in axiomatic semantics, a formal reasoning system used to prove prop- erties of programs. In a less formal way, programmers who identify (and write down!) the invariants for their loops are more likely to write correct code. Show the loop invariant(s) for your solution to the preceding exercise. 6.9 Exercises 291 (Hint: You will find the distinction between < and ≤ [or between > and ≥]
to be crucial.)

6.29 If you have taken a course in automata theory or recursive function theory,
explain why while loops are strictly more powerful than for loops. (If you
haven’t had such a course, skip this question!) Note that we’re referring here
to Ada-style for loops, not C-style.

6.30 Show how to calculate the number of iterations of a general Fortran 90-
style do loop. Your code should be written in an assembler-like notation,
and should be guaranteed to work for all valid bounds and step sizes. Be
careful of overflow! (Hint: While the bounds and step size of the loop can
be either positive or negative, you can safely use an unsigned integer for the
iteration count.)

6.31 Write a tail-recursive function in Scheme or ML to compute n factorial
(n! =

1≤i≤n i = 1 × 2 × · · · × n). (Hint: You will probably want to

define a “helper” function, as discussed in Section 6.6.1.)

6.32 Is it possible to write a tail-recursive version of the classic quicksort algo-
rithm? Why or why not?

6.33 Give an example in C in which an in-line subroutine may be significantly
faster than a functionally equivalent macro. Give another example in which
the macro is likely to be faster. (Hint: Think about applicative vs normal-
order evaluation of arguments.)

6.34 Use lazy evaluation (delay and force) to implement iterator objects in
Scheme. More specifically, let an iterator be either the null list or a pair
consisting of an element and a promise which when forced will return an
iterator. Give code for an uptoby function that returns an iterator, and a
for-iter function that accepts as arguments a one-argument function and
an iterator. These should allow you to evaluate such expressions as

(for-iter (lambda (e) (display e) (newline)) (uptoby 10 50 3))

Note that unlike the standard Scheme for-each, for-iter should not re-
quire the existence of a list containing the elements over which to iterate;
the intrinsic space required for (for-iter f (uptoby 1 n 1)) should be
only O(1), rather than O(n).

6.35 (Difficult) Use call-with-current-continuation (call/cc) to imple-
ment the following structured nonlocal control transfers in Scheme. (This
requires knowledge of material in Chapter 11.) You will probably want to
consult a Scheme manual for documentation not only on call/cc, but on
define-syntax and dynamic-wind as well.

(a) Multilevel returns. Model your syntax after the catch and throw of
Common Lisp.

(b) True iterators. In a style reminiscent of Exercise 6.34, let an iterator be a
function which when call/cc-ed will return either a null list or a pair

292 Chapter 6 Control Flow

consisting of an element and an iterator. As in that previous exercise,
your implementation should support expressions like

(for-iter (lambda (e) (display e) (newline)) (uptoby 10 50 3))

Where the implementation of uptoby in Exercise 6.34 required the use
of delay and force, however, you should provide an iterator macro
(a Scheme special form) and a yield function that allows uptoby to
look like an ordinary tail-recursive function with an embedded yield:

(define uptoby
(iterator (low high step)

(letrec ((helper (lambda (next)
(if (> next high) ‘()

(begin ; else clause
(yield next)
(helper (+ next step)))))))

(helper low))))

6.36–6.40 In More Depth.

6.10 Explorations
6.41 Loop unrolling (described in Exercise C 5.21 and Section C 17.7.1) is a code

transformation that replicates the body of a loop and reduces the number
of iterations, thereby decreasing loop overhead and increasing opportuni-
ties to improve the performance of the processor pipeline by reordering in-
structions. Unrolling is traditionally implemented by the code improve-
ment phase of a compiler. It can be implemented at source level, however, if
we are faced with the prospect of “hand optimizing” time-critical code on a
system whose compiler is not up to the task. Unfortunately, if we replicate
the body of a loop k times, we must deal with the possibility that the original
number of loop iterations, n, may not be a multiple of k. Writing in C, and
letting k = 4, we might transform the main loop of Exercise C 5.21 from

i = 0;
do {

sum += A[i]; squares += A[i] * A[i]; i++;
} while (i < N); to 6.10 Explorations 293 i = 0; j = N/4; do { sum += A[i]; squares += A[i] * A[i]; i++; sum += A[i]; squares += A[i] * A[i]; i++; sum += A[i]; squares += A[i] * A[i]; i++; sum += A[i]; squares += A[i] * A[i]; i++; } while (--j > 0);
do {

sum += A[i]; squares += A[i] * A[i]; i++;
} while (i < N); In 1983, Tom Duff of Lucasfilm realized that code of this sort can be “simplified” in C by interleaving a switch statement and a loop. The result is rather startling, but perfectly valid C. It’s known in programming folklore as “Duff ’s device”: i = 0; j = (N+3)/4; switch (N%4) { case 0: do{ sum += A[i]; squares += A[i] * A[i]; i++; case 3: sum += A[i]; squares += A[i] * A[i]; i++; case 2: sum += A[i]; squares += A[i] * A[i]; i++; case 1: sum += A[i]; squares += A[i] * A[i]; i++; } while (--j > 0);

Duff announced his discovery with “a combination of pride and revulsion.”
He noted that “Many people. . . have said that the worst feature of C is that
switches don’t break automatically before each case label. This code
forms some sort of argument in that debate, but I’m not sure whether it’s
for or against.” What do you think? Is it reasonable to interleave a loop
and a switch in this way? Should a programming language permit it? Is
automatic fall-through ever a good idea?

6.42 Using your favorite language and compiler, investigate the order of evalu-
ation of subroutine parameters. Are they usually evaluated left-to-right or
right-to-left? Are they ever evaluated in the other order? (Can you be sure?)
Write a program in which the order makes a difference in the results of the

6.43 Consider the different approaches to arithmetic overflow adopted by Pascal,
C, Java, C#, and Common Lisp, as described in Section 6.1.4. Speculate
as to the differences in language design goals that might have caused the
designers to adopt the approaches they did.

6.44 Learn more about container classes and the design patterns (structured pro-
gramming idioms) they support. Explore the similarities and differences
among the standard container libraries of C++, Java, and C#. Which of
these libraries do you find the most appealing? Why?

294 Chapter 6 Control Flow

6.45 In Examples 6.43 and 6.72 we suggested that a Ruby proc (a block, passed
to a function as an implicit extra argument) was “roughly” equivalent to
a lambda expression. As it turns out, Ruby has both procs and lambda
expressions, and they’re almost—but not quite—the same. Learn about the
details, and the history of their development. In what situations will a proc
and a lambda behave differently, and why?

6.46 One of the most popular idioms for large-scale systems is the so-called vis-
itor pattern. It has several uses, one of which resembles the “iterating with
first-class functions” idiom of Examples 6.70 and 6.71. Briefly, elements
of a container class provide an accept method that expects as argument
an object that implements the visitor interface. This interface in turn has
a method named visit that expects an argument of element type. To iter-
ate over a collection, we implement the “loop body” in the visit method of
a visitor object. This object constitutes a closure of the sort described in
Section 3.6.3. Any information that visit needs (beyond the identify of the
“loop index” element) can be encapsulated in the object’s fields. An itera-
tor method for the collection passes the visitor object to the accept method
of each element. Each element in turn calls the visit method of the visitor
object, passing itself as argument.

Learn more about the visitor pattern. Use it to implement iterators for a
collection—preorder, inorder, and postorder traversals of a binary tree, for
example. How do visitors compare with equivalent iterator-based code? Do
they add new functionality? What else are visitors good for, in addition to

6.47–6.50 In More Depth.

6.11 Bibliographic Notes
Many of the issues discussed in this chapter feature prominently in papers on
the history of programming languages. Pointers to several such papers can be
found in the Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 1. Fifteen papers comparing Ada,
C, and Pascal can be found in the collection edited by Feuer and Gehani [FG84].
References for individual languages can be found in Appendix A.

Niklaus Wirth has been responsible for a series of influential languages over a
30-year period, including Pascal [Wir71], its predecessor Algol W [WH66], and
the successors Modula [Wir77b], Modula-2 [Wir85b], and Oberon [Wir88b].
The case statement of Algol W is due to Hoare [Hoa81]. Bernstein [Ber85]
considers a variety of alternative implementations for case, including multi-
level versions appropriate for label sets consisting of several dense “clusters” of
values. Guarded commands (Section C 6.7) are due to Dijkstra [Dij75]. Duff ’s
device (Exploration 6.41) was originally posted to netnews, an early on-line dis-
cussion group system, in May of 1984. The original posting appears to have been

6.11 Bibliographic Notes 295

lost, but Duff ’s commentary on it can be found at many Internet sites, including

Debate over the supposed merits or evils of the goto statement dates from at
least the early 1960s, but became a good bit more heated in the wake of a 1968
article by Dijkstra (“Go To Statement Considered Harmful” [Dij68b]). The struc-
tured programming movement of the 1970s took its name from the text of Dahl,
Dijkstra, and Hoare [DDH72]. A dissenting letter by Rubin in 1987 (“ ‘GOTO
Considered Harmful’ Considered Harmful” [Rub87]; Exercise 6.26) elicited a
flurry of responses.

What has been called the “reference model of variables” in this chapter is called
the “object model” in Clu; Liskov and Guttag describe it in Sections 2.3 and 2.4.2
of their text on abstraction and specification [LG86]. Clu iterators are described
in an article by Liskov et al. [LSAS77], and in Chapter 6 of the Liskov and Guttag
text. Icon generators are discussed in Chapters 11 and 14 of the text by Gris-
wold and Griswold [GG96]. Ruby blocks, procs, and iterators are discussed in
Chapter 4 of the text by Thomas et al. [TFH13]. The tree-enumeration algo-
rithm of Exercise 6.22 was originally presented (without iterators) by Solomon
and Finkel [SF80].

Several texts discuss the use of invariants (Exercise 6.28) as a tool for writing
correct programs. Particularly noteworthy are the works of Dijkstra [Dij76] and
Gries [Gri81]. Kernighan and Plauger provide a more informal discussion of the
art of writing good programs [KP78].

The Blizzard [SFL+94] and Shasta [SG96] systems for software distributed
shared memory (S-DSM) make use of sentinels (Exercise 6.10). We will discuss
S-DSM in Section 13.2.1.

Michaelson [Mic89, Chap. 8] provides an accessible formal treatment of
applicative-order, normal-order, and lazy evaluation. The concept of memoiza-
tion is originally due to Michie [Mic68]. Friedman, Wand, and Haynes provide
an excellent discussion of continuation-passing style [FWH01, Chaps. 7–8].

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7Type Systems
Most programming languages include a notion of type for expressions
and/or objects.1 Types serve several important purposes:

1. Types provide implicit context for many operations, so that the programmer
does not have to specify that context explicitly. In C, for instance, the expres-EXAMPLE 7.1

Operations that leverage
type information

sion a + b will use integer addition if a and b are of integer (int) type; it
will use floating-point addition if a and b are of floating-point (double or
float) type. Similarly, the operation new p in Pascal, where p is a pointer,
will allocate a block of storage from the heap that is the right size to hold an
object of the type pointed to by p; the programmer does not have to specify
(or even know) this size. In C++, Java, and C#, the operation new my_type()
not only allocates (and returns a pointer to) a block of storage sized for an ob-
ject of type my_type; it also automatically calls any user-defined initialization
(constructor) function that has been associated with that type. �

2. Types limit the set of operations that may be performed in a semantically validEXAMPLE 7.2
Errors captured by type

program. They prevent the programmer from adding a character and a record,
for example, or from taking the arctangent of a set, or passing a file as a param-
eter to a subroutine that expects an integer. While no type system can promise
to catch every nonsensical operation that a programmer might put into a pro-
gram by mistake, good type systems catch enough mistakes to be highly valu-
able in practice. �

3. If types are specified explicitly in the source program (as they are in many
but not all languages), they can often make the program easier to read and
understand. In effect, they serve as stylized documentation, whose correctness
is checked by the compiler. (On the flip side, the need for this documentation
can sometimes make the program harder to write.)

4. If types are known at compile time (either because the programmer specifies
them explicitly or because the compiler is able to infer them), they can be used

1 Recall that unless otherwise noted we are using the term “object” informally to refer to anything
that might have a name. Object-oriented languages, which we will study in Chapter 10, assign a
narrower, more formal, meaning to the term.


298 Chapter 7 Type Systems

to drive important performance optimizations. As a simple example, recall theEXAMPLE 7.3
Types as a source of “may
alias” information

concept of aliases, introduced in Section 3.5.1, and discussed in Sidebar 3.7.
If a program performs an assignment through a pointer, the compiler may be
able to infer that objects of unrelated types cannot possibly be affected; their
values can safely remain in registers, even if loaded prior to the assignment. �

Section 7.1 looks more closely at the meaning and purpose of types. It presents
some basic definitions, and introduces the notions of polymorphism and orthog-
onality. Section 7.2 takes a closer look at type checking; in particular, it considers
type equivalence (when can we say that two types are the same?), type compatibility
(when can we use a value of a given type in a given context?), and type inference
(how do we deduce the type of an expression from the types of its components
and that of the surrounding context?).

As an example of both polymorphism and sophisticated inference, Sec-
tion 7.2.4 surveys the type system of ML, which combines, to a large extent, the
efficiency and early error reporting of compilation with the convenience and flex-
ibility of interpretation. We continue the study of polymorphism in Section 7.3,
with a particular emphasis on generics, which allow a body of code to be param-
eterized explicitly for multiple types. Finally, in Section 7.4, we consider what
it means to compare two complex objects for equality, or to assign one into the
other. In Chapter 8 we will consider syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic issues
for some of the most important composite types: records, arrays, strings, sets,
pointers, lists, and files.

7.1 Overview
Computer hardware can interpret bits in memory in several different ways: as in-
structions, addresses, characters, and integer and floating-point numbers of var-
ious lengths. The bits themselves, however, are untyped: the hardware on most
machines makes no attempt to keep track of which interpretations correspond to
which locations in memory. Assembly languages reflect this lack of typing: op-
erations of any kind can be applied to values in arbitrary locations. High-level
languages, by contrast, almost always associate types with values, to provide the
contextual information and error checking alluded to above.

Informally, a type system consists of (1) a mechanism to define types and asso-
ciate them with certain language constructs, and (2) a set of rules for type equiv-
alence, type compatibility, and type inference. The constructs that must have types
are precisely those that have values, or that can refer to objects that have val-
ues. These constructs include named constants, variables, record fields, param-
eters, and sometimes subroutines; literal constants (e.g., 17, 3.14, “foo”); and
more complicated expressions containing these. Type equivalence rules deter-
mine when the types of two values are the same. Type compatibility rules deter-
mine when a value of a given type can be used in a given context. Type inference
rules define the type of an expression based on the types of its constituent parts or

7.1 Overview 299

(sometimes) the surrounding context. In a language with polymorphic variables
or parameters, it may be important to distinguish between the type of a reference
or pointer and the type of the object to which it refers: a given name may refer to
objects of different types at different times.

Subroutines are considered to have types in some languages, but not in others.
Subroutines need to have types if they are first- or second-class values (i.e., if they
can be passed as parameters, returned by functions, or stored in variables). In
each of these cases there is a construct in the language whose value is a dynami-
cally determined subroutine; type information allows the language to limit the set
of acceptable values to those that provide a particular subroutine interface (i.e.,
particular numbers and types of parameters). In a statically scoped language that
never creates references to subroutines dynamically (one in which subroutines
are always third-class values), the compiler can always identify the subroutine to
which a name refers, and can ensure that the routine is called correctly without
necessarily employing a formal notion of subroutine types.

Type checking is the process of ensuring that a program obeys the language’s
type compatibility rules. A violation of the rules is known as a type clash. A
language is said to be strongly typed if it prohibits, in a way that the language
implementation can enforce, the application of any operation to any object that
is not intended to support that operation. A language is said to be statically typed
if it is strongly typed and type checking can be performed at compile time. In the
strictest sense of the term, few languages are statically typed. In practice, the term
is often applied to languages in which most type checking can be performed at
compile time, and the rest can be performed at run time.

Since the mid 1970s, most newly developed languages have tended to be
strongly (though not necessarily statically) typed. Interestingly, C has become
more strongly typed with each successive version of the language, though various
loopholes remain; these include unions, nonconverting type casts, subroutines
with variable numbers of parameters, and the interoperability of pointers and
arrays (to be discussed in Section 8.5.1). Implementations of C rarely check any-
thing at run time.


7.1 Systems programming
The standard argument against complete type safety in C is that systems pro-
grams need to be able to “break” types on occasion. Consider, for example,
the code that implements dynamic memory management (e.g., malloc and
free). This code must interpret the same bytes, at different times, as unal-
located space, metadata, or (parts of) user-defined data structures. “By fiat”
conversions between types are inescapable. Such conversions need not, how-
ever, be subtle. Largely in reaction to experience with C, the designers of C#
chose to permit operations that break the type system only within blocks of
code that have been explicitly labeled unsafe.

300 Chapter 7 Type Systems

Dynamic (run-time) type checking can be seen as a form of late binding, and
tends to be found in languages that delay other issues until run time as well. Static
typing is thus the norm in languages intended for performance; dynamic typing is
more common in languages intended for ease of programming. Lisp and Small-
talk are dynamically (though strongly) typed. Most scripting languages are also
dynamically typed; some (e.g., Python and Ruby) are strongly typed. Languages
with dynamic scoping are generally dynamically typed (or not typed at all): if the
compiler can’t identify the object to which a name refers, it usually can’t deter-
mine the type of the object either.

7.1.1 The Meaning of “Type”

While every programmer has at least an informal notion of what is meant by
“type,” that notion can be formalized in several different ways. Three of the most
popular are what we might call the denotational, structural, and abstraction-based
points of view. From the denotational point of view, a type is simply a set of val-
ues. A value has a given type if it belongs to the set; an object has a given type if
its value is guaranteed to be in the set. From the structural point of view, a type
is either one of a small collection of built-in types (integer, character, Boolean,
real, etc.; also called primitive or predefined types), or a composite type created by


7.2 Dynamic typing
The growing popularity of scripting languages has led a number of promi-
nent software developers to publicly question the value of static typing. They
ask: given that we can’t check everything at compile time, how much pain is it
worth to check the things we can? As a general rule, it is easier to write type-
correct code than to prove that we have done so, and static typing requires
such proofs. As type systems become more complex (due to object orienta-
tion, generics, etc.), the complexity of static typing increases correspondingly.

Anyone who has written extensively in Ada or C++ on the one hand, and in
Python or Scheme on the other, cannot help but be struck at how much easier
it is to write code, at least for modest-sized programs, without complex type
declarations. Dynamic checking incurs some run-time overhead, of course,
and may delay the discovery of bugs, but this is increasingly seen as insignifi-
cant in comparison to the potential increase in human productivity. An inter-
mediate position, epitomized by the ML family of languages but increasingly
adopted (in limited form) by others, retains the requirement that types be stat-
ically known, but relies on the compiler to infer them automatically, without
the need for some (or—in the case of ML—most) explicit declarations. We
will discuss this topic more in Section 7.2.3. Static and dynamic typing and
the role of inference promise to provide some of the most interesting language
debates of the coming decade.

7.1 Overview 301

applying a type constructor (record, array, set, etc.) to one or more simpler
types. (This use of the term “constructor” is unrelated to the initialization func-
tions of object-oriented languages. It also differs in a more subtle way from the
use of the term in ML.) From the abstraction-based point of view, a type is an in-
terface consisting of a set of operations with well-defined and mutually consistent
semantics. For both programmers and language designers, types may also reflect
a mixture of these viewpoints.

In denotational semantics (one of several ways to formalize the meaning of
programs), a set of values is known as a domain. Types are domains, and the
meaning of an expression is a value from the domain that represents the expres-
sion’s type. Some domains—the integers, for example—are simple and familiar.
Others are more complex. An array can be thought of as a value from a domain
whose elements are functions; each of these functions maps values from some fi-
nite index type (typically a subset of the integers) to values of some other element
type. As it turns out, denotational semantics can associate a type with everything
in a program—even statements with side effects. The meaning of an assignment
statement is a value from a domain of higher-level functions, each of whose ele-
ments maps a store—a mapping from names to values that represents the current
contents of memory—to another store, which represents the contents of memory
after the assignment.

One of the nice things about the denotational view of types is that it allows us
in many cases to describe user-defined composite types (records, arrays, etc.) in
terms of mathematical operations on sets. We will allude to these operations again
under “Composite Types” in Section 7.1.4. Because it is based on mathematical
objects, the denotational view of types usually ignores such implementation is-
sues as limited precision and word length. This limitation is less serious than it
might at first appear: Checks for such errors as arithmetic overflow are usually
implemented outside of the type system of a language anyway. They result in a
run-time error, but this error is not called a type clash.

When a programmer defines an enumerated type (e.g., enum hue {red,
green, blue} in C), he or she certainly thinks of this type as a set of values.
For other varieties of user-defined type, this denotational view may not be as nat-
ural. Instead, the programmer may think in terms of the way the type is built
from simpler types, or in terms of its meaning or purpose. These ways of think-
ing reflect the structural and abstraction-based points of view, respectively. The
structural point of view was pioneered by Algol W and Algol 68, and is character-
istic of many languages designed in the 1970s and 1980s. The abstraction-based
point of view was pioneered by Simula-67 and Smalltalk, and is characteristic of
modern object-oriented languages; it can also be found in the module constructs
of various other languages, and it can be adopted as a matter of programming
discipline in almost any language. We will consider the structural point of view
in more detail in Chapter 8, and the abstraction-based in Chapter 10.

302 Chapter 7 Type Systems

7.1.2 Polymorphism

Polymorphism, which we mentioned briefly in Section 3.5.2, takes its name from
the Greek, and means “having multiple forms.” It applies to code—both data
structures and subroutines—that is designed to work with values of multiple
types. To maintain correctness, the types must generally have certain characteris-
tics in common, and the code must not depend on any other characteristics. The
commonality is usually captured in one of two main ways. In parametric poly-
morphism the code takes a type (or set of types) as a parameter, either explicitly
or implicitly. In subtype polymorphism, the code is designed to work with values
of some specific type T, but the programmer can define additional types to be
extensions or refinements of T, and the code will work with these subtypes as well.

Explicit parametric polymorphism, also known as generics (or templates in
C++), typically appears in statically typed languages, and is usually implemented
at compile time. The implicit version can also be implemented at compile time—
specifically, in ML-family languages; more commonly, it is paired with dynamic
typing, and the checking occurs at run time.

Subtype polymorphism appears primarily in object-oriented languages. With
static typing, most of the work required to deal with multiple types can be per-
formed at compile time: the principal run-time cost is an extra level of indirection
on method invocations. Most languages that envision such an implementation,
including C++, Eiffel, OCaml, Java, and C#, provide a separate mechanism for
generics, also checked mainly at compile time. The combination of subtype and
parametric polymorphism is particularly useful for container (collection) classes
such as “list of T” (List) or “stack of T” (Stack), where T is initially
unspecified, and can be instantiated later as almost any type.

By contrast, dynamically typed object-oriented languages, including Smalltalk,
Python, and Ruby, generally use a single mechanism for both parametric and sub-
type polymorphism, with checking delayed until run time. A unified mechanism
also appears in Objective-C, which provides dynamically typed objects on top of
otherwise static typing.

We will consider parametric polymorphism in more detail in Section 7.3, after
our coverage of typing in ML. Subtype polymorphism will largely be deferred to
Chapter 10, which covers object orientation, and to Section 14.4.4, which focuses
on objects in scripting languages.

7.1.3 Orthogonality

In Section 6.1.2 we discussed the importance of orthogonality in the design of
expressions, statements, and control-flow constructs. In a highly orthogonal lan-
guage, these features can be used, with consistent behavior, in almost any com-
bination. Orthogonality is equally important in type system design. A highly or-
thogonal language tends to be easier to understand, to use, and to reason about in

7.1 Overview 303

a formal way. We have noted that languages like Algol 68 and C enhance orthog-
onality by eliminating (or at least blurring) the distinction between statements
and expressions. To characterize a statement that is executed for its side effect(s),
and that has no useful values, some languages provide a trivial type with a single
value. In C and Algol 68, for example, a subroutine that is meant to be used as aEXAMPLE 7.4

void (trivial) type procedure is generally declared with a return type of void. In ML, the trivial type
is called unit. If the programmer wishes to call a subroutine that does return a
value, but the value is not needed in this particular case (all that matters is the
side effect[s]), then the return value in C can be discarded by “casting” it to void:

foo_index = insert_in_symbol_table(foo);

(void) insert_in_symbol_table(bar); /* don’t care where it went */

/* cast is optional; implied if omitted */ �

In a language (e.g., Pascal) without a trivial type, the latter of these two calls wouldEXAMPLE 7.5
Making do without void need to use a dummy variable:

var dummy : symbol_table_index;

dummy := insert_in_symbol_table(bar); �

As another example of orthogonality, consider the common need to “erase” the
value of a variable—to indicate that it does not hold a valid value of its type. For
pointer types, we can often use the value null. For enumerations, we can add an
extra “none of the above” alternative to the set of possible values. But these two
techniques are very different, and they don’t generalize to types that already make
use of all available bit patterns in the underlying implementation.

To address the need for “none of the above” in a more orthogonal way, manyEXAMPLE 7.6
Option types in OCaml functional languages—and some imperative languages as well—provide a special

type constructor, often called Option or Maybe. In OCaml, we can write

let divide n d : float option = (* n and d are parameters *)
match d with (* “float option” is the return type *)
| 0. -> None
| _ -> Some (n /. d);; (* underscore means “anything else” *)

let show v : string =
match v with
| None -> “??”
| Some x -> string_of_float x;;

Here function divide returns None if asked to divide by zero; otherwise it returns
Some x, where x is the desired quotient. Function show returns either “??” or
the string representation of x, depending on whether parameter v is None or
Some x. �

304 Chapter 7 Type Systems

Option types appear in a variety of other languages, including Haskell (which
calls them Maybe), Scala, C#, Swift, and (as generic library classes) Java and C++.
In the interest of brevity, C# and Swift use a trailing question mark instead of theEXAMPLE 7.7

Option types in Swift option constructor. Here is the previous example, rewritten in Swift:

func divide(n : Double, d : Double) -> Double? {
if d == 0 { return nil }
return n / d


func show(v : Double?) -> String {
if v == nil { return “??” }
return “\(v!)” // interpolate v into string


With these definitions, show(divide(3.0, 4.0)) will evaluate to “0.75”, while
show(divide(3.0, 0.0)) will evaluate to “??”. �

Yet another example of orthogonality arises when specifying literal values for
objects of composite type. Such literals are sometimes known as aggregates. They
are particularly valuable for the initialization of static data structures; without
them, a program may need to waste time performing initialization at run time.

Ada provides aggregates for all its structured types. Given the following decla-EXAMPLE 7.8
Aggregates in Ada rations

type person is record
name : string (1..10);
age : integer;

end record;
p, q : person;
A, B : array (1..10) of integer;

we can write the following assignments:

p := (“Jane Doe “, 37);
q := (age => 36, name => “John Doe “);
A := (1, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0);
B := (1 => 1, 3 | 5 | 7 => 3, others => 0);

Here the aggregates assigned into p and A are positional; the aggregates assigned
into q and B name their elements explicitly. The aggregate for B uses a shorthand
notation to assign the same value (3) into array elements 3, 5, and 7, and to as-
sign a 0 into all unnamed fields. Several languages, including C, C++, Fortran 90,
and Lisp, provide similar capabilities. �

ML provides a very general facility for composite expressions, based on the use
of constructors (discussed in Section 11.4.3). Lambda expressions, which we saw
in Section 3.6.4 and will discuss again in Chapter 11, amount to aggregates for
values that are functions.

7.1 Overview 305

7.1.4 Classification of Types

The terminology for types varies some from one language to another. This sub-
section presents definitions for the most common terms. Most languages provide
built-in types similar to those supported in hardware by most processors: inte-
gers, characters, Booleans, and real (floating-point) numbers.

Booleans (sometimes called logicals) are typically implemented as single-byte
quantities, with 1 representing true and 0 representing false. In a few lan-
guages and implementations, Booleans may be packed into arrays using only one
bit per value. As noted in Section 6.1.2 (“Orthogonality”), C was historically un-
usual in omitting a Boolean type: where most languages would expect a Boolean
value, C expected an integer, using zero for false and anything else for true.
C99 introduced a new _Bool type, but it is effectively an integer that the com-
piler is permitted to store in a single bit. As noted in Section C 6.5.4, Icon replaces
Booleans with a more general notion of success and failure.

Characters have traditionally been implemented as one-byte quantities as well,
typically (but not always) using the ASCII encoding. More recent languages (e.g.,
Java and C#) use a two-byte representation designed to accommodate (the com-
monly used portion of) the Unicode character set. Unicode is an international
standard designed to capture the characters of a wide variety of languages (see
Sidebar 7.3). The first 128 characters of Unicode (\u0000 through \u007f)
are identical to ASCII. C and C++ provide both regular and “wide” characters,
though for wide characters both the encoding and the actual width are imple-
mentation dependent. Fortran 2003 supports four-byte Unicode characters.

Numeric Types

A few languages (e.g., C and Fortran) distinguish between different lengths of in-
tegers and real numbers; most do not, and leave the choice of precision to the
implementation. Unfortunately, differences in precision across language imple-
mentations lead to a lack of portability: programs that run correctly on one sys-
tem may produce run-time errors or erroneous results on another. Java and C#
are unusual in providing several lengths of numeric types, with a specified preci-
sion for each.

A few languages, including C, C++, C#, and Modula-2, provide both signed
and unsigned integers (Modula-2 calls unsigned integers cardinals). A few lan-
guages (e.g., Fortran, C, Common Lisp, and Scheme) provide a built-in complex
type, usually implemented as a pair of floating-point numbers that represent the
real and imaginary Cartesian coordinates; other languages support these as a stan-
dard library class. A few languages (e.g., Scheme and Common Lisp) provide a
built-in rational type, usually implemented as a pair of integers that represent
the numerator and denominator. Most varieties of Lisp also support integers
of arbitrary precision, as do most scripting languages; the implementation uses
multiple words of memory where appropriate. Ada supports fixed-point types,
which are represented internally by integers, but have an implied decimal point
at a programmer-specified position among the digits. Several languages support

306 Chapter 7 Type Systems

decimal types that use a base-10 encoding to avoid round-off anomalies in finan-
cial and human-centered arithmetic (see Sidebar 7.4).

Integers, Booleans, and characters are all examples of discrete types (also called
ordinal types): the domains to which they correspond are countable (they have
a one-to-one correspondence with some subset of the integers), and have a well-
defined notion of predecessor and successor for each element other than the first
and the last. (In most implementations the number of possible integers is finite,
but this is usually not reflected in the type system.) Two varieties of user-defined
types, enumerations and subranges, are also discrete. Discrete, rational, real, and


7.3 Multilingual character sets
The ISO 10646 international standard defines a Universal Character Set (UCS)
intended to include all characters of all known human languages. (It also sets
aside a “private use area” for such artificial [constructed] languages as Klingon,
Tengwar, and Cirth [Tolkien Elvish]. Allocation of this private space is coordi-
nated by a volunteer organization known as the ConScript Unicode Registry.)
All natural languages currently employ codes in the 16-bit Basic Multilingual
Plane (BMP): 0x0000 through 0xfffd.

Unicode is an expanded version of ISO 10646, maintained by an interna-
tional consortium of software manufacturers. In addition to mapping tables,
it covers such topics as rendering algorithms, directionality of text, and sorting
and comparison conventions.

While recent languages have moved toward 16- or 32-bit internal char-
acter representations, these cannot be used for external storage—text files—
without causing severe problems with backward compatibility. To accommo-
date Unicode without breaking existing tools, Ken Thompson in 1992 pro-
posed a multibyte “expanding” code known as UTF-8 (UCS/Unicode Trans-
formation Format, 8-bit), and codified as a formal annex (appendix) to ISO
10646. UTF-8 characters occupy a maximum of 6 bytes—3 if they lie in the
BMP, and only 1 if they are ordinary ASCII. The trick is to observe that ASCII
is a 7-bit code; in any legacy text file the most significant bit of every byte is 0.
In UTF-8 a most significant bit of 1 indicates a multibyte character. Two-byte
codes begin with the bits 110. Three-byte codes begin with 1110. Second and
subsequent bytes of multibyte characters always begin with 10.

On some systems one also finds files encoded in one of ten variants of the
older 8-bit ISO 8859 standard, but these are inconsistently rendered across
platforms. On the web, non-ASCII characters are typically encoded with nu-
meric character references, which bracket a Unicode value, written in decimal
or hex, with an ampersand and a semicolon. The copyright symbol (©), for
example, is ©. Many characters also have symbolic entity names (e.g.,
©), but not all browsers support these.

7.1 Overview 307

complex types together constitute the scalar types. Scalar types are also some-
times called simple types.

Enumeration Types

Enumerations were introduced by Wirth in the design of Pascal. They facilitate
the creation of readable programs, and allow the compiler to catch certain kinds
of programming errors. An enumeration type consists of a set of named elements.
In Pascal, one could writeEXAMPLE 7.9

Enumerations in Pascal
type weekday = (sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat);

The values of an enumeration type are ordered, so comparisons are generally valid
(mon < tue), and there is usually a mechanism to determine the predecessor or successor of an enumeration value (in Pascal, tomorrow := succ(today)). The DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 7.4 Decimal types A few languages, notably Cobol and PL/I, provide a decimal type for fixed- point representation of integer quantities. These types were designed primarily to exploit the binary-coded decimal (BCD) integer format supported by many traditional CISC machines. BCD devotes one nibble (four bits—half a byte) to each decimal digit. Machines that support BCD in hardware can perform arithmetic directly on the BCD representation of a number, without convert- ing it to and from binary form. This capability is particularly useful in business and financial applications, which treat their data as both numbers and charac- ter strings. With the growth in on-line commerce, the past few years have seen renewed interest in decimal arithmetic. The 2008 revision of the IEEE 754 floating- point standard includes decimal floating-point types in 32-, 64-, and 128-bit lengths. These represent both the mantissa (significant bits) and exponent in binary, but interpret the exponent as a power of ten, not a power of two. At a given length, values of decimal type have greater precision but smaller range than binary floating-point values. They are ideal for financial calculations, be- cause they capture decimal fractions precisely. Designers hope the new stan- dard will displace existing incompatible decimal formats, not only in hardware but also in software libraries, thereby providing the same portability and pre- dictability that the original 754 standard provided for binary floating-point. C# includes a 128-bit decimal type that is compatible with the new stan- dard. Specifically, a C# decimal variable includes 96 bits of precision, a sign, and a decimal scaling factor that can vary between 10−28 and 1028. IBM, for which business and financial applications have always been an important mar- ket, has included a hardware implementation of the standard (64- and 128-bit widths) in its pSeries RISC machines, beginning with the POWER6. 308 Chapter 7 Type Systems ordered nature of enumerations facilitates the writing of enumeration-controlled loops: for today := mon to fri do begin ... It also allows enumerations to be used to index arrays: var daily_attendance : array [weekday] of integer; � An alternative to enumerations, of course, is simply to declare a collection ofEXAMPLE 7.10 Enumerations as constants constants: const sun = 0; mon = 1; tue = 2; wed = 3; thu = 4; fri = 5; sat = 6; In C, the difference between the two approaches is purely syntactic: enum weekday {sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat}; is essentially equivalent to typedef int weekday; const weekday sun = 0, mon = 1, tue = 2, wed = 3, thu = 4, fri = 5, sat = 6; � In Pascal and most of its descendants, however, the difference between an enu- meration and a set of integer constants is much more significant: the enumer- ation is a full-fledged type, incompatible with integers. Using an integer or an enumeration value in a context expecting the other will result in a type clash er- ror at compile time. Values of an enumeration type are typically represented by small integers, usu-EXAMPLE 7.11 Converting to and from enumeration type ally a consecutive range of small integers starting at zero. In many languages these ordinal values are semantically significant, because built-in functions can be used to convert an enumeration value to its ordinal value, and sometimes vice versa. In Ada, these conversions employ the attributes pos and val: weekday ‚ pos(mon) = 1 and weekday ‚ val(1) = mon. � Several languages allow the programmer to specify the ordinal values of enu- meration types, if the default assignment is undesirable. In C, C++, and C#, oneEXAMPLE 7.12 Distinguished values for enums could write enum arm_special_regs {fp = 7, sp = 13, lr = 14, pc = 15}; (The intuition behind these values is explained in Sections C 5.4.5 and C 9.2.2.) In Ada this declaration would be written type arm_special_regs is (fp, sp, lr, pc); -- must be sorted for arm_special_regs use (fp => 7, sp => 13, lr => 14, pc => 15); �

7.1 Overview 309

In recent versions of Java one can obtain a similar effect by giving values anEXAMPLE 7.13
Emulating distinguished
enum values in Java

extra field (here named register):

enum arm_special_regs { fp(7), sp(13), lr(14), pc(15);
private final int register;
arm_special_regs(int r) { register = r; }
public int reg() { return register; }


int n = arm_special_regs.fp.reg(); �

As noted in Section 3.5.2, Pascal and C do not allow the same element name
to be used in more than one enumeration type in the same scope. Java and
C# do, but the programmer must identify elements using fully qualified names:
arm_special_regs.fp. Ada relaxes this requirement by saying that element
names are overloaded; the type prefix can be omitted whenever the compiler can
infer it from context (Example 3.22). C++ historically mirrored C in prohibiting
duplicate enum names. C++11 introduced a new variety of enum that mirrors Java
and C# (Example 3.23).

Subrange Types

Like enumerations, subranges were first introduced in Pascal, and are found in
many subsequent languages. A subrange is a type whose values compose a con-
tiguous subset of the values of some discrete base type (also called the parent
type). In Pascal and most of its descendants, one can declare subranges of inte-
gers, characters, enumerations, and even other subranges. In Pascal, subrangesEXAMPLE 7.14

Subranges in Pascal looked like this:

type test_score = 0..100;
workday = mon..fri; �


7.5 Multiple sizes of integers
The space savings possible with (small-valued) subrange types in Pascal and
Ada is achieved in several other languages by providing more than one size
of built-in integer type. C and C++, for example, support integer arithmetic
on signed and unsigned variants of char, short, int, long, and long long
types, with monotonically nondecreasing sizes.2

2 More specifically, C requires ranges for these types corresponding to lengths of at least 1, 2, 2, 4,
and 8 bytes, respectively. In practice, one finds implementations in which plain ints are 2, 4, or
8 bytes long, including some in which they are the same size as shorts but shorter than longs,
and some in which they are the same size as longs, and longer than shorts.

310 Chapter 7 Type Systems

In Ada one would writeEXAMPLE 7.15
Subranges in Ada

type test_score is new integer range 0..100;
subtype workday is weekday range mon..fri;

The range… portion of the definition in Ada is called a type constraint. In this
example test_score is a derived type, incompatible with integers. The workday
type, on the other hand, is a constrained subtype; workdays and weekdays can
be more or less freely intermixed. The distinction between derived types and
subtypes is a valuable feature of Ada; we will discuss it further in Section 7.2.1. �

One could of course use integers to represent test scores, or a weekday to rep-
resent a workday. Using an explicit subrange has several advantages. For one
thing, it helps to document the program. A comment could also serve as docu-
mentation, but comments have a bad habit of growing out of date as programs
change, or of being omitted in the first place. Because the compiler analyzes a
subrange declaration, it knows the expected range of subrange values, and can
generate code to perform dynamic semantic checks to ensure that no subrange
variable is ever assigned an invalid value. These checks can be valuable debugging
tools. In addition, since the compiler knows the number of values in the sub-
range, it can sometimes use fewer bits to represent subrange values than it would
need to use to represent arbitrary integers. In the example above, test_score
values can be stored in a single byte.

Most implementations employ the same bit patterns for integers and sub-EXAMPLE 7.16
Space requirements of
subrange type

ranges, so subranges whose values are large require large storage locations, even
if the number of distinct values is small. The following type, for example,

type water_temperature = 273..373; (* degrees Kelvin *)

would be stored in at least two bytes. While there are only 101 distinct values in
the type, the largest (373) is too large to fit in a single byte in its natural encoding.
(An unsigned byte can hold values in the range 0 . . 255; a signed byte can hold
values in the range −128 . . 127.) �
Composite Types

Nonscalar types are usually called composite types. They are generally created by
applying a type constructor to one or more simpler types. Options, which we intro-
duced in Example 7.6, are arguably the simplest composite types, serving only to
add an extra “none of the above” to the values of some arbitrary base type. Other
common composite types include records (structures), variant records (unions),
arrays, sets, pointers, lists, and files. All but pointers and lists are easily described
in terms of mathematical set operations (pointers and lists can be described math-
ematically as well, but the description is less intuitive).

Records (structs) were introduced by Cobol, and have been supported by most
languages since the 1960s. A record consists of collection of fields, each of

7.1 Overview 311

which belongs to a (potentially different) simpler type. Records are akin to
mathematical tuples; a record type corresponds to the Cartesian product of the
types of the fields.

Variant records (unions) differ from “normal” records in that only one of a vari-
ant record’s fields (or collections of fields) is valid at any given time. A variant
record type is the disjoint union of its field types, rather than their Cartesian

Arrays are the most commonly used composite types. An array can be thought
of as a function that maps members of an index type to members of a compo-
nent type. Arrays of characters are often referred to as strings, and are often
supported by special-purpose operations not available for other arrays.

Sets, like enumerations and subranges, were introduced by Pascal. A set type is
the mathematical powerset of its base type, which must often be discrete. A
variable of a set type contains a collection of distinct elements of the base type.

Pointers are l-values. A pointer value is a reference to an object of the pointer’s
base type. Pointers are often but not always implemented as addresses. They
are most often used to implement recursive data types. A type T is recursive
if an object of type T may contain one or more references to other objects of
type T.

Lists, like arrays, contain a sequence of elements, but there is no notion of map-
ping or indexing. Rather, a list is defined recursively as either an empty list
or a pair consisting of a head element and a reference to a sublist. While the
length of an array must be specified at elaboration time in most (though not
all) languages, lists are always of variable length. To find a given element of a
list, a program must examine all previous elements, recursively or iteratively,
starting at the head. Because of their recursive definition, lists are fundamental
to programming in most functional languages.

Files are intended to represent data on mass-storage devices, outside the memory
in which other program objects reside. Like arrays, most files can be concep-
tualized as a function that maps members of an index type (generally integer)
to members of a component type. Unlike arrays, files usually have a notion
of current position, which allows the index to be implied implicitly in consec-
utive operations. Files often display idiosyncrasies inherited from physical in-
put/output devices. In particular, the elements of some files must be accessed
in sequential order.

We will examine composite types in more detail in Chapter 8.

1. What purpose(s) do types serve in a programming language?

2. What does it mean for a language to be strongly typed? Statically typed? What
prevents, say, C from being strongly typed?

312 Chapter 7 Type Systems

3. Name two programming languages that are strongly but dynamically

4. What is a type clash?

5. Discuss the differences among the denotational, structural, and abstraction-
based views of types.

6. What does it mean for a set of language features (e.g., a type system) to be

7. What are aggregates?

8. What are option types? What purpose do they serve?

9. What is polymorphism? What distinguishes its parametric and subtype vari-
eties? What are generics?

10. What is the difference between discrete and scalar types?

11. Give two examples of languages that lack a Boolean type. What do they use

12. In what ways may an enumeration type be preferable to a collection of named
constants? In what ways may a subrange type be preferable to its base type?
In what ways may a string be preferable to an array of characters?

7.2 Type Checking
In most statically typed languages, every definition of an object (constant, vari-
able, subroutine, etc.) must specify the object’s type. Moreover, many of the con-
texts in which an object might appear are also typed, in the sense that the rules of
the language constrain the types that an object in that context may validly possess.
In the subsections below we will consider the topics of type equivalence, type com-
patibility, and type inference. Of the three, type compatibility is the one of most
concern to programmers. It determines when an object of a certain type can be
used in a certain context. At a minimum, the object can be used if its type and the
type expected by the context are equivalent (i.e., the same). In many languages,
however, compatibility is a looser relationship than equivalence: objects and con-
texts are often compatible even when their types are different. Our discussion of
type compatibility will touch on the subjects of type conversion (also called cast-
ing), which changes a value of one type into a value of another; type coercion,
which performs a conversion automatically in certain contexts; and nonconvert-
ing type casts, which are sometimes used in systems programming to interpret
the bits of a value of one type as if they represented a value of some other type.

Whenever an expression is constructed from simpler subexpressions, the ques-
tion arises: given the types of the subexpressions (and possibly the type expected

7.2 Type Checking 313

by the surrounding context), what is the type of the expression as a whole? This
question is answered by type inference. Type inference is often trivial: the sum of
two integers is still an integer, for example. In other cases (e.g., when dealing with
sets) it is a good bit trickier. Type inference plays a particularly important role
in ML, Miranda, and Haskell, in which almost all type annotations are optional,
and will be inferred by the compiler when omitted.

7.2.1 Type Equivalence

In a language in which the user can define new types, there are two principal
ways of defining type equivalence. Structural equivalence is based on the content
of type definitions: roughly speaking, two types are the same if they consist of
the same components, put together in the same way. Name equivalence is based
on the lexical occurrence of type definitions: roughly speaking, each definition
introduces a new type. Structural equivalence is used in Algol-68, Modula-3,
and (with various wrinkles) C and ML. Name equivalence appears in Java, C#,
standard Pascal, and most Pascal descendants, including Ada.

The exact definition of structural equivalence varies from one language to an-
other. It requires that one decide which potential differences between types are
important, and which may be considered unimportant. Most people would prob-
ably agree that the format of a declaration should not matter—identical declara-
tions that differ only in spacing or line breaks should still be considered equiva-
lent. Likewise, in a Pascal-like language with structural equivalence,EXAMPLE 7.17

Trivial differences in type
type R1 = record

a, b : integer

should probably be considered the same as

type R2 = record
a : integer;
b : integer


But what about

type R3 = record
b : integer;
a : integer


Should the reversal of the order of the fields change the type? ML says no; most
languages say yes. �

In a similar vein, consider the following arrays, again in a Pascal-like notation:EXAMPLE 7.18
Other minor differences in

314 Chapter 7 Type Systems

type str = array [1..10] of char;

type str = array [0..9] of char;

Here the length of the array is the same in both cases, but the index values are
different. Should these be considered equivalent? Most languages say no, but
some (including Fortran and Ada) consider them compatible. �

To determine if two types are structurally equivalent, a compiler can expand
their definitions by replacing any embedded type names with their respective def-
initions, recursively, until nothing is left but a long string of type constructors,
field names, and built-in types. If these expanded strings are the same, then the
types are equivalent, and conversely. Recursive and pointer-based types compli-
cate matters, since their expansion does not terminate, but the problem is not
insurmountable; we consider a solution in Exercise 8.15.

Structural equivalence is a straightforward but somewhat low-level, imple-EXAMPLE 7.19
The problem with
structural equivalence

mentation-oriented way to think about types. Its principal problem is an inability
to distinguish between types that the programmer may think of as distinct, but
which happen by coincidence to have the same internal structure:

1. type student = record
2. name, address : string
3. age : integer

4. type school = record
5. name, address : string
6. age : integer

7. x : student;
8. y : school;
9. . . .

10. x := y; –– is this an error?

Most programmers would probably want to be informed if they accidentally as-
signed a value of type school into a variable of type student, but a compiler whose
type checking is based on structural equivalence will blithely accept such an as-

Name equivalence is based on the assumption that if the programmer goes
to the effort of writing two type definitions, then those definitions are probably
meant to represent different types. In the example above, variables x and y will
be considered to have different types under name equivalence: x uses the type
declared at line 1; y uses the type declared at line 4. �

Variants of Name Equivalence

One subtlety in the use of name equivalence arises in the simplest of type decla-
rations:EXAMPLE 7.20

Alias types
type new_type = old_type; (* Algol family syntax *)

typedef old_type new_type; /* C family syntax */

7.2 Type Checking 315

Here new_type is said to be an alias for old_type. Should we treat them as two
names for the same type, or as names for two different types that happen to have
the same internal structure? The “right” approach may vary from one program
to another. �

Users of any Unix-like system will be familiar with the notion of permission bitsEXAMPLE 7.21
Semantically equivalent
alias types

on files. These specify whether the file is readable, writable, and/or executable
by its owner, group members, or others. Within the system libraries, the set of
permissions for a file is represented as a value of type mode_t. In C, this type is
commonly defined as an alias for the predefined 16-bit unsigned integer type:

typedef uint16_t mode_t;

While C uses structural equivalence for scalar types,3 we can imagine the issue
that would arise if it used name equivalence uniformly. By convention, permis-
sion sets are manipulated using bitwise integer operators:

mode_t my_permissions = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP;
/* I can read and write; members of my group can read. */

if (my_permissions & S_IWUSR) …

This convention depends on the equivalence of mode_t and uint16_t. One
could ask programmers to convert mode_t objects explicitly to uint_16 be-
fore applying an integer operator—or even suggest that mode_t be an abstract
type, with insert, remove, and lookup operations that hide the internal
representation—but C programmers would probably regard either of these op-
tions as unnecessarily cumbersome: in “systems” code, it seems reasonable to
treat mode_t and uint16_t the same. �

Unfortunately, there are other times when aliased types should probably notEXAMPLE 7.22
Semantically distinct alias

be the same:

type celsius_temp = real;
fahrenheit_temp = real;

var c : celsius_temp;
f : fahrenheit_temp;

f := c; (* this should probably be an error *) �

A language in which aliased types are considered distinct is said to have strict
name equivalence. A language in which aliased types are considered equivalent is
said to have loose name equivalence. Most Pascal-family languages use loose name
equivalence. Ada achieves the best of both worlds by allowing the programmerEXAMPLE 7.23

Derived types and
subtypes in Ada

to indicate whether an alias represents a derived type or a subtype. A subtype is

3 Ironically, it uses name equivalence for structs.

316 Chapter 7 Type Systems

compatible with its base (parent) type; a derived type is incompatible. (Subtypes
of the same base type are also compatible with each other.) Our examples above
would be written

subtype mode_t is integer range 0..2**16-1; — unsigned 16-bit integer

type celsius_temp is new integer;
type fahrenheit_temp is new integer; �

One way to think about the difference between strict and loose name equiva-
lence is to remember the distinction between declarations and definitions (Sec-
tion 3.3.3). Under strict name equivalence, a declaration type A = B is considered
a definition. Under loose name equivalence it is merely a declaration; A shares the
definition of B.

Consider the following example:EXAMPLE 7.24
Name vs structural
equivalence 1. type cell = . . . –– whatever

2. type alink = pointer to cell
3. type blink = alink
4. p, q : pointer to cell
5. r : alink
6. s : blink
7. t : pointer to cell
8. u : alink

Here the declaration at line 3 is an alias; it defines blink to be “the same as” alink.
Under strict name equivalence, line 3 is both a declaration and a definition, and
blink is a new type, distinct from alink. Under loose name equivalence, line 3 is
just a declaration; it uses the definition at line 2.

Under strict name equivalence, p and q have the same type, because they both
use the anonymous (unnamed) type definition on the right-hand side of line 4,
and r and u have the same type, because they both use the definition at line 2.
Under loose name equivalence, r, s, and u all have the same type, as do p and q.
Under structural equivalence, all six of the variables shown have the same type,
namely pointer to whatever cell is. �

Both structural and name equivalence can be tricky to implement in the pres-
ence of separate compilation. We will return to this issue in Section 15.6.

Type Conversion and Casts

In a language with static typing, there are many contexts in which values of a
specific type are expected. In the statementEXAMPLE 7.25

Contexts that expect a
given type a := expression

we expect the right-hand side to have the same type as a. In the expression

a + b

7.2 Type Checking 317

the overloaded + symbol designates either integer or floating-point addition; we
therefore expect either that a and b will both be integers, or that they will both be
reals. In a call to a subroutine,

foo(arg1, arg2, . . . , argN)

we expect the types of the arguments to match those of the formal parameters, as
declared in the subroutine’s header. �

Suppose for the moment that we require in each of these cases that the types
(expected and provided) be exactly the same. Then if the programmer wishes to
use a value of one type in a context that expects another, he or she will need to
specify an explicit type conversion (also sometimes called a type cast). Depending
on the types involved, the conversion may or may not require code to be executed
at run time. There are three principal cases:

1. The types would be considered structurally equivalent, but the language uses
name equivalence. In this case the types employ the same low-level represen-
tation, and have the same set of values. The conversion is therefore a purely
conceptual operation; no code will need to be executed at run time.

2. The types have different sets of values, but the intersecting values are repre-
sented in the same way. One type may be a subrange of the other, for example,
or one may consist of two’s complement signed integers, while the other is
unsigned. If the provided type has some values that the expected type does
not, then code must be executed at run time to ensure that the current value
is among those that are valid in the expected type. If the check fails, then a
dynamic semantic error results. If the check succeeds, then the underlying rep-
resentation of the value can be used, unchanged. Some language implemen-
tations may allow the check to be disabled, resulting in faster but potentially
unsafe code.

3. The types have different low-level representations, but we can nonetheless de-
fine some sort of correspondence among their values. A 32-bit integer, for
example, can be converted to a double-precision IEEE floating-point number
with no loss of precision. Most processors provide a machine instruction to
effect this conversion. A floating-point number can be converted to an integer
by rounding or truncating, but fractional digits will be lost, and the conver-
sion will overflow for many exponent values. Again, most processors provide
a machine instruction to effect this conversion. Conversions between different
lengths of integers can be effected by discarding or sign-extending high-order

We can illustrate these options with the following examples of type conversionsEXAMPLE 7.26
Type conversions in Ada in Ada:

n : integer; — assume 32 bits
r : long_float; — assume IEEE double-precision
t : test_score; — as in Example 7.15
c : celsius_temp; — as in Example 7.23

318 Chapter 7 Type Systems

t := test_score(n); — run-time semantic check required
n := integer(t); — no check req.; every test_score is an int
r := long_float(n); — requires run-time conversion
n := integer(r); — requires run-time conversion and check
n := integer(c); — no run-time code required
c := celsius_temp(n); — no run-time code required

In each of the six assignments, the name of a type is used as a pseudofunc-
tion that performs a type conversion. The first conversion requires a run-time
check to ensure that the value of n is within the bounds of a test_score. The
second conversion requires no code, since every possible value of t is acceptable
for n. The third and fourth conversions require code to change the low-level rep-
resentation of values. The fourth conversion also requires a semantic check. It
is generally understood that converting from a floating-point value to an integer
results in the loss of fractional digits; this loss is not an error. If the conversion
results in integer overflow, however, an error needs to result. The final two con-
versions require no run-time code; the integer and celsius_temp types (at
least as we have defined them) have the same sets of values and the same under-
lying representation. A purist might say that celsius_temp should be defined as
new integer range -273..integer

last, in which case a run-time semantic

check would be required on the final conversion. �
A type conversion in C (what C calls a type cast) is specified by using the nameEXAMPLE 7.27

Type conversions in C of the desired type, in parentheses, as a prefix operator:

r = (float) n; /* generates code for run-time conversion */
n = (int) r; /* also run-time conversion, with no overflow check */

C and its descendants do not by default perform run-time checks for arith-
metic overflow on any operation, though such checks can be enabled if desired
in C#. �

Nonconverting Type Casts Occasionally, particularly in systems programs,
one needs to change the type of a value without changing the underlying im-
plementation; in other words, to interpret the bits of a value of one type as if they
were another type. One common example occurs in memory allocation algo-
rithms, which use a large array of bytes to represent a heap, and then reinterpret
portions of that array as pointers and integers (for bookkeeping purposes), or as
various user-allocated data structures. Another common example occurs in high-
performance numeric software, which may need to reinterpret a floating-point
number as an integer or a record, in order to extract the exponent, significand,
and sign fields. These fields can be used to implement special-purpose algorithms
for square root, trigonometric functions, and so on.

A change of type that does not alter the underlying bits is called a noncon-
verting type cast, or sometimes a type pun. It should not be confused with

7.2 Type Checking 319

use of the term cast for conversions in languages like C. In Ada, nonconvert-EXAMPLE 7.28
Unchecked conversions in

ing casts can be effected using instances of a built-in generic subroutine called

— assume ‘float’ has been declared to match IEEE single-precision
function cast_float_to_int is

new unchecked_conversion(float, integer);
function cast_int_to_float is

new unchecked_conversion(integer, float);

f := cast_int_to_float(n);
n := cast_float_to_int(f); �

C++ inherits the casting mechanism of C, but also provides a family of se-EXAMPLE 7.29
Conversions and
nonconverting casts in

mantically cleaner alternatives. Specifically, static_cast performs a type con-
version, reinterpret_cast performs a nonconverting type cast, and dynamic_
cast allows programs that manipulate pointers of polymorphic types to perform
assignments whose validity cannot be guaranteed statically, but can be checked at
run time (more on this in Chapter 10). Syntax for each of these is that of a generic


7.6 Nonconverting casts
C programmers sometimes attempt a nonconverting type cast (type pun) by
taking the address of an object, converting the type of the resulting pointer,
and then dereferencing:

r = *((float *) &n);

This arcane bit of hackery usually incurs no run-time cost, because most (but
not all!) implementations use the same representation for pointers to integers
and pointers to floating-point values—namely, an address. The ampersand
operator (&) means “address of,” or “pointer to.” The parenthesized (float *)
is the type name for “pointer to float” (float is a built-in floating-point type).
The prefix * operator is a pointer dereference. The overall construct causes the
compiler to interpret the bits of n as if it were a float. The reinterpretation
will succeed only if n is an l-value (has an address), and ints and floats have
the same size (again, this second condition is often but not always true in C). If
n does not have an address then the compiler will announce a static semantic
error. If int and float do not occupy the same number of bytes, then the
effect of the cast may depend on a variety of factors, including the relative size
of the objects, the alignment and “endian-ness” of memory (Section C 5.2),
and the choices the compiler has made regarding what to place in adjacent
locations in memory. Safer and more portable nonconverting casts can be
achieved in C by means of unions (variant records); we consider this option
in Exercise C 8.24.

320 Chapter 7 Type Systems

double d = …
int n = static_cast(d);

There is also a const_cast that can be used to remove read-only qualification.
C-style type casts in C++ are defined in terms of const_cast, static_cast,
and reinterpret_cast; the precise behavior depends on the source and target
types. �

Any nonconverting type cast constitutes a dangerous subversion of the lan-
guage’s type system. In a language with a weak type system such subversions can
be difficult to find. In a language with a strong type system, the use of explicit
nonconverting type casts at least labels the dangerous points in the code, facilitat-
ing debugging if problems arise.

7.2.2 Type Compatibility

Most languages do not require equivalence of types in every context. Instead,
they merely say that a value’s type must be compatible with that of the context
in which it appears. In an assignment statement, the type of the right-hand side
must be compatible with that of the left-hand side. The types of the operands
of + must both be compatible with some common type that supports addition
(integers, real numbers, or perhaps strings or sets). In a subroutine call, the types
of any arguments passed into the subroutine must be compatible with the types
of the corresponding formal parameters, and the types of any formal parameters
passed back to the caller must be compatible with the types of the corresponding

The definition of type compatibility varies greatly from language to language.
Ada takes a relatively restrictive approach: an Ada type S is compatible with an
expected type T if and only if (1) S and T are equivalent, (2) one is a subtype of the
other (or both are subtypes of the same base type), or (3) both are arrays, with the
same numbers and types of elements in each dimension. Pascal was only slightly
more lenient: in addition to allowing the intermixing of base and subrange types,
it allowed an integer to be used in a context where a real was expected.


Whenever a language allows a value of one type to be used in a context that ex-
pects another, the language implementation must perform an automatic, implicit
conversion to the expected type. This conversion is called a type coercion. Like the
explicit conversions of Section 7.2.1, coercion may require run-time code to per-
form a dynamic semantic check or to convert between low-level representations.

C, which has a relatively weak type system, performs quite a bit of coercion.EXAMPLE 7.30
Coercion in C It allows values of most numeric types to be intermixed in expressions, and will

coerce types back and forth “as necessary.” Consider the following declarations:

7.2 Type Checking 321

short int s;
unsigned long int l;
char c; /* may be signed or unsigned — implementation-dependent */
float f; /* usually IEEE single-precision */
double d; /* usually IEEE double-precision */

Suppose that these variables are 16, 32, 8, 32, and 64 bits in length, respectively—
as is common on 32-bit machines. Coercion may have a variety of effects when a
variable of one type is assigned into another:

s = l; /* l’s low-order bits are interpreted as a signed number. */
l = s; /* s is sign-extended to the longer length, then

its bits are interpreted as an unsigned number. */
s = c; /* c is either sign-extended or zero-extended to s’s length;

the result is then interpreted as a signed number. */
f = l; /* l is converted to floating-point. Since f has fewer

significant bits, some precision may be lost. */
d = f; /* f is converted to the longer format; no precision is lost. */
f = d; /* d is converted to the shorter format; precision may be lost.

If d’s value cannot be represented in single-precision, the
result is undefined, but NOT a dynamic semantic error. */ �

Coercion is a somewhat controversial subject in language design. Because it
allows types to be mixed without an explicit indication of intent on the part of
the programmer, it represents a significant weakening of type security. At the
same time, some designers have argued that coercions are a natural way in which
to support abstraction and program extensibility, by making it easier to use new
types in conjunction with existing ones. This extensibility argument is particu-
larly compelling in scripting languages (Chapter 14), which are dynamically typed
and emphasize ease of programming. Most scripting languages support a wide
variety of coercions, though there is some variation: Perl will coerce almost any-
thing; Ruby is much more conservative.

Among statically typed languages, there is even more variety. Ada coerces
nothing but explicit constants, subranges, and in certain cases arrays with the
same type of elements. Pascal would coerce integers to floating-point in expres-
sions and assignments. Fortran will also coerce floating-point values to integers in
assignments, at a potential loss of precision. C will perform these same coercions
on arguments to functions.

Some compiled languages even support coercion on arrays and records. For-
tran 90 permits this whenever the expected and actual types have the same shape.
Two arrays have the same shape if they have the same number of dimensions,
each dimension has the same size (i.e., the same number of elements), and the
individual elements have the same shape. Two records have the same shape if
they have the same number of fields, and corresponding fields, in order, have the
same shape. Field names do not matter, nor do the actual high and low bounds of
array dimensions. Ada’s coercion rules for arrays are roughly equivalent to those
of Fortran 90. C provides no operations that take an entire array as an operand.

322 Chapter 7 Type Systems

C does, however, allow arrays and pointers to be intermixed in many cases; we
will discuss this unusual form of type compatibility further in Section 8.5.1. Nei-
ther Ada nor C allows records (structures) to be intermixed unless their types are
name equivalent.

C++ provides what may be the most extreme example of coercion in a stat-
ically typed language. In addition to a rich set of built-in rules, C++ allows the
programmer to define coercion operations to and from existing types when defin-
ing a new type (a class). The rules for applying these operations interact in com-
plicated ways with the rules for resolving overloading (Section 3.5.2); they add
significant flexibility to the language, but are one of the most difficult C++ fea-
tures to understand and use correctly.

Overloading and Coercion

We have noted (in Section 3.5) that overloading and coercion (as well as vari-
ous forms of polymorphism) can sometimes be used to similar effect. It is worth
elaborating on the distinctions here. An overloaded name can refer to more than
one object; the ambiguity must be resolved by context. Consider the addition ofEXAMPLE 7.31

Coercion vs overloading of

numeric quantities. In the expression a + b, + may refer to either the integer or
the floating-point addition operation. In a language without coercion, a and b
must either both be integer or both be real; the compiler chooses the appropriate
interpretation of + depending on their type. In a language with coercion, + refers
to the floating-point addition operation if either a or b is real; otherwise it refers
to the integer addition operation. If only one of a and b is real, the other is co-
erced to match. One could imagine a language in which + was not overloaded, but
rather referred to floating-point addition in all cases. Coercion could still allow +
to take integer arguments, but they would always be converted to real. The prob-
lem with this approach is that conversions from integer to floating-point format
take a non-negligible amount of time, especially on machines without hardware
conversion instructions, and floating-point addition is significantly more expen-
sive than integer addition. �

In most languages, literal constants (e.g., numbers, character strings, the
empty set [[ ]] or the null pointer [nil]) can be intermixed in expressions with
values of many types. One might say that constants are overloaded: nil for ex-
ample might be thought of as referring to the null pointer value for whatever
type is needed in the surrounding context. More commonly, however, constants
are simply treated as a special case in the language’s type-checking rules. Inter-
nally, the compiler considers a constant to have one of a small number of built-
in “constant types” (int const, real const, string, null), which it then coerces to
some more appropriate type as necessary, even if coercions are not supported
elsewhere in the language. Ada formalizes this notion of “constant type” for nu-
meric quantities: an integer constant (one without a decimal point) is said to
have type universal_integer; a real-number constant (one with an embedded
decimal point and/or an exponent) is said to have type universal_real. The
universal_integer type is compatible with any integer type; universal_real
is compatible with any fixed-point or floating-point type.

7.2 Type Checking 323

Universal Reference Types

For systems programming, or to facilitate the writing of general-purpose con-
tainer (collection) objects (lists, stacks, queues, sets, etc.) that hold references to
other objects, several languages provide a universal reference type. In C and C++,
this type is called void *. In Clu it is called any; in Modula-2, address; in
Modula-3, refany; in Java, Object; in C#, object. Arbitrary l-values can be
assigned into an object of universal reference type, with no concern about type
safety: because the type of the object referred to by a universal reference is un-
known, the compiler will not allow any operations to be performed on that object.
Assignments back into objects of a particular reference type (e.g., a pointer to a
programmer-specified record type) are a bit trickier, if type safety is to be main-
tained. We would not want a universal reference to a floating-point number, for
example, to be assigned into a variable that is supposed to hold a reference to an
integer, because subsequent operations on the “integer” would interpret the bits
of the object incorrectly. In object-oriented languages, the question of how to en-
sure the validity of a universal-to-specific assignment generalizes to the question
of how to ensure the validity of any assignment in which the type of the object
on left-hand side supports operations that the object on the right-hand side may

One way to ensure the safety of universal to specific assignments (or, in general,
less specific to more specific assignments) is to make objects self-descriptive—
that is, to include in the representation of each object a tag that indicates its
type. This approach is common in object-oriented languages, which generally
need it for dynamic method binding. Type tags in objects can consume a non-
trivial amount of space, but allow the implementation to prevent the assignment
of an object of one type into a variable of another. In Java and C#, a universal
to specific assignment requires a type cast, and will generate an exception if the
universal reference does not refer to an object of the casted type. In Eiffel, the
equivalent operation uses a special assignment operator (?= instead of :=); in
C++ it uses a dynamic_cast operation.

In early versions of Java and C#, programmers would often create containerEXAMPLE 7.32
Java container of Object classes that held objects of the universal reference class (Object or object, re-

spectively). This idiom has become less common with the introduction of gener-
ics (to be discussed in Section 7.3.1), but it is still occasionally used for containers
that hold objects of more than one class. When an object is removed from such a
container, it must be assigned (with a type cast) into a variable of an appropriate
class before anything interesting can be done with it:

import java.util.*; // library containing Stack container class

Stack myStack = new Stack();
String s = “Hi, Mom”;
Foo f = new Foo(); // f is of user-defined class type Foo

324 Chapter 7 Type Systems

myStack.push(f); // we can push any kind of object on a stack

s = (String) myStack.pop();

// type cast is required, and will generate an exception at run
// time if element at top-of-stack is not a string �

In a language without type tags, the assignment of a universal reference into an
object of a specific reference type cannot be checked, because objects are not self-
descriptive: there is no way to identify their type at run time. The programmer
must therefore resort to an (unchecked) type conversion.

7.2.3 Type Inference

We have seen how type checking ensures that the components of an expression
(e.g., the arguments of a binary operator) have appropriate types. But what de-
termines the type of the overall expression? In many cases, the answer is easy.
The result of an arithmetic operator usually has the same type as the operands
(possibly after coercing one of them, if their types were not the same). The re-
sult of a comparison is usually Boolean. The result of a function call has the type
declared in the function’s header. The result of an assignment (in languages in
which assignments are expressions) has the same type as the left-hand side. In a
few cases, however, the answer is not obvious. Operations on subranges and com-
posite objects, for example, do not necessarily preserve the types of the operands.
We examine these cases in the remainder of this subsection. In the following sec-
tion, we consider a more elaborate form of type inference found in ML, Miranda,
and Haskell.

Subranges and Sets

For arithmetic operators, a simple example of inference arises when one or more
operands have subrange types. Given the following Pascal definitions, for exam-EXAMPLE 7.33

Inference of subrange types ple,

type Atype = 0..20;
Btype = 10..20;

var a : Atype;
b : Btype;

what is the type of a + b? Certainly it is neither Atype nor Btype, since the
possible values range from 10 to 40. One could imagine it being a new anonymous
subrange type with 10 and 40 as bounds. The usual answer is to say that the result
of any arithmetic operation on a subrange has the subrange’s base type—in this
case, integer.

7.2 Type Checking 325

If the result of an arithmetic operation is assigned into a variable of a sub-
range type, then a dynamic semantic check may be required. To avoid the ex-
pense of some unnecessary checks, a compiler may keep track at compile time
of the largest and smallest possible values of each expression, in essence comput-
ing the anonymous 10. . . 40 type. More sophisticated techniques can be used to
eliminate many checks in loops; we will consider these in Section C 17.5.2. �

Operations with type implications also occur when manipulating sets. PascalEXAMPLE 7.34
Type inference for sets and Modula, for example, supported union (+), intersection (*), and difference

(-) on sets of discrete values. Set operands were said to have compatible types if
their elements had the same base type T. The result of a set operation was then of
type set of T. As with subranges, a compiler could avoid the need for run-time
bounds checks in certain cases by keeping track of the minimum and maximum
possible members of the set expression. �


Ada was among the first languages to make the index of a for loop a new, local
variable, accessible only in the loop. Rather than require the programmer to spec-
ify the type of this variable, the language implicitly assigned it the base type of the
expressions provided as bounds for the loop.

Extensions of this idea appear in several more recent languages, including
Scala, C# 3.0, C++11, Go, and Swift, all of which allow the programmer to omit
type information from a variable declaration when the intent of the declaration
can be inferred from context. In C#, for example, one can writeEXAMPLE 7.35

var declarations in C#
var i = 123; // equiv. to int i = 123;
var map = new Dictionary(); // equiv. to

// Dictionary map = new Dictionary();

Here the (easily determined) type of the right-hand side of the assignment can be
used to infer the variable’s type, freeing us from the need to declare it explicitly.
We can achieve a similar effect in C++ with the auto keyword; in Scala we simply
omit the type name when declaring an initialized variable or constant. �

The convenience of inference increases with complex declarations. Suppose,EXAMPLE 7.36
Avoiding messy

for example, that we want to perform what mathematicians call a reduction on
the elements of a list—a “folding together” of values using some binary function.
Using C++ lambda syntax (Section 3.6.4), we might write

326 Chapter 7 Type Systems

auto reduce = [](list L, int f(int, int), int s) {
// the initial value of s should be the identity element for f
for (auto e : L) {

s = f(e, s);
return s;


int sum = reduce(my_list, [](int a, int b){return a+b;}, 0);
int product = reduce(my_list, [](int a, int b){return a*b;}, 1);

Here the auto keyword allows us to omit what would have been a rather daunting
indication of type:

int (*reduce) (list, int (*)(int, int), int) = …
= [](list L, int f(int, int), int s){… �

C++ in fact goes one step further, with a decltype keyword that can be used toEXAMPLE 7.37
decltype in C++11 match the type of any existing expression. The decltype keyword is particularly

handy in templates, where it is sometimes impossible to provide an appropriate
static type name. Consider, for example, a generic arithmetic package, parame-
terized by operand types A and B:


A a; B b;
decltype(a + b) sum;

Here the type of sum depends on the types of A and B under the C++ coercion
rules. If A and B are both int, for example, then sum will be an int. If one of A
and B is double and the other is int, then sum will be a double. With appropri-
ate (user-provided) coercion rules, sum might be inferred to have a complex (real
+ imaginary) or arbitrary-precision (“bignum”) type. �

7.2.4 Type Checking in ML

The most sophisticated form of type inference occurs in the ML family of func-
tional languages, including Haskell, F#, and the OCaml and SML dialects of ML
itself. Programmers have the option of declaring the types of objects in these lan-
guages, in which case the compiler behaves much like that of a more traditional
statically typed language. As we noted near the beginning of Section 7.1, how-
ever, programmers may also choose not to declare certain types, in which case
the compiler will infer them, based on the known types of literal constants, the
explicitly declared types of any objects that have them, and the syntactic structure

7.2 Type Checking 327

of the program. ML-style type inference is the invention of the language’s creator,
Robin Milner.4

The key to the inference mechanism is to unify the (partial) type information
available for two expressions whenever the rules of the type system say that their
types must be the same. Information known about each is then known about the
other as well. Any discovered inconsistencies are identified as static semantic er-
rors. Any expression whose type remains incompletely specified after inference is
automatically polymorphic; this is the implicit parametric polymorphism referred
to in Section 7.1.2. ML family languages also incorporate a powerful run-time
pattern-matching facility and several unconventional structured types, including
ordered tuples, (unordered) records, lists, a datatype mechanism that subsumes
unions and recursive types, and a rich module system with inheritance (type ex-
tension) and explicit parametric polymorphism (generics). We will consider ML
types in more detail in Section 11.4.

The following is an OCaml version of the tail-recursive Fibonacci functionEXAMPLE 7.38
Fibonacci function in

introduced in Example 6.87:

1. let fib n =
2. let rec fib_helper n1 n2 i =
3. if i = n then n2
4. else fib_helper n2 (n1 + n2) (i + 1) in
5. fib_helper 0 1 0;;

The inner let construct introduces a nested scope: function fib_helper is
nested inside fib. The body of the outer function, fib, is the expression
fib_helper 0 1 0. The body of fib_helper is an if. . . then . . . else expres-
sion; it evaluates to either n2 or to fib_helper n2 (n1 + n2) (i + 1), de-
pending on whether the third argument to fib_helper is n or not. The keyword
rec indicates that fib_helper is recursive, so its name should be made available
within its own body—not just in the body of the let.

Given this function definition, an OCaml compiler will reason roughly as fol-
lows: Parameter i of fib_helper must have type int, because it is added to 1
at line 4. Similarly, parameter n of fib must have type int, because it is com-
pared to i at line 3. In the call to fib_helper at line 5, the types of all three
arguments are int, and since this is the only call, the types of n1 and n2 are int.
Moreover the type of i is consistent with the earlier inference, namely int, and
the types of the arguments to the recursive call at line 4 are similarly consistent.
Since fib_helper returns n2 at line 3, the result of the call at line 5 will be an
int. Since fib immediately returns this result as its own result, the return type
of fib is int. �

4 Robin Milner (1934–2010), of Cambridge University’s Computer Laboratory, was responsible
not only for the development of ML and its type system, but for the Logic of Computable Func-
tions, which provides a formal basis for machine-assisted proof construction, and the Calculus of
Communicating Systems, which provides a general theory of concurrency. He received the ACM
Turing Award in 1991.

328 Chapter 7 Type Systems

Of course, if any of our functions or parameters had been declared with explicitEXAMPLE 7.39
Checking with explicit

types, these would have been checked for consistency with all the other evidence.
We might, for example, have begun with

let fib (n : int) : int = …

to indicate that the function’s parameter and return value were both expected to
be integers. In a sense, explicit type declarations in OCaml serve as compiler-
checked documentation. �

Because OCaml is a functional language, every construct is an expression. TheEXAMPLE 7.40
Expression types compiler infers a type for every object and every expression. Because functions

are first-class values, they too have types. The type of fib above is int -> int;
that is, a function from integers to integers. The type of fib_helper is int ->
int -> int -> int; that is, a function that takes three integer arguments and
produces an integer result. Note that parentheses are generally omitted in both
declarations of and calls to multiargument functions. If we had said

let rec fib_helper (n1, n2, i) =
if i = n then n2
else fib_helper (n2, n1+n2, i+1) in …

then fib_helper would have accepted a single expression—a three-element tu-
ple—as argument.5 �

Type correctness in the ML family amounts to what we might call type consis-
tency: a program is type correct if the type checking algorithm can reason out a
unique type for every expression, with no contradictions and no ambiguous oc-
currences of overloaded names. If the programmer uses an object inconsistently,EXAMPLE 7.41

Type inconsistency the compiler will complain. In a program containing the following definition,

let circum r = r *. 2.0 *. 3.14159;;

the compiler will infer that circum’s parameter is of type float, because it is
combined with the floating-point constants 2.0 and 3.14159, using *., the
floating-point multiplication operator (here the dot is part of the operator name;
there is a separate integer multiplication operator, *). If we attempt to apply
circum to an integer argument, the compiler will produce a type clash error mes-
sage. �

Though the language is usually compiled in production environments, the
standard OCaml distribution also includes an interactive interpreter. The pro-
grammer can interact with the interpreter “on line,” giving it input a line at a

5 Multiple arguments are actually somewhat more complicated than suggested here, due to the fact
that functions in OCaml are automatically curried; see Section 11.6 for more details.

7.2 Type Checking 329

time. The interpreter processes this input incrementally, generating an interme-
diate representation for each source code function, and producing any appropri-
ate static error messages. This style of interaction blurs the traditional distinc-
tion between interpretation and compilation. While the language implementa-
tion remains active during program execution, it performs all possible semantic
checks—everything that the production compiler would check—before evaluat-
ing a given program fragment.

In comparison to languages in which programmers must declare all types ex-
plicitly, the type inference of ML-family languages has the advantage of brevity
and convenience for interactive use. More important, it provides a powerful form
of implicit parametric polymorphism more or less for free. While all uses ofEXAMPLE 7.42

Polymorphic functions objects in an OCaml program must be consistent, they do not have to be com-
pletely specified. Consider the OCaml function shown in Figure 7.1. Here the
equality test (=) is a built-in polymorphic function of type

a ->

a -> bool;

that is, a function that takes two arguments of the same type and produces a
Boolean result. The token

a is called a type variable; it stands for any type,


7.7 Type classes for overloaded functions in Haskell
In the OCaml code of Figure 7.1, parameters x, p, and q must support the
equality operator (=). OCaml makes this easy by allowing anything to be
compared for equality, and then checking at run time to make sure that the
comparison actually makes sense. An attempt to compare two functions, for
example, will result in a run-time error. This is unfortunate, given that most
other type checking in OCaml (and in other ML-family languages) can happen
at compile time. In a similar vein, OCaml provides a built-in definition of or-
dering (<, >, <=, and >=) on almost all types, even when it doesn’t make sense,
so that the programmer can create polymorphic functions like min, max, and
sort, which require it. A function like average, which might plausibly work
in a polymorphic fashion for all numeric types (presumably with roundoff for
integers) cannot be defined in OCaml: each numeric type has its own addition
and division operations; there is no operator overloading.

Haskell overcomes these limitations using the machinery of type classes. As
mentioned in Example 3.28, these explicitly identify the types that support a
particular overloaded function or set of functions. Elements of any type in the
Ord class, for example, support the <, >, <=, and >= operations. Elements of
any type in the Enum class are countable; Num types support addition, subtrac-
tion, and multiplication; Fractional and Real types additionally support
division. In the Haskell equivalent of the code in Figure 7.1, parameters x, p,
and q would be inferred to belong to some type in the class Eq. Elements of
an array passed to sort would be inferred to belong to some type in the class
Ord. Type consistency in Haskell can thus be verified entirely at compile time:
there is no need for run-time checks.

330 Chapter 7 Type Systems

let compare x p q =
if x = p then

if x = q then “both”
else “first”

if x = q then “second”
else “neither”;;

Figure 7.1 An OCaml program to illustrate checking for type consistency.

and takes, implicitly, the role of an explicit type parameter in a generic construct
(Sections 7.3.1 and 10.1.1). Every instance of

a in a given call to = must repre-

sent the same type, but instances of

a in different calls can be different. Starting

with the type of =, an OCaml compiler can reason that the type of compare is

a ->

a ->

a -> string. Thus compare is polymorphic; it does not de-

pend on the types of x, p, and q, so long as they are all the same. The key point
to observe is that the programmer did not have to do anything special to make
compare polymorphic: polymorphism is a natural consequence of ML-style type
inference. �

Type Checking

An OCaml compiler verifies type consistency with respect to a well-defined set of
constraints. For example,

All occurrences of the same identifier (subject to scope rules) have the same

In an if. . . then . . . else expression, the condition is of type bool, and the
then and else clauses have the same type.
A programmer-defined function has type

a ->

b -> . . . ->

r, where


b, and so forth are the types of the function’s parameters, and

r is the type

of its result (the expression that forms its body).

When a function is applied (called), the types of the arguments that are passed
are the same as the types of the parameters in the function’s definition. The
type of the application (i.e., the expression constituted by the call) is the same
as the type of the result in the function’s definition.

In any case where two types A and B are required to be “the same,” the OCaml
compiler must unify what it knows about A and B to produce a (potentially more
detailed) description of their common type. The inference can work in either
direction, or both directions at once. For example, if the compiler has determinedEXAMPLE 7.43

A simple instance of

that E1 is an expression of type

a * int (that is, a two-element tuple whose

second element is known to be an integer), and that E2 is an expression of type
string *

b, then in the expression if x then E1 else E2, it can infer that

a is string and

b is int. Thus x is of type bool, and E1 and E2 are of type

string * int. �

7.3 Parametric Polymorphism 331


7.8 Unification
Unification is a powerful technique. In addition to its role in type inference
(which also arises in the templates [generics] of C++), unification plays a cen-
tral role in the computational model of Prolog and other logic languages. We
will consider this latter role in Section 12.1. In the general case the cost of uni-
fying the types of two expressions can be exponential [Mai90], but the patho-
logical cases tend not to arise in practice.

13. What is the difference between type equivalence and type compatibility?

14. Discuss the comparative advantages of structural and name equivalence for
types. Name three languages that use each approach.

15. Explain the difference between strict and loose name equivalence.

16. Explain the distinction between derived types and subtypes in Ada.

17. Explain the differences among type conversion, type coercion, and nonconvert-
ing type casts.

18. Summarize the arguments for and against coercion.

19. Under what circumstances does a type conversion require a run-time check?

20. What purpose is served by universal reference types?

21. What is type inference? Describe three contexts in which it occurs.

22. Under what circumstances does an ML compiler announce a type clash?

23. Explain how the type inference of ML leads naturally to polymorphism.

24. Why do ML programmers often declare the types of variables, even when they
don’t have to?

25. What is unification? What is its role in ML?

7.3 Parametric Polymorphism
As we have seen in the previous section, functions in ML-family languages are
naturally polymorphic. Consider the simple task of finding the minimum of two
values. In OCaml, the functionEXAMPLE 7.44

Finding the minimum in
OCaml or Haskell let min x y = if x < y then x else y;; 332 Chapter 7 Type Systems can be applied to arguments of any type, though sometimes the built-in definition of < may not be what the programmer would like. In Haskell the same function (minus the trailing semicolons) could be applied to arguments of any type in the class Ord; the programmer could add new types to this class by providing a definition of <. Sophisticated type inference allows the compiler to perform most checking at compile time in OCaml, and all of it in Haskell (see Sidebar 7.7 for details). In OCaml, our min function would be said to have type ‚ a ->

a ->

a; in

Haskell, it would be Ord a => a -> a -> a. While the explicit parameters of min
are x and y, we can think of a as an extra, implicit parameter—a type parame-
ter. For this reason, ML-family languages are said to provide implicit parametric
polymorphism. �

Languages without compile-time type inference can provide similar conve-
nience and expressiveness, if we are willing to delay type checking until run time.
In Scheme, our min function would be written like this:EXAMPLE 7.45

Implicit polymorphism in
Scheme (define min (lambda (a b) (if (< a b) a b))) As in OCaml or Haskell, it makes no mention of types. The typical Scheme im- plementation employs an interpreter that examines the arguments to min and determines, at run time, whether they are mutually compatible and support a < operator. Given the definition above, the expression (min 123 456) evaluates to 123; (min 3.14159 2.71828) evaluates to 2.71828. The expression (min "abc" "def") produces a run-time error when evaluated, because the string comparison operator is named string operator), C.min will return the mini-
mum element:

[5, 9, 3, 6].min # 3 (array)
(2..10).min # 2 (range)
[“apple”, “pear”, “orange”].min # “apple” (lexicographic order)
[“apple”, “pear”, “orange”].min {

|a,b| a.length <=> b.length
} # “pear”

For the final call to min, we have provided, as a trailing block, an alternative defi-
nition of the comparison operator. �

This operational style of checking (an object has an acceptable type if it sup-
ports the requested method) is sometimes known as duck typing. It takes its name
from the notion that “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must
be a duck.” 6

6 The origins of this “duck test” colloquialism are uncertain, but they go back at least as far as the
early 20th century. Among other things, the test was widely cited in the 1940s and 50s as a means
of identifying supposed Communist sympathizers.

7.3 Parametric Polymorphism 333

7.3.1 Generic Subroutines and Classes

The disadvantage of polymorphism in Scheme, Smalltalk, Ruby, and the like is the
need for run-time checking, which incurs nontrivial costs, and delays the report-
ing of errors. The implicit polymorphism of ML-family languages avoids these
disadvantages, but requires advanced type inference. For other compiled lan-
guages, explicit parametric polymorphism (otherwise known as generics) allows
the programmer to specify type parameters when declaring a subroutine or class.
The compiler then uses these parameters in the course of static type checking.

Languages that provide generics include Ada, C++ (which calls them tem-
plates), Eiffel, Java, C#, and Scala. As a concrete example, consider the overloadedEXAMPLE 7.47

Generic min function
in Ada

min functions on the left side of Figure 7.2. Here the integer and floating-point
versions differ only in the types of the parameters and return value. We can ex-
ploit this similarity to define a single version that works not only for integers and
reals, but for any type whose values are totally ordered. This code appears on
the right side of Figure 7.2. The initial (bodyless) declaration of min is preceded
by a generic clause specifying that two things are required in order to create a
concrete instance of a minimum function: a type, T, and a corresponding com-
parison routine. This declaration is followed by the actual code for min, and
instantiations of this code for integer and floating-point types. Given appropriate
comparison routines (not shown), we can also instantiate versions for types like
string and date, as shown on the last two lines. (The “<" operation mentioned in the definition of string_min is presumably overloaded; the compiler resolves the overloading by finding the version of "<" that takes arguments of type T, where T is already known to be string.) � In an object-oriented language, generics are most often used to parameterize entire classes. Among other things, such classes may serve as containers—dataEXAMPLE 7.48 Generic queues in C++ abstractions whose instances hold a collection of other objects, but whose opera- tions are generally oblivious to the type of the objects they contain. Examples of containers include stack, queue, heap, set, and dictionary (mapping) abstractions, implemented as lists, arrays, trees, or hash tables. In the absence of generics, it is possible in some languages (C is an obvious example, as were early versions of Java and C#) to define a queue of references to arbitrary objects, but use of such a queue requires type casts that abandon compile-time checking (Exercise 7.8). A simple generic queue in C++ appears in Figure 7.3. � We can think of generic parameters as supporting compile-time customiza- tion, allowing the compiler to create an appropriate version of the parameterized subroutine or class. In some languages—Java and C#, for example—generic pa- rameters must always be types. Other languages are more general. In Ada and C++, for example, a generic can be parameterized by values as well. We can seeEXAMPLE 7.49 Generic parameters an example in Figure 7.3, where an integer parameter has been used to specify the 334 Chapter 7 Type Systems function min(x, y : integer) return integer is begin if x < y then return x; else return y; end if; end min; function min(x, y : long_float) return long_float is begin if x < y then return x; else return y; end if; end min; generic type T is private; with function "<"(x, y : T) return Boolean; function min(x, y : T) return T; function min(x, y : T) return T is begin if x < y then return x; else return y; end if; end min; function int_min is new min(integer, "<"); function real_min is new min(long_float, "<"); function string_min is new min(string, "<"); function date_min is new min(date, date_precedes); Figure 7.2 Overloading (left) versus generics (right) in Ada. maximum length of the queue. In C++, this value must be a compile-time con- stant; in Ada, which supports dynamic-size arrays (Section 8.2.2), its evaluation can be delayed until elaboration time. � Implementation Options Generics can be implemented several ways. In most implementations of Ada and C++ they are a purely static mechanism: all the work required to create and use multiple instances of the generic code takes place at compile time. In the usual case, the compiler creates a separate copy of the code for every instance. (C++ DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 7.9 Generics in ML Perhaps surprisingly, given the implicit polymorphism that comes “for free” with type inference, both OCaml and SML provide explicit polymorphism— generics—as well, in the form of parameterized modules called functors. Un- like the implicit polymorphism, functors allow the OCaml or SML program- mer to indicate that a collection of functions and other values (i.e., the contents of a module) share a common set of generic parameters. This sharing is then enforced by the compiler. Moreover, any types exported by a functor invoca- tion (generic instantiation) are guaranteed to be distinct, even though their signatures (interfaces) are the same. As in Ada and C++, generic parameters in ML can be values as well as types. NB: While Haskell also provides something called a Functor (specifically, a type class that supports a mapping function), its use of the term has little in common with that of OCaml and SML. 7.3 Parametric Polymorphism 335 template
class queue {

item items[max_items];
int next_free, next_full, num_items;

queue() : next_free(0), next_full(0), num_items(0) { }
bool enqueue(const item& it) {

if (num_items == max_items) return false;
++num_items; items[next_free] = it;
next_free = (next_free + 1) % max_items;
return true;

bool dequeue(item* it) {

if (num_items == 0) return false;
–num_items; *it = items[next_full];
next_full = (next_full + 1) % max_items;
return true;


queue ready_list;
queue int_queue;

Figure 7.3 Generic array-based queue in C++.

goes farther, and arranges to type-check each of these instances independently.) If
several queues are instantiated with the same set of arguments, then the compiler
may share the code of the enqueue and dequeue routines among them. A clever
compiler may arrange to share the code for a queue of integers with the code for
a queue of floating-point numbers, if the two types happen to have the same size,
but this sort of optimization is not required, and the programmer should not be
surprised if it doesn’t occur.

Java, by contrast, guarantees that all instances of a given generic will share the
same code at run time. In effect, if T is a generic type parameter in Java, then ob-
jects of class T are treated as instances of the standard base class Object, except
that the programmer does not have to insert explicit casts to use them as objects
of class T, and the compiler guarantees, statically, that the elided casts will never
fail. C# plots an intermediate course. Like C++, it will create specialized imple-
mentations of a generic for different primitive or value types. Like Java, however,
it requires that the generic code itself be demonstrably type safe, independent
of the arguments provided in any particular instantiation. We will examine the
tradeoffs among C++, Java, and C# generics in more detail in Section C 7.3.2.

Generic Parameter Constraints

Because a generic is an abstraction, it is important that its interface (the header of
its declaration) provide all the information that must be known by a user of the
abstraction. Several languages, including Ada, Java, C#, Scala, OCaml, and SML,

336 Chapter 7 Type Systems

attempt to enforce this rule by constraining generic parameters. Specifically, they
require that the operations permitted on a generic parameter type be explicitly

In Ada, the programmer can specify the operations of a generic type parameterEXAMPLE 7.50
with constraints in Ada by means of a trailing with clause. We saw a simple example in the “minimum”

function of Figure 7.2 (right side). The declaration of a generic sorting routine in
Ada might be similar:

type T is private;
type T_array is array (integer range <>) of T;
with function “<"(a1, a2 : T) return boolean; procedure sort(A : in out T_array); Without the with clause, procedure sort would be unable to compare ele- ments of A for ordering, because type T is private—it supports only assign- ment, testing for equality and inequality, and a few other standard attributes (e.g., size). � Java and C# employ a particularly clean approach to constraints that exploits the ability of object-oriented types to inherit methods from a parent type or in- terface. We defer a full discussion of inheritance to Chapter 10. For now, we note that it allows the Java or C# programmer to require that a generic parameter sup- port a particular set of methods, much as the type classes of Haskell constrain the types of acceptable parameters to an implicitly polymorphic function. In Java, weEXAMPLE 7.51 Generic sorting routine in Java might declare and use a sorting routine as follows: DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 7.10 Overloading and polymorphism Given that a compiler will often create multiple instances of the code for a generic subroutine, specialized to a given set of generic parameters, one might be forgiven for wondering: what exactly is the difference between the left and right sides of Figure 7.2? The answer lies in the generality of the polymorphic code. With overloading the programmer must write a separate min routine for every type, and while the compiler will choose among these automatically, the fact that they do something similar with their arguments is purely a matter of convention. Generics, on the other hand, allow the compiler to create an appropriate version for every needed type. The similarity of the calling syntax (and of the generated code, when conventions are followed) has led some au- thors to refer to overloading as ad hoc (special case) polymorphism. There is no particular reason, however, for the programmer to think of polymorphism in terms of multiple copies: from a semantic (conceptual) point of view, over- loaded subroutines use a single name for more than one thing; a polymorphic subroutine is a single thing. 7.3 Parametric Polymorphism 337 public static > void sort(T A[]) {

if (A[i].compareTo(A[j]) >= 0) …


Integer[] myArray = new Integer[50];


Where C++ requires a template prefix before a generic method, Java
puts the type parameters immediately in front of the method’s return type. The
extends clause constitutes a generic constraint: Comparable is an interface (a
set of required methods) from the Java standard library; it includes the method
compareTo. This method returns −1, 0, or 1, respectively, depending on whether
the current object is less than, equal to, or greater than the object passed as a pa-
rameter. The compiler checks to make sure that the objects in any array passed
to sort are of a type that implements Comparable, and are therefore guaran-
teed to provide compareTo. If T had needed additional interfaces (that is, if we
had wanted more constraints), they could have been specified with a comma-
separated list: . �

C# syntax is similar:EXAMPLE 7.52
Generic sorting routine
in C# static void sort(T[] A) where T : IComparable {

if (A[i].CompareTo(A[j]) >= 0) …


int[] myArray = new int[50];

C# puts the type parameters after the name of the subroutine, and the constraints
(the where clause) after the regular parameter list. The compiler is smart enough
to recognize that int is a primitive type, and generates a customized implemen-
tation of sort, eliminating the need for Java’s Integer wrapper class, and pro-
ducing faster code. �

A few languages forgo explicit constraints, but still check how parameters are
used. In C++, for example, the header of a generic sorting routine can be ex-EXAMPLE 7.53

Generic sorting routine in

tremely simple:

void sort(T A[], int A_size) { …

No mention is made of the need for a comparison operator. The body of a generic
can (attempt to) perform arbitrary operations on objects of a generic parameter

338 Chapter 7 Type Systems

type, but if the generic is instantiated with a type that does not support that oper-
ation, the compiler will announce a static semantic error. Unfortunately, because
the header of the generic does not necessarily specify which operations will be
required, it can be difficult for the programmer to predict whether a particular
instantiation will cause an error message. Worse, in some cases the type provided
in a particular instantiation may support an operation required by the generic’s
code, but that operation may not do “the right thing.” Suppose in our C++ sort-
ing example that the code for sort makes use of the < operator. For ints and doubles, this operator will do what one would expect. For character strings, however, it will compare pointers, to see which referenced character has a lower address in memory. If the programmer is expecting comparison for lexicographic ordering, the results may be surprising! To avoid surprises, it is best to avoid implicit use of the operations of a generic parameter type. The next version of the C++ standard is likely to incorporate syn- tax for explicit template constraints [SSD13]. For now, the comparison routine can be provided as a method of class T, an extra argument to the sort routine, or an extra generic parameter. To facilitate the first of these options, the program- mer may choose to emulate Java or C#, encapsulating the required methods in an abstract base class from which the type T may inherit. � Implicit Instantiation Because a class is a type, one must generally create an instance of a generic classEXAMPLE 7.54 Generic class instance in C++ (i.e., an object) before the generic can be used. The declaration provides a natural place to provide generic arguments: queue *my_queue = new queue(); // C++ �

Some languages (Ada among them) also require generic subroutines to be in-EXAMPLE 7.55
Generic subroutine
instance in Ada

stantiated explicitly before they can be used:

procedure int_sort is new sort(integer, int_array, “<"); ... int_sort(my_array); � Other languages (C++, Java, and C# among them) do not require this. Instead they treat generic subroutines as a form of overloading. Given the C++ sortingEXAMPLE 7.56 Implicit instantiation in C++ routine of Example 7.53 and the following objects: int ints[10]; double reals[50]; string strings[30]; // library class string has lexicographic operator< we can perform the following calls without instantiating anything explicitly: sort(ints, 10); sort(reals, 50); sort(strings, 30); 7.3 Parametric Polymorphism 339 Explicit (generics) Implicit Ada C++ Java C# Lisp ML Applicable to subroutines, subroutines, subroutines, subroutines, functions functions modules classes classes classes Abstract over types; subrou- types; enum, types only types only types only types only tines; values of int, and pointer arbitrary types constants Constraints explicit implicit explicit explicit implicit implicit (varied) (inheritance) (inheritance) Checked at compile time compile time compile time compile time run time compile time (definition) (instantiation) (definition) (definition) (inferred) Natural multiple copies multiple copies single copy multiple copies single copy single copy implementation (erasure) (reification) Subroutine explicit implicit implicit implicit — — instantiation Figure 7.4 Mechanisms for parametric polymorphism in Ada, C++, Java, C#, Lisp, and ML. Erasure and reification are discussed in Section C 7.3.2. In each case, the compiler will implicitly instantiate an appropriate version of the sort routine. Java and C# have similar conventions. To keep the language man- ageable, the rules for implicit instantiation in C++ are more restrictive than the rules for resolving overloaded subroutines in general. In particular, the compiler will not coerce a subroutine argument to match a type expression containing a generic parameter (Exercise C 7.26). � Figure 7.4 summarizes the features of Ada, C++, Java, and C# generics, and of the implicit parametric polymorphism of Lisp and ML. Further explanation of some of the details appears in Section C 7.3.2. 7.3.2 Generics in C++, Java, and C# Several of the key tradeoffs in the design of generics can be illustrated by com- paring the features of C++, Java, and C#. C++ is by far the most ambitious of the three. Its templates are intended for almost any programming task that re- quires substantially similar but not identical copies of an abstraction. Java and C# provide generics purely for the sake of polymorphism. Java’s design was heavily influenced by the desire for backward compatibility, not only with existing ver- sions of the language, but with existing virtual machines and libraries. The C# designers, though building on an existing language, did not feel as constrained. They had been planning for generics from the outset, and were able to engineer substantial new support into the .NET virtual machine. 340 Chapter 7 Type Systems IN MORE DEPTH On the companion site we discuss C++, Java, and C# generics in more detail, and consider the impact of their differing designs on the quality of error messages, the speed and size of generated code, and the expressive power of the notation. We note in particular the very different mechanisms used to make generic classes and methods support as broad a class of generic arguments as possible. 7.4 Equality Testing and Assignment For simple, primitive data types such as integers, floating-point numbers, or char- acters, equality testing and assignment are relatively straightforward operations, with obvious semantics and obvious implementations (bit-wise comparison or copy). For more complicated or abstract data types, both semantic and imple- mentation subtleties arise. Consider for example the problem of comparing two character strings. Should the expression s = t determine whether s and t are aliases for one another? occupy storage that is bit-wise identical over its full length? contain the same sequence of characters? would appear the same if printed? The second of these tests is probably too low level to be of interest in most pro- grams; it suggests the possibility that a comparison might fail because of garbage in currently unused portions of the space reserved for a string. The other three alternatives may all be of interest in certain circumstances, and may generate dif- ferent results. In many cases the definition of equality boils down to the distinction between l-values and r-values: in the presence of references, should expressions be con- sidered equal only if they refer to the same object, or also if the objects to which they refer are in some sense equal? The first option (refer to the same object) is known as a shallow comparison. The second (refer to equal objects) is called a deep comparison. For complicated data structures (e.g., lists or graphs) a deep comparison may require recursive traversal. In imperative programming languages, assignment operations may also be deep or shallow. Under a reference model of variables, a shallow assignment a := b will make a refer to the object to which b refers. A deep assignment will create a copy of the object to which b refers, and make a refer to the copy. Under a value model of variables, a shallow assignment will copy the value of b into a, but if that value is a pointer (or a record containing pointers), then the objects to which the pointer(s) refer will not be copied. Most programming languages employ both shallow comparisons and shallow assignment. A few (notably Python and the various dialects of Lisp and ML)EXAMPLE 7.57 Equality testing in Scheme 7.4 Equality Testing and Assignment 341 provide more than one option for comparison. Scheme, for example, has three general-purpose equality-testing functions: (eq? a b) ; do a and b refer to the same object? (eqv? a b) ; are a and b known to be semantically equivalent? (equal? a b) ; do a and b have the same recursive structure? Both eq? and eqv? perform a shallow comparison. The former may be faster for certain types in certain implementations; in particular, eqv? is required to detect the equality of values of the same discrete type, stored in different locations; eq? is not. The simpler eq? behaves as one would expect for Booleans, symbols (names), and pairs (things built by cons), but can have implementation-defined behavior on numbers, characters, and strings: (eq? #t #t) =⇒ #t (true) (eq? 'foo 'foo) =⇒ #t (eq? '(a b) '(a b)) =⇒ #f (false); created by separate cons-es (let ((p '(a b))) (eq? p p)) =⇒ #t; created by the same cons (eq? 2 2) =⇒ implementation dependent (eq? "foo" "foo") =⇒ implementation dependent In any particular implementation, numeric, character, and string tests will always work the same way; if (eq? 2 2) returns true, then (eq? 37 37) will return true also. Implementations are free to choose whichever behavior results in the fastest code. The exact rules that govern the situations in which eqv? is guaranteed to re- turn true or false are quite involved. Among other things, they specify that eqv? should behave as one might expect for numbers, characters, and nonempty strings, and that two objects will never test true for eqv? if there are any circum- stances under which they would behave differently. (Conversely, however, eqv? is allowed to return false for certain objects—functions, for example—that would behave identically in all circumstances.)7 The eqv? predicate is “less discriminat- ing” than eq?, in the sense that eqv? will never return false when eq? returns true. For structures (lists), eqv? returns false if its arguments refer to different root cons cells. In many programs this is not the desired behavior. The equal? predicate recursively traverses two lists to see if their internal structure is the same and their leaves are eqv?. The equal? predicate may lead to an infinite loop if the programmer has used the imperative features of Scheme to create a circular list. � 7 Significantly, eqv? is also allowed to return false when comparing numeric values of different types: (eqv? 1 1.0) may evaluate to #f. For numeric code, one generally wants the separate = function: (= val1 val2) will perform the necessary coercion and test for numeric equality (subject to rounding errors). 342 Chapter 7 Type Systems Deep assignments are relatively rare. They are used primarily in distributed computing, and in particular for parameter passing in remote procedure call (RPC) systems. These will be discussed in Section C 13.5.4. For user-defined abstractions, no single language-specified mechanism for equality testing or assignment is likely to produce the desired results in all cases. Languages with sophisticated data abstraction mechanisms usually allow the pro- grammer to define the comparison and assignment operators for each new data type—or to specify that equality testing and/or assignment is not allowed. 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 26. Explain the distinction between implicit and explicit parametric polymor- phism. What are their comparative advantages? 27. What is duck typing? What is its connection to polymorphism? In what lan- guages does it appear? 28. Explain the distinction between overloading and generics. Why is the former sometimes called ad hoc polymorphism? 29. What is the principal purpose of generics? In what sense do generics serve a broader purpose in C++ and Ada than they do in Java and C#? 30. Under what circumstances can a language implementation share code among separate instances of a generic? 31. What are container classes? What do they have to do with generics? 32. What does it mean for a generic parameter to be constrained? Explain the difference between explicit and implicit constraints. Describe how interface classes can be used to specify constraints in Java and C#. 33. Why will C# accept int as a generic argument, but Java won’t? 34. Under what circumstances will C++ instantiate a generic function implicitly? 35. Why is equality testing more subtle than it first appears? 7.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks This chapter has surveyed the fundamental concept of types. In the typical pro- gramming language, types serve two principal purposes: they provide implicit context for many operations, freeing the programmer from the need to specify that context explicitly, and they allow the compiler to catch a wide variety of common programming errors. When discussing types, we noted that it is some- times helpful to distinguish among denotational, structural, and abstraction- based points of view, which regard types, respectively, in terms of their values, their substructure, and the operations they support. 7.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks 343 In a typical programming language, the type system consists of a set of built- in types, a mechanism to define new types, and rules for type equivalence, type compatibility, and type inference. Type equivalence determines when two values or named objects have the same type. Type compatibility determines when a value of one type may be used in a context that “expects” another type. Type inference determines the type of an expression based on the types of its components or (sometimes) the surrounding context. A language is said to be strongly typed if it never allows an operation to be applied to an object that does not support it; a language is said to be statically typed if it enforces strong typing at compile time. We introduced terminology for the common built-in types and for enumer- ations, subranges, and the common type constructors (more on the latter will appear in Chapter 8). We discussed several different approaches to type equiv- alence, compatibility, and inference. We also examined type conversion, coercion, and nonconverting casts. In the area of type equivalence, we contrasted the struc- tural and name-based approaches, noting that while name equivalence appears to have gained in popularity, structural equivalence retains its advocates. Expanding on material introduced in Section 3.5.2, we explored several styles of polymorphism, all of which allow a subroutine—or the methods of a class—to operate on values of multiple types, so long as they only use those values in ways their types support. We focused in particular on parametric polymorphism, in which the types of the values on which the code will operate are passed to it as extra parameters, implicitly or explicitly. The implicit alternative appears in the static typing of ML and its descendants, and in the dynamic typing of Lisp, Small- talk, and many other languages. The explicit alternative appears in the generics of many modern languages. In Chapter 10 we will consider the related topic of sub- type polymorphism. In our discussion of implicit parametric polymorphism, we devoted consid- erable attention to type checking in ML, where the compiler uses a sophisticated system of inference to determine, at compile time, whether a type error (an at- tempt to perform an operation on a type that doesn’t support it) could ever oc- cur at run time—all without access to type declarations in the source code. In our discussion of generics we explored alternative ways to express constraints on generic parameters. We also considered implementation strategies. As examples, we contrasted (on the companion site) the generic facilities of C++, Java, and C#. More so, perhaps, than in previous chapters, our study of types has highlighted fundamental differences in philosophy among language designers. As we have seen, some languages use variables to name values; others, references. Some lan- guages do all or most of their type checking at compile time; others wait until run time. Among those that check at compile time, some use name equivalence; others, structural equivalence. Some languages avoid type coercions; others em- brace them. Some avoid overloading; others again embrace them. In each case, the choice among design alternatives reflects nontrivial tradeoffs among compet- ing language goals, including expressiveness, ease of programming, quality and timing of error discovery, ease of debugging and maintenance, compilation cost, and run-time performance. 344 Chapter 7 Type Systems 7.6 Exercises 7.1 Most statically typed languages developed since the 1970s (including Java, C#, and the descendants of Pascal) use some form of name equivalence for types. Is structural equivalence a bad idea? Why or why not? 7.2 In the following code, which of the variables will a compiler consider to have compatible types under structural equivalence? Under strict name equiva- lence? Under loose name equivalence? type T = array [1..10] of integer S = T A : T B : T C : S D : array [1..10] of integer 7.3 Consider the following declarations: 1. type cell –– a forward declaration 2. type cell ptr = pointer to cell 3. x : cell 4. type cell = record 5. val : integer 6. next : cell ptr 7. y : cell Should the declaration at line 4 be said to introduce an alias type? Under strict name equivalence, should x and y have the same type? Explain. 7.4 Suppose you are implementing an Ada compiler, and must support arith- metic on 32-bit fixed-point binary numbers with a programmer-specified number of fractional bits. Describe the code you would need to generate to add, subtract, multiply, or divide two fixed-point numbers. You should assume that the hardware provides arithmetic instructions only for integers and IEEE floating-point. You may assume that the integer instructions pre- serve full precision; in particular, integer multiplication produces a 64-bit result. Your description should be general enough to deal with operands and results that have different numbers of fractional bits. 7.5 When Sun Microsystems ported Berkeley Unix from the Digital VAX to the Motorola 680x0 in the early 1980s, many C programs stopped working, and had to be repaired. In effect, the 680x0 revealed certain classes of program bugs that one could “get away with” on the VAX. One of these classes of bugs occurred in programs that use more than one size of integer (e.g., short and long), and arose from the fact that the VAX is a little-endian machine, while the 680x0 is big-endian (Section C 5.2). Another class of bugs oc- curred in programs that manipulate both null and empty strings. It arose 7.6 Exercises 345 from the fact that location zero in a Unix process’s address space on the VAX always contained a zero, while the same location on the 680x0 is not in the address space, and will generate a protection error if used. For both of these classes of bugs, give examples of program fragments that would work on a VAX but not on a 680x0. 7.6 Ada provides two “remainder” operators, rem and mod for integer types, defined as follows [Ame83, Sec. 4.5.5]: Integer division and remainder are defined by the relation A = (A/B)*B + (A rem B), where (A rem B) has the sign of A and an absolute value less than the absolute value of B. Integer division satisfies the identity (-A)/B = -(A/B) = A/(-B). The result of the modulus operation is such that (A mod B) has the sign of B and an absolute value less than the absolute value of B; in addition, for some integer value N, this result must satisfy the relation A = B*N + (A mod B). Give values of A and B for which A rem B and A mod B differ. For what purposes would one operation be more useful than the other? Does it make sense to provide both, or is it overkill? Consider also the % operator of C and the mod operator of Pascal. The designers of these languages could have picked semantics resembling those of either Ada’s rem or its mod. Which did they pick? Do you think they made the right choice? 7.7 Consider the problem of performing range checks on set expressions in Pas- cal. Given that a set may contain many elements, some of which may be known at compile time, describe the information that a compiler might maintain in order to track both the elements known to belong to the set and the possible range of unknown elements. Then explain how to update this information for the following set operations: union, intersection, and difference. The goal is to determine (1) when subrange checks can be elimi- nated at run time and (2) when subrange errors can be reported at compile time. Bear in mind that the compiler cannot do a perfect job: some unnec- essary run-time checks will inevitably be performed, and some operations that must always result in errors will not be caught at compile time. The goal is to do as good a job as possible at reasonable cost. 7.8 In Section 7.2.2 we introduced the notion of a universal reference type (void * in C) that refers to an object of unknown type. Using such ref- erences, implement a “poor man’s generic queue” in C, as suggested in Sec- tion 7.3.1. Where do you need type casts? Why? Give an example of a use of the queue that will fail catastrophically at run time, due to the lack of type checking. 7.9 Rewrite the code of Figure 7.3 in Ada, Java, or C#. 7.10 (a) Give a generic solution to Exercise 6.19. (b) Translate this solution into Ada, Java, or C#. 7.11 In your favorite language with generics, write code for simple versions of the following abstractions: 346 Chapter 7 Type Systems (a) a stack, implemented as a linked list (b) a priority queue, implemented as a skip list or a partially ordered tree embedded in an array (c) a dictionary (mapping), implemented as a hash table 7.12 Figure 7.3 passes integer max_items to the queue abstraction as a generic parameter. Write an alternative version of the code that makes max_items a parameter to the queue constructor instead. What is the advantage of the generic parameter version? 7.13 Rewrite the generic sorting routine of Examples 7.50–7.52 (with con- straints) using OCaml or SML functors. 7.14 Flesh out the C++ sorting routine of Example 7.53. Demonstrate that this routine does “the wrong thing” when asked to sort an array of char* strings. 7.15 In Example 7.53 we mentioned three ways to make the need for compar- isons more explicit when defining a generic sort routine in C++: make the comparison routine a method of the generic parameter class T, an extra ar- gument to the sort routine, or an extra generic parameter. Implement these options and discuss their comparative strengths and weaknesses. 7.16 Yet another solution to the problem of the previous exercise is to make the sorting routine a method of a sorter class. The comparison routine can then be passed into the class as a constructor argument. Implement this option and compare it to those of the previous exercise. 7.17 Consider the following code skeleton in C++: #include using std::list;

class foo { …
class bar : public foo { …

static void print_all(list &L) { …

list LF;
list LB;

print_all(LF); // works fine
print_all(LB); // static semantic error

Explain why the compiler won’t allow the second call. Give an example of
bad things that could happen if it did.

7.18 Bjarne Stroustrup, the original designer of C++, once described templates
as “a clever kind of macro that obeys the scope, naming, and type rules of
C++” [Str13, 2nd ed., p. 257]. How close is the similarity? What can
templates do that macros can’t? What do macros do that templates don’t?

7.7 Explorations 347

7.19 In Section 9.3.1 we noted that Ada 83 does not permit subroutines to be
passed as parameters, but that some of the same effect can be achieved with
generics. Suppose we want to apply a function to every member of an array.
We might write the following in Ada 83:

type item is private;
type item_array is array (integer range <>) of item;
with function F(it : in item) return item;

procedure apply_to_array(A : in out item_array);

procedure apply_to_array(A : in out item_array) is

for i in A’first..A’last loop
A(i) := F(A(i));

end loop;
end apply_to_array;

Given an array of integers, scores, and a function on integers, foo, we can

procedure apply_to_ints is
new apply_to_array(integer, int_array, foo);


How general is this mechanism? What are its limitations? Is it a reasonable
substitute for formal (i.e., second-class, as opposed to third-class) subrou-

7.20 Modify the code of Figure 7.3 or your solution to Exercise 7.12 to throw an
exception if an attempt is made to enqueue an item in a full queue, or to
dequeue an item from an empty queue.

7.21–7.27 In More Depth.

7.7 Explorations
7.28 Some language definitions specify a particular representation for data types

in memory, while others specify only the semantic behavior of those types.
For languages in the latter class, some implementations guarantee a partic-
ular representation, while others reserve the right to choose different repre-
sentations in different circumstances. Which approach do you prefer? Why?

7.29 Investigate the typestate mechanism employed by Strom et al. in the Hermes
programming language [SBG+91]. Discuss its relationship to the notion of
definite assignment in Java and C# (Section 6.1.3).

348 Chapter 7 Type Systems

7.30 Several recent projects attempt to blur the line between static and dynamic
typing by adding optional type declarations to scripting languages. These
declarations support a strategy of gradual typing, in which programmers
initially write in a traditional scripting style and then add declarations in-
crementally to increase reliability or decrease run-time cost. Learn about
the Dart, Hack, and TypeScript languages, promoted by Google, Facebook,
and Microsoft, respectively. What are your impressions? How easy do you
think it will be in practice to retrofit declarations into programs originally
developed without them?

7.31 Research the type systems of Standard ML, OCaml, Haskell, and F#. What
are the principal differences? What might explain the different choices made
by the language designers?

7.32 Write a program in C++ or Ada that creates at least two concrete types or
subroutines from the same template/generic. Compile your code to assem-
bly language and look at the result. Describe the mapping from source to
target code.

7.33 While Haskell does not include generics (its parametric polymorphism is
implicit), its type classes can be considered a generalization of type con-
straints. Learn more about type classes. Discuss their relevance to poly-
morphic functions, as well as more general uses. You might want to look
ahead to the discussion of monads in Section 11.5.2.

7.34 Investigate the notion of type conformance, employed by Black et al. in the
Emerald programming language [BHJL07]. Discuss how conformance re-
lates to the type inference of ML and to the class-based typing of object-
oriented languages.

7.35 C++11 introduces so-called variadic templates, which take a variable num-
ber of generic parameters. Read up on how these work. Show how they
might be used to replace the usual cout << expr1 << . . . << exprn syntax of formatted output with print(expr1 , . . . , exprn), while retaining full static type checking. 7.36–7.38 In More Depth. 7.8 Bibliographic Notes References to general information on the various programming languages men- tioned in this chapter can be found in Appendix A, and in the Bibliographic Notes for Chapters 1 and 6. Welsh, Sneeringer, and Hoare [WSH77] provide a critique of the original Pascal definition, with a particular emphasis on its type system. Tanenbaum’s comparison of Pascal and Algol 68 also focuses largely on types [Tan78]. Cleaveland [Cle86] provides a book-length study of many of the is- sues in this chapter. Pierce [Pie02] provides a formal and detailed modern cover- age of the subject. The ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages 7.8 Bibliographic Notes 349 launched a biennial workshop on Types in Language Design and Implementation in 2003. What we have referred to as the denotational model of types originates with Hoare [DDH72]. Denotational formulations of the overall semantics of pro- gramming languages are discussed in the Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 4. A related but distinct body of work uses algebraic techniques to formalize data ab- straction; key references include Guttag [Gut77] and Goguen et al. [GTW78]. Milner’s original paper [Mil78] is the seminal reference on type inference in ML. Mairson [Mai90] proves that the cost of unifying ML types is O(2n), where n is the length of the program. Fortunately, the cost is linear in the size of the program’s type expressions, so the worst case arises only in programs whose semantics are too complex for a human being to understand anyway. Hoare [Hoa75] discusses the definition of recursive types under a reference model of variables. Cardelli and Wegner survey issues related to polymorphism, overloading, and abstraction [CW85]. The Character Model standard for the World Wide Web provides a remarkably readable introduction to the subtleties and complexities of multilingual character sets [Wor05]. Garcia et al. provide a detailed comparison of generic facilities in ML, C++, Haskell, Eiffel, Java, and C# [GJL+03]. The C# generic facility is described by Kennedy and Syme [KS01]. Java generics are based on the work of Bracha et al. [BOSW98]. Erwin Unruh is credited with discovering that C++ templates could trick the compiler into performing nontrivial computation. His specific example (www.erwin-unruh.de/primorig.html) did not compile, but caused the compiler to generate a sequence of n error messages, embedding the first n primes. Abrahams and Gurtovoy provide a book-length treatment of template metapro- gramming [AG05], the field that grew out of this discovery. This page intentionally left blank 8Composite Types Chapter 7 introduced the notion of types as a way to organize the many values and objects manipulated by computer programs. It also introduced ter- minology for both built-in and composite types. As we noted in Section 7.1.4, composite types are formed by joining together one or more simpler types using a type constructor. From a denotational perspective, the constructors can be mod- eled as operations on sets, with each set representing one of the simpler types. In the current chapter we will survey the most important type constructors: records, arrays, strings, sets, pointers, lists, and files. In the section on records we will also consider both variants (unions) and tuples. In the section on point- ers, we will take a more detailed look at the value and reference models of vari- ables introduced in Section 6.1.2, and the heap management issues introduced in Section 3.2. The section on files (mostly on the companion site) will include a discussion of input and output mechanisms. 8.1 Records (Structures) Record types allow related data of heterogeneous types to be stored and manipu- lated together. Originally introduced by Cobol, records also appeared in Algol 68, which called them structures, and introduced the keyword struct. Many mod- ern languages, including C and its descendants, employ the Algol terminology. Fortran 90 simply calls its records “types”: they are the only form of programmer- defined type other than arrays, which have their own special syntax. Structures in C++ are defined as a special form of class (one in which members are globally visible by default). Java has no distinguished notion of struct; its program- mers use classes in all cases. C# and Swift use a reference model for variables of class types, and a value model for variables of struct types. In these languages, structs do not support inheritance. For the sake of simplicity, we will use the term “record” in most of our discussion to refer to the relevant construct in all these languages. 351 352 Chapter 8 Composite Types 8.1.1 Syntax and Operations In C, a simple record might be defined as follows:EXAMPLE 8.1 A C struct struct element { char name[2]; int atomic_number; double atomic_weight; _Bool metallic; }; � Each of the record components is known as a field. To refer to a given field of a record, most languages use “dot” notation:EXAMPLE 8.2 Accessing record fields element copper; const double AN = 6.022e23; /* Avogadro's number */ ... copper.name[0] = 'C'; copper.name[1] = 'u'; double atoms = mass / copper.atomic_weight * AN; In Fortran 90 one would say copper%name and copper%atomic_weight. Cobol reverses the order of the field and record names: name of copper and atomic_ weight of copper. In Common Lisp, one would say (element-name copper) and (element-atomic_weight copper). � Most languages allow record definitions to be nested. Again in C:EXAMPLE 8.3 Nested records struct ore { char name[30]; struct { char name[2]; int atomic_number; double atomic_weight; _Bool metallic; } element_yielded; }; Alternatively, one could say struct ore { char name[30]; struct element element_yielded; }; In Fortran 90 and Common Lisp, only the second alternative is permitted: record fields can have record types, but the declarations cannot be lexically nested. Naming for nested records is straightforward: malachite.element_ 8.1 Records (Structures) 353 yielded.atomic_number in C; atomic_number of element_yielded of mal- achite in Cobol; (element-atomic_number (ore-element_yielded mala- chite)) in Common Lisp. � As noted in Example 7.17, ML and its relatives differ from most languages inEXAMPLE 8.4 OCaml records and tuples specifying that the order of record fields is insignificant. The OCaml record value {name = "Cu"; atomic_number = 29; atomic_weight = 63.546; metallic = true} is the same as the value {atomic_number = 29; name = "Cu"; atomic_ weight = 63.546; metallic = true}—they will test true for equality. OCaml’s tuples, which we mentioned briefly in Section 7.2.4, and will visit again in Section 11.4.3, resemble records whose fields are ordered, but unnamed. In SML, the other leading ML dialect, the resemblance is actually equivalence: tuples are defined as syntactic sugar for records whose field names are small inte- gers. The values ("Cu", 29), {1 = "Cu", 2 = 29}, and {2 = 29, 1 = "Cu"} will all test true for equality in SML. � 8.1.2 Memory Layout and Its Impact The fields of a record are usually stored in adjacent locations in memory. In its symbol table, the compiler keeps track of the offset of each field within each record type. When it needs to access a field, the compiler will often generate a load or store instruction with displacement addressing. For a local object, the base register is typically the frame pointer; the displacement is then the sum of the record’s offset from the register and the field’s offset within the record. A likely layout for our element type on a 32-bit machine appears in Figure 8.1.EXAMPLE 8.5 Memory layout for a record type Because the name field is only two characters long, it occupies two bytes in mem- ory. Since atomic_number is an integer, and must (on most machines) be word- aligned, there is a two-byte “hole” between the end of name and the beginning of atomic_number. Similarly, since Boolean variables (in most language imple- mentations) occupy a single byte, there are three bytes of empty space between the end of the metallic field and the next aligned location. In an array of elements, most compilers would devote 20 bytes to every member of the array. � DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 8.1 Struct tags and typedef in C and C++ One of the peculiarities of the C type system is that struct tags are not exactly type names. In Example 8.1, the name of the type is the two-word phrase struct element. We used this name to declare the element_yielded field of the second struct in Example 8.3. To obtain a one-word name, one can say typedef struct element element_t, or even typedef struct element element: struct tags and typedef names have separate name spaces, so the same name can be used in each. C++ eliminates this idiosyncrasy by allowing the struct tag to be used as a type name without the struct prefix; in effect, it performs the typedef implicitly. 354 Chapter 8 Composite Types 4 bytes/32 bits name metallic atomic_number atomic_weight Figure 8.1 Likely layout in memory for objects of type element on a 32-bit machine. Align- ment restrictions lead to the shaded “holes.” In a language with a value model of variables, nested records are naturally embedded in the parent record, where they function as large fields with word or double-word alignment. In a language with a reference model of variables, fields of record type are typically references to data in another location. The difference is a matter not only of memory layout, but also of semantics. We can see the difference in Figure 8.2. In C, with a value model of variables, data is laid out asEXAMPLE 8.6 Nested records as values shown at the top of the figure. In the following code, using the declarations at the top of the figure, the assignment of s1 into s2 copies the embedded T: struct S s1; struct S s2; s1.n.j = 0; s2 = s1; s2.n.j = 7; printf("%d\n", s1.n.j); /* prints 0 */ � In Java, by contrast, with a reference model of variables, data is laid out asEXAMPLE 8.7 Nested records as references shown at the bottom of the figure. In the following code, using the declarations at the bottom of the figure, assignment of s1 into s2 copies only the reference, so s2.n.j is an alias for s1.n.j: S s1 = new S(); s1.n = new T(); // fields initialized to 0 S s2 = s1; s2.n.j = 7; System.out.println(s1.n.j); // prints 7 � A few languages and implementations allow the programmer to specify that aEXAMPLE 8.8 Layout of packed types record type (or an array, set, or file type) should be packed. In Ada, one uses a pragma: type element = record ... end; pragma Pack(element); 8.1 Records (Structures) 355 struct T { int j; int k; }; struct S { int i; struct T n; }; i n.j i n j k n.k class T { public int j; public int k; } class S { public int i; public T n; } Figure 8.2 Layout of memory for a nested struct (class) in C (top) and Java (bottom). This layout reflects the fact that n is an embedded value in C, but a reference in Java. We have assumed here that integers and pointers have equal size. When compiling with gcc, one uses an attribute: struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) element { ... } The Ada syntax is built into the language; the gcc syntax is a GNU extension. In either case, the directive asks the compiler to optimize for space instead of speed. Typically, a compiler will implement a packed record without holes, by simply “pushing the fields together.” To access a nonaligned field, however, it will have to issue a multi-instruction sequence that retrieves the pieces of the field from memory and then reassembles them in a register. A likely packed layout for our element type (again for a 32-bit machine) appears in Figure 8.3. It is 15 bytes in length. An array of packed element records would probably devote 16 bytes to each member of the array; that is, it would align each element. A packed array of packed records might devote only 15 bytes to each; only every fourth element would be aligned. � Most languages allow a value to be assigned to an entire record in a singleEXAMPLE 8.9 Assignment and comparison of records operation: my_element := copper; Ada also allows records to be compared for equality (if my_element = copper then ...). Many other languages (including C and its successors) support as- signment but not equality testing, though C++ allows the programmer to define the latter for individual record types. � 356 Chapter 8 Composite Types name metallic atomic_ atomic_weight number 4 bytes/32 bits Figure 8.3 Likely memory layout for packed element records. The atomic_number and atomic_weight fields are nonaligned, and can only be read or written (on most machines) via multi-instruction sequences. For small records, both copies and comparisons can be performed in-line on a field-by-field basis. For longer records, we can save significantly on code space by deferring to a library routine. A block_copy routine can take source address, destination address, and length as arguments, but the analogous block_compare routine would fail on records with different (garbage) data in the holes. One solution is to arrange for all holes to contain some predictable value (e.g., zero), but this requires code at every elaboration point. Another is to have the compiler generate a customized field-by-field comparison routine for every record type. Different routines would be called to compare records of different types. In addition to complicating comparisons, holes in records waste space. Pack-EXAMPLE 8.10 Minimizing holes by sorting fields ing eliminates holes, but at potentially heavy cost in access time. A compromise, adopted by some compilers, is to sort a record’s fields according to the size of their alignment constraints. All byte-aligned fields might come first, followed by any half-word aligned fields, word-aligned fields, and (if the hardware requires) double-word-aligned fields. For our element type, the resulting rearrangement is shown in Figure 8.4. � In most cases, reordering of fields is purely an implementation issue: the pro- grammer need not be aware of it, so long as all instances of a record type are reordered in the same way. The exception occurs in systems programs, which sometimes “look inside” the implementation of a data type with the expectation that it will be mapped to memory in a particular way. A kernel programmer, for example, may count on a particular layout strategy in order to define a record DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 8.2 The order of record fields Issues of record field order are intimately tied to implementation tradeoffs: Holes in records waste space, but alignment makes for faster access. If holes contain garbage we can’t compare records by looping over words or bytes, but zeroing out the holes would incur costs in time and code space. Predictable layout is important for mirroring hardware structures in “systems” languages, but reorganization may be advantageous in large records if we can group fre- quently accessed fields together, so they lie in the same cache line. 8.1 Records (Structures) 357 name metallic atomic_number atomic_weight 4 bytes/32 bits Figure 8.4 Rearranging record fields to minimize holes. By sorting fields according to the size of their alignment constraint, a compiler can minimize the space devoted to holes, while keeping the fields aligned. that mimics the organization of memory-mapped control registers for a partic- ular Ethernet device. C and C++, which are designed in large part for systems programs, guarantee that the fields of a struct will be allocated in the order declared. The first field is guaranteed to have the coarsest alignment required by the hardware for any type (generally a four- or eight-byte boundary). Sub- sequent fields have the natural alignment for their type. Fortran 90 allows the programmer to specify that fields must not be reordered; in the absence of such a specification the compiler can choose its own order. To accommodate systems programs, Ada, C, and C++ all allow the programmer to specify exactly how many bits to devote to each field of a record. Where a “packed” directive is es- sentially a nonbinding indication of the programmer’s priorities, bit lengths on field declarations are a binding specification of assembly-level layout. 8.1.3 Variant Records (Unions) Programming languages of the 1960s and 1970s were designed in an era of se- vere memory constraints. Many allowed the programmer to specify that certain variables (presumably ones that would never be used at the same time) should be allocated “on top of” one another, sharing the same bytes in memory. C’s syntax,EXAMPLE 8.11 A union in C heavily influenced by Algol 68, looks very much like a struct: union { int i; double d; _Bool b; }; The overall size of this union would be that of its largest member (presumably d). Exactly which bytes of d would be overlapped by i and b is implementation de- pendent, and presumably influenced by the relative sizes of types, their alignment constraints, and the endian-ness of the hardware. � In practice, unions have been used for two main purposes. The first arises in systems programs, where unions allow the same set of bytes to be interpreted in 358 Chapter 8 Composite Types different ways at different times. The canonical example occurs in memory man- agement, where storage may sometimes be treated as unallocated space (perhaps in need of “zeroing out”), sometimes as bookkeeping information (length and header fields to keep track of free and allocated blocks), and sometimes as user- allocated data of arbitrary type. While nonconverting type casts (Section 7.2.1) can be used to implement heap management routines, unions are a better indi- cation of the programmer’s intent: the bits are not being reinterpreted, they are being used for independent purposes.1 The second, historical purpose for unions was to represent alternative sets of fields within a record. A record representing an employee, for example, mightEXAMPLE 8.12 Motivation for variant records have several common fields (name, address, phone, department, ID number) and various other fields depending on whether the person in question works on a salaried, hourly, or consulting basis. Traditional C unions were awkward when used for this purpose. A much cleaner syntax appeared in the variant records of Pascal and its successors, which allow the programmer to specify that certain fields within a record should overlap in memory. Similar functionality was added to C11 and C++11 in the form of anonymous unions. � IN MORE DEPTH We discuss unions and variant records in more detail on the companion site. Topics we consider include syntax, safety, and memory layout issues. Safety is a particular concern: where nonconverting type casts allow a programmer to cir- cumvent the language’s type system explicitly, a naive realization of unions makes it easy to do so by accident. Ada imposes limits on the use of unions and variant records that allow the compiler to verify, statically, that all programs are type-safe. We also note that inheritance in object-oriented languages provides an attractive alternative to type-safe variant records in most cases. This observation largely accounts for the omission of unions and variant records from most more recent languages. 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1. What are struct tags in C? How are they related to type names? How did they change in C++? 2. How do the records of ML differ from those of most other languages? 3. Discuss the significance of “holes” in records. Why do they arise? What prob- lems do they cause? 1 By contrast, the other example mentioned under Nonconverting Type Casts in Section 7.2.1— examination of the internal structure of a floating-point number—does indeed reinterpret bits. Unions can also be used in this case (Exercise C 8.24), but here a nonconverting cast is a better indication of intent. 8.2 Arrays 359 4. Why is it easier to implement assignment than comparison for records? 5. What is packing? What are its advantages and disadvantages? 6. Why might a compiler reorder the fields of a record? What problems might this cause? 7. Briefly describe two purposes for unions/variant records. 8.2 Arrays Arrays are the most common and important composite data types. They have been a fundamental part of almost every high-level language, beginning with For- tran I. Unlike records, which group related fields of disparate types, arrays are usually homogeneous. Semantically, they can be thought of as a mapping from an index type to a component or element type. Some languages (e.g., Fortran) re- quire that the index type be integer; many languages allow it to be any discrete type. Some languages (e.g., Fortran 77) require that the element type of an array be scalar. Most (including Fortran 90) allow any element type. Some languages (notably scripting languages, but also some newer imperative languages, including Go and Swift) allow nondiscrete index types. The resulting associative arrays must generally be implemented with hash tables or search trees; we consider them in Section 14.4.3. Associative arrays also resemble the dictio- nary or map types supported by the standard libraries of many object-oriented languages. In C++, operator overloading allows these types to use conventional array-like syntax. For the purposes of this chapter, we will assume that array indices are discrete. This admits a (much more efficient) contiguous allocation scheme, to be described in Section 8.2.3. We will also assume that arrays are dense—that a large fraction of their elements are not equal to zero or some other default value. The alternative—sparse arrays—arises in many important scien- tific problems. For these, libraries (or, in rare cases, the language itself) may support an alternative implementation that explicitly enumerates only the non- default values. 8.2.1 Syntax and Operations Most languages refer to an element of an array by appending a subscript—usually delimited by square brackets—to the name of the array: A[3]. A few languages— notably Fortran and Ada—use parentheses instead: A(3). In some languages one declares an array by appending subscript notation toEXAMPLE 8.13 Array declarations the syntax that would be used to declare a scalar. In C: char upper[26]; 360 Chapter 8 Composite Types In Fortran: character, dimension (1:26) :: upper character (26) upper ! shorthand notation In C, the lower bound of an index range is always zero: the indices of an n-element array are 0 . . .n−1. In Fortran, the lower bound of the index range is one by default. Fortran 90 allows a different lower bound to be specified if desired, using the notation shown in the first of the two declarations above. Many Algol descendants use an array constructor instead. In Ada, for exam- ple, one might say upper : array (character range 'a'..'z') of character; � Most languages make it easy to declare multidimensional arrays:EXAMPLE 8.14 Multidimensional arrays mat : array (1..10, 1..10) of long_float; -- Ada real, dimension (10,10) :: mat ! Fortran In some languages, one can also declare a multidimensional array by using the array constructor more than once in the same declaration. In Modula-3, for example, VAR mat : ARRAY [1..10], [1..10] OF REAL; is syntactic sugar for VAR mat : ARRAY [1..10] OF ARRAY [1..10] OF REAL; and mat[3, 4] is syntactic sugar for mat[3][4]. � In Ada, by contrast,EXAMPLE 8.15 Multidimensional vs built-up arrays mat1 : array (1..10, 1..10) of long_float; is not the same as type vector is array (integer range <>) of long_float;
type matrix is array (integer range <>) of vector (1..10);
mat2 : matrix (1..10);

Variable mat1 is a two-dimensional array; mat2 is an array of one-dimensional
arrays. With the former declaration, we can access individual real numbers as
mat1(3, 4); with the latter we must say mat2(3)(4). The two-dimensional
array is arguably more elegant, but the array of arrays supports additional op-
erations: it allows us to name the rows of mat2 individually (mat2(3) is a 10-
element, single-dimensional array), and it allows us to take slices, as discussed

8.2 Arrays 361

below (mat2(3)(2..6) is a five-element array of real numbers; mat2(3..7) is a
five-element array of ten-element arrays). �

In C, one must also declare an array of arrays, and use two-subscript notation,EXAMPLE 8.16
Arrays of arrays in C but C’s integration of pointers and arrays (to be discussed in Section 8.5.1) means

that slices are not supported:

double mat[10][10];

Given this definition, mat[3][4] denotes an individual element of the array, but
mat[3] denotes a reference, either to the third row of the array or to the first
element of that row, depending on context. �


8.3 Is [ ] an operator?
Associative arrays in C++ are typically defined by overloading operator[ ].
C#, like C++, provides extensive facilities for operator overloading, but it does
not use these facilities to support associative arrays. Instead, the language pro-
vides a special indexer mechanism, with its own unique syntax:

class directory {
Hashtable table; // from standard library

public directory() { // constructor

table = new Hashtable();

public string this[string name] { // indexer method

get {
return (string) table[name];

set {

table[name] = value; // value is implicitly
} } } // a parameter of set

directory d = new directory();

d[“Jane Doe”] = “234-5678”;
Console.WriteLine(d[“Jane Doe”]);

Why the difference? In C++, operator[] can return a reference (an explicit
l-value), which can be used on either side of an assignment (further informa-
tion can be found under “References in C++” in Section 9.3.1). C# has no
comparable l-value mechanism, so it needs separate methods to get and set
the value of d[“Jane Doe”].

362 Chapter 8 Composite Types

matrix(3:6, 4:7) matrix(6:, 5)

matrix(:4, 2:8:2) matrix(:, (/2, 5, 9/))

Figure 8.5 Array slices (sections) in Fortran 90. Much like the values in the header of an
enumeration-controlled loop (Section 6.5.1), a : b : c in a subscript indicates positions a, a + c,
a+ 2c, . . . through b. If a or b is omitted, the corresponding bound of the array is assumed. If c is
omitted, 1 is assumed. It is even possible to use negative values of c in order to select positions in
reverse order. The slashes in the second subscript of the lower right example delimit an explicit
list of positions.

Slices and Array Operations

A slice or section is a rectangular portion of an array. Fortran 90 provides ex-EXAMPLE 8.17
Array slice operations tensive facilities for slicing, as do Go and many scripting languages. Figure 8.5

illustrates some of the possibilities in Fortran 90, using the declaration of mat
from Example 8.14. Ada provides more limited support: a slice is simply a con-
tiguous range of elements in a one-dimensional array. As we saw in Example 8.15,
the elements can themselves be arrays, but there is no way to extract a slice along
both dimensions as a single operation. �

In most languages, the only operations permitted on an array are selection
of an element (which can then be used for whatever operations are valid on its
type), and assignment. A few languages (e.g., Ada and Fortran 90) allow arrays to
be compared for equality. Ada allows one-dimensional arrays whose elements are
discrete to be compared for lexicographic ordering: A < B if the first element of A that is not equal to the corresponding element of B is less than that correspond- ing element. Ada also allows the built-in logical operators (or, and, xor) to be applied to Boolean arrays. Fortran 90 has a very rich set of array operations: built-in operations that take entire arrays as arguments. Because Fortran uses structural type equivalence, the 8.2 Arrays 363 operands of an array operator need only have the same element type and shape. In particular, slices of the same shape can be intermixed in array operations, even if the arrays from which they were sliced have very different shapes. Any of the built-in arithmetic operators will take arrays as operands; the result is an array, of the same shape as the operands, whose elements are the result of applying the operator to corresponding elements. As a simple example, A + B is an array each of whose elements is the sum of the corresponding elements of A and B. Fortran 90 also provides a huge collection of intrinsic, or built-in functions. More than 60 of these (including logic and bit manipulation, trigonometry, logs and exponents, type conversion, and string manipulation) are defined on scalars, but will also perform their operation element-wise if passed arrays as arguments. The function tan(A), for example, returns an array consisting of the tangents of the elements of A. Many additional intrinsic functions are defined solely on arrays. These include searching and summarization, transposition, and reshaping and subscript permutation. Fortran 90 draws significant inspiration from APL, an array manipulation lan- guage developed by Iverson and others in the early to mid-1960s.2 APL was de- signed primarily as a terse mathematical notation for array manipulations. It employs an enormous character set that made it difficult to use with traditional keyboards and textual displays. Its variables are all arrays, and many of the spe- cial characters denote array operations. APL implementations are designed for interpreted, interactive use. They are best suited to “quick and dirty” solution of mathematical problems. The combination of very powerful operators with very terse notation makes APL programs notoriously difficult to read and understand. J, a successor to APL, uses a conventional character set. 8.2.2 Dimensions, Bounds, and Allocation In all of the examples in the previous subsection, the shape of the array (including bounds) was specified in the declaration. For such static shape arrays, storage can be managed in the usual way: static allocation for arrays whose lifetime is the entire program; stack allocation for arrays whose lifetime is an invocation of a subroutine; heap allocation for dynamically allocated arrays with more general lifetime. Storage management is more complex for arrays whose shape is not known until elaboration time, or whose shape may change during execution. For these the compiler must arrange not only to allocate space, but also to make shape information available at run time (without such information, indexing would not be possible). Some dynamically typed languages allow run-time binding of 2 Kenneth Iverson (1920–2004), a Canadian mathematician, joined the faculty at Harvard Uni- versity in 1954, where he conceived APL as a notation for describing mathematical algorithms. He moved to IBM in 1960, where he helped develop the notation into a practical programming language. He was named an IBM Fellow in 1970, and received the ACM Turing Award in 1979. 364 Chapter 8 Composite Types both the number and bounds of dimensions. Compiled languages may allow the bounds to be dynamic, but typically require the number of dimensions to be static. A local array whose shape is known at elaboration time may still be allocated in the stack. An array whose size may change during execution must generally be allocated in the heap. In the first subsection below we consider the descriptors, or dope vectors,3 used to hold shape information at run time. We then consider stack- and heap-based allocation, respectively, for dynamic shape arrays. Dope Vectors During compilation, the symbol table maintains dimension and bounds infor- mation for every array in the program. For every record, it maintains the offset of every field. When the number and bounds of array dimensions are statically known, the compiler can look them up in the symbol table in order to compute the address of elements of the array. When these values are not statically known, the compiler must generate code to look them up in a dope vector at run time. In the general case a dope vector must specify the lower bound of each dimen- sion and the size of each dimension other than the last (which is always the size of the element type, and will thus be statically known). If the language implemen- tation performs dynamic semantic checks for out-of-bounds subscripts in array references, then the dope vector may contain upper bounds as well. Given lower bounds and sizes, the upper bound information is redundant, but including it avoids the need to recompute repeatedly at run time. The contents of the dope vector are initialized at elaboration time, or when- ever the number or bounds of dimensions change. In a language like Fortran 90, whose notion of shape includes dimension sizes but not lower bounds, an assign- ment statement may need to copy not only the data of an array, but dope vector contents as well. In a language that provides both a value model of variables and arrays of dy- namic shape, we must consider the possibility that a record will contain a field whose size is not statically known. In this case the compiler may use dope vectors not only for dynamic shape arrays, but also for dynamic shape records. The dope vector for a record typically indicates the offset of each field from the beginning of the record. Stack Allocation Subroutine parameters and local variables provide the simplest examples of dy- namic shape arrays. Early versions of Pascal required the shape of all arrays to be specified statically. Standard Pascal allowed dynamic arrays as subroutine param- eters, with shape fixed at subroutine call time. Such parameters are sometimes 3 The name “dope vector” presumably derives from the notion of “having the dope on (some- thing),” a colloquial expression that originated in horse racing: advance knowledge that a horse has been drugged (“doped”) is of significant, if unethical, use in placing bets. 8.2 Arrays 365 void square(int n, double M[n][n]) { double T[n][n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // compute product into T for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { double s = 0; for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) { s += M[i][k] * M[k][j]; } T[i][j] = s; } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // copy T back into M for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { M[i][j] = T[i][j]; } } } Figure 8.6 A dynamic local array in C. Function square multiplies a matrix by itself and replaces the original with the product. To do so it needs a scratch array of the same shape as the parameter. Note that the declarations of M and T both rely on parameter n . known as conformant arrays. Among other things, they facilitate the construc- tion of linear algebra libraries, whose routines must typically work on arrays of arbitrary size. To implement such an array, the compiler arranges for the caller to pass both the data of the array and an appropriate dope vector. If the array is of dynamic shape in the caller’s context, the dope vector may already be available. If the array is of static shape in the caller’s context, an appropriate dope vector will need to be created prior to the call. Ada and C (though not C++) support dynamic shape for both parameters and local variables. Among other things, local arrays can be declared to match theEXAMPLE 8.18 Local arrays of dynamic shape in C shape of conformant array parameters, facilitating the implementation of algo- rithms that require temporary space for calculations. Figure 8.6 contains a simple example in C. Function square accepts an array parameter M of dynamic shape and allocates a local variable T of the same dynamic shape. � In many languages, including Ada and C, the shape of a local array becomesEXAMPLE 8.19 Stack allocation of elaborated arrays fixed at elaboration time. For such arrays it is still possible to place the space for the array in the stack frame of its subroutine, but an extra level of indirection is required (see Figure 8.7). In order to ensure that every local object can be found using a known offset from the frame pointer, we divide the stack frame into a fixed-size part and a variable-size part. An object whose size is statically known goes in the fixed-size part. An object whose size is not known until elaboration time goes in the variable-size part, and a pointer to it, together with a dope vec- tor, goes in the fixed-size part. If the elaboration of the array is buried in a nested block, the compiler delays allocating space (i.e., changing the stack pointer) until the block is entered. It still allocates space for the pointer and the dope vector 366 Chapter 8 Composite Types -- Ada: procedure foo(size : integer) is M : array (1..size, 1..size) of long_float; ... begin ... end foo; // C99: void foo(int size) { double M[size][size]; ... } M sp Temporaries Pointer to M Dope vector Bookkeeping Return address Arguments and returns fp Local variables Variable-size part of the frame Fixed-size part of the frame Figure 8.7 Elaboration-time allocation of arrays. Here M is a square two-dimensional array whose bounds are determined by a parameter passed to foo at run time. The compiler arranges for a pointer to M and a dope vector to reside at static offsets from the frame pointer. M cannot be placed among the other local variables because it would prevent those higher in the frame from having static offsets. Additional variable-size arrays or records are easily accommodated. among the local variables when the subroutine itself is entered. Records of dy- namic shape are handled in a similar way. � Fortran 90 allows specification of the bounds of an array to be delayed untilEXAMPLE 8.20 Elaborated arrays in Fortran 90 after elaboration, but it does not allow those bounds to change once they have been defined: real, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: mat ! mat is two-dimensional, but with unspecified bounds ... allocate (mat (a:b, 0:m-1)) ! first dimension has bounds a..b; second has bounds 0..m-1 ... deallocate (mat) ! implementation is now free to reclaim mat's space Execution of an allocate statement can be treated like the elaboration of a dy- namic shape array in a nested block. Execution of a deallocate statement can 8.2 Arrays 367 be treated like the end of the nested block (restoring the previous stack pointer) if there are no other arrays beyond the specified one in the stack. Alternatively, dynamic shape arrays can be allocated in the heap, as described in the following subsection. � Heap Allocation Arrays that can change shape at arbitrary times are sometimes said to be fully dynamic. Because changes in size do not in general occur in FIFO order, stack allocation will not suffice; fully dynamic arrays must be allocated in the heap. Several languages, including all the major scripting languages, allow strings— arrays of characters—to change size after elaboration time. Java and C# provideEXAMPLE 8.21 Dynamic strings in Java and C# a similar capability (with a similar implementation), but describe the semantics differently: string variables in these languages are references to immutable string objects: String s = "short"; // This is Java; use lower-case 'string' in C# ... s = s + " but sweet"; // + is the concatenation operator Here the declaration String s introduces a string variable, which we initialize with a reference to the constant string "short". In the subsequent assignment, + creates a new string containing the concatenation of the old s and the constant " but sweet"; s is then set to refer to this new string, rather than the old. Note that arrays of characters are not the same as strings in Java and C#: the length of an array is fixed at elaboration time, and its elements can be modified in place. � Dynamically resizable arrays (other than strings) appear in APL, Common Lisp, and the various scripting languages. They are also supported by the vector, Vector, and ArrayList classes of the C++, Java, and C# libraries, respectively. In contrast to the allocate-able arrays of Fortran 90, these arrays can change their shape—in particular, can grow—while retaining their current content. In many cases, increasing the size will require that the run-time system allocate a larger block, copy any data that are to be retained from the old block to the new, and then deallocate the old. If the number of dimensions of a fully dynamic array is statically known, the dope vector can be kept, together with a pointer to the data, in the stack frame of the subroutine in which the array was declared. If the number of dimensions can change, the dope vector must generally be placed at the beginning of the heap block instead. In the absence of garbage collection, the compiler must arrange to reclaim the space occupied by fully dynamic arrays when control returns from the subrou- tine in which they were declared. Space for stack-allocated arrays is of course reclaimed automatically by popping the stack. 368 Chapter 8 Composite Types 8.2.3 Memory Layout Arrays in most language implementations are stored in contiguous locations in memory. In a one-dimensional array, the second element of the array is stored immediately after the first; the third is stored immediately after the second, and so forth. For arrays of records, alignment constraints may result in small holes between consecutive elements. For multidimensional arrays, it still makes sense to put the first element of the array in the array’s first memory location. But which element comes next? There are two reasonable answers, called row-major and column-major order. InEXAMPLE 8.22 Row-major vs column-major array layout row-major order, consecutive locations in memory hold elements that differ by one in the final subscript (except at the ends of rows). A[2, 4], for example, is followed by A[2, 5]. In column-major order, consecutive locations hold el- ements that differ by one in the initial subscript: A[2, 4] is followed by A[3, 4]. These options are illustrated for two-dimensional arrays in Figure 8.8. The layouts for three or more dimensions are analogous. Fortran uses column-major order; most other languages use row-major order. (Correspondence with Fran Allen4 suggests that column-major order was originally adopted in order to ac- commodate idiosyncrasies of the console debugger and instruction set of the IBM model 704 computer, on which the language was first implemented.) The advan- tage of row-major order is that it makes it easy to define a multidimensional array as an array of subarrays, as described in Section 8.2.1. With column-major order, the elements of the subarray would not be contiguous in memory. � The difference between row- and column-major layout can be important for programs that use nested loops to access all the elements of a large, multidi- mensional array. On modern machines the speed of such loops is often limited by memory system performance, which depends heavily on the effectiveness of caching (Section C 5.1). Figure 8.8 shows the orientation of cache lines for row-EXAMPLE 8.23 Array layout and cache performance and column-major layout of arrays. When code traverses a small array, all or most of its elements are likely to remain in the cache through the end of the nested loops, and the orientation of cache lines will not matter. For a large array, how- ever, lines that are accessed early in the traversal are likely to be evicted to make room for lines accessed later in the traversal. If array elements are accessed in order of consecutive addresses, then each miss will bring into the cache not only the desired element, but the next several elements as well. If elements are accessed across cache lines instead (i.e., along the rows of a Fortran array, or the columns of an array in most other languages), then there is a good chance that almost every 4 Fran Allen (1932–) joined IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center in 1957, and stayed for her entire professional career. Her seminal paper, Program Optimization [All69] helped launch the field of code improvement. Her PTRAN (Parallel TRANslation) group, founded in the early 1980s, developed much of the theory of automatic parallelization. In 1989 Dr. Allen became the first woman to be named an IBM Fellow. In 2006 she became the first to receive the ACM Turing Award. 8.2 Arrays 369 Row-major order Column-major order Figure 8.8 Row- and column-major memory layout for two-dimensional arrays. In row-major order, the elements of a row are contiguous in memory; in column-major order, the elements of a column are contiguous. The second cache line of each array is shaded, on the assumption that each element is an eight-byte floating-point number, that cache lines are 32 bytes long (a common size), and that the array begins at a cache line boundary. If the array is indexed from A[0,0] to A[9,9] , then in the row-major case elements A[0,4] through A[0,7] share a cache line; in the column-major case elements A[4,0] through A[7,0] share a cache line. access will result in a cache miss, dramatically reducing the performance of the code. In C, one should write for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { /* rows */ for (j = 0; j < N; j++) { /* columns */ ... A[i][j] ... } } In Fortran: do j = 1, N ! columns do i = 1, N ! rows ... A(i, j) ... end do end do � Row-Pointer Layout Some languages employ an alternative to contiguous allocation for some arrays. Rather than require the rows of an array to be adjacent, they allow them to lie anywhere in memory, and create an auxiliary array of pointers to the rows. If the array has more than two dimensions, it may be allocated as an array of pointers to arrays of pointers to . . . . This row-pointer memory layout requires more space 370 Chapter 8 Composite Types in most cases, but has three potential advantages. The first is of historical interest only: on machines designed before about 1980, row-pointer layout sometimes led to faster code (see the discussion of address calculations below). Second, row- pointer layout allows the rows to have different lengths, without devoting space to holes at the ends of the rows. This representation is sometimes called a ragged array. The lack of holes may sometimes offset the increased space for pointers. Third, row-pointer layout allows a program to construct an array from preexisting rows (possibly scattered throughout memory) without copying. C, C++, and C# provide both contiguous and row-pointer organizations for multidimensional arrays. Technically speaking, the contiguous layout is a true multidimensional array, while the row-pointer layout is an array of pointers to arrays. Java uses the row-pointer layout for all arrays. By far the most common use of the row-pointer layout in C is to representEXAMPLE 8.24 Contiguous vs row-pointer array layout arrays of strings. A typical example appears in Figure 8.9. In this example (repre- senting the days of the week), the row-pointer memory layout consumes 57 bytes for the characters themselves (including a NUL byte at the end of each string), plus 28 bytes for pointers (assuming a 32-bit architecture), for a total of 85 bytes. The contiguous layout alternative devotes 10 bytes to each day (room enough for Wednesday and its NUL byte), for a total of 70 bytes. The additional space required for the row-pointer organization comes to 21 percent. In some cases, row point- ers may actually save space. A Java compiler written in C, for example, would probably use row pointers to store the character-string representations of the 51 Java keywords and word-like literals. This data structure would use 55 × 4 = 220 bytes for the pointers (on a 32-bit machine), plus 366 bytes for the keywords, for a total of 586 bytes. Since the longest keyword (synchronized) requires 13 bytes (including space for the terminating NUL), a contiguous two-dimensional array would consume 55 × 13 = 715 bytes (716 when aligned). In this case, row pointers save a little over 18%. � DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 8.4 Array layout The layout of arrays in memory, like the ordering of record fields, is intimately tied to tradeoffs in design and implementation. While column-major layout appears to offer no advantages on modern machines, its continued use in For- tran means that programmers must be aware of the underlying implementa- tion in order to achieve good locality in nested loops. Row-pointer layout, likewise, has no performance advantage on modern machines (and a likely performance penalty, at least for numeric code), but it is a more natural fit for the “reference to object” data organization of languages like Java. Its impacts on space consumption and locality may be positive or negative, depending on the details of individual applications. 8.2 Arrays 371 char days[][10] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }; ... days[2][3] == 's'; /* in Tuesday */ char *days[] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }; ... days[2][3] == 's'; /* in Tuesday */ S u n d a y M o n d a y T T u u r e s d a y d a y d a y d a y W e d n e s d a yS a t u r sh F ir S u n d a y M o n d a y T T u u r e s d a y d a y d a y d a y W e d n e s d a yS a t u r sh F ir Figure 8.9 Contiguous array allocation vs row pointers in C. The declaration on the left is a true two-dimensional array. The slashed boxes are NUL bytes; the shaded areas are holes. The declaration on the right is a ragged array of pointers to arrays of characters. The arrays of characters may be located anywhere in memory—next to each other or separated, and in any order. In both cases, we have omitted bounds in the declaration that can be deduced from the size of the initializer (aggregate). Both data structures permit individual characters to be accessed using double subscripts, but the memory layout (and corresponding address arithmetic) is quite different. Address Calculations For the usual contiguous layout of arrays, calculating the address of a particular element is somewhat complicated, but straightforward. Suppose a compiler isEXAMPLE 8.25 Indexing a contiguous array given the following declaration for a three-dimensional array: A : array [L1 . . U1] of array [L2 . . U2] of array [L3 . . U3] of elem type; Let us define constants for the sizes of the three dimensions: S3 = size of elem type S2 = (U3 − L3 + 1)× S3 S1 = (U2 − L2 + 1)× S2 Here the size of a row (S2) is the size of an individual element (S3) times the number of elements in a row (assuming row-major layout). The size of a plane (S1) is the size of a row (S2) times the number of rows in a plane. The address of A[i, j, k] is then 372 Chapter 8 Composite Types L3 L1 j i k L2 Address of A Figure 8.10 Virtual location of an array with nonzero lower bounds. By computing the constant portions of an array index at compile time, we effectively index into an array whose starting address is offset in memory, but whose lower bounds are all zero. address of A + (i − L1)× S1 + (j − L2)× S2 + (k− L3)× S3 As written, this computation involves three multiplications and six additions/sub- tractions. We could compute the entire expression at run time, but in most cases a little rearrangement reveals that much of the computation can be performed at compile time. In particular, if the bounds of the array are known at compile time, then S1, S2, and S3 are compile-time constants, and the subtractions of lower bounds can be distributed out of the parentheses: (i× S1) + (j× S2) + (k× S3) + address of A −[(L1 × S1) + (L2 × S2) + (L3 × S3)] The bracketed expression in this formula is a compile-time constant (assuming the bounds of A are statically known). If A is a global variable, then the address of A is statically known as well, and can be incorporated in the bracketed expression. If A is a local variable of a subroutine (with static shape), then the address of A can be decomposed into a static offset (included in the bracketed expression) plus the contents of the frame pointer at run time. We can think of the address of A plus the bracketed expression as calculating the location of an imaginary array whose [i, j, k]th element coincides with that of A, but whose lower bound in each dimension is zero. This imaginary array is illustrated in Figure 8.10. � If i, j, and/or k is known at compile time, then additional portions of the cal-EXAMPLE 8.26 Static and dynamic portions of an array index culation of the address of A[i, j, k] will move from the dynamic to the static part of 8.2 Arrays 373 the formula shown above. If all of the subscripts are known, then the entire ad- dress can be calculated statically. Conversely, if any of the bounds of the array are not known at compile time, then portions of the calculation will move from the static to the dynamic part of the formula. For example, if L1 is not known until run time, but k is known to be 3 at compile time, then the calculation becomes (i× S1) + (j × S2)− (L1 × S1) + address of A − [(L2 × S2) + (L3 × S3)− (3 × S3)] Again, the bracketed part can be computed at compile time. If lower bounds are always restricted to zero, as they are in C, then they never contribute to run-time cost. � In all our examples, we have ignored the issue of dynamic semantic checks for out-of-bound subscripts. We explore the code for these in Exercise 8.10. In Section C 17.5.2 we will consider code improvement techniques that can be used to eliminate many checks statically, particularly in enumeration-controlled loops. The notion of “static part” and “dynamic part” of an address computationEXAMPLE 8.27 Indexing complex structures generalizes to more than just arrays. Suppose, for example, that V is a messy local array of records containing a nested, two-dimensional array in field M. The address of V[i].M[3, j] could be calculated as DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 8.5 Lower bounds on array indices In C, the lower bound of every array dimension is always zero. It is often as- sumed that the language designers adopted this convention in order to avoid subtracting lower bounds from indices at run time, thereby avoiding a poten- tial source of inefficiency. As our discussion has shown, however, the compiler can avoid any run-time cost by translating to a virtual starting location. (The one exception to this statement occurs when the lower bound has a very large absolute value: if any index (scaled by element size) exceeds the maximum off- set available with displacement mode addressing [typically 215 bytes on RISC machines], then subtraction may still be required at run time.) A more likely explanation lies in the interoperability of arrays and pointers in C (Section 8.5.1): C’s conventions allow the compiler to generate code for an index operation on a pointer without worrying about the lower bound of the array into which the pointer points. Interestingly, Fortran array dimensions have a default lower bound of 1; unless the programmer explicitly specifies a lower bound of 0, the compiler must always translate to a virtual starting location. 374 Chapter 8 Composite Types i× SV1 −LV1 × SV1 +M’s offset as a field +(3− LM1 )× SM1 +j× SM2 −LM2 × SM2 +fp + offset of V in frame Here the calculations on the left must be performed at run time; the calculations on the right can be performed at compile time. (The notation for bounds and size places the name of the variable in a superscript and the dimension in a subscript: LM2 is the lower bound of the second dimension of M.) � Address calculation for arrays that use row pointers is comparatively straight-EXAMPLE 8.28 Indexing a row-pointer array forward. Using our three-dimensional array A as an example, the expression A[i, j, k] is equivalent, in C notation, to (*(*A[ i ]) [ j ]) [k]. If the intermediate pointer loads both hit in the cache, the code to evaluate this expression is likely to be comparable in cost to that of the contiguous allocation case (Example 8.26). If the intermediate loads miss in the cache, it will be substantially slower. On a 1970s CISC machine, the balance would probably have tipped the other way: multiplies would have been slower, and memory accesses faster. In any event (contiguous or row-pointer allocation, old or new machine), important code improvements will often be possible when several array references use the same subscript expression, or when array references are embedded in loops. � 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 8. What is an array slice? For what purposes are slices useful? 9. Is there any significant difference between a two-dimensional array and an array of one-dimensional arrays? 10. What is the shape of an array? 11. What is a dope vector? What purpose does it serve? 12. Under what circumstances can an array declared within a subroutine be al- located in the stack? Under what circumstances must it be allocated in the heap? 13. What is a conformant array? 14. Discuss the comparative advantages of contiguous and row-pointer layout for arrays. 15. Explain the difference between row-major and column-major layout for con- tiguously allocated arrays. Why does a programmer need to know which lay- 8.3 Strings 375 out the compiler uses? Why do most language designers consider row-major layout to be better? 16. How much of the work of computing the address of an element of an array can be performed at compile time? How much must be performed at run time? 8.3 Strings In some languages, a string is simply an array of characters. In other languages, strings have special status, with operations that are not available for arrays of other sorts. Scripting languages like Perl, Python, and Ruby have extensive suites of built-in string operators and functions, including sophisticated pat- tern matching facilities based on regular expressions. Some special-purpose languages—Icon, in particular—provide even more sophisticated mechanisms, including general-purpose generators and backtracking search. We will consider the string and pattern-matching facilities of scripting languages in more detail in Section 14.4.2. Icon was discussed in Section C 6.5.4. In the remainder of the current section we focus on the role of strings in more traditional languages. Almost all programming languages allow literal strings to be specified as a se- quence of characters, usually enclosed in single or double quote marks. Most lan- guages distinguish between literal characters (often delimited with single quotes) and literal strings (often delimited with double quotes). A few languages make no such distinction, defining a character as simply a string of length one. Most lan- guages also provide escape sequences that allow nonprinting characters and quote marks to appear inside literal strings. C and C++ provide a very rich set of escape sequences. An arbitrary charac-EXAMPLE 8.29 Character escapes in C and C++ ter can be represented by a backslash followed by (a) 1 to 3 octal (base 8) digits, (b) an x and one or more hexadecimal (base-16) digits, (c) a u and exactly four hexadecimal digits, or (d) a U and exactly eight hexadecimal digits. The \U no- tation is meant to capture the four-byte (32-bit) Unicode character set described in Sidebar 7.3. The \u notation is for characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane. Many of the most common control characters also have single-character escape sequences, many of which have been adopted by other languages as well. For ex- ample, \n is a line feed; \t is a tab; \r is a carriage return; \\ is a backslash. C# omits the octal sequences of C and C++; Java also omits the 32-bit extended sequences. � The set of operations provided for strings is strongly tied to the implementa- tion envisioned by the language designer(s). Several languages that do not in gen- eral allow arrays to change size dynamically do provide this flexibility for strings. The rationale is twofold. First, manipulation of variable-length strings is fun- damental to a huge number of computer applications, and in some sense “de- serves” special treatment. Second, the fact that strings are one-dimensional, have 376 Chapter 8 Composite Types one-byte elements, and never contain references to anything else makes dynamic- size strings easier to implement than general dynamic arrays. Some languages require that the length of a string-valued variable be bound no later than elaboration time, allowing the variable to be implemented as a con- tiguous array of characters in the current stack frame. Ada supports a few string operations, including assignment and comparison for lexicographic ordering. C,EXAMPLE 8.30 char* assignment in C on the other hand, provides only the ability to create a pointer to a string literal. Because of C’s unification of arrays and pointers, even assignment is not sup- ported. Given the declaration char *s, the statement s = "abc" makes s point to the constant "abc" in static storage. If s is declared as an array, rather than a pointer (char s[4]), then the statement will trigger an error message from the compiler. To assign one array into another in C, the program must copy the characters individually. � Other languages allow the length of a string-valued variable to change over its lifetime, requiring that the variable be implemented as a block or chain of blocks in the heap. ML and Lisp provide strings as a built-in type. C++, Java, and C# provide them as predefined classes of object, in the formal, object-oriented sense. In all these languages a string variable is a reference to a string. Assigning a new value to such a variable makes it refer to a different object—each such object is immutable. Concatenation and other string operators implicitly create new objects. The space used by objects that are no longer reachable from any variable is reclaimed automatically. 8.4 Sets A programming language set is an unordered collection of an arbitrary number of distinct values of a common type. Sets were introduced by Pascal, and have been supported by many subsequent languages. The type from which elements of a set are drawn is known as the base or universe type. Pascal sets were restrictedEXAMPLE 8.31 Set types in Pascal to discrete base types, and overloaded +, *, and - to provide set union, intersec- tion, and difference operations, respectively. The intended implementation was a characteristic array—a bit vector whose length (in bits) is the number of distinct values of the base type. A one in the kth position in the bit vector indicates that the kth element of the base type is a member of the set; a zero indicates that it is not. In a language that uses ASCII, a set of characters would occupy 128 bits—16 bytes. Operations on bit-vector sets can make use of fast logical instructions on most machines. Union is bit-wise or; intersection is bit-wise and; difference is bit-wise not, followed by bit-wise and. � Unfortunately, bit vectors do not work well for large base types: a set of inte- gers, represented as a bit vector, would consume some 500 megabytes on a 32-bit machine. With 64-bit integers, a bit-vector set would consume more memory than is currently contained on all the computers in the world. Because of this problem, some languages (including early versions of Pascal, though not the ISO standard) limited sets to base types of fewer than some fixed number of values. 8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 377 For sets of elements drawn from a large universe, most modern languages use alternative implementations, whose size is proportional to the number of ele- ments present, rather than to the number of values in the base type. Most lan- guages also provide a built-in iterator (Section 6.5.3) to yield the elements of the set. A distinction is often made between sorted lists, whose base type must sup- port some notion of ordering, and whose iterators yield the elements smallest-to- largest, and unordered lists, whose iterators yield the elements in arbitrary order. Ordered sets are commonly implemented with skip lists or various sorts of trees. Unordered sets are commonly implemented with hash tables. Some languages (Python and Swift, for example) provide sets as a built-in type constructor. The Python version can be seen in Example 14.67. In many object- oriented languages, sets are supported by the standard library instead. A few lan-EXAMPLE 8.32 Emulating a set with a map in Go guages and libraries have no built-in set constructor, but do provide associative arrays (also known as “hashes,” “dictionaries,” or “maps”). These can be used to emulate unordered sets, by mapping all (and only) the desired elements to some dummy value. In Go, for example, we can write my_set := make(map[int]bool) // mapping from int to bool my_set[3] = true // inserts <3, true> in mapping

delete(my_set, i) // removes , if present

if my_set[j] { … // true if present

If M is a mapping from type D to type R in Go, and if k ∈ D is not mapped to
anything in R, the expression M[k] will return the “zero value” of type R. For
Booleans, the zero value happens to be false, so the test in the last line of our
example will return false if j is not in my_set. Deleting a no-longer-present
element is preferable to mapping it explicitly to false, because deletion reclaims
the space in the underlying hash table; mapping to false does not. �

8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types
A recursive type is one whose objects may contain one or more references to other
objects of the type. Most recursive types are records, since they need to contain
something in addition to the reference, implying the existence of heterogeneous
fields. Recursive types are used to build a wide variety of “linked” data structures,
including lists and trees.

In languages that use a reference model of variables, it is easy for a record of
type foo to include a reference to another record of type foo: every variable
(and hence every record field) is a reference anyway. In languages that use a value
model of variables, recursive types require the notion of a pointer: a variable (or
field) whose value is a reference to some object. Pointers were first introduced in

378 Chapter 8 Composite Types

In some languages (e.g., Pascal, Modula-3, and Ada 83), pointers were re-
stricted to point only to objects in the heap. The only way to create a new pointer
value (without using variant records or casts to bypass the type system) was to call
a built-in function that allocated a new object in the heap and returned a pointer
to it. In other languages, both old and new, one can create a pointer to a nonheap
object by using an “address of” operator. We will examine pointer operations
and the ramifications of the reference and value models in more detail in the first
subsection below.

In any language that permits new objects to be allocated from the heap, the
question arises: how and when is storage reclaimed for objects that are no longer
needed? In short-lived programs it may be acceptable simply to leave the storage
unused, but in most cases unused space must be reclaimed, to make room for
other things. A program that fails to reclaim the space for objects that are no
longer needed is said to “leak memory.” If such a program runs for an extended
period of time, it may run out of space and crash.

Some languages, including C, C++, and Rust, require the programmer to re-
claim space explicitly. Other languages, including Java, C#, Scala, Go, and all the
functional and scripting languages, require the language implementation to re-
claim unused objects automatically. Explicit storage reclamation simplifies the
language implementation, but raises the possibility that the programmer will
forget to reclaim objects that are no longer live (thereby leaking memory), or
will accidentally reclaim objects that are still in use (thereby creating dangling
references). Automatic storage reclamation (otherwise known as garbage collec-
tion) dramatically simplifies the programmer’s task, but imposes certain run-
time costs, and raises the question of how the language implementation is to
distinguish garbage from active objects. We will discuss dangling references and
garbage collection further in Sections 8.5.2 and 8.5.3, respectively.

8.5.1 Syntax and Operations

Operations on pointers include allocation and deallocation of objects in the heap,
dereferencing of pointers to access the objects to which they point, and assign-


8.6 Implementation of pointers
It is common for programmers (and even textbook writers) to equate pointers
with addresses, but this is a mistake. A pointer is a high-level concept: a ref-
erence to an object. An address is a low-level concept: the location of a word
in memory. Pointers are often implemented as addresses, but not always. On
a machine with a segmented memory architecture, a pointer may consist of a
segment id and an offset within the segment. In a language that attempts to
catch uses of dangling references, a pointer may contain both an address and
an access key.

8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 379

ment of one pointer into another. The behavior of these operations depends
heavily on whether the language is functional or imperative, and on whether it
employs a reference or value model for variables/names.

Functional languages generally employ a reference model for names (a purely
functional language has no variables or assignments). Objects in a functional lan-
guage tend to be allocated automatically as needed, with a structure determined
by the language implementation. Variables in an imperative language may use
either a value or a reference model, or some combination of the two. In C or Ada,
which employ a value model, the assignment A = B puts the value of B into A. If
we want B to refer to an object, and we want A = B to make A refer to the object
to which B refers, then A and B must be pointers. In Smalltalk or Ruby, which
employ a reference model, the assignment A = B always makes A refer to the same
object to which B refers.

Java charts an intermediate course, in which the usual implementation of the
reference model is made explicit in the language semantics. Variables of built-in
Java types (integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and Booleans) employ a
value model; variables of user-defined types (strings, arrays, and other objects in
the object-oriented sense of the word) employ a reference model. The assignment
A = B in Java places the value of B into A if A and B are of built-in type; it makes
A refer to the object to which B refers if A and B are of user-defined type. C# mir-
rors Java by default, but additional language features, explicitly labeled “unsafe,”
allow systems programmers to use pointers when desired.

Reference Model

In ML-family languages, the variant mechanism can be used to declare recursiveEXAMPLE 8.33
Tree type in OCaml types (shown here in OCaml syntax):

type chr_tree = Empty | Node of char * chr_tree * chr_tree;;

Here a chr_tree is either an Empty leaf or a Node consisting of a character and
two child trees. (Further details can be found in Section 11.4.3.)

It is natural in OCaml to include a chr_tree within a chr_tree because every
variable is a reference. The tree Node (


, Node (


, Empty, Empty), Node



, Node (


, Empty, Empty), Node (


, Empty, Empty))) would

most likely be represented in memory as shown in Figure 8.11. Each individ-
ual rectangle in the right-hand portion of this figure represents a block of storage
allocated from the heap. In effect, the tree is a tuple (record) tagged to indicate
that it is a Node. This tuple in turn refers to two other tuples that are also tagged as
Nodes. At the fringe of the tree are tuples that are tagged as Empty; these contain
no further references. Because all Empty tuples are the same, the implementation
is free to use just one, and to have every reference point to it. �

In Lisp, which uses a reference model of variables but is not statically typed,EXAMPLE 8.34
Tree type in Lisp our tree could be specified textually as

(#\R (#\X ()()) (#\Y (#\Z ()())

(#\W ()()))). Each level of parentheses brackets the elements of a list. In this
case, the outermost such list contains three elements: the character R and nested

380 Chapter 8 Composite Types

Node R

Node X Node Y



Z Node W




Figure 8.11 Implementation of a tree in ML. The abstract (conceptual) tree is shown at the
lower left.

lists to represent the left and right subtrees. (The prefix #\ notation serves the
same purpose as surrounding quotes in other languages.) Semantically, each list
is a pair of references: one to the head and one to the remainder of the list. As
we noted in Section 8.5.1, these semantics are almost always reflected in the im-
plementation by a cons cell containing two pointers. A binary tree can thus be
represented as a three-element (three cons cell) list, as shown in Figure 8.12. At
the top level of the figure, the first cons cell points to R; the second and third
point to nested lists representing the left and right subtrees. Each block of mem-
ory is tagged to indicate whether it is a cons cell or an atom. An atom is anything
other than a cons cell; that is, an object of a built-in type (integer, real, character,
string, etc.), or a user-defined structure (record) or array. The uniformity of Lisp
lists (everything is a cons cell or an atom) makes it easy to write polymorphic
functions, though without the static type checking of ML. �

If one programs in a purely functional style in ML or in Lisp, the data struc-
tures created with recursive types turn out to be acyclic. New objects refer to old
ones, but old ones never change, and thus never point to new ones. Circular struc-
tures are typically defined by using the imperative features of the languages. (For
an exception to this rule, see Exercise 8.21.) In ML, the imperative features in-
clude an explicit notion of pointer, discussed briefly under “Value Model” below.

Even when writing in a functional style, one often finds a need for types that
are mutually recursive. In a compiler, for example, it is likely that symbol tableEXAMPLE 8.35

Mutually recursive types
in OCaml

records and syntax tree nodes will need to refer to each other. A syntax tree node
that represents a subroutine call will need to refer to the symbol table record that
represents the subroutine. The symbol table record, for its part, will need to refer
to the syntax tree node at the root of the subtree that represents the subroutine’s
code. If types are declared one at a time, and if names must be declared before
they can be used, then whichever mutually recursive type is declared first will be

8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 381
















Figure 8.12 Implementation of a tree in Lisp. A diagonal slash through a box indicates a null pointer. The C and A tags serve
to distinguish the two kinds of memory blocks: cons cells and blocks containing atoms.

unable to refer to the other. ML family languages address this problem by allowing
types to be declared together as a group. Using OCaml syntax,

type subroutine_info = {code: syn_tree_node; …} (* record *)
and subr_call_info = {subr: sym_tab_rec; …} (* record *)
and sym_tab_rec = (* variant *)

Variable of …
| Type of …
| …
| Subroutine of subroutine_info

and syn_tree_node = (* variant *)
Expression of …

| Loop of …
| …
| Subr_call of subr_call_info;;

Mutually recursive types of this sort are trivial in Lisp, since it is dynamically
typed. (Common Lisp includes a notion of structures, but field types are not
declared. In simpler Lisp dialects programmers use nested lists in which fields are
merely positional conventions.) �

382 Chapter 8 Composite Types

Value Model

In Ada, our tree data type would be declared as follows:EXAMPLE 8.36
Tree types in Ada and C

type chr_tree;
type chr_tree_ptr is access chr_tree;
type chr_tree is record

left, right : chr_tree_ptr;
val : character;

end record;

In C, the equivalent declaration is

struct chr_tree {
struct chr_tree *left, *right;
char val;


As mentioned in Section 3.3.3, Ada and C both rely on incomplete type declara-
tions to accommodate recursive definition. �

No aggregate syntax is available for linked data structures in Ada or C; a tree
must be constructed node by node. To allocate a new node from the heap, theEXAMPLE 8.37

Allocating heap nodes programmer calls a built-in function. In Ada:

my_ptr := new chr_tree;

In C:
my_ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct chr_tree));

C’s malloc is defined as a library function, not a built-in part of the language
(though many compilers recognize and optimize it as a special case). The pro-
grammer must specify the size of the allocated object explicitly, and while the
return value (of type void*) can be assigned into any pointer, the assignment is
not type safe. �

C++, Java, and C# replace malloc with a built-in, type-safe new:EXAMPLE 8.38
Object-oriented allocation
of heap nodes my_ptr = new chr_tree( arg list );

In addition to “knowing” the size of the requested type, the C++/Java/C# new will
automatically call any user-specified constructor (initialization) function, passing
the specified argument list. In a similar but less flexible vein, Ada’s new may
specify an initial value for the allocated object:

my_ptr := new chr_tree'(null, null, ‘X’); �
After we have allocated and linked together appropriate nodes in C or Ada,EXAMPLE 8.39

Pointer-based tree our tree example is likely to be implemented as shown in Figure 8.13. A leaf is
distinguished from an internal node simply by the fact that its two pointer fields
are null. �

To access the object referred to by a pointer, most languages use an explicitEXAMPLE 8.40
Pointer dereferencing dereferencing operator. In Pascal and Modula this operator took the form of a

postfix “up-arrow”:

8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 383




Figure 8.13 Typical implementation of a tree in a language with explicit pointers. As in
Figure 8.12, a diagonal slash through a box indicates a null pointer.

my_ptr^.val := ‘X’;

In C it is a prefix star:

(*my_ptr).val = ‘X’;

Because pointers so often refer to records (structs), for which the prefix notation
is awkward, C also provides a postfix “right-arrow” operator that plays the role of
the “up-arrow dot” combination in Pascal:

my_ptr->val = ‘X’; �

On the assumption that pointers almost always refer to records, Ada dispensesEXAMPLE 8.41
Implicit dereferencing in

with dereferencing altogether. The same dot-based syntax can be used to access
either a field of the record foo or a field of the record pointed to by foo, depending
on the type of foo:

T : chr_tree;
P : chr_tree_ptr;

T.val := ‘X’;
P.val := ‘Y’;

In those cases in which one actually wants to name the entire object referred to by
a pointer, Ada provides a special “pseudofield” called all:

T := P.all;

In essence, pointers in Ada are automatically dereferenced when needed. �
The imperative features of OCaml and other ML dialects include an assign-EXAMPLE 8.42

Pointer dereferencing in

ment statement, but this statement requires that the left-hand side be a pointer:
its effect is to make the pointer refer to the object on the right-hand side. To ac-
cess the object referred to by a pointer, one uses an exclamation point as a prefix
dereferencing operator:

384 Chapter 8 Composite Types

let p = ref 2;; (* p is a pointer to 2 *)

p := 3;; (* p now points to 3 *)

let n = !p in …

(* n is simply 3 *)

The net result is to make the distinction between l-values and r-values very ex-
plicit. Most languages blur the distinction by implicitly dereferencing variables on
the right-hand side of every assignment statement. Ada and Go blur the distinc-
tion further by dereferencing pointers automatically in certain circumstances. �

The imperative features of Lisp do not include a dereferencing operator. Since
every object has a self-evident type, and assignment is performed using a small
set of built-in operators, there is never any ambiguity as to what is intended.
Assignment in Common Lisp employs the setf operator (Scheme uses set!,EXAMPLE 8.43

Assignment in Lisp set-car!, and set-cdr!), rather than the more common = or :=. For example,
if foo refers to a list, then (cdr foo) is the right-hand (“rest of list”) pointer of
the first node in the list, and the assignment (set-cdr! foo foo) makes this
pointer refer back to foo, creating a one-node circular list:

foo C

A a


A b

foo C

A a


A b

Pointers and Arrays in C

Pointers and arrays are closely linked in C. Consider the following declarations:EXAMPLE 8.44
Array names and pointers
in C int n;

int *a; /* pointer to integer */
int b[10]; /* array of 10 integers */

Now all of the following are valid:

1. a = b; /* make a point to the initial element of b */
2. n = a[3];
3. n = *(a+3); /* equivalent to previous line */
4. n = b[3];
5. n = *(b+3); /* equivalent to previous line */

In most contexts, an unsubscripted array name in C is automatically converted
to a pointer to the array’s first element (the one with index zero), as shown here
in line 1. (Line 5 embodies the same conversion.) Lines 3 and 5 illustrate pointer
arithmetic: Given a pointer to an element of an array, the addition of an integer
k produces a pointer to the element k positions later in the array (earlier if k is

8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 385

negative). The prefix * is a pointer dereference operator. Pointer arithmetic is
valid only within the bounds of a single array, but C compilers are not required
to check this.

Remarkably, the subscript operator [ ] in C is actually defined in terms of
pointer arithmetic: lines 2 and 4 are syntactic sugar for lines 3 and 5, respec-
tively. More precisely, E1[E2], for any expressions E1 and E2, is defined to
be (*((E1)+(E2))), which is of course the same as (*((E2)+(E1))). (Extra
parentheses have been used in this definition to avoid any questions of prece-
dence if E1 and E2 are complicated expressions.) Correctness requires only that
one operand of [ ] have an array or pointer type and the other have an integral
type. Thus A[3] is equivalent to 3[A], something that comes as a surprise to
most programmers. �


8.7 Stack smashing
The lack of bounds checking on array subscripts and pointer arithmetic is a
major source of bugs and security problems in C. Many of the most infamous
Internet viruses have propagated by means of stack smashing, a particularly
nasty form of buffer overflow attack. Consider a (very naive) routine designed
to read a number from an input stream:

int get_acct_num(FILE *s) {
char buf[100];
char *p = buf;
do {

/* read from stream s: */
*p = getc(s);

} while (*p++ != ‘\n’);
*p = ‘\0’;
/* convert ascii to int: */
return atoi(buf);



Return address





If the stream provides more than 100 characters without a newline (



those characters will overwrite memory beyond the confines of buf, as shown
by the large white arrow in the figure. A careful attacker may be able to invent
a string whose bits include both a sequence of valid machine instructions and
a replacement value for the subroutine’s return address. When the routine
attempts to return, it will jump into the attacker’s instructions instead.

Stack smashing can be prevented by manually checking array bounds in C,
or by configuring the hardware to prevent the execution of instructions in the
stack (see Sidebar C 9.10). It would never have been a problem in the first
place, however, if C had been designed for automatic bounds checks.

386 Chapter 8 Composite Types

In addition to allowing an integer to be added to a pointer, C allows pointers
to be subtracted from one another or compared for ordering, provided that they
refer to elements of the same array. The comparison p < q, for example, testsEXAMPLE 8.45 Pointer comparison and subtraction in C to see if p refers to an element closer to the beginning of the array than the one referred to by q. The expression p - q returns the number of array positions that separate the elements to which p and q refer. All arithmetic operations on point- ers “scale” their results as appropriate, based on the size of the referenced objects. For multidimensional arrays with row-pointer layout, a[i][j] is equivalent to (*(a+i))[j] or *(a[i]+j) or *(*(a+i)+j). � Despite the interoperability of pointers and arrays in C, programmers need to be aware that the two are not the same, particularly in the context of variable declarations, which need to allocate space when elaborated. The declaration ofEXAMPLE 8.46 Pointer and array declarations in C a pointer variable allocates space to hold a pointer, while the declaration of an array variable allocates space to hold the whole array. In the case of an array the declaration must specify a size for each dimension. Thus int *a[n], when elaborated, will allocate space for n row pointers; int a[n][m] will allocate space for a two-dimensional array with contiguous layout.5 As a convenience, a variable declaration that includes initialization to an aggregate can omit the size of the outermost dimension if that information can be inferred from the contents of the aggregate: int a[][2] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}}; // three rows � DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 8.8 Pointers and arrays Many C programs use pointers instead of subscripts to iterate over the ele- ments of arrays. Before the development of modern optimizing compilers, pointer-based array traversal often served to eliminate redundant address cal- culations, thereby leading to faster code. With modern compilers, however, the opposite may be true: redundant address calculations can be identified as common subexpressions, and certain other code improvements are easier for indices than they are for pointers. In particular, as we shall see in Chapter 17, pointers make it significantly more difficult for the code improver to determine when two l-values may be aliases for one other. Today the use of pointer arithmetic is mainly a matter of personal taste: some C programmers consider pointer-based algorithms to be more elegant than their array-based counterparts, while others find them harder to read. Certainly the fact that arrays are passed as pointers makes it natural to write subroutines in the pointer style. 5 To read declarations in C, it is helpful to follow the following rule: start at the name of the variable and work right as far as possible, subject to parentheses; then work left as far as possible; then jump out a level of parentheses and repeat. Thus int *a[n] means that a is an n-element array of pointers to integers, while int (*a)[n] means that a is a pointer to an n-element array of integers. 8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 387 When an array is included in the argument list of a function call, C passes aEXAMPLE 8.47 Arrays as parameters in C pointer to the first element of the array, not the array itself. For a one-dimen- sional array of integers, the corresponding formal parameter may be declared as int a[ ] or int *a. For a two-dimensional array of integers with row-pointer layout, the formal parameter may be declared as int *a[ ] or int **a. For a two- dimensional array with contiguous layout, the formal parameter may be declared as int a[ ][m] or int (*a)[m]. The size of the first dimension is irrelevant; all that is passed is a pointer, and C performs no dynamic checks to ensure that references are within the bounds of the array. � In all cases, a declaration must allow the compiler (or human reader) to deter- mine the size of the elements of an array or, equivalently, the size of the objects referred to by a pointer. Thus neither int a[ ][ ] nor int (*a)[ ] is a valid variable or parameter declaration: neither provides the compiler with the size information it needs to generate code for a + i or a[i]. The built-in sizeof operator returns the size in bytes of an object or type.EXAMPLE 8.48 sizeof in C When given an array as argument it returns the size of the entire array. When given a pointer as argument it returns the size of the pointer itself. If a is an array, sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]) returns the number of elements in the array. Similarly, if pointers occupy 4 bytes and double-precision floating-point numbers occupy 8 bytes, then given double *a; /* pointer to double */ double (*b)[10]; /* pointer to array of 10 doubles */ we have sizeof(a)= sizeof(b)= 4, sizeof(*a)= sizeof(*b[0])= 8, and sizeof(*b)= 80. In most cases, sizeof can be evaluated at compile time. The principal exception occurs for variable-length arrays, whose size may not be known until elaboration time: void f(int len) { int A[len]; /* sizeof(A) == len * sizeof(int) */ � 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 17. Name three languages that provide particularly extensive support for charac- ter strings. 18. Why might a language permit operations on strings that it does not provide for arrays? 19. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the bit-vector representation for sets? How else might sets be implemented? 20. Discuss the tradeoffs between pointers and the recursive types that arise nat- urally in a language with a reference model of variables. 388 Chapter 8 Composite Types 21. Summarize the ways in which one dereferences a pointer in various program- ming languages. 22. What is the difference between a pointer and an address? Between a pointer and a reference? 23. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the interoperability of pointers and arrays in C. 24. Under what circumstances must the bounds of a C array be specified in its declaration? 8.5.2 Dangling References When a heap-allocated object is no longer live, a long-running program needs to reclaim the object’s space. Stack objects are reclaimed automatically as part of the subroutine calling sequence. How are heap objects reclaimed? There are two alternatives. Languages like C, C++, and Rust require the programmer toEXAMPLE 8.49 Explicit storage reclamation reclaim an object explicitly. In C, for example, one says free(my_ptr); in C++, delete my_ptr. C++ provides additional functionality: prior to reclaiming the space, it automatically calls any user-provided destructor function for the object. A destructor can reclaim space for subsidiary objects, remove the object from indices or tables, print messages, or perform any other operation appropriate at the end of the object’s lifetime. � A dangling reference is a live pointer that no longer points to a valid object. In languages like C and C++, which allow the programmer to create pointersEXAMPLE 8.50 Dangling reference to a stack variable in C++ to stack objects, a dangling reference may be created when a subroutine returns while some pointer in a wider scope still refers to a local object of that subroutine: int i = 3; int *p = &i; ... void foo() { int n = 5; p = &n; } ... cout << *p; // prints 3 foo(); ... cout << *p; // undefined behavior: n is no longer live � In a language with explicit reclamation of heap objects, a dangling reference isEXAMPLE 8.51 Dangling reference to a heap variable in C++ created whenever the programmer reclaims an object to which pointers still refer: 8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 389 int *p = new int; *p = 3; ... cout << *p; // prints 3 delete p; ... cout << *p; // undefined behavior: *p has been reclaimed Note that even if the reclamation operation were to change its argument to a null pointer, this would not solve the problem, because other pointers might still refer to the same object. � Because a language implementation may reuse the space of reclaimed stack and heap objects, a program that uses a dangling reference may read or write bits in memory that are now part of some other object. It may even modify bits that are now part of the implementation’s bookkeeping information, corrupting the structure of the stack or heap. Algol 68 addressed the problem of dangling references to stack objects by for- bidding a pointer from pointing to any object whose lifetime was briefer than that of the pointer itself. Unfortunately, this rule is difficult to enforce. Among other things, since both pointers and objects to which pointers might refer can be passed as arguments to subroutines, dynamic semantic checks are possible only if reference parameters are accompanied by a hidden indication of lifetime. Ada has a more restrictive rule that is easier to enforce: it forbids a pointer from pointing to any object whose lifetime is briefer than that of the pointer’s type. IN MORE DEPTH On the companion site we consider two mechanisms that are sometimes used to catch dangling references at run time. Tombstones introduce an extra level of indirection on every pointer access. When an object is reclaimed, the indirection word (tombstone) is marked in a way that invalidates future references to the object. Locks and keys add a word to every pointer and to every object in the heap; these words must match for the pointer to be valid. Tombstones can be used in languages that permit pointers to nonheap objects, but they introduce the secondary problem of reclaiming the tombstones themselves. Locks and keys are somewhat simpler, but they work only for objects in the heap. 8.5.3 Garbage Collection Explicit reclamation of heap objects is a serious burden on the programmer and a major source of bugs (memory leaks and dangling references). The code required to keep track of object lifetimes makes programs more difficult to design, imple- ment, and maintain. An attractive alternative is to have the language implemen- tation notice when objects are no longer useful and reclaim them automatically. 390 Chapter 8 Composite Types Automatic reclamation (otherwise known as garbage collection) is more or less es- sential for functional languages: delete is a very imperative sort of operation, and the ability to construct and return arbitrary objects from functions means that many objects that would be allocated on the stack in an imperative language must be allocated from the heap in a functional language, to give them unlimited extent. Over time, automatic garbage collection has become popular for imperative languages as well. It can be found in, among others, Java, C#, Scala, Go, and all the major scripting languages. Automatic collection is difficult to implement, but the difficulty pales in comparison to the convenience enjoyed by programmers once the implementation exists. Automatic collection also tends to be slower than manual reclamation, though it eliminates any need to check for dangling references. Reference Counts When is an object no longer useful? One possible answer is: when no pointers to it exist.6 The simplest garbage collection technique simply places a counter in each object that keeps track of the number of pointers that refer to the object. When the object is created, this reference count is set to one, to represent the pointer DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 8.9 Garbage collection Garbage collection presents a classic tradeoff between convenience and safety on the one hand and performance on the other. Manual storage reclamation, implemented correctly by the application program, is almost invariably faster than any automatic garbage collector. It is also more predictable: automatic collection is notorious for its tendency to introduce intermittent “hiccups” in the execution of real-time or interactive programs. Ada takes the unusual position of refusing to take a stand: the language design makes automatic garbage collection possible, but implementations are not required to provide it, and programmers can request manual reclamation with a built-in routine called Unchecked_Deallocation. Newer versions of the language provide extensive facilities whereby programmers can implement their own storage managers (garbage collected or not), with different types of pointers corresponding to different storage “pools.” In a similar vein, the Real Time Specification for Java allows the program- mer to create so-called scoped memory areas that are accessible to only a sub- set of the currently running threads. When all threads with access to a given area terminate, the area is reclaimed in its entirety. Objects allocated in a scoped memory area are never examined by the garbage collector; perfor- mance anomalies due to garbage collection can therefore be avoided by pro- viding scoped memory to every real-time thread. 6 Throughout the following discussion we will use the pointer-based terminology of languages with a value model of variables. The techniques apply equally well, however, to languages with a reference model of variables. 8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 391 returned by the new operation. When one pointer is assigned into another, the run-time system decrements the reference count of the object (if any) formerly referred to by the assignment’s left-hand side, and increments the count of the object referred to by the right-hand side. On subroutine return, the calling se- quence epilogue must decrement the reference count of any object referred to by a local pointer that is about to be destroyed. When a reference count reaches zero, its object can be reclaimed. Recursively, the run-time system must decrement counts for any objects referred to by pointers within the object being reclaimed, and reclaim those objects if their counts reach zero. To prevent the collector from following garbage addresses, each pointer must be initialized to null at elabora- tion time. In order for reference counts to work, the language implementation must be able to identify the location of every pointer. When a subroutine returns, it must be able to tell which words in the stack frame represent pointers; when an object in the heap is reclaimed, it must be able to tell which words within the object represent pointers. The standard technique to track this information relies on type descriptors generated by the compiler. There is one descriptor for every dis- tinct type in the program, plus one for the stack frame of each subroutine, and one for the set of global variables. Most descriptors are simply a table that lists the offsets within the type at which pointers can be found, together with the ad- dresses of descriptors for the types of the objects referred to by those pointers. For a tagged variant record (discriminated union) type, the descriptor is a bit more complicated: it must contain a list of values (or ranges) for the tag, to- gether with a table for the corresponding variant. For untagged variant records, there is no acceptable solution: reference counts work only if the language is strongly typed (but see the discussion of “Conservative Collection” at the end of Section 8.5.3). The most important problem with reference counts stems from their defini-EXAMPLE 8.52 Reference counts and circular structures tion of a “useful object.” While it is definitely true that an object is useless if no references to it exist, it may also be useless when references do exist. As shown in Figure 8.14, reference counts may fail to collect circular structures. They work well only for structures that are guaranteed to be noncircular. Many language implementations use reference counts for variable-length strings; strings never contain references to anything else. Perl uses reference counts for all dynami- cally allocated data; the manual warns the programmer to break cycles manually when data aren’t needed anymore. Some purely functional languages may also be able to use reference counts safely in all cases, if the lack of an assignment state- ment prevents them from introducing circularity. Finally, reference counts can be used to reclaim tombstones. While it is certainly possible to create a circular structure with tombstones, the fact that the programmer is responsible for ex- plicit deallocation of heap objects implies that reference counts will fail to reclaim tombstones only when the programmer has failed to reclaim the objects to which they refer. � 392 Chapter 8 Composite Types stooges := nil; stooges 2 "larry" stooges 1 "moe" 1 "curly" 1 "larry" 1 "moe" 1 "curly" Stack Heap Figure 8.14 Reference counts and circular lists. The list shown here cannot be found via any program variable, but because it is circular, every cell contains a nonzero count. Smart Pointers The general term smart pointer refers to a program-level ob- ject (implemented on top of the language proper) that mimics the behavior of a pointer, but with additional semantics. The most common use of smart pointers is to implement reference counting in a language that normally supports only manual storage reclamation. Other uses include bounds checking on pointer arithmetic, instrumentation for debugging or performance analysis, and track- ing of references to external objects—e.g., open files. Particularly rich support for smart pointers can be found in the C++ stan- dard library, whose unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and weak_ptr classes leverage operator overloading, constructors, destructors, and move semantics to simplify the otherwise difficult task of manual reclamation. A unique_ptr is what its name implies—the only reference to an object. If the unique_ptr is destroyed (typically because the function in which it was declared returns), then the ob- ject to which it points is reclaimed by the pointer’s destructor, as suggested in Section 8.5.2. If one unique_ptr is assigned into another (or passed as a pa- rameter), the overloaded assignment operator or constructor transfers ownership of the pointed-to object by changing the old pointer to null. (Move seman- tics, which we will describe in more detail in under “References in C++” in Sec- tion 9.3.1, often allow the compiler to optimize away the cost of the ownership transfer.) The shared_ptr type implements a reference count for the pointed-to object, typically storing it in a hidden, tombstone-like intermediate object. Counts are incremented in shared_ptr constructors, decremented in destructors, and ad- 8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 393 justed (in both directions) by assignment operations. When circular structures are required, or when the programmer wants to maintain bookkeeping infor- mation without artificially extending object lifetimes, a weak_ptr can be used to point to an object without contributing to reference counting. The C++ li- brary will reclaim an object when no shared_ptr to it remains; any remaining weak_ptrs will subsequently behave as if they were null. Tracing Collection As we have seen, reference counting defines an object to be useful if there exists a pointer to it. A better definition might say that an object is useful if it can be reached by following a chain of valid pointers starting from something that has a name (i.e., something outside the heap). According to this definition, the blocks in the bottom half of Figure 8.14 are useless, even though their reference counts are nonzero. Tracing collectors work by recursively exploring the heap, starting from external pointers, to determine what is useful. Mark-and-Sweep The classic mechanism to identify useless blocks, under this more accurate definition, is known as mark-and-sweep. It proceeds in three main steps, executed by the garbage collector when the amount of free space remaining in the heap falls below some minimum threshold: 1. The collector walks through the heap, tentatively marking every block as “use- less.” DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 8.10 What exactly is garbage? Reference counting implicitly defines a garbage object as one to which no pointers exist. Tracing implicitly defines it as an object that is no longer reach- able from outside the heap. Ideally, we’d like an even stronger definition: a garbage object is one that the program will never use again. We settle for non- reachability because this ideal definition is undecidable. The difference can matter in practice: if a program maintains a pointer to an object it will never use again, then the garbage collector will be unable to reclaim it. If the number of such objects grows with time, then the program has a memory leak, despite the presence of a garbage collector. (Trivially we could imagine a program that added every newly allocated object to a global list, but never actually perused the list. Such a program would defeat the collector entirely.) For the sake of space efficiency, programmers are advised to “zero out” any pointers they no longer need. Doing this can be difficult, but not as difficult as fully manually reclamation—in particular, we do not need to realize when we are zeroing the last pointer to a given object. For the same reason, dangling references can never arise: the garbage collector will refrain from reclaiming any object that is reachable along some other path. 394 Chapter 8 Composite Types 2. Beginning with all pointers outside the heap, the collector recursively explores all linked data in the program, marking each newly discovered block as “use- ful.” (When it encounters a block that is already marked as “useful,” the col- lector knows it has reached the block over some previous path, and returns without recursing.) 3. The collector again walks through the heap, moving every block that is still marked “useless” to the free list. Several potential problems with this algorithm are immediately apparent. First, both the initial and final walks through the heap require that the collec- tor be able to tell where every “in-use” block begins and ends. In a language with variable-size heap blocks, every block must begin with an indication of its size, and of whether it is currently free. Second, the collector must be able in Step 2 to find the pointers contained within each block. The standard solution is to place a pointer to a type descriptor near the beginning of each block. Pointer Reversal The exploration step (Step 2) of mark-and-sweep collection is naturally recursive. The obvious implementation needs a stack whose maximum depth is proportional to the longest chain through the heap. In practice, the space for this stack may not be available: after all, we run garbage collection when we’re about to run out of space!7 An alternative implementation of the explorationEXAMPLE 8.53 Heap tracing with pointer reversal step uses a technique first suggested by Schorr and Waite [SW67] to embed the equivalent of the stack in already-existing fields in heap blocks. More specifically, as the collector explores the path to a given block, it reverses the pointers it follows, so that each points back to the previous block instead of forward to the next. This pointer-reversal technique is illustrated in Figure 8.15. As it explores, the collector keeps track of the current block and the block from whence it came. To return from block X to block U (after part (d) of the figure), the collec- tor will use the reversed pointer in U to restore its notion of previous block (T). It will then flip the reversed pointer back to X and update its notion of current block to U. If the block to which it has returned contains additional pointers, the collector will proceed forward again; otherwise it will return across the pre- vious reversed pointer and try again. At most one pointer in every block will be reversed at any given time. This pointer must be marked, probably by means of another bookkeeping field at the beginning of each block. (We could mark the pointer by setting one of its low-order bits, but the cost in time would probably be prohibitive: we’d have to search the block on every visit.) � Stop-and-Copy In a language with variable-size heap blocks, the garbage col- lector can reduce external fragmentation by performing storage compaction. 7 In many language implementations, the stack and heap grow toward each other from opposite ends of memory (Section 15.4); if the heap is full, the stack can’t grow. In a system with virtual memory the distance between the two may theoretically be enormous, but the space that backs them up on disk is still limited, and shared between them. 8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 395 R S T prev U V W X W X R TS U V W X R S T U V R S T U V W X (a) (b) (c) (d) curr prev curr prev curr prev curr Figure 8.15 Heap exploration via pointer reversal. The block currently under examination is indicated by the curr pointer. The previous block is indicated by the prev pointer. As the garbage collector moves from one block to the next, it changes the pointer it follows to refer back to the previous block. When it returns to a block it restores the pointer. Each reversed pointer must be marked (indicated with a shaded box), to distinguish it from other, forward pointers in the same block. Many garbage collectors employ a technique known as stop-and-copy that achieves compaction while simultaneously eliminating Steps 1 and 3 in the stan- dard mark-and-sweep algorithm. Specifically, they divide the heap into two re- gions of equal size. All allocation happens in the first half. When this half is (nearly) full, the collector begins its exploration of reachable data structures. Each reachable block is copied into contiguous locations in the second half of the heap, with no external fragmentation. The old version of the block, in the first half of the heap, is overwritten with a “useful” flag and a pointer to the new location. Any other pointer that refers to the same block (and is found later in the exploration) is set to point to the new location. When the collector finishes its exploration, all useful objects have been moved (and compacted) into the second 396 Chapter 8 Composite Types half of the heap, and nothing in the first half is needed anymore. The collector can therefore swap its notion of first and second halves, and the program can con- tinue. Obviously, this algorithm suffers from the fact that only half of the heap can be used at any given time, but in a system with virtual memory it is only the virtual space that is underutilized; each “half” of the heap can occupy most of physical memory as needed. Moreover, by eliminating Steps 1 and 3 of standard mark-and-sweep, stop-and-copy incurs overhead proportional to the number of nongarbage blocks, rather than the total number of blocks. Generational Collection To further reduce the cost of tracing collection, some garbage collectors employ a “generational” technique, exploiting the observation that most dynamically allocated objects are short lived. The heap is divided into multiple regions (often two). When space runs low the collector first examines the youngest region (the “nursery”), which it assumes is likely to have the high- est proportion of garbage. Only if it is unable to reclaim sufficient space in this region does the collector examine the next-older region. To avoid leaking storage in long-running systems, the collector must be prepared, if necessary, to exam- ine the entire heap. In most cases, however, the overhead of collection will be proportional to the size of the youngest region only. DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 8.11 Reference counts versus tracing Reference counts require a counter field in every heap object. For small ob- jects such as cons cells, this space overhead may be significant. The ongoing expense of updating reference counts when pointers are changed can also be significant in a program with large amounts of pointer manipulation. Other garbage collection techniques, however, have similar overheads. Tracing gener- ally requires a reversed pointer indicator in every heap block, which reference counting does not, and generational collectors must generally incur overhead on every pointer assignment in order to keep track of pointers into the newest section of the heap. The two principal tradeoffs between reference counting and tracing are the inability of the former to handle cycles and the tendency of the latter to “stop the world” periodically in order to reclaim space. On the whole, implementors tend to favor reference counting for applications in which circularity is not an issue, and tracing collectors in the general case. Some real-world systems mix the two approaches, using reference counts on an ongoing basis, with an occa- sional tracing collection to catch any circular structures. The “stop the world” problem can also be addressed with incremental or concurrent collectors, which interleave their execution with the rest of the program, but these tend to have higher total overhead. Efficient, effective garbage collection techniques remain an active area of research. 8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types 397 Any object that survives some small number of collections (often one) in its current region is promoted (moved) to the next older region, in a manner remi- niscent of stop-and-copy. Tracing of the nursery requires, of course, that point- ers from old objects to new objects we treated as external “roots” of exploration. Promotion likewise requires that pointers from old objects to new objects be up- dated to reflect the new locations. While old-space-to-new-space pointers tend to be rare, a generational collector must be able to find them all quickly. At each pointer assignment, the compiler generates code to check whether the new value is an old-to-new pointer; if so, it adds the pointer to a hidden list accessible to the collector. This instrumentation on assignments is known as a write barrier.8 Conservative Collection Language implementors have traditionally assumed that automatic storage reclamation is possible only in languages that are strongly typed: both reference counts and tracing collection require that we be able to find the pointers within an object. If we are willing to admit the possibility that some garbage will go unreclaimed, it turns out that we can implement mark-and-sweep collection without being able to find pointers [BW88]. The key is to observe that any given block in the heap spans a relatively small number of addresses. There is only a very small probability that some word in memory that is not a pointer will happen to contain a bit pattern that looks like one of those addresses. If we assume, conservatively, that everything that seems to point into a heap block is in fact a valid pointer, then we can proceed with mark-and-sweep collec- tion. When space runs low, the collector (as usual) tentatively marks all blocks in the heap as useless. It then scans all word-aligned quantities in the stack and in global storage. If any of these words appears to contain the address of something in the heap, the collector marks the block that contains that address as useful. Recursively, the collector then scans all word-aligned quantities in the block, and marks as useful any other blocks whose addresses are found therein. Finally (as usual), the collector reclaims any blocks that are still marked useless. The algorithm is completely safe (in the sense that it never reclaims useful blocks) so long as the programmer never “hides” a pointer. In C, for example, the collector is unlikely to function correctly if the programmer casts a pointer to int and then xors it with a constant, with the expectation of restoring and using the pointer at a later time. In addition to sometimes leaving garbage unclaimed, conservative collection suffers from the inability to perform compaction: the col- lector can never be sure which “pointers” should be changed. 8 Unfortunately, the word “barrier” is heavily overloaded. Garbage collection barriers are unrelated to the synchronization barriers of Section 13.3.1, the memory barriers of Section 13.3.3, or the RTL barriers of Section C 15.2.1. 398 Chapter 8 Composite Types 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 25. What are dangling references? How are they created, and why are they a prob- lem? 26. What is garbage? How is it created, and why is it a problem? Discuss the comparative advantages of reference counts and tracing collection as a means of solving the problem. 27. What are smart pointers? What purpose do they serve? 28. Summarize the differences among mark-and-sweep, stop-and-copy, and gen- erational garbage collection. 29. What is pointer reversal? What problem does it address? 30. What is “conservative” garbage collection? How does it work? 31. Do dangling references and garbage ever arise in the same programming lan- guage? Why or why not? 32. Why was automatic garbage collection so slow to be adopted by imperative programming languages? 33. What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing pointers to refer to objects that do not lie in the heap? 8.6 Lists A list is defined recursively as either the empty list or a pair consisting of an initial object (which may be either a list or an atom) and another (shorter) list. Lists are ideally suited to programming in functional and logic languages, which do most of their work via recursion and higher-order functions (to be described in Section 11.6). Lists can also be used in imperative programs. They are supported by built- in type constructors in a few traditional compiled languages (e.g., Clu) and in most modern scripting languages. They are also commonly supported by library classes in object-oriented languages, and programmers can build their own in any language with records and pointers. Since many of the standard list operations tend to generate garbage, lists tend to work best in a language with automatic garbage collection. One key aspect of lists is very different in the two main functional language families. Lists in ML are homogeneous: every element of the list must have the same type. Lisp lists, by contrast, are heterogeneous: any object may be placed in a list, so long as it is never used in an inconsistent fashion.9 These differentEXAMPLE 8.54 Lists in ML and Lisp 9 Recall that objects are self-descriptive in Lisp. The only type checking occurs when a function “deliberately” inspects an argument to see whether it is a list or an atom of some particular type. 8.6 Lists 399 approaches lead to different implementations. An ML list is usually a chain of blocks, each of which contains an element and a pointer to the next block. A Lisp list is a chain of cons cells, each of which contains two pointers, one to the element and one to the next cons cell (see Figures 8.11 and 8.12). For historical reasons, the two pointers in a cons cell are known as the car and the cdr; they represent the head of the list and the remaining elements, respectively. In both semantics (homogeneity vs heterogeneity) and implementation (chained blocks vs cons cells), Clu resembles ML, while Python and Prolog (to be discussed in Section 12.2) resemble Lisp. � Both ML and Lisp provide convenient notation for lists. In the OCaml dialectEXAMPLE 8.55 List notation of ML, a list is enclosed in square brackets, with elements separated by semi- colons: [a; b; c; d]. A Lisp list is enclosed in parentheses, with elements sep- arated by white space: (a b c d). In both cases, the notation represents a proper list—one whose innermost pair consists of the final element and the empty list. In Lisp, it is also possible to construct an improper list, whose final pair contains two elements. (Strictly speaking, such a list does not conform to the standard re- cursive definition.) Lisp systems provide a more general, but cumbersome dotted list notation that captures both proper and improper lists. A dotted list is either an atom (possibly null) or a pair consisting of two dotted lists separated by a pe- riod and enclosed in parentheses. The dotted list (a . (b . (c . (d . null)))) is the same as (a b c d). The list (a . (b . (c . d))) is improper; its final cons cell contains a pointer to d in the second position, where a pointer to a list is normally required. � Both ML and Lisp provide a wealth of built-in polymorphic functions to ma- nipulate arbitrary lists. Because programs are lists in Lisp, Lisp must distin- guish between lists that are to be evaluated and lists that are to be left “as is,” DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 8.12 car and cdr The names of the functions car and cdr are historical accidents: they de- rive from the original (1959) implementation of Lisp on the IBM 704 at MIT. The machine architecture included 15-bit “address” and “decrement” fields in some of the (36-bit) loop-control instructions, together with additional in- structions to load an index register from, or store it to, one of these fields within a 36-bit memory word. The designers of the Lisp interpreter decided to make cons cells mimic the internal format of instructions, so they could exploit these special instructions. In now archaic usage, memory words were also known as “registers.” What might appropriately have been called “first” and “rest” pointers thus came to be known as the CAR (contents of address field of register) and CDR (contents of decrement field of register). The 704, incidentally, was also the machine on which Fortran was first developed, and the first commercial machine to include hardware floating-point and magnetic core memory. 400 Chapter 8 Composite Types as structures. To prevent a literal list from being evaluated, the Lisp programmer may quote it: (quote (a b c d)), abbreviated ‚ (a b c d). To evaluate an in- ternal list (e.g., one returned by a function), the programmer may pass it to the built-in function eval. In ML, programs are not lists, so a literal list is always a structural aggregate. The most fundamental operations on lists are those that construct them fromEXAMPLE 8.56 Basic list operations in Lisp their components or extract their components from them. In Lisp: (cons 'a '(b)) =⇒ (a b) (car '(a b)) =⇒ a (car nil) =⇒ ?? (cdr '(a b c)) =⇒ (b c) (cdr '(a)) =⇒ nil (cdr nil) =⇒ ?? (append '(a b) '(c d)) =⇒ (a b c d) Here we have used =⇒ to mean “evaluates to.” The car and cdr of the empty list (nil) are defined to be nil in Common Lisp; in Scheme they result in a dynamic semantic error. � In OCaml the equivalent operations are written as follows:EXAMPLE 8.57 Basic list operations in OCaml a :: [b] =⇒ [a; b] hd [a, b] =⇒ a hd [] =⇒ run-time exception tl [a, b, c] =⇒ [b, c] tl [a] =⇒ [] tl [] =⇒ run-time exception [a, b] @ [c, d] =⇒ [a; b; c; d] Run-time exceptions may be caught by the program if desired; further details will appear in Section 9.4. � Both ML and Lisp provide many additional list functions, including ones that test a list to see if it is empty; return the length of a list; return the nth element of a list, or a list consisting of all but the first n elements; reverse the order of the elements of a list; search a list for elements matching some predicate; or apply a function to every element of a list, returning the results as a list. Several languages, including Miranda, Haskell, Python, and F#, provide lists that resemble those of ML, but with an important additional mechanism, known as list comprehensions. These are adapted from traditional mathematical set nota- tion. A common form comprises an expression, an enumerator, and one or more filters. In Haskell, the following denotes a list of the squares of all odd numbersEXAMPLE 8.58 List comprehensions less than 100: [i*i | i <- [1..100], i `mod` 2 == 1] 8.7 Files and Input/Output 401 In Python we would write [i*i for i in range(1, 100) if i % 2 == 1] In F# the equivalent is [for i in 1..100 do if i % 2 = 1 then yield i*i] All of these are meant to capture the mathematical {i× i | i ∈ {1, . . . , 100} ∧ i mod 2 = 1} We could of course create an equivalent list with a series of appropriate function calls. The brevity of the list comprehension syntax, however, can sometimes lead to remarkably elegant programs (see, e.g., Exercise 8.22). � 8.7 Files and Input/Output Input/output (I/O) facilities allow a program to communicate with the outside world. In discussing this communication, it is customary to distinguish between interactive I/O and I/O with files. Interactive I/O generally implies communica- tion with human users or physical devices, which work in parallel with the run- ning program, and whose input to the program may depend on earlier output from the program (e.g., prompts). Files generally refer to off-line storage imple- mented by the operating system. Files may be further categorized into those that are temporary and those that are persistent. Temporary files exist for the duration of a single program run; their purpose is to store information that is too large to fit in the memory available to the program. Persistent files allow a program to read data that existed before the program began running, and to write data that will continue to exist after the program has ended. I/O is one of the most difficult aspects of a language to design, and one that displays the least commonality from one language to the next. Some languages provide built-in file data types and special syntactic constructs for I/O. Others relegate I/O entirely to library packages, which export a (usually opaque) file type and a variety of input and output subroutines. The principal advantage of language integration is the ability to employ non-subroutine-call syntax, and to perform operations (e.g., type checking on subroutine calls with varying numbers of parameters) that may not otherwise be available to library routines. A purely library-based approach to I/O, on the other hand, may keep a substantial amount of “clutter” out of the language definition. IN MORE DEPTH An overview of language-level I/O mechanisms can be found on the companion site. After a brief introduction to interactive and file-based I/O, we focus mainly on the common case of text files. The data in a text file are stored in character 402 Chapter 8 Composite Types form, but may be converted to and from internal types during read and write operations. As examples, we consider the text I/O facilities of Fortran, Ada, C, and C++. 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 34. Why are lists so heavily used in functional programming languages? 35. What are list comprehensions? What languages support them? 36. Compare and contrast the support for lists in ML- and Lisp-family languages. 37. Explain the distinction between interactive and file-based I/O; between tem- porary and persistent files. 38. What are some of the tradeoffs between supporting I/O in the language proper versus supporting it in libraries? 8.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks This section concludes the fourth of our six core chapters on language design (names [from Part I], control flow, type systems, composite types, subroutines, and classes). In our survey of composite types, we spent the most time on records, arrays, and recursive types. Key issues for records include the syntax and seman- tics of variant records, whole-record operations, type safety, and the interaction of each of these with memory layout. Memory layout is also important for arrays, in which it interacts with binding time for shape; static, stack, and heap-based allocation strategies; efficient array traversal in numeric applications; the inter- operability of pointers and arrays in C; and the available set of whole-array and slice-based operations. For recursive data types, much depends on the choice between the value and reference models of variables/names. Recursive types are a natural fallout of the reference model; with the value model they require the notion of a pointer: a variable whose value is a reference. The distinction between values and refer- ences is important from an implementation point of view: it would be wasteful to implement built-in types as references, so languages with a reference model generally implement built-in and user-defined types differently. Java reflects this distinction in the language semantics, calling for a value model of built-in types and a reference model for objects of user-defined class types. Recursive types are generally used to create linked data structures. In most cases these structures must be allocated from a heap. In some languages, the pro- grammer is responsible for deallocating heap objects that are no longer needed. In other languages, the language run-time system identifies and reclaims such garbage automatically. Explicit deallocation is a burden on the programmer, and 8.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks 403 leads to the problems of memory leaks and dangling references. While language im- plementations almost never attempt to catch memory leaks (see Exploration 3.34 and Exercise C 8.28, however, for some ideas on this subject) tombstones or locks and keys are sometimes used to catch dangling references. Automatic garbage collection can be expensive, but has proved increasingly popular. Most garbage- collection techniques rely either on reference counts or on some form of recursive exploration (tracing) of currently accessible structures. Techniques in this latter category include mark-and-sweep, stop-and-copy, and generational collection. Few areas of language design display as much variation as I/O. Our discus- sion (largely on the companion site) distinguished between interactive I/O, which tends to be very platform specific, and file-based I/O, which subdivides into tem- porary files, used for voluminous data within a single program run, and persistent files, used for off-line storage. Files also subdivide into those that represent their information in a binary form that mimics layout in memory and those that con- vert to and from character-based text. In comparison to binary files, text files generally incur both time and space overhead, but they have the important ad- vantages of portability and human readability. In our examination of types, we saw many examples of language innovations that have served to improve the clarity and maintainability of programs, often with little or no performance overhead. Examples include the original idea of user-defined types (Algol 68), enumeration and subrange types (Pascal), the in- tegration of records and variants (Pascal), and the distinction between subtypes and derived types in Ada. In Chapter 10 we will examine what many consider the most important language innovation of the past 30 years, namely object orienta- tion. As in previous chapters, we saw several cases in which a language’s conve- nience, orthogonality, or type safety appears to have been compromised in or- der to simplify the compiler, or to make compiled programs smaller or faster. Examples include the lack of an equality test for records in many languages, the requirement in Pascal and Ada that the variant portion of a record lie at the end, the limitations in many languages on the maximum size of sets, the lack of type checking for I/O in C, and the general lack of dynamic semantic checks in many language implementations. We also saw several examples of language features introduced at least in part for the sake of efficient implementation. These in- clude packed types, multilength numeric types, decimal arithmetic, and C-style pointer arithmetic. At the same time, one can identify a growing willingness on the part of lan- guage designers and users to tolerate complexity and cost in language implemen- tation in order to improve semantics. Examples here include the type-safe variant records of Ada; the standard-length numeric types of Java and C#; the variable- length strings and string operators of modern scripting languages; the late bind- ing of array bounds in Ada, C, and the various scripting languages; and the wealth of whole-array and slice-based array operations in Fortran 90. One might also in- clude the polymorphic type inference of ML and its descendants. Certainly one should include the widespread adoption of automatic garbage collection. Once 404 Chapter 8 Composite Types considered too expensive for production-quality imperative languages, garbage collection is now standard not only in functional and scripting languages, but in Ada, Java, C#, Scala, and Go, among others. 8.9 Exercises 8.1 Suppose we are compiling for a machine with 1-byte characters, 2-byte shorts, 4-byte integers, and 8-byte reals, and with alignment rules that re- quire the address of every primitive data element to be an even multiple of the element’s size. Suppose further that the compiler is not permitted to reorder fields. How much space will be consumed by the following array? Explain. A : array [0..9] of record s : short c : char t : short d : char r : real i : integer 8.2 In Example 8.10 we suggested the possibility of sorting record fields by their alignment requirement, to minimize holes. In the example, we sorted smallest-alignment-first. What would happen if we sorted longest- alignment-first? Do you see any advantages to this scheme? Any disad- vantages? If the record as a whole must be an even multiple of the longest alignment, do the two approaches ever differ in total space required? 8.3 Give Ada code to map from lowercase to uppercase letters, using (a) an array (b) a function Note the similarity of syntax: in both cases upper( ‚ a ‚ ) is ‚ A ‚ . 8.4 In Section 8.2.2 we noted that in a language with dynamic arrays and a value model of variables, records could have fields whose size is not known at compile time. To accommodate these, we suggested using a dope vector for the record, to track the offsets of the fields. Suppose instead that we want to maintain a static offset for each field. Can we devise an alternative strategy inspired by the stack frame layout of Figure 8.7, and divide each record into a fixed-size part and a variable-size part? What problems would we need to address? (Hint: Consider nested records.) 8.5 Explain how to extend Figure 8.7 to accommodate subroutine arguments that are passed by value, but whose shape is not known until the subroutine is called at run time. 8.9 Exercises 405 8.6 Explain how to obtain the effect of Fortran 90’s allocate statement for one-dimensional arrays using pointers in C. You will probably find that your solution does not generalize to multidimensional arrays. Why not? If you are familiar with C++, show how to use its class facilities to solve the problem. 8.7 Example 8.24, which considered the layout of a two-dimensional array of characters, counted only the space devoted to characters and pointers. This is appropriate if the space is allocated statically, as a global array of days or keywords known at compile time. Supposed instead that space is allocated in the heap, with 4 or 8 bytes of overhead for each contiguous block of storage. How does this change the tradeoffs in space efficiency? 8.8 Consider the array indexing calculation of Example 8.25. Suppose that i, j, and k are already loaded into registers, and that A’s elements are inte- gers, allocated contiguously in memory on a 32-bit machine. Show, in the pseudo-assembly notation of Sidebar 5.1, the instruction sequence to load A[i, j, k] into a register. You may assume the existence of an indexed ad- dressing mode capable of scaling by small powers of two. Assuming the final memory load is a cache hit, how many cycles is your code likely to require on a modern processor? 8.9 Continuing the previous exercise, suppose that A has row-pointer layout, and that i, j, and k are again available in registers. Show pseudo-assembler code to load A[i, j, k] into a register. Assuming that all memory loads are cache hits, how many cycles is your code likely to require on a modern pro- cessor? 8.10 Repeat the preceding two exercises, modifying your code to include run- time checking of array subscript bounds. 8.11 In Section 8.2.3 we discussed how to differentiate between the constant and variable portions of an array reference, in order to efficiently access the sub- parts of array and record objects. An alternative approach is to generate naive code and count on the compiler’s code improver to find the constant portions, group them together, and calculate them at compile time. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. 8.12 Consider the following C declaration, compiled on a 64-bit x86 machine: struct { int n; char c; } A[10][10]; If the address of A[0][0] is 1000 (decimal), what is the address of A[3][7]? 8.13 Suppose we are generating code for an imperative language on a machine with 8-byte floating-point numbers, 4-byte integers, 1-byte characters, and 4-byte alignment for both integers and floating-point numbers. Suppose 406 Chapter 8 Composite Types further that we plan to use contiguous row-major layout for multidimen- sional arrays, that we do not wish to reorder fields of records or pack either records or arrays, and that we will assume without checking that all array subscripts are in bounds. (a) Consider the following variable declarations: A : array [1..10, 10..100] of real i : integer x : real Show the code that our compiler should generate for the following as- signment: x := A[3,i]. Explain how you arrived at your answer. (b) Consider the following more complex declarations: r : record x : integer y : char A : array [1..10, 10..20] of record z : real B : array [0..71] of char j, k : integer Assume that these declarations are local to the current subroutine. Note the lower bounds on indices in A; the first element is A[1,10]. Describe how r would be laid out in memory. Then show code to load r.A[2,j].B[k] into a register. Be sure to indicate which portions of the address calculation could be performed at compile time. 8.14 Suppose A is a 10×10 array of (4-byte) integers, indexed from [0][0] through [9][9]. Suppose further that the address of A is currently in register r1, the value of integer i is currently in register r2, and the value of integer j is currently in register r3. Give pseudo-assembly language for a code sequence that will load the value of A[i][j] into register r1 (a) assuming that A is implemented using (row-major) contiguous allocation; (b) assuming that A is implemented using row pointers. Each line of your pseudocode should correspond to a single instruction on a typical modern machine. You may use as many registers as you need. You need not preserve the values in r1, r2, and r3. You may assume that i and j are in bounds, and that addresses are 4 bytes long. Which code sequence is likely to be faster? Why? 8.15 Pointers and recursive type definitions complicate the algorithm for deter- mining structural equivalence of types. Consider, for example, the follow- ing definitions: type A = record x : pointer to B y : real 8.9 Exercises 407 type B = record x : pointer to A y : real The simple definition of structural equivalence given in Section 7.2.1 (ex- pand the subparts recursively until all you have is a string of built-in types and type constructors; then compare them) does not work: we get an infi- nite expansion (type A = record x : pointer to record x : pointer to record x : pointer to record . . . ). The obvious reinterpretation is to say two types A and B are equivalent if any sequence of field selections, array subscripts, pointer dereferences, and other operations that takes one down into the structure of A, and that ends at a built-in type, always encounters the same field names, and ends at the same built-in type when used to dive into the structure of B—and vice versa. Under this reinterpretation, A and B above have the same type. Give an algorithm based on this reinterpretation that could be used in a compiler to determine structural equivalence. (Hint: The fastest approach is due to J. Král [Krá73]. It is based on the algorithm used to find the smallest deterministic finite automaton that accepts a given reg- ular language. This algorithm was outlined in Example 2.15; details can be found in any automata theory textbook [e.g., [HMU07]].) 8.16 Explain the meaning of the following C declarations: double *a[n]; double (*b)[n]; double (*c[n])(); double (*d())[n]; 8.17 In Ada 83, pointers (access variables) can point only to objects in the heap. Ada 95 allows a new kind of pointer, the access all type, to point to other objects as well, provided that those objects have been declared to be aliased: type int_ptr is access all Integer; foo : aliased Integer; ip : int_ptr; ... ip := foo'Access; The ‚ Access attribute is roughly equivalent to C’s “address of” (&) oper- ator. How would you implement access all types and aliased objects? How would your implementation interact with automatic garbage collec- tion (assuming it exists) for objects in the heap? 8.18 As noted in Section 8.5.2, Ada 95 forbids an access all pointer from re- ferring to any object whose lifetime is briefer than that of the pointer’s type. Can this rule be enforced completely at compile time? Why or why not? 408 Chapter 8 Composite Types 8.19 In much of the discussion of pointers in Section 8.5, we assumed implicitly that every pointer into the heap points to the beginning of a dynamically allocated block of storage. In some languages, including Algol 68 and C, pointers may also point to data inside a block in the heap. If you were trying to implement dynamic semantic checks for dangling references or, alterna- tively, automatic garbage collection (precise or conservative), how would your task be complicated by the existence of such “internal pointers”? 8.20 (a) Occasionally one encounters the suggestion that a garbage-collected language should provide a delete operation as an optimization: by explicitly delete-ing objects that will never be used again, the pro- grammer might save the garbage collector the trouble of finding and re- claiming those objects automatically, thereby improving performance. What do you think of this suggestion? Explain. (b) Alternatively, one might allow the programmer to “tenure” an object, so that it will never be a candidate for reclamation. Is this a good idea? 8.21 In Example 8.52 we noted that functional languages can safely use reference counts since the lack of an assignment statement prevents them from intro- ducing circularity. This isn’t strictly true; constructs like the Lisp letrec can also be used to make cycles, so long as uses of circularly defined names are hidden inside lambda expressions in each definition: (define foo (lambda () (letrec ((a (lambda(f) (if f #\A b))) (b (lambda(f) (if f #\B c))) (c (lambda(f) (if f #\C a)))) a))) Each of the functions a, b, and c contains a reference to the next: ((foo) #t) =⇒ #\A (((foo) #f) #t) =⇒ #\B ((((foo) #f) #f) #t) =⇒ #\C (((((foo) #f) #f) #f) #t) =⇒ #\A How might you address this circularity without giving up on reference counts? 8.22 Here is a skeleton for the standard quicksort algorithm in Haskell: quicksort [] = [] quicksort (a : l) = quicksort [...] ++ [a] ++ quicksort [...] The ++ operator denotes list concatenation (similar to @ in ML). The : operator is equivalent to ML’s :: or Lisp’s cons. Show how to express the two elided expressions as list comprehensions. 8.23–8.31 In More Depth. 8.10 Explorations 409 8.10 Explorations 8.32 If you have access to a compiler that provides optional dynamic semantic checks for out-of-bounds array subscripts, use of an inappropriate record variant, and/or dangling or uninitialized pointers, experiment with the cost of these checks. How much do they add to the execution time of programs that make a significant number of checked accesses? Experiment with dif- ferent levels of optimization (code improvement) to see what effect each has on the overhead of checks. 8.33 Write a library package that might be used by a language implementation to manage sets of elements drawn from a very large base type (e.g., integer). You should support membership tests, union, intersection, and difference. Does your package allocate memory from the heap? If so, what would a compiler that assumed the use of your package need to do to make sure that space was reclaimed when no longer needed? 8.34 Learn about SETL [SDDS86], a programming language based on sets, de- signed by Jack Schwartz of New York University. List the mechanisms pro- vided as built-in set operations. Compare this list with the set facilities of other programming languages. What data structure(s) might a SETL im- plementation use to represent sets in a program? 8.35 The HotSpot Java compiler and virtual machine implements an entire suite of garbage collectors: a traditional generational collector, a compacting col- lector for the old generation, a low pause-time parallel collector for the nursery, a high-throughput parallel collector for the old generation, and a “mostly concurrent” collector for the old generation that runs in parallel with the main program. Learn more about these algorithms. When is each used, and why? 8.36 Implement your favorite garbage collection algorithm in Ada. Alternatively, implement a simplified version of the shared_ptr class in C++, for which storage is garbage collected. You’ll want to use templates (generics) so that your class can be instantiated for arbitrary pointed-to types. 8.37 Experiment with the cost of garbage collection in your favorite language im- plementation. What kind of collector does it use? Can you create artificial programs for which it performs particularly well or poorly? 8.38 Learn about weak references in Java. How do they interact with garbage collection? How do they compare to weak_ptr objects in C++? Describe several scenarios in which they may be useful. 8.39–8.41 In More Depth. 410 Chapter 8 Composite Types 8.11 Bibliographic Notes While arrays are the oldest composite data type, they remain an active subject of language design. Representative contemporary work can be found in the pro- ceedings of the 2014 SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages, and Compilers for Array Programming [Hen14]. Implementation issues for ar- rays and records are discussed in all the standard compiler texts. Chamberlain and Snyder describe support for sparse arrays in the ZPL programming lan- guage [CS01]. Tombstones are due to Lomet [Lom75, Lom85]. Locks and keys are due to Fischer and LeBlanc [FL80]. The latter also discuss how to check for various other dynamic semantic errors in Pascal, including those that arise with variant records. Garbage collection remains a very active topic of research. Much of the ongoing work is reported at ISMM, the annual International Symposium on Memory Management (www.sigplan.org/Conferences/ISMM). Constant-space (pointer-reversing) mark-and-sweep garbage collection is due to Schorr and Waite [SW67]. Stop-and-copy collection was developed by Fenichel and Yochel- son [FY69], based on ideas due to Minsky. Deutsch and Bobrow [DB76] de- scribe an incremental garbage collector that avoids the “stop-the-world” phe- nomenon. Wilson and Johnstone [WJ93] describe a later incremental collector. The conservative collector described at the end of Section 8.5.3 is due to Boehm and Weiser [BW88]. Cohen [Coh81] surveys garbage-collection techniques as of 1981; Wilson [Wil92b] and Jones and Lins [JL96] provide somewhat more recent views. Bacon et al. [BCR04] argue that reference counting and tracing are really dual views of the same underlying storage problem. 9Subroutines and Control Abstraction In the introduction to Chapter 3, we defined abstraction as a process by which the programmer can associate a name with a potentially complicated pro- gram fragment, which can then be thought of in terms of its purpose or function, rather than in terms of its implementation. We sometimes distinguish between control abstraction, in which the principal purpose of the abstraction is to perform a well-defined operation, and data abstraction, in which the principal purpose of the abstraction is to represent information.1 We will consider data abstraction in more detail in Chapter 10. Subroutines are the principal mechanism for control abstraction in most pro- gramming languages. A subroutine performs its operation on behalf of a caller, who waits for the subroutine to finish before continuing execution. Most sub- routines are parameterized: the caller passes arguments that influence the sub- routine’s behavior, or provide it with data on which to operate. Arguments are also called actual parameters. They are mapped to the subroutine’s formal pa- rameters at the time a call occurs. A subroutine that returns a value is usually called a function. A subroutine that does not return a value is usually called a pro- cedure. Statically typed languages typically require a declaration for every called subroutine, so the compiler can verify, for example, that every call passes the right number and types of arguments. As noted in Section 3.2.2, the storage consumed by parameters and local vari- ables can in most languages be allocated on a stack. We therefore begin this chap- ter, in Section 9.1, by reviewing the layout of the stack. We then turn in Section 9.2 to the calling sequences that serve to maintain this layout. In the process, we revisit the use of static chains to access nonlocal variables in nested subroutines, and con- sider (on the companion site) an alternative mechanism, known as a display, that serves a similar purpose. We also consider subroutine inlining and the represen- tation of closures. To illustrate some of the possible implementation alternatives, we present (again on the companion site) case studies of the LLVM compiler for 1 The distinction between control and data abstraction is somewhat fuzzy, because the latter usually encapsulates not only information but also the operations that access and modify that informa- tion. Put another way, most data abstractions include control abstraction. 411 412 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction the ARM instruction set and the gcc compiler for 32- and 64-bit x86. We also discuss the register window mechanism of the SPARC instruction set. In Section 9.3 we look more closely at subroutine parameters. We consider parameter-passing modes, which determine the operations that a subroutine can apply to its formal parameters and the effects of those operations on the corre- sponding actual parameters. We also consider named and default parameters, variable numbers of arguments, and function return mechanisms. In Section 9.4, we consider the handling of exceptional conditions. While ex- ceptions can sometimes be confined to the current subroutine, in the general case they require a mechanism to “pop out of” a nested context without returning, so that recovery can occur in the calling context. In Section 9.5, we consider corou- tines, which allow a program to maintain two or more execution contexts, and to switch back and forth among them. Coroutines can be used to implement iter- ators (Section 6.5.3), but they have other uses as well, particularly in simulation and in server programs. In Chapter 13 we will use them as the basis for concur- rent (“quasiparallel”) threads. Finally, in Section 9.6 we consider asynchronous events—things that happen outside a program, but to which it needs to respond. 9.1 Review of Stack Layout In Section 3.2.2 we discussed the allocation of space on a subroutine call stackEXAMPLE 9.1 Layout of run-time stack (reprise) (Figure 3.1). Each routine, as it is called, is given a new stack frame, or activation record, at the top of the stack. This frame may contain arguments and/or return values, bookkeeping information (including the return address and saved regis- ters), local variables, and/or temporaries. When a subroutine returns, its frame is popped from the stack. � At any given time, the stack pointer register contains the address of either the last used location at the top of the stack or the first unused location, depending on convention. The frame pointer register contains an address within the frame. Objects in the frame are accessed via displacement addressing with respect to the frame pointer. If the size of an object (e.g., a local array) is not known at compileEXAMPLE 9.2 Offsets from frame pointer time, then the object is placed in a variable-size area at the top of the frame; its address and dope vector (descriptor) are stored in the fixed-size portion of the frame, at a statically known offset from the frame pointer (Figure 8.7). If there are no variable-size objects, then every object within the frame has a statically known offset from the stack pointer, and the implementation may dispense with the frame pointer, freeing up a register for other use. If the size of an argument is not known at compile time, then the argument may be placed in a variable-size portion of the frame below the other arguments, with its address and dope vector at known offsets from the frame pointer. Alternatively, the caller may simply pass a temporary address and dope vector, counting on the called routine to copy the argument into the variable-size area at the top of the frame. � In a language with nested subroutines and static scoping (e.g., Ada, CommonEXAMPLE 9.3 Static and dynamic links Lisp, ML, Scheme, or Swift), objects that lie in surrounding subroutines, and 9.1 Review of Stack Layout 413 B A C D E fp C D B E A Dynamic links Static links Figure 9.1 Example of subroutine nesting, taken from Figure 3.5. Within B , C, and D , all five routines are visible. Within A and E, routines A , B , and E are visible, but C and D are not. Given the calling sequence A , E, B, D , C, in that order, frames will be allocated on the stack as shown at right, with the indicated static and dynamic links. that are thus neither local nor global, can be found by maintaining a static chain (Figure 9.1). Each stack frame contains a reference to the frame of the lexically surrounding subroutine. This reference is called the static link. By analogy, the saved value of the frame pointer, which will be restored on subroutine return, is called the dynamic link. The static and dynamic links may or may not be the same, depending on whether the current routine was called by its lexically surrounding routine, or by some other routine nested in that surrounding routine. � Whether or not a subroutine is called directly by the lexically surrounding rou- tine, we can be sure that the surrounding routine is active; there is no other way that the current routine could have been visible, allowing it to be called. Consider,EXAMPLE 9.4 Visibility of nested routines for example, the subroutine nesting shown in Figure 9.1. If subroutine D is called directly from B, then clearly B’s frame will already be on the stack. How else could D be called? It is not visible in A or E, because it is nested inside of B. A moment’s thought makes clear that it is only when control enters B (placing B’s frame on the stack) that D comes into view. It can therefore be called by C, or by any other routine (not shown) that is nested inside C or D, but only because these are also within B. � 414 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction 9.2 Calling Sequences Maintenance of the subroutine call stack is the responsibility of the calling se- quence—the code executed by the caller immediately before and after a subroutine call—and of the prologue (code executed at the beginning) and epilogue (code exe- cuted at the end) of the subroutine itself. Sometimes the term “calling sequence” is used to refer to the combined operations of the caller, the prologue, and the epilogue. Tasks that must be accomplished on the way into a subroutine include passing parameters, saving the return address, changing the program counter, changing the stack pointer to allocate space, saving registers (including the frame pointer) that contain values that may be overwritten by the callee but are still live (poten- tially needed) in the caller, changing the frame pointer to refer to the new frame, and executing initialization code for any objects in the new frame that require it. Tasks that must be accomplished on the way out include passing return param- eters or function values, executing finalization code for any local objects that re- quire it, deallocating the stack frame (restoring the stack pointer), restoring other saved registers (including the frame pointer), and restoring the program counter. Some of these tasks (e.g., passing parameters) must be performed by the caller, because they differ from call to call. Most of the tasks, however, can be performed either by the caller or the callee. In general, we will save space if the callee does as much work as possible: tasks performed in the callee appear only once in the target program, but tasks performed in the caller appear at every call site, and the typical subroutine is called in more than one place. Saving and Restoring Registers Perhaps the trickiest division-of-labor issue pertains to saving registers. The ideal approach (see Section C 5.5.2) is to save precisely those registers that are both live in the caller and needed for other purposes in the callee. Because of separate compilation, however, it is difficult (though not impossible) to determine this intersecting set. A simpler solution is for the caller to save all registers that are in use, or for the callee to save all registers that it will overwrite. Calling sequence conventions for many processors, including the ARM and x86 described in the case studies of Section C 9.2.2, strike something of a com- promise: registers not reserved for special purposes are divided into two sets of approximately equal size. One set is the caller’s responsibility, the other is the callee’s responsibility. A callee can assume that there is nothing of value in any of the registers in the caller-saves set; a caller can assume that no callee will destroy the contents of any registers in the callee-saves set. In the interests of code size, the compiler uses the callee-saves registers for local variables and other long-lived values whenever possible. It uses the caller-saves set for transient values, which are less likely to be needed across calls. The result of these conventions is that the caller-saves registers are seldom saved by either party: the callee knows that 9.2 Calling Sequences 415 they are the caller’s responsibility, and the caller knows that they don’t contain anything important. Maintaining the Static Chain In languages with nested subroutines, at least part of the work required to main- tain the static chain must be performed by the caller, rather than the callee, be- cause this work depends on the lexical nesting depth of the caller. The standard approach is for the caller to compute the callee’s static link and to pass it as an extra, hidden parameter. Two subcases arise: 1. The callee is nested (directly) inside the caller. In this case, the callee’s static link should refer to the caller’s frame. The caller therefore passes its own frame pointer as the callee’s static link. 2. The callee is k ≥ 0 scopes “outward”—closer to the outer level of lexical nest- ing. In this case, all scopes that surround the callee also surround the caller (otherwise the callee would not be visible). The caller dereferences its own static link k times and passes the result as the callee’s static link. A Typical Calling Sequence Figure 9.2 shows one plausible layout for a stack frame, consistent with Figure 3.1.EXAMPLE 9.5 A typical calling sequence The stack pointer (sp) points to the first unused location on the stack (or the last used location, depending on the compiler and machine). The frame pointer (fp) points to a location near the bottom of the frame. Space for all arguments is reserved in the stack, even if the compiler passes some of them in registers (the callee will need a standard place to save them if it ever calls a nested routine that may try to reach a lexically surrounding parameter via the static chain). To maintain this stack layout, the calling sequence might operate as follows. The caller 1. saves any caller-saves registers whose values may be needed after the call 2. computes the values of arguments and moves them into the stack or registers 3. computes the static link (if this is a language with nested subroutines), and passes it as an extra, hidden argument 4. uses a special subroutine call instruction to jump to the subroutine, simulta- neously passing the return address on the stack or in a register In its prologue, the callee 1. allocates a frame by subtracting an appropriate constant from the sp 2. saves the old frame pointer into the stack, and updates it to point to the newly allocated frame 3. saves any callee-saves registers that may be overwritten by the current routine (including the static link and return address, if they were passed in registers) After the subroutine has completed, the epilogue 416 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction Direction of stack growth (lower addresses) Temporaries Local variables Saved regs., static link Return address Saved fp Arguments to called routines (Arguments from caller) sp fp Current frame Previous (calling) frame Figure 9.2 A typical stack frame. Though we draw it growing upward on the page, the stack actually grows downward toward lower addresses on most machines. Arguments are accessed at positive offsets from the fp. Local variables and temporaries are accessed at negative offsets from the fp. Arguments to be passed to called routines are assembled at the top of the frame, using positive offsets from the sp. 1. moves the return value (if any) into a register or a reserved location in the stack 2. restores callee-saves registers if needed 3. restores the fp and the sp 4. jumps back to the return address Finally, the caller 1. moves the return value to wherever it is needed 2. restores caller-saves registers if needed � Special-Case Optimizations Many parts of the calling sequence, prologue, and epilogue can be omitted in common cases. If the hardware passes the return address in a register, then a leaf routine (a subroutine that makes no additional calls before returning)2 can simply 2 A leaf routine is so named because it is a leaf of the subroutine call graph, a data structure men- tioned in Exercise 3.10. 9.2 Calling Sequences 417 leave it there; it does not need to save it in the stack. Likewise it need not save the static link or any caller-saves registers. A subroutine with no local variables and nothing to save or restore may not even need a stack frame on a RISC machine. The simplest subroutines (e.g., li- brary routines to compute the standard mathematical functions) may not touch memory at all, except to fetch instructions: they may take their arguments in registers, compute entirely in (caller-saves) registers, call no other routines, and return their results in registers. As a result they may be extremely fast. 9.2.1 Displays One disadvantage of static chains is that access to an object in a scope k levels out requires that the static chain be dereferenced k times. If a local object can be loaded into a register with a single (displacement mode) memory access, an object k levels out will require k + 1 memory accesses. This number can be reduced to a constant by use of a display. IN MORE DEPTH As described on the companion site, a display is a small array that replaces the static chain. The jth element of the display contains a reference to the frame of the most recently active subroutine at lexical nesting level j. If the currently active routine is nested i > 3 levels deep, then elements i − 1, i − 2, and i − 3 of the
display contain the values that would have been the first three links of the static
chain. An object k levels out can be found at a statically known offset from the
address stored in element j = i − k of the display.

For most programs the cost of maintaining a display in the subroutine calling
sequence tends to be slightly higher than that of maintaining a static chain. At the
same time, the cost of dereferencing the static chain has been reduced by modern
compilers, which tend to do a good job of caching the links in registers when ap-
propriate. These observations, combined with the trend toward languages (those
descended from C in particular) in which subroutines do not nest, have made
displays less common today than they were in the 1970s.

9.2.2 Stack Case Studies: LLVM on ARM; gcc on x86

Calling sequences differ significantly from machine to machine and even com-
piler to compiler, though hardware vendors typically publish suggested conven-
tions for their respective architectures, to promote interoperability among pro-
gram components produced by different compilers. Many of the most signifi-
cant differences reflect an evolution over time toward heavier use of registers and
lighter use of memory. This evolution reflects at least three important technolog-
ical trends: the increasing size of register sets, the increasing gap in speed between

418 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

registers and memory (even L1 cache), and the increasing ability of both compil-
ers and processors to improve performance by reordering instructions—at least
when operands are all in registers.

Older compilers, particularly for machines with a small number of registers,
tend to pass arguments on the stack; newer compilers, particularly for machines
with larger register sets, tend to pass arguments in registers. Older architectures
tend to provide a subroutine call instruction that pushes the return address onto
the stack; newer architectures tend to put the return address in a register.

Many machines provide special instructions of use in the subroutine-call se-
quence. On the x86, for example, enter and leave instructions allocate and
deallocate stack frames, via simultaneous update of the frame pointer and stack
pointer. On the ARM, stm (store multiple) and ldm (load multiple) instructions
save and restore arbitrary groups of registers; in one common idiom, the saved
set includes the return address (“link register”); when the restored set includes
the program counter (in the same position), ldm can pop a set of registers and
return from the subroutine in a single instruction.

There has also been a trend—though a less consistent one—away from the use
of a dedicated frame pointer register. In older compilers, for older machines, it
was common to use push and pop instructions to pass stack-based arguments.
The resulting instability in the value of the sp made it difficult (though not im-
possible) to use that register as the base for access to local variables. A separate
frame pointer simplified both code generation and symbolic debugging. At the
same time, it introduced additional instructions into the subroutine calling se-
quence, and reduced by one the number of registers available for other purposes.
Modern compiler writers are increasingly willing to trade complexity for perfor-
mance, and often dispense with the frame pointer, at least in simple routines.


On the companion site we look in some detail at the stack layout conventions and
calling sequences of a representative pair of compilers: the LLVM compiler for
the 32-bit ARMv7 architecture, and the gcc compiler for the 32- and 64-bit x86.
LLVM is a middle/back end combination originally developed at the University
of Illinois and now used extensively in both academia and industry. Among other
things, it forms the backbone of the standard tool chains for both iPhone (iOS)
and Android devices. The GNU compiler collection, gcc, is a cornerstone of
the open source movement, used across a huge variety of laptops, desktops, and
servers. Both LLVM and gcc have back ends for many target architectures, and
front ends for many programming languages. We focus on their support for C,
whose conventions are in some sense a “lowest common denominator” for other

9.2 Calling Sequences 419

9.2.3 Register Windows

As an alternative to saving and restoring registers on subroutine calls and returns,
the original Berkeley RISC machines [PD80, Pat85] introduced a hardware mech-
anism known as register windows. The basic idea is to map the ISA’s limited set of
register names onto some subset (window) of a much larger collection of physical
registers, and to change the mapping when making subroutine calls. Old and new
mappings overlap a bit, allowing arguments to be passed (and function results re-
turned) in the intersection.


We consider register windows in more detail on the companion site. They have
appeared in several commercial processors, most notably the Sun SPARC and the
Intel IA-64 (Itanium).

9.2.4 In-Line Expansion

As an alternative to stack-based calling conventions, many language implemen-
tations allow certain subroutines to be expanded in-line at the point of call. A
copy of the “called” routine becomes a part of the “caller”; no actual subroutine
call occurs. In-line expansion avoids a variety of overheads, including space al-
location, branch delays from the call and return, maintaining the static chain or
display, and (often) saving and restoring registers. It also allows the compiler to
perform code improvements such as global register allocation, instruction sche-
duling, and common subexpression elimination across the boundaries between
subroutines—something that most compilers can’t do otherwise.

In many implementations, the compiler chooses which subroutines to expand
in-line and which to compile conventionally. In some languages, the program-
mer can suggest that particular routines be in-lined. In C and C++, the keywordEXAMPLE 9.6

Requesting an inline

inline can be prefixed to a function declaration:

inline int max(int a, int b) {return a > b ? a : b;}

In Ada, the programmer can request in-line expansion with a significant comment,
or pragma:

function max(a, b : integer) return integer is

if a > b then return a; else return b; end if;
end max;
pragma inline(max);

420 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

Like the inline of C and C++, this pragma is a hint; the compiler is permitted
to ignore it. �

In Section 3.7 we noted the similarity between in-line expansion and macros,
but argued that the former is semantically preferable. In fact, in-line expansion
is semantically neutral: it is purely an implementation technique, with no effect
on the meaning of the program. In comparison to real subroutine calls, in-line
expansion has the obvious disadvantage of increasing code size, since the entire
body of the subroutine appears at every call site. In-line expansion is also not an
option in the general case for recursive subroutines. For the occasional case inEXAMPLE 9.7

In-lining and recursion which a recursive call is possible but unlikely, it may be desirable to generate a true
recursive subroutine, but to expand one level of that routine in-line at each call
site. As a simple example, consider a binary tree whose leaves contain character
strings. A routine to return the fringe of this tree (the left-to-right concatenation
of the values in its leaves) might look like this in C++:

string fringe(bin_tree *t) {
// assume both children are nil or neither is
if (t->left == 0) return t->val;
return fringe(t->left) + fringe(t->right);


A compiler can expand this code in-line if it makes each nested invocation a true
subroutine call. Since half the nodes in a binary tree are leaves, this expansion
will eliminate half the dynamic calls at run time. If we expand not only the root


9.1 Hints and directives
The inline keyword in C and C++ suggests but does not require that the
compiler expand the subroutine in-line. A conventional implementation may
be used when inline has been specified—or an in-line implementation when
inline has not been specified—if the compiler has reason to believe that this
will result in better code. (In both languages, the inline keyword also has an
impact on the rules regarding separate compilation. In particular, to facilitate
their inclusion in header files, inline functions are allowed to have multiple
definitions. C++ says all the definitions must be the same; in C, the choice
among them is explicitly unspecified.)

In effect, the inclusion of hints like inline in a programming language
represents an acknowledgment that advice from the expert programmer may
sometimes be useful with current compiler technology, but that this may
change in the future. By contrast, the use of pointer arithmetic in place of
array subscripts, as discussed in Sidebar 8.8, is more of a directive than a hint,
and may complicate the generation of high-quality code from legacy programs.

9.2 Calling Sequences 421

calls but also (one level of) the two calls within the true subroutine version, only
a quarter of the original dynamic calls will remain. �

1. What is a subroutine calling sequence? What does it do? What is meant by the

subroutine prologue and epilogue?

2. How do calling sequences typically differ in older (CISC) and newer (RISC)
instruction sets?

3. Describe how to maintain the static chain during a subroutine call.

4. What is a display? How does it differ from a static chain?

5. What are the purposes of the stack pointer and frame pointer registers? Why
does a subroutine often need both?

6. Why do modern machines typically pass subroutine parameters in registers
rather than on the stack?

7. Why do subroutine calling conventions often give the caller responsibility for
saving half the registers and the callee responsibility for saving the other half?

8. If work can be done in either the caller or the callee, why do we typically prefer
to do it in the callee?

9. Why do compilers typically allocate space for arguments in the stack, even
when they pass them in registers?

10. List the optimizations that can be made to the subroutine calling sequence in
important special cases (e.g., leaf routines).

11. How does an in-line subroutine differ from a macro?

12. Under what circumstances is it desirable to expand a subroutine in-line?


9.2 In-lining and modularity
Probably the most important argument for in-line expansion is that it allows
programmers to adopt a very modular programming style, with lots of tiny
subroutines, without sacrificing performance. This modular programming
style is essential for object-oriented languages, as we shall see in Chapter 10.
The benefit of in-lining is undermined to some degree by the fact that chang-
ing the definition of an in-lined function forces the recompilation of every
user of the function; changing the definition of an ordinary function (without
changing its interface) forces relinking only. The best of both worlds may be
achieved in systems with just-in-time compilation (Section 16.2.1).

422 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

9.3 Parameter Passing
Most subroutines are parameterized: they take arguments that control certain
aspects of their behavior, or specify the data on which they are to operate. Pa-
rameter names that appear in the declaration of a subroutine are known as for-
mal parameters. Variables and expressions that are passed to a subroutine in a
particular call are known as actual parameters. We have been referring to actual
parameters as arguments. In the following two subsections, we discuss the most
common parameter-passing modes, most of which are implemented by passing
values, references, or closures. In Section 9.3.3 we will look at additional mecha-
nisms, including default (optional) parameters, named parameters, and variable-
length argument lists. Finally, in Section 9.3.4 we will consider mechanisms for
returning values from functions.

As we noted in Section 6.1, most languages use a prefix notation for calls
to user-defined subroutines, with the subroutine name followed by a parenthe-
sized argument list. Lisp places the function name inside the parentheses, as in
(max a b). ML dispenses with the parentheses entirely, except when needed forEXAMPLE 9.8

Infix operators disambiguation: max a b. ML also allows the programmer to specify that certain
names represent infix operators, which appear between a pair of arguments. In
Standard ML one can even specify their precedence:

infixr 8 tothe; (* exponentiation *)
fun x tothe 0 = 1.0

| x tothe n = x * (x tothe(n-1)); (* assume n >= 0 *)

The infixr declaration indicates that tothe will be a right-associative binary
infix operator, at precedence level 8 (multiplication and division are at level 7,
addition and subtraction at level 6). Fortran 90 also allows the programmer to
define new infix operators, but it requires their names to be bracketed with pe-
riods (e.g., A .cross. B), and it gives them all the same precedence. Smalltalk
uses infix (or “mixfix”) notation (without precedence) for all its operations. �

The uniformity of Lisp and Smalltalk syntax makes control abstraction partic-EXAMPLE 9.9
Control abstraction in Lisp
and Smalltalk

ularly effective: user-defined subroutines (functions in Lisp, “messages” in Small-
talk) use the same style of syntax as built-in operations. As an example, consider
if. . . then . . . else:

if a > b then max := a; else max := b; end if; — Ada

(if (> a b) (setf max a) (setf max b)) ; Lisp

(a > b) ifTrue: [max <- a] ifFalse: [max <- b]. "Smalltalk" In Ada (as in most imperative languages) it is clear that if. . . then . . . else is a built-in language construct: it does not look like a subroutine call. In Lisp and 9.3 Parameter Passing 423 Smalltalk, on the other hand, the analogous conditional constructs are syntacti- cally indistinguishable from user-defined operations. They are in fact defined in terms of simpler concepts, rather than being built in, though they require a spe- cial mechanism to evaluate their arguments in normal, rather than applicative, order (Section 6.6.2). � 9.3.1 Parameter Modes In our discussion of subroutines so far, we have glossed over the semantic rules that govern parameter passing, and that determine the relationship between ac- tual and formal parameters. Some languages, including C, Fortran, ML, and Lisp, define a single set of rules, which apply to all parameters. Other languages, in- cluding Ada, C++, and Swift, provide two or more sets of rules, corresponding to different parameter-passing modes. As in many aspects of language design, the semantic details are heavily influenced by implementation issues. Suppose for the moment that x is a global variable in a language with a valueEXAMPLE 9.10 Passing an argument to a subroutine model of variables, and that we wish to pass x as a parameter to subroutine p: p(x); From an implementation point of view, we have two principal alternatives: we may provide p with a copy of x’s value, or we may provide it with x’s address. The two most common parameter-passing modes, called call by value and call by reference, are designed to reflect these implementations. � With value parameters, each actual parameter is assigned into the correspond- ing formal parameter when a subroutine is called; from then on, the two are inde- pendent. With reference parameters, each formal parameter introduces, within the body of the subroutine, a new name for the corresponding actual parame- ter. If the actual parameter is also visible within the subroutine under its original name (as will generally be the case if it is declared in a surrounding scope), then the two names are aliases for the same object, and changes made through one will be visible through the other. In most languages (Fortran is an exception; see below) an actual parameter that is to be passed by reference must be an l-value; it cannot be the result of an arithmetic operation, or any other value without an address. As a simple example, consider the following pseudocode:EXAMPLE 9.11 Value and reference parameters x : integer –– global procedure foo(y : integer) y := 3 print x . . . x := 2 foo(x) print x 424 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction If y is passed to foo by value, then the assignment inside foo has no visible effect— y is private to the subroutine—and the program prints 2 twice. If y is passed to foo by reference, then the assignment inside foo changes x—y is just a local name for x—and the program prints 3 twice. � Variations on Value and Reference Parameters If the purpose of call by reference is to allow the called routine to modify the actual parameter, we can achieve a similar effect using call by value/result, a mode first introduced in Algol W. Like call by value, call by value/result copies the actual parameter into the formal parameter at the beginning of subroutine execution. Unlike call by value, it also copies the formal parameter back into the actual pa- rameter when the subroutine returns. In Example 9.11, value/result would copyEXAMPLE 9.12 Call by value/result x into y at the beginning of foo, and y into x at the end of foo. Because foo accesses x directly in between, the program’s visible behavior would be different than it was with call by reference: the assignment of 3 into y would not affect x until after the inner print statement, so the program would print 2 and then 3. � In Pascal, parameters were passed by value by default; they were passed by reference if preceded by the keyword var in their subroutine header’s formal pa- rameter list. Parameters in C are always passed by value, though the effect for arrays is unusual: because of the interoperability of arrays and pointers in C (Sec- tion 8.5.1), what is passed by value is a pointer; changes to array elements accessed through this pointer are visible to the caller. To allow a called routine to modify aEXAMPLE 9.13 Emulating call-by-reference in C variable other than an array in the caller’s scope, the C programmer must pass a pointer to the variable explicitly: void swap(int *a, int *b) { int t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; } ... swap(&v1, &v2); � Fortran passes all parameters by reference, but does not require that every ac- tual parameter be an l-value. If a built-up expression appears in an argument list, the compiler creates a temporary variable to hold the value, and passes this variable by reference. A Fortran subroutine that needs to modify the values of its formal parameters without modifying its actual parameters must copy the values into local variables, and modify those instead. DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 9.3 Parameter modes While it may seem odd to introduce parameter modes (a semantic issue) in terms of implementation, the distinction between value and reference parame- ters is fundamentally an implementation issue. Most languages with more than one mode (Ada and Swift are notable exceptions) might fairly be characterized as an attempt to paste acceptable semantics onto the desired implementation, rather than to find an acceptable implementation of the desired semantics. 9.3 Parameter Passing 425 Call by Sharing Call by value and call by reference make the most sense in a language with a value model of variables: they determine whether we copy the variable or pass an alias for it. Neither option really makes sense in a language like Smalltalk, Lisp, ML, or Ruby, in which a variable is already a reference. Here it is most natural simply to pass the reference itself, and let the actual and formal parameters refer to the same object. Clu called this mode call by sharing. It is different from call by value because, although we do copy the actual parameter into the formal parameter, both of them are references; if we modify the object to which the formal parameter refers, the program will be able to see those changes through the actual parameter after the subroutine returns. Call by sharing is also different from call by reference, because although the called routine can change the value of the object to which the actual parameter refers, it cannot make the argument refer to a different object. As we noted in Sections 6.1.2 and 8.5.1, a reference model of variables does not necessarily require that every object be accessed indirectly by address: the imple- mentation can create multiple copies of immutable objects (numbers, characters, etc.) and access them directly. Call by sharing is thus commonly implemented the same as call by value for small objects of immutable type. In keeping with its hybrid model of variables, Java uses call by value for vari- ables of primitive, built-in types (all of which are values), and call by sharing for variables of user-defined class types (all of which are references). An interesting consequence is that a Java subroutine cannot change the value of an actual pa- rameter of primitive type. A similar approach is the default in C#, but because the language allows users to create both value (struct) and reference (class) types, both cases are considered call by value. That is, whether a variable is a value or a reference, we always pass it by copying. (Some authors describe Java the same way.) When desired, parameters in C# can be passed by reference instead, by labeling both a formal parameter and each corresponding argument with the ref or out keyword. Both of these modes are implemented by passing an address; they differ in that a ref argument must be definitely assigned prior to the call, as described in Section 6.1.3; an out argument need not. In contrast to Java, therefore, a C# subroutine can change the value of an actual parameter of primitive type, if the parameter is passed ref or out. Similarly, if a variable of class (reference) type is passed as a ref or out parameter, it may end up referring to a different object as a result of subroutine execution—something that is not possible with call by sharing. The Purpose of Call by Reference Historically, there were two principal issues that a programmer might consider when choosing between value and reference parameters in a language (e.g., Pascal or Modula) that provided both. First, if the called routine was supposed to change the value of an actual parameter (argu- ment), then the programmer had to pass the parameter by reference. Conversely, to ensure that the called routine could not modify the argument, the program- mer could pass the parameter by value. Second, the implementation of value pa- 426 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction rameters would copy actuals to formals, a potentially time-consuming operation when arguments were large. Reference parameters can be implemented simply by passing an address. (Of course, accessing a parameter that is passed by reference requires an extra level of indirection. If the parameter were used often enough, the cost of this indirection might outweigh the cost of copying the argument.) The potential inefficiency of large value parameters may prompt programmers to pass an argument by reference when passing by value would be semantically more appropriate. Pascal programmers, for example, were commonly taught to use var (reference) parameters both for arguments that need to be modified and for arguments that are very large. In a similar vein, C programmers today are commonly taught to pass pointers (created with &) for both to-be-modified and very large arguments. Unfortunately, the latter justification tends to lead to buggy code, in which a subroutine modifies an argument that the caller meant to leave unchanged. Read-Only Parameters To combine the efficiency of reference parameters and the safety of value parameters, Modula-3 provided a READONLY parameter mode. Any formal parameter whose declaration was preceded by READONLY could not be changed by the called routine: the compiler prevented the programmer from using that formal parameter on the left-hand side of any assignment statement, reading it from a file, or passing it by reference to any other subroutine. Small READONLY parameters were generally implemented by passing a value; larger READONLY parameters were implemented by passing an address. As in Fortran, a Modula-3 compiler would create a temporary variable to hold the value of any built-up expression passed as a large READONLY parameter. The equivalent of READONLY parameters is also available in C, which allows anyEXAMPLE 9.14 const parameters in C variable or parameter declaration to be preceded by the keyword const. Const variables are “elaboration-time constants,” as described in Section 3.2. Const parameters are particularly useful when passing pointers to large structures: void append_to_log(const huge_record* r) { ... ... append_to_log(&my_record); Here the keyword const applies to the record to which r points;3 the callee will be unable to change the record’s contents. Note, however, that in C the caller must create a pointer to the record explicitly, and the compiler does not have the option of passing by value. � One traditional problem with parameter modes—and with the READONLY mode in particular—is that they tend to confuse the key pragmatic issue (does the implementation pass a value or a reference?) with two semantic issues: is the 3 Following the usual rules for parsing C declarations (footnote in Example 8.46), r is a pointer to a huge_record whose value is constant. If we wanted r to be a constant that points to a huge_record, we should need to say huge_record* const r . 9.3 Parameter Passing 427 callee allowed to change the formal parameter and, if so, will the changes be re- flected in the actual parameter? C keeps the pragmatic issue separate, by forcing the programmer to pass references explicitly with pointers. Still, its const mode serves double duty: is the intent of const foo* p to protect the actual parameter from change, or to document the fact that the subroutine thinks of the formal parameter as a constant rather than a variable, or both? Parameter Modes in Ada Ada provides three parameter-passing modes, called in, out, and in out. In parameters pass information from the caller to the callee; they can be read by the callee but not written. Out parameters pass information from the callee to the caller. In Ada 83 they can be written by the callee but not read; in Ada 95 they can be both read and written, but they begin their life uninitialized. In out pa- rameters pass information in both directions; they can be both read and written. Changes to out or in out parameters always change the actual parameter. For parameters of scalar and access (pointer) types, Ada specifies that all three modes are to be implemented by copying values. For these parameters, then, in is call by value, in out is call by value/result, and out is simply call by result (the value of the formal parameter is copied into the actual parameter when the subroutine returns). For parameters of most constructed types, however, Ada specifically permits an implementation to pass either values or references. In most languages, these two different mechanisms would lead to different seman- tics: changes made to an in out parameter that is passed by reference will affect the actual parameter immediately; changes made to an in out parameter that is passed by value will not affect the actual parameter until the subroutine returns. As noted in Example 9.12, the difference can lead to different behavior in the presence of aliases. One possible way to hide the distinction between reference and value/result would be to outlaw the creation of aliases, as Euclid does. Ada takes a simpler tack: a program that can tell the difference between value and reference-based implementations of (nonscalar, nonpointer) in out parameters is said to be er- roneous—incorrect, but in a way that the language implementation is not required to catch. Ada’s semantics for parameter passing allow a single set of modes to be used not only for subroutine parameters but also for communication among concur- rently executing tasks (to be discussed in Chapter 13). When tasks are executing on separate machines, with no memory in common, passing the address of an actual parameter is not a practical option. Most Ada compilers pass large argu- ments to subroutines by reference; they pass them to the entry points of tasks by copying. References in C++ Programmers who switch to C after some experience with other languages are of- ten frustrated by C’s lack of reference parameters. As noted above, one can always arrange to modify an object by passing a pointer, but then the formal parameter 428 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction is declared as a pointer, and must be explicitly dereferenced whenever it is used. C++ addresses this problem by introducing an explicit notion of a reference. Ref-EXAMPLE 9.15 Reference parameters in C++ erence parameters are specified by preceding their name with an ampersand in the header of the function: void swap(int &a, int &b) { int t = a; a = b; b = t; } In the code of this swap routine, a and b are ints, not pointers to ints; no dereferencing is required. Moreover, the caller passes as arguments the variables whose values are to be swapped, rather than passing pointers to them. � As in C, a C++ parameter can be declared to be const to ensure that it is not modified. For large types, const reference parameters in C++ provide the same combination of speed and safety found in the READONLY parameters of Modula-3: they can be passed by address, and cannot be changed by the called routine. References in C++ see their principal use as parameters, but they can appear in other contexts as well. Any variable can be declared to be a reference:EXAMPLE 9.16 References as aliases in C++ int i; int &j = i; ... i = 2; j = 3; cout << i; // prints 3 Here j is a reference to (an alias for) i. The initializer in the declaration is re- quired; it identifies the object for which j is an alias. Moreover it is not possible later to change the object to which j refers; it will always refer to i. Any change to i or j can be seen by reading the other. Most C++ compilers implement references with addresses. In this example, i will be assigned a loca- tion that contains an integer, while j will be assigned a location that contains the address of i. Despite their different implementation, however, there is no seman- tic difference between i and j; the exact same operations can be applied to either, with precisely the same results. � In C, programmers sometimes use a pointer to avoid repeated uses of the sameEXAMPLE 9.17 Simplifying code with an in-line alias complex expression: { element* e = &ruby.chemical_composition.elements[1]; e->name = “Al”;
e->atomic_number = 13;
e->atomic_weight = 26.98154;
e->metallic = true;


References avoid the need for pointer syntax:

9.3 Parameter Passing 429

element& e = ruby.chemical_composition.elements[1];
e.name = “Al”;
e.atomic_number = 13;
e.atomic_weight = 26.98154;
e.metallic = true;

} �

Aside from function parameters, however, the most important use of refer-
ences in C++ is for function returns. Section C 8.7 explains how references areEXAMPLE 9.18

Returning a reference from
a function

used for I/O in C++. The overloaded << and >> operators return a reference to
their first argument, which can in turn be passed to subsequent << or >> opera-
tions. The syntax

cout << a << b << c; is short for ((cout.operator<<(a)).operator<<(b)).operator<<(c); Without references, << and >> would have to return a pointer to their stream:

((cout.operator<<(a))->operator<<(b))->operator<<(c); or *(*(cout.operator<<(a)).operator<<(b)).operator<<(c); This change would spoil the cascading syntax of the operator form: *(*(cout << a) << b) << c; Like pointers, references returned from functions introduce the opportunity to create dangling references in a language (like C++) with limited extent for local variables. In our I/O example, the return value is the same stream that was passed into operator<< as a parameter; since this outlives the function invocation, con- tinued use of the reference is safe. � It should be noted that the ability to return references from functions is not new in C++: Algol 68 provides the same capability. The object-oriented features of C++, and its operator overloading, make reference returns particularly useful. 430 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction R-value References One feature that is distinctive in C++ is the notion of an r-value reference, intro- duced in C++11. R-value references allow an argument that would normally be considered an r-value—typically, a built-up expression—to be passed to a func- tion by reference. To see why this might be useful, consider the following decla-EXAMPLE 9.19 R-value references in C++11 ration: obj o2 = o1; Assuming that o1 is also of class obj, the compiler will initialize o2 by calling obj’s copy constructor method, passing o1 as argument. As we shall see in Sec- tion 10.3, a constructor can be declared to take parameters like those of any other function. Historically, the parameter of obj’s copy constructor would have been a constant reference (const obj&), and the body of the constructor would have inspected this parameter to decide how to initialize o2. So far so good. Now consider the case in which objects of class obj contain pointers to dynamically allocated state. (The strings, vectors, lists, trees, and hash tables of the standard library all have such dynamic state.) If that state is mutable, the constructor will generally need to allocate and initialize a copy, so that neither object will be dam- aged by subsequent changes to the other. But now consider the declaration obj o3 = foo("hi mom"); Assuming that foo has return type obj, the compiler will again create a call to the copy constructor, but this time it may pass a temporary object (call it t) used to hold the value returned from foo. As before, the constructor will allocate and initialize a copy of the state contained in t, but upon its return the copy in t will be destroyed (by calling its destructor method, which will presumably free the space it consumes in the heap). Wouldn’t it be handy if we could transfer t’s state into o3, rather than creating a copy and then immediately destroying the original? This is precisely what r-value references allow. In addition to the conventional copy constructor, with its const obj& pa- rameter, C++11 allows the programmer to declare a move constructor, with an obj&& parameter (double ampersand, no const). The compiler will use the move constructor when—and only when—the parameter in a declaration is a “temporary”—a value that will no longer be accessible after evaluation of the ex- pression in which it appears. In the declaration of o3, the return value of foo is such a temporary. If the dynamically allocated state of an obj object is accessed through a field named payload, the move constructor might be as simple as obj::obj(obj&& other) { payload = other.payload; other.payload = nullptr; } 9.3 Parameter Passing 431 The explicit null-ing of other.payload prevents other’s destructor from free- ing the transferred state. � In some cases, the programmer may know that a value will never be used after passing it as a parameter, but the compiler may be unable to deduce this fact. To force the use of a move constructor, the programmer can wrap the value in a call to the standard library move routine: obj o4 = std::move(o3); The move routine generates no code: it is, in effect, a cast. Behavior is undefined if the program actually does contain a subsequent use of o3. Like regular references, r-value references can be used in the declaration of ar- bitrary variables in C++. In practice, they seldom appear outside the parameters of move constructors and the analogous move assignment methods, which over- load the = operator. Closures as Parameters A closure (a reference to a subroutine, together with its referencing environment) may be passed as a parameter for any of several reasons. The most obvious of these arises when the parameter is declared to be a subroutine (sometimes called a formal subroutine). In Ada one might writeEXAMPLE 9.20 Subroutines as parameters in Ada 1. type int_func is access function (n : integer) return integer; 2. type int_array is array (positive range <>) of integer;
3. procedure apply_to_A (f : int_func; A : in out int_array) is
4. begin
5. for i in A’range loop
6. A(i) := f(A(i));
6. end loop;
8. end apply_to_A;

9. k : integer := 3; — in nested scope

10. function add_k (m : integer) return integer is
11. begin
12. return m + k;
13. end add_k;

14. apply_to_A (add_k’access, B);

As discussed in Section 3.6.1, a closure needs to include both a code address and a
referencing environment because, in a language with nested subroutines, we need
to make sure that the environment available to f at line 6 is the same that would
have been available to add_k if it had been called directly at line 14—in particular,
that it includes the binding for k. �

Subroutines are routinely passed as parameters (and returned as results) in
functional languages. A list-based version of apply_to_A would look somethingEXAMPLE 9.21

First-class subroutines in

like this in Scheme (for the meanings of car, cdr, and cons, see Section 8.6):

432 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

(define apply-to-L
(lambda (f l)

(if (null? l) ‘()
(cons (f (car l)) (apply-to-L f (cdr l))))))

Since Scheme is dynamically typed, there is no need to specify the type of f. At
run time, a Scheme implementation will announce a dynamic semantic error in
(f (car l)) if f is not a function, and in (null? l), (car l), or (cdr l) if l
is not a list. �

The code in OCaml and other ML dialects is similar, but the implementationEXAMPLE 9.22
First-class subroutines in

uses inference (Section 7.2.4) to determine the types of f and l at compile time:

let rec apply_to_L f l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| h :: t -> f h :: apply_to_L f t;; �

As noted in Section 3.6, C and C++ have no need of subroutine closures, be-EXAMPLE 9.23
Subroutine pointers in C
and C++

cause their subroutines do not nest. Simple pointers to subroutines suffice. These
are permitted both as parameters and as variables.

void apply_to_A(int (*f)(int), int A[], int A_size) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < A_size; i++) A[i] = f(A[i]); } The syntax f(n) is used not only when f is the name of a function but also when f is a pointer to a subroutine; the pointer need not be dereferenced explicitly. � In object-oriented languages, one can approximate the behavior of a subrou- tine closure, even without nested subroutines, by packaging a method and its “environment” within an explicit object. We described these object closures in Section 3.6.3, noting in particular their integration with lambda expressions and the standard function class in C++11. Because they are ordinary objects, object closures require no special mechanisms to pass them as parameters or to store them in variables. The delegates of C# extend the notion of object closures to provide type safety without the restrictions of inheritance. A delegate can be instantiated not only with a specified object method (subsuming the object closures of C++ and Java) but also with a static function (subsuming the subroutine pointers of C and C++) or with an anonymous nested delegate or lambda expression (subsuming true subroutine closures). If an anonymous delegate or lambda expression refers to objects declared in the surrounding method, then those objects have unlimited extent. Finally, as we shall see in Section 9.6.2, a C# delegate can actually contain a list of closures, in which case calling the delegate has the effect of calling all the entries on the list, in turn. (This behavior generally makes sense only when each entry has a void return type. It is used primarily when processing events.) 9.3 Parameter Passing 433 9.3.2 Call by Name Explicit subroutine parameters are not the only language feature that requires a closure to be passed as a parameter. In general, a language implementation must pass a closure whenever the eventual use of the parameter requires the restoration of a previous referencing environment. Interesting examples occur in the call-by- name parameters of Algol 60 and Simula, the label parameters of Algol 60 and Algol 68, and the call-by-need parameters of Miranda, Haskell, and R. IN MORE DEPTH We consider call by name in more detail on the companion site. When Algol 60 was defined, most programmers programmed in assembly language (Fortran was only a few years old, and Lisp was even newer). The assembly languages of the day made heavy use of macros, and it was natural for the Algol designers to propose a parameter-passing mechanism that mimicked the behavior of macros, namely normal-order argument evaluation (Section 6.6.2). It was also natural, given common practice in assembly language, to allow a goto to jump to a label that was passed as a parameter. Call-by-name parameters have some interesting and powerful applications, but they are more difficult to implement (and more expensive to use) than one might at first expect: they require the passing of closures, sometimes referred to as thunks. Label parameters are typically implemented by closures as well. Both call-by-name and label parameters tend to lead to inscrutable code; modern lan- guages typically encourage programmers to use explicit formal subroutines and structured exceptions instead. Significantly, most of the arguments against call by name disappear in purely functional code, where side-effect freedom ensures that the value of a parameter will always be the same regardless of when it is evalu- ated. Leveraging this observation, Haskell (and its predecessor Miranda) employs normal-order evaluation for all parameters. 9.3.3 Special-Purpose Parameters Figure 9.3 contains a summary of the common parameter-passing modes. In this subsection we examine other aspects of parameter passing. Default (Optional) Parameters In Section 3.3.6, we noted that default parameters provide an attractive alternative to dynamic scope for changing the behavior of a subroutine. A default parameter is one that need not necessarily be provided by the caller; if it is missing, then a preestablished default value will be used instead. One common use of default parameters is in I/O library routines (described in Section C 8.7.3). In Ada, for example, the put routine for integers has theEXAMPLE 9.24 Default parameters in Ada following declaration in the text_IO library package: 434 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction Parameter Representative Implementation Permissible Change to mode languages mechanism operations actual? Alias? value C/C++, Pascal, Java/C# (value types) value read, write no no in, const Ada, C/C++, Modula-3 value or reference read only no maybe out Ada value or reference write only yes maybe value/result Algol W value read, write yes no var, ref Fortran, Pascal, C++ reference read, write yes yes sharing Lisp/Scheme, ML, Java/C# (reference types) value or reference read, write yes yes r-value ref C++11 reference read, write yes∗ no∗ in out Ada, Swift value or reference read, write yes maybe name Algol 60, Simula closure (thunk) read, write yes yes need Haskell, R closure (thunk) with read, write† yes† yes† memoization Figure 9.3 Parameter-passing modes. Column 1 indicates common names for modes. Column 2 indicates prominent languages that use the modes, or that introduced them. Column 3 indicates implementation via passing of values, references, or closures. Column 4 indicates whether the callee can read or write the formal parameter. Column 5 indicates whether changes to the formal parameter affect the actual parameter. Column 6 indicates whether changes to the formal or actual parameter, during the execution of the subroutine, may be visible through the other. ∗Behavior is undefined if the program attempts to use an r-value argument after the call. †Changes to arguments passed by need in R will happen only on the first use; changes in Haskell are not permitted. type field is integer range 0..integer'last; type number_base is integer range 2..16; default_width : field := integer'width; default_base : number_base := 10; procedure put(item : in integer; width : in field := default_width; base : in number_base := default_base); Here the declaration of default_width uses the built-in type attribute width to determine the maximum number of columns required to print an integer in decimal on the current machine (e.g., a 32-bit integer requires no more than 11 columns, including the optional minus sign). Any formal parameter that is “assigned” a value in its subroutine heading is optional in Ada. In our text_IO example, the programmer can call put with one, two, or three arguments. No matter how many are provided in a particular call, the code for put can always assume it has all three parameters. The imple- mentation is straightforward: in any call in which actual parameters are missing, the compiler pretends as if the defaults had been provided; it generates a calling sequence that loads those defaults into registers or pushes them onto the stack, 9.3 Parameter Passing 435 as appropriate. On a 32-bit machine, put(37) will print the string “37” in an 11-column field (with nine leading blanks) in base-10 notation. Put(37, 4) will print “37” in a four-column field (two leading blanks), and put(37, 4, 8) will print “45” (37 = 458) in a four-column field. Because the default_width and default_base variables are part of the text_IO interface, the programmer can change them if desired. When using default values in calls with missing actuals, the compiler loads the defaults from the variables of the package. As noted in Section C 8.7.3, there are overloaded in- stances of put for all the built-in types. In fact, there are two overloaded instances of put for every type, one of which has an additional first parameter that speci- fies the output file to which to write a value.4 It should be emphasized that there is nothing special about I/O as far as default parameters are concerned: defaults can be used in any subroutine declaration. In addition to Ada, default parameters appear in C++, C#, Common Lisp, Fortran 90, and Python. � Named Parameters In all of our discussions so far we have been assuming that parameters are posi- tional: the first actual parameter corresponds to the first formal parameter, the second actual to the second formal, and so on. In some languages, including Ada, C#, Common Lisp, Fortran 90, Python, and Swift, this need not be the case. These languages allow parameters to be named. Named parameters (also called keyword parameters) are particularly useful in conjunction with default parame- ters. Positional notation allows us to write put(37, 4) to print “37” in a four- column field, but it does not allow us to print in octal in a field of default width: any call (with positional notation) that specifies a base must also specify a width, explicitly, because the width parameter precedes the base in put’s parameter list. Named parameters provide the Ada programmer with a way around this problem:EXAMPLE 9.25 Named parameters in Ada put(item => 37, base => 8);

Because the parameters are named, their order does not matter; we can also write

put(base => 8, item => 37);

We can even mix the two approaches, using positional notation for the first few
parameters, and names for all the rest:

put(37, base => 8); �

In addition to allowing parameters to be specified in arbitrary order, omitting
any intermediate default parameters for which special values are not required,

4 The real situation is actually a bit more complicated: The put routine for integers is nested
inside integer_IO, a generic package that is in turn inside of text_IO. The programmer must
instantiate a separate version of the integer_IO package for each variety (size) of integer type.

436 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

named parameter notation has the advantage of documenting the purpose of each
parameter. For a subroutine with a very large number of parameters, it can be
difficult to remember which is which. Named notation makes the meaning ofEXAMPLE 9.26

Self-documentation with
named parameters

arguments explicit in the call, as in the following hypothetical example:

format_page(columns => 2,
window_height => 400, window_width => 200,
header_font => Helvetica, body_font => Times,
title_font => Times_Bold, header_point_size => 10,
body_point_size => 11, title_point_size => 13,
justification => true, hyphenation => false,
page_num => 3, paragraph_indent => 18,
background_color => white); �

Variable Numbers of Arguments

Several languages, including Lisp, C and its descendants, and most of the script-
ing languages, allow the user to define subroutines that take a variable number
of arguments. Examples of such subroutines can be found in Section C 8.7.3:
the printf and scanf functions of C’s stdio I/O library. In C, printf can be
declared as follows:

int printf(char *format, …) {

The ellipsis (…) in the function header is a part of the language syntax. It in-
dicates that there are additional parameters following the format, but that their
types and numbers are unspecified. Since C and C++ are statically typed, addi-
tional parameters are not type safe. They are type safe in Common Lisp and the
scripting languages, however, thanks to dynamic typing.

Within the body of a function with a variable-length argument list, the C or
C++ programmer must use a collection of standard routines to access the extra
arguments. Originally defined as macros, these routines have implementations
that vary from machine to machine, depending on how arguments are passed
to functions; today the necessary support is usually built into the compiler. ForEXAMPLE 9.27

Variable number of
arguments in C

printf, variable arguments would be used as follows in C:

#include /* macros and type definitions */
int printf(char *format, …) {

va_list args;
va_start(args, format);

char cp = va_arg(args, char);

double dp = va_arg(args, double);



9.3 Parameter Passing 437

Here args is defined as an object of type va_list, a special (implementation-
dependent) type used to enumerate the elided parameters. The va_start routine
takes the last declared parameter (in this case, format) as its second argument. It
initializes its first argument (in this case args) so that it can be used to enumerate
the rest of the caller’s actual parameters. At least one formal parameter must be
declared; they can’t all be elided.

Each call to va_arg returns the value of the next elided parameter. Two ex-
amples appear above. Each specifies the expected type of the parameter, and
assigns the result into a variable of the appropriate type. If the expected type
is different from the type of the actual parameter, chaos can result. In printf,
the %X placeholders in the format string are used to determine the type: printf
contains a large switch statement, with one arm for each possible X. The arm
for %c contains a call to va_arg(args, char); the arm for %f contains a call
to va_arg(args, double). All C floating-point types are extended to double-
precision before being passed to a subroutine, so there is no need inside printf
to worry about the distinction between floats and doubles. Scanf, on the other
hand, must distinguish between pointers to floats and pointers to doubles. The
call to va_end allows the implementation to perform any necessary cleanup op-
erations (e.g., deallocation of any heap space used for the va_list, or repair of
any changes to the stack frame that might confuse the epilogue code). �

Like C and C++, C# and recent versions of Java support variable numbers of
parameters, but unlike their parent languages they do so in a type-safe manner,
by requiring all trailing parameters to share a common type. In Java, for example,EXAMPLE 9.28

Variable number of
arguments in Java

one can write

static void print_lines(String foo, String… lines) {
System.out.println(“First argument is \”” + foo + “\”.”);
System.out.println(“There are ” +

lines.length + ” additional arguments:”);
for (String str: lines) {



print_lines(“Hello, world”, “This is a message”, “from your sponsor.”);

Here again the ellipsis in the method header is part of the language syntax.
Method print_lines has two arguments. The first, foo, is of type String; the
second, lines, is of type String…. Within print_lines, lines functions as
if it had type String[] (array of String). The caller, however, need not package
the second and subsequent parameters into an explicit array; the compiler does
this automatically, and the program prints

First argument is “Hello, world”.
There are 2 additional arguments:
This is a message
from your sponsor. �

438 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

The parameter declaration syntax is slightly different in C#:EXAMPLE 9.29
Variable number of
arguments in C# static void print_lines(String foo, params String[] lines) {

Console.WriteLine(“First argument is \”” + foo + “\”.”);
Console.WriteLine(“There are ” +

lines.Length + ” additional arguments:”);
foreach (String line in lines) {



The calling syntax is the same. �

9.3.4 Function Returns

The syntax by which a function indicates the value to be returned varies greatly.
In languages like Lisp, ML, and Algol 68, which do not distinguish between ex-
pressions and statements, the value of a function is simply the value of its body,
which is itself an expression.

In several early imperative languages, including Algol 60, Fortran, and Pas-
cal, a function specified its return value by executing an assignment statement
whose left-hand side was the name of the function. This approach has an unfor-
tunate interaction with the usual static scope rules (Section 3.3.1): the compiler
must forbid any immediately nested declaration that would hide the name of the
function, since the function would then be unable to return. This special case isEXAMPLE 9.30

return statement avoided in more recent imperative languages by introducing an explicit return

return expression

In addition to specifying a value, return causes the immediate termination of
the subroutine. A function that has figured out what to return but doesn’t want
to return yet can always assign the return value into a temporary variable, and
then return it later:

rtn := expression

return rtn �

Fortran separates termination of a subroutine from the specification of return
values: it specifies the return value by assigning to the function name, and has a
return statement that takes no arguments.

Argument-bearing return statements and assignment to the function nameEXAMPLE 9.31
Incremental computation
of a return value

both force the programmer to employ a temporary variable in incremental com-
putations. Here is an example in Ada:

9.3 Parameter Passing 439

type int_array is array (integer range <>) of integer;
— array of integers with unspecified integer bounds

function A_max(A : int_array) return integer is
rtn : integer;

rtn := integer’first;
for i in A’first .. A’last loop

if A(i) > rtn then rtn := A(i); end if;
end loop;
return rtn;

end A_max;

Here rtn must be declared as a variable so that the function can read it as well as
write it. Because rtn is a local variable, most compilers will allocate it within the
stack frame of A_max. The return statement must then copy that variable’s value
into the return location allocated by the caller. �

Some languages eliminate the need for a local variable by allowing the result of
a function to have a name in its own right. In Go one can writeEXAMPLE 9.32

Explicitly named return
values in Go func A_max(A []int) (rtn int) {

rtn = A[0]
for i := 1; i < len(A); i++ { if A[i] > rtn { rtn = A[i] }


Here rtn can reside throughout its lifetime in the return location allocated by the
caller. A similar facility can be found in Eiffel, in which every function contains
an implicitly declared object named Result. This object can be both read and
written, and is returned to the caller when the function returns. �

Many early languages placed restrictions on the types of objects that could be
returned from a function. In Algol 60 and Fortran 77, a function had to return
a scalar value. In Pascal and early versions of Modula-2, it could return a scalar
or a pointer. Most imperative languages are more flexible: Algol 68, Ada, C, For-
tran 90, and many (nonstandard) implementations of Pascal allow functions to
return values of composite type. ML, its descendants, and several scripting lan-EXAMPLE 9.33

Multivalue returns guages allow a function to return a tuple of values. In Python, for example, we
might write

def foo():
return 2, 3

i, j = foo() �

In functional languages, it is commonplace to return a subroutine as a closure.
Many imperative languages permit this as well. C has no closures, but allows a
function to return a pointer to a subroutine.

440 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

13. What is the difference between formal and actual parameters?

14. Describe four common parameter-passing modes. How does a programmer
choose which one to use when?

15. Explain the rationale for READONLY parameters in Modula-3.

16. What parameter mode is typically used in languages with a reference model
of variables?

17. Describe the parameter modes of Ada. How do they differ from the modes of
other modern languages?

18. Give an example in which it is useful to return a reference from a function in

19. What is an r-value reference? Why might it be useful?

20. List three reasons why a language implementation might implement a param-
eter as a closure.

21. What is a conformant (open) array?

22. What are default parameters? How are they implemented?

23. What are named (keyword) parameters? Why are they useful?

24. Explain the value of variable-length argument lists. What distinguishes such
lists in Java and C# from their counterparts in C and C++?

25. Describe three common mechanisms for specifying the return value of a func-
tion. What are their relative strengths and drawbacks?

9.4 Exception Handling
Several times in the preceding chapters and sections we have referred to exception-
handling mechanisms. We have delayed detailed discussion of these mechanisms
until now because exception handling generally requires the language implemen-
tation to “unwind” the subroutine call stack.

An exception can be defined as an unexpected—or at least unusual—condition
that arises during program execution, and that cannot easily be handled in the
local context. It may be detected automatically by the language implementation,
or the program may raise or throw it explicitly (the two terms are synonymous).
The most common exceptions are various sorts of run-time errors. In an I/O
library, for example, an input routine may encounter the end of its file before it
can read a requested value, or it may find punctuation marks or letters on the

9.4 Exception Handling 441

input when it is expecting digits. To cope with such errors without an exception-
handling mechanism, the programmer has basically three options, none of which
is entirely satisfactory:

1. “Invent” a value that can be used by the caller when a real value could not be

2. Return an explicit “status” value to the caller, who must inspect it after every
call. Most often, the status is passed through an extra, explicit parameter. In
some languages, the regular return value and the status may be returned to-
gether as a tuple.

3. Rely on the caller to pass a closure (in languages that support them) for an
error-handling routine that the normal routine can call when it runs into

The first of these options is fine in certain cases, but does not work in the general
case. Options 2 and 3 tend to clutter up the program, and impose overhead that
we should like to avoid in the common case. The tests in option 2 are particularly
offensive: they obscure the normal flow of events in the common case. Because
they are so tedious and repetitive, they are also a common source of errors; one
can easily forget a needed test. Exception-handling mechanisms address these is-
sues by moving error-checking code “out of line,” allowing the normal case to be
specified simply, and arranging for control to branch to a handler when appro-

Exception handling was pioneered by PL/I, which includes an executable state-EXAMPLE 9.34
ON conditions in PL/I ment of the form

ON condition

The nested statement (often a GOTO or a BEGIN…END block) is a handler. It is not
executed when the ON statement is encountered, but is “remembered” for future
reference. It will be executed later if exception condition (e.g., OVERFLOW) arises.
Because the ON statement is executable, the binding of handlers to exceptions
depends on the flow of control at run time. �

If a PL/I exception handler is invoked and then “returns” (i.e., does not per-
form a GOTO to somewhere else in the program), then one of two things will hap-
pen. For exceptions that the language designers considered to be fatal, the pro-
gram itself will terminate. For “recoverable” exceptions, execution will resume at
the statement following the one in which the exception occurred. Unfortunately,
experience with PL/I revealed that both the dynamic binding of handlers to ex-
ceptions and the automatic resumption of code in which an exception occurred
were confusing and error-prone.

Many more recent languages, including Ada, Python, PHP, Ruby, C++, Java,
C#, and ML, provide exception-handling facilities in which handlers are lexically
bound to blocks of code, and in which the execution of the handler replaces the
yet-to-be-completed portion of the block. In C++ we might writeEXAMPLE 9.35

A simple try block in C++

442 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

try {

if (something_unexpected)

throw my_error(“oops!”);

cout << "everything's ok\n"; ... } catch (my_error e) { cout << e.explanation << "\n"; } If something_unexpected occurs, this code will throw an exception of class my_error. This exception will be caught by the catch block, whose parameter, e, has a matching type (here assumed to have a string field named explanation). The catch block will then execute in place of the remainder of the try block. � Code blocks with handlers can nest:EXAMPLE 9.36 Nested try blocks try { ... try { ... if (something_unexpected) throw my_error("oops!"); ... cout << "everything's ok\n"; ... } catch (some_other_error e1) { cout << "not this one\n"; } ... } catch (my_error e) { cout << e.explanation << "\n"; } When the exception is thrown, control transfers to the innermost matching han- dler within the current subroutine. � If there is no matching handler in the current subroutine, then the subroutineEXAMPLE 9.37 Propagation of an exception out of a called routine returns abruptly and the exception is re raised at the point of call: try { ... foo(); ... cout << "everything's ok\n"; ... } catch (my_error e) { cout << e.explanation << "\n"; } void foo() { ... if (something_unexpected) throw my_error("oops!"); ... } 9.4 Exception Handling 443 If the exception is not handled in the calling routine, it continues to propagate back up the dynamic chain. If it is not handled in the program’s main routine, then a predefined outermost handler is invoked, and usually terminates the pro- gram. � In a sense, the dependence of exception handling on the order of subroutine calls might be considered a form of dynamic binding, but it is a much more re- stricted form than is found in PL/I. Rather than say that a handler in a calling routine has been dynamically bound to an error in a called routine, we prefer to say that the handler is lexically bound to the expression or statement that calls the called routine. An exception that is not handled inside a called routine can then be modeled as an “exceptional return”; it causes the calling expression or statement to raise an exception, which is again handled lexically within its subroutine. In practice, exception handlers tend to perform three kinds of operations. First, ideally, a handler will compensate for the exception in a way that allows the program to recover and continue execution. For example, in response to an “out of memory” exception in a storage management routine, a handler might ask the operating system to allocate additional space to the application, after which it could complete the requested operation. Second, when an exception occurs in a given block of code but cannot be handled locally, it is often important to declare a local handler that cleans up any resources allocated in the local block, and then “reraises” the exception, so that it will continue to propagate back to a handler that can (hopefully) recover. Third, if recovery is not possible, a handler can at least print a helpful error message before the program terminates. As discussed in Section 6.2.1, exceptions are related to, but distinct from, the notion of multilevel returns. A routine that performs a multilevel return is func- tioning as expected; in Eiffel terminology, it is fulfilling its contract. A routine that raises an exception is not functioning as expected; it cannot fulfill its con- tract. Common Lisp and Ruby distinguish between these two related concepts, but most languages do not; in most, a multilevel return requires the outer caller to provide a trivial handler. Common Lisp is also unusual in providing four different versions of its exception-handling mechanism. Two of these provide the usual “exceptional re- turn” semantics; the others are designed to repair the problem and restart eval- uation of some dynamically enclosing expression. Orthogonally, two perform their work in the referencing environment where the handler is declared; the oth- ers perform their work in the environment where the exception first arises. The latter option allows an abstraction to provide several alternative strategies for re- covery from exceptions. The user of the abstraction can then specify, dynamically, which of these strategies should be used in a given context. We will consider Com- mon Lisp further in Exercise 9.22 and Exploration 9.43. The “exceptional return” mechanism, with work performed in the environment of the handler, is known as handler-case; it provides semantics comparable to those of most other modern languages. 444 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction 9.4.1 Defining Exceptions In many languages, dynamic semantic errors automatically result in exceptions, which the program can then catch. The programmer can also define additional, application-specific exceptions. Examples of predefined exceptions include arith- metic overflow, division by zero, end-of-file on input, subscript and subrange er- rors, and null pointer dereference. The rationale for defining these as exceptions (rather than as fatal errors) is that they may arise in certain valid programs. Some other dynamic errors (e.g., return from a subroutine that has not yet designated a return value) are still fatal in most languages. In C++ and Common Lisp, excep- tions are all programmer defined. In PHP, the set_error_handler function can be used to turn built-in semantic errors into ordinary exceptions. In Ada, some of the predefined exceptions can be suppressed by means of a pragma. An Ada exception is simply an object of the built-in exception type:EXAMPLE 9.38 What is an exception? declare empty_queue : exception; In Modula-3, exceptions are another “kind” of object, akin to constants, types, variables, or subroutines: EXCEPTION empty_queue; In most object-oriented languages, an exception is an instance of some predefined or user-defined class type: class empty_queue { }; � Most languages allow an exception to be “parameterized,” so the code that raises the exception can pass information to the code that handles it. In object-EXAMPLE 9.39 Parameterized exceptions oriented languages, the “parameters” are simply the fields of the class: class duplicate_in_set { // C++ public: item dup; // element that was inserted twice duplicate_in_set(item d) : dup(d) { } }; ... throw duplicate_in_set(d); In Modula-3, the parameters are included in the exception declaration, much as they are in a subroutine header (the Modula-3 empty_queue in Example 9.38 has no parameters). In Ada, the standard Exceptions library can be used to pass information from a raise statement to a handler. Without the library, an exception is simply a tag, with no value other than its name. � If a subroutine raises an exception but does not catch it internally, it may “return” in an unexpected way. This possibility is an important part of the rou- tine’s interface to the rest of the program. Consequently, several languages, in- cluding Modula-3, C++, and Java, include in each subroutine header a list of 9.4 Exception Handling 445 the exceptions that may propagate out of the routine. This list is mandatory in Modula-3: it is a run-time error if an exception arises that does not appear in the header and is not caught internally. The list is optional in C++: if it appears, the semantics are the same as in Modula-3; if it is omitted, all exceptions are permitted to propagate. Java adopts an intermediate approach: it segregates its exceptions into “checked” and “unchecked” categories. Checked exceptions must be declared in subroutine headers; unchecked exceptions need not. Unchecked exceptions are typically run-time errors that most programs will want to be fatal (e.g., subscript out of bounds)—and that would therefore be a nuisance to de- clare in every function—but that a highly robust program may want to catch if they occur in library routines. 9.4.2 Exception Propagation In most languages, a block of code can have a list of exception handlers. In C++:EXAMPLE 9.40 Multiple handlers in C++ try { // try to read from file ... // potentially complicated sequence of operations // involving many calls to stream I/O routines ... } catch(end_of_file e1) { ... } catch(io_error e2) { // handler for any io_error other than end_of_file ... } catch(...) { // handler for any exception not previously named // (in this case, the triple-dot ellipsis is a valid C++ token; // it does not indicate missing code) } When an exception arises, the handlers are examined in order; control is trans- ferred to the first one that matches the exception. In C++, a handler matches if it names a class from which the exception is derived, or if it is a catch-all (...). In the example here, let us assume that end_of_file is a subclass of io_error. Then an end_of_file exception, if it arises, will be handled by the first of the three catch clauses. All other I/O errors will be caught by the second; all non- I/O errors will be caught by the third. If the last clause were missing, non-I/O errors would continue to propagate outward in the current subroutine, and then up the dynamic chain. � An exception that is declared in a recursive subroutine will be caught by the innermost handler for that exception at run time. If an exception propagates out of the scope in which it was declared, it can no longer be named by a handler, and thus can be caught only by a “catch-all” handler. In a language with concurrency, 446 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction one must consider what will happen if an exception is not handled at the outer- most level of a concurrent thread of control. In Modula-3 and C++, the entire program terminates abnormally; in Ada and Java, the affected thread terminates quietly; in C#, the behavior is implementation defined. Handlers on Expressions In an expression-oriented language such as ML or Common Lisp, an exception handler is attached to an expression, rather than to a statement. Since execu- tion of the handler replaces the unfinished portion of the protected code when an exception occurs, a handler attached to an expression must provide a value for the expression. (In a statement-oriented language, the handler—like most statements—is executed for its side effects.) In the OCaml dialect of ML, a han-EXAMPLE 9.41 Exception handler in OCaml dler looks like this: let foo = try a / b with Division_by_zero -> max_int;;

Here a / b is the protected expression, try and with are keywords, Division_
by_zero is an exception (a value built from the exception constructor), and
max_int is an expression (in this case a constant) whose value replaces the value
of the expression in which the Division_by_zero exception arose. Both the
protected expression and the handler could in general be arbitrarily complicated,
with many nested function calls. Exceptions that arise within a nested call (and
are not handled locally) propagate back up the dynamic chain, just as they do in
most statement-oriented languages. �

Cleanup Operations

In the process of searching for a matching handler, the exception-handling mech-
anism must “unwind” the run-time stack by reclaiming the frames of any sub-
routines from which the exception escapes. Reclaiming a frame requires not only
that its space be popped from the stack but also that any registers that were saved
as part of the calling sequence be restored. (We discuss implementation issues in
more detail in Section 9.4.3.)

In C++, an exception that leaves a scope, whether a subroutine or just a
nested block, requires the language implementation to call destructor functions


9.4 Structured exceptions
Exception-handling mechanisms are among the most complex aspects of mod-
ern language design, from both a semantic and a pragmatic point of view. Pro-
grammers have used subroutines since before there were computers (they ap-
pear, among other places, in the 19th-century notes of Countess Ada Augusta
Byron). Structured exceptions, by contrast, were not invented until the 1970s,
and did not become commonplace until the 1980s.

9.4 Exception Handling 447

for any objects declared within that scope. Destructors (to be discussed in more
detail in Section 10.3) are often used to deallocate heap space and other re-
sources (e.g., open files). Similar functionality is provided in Common Lisp by an
unwind-protect expression, and in Modula-3, Python, Java, and C# by means
of try. . . finally constructs. Code in Python might look like this:EXAMPLE 9.42

finally clause in Python
try: # protected block

my_stream = open(“foo.txt”, “r”) # “r” means “for reading”
for line in my_stream:



A finally clause will be executed whenever control escapes from the protected
block, whether the escape is due to normal completion, an exit from a loop, a
return from the current subroutine, or the propagation of an exception. We have
assumed in our example that my_stream is not bound to anything at the begin-
ning of the code, and that it is harmless to close a not-yet-opened stream. �

9.4.3 Implementation of Exceptions

The most obvious implementation for exceptions maintains a linked-list stack ofEXAMPLE 9.43
Stacked exception handlers handlers. When control enters a protected block, the handler for that block is

added to the head of the list. When an exception arises, either implicitly or as
a result of a raise or throw statement, the language run-time system pops the
innermost handler off the list and calls it. The handler begins by checking to see
if it matches the exception that occurred; if not, it simply reraises it:

if exception matches duplicate in set
. . .

reraise exception

To implement propagation back down the dynamic chain, each subroutine has
an implicit handler that performs the work of the subroutine epilogue code and
then reraises the exception. �

If a protected block of code has handlers for several different exceptions, theyEXAMPLE 9.44
Multiple exceptions per

are implemented as a single handler containing a multiarm if statement:

if exception matches end of file
. . .

elsif exception matches io error
. . .

. . . –– “catch-all” handler �

448 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

The problem with this implementation is that it incurs run-time overhead in
the common case. Every protected block and every subroutine begins with code
to push a handler onto the handler list, and ends with code to pop it back off the
list. We can usually do better.

The only real purpose of the handler list is to determine which handler is active.
Since blocks of source code tend to translate into contiguous blocks of machine
language instructions, we can capture the correspondence between handlers and
protected blocks in the form of a table generated at compile time. Each entry
in the table contains two fields: the starting address of a block of code and the
address of the corresponding handler. The table is sorted on the first field. When
an exception occurs, the language run-time system performs binary search in the
table, using the program counter as key, to find the handler for the current block.
If that handler reraises the exception, the process repeats: handlers themselves
are blocks of code, and can be found in the table. The only subtlety arises in
the case of the implicit handlers associated with propagation out of subroutines:
such a handler must ensure that the reraise code uses the return address of the
subroutine, rather than the current program counter, as the key for table lookup.

The cost of raising an exception is higher in this second implementation, by
a factor logarithmic in the total number of handlers. But this cost is paid only
when an exception actually occurs. Assuming that exceptions are unusual events,
the net impact on performance is clearly beneficial: the cost in the common case
is zero. In its pure form the table-based approach requires that the compiler have
access to the entire program, or that the linker provide a mechanism to glue sub-
tables together. If code fragments are compiled independently, we can employ a
hybrid approach in which the compiler creates a separate table for each subrou-
tine, and each stack frame contains a pointer to the appropriate table.

Exception Handling without Exceptions

It is worth noting that exceptions can sometimes be simulated in a language that
does not provide them as a built-in. In Section 6.2 we noted that Pascal permitted
gotos to labels outside the current subroutine, that Algol 60 allowed labels to be
passed as parameters, and that PL/I allowed them to be stored in variables. These
mechanisms permit the program to escape from a deeply nested context, but in a
very unstructured way.

A more structured alternative can be found in the call-with-current-
continuation (call-cc) routine of languages like Scheme and Ruby. As de-
scribed in Section 6.2.2, call-cc takes a single argument f , which is itself a func-
tion. It calls f, passing as argument a continuation c (a closure) that captures the
current program counter and referencing environment. At any point in the fu-
ture, f can call c to reestablish the saved environment. If nested calls have been
made, control abandons them, as it does with exceptions. If we represent a pro-
tected block and its handlers as closures (lambda expressions), call-cc can be
used to maintain a stack of continuations to which one should jump to emulate
raise/throw. We explore this option further in Exercise 9.18.

9.4 Exception Handling 449

Intermediate between the anarchy of nonlocal gotos and the generality ofEXAMPLE 9.45
setjmp and longjmp in C call/cc, C provides a pair of library routines entitled setjmp and longjmp.

Setjmp takes as argument a buffer into which to capture a representation of the
program’s current state. This buffer can later be passed as the first argument to
longjmp, to restore the captured state. Calls to setjmp return an integer: zero
indicates “normal” return; nonzero values (provided as the second argument to
longjmp) indicate exceptional “returns” from longjmp. Typical uses look like

if (!setjmp(buffer)) {
/* protected code */

} else {
/* handler */


switch (setjmp(buffer)) {
case 0:

/* protected code */

case 1:
/* handler 1 */

case n:

/* handler n */


When initially called, setjmp returns a 0, and control enters the protected code.
If longjmp(buffer, v) is called anywhere within the protected code, or in any-
thing called by that code, then setjmp will appear to return again, this time with
a return value of v, causing control to enter a handler. Unlike the closure created
by call/cc, the information captured by setjmp has limited extent: the behav-
ior of longjmp(buffer, v) is undefined if the function containing the call to
setjmp has returned. �

The typical implementation of setjmp and longjmp saves the current ma-
chine registers in the setjmp buffer, and restores them in longjmp. There is no
list of handlers; rather than “unwinding” the stack, the implementation simply
tosses all the nested frames by restoring old values of the sp and fp. The problem
with this approach is that the register contents at the beginning of the handler do
not reflect the effects of the successfully completed portion of the protected code:
they were saved before that code began to run. Any changes to variables that have


9.5 setjmp
Because it saves multiple registers to memory, the usual implementation of
setjmp is quite expensive—more so than entry to a protected block in the
“obvious” implementation of exceptions described above. While implemen-
tors are free to use a more efficient, table-driven approach if desired, the usual
implementation minimizes the complexity of the run-time system and elimi-
nates the need for linker-supported integration of tables from separately com-
piled modules and libraries.

450 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

been written through to memory will be visible in the handler, but changes that
were cached in registers will be lost. To address this limitation, C allows the pro-
grammer to specify that certain variables are volatile. A volatile variable is one
whose value in memory can change “spontaneously,” for example as the result of
activity by an I/O device or a concurrent thread of control. C implementations
are required to store volatile variables to memory whenever they are written, and
to load them from memory whenever they are read. If a handler needs to see
changes to a variable that may be modified by the protected code, then the pro-
grammer must include the volatile keyword in the variable’s declaration.

26. Describe three ways in which a language may allow programmers to declare


27. Explain why it is useful to define exceptions as classes in C++, Java, and C#.

28. Explain the behavior and purpose of a try. . . finally construct.

29. Describe the algorithm used to identify an appropriate handler when an ex-
ception is raised in a language like Ada or C++.

30. Explain how to implement exceptions in a way that incurs no cost in the com-
mon case (when exceptions don’t arise).

31. How do the exception handlers of a functional language like ML differ from
those of an imperative language like C++?

32. Describe the operations that must be performed by the implicit handler for a

33. Summarize the shortcomings of the setjmp and longjmp library routines
of C.

34. What is a volatile variable in C? Under what circumstances is it useful?

9.5 Coroutines
Given an understanding of the layout of the run-time stack, we can now consider
the implementation of more general control abstractions—coroutines in particu-
lar. Like a continuation, a coroutine is represented by a closure (a code address
and a referencing environment), into which we can jump by means of a nonlocal
goto, in this case a special operation known as transfer. The principal differ-
ence between the two abstractions is that a continuation is a constant—it does
not change once created—while a coroutine changes every time it runs. When we
goto a continuation, our old program counter is lost, unless we explicitly create
a new continuation to hold it. When we transfer from one coroutine to another,

9.5 Coroutines 451

our old program counter is saved: the coroutine we are leaving is updated to re-
flect it. Thus, if we perform a goto into the same continuation multiple times,
each jump will start at precisely the same location, but if we perform a transfer
into the same coroutine multiple times, each jump will take up where the previous
one left off.

In effect, coroutines are execution contexts that exist concurrently, but that ex-
ecute one at a time, and that transfer control to each other explicitly, by name.
Coroutines can be used to implement iterators (Section 6.5.3) and threads (to be
discussed in Chapter 13). They are also useful in their own right, particularly
for certain kinds of servers, and for discrete event simulation. Threads have ap-
peared, historically, as far back as Algol 68. Today they can be found in Ada, Java,
C#, C++, Python, Ruby, Haskell, Go, and Scala, among many others. They are
also commonly provided (though with somewhat less attractive syntax and se-
mantics) outside the language proper by means of library packages. Coroutines
are less common as a user-level programming abstraction. Historically, the two
most important languages to provide them were Simula and Modula-2. We fo-
cus in the following subsections on the implementation of coroutines and (on
the companion site) on their use in iterators (Section C 9.5.3) and discrete event
simulation (Section C 9.5.4).

As a simple example of an application in which coroutines might be useful,EXAMPLE 9.46
Explicit interleaving of
concurrent computations

imagine that we are writing a “screen saver” program, which paints a mostly black
picture on the screen of an inactive laptop, and which keeps the picture moving,
to avoid liquid-crystal “burn-in.” Imagine also that our screen saver performs
“sanity checks” on the file system in the background, looking for corrupted files.
We could write our program as follows:

–– update picture on screen
–– perform next sanity check

The problem with this approach is that successive sanity checks (and to a lesser
extent successive screen updates) are likely to depend on each other. On most
systems, the file-system checking code has a deeply nested control structure con-
taining many loops. To break it into pieces that can be interleaved with the screen
updates, the programmer must follow each check with code that saves the state
of the nested computation, and must precede the following check with code that
restores that state. �

A much more attractive approach is to cast the operations as coroutines:5EXAMPLE 9.47
Interleaving coroutines

5 Threads could also be used in this example, and might in fact serve our needs a bit better. Corou-
tines suffice because there is a small number of execution contexts (namely two), and because it
is easy to identify points at which one should transfer to the other.

452 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

us, cfs : coroutine

coroutine check file system()
–– initialize
for all files

. . .
. . .

. . .
. . .

coroutine update screen()
–– initialize

. . .
. . .

begin –– main
us := new update screen()
cfs := new check file system()

The syntax here is based loosely on that of Simula. When first created, a coroutine
performs any necessary initialization operations, and then detaches itself from
the main program. The detach operation creates a coroutine object to which
control can later be transfered, and returns a reference to this coroutine to the
caller. The transfer operation saves the current program counter in the current
coroutine object and resumes the coroutine specified as a parameter. The main
body of the program plays the role of an initial, default coroutine.

Calls to transfer from within the body of check file system can occur at ar-
bitrary places, including nested loops and conditionals. A coroutine can also call
subroutines, just as the main program can, and calls to transfer may appear inside
these routines. The context needed to perform the “next” sanity check is captured
by the program counter, together with the local variables of check file system and
any called routines, at the time of the transfer.

As in Example 9.46, the programmer must specify when to stop checking the
file system and update the screen; coroutines make the job simpler by providing a
transfer operation that eliminates the need to save and restore state explicitly. To
decide where to place the calls to transfer, we must consider both performance
and correctness. For performance, we must avoid doing too much work between
calls, so that screen updates aren’t too infrequent. For correctness, we must avoid
doing a transfer in the middle of any check that might be compromised by file
access in update screen. Parallel threads (to be described in Chapter 13) would


9.6 Threads and coroutines
As we shall see in Section 13.2.4, it is easy to build a simple thread package
given coroutines. Most programmers would agree, however, that threads are
substantially easier to use, because they eliminate the need for explicit transfer
operations. This contrast—a lot of extra functionality for a little extra imple-
mentation complexity—probably explains why coroutines as an explicit pro-
gramming abstraction are relatively rare.

9.5 Coroutines 453

eliminate the first of these problems by ensuring that the screen updater receives a
share of the processor on a regular basis, but would complicate the second prob-
lem: we should need to synchronize the two routines explicitly if their references
to files could interfere. �

9.5.1 Stack Allocation

Because they are concurrent (i.e., simultaneously started but not completed),
coroutines cannot share a single stack: their subroutine calls and returns, taken as
a whole, do not occur in last-in-first-out order. If each coroutine is declared at the
outermost level of lexical nesting (as was required in Modula-2), then their stacks
are entirely disjoint: the only objects they share are global, and thus statically allo-
cated. Most operating systems make it easy to allocate one stack, and to increase
its portion of the virtual address space as necessary during execution. It is not
as easy to allocate an arbitrary number of such stacks; space for coroutines was
historically something of an implementation challenge, at least on machines with
limited virtual address space (64-bit architectures ease the problem, by making
virtual addresses relatively plentiful).

The simplest approach is to give each coroutine a fixed amount of statically
allocated stack space. This approach was adopted in Modula-2, which required
the programmer to specify the size and location of the stack when initializing a
coroutine. It was a run-time error for the coroutine to need additional space.
Some Modula-2 implementations would catch the overflow and halt with an er-
ror message; others would display abnormal behavior. If the coroutine used less
(virtual) space than it was given, the excess was simply wasted.

If stack frames are allocated from the heap, as they are in most functional lan-
guage implementations, then the problems of overflow and internal fragmenta-
tion are avoided. At the same time, the overhead of each subroutine call increases.
An intermediate option is to allocate the stack in large, fixed-size “chunks.” At
each call, the subroutine calling sequence checks to see whether there is sufficient
space in the current chunk to hold the frame of the called routine. If not, another
chunk is allocated and the frame is put there instead. At each subroutine return,
the epilogue code checks to see whether the current frame is the last one in its
chunk. If so, the chunk is returned to a “free chunk” pool. To reduce the over-
head of calls, the compiler can use the ordinary central stack if it is able to verify
that a subroutine will not perform a transfer before returning [Sco91].


9.7 Coroutine stacks
Many languages require coroutines or threads to be declared at the outermost
level of lexical nesting, to avoid the complexity of noncontiguous stacks. Most
thread libraries for sequential languages (the POSIX standard pthread library
among them) likewise require or at least permit the use of contiguous stacks.

454 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

















Figure 9.4 A cactus stack. Each branch to the side represents the creation of a coroutine
(A , B , C, and D). The static nesting of blocks is shown at right. Static links are shown with
arrows. Dynamic links are indicated simply by vertical arrangement: each routine has called the
one above it. (Coroutine B , for example, was created by the main program, M. B in turn called
subroutine S and created coroutine D.)

If coroutines can be created at arbitrary levels of lexical nesting (as they couldEXAMPLE 9.48
Cactus stacks in Simula), then two or more coroutines may be declared in the same nonglobal

scope, and must thus share access to objects in that scope. To implement this
sharing, the run-time system must employ a so-called cactus stack (named for its
resemblance to the Saguaro cacti of the American Southwest; see Figure 9.4).

Each branch off the stack contains the frames of a separate coroutine. The dy-
namic chain of a given coroutine ends in the block in which the coroutine began
execution. The static chain of the coroutine, however, extends down into the re-
mainder of the cactus, through any lexically surrounding blocks. In addition to
the coroutines of Simula, cactus stacks are needed for the threads of any language
with lexically nested threads. “Returning” from the main block of a coroutine
must generally terminate the program, as there is no indication of what routine
to transfer to. Because a coroutine only runs when specified as the target of a
transfer, there is never any need to terminate it explicitly. When a given corou-
tine is no longer needed, the programmer can simply reuse its stack space or,
in a language with garbage collection, allow the collector to reclaim it automati-
cally. �

9.5.2 Transfer

To transfer from one coroutine to another, the run-time system must change the
program counter (PC), the stack, and the contents of the processor’s registers.
These changes are encapsulated in the transfer operation: one coroutine calls

9.5 Coroutines 455

transfer; a different one returns. Because the change happens inside transfer,
changing the PC from one coroutine to another simply amounts to remembering
the right return address: the old coroutine calls transfer from one location in the
program; the new coroutine returns to a potentially different location. If transfer
saves its return address in the stack, then the PC will change automatically as a
side effect of changing stacks.

So how do we change stacks? The usual approach is simply to change the stack
pointer register, and to avoid using the frame pointer inside of transfer itself. AtEXAMPLE 9.49

Switching coroutines the beginning of transfer we push all the callee-saves registers onto the current
stack, along with the return address (if it wasn’t already pushed by the subroutine
call instruction). We then change the sp, pop the (new) return address (ra) and
other registers off the new stack, and return:

push all registers other than sp (including ra)
*current coroutine := sp
current coroutine := r1 –– argument passed to transfer
sp := *r1
pop all registers other than sp (including ra)
return �

The data structure that represents a coroutine or thread is called a context
block. In a simple coroutine package, the context block contains a single value: the
coroutine’s sp as of its most recent transfer. (A thread package generally places
additional information in the context block, such as an indication of priority, or
pointers to link the thread onto various scheduling queues. Some coroutine or
thread packages choose to save registers in the context block, rather than at the
top of the stack; either approach works fine.)

In Modula-2, the coroutine creation routine would initialize the coroutine’s
stack to look like the frame of transfer, with a return address and register contents
initialized to permit a “return” into the beginning of the coroutine’s code. The
creation routine would set the sp value in the context block to point into this
artificial frame, and return a pointer to the context block. To begin execution of
the coroutine, some existing routine would need to transfer to it.

In Simula (and in the code in Example 9.47), the coroutine creation routine
would begin to execute the new coroutine immediately, as if it were a subroutine.
After the coroutine completed any application-specific initialization, it would
perform a detach operation. Detach would set up the coroutine stack to look
like the frame of transfer, with a return address that pointed to the following
statement. It would then allow the creation routine to return to its own caller.

In all cases, transfer expects a pointer to a context block as argument; by deref-
erencing the pointer it can find the sp of the next coroutine to run. A global
(static) variable, called current coroutine in the code of Example 9.49, contains
a pointer to the context block of the currently running coroutine. This pointer
allows transfer to find the location in which it should save the old sp.

456 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

9.5.3 Implementation of Iterators

Given an implementation of coroutines, iterators are almost trivial: one coroutine
is used to represent the main program; a second is used to represent the iterator.
Additional coroutines may be needed if iterators nest.


Additional details appear on the companion site. As it turns out, coroutines are
overkill for iterator implementation. Most compilers use one of two simpler alter-
natives. The first of these keeps all state in a single stack, but sometimes executes
in a frame other than the topmost. The second employs a compile-time code
transformation to replace true iterators, transparently, with equivalent iterator

9.5.4 Discrete Event Simulation

One of the most important applications of coroutines (and the one for which
Simula was designed and named) is discrete event simulation. Simulation in gen-
eral refers to any process in which we create an abstract model of some real-world
system, and then experiment with the model in order to infer properties of the
real-world system. Simulation is desirable when experimentation with the real
world would be complicated, dangerous, expensive, or otherwise impractical. A
discrete event simulation is one in which the model is naturally expressed in terms
of events (typically interactions among various interesting objects) that happen
at specific times. Discrete event simulation is usually not appropriate for contin-
uous processes, such as the growth of crystals or the flow of water over a surface,
unless these processes are captured at the level of individual particles.


On the companion site we consider a traffic simulation, in which events model
interactions among automobiles, intersections, and traffic lights. We use a sep-
arate coroutine for each trip to be taken by car. At any given time we run the
coroutine with the earliest expected arrival time at an upcoming intersection. We
keep inactive coroutines in a priority queue ordered by those arrival times.

9.6 Events
An event is something to which a running program (a process) needs to respond,
but which occurs outside the program, at an unpredictable time. Events are com-
monly caused by inputs to a graphical user interface (GUI) system: keystrokes,

9.6 Events 457

mouse motions, button clicks. They may also be network operations or other
asynchronous I/O activity: the arrival of a message, the completion of a previ-
ously requested disk operation.

In the I/O operations discussed in Section C 8.7, and in Section C 8.7.3 in par-
ticular, we assumed that a program looking for input will request it explicitly, and
will wait if it isn’t yet available. This sort of synchronous (at a specified time) and
blocking (potentially wait-inducing) input is generally not acceptable for modern
applications with graphical interfaces. Instead, the programmer usually wants a
handler—a special subroutine—to be invoked when a given event occurs. Han-
dlers are sometimes known as callback functions, because the run-time system
calls back into the main program instead of being called from it. In an object-
oriented language, the callback function may be a method of some handler object,
rather than a static subroutine.

9.6.1 Sequential Handlers

Traditionally, event handlers were implemented in sequential programming lan-
guages as “spontaneous” subroutine calls, typically using a mechanism defined
and implemented by the operating system, outside the language proper. To pre-
pare to receive events through this mechanism, a program—call it P—invokes
a setup handler library routine, passing as argument the subroutine it wants to
have invoked when the event occurs.

At the hardware level, asynchronous device activity during P’s execution will
trigger an interrupt mechanism that saves P’s registers, switches to a different
stack, and jumps to a predefined address in the OS kernel. Similarly, if some
other process Q is running when the interrupt occurs (or if some action in Q it-
self needs to be reflected to P as an event), the kernel will have saved P’s state at
the end of its last time slice. Either way, the kernel must arrange to invoke the
appropriate event handler despite the fact that P may be at a place in its code
where a subroutine call cannot normally occur (e.g., it may be halfway through
the calling sequence for some other subroutine).

Figure 9.5 illustrates the typical implementation of spontaneous subroutineEXAMPLE 9.50
Signal trampoline calls—as used, for example, by the Unix signal mechanism. The language run-

time library contains a block of code known as the signal trampoline. It also in-
cludes a buffer writable by the kernel and readable by the runtime. Before de-
livering a signal, the kernel places the saved state of P into the shared buffer. It
then switches back to P’s user-level stack and jumps into the signal trampoline.
The trampoline creates a frame for itself in the stack and then calls the event
handler using the normal subroutine calling sequence. (The correctness of this
mechanism depends on there being nothing important in the stack beyond the
location specified by the stack pointer register at the time of the interrupt.) When
the event handler returns, the trampoline restores state (including all registers)
from the buffer written by the kernel, and jumps back into the main program. To
avoid recursive events, the kernel typically disables further signals when it jumps

458 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

User application

[save state]

[restore state]

OS kernel









return from

Figure 9.5 Signal delivery through a trampoline. When an interrupt occurs (or when another
process performs an operation that should appear as an event), the main program may be at an
arbitrary place in its code. The kernel saves state and invokes a trampoline routine that in turn
calls the event handler through the normal calling sequence. After the event handler returns, the
trampoline restores the saved state and returns to where the main program left off.

to the signal trampoline. Immediately before jumping back to the original pro-
gram code, the trampoline performs a kernel call to reenable signals. Depending
on the details of the operating system, the kernel may buffer some modest num-
ber of signals while they are disabled, and deliver them once the handler reenables
them. �

In practice, most event handlers need to share data structures with the main
program (otherwise, how would they get the program to do anything interesting
in response to the event?). We must take care to make sure neither the handler
nor the main program ever sees these shared structures in an inconsistent state.
Specifically, we must prevent a handler from looking at data when the main pro-
gram is halfway through modifying it, or modifying data when the main program
is halfway through reading it. The typical solution is to synchronize access to such
shared structures by bracketing blocks of code in the main program with kernel
calls that disable and reenable signals. We will use a similar mechanism to im-
plement threads on top of coroutines in Section 13.2.4. More general forms of
synchronization will appear in Section 13.3.

9.6 Events 459

9.6.2 Thread-Based Handlers

In modern programming languages and run-time systems, events are often han-
dled by a separate thread of control, rather than by spontaneous subroutine calls.
With a separate handler thread, input can again be synchronous: the handler
thread makes a system call to request the next event, and waits for it to occur.
Meanwhile, the main program continues to execute. If the program wishes to
be able to handle multiple events concurrently, it may create multiple handler
threads, each of which calls into the kernel to wait for an event. To protect the
integrity of shared data structures, the main program and the handler thread(s)
will generally require a full-fledged synchronization mechanism, as discussed in
Section 13.3: disabling signals will not suffice.

Many contemporary GUI systems are thread-based, though some have just one
handler thread. Examples include the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT), the GNU
Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) Tool Kit (Gtk), the JavaFX library, and the
.NET Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). In C#, an event handler is an in-EXAMPLE 9.51

An event handler in C# stance of a delegate type—essentially, a list of subroutine closures (Section 3.6.3).
Using Gtk#, the standard GUI for the Mono project, we might create and initialize
a button as follows:

void Paused(object sender, EventArgs a) {
// do whatever needs doing when the pause button is pushed


Button pauseButton = new Button(“pause”);
pauseButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(Paused);

Button and EventHandler are defined in the Gtk# library. Button is a class that
represents the graphical widget. EventHandler is a delegate type, with which
Paused is compatible. Its first argument indicates the object that caused the
event; its second argument describes the event itself. Button.Clicked is the
button’s event handler: a field of EventHandler type. The += operator adds a
new closure to the delegate’s list.6 The graphics library arranges for a thread to
call into the kernel to wait for user interface events. When our button is pushed,
the call will return from the kernel, and the thread will invoke each of the entries
on the delegate list. �

As described in Section 3.6.3, C# allows the handler to be specified more suc-EXAMPLE 9.52
An anonymous delegate

cinctly as an anonymous delegate:

pauseButton.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs a) {
// do whatever needs doing

}; �

6 Technically, Clicked is of event EventHandler type. The event modifier makes the delegate
private, so it can be invoked only from within the class in which it was declared. At the same time,
it creates a public property, with add and remove accessor methods. These allow code outside the
class to add handlers to the event (with +=) and remove them from it (with -=).

460 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

Other languages and systems are similar. In JavaFX, an event handler is typ-EXAMPLE 9.53
An event handler in Java ically an instance of a class that implements the EventHandler

interface, with a method named handle:

class PauseListener implements EventHandler {
public void handle(ActionEvent e) {

// do whatever needs doing


Button pauseButton = new Button();
pauseButton.setOnAction(new PauseListener()); �

Written in this form, the syntax is more cumbersome than it was in C#. WeEXAMPLE 9.54
An anonymous inner class

can simplify it some using an anonymous inner class:

pauseButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler() {
public void handle(ActionEvent e) {

// do whatever needs doing


Here the definition of our PauseListener class is embedded, without the name,
in a call to new, which is in turn embedded in the argument list of setOnAction.
Like an anonymous delegate in C#, an anonymous class in Java can have only a
single instance. �

We can simplify the syntax even further by using a Java 8 lambda expression:EXAMPLE 9.55
Handling an event with a
lambda expression pauseButton.setOnAction(e -> {

// do whatever needs doing

This example leverages the functional interface convention of Java lambda ex-
pressions, described in Example 3.41. Using this convention, we have effectively
matched the brevity of C#. �

The action performed by a handler needs to be simple and brief, so the handler
thread can call back into the kernel for another event. If the handler takes too
long, the user is likely to find the application nonresponsive. If an event needs
to initiate something that is computationally demanding, or that may need to
perform additional I/O, the handler may create a new thread to do the work;
alternatively, it may pass a request to some existing worker thread.

9.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks 461

35. What was the first high-level programming language to provide coroutines?

36. What is the difference between a coroutine and a thread?

37. Why doesn’t the transfer library routine need to change the program counter
when switching between coroutines?

38. Describe three alternative means of allocating coroutine stacks. What are their
relative strengths and weaknesses?

39. What is a cactus stack? What is its purpose?

40. What is discrete event simulation? What is its connection with coroutines?

41. What is an event in the programming language sense of the word?

42. Summarize the two main implementation strategies for events.

43. Explain the appeal of anonymous delegates (C#) and anonymous inner classes
(Java) for handling events.

9.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks
This chapter has focused on the subject of control abstraction, and on subroutines
in particular. Subroutines allow the programmer to encapsulate code behind a
narrow interface, which can then be used without regard to its implementation.

We began our study of subroutines in Section 9.1 by reviewing the manage-
ment of the subroutine call stack. We then considered the calling sequences used
to maintain the stack, with extra sections on the companion site devoted to dis-
plays; case studies of the LLVM and gcc compilers on ARM and x86, respectively;
and the register windows of the SPARC. After a brief consideration of in-line ex-
pansion, we turned in Section 9.3 to the subject of parameters. We first consid-
ered parameter-passing modes, all of which are implemented by passing values,
references, or closures. We noted that the goals of semantic clarity and imple-
mentation speed sometimes conflict: it is usually most efficient to pass a large
parameter by reference, but the aliasing that results can lead to program bugs.
In Section 9.3.3 we considered special parameter-passing mechanisms, including
default (optional) parameters, named parameters, and variable-length parameter

In the final three major sections we considered exception-handling mecha-
nisms, which allow a program to “unwind” in a well-structured way from a nested
sequence of subroutine calls; coroutines, which allow a program to maintain (and
switch between) two or more execution contexts; and events, which allow a pro-
gram to respond to asynchronous external activity. On the companion site we
explained how coroutines are used for discrete event simulation. We also noted

462 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

that they could be used to implement iterators, but here simpler alternatives exist.
In Chapter 13, we will build on coroutines to implement threads, which run (or
appear to run) in parallel with one another.

In several cases we can discern an evolving consensus about the sorts of con-
trol abstractions that a language should provide. The limited parameter-passing
modes of languages like Fortran and Algol 60 have been replaced by more ex-
tensive or flexible options. Several languages augment the standard positional
notation for arguments with default and named parameters. Less-structured
error-handling mechanisms, such as label parameters, nonlocal gotos, and dy-
namically bound handlers, have been replaced by structured exception handlers
that are lexically scoped within subroutines, and can be implemented at zero cost
in the common (no-exception) case. The spontaneous subroutine call of tradi-
tional signal-handling mechanisms have been replaced by callbacks in a dedicated
thread. In many cases, implementing these newer features has required that com-
pilers and run-time systems become more complex. Occasionally, as in the case
of call-by-name parameters, label parameters, or nonlocal gotos, features that
were semantically confusing were also difficult to implement, and abandoning
them has made compilers simpler. In yet other cases language features that are
useful but difficult to implement continue to appear in some languages but not
in others. Examples in this category include first-class subroutines, coroutines,
iterators, continuations, and local objects with unlimited extent.

9.8 Exercises
9.1 Describe as many ways as you can in which functions in imperative pro-

gramming languages differ from functions in mathematics.

9.2 Consider the following code in C++:
class string_map {

string cached_key;
string cached_val;
const string complex_lookup(const string key);

// body specified elsewhere

const string operator[](const string key) {
if (key == cached_key) return cached_val;
string rtn_val = complex_lookup(key);
cached_key = key;
cached_val = rtn_val;
return rtn_val;


Suppose that string_map::operator[] contains the only call to complex_
lookup anywhere in the program. Explain why it would be unwise for the
programmer to expand that call textually in-line and eliminate the separate

9.8 Exercises 463

9.3 Using your favorite language and compiler, write a program that can tell the
order in which certain subroutine parameters are evaluated.

9.4 Consider the following (erroneous) program in C:

void foo() {
int i;
printf(“%d “, i++);


int main() {
int j;
for (j = 1; j <= 10; j++) foo(); } Local variable i in subroutine foo is never initialized. On many systems, however, the program will display repeatable behavior, printing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Suggest an explanation. Also explain why the behavior on other systems might be different, or nondeterministic. 9.5 The standard calling sequence for the c. 1980 Digital VAX instruction set employed not only a stack pointer (sp) and frame pointer (fp), but a sep- arate arguments pointer (ap) as well. Under what circumstances might this separate pointer be useful? In other words, when might it be handy not to have to place arguments at statically known offsets from the fp? 9.6 Write (in the language of your choice) a procedure or function that will have four different effects, depending on whether arguments are passed by value, by reference, by value/result, or by name. 9.7 Consider an expression like a + b that is passed to a subroutine in Fortran. Is there any semantically meaningful difference between passing this expres- sion as a reference to an unnamed temporary (as Fortran does) or passing it by value (as one might, for example, in Pascal)? That is, can the program- mer tell the difference between a parameter that is a value and a parameter that is a reference to a temporary? 9.8 Consider the following subroutine in Fortran 77: subroutine shift(a, b, c) integer a, b, c a = b b = c end Suppose we want to call shift(x, y, 0) but we don’t want to change the value of y. Knowing that built-up expressions are passed as temporaries, we decide to call shift(x, y+0, 0). Our code works fine at first, but then (with some compilers) fails when we enable optimization. What is going on? What might we do instead? 464 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction 9.9 In some implementations of Fortran IV, the following code would print a 3. Can you suggest an explanation? How do you suppose more recent Fortran implementations get around the problem? c main program call foo(2) print*, 2 stop end subroutine foo(x) x = x + 1 return end 9.10 Suppose you are writing a program in which all parameters must be passed by name. Can you write a subroutine that will swap the values of its actual parameters? Explain. (Hint: Consider mutually dependent parameters like i and A[i].) 9.11 Can you write a swap routine in Java, or in any other language with only call-by-sharing parameters? What exactly should swap do in such a lan- guage? (Hint: Think about the distinction between the object to which a variable refers and the value [contents] of that object.) 9.12 As noted in Section 9.3.1, out parameters in Ada 83 can be written by the callee but not read. In Ada 95 they can be both read and written, but they begin their life uninitialized. Why do you think the designers of Ada 95 made this change? Does it have any drawbacks? 9.13 Taking a cue from Ada, Swift provides an inout parameter mode. The lan- guage manual does not specify whether inout parameters are to be passed by reference or value-result. Write a program that determines the imple- mentation used by your local Swift compiler. 9.14 Fields of packed records (Example 8.8) cannot be passed by reference in Pas- cal. Likewise, when passing a subrange variable by reference, Pascal requires that all possible values of the corresponding formal parameter be valid for the subrange: type small = 1..100; R = record x, y : small; end; S = packed record x, y : small; end; var a : 1..10; b : 1..1000; c : R; d : S; procedure foo(var n : small); begin n := 100; writeln(a); end; 9.8 Exercises 465 ... a := 2; foo(b); (* ok *) foo(a); (* static semantic error *) foo(c.x); (* ok *) foo(d.x); (* static semantic error *) Using what you have learned about parameter-passing modes, explain these language restrictions. 9.15 Consider the following declaration in C: double(*foo(double (*)(double, double[]), double)) (double, ...); Describe in English the type of foo. 9.16 Does a program run faster when the programmer leaves optional parame- ters out of a subroutine call? Why or why not? 9.17 Why do you suppose that variable-length argument lists are so seldom sup- ported by high-level programming languages? 9.18 Building on Exercise 6.35, show how to implement exceptions using call- with-current-continuation in Scheme. Model your syntax after the handler-case of Common Lisp. As in Exercise 6.35, you will probably need define-syntax and dynamic-wind. 9.19 Given what you have learned about the implementation of structured ex- ceptions, describe how you might implement the nonlocal gotos of Pascal or the label parameters of Algol 60 (Section 6.2). Do you need to place any restrictions on how these features can be used? 9.20 Describe a plausible implementation of C++ destructors or Java try. . . finally blocks. What code must the compiler generate, at what points in the program, to ensure that cleanup always occurs when leaving a scope? 9.21 Use threads to build support for true iterators in Java. Try to hide as much of the implementation as possible behind a reasonable interface. In particular, hide any uses of new thread, thread.start, thread.join, wait, and notify inside implementations of routines named yield (to be called by an iterator) and in the standard Java Iterator interface routines (to be called in the body of a loop). Compare the performance of your iterators to that of the built-in iterator objects (it probably won’t be good). Discuss any weaknesses you encounter in the abstraction facilities of the language. 9.22 In Common Lisp, multilevel returns use catch and throw; exception han- dling in the style of most other modern languages uses handler-case and error. Show that the distinction between these is mainly a matter of style, rather than expressive power. In other words, show that each facility can be used to emulate the other. 466 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction #include

char* days[7] = {“Sunday”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”,
“Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”};

char today[10];

void handler(int n) {
printf(” %s\n”, today);


int main() {
signal(SIGTSTP, handler); // ^Z at keyboard
for(int n = 0; ; n++) {

strcpy(today, days[n%7]);


Figure 9.6 A problematic program in C to illustrate the use of signals. In most Unix systems,
the SIGTSTP signal is generated by typing control-Z at the keyboard.

9.23 Compile and run the program in Figure 9.6. Explain its behavior. Create a
new version that behaves more predictably.

9.24 In C#, Java, or some other language with thread-based event handling, build
a simple program around the “pause button” of Examples 9.51–9.54. Your
program should open a small window containing a text field and two but-
tons, one labeled “pause”, the other labeled “resume”. It should then display
an integer in the text field, starting with zero and counting up once per sec-
ond. If the pause button is pressed, the count should suspend; if the resume
button is pressed, it should continue.

Note that your program will need at least two threads—one to do the
counting, one to handle events. In Java, the JavaFX package will create the
handler thread automatically, and your main program can do the counting.
In C#, some existing thread will need to call Application.Run in order to
become a handler thread. In this case you’ll need a second thread to do the

9.25 Extend your answer to the previous problem by adding a “clone” button.
Pushing this button should create an additional window containing another
counter. This will, of course, require additional threads.

9.26–9.36 In More Depth.

9.9 Explorations 467

9.9 Explorations
9.37 Explore the details of subroutine calls in the GNU Ada translator gnat. Pay

particular attention to the more complex language features, including decla-
rations in nested blocks (Section 3.3.2), dynamic-size arrays (Section 8.2.2),
in/out parameters (Section 9.3.1), optional and named parameters (Sec-
tion 9.3.3), generic subroutines (Section 7.3.1), exceptions (Section 9.4),
and concurrency (“Launch-at-Elaboration,” Section 13.2.3).

9.38 If you were designing a new imperative language, what set of parameter
modes would you pick? Why?

9.39 Learn about references and the reference assignment operator in PHP. Dis-
cuss the similarities and differences between these and the references of
C++. In particular, note that assignments in PHP can change the object
to which a reference variable refers. Why does PHP allow this but C++ does

9.40 Learn about pointers to methods in C++. What are they useful for? How
do they differ from a C# delegate that encapsulates a method?

9.41 Find manuals for several languages with exceptions and look up the set of
predefined exceptions—those that may be raised automatically by the lan-
guage implementation. Discuss the differences among the sets defined by
different languages. If you were designing an exception-handling facility,
what exceptions, if any, would you make predefined? Why?

9.42 Eiffel is an exception to the “replacement model” of exception handling. Its
rescue clause is superficially similar to a catch block, but it must either
retry the routine to which it is attached or allow the exception to propa-
gate up the call chain. Put another way, the default behavior when control
falls off the end of the rescue clause is to reraise the exception. Read up
on “Design by Contract,” the programming methodology supported by this
exception-handling mechanism. Do you agree or disagree with the argu-
ment against replacement? Explain.

9.43 Learn the details of nonlocal control transfer in Common Lisp. Write a tu-
torial that explains tagbody and go; block and return-from; catch and
throw; and restart-case, restart-bind, handler-case, handler-
bind, find-restart, invoke-restart, ignore-errors, signal, and
error. What do you think of all this machinery? Is it over-kill? Be sure
to give an example that illustrates the use of handler-bind.

9.44 For Common Lisp, Modula-3, and Java, compare the semantics of unwind-
protect and try…finally. Specifically, what happens if an exception
arises within a cleanup clause?

9.45 As noted near the end of Section 9.6.2, an event-handler needs either to
execute quickly or to pass its work off to another thread. A particularly ele-
gant mechanism for the latter can be found in the async and await prim-

468 Chapter 9 Subroutines and Control Abstraction

itives of C# 5 and the similar async and let! of F#. Read up on the asyn-
chronous programming model supported by these promitives. Explain their
(implementation-level) connection to iterators (Section C 9.5.3). Write a
GUI-based program or a network server that makes good use of them.

9.46 Compare and contrast the event-handling mechanisms of several GUI sys-
tems. How are handlers bound to events? Can you control the order in
which they are invoked? How many event-handling threads does each sys-
tem support? How and when are handler threads created? How do they
synchronize with the rest of the program?

9.47–9.52 In More Depth.

9.10 Bibliographic Notes
Recursive subroutines became known primarily through McCarthy’s work on
Lisp [McC60].7 Stack-based space management for recursive subroutines devel-
oped with compilers for Algol 60 (see, e.g., Randell and Russell [RR64]). (Because
of issues of extent, subroutine space in Lisp requires more general, heap-based al-
location.) Dijkstra [Dij60] presents an early discussion of the use of displays to
access nonlocal data. Hanson [Han81] argues that nested subroutines are unnec-

Calling sequences and stack conventions for gcc are partially documented in
the texinfo files distributed with the compiler (see www.gnu.org/software/gcc).
Documentation for LLVM can be found at llvm.org. Several of the details de-
scribed on the companion site were “reverse engineered” by examining the output
of the two compilers.

The Ada language rationale [IBFW91, Chap. 8] contains an excellent discus-
sion of parameter-passing modes. Harbison [Har92, Secs. 6.2–6.3] describes
the Modula-3 modes and compares them to those of other languages. Liskov
and Guttag [LG86, p. 25] liken call-by-sharing in Clu to parameter passing in
Lisp. Call-by-name parameters have their roots in the lambda calculus of Alonzo
Church [Chu41], which we consider in more detail in Section C 11.7.1. Thunks
were first described by Ingerman [Ing61]. Fleck [Fle76] discusses the problems
involved in trying to write a swap routine with call-by-name parameters (Exer-
cise 9.10).

MacLaren [Mac77] describes exception handling in PL/I. The lexically scoped
alternative of Ada, and of most more recent languages, draws heavily on the work
of Goodenough [Goo75]. Ada’s semantics are described formally by Luckam and

7 John McCarthy (1927–2011), long-time Professor at MIT and then Stanford Universities, was
one of the founders of the field of Artificial Intelligence. He introduced Lisp in 1958, and also
made key contributions to the early development of time-sharing and the use of mathematical
logic to reason about computer programs. He received the ACM Turing Award in 1971.

9.10 Bibliographic Notes 469

Polak [LP80]. Clu’s exceptions are an interesting historical precursor; details can
be found in the work of Liskov and Snyder [LS79]. Meyer [Mey92a] discusses De-
sign by Contract and exception handling in Eiffel. Friedman, Wand, and Haynes
[FWH01, Chaps. 8–9] provide an excellent explanation of continuation-passing
style in Scheme.

An early description of coroutines appears in the work of Conway [Con63],
who used them to represent the phases of compilation. Birtwistle et al. [BDMN73]
provide a tutorial introduction to the use of coroutines for simulation in Sim-
ula 67. Cactus stacks date from at least the mid-1960s; they were supported di-
rectly in hardware by the Burroughs B6500 and B7500 computers [HD68]. Murer
et al. [MOSS96] discuss the implementation of iterators in the Sather program-
ming language (a descendant of Eiffel). Von Behren et al. [vCZ+03] describe a
system with chunk-based stack allocation.

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10Data Abstraction and ObjectOrientation
In Chapter 3 we presented several stages in the development of data ab-
straction, with an emphasis on the scoping mechanisms that control the visibility
of names. We began with global variables, whose lifetime spans program execu-
tion. We then added local variables, whose lifetime is limited to the execution of a
single subroutine; nested scopes, which allow subroutines themselves to be local;
and static variables, whose lifetime spans execution, but whose names are visible
only within a single scope. These were followed by modules, which allow a collec-
tion of subroutines to share a set of static variables; module types, which allow the
programmer to instantiate multiple instances of a given abstraction, and classes,
which allow the programmer to define families of related abstractions.

Ordinary modules encourage a “manager” style of programming, in which a
module exports an abstract type. Module types and classes allow the module
itself to be the abstract type. The distinction becomes apparent in two ways. First,
the explicit create and destroy routines typically exported from a manager
module are replaced by creation and destruction of an instance of the module
type. Second, invocation of a routine in a particular module instance replaces
invocation of a general routine that expects a variable of the exported type as
argument. Classes build on the module-as-type approach by adding mechanisms
for inheritance, which allows new abstractions to be defined as refinements or
extensions to existing ones, and dynamic method binding, which allows a new
version of an abstraction to display newly refined behavior, even when used in
a context that expects an earlier version. An instance of a class is known as an
object; languages and programming techniques based on classes are said to be

The stepwise evolution of data abstraction mechanisms presented in Chapter 3
is a useful way to organize ideas, but it does not completely reflect the historical
development of language features. In particular, it would be inaccurate to sug-
gest that object-oriented programming developed as an outgrowth of modules.

1 In previous chapters we used the term “object” informally to refer to almost anything that can
have a name. In this chapter we will use it only to refer to an instance of a class.


472 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

Rather, all three of the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming—
encapsulation, inheritance, and dynamic method binding—have their roots in
the Simula programming language, developed in the mid-1960s by Ole-Johan
Dahl and Kristen Nygaard of the Norwegian Computing Center.2 In comparison
to modern object-oriented languages, Simula was weak in the data hiding part of
encapsulation, and it was in this area that Clu, Modula, Euclid, and related lan-
guages made important contributions in the 1970s. At the same time, the ideas of
inheritance and dynamic method binding were adopted and refined in Smalltalk
over the course of the 1970s.

Smalltalk employed a distinctive “message-based” programming model, with
dynamic typing and unusual terminology and syntax. The dynamic typing tended
to make implementations relatively slow, and delayed the reporting of errors. The
language was also tightly integrated into a graphical programming environment,
making it difficult to port across systems. For these reasons, Smalltalk was less
widely used than one might have expected, given the influence it had on subse-
quent developments. Languages like Eiffel, C++, Ada 95, Fortran 2003, Java, and
C# represented to a large extent a reintegration of the inheritance and dynamic
method binding of Smalltalk with “mainstream” imperative syntax and seman-
tics. In an alternative vein, Objective-C combined Smalltalk-style messaging and
dynamic typing, in a relatively pure and unadulterated form, with traditional C
syntax for intra-object operations. Object orientation has also become impor-
tant in functional languages, as exemplified by the Common Lisp Object System
(CLOS [Kee89; Ste90, Chap. 28]) and the objects of OCaml.

More recently, dynamically typed objects have gained new popularity in lan-
guages like Python and Ruby, while statically typed objects continue to appear
in languages like Scala and Go. Swift, the successor to Objective-C, follows the
pattern of its predecessor (and of OCaml, in fact) in layering dynamically typed
objects on top of an otherwise statically typed language.

In Section 10.1 we provide an overview of object-oriented programming and
of its three fundamental concepts. We consider encapsulation and data hiding in
more detail in Section 10.2. We then consider object initialization and finaliza-
tion in Section 10.3, and dynamic method binding in Section 10.4. In Section 10.6
(mostly on the companion site) we consider the subject of multiple inheritance, in
which a class is defined in terms of more than one existing class. As we shall see,
multiple inheritance introduces some particularly thorny semantic and imple-
mentation challenges. Finally, in Section 10.7, we revisit the definition of object
orientation, considering the extent to which a language can or should model ev-

2 Kristen Nygaard (1926–2002) was widely admired as a mathematician, computer language pi-
oneer, and social activist. His career included positions with the Norwegian Defense Research
Establishment, the Norwegian Operational Research Society, the Norwegian Computing Center,
the Universities of Aarhus and Oslo, and a variety of labor, political, and social organizations.
Ole-Johan Dahl (1931–2002) also held positions at the Norwegian Defense Research Establish-
ment and the Norwegian Computing Center, and was the founding member of the Informatics
department at Oslo. Together, Nygaard and Dahl shared the 2001 ACM Turing Award.

10.1 Object-Oriented Programming 473

erything as an object. Most of our discussion will focus on Smalltalk, Eiffel, C++,
and Java, though we shall have occasion to mention many other languages as well.
We will return to the subject of dynamically typed objects in Section 14.4.4.

10.1 Object-Oriented Programming
Object-oriented programming can be seen as an attempt to enhance opportuni-
ties for code reuse by making it easy to define new abstractions as extensions or
refinements of existing abstractions. As a starting point for examples, consider aEXAMPLE 10.1

list_node class in C++ collection of integers, implemented as a doubly linked list of records (we’ll con-
sider collections of other types of objects in Section 10.1.1). Figure 10.1 contains
C++ code for the elements of our collection. The example employs a “module-as-
type” style of abstraction: each element is a separate object of class list_node.
The class contains both data members (prev, next, head_node, and val) and
subroutine members (predecessor, successor, insert_before and remove).
Subroutine members are called methods in many object-oriented languages; data
members are also called fields. The keyword this in C++ refers to the object of
which the currently executing method is a member. In Smalltalk and Objective-C,
the equivalent keyword is self; in Eiffel it is current. �

Given the existence of the list_node class, we could define a list of integers asEXAMPLE 10.2
list class that uses


class list {
list_node header;

// no explicit constructor required;
// implicit construction of ‘header’ suffices
int empty() {

return header.singleton();
list_node* head() {

return header.successor();
void append(list_node *new_node) {

~list() { // destructor

if (!header.singleton())
throw new list_err(“attempt to delete nonempty list”);


To create an empty list, one could then write

list* my_list_ptr = new list;

474 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

class list_err { // exception

const char *description;
list_err(const char *s) {description = s;}


class list_node {
list_node* prev;
list_node* next;
list_node* head_node;

int val; // the actual data in a node
list_node() { // constructor

prev = next = head_node = this; // point to self
val = 0; // default value

list_node* predecessor() {

if (prev == this || prev == head_node) return nullptr;
return prev;

list_node* successor() {

if (next == this || next == head_node) return nullptr;
return next;

bool singleton() {

return (prev == this);
void insert_before(list_node* new_node) {

if (!new_node->singleton())
throw new list_err(“attempt to insert node already on list”);

prev->next = new_node;
new_node->prev = prev;
new_node->next = this;
prev = new_node;
new_node->head_node = head_node;

void remove() {

if (singleton())
throw new list_err(“attempt to remove node not currently on list”);

prev->next = next;
next->prev = prev;
prev = next = head_node = this; // point to self

~list_node() { // destructor

if (!singleton())
throw new list_err(“attempt to delete node still on list”);


Figure 10.1 A simple class for list nodes in C++. In this example we envision a list of integers.

10.1 Object-Oriented Programming 475

Records to be inserted into a list are created in much the same way:

list_node* elem_ptr = new list_node; �

In C++, one can also simply declare an object of a given class:EXAMPLE 10.3
Declaration of in-line
(expanded) objects list my_list;

list_node elem;

Our list class includes such an object (header) as a field. When created with
new, an object is allocated in the heap; when created via elaboration of a decla-
ration it is allocated statically or on the stack, depending on lifetime (Eiffel calls
such objects “expanded”). Whether on the stack or in the heap, object creation
causes the invocation of a programmer-specified initialization routine, known as
a constructor. In C++ and its descendants, Java and C#, the name of the con-
structor is the same as that of the class itself. C++ also allows the programmer to
specify a destructor method that will be invoked automatically when an object is
destroyed, either by explicit programmer action or by return from the subroutine
in which it was declared. The destructor’s name is also the same as that of the
class, but with a leading tilde (~). Destructors are commonly used for storage
management and error checking. �

If a constructor has parameters, corresponding arguments must be provided
when declaring an in-line object or creating an object in the heap. Suppose, forEXAMPLE 10.4

Constructor arguments example, that our list_node constructor had been written to take an explicit

class list_node {

list_node(int v) {

prev = next = head_node = this;
val = v;


Each in-line declaration or call to new would then need to provide a value:

list_node element1(0); // in-line
list_node *e_ptr = new list_node(13); // heap

As we shall see in Section 10.3.1, C++ actually allows us to declare both construc-
tors, and uses the usual rules of function overloading to differentiate between
them: declarations without a value will call the no-parameter constructor; decla-
rations with an integer argument will call the integer-parameter constructor. �

476 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

Public and Private Members

The public label within the declaration of list_node separates members re-
quired by the implementation of the abstraction from members available to users
of the abstraction. In the terminology of Section 3.3.4, members that appear after
the public label are exported from the class; members that appear before the la-
bel are not. C++ also provides a private label, so the publicly visible portions of
a class can be listed first if desired (or even intermixed). In many other languages,
public data and subroutine members (fields and methods) must be individually
so labeled (more on this in Section 10.2.2). Note that C++ classes are open scopes,
as defined in Section 3.3.4; nothing needs to be explicitly imported.

In many languages—C++ among them—certain information can be left out
of the initial declaration of a module or class, and provided in a separate file not
visible to users of the abstraction. In our running example, we could declare theEXAMPLE 10.5

Method declaration
without definition

public methods of list_node without providing their bodies:

class list_node {
list_node* prev;
list_node* next;
list_node* head_node;

int val;
list_node* predecessor();
list_node* successor();
bool singleton();
void insert_before(list_node* new_node);


10.1 What goes in a class declaration?
Two rules govern the choice of what to put in the declaration of a class, rather
than in a separate definition. First, the declaration must contain all the in-
formation that a programmer needs in order to use the abstraction correctly.
Second, the declaration must contain all the information that the compiler
needs in order to generate code. The second rule is generally broader: it tends
to force information that is not required by the first rule into (the private part
of) the interface, particularly in languages that use a value model of variables,
instead of a reference model. If the compiler must generate code to allocate
space (e.g., in stack frames) to hold an instance of a class, then it must know
the size of that instance; this is the rationale for including private fields in the
class declaration. In addition, if the compiler is to expand any method calls in-
line then it must have their code available. In-line expansion of the smallest,
most common methods of an object-oriented program tends to be crucial for
good performance.

10.1 Object-Oriented Programming 477

void remove();

}; �
This somewhat abbreviated class declaration might then be put in a .h “header”
file, with method bodies relegated to a .cc “implementation” file. (C++ con-
ventions for separate compilation are similar to those of C, which we saw in Sec-
tion C 3.8. The file name suffixes used here are those expected by the GNU g++
compiler.) Within a .cc file, the header of a method definition must identify theEXAMPLE 10.6

Separate method definition class to which it belongs by using a :: scope resolution operator:

void list_node::insert_before(list_node* new_node) {
if (!new_node->singleton())

throw new list_err(“attempt to insert node already on list”);
prev->next = new_node;
new_node->prev = prev;
new_node->next = this;
prev = new_node;
new_node->head_node = head_node;

} �
Tiny Subroutines

Object-oriented programs tend to make many more subroutine calls than do
ordinary imperative programs, and the subroutines tend to be shorter. Lots of
things that would be accomplished by direct access to record fields in a von Neu-
mann language tend to be hidden inside object methods in an object-oriented
language. Many programmers in fact consider it bad style to declare public fields,
because doing so gives users of an abstraction direct access to the internal repre-
sentation, and makes it impossible to change that representation without chang-
ing the user code as well. Arguably, we should make the val field of list_node
private, with get_val and set_val methods to read and write it.

C# provides a property mechanism specifically designed to facilitate the decla-EXAMPLE 10.7
property and indexer
methods in C#

ration of methods (called accessors) to “get” and “set” private fields. Using this
mechanism, a C# version of our val field could be written as follows:

class list_node {

int val; // val (lower case ‘v’) is private
public int Val {

get { // presence of get accessor and optional
return val; // set accessor means that Val is a property

set {

val = value; // value is a keyword: argument to set



478 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

Users of the list_node class can now access the (private) val field through the
(public) Val property as if it were a field:

list_node n;

int a = n.Val; // implicit call to get method
n.Val = 3; // implicit call to set method

In effect, C# indexers provide the look of direct field access (from the perspec-
tive of a class’s users) while preserving the ability to change the implementation.
A similar indexer mechanism can make objects of arbitrary classes look like ar-
rays, with conventional subscript syntax in both l-value and r-value contexts. An
example appears in Sidebar 8.3.

In C++, operator overloading and references can be used to provide the equiv-
alent of indexers, but not of properties. �

Derived Classes

Suppose now that we already have a list abstraction, and would like a queue ab-EXAMPLE 10.8
queue class derived from

straction. We could define the queue from scratch, but much of the code would
look the same as in Figure 10.1. In an object-oriented language we have the alter-
native of deriving the queue from the list, allowing it to inherit preexisting fields
and methods:

class queue : public list { // queue is derived from list

// no specialized constructor or destructor required
void enqueue(int v) {

append(new list_node(v)); // append is inherited from list
int dequeue() {

if (empty())
throw new list_err(“attempt to dequeue from empty queue”);

list_node* p = head(); // head is also inherited
int v = p->val;
delete p;
return v;


Here queue is said to be a derived class (also called a child class or subclass); list
is said to be a base class (also called a parent class or superclass). The derived
class inherits all the fields and methods of the base class, automatically. All the
programmer needs to declare explicitly are members that a queue has but a list
lacks—in this case, the enqueue and dequeue methods. We shall see examples
shortly in which derived classes have extra fields as well. �

10.1 Object-Oriented Programming 479

In C++, public members of a base class are always visible inside the methods
of a derived class. They are visible to users of the derived class only if the base class
name is preceded with the keyword public in the first line of the derived class’s
declaration. Of course, we may not always want these members to be visible. InEXAMPLE 10.9

Hiding members of a base

our queue example, we have chosen to pass integers to and from enqueue and
dequeue, and to allocate and deallocate the list_nodes internally. If we want to
keep these list nodes hidden, we must prevent the user from accessing the head
and append methods of class list. We can do so by making list a private base
class instead:

class queue : private list { …

To make the empty method visible again, we can call it out explicitly:

using list::empty;

We will discuss the visibility of class members in more detail in Section 10.2.2. �
When an object of a derived class is created in C++, the compiler arranges to

call the constructor for the base class first, and then to call the constructor of the
derived class. In our queue example, where the derived class lacks a constructor,
the list constructor will still be called—which is, of course, what we want. We
will discuss constructors further in Section 10.3.

By deriving new classes from old ones, the programmer can create arbitrar-
ily deep class hierarchies, with additional functionality at every level of the tree.
The standard libraries for Smalltalk and Java are as many as seven and eight levels
deep, respectively. (Unlike C++, both Smalltalk and Java have a single root su-
perclass, Object, from which all other classes are derived. C#, Objective-C, and
Eiffel have a similar class; Eiffel calls it ANY.)

Modifying Base Class Methods

In addition to defining new fields and methods, and hiding those it no longer
wants to be visible, a derived class can redefine a member of a base class simply by
providing a new version. In our queue example, we might want to define a newEXAMPLE 10.10

Redefining a method in a
derived class

head method that “peeks” at the first element of the queue, without removing it:

class queue : private list {

int head() {

if (empty())
throw new list_err(“attempt to peek at head of empty queue”);

return list::head()->val;

Note that the head method of class list is still visible to methods of class
queue (but not to its users!) when identified with the scope resolution opera-
tor (list::). �

480 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

Other object-oriented languages provide other means of accessing the mem-
bers of a base class. In Smalltalk, Objective-C, Java, and C#, one uses the keywordEXAMPLE 10.11

Accessing base class

base or super:

list::head(); // C++
super.head(); // Java
base.head(); // C#
super head. // Smalltalk
[super head] // Objective-C �

In Eiffel, one must explicitly rename methods inherited from a base class, inEXAMPLE 10.12
Renaming methods in Eiffel order to make them accessible:

class queue


head as list_head
… — other renames


Within methods of queue, the head method of list can be invoked as
list_head. C++ and Eiffel cannot use the keyword super, because it would
be ambiguous in the presence of multiple inheritance. �

Objects as Fields of Other Objects

As an alternative to deriving queue from list, we might choose to include aEXAMPLE 10.13
A queue that contains a list list as a field of a queue instead:

class queue {
list contents;

bool empty() {

return contents.empty();
void enqueue(const int v) {

contents.append(new list_node(v));
int dequeue() {

if (empty())
throw new list_err(“attempt to dequeue from empty queue”);

list_node* p = contents.head();
int v = p->val;
delete p;
return v;


10.1 Object-Oriented Programming 481

The practical difference is small in this example. The choice mainly boils down
to whether we think of a queue as a special kind of list, or whether we think of a
queue as an abstraction that uses a list as part of its implementation. The cases
in which inheritance is most compelling are those in which we want to be able
to use an object of a derived class (a “client,” say) in a context that expects an
object of a base class (a “person,” say), and have that object behave in a special
way by virtue of belonging to the derived class (e.g., include extra information
when printed). We will consider these sorts of cases in Section 10.4. �

10.1.1 Classes and Generics

The astute reader may have noticed that our various lists and queues have all
embedded the assumption that the item in each list node is an integer. In practice,
we should like to be able to have lists and queues of many kinds of items, all based
on a single copy of the bulk of the code. In a dynamically typed language like Ruby
or Python, this is natural: the val field would have no static type, and objects of
any kind could be added to, and removed from, lists and queues.

In a statically typed language like C++, it is tempting to create a general-
purpose list_node class that has no val field, and then derive subclasses (e.g.,
int_list_node) that add the values. While this approach can be made to work,
it has some unfortunate limitations. Suppose we define a gp_list_node type,EXAMPLE 10.14

Base class for
general-purpose lists

with the fields and methods needed to implement list operations, but without a
val payload:

class gp_list_node {
gp_list_node* prev;
gp_list_node* next;
gp_list_node* head_node;

gp_list_node(); // assume method bodies given separately
gp_list_node* predecessor();
gp_list_node* successor();
bool singleton();
void insert_before(gp_list_node* new_node);
void remove();


To create nodes that can be used in a list of integers, we will need a val field and
some constructors:

class int_list_node : public gp_list_node {

int val; // the actual data in a node
int_list_node() { val = 0; }
int_list_node(int v) { val = v; }

482 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

Initialization of the prev, next, and head_node fields will remain in the hands of
the gp_list_node constructor, which will be called automatically whenever we
create a int_list_node object. The singleton, insert_before, and remove
methods can likewise be inherited from gp_list_node intact, as can the destruc-
tor. �

But what about successor and predecessor? If we leave these unchanged,EXAMPLE 10.15
The problem with
type-specific extensions

they will continue to return values of type gp_list_node, not int_list_node:

int_list_node* p = … // whatever
int v = p->successor().val // won’t compile!

As far as the compiler is concerned, the successor of an int_list_node will have
no val field. To fix the problem, we will need explicit casts:

int_list_node* predecessor() {
return static_cast(gp_list_node::predecessor());

int_list_node* successor() {

return static_cast(gp_list_node::successor());

In a similar vein, we can create a general-purpose list class:

class gp_list {
gp_list_node head_node;

bool empty(); // method bodies again given separately
gp_list_node* head();
void append(gp_list_node *new_node);


But if we extend it to create an int_list class, we will need a cast in the head

class int_list : public gp_list {

int_list_node* head() { // redefinition; hides original
return static_cast(gp_list::head());


Assuming we write our code correctly, none of our casts will introduce bugs. They
may, however, prevent the compiler from catching bugs if we write our code in-

10.1 Object-Oriented Programming 483

class string_list_node : public gp_list_node {
// analogous to int_list_node


string_list_node n(“boo!”);
int_list L;
cout << "0x" << hex << L.head()->val;

On the author’s 64-bit Macbook, this code prints “0x6f6f6208.” What hap-
pened? Method int_list::append, inherited from gp_list, expects a pa-
rameter of type gp_list_node*, and since string_list_node is derived from
gp_list_node, a pointer to node n is acceptable. But when we peek at this
node, the cast in L.head() tells the compiler not to complain when we treat the
node (which can’t be proven to be anything more specific than a gp_list_node)
as if we were certain it held an int. Not coincidentally, the upper three bytes
of 0x6f6f6208 contain, in reverse order, the ASCII codes of the characters
“boo.” �

Things get even worse if we try to define a general-purpose analogue of theEXAMPLE 10.16
How do you name an
unknown type?

queue from Examples 10.8–10.10:

class gp_queue : private gp_list {

using gp_list::empty;
void enqueue(const ?? v); // what is “??” ?
?? dequeue();
?? head();


How do we talk about the objects the queue is supposed to contain when we don’t
even know their type? �

The answer, of course, is generics (Section C 7.3.2)—templates, in C++. TheseEXAMPLE 10.17
Generic lists in C++ allow us to define a list_node class that can be instantiated for any data type

T, without the need for either inheritance or type casts:

class list_node {

list_node* prev;
list_node* next;
list_node* head_node;

V val;
list_node* predecessor() { …
list_node* successor() { …
void insert_before(list_node* new_node) { …


484 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

class list {

list_node header;

list_node* head() { …
void append(list_node *new_node) { …


class queue : private list {

using list::empty;
void enqueue(const V v) { …
V dequeue() { …
V head() { …


typedef list_node int_list_node;
typedef list_node string_list_node;
typedef list int_list;


10.2 Containers/collections
In object-oriented programming, an abstraction that holds a collection of ob-
jects of some given class is often called a container. Common containers in-
clude sorted and unsorted sets, stacks, queues, and dictionaries, implemented
as lists, trees, hash tables, and various other concrete data structures. All of the
major object-oriented languages include extensive container libraries. A few of
the issues involved in their creation have been hinted at in this section: Which
classes are derived from which others? When do we say that “X is a Y” instead
of “X contains / uses a Y”? Which operations are supported, and what is their
time complexity? How much “memory churn” (heap allocation and garbage
collection) does each operation incur? Is everything type safe? How extensive
is the use of generics? How easy is it to iterate over the contents of a con-
tainer? Given these many questions, the design of safe, efficient, and flexible
container libraries is a complex and difficult art. For an approach that builds
on the gp_list_node base class of Example 10.14, but still leverages templates
to avoid the need for type casts, see Exercise 10.8.

10.2 Encapsulation and Inheritance 485

int_list_node n(3);
string_list_node s(“boo!”);
int_list L;
L.append(&n); // ok
L.append(&s); // will not compile! �
In a nutshell, generics exist for the purpose of abstracting over unrelated types,

something that inheritance does not support. In addition to C++, generics appear
in most other statically typed object-oriented languages, including Eiffel, Java, C#,
and OCaml.

1. What are generally considered to be the three defining characteristics of

object-oriented programming?

2. In what programming language of the 1960s does object orientation find its
roots? Who invented that language? Summarize the evolution of the three
defining characteristics since that time.

3. Name three important benefits of abstraction.

4. What are the more common names for subroutine member and data member?

5. What is a property in C#?

6. What is the purpose of the “private” part of an object interface? Why can’t it
be hidden completely?

7. What is the purpose of the :: operator in C++?

8. Explain why in-line subroutines are particularly important in object-oriented

9. What are constructors and destructors?

10. Give two other terms, each, for base class and derived class.

11. Explain why generics may be useful in an object-oriented language, despite
the extensive polymorphism already provided by inheritance.

10.2 Encapsulation and Inheritance
Encapsulation mechanisms enable the programmer to group data and the sub-
routines that operate on them together in one place, and to hide irrelevant
details from the users of an abstraction. In the preceding section (and like-
wise Section 3.3.5) we cast object-oriented programming as an extension of the

486 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

“module-as-type” mechanisms of Simula and Euclid. It is also possible to cast
object-oriented programming in a “module-as-manager” framework. In the
first subsection below we consider the data-hiding mechanisms of modules in
non-object-oriented languages. In the second subsection we consider the new
data-hiding issues that arise when we add inheritance to modules. In the third
subsection we briefly return to the module-as-manager approach, and show how
several languages, including Ada 95 and Fortran 2003, add inheritance to records,
allowing (static) modules to continue to provide data hiding.

10.2.1 Modules

Scope rules for data hiding were one of the principal innovations of Clu, Modula,
Euclid, and other module-based languages of the 1970s. In Clu and Euclid, the
declaration and definition (header and body) of a module always appeared to-
gether. In Modula-2, programmers had the option of placing the header and the
body in separate files. Unfortunately, there was no way to divide the header into
public and private parts; everything in it was public (i.e., exported). The only
concession to data hiding was that pointer types could be declared in a header
without revealing the structure of the objects to which they pointed. Compilers
could generate code for the users of a module (Sidebar 10.1) without the hidden
information, since pointers are all of equal size on most machines.

Ada increases flexibility by allowing the header of a package to be divided intoEXAMPLE 10.18
Data hiding in Ada public and private parts. Details of an exported type can be made opaque by

putting them in the private part of the header and simply naming the type in the
public part:

package foo is — header

type T is private;

private — definitions below here are inaccessible to users

type T is … — full definition

end foo;

The private part provides the information the compiler needs to allocate objects
“in line.” A change to the body of a module never forces recompilation of any of
the users of the module. A change to the private part of the module header may
force recompilation, but it never requires changes to the source code of the users.
A change to the public part of a header is a change to the module’s interface: it
will often require us to change the code of users. �

Because they affect only the visibility of names, static, manager-style modules
introduce no special code generation issues. Storage for variables and other data
inside a module is managed in precisely the same way as storage for data imme-
diately outside the module. If the module appears in a global scope, then its data

10.2 Encapsulation and Inheritance 487

can be allocated statically. If the module appears within a subroutine, then its data
can be allocated on the stack, at known offsets, when the subroutine is called, and
reclaimed when it returns.

Module types, as in Euclid and ML, are somewhat more complicated: they
allow a module to have an arbitrary number of instances. The obvious imple-
mentation then resembles that of a record. If all of the data in the module have
a statically known size, then each individual datum can be assigned a static offset
within the module’s storage. If the size of some of the data is not known until run
time, then the module’s storage can be divided into fixed-size and variable-size
portions, with a dope vector (descriptor) at the beginning of the fixed-size por-
tion. Instances of the module can be allocated statically, on the stack, or in the
heap, as appropriate.

The “this” Parameter

One additional complication arises for subroutines inside a module. How do
they know which variables to use? We could, of course, replicate the code for
each subroutine in each instance of the module, just as we replicate the data.
This replication would be highly wasteful, however, as the copies would vary only
in the details of address computations. A better technique is to create a single
instance of each module subroutine, and to pass that instance, at run time, the
address of the storage of the appropriate module instance. This address takes the
form of an extra, hidden first parameter for every module subroutine. A EuclidEXAMPLE 10.19

The hidden this

call of the form


is translated as if it were really

push(my_stack, x)

where my_stack is passed by reference. The same translation occurs in object-
oriented languages. �

Making Do without Module Headers

As noted in Section C 3.8, Java packages and C/C++/C# namespaces can be spread
across multiple compilation units (files). In C, C++, and C#, a single file can also
contain pieces of more than one namespace. More significantly, many modern
languages, including Java and C#, dispense with the notion of separate headers
and bodies. While the programmer must still define the interface (and specify it
via public declarations), there is no need to manually identify code that needs to
be in the header for implementation reasons: instead the compiler is responsible
for extracting this information automatically from the full text of the module.
For software engineering purposes it may still be desirable to create preliminary
“skeleton” versions of a module, against which other modules can be compiled,
but this is optional. To assist in project management and documentation, many
Java and C# implementations provide a tool that will extract from the complete
text of a module the minimum information required by its users.

488 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

10.2.2 Classes

With the introduction of inheritance, object-oriented languages must supple-
ment the scope rules of module-based languages to cover additional issues. For
example, how much control should a base class exercise over the visibility of its
members in derived classes? Should private members of a base class be visible
to methods of a derived class? Should public members of a base class always be
public members of a derived class (i.e., be visible to users of the derived class)?

We touched on these questions in Example 10.9, where we declared class queue
as a private list, hiding public members of the base class from users of the
derived class—except for method empty, which we made explicitly visible again
with a using declaration. C++ allows the inverse strategy as well: methods of anEXAMPLE 10.20

Hiding inherited methods otherwise public base class can be explicitly deleted from the derived class:

class queue : public list {

void append(list_node *new_node) = delete;

Similar deletion mechanisms can be found in Eiffel, Python, and Ruby. �
In addition to the public and private labels, C++ allows members of a class

to be designated protected. A protected member is visible only to methods of
its own class or of classes derived from that class. In our examples, a protected
member M of list would be accessible not only to methods of list itself but
also to methods of queue. Unlike public members, however, M would not be
visible to arbitrary users of list or queue objects.

The protected keyword can also be used when specifying a base class:EXAMPLE 10.21
protected base class in
C++ class derived : protected base { …

Here public members of the base class act like protected members of the derived
class. �

The basic philosophy behind the visibility rules of C++ can be summarized as

Any class can limit the visibility of its members. Public members are visible
anywhere the class declaration is in scope. Private members are visible only
inside the class’s methods. Protected members are visible inside methods of
the class or its descendants. (As an exception to the normal rules, a class can
specify that certain other friend classes or subroutines should have access to
its private members.)

A derived class can restrict the visibility of members of a base class, but can
never increase it.3 Private members of a base class are never visible in a derived

3 A derived class can of course declare a new member with the same name as some existing member,
but the two will then coexist, as discussed in Example 10.10.

10.2 Encapsulation and Inheritance 489

class. Protected and public members of a public base class are protected or
public, respectively, in a derived class. Protected and public members of a
protected base class are protected members of a derived class. Protected and
public members of a private base class are private members of a derived class.

A derived class that limits the visibility of members of a base class by declaring
that base class protected or private can restore the visibility of individual
members of the base class by inserting a using declaration in the protected
or public portion of the derived class declaration.
A derived class can make methods (though not fields) of a base class inaccessi-
ble (to others and to itself) by explicitly delete-ing them.

Other object-oriented languages take different approaches to visibility. Eif-
fel is more flexible than C++ in the patterns of visibility it can support, but it
does not adhere to the first of the C++ principles above. Derived classes in Eif-
fel can both restrict and increase the visibility of members of base classes. Every
method (called a feature in Eiffel) can specify its own export status. If the status
is {NONE} then the member is effectively private (called secret in Eiffel). If the
status is {ANY} then the member is effectively public (called generally available in
Eiffel). In the general case the status can be an arbitrary list of class names, in
which case the feature is said to be selectively available to those classes and their
descendants only. Any feature inherited from a base class can be given a new
status in a derived class.

Java and C# follow C++ in the declaration of public, protected, and
private members, but do not provide the protected and private designa-
tions for base classes; a derived class can neither increase nor restrict the visibility
of members of a base class. It can, however, hide a field or override a method by
defining a new one with the same name; the lack of a scope resolution operator
makes the old member inaccessible to users of the new class. In Java, the overrid-
ing version of a method cannot have more restrictive visibility than the version in
the base class.

The protected keyword has a slightly different meaning in Java than it does
in C++: a protected member of a Java class is visible not only within derived
classes but also within the entire package (namespace) in which the class is de-
clared. A class member with no explicit access modifier in Java is visible through-
out the package in which the class is declared, but not in any derived classes that
reside in other packages. C# defines protected as C++ does, but provides an
additional internal keyword that makes a member visible throughout the as-
sembly in which the class appears. (An assembly is a collection of linked-together
compilation units, comparable to a .jar file in Java.) Members of a C# class are
private by default.

In Smalltalk and Objective-C, the issue of member visibility never arises: the
language allows code at run time to attempt a call of any method name in any
object. If the method exists (with the right number of parameters), then the
invocation proceeds; otherwise a run-time error results. There is no way in these
languages to make a method available to some parts of a program but not to

490 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

others. In a related vein, Python class members are always public. In Ruby, fields
are always private; more than that, they are accessible only to methods of the
individual object to which they belong.

Static Fields and Methods

Orthogonal to the visibility implied by public, private, or protected, most
object-oriented languages allow individual fields and methods to be declared
static. Static class members are thought of as “belonging” to the class as a
whole, not to any individual object. They are therefore sometimes referred to as
class fields and methods, as opposed to instance fields and methods. (This termi-
nology is most common in languages that create a special metaobject to represent
each class—see Example 10.26. The class fields and methods are thought of as
belonging to the metaobject.) A single copy of each static field is shared by all
instances of its class: changes made to that field in methods of one object will be
visible to methods of all other objects of the class. A static method, for its part,
has no this parameter (explicit or implicit); it cannot access nonstatic (instance)
fields. A nonstatic (instance) method, on the other hand, can access both static
and nonstatic fields.

10.2.3 Nesting (Inner Classes)

Many languages allow class declarations to nest. This raises an immediate ques-
tion: if Inner is a member of Outer, can Inner’s methods see Outer’s members,
and if so, which instance do they see? The simplest answer, adopted in C++ and
C#, is to allow access to only the static members of the outer class, since these have
only a single instance. In effect, nesting serves simply as a means of information
hiding. Java takes a more sophisticated approach. It allows a nested (inner) classEXAMPLE 10.22

Inner classes in Java to access arbitrary members of its surrounding class. Each instance of the inner
class must therefore belong to an instance of the outer class.

class Outer {
int n;
class Inner {

public void bar() { n = 1; }
Inner i;
Outer() { i = new Inner(); } // constructor
public void foo() {

n = 0;
System.out.println(n); // prints 0
System.out.println(n); // prints 1


10.2 Encapsulation and Inheritance 491

If there are multiple instances of Outer, each instance will have a different n,
and calls to Inner.bar will access the appropriate n. To make this work, each
instance of Inner (of which there may of course be an arbitrary number) must
contain a hidden pointer to the instance of Outer to which it belongs. If a nested
class in Java is declared to be static, it behaves as in C++ and C#, with access to
only the static members of the surrounding class.

Java classes can also be nested inside methods. Such a local class has access
not only to all members of the surrounding class but also to the parameters and
variables of the method in which it is nested. The catch is that any parameters
or variables that the nested class actually uses must be “effectively final”—either
declared final explicitly or at least never modified (by the nested class, the sur-
rounding method, or any other code) after the nested class is elaborated. This
rule permits the implementation to make a copy of the referenced objects rather
than maintaining a reference (i.e., a static link) to the frame of the surrounding
method. �

Inner and local classes in Java are widely used to create object closures, as de-
scribed in Section 3.6.3. In Section 9.6.2 we used them as handlers for events.
We also noted that a local class in Java can be anonymous: it can appear, in-line,
inside a call to new (Example 9.54).

10.2.4 Type Extensions

Smalltalk, Objective-C, Eiffel, C++, Java, and C# were all designed from the out-
set as object-oriented languages, either starting from scratch or from an exist-
ing language without a strong encapsulation mechanism. They all support a
module-as-type approach to abstraction, in which a single mechanism (the class)
provides both encapsulation and inheritance. Several other languages, includ-
ing Modula-3 and Oberon (both successors to Modula-2), CLOS, Ada 95/2005,
and Fortran 2003, can be characterized as object-oriented extensions to languages
in which modules already provide encapsulation. Rather than alter the existing
module mechanism, these languages provide inheritance and dynamic method
binding through a mechanism for extending records.

In Ada 2005, our list and queue abstractions could be defined as shown inEXAMPLE 10.23
List and queue abstractions
in Ada 2005

Figure 10.2. To control access to the structure of types, we hide them inside Ada
packages. The procedures initialize, finalize, enqueue, and dequeue of
g_list.queue can convert their parameter self to a list_ptr, because queue
is an extension of list. Package g_list.queue is said to be a child of package
g_list because its name is prefixed with that of its parent. A child package in
Ada is similar to a derived class in Eiffel or C++, except that it is still a manager,
not a type. Like Eiffel, but unlike C++, Ada allows the body of a child package to
see the private parts of the parent package.

All of the list and queue subroutines in Figure 10.2 take an explicit first param-
eter. Ada 95 and CLOS do not use “object.method()” notation. Python and
Ada 2005 do use this notation, but only as syntactic sugar: a call to A.B(C, D)

492 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

type item is private; — Ada supports both type
default_value : item; — and value generic parameters

package g_list is
list_err : exception;
type list_node is tagged private;

— ‘tagged’ means extendable; ‘private’ means opaque
type list_node_ptr is access all list_node;

— ‘all’ means that this can point at ‘aliased’ nonheap data
procedure initialize(self : access list_node; v : item := default_value);

— ‘val’ will get default value if second parameter is not provided
procedure finalize(self : access list_node);
function get_val(self : access list_node) return item;
function predecessor(self : access list_node) return list_node_ptr;
function successor(self : access list_node) return list_node_ptr;
function singleton(self : access list_node) return boolean;
procedure insert_before(self : access list_node; new_node : list_node_ptr);
procedure remove(self : access list_node);

type list is tagged private;
type list_ptr is access all list;
procedure initialize(self : access list);
procedure finalize(self : access list);
function empty(self : access list) return boolean;
function head(self : access list) return list_node_ptr;
procedure append(self : access list; new_node : list_node_ptr);

type list_node is tagged record

prev, next, head_node : list_node_ptr;
val : item;

end record;
type list is tagged record

head_node : aliased list_node;
— ‘aliased’ means that an ‘all’ pointer can refer to this

end record;
end g_list;

package body g_list is

— definitions of subroutines

end g_list;

Figure 10.2 Generic list and queue abstractions in Ada 2005. The tagged types list and queue provide inheritance; the
packages provide encapsulation. Declaring self to have type access XX (instead of XX_ptr) causes the compiler to recognize
the subroutine as a method of the tagged type; ptr.method(args) is syntactic sugar for method(ptr,args) if ptr refers to
an object of a tagged type. Function delete_node (next page) uses the Unchecked_Deallocation library package to create
a type-specific routine for memory reclamation. The expression list_ptr(self) is a (type-safe) cast. (continued)

10.2 Encapsulation and Inheritance 493

with g_list; — import parent package
generic package g_list.queue is — dot means queue is child of g_list

type queue is new list with private;
— ‘new’ means it’s a subtype; ‘with’ means it’s an extension

type queue_ptr is access all queue;
procedure initialize(self : access queue);
procedure finalize(self : access queue);
function empty(self : access queue) return boolean;
procedure enqueue(self : access queue; v : item);
function dequeue(self : access queue) return item;
function head(self : access queue) return item;

type queue is new list with null record; — no new fields

end g_list.queue;

with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; — for delete_node, below
package body g_list.queue is

procedure initialize(self : access queue) is

list_ptr(self).initialize; — call base class constructor
end initialize;

procedure finalize(self : access queue) is … — similar
function empty(self : access queue) return boolean is … — to initialize

procedure enqueue(self : access queue; v : item) is
new_node : list_node_ptr; — local variable

new_node := new list_node;
new_node.initialize; — no automatic constructor calls

end enqueue;

procedure delete_node is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
(Object => list_node, Name => list_node_ptr);

function dequeue(self : access queue) return item is
head_node : list_node_ptr;
rtn : item;

if list_ptr(self).empty then raise list_err; end if;
head_node := list_ptr(self).head;
rtn := head_node.val;
return rtn;

end dequeue;

function head(self : access queue) return item is … — similar to delete
end g_list.queue;

Figure 10.2 (continued)

494 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

is interpreted as a call to B(A, C, D), where B is declared as a three-parameter
subroutine. Arbitrary Ada code can pass an object of type queue to any routine
that expects a list; as in Java, there is no way for a derived type to hide the public
members of a base type. �

10.2.5 Extending without Inheritance

The desire to extend the functionality of an existing abstraction is one of the prin-
cipal motivations for object-oriented programming. Inheritance is the standard
mechanism that makes such extension possible. There are times, however, when
inheritance is not an option, particularly when dealing with preexisting code. The
class one wants to extend may not permit inheritance, for instance: in Java, it may
be labeled final; in C#, it may be sealed. Even if inheritance is possible in prin-
ciple, there may be a large body of existing code that uses the original class name,
and it may not be feasible to go back and change all the variable and parameter
declarations to use a new derived type.

For situations like these, C# provides extension methods, which give the appear-EXAMPLE 10.24
Extension methods in C# ance of extending an existing class:

static class AddToString {
public static int toInt(this string s) {

return int.Parse(s);


An extension method must be static, and must be declared in a static class.
Its first parameter must be prefixed with the keyword this. The method can then
be invoked as if it were a member of the class of which this is an instance:

int n = myString.toInt();

Together, the method declaration and use are syntactic sugar for

static class AddToString {
public static int toInt (string s) { // no ‘this’

return int.Parse(s);


int n = AddToString.toInt(myString); �
No special functionality is available to extension methods. In particular, they

cannot access private members of the class that they extend, nor do they support
dynamic method binding (Section 10.4). By contrast, several scripting languages,
including JavaScript and Ruby, really do allow the programmer to add new meth-
ods to existing classes—or even to individual objects. We will explore these op-
tions further in Section 14.4.4.

10.3 Initialization and Finalization 495

12. What is meant by an opaque export from a module?

13. What are private types in Ada?

14. Explain the significance of the this parameter in object-oriented languages.

15. How do Java and C# make do without explicit class headers?

16. Explain the distinctions among private, protected, and public class
members in C++.

17. Explain the distinctions among private, protected, and public base
classes in C++.

18. Describe the notion of selective availability in Eiffel.

19. How do the rules for member name visibility in Smalltalk and Objective-C
differ from the rules of most other object-oriented languages?

20. How do inner classes in Java differ from most other nested classes?

21. Describe the key design difference between the object-oriented features of
Smalltalk, Eiffel, and C++ on the one hand, and Ada, CLOS, and Fortran
on the other.

22. What are extension methods in C#? What purpose do they serve?

10.3 Initialization and Finalization
In Section 3.2 we defined the lifetime of an object to be the interval during which
it occupies space and can thus hold data. Most object-oriented languages provide
some sort of special mechanism to initialize an object automatically at the begin-
ning of its lifetime. When written in the form of a subroutine, this mechanism is
known as a constructor. Though the name might be thought to imply otherwise,
a constructor does not allocate space; it initializes space that has already been al-
located. A few languages provide a similar destructor mechanism to finalize an
object automatically at the end of its lifetime. Several important issues arise:

Choosing a constructor: An object-oriented language may permit a class to have
zero, one, or many distinct constructors. In the latter case, different construc-
tors may have different names, or it may be necessary to distinguish among
them by number and types of arguments.

References and values: If variables are references, then every object must be cre-
ated explicitly, and it is easy to ensure that an appropriate constructor is called.
If variables are values, then object creation can happen implicitly as a result of
elaboration. In this latter case, the language must either permit objects to begin

496 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

their lifetime uninitialized, or it must provide a way to choose an appropriate
constructor for every elaborated object.

Execution order: When an object of a derived class is created in C++, the com-
piler guarantees that the constructors for any base classes will be executed, out-
ermost first, before the constructor for the derived class. Moreover, if a class
has members that are themselves objects of some class, then the constructors
for the members will be called before the constructor for the object in which
they are contained. These rules are a source of considerable syntactic and se-
mantic complexity: when combined with multiple constructors, elaborated
objects, and multiple inheritance, they can sometimes induce a complicated
sequence of nested constructor invocations, with overload resolution, before
control even enters a given scope. Other languages have simpler rules.

Garbage collection: Most object-oriented languages provide some sort of con-
structor mechanism. Destructors are comparatively rare. Their principal pur-
pose is to facilitate manual storage reclamation in languages like C++. If the
language implementation collects garbage automatically, then the need for de-
structors is greatly reduced.

In the remainder of this section we consider these issues in more detail.

10.3.1 Choosing a Constructor

Smalltalk, Eiffel, C++, Java, and C# all allow the programmer to specify more
than one constructor for a given class. In C++, Java, and C#, the constructors
behave like overloaded subroutines: they must be distinguished by their numbers
and types of arguments. In Smalltalk and Eiffel, different constructors can haveEXAMPLE 10.25

Naming constructors in

different names; code that creates an object must name a constructor explicitly.
In Eiffel one might say


new_cartesian, new_polar
feature {ANY}

x, y : REAL

new_cartesian(x_val, y_val : REAL) is

x := x_val; y := y_val

new_polar(rho, theta : REAL) is

x := rho * cos(theta)
y := rho * sin(theta)


— other public methods

10.3 Initialization and Finalization 497

feature {NONE}

— private methods

end — class COMPLEX

a, b : COMPLEX

!!b.new_cartesian(0, 1)
!!a.new_polar(1, pi/2)

The !! operator is Eiffel’s equivalent of new. Because class COMPLEX specified
constructor (“creator”) methods, the compiler will insist that every use of !!
specify a constructor name and arguments. There is no straightforward analog
of this code in C++; the fact that both constructors take two real arguments
means that they could not be distinguished by overloading. �

Smalltalk resembles Eiffel in the use of multiple named constructors, but it dis-
tinguishes more sharply between operations that pertain to an individual object
and operations that pertain to a class of objects. Smalltalk also adopts an anthro-
pomorphic programming model in which every operation is seen as being exe-
cuted by some specific object in response to a request (a “message”) from some
other object. Since it makes little sense for an object O to create itself, O must
be created by some other object (call it C) that represents O’s class. Of course,
because C is an object, it must itself belong to some class. The result of this rea-
soning is a system in which each class definition really introduces a pair of classes
and a pair of objects to represent them. Objective-C and CLOS have similar dual
hierarchies, as do Python and Ruby.

Consider, for example, the standard class named Date. Corresponding toEXAMPLE 10.26
Metaclasses in Smalltalk Date is a single object (call it D) that performs operations on behalf of the class.

In particular, it is D that creates new objects of class Date. Because only objects
execute operations (classes don’t), we don’t really need a name for D; we can sim-
ply use the name of the class it represents:

todaysDate <- Date today This code causes D to execute the today constructor of class Date, and assigns a reference to the newly created object into a variable named todaysDate. So what is the class of D ? It clearly isn’t Date, because D represents class Date. Smalltalk says that D is an object (in fact the only object) of the metaclass Date class. For technical reasons, it is also necessary for Date class to be represented by an object. To avoid an infinite regression, all objects that represent metaclasses are instances of a single class named Metaclass. � A few historic languages—notably Modula-3 and Oberon— provided no con- structors at all: the programmer had to initialize everything explicitly. Ada 95 498 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation supports automatic calls to constructors and destructors (Initialize and Finalize routines) only for objects of types derived from the standard library type Controlled. 10.3.2 References and Values Many object-oriented languages, including Simula, Smalltalk, Python, Ruby, and Java, use a programming model in which variables refer to objects. A few lan- guages, including C++ and Ada, allow a variable to have a value that is an object. Eiffel uses a reference model by default, but allows the programmer to specify that certain classes should be expanded, in which case variables of those classes will use a value model. In a similar vein, C# and Swift use struct to define types whose variables are values, and class to define types whose variables are refer- ences. With a reference model for variables, every object is created explicitly, and it is easy to ensure that an appropriate constructor is called. With a value model for variables, object creation can happen implicitly as a result of elaboration. In Ada, which doesn’t provide automatic calls to constructors by default, elaborated objects begin life uninitialized, and it is possible to accidentally attempt to use a variable before it has a value. In C++, the compiler ensures that an appropriate constructor is called for every elaborated object, but the rules it uses to identify constructors and their arguments can sometimes be confusing. If a C++ variable of class type foo is declared with no initial value, then theEXAMPLE 10.27 Declarations and constructors in C++ compiler will call foo’s zero-argument constructor (if no such constructor exists, but other constructors do, then the declaration is a static semantic error—a call to a nonexistent subroutine): foo b; // calls foo::foo() DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 10.3 The value/reference tradeoff The reference model of variables is arguably more elegant than the value model, particularly for object-oriented languages, but generally requires that objects be allocated from the heap, and imposes (in the absence of compiler optimizations) an extra level of indirection on every access. The value model tends to be more efficient, but makes it difficult to control initialization. In languages with a reference model (including Java), an optimization known as escape analysis can sometimes allow the compiler to determine that refer- ences to a given object will always be contained within (will never escape) a given method. In this case the object can be allocated in the method’s stack frame, avoiding the overhead of heap allocation and, more significantly, even- tual garbage collection. 10.3 Initialization and Finalization 499 If the programmer wants to call a different constructor, the declaration must spec- ify constructor arguments to drive overload resolution: foo b(10, 'x'); // calls foo::foo(int, char) foo c{10, 'x'}; // alternative syntax in C++11 � The most common argument list consists of a single object, of the same type asEXAMPLE 10.28 Copy constructors the object being declared: foo a; ... foo b(a); // calls foo::foo(foo&) foo c{a}; // alternative syntax Usually the programmer’s intent is to declare a new object whose initial value is “the same as” that of the existing object. In this case it may be more natural to write foo a; // calls foo::foo() ... foo b = a; // calls foo::foo(foo&) In recognition of this intent, a single-argument constructor (of matching type) is sometimes called a copy constructor. It is important to realize that the equals sign (=) in this most recent declaration of b indicates initialization, not assignment. The effect is exactly the same as in the declarations foo b(a) or foo b{a}. It is not the same as in the similar code fragment foo a, b; // calls foo::foo() twice ... b = a; // calls foo::operator=(foo&) Here a and b are initialized with the zero-argument constructor, and the later use of the equals sign indicates assignment, not initialization. The distinction is a common source of confusion in C++ programs. It arises from the combination of a value model of variables and an insistence that every elaborated object be initialized by a constructor. The rules are simpler in languages that use a uniform value model for class-type variables: if every object is created by an explicit call to new or its equivalent, each such call provides the “hook” at which to call a constructor. � In C++, the requirement that every object be constructed (and likewise de-EXAMPLE 10.29 Temporary objects structed) applies not only to objects with names but also to temporary objects. The following, for example, entails a call to both the string(const char*) con- structor and the ~string() destructor: cout << string("Hi, Mom").length(); // prints 7 500 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation The destructor is called at the end of the output statement: the temporary object behaves as if its scope were just the line shown here. In a similar vein, the following entails not only two calls to the default string constructor (to initialize a and b) and a call to string::operator+(), but also a constructor call to initialize the temporary object returned by operator+()—the object whose length is then queried by the caller: string a, b; ... (a + b).length(); As is customary for values returned from functions, the space for the temporary object is likely to be allocated (at a statically known offset) in the stack frame of the caller—that is, in the routine that calls both operator+() and length(). � Now consider the code for some function f, returning a value of class typeEXAMPLE 10.30 Return value optimization foo. If instances of foo are too big to fit in a register, the compiler will arrange for f’s caller to pass an extra, hidden parameter that specifies the location into which f should construct the return value. If the return statement itself creates a temporary object— return foo( args ) —that object can easily be constructed at the caller-specified address. But suppose f’s source looks more like this: foo rtn; ... // complex code to initialize the fields of rtn return rtn; Because we have used a named, non-temporary variable, the compiler may need to invoke a copy constructor to copy rtn into the location in the caller’s frame.4 It is also permitted, however (if other return statements don’t have conflicting needs), to construct rtn itself at the caller-specified location from the outset, and to elide the copy operation. This option is known as return value optimization. It turns out to significantly improve the performance of many C++ programs. In Example 10.29, the value a + b was passed immediately to length(), allow- ing the compiler to use the same temporary object in the caller’s frame as both the return value from operator+() and the this argument for length(). In other programs the compiler may need to invoke a copy constructor after a function returns: foo c; ... c = f( args ); 4 The compiler may also use a move constructor (“R-value References,” Section 9.3.1), if available. To avoid excess confusion, we limit the discussion here to copy constructors. 10.3 Initialization and Finalization 501 Here the location of c cannot be passed as the hidden parameter to f unless the compiler is able to prove that c’s value will not be used (via an alias, perhaps) during the call. The bottom line: returning an object from a function in C++ may entail zero, one, or two invocations of the return type’s copy constructor, de- pending on whether the compiler is able to optimize either or both of the return statement and the subsequent use in the caller. � While Eiffel has both dynamically allocated and expanded objects, its strategyEXAMPLE 10.31 Eiffel constructors and expanded objects with regard to constructors is somewhat simpler. Specifically, every variable is initialized to a default value. For built-in types (integer, floating-point, character, etc.), which are always expanded, the default values are all zero. For references to objects, the default value is void (null). For variables of expanded class types, the defaults are applied recursively to members. As noted above, new objects are created by invoking Eiffel’s !! creation operator: !!var.creator(args) where var is a variable of some class type T and creator is a constructor for T. In the common case, var will be a reference, and the creation operator will allocate space for an object of class T and then call the object’s constructor. This same syntax is permitted, however, when T is an expanded class type, in which case var will actually be an object, rather than a reference. In this case, the !! DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 10.4 Initialization and assignment Issues around initialization and assignment in C++ can sometimes have a sur- prising effect on performance—and potentially on program behavior as well. As noted in the body of the text, “foo a = b” is likely to be more efficient than “foo a; a = b”—and may lead to different behavior if foo’s copy constructor and assignment operator have not been designed to be semantically equivalent. Similar issues may arise with operator+() and operator+=(), operator*() and operator*=(), and the other analogous pairs of operations. Similar issues may also arise when making function calls. A parameter that is passed by value typically induces an implicit call to a copy constructor. A parameter that is passed by reference does not, and may be equally acceptable, especially if declared to be const. (In C++11, the value parameter may also use a move constructor.) From a performance perspective, the cost of a copy or more constructor may or may not be outweighed by the cost of indirection and the possibility that code improvement may be inhibited by potential aliases. From a behavioral perspective, calls to different constructors and operators, induced by tiny source code changes, can be a source of very subtle bugs. C++ programmers must exercise great care to avoid side effects in constructors and to ensure that all intuitively equivalent methods have identical semantics in practice. Even then, performance tradeoffs may be very hard to predict. 502 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation operator simply passes to the constructor (a reference to) the already-allocated object. � 10.3.3 Execution Order As we have seen, C++ insists that every object be initialized before it can be used. Moreover, if the object’s class (call it B) is derived from some other class (call it A), C++ insists on calling an A constructor before calling a B constructor, so that the derived class is guaranteed never to see its inherited fields in an inconsistent state. When the programmer creates an object of class B (either via declaration or with a call to new), the creation operation specifies arguments for a B constructor. These arguments allow the C++ compiler to resolve overloading when multiple constructors exist. But where does the compiler obtain arguments for the A con- structor? Adding them to the creation syntax (as Simula did) would be a clear violation of abstraction. The answer adopted in C++ is to allow the header of theEXAMPLE 10.32 Specification of base class constructor arguments constructor of a derived class to specify base class constructor arguments: foo::foo( foo params ) : bar( bar args ) { ... Here foo is derived from bar. The list foo params consists of formal parameters for this particular foo constructor. Between the parameter list and the opening brace of the subroutine definition is a “call” to a constructor for the base class bar. The arguments to the bar constructor can be arbitrarily complicated ex- pressions involving the foo parameters. The compiler will arrange to execute the bar constructor before beginning execution of the foo constructor. � Similar syntax allows the C++ programmer to specify constructor argumentsEXAMPLE 10.33 Specification of member constructor arguments or initial values for members of the class. In Figure 10.1, for example, we could have used this syntax to initialize prev, next, head_node, and val in the con- structor for list_node: DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 10.5 Initialization of “expanded” objects C++ inherits from C a design philosophy that emphasizes execution speed, minimal run-time support, and suitability for “systems” programming, in which the programmer needs to be able to write code whose mapping to as- sembly language is straightforward and self-evident. The use of a value model for variables in C++ is thus more than an attempt to be backward compatible with C; it reflects the desire to allocate variables statically or on the stack when- ever possible, to avoid the overhead of dynamic allocation, deallocation, and frequent indirection. In later sections we shall see several other manifestations of the C++ philosophy, including manual storage reclamation (Section 10.3.4) and static method binding (Section 10.4.1). 10.3 Initialization and Finalization 503 list_node() : prev(this), next(this), head_node(this), val(0) { // empty body -- nothing else to do } Given that all of these members have simple (pointer or integer) types, there will be no significant difference in the generated code. But suppose we have members that are themselves objects of some nontrivial class: class foo : bar { mem1_t member1; // mem1_t and mem2_t member2; // mem2_t are classes ... } foo::foo( foo params ) : bar( bar args ), member1(mem1 init val ), member2( mem2 init val ) { ... Here the use of embedded calls in the header of the foo constructor causes the compiler to call the copy constructors for the member objects, rather than call- ing the default (zero-argument) constructors, followed by operator= within the body of the constructor. Both semantics and performance may be different as a result. � When the code of one constructor closely resembles that of another, C++ alsoEXAMPLE 10.34 Constructor forwarding allows the member-and-base-class-initializer syntax to be used to forward one constructor to another. In Example 10.4 we introduced a new integer-parameter constructor for the list_node class of Figure 10.1. Given the existence of this new constructor, we could re-write the default (no-parameter) constructor as class list_node { ... list_node() : list_node(0) { } // forward to (int) constructor Any declaration of a list_node that does not provide an argument will now call the integer-parameter constructor with an argument of 0. � Like C++, Java insists that a constructor for a base class be called before theEXAMPLE 10.35 Invocation of base class constructor in Java constructor for a derived class. The syntax is a bit simpler, however; the initial line of the code for the derived class constructor may consist of a “call” to the base class constructor: super( args ); (C# has a similar mechanism.) As noted in Section 10.1, super is a Java keyword that refers to the base class of the class in whose code it appears. If the call to super is missing, the Java compiler automatically inserts a call to the base class’s zero-argument constructor (in which case such a constructor must exist). � 504 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation Because Java uses a reference model uniformly for all objects, any class mem- bers that are themselves objects will actually be references, rather than “expanded” objects (to use the Eiffel term). Java simply initializes such members to null. If the programmer wants something different, he or she must call new explicitly within the constructor of the surrounding class. Smalltalk and (in the common case) C# and Eiffel adopt a similar approach. In C#, members whose types are structs are initialized by setting all of their fields to zero or null. In Eiffel, if a class contains members of an expanded class type, that type is required to have a single constructor, with no arguments; the Eiffel compiler arranges to call this constructor when the surrounding object is created. Smalltalk, Eiffel, CLOS, and Objective-C are all more lax than C++ regarding the initialization of base classes. The compiler or interpreter arranges to call the constructor (creator, initializer) for each newly created object automatically, but it does not arrange to call constructors for base classes automatically; all it does is initialize base class data members to default (zero or null) values. If the derived class wants different behavior, its constructor(s) must call a constructor for the base class explicitly. 10.3.4 Garbage Collection When a C++ object is destroyed, the destructor for the derived class is called first, followed by those of the base class(es), in reverse order of derivation. By far the most common use of destructors in C++ is manual storage reclamation. ConsiderEXAMPLE 10.36 Reclaiming space with destructors again the queue class of Figure10.8. Because our queue is derived from the list of Figure 10.2, its default destructor will call the explicit ~list destructor, which will throw an exception if the list (i.e., the queue) is nonempty. Suppose instead that we wish to allow the destruction of a nonempty queue, and simply clean up its space. Since queue nodes are created by enqueue, and are used only within the code of the queue itself, we can safely arrange for the queue’s destructor to delete any nodes that remain: ~queue() { while (!empty()) { list_node* p = contents.head(); p->remove();
delete p;


Alternatively, since dequeue has already been designed to delete the node that
contained the dequeued element:

~queue() {
while (!empty()) {

int v = dequeue();


10.4 Dynamic Method Binding 505

In modern C++ code, storage management is often facilitated through the use of
smart pointers (Section 8.5.3). These arrange, in the destructor for a pointer, to
determine whether any other pointers to the same object continue to exist—and
if not, to reclaim that pointed-to object. �

In languages with automatic garbage collection, there is much less need for
destructors. In fact, the entire idea of destruction is suspect in a garbage-collected
language, because the programmer has little or no control over when an object is
going to be destroyed. Java and C# allow the programmer to declare a finalize
method that will be called immediately before the garbage collector reclaims the
space for an object, but the feature is not widely used.

23. Does a constructor allocate space for an object? Explain.

24. What is a metaclass in Smalltalk?

25. Why is object initialization simpler in a language with a reference model of
variables (as opposed to a value model)?

26. How does a C++ (or Java or C#) compiler tell which constructor to use for a
given object? How does the answer differ for Eiffel and Smalltalk?

27. What is escape analysis? Describe why it might be useful in a language with a
reference model of variables.

28. Summarize the rules in C++ that determine the order in which constructors
are called for a class, its base class(es), and the classes of its fields. How are
these rules simplified in other languages?

29. Explain the difference between initialization and assignment in C++.

30. Why does C++ need destructors more than Eiffel does?

10.4 Dynamic Method Binding
One of the principal consequences of inheritance/type extension is that a derived
class D has all the members—data and subroutines—of its base class C. As long
as D does not hide any of the publicly visible members of C (see Exercise 10.15),
it makes sense to allow an object of class D to be used in any context that expects
an object of class C: anything we might want to do to an object of class C we can
also do to an object of class D. In other words, a derived class that does not hide
any publicly visible members of its base class is a subtype of that base class.

The ability to use a derived class in a context that expects its base class is called
subtype polymorphism. If we imagine an administrative computing system for aEXAMPLE 10.37

Derived class objects in a
base class context

university, we might derive classes student and professor from class person:

506 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

class person { …
class student : public person { …
class professor : public person { …

Because both student and professor objects have all the properties of a person
object, we should be able to use them in a person context:

student s;
professor p;

person *x = &s;
person *y = &p;

Moreover a subroutine like

void person::print_mailing_label() { …

would be polymorphic—capable of accepting arguments of multiple types:

s.print_mailing_label(); // i.e., print_mailing_label(s)
p.print_mailing_label(); // i.e., print_mailing_label(p)

As with other forms of polymorphism, we depend on the fact that print_mail-
ing_label uses only those features of its formal parameter that all actual param-
eters will have in common. �

But now suppose that we have redefined print_mailing_label in each ofEXAMPLE 10.38
Static and dynamic method

the two derived classes. We might, for example, want to encode certain infor-
mation (student’s year in school, professor’s home department) in the corner
of the label. Now we have multiple versions of our subroutine—student::
print_mailing_label and professor::print_mailing_label, rather than
the single, polymorphic person::print_mailing_label. Which version we
will get depends on the object:

s.print_mailing_label(); // student::print_mailing_label(s)
p.print_mailing_label(); // professor::print_mailing_label(p)

But what about

x->print_mailing_label(); // ??
y->print_mailing_label(); // ??

Does the choice of the method to be called depend on the types of the variables x
and y, or on the classes of the objects s and p to which those variables refer? �

The first option (use the type of the reference) is known as static method bind-
ing. The second option (use the class of the object) is known as dynamic method
binding. Dynamic method binding is central to object-oriented programming.
Imagine, for example, that our administrative computing program has created
a list of persons who have overdue library books. The list may contain both
students and professors. If we traverse the list and print a mailing label for
each person, dynamic method binding will ensure that the correct printing rou-
tine is called for each individual. In this situation the definitions in the derived
classes are said to override the definition in the base class.

10.4 Dynamic Method Binding 507

Semantics and Performance

The principal argument against static method binding—and thus in favor of
dynamic binding based on the type of the referenced object—is that the static
approach denies the derived class control over the consistency of its own state.
Suppose, for example, that we are building an I/O library that contains aEXAMPLE 10.39

The need for dynamic

text_file class:

class text_file {
char *name;
long position; // file pointer

void seek(long whence);


Now suppose we have a derived class read_ahead_text_file:

class read_ahead_text_file : public text_file {
char *upcoming_characters;

void seek(long whence); // redefinition


The code for read_ahead_text_file::seek will undoubtedly need to change
the value of the cached upcoming_characters. If the method is not dynami-
cally dispatched, however, we cannot guarantee that this will happen: if we pass a
read_ahead_text_file reference to a subroutine that expects a text_file ref-
erence as argument, and if that subroutine then calls seek, we’ll get the version
of seek in the base class. �

Unfortunately, as we shall see in Section 10.4.3, dynamic method binding
imposes run-time overhead. While this overhead is generally modest, it is
nonetheless a concern for small subroutines in performance-critical applications.
Smalltalk, Objective-C, Python, and Ruby use dynamic method binding for all
methods. Java and Eiffel use dynamic method binding by default, but allow indi-
vidual methods and (in Java) classes to be labeled final (Java) or frozen (Eiffel),
in which case they cannot be overridden by derived classes, and can therefore
employ an optimized implementation. Simula, C++, C#, and Ada 95 use static
method binding by default, but allow the programmer to specify dynamic binding
when desired. In these latter languages it is common terminology to distinguish
between overriding a method that uses dynamic binding and (merely) redefining a
method that uses static binding. For the sake of clarity, C# requires explicit use of
the keywords override and new whenever a method in a derived class overrides
or redefines (respectively) a method of the same name in a base class. Java and
C++11 have similar annotations whose use is encouraged but not required.

508 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

10.4.1 Virtual and Nonvirtual Methods

In Simula, C++, and C#, which use static method binding by default, the pro-
grammer can specify that particular methods should use dynamic binding by
labeling them as virtual. Calls to virtual methods are dispatched to the ap-
propriate implementation at run time, based on the class of the object, rather
than the type of the reference. In C++ and C#, the keyword virtual prefixes theEXAMPLE 10.40

Virtual methods in C++
and C#

subroutine declaration:5

class person {

virtual void print_mailing_label();
… �

Ada 95 adopts a different approach. Rather than associate dynamic dispatch
with particular methods, the Ada 95 programmer associates it with certain refer-
ences. In our mailing label example, a formal parameter or an access variableEXAMPLE 10.41

Class-wide types in Ada 95 (pointer) can be declared to be of the class-wide type person

Class, in which

case all calls to all methods of that parameter or variable will be dispatched based
on the class of the object to which it refers:

type person is tagged record …
type student is new person with …
type professor is new person with …

procedure print_mailing_label(r : person) is …
procedure print_mailing_label(s : student) is …
procedure print_mailing_label(p : professor) is …

procedure print_appropriate_label(r : person’Class) is

— calls appropriate overloaded version, depending
— on type of r at run time

end print_appropriate_label; �

10.4.2 Abstract Classes

In most object-oriented languages it is possible to omit the body of a virtual
method in a base class. In Java and C#, one does so by labeling both the classEXAMPLE 10.42

Abstract methods in Java
and C#

and the missing method as abstract:

5 C++ also uses the virtual keyword in certain circumstances to prefix the name of a base class
in the header of the declaration of a derived class. This usage supports the very different purpose
of shared multiple inheritance, which we will consider in Section C 10.6.3.

10.4 Dynamic Method Binding 509

abstract class person {

public abstract void print_mailing_label();
… �

The notation in C++ is somewhat less intuitive: one follows the subroutine dec-EXAMPLE 10.43
Abstract methods in C++ laration with an “assignment” to zero:

class person {

virtual void print_mailing_label() = 0;

C++ refers to abstract methods as pure virtual methods. �
Regardless of declaration syntax, a class is said to be abstract if it has at least

one abstract method. It is not possible to declare an object of an abstract class,
because it would be missing at least one member. The only purpose of an abstract
class is to serve as a base for other, concrete classes. A concrete class (or one of its
intermediate ancestors) must provide a real definition for every abstract method
it inherits. The existence of an abstract method in a base class provides a “hook”
for dynamic method binding; it allows the programmer to write code that calls
methods of (references to) objects of the base class, under the assumption that
appropriate concrete methods will be invoked at run time. Classes that have no
members other than abstract methods—no fields or method bodies—are called
interfaces in Java, C#, and Ada 2005. They support a restricted, “mix-in” form of
multiple inheritance, which we will consider in Section 10.5.6

10.4.3 Member Lookup

With static method binding (as in Simula, C++, C#, or Ada 95), the compiler can
always tell which version of a method to call, based on the type of the variable
being used. With dynamic method binding, however, the object referred to byEXAMPLE 10.44

Vtables a reference or pointer variable must contain sufficient information to allow the
code generated by the compiler to find the right version of the method at run
time. The most common implementation represents each object with a record
whose first field contains the address of a virtual method table (vtable) for the
object’s class (see Figure 10.3). The vtable is an array whose ith entry indicates
the address of the code for the object’s ith virtual method. All objects of a given
concrete class share the same vtable. �

Suppose that the this (self) pointer for methods is passed in register r1,EXAMPLE 10.45
Implementation of a virtual
method call

that m is the third method of class foo, and that f is a pointer to an object of class
foo. Then the code to call f->m() looks something like this:

6 Terminology differs in other languages. In Eiffel, an interface is called a fully deferred class. In
Scala, it’s called a trait.

510 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation






class foo {

int a;

double b;

char c;


virtual void k( …

virtual int l( …

virtual void m();

virtual double n( …

} F;




foo’s vtable

code pointers

Figure 10.3 Implementation of virtual methods. The representation of object F begins with the address of the vtable for
class foo. (All objects of this class will point to the same vtable.) The vtable itself consists of an array of addresses, one for the
code of each virtual method of the class. The remainder of F consists of the representations of its fields.

class bar : public foo {

int w;


void m() override;

virtual double s( …

virtual char *t( …

} B;






bar’s vtable





code pointers


Figure 10.4 Implementation of single inheritance. As in Figure 10.3, the representation of object B begins with the address of
its class’s vtable. The first four entries in the table represent the same members as they do for foo, except that one—m—has
been overridden and now contains the address of the code for a different subroutine. Additional fields of bar follow the ones
inherited from foo in the representation of B; additional virtual methods follow the ones inherited from foo in the vtable of
class bar.

r1 := f
r2 := ∗r1 –– vtable address
r2 := ∗(r2 + (3−1) × 4) –– assuming 4 = sizeof (address)
call ∗r2

On a typical modern machine this calling sequence is two instructions (both of
which access memory) longer than a call to a statically identified method. The
extra overhead can be avoided whenever the compiler can deduce the type of the
relevant object at compile time. The deduction is trivial for calls to methods of
object-valued variables (as opposed to references and pointers). �

If bar is derived from foo, we place its additional fields at the end of theEXAMPLE 10.46
Implementation of single

“record” that represents it. We create a vtable for bar by copying the vtable for
foo, replacing the entries of any virtual methods overridden by bar, and append-
ing entries for any virtual methods introduced in bar (see Figure 10.4). If we
have an object of class bar we can safely assign its address into a variable of type

10.4 Dynamic Method Binding 511

class foo { …
class bar : public foo { …

foo F;
bar B;
foo* q;
bar* s;

q = &B; // ok; references through q will use prefixes

// of B’s data space and vtable
s = &F; // static semantic error; F lacks the additional

// data and vtable entries of a bar

In C++ (as in all statically typed object-oriented languages), the compiler can
verify the type correctness of this code statically. It may not know what the class
of the object referred to by q will be at run time, but it knows that it will either be
foo or something derived (directly or indirectly) from foo, and this ensures that
it will have all the members that may be accessed by foo-specific code. �

C++ allows “backward” assignments by means of a dynamic_cast operator:EXAMPLE 10.47
Casts in C++

s = dynamic_cast(q); // performs a run-time check

If the run-time check fails, s is assigned a null pointer. For backward compatibil-
ity C++ also supports traditional C-style casts of object pointers and references:

s = (bar*) q; // permitted, but risky

With a C-style cast it is up to the programmer to ensure that the actual object
involved is of an appropriate type: no dynamic semantic check is performed. �

Java and C# employ the traditional cast notation, but perform the dy-
namic check. Eiffel has a reverse assignment operator, ?=, which (like the C++EXAMPLE 10.48

Reverse assignment in
Eiffel and C#

dynamic_cast) assigns an object reference into a variable if and only if the type
at run time is acceptable:


10.6 Reverse assignment
Implementations of Eiffel, Java, C#, and C++ support dynamic checks on re-
verse assignment by including in each vtable the address of a run-time type de-
scriptor. In C++, dynamic_cast is permitted only on pointers and references
of polymorphic types (classes with virtual methods), since objects of nonpoly-
morphic types do not have vtables. A separate static_cast operation can
be used on nonpolymorphic types, but it performs no run-time check, and is
thus inherently unsafe when applied to a pointer of a derived class type.

512 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

class foo …
class bar inherit foo …

f : foo
b : bar

f := b — always ok
b ?= f — reverse assignment: b gets f if f refers to a bar object

— at run time; otherwise b gets void

C# provides an as operator that performs a similar function. �
As noted in Section 7.3, Smalltalk employs “duck typing”: variables are un-

typed references, and a reference to any object may be assigned into any vari-
able. Only when code actually attempts to invoke an operation (send a “mes-
sage”) at run time does the language implementation check to see whether the
operation is supported by the object; if so, the object’s type is assumed to be ac-
ceptable. The implementation is straightforward: fields of an object are never


10.7 The fragile base class problem
Under certain circumstances, it can be desirable to perform method lookup at
run time even when the language permits compile-time lookup. In Java, for
example, dynamic lookup (or “just-in-time” compilation) can help to avoid
important instances of the fragile base class problem, in which seemingly be-
nign changes to a base class may break the behavior of a derived class.

Java implementations depend on the presence of a large standard library.
This library is expected to evolve over time. Though the designers will presum-
ably be careful to maximize backward compatibility—seldom if ever deleting
any members of a class—it is likely that users of old versions of the library will
on occasion attempt to run code that was written with a new version of the
library in mind. In such a situation it would be disastrous to rely on static as-
sumptions about the representation of library classes: code that tries to use a
newly added library feature could end up accessing memory beyond the end of
the available representation. Run-time method lookup, by contrast (or com-
pilation performed against the currently available version of the library), will
produce a helpful “member not found in your version of the class” dynamic
error message.

A variety of other techniques can be used to guard against aspects of the
fragile base class problem. In Objective-C, for example, modifications to a li-
brary class typically take the form of a separately compiled extension called
a category, which is loaded into a program at run time. The loading mecha-
nism updates the dictionary in which the runtime system performs dynamic
method lookup. Without the category, attempts to use the new functionality
will automatically elicit a “method not found” error.

10.4 Dynamic Method Binding 513

public; methods provide the only means of object interaction. The representa-
tion of an object begins with the address of a type descriptor. The type descriptor
contains a dictionary that maps method names to code fragments. At run time,
the Smalltalk interpreter performs a lookup operation in the dictionary to see if
the method is supported. If not, it generates a “message not understood” error—
the equivalent of a type-clash error in Lisp. CLOS, Objective-C, Swift, and the
object-oriented scripting languages provide similar semantics, and invite similar
implementations. The dynamic approach is arguably more flexible than the static,
but it imposes significant cost when methods are small, and delays the reporting
of errors.

In addition to imposing the overhead of indirection, virtual methods often
preclude the in-line expansion of subroutines at compile time. The lack of in-line
subroutines can be a serious performance problem when subroutines are small
and frequently called. Like C, C++ attempts to avoid run-time overhead when-
ever possible: hence its use of static method binding as the default, and its heavy
reliance on object-valued variables, for which even virtual methods can be dis-
patched at compile time.

10.4.4 Object Closures

We have noted (in Section 3.6.4 and elsewhere) that object closures can be used
in an object-oriented language to achieve roughly the same effect as subroutine
closures in a language with nested subroutines—namely, to encapsulate a method
with context for later execution. It should be noted that this mechanism relies, for
its full generality, on dynamic method binding. Recall the plus_x object closureEXAMPLE 10.49

Virtual methods in an
object closure

from Example 3.36, here adapted to the apply_to_A code of Example 9.23, and
rewritten in generic form:

class un_op {

virtual T operator()(T i) const = 0;

class plus_x : public un_op {
const int x;

plus_x(int n) : x(n) { }
virtual int operator()(int i) const { return i + x; }


void apply_to_A(const un_op& f, int A[], int A_size) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < A_size; i++) A[i] = f(A[i]); } ... 514 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation int A[10]; apply_to_A(plus_x(2), A, 10); Any object derived from un_op can be passed to apply_to_A. The “right”
function will always be called because operator() is virtual. �

A particularly useful idiom for many applications is to encapsulate a method
and its arguments in an object closure for later execution. Suppose, for example,EXAMPLE 10.50

Encapsulating arguments that we are writing a discrete event simulation, as described in Section C 9.5.4. We
might like a general mechanism that allows us to schedule a call to an arbitrary
subroutine, with an arbitrary set of parameters, to occur at some future point in
time. If the subroutines we want to have called vary in their numbers and types
of parameters, we won’t be able to pass them to a general-purpose schedule_at
routine. We can solve the problem with object closures, as shown in Figure 10.5.
This technique is sufficiently common that C++11 supports it with standard li-
brary routines. The fn_call and call_foo classes of Figure 10.5 could be omit-
ted in C++11. Function schedule_at would then be defined to take an object of
class std::function (function object encapsulating a function to be
called with zero arguments) as its first parameter. Object cf, which Figure 10.5
passes in that first parameter position, would be declared as

std::function cf = std::bind(foo, 3, 3.14, ‘x’);

The bind routine (an automatically instantiated generic function) encapsulates
its first parameter (a function) together with the arguments that should eventually
be passed to that function. The standard library even provides a “placeholder”
mechanism (not shown here) that allows the programmer to bind only a subset
of the function’s parameters, so that parameters eventually passed to the function
object can be used to fill in the remaining positions. �

Object closures are commonly used in Java (and several other languages) to
encapsulate start-up arguments for newly created threads of control (more on
this in Section 13.2.3). They can also be used (as noted in Exploration 6.46) to
implement iterators via the visitor pattern.

31. Explain the difference between dynamic and static method binding (i.e., be-

tween virtual and nonvirtual methods).

32. Summarize the fundamental argument for dynamic method binding. Why
do C++ and C# use static method binding by default?

33. Explain the distinction between redefining and overriding a method.

34. What is a class-wide type in Ada 95?

35. Explain the connection between dynamic method binding and polymor-

10.4 Dynamic Method Binding 515

class fn_call {

virtual void operator()() = 0;
void schedule_at(fn_call& fc, time t) {


void foo(int a, double b, char c) {

class call_foo : public fn_call {

int arg1;
double arg2;
char arg3;

call_foo(int a, double b, char c) : // constructor

arg1(a), arg2(b), arg3(c) {
// member initialization is all that is required

void operator()() {

foo(arg1, arg2, arg3);


call_foo cf(3, 3.14, ‘x’); // declaration/constructor call
schedule_at(cf, now() + delay);

// at some point in the future, the discrete event system
// will call cf.operator()(), which will cause a call to
// foo(3, 3.14, ‘x’)

Figure 10.5 Subroutine pointers and virtual methods. Class call_foo encapsulates a subrou-
tine pointer and values to be passed to the subroutine. It exports a parameter-less subroutine
that can be used to trigger the encapsulated call.

36. What is an abstract method (also called a pure virtual method in C++ and a
deferred feature in Eiffel)?

37. What is reverse assignment? Why does it require a run-time check?

38. What is a vtable? How is it used?

39. What is the fragile base class problem?

40. What is an abstract (deferred) class?

41. Explain the importance of virtual methods for object closures.

516 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

10.5 Mix-In Inheritance
When building an object-oriented system, it is often difficult to design a perfect
inheritance tree, in which every class has exactly one parent. A cat may be an
animal, a pet, a family_member, or an object_of_affection. A widget in
the company database may be a sortable_object (from the reporting system’s
perspective), a graphable_object (from the window system’s perspective), or
a storable_object (from the file system’s perspective); how do we choose just

In the general case, we could imagine allowing a class to have an arbitrary
number of parents, each of which could provide it with both fields and methods
(both abstract and concrete). This sort of “true” multiple inheritance is provided
by several languages, including C++, Eiffel, CLOS, OCaml, and Python; we will
consider it in Section 10.6. Unfortunately, it introduces considerable complexity
in both language semantics and run-time implementation. In practice, a more
limited mechanism, known as mix-in inheritance, is often all we really need.

Consider our widgets, for example. Odds are, the reporting system doesn’tEXAMPLE 10.51
The motivation for

really define what a widget is; it simply needs to be able to manipulate widgets in
certain well-defined ways—to sort them, for example. Likewise, the windowing
system probably doesn’t need to provide any state or functionality for widgets; it
simply needs to be able to display them on a screen. To capture these sorts of re-
quirements, a language with mix-in inheritance allows the programmer to define
the interface that a class must provide in order for its objects to be used in certain
contexts. For widgets, the reporting system might define a sortable_object
interface; the window system might define a graphable_object interface; the
file system might define a storable_object interface. No actual functional-
ity would be provided by any of the interfaces: the designer of the widget class
would need to provide appropriate implementations. �

In effect—as we noted in Section 10.4.2—an interface is a class containing only
abstract methods—no fields or method bodies. So long as it inherits from only
one “real” parent, a class can “mix in” an arbitrary number of interfaces. If a for-
mal parameter of a subroutine is declared to have an interface type, then any class
that implements (inherits from) that interface can be passed as the corresponding
actual parameter. The classes of objects that can legitimately be passed need not
have a common class ancestor.

In recent years, mix-ins have become a common approach—arguably the
dominant approach—to multiple inheritance. Though details vary from one lan-
guage to another, interfaces appear in Java, C#, Scala, Objective-C, Swift, Go,
Ada 2005, and Ruby, among others.

Elaborating on our widget example, suppose that we have been given general-EXAMPLE 10.52
Mixing interfaces into a
derived class

purpose Java code that will sort objects according to some textual field, display a
graphic representation of an object within a web browser window (hiding and
refreshing as appropriate), and store references to objects by name in a dictionary
data structure. Each of these capabilities would be represented by an interface.

10.5 Mix-In Inheritance 517

If we have already developed some complicated class of widget objects, we can
make use of the general-purpose code by mixing the appropriate interfaces into
classes derived from widget, as shown in Figure 10.6. �

10.5.1 Implementation

In a language like Ruby, Objective-C, or Swift, which uses dynamic method
lookup, the methods of an interface can simply be added to the method dictio-
nary of any class that implements the interface. In any context that requires the
interface type, the usual lookup mechanism will find the proper methods. In a
language with fully static typing, in which pointers to methods are expected to lie
at known vtable offsets, new machinery is required. The challenge boils down to
a need for multiple views of an object.

In Figure 10.6, method dictionary.insert expects a storable_objectEXAMPLE 10.53
implementation of mix-in

view of its parameter—a way to find the parameter’s get_stored_name method.
The get_stored_name method, however, is implemented by augmented_widget,
and will expect an augmented_widget view of its this parameter—a way to find
the object’s fields and other methods. Given that augmented_widget implements
three different interfaces, there is no way that a single vtable can suffice: its first
entry can’t be the first method of sortable_object, graphable_object, and
storable_object simultaneously.

The most common solution, shown in Figure 10.7, is to include three extra
vtable pointers in each augmented_widget object—one for each of the imple-
mented interfaces. For each interface view we can then use a pointer to the place
within the object where the corresponding vtable pointer appears. The offset of
that pointer from the beginning of the object is known as the “this correction”;
it is stored at the beginning of the vtable.

Suppose now that we wish to call dictionary.insert on an augmented_
widget object w, whose address is currently in register r1. The compiler, which
knows the offset c of w’s storable_object vtable pointer, will add c to r1 be-
fore passing it to insert. So far so good. What happens when insert calls
storable_object.get_stored_name? Assuming that the storable_object
view of w is available in, say, register r1, the compiler will generate code that looks
something like this:

r2 := ∗r1 –– vtable address
r3 := ∗r2 –– this correction
r3 +:= r1 –– address of w
call ∗(r2+4) –– method address

Here we have assumed that the this correction occupies the first four bytes
of the vtable, and that the address of get_stored_name lies immediately af-
ter it, in the table’s first regular slot. We have also assumed that this should
be passed in register r3, and that there are no other arguments. On a typi-
cal modern machine this code is two instructions (a load and a subtraction)

518 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

public class widget { …
interface sortable_object {

String get_sort_name();
bool less_than(sortable_object o);
// All methods of an interface are automatically public.

interface graphable_object {

void display_at(Graphics g, int x, int y);
// Graphics is a standard library class that provides a context
// in which to render graphical objects.

interface storable_object {

String get_stored_name();
class named_widget extends widget implements sortable_object {

public String name;
public String get_sort_name() {return name;}
public bool less_than(sortable_object o) {

return (name.compareTo(o.get_sort_name()) < 0); // compareTo is a method of the standard library class String. } } class augmented_widget extends named_widget implements graphable_object, storable_object { ... // more data members public void display_at(Graphics g, int x, int y) { ... // series of calls to methods of g } public String get_stored_name() {return name;} } ... class sorted_list { public void insert(sortable_object o) { ... public sortable_object first() { ... ... } class browser_window extends Frame { // Frame is the standard library class for windows. public void add_to_window(graphable_object o) { ... ... } class dictionary { public void insert(storable_object o) { ... public storable_object lookup(String name) { ... ... } Figure 10.6 Interface classes in Java. By implementing the sortable_object interface in named_widget and the graphable_object and storable_object interfaces in augmented_ widget, we obtain the ability to pass objects of those classes to and from such routines as sorted_list.insert, browser_window.add_to_window , and dictionary.insert . 10.5 Mix-In Inheritance 519 a b c augmented_widget object augmented_ widget part sortable_ object part graphable_ object part storable_ object part widget view widget fields name vtable −a −b −c sortable_object view graphable_object view storable_object view Figure 10.7 Implementation of mix-in inheritance. Objects of class augmented_widget con- tain four vtable addresses, one for the class itself (as in Figure 10.3), and three for the imple- mented interfaces. The view of the object that is passed to interface routines points directly at the relevant vtable pointer. The vtable then begins with a “this correction” offset, used to regenerate a pointer to the object itself. longer than the code required with single inheritance. Once it executes, however, augmented_widget.get_stored_name will be running with exactly the param- eter it expects: a reference to an augmented_widget object. � 10.5.2 Extensions The description of interfaces above reflects historical versions of Java, with one omission: in addition to abstract methods, an interface can define static final (constant) fields. Because such fields can never change, they introduce no run- time complexity or overhead—the compiler can, effectively, expand them in place wherever they are used. Beginning with Java 8, interfaces have also been extended to allow static and default methods, both of which are given bodies—code—in the declara- tion of the interface. A static method, like a static final field, introduces no implementation complexity: it requires no access to object fields, so there is no ambiguity about what view to pass as this—there is no this parameter. De- fault methods are a bit more tricky. Their code is intended to be used by any class that does not override it. This convention is particularly valuable for library 520 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation maintainers: it allows new methods to be added to an existing library interface without breaking existing user code, which would otherwise have to be updated to implement the new methods in any class that inherits from the interface. Suppose, for example, that we are engaged in a localization project, whichEXAMPLE 10.54 Use of default methods aims to adapt some existing code to multiple languages and cultures. In the code of Figure 10.6, we might wish to add a new get_local_name method to the storable_object interface. Given a reference to a storable_object, up- dated user code could then call this new method, rather than get_stored_name, to obtain a string appropriate for use in the local context. A concrete class that inherits from storable_object, and that has been updated as part of the local- ization project, might provide its own implementation of get_local_name. But what about classes that haven’t been updated yet (or that may never be updated)? These could leverage default methods to fall back on some general-purpose trans- lation mechanism: default String get_local_name() { return backup_translation(get_stored_name()); } To use the default, each concrete class that inherits from storable_object would need to be recompiled, but its source code could remain unchanged. � Because a default method is defined within the interface declaration, it can see only the methods and (static) fields of the interface itself (along with any visible names from surrounding scopes). In particular, it has no access to other mem- bers of classes that inherit from the interface, and thus no need of an object view that would allow it to find those members. At the same time, the method does require access to the object’s interface-specific vtable. In our storable_objectEXAMPLE 10.55 Implementation of default methods example, the default get_local_name has to be able to find, and call, the version of get_stored_name defined by the concrete class. The usual way to implement this access depends on tiny forwarding routines: for each class C that inherits from storable_object and that needs the default code, the compiler generates a static, C-specific forwarding routine that accepts the concrete-class-specific this parameter, adds back in the this correction that the regular calling sequence just subtracted out, and passes the resulting pointer-to-vtable-pointer to the default method. � As it turns out, the equivalent of default methods has long been provided by the Scala programming language, whose mix-ins are known as traits. In fact, traits support not only default methods but also mutable fields. Rather than try to create a view that would make these fields directly accessible, the Scala compiler generates, for each concrete class that inherits from the trait, a pair of hidden accessor methods analogous to the properties of C# (Example 10.7). References to the accessor methods are then included in the interface-specific vtable, where they can be called by default methods. In any class that does not provide its own definition of a trait field, the compiler creates a new private field to be used by the accessor methods. 10.6 True Multiple Inheritance 521 10.6 True Multiple Inheritance As described in Section 10.5, mix-in inheritance allows an interface to specify functionality that must be provided by an inheriting class in order for objects of that class to be used in a given context. Crucially, an interface does not, for the most part, provide that functionality itself. Even default methods serve mainly to orchestrate access to functionality provided by the inheriting class. At times it can be useful to inherit real functionality from more than one base class. Suppose, for example, that our administrative computing system needsEXAMPLE 10.56 Deriving from two base classes to keep track of information about every system user, and that the university provides every student with an account. It may then be desirable to derive class student from both person and system_user. In C++ we can say class student : public person, public system_user { ... Now an object of class student will have all the fields and methods of both a person and a system_user. The declaration in Eiffel is analogous: class student inherit person system_user feature ... � True multiple inheritance appears in several other languages as well, including CLOS, OCaml, and Python. Many older languages, including Simula, Smalltalk, Modula-3, and Oberon, provided only single inheritance. Mix-in inheritance is a common compromise. IN MORE DEPTH Multiple inheritance introduces a wealth of semantic and pragmatic issues, which we consider on the companion site: Suppose two parent classes provide a method with the same name. Which one do we use in the child? Can we access both? Suppose two parent classes are both derived from some common “grandpar- ent” class. Does the “grandchild” have one copy or two of the grandparent’s fields? Our implementation of single inheritance relies on the fact that the represen- tation of an object of the parent class is a prefix of the representation of an object of a derived class. With multiple inheritance, how can each parent be a prefix of the child? 522 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation Multiple inheritance with a common “grandparent” is known as repeated in- heritance. Repeated inheritance with separate copies of the grandparent is known as replicated inheritance; repeated inheritance with a single copy of the grandpar- ent is known as shared inheritance. Shared inheritance is the default in Eiffel. Replicated inheritance is the default in C++. Both languages allow the program- mer to obtain the other option when desired. 10.7 Object-Oriented Programming Revisited At the beginning of this chapter, we characterized object-oriented programming in terms of three fundamental concepts: encapsulation, inheritance, and dynamic method binding. Encapsulation allows the implementation details of an abstrac- tion to be hidden behind a simple interface. Inheritance allows a new abstraction to be defined as an extension or refinement of some existing abstraction, obtain- ing some or all of its characteristics automatically. Dynamic method binding al- lows the new abstraction to display its new behavior even when used in a context that expects the old abstraction. Different programming languages support these fundamental concepts to dif- ferent degrees. In particular, languages differ in the extent to which they require the programmer to write in an object-oriented style. Some authors argue that a truly object-oriented language should make it difficult or impossible to write programs that are not object-oriented. From this purist point of view, an object- oriented language should present a uniform object model of computing, in which every data type is a class, every variable is a reference to an object, and every subroutine is an object method. Moreover, objects should be thought of in an- thropomorphic terms: as active entities responsible for all computation. Smalltalk and Ruby come close to this ideal. In fact, as described in the subsec- tion below (mostly on the companion site), even such control-flow mechanisms as selection and iteration are modeled as method invocations in Smalltalk. On the other hand, Ada 95 and Fortran 2003 are probably best characterized as von Neu- mann languages that permit the programmer to write in an object-oriented style if desired. So what about C++? It certainly has a wealth of features, including several (multiple inheritance, elaborate access control, strict initialization order, destruc- tors, generics) that are useful in object-oriented programs and that are not found in Smalltalk. At the same time, it has a wealth of problematic wrinkles. Its simple types are not classes. It has subroutines outside of classes. It uses static method binding and replicated multiple inheritance by default, rather than the more costly virtual alternatives. Its unchecked C-style type casts provide a ma- jor loophole for type checking and access control. Its lack of garbage collection is a major obstacle to the creation of correct, self-contained abstractions. Probably most serious of all, C++ retains all of the low-level mechanisms of C, allowing the programmer to escape or subvert the object-oriented model of programming 10.7 Object-Oriented Programming Revisited 523 entirely. It has been suggested that the best C++ programmers are those who did not learn C first: they are not as tempted to write “C-style” programs in the newer language. On balance, it is probably safe to say that C++ is an object-oriented language in the same sense that Common Lisp is a functional language. With the possible exception of garbage collection, C++ provides all of the necessary tools, but it requires substantial discipline on the part of the programmer to use those tools “correctly.” 10.7.1 The Object Model of Smalltalk Historically, Smalltalk was considered the canonical object-oriented language. The original version of the language was designed by Alan Kay as part of his doc- toral work at the University of Utah in the late 1960s. It was then adopted by the Software Concepts Group at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), and went through five major revisions in the 1970s, culminating in the Smalltalk-80 language.7 IN MORE DEPTH We have mentioned several features of Smalltalk in previous sections. A some- what longer treatment can be found on the companion site, where we focus in particular on Smalltalk’s anthropomorphic programming model. A full intro- duction to the language is beyond the scope of this book. 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 42. What is mix-in inheritance? What problem does it solve? 43. Outline a possible implementation of mix-in inheritance for a language with statically typed objects. Explain in particular the need for interface-specific views of an object. 44. Describe how mix-ins (and their implementation) can be extended with de- fault method implementations, static (constant) fields, and even mutable fields. 45. What does true multiple inheritance make possible that mix-in inheritance does not? 7 Alan Kay (1940–) joined PARC in 1972. In addition to developing Smalltalk and its graphical user interface, he conceived and promoted the idea of the laptop computer, well before it was feasible to build one. He became a Fellow at Apple Computer in 1984, and has subsequently held positions at Disney and Hewlett-Packard. He received the ACM Turing Award in 2003. 524 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation 46. What is repeated inheritance? What is the distinction between replicated and shared repeated inheritance? 47. What does it mean for a language to provide a uniform object model? Name two languages that do so. 10.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks This has been the last of our six core chapters on language design: names (Chap- ter 3), control flow (Chapter 6), type systems (Chapter 7), composite types (Chapter 8), subroutines (Chapter 9), and objects (Chapter 10). We began in Section 10.1 by identifying three fundamental concepts of object- oriented programming: encapsulation, inheritance, and dynamic method binding. We also introduced the terminology of classes, objects, and methods. We had already seen encapsulation in the modules of Chapter 3. Encapsulation allows the details of a complicated data abstraction to be hidden behind a comparatively simple interface. Inheritance extends the utility of encapsulation by making it easy for programmers to define new abstractions as refinements or extensions of existing abstractions. Inheritance provides a natural basis for polymorphic sub- routines: if a subroutine expects an instance of a given class as argument, then an object of any class derived from the expected one can be used instead (assuming that it retains the entire existing interface). Dynamic method binding extends this form of polymorphism by arranging for a call to one of the parameter’s methods to use the implementation associated with the class of the actual object at run time, rather than the implementation associated with the declared class of the pa- rameter. We noted that some languages, including Modula-3, Oberon, Ada 95, and Fortran 2003, support object orientation through a type extension mecha- nism, in which encapsulation is associated with modules, but inheritance and dynamic method binding are associated with a special form of record. In later sections we covered object initialization and finalization, dynamic method binding, and (on the companion site) multiple inheritance in some de- tail. In many cases we discovered tradeoffs between functionality on the one hand and simplicity and execution speed on the other. Treating variables as references, rather than values, often leads to simpler semantics, but requires extra indirec- tion. Garbage collection, as previously noted in Section 8.5.3, dramatically eases the creation and maintenance of software, but imposes run-time costs. Dynamic method binding requires (in the general case) that methods be dispatched us- ing vtables or some other lookup mechanism. Fully general implementations of multiple inheritance tend to impose overheads even when unused. In several cases we saw time/space tradeoffs as well. In-line subroutines, as pre- viously noted in Section 9.2.4, can dramatically improve the performance of code with many small subroutines, not only by eliminating the overhead of the sub- routine calls themselves, but by allowing register allocation, common subexpres- 10.9 Exercises 525 sion analysis, and other “global” code improvements to be applied across calls. At the same time, in-line expansion generally increases the size of object code. Exercises C 10.28 and C 10.30 explore similar tradeoffs in the implementation of multiple inheritance. Historically, Smalltalk was widely regarded as the purest and most flexible of the object-oriented languages. Its lack of compile-time type checking, however, together with its “message-based” model of computation and its need for dy- namic method lookup, tended to make its implementations rather slow. C++, with its object-valued variables, default static binding, minimal dynamic checks, and high-quality compilers, was largely responsible for popularizing object- oriented programming in the 1990s. Today objects are ubiquitous—in statically typed, compiled languages like Java and C#; in dynamically typed languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, and JavaScript; and even in systems based on binary compo- nents or human-readable service invocations over the World Wide Web (more on these in the Bibliographic Notes). 10.9 Exercises 10.1 Some language designers argue that object orientation eliminates the need for nested subroutines. Do you agree? Why or why not? 10.2 Design a class hierarchy to represent syntax trees for the CFG of Fig- ure 4.5. Provide a method in each class to return the value of a node. Provide constructors that play the role of the make_leaf, make_un_op, and make_bin_op subroutines. 10.3 Repeat the previous exercise, but using a variant record (union) type to represent syntax tree nodes. Repeat again using type extensions. Com- pare the three solutions in terms of clarity, abstraction, type safety, and extensibility. 10.4 Using the C# indexer mechanism, create a hash table class that can be indexed like an array. (In effect, create a simple version of the System .Collections.Hashtable container class.) Alternatively, use an over- loaded version of operator[] to build a similar class in C++. 10.5 In the spirit of Example 10.8, write a double-ended queue (deque) abstrac- tion (pronounced “deck”), derived from a doubly linked list base class. 10.6 Use templates (generics) to abstract your solutions to the previous two questions over the type of data in the container. 10.7 Repeat Exercise 10.5 in Python or Ruby. Write a simple program to demonstrate that generics are not needed to abstract over types. What happens if you mix objects of different types in the same deque? 10.8 When using the list class of Example 10.17, the typical C++ programmer will use a pointer type for generic parameter V, so that list_nodes point to the elements of the list. An alternative implementation would include 526 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation next and prev pointers for the list within the elements themselves— typically by arranging for the element type to inherit from something like the gp_list_node class of Example 10.14. The result is sometimes called an intrusive list. (a) Explain how you might build intrusive lists in C++ without requir- ing users to pepper their code with explicit type casts. Hint: given multiple inheritance, you will probably need to determine, for each concrete element type, the offset within the representation of the type at which the next and prev pointers appear. For further ideas, search for information on the boost::intrusive::list class of the popu- lar Boost library. (b) Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of intrusive and non-intrusive lists. 10.9 Can you emulate the inner class of Example 10.22 in C# or C++? (Hint: You’ll need an explicit version of Java’s hidden reference to the surround- ing class.) 10.10 Write a package body for the list abstraction of Figure 10.2. 10.11 Rewrite the list and queue abstractions in Eiffel, Java, and/or C#. 10.12 Using C++, Java, or C#, implement a Complex class in the spirit of Exam- ple 10.25. Discuss the time and space tradeoffs between maintaining all four values (x, y, ρ, and θ) in the state of the object, or keeping only two and computing the others on demand. 10.13 Repeat the previous two exercises for Python and/or Ruby. 10.14 Compare Java final methods with C++ nonvirtual methods. How are they the same? How are they different? 10.15 In several object-oriented languages, including C++ and Eiffel, a derived class can hide members of the base class. In C++, for example, we can declare a base class to be public, protected, or private: class B : public A { ... // public members of A are public members of B // protected members of A are protected members of B ... class C : protected A { ... // public and protected members of A are protected members of C ... class D : private A { ... // public and protected members of A are private members of D In all cases, private members of A are inaccessible to methods of B, C, or D. Consider the impact of protected and private base classes on dy- namic method binding. Under what circumstances can a reference to an object of class B, C, or D be assigned into a variable of type A*? 10.9 Exercises 527 10.16 What happens to the implementation of a class if we redefine a data mem- ber? For example, suppose we have class foo { public: int a; char *b; }; ... class bar : public foo { public: float c; int b; }; Does the representation of a bar object contain one b field or two? If two, are both accessible, or only one? Under what circumstances? 10.17 Discuss the relative merits of classes and type extensions. Which do you prefer? Why? 10.18 Building on the outline of Example 10.28, write a program that illustrates the difference between copy constructors and operator= in C++. Your code should include examples of each situation in which one of these may be called (don’t forget parameter passing and function returns). In- strument the copy constructors and assignment operators in each of your classes so that they will print their names when called. Run your program to verify that its behavior matches your expectations. 10.19 What do you think of the decision, in C++, C#, and Ada 95, to use static method binding, rather than dynamic, by default? Is the gain in imple- mentation speed worth the loss in abstraction and reusability? Assum- ing that we sometimes want static binding, do you prefer the method-by- method approach of C++ and C#, or the variable-by-variable approach of Ada 95? Why? 10.20 If foo is an abstract class in a C++ program, why is it acceptable to declare variables of type foo*, but not of type foo? 10.21 Consider the Java program shown in Figure 10.8. Assume that this is to be compiled to native code on a machine with 4-byte addresses. (a) Draw a picture of the layout in memory of the object created at line 15. Show all virtual function tables. (b) Give assembly-level pseudocode for the call to c.val at line 19. You may assume that the address of c is in register r1 immediately before the call, and that this same register should be used to pass the hidden this parameter. You may ignore the need to save and restore registers, and don’t worry about where to put the return value. 528 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation 1. interface Pingable { 2. public void ping(); 3. } 4. class Counter implements Pingable { 5. int count = 0; 6. public void ping() { 7. ++count; 8. } 9. public int val() { 10. return count; 11. } 12. } 13. public class Ping { 14. public static void main(String args[]) { 15. Counter c = new Counter(); 16. c.ping(); 17. c.ping(); 18. int v = c.val(); 19. System.out.println(v); 20. } 21. } Figure 10.8 A simple program in Java. (c) Give assembly-level pseudocode for the call to c.ping at line 17. Again, assume that the address of c is in register r1, that this is the same register that should be used to pass this, and that you don’t need to save or restore any registers. (d) Give assembly-level pseudocode for the body of method Counter.ping (again ignoring register save/restore). 10.22 In Ruby, as in Java 8 or Scala, an interface (mix-in) can provide method code as well as signatures. (It can’t provide data members; that would be multiple inheritance.) Explain why dynamic typing makes this feature more powerful than it is in the other languages. 10.23–10.31 In More Depth. 10.10 Explorations 10.32 Return for a moment to Exercise 3.7. Build a (more complete) C++ ver- sion of the singly linked list library of Figure 3.16. Discuss the issue of 10.11 Bibliographic Notes 529 storage management. Under what circumstances should one delete the el- ements of a list when deleting the list itself? What should the destructor for list_node do? Should it delete its data member? Should it recursively delete node next? 10.33 The discussion in this chapter has focused on the classic “class-based” ap- proach to object-oriented programming languages, pioneered by Simula and Smalltalk. There is an alternative, “object-based” approach that dis- penses with the notion of class. In object-based programming, methods are directly associated with objects, and new objects are created using ex- isting objects as prototypes. Learn about Self, the canonical object-based programming language, and JavaScript, the most widely used. What do you think of their approach? How does it compare to the class-based al- ternative? You may find it helpful to read the coverage of JavaScript in Section 14.4.4. 10.34 As described in Section C 5.5.1, performance on pipelined processors de- pends critically on the ability of the hardware to successfully predict the outcome of branches, so that processing of subsequent instructions can begin before processing of the branch has completed. In object-oriented programs, however, knowing the outcome of a branch is not enough: be- cause branches are so often dispatched through vtables, one must also pre- dict the destination. Learn how branch prediction works in one or more modern processors. How well do these processors handle object-oriented programs? 10.35 Explore the implementation of mix-in inheritance in a just-in-time (native code) Java compiler. Does it follow the strategy of Section 10.5? How efficient is it? 10.36 Explore the implementation of mix-in inheritance in Ruby. How does it differ from that of Java? 10.37 Learn about type hierarchy analysis and type propagation, which can some- times be used to infer the concrete type of objects at compile time, al- lowing the compiler to generate direct calls to methods, rather than indi- recting through vtables. How effective are these techniques? What frac- tion of method calls are they able to optimize in typical benchmarks? What are their limitations? (You might start with the papers of Bacon and Sweeney [BS96] and Diwan et al. [DMM96].) 10.38–10.39 In More Depth. 10.11 Bibliographic Notes Appendix A contains bibliographic citations for the various languages discussed in this chapter, including Simula, Smalltalk, C++, Eiffel, Java, C#, Modula-3, Oberon, Ada 95, Fortran 2003, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, Swift, Go, OCaml, 530 Chapter 10 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation and CLOS. Other object-oriented versions of Lisp include Loops [BS83] and Fla- vors [Moo86]. Ellis and Stroustrup [ES90] provide extensive discussion of both semantic and pragmatic issues for historic versions of C++. Parts III and IV of Stroustrup’s text [Str13] provide a comprehensive survey of the design and implementation of container classes in C++. Deutsch and Schiffman [DS84] describe techniques to implement Smalltalk efficiently. Borning and Ingalls [BI82] discuss multiple in- heritance in an extension to Smalltalk-80. Strongtalk [Sun06] is a strongly typed successor to Smalltalk developed at Sun Microsystems in the 1990s, and since re- leased as open source. Gil and Sweeney [GS99] describe optimizations that can be used to reduce the time and space complexity of multiple inheritance. Dolby [Dol97] describes how an optimizing compiler can identify circum- stances in which a nested object can be expanded (in the Eiffel sense) while retain- ing reference semantics. Bacon and Sweeney [BS96] and Diwan et al. [DMM96] discuss techniques to infer the concrete type of objects at compile time, thereby avoiding the overhead of vtable indirection. Driesen [Dri93] presents an alter- native to vtables that requires whole-program analysis, but provides extremely efficient method dispatch, even in languages with dynamic typing and multiple inheritance. Binary component systems allow code produced by arbitrary compilers for ar- bitrary languages to be joined together into a working program, often spanning a distributed collection of machines. CORBA [Sie00] is a component standard promulgated by the Object Management Group, a consortium of over 700 com- panies. .NET is a competing standard from Microsoft Corporation (microsoft. com/net), based in part on their earlier ActiveX, DCOM, and OLE [Bro96] prod- ucts. JavaBeans [Sun97] is a CORBA-compliant binary standard for components written in Java. With the explosion of web services, distributed systems have been designed to exchange and manipulate objects in human-readable form. SOAP [Wor12], orig- inally an acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol, is a standard for web-based information transfer and method invocation. Its underlying data is typically en- coded as XML (extensible markup language) [Wor06a]. In recent years, SOAP has largely been supplanted by REST (Representational State Transfer) [Fie00], a more informal set of conventions layered on top of ordinary HTTP. The underly- ing data in REST may take a variety of forms—most commonly JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) [ECM13]. Many of the seminal papers in object-oriented programming have appeared in the proceedings of the ACM OOPSLA conferences (Object-Oriented Program- ming Systems, Languages, and Applications), held annually since 1986, and pub- lished as special issues of ACM SIGPLAN Notices. Wegner [Weg90] enumerates the defining characteristics of object orientation. Meyer [Mey92b, Sec. 21.10] explains the rationale for dynamic method binding. Ungar and Smith [US91] describe Self, the canonical object-based (as opposed to class-based) language. This page intentionally left blank IIIAlternative Programming Models As we noted in Chapter 1, programming languages are traditionally though imperfectly clas- sified into various imperative and declarative families. We have had occasion in Parts I and II to mention issues of particular importance to each of the major families. Moreover much of what we have covered—syntax, semantics, naming, types, abstraction—applies uniformly to all. Still, our attention has focused mostly on mainstream imperative languages. In Part III we shift this focus. Functional and logic languages are the principal nonimperative options. We consider them in Chapters 11 and 12, respectively. In each case we structure our discussion around represen- tative languages: Scheme and OCaml for functional programming, Prolog for logic program- ming. In Chapter 11 we also cover eager and lazy evaluation, and first-class and higher-order functions. In Chapter 12 we cover issues that make fully automatic, general purpose logic programming difficult, and describe restrictions used in practice to keep the model tractable. Optional sections in both chapters consider mathematical foundations: Lambda Calculus for functional programming, Predicate Calculus for logic programming. The remaining two chapters consider concurrent and scripting models, both of which are increasingly popular, and cut across the imperative/declarative divide. Concurrency is driven by the hardware parallelism of internetworked computers and by the coming explosion in mul- tithreaded processors and chip-level multiprocessors. Scripting is driven by the growth of the World Wide Web and by an increasing emphasis on programmer productivity, which places rapid development and reusability above sheer run-time performance. Chapter 13 begins with the fundamentals of concurrency, including communication and synchronization, thread creation syntax, and the implementation of threads. The remainder of the chapter is divided between shared-memory models, in which threads use explicit or implicit synchronization mechanisms to manage a common set of variables, and (on the companion site) message-passing models, in which threads interact only through explicit communication. The first half of Chapter 14 surveys problem domains in which scripting plays a major role: shell (command) languages, text processing and report generation, mathematics and statis- tics, the “gluing” together of program components, extension mechanisms for complex ap- plications, and client and server-side Web scripting. The second half considers some of the more important language innovations championed by scripting languages: flexible scoping and naming conventions, string and pattern manipulation (extended regular expressions), and high level data types. This page intentionally left blank 11Functional Languages Previous chapters of this text have focused largely on imperative program- ming languages. In the current chapter and the next we emphasize functional and logic languages instead. While imperative languages are far more widely used, “industrial-strength” implementations exist for both functional and logic languages, and both models have commercially important applications. Lisp has traditionally been popular for the manipulation of symbolic data, particu- larly in the field of artificial intelligence. OCaml is heavily used in the financial services industry. In recent years functional languages—statically typed ones in particular—have become increasingly popular for scientific applications as well. Logic languages are widely used for formal specifications and theorem proving and, less widely, for many other applications. Of course, functional and logic languages have a great deal in common with their imperative cousins. Naming and scoping issues arise under every model. So do types, expressions, and the control-flow concepts of selection and recursion. All languages must be scanned, parsed, and analyzed semantically. In addition, functional languages make heavy use of subroutines—more so even than most von Neumann languages—and the notions of concurrency and nondeterminacy are as common in functional and logic languages as they are in the imperative case. As noted in Chapter 1, the boundaries between language categories tend to be rather fuzzy. One can write in a largely functional style in many imperative lan- guages, and many functional languages include imperative features (assignment and iteration). The most common logic language—Prolog—provides certain im- perative features as well. Finally, it is easy to build a logic programming system in most functional programming languages. Because of the overlap between imperative and functional concepts, we have had occasion several times in previous chapters to consider issues of particu- lar importance to functional programming languages. Most such languages de- pend heavily on polymorphism (the implicit parametric kind—Sections 7.1.2, 7.3, and 7.2.4). Most make heavy use of lists (Section 8.6). Several, historically, were dynamically scoped (Sections 3.3.6 and C 3.4.2). All employ recursion (Sec- tion 6.6) for repetitive execution, with the result that program behavior and per- 535 536 Chapter 11 Functional Languages formance depend heavily on the evaluation rules for parameters (Section 6.6.2). All have a tendency to generate significant amounts of temporary data, which their implementations reclaim through garbage collection (Section 8.5.3). Our chapter begins with a brief introduction to the historical origins of the im- perative, functional, and logic programming models. We then enumerate funda- mental concepts in functional programming and consider how these are realized in the Scheme dialect of Lisp and the OCaml dialect of ML. More briefly, we also consider Common Lisp, Erlang, Haskell, Miranda, pH, Single Assignment C, and Sisal. We pay particular attention to issues of evaluation order and higher-order functions. For those with an interest in the theoretical foundations of functional programming, we provide (on the companion site) an introduction to functions, sets, and the lambda calculus. The formalism helps to clarify the notion of a pure functional language, and illuminates the places where practical languages diverge from the mathematical abstraction. 11.1 Historical Origins To understand the differences among programming models, it can be helpful to consider their theoretical roots, all of which predate the development of electronic computers. The imperative and functional models grew out of work undertaken by mathematicians Alan Turing, Alonzo Church, Stephen Kleene, Emil Post, and others in the 1930s. Working largely independently, these individuals developed several very different formalizations of the notion of an algorithm, or effective procedure, based on automata, symbolic manipulation, recursive function defini- tions, and combinatorics. Over time, these various formalizations were shown to be equally powerful: anything that could be computed in one could be computed in the others. This result led Church to conjecture that any intuitively appealing model of computing would be equally powerful as well; this conjecture is known as Church’s thesis. Turing’s model of computing was the Turing machine, an automaton reminis- cent of a finite or pushdown automaton, but with the ability to access arbitrary cells of an unbounded storage “tape.”1 The Turing machine computes in an im- perative way, by changing the values in cells of its tape, just as a high-level im- perative program computes by changing the values of variables. Church’s model of computing is called the lambda calculus. It is based on the notion of param- eterized expressions (with each parameter introduced by an occurrence of the 1 Alan Turing (1912–1954), after whom the Turing Award is named, was a British mathematician, philosopher, and computer visionary. As intellectual leader of Britain’s cryptanalytic group dur- ing World War II, he was instrumental in cracking the German “Enigma” code and turning the tide of the war. He also helped lay the theoretical foundations of modern computer science, con- ceived the general-purpose electronic computer, and pioneered the field of Artificial Intelligence. Persecuted as a homosexual after the war, stripped of his security clearance, and sentenced to “treatment” with drugs, he committed suicide. 11.2 Functional Programming Concepts 537 letter λ—hence the notation’s name).2 Lambda calculus was the inspiration for functional programming: one uses it to compute by substituting parameters into expressions, just as one computes in a high-level functional program by passing arguments to functions. The computing models of Kleene and Post are more ab- stract, and do not lend themselves directly to implementation as a programming language. The goal of early work in computability was not to understand computers (aside from purely mechanical devices, computers did not exist) but rather to formalize the notion of an effective procedure. Over time, this work allowed mathematicians to formalize the distinction between a constructive proof (one that shows how to obtain a mathematical object with some desired property) and a nonconstructive proof (one that merely shows that such an object must exist, perhaps by contradiction, or counting arguments, or reduction to some other theorem whose proof is nonconstructive). In effect, a program can be seen as a constructive proof of the proposition that, given any appropriate inputs, there exist outputs that are related to the inputs in a particular, desired way. Euclid’s al- gorithm, for example, can be thought of as a constructive proof of the proposition that every pair of non-negative integers has a greatest common divisor. Logic programming is also intimately tied to the notion of constructive proofs, but at a more abstract level. Rather than write a general constructive proof that works for all appropriate inputs, the logic programmer writes a set of axioms that allow the computer to discover a constructive proof for each particular set of inputs. We will consider logic programming in more detail in Chapter 12. 11.2 Functional Programming Concepts In a strict sense of the term, functional programming defines the outputs of a program as a mathematical function of the inputs, with no notion of internal state, and thus no side effects. Among the languages we consider here, Miranda, Haskell, pH, Sisal, and Single Assignment C are purely functional. Erlang is nearly so. Most others include imperative features. To make functional programming practical, functional languages provide a number of features that are often miss- ing in imperative languages, including First-class function values and higher-order functions Extensive polymorphism List types and operators 2 Alonzo Church (1903–1995) was a member of the mathematics faculty at Princeton University from 1929 to 1967, and at UCLA from 1967 to 1990. While at Princeton he supervised the doc- toral theses of, among many others, Alan Turing, Stephen Kleene, Michael Rabin, and Dana Scott. His codiscovery, with Turing, of undecidable problems was a major breakthrough in un- derstanding the limits of mathematics. 538 Chapter 11 Functional Languages Structured function returns Constructors (aggregates) for structured objects Garbage collection In Section 3.6.2 we defined a first-class value as one that can be passed as a parameter, returned from a subroutine, or (in a language with side effects) as- signed into a variable. Under a strict interpretation of the term, first-class status also requires the ability to create (compute) new values at run time. In the case of subroutines, this notion of first-class status requires nested lambda expressions that can capture values defined in surrounding scopes, giving those values unlim- ited extent (i.e., keeping them alive even after their scopes are no longer active). Subroutines are second-class values in most imperative languages, but first-class values (in the strict sense of the term) in all functional programming languages. A higher-order function takes a function as an argument, or returns a function as a result. Polymorphism is important in functional languages because it allows a func- tion to be used on as general a class of arguments as possible. As we have seen in Sections 7.1 and 7.2.4, Lisp and its dialects are dynamically typed, and thus inher- ently polymorphic, while ML and its relatives obtain polymorphism through the mechanism of type inference. Lists are important in functional languages because they have a natural recursive definition, and are easily manipulated by operating on their first element and (recursively) the remainder of the list. Recursion is im- portant because in the absence of side effects it provides the only means of doing anything repeatedly. Several of the items in our list of functional language features (recursion, struc- tured function returns, constructors, garbage collection) can be found in some but not all imperative languages. Fortran 77 has no recursion, nor does it allow structured types (i.e., arrays) to be returned from functions. Pascal and early ver- sions of Modula-2 allow only simple and pointer types to be returned from func- tions. As we saw in Section 7.1.3, several imperative languages, including Ada, C, and Fortran 90, provide aggregate constructs that allow a structured value to be specified in-line. In most imperative languages, however, such constructs are lacking or incomplete. C# and several scripting languages—Python and Ruby among them—provide aggregates capable of representing an (unnamed) func- tional value (a lambda expression), but few imperative languages are so expres- sive. A pure functional language must provide completely general aggregates: because there is no way to update existing objects, newly created ones must be initialized “all at once.” Finally, though garbage collection is increasingly com- mon in imperative languages, it is by no means universal, nor does it usually apply to the local variables of subroutines, which are typically allocated in the stack. Because of the desire to provide unlimited extent for first-class functions and other objects, functional languages tend to employ a (garbage-collected) heap for all dynamically allocated data (or at least for all data for which the compiler is unable to prove that stack allocation is safe). C++11 and Java 8 provide lambda expressions, but without unlimited extent. 11.3 A Bit of Scheme 539 Because Lisp was the original functional language, and is still one of the most widely used, several characteristics of Lisp are commonly, though inaccurately, described as though they pertained to functional programming in general. We will examine these characteristics (in the context of Scheme) in Section 11.3. They include Homogeneity of programs and data: A program in Lisp is itself a list, and can be manipulated with the same mechanisms used to manipulate data. Self-definition: The operational semantics of Lisp can be defined elegantly in terms of an interpreter written in Lisp. Interaction with the user through a “read-eval-print” loop. Many programmers—probably most—who have written significant amounts of software in both imperative and functional styles find the latter more aestheti- cally appealing. Moreover, experience with a variety of large commercial projects (see the Bibliographic Notes at the end of the chapter) suggests that the absence of side effects makes functional programs significantly easier to write, debug, and maintain than their imperative counterparts. When passed a given set of argu- ments, a pure function can always be counted on to return the same results. Is- sues of undocumented side effects, misordered updates, and dangling or (in most cases) uninitialized references simply don’t occur. At the same time, many imple- mentations of functional languages still fall short in terms of portability, richness of library packages, interfaces to other languages, and debugging and profiling tools. We will return to the tradeoffs between functional and imperative pro- gramming in Section 11.8. 11.3 A Bit of Scheme Scheme was originally developed by Guy Steele and Gerald Sussman in the late 1970s, and has evolved through several revisions. The description here follows the 1998 R5RS (fifth revised standard), and should also be compliant with the 2013 R7RS. Most Scheme implementations employ an interpreter that runs a “read-eval- print” loop. The interpreter repeatedly reads an expression from standard input (generally typed by the user), evaluates that expression, and prints the resulting value. If the user typesEXAMPLE 11.1 The read-eval-print loop (+ 3 4) the interpreter will print 7 If the user types 540 Chapter 11 Functional Languages 7 the interpreter will also print 7 (The number 7 is already fully evaluated.) To save the programmer the need to type an entire program verbatim at the keyboard, most Scheme implementations provide a load function that reads (and evaluates) input from a file: (load "my_Scheme_program") � As we noted in Section 6.1, Scheme (like all Lisp dialects) uses Cambridge Polish notation for expressions. Parentheses indicate a function application (or in some cases the use of a macro). The first expression inside the left parenthesis indicates the function; the remaining expressions are its arguments. Suppose the user typesEXAMPLE 11.2 Significance of parentheses ((+ 3 4)) When it sees the inner set of parentheses, the interpreter will call the function +, passing 3 and 4 as arguments. Because of the outer set of parentheses, it will then attempt to call 7 as a zero-argument function—a run-time error: eval: 7 is not a procedure Unlike the situation in almost all other programming languages, extra parenthe- ses change the semantics of Lisp/Scheme programs: (+ 3 4) =⇒ 7 ((+ 3 4)) =⇒ error Here the =⇒ means “evaluates to.” This symbol is not a part of the syntax of Scheme itself. � One can prevent the Scheme interpreter from evaluating a parenthesized ex-EXAMPLE 11.3 Quoting pression by quoting it: (quote (+ 3 4)) =⇒ (+ 3 4) Here the result is a three-element list. More commonly, quoting is specified with a special shorthand notation consisting of a leading single quote mark: '(+ 3 4) =⇒ (+ 3 4) � Though every expression has a type in Scheme, that type is generally not de- termined until run time. Most predefined functions check dynamically to makeEXAMPLE 11.4 Dynamic typing sure that their arguments are of appropriate types. The expression 11.3 A Bit of Scheme 541 (if (> a 0) (+ 2 3) (+ 2 “foo”))

will evaluate to 5 if a is positive, but will produce a run-time type clash error if
a is negative or zero. More significantly, as noted in Section 7.1.2, functions that
make sense for arguments of multiple types are implicitly polymorphic:

(define min (lambda (a b) (if (< a b) a b))) The expression (min 123 456) will evaluate to 123; (min 3.14159 2.71828) will evaluate to 2.71828. � User-defined functions can implement their own type checks using predefinedEXAMPLE 11.5 Type predicates type predicate functions: (boolean? x) ; is x a Boolean? (char? x) ; is x a character? (string? x) ; is x a string? (symbol? x) ; is x a symbol? (number? x) ; is x a number? (pair? x) ; is x a (not necessarily proper) pair? (list? x) ; is x a (proper) list? (This is not an exhaustive list.) � A symbol in Scheme is comparable to what other languages call an identifier. The lexical rules for identifiers vary among Scheme implementations, but are in general much looser than they are in other languages. In particular, identifiers areEXAMPLE 11.6 Liberal syntax for symbols permitted to contain a wide variety of punctuation marks: (symbol? 'x$_%:&=*!) =⇒ #t The symbol #t represents the Boolean value true. False is represented by #f. Note the use here of quote ( ‚ ); the symbol begins with x. � To create a function in Scheme one evaluates a lambda expression:3EXAMPLE 11.7 lambda expressions (lambda (x) (* x x)) =⇒ function The first “argument” to lambda is a list of formal parameters for the function (in this case the single parameter x). The remaining “arguments” (again just one in this case) constitute the body of the function. As we shall see in Sec- tion 11.5, Scheme differentiates between functions and so-called special forms 3 A word of caution for readers familiar with Common Lisp: A lambda expression in Scheme eval- uates to a function. A lambda expression in Common Lisp is a function (or, more accurately, is automatically coerced to be a function, without evaluation). The distinction becomes important whenever lambda expressions are passed as parameters or returned from functions: they must be quoted in Common Lisp (with function or #’) to prevent evaluation. Common Lisp also dis- tinguishes between a symbol’s value and its meaning as a function; Scheme does not: if a symbol represents a function, then the function is the symbol’s value. 542 Chapter 11 Functional Languages (lambda among them), which resemble functions but have special evaluation rules. Strictly speaking, only functions have arguments, but we will also use the term informally to refer to the subexpressions that look like arguments in a special form. � A lambda expression does not give its function a name; this can be done using let or define (to be introduced in the next subsection). In this sense, a lambda expression is like the aggregates that we used in Section 7.1.3 to specify array or record values. When a function is called, the language implementation restores the referenc-EXAMPLE 11.8 Function evaluation ing environment that was in effect when the lambda expression was evaluated (like all languages with static scope and first-class, nested subroutines, Scheme employs deep binding). It then augments this environment with bindings for the formal parameters and evaluates the expressions of the function body in order. The value of the last such expression (most often there is only one) becomes the value returned by the function: ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 3) =⇒ 9 � Simple conditional expressions can be written using if:EXAMPLE 11.9 if expressions (if (< 2 3) 4 5) =⇒ 4 (if #f 2 3) =⇒ 3 In general, Scheme expressions are evaluated in applicative order, as described in Section 6.6.2. Special forms such as lambda and if are exceptions to this rule. The implementation of if checks to see whether the first argument evaluates to #t. If so, it returns the value of the second argument, without evaluating the third argument. Otherwise it returns the value of the third argument, without evaluat- ing the second. We will return to the issue of evaluation order in Section 11.5. � 11.3.1 Bindings Names can be bound to values by introducing a nested scope:EXAMPLE 11.10 Nested scopes with let (let ((a 3) (b 4) (square (lambda (x) (* x x))) (plus +)) (sqrt (plus (square a) (square b)))) =⇒ 5.0 The special form let takes two or more arguments. The first of these is a list of pairs. In each pair, the first element is a name and the second is the value that the name is to represent within the remaining arguments to let. Remaining arguments are then evaluated in order; the value of the construct as a whole is the value of the final argument. The scope of the bindings produced by let is let’s second argument only: 11.3 A Bit of Scheme 543 (let ((a 3)) (let ((a 4) (b a)) (+ a b))) =⇒ 7 Here b takes the value of the outer a. The way in which names become visible “all at once” at the end of the declaration list precludes the definition of recursive functions. For these one employs letrec: (letrec ((fact (lambda (n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))) (fact 5)) =⇒ 120 There is also a let* construct in which names become visible “one at a time” so that later ones can make use of earlier ones, but not vice versa. � As noted in Section 3.3, Scheme is statically scoped. (Common Lisp is also statically scoped. Most other Lisp dialects are dynamically scoped.) While letEXAMPLE 11.11 Global bindings with define and letrec allow the user to create nested scopes, they do not affect the meaning of global names (names known at the outermost level of the Scheme interpreter). For these Scheme provides a special form called define that has the side effect of creating a global binding for a name: (define hypot (lambda (a b) (sqrt (+ (* a a) (* b b))))) (hypot 3 4) =⇒ 5 � 11.3.2 Lists and Numbers Like all Lisp dialects, Scheme provides a wealth of functions to manipulate lists. We saw many of these in Section 8.6; we do not repeat them all here. The threeEXAMPLE 11.12 Basic list operations most important are car, which returns the head of a list, cdr (“coulder”), which returns the rest of the list (everything after the head), and cons, which joins a head to the rest of a list: (car '(2 3 4)) =⇒ 2 (cdr '(2 3 4)) =⇒ (3 4) (cons 2 '(3 4)) =⇒ (2 3 4) Also useful is the null? predicate, which determines whether its argument is the empty list. Recall that the notation ‚ (2 3 4) indicates a proper list, in which the final element is the empty list: (cdr '(2)) =⇒ () (cons 2 3) =⇒ (2 . 3) ; an improper list � 544 Chapter 11 Functional Languages For fast access to arbitrary elements of a sequence, Scheme provides a vector type that is indexed by integers, like an array, and may have elements of hetero- geneous types, like a record. Interested readers are referred to the Scheme man- ual [SDF+07] for further information. Scheme also provides a wealth of numeric and logical (Boolean) functions and special forms. The language manual describes a hierarchy of five numeric types: integer, rational, real, complex, and number. The last two levels are op- tional: implementations may choose not to provide any numbers that are not real. Most but not all implementations employ arbitrary-precision representations of both integers and rationals, with the latter stored internally as (numerator, de- nominator) pairs. 11.3.3 Equality Testing and Searching Scheme provides several different equality-testing functions. For numerical com- parisons, = performs type conversions where necessary (e.g., to compare an in- teger and a floating-point number). For general-purpose use, eqv? performs a shallow comparison, while equal? performs a deep (recursive) comparison, us- ing eqv? at the leaves. The eq? function also performs a shallow comparison, and may be cheaper than eqv? in certain circumstances (in particular, eq? is not required to detect the equality of discrete values stored in different locations, though it may in some implementations). Further details were presented in Sec- tion 7.4. To search for elements in lists, Scheme provides two sets of functions, each of which has variants corresponding to the three general-purpose equality predi- cates. The functions memq, memv, and member take an element and a list as argu-EXAMPLE 11.13 List search functions ment, and return the longest suffix of the list (if any) beginning with the element: (memq 'z '(x y z w)) =⇒ (z w) (memv '(z) '(x y (z) w)) =⇒ #f ; (eqv? '(z) '(z)) =⇒ #f (member '(z) '(x y (z) w)) =⇒ ((z) w) ; (equal? '(z) '(z)) =⇒ #t The memq, memv, and member functions perform their comparisons using eq?, eqv?, and equal?, respectively. They return #f if the desired element is not found. It turns out that Scheme’s conditional expressions (e.g., if) treat anything other than #f as true.4 One therefore often sees expressions of the form (if (memq desired-element list-that-might-contain-it) ... � 4 One of the more confusing differences between Scheme and Common Lisp is that Common Lisp uses the empty list () for false, while most implementations of Scheme (including all that conform to the version 5 standard) treat it as true. 11.3 A Bit of Scheme 545 The functions assq, assv, and assoc search for values in association lists (oth-EXAMPLE 11.14 Searching association lists erwise known as A-lists). A-lists were introduced in Section C 3.4.2 in the context of name lookup for languages with dynamic scoping. An A-list is a dictionary implemented as a list of pairs.5 The first element of each pair is a key of some sort; the second element is information corresponding to that key. Assq, assv, and assoc take a key and an A-list as argument, and return the first pair in the list, if there is one, whose first element is eq?, eqv?, or equal?, respectively, to the key. If there is no matching pair, #f is returned. � 11.3.4 Control Flow and Assignment We have already seen the special form if. It has a cousin named cond thatEXAMPLE 11.15 Multiway conditional expressions resembles a more general if. . . elsif. . . else: (cond ((< 3 2) 1) ((< 4 3) 2) (else 3)) =⇒ 3 The arguments to cond are pairs. They are considered in order from first to last. The value of the overall expression is the value of the second element of the first pair in which the first element evaluates to #t. If none of the first elements eval- uates to #t, then the overall value is #f. The symbol else is permitted only as the first element of the last pair of the construct, where it serves as syntactic sugar for #t. � Recursion, of course, is the principal means of doing things repeatedly in Scheme. Many issues related to recursion were discussed in Section 6.6; we do not repeat that discussion here. For programmers who wish to make use of side effects, Scheme provides as- signment, sequencing, and iteration constructs. Assignment employs the specialEXAMPLE 11.16 Assignment form set! and the functions set-car! and set-cdr!: (let ((x 2) ; initialize x to 2 (l '(a b))) ; initialize l to (a b) (set! x 3) ; assign x the value 3 (set-car! l '(c d)) ; assign head of l the value (c d) (set-cdr! l '(e)) ; assign rest of l the value (e) ... x =⇒ 3 ... l =⇒ ((c d) e) The return values of the various varieties of set! are implementation-depen- dent. � Sequencing uses the special form begin:EXAMPLE 11.17 Sequencing 5 For clarity, the figures in Section C 3.4.2 elided the internal structure of the pairs. 546 Chapter 11 Functional Languages (begin (display "hi ") (display "mom")) Here we have used begin to sequence display expressions, which cause the in- terpreter to print their arguments. � Iteration uses the special form do and the function for-each:EXAMPLE 11.18 Iteration (define iter-fib (lambda (n) ; print the first n+1 Fibonacci numbers (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) ; initially 0, inc'ed in each iteration (a 0 b) ; initially 0, set to b in each iteration (b 1 (+ a b))) ; initially 1, set to sum of a and b ((= i n) b) ; termination test and final value (display b) ; body of loop (display " ")))) ; body of loop (for-each (lambda (a b) (display (* a b)) (newline)) '(2 4 6) '(3 5 7)) The first argument to do is a list of triples, each of which specifies a new variable, an initial value for that variable, and an expression to be evaluated and placed in a fresh instance of the variable at the end of each iteration. The second argument to do is a pair that specifies the termination condition and the expression to be returned. At the end of each iteration all new values of loop variables (e.g., a and b) are computed using the current values. Only after all new values are computed are the new variable instances created. The function for-each takes as argument a function and a sequence of lists. There must be as many lists as the function takes arguments, and the lists must DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 11.1 Iteration in functional programs It is important to distinguish between iteration as a notation for repeated ex- ecution and iteration as a means of orchestrating side effects. One can in fact define iteration as syntactic sugar for tail recursion, and Val, Sisal, and pH do precisely that (with special syntax to facilitate the passing of values from one iteration to the next). Such a notation may still be entirely side-effect free, that is, entirely functional. In Scheme, assignment and I/O are the truly imperative features. We think of iteration as imperative because most Scheme programs that use it have assignments or I/O in their loops. 11.3 A Bit of Scheme 547 all be of the same length. For-each calls its function argument repeatedly, pass- ing successive sets of arguments from the lists. In the example shown here, the unnamed function produced by the lambda expression will be called on the ar- guments 2 and 3, 4 and 5, and 6 and 7. The interpreter will print 6 20 42 () The last line is the return value of for-each, assumed here to be the empty list. The language definition allows this value to be implementation-dependent; the construct is executed for its side effects. � Two other control-flow constructs have been mentioned in previous chap- ters. Delay and force (Section 6.6.2) permit the lazy evaluation of expressions. Call-with-current-continuation (call/cc; Section 6.2.2) allows the cur- rent program counter and referencing environment to be saved in the form of a closure, and passed to a specified subroutine. We will mention delay and force again in Section 11.5. 11.3.5 Programs as Lists As should be clear by now, a program in Scheme takes the form of a list. In technical terms, we say that Lisp and Scheme are homoiconic—self-representing. A parenthesized string of symbols (in which parentheses are balanced) is called an S-expression regardless of whether we think of it as a program or as a list. In fact, an unevaluated program is a list, and can be constructed, deconstructed, and otherwise manipulated with all the usual list functions. Just as quote can be used to inhibit the evaluation of a list that appears as anEXAMPLE 11.19 Evaluating data as code argument in a function call, Scheme provides an eval function that can be used to evaluate a list that has been created as a data structure: (define compose (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x))))) ((compose car cdr) '(1 2 3)) =⇒ 2 (define compose2 (lambda (f g) (eval (list 'lambda '(x) (list f (list g 'x))) (scheme-report-environment 5)))) ((compose2 car cdr) '(1 2 3)) =⇒ 2 In the first of these declarations, compose takes as arguments a pair of functions f and g. It returns as result a function that takes as parameter a value x, applies 548 Chapter 11 Functional Languages g to it, then applies f, and finally returns the result. In the second declaration, compose2 performs the same function, but in a different way. The function list returns a list consisting of its (evaluated) arguments. In the body of compose2, this list is the unevaluated expression (lambda (x) (f (g x))). When passed to eval, this list evaluates to the desired function. The second argument of eval specifies the referencing environment in which the expression is to be evaluated. In our example we have specified the environment defined by the Scheme ver- sion 5 report [KCR+98]. � The original description of Lisp [MAE+65] included a self-definition of the language: code for a Lisp interpreter, written in Lisp. Though Scheme differs in many ways from this early Lisp (most notably in its use of lexical scoping), such a metacircular interpreter can still be written easily [AS96, Chap. 4]. The code is based on the functions eval and apply. The first of these we have just seen. The second, apply, takes two arguments: a function and a list. It achieves the effect of calling the function, with the elements of the list as arguments. 11.3.6 Extended Example: DFA Simulation in Scheme To conclude our introduction to Scheme, we present a complete program to sim-EXAMPLE 11.20 Simulating a DFA in Scheme ulate the execution of a DFA (deterministic finite automaton). The code appears in Figure 11.1. Finite automata details can be found in Sections 2.2 and C 2.4.1. Here we represent a DFA as a list of three items: the start state, the transition function, and a list of final states. The transition function in turn is represented by a list of pairs. The first element of each pair is another pair, whose first element is a state and whose second element is an input symbol. If the current state and next input symbol match the first element of a pair, then the finite automaton enters the state given by the second element of the pair. To make this concrete, consider the DFA of Figure 11.2. It accepts all strings of zeros and ones in which each digit appears an even number of times. To simulate this machine, we pass it to the function simulate along with an input string. As it runs, the automaton accumulates as a list a trace of the states through which it has traveled. Once the input is exhausted, it adds accept or reject. For example, if we type (simulate zero-one-even-dfa ; machine description '(0 1 1 0 1)) ; input string then the Scheme interpreter will print (q0 q2 q3 q2 q0 q1 reject) If we change the input string to 010010, the interpreter will print (q0 q2 q3 q1 q3 q2 q0 accept) � 11.3 A Bit of Scheme 549 (define simulate (lambda (dfa input) (letrec ((helper ; note that helper is tail recursive, ; but builds the list of moves in reverse order (lambda (moves d2 i) (let ((c (current-state d2))) (if (null? i) (cons c moves) (helper (cons c moves) (move d2 (car i)) (cdr i))))))) (let ((moves (helper '() dfa input))) (reverse (cons (if (is-final? (car moves) dfa) 'accept 'reject) moves)))))) ;; access functions for machine description: (define current-state car) (define transition-function cadr) (define final-states caddr) (define is-final? (lambda (s dfa) (memq s (final-states dfa)))) (define move (lambda (dfa symbol) (let ((cs (current-state dfa)) (trans (transition-function dfa))) (list (if (eq? cs 'error) 'error (let ((pair (assoc (list cs symbol) trans))) (if pair (cadr pair) 'error))) ; new start state trans ; same transition function (final-states dfa))))) ; same final states Figure 11.1 Scheme program to simulate the actions of a DFA. Given a machine description and an input symbol i, function move searches for a transition labeled i from the start state to some new state s. It then returns a new machine with the same transition function and final states, but with s as its “start” state. The main function, simulate, encapsulates a tail-recursive helper function that accumulates an inverted list of moves, returning when it has consumed all input symbols. The wrapper then checks to see if the helper ended in a final state; it returns the (properly ordered) series of moves, with accept or reject at the end. The functions cadr and caddr are defined as (lambda (x) (car (cdr x))) and (lambda (x) (car (cdr (cdr x)))), respectively. Scheme provides a large collection of such abbreviations. 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1. What mathematical formalism underlies functional programming? 2. List several distinguishing characteristics of functional programming lan- guages. 3. Briefly describe the behavior of the Lisp/Scheme read-eval-print loop. 4. What is a first-class value? 550 Chapter 11 Functional Languages q0 Start q1 q2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 q3 (define zero-one-even-dfa '(q0 ; start state (((q0 0) q2) ((q0 1) q1) ((q1 0) q3) ((q1 1) q0) ; transition fn ((q2 0) q0) ((q2 1) q3) ((q3 0) q1) ((q3 1) q2)) (q0))) ; final states Figure 11.2 DFA to accept all strings of zeros and ones containing an even number of each. At the bottom of the figure is a representation of the machine as a Scheme data structure, using the conventions of Figure 11.1. 5. Explain the difference between let, let*, and letrec in Scheme. 6. Explain the difference between eq?, eqv?, and equal?. 7. Describe three ways in which Scheme programs can depart from a purely functional programming model. 8. What is an association list? 9. What does it mean for a language to be homoiconic? 10. What is an S-expression? 11. Outline the behavior of eval and apply. 11.4 A Bit of OCaml Like Lisp, ML has a complicated family tree. The original language was devised in the early 1970s by Robin Milner and others at Cambridge University. SML (“Standard” ML) and OCaml (Objective Caml) are the two most widely used di- alects today. Haskell, the most widely used language for functional programming research, is a separate descendant of ML (by way of Miranda). F#, developed by Microsoft and others, is a descendant of OCaml. Work on OCaml (and its predecessor, Caml) has been led since the early 1980s by researchers at INRIA, the French national computing research organization (the ‘O’ was added to the name with the introduction of object-oriented features 11.4 A Bit of OCaml 551 in the early 1990s). Among the ML family languages, OCaml is known for the efficiency of the INRIA implementation and for its widespread commercial adop- tion: among other domains, OCaml is popular in the finance industry. The INRIA OCaml distribution includes both a byte-code compiler (with ac- companying virtual machine) and an optimizing native-code compiler for a va- riety of machine architectures. The interpreter can be used either interactively or to execute a previously written program. The easiest way to learn the language is to experiment with the interpreter interactively. The examples in the remainder of this section all work in that environment. The interpreter repeatedly reads an expression from standard input, evaluates that expression, and prints the resulting value. If the user typesEXAMPLE 11.21 Interacting with the interpreter 3 + 4;; the interpreter will print - : int = 7 Double semicolons are used to indicate the end of a “top-level form”—an expres- sion in the outermost scope. The output indicates that the user’s expression (-) was an integer of value 7. If the user types 7;; the interpreter will also print - : int = 7 (The number 7 is already fully evaluated.) Rather than type preexisting code into the interpreter directly, the programmer can instruct the interpreter to load it from a file: #use "mycode.ml";; The initial hash sign indicates that this is a directive to the interpreter, rather than an expression to be evaluated. � To invoke a function, one types the function name followed by its argu-EXAMPLE 11.22 Function call syntax ment(s): cos 0.0;; =⇒ 1.0 min 3 4;; =⇒ 3 552 Chapter 11 Functional Languages Here cos expects a single real-number argument; min expects two arguments of the same type, which must support comparison for ordering. As in our coverage of Scheme, we use =⇒ as shorthand to indicate the result of evaluation. Note the absence of parentheses in function calls! Invocation is indicated sim- ply by juxtaposition. An expression such as foo (3, 4) does not apply foo to the two arguments 3 and 4, but rather to the tuple (3, 4). (A tuple is essen- tially a record whose elements are positional rather than named; more on this in Section 11.4.3.) � If we type in the name cos all by itselfEXAMPLE 11.23 Function values cos;; OCaml informs us that our expression is a function from floats to floats: - : float -> float =

If we ask about (+) (which we must enclose in parentheses to avoid a syntax
error), we learn that it is a function that maps two integers to a third:

– : int -> int -> int =

If we ask about min, we learn that it is polymorphic:

– : ‘a -> ‘a -> ‘a =

As explained in Section 7.2.4, the

a is a type parameter; it indicates that the

argument and result types of min can be arbitrary, so long as they are the same
(of course, since min uses < internally, we will suffer a run-time exception if ‚ a is a function type). � The lack of parentheses in function calls does raise the question: how do weEXAMPLE 11.24 unit type distinguish a simple named value from a call to a zero-argument function? The answer is to insist that such functions take a dummy, placeholder argument, indi- cated by empty parentheses. A call to a function with no (useful) arguments then looks much like a call to a zero-argument function in C: let c_three = 3;; let f_three () = 3;; Here c_three is a constant of type int; f_three is a function of type unit ->
int. The former can be used in any context that expects an integer; the latter
returns an integer when called with a unit argument:

c_three;; =⇒ 3
f_three ();; =⇒ 3 �

11.4 A Bit of OCaml 553

Lexical conventions in OCaml are straightforward: Identifiers are composed of
upper- and lower-case letters, digits, underscores, and single quote marks; most
are required to start with a lower-case letter or underscore (a few special kinds
of names, including type constructors, variants, modules, and exceptions, must
start with an upper-case letter). Comments are delimited with (* . . . *), and
are permitted to nest. Floating-point numbers are required to contain a decimal
point: the expression cos 0 will generate a type-clash error message.

Built-in types include Boolean values, integers, floating-point numbers, char-
acters, and strings. Values of more complex types can be created using a vari-
ety of type constructors, including lists, arrays, tuples, records, variants, objects,
and classes; several of these are described in Section 11.4.3. As discussed in Sec-
tion 7.2.4, type checking is performed by inferring a type for every expression, and
then checking that whenever two expressions need to be of the same type (e.g., be-
cause one is an argument and the other is the corresponding formal parameter),
the inferences turn out to be the same. To support type inference, some operators
that are overloaded in other languages are separate in OCaml. In particular, the
usual arithmetic operations have both integer (+, -, *, /) and floating-point (+.,
-., *., /.) versions.

11.4.1 Equality and Ordering

Like most functional languages, OCaml uses a reference model for names. When
comparing two expressions, either or both of which may simply be a name, there
are two different notions of equality. The so-called “physical” comparators, ==EXAMPLE 11.25

“Physical” and “structural”

and !=, perform what we called a “shallow” comparison in Section 7.4: they
determine if the expressions refer to the same object, in the broad sense of the
word. The so-called “structural” comparators, = and <>, perform what we called
a “deep” comparison: they determine if the objects to which the expressions refer
have the same internal structure or behavior. Thus the following expressions all
evaluate to true:

physical (shallow) structural (deep)

2 == 2 2 = 2
“foo” != “foo” “foo” = “foo”
[1; 2; 3] != [1; 2; 3] [1; 2; 3] = [1; 1+1; 5-2]

In the first line, there is (conceptually) only one 2 in the world, so references to
it are both physically and structurally equivalent. In the second line, two charac-
ter strings with the same constituent characters are structurally but not physically
equivalent. In the third line, two lists are physically different even if they look
syntactically the same; they are structurally equivalent if their corresponding el-
ements are structurally equivalent. Significantly, expressions whose values are
functions can be compared for physical (shallow) equality, but cause a run-time
exception if compared for structural equality (equivalent behavior for functions

554 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

is an undecidable problem). Structural comparison of cyclic structures can result
in an infinite loop. �

Comparison for ordering (<, >, <=, >=) is always based on deep comparison.
It is defined in OCaml on all types other than functions. It does what one would
normally expect on arithmetic types, characters, and strings (the latter works lex-
icographically); on other types the results are deterministic but not necessarily
intuitive. In all cases, the results are consistent with the structural equality test
(=): if a = b, then a <= b and a >= b; if a <> b, then a < b or a > b. As
with the equality tests, comparison of functions will cause a run-time exception;
comparison of cyclic structures may not terminate.

11.4.2 Bindings and Lambda Expressions

New names in OCaml are introduced with let. An outermost (top-level) letEXAMPLE 11.26
Outermost declarations introduces a name that is visible throughout the remainder of its file or module:

let average = fun x y -> (x +. y) /. 2.;;

Here fun introduces a lambda expression. The names preceding the right ar-
row (->) are parameters; the expression following the arrow is the body of the
function—the value it will return. To make programs a bit more readable, given
the ubiquity of function declarations, OCaml provides the following somewhat
simpler syntactic sugar:


11.2 Equality and ordering in SML and Haskell
Unlike OCaml, SML provides a single equality operator: a built-in polymor-
phic function defined on some but not all types. Equality tests are deep for
expressions of immutable types and shallow for those of mutable types. Tests
on unsupported (e.g., function) types produce a compile-time error message
rather than a run-time exception. The ordering comparisons, by contrast,
are defined as overloaded names for a collection of built-in functions, each
of which works on a different type.

As noted in Example 3.28 and Sidebar 7.7, Haskell unifies and extends the
handling of equality and comparisons with a concept known as type classes.The
equality operators (= and <>), for example, are declared (but not defined) in
a predefined class Eq; any value that is passed to one of these operators will
be inferred to be of some type in class Eq. Any value that is passed to one of
the ordering operators (<, <=, >=, >) will similarly be inferred to be of some
type in class Ord. This latter class is defined to be an extension of Eq; every
type in class Ord must support the operators of class Eq as well. There is a
strong analogy between type classes and the interfaces of languages with mix-
in inheritance (Section 10.5).

11.4 A Bit of OCaml 555

let average x y = (x +. y) /. 2.;;

In either version of the function declaration, x and y will be inferred to be floats,
because they are added with the floating-point +. operator. The programmer
can document this explicitly if desired:

let average: float -> float -> float = fun x y -> (x +. y) /. 2.;;


let average (x:float) (y:float) :float = (x +. y) /. 2.;; �

Nested scopes are created with the let…in… construct. To compute theEXAMPLE 11.27
Nested declarations area of a triangle given the lengths of its sides, we might use the following function

based on Heron’s formula:

let triangle_area a b c =
let s = (a +. b +. c) /. 2.0 in
sqrt (s *. (s-.a) *. (s-.b) *. (s-.c));;

Here s is local to the expression following the in. It will be neither visible outside
the triangle_area function nor in the body of its own definition (the expression
between the inner = and the in). �

In the case of recursion, of course, we do need a function to be visible withinEXAMPLE 11.28
A recursive nested
function (reprise of
Example 7.38)

its declaration:

let fib n =
let rec fib_helper f1 f2 i =

if i = n then f2
else fib_helper f2 (f1 + f2) (i + 1) in

fib_helper 0 1 0;;

Here fib_helper is visible not only within the body of fib, but also within its
own body. �

11.4.3 Type Constructors


Programmers make heavy use of lists in most functional languages, and OCaml
is no exception. Lists are naturally recursive, and lend themselves to manipula-
tion with recursive functions. In scripting languages and dialects of Lisp, all of
which are dynamically typed, lists can be heterogeneous—a single list may con-
tain values of multiple, arbitrary types. In ML and its descendants, which performEXAMPLE 11.29

Polymorphic list operators all checking at compile time, lists must be homogeneous—all elements must have
the same type. At the same time, functions that manipulate lists without perform-
ing operations on their members can take any kind of list as argument—they are
naturally polymorphic:

556 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

let rec append l1 l2 =
if l1 = [] then l2
else hd l1 :: append (tl l1) l2;;

let rec member x l =
if l = [] then false
else if x = hd l then true
else member x (tl l);;

Here append is of type

a list ->

a list ->

a list; member is of type



a list -> bool. Empty brackets ([]) represent the empty list. The built-in

:: constructor is analogous to cons in Lisp: it takes an element and a list and
tacks the former onto the beginning of the latter; its type is

a ->

a list ->

a list. The hd and tl functions are analogous to car and cdr in Lisp: they

return the head and the remainder, respectively, of a list created by ::. They are
exported—together with many other useful routines (including append)—by the
standard List library. (As it turns out, use of hd and tl is generally considered
bad form in OCaml. Because they work only on nonempty lists, both functions
must check their argument at run time and be prepared to throw an exception.
OCaml’s pattern matching mechanism, which we will examine in Section 11.4.4,
allows the checking to be performed at compile time, and almost always provides
a better way to write the code.) �

Lists in OCaml are immutable: once created, their content never changes. ListEXAMPLE 11.30
List notation aggregates are most often written using “square bracket” notation, with semi-

colons separating the internal elements. The expression [a; b; c] is the same
as a :: b :: c :: []. Note that if a, b, and c are all of the same type (call it

t), the expression a :: b :: c will still generate a type-clash error message: the

right-hand operand of the second :: needs to be of type

t list, not just


The built-in at-sign constructor, @, behaves like an infix version of append.
The expression [a; b; c] @ [d; e; f; g] is the same as append [a; b; c]
[d; e; f; g]; it evaluates to [a; b; c; d; e; f; g].

Since OCaml lists are homogeneous, one might wonder about the type of [].
To make it to be compatible with any list, it is given type

a list. �

Arrays and Strings

While lists have a natural recursive definition and dynamically variable length,
their immutability and linear-time access cost (for an arbitrary element) make
them less than ideal for many applications. OCaml therefore provides a more
conventional array type. The length of an array is fixed at elaboration time (i.e.,
when its declaration is encountered at run time), but its elements can be accessed
in constant time, and their values can be changed by imperative code.

Array aggregates look much like lists, but with vertical bars immediately insideEXAMPLE 11.31
Array notation the square brackets:

let five_primes = [| 2; 3; 5; 7; 11 |];;

11.4 A Bit of OCaml 557

Array indexing always starts at zero. Elements are accessed using the .() opera-

five_primes.(2);; =⇒ 5

Unlike lists, arrays are mutable. Updates are made with the left-arrow assign-
ment operator:

five_primes.(2) <- 4;; =⇒ () five_primes.(2);; =⇒ 4 Note that the assignment itself returns the unit value; it is evaluated for its side effect. � Strings are essentially arrays of characters. They are delimited with doubleEXAMPLE 11.32 Strings as character arrays quotes, and indexed with the .[] operator: let greeting = "hi, mom!";; greeting.[7];; =⇒ '!' As of OCaml 4.02, strings are immutable by default, but there is a related bytes type that supports updates: let enquiry = Bytes.of_string greeting;; Bytes.set enquiry 7 '?';; =⇒ () enquiry;; =⇒ "hi, mom?" � Tuples and Records Tuples, which we mentioned briefly in Example 11.22, are immutable, heteroge- neous, but fixed-size collections of values of simpler types. Tuple aggregates are written by separating the component values with commas and surrounding them with parentheses. In a chemical database, the element Mercury might be repre-EXAMPLE 11.33 Tuple notation sented by the tuple ("Hg", 80, 200.592), representing the element’s chemical symbol, atomic number, and standard atomic weight. This tuple is said to be of type string * int * float; the stars, suggestive of multiplication, reflect the fact that tuple values are drawn from the Cartesian product of the string, int, and float domains. Components of tuples are typically extracted via pattern matching (Sec- tion 11.4.4). In two-element tuples (often referred to as pairs), the components can also be obtained using the built-in polymorphic functions fst and snd: fst ("Hg", 80);; =⇒ "Hg" snd ("Hg", 80);; =⇒ 80 � Records are much like tuples, but the component values (fields) are named, rather than positional. The language implementation must choose an order for the internal representation of a record, but this order is not visible to the pro- grammer. To introduce field names to the compiler, each record type must beEXAMPLE 11.34 Record notation declared: 558 Chapter 11 Functional Languages type element = {name: string; atomic_number: int; atomic_weight: float};; Record aggregates are enclosed in braces, with the fields (in any order) separated by semicolons: let mercury = {atomic_number = 80; name = "Hg"; atomic_weight = 200.592};; Individual fields of a record are easily accessed by name, using familiar “dot” notation: mercury.atomic_weight;; =⇒ 200.592 � At the programmer’s discretion, fields can be declared to be mutable:EXAMPLE 11.35 Mutable fields type sale_item = {name: string; mutable price: float};; Like elements of an array, mutable fields can then be changed with the left-arrow operator: let my_item = {name = "bike"; price = 699.95};; my_item.price;; =⇒ 699.95 my_item.price <- 800.00;; =⇒ () my_item;; =⇒ {name = "bike"; price = 800.} � As a convenience, the OCaml standard library defines a polymorphic ref typeEXAMPLE 11.36 References that is essentially a record with a single mutable field. The exclamation-point operator ! is used to retrieve the object referred to by the reference; := is used for assignment: let x = ref 3;; !x;; =⇒ 3 x := !x + 1;; =⇒ () !x;; =⇒ 4 � Variant Types Variant types, like records, must be declared, but instead of introducing a set of named fields, each of which is present in every value of the type, the declaration introduces a set of named constructors (variants), one of which will be present in each value of the type. In the simplest case, the constructors are all simply names,EXAMPLE 11.37 Variants as enumerations and the type is essentially an enumeration: type weekday = Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat;; Note that constructor names must begin with a capital letter. � In more complicated examples, a constructor may specify a type for its variant. The overall type is then essentially a union:EXAMPLE 11.38 Variants as unions 11.4 A Bit of OCaml 559 type yearday = YMD of int * int * int | YD of int * int;; This code defines YMD as a constructor that takes a three-integer tuple as argu- ment, and YD as a constructor that takes a two-integer tuple as argument. The intent is to allow days of the year to be specified either as (year, month, day) triples or as (year, day) pairs, where the second element of the pair may range from 1 to 366. In 2015 (a non–leap year), the Fourth of July could be represented either as YMD (2015, 7, 4) or as YD (2015, 185), though the equality test YMD (2015, 7, 4) = YD (2015, 185) would fail. (We could, if desired, define a special equality operator for such constructed values—see Exercise 11.16.) � Variant types are particularly useful for recursive structures, where different variants represent the base and inductive parts of a definition. The canonicalEXAMPLE 11.39 Recursive variants example is a binary tree: type 'a tree = Empty | Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree;; Given this definition, the tree R Y WZ X can be written Node ( ‚ R ‚ , Node ( ‚ X ‚ , Empty, Empty), Node ( ‚ Y ‚ , Node ( ‚ Z ‚ , Empty, Empty), Node ( ‚ W ‚ , Empty, Empty))). � 11.4.4 Pattern Matching Pattern matching, particularly for strings, appears in many programming lan- guages. Examples include Snobol, Icon, Perl, and the several other scripting lan- guages that have adopted Perl’s facilities (discussed in Section 14.4.2). ML is dis- tinctive in extending pattern matching to the full range of constructed values— including tuples, lists, records, and variants—and integrating it with static typing and type inference. A simple example in OCaml occurs when passing parameters. Suppose, forEXAMPLE 11.40 Pattern matching of parameters example, that we need a function to extract the atomic number from an element represented as a tuple: let atomic_number (s, n, w) = n;; let mercury = ("Hg", 80, 200.592);; atomic_number mercury;; =⇒ 80 560 Chapter 11 Functional Languages Here mercury, the argument to atomic_number, has been matched against the (single, tuple) parameter in the function definition, giving us names for its vari- ous fields, one of which we simply return. Since the other two fields are unused in the body of the function, we don’t really have to give them names: the “wild card” (_) pattern can be used instead: let atomic_number (_, n, _) = n;; � Pattern matching also works when declaring local names:EXAMPLE 11.41 Pattern matching in local declarations let atomic_number e = let (_, n, _) = e in n;; � In both versions of the atomic_number function, pattern matching allows us to associate names with the components of some larger constructed value. The real power of pattern matching, however, arises not in such simple cases, but in cases where the structure of the value to be matched may not be known until run time. Consider for example a function to return an in-order list of the nodes of aEXAMPLE 11.42 The match construct binary tree: type 'a tree = Empty | Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree;; let rec inorder t = match t with | Empty -> []
| Node (v, left, right) -> inorder left @ [v] @ inorder right;;


11.3 Type Equivalence in OCaml
Because of their use of type inference, ML-family languages generally provide
the effect of structural type equivalence. Variants can be used to obtain the
effect of name equivalence when desired:

type celsius_temp = CT of int;;
type fahrenheit_temp = FT of int;;

A value of type celsius_temp can then be obtained by using the CT construc-

let freezing = CT(0);;

Unfortunately, celsius_temp does not automatically inherit the arithmetic
operators and relations of int: the expression CT(0) + CT(20) will generate a
type clash error message. Moreover, with the exception of the built-in compar-
ison operators (<, >, <=, >=), there is no provision for overloading in OCaml:
we can define cplus and fplus functions, but we cannot overload + itself.

11.4 A Bit of OCaml 561

The match construct compares a candidate expression (here t) with each of a
series of patterns (here Empty and Node (v, left, right)). Each pattern is
preceded by a vertical bar and separated by an arrow from an accompanying ex-
pression. The value of the overall construct is the value of the accompanying
expression for the first pattern that matches the candidate expression. When ap-
plied to the tree of Example 11.39, our inorder function yields [










]. �

In some cases, it can be helpful to guard a pattern with a Boolean expression.
Suppose, for example, that we are looking for the value associated with a givenEXAMPLE 11.43

Guards key in a list of key-value pairs:

let rec find key l =
match l with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (k, v) :: rest when k = key -> v
| head :: rest -> find key rest;;

let squares = [(1,1); (2,4); (3,9); (4,16); (5,25)];;

Given these definitions, find 3 squares will return the value 9; find 6 squares
will raise a Not_found exception. Note that the patterns in a match are consid-
ered in program order: in our find function, we only use the third alternative
when the guard in the second one fails. �

When desired, a pattern can provide names at multiple levels of granularity.
Consider, for example, the representation of a line segment as a pair of pairs indi-EXAMPLE 11.44

The as keyword cating the coordinates of the endpoints. Given a segment s, we can name both the
(two-component) points and the individual coordinates using the as keyword:

let (((x1, y1) as p1), ((x2, y2) as p2)) = s;;

If s = ((1, 2), (3, 4)), then after this declaration, we have x1 = 1, y1 = 2,
x2 = 3, y2 = 4, p1 = (1, 2), and p2 = (3, 4). �

One use case for match is sufficiently common to warrant its own syntactic
sugar. An example can be seen in our inorder function, whose body consistsEXAMPLE 11.45

The function keyword of a match on the function’s (single) parameter. The special function keyword
eliminates the need to name the parameter explicitly:

let rec inorder = function
| Empty -> []
| Node (v, left, right) -> inorder left @ [v] @ inorder right;; �

In many cases, an OCaml implementation can tell at compile time that a pat-
tern match will succeed: it knows all necessary information about the structure of
the value being matched against the pattern. In other cases, the implementation
can tell that a match is doomed to fail, generally because the types of the pattern
and the value cannot be unified. The more interesting cases are those in which the

562 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

pattern and the value have the same type (i.e., could be unified), but the success
of the match cannot be determined until run time. If l is of type int list, forEXAMPLE 11.46

Run-time pattern matching example, then an attempt to “deconstruct” l into its head and tail may or may
not succeed, depending on l’s value:

let head :: rest = l in …

If l is [], the attempted match will raise a Match_failure exception. �
By default, the OCaml compiler will issue a compile-time warning for any pat-

tern match whose options are not exhaustive—i.e., whose structure does not in-
clude all the possibilities inherent in the type of the candidate expression, and
whose execution might therefore lead to a run-time exception. The compiler will
also issue a warning if the pattern in a later arm of a multi-way match is com-
pletely covered by one in an earlier arm (implying that the latter will never be

A completely covered arm is probably an error, but harmless, in the sense that
it will never result in a dynamic semantic error. Nonexhaustive cases may be
intentional, if the programmer can predict that the pattern will always work at
run time. The append function of Example 11.29 could have been writtenEXAMPLE 11.47

Coverage of patterns
let rec append l1 l2 =

if l1 = [] then l2
else let h::t = l1 in h :: append t l2;;

This version of the code is likely to elicit a warning: the compiler will fail to re-
alize that the let construct in the else clause will be elaborated only if l1 is
nonempty. (This example looks easy enough to figure out, but the general case is
undecidable, and there is little point in providing special code to recognize easy
cases.) Probably the best way to write the code is to use a two-way match instead
of the if. . . then . . . else:

let rec append l1 l2 =
match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| h::t -> h :: append t l2;;

Unlike either of the previous versions, this allows the compiler to verify that the
matching is exhaustive. �

In imperative languages, subroutines that need to produce more than one
value often do so via modification of reference or result parameters. Functional
languages, which need to avoid such side effects, must instead arrange to return
multiple values from a function. In OCaml, these are easily composed into, and
extracted from, a tuple. Consider, for example, a statistics routine that returnsEXAMPLE 11.48

Pattern matching against a
tuple returned from a

the mean and standard deviation of the values in a list:

11.4 A Bit of OCaml 563

let stats l =
let rec helper rest n sum sum_squares =

match rest with
| [] -> let nf = float_of_int n in

(sum /. nf, sqrt (sum_squares /. nf))
| h :: t ->

helper t (n+1) (sum+.h) (sum_squares +. (h*.h)) in
helper l 0 0.0 0.0;;

To obtain the statistics for a given list, we can pattern match against the value
returned from function stats:

let (mean, sd) = stats [1.; 2.; 3.; 4.; 5.];;

To which the interpreter responds

val mean : float = 3.
val sd : float = 3.3166247903554 �

11.4.5 Control Flow and Side Effects

We have seen several examples of if expressions in previous sections. Because it
must yield a value, almost every if expression has both a then part and an else
part. The only exception is when the then part has unit type, and is executedEXAMPLE 11.49

An if without an else for its side effect:

if a < 0 then print_string "negative" Here the print_string call evaluates to (), as does, by convention, the implicit missing else clause; the overall expression thus has unit type. � I/O is a common form of side effect. OCaml provides standard library routines to read and print a variety of built-in types. It also supports formatted output in the style of C’s printf. While tail recursion and higher-order functions are strongly preferred when expressing repeated execution, iterative loops are also available. Perhaps theirEXAMPLE 11.50 Insertion sort in OCaml most common application is to update arrays in place: let insertion_sort a = (* sort array a without making a copy *) for i = 1 to Array.length a - 1 do let t = a.(i) in let j = ref i in while !j > 0 && t < a.(!j - 1) do a.(!j) <- a.(!j - 1); j := !j - 1 done; a.(!j) <- t done;; 564 Chapter 11 Functional Languages Note the use here of both <- assignment for array elements and := assignment for references. (Keep in mind that the exclamation point indicates dereference, not logical negation.) Note also the use of semicolons to separate the assignments inside the while loop, and again to separate the while loop from the assignment to a.(!j). The for and while loops both evaluate to (), as do both <- and := assignments. � We have noted in previous sections that many routines in the OCaml standard library will raise exceptions in certain circumstances. We raised one ourselves in Example 11.43. A simple exception is declared as follows:EXAMPLE 11.51 A simple exception exception Not_found;; � In more complex cases, an exception can take arguments:EXAMPLE 11.52 An exception with arguments exception Bad_arg of float * string;; This latter exception might be raised by a hypothetical trigonometry library: let arc_cos x = if x < -1. || x > 1. then raise (Bad_arg (x, “in arc_cos”))
else acos x;;

The predefined acos function simply returns a “not-a-number” value (NaN—
Section C 5.2.2) when its argument has a magnitude larger than 1. �

Exceptions are caught in a with clause of a try expression:EXAMPLE 11.53
Catching an exception

let special_meals =
[(“Tim Smith”, “vegan”); (“Fatima Hussain”, “halal”)];;

let meal_type p =
try find p special_meals with Not_found -> “default”;;

meal_type “Tim Smith”;; =⇒ “vegan”
meal_type “Peng Chen”;; =⇒ “default”

An exception with an argument is only slightly more complicated:

open Printf;; (* formatted I/O library *)
let c = try arc_cos v with Bad_arg (arg, loc) ->

(eprintf “Bad argument %f %s\n” arg loc; 0.0);;

Note that the expression after the arrow must have the same type as the expression
between the try and with. Here we have printed an error message and then (after
the semicolon) provided a value of 0. �

11.4 A Bit of OCaml 565

11.4.6 Extended Example: DFA Simulation in OCaml

To conclude our introduction to OCaml, we reprise the DFA simulation pro-EXAMPLE 11.54
Simulating a DFA in OCaml gram originally presented in Scheme in Example 11.20. The code appears in Fig-

ure 11.3. Finite automata details can be found in Sections 2.2 and C 2.4.1. Here
we represent a DFA as a record with three fields: the start state, the transition
function, and a list of final states. To represent the transition function we use a
list of triples. The first two elements of each triple are a state and an input symbol.
If these match the current state and next input symbol, then the finite automaton
enters the state given by the third element of the triple.

To make all this concrete, consider the DFA of Figure 11.4. It accepts all strings
of as and bs in which each letter appears an even number of times. To simulate
this machine, we pass it to the function simulate along with an input string. As
it runs, the automaton accumulates as a list a trace of the states through which it
has traveled. Once the input is exhausted, it packages the trace together in a tuple
with either Accept or Reject. For example, if we type

simulate a_b_even_dfa [‘a’; ‘b’; ‘b’; ‘a’; ‘b’];;

then the OCaml interpreter will print

– : state list * decision = ([0; 2; 3; 2; 0; 1], Reject)

If we change the input string to abaaba, the interpreter will print

– : state list * decision = ([0; 2; 3; 1; 3; 2; 0], Accept) �

12. Why does OCaml provide separate arithmetic operators for integer and

floating-point values?

13. Explain the difference between physical and structural equality of values in

14. How do lists in OCaml differ from those of Lisp and Scheme?

15. Identify the values that OCaml treats as mutable.

16. List three contexts in which OCaml performs pattern matching.

17. Explain the difference between tuples and records in OCaml. How does an
OCaml record differ from a record (structure) in languages like C or Pascal?

18. What are OCaml variants? What features do they subsume from imperative
languages such as C and Pascal?

566 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

open List;; (* includes rev, find, and mem functions *)

type state = int;;
type ‘a dfa = {

current_state : state;
transition_function : (state * ‘a * state) list;
final_states : state list;

type decision = Accept | Reject;;

let move (d:’a dfa) (x:’a) : ‘a dfa =
{ current_state = (

let (_, _, q) =
find (fun (s, c, _) -> s = d.current_state && c = x)

d.transition_function in

transition_function = d.transition_function;
final_states = d.final_states;


let simulate (d:’a dfa) (input:’a list) : (state list * decision) =
let rec helper moves d2 remaining_input : (state option * state list) =

match remaining_input with
| [] -> (Some d2.current_state, moves)
| hd :: tl ->

let new_moves = d2.current_state :: moves in
try helper new_moves (move d2 hd) tl
with Not_found -> (None, new_moves) in

match helper [] d input with
| (None, moves) -> (rev moves, Reject)
| (Some last_state, moves) ->

( rev (last_state :: moves),
if mem last_state d.final_states then Accept else Reject);;

Figure 11.3 OCaml program to simulate the actions of a DFA. Given a machine description
and an input symbol i, function move searches for a transition labeled i from the start state to
some new state s. If the search fails, find raises exception Not_found , which propagates out of
move; otherwise move returns a new machine with the same transition function and final states,
but with s as its “start” state. Note that the code is polymorphic in the type of the input symbols.
The main function, simulate, encapsulates a tail-recursive helper function that accumulates an
inverted list of moves, returning when it has consumed all input symbols. The encapsulating
function then checks to see if the helper ended in a final state; it returns the (properly ordered)
series of moves, together with an Accept or Reject indication. The built-in option constructor
(Example 7.6) is used to distinguish between a real state (Some s) and an error state (None).

11.5 Evaluation Order Revisited 567






a a a a





let a_b_even_dfa : char dfa =
{ current_state = 0;

transition_function =
[ (0, ‘a’, 2); (0, ‘b’, 1); (1, ‘a’, 3); (1, ‘b’, 0);

(2, ‘a’, 0); (2, ‘b’, 3); (3, ‘a’, 1); (3, ‘b’, 2) ];
final_states = [0];


Figure 11.4 DFA to accept all strings of as and bs containing an even number of each. At
the bottom of the figure is a representation of the machine as an OCaml data structure, using
the conventions of Figure 11.3.

11.5 Evaluation Order Revisited
In Section 6.6.2 we observed that the subcomponents of many expressions can
be evaluated in more than one order. In particular, one can choose to evaluate
function arguments before passing them to a function, or to pass them unevalu-
ated. The former option is called applicative-order evaluation; the latter is called
normal-order evaluation. Like most imperative languages, Scheme and OCaml
use applicative order in most cases. Normal order, which arises in the macros and
call-by-name parameters of imperative languages, is available in special cases.

Suppose, for example, that we have defined the following function in Scheme:EXAMPLE 11.55
Applicative and
normal-order evaluation (define double (lambda (x) (+ x x)))

Evaluating the expression (double (* 3 4)) in applicative order (as Scheme
does), we have

(double (* 3 4))
=⇒ (double 12)
=⇒ (+ 12 12)
=⇒ 24

Under normal-order evaluation we would have

568 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

(double (* 3 4))
=⇒ (+ (* 3 4) (* 3 4))
=⇒ (+ 12 (* 3 4))
=⇒ (+ 12 12)
=⇒ 24

Here we end up doing extra work: normal order causes us to evaluate (* 3 4)
twice. �

In other cases, applicative-order evaluation can end up doing extra work. Sup-EXAMPLE 11.56
Normal-order avoidance of
unnecessary work

pose we have defined the following:

(define switch
(lambda (x a b c)

(cond ((< x 0) a) ((= x 0) b) ((> x 0) c))))

Evaluating the expression (switch -1 (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3) (+ 3 4)) in applicative
order, we have

(switch -1 (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3) (+ 3 4))
=⇒ (switch -1 3 (+ 2 3) (+ 3 4))
=⇒ (switch -1 3 5 (+ 3 4))
=⇒ (switch -1 3 5 7)
=⇒ (cond ((< -1 0) 3) ((= -1 0) 5) ((> -1 0) 7))

=⇒ (cond (#t 3)
((= -1 0) 5)
((> -1 0) 7))

=⇒ 3

(Here we have assumed that cond is built in, and evaluates its arguments lazily,
even though switch is doing so eagerly.) Under normal-order evaluation we
would have

(switch -1 (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3) (+ 3 4))
=⇒ (cond ((< -1 0) (+ 1 2)) ((= -1 0) (+ 2 3)) ((> -1 0) (+ 3 4)))

=⇒ (cond (#t (+ 1 2))
((= -1 0) (+ 2 3))
((> -1 0) (+ 3 4)))

=⇒ (+ 1 2)
=⇒ 3

Here normal-order evaluation avoids evaluating (+ 2 3) or (+ 3 4). (In this
case, we have assumed that arithmetic and logical functions such as + and < are built in, and force the evaluation of their arguments.) � 11.5 Evaluation Order Revisited 569 In our overview of Scheme we differentiated on several occasions between spe- cial forms and functions. Arguments to functions are always passed by sharing (Section 9.3.1), and are evaluated before they are passed (i.e., in applicative or- der). Arguments to special forms are passed unevaluated—in other words, by name. Each special form is free to choose internally when (and if) to evaluate its parameters. Cond, for example, takes a sequence of unevaluated pairs as argu- ments. It evaluates their cars internally, one at a time, stopping when it finds one that evaluates to #t. Together, special forms and functions are known as expression types in Scheme. Some expression types are primitive, in the sense that they must be built into the language implementation. Others are derived; they can be defined in terms of primitive expression types. In an eval/apply-based interpreter, primitive spe- cial forms are built into eval; primitive functions are recognized by apply. We have seen how the special form lambda can be used to create derived functions, which can be bound to names with let. Scheme provides an analogous special form, syntax-rules, that can be used to create derived special forms. These can then be bound to names with define-syntax and let-syntax. Derived spe- cial forms are known as macros in Scheme, but unlike most other macros, they are hygienic—lexically scoped, integrated into the language’s semantics, and im- mune from the problems of mistaken grouping and variable capture described in Section 3.7. Like C++ templates (Section C 7.3.2), Scheme macros are Tur- ing complete. They behave like functions whose arguments are passed by name (Section C 9.3.2) instead of by sharing. They are implemented, however, via log- ical expansion in the interpreter’s parser and semantic analyzer, rather than by delayed evaluation with thunks. 11.5.1 Strictness and Lazy Evaluation Evaluation order can have an effect not only on execution speed but also on pro- gram correctness. A program that encounters a dynamic semantic error or an infinite regression in an “unneeded” subexpression under applicative-order eval- uation may terminate successfully under normal-order evaluation. A (side-effect- free) function is said to be strict if it is undefined (fails to terminate, or encounters an error) when any of its arguments is undefined. Such a function can safely eval- uate all its arguments, so its result will not depend on evaluation order. A function is said to be nonstrict if it does not impose this requirement—that is, if it is some- times defined even when one of its arguments is not. A language is said to be strict if it is defined in such a way that functions are always strict. A language is said to be nonstrict if it permits the definition of nonstrict functions. If a language always evaluates expressions in applicative order, then every function is guaranteed to be strict, because whenever an argument is undefined, its evaluation will fail and so will the function to which it is being passed. Contrapositively, a nonstrict lan- guage cannot use applicative order; it must use normal order to avoid evaluating unneeded arguments. Standard ML, OCaml, and (with the exception of macros) Scheme are strict. Miranda and Haskell are nonstrict. 570 Chapter 11 Functional Languages Lazy evaluation, implemented automatically, gives us the advantage of normal- order evaluation (not evaluating unneeded subexpressions) while running within a constant factor of the speed of applicative-order evaluation for expressions in which everything is needed. The trick is to tag every argument internally with a “memo” that indicates its value, if known. Any attempt to evaluate the argu- ment sets the value in the memo as a side effect, or returns the value (without recalculating it) if it is already set. Returning to the expression of Example 11.55, (double (* 3 4)) will be com-EXAMPLE 11.57 Avoiding work with lazy evaluation piled in a lazy system as (double (f)), where f is a hidden closure with an in- ternal side effect: (define f (lambda () (let ((done #f) ; memo initially unset (memo '()) (code (lambda () (* 3 4)))) (if done memo ; if memo is set, return it (begin (set! memo (code)) ; remember value (set! done #t) ; note that we set it memo))))) ; and return it ... (double (f)) =⇒ (+ (f) (f)) =⇒ (+ 12 (f)) ; first call computes value =⇒ (+ 12 12) ; second call returns remembered value =⇒ 24 Here (* 3 4) will be evaluated only once. While the cost of manipulating memos will clearly be higher than that of the extra multiplication in this case, if we were to replace (* 3 4) with a very expensive operation, the savings could be substan- tial. � Lazy evaluation is particularly useful for “infinite” data structures, as described in Section 6.6.2. It can also be useful in programs that need to examine only a prefix of a potentially long list (see Exercise 11.10). Lazy evaluation is used for all arguments in Miranda and Haskell. It is available in Scheme through explicit DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 11.4 Lazy evaluation One of the beauties of a purely functional language is that it makes lazy evalua- tion a completely transparent performance optimization: the programmer can think in terms of nonstrict functions and normal-order evaluation, counting on the implementation to avoid the cost of repeated evaluation. For languages with imperative features, however, this characterization does not hold: lazy evaluation is not transparent in the presence of side effects. 11.5 Evaluation Order Revisited 571 use of delay and force,6 and in OCaml through the similar mechanisms of the standard Lazy library. It can also be achieved implicitly in Scheme (in cer- tain contexts) through the use of macros. Where normal-order evaluation can be thought of as function evaluation using call-by-name parameters, lazy evaluation is sometimes said to employ “call by need.” In addition to Miranda and Haskell, call by need can be found in the R scripting language, widely used by statisticians. The principal problem with lazy evaluation is its behavior in the presence of side effects. If an argument contains a reference to a variable that may be modi- fied by an assignment, then the value of the argument will depend on whether it is evaluated before or after the assignment. Likewise, if the argument contains an assignment, values elsewhere in the program may depend on when evaluation oc- curs. These problems do not arise in Miranda or Haskell because they are purely functional: there are no side effects. Scheme and OCaml leave the problem up to the programmer, but require that every use of a delay-ed expression be enclosed in force, making it relatively easy to identify the places where side effects are an issue. 11.5.2 I/O: Streams and Monads A major source of side effects can be found in traditional I/O: an input routine will generally return a different value every time it is called, and multiple calls to an output routine, though they never return a value, must occur in the proper order if the program is to be considered correct. One way to avoid these side effects is to model input and output as streams— unbounded-length lists whose elements are generated lazily. We saw an example of a stream in the infinite lists of Section 6.6.2 (an OCaml example appears in Exercise 11.18). If we model input and output as streams, then a program takesEXAMPLE 11.58 Stream-based program execution the form (define output (my_prog input)) When it needs an input value, function my_prog forces evaluation of the car (head) of input, and passes the cdr (tail) on to the rest of the program. To drive execution, the language implementation repeatedly forces evaluation of the car of output, prints it, and repeats: (define driver (lambda (s) (if (null? s) '() ; nothing left (begin (display (car s)) (driver (cdr s)))))) (driver output) � 6 Recall that delay is a special form that creates a [memo, closure] pair; force is a function that returns the value in the memo, using the closure to calculate it first if necessary. 572 Chapter 11 Functional Languages To make things concrete, suppose we want to write a purely functional pro-EXAMPLE 11.59 Interactive I/O with streams gram that prompts the user for a sequence of numbers (one at a time!) and prints their squares. If Scheme employed lazy evaluation of input and output streams (it doesn’t), then we could write: (define squares (lambda (s) (cons "please enter a number\n" (let ((n (car s))) (if (eof-object? n) '() (cons (* n n) (cons #\newline (squares (cdr s))))))))) (define output (squares input))) Prompts, inputs, and outputs (i.e., squares) would be interleaved naturally in time. In effect, lazy evaluation would force things to happen in the proper or- der: The car of output is the first prompt. The cadr of output (the head of the tail) is the first square, a value that requires evaluation of the car of input. The caddr of output (the head of the tail of the tail) is the second prompt. The cadddr of output (the head of the tail of the tail of the tail) is the second square, a value that requires evaluation of the cadr of input. � Streams formed the basis of the I/O system in early versions of Haskell. Unfor- tunately, while they successfully encapsulate the imperative nature of interaction at a terminal, streams don’t work very well for graphics or random access to files. They also make it difficult to accommodate I/O of different kinds (since all el- ements of a list in Haskell must be of a single type). More recent versions of Haskell employ a more general concept known as monads. Monads are drawn from a branch of mathematics known as category theory, but one doesn’t need to understand the theory to appreciate their usefulness in practice. In Haskell, monads are essentially a clever use of higher-order functions, coupled with a bit of syntactic sugar, that allow the programmer to chain together a sequence of ac- tions (function calls) that have to happen in order. The power of the idea comes from the ability to carry a hidden, structured value of arbitrary complexity from one action to the next. In many applications of monads, this extra hidden value plays the role of mutable state: differences between the values carried to successive actions act as side effects. As a motivating example somewhat simpler than I/O, consider the possibilityEXAMPLE 11.60 Pseudorandom numbers in Haskell of creating a pseudorandom number generator (RNG) along the lines of Exam- ple 6.45. In that example we assumed that rand() would modify hidden state as a side effect, allowing it to return a different value every time it is called. This idiom isn’t possible in a pure functional language, but we can obtain a similar ef- fect by passing the state to the function and having it return new state along with the random number. This is exactly how the built-in function random works in Haskell. The following code calls random twice to illustrate its interface. 11.5 Evaluation Order Revisited 573 twoRandomInts :: StdGen -> ([Integer], StdGen)
— type signature: twoRandomInts is a function that takes an
— StdGen (the state of the RNG) and returns a tuple containing
— a list of Integers and a new StdGen.

twoRandomInts gen = let
(rand1, gen2) = random gen
(rand2, gen3) = random gen2

in ([rand1, rand2], gen3)

main = let
gen = mkStdGen 123 — new RNG, seeded with 123
ints = fst (twoRandomInts gen) — extract first element

in print ints — of returned tuple

Note that gen2, one of the return values from the first call to random, has been
passed as an argument to the second call. Then gen3, one of the return values
from the second call, is returned to main, where it could, if we wished, be passed
to another function. This mechanism works, but it’s far from pretty: copies of
the RNG state must be “threaded through” every function that needs a random
number. This is particularly complicated for deeply nested functions. It is easy to
make a mistake, and difficult to verify that one has not.

Monads provide a more general solution to the problem of threading muta-
ble state through a functional program. Here is our example rewritten to use
Haskell’s standard IO monad, which includes a random number generator:

twoMoreRandomInts :: IO [Integer]
— twoMoreRandomInts returns a list of Integers. It also
— implicitly accepts, and returns, all the state of the IO monad.

twoMoreRandomInts = do
rand1 <- randomIO rand2 <- randomIO return [rand1, rand2] main = do moreInts <- twoMoreRandomInts print moreInts There are several differences here. First, the type of the twoMoreRandomInts function has become IO [Integer]. This identifies it as an IO action—a function that (in addition to returning an explicit list of integers) invisibly accepts and returns the state of the IO monad (including the standard RNG). Similarly, the type of randomIO is IO Integer. To thread the IO state from one action to the next, the bodies of twoMoreRandomInts and main use do notation rather than let. A do block packages a sequence of actions together into a single, compound action. At each step along the way, it passes the (potentially modified) state of the monad from one action to the next. It also supports the “assignment” operator, <-, which separates the explicit return value from the hidden state and opens a 574 Chapter 11 Functional Languages nested scope for its left-hand side, so all values “assigned” earlier in the sequence are visible to actions later in the sequence. The return operator in twoMoreRandomInts packages an explicit return value (in our case, a two-element list) together with the hidden state, to be returned to the caller. A similar use of return presumably appears inside randomIO. Everything we have done is purely functional—do and <- are sim- ply syntactic sugar—but the bookkeeping required to pass the state of the RNG from one invocation of random to the next has been hidden in a way that makes our code look imperative. � So what does this have to do with I/O? Consider the getChar function, whichEXAMPLE 11.61 The state of the IO monad reads a character from standard input. Like rand, we expect it to return a different value every time we call it. Haskell therefore arranges for getChar to be of type IO Char: it returns a character, but also accepts, and passes on, the hidden state of the monad. In most Haskell monads, hidden state can be explicitly extracted and exam- ined. The IO monad, however, is abstract: only part of its state is defined in li- brary header files; the rest is implemented by the language run-time system. This is unavoidable because, in effect, the hidden state of the IO monad encompasses the real world. If this state were visible, a program could capture and reuse it, with the nonsensical expectation that we could “go back in time” and see what the user would have done in response to a different prompt last Tuesday. Unfortunately, IO state hiding means that a value of type IO T is permanently tainted: it can never be extracted from the monad to produce a “pure T.” � Because IO actions are just ordinary values, we can manipulate them in the same way as values of other data types. The most basic output action is putChar,EXAMPLE 11.62 Functional composition of actions of type Char -> IO () (monadic function with an explicit character argument
and no explicit return). Given putChar, we can define putStr:

putStr :: String -> IO ()
putStr s = sequence_ (map putChar s)

Strings in Haskell are simply lists of characters. The map function takes a function
f and a list l as argument, and returns a list that contains the results of applying f
to the elements of l:

map :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f [] = [] — base case
map f (h:t) = f h : map f t — tail recursive case

— ‘:’ is like cons in Scheme

The result of map putChar s is a list of actions, each of which prints a character:
it has type [IO ()]. The built-in function sequence_ converts this to a single
action that prints a list. It could be defined as follows.

sequence_ :: [IO ()] -> IO ()
sequence_ [] = return () — base case
sequence_ (a:more) = do a; sequence_ more — tail recursive case

11.5 Evaluation Order Revisited 575

As before, do provides a convenient way to chain actions together. For brevity, we
have written the actions on a single line, separated by a semicolon. �

The entry point of a Haskell program is always the function main. It has type
IO (). Because Haskell is lazy (nonstrict), the action sequence returned by main
remains hypothetical until the run-time system forces its evaluation. In practice,
Haskell programs tend to have a small top-level structure of IO monad code that
sequences I/O operations. The bulk of the program—both the computation of
values and the determination of the order in which I/O actions should occur—is
then purely functional. For a program whose I/O can be expressed in terms ofEXAMPLE 11.63

Streams and the I/O

streams, the top-level structure may consist of a single line:

main = interact my_program

The library function interact is of type (String -> String) -> IO (). It takes
as argument a function from strings to strings (in this case my_program). It calls
this function, passing the contents of standard input as argument, and writes the
result to standard output. Internally, interact uses the function getContents,
which returns the program’s input as a lazily evaluated string: a stream. In a more
sophisticated program, main may orchestrate much more complex I/O actions,
including graphics and random access to files. �


11.5 Monads
Monads are very heavily used in Haskell. The IO monad serves as the central
repository for imperative language features—not only I/O and random num-
bers but also mutable global variables and shared-memory synchronization.
Additional monads (with accessible hidden state) support partial functions
and various container classes (lists and sets). When coupled with lazy evalua-
tion, monadic containers in turn provide a natural foundation for backtrack-
ing search, nondeterminism, and the functional equivalent of iterators. (In the
list monad, for example, hidden state can carry the continuation needed to
generate the tail of an infinite list.)

The inability to extract values from the IO monad reflects the fact that the
physical world is imperative, and that a language that needs to interact with
the physical world in nontrivial ways must include imperative features. Put
another way, the IO monad (unlike monads in general) is more than syntactic
sugar: by hiding the state of the physical world it makes it possible to express
things that could not otherwise be expressed in a functional way, provided that
we are willing to enforce a sequential evaluation order. The beauty of monads
is that they confine sequentiality to a relatively small fraction of the typical
program, so that side effects cannot interfere with the bulk of the computation.

576 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

11.6 Higher-Order Functions
A function is said to be a higher-order function (also called a functional form) if it
takes a function as an argument, or returns a function as a result. We have seen
several examples already of higher-order functions in Scheme: call/cc (Sec-
tion 6.2.2), for-each (Example 11.18), compose (Example 11.19), and apply
(Section 11.3.5). We also saw a Haskell version of the higher-order function map
in Section 11.5.2. The Scheme version of map is slightly more general. LikeEXAMPLE 11.64

map function in Scheme for-each, it takes as argument a function and a sequence of lists. There must
be as many lists as the function takes arguments, and the lists must all be of the
same length. Map calls its function argument on corresponding sets of elements
from the lists:

(map * ‘(2 4 6) ‘(3 5 7)) =⇒ (6 20 42)

Where for-each is executed for its side effects, and has an implementation-
dependent return value, map is purely functional: it returns a list composed of
the values returned by its function argument. �

Programmers in Scheme (or in OCaml, Haskell, or other functional languages)
can easily define other higher-order functions. Suppose, for example, that weEXAMPLE 11.65

Folding (reduction) in

want to be able to “fold” the elements of a list together, using an associative binary

(define fold
(lambda (f i l)

(if (null? l) i ; i is commonly the identity element for f
(f (car l) (fold f i (cdr l))))))

Now (fold + 0

(1 2 3 4 5)) gives us the sum of the first five natural numbers,

and (fold * 1

(1 2 3 4 5)) gives us their product. �

A similar fold_left function is defined by OCaml’s List module:EXAMPLE 11.66
Folding in OCaml

fold_left (+) 0 [1; 2; 3; 4; 5];; =⇒ 15
fold_left ( * ) 1 [1; 2; 3; 4; 5];; =⇒ 120

(The spaces around * are required to distinguish it from a comment delimiter.)
For non associative operators, an analogous fold_right function folds the list
from right-to-left. It is not tail-recursive, however, and tends to be used less of-
ten. �

One of the most common uses of higher-order functions is to build new func-EXAMPLE 11.67
Combining higher-order

tions from existing ones:

(define total (lambda (l) (fold + 0 l)))
(total ‘(1 2 3 4 5)) =⇒ 15

11.6 Higher-Order Functions 577

(define total-all (lambda (l) (map total l)))
(total-all ‘((1 2 3 4 5)

(2 4 6 8 10)
(3 6 9 12 15))) =⇒ (15 30 45)

(define make-double (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x x))))
(define twice (make-double +))
(define square (make-double *)) �


A common operation, named for logician Haskell Curry, is to replace a multiargu-EXAMPLE 11.68
Partial application with

ment function with a function that takes a single argument and returns a function
that expects the remaining arguments:

(define curried-plus (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (+ a b))))
((curried-plus 3) 4) =⇒ 7
(define plus-3 (curried-plus 3))
(plus-3 4) =⇒ 7

Among other things, currying gives us the ability to pass a “partially applied”
function to a higher-order function:

(map (curried-plus 3) ‘(1 2 3)) =⇒ (4 5 6) �

It turns out that we can write a general-purpose function in Scheme that “cur-EXAMPLE 11.69
General-purpose curry

ries” its (binary) function argument:

(define curry (lambda (f) (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (f a b)))))
(((curry +) 3) 4) =⇒ 7
(define curried-plus (curry +)) �


11.6 Higher-order functions
If higher-order functions are so powerful and useful, why aren’t they more
common in imperative programming languages? There would appear to be
at least two important answers. First, much of the power of first-class func-
tions depends on the ability to create new functions on the fly, and for that
we need a function constructor—something like Scheme’s lambda or OCaml’s
fun. Though they appear in several recent languages, function constructors
are a significant departure from the syntax and semantics of traditional im-
perative languages. Second, the ability to specify functions as return values,
or to store them in variables (if the language has side effects), requires either
that we eliminate function nesting (something that would again erode the abil-
ity of programs to create functions with desired behaviors on the fly) or that
we give local variables unlimited extent, thereby increasing the cost of storage

578 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

ML and its descendants make it especially easy to define curried functions—
a fact that we glossed over in Section 11.4. Consider the following function inEXAMPLE 11.70

Tuples as OCaml function


# let plus (a, b) = a + b;;
val plus : int * int -> int =

The first line here, which we have shown beginning with a # prompt, is entered
by the user. The second line is printed by the OCaml interpreter, and indicates
the inferred type of plus. Though one may think of plus as a function of two
arguments, the OCaml definition says that all functions take a single argument.
What we have declared is a function that takes a two-element tuple as argument.
To call plus, we juxtapose its name and the tuple that is its argument:

# plus (3, 4);;
– : int = 7

The parentheses here are not part of the function call syntax; they delimit the
tuple (3, 4). �

We can declare a single-argument function without parenthesizing its formalEXAMPLE 11.71
Optional parentheses on
singleton arguments


# let twice n = n + n;;
val twice = fn : int -> int
# twice 2;;
– : int = 4

We can add parentheses in either the declaration or the call if we want, but because
there is no comma inside, no tuple is implied:

# let double (n) = n + n;;
val double : int -> int =
# twice (2);;
– : int = 4
# twice 2;;
– : int = 4
# double (2);;
– : int = 4
# double 2;;
– : int = 4

Ordinary parentheses can be placed around any expression in OCaml. �
Now consider the definition of a curried function:EXAMPLE 11.72

Simple curried function in
OCaml # let curried_plus a = fun b -> a + b;;

val curried_plus : int -> int -> int =

11.6 Higher-Order Functions 579

Here the type of curried_plus is the same as that of the built-in + in Exam-
ple 11.23—namely int -> int -> int. This groups implicitly as int -> (int
-> int). Where plus is a function mapping a pair (tuple) of integers to an inte-
ger, curried_plus is a function mapping an integer to a function that maps an
integer to an integer:

# curried_plus 3;;
– : int -> int =

# plus 3;;
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of

type int * int �

To make it easier to declare functions like curried_plus, ML-family lan-EXAMPLE 11.73
Shorthand notation for

guages, OCaml among them, allow a sequence of operands in the formal param-
eter position of a function declaration:

# let curried_plus a b = a + b;;
val curried_plus : int -> int -> int =

This form is simply shorthand for the declaration in the previous example; it
does not declare a function of two arguments. Curried_plus has a single formal
parameter, a. Its return value is a function with formal parameter b that in turn
returns a + b. �

Using tuple notation, a naive, non-curried fold function might be declared asEXAMPLE 11.74
Building fold_left in

follows in OCaml:

# let rec fold (f, i, l) =
match l with
| [] -> i
| h :: t -> fold (f, f (i, h), t);;

val fold : (‘a * ‘b -> ‘b) * ‘b * ‘a list -> ‘b =

A curried version might be declared as follows:

# let rec curried_fold f i l =
match l with
| [] -> i
| h :: t -> curried_fold f (f (i, h)) t;;

val curried_fold : (‘a * ‘b -> ‘a) -> ‘a -> ‘b list -> ‘a =

Note the difference in the inferred types of the functions. The advantage of the
curried version is its ability to accept a partial list of arguments:

# curried_fold plus;;
– : int -> int list -> int =
# curried_fold plus 0;;
– : int list -> int =
# curried_fold plus 0 [1; 2; 3; 4; 5];;
– : int = 15

580 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

To obtain the behavior of the built-in fold_left, we need to assume that the
function f is also curried:

# let rec fold_left f i l =
match l with
| [] -> i
| h :: t -> fold_left f (f i h) t;;

val fold_left : (‘a -> ‘b -> ‘a) -> ‘a -> ‘b list -> ‘a =
# fold_left curried_plus 0 [1;2;3;4;5];;
– : int = 15

Note again the difference in the inferred type of the functions. �
It is of course possible to define fold_left by nesting occurrences of the ex-

plicit fun notation within the function’s body. The shorthand notation, with
juxtaposed arguments, however, is substantially more intuitive and convenient.
Note also that OCaml’s syntax for function calls—juxtaposition of function andEXAMPLE 11.75

Currying in OCaml vs

argument—makes the use of a curried function more intuitive and convenient
than it is in Scheme:

fold_left (+) 0 [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]; (* OCaml *)
(((curried-fold +) 0) ‘(1 2 3 4 5)) ; Scheme �

11.7 Theoretical Foundations
Mathematically, a function is a single-valued mapping: it associates every element
in one set (the domain) with (at most) one element in another set (the range). InEXAMPLE 11.76

(nonconstructive) function

conventional notation, we indicate the domain and range of, say, the square root
function by writing

sqrt : R −→ R

We can also define functions using conventional set notation:

sqrt ≡
(x, y) ∈ R×R | y > 0 ∧ x = y2


Unfortunately, this notation is nonconstructive: it doesn’t tell us how to com-
pute square roots. Church designed the lambda calculus to address this limita-
tion. �


Lambda calculus is a constructive notation for function definitions. We consider it
in more detail on the companion site. Any computable function can be written as

11.8 Functional Programming in Perspective 581

a lambda expression. Computation amounts to macro substitution of arguments
into the function definition, followed by reduction to simplest form via simple
and mechanical rewrite rules. The order in which these rules are applied captures
the distinction between applicative and normal-order evaluation, as described
in Section 6.6.2. Conventions on the use of certain simple functions (e.g., the
identity function) allow selection, structures, and even arithmetic to be captured
as lambda expressions. Recursion is captured through the notion of fixed points.

11.8 Functional Programming in Perspective
Side-effect-free programming is a very appealing idea. As discussed in Sections
6.1.2 and 6.3, side effects can make programs both hard to read and hard to com-
pile. By contrast, the lack of side effects makes expressions referentially transpar-
ent—independent of evaluation order. Programmers and compilers of a purely
functional language can employ equational reasoning, in which the equivalence of
two expressions at any point in time implies their equivalence at all times. Equa-
tional reasoning in turn is highly appealing for parallel execution: In a purely
functional language, the arguments to a function can safely be evaluated in paral-
lel with each other. In a lazy functional language, they can be evaluated in parallel
with (the beginning of) the function to which they are passed. We will consider
these possibilities further in Section 13.4.5.

Unfortunately, there are common programming idioms in which the canonical
side effect—assignment—plays a central role. Critics of functional programming
often point to these idioms as evidence of the need for imperative language fea-
tures. I/O is one example. We have seen (in Section 11.5) that sequential access
to files can be modeled in a functional manner using streams. For graphics and
random file access we have also seen that the monads of Haskell can cleanly isolate
the invocation of actions from the bulk of the language, and allow the full power
of equational reasoning to be applied to both the computation of values and the
determination of the order in which I/O actions should occur.

Other commonly cited examples of “naturally imperative” idioms include

Initialization of complex structures: The heavy reliance on lists in the Lisp and ML
families reflects the ease with which functions can build new lists out of the
components of old lists. Other data structures—multidimensional arrays in
particular—are much less easy to put together incrementally, particularly if
the natural order in which to initialize the elements is not strictly row-major
or column-major.

Summarization: Many programs include code that scans a large data structure
or a large amount of input data, counting the occurrences of various items or
patterns. The natural way to keep track of the counts is with a dictionary data
structure in which one repeatedly updates the count associated with the most
recently noticed key.

582 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

In-place mutation: In programs with very large data sets, one must economize
as much as possible on memory usage, to maximize the amount of data that
will fit in memory or the cache. Sorting programs, for example, need to sort
in place, rather than copying elements to a new array or list. Matrix-based
scientific programs, likewise, need to update values in place.

These last three idioms are examples of what has been called the trivial update
problem. If the use of a functional language forces the underlying implementation
to create a new copy of the entire data structure every time one of its elements
must change, then the result will be very inefficient. In imperative programs, the
problem is avoided by allowing an existing structure to be modified in place.

One can argue that while the trivial update problem causes trouble in Lisp and
its relatives, it does not reflect an inherent weakness of functional programming
per se. What is required for a solution is a combination of convenient notation—
to access arbitrary elements of a complex structure—and an implementation that
is able to determine when the old version of the structure will never be used again,
so it can be updated in place instead of being copied.

Sisal, pH, and Single Assignment C (SAC) combine array types and iterative
syntax with purely functional semantics. The iterative constructs are defined as
syntactic sugar for tail-recursive functions. When nested, these constructs can
easily be used to initialize a multidimensional array. The semantics of the lan-
guage say that each iteration of the loop returns a new copy of the entire array.
The compiler can easily verify, however, that the old copy is never used after the
return, and can therefore arrange to perform all updates in place. Similar opti-
mizations could be performed in the absence of the imperative syntax, but require
somewhat more complex analysis. Cann reports that the Livermore Sisal compiler


11.7 Side effects and compilation
As noted in Section 11.2, side-effect freedom has a strong conceptual appeal:
it frees the programmer from concern over undocumented access to nonlo-
cal variables, misordered updates, aliases, and dangling pointers. Side-effect
freedom also has the potential, at least in theory, to allow the compiler to gen-
erate faster code: like aliases, side effects often preclude the caching of values
in registers (Section 3.5.1) or the use of constant and copy propagation (Sec-
tions C 17.3 and C 17.4).

So what are the technical obstacles to generating fast code for functional
programs? The trivial update problem is certainly a challenge, as is the cost
of heap management for values with unlimited extent. Type checking im-
poses significant run-time costs in languages descended from Lisp, but not in
those descended from ML. Memoization is expensive in Miranda and Haskell,
though so-called strictness analysis may allow the compiler to eliminate it in
cases where applicative order evaluation is provably equivalent. These chal-
lenges are all the subject of continuing research.

11.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks 583

was able to eliminate 99 to 100 percent of all copy operations in standard numeric
benchmarks [Can92]. Scholz reports performance for SAC competitive with that
of carefully optimized modern Fortran programs [Sch03].

Significant strides in both the theory and practice of functional programming
have been made in recent years. Wadler [Wad98b] argued in the late 1990s that
the principal remaining obstacles to the widespread adoption of functional lan-
guages were social and commercial, not technical: most programmers have been
trained in an imperative style; software libraries and development environments
for functional programming are not yet as mature as those of their imperative
cousins. Experience over the past decade appears to have borne out this charac-
terization: with the development of better tools and a growing body of practical
experience, functional languages have begun to see much wider use. Functional
features have also begun to appear in such mainstream imperative languages as
C#, Python, and Ruby.

19. What is the difference between normal-order and applicative-order evaluation?

What is lazy evaluation?

20. What is the difference between a function and a special form in Scheme?

21. What does it mean for a function to be strict?

22. What is memoization?

23. How can one accommodate I/O in a purely functional programming model?

24. What is a higher-order function (also known as a functional form)? Give three

25. What is currying? What purpose does it serve in practical programs?

26. What is the trivial update problem in functional programming?

27. Summarize the arguments for and against side-effect-free programming.

28. Why do functional languages make such heavy use of lists?

11.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks
In this chapter we have focused on the functional model of computing. Where
an imperative program computes principally through iteration and side effects
(i.e., the modification of variables), a functional program computes principally
through substitution of parameters into functions. We began by enumerating
a list of key issues in functional programming, including first-class and higher-
order functions, polymorphism, control flow and evaluation order, and support

584 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

for list-based data. We then turned to a pair of concrete examples—the Scheme
dialect of Lisp and the OCaml dialect of ML—to see how these issues may be
addressed in a programming language. We also considered, more briefly, the lazy
evaluation and monads found in Haskell.

For imperative programming languages, the underlying formal model is often
taken to be a Turing machine. For functional languages, the model is the lambda
calculus. Both models evolved in the mathematical community as a means of
formalizing the notion of an effective procedure, as used in constructive proofs.
Aside from hardware-imposed limits on arithmetic precision, disk and memory
space, and so on, the full power of lambda calculus is available in functional
languages. While a full treatment of the lambda calculus could easily consume
another book, we provided an overview on the companion site. We considered
rewrite rules, evaluation order, and the Church-Rosser theorem. We noted that
conventions on the use of very simple notation provide the computational power
of integer arithmetic, selection, recursion, and structured data types.

For practical reasons, many functional languages extend the lambda calculus
with additional features, including assignment, I/O, and iteration. Lisp dialects,
moreover, are homoiconic: programs look like ordinary data structures, and can
be created, modified, and executed on the fly.

Lists feature prominently in most functional programs, largely because they
can easily be built incrementally, without the need to allocate and then modify
state as separate operations. Many functional languages provide other structured
data types as well. In Sisal and Single Assignment C, an emphasis on iterative
syntax, tail-recursive semantics, and high-performance compilers allows multidi-
mensional array-based functional programs to achieve performance comparable
to that of imperative programs.

11.10 Exercises
11.1 Is the define primitive of Scheme an imperative language feature? Why

or why not?

11.2 It is possible to write programs in a purely functional subset of an imper-
ative language such as C, but certain limitations of the language quickly
become apparent. What features would need to be added to your favorite
imperative language to make it genuinely useful as a functional language?
(Hint: What does Scheme have that C lacks?)

11.3 Explain the connection between short-circuit Boolean expressions and
normal-order evaluation. Why is cond a special form in Scheme, rather
than a function?

11.4 Write a program in your favorite imperative language that has the same in-
put and output as the Scheme program of Figure 11.1. Can you make any
general observations about the usefulness of Scheme for symbolic compu-
tation, based on your experience?

11.10 Exercises 585

11.5 Suppose we wish to remove adjacent duplicate elements from a list (e.g.,
after sorting). The following Scheme function accomplishes this goal:

(define unique
(lambda (L)

((null? L) L)
((null? (cdr L)) L)
((eqv? (car L) (car (cdr L))) (unique (cdr L)))
(else (cons (car L) (unique (cdr L)))))))

Write a similar function that uses the imperative features of Scheme to
modify L “in place,” rather than building a new list. Compare your func-
tion to the code above in terms of brevity, conceptual clarity, and speed.

11.6 Write tail-recursive versions of the following:
(a) ;; compute integer log, base 2

;; (number of bits in binary representation)
;; works only for positive integers
(define log2

(lambda (n)
(if (= n 1) 1 (+ 1 (log2 (quotient n 2))))))

(b) ;; find minimum element in a list
(define min

(lambda (l)

((null? l) ‘())
((null? (cdr l)) (car l))
(#t (let ((a (car l))

(b (min (cdr l))))
(if (< b a) b a)))))) 11.7 Write purely functional Scheme functions to (a) return all rotations of a given list. For example, (rotate ‚(a b c d e)) should return ((a b c d e) (b c d e a) (c d e a b) (d e a b c) (e a b c d)) (in some order). (b) return a list containing all elements of a given list that satisfy a given predicate. For example, (filter (lambda (x) (< x 5)) ‚ (3 9 5 8 2 4 7)) should return (3 2 4). 11.8 Write a purely functional Scheme function that returns a list of all permu- tations of a given list. For example, given (a b c), it should return ((a b c) (b a c) (b c a) (a c b) (c a b) (c b a)) (in some order). 11.9 Modify the Scheme program of Figure 11.1 or the OCaml program of Fig- ure 11.3 to simulate an NFA (nondeterministic finite automaton), rather than a DFA. (The distinction between these automata is described in Sec- tion 2.2.1.) Since you cannot “guess” correctly in the face of a multivalued 586 Chapter 11 Functional Languages transition function, you will need either to use explicitly coded backtrack- ing to search for an accepting series of moves (if there is one), or keep track of all possible states that the machine could be in at a given point in time. 11.10 Consider the problem of determining whether two trees have the same fringe: the same set of leaves in the same order, regardless of internal struc- ture. An obvious way to solve this problem is to write a function flatten that takes a tree as argument and returns an ordered list of its leaves. Then we can say (define same-fringe (lambda (T1 T2) (equal (flatten T1) (flatten T2)))) Write a straightforward version of flatten in Scheme. How efficient is same-fringe when the trees differ in their first few leaves? How would your answer differ in a language like Haskell, which uses lazy evaluation for all arguments? How hard is it to get Haskell’s behavior in Scheme, using delay and force? 11.11 In Example 11.59 we showed how to implement interactive I/O in terms of the lazy evaluation of streams. Unfortunately, our code would not work as written, because Scheme uses applicative-order evaluation. We can make it work, however, with calls to delay and force. Suppose we define input to be a function that returns an “istream”—a promise that when forced will yield a pair, the cdr of which is an istream: (define input (lambda () (delay (cons (read) (input))))) Now we can define the driver to expect an “ostream”—an empty list or a pair, the cdr of which is an ostream: (define driver (lambda (s) (if (null? s) '() (display (car s)) (driver (force (cdr s)))))) Note the use of force. Show how to write the function squares so that it takes an istream as argument and returns an ostream. You should then be able to type (driver (squares (input))) and see appropriate behavior. 11.12 Write new versions of cons, car, and cdr that operate on streams. Us- ing them, rewrite the code of the previous exercise to eliminate the calls to delay and force. Note that the stream version of cons will need to avoid evaluating its second argument; you will need to learn how to define macros (derived special forms) in Scheme. 11.10 Exercises 587 11.13 Write the standard quicksort algorithm in Scheme, without using any im- perative language features. Be careful to avoid the trivial update problem; your code should run in expected time n log n. Rewrite your code using arrays (you will probably need to consult a Scheme manual for further information). Compare the running time and space requirements of your two sorts. 11.14 Write insert and find routines that manipulate binary search trees in Scheme (consult an algorithms text if you need more information). Ex- plain why the trivial update problem does not impact the asymptotic per- formance of insert. 11.15 Write an LL(1) parser generator in purely functional Scheme. If you con- sult Figure 2.24, remember that you will need to use tail recursion in place of iteration. Assume that the input CFG consists of a list of lists, one per nonterminal in the grammar. The first element of each sublist should be the nonterminal; the remaining elements should be the right-hand sides of the productions for which that nonterminal is the left-hand side. You may assume that the sublist for the start symbol will be the first one in the list. If we use quoted strings to represent grammar symbols, the calculator grammar of Figure 2.16 would look like this: '(("program" ("stmt_list" "$$")) ("stmt_list" ("stmt" "stmt_list") ()) ("stmt" ("id" ":=" "expr") ("read" "id") ("write" "expr")) ("expr" ("term" "term_tail")) ("term" ("factor" "factor_tail")) ("term_tail" ("add_op" "term" "term_tail") ()) ("factor_tail" ("mult_op" "factor" "FT") ()) ("add_op" ("+") ("-")) ("mult_op" ("*") ("/")) ("factor" ("id") ("number") ("(" "expr" ")"))) Your output should be a parse table that has this same format, except that every right-hand side is replaced by a pair (a 2-element list) whose first element is the predict set for the corresponding production, and whose second element is the right-hand side. For the calculator grammar, the table looks like this: (("program" (("$$" "id" "read" "write") ("stmt_list" "$$"))) ("stmt_list" (("id" "read" "write") ("stmt" "stmt_list")) (("$$") ())) ("stmt" (("id") ("id" ":=" "expr")) (("read") ("read" "id")) (("write") ("write" "expr"))) ("expr" (("(" "id" "number") ("term" "term_tail"))) 588 Chapter 11 Functional Languages ("term" (("(" "id" "number") ("factor" "factor_tail"))) ("term_tail" (("+" "-") ("add_op" "term" "term_tail")) (("$$" ")" "id" "read" "write") ())) ("factor_tail" (("*" "/") ("mult_op" "factor" "factor_tail")) (("$$" ")" "+" "-" "id" "read" "write") ())) ("add_op" (("+") ("+")) (("-") ("-"))) ("mult_op" (("*") ("*")) (("/") ("/"))) ("factor" (("id") ("id")) (("number") ("number")) (("(") ("(" "expr" ")")))) (Hint: You may want to define a right_context function that takes a nonterminal B as argument and returns a list of all pairs (A, β), where A is a nonterminal and β is a list of symbols, such that for some potentially different list of symbols α, A −→ α B β . This function is useful for com- puting FOLLOW sets. You may also want to build a tail-recursive function that recomputes FIRST and FOLLOW sets until they converge. You will find it easier if you do not include � in either set, but rather keep a separate estimate, for each nonterminal, of whether it may generate �.) 11.16 Write an equality operator (call it =/) that works correctly on the yearday type of Example 11.38. (You may need to look up the rules that govern the occurrence of leap years.) 11.17 Create addition and subtraction functions for the celsius and fahrenheit temperature types introduced in Sidebar 11.3. To allow the two scales to be mixed, you should also define conversion functions ct_of_ft : fahrenheit_temp -> celsius_temp and ft_of_ct : celsius_temp
-> fahrenheit_temp. Your conversions should round to the nearest de-
gree (half degrees round up).

11.18 We can use encapsulation within functions to delay evaluation in OCaml:

type ‘a delayed_list =
Pair of ‘a * ‘a delayed_list

| Promise of (unit -> ‘a * ‘a delayed_list);;

let head = function
| Pair (h, r) -> h
| Promise (f) -> let (a, b) = f() in a;;

let rest = function
| Pair (h, r) -> r
| Promise (f) -> let (a, b) = f() in b;;

Now given

11.11 Explorations 589

let rec next_int n = (n, Promise (fun() -> next_int (n + 1)));;
let naturals = Promise (fun() -> next_int (1));;

we have

head naturals;; =⇒ 1
head (rest naturals);; =⇒ 2
head (rest (rest naturals));; =⇒ 3

The delayed list naturals is effectively of unlimited length. It will be
computed out only as far as actually needed. If a value is needed more
than once, however, it will be recomputed every time. Show how to
use pointers and assignment (Example 8.42) to memoize the values of a
delayed_list, so that elements are computed only once.

11.19 Write an OCaml version of Example 11.67. Alternatively (or in addition),
solve Exercises 11.5, 11.7, 11.8, 11.10, 11.13, 11.14, or 11.15 in OCaml.

11.20–11.23 In More Depth.

11.11 Explorations
11.24 Read the original self-definition of Lisp [MAE+65]. Compare it to a sim-

ilar definition of Scheme [AS96, Chap. 4]. What is different? What has
stayed the same? What is built into apply and eval in each definition?
What do you think of the whole idea? Does a metacircular interpreter
really define anything, or is it “circular reasoning”?

11.25 Read the Turing Award lecture of John Backus [Bac78], in which he argues
for functional programming. How does his FP notation compare to the
Lisp and ML language families?

11.26 Learn more about monads in Haskell. Pay particular attention to the def-
inition of lists. Explain the relationship of the list monad to list com-
prehensions (Example 8.58), iterators, continuations (Section 6.2.2), and
backtracking search.

11.27 Read ahead and learn about transactional memory (Section 13.4.4). Then
read up on STM Haskell [HMPH05]. Explain how monads facilitate the
serialization of updates to locations shared between threads.

11.28 We have seen that Lisp and ML include such imperative features as assign-
ment and iteration. How important are these? What do languages like
Haskell give up (conversely, what do they gain) by insisting on a purely
functional programming style? In a similar vein, what do you think of at-
tempts in several recent imperative languages (notably Python and C#—
see Sidebar 11.6) to facilitate functional programming with function con-
structors and unlimited extent?

590 Chapter 11 Functional Languages

11.29 Investigate the compilation of functional programs. What special issues
arise? What techniques are used to address them? Starting places for your
search might include the compiler texts of Appel [App97], Wilhelm and
Maurer [WM95], and Grune et al. [GBJ+12].

11.30–11.32 In More Depth.

11.12 Bibliographic Notes
Lisp, the original functional programming language, dates from the work of Mc-
Carthy and his associates in the late 1950s. Bibliographic references for Erlang,
Haskell, Lisp, Miranda, ML, OCaml, Scheme, Single Assignment C, and Sisal can
be found in Appendix A. Historically important dialects of Lisp include Lisp
1.5 [MAE+65], MacLisp [Moo78] (no relation to the Apple Macintosh), and In-
terlisp [TM81].

The book by Abelson and Sussman [AS96], long used for introductory pro-
gramming classes at MIT and elsewhere, is a classic guide to fundamental pro-
gramming concepts, and to functional programming in particular. Additional
historical references can be found in the paper by Hudak [Hud89], which surveys
the field from the point of view of Haskell.

The lambda calculus was introduced by Church in 1941 [Chu41]. A classic
reference is the text of Curry and Feys [CF58]. Barendregt’s book [Bar84] is a
standard modern reference. Michaelson [Mic89] provides an accessible intro-
duction to the formalism, together with a clear explanation of its relationship to
Lisp and ML. Stansifer [Sta95, Sec. 7.6] provides a good informal discussion and
correctness proof for the fixed-point combinator Y (see Exercise C 11.21).

John Backus, one of the original developers of Fortran, argued forcefully for a
move to functional programming in his 1977 Turing Award lecture [Bac78]. His
functional programming notation is known as FP. Peyton Jones [Pey87, Pey92],
Wilhelm and Maurer [WM95, Chap. 3], Appel [App97, Chap. 15], and Grune et
al. [GBJ+12, Chap. 7] discuss the implementation of functional languages. Pey-
ton Jones’s paper on the “awkward squad” [Pey01] is widely considered the defini-
tive introduction to monads in Haskell.

While Lisp dates from the early 1960s, it is only in recent years that functional
languages have seen widespread use in large commercial systems. Wadler [Wad98a,
Wad98b] describes the situation as of the late 1990s, when the tide began to turn.
Descriptions of many subsequent projects can be found in the proceedings of
the Commercial Users of Functional Programming workshop (cufp.galois.com),
held annually since 2004. The Journal of Functional Programming also publishes a
special category of articles on commercial use. Armstrong reports [Arm07] that
the Ericsson AXD301, a telephone switching system comprising more than two
million lines of Erlang code, has achieved an astonishing “nine nines” level of
reliability—the equivalent of less than 32 ms of downtime per year.

12Logic Languages
Having considered functional languages in some detail, we now turn to
logic languages. The overlap between imperative and functional concepts in pro-
gramming language design has led us to discuss the latter at numerous points
throughout the text. We have had less occasion to remark on features of logic
programming languages. Logic of course is used heavily in the design of digi-
tal circuits, and most programming languages provide a logical (Boolean) type
and operators. Logic is also heavily used in the formal study of language seman-
tics, specifically in axiomatic semantics.1 In the 1970s, with the work of Alain
Colmeraurer and Philippe Roussel of the University of Aix–Marseille in France
and Robert Kowalski and associates at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland,
researchers also began to employ the process of logical deduction as a general-
purpose model of computing.

We introduce the basic concepts of logic programming in Section 12.1. We
then survey the most widely used logic language, Prolog, in Section 12.2. We
consider, in turn, the concepts of resolution and unification, support for lists and
arithmetic, and the search-based execution model. After presenting an extended
example based on the game of tic-tac-toe, we turn to the more advanced topics of
imperative control flow and database manipulation.

Much as functional programming is based on the formalism of lambda calcu-
lus, Prolog and other logic languages are based on first-order predicate calculus.
A brief introduction to this formalism appears in Section C 12.3 on the compan-
ion site. Where functional languages capture the full capabilities of the lambda
calculus, however (within the limits, at least, of memory and other resources),
logic languages do not capture the full power of predicate calculus. We consider
the relevant limitations as part of a general evaluation of logic programming in
Section 12.4.

1 Axiomatic semantics models each statement or expression in the language as a predicate trans-
former—an inference rule that takes a set of conditions known to be true initially and derives a
new set of conditions guaranteed to be true after the construct has been evaluated. The study of
formal semantics is beyond the scope of this book.


592 Chapter 12 Logic Languages

12.1 Logic Programming Concepts
Logic programming systems allow the programmer to state a collection of axioms
from which theorems can be proven. The user of a logic program states a theorem,
or goal, and the language implementation attempts to find a collection of axioms
and inference steps (including choices of values for variables) that together imply
the goal. Of the several existing logic languages, Prolog is by far the most widely

In almost all logic languages, axioms are written in a standard form known asEXAMPLE 12.1
Horn clauses a Horn clause. A Horn clause consists of a head,2 or consequent term H, and a

body consisting of terms Bi:

H ← B1,B2, . . . , Bn

The semantics of this statement are that when the Bi are all true, we can deduce
that H is true as well. When reading aloud, we say “H, if B1, B2, . . . , and Bn.” Horn
clauses can be used to capture most, but not all, logical statements. (We return to
the issue of completeness in Section C 12.3.) �

In order to derive new statements, a logic programming system combines ex-
isting statements, canceling like terms, through a process known as resolution. IfEXAMPLE 12.2

Resolution we know that A and B imply C, for example, and that C implies D, we can deduce
that A and B imply D:

C ← A,B
D← C

D← A,B

In general, terms like A, B, C, and D may consist not only of constants
(“Rochester is rainy”) but also of predicates applied to atoms or to variables:
rainy(Rochester), rainy(Seattle), rainy(X). �

During resolution, free variables may acquire values through unification withEXAMPLE 12.3
Unification expressions in matching terms, much as variables acquire types in ML (Sec-

tion 7.2.4):

flowery(X)← rainy(X)


In the following section we consider Prolog in more detail. We return to formal
logic, and to its relationship to Prolog, in Section C 12.3. �

2 Note that the word “head” is used for two different things in Prolog: the head of a Horn clause
and the head of a list. The distinction between these is usually clear from context.

12.2 Prolog 593

12.2 Prolog
Much as an imperative or functional language interpreter evaluates expressions
in the context of a referencing environment in which various functions and con-
stants have been defined, a Prolog interpreter runs in the context of a database
of clauses (Horn clauses) that are assumed to be true.3 Each clause is composed
of terms, which may be constants, variables, or structures. A constant is either an
atom or a number. A structure can be thought of as either a logical predicate or a
data structure.

Atoms in Prolog are similar to symbols in Lisp. Lexically, an atom looks likeEXAMPLE 12.4
Atoms, variables, scope,
and type

an identifier beginning with a lowercase letter, a sequence of “punctuation” char-
acters, or a quoted character string:

foo my_Const + ‘Hi, Mom’

Numbers resemble the integers and floating-point constants of other program-
ming languages. A variable looks like an identifier beginning with an uppercase

Foo My_var X

Variables can be instantiated to (i.e., can take on) arbitrary values at run time as a
result of unification. The scope of every variable is limited to the clause in which
it appears. There are no declarations. Type checking is dynamic: it occurs only
when a program attempts to use a value as an operand at run time. �

Structures consist of an atom called the functor and a list of arguments:EXAMPLE 12.5
Structures and predicates

teaches(scott, cs254)
bin_tree(foo, bin_tree(bar, glarch))

Prolog requires the opening parenthesis to come immediately after the functor,
with no intervening space. Arguments can be arbitrary terms: constants, vari-
ables, or (nested) structures. Internally, a typical Prolog implementation will rep-
resent each structure as a tree of Lisp-like cons cells. Conceptually, the program-
mer may prefer to think of certain structures (e.g., rainy) as logical predicates.
We use the term “predicate” to refer to the combination of a functor and an “ar-
ity” (number of arguments). The predicate rainy has arity 1. The predicate
teaches has arity 2. �

The clauses in a Prolog database can be classified as facts or rules, each of which
ends with a period. A fact is a Horn clause without a right-hand side. It looks likeEXAMPLE 12.6

Facts and rules a single term (the implication symbol is implicit):

3 In fact, for any given program, the database is assumed to characterize everything that is true. As
we shall see in Section 12.4.3, this closed world assumption imposes certain limits on the expres-
siveness of the language.

594 Chapter 12 Logic Languages


A rule has a right-hand side:

snowy(X) :- rainy(X), cold(X).

The token :- is the implication symbol; the comma indicates “and.” Variables
that appear in the head of a Horn clause are universally quantified: for all X, X is
snowy if X is rainy and X is cold. �

It is also possible to write a clause with an empty left-hand side. Such a clause
is called a query, or a goal. Queries do not appear in Prolog programs. Rather,
one builds a database of facts and rules and then initiates execution by giving the
Prolog interpreter (or the compiled Prolog program) a query to be answered (i.e.,
a goal to be proven).

In most implementations of Prolog, queries are entered with a special ?- ver-
sion of the implication symbol. If we were to type the following:EXAMPLE 12.7

?- rainy(C).

the Prolog interpreter would respond with

C = seattle

Of course, C = rochester would also be a valid answer, but Prolog will find
seattle first, because it comes first in the database. (Dependence on ordering
is one of the ways in which Prolog departs from pure logic; we discuss this issue
further in Section 12.4.) If we want to find all possible solutions, we can ask the
interpreter to continue by typing a semicolon:

C = seattle ;
C = rochester.

If there had been another possibility, the interpreter would have left off the final
period and given us the opportunity to type another semicolon. Given

snowy(X) :- rainy(X), cold(X).

the query

?- snowy(C).

will yield only one solution. �

12.2 Prolog 595

12.2.1 Resolution and Unification

The resolution principle, due to Robinson [Rob65], says that if C1 and C2 are Horn
clauses and the head of C1 matches one of the terms in the body of C2, then we
can replace the term in C2 with the body of C1. Consider the following example.EXAMPLE 12.8

Resolution in Prolog
takes(jane_doe, his201).
takes(jane_doe, cs254).
takes(ajit_chandra, art302).
takes(ajit_chandra, cs254).
classmates(X, Y) :- takes(X, Z), takes(Y, Z).

If we let X be jane_doe and Z be cs254, we can replace the first term on the
right-hand side of the last clause with the (empty) body of the second clause,
yielding the new rule

classmates(jane_doe, Y) :- takes(Y, cs254).

In other words, Y is a classmate of jane_doe if Y takes cs254. �
Note that the last rule has a variable (Z) on the right-hand side that does not

appear in the head. Such variables are existentially quantified: for all X and Y, X
and Y are classmates if there exists a class Z that they both take.

The pattern-matching process used to associate X with jane_doe and Z with
cs254 is known as unification. Variables that are given values as a result of unifi-
cation are said to be instantiated.

The unification rules for Prolog state that

A constant unifies only with itself.

Two structures unify if and only if they have the same functor and the same
arity, and the corresponding arguments unify recursively.

A variable unifies with anything. If the other thing has a value, then the vari-
able is instantiated. If the other thing is an uninstantiated variable, then the
two variables are associated in such a way that if either is given a value later,
that value will be shared by both.

Unification of structures in Prolog is very much akin to ML’s unification of theEXAMPLE 12.9
Unification in Prolog and

types of formal and actual parameters. A formal parameter of type int *


list, for example, will unify with an actual parameter of type

a * real list

in ML by instantiating

a to int and

b to real. �

Equality in Prolog is defined in terms of “unifiability.” The goal =(A, B) suc-
ceeds if and only if A and B can be unified. For the sake of convenience, the goal
may be written as A = B; the infix notation is simply syntactic sugar. In keepingEXAMPLE 12.10

Equality and unification with the rules above, we have

596 Chapter 12 Logic Languages

?- a = a.
true. % constant unifies with itself
?- a = b.
false. % but not with another constant
?- foo(a, b) = foo(a, b).
true. % structures are recursively identical
?- X = a.
X = a. % variable unifies with constant
?- foo(a, b) = foo(X, b).
X = a. % arguments must unify �
It is possible for two variables to be unified without instantiating them. If weEXAMPLE 12.11

Unification without


?- A = B.

the interpreter will simply respond

A = B.

If, however, we type

?- A = B, A = a, B = Y.

(unifying A and B before binding a to A) the interpreter will linearize the string
of unifications and make it clear that all three variables are equal to a:

A = B, B = Y, Y = a.

In a similar vein, suppose we are given the following rules:

takes_lab(S) :- takes(S, C), has_lab(C).
has_lab(D) :- meets_in(D, R), is_lab(R).

(S takes a lab class if S takes C and C is a lab class. Moreover D is a lab class if D
meets in room R and R is a lab.) An attempt to resolve these rules will unify the
head of the second with the second term in the body of the first, causing C and D
to be unified, even though neither is instantiated. �

12.2.2 Lists

Like equality checking, list manipulation is a sufficiently common operation in
Prolog to warrant its own notation. The construct [a, b, c] is syntactic sugarEXAMPLE 12.12

List notation in Prolog for the structure .(a, .(b, .(c, []))), where [] is the empty list and . is
a built-in cons-like predicate. With minor syntactic differences (parentheses v.
brackets; commas v. semicolons), this notation should be familiar to users of ML
or Lisp. Prolog adds an extra convenience, however—an optional vertical bar that
delimits the “tail” of the list. Using this notation, [a, b, c] could be expressed
as [a | [b, c]], [a, b | [c]], or [a, b, c | []]. The vertical-bar notation
is particularly handy when the tail of the list is a variable:

12.2 Prolog 597

member(X, [X | _]).
member(X, [_ | T]) :- member(X, T).

sorted([]). % empty list is sorted
sorted([_]). % singleton is sorted
sorted([A, B | T]) :- A =< B, sorted([B | T]). % compound list is sorted if first two elements are in order and % remainder of list (after first element) is sorted Here =< is a built-in predicate that operates on numbers. The underscore is a placeholder for a variable that is not needed anywhere else in the clause. Note that [a, b | c] is the improper list .(a, .(b, c)). The sequence of tokens [a | b, c] is syntactically invalid. � One of the interesting things about Prolog resolution is that it does not inEXAMPLE 12.13 Functions, predicates, and two-way rules general distinguish between “input” and “output” arguments (there are certain exceptions, such as the is predicate described in the following subsection). Thus, given append([], A, A). append([H | T], A, [H | L]) :- append(T, A, L). We can type ?- append([a, b, c], [d, e], L). L = [a, b, c, d, e]. ?- append(X, [d, e], [a, b, c, d, e]). X = [a, b, c] ; false. ?- append([a, b, c], Y, [a, b, c, d, e]). Y = [d, e]. This example highlights the difference between functions and Prolog predi- cates. The former have a clear notion of inputs (arguments) and outputs (results); the latter do not. In an imperative or functional language we apply functions to arguments to generate results. In a logic language we search for values for which a predicate is true. (Not all logic languages are equally flexible. Mercury, for exam- ple, requires the programmer to specify in or out modes on arguments. These allow the compiler to generate substantially faster code.) Note that when the in- terpreter prints its response to our second query, it is not yet certain whether additional solutions might exist. Only after we enter a semicolon does it invest the effort to determine that there are none. � 12.2.3 Arithmetic The usual arithmetic operators are available in Prolog, but they play the role of predicates, not of functions. Thus +(2, 3), which may also be written 2 + 3,EXAMPLE 12.14 Arithmetic and the is predicate is a two-argument structure, not a function call. In particular, it will not unify with 5: 598 Chapter 12 Logic Languages ?- (2 + 3) = 5. false. To handle arithmetic, Prolog provides a built-in predicate, is, that unifies its first argument with the arithmetic value of its second argument: ?- is(X, 1+2). X = 3. ?- X is 1+2. X = 3. % infix is also ok ?- 1+2 is 4-1. false. % 1st argument (1+2) is already instantiated ?- X is Y. ERROR % 2nd argument (Y) must already be instantiated ?- Y is 1+2, X is Y. Y = X, X = 3. % Y is instantiated before it is needed � 12.2.4 Search/Execution Order So how does Prolog go about answering a query (satisfying a goal)? What it needs is a sequence of resolution steps that will build the goal out of clauses in the database, or a proof that no such sequence exists. In the realm of formal logic, one can imagine two principal search strategies: Start with existing clauses and work forward, attempting to derive the goal. This strategy is known as forward chaining. Start with the goal and work backward, attempting to “unresolve” it into a set of preexisting clauses. This strategy is known as backward chaining. If the number of existing rules is very large, but the number of facts is small, it is possible for forward chaining to discover a solution more quickly than backward chaining. In most circumstances, however, backward chaining turns out to be more efficient. Prolog is defined to use backward chaining. Because resolution is associative and commutative (Exercise 12.5), a backward- chaining theorem prover can limit its search to sequences of resolutions in which terms on the right-hand side of a clause are unified with the heads of other clauses one by one in some particular order (e.g., left to right). The resulting searchEXAMPLE 12.15 Search tree exploration can be described in terms of a tree of subgoals, as shown in Figure 12.1. The Prolog interpreter (or program) explores this tree depth first, from left to right. It starts at the beginning of the database, searching for a rule R whose head can be unified with the top-level goal. It then considers the terms in the body of R as subgoals, and attempts to satisfy them, recursively, left to right. If at any point a subgoal fails (cannot be satisfied), the interpreter returns to the previous subgoal and attempts to satisfy it in a different way (i.e., to unify it with the head of a different clause). � 12.2 Prolog 599 Original goal Success AND cold(seattle) fails; backtrack X = rochester Candidate clauses Candidate clauses Subgoals rainy(seattle). rainy(rochester). cold(rochester). snowy(X) :- rainy(X), cold(X). _C = _X X = seattle OR snowy(C) snowy(X) rainy(X) cold(X) rainy(seattle) rainy(rochester) cold(rochester) Figure 12.1 Backtracking search in Prolog. The tree of potential resolutions consists of alter- nating AND and OR levels. An AND level consists of subgoals from the right-hand side of a rule, all of which must be satisfied. An OR level consists of alternative database clauses whose head will unify with the subgoal above; one of these must be satisfied. The notation _C = _X is meant to indicate that while both C and X are uninstantiated, they have been associated with one another in such a way that if either receives a value in the future it will be shared by both. The process of returning to previous goals is known as backtracking. It strongly resembles the control flow of generators in Icon (Section C 6.5.4). Whenever a unification operation is “undone” in order to pursue a different path through the search tree, variables that were given values or associated with one another as a result of that unification are returned to their uninstantiated or unassociated state. In Figure 12.1, for example, the binding of X to seattle is broken whenEXAMPLE 12.16 Backtracking and instantiation we backtrack to the rainy(X) subgoal. The effect is similar to the breaking of bindings between actual and formal parameters in an imperative programming language, except that Prolog couches the bindings in terms of unification rather than subroutine calls. � Space management for backtracking search in Prolog usually follows the single-stack implementation of iterators described in Section C 9.5.3. The inter- preter pushes a frame onto its stack every time it begins to pursue a new subgoal G. If G fails, the frame is popped from the stack and the interpreter begins to backtrack. If G succeeds, control returns to the “caller” (the parent in the search tree), but G’s frame remains on the stack. Later subgoals will be given space above 600 Chapter 12 Logic Languages this dormant frame. If subsequent backtracking causes the interpreter to search for alternative ways of satisfying G, control will be able to resume where it last left off. Note that G will not fail unless all of its subgoals (and all of its siblings to the right in the search tree) have also failed, implying that there is nothing above G’s frame in the stack. At the top level of the interpreter, a semicolon typed by the user is treated the same as failure of the most recently satisfied subgoal. The fact that clauses are ordered, and that the interpreter considers them from first to last, means that the results of a Prolog program are deterministic and pre- dictable. In fact, the combination of ordering and depth-first search means that the Prolog programmer must often consider the order to ensure that recursive programs will terminate. Suppose for example that we have a database describingEXAMPLE 12.17 Order of rule evaluation a directed acyclic graph: edge(a, b). edge(b, c). edge(c, d). edge(d, e). edge(b, e). edge(d, f). path(X, X). path(X, Y) :- edge(Z, Y), path(X, Z). The last two clauses tell us how to determine whether there is a path from node X to node Y. If we were to reverse the order of the terms on the right-hand side of the final clause, then the Prolog interpreter would search for a node Z that is reachable from X before checking to see whether there is an edge from Z to Y. The program would still work, but it would not be as efficient. � Now consider what would happen if in addition we were to reverse the orderEXAMPLE 12.18 Infinite regression of the last two clauses: path(X, Y) :- path(X, Z), edge(Z, Y). path(X, X). From a logical point of view, our database still defines the same relationships. A Prolog interpreter, however, will no longer be able to find answers. Even a simple query like ?- path(a, a) will never terminate. To see why, consider Figure 12.2. The interpreter first unifies path(a, a) with the left-hand side of path(X, Y) :- path(X, Z), edge(Z, Y). It then considers the goals on the right-hand side, the first of which (path(X, Z)), unifies with the left-hand side of the very same rule, leading to an infinite regression. In effect, the Prolog interpreter gets lost in an infinite branch of the search tree, and never discovers finite branches to the right. We could avoid this problem by exploring the tree in breadth-first order, but that strategy was rejected by Prolog’s designers because of its expense: it can require substantially more space, and does not lend itself to a stack-based imple- mentation. � 12.2.5 Extended Example: Tic-Tac-Toe In the previous subsection we saw how the order of clauses in the Prolog database,EXAMPLE 12.19 Tic-tac-toe in Prolog and the order of terms within a right-hand side, can affect both the efficiency of 12.2 Prolog 601 edge(a, b). edge(b, c). edge(c, d). edge(d, e). edge(b, e). edge(d, f). path(X, Y) :- path(X, Z), edge(Z, Y). path(X, X). X1 = a, Y1 = a X2 = X1, Y2 = Y1, Z1 = ? X4 = X3, Y4 = Y3, Z2 = ? X3 = X2, Y3 = Y2 . . . . . . OR OR AND AND path(a, a) path(X, Y) path(X, X) path(X, Z) edge(Z, Y) path(X, Y) path(X, X) path(X, Z) edge(Z, Y) Figure 12.2 Infinite regression in Prolog. In this figure even a simple query like ?- path(a, a) will never terminate: the interpreter will never find the trivial branch. a Prolog program and its ability to terminate. Ordering also allows the Prolog programmer to indicate that certain resolutions are preferred, and should be con- sidered before other, “fallback” options. Consider, for example, the problem of making a move in tic-tac-toe. (Tic-tac-toe is a game played on a 3 × 3 grid of squares. Two players, X and O, take turns placing markers in empty squares. A player wins if he or she places three markers in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.) Let us number the squares from 1 to 9 in row-major order. Further, let us use the Prolog fact x(n) to indicate that player X has placed a marker in square n, and o(m) to indicate that player O has placed a marker in square m. For simplicity, let us assume that the computer is player X, and that it is X’s turn to move. We should like to be able to issue a query ?- move(A) that will cause the Prolog interpreter to choose a good square A for the computer to occupy next. Clearly we need to be able to tell whether three given squares lie in a row. One way to express this is: ordered_line(1, 2, 3). ordered_line(4, 5, 6). ordered_line(7, 8, 9). ordered_line(1, 4, 7). ordered_line(2, 5, 8). ordered_line(3, 6, 9). ordered_line(1, 5, 9). ordered_line(3, 5, 7). 602 Chapter 12 Logic Languages line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(A, B, C). line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(A, C, B). line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(B, A, C). line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(B, C, A). line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(C, A, B). line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(C, B, A). It is easy to prove that there is no winning strategy for tic-tac-toe: either player can force a draw. Let us assume, however, that our program is playing against a less-than-perfect opponent. Our task then is never to lose, and to maximize our chances of winning if our opponent makes a mistake. The following rules work well: move(A) :- good(A), empty(A). full(A) :- x(A). full(A) :- o(A). empty(A) :- \+(full(A)). % strategy: good(A) :- win(A). good(A) :- block_win(A). good(A) :- split(A). good(A) :- strong_build(A). good(A) :- weak_build(A). The initial rule indicates that we can satisfy the goal move(A) by choosing a good, empty square. The \+ is a built-in predicate that succeeds if its argument (a goal) cannot be proven; we discuss it further in Section 12.2.6. Square n is empty if we cannot prove it is full; that is, if neither x(n) nor o(n) is in the database. The key to strategy lies in the ordering of the last five rules. Our first choice is to win: win(A) :- x(B), x(C), line(A, B, C). Our second choice is to prevent our opponent from winning: block_win(A) :- o(B), o(C), line(A, B, C). Our third choice is to create a “split”—a situation in which our opponent cannot prevent us from winning on the next move (see Figure 12.3): split(A) :- x(B), x(C), different(B, C), line(A, B, D), line(A, C, E), empty(D), empty(E). same(A, A). different(A, B) :- \+(same(A, B)). 12.2 Prolog 603 1 4 6 7 8 9 2 3 O X O X Figure 12.3 A “split” in tac-tac-toe. If X takes the bottom center square (square 8), no future move by O will be able to stop X from winning the game—O cannot block both the 2–5–8 line and the 7–8–9 line. Here we have again relied on the built-in predicate \+. Our fourth choice is to build toward three in a row (i.e., to get two in a row) in such a way that the obvious blocking move won’t allow our opponent to build toward three in a row: strong_build(A) :- x(B), line(A, B, C), empty(C), \+(risky(C)). risky(C) :- o(D), line(C, D, E), empty(E). Barring that, our fifth choice is to build toward three in a row in such a way that the obvious blocking move won’t give our opponent a split: weak_build(A) :- x(B), line(A, B, C), empty(C), \+(double_risky(C)). double_risky(C) :- o(D), o(E), different(D, E), line(C, D, F), line(C, E, G), empty(F), empty(G). If none of these goals can be satisfied, our final, default choice is to pick an un- occupied square, giving priority to the center, the corners, and the sides in that order: good(5). good(1). good(3). good(7). good(9). good(2). good(4). good(6). good(8). � 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1. What mathematical formalism underlies logic programming? 2. What is a Horn clause? 3. Briefly describe the process of resolution in logic programming. 4. What is a unification? Why is it important in logic programming? 5. What are clauses, terms, and structures in Prolog? What are facts, rules, and queries? 604 Chapter 12 Logic Languages 6. Explain how Prolog differs from imperative languages in its handling of arith- metic. 7. Describe the difference between forward chaining and backward chaining. Which is used in Prolog by default? 8. Describe the Prolog search strategy. Discuss backtracking and the instantiation of variables. 12.2.6 Imperative Control Flow We have seen that the ordering of clauses and of terms in Prolog is significant, with ramifications for efficiency, termination, and choice among alternatives. In addition to simple ordering, Prolog provides the programmer with several explicit control-flow features. The most important of these features is known as the cut. The cut is a zero-argument predicate written as an exclamation point: !. As a subgoal it always succeeds, but with a crucial side effect: it commits the interpreter to whatever choices have been made since unifying the parent goal with the left- hand side of the current rule, including the choice of that unification itself. ForEXAMPLE 12.20 The cut example, recall our definition of list membership: member(X, [X | _]). member(X, [_ | T]) :- member(X, T). If a given atom a appears in list L n times, then the goal ?- member(a, L) can succeed n times. These “extra” successes may not always be appropriate. They can lead to wasted computation, particularly for long lists, when member is followed by a goal that may fail: prime_candidate(X) :- member(X, Candidates), prime(X). Suppose that prime(X) is expensive to compute. To determine whether a is a prime candidate, we first check to see whether it is a member of the Candidates list, and then check to see whether it is prime. If prime(a) fails, Prolog will backtrack and attempt to satisfy member(a, Candidates) again. If a is in the Candidates list more than once, then the subgoal will succeed again, leading to reconsideration of the prime(a) subgoal, even though that subgoal is doomed to fail. We can save substantial time by cutting off all further searches for a after the first is found: member(X, [X | _]) :- !. member(X, [_ | T]) :- member(X, T). 12.2 Prolog 605 The cut on the right-hand side of the first rule says that if X is the head of L, we should not attempt to unify member(X, L) with the left-hand side of the second rule; the cut commits us to the first rule. � An alternative way to ensure that member(X, L) succeeds no more than onceEXAMPLE 12.21 \+ and its implementation is to embed a use of \+ in the second clause: member(X, [X | _]). member(X, [H | T]) :- X \= H, member(X, T). Here X \= H means X and H will not unify; that is, \+(X = H). (In some Prolog dialects, \+ is written not. This name suggests an interpretation that may be somewhat misleading; we discuss the issue in Section 12.4.3.) Our new version of member will display the same high-level behavior as before, but will be slightly less efficient: now the interpreter will actually consider the second rule, abandoning it only after (re)unifying X with H and reversing the sense of the test. It turns out that \+ is actually implemented by a combination of the cut and two other built-in predicates, call and fail: \+(P) :- call(P), !, fail. \+(P). The call predicate takes a term as argument and attempts to satisfy it as a goal (terms are first-class values in Prolog). The fail predicate always fails. � In principle, it is possible to replace all uses of the cut with uses of \+ —to confine the cut to the implementation of \+. Doing so often makes a program easier to read. As we have seen, however, it often makes it less efficient. In some cases, explicit use of the cut may actually make a program easier to read. ConsiderEXAMPLE 12.22 Pruning unwanted answers with the cut our tic-tac-toe example. If we type semicolons at the program, it will continue to generate a series of increasingly poor moves from the same board position, even though we only want the first move. We can cut off consideration of the others by using the cut: move(A) :- good(A), empty(A), !. To achieve the same effect with \+ we would have to do more major surgery (Exercise 12.8). � In general, the cut can be used whenever we want the effect of if. . . then . . .EXAMPLE 12.23 Using the cut for selection else: statement :- condition, !, then_part. statement :- else_part. � The fail predicate can be used in conjunction with a “generator” to implementEXAMPLE 12.24 Looping with fail a loop. We have already seen (in Example 12.13) how to effect a generator by driving a set of rules “backward.” Recall our definition of append: 606 Chapter 12 Logic Languages append([], A, A). append([H | T], A, [H | L]) :- append(T, A, L). If we use write append(A, B, L), where L is instantiated but A and B are not, the interpreter will find an A and B for which the predicate is true. If backtracking forces it to return, the interpreter will look for another A and B; append will generate pairs on demand. (There is a strong analogy here to the generators of Icon, discussed in Section C 6.5.4.) Thus, to enumerate the ways in which a list can be partitioned into pairs, we can follow a use of append with fail: print_partitions(L) :- append(A, B, L), write(A), write(' '), write(B), nl, fail. The nl predicate prints a newline character. The query print_partitions([a, b, c]) produces the following output: [] [a, b, c] [a] [b, c] [a, b] [c] [a, b, c] [] false. If we don’t want the overall predicate to fail, we can add a final rule: print_partitions(_). Assuming this rule appears last, it will succeed after the output has appeared, and the interpreter will finish with “true.” � In some cases, we may have a generator that produces an unbounded sequence of values. The following, for example, generates all of the natural numbers:EXAMPLE 12.25 Looping with an unbounded generator natural(1). natural(N) :- natural(M), N is M+1. We can use this generator in conjunction with a “test-cut” combination to iterate over the first n numbers: my_loop(N) :- natural(I), write(I), nl, % loop body (nl prints a newline) I = N, !. So long as I is less than N, the equality (unification) predicate will fail and back- tracking will pursue another alternative for natural. If I = N succeeds, however, then the cut will be executed, committing us to the current (final) choice of I, and successfully terminating the loop. � 12.2 Prolog 607 This programming idiom—an unbounded generator with a test-cut termi- nator—is known as generate-and-test. Like the iterative constructs of Scheme (Section 11.3.4), it is generally used in conjunction with side effects. One such side effect, clearly, is I/O. Another is modification of the program database. Prolog provides a variety of I/O features. In addition to write and nl, which print to the current output file, the read predicate can be used to read terms from the current input file. Individual characters are read and written with get and put. Input and output can be redirected to different files using see and tell. Finally, the built-in predicates consult and reconsult can be used to read database clauses from a file, so they don’t have to be typed into the inter- preter by hand. (Some interpreters require this, allowing only queries to be en- tered interactively.) The predicate get attempts to unify its argument with the next printable char-EXAMPLE 12.26 Character input with get acter of input, skipping over ASCII characters with codes below 32.4 In effect, it behaves as if it were implemented in terms of the simpler predicates get0 and repeat: get(X) :- repeat, get0(X), X >= 32, !.

The get0 predicate attempts to unify its argument with the single next character
of input, regardless of value and, like get, cannot be resatisfied during back-
tracking. The repeat predicate, by contrast, can succeed an arbitrary number of
times; it behaves as if it were implemented with the following pair of rules:

repeat :- repeat.

Within the above definition of get, backtracking will return to repeat as often
as needed to produce a printable character (one with ASCII code at least 32). In
general, repeat allows us to turn any predicate with side effects into a genera-
tor. �

12.2.7 Database Manipulation

Clauses in Prolog are simply collections of terms, connected by the built-in pred-EXAMPLE 12.27
Prolog programs as data icates :- and ,, both of which can be written in either infix or prefix form:

snowy(X) :- rainy(X), cold(X).

≡ ’,’(rainy(rochester),


:-(snowy(X), ’,’(rainy(X),

4 Surprisingly, the ISO Prolog standard does not cover Unicode conformance.

608 Chapter 12 Logic Languages

Here the single quotes around the prefix commas serve to distinguish them
from the commas that separate the arguments of a predicate. �

The structural nature of clauses and database contents implies that Prolog,
like Scheme, is homoiconic: it can represent itself. It can also modify itself. AEXAMPLE 12.28

Modifying the Prolog

running Prolog program can add clauses to its database with the built-in predicate
assert, or remove them with retract:

?- rainy(X).
X = seattle ;
X = rochester.
?- assert(rainy(syracuse)).
?- rainy(X).
X = seattle ;
X = rochester ;
X = syracuse.
?- retract(rainy(rochester)).
?- rainy(X).
X = seattle ;
X = syracuse.

There is also a retractall predicate that removes all matching clauses from the
database. �

Figure 12.4 contains a complete Prolog program for tic-tac-toe. It uses assert,EXAMPLE 12.29
Tic-tac-toe (full game) retractall, the cut, fail, repeat, and write to play an entire game. Moves

are added to the database with assert. They are cleared with retractall at
the beginning of each game. This way the user can play multiple games without
restarting the interpreter. �


12.1 Homoiconic languages
As we have noted, both Lisp/Scheme and Prolog are homoiconic. A few other
languages, notably Snobol, Forth, and Tcl, share this property. What is its sig-
nificance? For most programs the answer is: not much. So long as we write the
sorts of programs that we’d write in other languages, the fact that programs
and data look the same is really just a curiosity. It becomes something more
if we are interested in metacomputing—the creation of programs that create
or manipulate other programs, or that extend themselves. Metacomputing re-
quires, at the least, that we have true first-class functions in the strict sense of
the term—that is, that we be able to generate new functions whose behavior is
determined dynamically. A homoiconic language can simplify metacomput-
ing by eliminating the need to translate between internal (data structure) and
external (syntactic) representations of programs or program extensions.

12.2 Prolog 609

ordered_line(1, 2, 3). ordered_line(4, 5, 6). ordered_line(7, 8, 9).
ordered_line(1, 4, 7). ordered_line(2, 5, 8). ordered_line(3, 6, 9).
ordered_line(1, 5, 9). ordered_line(3, 5, 7).
line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(A, B, C). line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(A, C, B).
line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(B, A, C). line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(B, C, A).
line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(C, A, B). line(A, B, C) :- ordered_line(C, B, A).

full(A) :- x(A). full(A) :- o(A). empty(A) :- \+(full(A)).
% NB: empty must be called with an already-instantiated A.
same(A, A). different(A, B) :- \+(same(A, B)).

move(A) :- good(A), empty(A), !.

% strategy:
good(A) :- win(A). good(A) :- block_win(A). good(A) :- split(A).
good(A) :- strong_build(A). good(A) :- weak_build(A).
good(5). good(1). good(3). good(7). good(9). good(2). good(4). good(6). good(8).

win(A) :- x(B), x(C), line(A, B, C).
block_win(A) :- o(B), o(C), line(A, B, C).
split(A) :- x(B), x(C), different(B, C), line(A, B, D), line(A, C, E), empty(D), empty(E).
strong_build(A) :- x(B), line(A, B, C), empty(C), \+(risky(C)).
weak_build(A) :- x(B), line(A, B, C), empty(C), \+(double_risky(C)).
risky(C) :- o(D), line(C, D, E), empty(E).
double_risky(C) :- o(D), o(E), different(D, E), line(C, D, F), line(C, E, G), empty(F), empty(G).

all_full :- full(1), full(2), full(3), full(4), full(5),
full(6), full(7), full(8), full(9).

done :- ordered_line(A, B, C), x(A), x(B), x(C), write(‘I won.’), nl.
done :- all_full, write(‘Draw.’), nl.

getmove :- repeat, write(‘Please enter a move: ‘), read(X), empty(X), assert(o(X)).
makemove :- move(X), !, assert(x(X)).
makemove :- all_full.

printsquare(N) :- o(N), write(‘ o ‘).
printsquare(N) :- x(N), write(‘ x ‘).
printsquare(N) :- empty(N), write(‘ ‘).
printboard :- printsquare(1), printsquare(2), printsquare(3), nl,

printsquare(4), printsquare(5), printsquare(6), nl,
printsquare(7), printsquare(8), printsquare(9), nl.

clear :- retractall(x(_)), retractall(o(_)).

% main goal:
play :- clear, repeat, getmove, respond.
respond :- ordered_line(A, B, C), o(A), o(B), o(C),

printboard, write(‘You won.’), nl. % shouldn’t ever happen!
respond :- makemove, printboard, done.

Figure 12.4 Tic-tac-toe program in Prolog.

610 Chapter 12 Logic Languages

Individual terms in Prolog can be created, or their contents extracted, usingEXAMPLE 12.30
The functor predicate the built-in predicates functor, arg, and =… The goal functor(T, F, N)

succeeds if and only if T is a term with functor F and arity N:

?- functor(foo(a, b, c), foo, 3).
?- functor(foo(a, b, c), F, N).
F = foo,
N = 3.
?- functor(T, foo, 3).
T = foo(_G10, _G37, _G24).

In the last line of output, the atoms with leading underscores are placeholders for
uninstantiated variables. �

The goal arg(N, T, A) succeeds if and only if its first two arguments (N andEXAMPLE 12.31
Creating terms at run time T) are instantiated, N is a natural number, T is a term, and A is the Nth argument

of T:

?- arg(3, foo(a, b, c), A).
A = c.

Using functor and arg together, we can create an arbitrary term:

?- functor(T, foo, 3), arg(1, T, a), arg(2, T, b), arg(3, T, c).
T = foo(a, b, c).

Alternatively, we can use the (infix) =.. predicate, which “equates” a term with a

?- T =.. [foo, a, b, c].
T = foo(a, b, c).

?- foo(a, b, c) =.. [F, A1, A2, A3].
F = foo,
A1 = a,
A2 = b,
A3 = c.

Note that

?- foo(a, b, c) = F(A1, A2, A3).


?- F(A1, A2, A3) = foo(a, b, c).

12.2 Prolog 611

do not work: the term preceding a left parenthesis must be an atom, not a vari-
able. �

Using =.. and call, the programmer can arrange to pursue (attempt to sat-EXAMPLE 12.32
Pursuing a dynamic goal isfy) a goal created at run time:

param_loop(L, H, F) :- natural(I), I >= L,
G =.. [F, I], call(G),
I = H, !.

The goal param_loop(5, 10, write) will produce the following output:


If we want the numbers on separate lines we can write

?- param_loop(5, 10, writeln).


writeln(X) :- write(X), nl. �

Taken together, the predicates described above allow a Prolog program to cre-
ate and decompose clauses, and to add and subtract them from the database. So
far, however, the only mechanism we have for perusing the database (i.e., to de-
termine its contents) is the built-in search mechanism. To allow programs toEXAMPLE 12.33

Custom database perusal


12.2 Reflection
A reflection mechanism allows a program to reason about itself. While no
widely used language is fully reflective, in the sense that it can inspect every
aspect of its structure and current state, significant forms of reflection appear
in several major languages, Prolog among them. Given the functor and arity
of a starting goal, the clause predicate allows us to find everything related to
that goal in the database. Using clause, we can in fact create a metacircular
interpreter (Exercise 12.13)—an implementation of Prolog in itself—much as
we could for Lisp using eval and apply (Section 11.3.5). We can also write
evaluators that use nonstandard search orders (e.g., breadth-first or forward
chaining; see Exercise 12.14). Other examples of rich reflection facilities ap-
pear in Java, C#, and the major scripting languages. As we shall see in Sec-
tion 16.3.1, these allow a program to inspect and reason about its complete
type structure. A few languages (e.g., Python) allow a program to inspect its
source code as text, but this is not as powerful as the homoiconic inspection
of Prolog or Scheme, which allows a program to reason about its own code
structure directly.

612 Chapter 12 Logic Languages

“reason” in more general ways, Prolog provides a clause predicate that attempts
to match its two arguments against the head and body of some existing clause in
the database:

?- clause(snowy(X), B).
B = rainy(X), cold(X).

Here we have discovered that there is a single rule in the database whose head is a
single-argument term with functor snowy. The body of that rule is the conjunc-
tion B = rainy(X), cold(X). If there had been more such clauses, we would
have had the opportuity to ask for them them by entering semicolons. Prolog re-
quires that the first argument to clause be sufficiently instantiated that its func-
tor and arity can be determined.

A clause with no body (a fact) matches the body true:

?- clause(rainy(rochester), true).

Note that clause is quite different from call: it does not attempt to satisfy a
goal, but simply to match it against an existing clause:

?- clause(snowy(rochester), true).
false. �

Various other built-in predicates can also be used to “deconstruct” the contents
of a clause. The var predicate takes a single argument; it succeeds as a goal if
and only if its argument is an uninstantiated variable. The atom and integer
predicates succeed as goals if and only if their arguments are atoms and integers,
respectively. The name predicate takes two arguments. It succeeds as a goal if and
only if its first argument is an atom and its second is a list composed of the ASCII
codes for the characters of that atom.

12.3 Theoretical Foundations
In mathematical logic, a predicate is a function that maps constants (atoms) or
variables to the values true and false. If rainy is a predicate, for example, we mightEXAMPLE 12.34

Predicates as mathematical

have rainy(Seattle) = true and rainy(Tijuana) = false. Predicate calculus provides a
notation and inference rules for constructing and reasoning about propositions
(statements) composed of predicate applications, operators (and, or, not, etc.),
and the quantifiers ∀ and ∃. Logic programming formalizes the search for variable
values that will make a given proposition true. �

12.4 Logic Programming in Perspective 613


In conventional logical notation there are many ways to state a given proposition.
Logic programming is built on clausal form, which provides a unique expression
for every proposition. Many though not all clausal forms can be cast as a collec-
tion of Horn clauses, and thus translated into Prolog. On the companion site we
trace the steps required to translate an arbitrary proposition into clausal form.
We also characterize the cases in which this form can and cannot be translated
into Prolog.

12.4 Logic Programming in Perspective
In the abstract, logic programming is a very compelling idea: it suggests a model
of computing in which we simply list the logical properties of an unknown value,
and then the computer figures out how to find it (or tells us it doesn’t exist).
Unfortunately, reality falls quite a bit short of the vision, for both theoretical and
practical reasons.

12.4.1 Parts of Logic Not Covered

As noted in Section 12.3, Horn clauses do not capture all of first-order pred-
icate calculus. In particular, they cannot be used to express statements whose
clausal form includes a disjunction with more than one non-negated term. We
can sometimes get around this problem in Prolog by using the \+ predicate, but
the semantics are not the same (see Section 12.4.3).

12.4.2 Execution Order

In Section 12.2.4, we saw that one must often consider execution order to ensure
that a Prolog search will terminate. Even for searches that terminate, naive code
can be very inefficient. Consider the problem of sorting. A natural declarativeEXAMPLE 12.35

Sorting incredibly slowly


12.3 Implementing logic
Predicate calculus is a significantly higher-level notation than lambda calculus.
It is much more abstract—much less algorithmic. It is natural, therefore, that a
language like Prolog not provide the full power of predicate calculus, and that
it include extensions to make it more algorithmic. We may someday reach the
point where programming systems are capable of discovering good algorithms
from very high-level declarative specifications, but we are not there yet.

614 Chapter 12 Logic Languages

way to say that L2 is the sorted version of L1 is to say that L2 is a permutation of
L1 and L2 is sorted:

declarative_sort(L1, L2) :- permutation(L1, L2), sorted(L2).
permutation([], []).
permutation(L, [H | T]) :- append(P, [H | S], L), append(P, S, W),

permutation(W, T).

(The append and sorted predicates are defined in Section 12.2.2.) Unfortu-
nately, Prolog’s default search strategy may take exponential time to sort a list
based on these rules: it will generate permutations until it finds one that is
sorted. �

While logic is inherently declarative, most logic languages explore the tree of
possible resolutions in deterministic order. Prolog provides a variety of predi-
cates, including the cut, fail, and repeat, to control that execution order (Sec-
tion 12.2.6). It also provides predicates, including assert, retract, and call,
to manipulate its database explicitly during execution.

To obtain a more efficient sort, the Prolog programmer must adopt a less nat-EXAMPLE 12.36
Quicksort in Prolog ural, “imperative” definition:

quicksort([], []).
quicksort([A | L1], L2) :- partition(A, L1, P1, S1),

quicksort(P1, P2), quicksort(S1, S2), append(P2, [A | S2], L2).
partition(A, [], [], []).
partition(A, [H | T], [H | P], S) :- A >= H, partition(A, T, P, S).
partition(A, [H | T], P, [H | S]) :- A =< H, partition(A, T, P, S). Even this sort is less efficient than one might hope in certain cases. When given an already-sorted list, for example, it takes quadratic time, instead of O(n log n). A good heuristic for quicksort is to partition the list using the median of the first, middle, and last elements. Unfortunately, Prolog provides no easy way to access the middle and final elements of a list (it has no arrays). � DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 12.4 Alternative search strategies Some approaches to logic programming attempt to customize the run-time search strategy in a way that is likely to satisfy goals quickly. Darlington [Dar90], for example, describes a technique in which, when an intermediate goal G fails, we try to find alternative instantiations of the variables in G that will allow it to succeed, before backing up to previous goals and seeing whether the alternative instantiations will work in them as well. This “failure-directed search” seems to work well for certain classes of problems. Unfortunately, no general technique is known that will automatically discover the best algorithm (or even just a “good” one) for any given problem. 12.4 Logic Programming in Perspective 615 As we saw in Chapter 10, it can be useful to distinguish between the specifica- tion of a program and its implementation. The specification says what the pro- gram is to do; the implementation says how it is to do it. Horn clauses provide an excellent notation for specifications. When augmented with search rules (as in Prolog) they allow implementations to be expressed in the same notation. 12.4.3 Negation and the “Closed World” Assumption A collection of Horn clauses, such as the facts and rules of a Prolog database, constitutes a list of things assumed to be true. It does not include any things assumed to be false. This reliance on purely “positive” logic implies that Prolog’s \+ predicate is different from logical negation. Unless the database is assumed to contain everything that is true (this is the closed world assumption), the goal \+(T) can succeed simply because our current knowledge is insufficient to prove T. Moreover, negation in Prolog occurs outside any implicit existential quantifiersEXAMPLE 12.37 Negation as failure on the right-hand side of a rule. Thus ?- \+(takes(X, his201)). where X is uninstantiated, means ? ¬∃X[takes(X, his201)] rather than ? ∃X[¬takes(X, his201)] If our database indicates that jane_doe takes his201, then the goal takes(X, his201) can succeed, and \+(takes(X, his201)) will fail: ?- \+(takes(X, his201)). false. If we had a way to put the negation inside the quantifier, we might hope for an implementation that would respond ?- \+(takes(X, his201)). X = ajit_chandra or even ?- \+(takes(X, his201)). X != jane_doe 616 Chapter 12 Logic Languages A complete characterization of the values of X for which ¬takes(X, his201) is true would require a complete exploration of the resolution tree, something that Prolog does only when all goals fail, or when repeatedly prompted with semi- colons. Mechanisms to incorporate some sort of “constructive negation” into logic programming are an active topic of research. � It is worth noting that the definition of \+ in terms of failure means that vari-EXAMPLE 12.38 Negation and instantiation able bindings are lost whenever \+ succeeds. For example: ?- takes(X, his201). X = jane_doe ?- \+(takes(X, his201)). false. ?- \+(\+(takes(X, his201))). true. % no value for X provided When takes first succeeds, X is bound to jane_doe. When the inner \+ fails, the binding is broken. Then when the outer \+ succeeds, a new binding is created to an uninstantiated value. Prolog provides no way to pull the binding of X out through the double negation. � 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 9. Explain the purpose of the cut (!) in Prolog. How does it relate to \+? 10. Describe three ways in which Prolog programs can depart from a pure logic programming model. 11. Describe the generate-and-test programming idiom. 12. Summarize Prolog’s facilities for database manipulation. Be sure to mention assert, retract, and clause. 13. What sorts of logical statements cannot be captured in Horn clauses? 14. What is the closed world assumption? What problems does it cause for logic programming? 12.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks In this chapter we have focused on the logic model of computing. Where an imperative program computes principally through iteration and side effects, and a functional program computes principally through substitution of parameters into functions, a logic program computes through the resolution of logical state- ments, driven by the ability to unify variables and terms. Much of our discussion was driven by an examination of the principal logic language, Prolog, which we used to illustrate clauses and terms, resolution and 12.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks 617 unification, search/execution order, list manipulation, and high-order predicates for inspection and modification of the logic database. Like imperative and functional programming, logic programming is related to constructive proofs. But where an imperative or functional program in some sense is a proof (of the ability to generate outputs from inputs), a logic program is a set of axioms from which the computer attempts to construct a proof. And where imperative and functional programming provide the full power of Turing machines and lambda calculus, respectively (ignoring hardware-imposed limits on arithmetic precision, disk and memory space, etc.), Prolog provides less than the full generality of resolution theorem proving, in the interests of time and space efficiency. At the same time, Prolog extends its formal counterpart with true arithmetic, I/O, imperative control flow, and higher-order predicates for self- inspection and modification. Like Lisp/Scheme, Prolog makes heavy use of lists, largely because they can easily be built incrementally, without the need to allocate and then modify state as separate operations. And like Lisp/Scheme (but unlike ML and its descendants), Prolog is homoiconic: programs look like ordinary data structures, and can be created, modified, and executed on the fly. As we stressed in Chapter 1, different models of computing are appealing in different ways. Imperative programs more closely mirror the underlying hard- ware, and can more easily be “tweaked” for high performance. Purely functional programs avoid the semantic complexity of side effects, and have proved partic- ularly handy for the manipulation of symbolic (nonnumeric) data. Logic pro- grams, with their highly declarative semantics and their emphasis on unification, are well suited to problems that emphasize relationships and search. At the same time, their de-emphasis of control flow can lead to inefficiency. At the current state of the art, computers have surpassed people in their ability to deal with low- level details (e.g., of instruction scheduling), but people are still better at inventing good algorithms. As we also stressed in Chapter 1, the borders between language classes are often very fuzzy. The backtracking search of Prolog strongly resembles the execution of generators in Icon. Unification in Prolog resembles (but is more powerful than) the pattern-matching capabilities of ML and Haskell. (Unification is also used for type checking in ML and Haskell, and for template instantiation in C++, but those are compile-time activities.) There is much to be said for programming in a purely functional or logic-based style. While most Scheme and Prolog programs make some use of imperative language features, those features tend to be responsible for a disproportionate share of program bugs. At the same time, there seem to be programming tasks— interactive I/O, for example—that are almost impossible to accomplish without side effects. 618 Chapter 12 Logic Languages 12.6 Exercises 12.1 Starting with the clauses at the beginning of Example 12.17, use resolution (as illustrated in Example 12.3) to show, in two different ways, that there is a path from a to e. 12.2 Solve Exercise 6.22 in Prolog. 12.3 Consider the Prolog gcd program in Figure 1.2. Does this program work “backward” as well as forward? (Given integers d and n, can you use it to generate a sequence of integers m such that gcd(n,m) = d?) Explain your answer. 12.4 In the spirit of Example 11.20, write a Prolog program that exploits back- tracking to simulate the execution of a nondeterministic finite automaton. 12.5 Show that resolution is commutative and associative. Specifically, if A, B, and C are Horn clauses, show that (A ⊕ B) = (B ⊕ A) and that ((A ⊕ B)⊕ C) = (A ⊕ (B ⊕ C)), where ⊕ indicates resolution. Be sure to think about what happens to variables that are instantiated as a result of unification. 12.6 In Example 12.8, the query ?- classmates(jane_doe, X) will succeed three times: twice with X = jane_doe and once with X = ajit_chandra. Show how to modify the classmates(X, Y) rule so that a student is not considered a classmate of himself or herself. 12.7 Modify Example 12.17 so that the goal path(X, Y), for arbitrary already- instantiated X and Y, will succeed no more than once, even if there are multiple paths from X to Y. 12.8 Using only \+ (no cuts), modify the tic-tac-toe example of Section 12.2.5 so it will generate only one candidate move from a given board position. How does your solution compare to the cut-based one (Example 12.22)? 12.9 Prove the claim, made in Example 12.19, that there is no winning strategy in tic-tac-toe—that either player can force a draw. 12.10 Prove that the tic-tac-toe strategy of Example 12.19 is optimal (wins against an imperfect opponent whenever possible, draws otherwise), or give a counterexample. 12.11 Starting with the tic-tac-toe program of Figure 12.4, draw a directed acyclic graph in which every clause is a node and an arc from A to B indi- cates that it is important, either for correctness or efficiency, that A come before B in the program. (Do not draw any other arcs.) Any topologi- cal sort of your graph should constitute an equally efficient version of the program. (Is the existing program one of them?) 12.12 Write Prolog rules to define a version of the member predicate that will generate all members of a list during backtracking, but without generating duplicates. Note that the cut and\+ based versions of Example 12.20 will 12.6 Exercises 619 not suffice; when asked to look for an uninstantiated member, they find only the head of the list. 12.13 Use the clause predicate of Prolog to implement the call predicate (pretend that it isn’t built in). You needn’t implement all of the built-in predicates of Prolog; in particular, you may ignore the various imperative control-flow mechanisms and database manipulators. Extend your code by making the database an explicit argument to call, effectively produc- ing a metacircular interpreter. 12.14 Use the clause predicate of Prolog to write a predicate call_bfs that attempts to satisfy goals breadth-first. (Hint: You will want to keep a queue of yet-to-be-pursued subgoals, each of which is represented by a stack that captures backtracking alternatives.) 12.15 Write a (list-based) insertion sort algorithm in Prolog. Here’s what it looks like in C, using arrays: void insertion_sort(int A[], int N) { int i, j, t; for (i = 1; i < N; i++) { t = A[i]; for (j = i; j > 0; j–) {

if (t >= A[j-1]) break;
A[j] = A[j-1];

A[j] = t;


12.16 Quicksort works well for large lists, but has higher overhead than insertion
sort for short lists. Write a sort algorithm in Prolog that uses quicksort
initially, but switches to insertion sort (as defined in the previous exercise)
for sublists of 15 or fewer elements. (Hint: You can count the number of
elements during the partition operation.)

12.17 Write a Prolog sorting routine that is guaranteed to take O(n log n) time in
the worst case. (Hint: Try merge sort; a description can be found in almost
any algorithms or data structures text.)

12.18 Consider the following interaction with a Prolog interpreter:

?- Y = X, X = foo(X).
Y = foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(

What is going on here? Why does the interpreter fall into an infinite loop?
Can you think of any circumstances (presumably not requiring output) in

620 Chapter 12 Logic Languages

which a structure like this one would be useful? If not, can you suggest
how a Prolog interpreter might implement checks to forbid its creation?
How expensive would those checks be? Would the cost in your opinion be

12.19–12.21 In More Depth.

12.7 Explorations
12.22 Learn about alternative search strategies for Prolog and other logic lan-

guages. How do forward chaining solvers work? What are the prospects
for intelligent hybrid strategies?

12.23 Between 1982 and 1992 the Japanese government invested large sums of
money in logic programming. Research the Fifth Generation project, ad-
ministered by the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry
(MITI). What were its goals? What was achieved? What was not? How
tightly were the goals and outcomes tied to Prolog? What lessons can we
learn from the project today?

12.24 Read ahead to Chapter 14 and learn about XSLT, a language used to ma-
nipulate data represented in XML, the extended markup language (of
which XHTML, the latest standard for web pages, is an example). XSLT
is generally described as declarative. Is it logic based? How does it com-
pare to Prolog in expressive power, level of abstraction, and execution ef-

12.25 Repeat the previous question for SQL, the database query language (for
an introduction, type “SQL tutorial” into your favorite Internet search en-

12.26 Spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel are sometimes characterized as declar-
ative programming. Is this fair? Ignoring extensions like Visual Basic
macros, does the ability to define relationships among cells provide Turing
complete expressive power? Compare the execution model to that of Pro-
log. How is the order of update for cells determined? Can data be pushed
“both ways,” as they can in Prolog?

12.27–12.30 In More Depth.

12.8 Bibliographic Notes
Logic programming has its roots in automated theorem proving. Much of the the-
oretical groundwork was laid by Horn in the early 1950s [Hor51], and by Robin-
son in the early 1960s [Rob65]. The breakthrough for computing came in the

12.8 Bibliographic Notes 621

early 1970s, when Colmeraurer and Roussel at the University of Aix–Marseille
in France and Kowalski and his colleagues at the University of Edinburgh in
Scotland developed the initial version of Prolog. The early history of the lan-
guage is recounted by Robinson [Rob83]. Theoretical foundations are covered by
Lloyd [Llo87].

Prolog was originally intended for research in natural language processing, but
it soon became apparent that it could serve as a general-purpose language. Several
versions of Prolog have since evolved. The one described here is the widely used
Edinburgh dialect. The ISO standard [Int95] is similar.

Several other logic languages have been developed, though none rivaled Pro-
log in popularity. OPS5 [BFKM86] used forward chaining. Gödel [HL94] in-
cludes modules, strong typing, a richer variety of logical operators, and enhanced
control of execution order. Parlog is a parallel Prolog dialect; we will mention
it briefly in Section 13.4.5. Mercury [SHC96] adopts a variety of features from
ML-family functional languages, including static type inference, monad-like I/O,
higher-order predicates, closures, currying, and lambda expressions. It is com-
piled, rather than interpreted, and requires the programmer to specify modes
(in, out) for predicate arguments.

Database query languages stemming from Datalog [Ull85][UW08, Secs. 4.2–
4.4] are implemented using forward chaining. CLP (Constraint Logic Program-
ming) and its variants are largely based on Prolog, but employ a more general
constraint-satisfaction mechanism in place of unification [JM94]. The Associa-
tion for Logic Programming can be found on-line at www.cs.nmsu.edu/ALP/.

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The bulk of this text has focused, implicitly, on sequential programs: pro-
grams with a single active execution context. As we saw in Chapter 6, sequen-
tiality is fundamental to imperative programming. It also tends to be implicit in
declarative programming, partly because practical functional and logic languages
usually include some imperative features, and partly because people tend to de-
velop imperative implementations and mental models of declarative programs
(applicative order reduction, backward chaining with backtracking), even when
language semantics do not require such a model.

By contrast, a program is said to be concurrent if it may have more than one
active execution context—more than one “thread of control.” Concurrency has
at least three important motivations:

1. To capture the logical structure of a problem. Many programs, particularly
servers and graphical applications, must keep track of more than one largely
independent “task” at the same time. Often the simplest and most logical way
to structure such a program is to represent each task with a separate thread
of control. We touched on this “multithreaded” structure when discussing
coroutines (Section 9.5) and events (Section 9.6); we will return to it in Sec-
tion 13.1.1.

2. To exploit parallel hardware, for speed. Long a staple of high-end servers and
supercomputers, multiple processors (or multiple cores within a processor)
have become ubiquitous in desktop, laptop, and mobile devices. To use these
cores effectively, programs must generally be written (or rewritten) with con-
currency in mind.

3. To cope with physical distribution. Applications that run across the Internet or a
more local group of machines are inherently concurrent. So are many embed-
ded applications: the control systems of a modern automobile, for example,
may span dozens of processors spread throughout the vehicle.

In general, we use the word concurrent to characterize any system in which two
or more tasks may be underway (at an unpredictable point in their execution) at
the same time. Under this definition, coroutines are not concurrent, because at


624 Chapter 13 Concurrency

any given time, all but one of them is stopped at a well-known place. A concurrent
system is parallel if more than one task can be physically active at once; this re-
quires more than one processor. The distinction is purely an implementation and
performance issue: from a semantic point of view, there is no difference between
true parallelism and the “quasiparallelism” of a system that switches between tasks
at unpredictable times. A parallel system is distributed if its processors are associ-
ated with people or devices that are physically separated from one another in the
real world. Under these definitions, “concurrent” applies to all three motivations
above. “Parallel” applies to the second and third; “distributed” applies to only the

We will focus in this chapter on concurrency and parallelism. Parallelism has
become a pressing concern since 2005 or so, with the proliferation of multicore
processors. We will have less occasion to touch on distribution. While languages
have been designed for distributed computing, most distributed systems run sep-
arate programs on every networked processor, and use message-passing library
routines to communicate among them.

We begin our study with an overview of the ways in which parallelism may
be used in modern programs. Our overview will touch on the motivation for
concurrency (even on uniprocessors) and the concept of races, which are the
principal source of complexity in concurrent programs. We will also briefly
survey the architectural features of modern multicore and multiprocessor ma-
chines. In Section 13.2 we consider the contrast between shared-memory and
message-passing models of concurrency, and between language and library-based
implementations. Building on coroutines, we explain how a language or li-
brary can create and schedule threads. Section 13.3 focuses on low-level mecha-
nisms for shared-memory synchronization. Section 13.4 extends the discussion
to language-level constructs. Message-passing models of concurrency are consid-
ered in Section 13.5 (mostly on the companion site).

13.1 Background and Motivation
Concurrency is not a new idea. Much of the theoretical groundwork was laid in
the 1960s, and Algol 68 includes concurrent programming features. Widespread
interest in concurrency is a relatively recent phenomenon, however; it stems in
part from the availability of low-cost multicore and multiprocessor machines, and
in part from the proliferation of graphical, multimedia, and web-based applica-
tions, all of which are naturally represented by concurrent threads of control.

Levels of Parallelism

Parallelism arises at every level of a modern computer system. It is comparatively
easy to exploit at the level of circuits and gates, where signals can propagate down
thousands of connections at once. As we move up first to processors and cores,
and then to the many layers of software that run on top of them, the granularity

13.1 Background and Motivation 625

of parallelism—the size and complexity of tasks—increases at every level, and it
becomes increasingly difficult to figure out what work should be done by each
task and how tasks should coordinate.

For 40 years, microarchitectural research was largely devoted to finding more
and better ways to exploit the instruction-level parallelism (ILP) available in ma-
chine language programs. As we saw in Chapter 5, the combination of deep,
superscalar pipelines and aggressive speculation allows a modern processor to
track dependences among hundreds of “in-flight” instructions, make progress on
scores of them, and complete several in every cycle. Shortly after the turn of the
century, it became apparent that a limit had been reached: there simply wasn’t
any more instruction-level parallelism available in conventional programs.

At the next higher level of granularity, so-called vector parallelism is available
in programs that perform operations repeatedly on every element of a very large
data set. Processors designed to exploit this parallelism were the dominant form
of supercomputer from the late 1960s through the early 1990s. Their legacy lives
on in the vector instructions of mainstream processors (e.g., the MMX, SSE, and
AVX extensions to the x86 instruction set), and in modern graphical processing
units (GPUs), whose peak performance can exceed that of the typical CPU (cen-
tral processing unit—a conventional core) by a factor of more than 100.

Unfortunately, vector parallelism arises in only certain kinds of programs.
Given the end of ILP, and the limits on clock frequency imposed by heat dissi-
pation (Section C 5.4.4), general-purpose computing today must obtain its per-
formance improvements from multicore processors, which require coarser-grain
thread-level parallelism. The move to multicore has thus entailed a fundamental
shift in the nature of programming: where parallelism was once a largely invisible
implementation detail, it must now be written explicitly into high-level program

Levels of Abstraction

On today’s multicore machines, different kinds of programmers need to under-
stand concurrency at different levels of detail, and use it in different ways.

The simplest, most abstract case arises when using “black box” parallel li-
braries. A sorting routine or a linear algebra package, for example, may execute
in parallel without its caller needing to understand how. In the database world,
queries expressed in SQL (Structured Query Language) often execute in paral-
lel as well. Microsoft’s .NET Framework includes a Language-Integrated Query
mechanism (LINQ) that allows database-style queries to be made of program
data structures, again with parallelism “under the hood.”

At a slightly less abstract level, a programmer may know that certain tasks
are mutually independent (because, for example, they access disjoint sets of

626 Chapter 13 Concurrency

variables). Such tasks can safely execute in parallel.1 In C#, for example, we canEXAMPLE 13.1
Independent tasks in C# write the following using the Task Parallel Library:

Parallel.For(0, 100, i => { A[i] = foo(A[i]); });

The first two arguments to Parallel.For are “loop” bounds; the third is a dele-
gate, here written as a lambda expression. Assuming A is a 100-element array, and
that the invocations of foo are truly independent, this code will have the same ef-
fect as the obvious traditional for loop, except that it will run faster, making use
of as many cores as possible (up to 100). �

If our tasks are not independent, it may still be possible to run them in parallel
if we explicitly synchronize their interactions. Synchronization serves to eliminate
races between threads by controlling the ways in which their actions can interleave
in time. Suppose function foo in the previous example subtracts 1 from A[i]EXAMPLE 13.2

A simple race condition and also counts the number of times that the result is zero. Naively we might
implement foo as

int zero_count;
public static int foo(int n) {

int rtn = n – 1;
if (rtn == 0) zero_count++;
return rtn;


Consider now what may happen when two or more instances of this code run

Thread 1
. . . Thread 2

r1 := zero count . . .
r1 := r1 + 1 r1 := zero count

zero count := r1 r1 := r1 + 1
. . . zero count := r1

. . .

If the instructions interleave roughly as shown, both threads may load the same
value of zero count, both may increment it by one, and both may store the (only
one greater) value back into zero count. The result may be less than what we

In general, a race condition occurs whenever two or more threads are “racing”
toward points in the code at which they touch some common object, and the
behavior of the system depends on which thread gets there first. In this particular
example, the store of zero count in Thread 1 is racing with the load in Thread 2.

1 Ideally, we might like the compiler to figure this out automatically, but the problem of indepen-
dence is undecidable in the general case.

13.1 Background and Motivation 627

If Thread 1 gets there first, we will get the “right” result; if Thread 2 gets there
first, we won’t. �

The most common purpose of synchronization is to make some sequence of
instructions, known as a critical section, appear to be atomic—to happen “all at
once” from the point of view of every other thread. In our example, the critical
section is a load, an increment, and a store. The most common way to make
the sequence atomic is with a mutual exclusion lock, which we acquire before the
first instruction of the sequence and release after the last. We will study locks in
Sections 13.3.1 and 13.3.5. In Sections 13.3.2 and 13.4.4 we will also consider
mechanisms that achieve atomicity without locks.

At lower levels of abstraction, expert programmers may need to understand
hardware and run-time systems in sufficient detail to implement synchronization
mechanisms. This chapter should convey a sense of the issues, but a full treatment
at this level is beyond the scope of the current text.

13.1.1 The Case for Multithreaded Programs

Our first motivation for concurrency—to capture the logical structure of certain
applications—has arisen several times in earlier chapters. In Section C 8.7.1 we
noted that interactive I/O must often interrupt the execution of the current pro-
gram. In a video game, for example, we must handle keystrokes and mouse or
joystick motions while continually updating the image on the screen. The stan-
dard way to structure such a program, as described in Section 9.6.2, is to execute
the input handlers in a separate thread of control, which coexists with one or
more threads responsible for updating the screen. In Section 9.5, we considered
a screen saver program that used coroutines to interleave “sanity checks” on the
file system with updates to a moving picture on the screen. We also considered
discrete-event simulation, which uses coroutines to represent the active entities
of some real-world system.

The semantics of discrete-event simulation require that events occur atomi-
cally at fixed points in time. Coroutines provide a natural implementation, be-
cause they execute one at a time: so long as we never switch coroutines in the mid-
dle of a to-be-atomic operation, all will be well. In our other examples, however—
and indeed in most “naturally concurrent” programs—there is no need for corou-
tine semantics. By assigning concurrent tasks to threads instead of to coroutines,
we acknowledge that those tasks can proceed in parallel if more than one core is
available. We also move responsibility for figuring out which thread should run
when from the programmer to the language implementation. In return, we give
up any notion of trivial atomicity.

The need for multithreaded programs is easily seen in web-based applications.EXAMPLE 13.3
Multithreaded web

In a browser such as Chrome or Firefox (see Figure 13.1), there are typically many
different threads simultaneously active, each of which is likely to communicate
with a remote (and possibly very slow) server several times before completing its
task. When the user clicks on a link, the browser creates a thread to request the

628 Chapter 13 Concurrency

specified document. For all but the tiniest pages, this thread will then receive a se-
ries of message “packets.” As these packets begin to arrive the thread must format
them for presentation on the screen. The formatting task is akin to typesetting:
the thread must access fonts, assemble words, and break the words into lines. For
many special tags within the page, the formatting thread will spawn additional
threads: one for each image, one for the background if any, one to format each
table, and possibly more to handle separate frames. Each spawned thread will
communicate with the server to obtain the information it needs (e.g., the con-
tents of an image) for its particular task. The user, meanwhile, can access items in
menus to create new browser windows, edit bookmarks, change preferences, and
so on, all in “parallel” with the rendering of page elements. �

The use of many threads ensures that comparatively fast operations (e.g., dis-
play of text) do not wait for slow operations (e.g., display of large images). When-
ever one thread blocks (waits for a message or I/O), the run-time or operating
system will automatically switch execution on the core to run a different thread.
In a preemptive thread package, these context switches will occur at other times
as well, to prevent any one thread from hogging processor resources. Any reader
who remembers early, more sequential browsers will appreciate the difference that
multithreading makes in perceived performance and responsiveness, even on a
single-core machine.

The Dispatch Loop Alternative

Without language or library support for threads, a browser must either adopt aEXAMPLE 13.4
Dispatch loop web

more sequential structure, or centralize the handling of all delay-inducing events
in a single dispatch loop (see Figure 13.2). Data structures associated with the
dispatch loop keep track of all the tasks the browser has yet to complete. The
state of a task may be quite complicated. For the high-level task of rendering a
page, the state must indicate which packets have been received and which are still
outstanding. It must also identify the various subtasks of the page (images, tables,
frames, etc.) so that we can find them all and reclaim their state if the user clicks
on a “stop” button.

To guarantee good interactive response, we must make sure that no subaction
of continue task takes very long to execute. Clearly we must end the current ac-
tion whenever we wait for a message. We must also end it whenever we read from
a file, since disk operations are slow. Finally, if any task needs to compute for
longer than about a tenth of a second (the typical human perceptual threshold),
then we must divide the task into pieces, between which we save state and return
to the top of the loop. These considerations imply that the condition at the top
of the loop must cover the full range of asynchronous events, and that evalua-
tions of the condition must be interleaved with continued execution of any tasks
that were subdivided due to lengthy computation. (In practice we would proba-
bly need a more sophisticated mechanism than simple interleaving to ensure that
neither input-driven nor compute-bound tasks hog more than their share of re-
sources.) �

13.1 Background and Motivation 629

procedure parse page(address : url)
contact server, request page contents
parse html header()
while current token in {“

”, “

”, “

    ”, . . . ,

    ” : break paragraph()

    ” : format heading(); match(“< /h1>”)

      ” : format list(); match(“< /ul>”)
      . . .
      ” token
      token stream s :=. . . –– table contents
      fork format table(s, a)


      . . .
      . . .

      procedure parse frame list(a1 : attributes)
      while current token in {“”}

      case current token of
      Console.WriteLine(“Thread ” + i + “here”);


      The third argument to Parallel.For is a delegate, in this case a lambda ex-
      pression. A similar Foreach method expects two arguments—an iterator and a
      delegate. �

      In many systems it is the programmer’s responsibility to make sure that con-
      current execution of the loop iterations is safe, in the sense that correctness will
      never depend on the outcome of race conditions. Access to global variables, for
      example, must generally be synchronized, to make sure that iterations do not

      640 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      conflict with one another. In a few languages (e.g., Occam), language rules pro-
      hibit conflicting accesses. The compiler checks to make sure that a variable writ-
      ten by one thread is neither read nor written by any concurrently active thread.
      In a similar but slightly more flexible vein, the do concurrent loop of Fortran
      2008 constitutes an assertion on the programmer’s part that iterations of the loop
      are mutually independent, and hence can safely be executed in any order, or in
      parallel. Several rules on the content of the loop—some but not all of them en-
      forceable by the compiler—reduce the likelihood that programmers will make
      this assertion incorrectly.

      Historically, several parallel dialects of Fortran provided other forms of paral-
      lel loop, with varying semantics. The forall loop of High Performance Fortran
      (HPF) was subsequently incorporated into Fortran 95. Like do concurrent,
      it indicates that iterations can proceed in parallel. To resolve race conditions,
      however, it imposes automatic, internal synchronization on the constituent state-
      ments of the loop, each of which must be an assignment or a nested forall loop.
      Specifically, all reads of variables in a given assignment statement, in all iterations,
      must occur before any write to the left-hand side, in any iteration. The writes of
      the left-hand side in turn must occur before any reads in the next assignment
      statement. In the following example, the first assignment in the loop will readEXAMPLE 13.10

      Forall in Fortran 95 n−1 elements of B and n−1 elements of C, and then update n− 1 elements of A.
      Subsequently, the second assignment statement will read all n elements of A and
      then update n − 1 of them:

      forall (i=1:n-1)
      A(i) = B(i) + C(i)
      A(i+1) = A(i) + A(i+1)

      end forall

      Note in particular that all of the updates to A(i) in the first assignment statement
      occur before any of the reads in the second assignment statement. Moreover in
      the second assignment statement the update to A(i+1) is not seen by the read of
      A(i) in the “subsequent” iteration: the iterations occur in parallel and each reads
      the variables on its right-hand side before updating its left-hand side. �

      For loops that iterate over the elements of an array, the forall semantics are
      ideally suited for execution on a vector machine. For more conventional mul-
      tiprocessors, HPF provides an extensive set of data distribution and alignment
      directives that allow the programmer to scatter elements across the memory as-
      sociated with a large number of processors. Within a forall loop, the compu-
      tation in a given assignment statement is usually performed by the processor that
      “owns” the element on the assignment’s left-hand side. In many cases an HPF
      or Fortran 95 compiler can prove that there are no dependences among certain
      (portions of) constituent statements of a forall loop, and can allow them to
      proceed without actually implementing synchronization.

      OpenMP does not enforce the statement-by-statement synchronization of
      forall, but it does provide significant support for scheduling and data manage-
      ment. Optional “clauses” on parallel directives can specify how many threads

      13.2 Concurrent Programming Fundamentals 641

      to create, and which iterations of the loop to perform in which thread. They can
      also specify which program variables should be shared by all threads, and which
      should be split into a separate copy for each thread. It is even possible to specify
      that a private variable should be reduced across all threads at the end of the loop,
      using a commutative operator. To sum the elements of a very large vector, forEXAMPLE 13.11

      Reduction in OpenMP example, one might write

      double A[N];

      double sum = 0;
      #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \

      default(shared) reduction(+:sum)
      for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { sum += A[i]; } printf("parallel sum: %f\n", sum); Here the schedule(static) clause indicates that the compiler should divide the iterations evenly among threads, in contiguous groups. So if there are t threads, the first thread should get the first N/t iterations, the second should get the next N/t iterations, and so on. The default(shared) clause indicates that all vari- ables (other than i) should be shared by all threads, unless otherwise specified. The reduction(+:sum) clause makes sum an exception: every thread should have its own copy (initialized from the value in effect before the loop), and the copies should be combined (with +) at the end. If t is large, the compiler will probably sum the values using a tree of depth log(t). � Launch-at-Elaboration In several languages, Ada among them, the code for a thread may be declared with syntax resembling that of a subroutine with no parameters. When the dec- laration is elaborated, a thread is created to execute the code. In Ada (which callsEXAMPLE 13.12 Elaborated tasks in Ada its threads tasks) we may write procedure P is task T is ... end T; begin -- P ... end P; Task T has its own begin. . . end block, which it begins to execute as soon as con- trol enters procedure P. If P is recursive, there may be many instances of T at the same time, all of which execute concurrently with each other and with whatever task is executing (the current instance of) P. The main program behaves like an initial default task. 642 Chapter 13 Concurrency (a) (b) Figure 13.5 Lifetime of concurrent threads. With co-begin, parallel loops, or launch-at- elaboration (a), threads are always properly nested. With fork/join (b), more general patterns are possible. When control reaches the end of procedure P, it will wait for the appropriate instance of T (the one that was created at the beginning of this instance of P) to complete before returning. This rule ensures that the local variables of P (which are visible to T under the usual static scope rules) are never deallocated before T is done with them. � Fork/Join Co-begin, parallel loops, and launch-at-elaboration all lead to a concurrentEXAMPLE 13.13 Co-begin vs fork/join control-flow pattern in which thread executions are properly nested (see Fig- ure 13.5a). The fork operation is more general: it makes the creation of threads an explicit, executable operation. The companion join operation, when provided, allows a thread to wait for the completion of a previously forked thread. Because fork and join are not tied to nested constructs, they can lead to arbitrary patterns of concurrent control flow (Figure 13.5b). � In addition to providing launch-at-elaboration tasks, Ada allows the program-EXAMPLE 13.14 Task types in Ada mer to define task types: task type T is ... begin ... end T; The programmer may then declare variables of type access T (pointer to T), and may create new tasks via dynamic allocation: 13.2 Concurrent Programming Fundamentals 643 pt : access T := new T; The new operation is a fork: it creates a new thread and starts it executing. There is no explicit join operation in Ada, though parent and child tasks can always syn- chronize with one another explicitly if desired (e.g., immediately before the child completes its execution). As with launch-at-elaboration, control will wait auto- matically at the end of any scope in which task types are declared for all threads using the scope to terminate. � Any information an Ada task needs in order to do its job must be communi- cated through shared variables or through explicit messages sent after the task has started execution. Most systems, by contrast, allow parameters to be passed to a thread at start-up time. In Java one obtains a thread by constructing an object ofEXAMPLE 13.15 Thread creation in Java 2 some class derived from a predefined class called Thread: class ImageRenderer extends Thread { ... ImageRenderer( args ) { // constructor } DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 13.3 Task-parallel and data-parallel computing One of the most basic decisions a programmer has to make when writing a parallel program is how to divide work among threads. One common strategy, which works well on small machines, is to use a separate thread for each of the program’s major tasks or functions, and to pipeline or otherwise overlap their execution. In a word processor, for example, one thread might be devoted to breaking paragraphs into lines, another to pagination and figure placement, another to spelling and grammar checking, and another to rendering the im- age on the screen. This strategy is often known as task parallelism. Its principal disadvantage is that it doesn’t naturally scale to very large numbers of proces- sors. For that, one generally needs data parallelism, in which more or less the same operations are applied concurrently to the elements of some very large data set. An image manipulation program, for example, may divide the screen into n small tiles, and use a separate thread to process each tile. A game may use a separate thread for every moving character or object. A programming system whose features are designed for data parallelism is sometimes referred to as a data-parallel language or library. Task parallel pro- grams are commonly based on co-begin, launch-at-elaboration, or fork/join: the code in different threads can be different. Data parallel programs are com- monly based on parallel loops: each thread executes the same code, using dif- ferent data. OpenCL and CUDA, unsurprisingly, are in the data-parallel camp: programmable GPUs are optimized for data parallel programs. 644 Chapter 13 Concurrency public void run() { // code to be run by the thread } } ... ImageRenderer rend = new ImageRenderer( constructor args ); Superficially, the use of new resembles the creation of dynamic tasks in Ada. In Java, however, the new thread does not begin execution when first created. To start it, the parent (or some other thread) must call the method named start, which is defined in Thread: rend.start(); Start makes the thread runnable, arranges for it to execute its run method, and returns to the caller. The programmer must define an appropriate run method in every class derived from Thread. The run method is meant to be called only by start; programmers should not call it directly, nor should they redefine start. There is also a join method: rend.join(); // wait for completion � The constructor for a Java thread typically saves its arguments in fields that are later accessed by run. In effect, the class derived from Thread functions as an object closure, as described in Section 3.6.3. Several languages, Modula-3 and C# among them, use closures more explicitly. Rather than require every threadEXAMPLE 13.16 Thread creation in C# to be derived from a common Thread class, C# allows one to be created from an arbitrary ThreadStart delegate: class ImageRenderer { ... public ImageRenderer( args ) { // constructor } public void Foo() { // Foo is compatible with ThreadStart; // its name is not significant // code to be run by the thread } } ... ImageRenderer rendObj = new ImageRenderer( constructor args ); Thread rend = new Thread(new ThreadStart(rendObj.Foo)); 13.2 Concurrent Programming Fundamentals 645 If thread arguments can be gleaned from the local context, this can even be writ- ten as Thread rend = new Thread(delegate() { // code to be run by the thread }); (Remember, C# has unlimited extent for anonymous delegates.) Either way, the new thread is started and awaited just as it is in Java: rend.Start(); ... rend.Join(); � As of Java 5 (with its java.util.concurrent library), programmers are dis-EXAMPLE 13.17 Thread pools in Java 5 couraged from creating threads explicitly. Rather, tasks to be accomplished are represented by objects that support the Runnable interface, and these are passed to an Executor object. The Executor in turn farms them out to a managed pool of threads: class ImageRenderer implements Runnable { ... // constructor and run() method same as before } ... Executor pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4); ... pool.execute(new ImageRenderer( constructor args )); Here the argument to newFixedThreadPool (one of a large number of standard Executor factories) indicates that pool should manage four threads. Each task specified in a call to pool.execute will be run by one of these threads. By sepa- rating the concepts of task and thread, Java allows the programmer (or run-time code) to choose an Executor class whose level of true concurrency and sche- duling discipline are appropriate to the underlying OS and hardware. (In this example we have used a particularly simple pool, with exactly four threads.) C# has similar thread pool facilities. Like C# threads, they are based on delegates. � A particularly elegant realization of fork and join appears in the Cilk pro-EXAMPLE 13.18 Spawn and sync in Cilk gramming language, developed by researchers at MIT, and subsequently devel- oped into a commercial venture acquired by Intel. To fork a logically concurrent task in Cilk, one simply prepends the keyword spawn to an ordinary function call: spawn foo( args ); At some later time, invocation of the built-in operation sync will join with all tasks previously spawned by the calling task. The principal innovation of Cilk is the mechanism for scheduling tasks. The language implementation includes 646 Chapter 13 Concurrency a highly efficient thread pool mechanism that explores the task-creation graph depth first with a near-minimal number of context switches and automatic load balancing across threads. Java 7 added a similar but more restricted mechanism in the form of a ForkJoinPool for the Executor service. � Implicit Receipt We have assumed in all our examples so far that newly created threads will run in the address space of the creator. In RPC systems it is often desirable to create a new thread automatically in response to an incoming request from some other address space. Rather than have an existing thread execute a receive operation, a server can bind a communication channel to a local thread body or subroutine. When a request comes in, a new thread springs into existence to handle it. In effect, the bind operation grants remote clients the ability to perform a fork within the server’s address space, though the process is often less than fully automatic. We will consider RPC in more detail in Section C 13.5.4. Early Reply We normally think of sequential subroutines in terms of a single thread, whichEXAMPLE 13.19 Modeling subroutines with fork/join saves its current context (its program counter and registers), executes the subrou- tine, and returns to what it was doing before. The effect is the same, however, if we have two threads—one that executes the caller and another that executes the callee. In this case, the call is essentially a fork/join pair. The caller waits for the callee to terminate before continuing execution. � Nothing dictates, however, that the callee has to terminate in order to release the caller; all it really has to do is complete the portion of its work on which re- DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 13.4 Counterintuitive implementation Over the course of 13 chapters we have seen numerous cases in which the im- plementation of a language feature may run counter to the programmer’s in- tuition. Early reply—in which thread creation is usually delayed until the reply actually occurs—is but the most recent example. Others have included expres- sion evaluation order (Section 6.1.4), subroutine in-lining (Section 9.2.4), tail recursion (Section 6.6.1), nonstack allocation of activation records (for un- limited extent—Section 3.6.2), out-of-order or even noncontiguous layout of record fields (Section 8.1.2), variable lookup in a central reference table (Sec- tion C 3.4.2), immutable objects under a reference model of variables (Sec- tion 6.1.2), and implementations of generics (Section 7.3.1) that share code among instances with different type parameters. A compiler may, particularly at higher levels of code improvement, produce code that differs dramatically from the form and organization of its input. Unless otherwise constrained by the language definition, an implementation is free to choose any translation that is provably equivalent to the input. 13.2 Concurrent Programming Fundamentals 647 sult parameters depend. Drawing inspiration from the detach operation used to launch coroutines in Simula (Example 9.47), a few languages (SR and Her- mes [SBG+91] among them) allow a callee to execute a reply operation that re- turns results to the caller without terminating. After an early reply, the two threads continue concurrently. Semantically, the portion of the callee prior to the reply plays much the same role as the constructor of a Java or C# thread; the portion after the reply plays the role of the run method. The usual implementation is also similar, and may run counter to the programmer’s intuition: since early reply is optional, and can appear in any subroutine, we can use the caller’s thread to execute the initial por- tion of the callee, and create a new thread only when—and if—the callee replies instead of returning. 13.2.4 Implementation of Threads As we noted near the beginning of Section 13.2, the threads of a concurrent pro- gram are usually implemented on top of one or more processes provided by the operating system. At one extreme, we could use a separate OS process for ev- ery thread; at the other extreme we could multiplex all of a program’s threads on top of a single process. On a supercomputer with a separate core for every concurrent activity, or in a language in which threads are relatively heavyweight abstractions (long-lived, and created by the dozens rather than the thousands), the one-process-per-thread extreme is often acceptable. In a simple language on a uniprocessor, the all-threads-on-one-process extreme may be acceptable. ManyEXAMPLE 13.20 Multiplexing threads on processes language implementations adopt an intermediate approach, with a potentially very large number of threads running on top of some smaller but nontrivial num- ber of processes (see Figure 13.6). � The problem with putting every thread on a separate process is that processes (even “lightweight” ones) are simply too expensive in many operating systems. Because they are implemented in the kernel, performing any operation on them requires a system call. Because they are general purpose, they provide features that most languages do not need, but have to pay for anyway. (Examples include separate address spaces, priorities, accounting information, and signal and I/O interfaces, all of which are beyond the scope of this book.) At the other extreme, there are two problems with putting all threads on top of a single process: first, it precludes parallel execution on a multicore or multiprocessor machine; second, if the currently running thread makes a system call that blocks (e.g., waiting for I/O), then none of the program’s other threads can run, because the single process is suspended by the OS. In the common two-level organization of concurrency (user-level threads on top of kernel-level processes), similar code appears at both levels of the system: the language run-time system implements threads on top of one or more pro- cesses in much the same way that the operating system implements processes on 648 Chapter 13 Concurrency Core 1 Core 2 Thread scheduler Process scheduler Core N T h re ad 1 a U se r sp ac e O S k er n el P ro ce ss 1 a P ro ce ss 1 i T h re ad 1 b T h re ad 1 k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T h re ad M a P ro ce ss M a P ro ce ss M j T h re ad M b T h re ad M l . . . . . . Figure 13.6 Two-level implementation of threads. A thread scheduler, implemented in a library or language run-time package, multiplexes threads on top of one or more kernel-level processes, just as the process scheduler, implemented in the operating system kernel, multiplexes processes on top of one or more physical cores. top of one or more physical cores. We will use the terminology of threads on top of processes in the remainder of this section. The typical implementation starts with coroutines (Section 9.5). Recall that coroutines are a sequential control-flow mechanism: the programmer can sus- pend the current coroutine and resume a specific alternative by calling the transfer operation. The argument to transfer is typically a pointer to the con- text block of the coroutine. To turn coroutines into threads, we proceed in a series of three steps. First, we hide the argument to transfer by implementing a scheduler that chooses which thread to run next when the current thread yields the core. Second, we imple- ment a preemption mechanism that suspends the current thread automatically on a regular basis, giving other threads a chance to run. Third, we allow the data structures that describe our collection of threads to be shared by more than one OS process, possibly on separate cores, so that threads can run on any of the pro- cesses. Uniprocessor Scheduling Figure 13.7 illustrates the data structures employed by a simple scheduler. At anyEXAMPLE 13.21 Cooperative multithreading on a uniprocessor particular time, a thread is either blocked (i.e., for synchronization) or runnable. A runnable thread may actually be running on some process or it may be awaiting 13.2 Concurrent Programming Fundamentals 649 ready_list Waiting for condition foo Waiting for condition bar current_thread Figure 13.7 Data structures of a simple scheduler. A designated current thread is running. Threads on the ready list are runnable. Other threads are blocked, waiting for various conditions to become true. If threads run on top of more than one OS-level process, each such process will have its own current thread variable. If a thread makes a call into the operating system, its process may block in the kernel. its chance to do so. Context blocks for threads that are runnable but not currently running reside on a queue called the ready list. Context blocks for threads that are blocked for scheduler-based synchronization reside in data structures (usually queues) associated with the conditions for which they are waiting. To yield the core to another thread, a running thread calls the scheduler: procedure reschedule() t : thread := dequeue(ready list) transfer(t) Before calling into the scheduler, a thread that wants to run again at some point in the future must place its own context block in some appropriate data structure. If it is blocking for the sake of fairness—to give some other thread a chance to run—then it enqueues its context block on the ready list: procedure yield() enqueue(ready list, current thread) reschedule() To block for synchronization, a thread adds itself to a queue associated with the awaited condition: procedure sleep on(ref Q : queue of thread) enqueue(Q, current thread) reschedule() When a running thread performs an operation that makes a condition true, it removes one or more threads from the associated queue and enqueues them on the ready list. � 650 Chapter 13 Concurrency Fairness becomes an issue whenever a thread may run for a significant amount of time while other threads are runnable. To give the illusion of concurrent activ- ity, even on a uniprocessor, we need to make sure that each thread gets a frequent “slice” of the processor. With cooperative multithreading, any long-running thread must yield its core explicitly from time to time (e.g., at the tops of loops), to al- low other threads to run. As noted in Section 13.1.1, this approach allows one improperly written thread to monopolize the system. Even with properly written threads, it leads to less than perfect fairness due to nonuniform times between yields in different threads. Preemption Ideally, we should like to multiplex each core fairly and at a relatively fine grain (i.e., many times per second) without requiring that threads call yield explicitly. On many systems we can do this in the language implementation by using timer signals for preemptive multithreading. When switching between threads we ask the operating system (which has access to the hardware clock) to deliver a signal to the currently running process at a specified time in the future. The OS delivers the signal by saving the context (registers and pc) of the process and transferring control to a previously specified handler routine in the language run-time system, as described in Section 9.6.1. When called, the handler modifies the state of the currently running thread to make it appear that the thread had just executed a call to the standard yield routine, and was about to execute its prologue. The handler then “returns” into yield, which transfers control to some other thread, as if the one that had been running had relinquished control of the process voluntarily. Unfortunately, the fact that a signal may arrive at an arbitrary time introduces a race between voluntary calls to the scheduler and the automatic calls triggered by preemption. To illustrate the problem, suppose that a signal arrives when theEXAMPLE 13.22 A race condition in preemptive multithreading currently running process has just enqueued the currently running thread onto the ready list in yield, and is about to call reschedule. When the signal handler “returns” into yield, the process will put the current thread into the ready list a second time. If at some point in the future the thread blocks for synchronization, its second entry in the ready list may cause it to run again immediately, when it should be waiting. Even worse problems can arise if a signal occurs in the middle of an enqueue, at a moment when the ready list is not even a properly structured queue. To resolve the race and avoid corruption of the ready list, thread packages commonly disable signal delivery during scheduler calls: procedure yield() disable signals() enqueue(ready list, current thread) reschedule() reenable signals() For this convention to work, every fragment of code that calls reschedule must disable signals prior to the call, and must reenable them afterward. (Recall that a similar mechanism served to protect data shared between the main program and 13.2 Concurrent Programming Fundamentals 651 event handlers in Section 9.6.1.) In this case, because reschedule contains a call to transfer, signals may be disabled in one thread and reenabled in another. � It turns out that the sleep on routine must also assume that signals are dis-EXAMPLE 13.23 Disabling signals during context switch abled and enabled by the caller. To see why, suppose that a thread checks a condi- tion, finds that it is false, and then calls sleep on to suspend itself on a queue asso- ciated with the condition. Suppose further that a timer signal occurs immediately after checking the condition, but before the call to sleep on. Finally, suppose that the thread that is allowed to run after the signal makes the condition true. Since the first thread never got a chance to put itself on the condition queue, the second thread will not find it to make it runnable. When the first thread runs again, it will immediately suspend itself, and may never be awakened. To close this tim- ing window—this interval in which a concurrent event may compromise program correctness—the caller must ensure that signals are disabled before checking the condition: disable signals() if not desired condition sleep on(condition queue) reenable signals On a uniprocessor, disabling signals allows the check and the sleep to occur as a single, atomic operation. � Multiprocessor Scheduling We can extend our preemptive thread package to run on top of more than one OS-provided process by arranging for the processes to share the ready list and re- lated data structures (condition queues, etc.; note that each process must have a separate current thread variable). If the processes run on different physical cores, then more than one thread will be able to run at once. If the processes share a single core, then the program will be able to make forward progress even when all but one of the processes are blocked in the operating system. Any thread that is runnable is placed in the ready list, where it becomes a candidate for execu- tion by any of the application’s processes. When a process calls reschedule, the queue-based ready list we have been using in our examples will give it the longest- waiting thread. The ready list of a more elaborate scheduler might give priority to interactive or time-critical threads, or to threads that last ran on the current core, and may therefore still have data in the cache. Just as preemption introduced a race between voluntary and automatic calls to scheduler operations, true or quasiparallelism introduces races between calls in separate OS processes. To resolve the races, we must implement additional synchronization to make scheduler operations in separate processes atomic. We will return to this subject in Section 13.3.4. 652 Chapter 13 Concurrency 3CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 11. Explain the differences among coroutines, threads, lightweight processes, and heavyweight processes. 12. What is quasiparallelism? 13. Describe the bag of tasks programming model. 14. What is busy-waiting? What is its principal alternative? 15. Name four explicitly concurrent programming languages. 16. Why don’t message-passing programs require explicit synchronization mech- anisms? 17. What are the tradeoffs between language-based and library-based implemen- tations of concurrency? 18. Explain the difference between data parallelism and task parallelism. 19. Describe six different mechanisms commonly used to create new threads of control in a concurrent program. 20. In what sense is fork/join more powerful than co-begin? 21. What is a thread pool in Java? What purpose does it serve? 22. What is meant by a two-level thread implementation? 23. What is a ready list? 24. Describe the progressive implementation of scheduling, preemption, and (true) parallelism on top of coroutines. 13.3 Implementing Synchronization As noted in Section 13.2.1, synchronization is the principal semantic challenge for shared-memory concurrent programs. Typically, synchronization serves either to make some operation atomic or to delay that operation until some necessary pre- condition holds. As noted in Section 13.1, atomicity is most commonly achieved with mutual exclusion locks. Mutual exclusion ensures that only one thread is ex- ecuting some critical section of code at a given point in time. Critical sections typically transform a shared data structure from one consistent state to another. Condition synchronization allows a thread to wait for a precondition, often ex- pressed as a predicate on the value(s) in one or more shared variables. It is tempt- ing to think of mutual exclusion as a form of condition synchronization (don’t proceed until no other thread is in its critical section), but this sort of condition would require consensus among all extant threads, something that condition syn- chronization doesn’t generally provide. 13.3 Implementing Synchronization 653 Our implementation of parallel threads, sketched at the end of Section 13.2.4, requires both atomicity and condition synchronization. Atomicity of operations on the ready list and related data structures ensures that they always satisfy a set of logical invariants: the lists are well formed, each thread is either running or resides in exactly one list, and so forth. Condition synchronization appears in the requirement that a process in need of a thread to run must wait until the ready list is nonempty. It is worth emphasizing that we do not in general want to overly synchronize programs. To do so would eliminate opportunities for parallelism, which we gen- erally want to maximize in the interest of performance. Moreover not all races are bad. If two processes are racing to dequeue the last thread from the ready list, we don’t generally care which succeeds and which waits for another thread. We do care that the implementation of dequeue does not have internal, instruction-level races that might compromise the ready list’s integrity. In general, our goal is to provide only as much synchronization as is necessary to eliminate “bad” races— those that might otherwise cause the program to produce incorrect results. In the first subsection below we consider busy-wait synchronization. In the second we present an alternative, called nonblocking synchronization, in which atomicity is achieved without the need for mutual exclusion. In the third sub- section we return to the subject of memory consistency (originally mentioned in Section 13.1.2), and discuss its implications for the semantics and implementa- tion of language-level synchronization mechanisms. Finally, in Sections 13.3.4 and 13.3.5, we use busy-waiting among processes to implement a parallelism-safe thread scheduler, and then use this scheduler in turn to implement the most basic scheduler-based synchronization mechanism: namely, semaphores. 13.3.1 Busy-Wait Synchronization Busy-wait condition synchronization is easy if we can cast a condition in the form of “location X contains value Y”: a thread that needs to wait for the condition can simply read X in a loop, waiting for Y to appear. To wait for a condition involving more than one location, one needs atomicity to read the locations together, but given that, the implementation is again a simple loop. Other forms of busy-wait synchronization are somewhat trickier. In the re- mainder of this section we consider spin locks, which provide mutual exclusion, and barriers, which ensure that no thread continues past a given point in a pro- gram until all threads have reached that point. Spin Locks Dekker is generally credited with finding the first two-thread mutual exclu- sion algorithm that requires no atomic instructions other than load and store. Dijkstra [Dij65] published a version that works for n threads in 1965. Peterson [Pet81] published a much simpler two-thread algorithm in 1981. Building on 654 Chapter 13 Concurrency type lock = Boolean := false; procedure acquire lock(ref L : lock) while not test and set(L) while L –– nothing –– spin procedure release lock(ref L : lock) L := false Figure 13.8 A simple test-and-test_and_set lock. Waiting processes spin with ordinary read (load) instructions until the lock appears to be free, then use test_and_set to acquire it. The very first access is a test_and_set , for speed in the common (no competition) case. Peterson’s algorithm, one can construct a hierarchical n-thread lock, but it re- quires O(n log n) space and O(log n) time to get one thread into its critical sec- tion [YA93]. Lamport [Lam87]2 published an n-thread algorithm in 1987 that takes O(n) space and O(1) time in the absence of competition for the lock. Un- fortunately, it requires O(n) time when multiple threads attempt to enter their critical section at once. While all of these algorithms are historically important, a practical spin lock needs to run in constant time and space, and for this one needs an atomic in- struction that does more than load or store. Beginning in the 1960s, hardware designers began to equip their processors with instructions that read, modify, and write a memory location as a single atomic operation. The simplest such instruc-EXAMPLE 13.24 The basic test and set lock tion is known as test_and_set. It sets a Boolean variable to true and returns an indication of whether the variable was previously false. Given test_and_set, acquiring a spin lock is almost trivial: while not test and set(L) –– nothing –– spin � In practice, embedding test_and_set in a loop tends to result in unaccept- able amounts of communication on a multicore or multiprocessor machine, as the cache coherence mechanism attempts to reconcile writes by multiple cores at- tempting to acquire the lock. This overdemand for hardware resources is known as contention, and is a major obstacle to good performance on large machines. To reduce contention, the writers of synchronization libraries often employ aEXAMPLE 13.25 Test-and-test and set test-and-test_and_set lock, which spins with ordinary reads (satisfied by the cache) until it appears that the lock is free (see Figure 13.8). When a thread re- leases a lock there still tends to be a flurry of bus or interconnect activity as waiting 2 Leslie Lamport (1941–) has made a variety of seminal contributions to the theory of parallel and distributed computing, including synchronization algorithms, the notion of “happens-before” causality, Byzantine agreement, the Paxos consensus algorithm, and the temporal logic of actions. He also created the LATEX macro package, with which this book was typeset. He received the ACM Turing Award in 2013. 13.3 Implementing Synchronization 655 threads perform their test_and_sets, but at least this activity happens only at the boundaries of critical sections. On a large machine, contention can be further reduced by implementing a backoff strategy, in which a thread that is unsuccessful in attempting to acquire a lock waits for a while before trying again. � Many processors provide atomic instructions more powerful than test_and_ set. Some can swap the contents of a register and a memory location atomically. Some can add a constant to a memory location atomically, returning the previous value. Several processors, including the x86, the IA-64, and the SPARC, provide a particularly useful instruction called compare_and_swap (CAS). This instruc- tion takes three arguments: a location, an expected value, and a new value. It checks to see whether the expected value appears in the specified location, and if so replaces it with the new value, atomically. In either case, it returns an in- dication of whether the change was made. Using instructions like atomic_add or compare_and_swap, one can build spin locks that are fair, in the sense that threads are guaranteed to acquire the lock in the order in which they first attempt to do so. One can also build locks that work well—with no contention, even at release time—on arbitrarily large machines [MCS91, Sco13]. These topics are be- yond the scope of the current text. (It is perhaps worth mentioning that fairness is a two-edged sword: while it may be desirable from a semantic point of view, it tends to undermine cache locality, and interacts very badly with preemption.) An important variant on mutual exclusion is the reader–writer lock [CHP71]. Reader–writer locks recognize that if several threads wish to read the same data structure, they can do so simultaneously without mutual interference. It is only when a thread wants to write the data structure that we need to prevent other threads from reading or writing simultaneously. Most busy-wait mutual ex- clusion locks can be extended to allow concurrent access by readers (see Exer- cise 13.8). Barriers Data-parallel algorithms are often structured as a series of high-level steps, or phases, typically expressed as iterations of some outermost loop. Correctness of- ten depends on making sure that every thread completes the previous step before any moves on to the next. A barrier serves to provide this synchronization. As a concrete example, finite element analysis models a physical object—aEXAMPLE 13.26 Barriers in finite element analysis bridge, let us say—as an enormous collection of tiny fragments. Each fragment of the bridge imparts forces to the fragments adjacent to it. Gravity exerts a down- ward force on all fragments. Abutments exert an upward force on the fragments that make up base plates. The wind exerts forces on surface fragments. To eval- uate stress on the bridge as a whole (e.g., to assess its stability and resistance to failures), a finite element program might divide the fragments among a large col- lection of threads (probably one per core). Beginning with the external forces, the program would then proceed through a sequence of iterations. In each it- eration, each thread would recompute the forces on its fragments based on the forces found in the previous iteration. Between iterations, the threads would 656 Chapter 13 Concurrency shared count : integer := n shared sense : Boolean := true per-thread private local sense : Boolean := true procedure central barrier() local sense := not local sense –– each thread toggles its own sense if fetch and decrement(count) = 1 –– last arriving thread count := n –– reinitialize for next iteration sense := local sense –– allow other threads to proceed else repeat –– spin until sense = local sense Figure 13.9 A simple “sense-reversing” barrier. Each thread has its own copy of local sense . Threads share a single copy of count and sense. synchronize with a barrier. The program would halt when no thread found a significant change in any forces during the last iteration. � The simplest way to implement a busy-wait barrier is to use a globally sharedEXAMPLE 13.27 The “sense-reversing” barrier counter, modified by an atomic fetch_and_decrement instruction. The counter begins at n, the number of threads in the program. As each thread reaches the barrier it decrements the counter. If it is not the last to arrive, the thread then spins on a Boolean flag. The final thread (the one that changes the counter from 1 to 0) flips the Boolean flag, allowing the other threads to proceed. To make it easy to reuse the barrier data structures in successive iterations (known as barrier episodes), threads wait for alternating values of the flag each time through. Code for this simple barrier appears in Figure 13.9. � Like a simple spin lock, the “sense-reversing” barrier can lead to unacceptable levels of contention on large machines. Moreover the serialization of access to the counter implies that the time to achieve an n-thread barrier is O(n). It is possible to do better, but even the fastest software barriers require O(log n) time to synchronize n threads [MCS91]. Large multiprocessors sometimes provide special hardware to reduce this bound to close to constant time. The Java 7 Phaser class provides unusually flexible barrier support. The set ofEXAMPLE 13.28 Java 7 phasers participating threads can change from one phaser episode to another. When the number is large, the phaser can be tiered to run in logarithmic time. Moreover, arrival and departure can be specified as separate operations: in between, a thread can do work that (a) does not require that all other threads have arrived, and (b) does not have to be completed before any other threads depart. � 13.3 Implementing Synchronization 657 13.3.2 Nonblocking Algorithms When a lock is acquired at the beginning of a critical section, and released at the end, no other thread can execute a similarly protected piece of code at the same time. As long as every thread follows the same conventions, code within the critical section is atomic—it appears to happen all at once. But this is not the only possible way to achieve atomicity. Suppose we wish to make an arbitrary updateEXAMPLE 13.29 Atomic update with CAS to a shared location: x := foo(x); Note that this update involves at least two accesses to x: one to read the old value and one to write the new. We could protect the sequence with a lock: acquire(L) r1 := x r2 := foo(r1) –– probably a multi-instruction sequence x := r2 release(L) But we can also do this without a lock, using compare_and_swap: start: r1 := x r2 := foo(r1) –– probably a multi-instruction sequence r2 := CAS(x, r1, r2) –– replace x if it hasn’t changed if !r2 goto start If several cores execute this code simultaneously, one of them is guaranteed to suc- ceed the first time around the loop. The others will fail and try again. This exam- ple illustrates that CAS is a universal primitive for single-location atomic update. A similar primitive, known as load_linked/store_conditional, is available on ARM, MIPS, and Power processors; we consider it in Exercise 13.7. � In our discussions thus far, we have used a definition of “blocking” that comes from operating systems: a thread that blocks gives up the core instead of actively spinning. An alternative definition comes from the theory of concurrent algo- rithms. Here the choice between spinning and giving up the core is immaterial: a thread is said to be “blocked” if it cannot make forward progress without action by other threads. Conversely, an operation is said to be nonblocking if in every reachable state of the system, any thread executing that operation is guaranteed to complete in a finite number of steps if it gets to run by itself (without further interference by other threads). In this theoretical sense of the word, locks are inherently blocking, regardless of implementation: if one thread holds a lock, no other thread that needs that lock can proceed. By contrast, the CAS-based code of Example 13.29 is nonblocking: if the CAS operation fails, it is because some other thread has made progress. 658 Chapter 13 Concurrency Moreover if all threads but one stop running (e.g., because of preemption), the remaining thread is guaranteed to make progress. We can generalize from Example 13.29 to design a variety of special-purpose concurrent data structures that operate without locks. Modifications to these structures often (though not always) follow the pattern repeat prepare CAS –– (or some other atomic operation) until success clean up If it reads more than one location, the “prepare” part of the algorithm may need to double-check to make sure that none of the values has changed (i.e., that all were read consistently) before moving on to the CAS. A read-only operation may simply return once this double-checking is successful. In the CAS-based update of Example 13.29, the “prepare” part of the algorithm reads the old value of x and figures out what the new value ought to be; the “clean up” part is empty. In other algorithms there may be significant cleanup. In all cases, the keys to correctness are that (1) the “prepare” part is harmless if we need to repeat; (2) the CAS, if successful, logically completes the operation in a way that is visible to all other threads; and (3) the “clean up,” if needed, can be performed by any thread if the original thread is delayed. Performing cleanup for another thread’s operation is often referred to as helping. Figure 13.10 illustrates a widely used nonblocking concurrent queue. TheEXAMPLE 13.30 The M&S queue dequeue operation does not require cleanup, but the enqueue operation does. To add an element to the end of the queue, a thread reads the current tail pointer to find the last node in the queue, and uses a CAS to change the next pointer of that node to point to the new node instead of being null. If the CAS succeeds (no other thread has already updated the relevant next pointer), then the new node has been inserted. As cleanup, the tail pointer must be updated to point to the new node, but any thread can do this—and will, if it discovers that tail–>next is
      not null. �

      Nonblocking algorithms have several advantages over blocking algorithms.
      They are inherently tolerant of page faults and preemption: if a thread stops run-
      ning partway through an operation, it never prevents other threads from making
      progress. Nonblocking algorithms can also safely be used in signal (event) and
      interrupt handlers, avoiding problems like the one described in Example 13.22.
      For several important data structures and algorithms, including stacks, queues,
      sorted lists, priority queues, hash tables, and memory management, nonblocking
      algorithms can also be faster than locks. Unfortunately, these algorithms tend to
      be exceptionally subtle and difficult to devise. They are used primarily in the im-
      plementation of language-level concurrency mechanisms and in standard library

      13.3 Implementing Synchronization 659

      . . . . . .

      head head


      tail tail


      . . .

      Dequeue Enqueue

      step 1

      step 2

      Figure 13.10 Operations on a nonblocking concurrent queue. In the dequeue operation
      (left), a single CAS swings the head pointer to the next node in the queue. In the enqueue
      operation (right), a first CAS changes the next pointer of the tail node to point at the new node,
      at which point the operation is said to have logically completed. A subsequent “cleanup” CAS,
      which can be performed by any thread, swings the tail pointer to point at the new node as well.

      13.3.3 Memory Consistency

      In all our discussions so far, we have depended, implicitly, on hardware memory
      coherence. Unfortunately, coherence alone is not enough to make a multipro-
      cessor or even a single multicore processor behave as most programmers would
      expect. We must also worry, when more than one location is written at about the
      same time, about the order in which the writes become visible to different cores.

      Intuitively, most programmers expect shared memory to be sequentially con-
      sistent—to make all writes visible to all cores in the same order, and to make any
      given core’s writes visible in the order they were performed. Unfortunately, this
      behavior turns out to be very hard to implement efficiently—hard enough that
      most hardware designers simply don’t provide it. Instead, they provide one of sev-
      eral relaxed memory models, in which certain loads and stores may appear to occur
      “out of order.” Relaxed consistency has important ramifications for language de-
      signers, compiler writers, and the implementors of synchronization mechanisms
      and nonblocking algorithms.

      The Cost of Ordering

      The fundamental problem with sequential consistency is that straightforward im-
      plementations require both hardware and compilers to serialize operations that
      we would rather be able to perform in arbitrary order.

      Consider, for example, the implementation of an ordinary store instruction.EXAMPLE 13.31
      Write buffers and

      In the event of a cache miss, this instruction can take hundreds of cycles to com-
      plete. Rather than wait, most processors are designed to continue executing

      660 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      subsequent instructions while the store completes “in the background.” Stores
      that are not yet visible in even the L1 cache (or that occurred after a store that
      is not yet visible) are kept in a queue called the write buffer. Loads are checked
      against the entries in this buffer, so a core always sees its own previous stores, and
      sequential programs execute correctly.

      But consider a concurrent program in which thread A sets a flag (call it
      inspected) to true and then reads location X. At roughly the same time, thread B
      updates X from 0 to 1 and then reads the flag. If B’s read reveals that inspected
      has not yet been set, the programmer might naturally assume that A is going to
      read new value (1) for X: after all, B updates X before checking the flag, and A sets
      the flag before reading X, so A cannot have read X already. On most machines,
      however, A can read X while its write of inspected is still in its write buffer. Like-
      wise, B can read inspected while its write of X is still in its write buffer. The result
      can be very unintuitive behavior:

      Initially: inspected = false; X = 0

      Core A:

      inspected := true

      xa := X

      Core B:

      X := 1

      ib := inspected

      A’s write of inspected precedes its read of X in program order. B’s write of X
      precedes its read of inspected in program order. B’s read of inspected appears to
      precede A’s write of inspected, because it sees the unset value. And yet A’s read of
      X appears to precede B’s write of X as well, leaving us with xA = 0 and ib = false.

      This sort of “temporal loop” may also be caused by standard compiler opti-
      mizations. Traditionally, a compiler is free to reorder instructions (in the ab-
      sence of a data dependence) to improve the expected performance of the proces-
      sor pipelines. In this example, a compiler that generates code for either A or B
      (without considering the other) may choose to reverse the order of operations on
      inspected and X, producing an apparent temporal loop even in the absence of
      hardware reordering. �

      Forcing Order with Fences and Synchronization Instructions

      To avoid temporal loops, implementors of concurrent languages and libraries
      must generally use special synchronization or memory fence instructions. At some
      expense, these force orderings not normally guaranteed by the hardware.3 Their
      presence also inhibits instruction reordering in the compiler.

      In Example 13.31, both A and B must prevent their read from bypassing (com-
      pleting before) the logically earlier write. Typically this can be accomplished by

      3 Fences are also sometimes known as memory barriers. They are unrelated to the garbage col-
      lection barriers of Section 8.5.3 (“Tracing Collection”), the synchronization barriers of Sec-
      tion 13.3.1, or the RTL barriers of Section C 15.2.1.

      13.3 Implementing Synchronization 661

      Core A:

      X := 1

      Core B:

      Y := 1

      Core C:

      cx := X

      cy := Y

      Core D:

      dy := Y

      dx := X

      Initially: X = Y = 0

      Figure 13.11 Concurrent propagation of writes. On some machines, it is possible for concur-
      rent writes to reach cores in different orders. Arrows show apparent temporal ordering. Here
      C may read cy = 0 and cx = 1, while D reads dx = 0 and dy = 1.

      identifying either the read or the write as a synchronization instruction (e.g., by
      implementing it with an XCHG instruction on the x86) or by inserting a fence
      between them (e.g., membar StoreLoad on the SPARC).

      Sometimes, as in Example 13.31, the use of synchronization or fence instruc-
      tions is enough to restore intuitive behavior. Other cases, however, require more
      significant changes to the program. An example appears in Figure 13.11. CoresEXAMPLE 13.32

      Distributed consistency A and B write locations X and Y, respectively. Both locations are read by cores
      C and D. If C is physically close to A in a distributed memory machine, and D
      is close to B, and if coherence messages propagate concurrently, we must con-
      sider the possibility that C and D will see the writes in opposite orders, leading to
      another temporal loop.

      On machines where this problem arises, fences and synchronization instruc-
      tions may not suffice to solve the problem. The language or library implementor
      (or even the application programmer) may need to bracket the writes of X and Y
      with (fenced) writes to some common location, to ensure that one of the origi-
      nal writes completes before the other starts. The most straightforward way to do
      this is to enclose the writes in a lock-based critical section. Even then, additional
      measures may be needed to ensure that the reads of X and Y are not executed out
      of order by either C or D. �

      Simplifying Language-Level Reasoning

      For programs running on a single core, regardless of the complexity of the un-
      derlying pipeline and memory hierarchy, every manufacturer guarantees that in-
      structions will appear to occur in program order: no instruction will fail to see
      the effects of some prior instruction, nor will it see the effects of any subsequent
      instruction. For programs running on a muilticore or multiprocessor machine,
      manufacturers also guarantee, under certain circumstances, that instructions ex-
      ecuted on one core will be seen, in order, by instructions on other cores. Unfor-
      tunately, these circumstances vary from one machine to another. Some imple-
      mentations of the MIPS and PA-RISC processors were sequentially consistent, as
      are IBM’s z-Series mainframe machines: if a load on core B sees a value written

      662 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      by a store on core A, then, transitively, everything before the store on A is guar-
      anteed to have happened before everything after the load on B. Other processors
      and implementations are more relaxed. In particular, most machines admit the
      loop of Example 13.31. The SPARC and x86 preclude the loop of Example 13.32
      (Figure 13.11), but the Power, ARM, and Itanium all allow it.

      Given this variation across machines, what is a language designer to do? The
      answer, first suggested by Sarita Adve and now embedded in Java, C++, and (less
      formally) other languages, is to define a memory model that captures the notion
      of a “properly synchronized” program, and then provide the illusion of sequen-
      tial consistency for all such programs. In effect, the memory model constitutes a
      contract between the programmer and the language implementation: if the pro-
      grammer follows the rules of the contract, the implementation will hide all the
      ordering eccentricities of the underlying hardware.

      In the usual formulation, memory models distinguish between “ordinary”
      variable accesses and special synchronization accesses; the latter include not only
      lock acquire and release, but also reads and writes of any variable declared with
      a special synchronization keyword (volatile in Java or C#, atomic in C++).
      Ordering of operations across cores is based solely on synchronization accesses.
      We say that operation A happens before operation C (A ≺HB C) if (1) A comes
      before C in program order in a single thread; (2) A and C are synchronization
      operations and the language definition says that A comes before C; or (3) there
      exists an operation B such that A ≺HB B and B ≺HB C.

      Two ordinary accesses are said to conflict if they occur in different threads, they
      refer to the same location, and at least one of them is a write. They are said to con-
      stitute a data race if they conflict and they are not ordered—the implementation
      might allow either one to happen first, and program behavior might change as
      a result. Given these definitions, the memory model contract is straightforward:
      executions of data-race–free programs are always sequentially consistent.

      In most cases, an acquire of a mutual exclusion lock is ordered after the most
      recent prior release. A read of a volatile (atomic) variable is ordered after
      the write that stored the value that was read. Various other operations (e.g., the
      transactions we will study in Section 13.4.4) may also contribute to cross-thread

      A simple example of ordering appears in Figure 13.12, where thread A setsEXAMPLE 13.33
      Using volatile to avoid a
      data race

      variable initialized to indicate that it is safe for thread B to use reference p. If
      initialized had not been declared as volatile, there would be no cross-thread or-
      dering between A’s write of true and B’s loop-terminating read. Access to both
      initialized and p would then be data races. Under the hood, the compiler would
      have been free to move the write of true before the initialization of p (remem-
      ber, threads are often separately compiled, and the compiler has no obvious way
      to tell that the writes to p and initialized have anything to do with one another).
      Similarly, on a machine with a relaxed hardware memory model, the processor
      and memory system would have been free to perform the writes in either order,
      regardless of the order specified by the compiler in machine code. On B’s core, it
      would also have been possible for either the compiler or the hardware to read p

      13.3 Implementing Synchronization 663

      Initially: p : foo = null
      initialized : volatile Boolean = false

      Thread A:
      p:= new foo()

      initialized := true

      Thread B:
      −− nothing −− spin
      until initialized

      x := p.a
      program order


      Figure 13.12 Protecting initialization with a volatile flag. Here labeling initialized as volatile
      avoids a data race, and ensures that B will not access p until it is safe to do so.

      before confirming that initialized was true. The volatile declaration precludes all
      these undesirable possibilities.

      Returning to Example 13.31, we might avoid a temporal loop by declaring both
      X and inspected as volatile, or by enclosing accesses to them in atomic oper-
      ations, bracketed by lock acquire and release. In Example 13.32, volatile dec-
      larations on X and Y will again suffice to ensure sequential consistency, but the
      cost may be somewhat higher: on some machines, the compiler may need to use
      extra locks or special instructions to force a total order among writes to disjoint
      locations. �

      Synchronization races are common in multithreaded programs. Whether they
      are bugs or expected behavior depends on the application. Data races, on the
      other hand, are almost always program bugs. They are so hard to reason about—
      and so rarely useful—that the C++ memory model outlaws them altogether:
      given a program with a data race, a C++ implementation is permitted to display
      any behavior whatsoever. Ada has similar rules. For Java, by contrast, an empha-
      sis on embedded applications motivated the language designers to constrain the
      behavior of racy programs in ways that would preserve the integrity of the under-
      lying virtual machine. A Java program that contains a data race must continue to
      follow all the normal language rules, and any read that is not ordered with respect
      to a unique preceding write must return a value that might have been written by
      some previous write to the same location, or by a write that is unordered with
      respect to the read. We will return to the Java Memory Model in Section 13.4.3,
      after we have discussed the language’s synchronization mechanisms.

      13.3.4 Scheduler Implementation

      To implement user-level threads, OS-level processes must synchronize access to
      the ready list and condition queues, generally by means of spinning. Code forEXAMPLE 13.34

      Scheduling threads on

      a simple reentrant thread scheduler (one that can be “reentered” safely by a sec-
      ond process before the first one has returned) appears in Figure 13.13. As in the
      code in Section 13.2.4, we disable timer signals before entering scheduler code, to

      664 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      shared scheduler lock : low level lock
      shared ready list : queue of thread
      per-process private current thread : thread

      procedure reschedule()
      –– assume that scheduler lock is already held and that timer signals are disabled
      t : thread

      t := dequeue(ready list)
      if t �= null

      –– else wait for a thread to become runnable
      release lock(scheduler lock)
      –– window allows another thread to access ready list (no point in reenabling
      –– signals; we’re already trying to switch to a different thread)
      acquire lock(scheduler lock)

      –– caller must release scheduler lock and reenable timer signals after we return

      procedure yield()
      disable signals()
      acquire lock(scheduler lock)
      enqueue(ready list, current thread)
      release lock(scheduler lock)
      reenable signals()

      procedure sleep on(ref Q : queue of thread)
      –– assume that caller has already disabled timer signals and acquired
      –– scheduler lock, and will reverse these actions when we return
      enqueue(Q, current thread)

      Figure 13.13 Pseudocode for part of a simple reentrant (parallelism-safe) scheduler. Every
      process has its own copy of current thread. There is a single shared scheduler lock and a single
      ready list. If processes have dedicated cores, then the low level lock can be an ordinary spin
      lock; otherwise it can be a “spin-then-yield” lock (Figure 13.14). The loop inside reschedule
      busy-waits until the ready list is nonempty. The code for sleep on cannot disable timer signals
      and acquire the scheduler lock itself, because the caller needs to test a condition and then block
      as a single atomic operation.

      protect the ready list and condition queues from concurrent access by a process
      and its own signal handler. �

      Our code assumes a single “low-level” lock (scheduler lock) that protects the
      entire scheduler. Before saving its context block on a queue (e.g., in yield orEXAMPLE 13.35

      A race condition in thread

      sleep on), a thread must acquire the scheduler lock. It must then release the lock
      after returning from reschedule. Of course, because reschedule calls transfer,
      the lock will usually be acquired by one thread (the same one that disables timer

      13.3 Implementing Synchronization 665

      signals) and released by another (the same one that reenables timer signals). The
      code for yield can implement synchronization itself, because its work is self-
      contained. The code for sleep on, on the other hand, cannot, because a thread
      must generally check a condition and block if necessary as a single atomic opera-

      disable signals()
      acquire lock(scheduler lock)
      if not desired condition

      sleep on(condition queue)
      release lock(scheduler lock)
      reenable signals()

      If the signal and lock operations were moved inside of sleep on, the following
      race could arise: thread A checks the condition and finds it to be false; thread B
      makes the condition true, but finds the condition queue to be empty; thread A
      sleeps on the condition queue forever. �

      A spin lock will suffice for the “low-level” lock that protects the ready list and
      condition queues, so long as every process runs on a different core. As we noted in
      Section 13.2.1, however, it makes little sense to spin for a condition that can only
      be made true by some other process using the core on which we are spinning. If
      we know that we’re running on a uniprocessor, then we don’t need a lock on the
      scheduler (just the disabled signals). If we might be running on a uniprocessor,EXAMPLE 13.36

      A “spin-then-yield” lock however, or on a multiprocessor with fewer cores than processes, then we must
      be prepared to give up the core if unable to obtain a lock. The easiest way to do
      this is with a “spin-then-yield” lock, first suggested by Ousterhout [Ous82]. A
      simple example of such a lock appears in Figure 13.14. On a multiprogrammed
      machine, it might also be desirable to relinquish the core inside reschedule when
      the ready list is empty: though no other process of the current application will
      be able to do anything, overall system throughput may improve if we allow the
      operating system to give the core to a process from another application. �

      On a large multiprocessor we might increase concurrency by employing a sep-
      arate lock for each condition queue, and another for the ready list. We would
      have to be careful, however, to make sure it wasn’t possible for one process to put
      a thread into a condition queue (or the ready list) and for another process to at-
      tempt to transfer into that thread before the first process had finished transferring
      out of it (see Exercise 13.13).

      Scheduler-Based Synchronization

      The problem with busy-wait synchronization is that it consumes processor
      cycles—cycles that are therefore unavailable for other computation. Busy-wait
      synchronization makes sense only if (1) one has nothing better to do with the
      current core, or (2) the expected wait time is less than the time that would be
      required to switch contexts to some other thread and then switch back again. To
      ensure acceptable performance on a wide variety of systems, most concurrent

      666 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      type lock = Boolean := false;

      procedure acquire lock(ref L : lock)
      while not test and set(L)

      count := TIMEOUT
      while L

      count −:= 1
      if count = 0

      OS yield() –– relinquish core and drop priority
      count := TIMEOUT

      procedure release lock(ref L : lock)
      L := false

      Figure 13.14 A simple spin-then-yield lock, designed for execution on a multiprocessor that
      may be multiprogrammed (i.e., on which OS-level processes may be preempted). If unable
      to acquire the lock in a fixed, short amount of time, a process calls the OS scheduler to yield
      its core and to lower its priority enough that other processes (if any) will be allowed to run.
      Hopefully the lock will be available the next time the yielding process is scheduled for execution.

      programming languages employ scheduler-based synchronization mechanisms,
      which switch to a different thread when the one that was running blocks.

      In the following subsection we consider semaphores, the most common form of
      scheduler-based synchronization. In Section 13.4 we consider the higher-level no-
      tions of monitors, conditional critical regions, and transactional memory. In each
      case, scheduler-based synchronization mechanisms remove the waiting thread
      from the scheduler’s ready list, returning it only when the awaited condition is
      true (or is likely to be true). By contrast, a spin-then-yield lock is still a busy-wait
      mechanism: the currently running process relinquishes the core, but remains on
      the ready list. It will perform a test_and_set operation every time the lock
      appears to be free, until it finally succeeds. It is worth noting that busy-wait syn-
      chronization is generally “level-independent”—it can be thought of as synchro-
      nizing threads, processes, or cores, as desired. Scheduler-based synchronization
      is “level-dependent”—it is specific to threads when implemented in the language
      run-time system, or to processes when implemented in the operating system.

      We will use a bounded buffer abstraction to illustrate the semantics of variousEXAMPLE 13.37
      The bounded buffer

      scheduler-based synchronization mechanisms. A bounded buffer is a concurrent
      queue of limited size into which producer threads insert data, and from which
      consumer threads remove data. The buffer serves to even out fluctuations in the
      relative rates of progress of the two classes of threads, increasing system through-
      put. A correct implementation of a bounded buffer requires both atomicity and
      condition synchronization: the former to ensure that no thread sees the buffer in
      an inconsistent state in the middle of some other thread’s operation; the latter to
      force consumers to wait when the buffer is empty and producers to wait when the
      buffer is full. �

      13.3 Implementing Synchronization 667

      type semaphore = record
      N : integer –– always non-negative
      Q : queue of threads

      procedure P(ref S : semaphore)
      disable signals()
      acquire lock(scheduler lock)
      if S.N > 0

      S.N −:= 1

      sleep on(S.Q)
      release lock(scheduler lock)
      reenable signals()

      procedure V(ref S : semaphore)
      disable signals()
      acquire lock(scheduler lock)
      if S.Q is nonempty

      enqueue(ready list, dequeue(S.Q))

      S.N +:= 1
      release lock(scheduler lock)
      reenable signals()

      Figure 13.15 Semaphore operations, for use with the scheduler code of Figure 13.13.

      13.3.5 Semaphores

      Semaphores are the oldest of the scheduler-based synchronization mechanisms.
      They were described by Dijkstra in the mid-1960s [Dij68a], and appear in Al-
      gol 68. They are still heavily used today, particularly in library-based implemen-
      tations of concurrency.

      A semaphore is basically a counter with two associated operations, P and V.4 AEXAMPLE 13.38

      thread that calls V atomically increments the counter. A thread that calls P waits
      until the counter is positive and then decrements it. We generally require that
      semaphores be fair, in the sense that threads complete P operations in the order
      that they started them. Implementations of P and V in terms of our scheduler
      operations appear in Figure 13.15. Note that we have elided the matching incre-
      ment and decrement when a V allows a thread that is waiting in P to continue
      right away. �

      A semaphore whose counter is initialized to one and for which P and V oper-
      ations always occur in matched pairs is known as a binary semaphore. It serves as

      4 P stands for the Dutch word passeren (to pass) or proberen (to test); V stands for vrijgeven (to
      release) or verhogen (to increment). To keep them straight, speakers of English may wish to think
      of P as standing for “pause,” since a thread will pause at a P operation if the semaphore count is
      negative. Algol 68 calls the P and V operations down and up, respectively.

      668 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      shared buf : array [1..SIZE] of bdata
      shared next full, next empty : integer := 1, 1
      shared mutex : semaphore := 1
      shared empty slots, full slots : semaphore := SIZE, 0

      procedure insert(d : bdata)
      P(empty slots)
      buf[next empty] := d
      next empty := next empty mod SIZE + 1
      V(full slots)

      function remove() : bdata
      P(full slots)
      d : bdata := buf[next full]
      next full := next full mod SIZE + 1
      V(empty slots)
      return d

      Figure 13.16 Semaphore-based code for a bounded buffer. The mutex binary semaphore
      protects the data structure proper. The full slots and empty slots general semaphores ensure
      that no operation starts until it is safe to do so.

      a scheduler-based mutual exclusion lock: the P operation acquires the lock; V re-
      leases it. More generally, a semaphore whose counter is initialized to k can be used
      to arbitrate access to k copies of some resource. The value of the counter at any
      particular time indicates the number of copies not currently in use. Exercise 13.19
      notes that binary semaphores can be used to implement general semaphores, so
      the two are of equal expressive power, if not of equal convenience.

      Figure 13.16 shows a semaphore-based solution to the bounded buffer prob-EXAMPLE 13.39
      Bounded buffer with

      lem. It uses a binary semaphore for mutual exclusion, and two general (or count-
      ing) semaphores for condition synchronization. Exercise 13.17 considers the use
      of semaphores to construct an n-thread barrier. �

      25. What is mutual exclusion? What is a critical section?

      26. What does it mean for an operation to be atomic? Explain the difference be-
      tween atomicity and condition synchronization.

      27. Describe the behavior of a test_and_set instruction. Show how to use it to
      build a spin lock.

      28. Describe the behavior of the compare_and_swap instruction. What advan-
      tages does it offer in comparison to test_and_set?

      13.4 Language-Level Constructs 669

      29. Explain how a reader–writer lock differs from an “ordinary” lock.

      30. What is a barrier? In what types of programs are barriers common?

      31. What does it mean for an algorithm to be nonblocking? What advantages do
      nonblocking algorithms have over algorithms based on locks?

      32. What is sequential consistency? Why is it difficult to implement?

      33. What information is provided by a memory consistency model? What is the
      relationship between hardware-level and language-level memory models?

      34. Explain how to extend a preemptive uniprocessor scheduler to work correctly
      on a multiprocessor.

      35. What is a spin-then-yield lock?

      36. What is a bounded buffer?

      37. What is a semaphore? What operations does it support? How do binary and
      general semaphores differ?

      13.4 Language-Level Constructs
      Though widely used, semaphores are also widely considered to be too “low level”
      for well-structured, maintainable code. They suffer from two principal problems.
      First, because their operations are simply subroutine calls, it is easy to leave one
      out (e.g., on a control path with several nested if statements). Second, unless
      they are hidden inside an abstraction, uses of a given semaphore tend to get scat-
      tered throughout a program, making it difficult to track them down for purposes
      of software maintenance.

      13.4.1 Monitors

      Monitors were suggested by Dijkstra [Dij72] as a solution to the problems of
      semaphores. They were developed more thoroughly by Brinch Hansen [Bri73],
      and formalized by Hoare [Hoa74] in the early 1970s. They have been incorpo-
      rated into at least a score of languages, of which Concurrent Pascal [Bri75], Mod-
      ula (1) [Wir77b], and Mesa [LR80] were probably the most influential.5 They

      5 Together with Smalltalk and Interlisp, Mesa was one of three influential languages to emerge from
      Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center in the 1970s. All three were developed on the Alto personal
      computer, which pioneered such concepts as the bitmapped display, the mouse, the graphical
      user interface, WYSIWYG editing, Ethernet networking, and the laser printer. The Mesa project
      was led by Butler Lampson (1943–), who played a key role in the later development of Euclid and
      Cedar as well. For his contributions to personal and distributed computing, Lampson received
      the ACM Turing Award in 1992.

      670 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      monitor bounded buf
      imports bdata, SIZE
      exports insert, remove

      buf : array [1..SIZE] of bdata
      next full, next empty : integer := 1, 1
      full slots : integer := 0
      full slot, empty slot : condition

      entry insert(d : bdata)
      if full slots = SIZE

      wait(empty slot)
      buf[next empty] := d
      next empty := next empty mod SIZE + 1
      full slots +:= 1
      signal(full slot)

      entry remove() : bdata
      if full slots = 0

      wait(full slot)
      d : bdata := buf[next full]
      next full := next full mod SIZE + 1
      full slots −:= 1
      signal(empty slot)
      return d

      Figure 13.17 Monitor-based code for a bounded buffer. Insert and remove are entry subrou-
      tines: they require exclusive access to the monitor’s data. Because conditions are memory-less,
      both insert and remove can safely end their operation with a signal.

      also strongly influenced the design of Java’s synchronization mechanisms, which
      we will consider in Section 13.4.3.

      A monitor is a module or object with operations, internal state, and a number
      of condition variables. Only one operation of a given monitor is allowed to be
      active at a given point in time. A thread that calls a busy monitor is automatically
      delayed until the monitor is free. On behalf of its calling thread, any operation
      may suspend itself by waiting on a condition variable. An operation may also
      signal a condition variable, in which case one of the waiting threads is resumed,
      usually the one that waited first.

      Because the operations (entries) of a monitor automatically exclude one an-
      other in time, the programmer is relieved of the responsibility of using P and V
      operations correctly. Moreover because the monitor is an abstraction, all opera-
      tions on the encapsulated data, including synchronization, are collected together
      in one place. Figure 13.17 shows a monitor-based solution to the bounded bufferEXAMPLE 13.40

      Bounded buffer monitor problem. It is worth emphasizing that monitor condition variables are not the
      same as semaphores. Specifically, they have no “memory”: if no thread is wait-
      ing on a condition at the time that a signal occurs, then the signal has no effect.

      13.4 Language-Level Constructs 671

      By contrast a V operation on a semaphore increments the semaphore’s counter,
      allowing some future P operation to succeed, even if none is waiting now. �

      Semantic Details

      Hoare’s definition of monitors employs one thread queue for every condition
      variable, plus two bookkeeping queues: the entry queue and the urgent queue.
      A thread that attempts to enter a busy monitor waits in the entry queue. When a
      thread executes a signal operation from within a monitor, and some other thread
      is waiting on the specified condition, then the signaling thread waits on the moni-
      tor’s urgent queue and the first thread on the appropriate condition queue obtains
      control of the monitor. If no thread is waiting on the signaled condition, then the
      signal operation is a no-op. When a thread leaves a monitor, either by complet-
      ing its operation or by waiting on a condition, it unblocks the first thread on the
      urgent queue or, if the urgent queue is empty, the first thread on the entry queue,
      if any.

      Many monitor implementations dispense with the urgent queue, or make
      other changes to Hoare’s original definition. From the programmer’s point of
      view, the two principal areas of variation are the semantics of the signal opera-
      tion and the management of mutual exclusion when a thread waits inside a nested
      sequence of two or more monitor calls. We will return to these issues below.

      Correctness for monitors depends on maintaining a monitor invariant. The
      invariant is a predicate that captures the notion that “the state of the monitor is
      consistent.” The invariant needs to be true initially, and at monitor exit. It also
      needs to be true at every wait statement and, in a Hoare monitor, at signal oper-
      ations as well. For our bounded buffer example, a suitable invariant would assert
      that full slots correctly indicates the number of items in the buffer, and that those
      items lie in slots numbered next full through next empty − 1 (mod SIZE). Care-
      ful inspection of the code in Figure 13.17 reveals that the invariant does indeed
      hold initially, and that any time we modify one of the variables mentioned in the
      invariant, we always modify the others accordingly before waiting, signaling, or
      returning from an entry.

      Hoare defined his monitors in terms of semaphores. Conversely, it is easy to
      define semaphores in terms of monitors (Exercise 13.18). Together, the two def-
      initions prove that semaphores and monitors are equally powerful: each can ex-
      press all forms of synchronization expressible with the other.

      Signals as Hints and Absolutes

      In general, one signals a condition variable when some condition on which a
      thread may be waiting has become true. If we want to guarantee that the condi-
      tion is still true when the thread wakes up, then we need to switch to the thread as
      soon as the signal occurs—hence the need for the urgent queue, and the need to
      ensure the monitor invariant at signal operations. In practice, switching contextsEXAMPLE 13.41

      How to wait for a signal
      (hint or absolute)

      on a signal tends to induce unnecessary scheduling overhead: a signaling thread
      seldom changes the condition associated with the signal during the remainder of
      its operation. To reduce the overhead, and to eliminate the need to ensure the

      672 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      monitor invariant, Mesa specifies that signals are only hints: the language run-
      time system moves some waiting thread to the ready list, but the signaler retains
      control of the monitor, and the waiter must recheck the condition when it awakes.
      In effect, the standard idiom

      if not desired condition
      wait (condition variable)

      in a Hoare monitor becomes the following in Mesa:

      while not desired condition
      wait(condition variable)


      13.5 Monitor signal semantics
      By specifying that signals are hints, instead of absolutes, Mesa and Modula-3
      (and similarly Java and C#, which we consider in Section 13.4.3) avoid the need
      to perform an immediate context switch from a signaler to a waiting thread.
      They also admit simpler, though less efficient implementations that lack a one-
      to-one correspondence between signals and thread queues, or that do not nec-
      essarily guarantee that a waiting thread will be the first to run in its monitor
      after the signal occurs. This approach can lead to complications, however, if we
      want to ensure that an appropriate thread always runs in the wake of a signal.
      Suppose an awakened thread rechecks its condition and discovers that it still
      can’t run. If there may be some other thread that could run, the erroneously
      awakened thread may need to resignal the condition before it waits again:

      if not desired condition

      wait (condition variable)
      if desired condition

      signal (condition variable)

      In effect the signal “cascades” from thread to thread until some thread is able
      to run. (If it is possible that no waiting thread will be able to run, then we
      will need additional logic to stop the cascading when every thread has been
      checked.) Alternatively, the thread that makes a condition (potentially) true
      can use a special broadcast version of the signal operation to awaken all wait-
      ing threads at once. Each thread will then recheck the condition and if ap-
      propriate wait again, without the need for explicit cascading. In either case
      (cascading signals or broadcast), signals as hints trade potentially high over-
      head in the worst case for potentially low overhead in the common case and a
      potentially simpler implementation.

      13.4 Language-Level Constructs 673

      Modula-3 takes a similar approach. An alternative appears in Concurrent Pascal,
      which specifies that a signal operation causes an immediate return from the
      monitor operation in which it appears. This rule keeps overhead low, and also
      preserves invariants, but precludes algorithms in which a thread does useful work
      in a monitor after signaling a condition. �

      Nested Monitor Calls

      In most monitor languages, a wait in a nested sequence of monitor operations
      will release mutual exclusion on the innermost monitor, but will leave the outer
      monitors locked. This situation can lead to deadlock if the only way for another
      thread to reach a corresponding signal operation is through the same outer moni-
      tor(s). In general, we use the term “deadlock” to describe any situation in which a
      collection of threads are all waiting for each other, and none of them can proceed.
      In this specific case, the thread that entered the outer monitor first is waiting for
      the second thread to execute a signal operation; the second thread, however, is
      waiting for the first to leave the monitor.

      The alternative—to release exclusion on outer monitors when waiting in an
      inner one—was adopted by several early monitor implementations for unipro-
      cessors, including the original implementation of Modula [Wir77a]. It has a sig-
      nificant semantic drawback, however: it requires that the monitor invariant hold
      not only at monitor exit and (perhaps) at signal operations, but also at any sub-
      routine call that may result in a wait or (with Hoare semantics) a signal in a nested
      monitor. Such calls may not all be known to the programmer; they are certainly
      not syntactically distinguished in the source.


      13.6 The nested monitor problem
      While maintaining exclusion on outer monitor(s) when waiting in an inner
      one may lead to deadlock with a signaling thread, releasing those outer moni-
      tors may lead to similar (if a bit more subtle) deadlocks. When a waiting thread
      awakens it must reacquire exclusion on both inner and outer monitors. The
      innermost monitor is of course available, because the matching signal hap-
      pened there, but there is in general no way to ensure that unrelated threads
      will not be busy in the outer monitor(s). Moreover one of those threads may
      need access to the inner monitor in order to complete its work and release the
      outer monitor(s). If we insist that the awakened thread be the first to run in
      the inner monitor after the signal, then deadlock will result. One way to avoid
      this problem is to arrange for mutual exclusion across all the monitors of a
      program. This solution severely limits concurrency in multiprocessor imple-
      mentations, but may be acceptable on a uniprocessor. A more general solution
      is addressed in Exercise 13.21.

      674 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      13.4.2 Conditional Critical Regions

      Conditional critical regions (CCRs) are another alternative to semaphores, pro-
      posed by Brinch Hansen at about the same time as monitors [Bri73]. A criticalEXAMPLE 13.42

      Original CCR syntax region is a syntactically delimited critical section in which code is permitted to
      access a protected variable. A conditional critical region also specifies a Boolean
      condition, which must be true before control will enter the region:

      region protected variable, when Boolean condition do
      . . .

      end region

      No thread can access a protected variable except within a region statement for that
      variable, and any thread that reaches a region statement waits until the condition
      is true and no other thread is currently in a region for the same variable. Regions
      can nest, though as with nested monitor calls, the programmer needs to worry
      about deadlock. Figure 13.18 uses CCRs to implement a bounded buffer. �

      Conditional critical regions appeared in the concurrent language Edison
      [Bri81], and also seem to have influenced the synchronization mechanisms of
      Ada 95 and Java/C#. These later languages might be said to blend the features of
      monitors and CCRs, albeit in different ways.

      Synchronization in Ada 95

      The principal mechanism for synchronization in Ada, introduced in Ada 83, is
      based on message passing; we will describe it in Section 13.5. Ada 95 augments
      this mechanism with a notion of protected object. A protected object can have
      three types of methods: functions, procedures, and entries. Functions can only
      read the fields of the object; procedures and entries can read and write them. An


      13.7 Conditional critical regions
      Conditional critical regions avoid the question of signal semantics, because
      they use explicit Boolean conditions instead of condition variables, and be-
      cause conditions can be awaited only at the beginning of critical regions. At
      the same time, they introduce potentially significant inefficiency. In the gen-
      eral case, the code used to exit a conditional critical region must tentatively
      resume each waiting thread, allowing that thread to recheck its condition in
      its own referencing environment. Optimizations are possible in certain special
      cases (e.g., for conditions that depend only on global variables, or that consist
      of only a single Boolean variable), but in the worst case it may be necessary to
      perform context switches in and out of every waiting thread on every exit from
      a region.

      13.4 Language-Level Constructs 675

      buffer : record
      buf : array [1..SIZE] of bdata
      next full, next empty : integer := 1, 1
      full slots : integer := 0

      procedure insert(d : bdata)
      region buffer when full slots < SIZE buf[next empty] := d next empty := next empty mod SIZE + 1 full slots −:= 1 function remove() : bdata region buffer when full slots > 0

      d : bdata := buf[next full]
      next full := next full mod SIZE + 1
      full slots +:= 1

      return d

      Figure 13.18 Conditional critical regions for a bounded buffer. Boolean conditions on the
      region statements eliminate the need for explicit condition variables.

      implicit reader–writer lock on the protected object ensures that potentially con-
      flicting operations exclude one another in time: a procedure or entry obtains ex-
      clusive access to the object; a function can operate concurrently with other func-
      tions, but not with a procedure or entry.

      Procedures and entries differ from one another in two important ways. First,
      an entry can have a Boolean expression guard, for which the calling task (thread)
      will wait before beginning execution (much as it would for the condition of a
      CCR). Second, an entry supports three special forms of call: timed calls, which
      abort after waiting for a specified amount of time, conditional calls, which execute
      alternative code if the call cannot proceed immediately, and asynchronous calls,
      which begin executing alternative code immediately, but abort it if the call is able
      to proceed before the alternative completes.

      In comparison to the conditions of CCRs, the guards on entries of protected
      objects in Ada 95 admit a more efficient implementation, because they do not
      have to be evaluated in the context of the calling thread. Moreover, because all
      guards are gathered together in the definition of the protected object, the com-
      piler can generate code to test them as a group as efficiently as possible, in a man-
      ner suggested by Kessels [Kes77]. Though an Ada task cannot wait on a condition
      in the middle of an entry (only at the beginning), it can requeue itself on an-
      other entry, achieving much the same effect. Ada 95 code for a bounded buffer
      would closely resemble the pseudocode of Figure 13.18; we leave the details to
      Exercise 13.23.

      676 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      13.4.3 Synchronization in Java

      In Java, every object accessible to more than one thread has an implicit mutualEXAMPLE 13.43
      synchronized statement
      in Java

      exclusion lock, acquired and released by means of synchronized statements:

      synchronized (my_shared_obj) {
      … // critical section


      All executions of synchronized statements that refer to the same shared object
      exclude one another in time. Synchronized statements that refer to different
      objects may proceed concurrently. As a form of syntactic sugar, a method of a
      class may be prefixed with the synchronized keyword, in which case the body of
      the method is considered to have been surrounded by an implicit synchronized
      (this) statement. Invocations of nonsynchronized methods of a shared object—
      and direct accesses to public fields—can proceed concurrently with each other, or
      with a synchronized statement or method. �

      Within a synchronized statement or method, a thread can suspend itself by
      calling the predefined method wait. Wait has no arguments in Java: the core
      language does not distinguish among the different reasons why threads may be
      suspended on a given object (the java.util.concurrent library, which became
      standard with Java 5, does provide a mechanism for multiple conditions; more on
      this below). Like Mesa, Java allows a thread to be awoken for spurious reasons, orEXAMPLE 13.44

      notify as hint in Java after a delay; programs must therefore embed the use of wait within a condition-
      testing loop:

      while (!condition) {


      A thread that calls the wait method of an object releases the object’s lock. With
      nested synchronized statements, however, or with nested calls to synchronized
      methods, the thread does not release locks on any other objects. �

      To resume a thread that is suspended on a given object, some other thread must
      execute the predefined method notify from within a synchronized statement
      or method that refers to the same object. Like wait, notify has no arguments. In
      response to a notify call, the language run-time system picks an arbitrary thread
      suspended on the object and makes it runnable. If there are no such threads, then
      the notify is a no-op. As in Mesa, it may sometimes be appropriate to awaken
      all threads waiting in a given object; Java provides a built-in notifyAll method
      for this purpose.

      If threads are waiting for more than one condition (i.e., if their waits are em-
      bedded in dissimilar loops), there is no guarantee that the “right” thread will
      awaken. To ensure that an appropriate thread does wake up, the programmer
      may choose to use notifyAll instead of notify. To ensure that only one thread
      continues after wakeup, the first thread to discover that its condition has been

      13.4 Language-Level Constructs 677

      satisfied must modify the state of the object in such a way that other awakened
      threads, when they get to run, will simply go back to sleep. Unfortunately, since
      all waiting threads will end up reevaluating their conditions every time one of
      them can run, this “solution” to the multiple-condition problem can be quite

      The mechanisms for synchronization in C# are similar to the Java mechanisms
      just described. The C# lock statement is similar to Java’s synchronized. It
      cannot be used to label a method, but a similar effect can be achieved (a bit more
      clumsily) by specifying a Synchronized attribute for the method. The methods
      Pulse and PulseAll are used instead of notify and notifyAll.

      Lock Variables

      In early versions of Java, programmers concerned with efficiency generally needed
      to devise algorithms in which threads were never waiting for more than one con-
      dition within a given object at a given time. The java.util.concurrent pack-
      age, introduced in Java 5, provides a more general solution. (Similar solutions
      are possible in C#, but are not in the standard library.) As an alternative toEXAMPLE 13.45

      Lock variables in Java 5 synchronized statements and methods, modern Java programmers can create
      explicit Lock variables. Code that might once have been written

      synchronized (my_shared_obj) {
      … // critical section



      13.8 Condition variables in Java
      As illustrated by Mesa and Java, the distinction between monitors and CCRs
      is somewhat blurry. It turns out to be possible (see Exercise 13.22) to solve
      completely general synchronization problems in such a way that for every pro-
      tected object there is only one Boolean condition on which threads ever spin.
      The solutions, however, may not be pretty: they amount to low-level use of
      semaphores, without the implicit mutual exclusion of synchronized statements
      and methods. For programs that are naturally expressed with multiple condi-
      tions, Java’s basic synchronization mechanism (and the similar mechanism in
      C#) may force the programmer to choose between elegance and efficiency. The
      concurrency enhancements of Java 5 were a deliberate attempt to lessen this
      dilemma: Lock variables retain the distinction between mutual exclusion and
      condition synchronization characteristic of both monitors and CCRs, while
      allowing the programmer to partition waiting threads into equivalence classes
      that can be awoken independently. By varying the fineness of the partition the
      programmer can choose essentially any point on the spectrum between the
      simplicity of CCRs and the efficiency of Hoare-style monitors. Exercises 13.24
      through 13.26 explore this issue further using bounded buffers as a running

      678 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      may now be written

      Lock l = new ReentrantLock();
      try {

      … // critical section
      } finally {


      A similar interface supports reader–writer locks. �
      Like semaphores, Java Lock variables lack the implicit release at end of scope

      associated with synchronized statements and methods. The need for an explicit
      release introduces a potential source of bugs, but allows programmers to create
      algorithms in which locks are acquired and released in non-LIFO order (see Ex-
      ample 13.14). In a manner reminiscent of the timed entry calls of Ada 95, Java
      Lock variables also support a tryLock method, which acquires the lock only if
      it is available immediately, or within an optionally specified timeout interval (a
      Boolean return value indicates whether the attempt was successful). Finally, aEXAMPLE 13.46

      Multiple Conditions in
      Java 5

      Lock variable may have an arbitrary number of associated Condition variables,
      making it easy to write algorithms in which threads wait for multiple conditions,
      without resorting to notifyAll:

      Condition c1 = l.newCondition();
      Condition c2 = l.newCondition();


      c2.signal(); �

      Java objects that use only synchronized methods (no locks or synchronized
      statements) closely resemble Mesa monitors in which there is a limit of one condi-
      tion variable per monitor (and in fact objects with synchronized statements are
      sometimes referred to as monitors in Java). By the same token, a synchronized
      statement in Java that begins with a wait in a loop resembles a CCR in which the
      retesting of conditions has been made explicit. Because notify also is explicit, a
      Java implementation need not reevaluate conditions (or wake up threads that do
      so explicitly) on every exit from a critical section—only those in which a notify

      The Java Memory Model

      The Java Memory Model, which we introduced in Section 13.3.3, specifies exactly
      which operations are guaranteed to be ordered across threads. It also specifies,
      for every pair of reads and writes in a program execution, whether the read is
      permitted to return the value written by the write.

      Informally, a Java thread is allowed to buffer or reorder its writes (in hardware
      or in software) until the point at which it writes a volatile variable or leaves a

      13.4 Language-Level Constructs 679

      monitor (releases a lock, leaves a synchronized block, or waits). At that point
      all its previous writes must be visible to other threads. Similarly, a thread is al-
      lowed to keep cached copies of values written by other threads until it reads a
      volatile variable or enters a monitor (acquires a lock, enters a synchronized
      block, or wakes up from a wait). At that point any subsequent reads must obtain
      new copies of anything that has been written by other threads.

      The compiler is free to reorder ordinary reads and writes in the absence of
      intrathread data dependences. It can also move ordinary reads and writes down
      past a subsequent volatile read, up past a previous volatile write, or into a
      synchronized block from above or below. It cannot reorder volatile accesses,
      monitor entry, or monitor exit with respect to one another.

      If the compiler can prove that a volatile variable or monitor isn’t used by
      more than one thread during a given interval of time, it can reorder its operations
      like ordinary accesses. For data-race-free programs, these rules ensure the ap-
      pearance of sequential consistency. Moreover even in the presence of races, Java
      implementations ensure that reads and writes of object references and of 32-bit
      and smaller quantities are always atomic, and that every read returns the value
      written either by some unordered write or by some immediately preceding or-
      dered write.

      Formalization of the Java memory model proved to be a surprisingly difficult
      task. Most of the difficulty stemmed from the desire to specify meaningful seman-
      tics for programs with data races. The C++11 memory model, also introduced in
      Section 13.3.3, avoids this complexity by simply prohibiting such programs. To
      first approximation, C++ defines a happens-before ordering on memory accesses,
      similar to the ordering in Java, and then guarantees sequential consistency for
      programs in which all conflicting accesses are ordered. Modest additional com-
      plexity is introduced by allowing the programmer to specify weaker ordering on
      individual reads and writes of atomic variables; we consider this feature in Ex-
      ploration 13.42.

      13.4.4 Transactional Memory

      All the general-purpose mechanisms we have considered for atomicity—sema-
      phores, monitors, conditional critical regions—are essentially syntactic variants
      on locks. Critical sections that need to exclude one another must acquire and
      release the same lock. Critical sections that are mutually independent can run in
      parallel only if they acquire and release separate locks. This creates an unfortu-
      nate tradeoff for programmers: it is easy to write a data-race-free program with
      a single lock, but such a program will not scale: as cores and threads are added,
      the lock will become a bottleneck, and program performance will stagnate. To
      increase scalability, skillful programmers partition their program data into equiv-
      alence classes, each protected by a separate lock. A critical section must then
      acquire the locks for every accessed equivalence class. If different critical sections
      acquire locks in different orders, deadlock can result. Enforcing a common or-
      der can be difficult, however, because we may not be able to predict, when an

      680 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      operation starts, which data it will eventually need to access. Worse, the fact that
      correctness depends on locking order means that lock-based program fragments
      do not compose: we cannot take existing lock-based abstractions and safely call
      them from within a new critical section.

      These issues suggest that locks may be too low level a mechanism. From a
      semantic point of view, the mapping between locks and critical sections is an im-
      plementation detail; all we really want is a composable atomic construct. Trans-
      actional memory (TM) is an attempt to provide exactly that.

      Atomicity without Locks

      Transactions have long been used, with great success, to achieve atomicity for
      database operations. The usual implementation is speculative: transactions in
      different threads proceed concurrently unless and until they conflict for access to
      some common record in the database. In the absence of conflicts, transactions
      run perfectly in parallel. When conflicts arise, the underlying system arbitrates
      between the conflicting threads. One gets to continue, and hopefully commit its
      updates to the database; the others abort and start over (after “rolling back” the
      work they had done so far). The overall effect is that transactions achieve sig-
      nificant parallelism at the implementation level, but appear to serialize in some
      global total order at the level of program semantics.

      The idea of using more lightweight transactions to achieve atomicity for op-
      erations on in-memory data structures dates from 1993, when Herlihy and Moss
      proposed what was essentially a multiword generalization of the load_linked/
      store_conditional, instructions mentioned in Example 13.29. Their transac-
      tional memory (TM) began to receive renewed attention (and higher-level seman-
      tics) about a decade later, when it became clear to many researchers that multicore
      processors were going to be successful only with the development of simpler pro-
      gramming techniques.

      The basic idea of TM is very simple: the programmer labels code blocks asEXAMPLE 13.47
      A simple atomic block atomic—

      atomic {
      –– your code here


      —and the underlying system takes responsibility for executing these blocks in
      parallel whenever possible. If the code inside the atomic block can safely be rolled
      back in the event of conflict, then the implementation can be based on specula-
      tion. �

      In some speculation-based systems, a transaction that needs to wait for some
      precondition can “deliberately” abort itself with an explicit retry primitive. The
      system will refrain from restarting the transaction until some previously read lo-
      cation has been changed by another thread. Transactional code for a boundedEXAMPLE 13.48

      Bounded buffer with

      buffer would be very similar to that of Figure 13.18. We would simply replace

      region buffer when full slots < SIZE region buffer when full slots > 0
      . . . and . . .

      13.4 Language-Level Constructs 681


      atomic atomic
      if full slots = SIZE then retry and if full slots = 0 then retry
      . . . . . .

      TM avoids the need to specify object(s) on which to implement mutual exclusion.
      It also allows the condition test to be placed anywhere inside the atomic block. �

      Many different implementations of TM have been proposed, both in hardware
      and in software. As of 2015, hardware support is commercially available in IBM’s
      z and p series machines, and in Intel’s recent versions of the x86. Language-level
      support is available in Haskell and in several experimental languages and dialects.
      A formal proposal for transactional extensions to C++ is under consideration for
      the next revision of the language, expected in 2017 [Int15]. It will be several years
      before we know how much TM can simplify concurrency in practice, but current
      signs are promising.

      An Example Implementation

      There is a surprising amount of variety among software TM systems. We outline
      one possible implementation here, based, in large part, on the TL2 system of Dice
      et al. [DSS06] and the TinySTM system of Riegel et al. [FRF08].

      Every active transaction keeps track of the locations it has read and the loca-
      tions and values it has written. It also maintains a valid time value that indicates
      the most recent logical time at which all of the values it has read so far were known
      to be correct. Times are obtained from a global clock variable that increases by
      one each time a transaction attempts to commit. Finally, threads share a global
      table of ownership records (orecs), indexed by hashing the address of a shared lo-
      cation. Each orec contains either (1) the most recent logical time at which any of
      the locations covered by (hashing to) that orec was updated, or (2) the ID t of a
      transaction that is currently trying to commit a change to one of those locations.
      In case (1), the orec is said to be unowned; in case (2) the orec—and, by extension,
      all locations that hash to it—is said to be owned by t.

      The compiler translates each atomic block into code roughly equivalent to theEXAMPLE 13.49
      Translation of an atomic


      valid time := clock
      read set := write map := ∅

      –– your code here

      except when abort
      –– continue loop

      In the body of the transaction (your code here), reads and writes of a location
      with address x are replaced with calls to read(x) and write(x, v), using the code

      682 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      struct orec
      owned : Boolean
      val : union (time, transaction id)

      function read(x : address) : value
      if x ∈ write map.domain then return write map[x]

      o : orec := orecs[hash(x)]

      until not o.owned
      t : time := o.val –– when last modified
      if t > valid time

      –– may be inconsistent with previous reads
      validate() –– attempt to extend valid time

      v : value := *x
      if o = orecs[hash(x)]

      read set +:= {x}
      return v

      procedure validate()
      t : time := clock
      for x : address ∈ read set

      o : orec := orecs[hash(x)]
      if (not o.owned and o.val > valid time)

      or (o.owned and o.val �= me)
      throw abort

      valid time := t

      procedure write(x : address, v : value)
      write map[x] := v

      procedure commit()

      lock map : map address→ orec := ∅
      done : Boolean := false
      for x : address ∈ write map.domain

      o : orec := orecs[hash(x)]
      if o �= 〈true, me〉

      if o.owned then throw abort
      if not CAS(&orecs[hash(x)], o, 〈true, me〉)

      throw abort
      lock map[x] := o

      n : time := 1 + fetch and increment(&clock)
      done := true
      for 〈x, v〉 : 〈address, value〉 ∈ write map

      *x = v –– write back

      –– do this however control leaves the try block
      for 〈x, o〉 : 〈address, orec〉 ∈ lock map

      orecs[hash(x)] := if done
      then 〈false, n〉 –– update
      else o –– restore

      Figure 13.19 Possible pseudocode for a software TM system. The read and write routines are used to replace ordinary
      loads and stores within the body of the transaction. The validate routine is called from both read and commit. It attempts to
      verify that no previously read value has since been overwritten and, if successful, updates valid time. Various fence instructions
      (not shown) may be needed if the underlying hardware is not sequentially consistent.

      shown in Figure 13.19. Also shown is the commit routine, called at the end of the
      try block above. �

      Briefly, a transaction buffers its (speculative) writes until it is ready to commit.
      It then locks all the locations it needs to write, verifies that all the locations it
      previously read have not been overwritten since, and then writes back and unlocks
      the locations. At all times, the transaction knows that all of its reads were mutually
      consistent at time valid time. If it ever tries to read a new location that has been
      updated since valid time, it attempts to extend this time to the current value of
      the global clock. If it is able to perform a similar extension at commit time, after
      having locked all locations it needs to change, then the aggregate effect of the
      transaction as a whole will be as if it had occurred instantaneously at commit

      To implement retry (not shown in Figure 13.19), we can add an optional list of
      threads to every orec. A retrying thread will add itself to the list of every location

      13.4 Language-Level Constructs 683

      in its read_set and then perform a P operation on a thread-specific semaphore.
      Meanwhile, any thread that commits a change to an orec with waiting threads
      performs a V on the semaphore of each of those threads. This mechanism will
      sometimes result in unnecessary wakeups, but these do not impact correctness.
      Upon wakeup, a thread removes itself from all thread lists before restarting its


      Many subtleties have been glossed over in our example implementation. The
      translation in Example 13.49 will not behave correctly if code inside the atomic
      block throws an exception (other than abort) or executes a return or an exit out
      of some surrounding loop. The pseudocode of Figure 13.19 also fails to consider
      that transactions may be nested.

      Several additional issues are still the subject of debate among TM designers.
      What should we do about operations inside transactions (I/O, system calls, etc.)
      that cannot easily be rolled back, and how do we prevent such transactions from
      ever calling retry? How do we discourage programmers from creating transac-
      tions so large they almost always conflict with one another, and cannot run in par-
      allel? Should a program ever be able to detect that transactions are aborting? How
      should transactions interact with locks and with nonblocking data structures?
      Should races between transactions and nontransactional code be considered pro-
      gram bugs? If so, should there be any constraints on the behavior that may result?
      These and similar questions will need to be answered by any production-quality
      TM-capable language.

      13.4.5 Implicit Synchronization

      In several shared-memory languages, the operations that threads can perform on
      shared data are restricted in such a way that synchronization can be implicit in
      the operations themselves, rather than appearing as separate, explicit operations.
      We have seen one example of implicit synchronization already: the forall loop
      of HPF and Fortran 95 (Example 13.10). Separate iterations of a forall loop
      proceed concurrently, semantically in lock-step with each other: each iteration
      reads all data used in its instance of the first assignment statement before any
      iteration updates its instance of the left-hand side. The left-hand side updates
      in turn occur before any iteration reads the data used in its instance of the sec-
      ond assignment statement, and so on. Compilation of forall loops for vector
      machines, while far from trivial, is more or less straightforward. On a more con-
      ventional multiprocessor, however, good performance usually depends on high-
      quality dependence analysis, which allows the compiler to identify situations in
      which statements within a loop do not in fact depend on one another, and can
      proceed without synchronization.

      Dependence analysis plays a crucial role in other languages as well. In Side-
      bar 11.1 we mentioned the purely functional languages Sisal and pH (recall that

      684 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      iterative constructs in these languages are syntactic sugar for tail recursion). Be-
      cause these languages are side-effect free, their constructs can be evaluated in any
      order, or concurrently, as long as no construct attempts to use a value that has yet
      to be computed. The Sisal implementation developed at Lawrence Livermore Na-
      tional Lab used extensive compiler analysis to identify promising constructs for
      parallel execution. It also employed tags on data objects that indicate whether the
      object’s value had been computed yet. When the compiler was unable to guaran-
      tee that a value would have been computed by the time it was needed at run time,
      the generated code used tag bits for synchronization, spinning or blocking until
      they were properly set. Sisal’s developers claimed (in 1992) that their language
      and compiler rivaled parallel Fortran in performance [Can92].

      Automatic parallelization, first for vector machines and then for general-
      purpose machines, was a major topic of research in the 1980s and 1990s.
      It achieved considerable success with well-structured data-parallel programs,
      largely for scientific applications, and largely but not entirely in Fortran. Auto-
      matic identification of thread-level parallelism in more general, irregularly struc-
      tured programs proved elusive, however, as did compilation for message-passing
      hardware. Research in this area continues, and has branched out to languages like
      Matlab and R.


      Implicit synchronization can also be achieved without compiler analysis. TheEXAMPLE 13.50
      future construct in

      Multilisp [Hal85, MKH91] dialect of Scheme allowed the programmer to enclose
      any function evaluation in a special future construct:

      (future (my-function my-args))

      In a purely functional program, future is semantically neutral: assuming all eval-
      uations terminate, program behavior will be exactly the same as if (my-function
      my-args) had appeared without the surrounding call. In the implementation,
      however, future arranges for the embedded function to be evaluated by a sep-
      arate thread of control. The parent thread continues to execute until it actually
      tries to use the return value of my-function, at which point it waits for execution
      of the future to complete. If two or more arguments to a function are enclosed
      in futures, then evaluation of the arguments can proceed in parallel:

      (parent (future (child1 args1 )) (future (child2 args2 ))) �
      There were no additional synchronization mechanisms in Multilisp: future

      itself was the language’s only addition to Scheme. Many subsequent languages
      and systems have provided future as part of a larger feature set. Using C#’s TaskEXAMPLE 13.51

      Futures in C# Parallel Library (TPL), we might write

      var description = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => GetDescription());
      var numberInStock = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => GetInventory());

      Console.WriteLine(“We have ” + numberInStock.Result

      + ” copies of ” + description.Result + ” in stock”);

      13.4 Language-Level Constructs 685

      Static library class Task.Factory is used to generate futures, known as “tasks” in
      C#. The Create method supports generic type inference, allowing us to pass
      a delegate compatible with Func (function returning T), for any T. We’ve
      specified the delegates here as lambda expressions. If GetDescription returns a
      String, description will be of type Task; if GetInventory returns
      an int, numberInStock will be of type Task.

      The Java standard library provides similar facilities, but the lack of delegates,
      properties (like Result), type inference (var), and automatic boxing (of the int
      returned by GetInventory) make the syntax quite a bit more cumbersome. Java
      also requires that the programmer pass newly created Futures to an explicitly
      created Executor object that will be responsible for running them. Scala provides
      syntax for futures as simple as that of C#, with even richer semantics. �

      Futures are also available in C++, where they are designed to interoperate withEXAMPLE 13.52
      Futures in C++11 lambda expressions, object closures, and a variety of mechanisms for threading

      and asynchronous (delayed) computation. Perhaps the simplest use case employs
      the generic async function, which takes a function f and a list of arguments a1,
      . . . , an, and returns a future that will eventually yield f(a1 , . . . , an):

      string ip_address_of(const char* hostname) {
      // do Internet name lookup (potentially slow)



      13.9 Side-effect freedom and implicit synchronization
      In a partially imperative program (in Multilisp, C#, Scala, etc.), the program-
      mer must take care to make sure that concurrent execution of futures will
      not compromise program correctness. The expression (parent (future
      (child1 args1 )) (future (child2 args2 ))) may produce unpredictable
      behavior if the evaluations of child1 and child2 depend on one another,
      or if the evaluation of parent depends on any aspect of child1 and child2
      other than their return values. Such behavior may be very difficult to debug.
      Languages like Sisal and Haskell avoid the problem by permitting only side-
      effect–free programs.

      In a key sense, pure functional languages are ideally suited to parallel exe-
      cution: they eliminate all artificial connections—all anti- and output depen-
      dences (Section C 17.6)—among expressions: all that remains is the actual
      data flow. Two principal barriers to performance remain: (1) the standard
      challenges of efficient code generation for functional programs (Section 11.8),
      and (2) the need to identify which potentially parallel code fragments are large
      enough and independent enough to merit the overhead of thread creation and
      implicit synchronization.

      686 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      auto query = async(ip_address_of, “www.cs.rochester.edu”);

      cout << query.get() << "\n"; // prints "" Here variable query, which we declared with the auto keyword, will be inferred to have type future. �

      In some ways the future construct of Multilisp resembles the built-in delay
      and force of Scheme (Section 6.6.2). Where future supports concurrency, how-
      ever, delay supports lazy evaluation: it defers evaluation of its embedded func-
      tion until the return value is known to be needed. Any use of a delayed expres-
      sion in Scheme must be surrounded by force. By contrast, synchronization on a
      Multilisp future is implicit—there is no analog of force.

      A more complicated variant of the C++ async, not used in Example 13.52,
      allows the programmer to insist that the future be run in a separate thread—or,
      alternatively, that it remain unevaluated until get is called (at which point it will
      execute in the calling thread). When async is used as shown in our example, the
      choice of implementation is left to the run-time system—as it is in Multilisp.

      Parallel Logic Programming

      Several researchers have noted that the backtracking search of logic languages
      such as Prolog is also amenable to parallelization. Two strategies are possible.
      The first is to pursue in parallel the subgoals found in the right-hand side of a
      rule. This strategy is known as AND parallelism. The fact that variables in logic,
      once initialized, are never subsequently modified ensures that parallel branches of
      an AND cannot interfere with one another. The second strategy is known as OR
      parallelism; it pursues alternative resolutions in parallel. Because they will gener-
      ally employ different unifications, branches of an OR must use separate copies of
      their variables. In a search tree such as that of Figure 12.1, AND parallelism and
      OR parallelism create new threads at alternating levels.

      OR parallelism is speculative: since success is required on only one branch,
      work performed on other branches is in some sense wasted. OR parallelism works
      well, however, when a goal cannot be satisfied (in which case the entire tree must
      be searched), or when there is high variance in the amount of execution time re-
      quired to satisfy a goal in different ways (in which case exploring several branches
      at once reduces the expected time to find the first solution). Both AND and OR
      parallelism are problematic in Prolog, because they fail to adhere to the deter-
      ministic search order required by language semantics. Parlog [Che92], which
      supports both AND and OR parallelism, is the best known of the parallel Prolog

      13.5 Message Passing 687

      38. What is a monitor? How do monitor condition variables differ from sema-


      39. Explain the difference between treating monitor signals as hints and treating
      them as absolutes.

      40. What is a monitor invariant? Under what circumstances must it be guaranteed
      to hold?

      41. Describe the nested monitor problem and some potential solutions.

      42. What is deadlock?

      43. What is a conditional critical region? How does it differ from a monitor?

      44. Summarize the synchronization mechanisms of Ada 95, Java, and C#. Con-
      trast them with one another, and with monitors and conditional critical re-
      gions. Be sure to explain the features added to Java 5.

      45. What is transactional memory? What advantages does it offer over algorithms
      based on locks? What challenges will need to be overcome before it enters
      widespread use?

      46. Describe the semantics of the HPF/Fortran 95 forall loop. How does it
      differ from do concurrent?

      47. Why might pure functional languages be said to provide a particularly attrac-
      tive setting for concurrent programming?

      48. What are futures? In what languages do they appear? What precautions must
      the programmer take when using them?

      49. Explain the difference between AND parallelism and OR parallelism in Prolog.

      13.5 Message Passing
      Shared-memory concurrency has become ubiquitous on multicore processors
      and multiprocessor servers. Message passing, however, still dominates both dis-
      tributed and high-end computing. Supercomputers and large-scale clusters are
      programmed primarily in Fortran or C/C++ with the MPI library package. Dis-
      tributed computing increasingly relies on client–server abstractions layered on
      top of libraries that implement the TCP/IP Internet standard. As in shared-
      memory computing, scores of message-passing languages have also been devel-
      oped for particular application domains, or for research or pedagogical purposes.

      688 Chapter 13 Concurrency


      Three central issues in message-based concurrency—naming, sending, and
      receiving—are explored on the companion site. A name may refer directly to a
      process, to some communication resource associated with a process (often called
      an entry or port), or to an independent socket or channel abstraction. A send op-
      eration may be entirely asynchronous, in which case the sender continues while
      the underlying system attempts to deliver the message, or the sender may wait,
      typically for acknowledgment of receipt or for the return of a reply. A receive
      operation, for its part, may be executed explicitly, or it may implicitly trigger
      execution of some previously specified handler routine. When implicit receipt
      is coupled with senders waiting for replies, the combination is typically known
      as remote procedure call (RPC). In addition to message-passing libraries, RPC
      systems typically rely on a language-aware tool known as a stub compiler.

      13.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      Concurrency and parallelism have become ubiquitous in modern computer sys-
      tems. It is probably safe to say that most computer research and development
      today involves concurrency in one form or another. High-end computer systems
      have always been parallel, and multicore PCs and cellphones are now ubiquitous.
      Even on uniprocessors, graphical and networked applications are typically con-

      In this chapter we have provided an introduction to concurrent programming
      with an emphasis on programming language issues. We began with an overview
      of the motivations for concurrency and of the architecture of modern multipro-
      cessors. We then surveyed the fundamentals of concurrent software, including
      communication, synchronization, and the creation and management of threads.
      We distinguished between shared-memory and message-passing models of com-
      munication and synchronization, and between language- and library-based im-
      plementations of concurrency.

      Our survey of thread creation and management described some six different
      constructs for creating threads: co-begin, parallel loops, launch-at-elaboration,
      fork/join, implicit receipt, and early reply. Of these fork/join is the most com-
      mon; it is found in a host of languages, and in library-based packages such as
      MPI and OpenMP. RPC systems typically use fork/join internally to implement
      implicit receipt. Regardless of the thread-creation mechanism, most concurrent
      programming systems implement their language- or library-level threads on top
      of a collection of OS-level processes, which the operating system implements in
      a similar manner on top of a collection of hardware cores. We built our sam-
      ple implementation in stages, beginning with coroutines on a uniprocessor, then
      adding a ready list and scheduler, then timers for preemption, and finally parallel
      scheduling on multiple cores.

      13.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks 689

      The bulk of the chapter focused on shared-memory programming models, and
      on synchronization in particular. We distinguished between atomicity and con-
      dition synchronization, and between busy-wait and scheduler-based implemen-
      tations. Among busy-wait mechanisms we looked in particular at spin locks and
      barriers. Among scheduler-based mechanisms we looked at semaphores, moni-
      tors, and conditional critical regions. Of the three, semaphores are the simplest,
      and remain widely used, particularly in operating systems. Monitors and condi-
      tional critical regions provide better encapsulation and abstraction, but are not
      amenable to implementation in a library. Conditional critical regions might be
      argued to provide the most pleasant programming model, but cannot in general
      be implemented as efficiently as monitors.

      We also considered the implicit synchronization provided by parallel func-
      tional languages and by parallelizing compilers for such data-parallel languages
      as High Performance Fortran. For programs written in a functional style, we
      considered the future mechanism introduced by Multilisp and subsequently in-
      corporated into many other languages, including Java, C#, C++, and Scala.

      As an alternative to lock-based atomicity, we considered nonblocking data
      structures, which avoid performance anomalies due to inopportune preemption
      and page faults. For certain common structures, nonblocking algorithms can
      outperform locks even in the common case. Unfortunately, they tend to be ex-
      traordinarily subtle and difficult to create.

      Transactional memory (TM) was originally conceived as a general-purpose
      means of building nonblocking code for arbitrary data structures. Most recent
      implementations, however, have given up on nonblocking guarantees, focusing
      instead on the ability to specify atomicity without devising an explicit locking
      protocol. Like conditional critical regions, TM sacrifices performance for the sake
      of programmability. Prototype implementations are now available for a wide va-
      riety of languages, with hardware support in several commercial instruction sets.

      Our section on message passing, mostly on the companion site, drew exam-
      ples from several libraries and languages, and considered how processes name
      each other, how long they block when sending a message, and whether receipt is
      implicit or explicit. Distributed computing increasingly relies on remote proce-
      dure calls, which combine remote-invocation send (wait for a reply) with implicit
      message receipt.

      As in previous chapters, we saw many cases in which language design and lan-
      guage implementation influence one another. Some mechanisms (cactus stacks,
      conditional critical regions, content-based message screening) are sufficiently
      complex that many language designers have chosen not to provide them. Other
      mechanisms (Ada-style parameter modes) have been developed specifically to fa-
      cilitate an efficient implementation technique. And in still other cases (the se-
      mantics of no-wait send, blocking inside a monitor), implementation issues play
      a major role in some larger set of tradeoffs.

      Despite the very long history of concurrent language design, until recently
      most multithreaded programs relied on library-based thread packages. Even C
      and C++ are now explicitly parallel, however, and it is hard to imagine any new

      690 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      languages being designed for purely sequential execution. As of 2015, explic-
      itly parallel languages have yet to seriously undermine the dominance of MPI for
      high-end scientific computing, though this, too, may change in coming years.

      13.7 Exercises
      13.1 Give an example of a “benign” race condition—one whose outcome affects

      program behavior, but not correctness.

      13.2 We have defined the ready list of a thread package to contain all threads
      that are runnable but not running, with a separate variable to identify the
      currently running thread. Could we just as easily have defined the ready
      list to contain all runnable threads, with the understanding that the one at
      the head of the list is running? (Hint: Think about multiprocessors.)

      13.3 Imagine you are writing the code to manage a hash table that will be shared
      among several concurrent threads. Assume that operations on the table
      need to be atomic. You could use a single mutual exclusion lock to protect
      the entire table, or you could devise a scheme with one lock per hash-
      table bucket. Which approach is likely to work better, under what circum-
      stances? Why?

      13.4 The typical spin lock holds only one bit of data, but requires a full word
      of storage, because only full words can be read, modified, and written
      atomically in hardware. Consider, however, the hash table of the previ-
      ous exercise. If we choose to employ a separate lock for each bucket of the
      table, explain how to implement a “two-level” locking scheme that cou-
      ples a conventional spin lock for the table as a whole with a single bit of
      locking information for each bucket. Explain why such a scheme might be
      desirable, particularly in a table with external chaining.

      13.5 Drawing inspiration from Examples 13.29 and 13.30, design a non-
      blocking linked-list implementation of a stack using compare_and_swap.
      (When CAS was first introduced, on the IBM 370 architecture, this algo-
      rithm was one of the driving applications [Tre86].)

      13.6 Building on the previous exercise, suppose that stack nodes are dynami-
      cally allocated. If we read a pointer and then are delayed (e.g., due to pre-
      emption), the node to which the pointer refers may be reclaimed and then
      reallocated for a different purpose. A subsequent compare-and-swap may
      then succeed when logically it should not. This issue is known as the ABA

      Give a concrete example—an interleaving of operations in two or more
      threads—where the ABA problem may result in incorrect behavior for
      your stack. Explain why this behavior cannot occur in systems with au-
      tomatic garbage collection. Suggest what might be done to avoid it in
      systems with manual storage management.

      13.7 Exercises 691

      13.7 We noted in Section 13.3.2 that several processors, including the ARM,
      MIPS, and Power, provide an alternative to compare_and_swap (CAS)
      known as load_linked/store_conditional (LL/SC). A load_linked
      instruction loads a memory location into a register and stores certain
      bookkeeping information into hidden processor registers. A store_
      conditional instruction stores the register back into the memory loca-
      tion, but only if the location has not been modified by any other processor
      since the load_linked was executed. Like compare_and_swap, store_
      conditional returns an indication of whether it succeeded or not.

      (a) Rewrite the code sequence of Example 13.29 using LL/SC.
      (b) On most machines, an SC instruction can fail for any of several “spu-

      rious” reasons, including a page fault, a cache miss, or the occurrence
      of an interrupt in the time since the matching LL. What steps must a
      programmer take to make sure that algorithms work correctly in the
      face of such failures?

      (c) Discuss the relative advantages of LL/SC and CAS. Consider how they
      might be implemented on a cache-coherent multiprocessor. Are there
      situations in which one would work but the other would not? (Hints:
      Consider algorithms in which a thread may need to touch more than
      one memory location. Also consider algorithms in which the contents
      of a memory location might be changed and then restored, as in the
      previous exercise.)

      13.8 Starting with the test-and-test_and_set lock of Figure 13.8, implement
      busy-wait code that will allow readers to access a data structure concur-
      rently. Writers will still need to lock out both readers and other writers.
      You may use any reasonable atomic instruction(s) (e.g., LL/SC). Consider
      the issue of fairness. In particular, if there are always readers interested in
      accessing the data structure, your algorithm should ensure that writers are
      not locked out forever.

      13.9 Assuming the Java memory model,
      (a) Explain why it is not sufficient in Figure 13.11 to label X and Y as

      (b) Explain why it is sufficient, in that same figure, to enclose C’s reads

      (and similarly those of D) in a synchronized block for some com-
      mon shared object O.

      (c) Explain why it is sufficient, in Example 13.31, to label both inspected
      and X as volatile, but not to label only one.

      (Hint: You may find it useful to consult Doug Lea’s Java Memory Model
      “Cookbook for Compiler Writers,” at gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/jmm/cookbook.

      13.10 Implement the nonblocking queue of Example 13.30 on an x86. (Com-
      plete pseudocode can be found in the paper by Michael and Scott [MS98].)

      692 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      Do you need fence instructions to ensure consistency? If you have access
      to appropriate hardware, port your code to a machine with a more relaxed
      memory model (e.g., ARM or Power). What new fences or atomic refer-
      ences do you need?

      13.11 Consider the implementation of software transactional memory in Fig-
      ure 13.19.

      (a) How would you implement the read set, write map, and lock map
      data structures? You will want to minimize the cost not only of insert
      and lookup operations but also of (1) “zeroing out” the table at the
      end of a transaction, so it can be used again; and (2) extending the
      table if it becomes too full.

      (b) The validate routine is called in two different places. Expand these
      calls in-line and customize them to the calling context. What opti-
      mizations can you achieve?

      (c) Optimize the commit routine to exploit the fact that a final validation
      is unnecessary if no other transaction has committed since valid time.

      (d) Further optimize commit by observing that the for loop in the finally
      clause really needs to iterate over orecs, not over addresses (there may
      be a difference, if more than one address hashes to the same orec).
      What data, ideally, should lock map hold?

      13.12 The code of Example 13.35 could fairly be accused of displaying poor ab-
      straction. If we make desired condition a delegate (a subroutine or object
      closure), can we pass it as an extra parameter, and move the signal and
      scheduler lock management inside sleep on? (Hint: Consider the code
      for the P operation in Figure 13.15.)

      13.13 The mechanism used in Figure 13.13 to make scheduler code reentrant
      employs a single OS-provided lock for all the scheduling data structures
      of the application. Among other things, this mechanism prevents threads
      on separate processors from performing P or V operations on unrelated
      semaphores, even when none of the operations needs to block. Can you
      devise another synchronization mechanism for scheduler-related opera-
      tions that admits a higher degree of concurrency but that is still correct?

      13.14 Show how to implement a lock-based concurrent set as a singly linked
      sorted list. Your implementation should support insert, find, and remove
      operations, and should permit operations on separate portions of the list
      to occur concurrently (so a single lock for the entire list will not suffice).
      (Hint: You will want to use a “walking lock” idiom in which acquire and
      release operations are interleaved in non-LIFO order.)

      13.15 (Difficult) Implement a nonblocking version of the set of the previous ex-
      ercise. (Hint: You will probably discover that insertion is easy but deletion
      is hard. Consider a lazy deletion mechanism in which cleanup [physical re-
      moval of a node] may occur well after logical completion of the removal.
      For further details see the work of Harris [Har01].)

      13.7 Exercises 693

      13.16 To make spin locks useful on a multiprogrammed multiprocessor, one
      might want to ensure that no process is ever preempted in the middle of a
      critical section. That way it would always be safe to spin in user space, be-
      cause the process holding the lock would be guaranteed to be running on
      some other processor, rather than preempted and possibly in need of the
      current processor. Explain why an operating system designer might not
      want to give user processes the ability to disable preemption arbitrarily.
      (Hint: Think about fairness and multiple users.) Can you suggest a way to
      get around the problem? (References to several possible solutions can be
      found in the paper by Kontothanassis, Wisniewski, and Scott [KWS97].)

      13.17 Show how to use semaphores to construct a scheduler-based n-thread bar-

      13.18 Prove that monitors and semaphores are equally powerful. That is, use
      each to implement the other. In the monitor-based implementation of
      semaphores, what is your monitor invariant?

      13.19 Show how to use binary semaphores to implement general semaphores.
      13.20 In Example 13.38 (Figure 13.15), suppose we replaced the middle four

      lines of procedure P with

      if S.N = 0
      sleep on(S.Q)

      S.N −:= 1

      and the middle four lines of procedure V with

      S.N +:= 1
      if S.Q is nonempty

      enqueue(ready list, dequeue(S.Q))

      What is the problem with this new version? Explain how it connects to the
      question of hints and absolutes in Section 13.4.1.

      13.21 Suppose that every monitor has a separate mutual exclusion lock, so that
      different threads can run in different monitors concurrently, and that we
      want to release exclusion on both inner and outer monitors when a thread
      waits in a nested call. When the thread awakens it will need to reacquire
      the outer locks. How can we ensure its ability to do so? (Hint: Think
      about the order in which to acquire locks, and be prepared to abandon
      Hoare semantics. For further hints, see Wettstein [Wet78].)

      13.22 Show how general semaphores can be implemented with conditional criti-
      cal regions in which all threads wait for the same condition, thereby avoid-
      ing the overhead of unproductive wake-ups.

      13.23 Write code for a bounded buffer using the protected object mechanism of
      Ada 95.

      694 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      Figure 13.20 The Dining Philosophers. Hungry philosophers must contend for the forks to
      their left and right in order to eat.

      13.24 Repeat the previous exercise in Java using synchronized statements or
      methods. Try to make your solution as simple and conceptually clear as
      possible. You will probably want to use notifyAll.

      13.25 Give a more efficient solution to the previous exercise that avoids the use of
      notifyAll. (Warning: It is tempting to observe that the buffer can never
      be both full and empty at the same time, and to assume therefore that
      waiting threads are either all producers or all consumers. This need not
      be the case, however: if the buffer ever becomes even a temporary perfor-
      mance bottleneck, there may be an arbitrary number of waiting threads,
      including both producers and consumers.)

      13.26 Repeat the previous exercise using Java Lock variables.
      13.27 Explain how escape analysis, mentioned briefly in Sidebar 10.3, could be

      used to reduce the cost of certain synchronized statements and methods
      in Java.

      13.28 The dining philosophers problem [Dij72] is a classic exercise in synchro-
      nization (Figure 13.20). Five philosophers sit around a circular table. In
      the center is a large communal plate of spaghetti. Each philosopher repeat-
      edly thinks for a while and then eats for a while, at intervals of his or her
      own choosing. On the table between each pair of adjacent philosophers is
      a single fork. To eat, a philosopher requires both adjacent forks: the one
      on the left and the one on the right. Because they share a fork, adjacent
      philosophers cannot eat simultaneously.

      Write a solution to the dining philosophers problem in which each
      philosopher is represented by a process and the forks are represented by
      shared data. Synchronize access to the forks using semaphores, monitors,
      or conditional critical regions. Try to maximize concurrency.

      13.8 Explorations 695

      13.29 In the previous exercise you may have noticed that the dining philosophers
      are prone to deadlock. One has to worry about the possibility that all five
      of them will pick up their right-hand forks simultaneously, and then wait
      forever for their left-hand neighbors to finish eating.

      Discuss as many strategies as you can think of to address the deadlock
      problem. Can you describe a solution in which it is provably impossible
      for any philosopher to go hungry forever? Can you describe a solution that
      is fair in a strong sense of the word (i.e., in which no one philosopher gets
      more chance to eat than some other over the long term)? For a particularly
      elegant solution, see the paper by Chandy and Misra [CM84].

      13.30 In some concurrent programming systems, global variables are shared by
      all threads. In others, each newly created thread has a separate copy of
      the global variables, commonly initialized to the values of the globals of
      the creating thread. Under this private globals approach, shared data must
      be allocated from a special heap. In still other programming systems, the
      programmer can specify which global variables are to be private and which
      are to be shared.

      Discuss the tradeoffs between private and shared global variables.
      Which would you prefer to have available, for which sorts of programs?
      How would you implement each? Are some options harder to implement
      than others? To what extent do your answers depend on the nature of
      processes provided by the operating system?

      13.31 Rewrite Example 13.51 in Java.
      13.32 AND parallelism in logic languages is analogous to the parallel evaluation

      of arguments in a functional language (e.g., Multilisp). Does OR par-
      allelism have a similar analog? (Hint: Think about special forms [Sec-
      tion 11.5].) Can you suggest a way to obtain the effect of OR parallelism
      in Multilisp?

      13.33 In Section 13.4.5 we claimed that both AND parallelism and OR paral-
      lelism were problematic in Prolog, because they failed to adhere to the
      deterministic search order required by language semantics. Elaborate on
      this claim. What specifically can go wrong?

      13.34–13.38 In More Depth.

      13.8 Explorations
      13.39 The MMX, SSE, and AVX extensions to the x86 instruction set and the Al-

      tiVec extensions to the Power instruction set make vector operations avail-
      able to general-purpose code. Learn about these instructions and research
      their history. What sorts of code are they used for? How are they related
      to vector supercomputers? To modern graphics processors?

      696 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      13.40 The “Top 500” list (top500.org) maintains information, over time, on the
      500 most powerful computers in the world, as measured on the Linpack
      performance benchmark. Explore the site. Pay particular attention to the
      historical trends in the kinds of machines deployed. Can you explain these
      trends? How many cases can you find of supercomputer technology mov-
      ing into the mainstream, and vice versa?

      13.41 In Section 13.3.3 we noted that different processors provide different lev-
      els of memory consistency and different mechanisms to force additional
      ordering when needed. Learn more about these hardware memory mod-
      els. You might want to start with the tutorial by Adve and Gharachor-
      loo [AG96].

      13.42 In Sections 13.3.3 and 13.4.3 we presented a very high-level summary of
      the Java and C++ memory models. Learn their details. Also investigate the
      (more loosely specified) models of Ada and C#. How do these compare?
      How efficiently can each be implemented on various real machines? What
      are the challenges for implementors? For Java, explore the controversy that
      arose around the memory model in the original definition of the language
      (updated in Java 5—see the paper by Manson et al. [MPA05] for a discus-
      sion). For C++, pay particular attention to the ability to specify weakened
      consistency on loads and stores of atomic variables.

      13.43 In Section 13.3.2 we presented a brief introduction to the design of non-
      blocking concurrent data structures, which work correctly without locks.
      Learn more about this topic. How hard is it to write correct nonblocking
      code? How does the performance compare to that of lock-based code? You
      might want to start with the work of Michael [MS98] and Sundell [Sun04].
      For a more theoretical foundation, start with Herlihy’s original article on
      wait freedom [Her91] and the more recent concept of obstruction free-
      dom [HLM03], or check out the text by Herlihy and Shavit [HS12].

      13.44 As possible improvements to reader-writer locks, learn about sequence
      locks [Lam05] and the RCU (read-copy update) synchronization id-
      iom [MAK+01]. Both of these are heavily used in the operating systems
      community. Discuss the challenges involved in applying them to code
      written by “nonexperts.”

      13.45 The first software transactional memory systems grew out of work on non-
      blocking concurrent data structures, and were in fact nonblocking. Most
      recent systems, however, are lock based. Read the position paper by En-
      nals [Enn06] and the more recent papers of Marathe and Moir [MM08]
      and Tabba et al. [TWGM07]. What do you think? Should TM systems be

      13.46 The most widely used language-level transactional memory is the STM
      monad of Haskell, supported by the Glasgow Haskell compiler and run-
      time system. Read up on its syntax and implementation [HMPH05]. Pay

      13.9 Bibliographic Notes 697

      particular attention to the retry and orElse mechanisms. Discuss their
      similarities to—and advantages over—conditional critical regions.

      13.47 Study the documentation for some of your favorite library packages (the C
      and C++ standard libraries, perhaps, or the .NET and Java libraries, or the
      many available packages for mathematical computing). Which routines
      can safely be called from a multithreaded program? Which cannot? What
      accounts for the difference? Why not make all routines thread safe?

      13.48 Undertake a detailed study of several concurrent languages. Download
      implementations and use them to write parallel programs of several dif-
      ferent sorts. (You might, for example, try Conway’s Game of Life, Delau-
      nay Triangulation, and Gaussian Elimination; descriptions of all of these
      can easily be found on the Web.) Write a paper about your experience.
      What worked well? What didn’t? Languages you might consider include
      Ada, C#, Cilk, Erlang, Go, Haskell, Java, Modula-3, Occam, Rust, SR, and
      Swift. References for all of these can be found in Appendix A.

      13.49 Learn about the supercomputing languages discussed in the Bibliographic
      Notes at the end of the chapter: Co-Array Fortran, Titanium, and UPC;
      and Chapel, Fortress, and X10. How do these compare to one another?
      To MPI and OpenMP? To languages with less of a focus on “high-end”

      13.50 In the spirit of the previous question, learn about the SHMEM library
      package, originally developed by Robert Numrich of Cray, Inc., and now
      standardized as OpenSHMEM (openshmem.org). SHMEM is widely used
      for parallel programming on both large-scale multiprocessors and clusters.
      It has been characterized as a cross between shared memory and message
      passing. Is this a fair characterization? Under what circumstances might a
      shmem program be expected to outperform solutions in MPI or OpenMP?

      13.51 Much of this chapter has been devoted to the management of races in par-
      allel programs. The complexity of the task suggests a tantalizing question:
      is it possible to design a concurrent programming language that is pow-
      erful enough to be widely useful, and in which programs are inherently
      race-free? For three very different takes on a (mostly) affirmative answer,
      see the work of Edward Lee [Lee06], the various concurrent dialects of
      Haskell [NA01, JGF96], and Deterministic Parallel Java (DPJ) [BAD+09].

      13.52–13.54 In More Depth.

      13.9 Bibliographic Notes
      Much of the early study of concurrency stems from a pair of articles by Dijk-
      stra [Dij68a, Dij72]. Andrews and Schneider [AS83] provided an excellent snap-
      shot of the field in the early 1980s. Holt et al. [HGLS78] is a useful reference for
      many of the classic problems in concurrency and synchronization.

      698 Chapter 13 Concurrency

      Peterson’s two-process synchronization algorithm appears in a remarkably el-
      egant and readable two-page paper [Pet81]. Lamport’s 1978 article on “Time,
      Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System” [Lam78] argued
      convincingly that the notion of global time cannot be well defined, and that dis-
      tributed algorithms must therefore be based on causal happens before relation-
      ships among individual processes. Reader–writer locks are due to Courtois, Hey-
      mans, and Parnas [CHP71]. Java 7 phasers were inspired in part by the work of
      Shirako et al. [SPSS08]. Mellor-Crummey and Scott [MCS91] survey the princi-
      pal busy-wait synchronization algorithms and introduce locks and barriers that
      scale without contention to very large machines.

      The seminal paper on lock-free synchronization is that of Herlihy [Her91].
      The nonblocking concurrent queue of Example 13.30 is due to Michael and
      Scott [MS96]. Herlihy and Shavit [HS12] and Scott [Sco13] provide modern,
      book-length coverage of synchronization and concurrent data structures. Adve
      and Gharachorloo introduce the notion of hardware memory models [AG96].
      Pugh explains the problems with the original Java Memory Model [Pug00]; the
      revised model is described by Manson, Pugh, and Adve [MPA05]. The mem-
      ory model for C++11 is described by Boehm and Adve [BA08]. Boehm has ar-
      gued convincingly that threads cannot be implemented correctly without com-
      piler support [Boe05]. The original paper on transactional memory is by Her-
      lihy and Moss [HM93]. Harris, Larus, and Rajwar provide a book-length sur-
      vey of the field as of late 2010 [HLR10]. Larus and Kozyrakis provide a briefer
      overview [LK08].

      Two recent generations of parallel languages for high-end computing have
      been highly influential. The Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) languages
      include Co-Array Fortran (CAF), Unified Parallel C (UPC), and Titanium (a di-
      alect of Java). They support a single global name space for variables, but employ
      an “extra dimension” of addressing to access data not on the local core. Much of
      the functionality of CAF has been adopted into Fortran 2008. The so-called HPCS
      languages—Chapel, Fortress, and X10—build on experience with the PGAS lan-
      guages, but target a broader range of hardware, applications, and styles of paral-
      lelism. All three include transactional features. For all of these, a web search is
      probably the best source of current information.

      MPI [Mes12] is documented in a variety of articles and books. The lat-
      est version draws several features from an earlier, competing system known as
      PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) [Sun90, GBD+94]. Remote procedure call re-
      ceived increasing attention in the wake of Nelson’s doctoral research [BN84]. The
      Open Network Computing RPC standard is documented in Internet RFC number
      1831 [Sri95]. RPC also forms the basis of such higher-level standards as CORBA,
      COM, JavaBeans, and SOAP.

      Software distributed shared memory (S-DSM) was originally proposed by Li
      as part of his doctoral research [LH89]. The TreadMarks system from Rice Uni-
      versity was widely considered the most mature and robust of the various imple-
      mentations [ACD+96].

      14Scripting Languages
      Traditional programming languages are intended primarily for the con-
      struction of self-contained applications: programs that accept some sort of input,
      manipulate it in some well-understood way, and generate appropriate output. But
      most actual uses of computers require the coordination of multiple programs. A
      large institutional payroll system, for example, must process time-reporting data
      from card readers, scanned paper forms, and manual (keyboard) entry; execute
      thousands of database queries; enforce hundreds of legal and institutional rules;
      create an extensive “paper trail” for record-keeping, auditing, and tax preparation
      purposes; print paychecks; and communicate with servers around the world for
      on-line direct deposit, tax withholding, retirement accumulation, medical insur-
      ance, and so on. These tasks are likely to involve dozens or hundreds of separately
      executable programs. Coordination among these programs is certain to require
      tests and conditionals, loops, variables and types, subroutines and abstractions—
      the same sorts of logical tools that a conventional language provides inside an

      On a much smaller scale, a graphic artist or photojournalist may routinely
      download pictures from a digital camera; convert them to a favorite format; rotate
      the pictures that were shot in vertical orientation; down-sample them to create
      browsable thumbnail versions; index them by date, subject, and color histogram;
      back them up to a remote archive; and then reinitialize the camera’s memory.
      Performing these steps by hand is likely to be both tedious and error-prone. In
      a similar vein, the creation of a dynamic web page may require authentication
      and authorization, database lookup, image manipulation, remote communica-
      tion, and the reading and writing of HTML text. All these scenarios suggest a
      need for programs that coordinate other programs.

      It is of course possible to write coordination code in Java, C, or some other
      conventional language, but it isn’t always easy. Conventional languages tend to
      stress efficiency, maintainability, portability, and the static detection of errors.
      Their type systems tend to be built around such hardware-level concepts as fixed-
      size integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and arrays. By contrast scripting
      languages tend to stress flexibility, rapid development, local customization, and


      700 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      dynamic (run-time) checking. Their type systems, likewise, tend to embrace such
      high-level concepts as tables, patterns, lists, and files.

      General-purpose scripting languages like Perl, Python, and Ruby are some-
      times called glue languages, because they were originally designed to “glue” ex-
      isting programs together to build a larger system. With the growth of the World
      Wide Web, scripting languages have become the standard way to generate dy-
      namic content, both on servers and with the client browser. They are also widely
      used to customize or extend the functionality of such “scriptable” systems as edi-
      tors, spreadsheets, games, and presentation tools.

      We consider the history and nature of scripting in more detail in Section 14.1.
      We then turn in Section 14.2 to some of the problem domains in which scripting
      is widely used. These include command interpretation (shells), text processing
      and report generation, mathematics and statistics, general-purpose program co-
      ordination, and configuration and extension. In Section 14.3 we consider several
      forms of scripting used on the World Wide Web, including CGI scripts, server-
      and client-side processing of scripts embedded in web pages, Java applets, and
      (on the companion site) XSLT. Finally, in Section 14.4, we consider some of the
      more interesting language features, common to many scripting languages, that
      distinguish them from their more traditional “mainstream” cousins. We look in
      particular at naming, scoping, and typing; string and pattern manipulation; and
      high-level structured data. We will not provide a detailed introduction to any one
      scripting language, though we will consider concrete examples in several. As in
      most of this book, the emphasis will be on underlying concepts.

      14.1 What Is a Scripting Language?
      Modern scripting languages have two principal sets of ancestors. In one set are the
      command interpreters or “shells” of traditional batch and “terminal” (command-
      line) computing. In the other set are various tools for text processing and report
      generation. Examples in the first set include IBM’s JCL, the MS-DOS command
      interpreter, and the Unix sh and csh shell families. Examples in the second set
      include IBM’s RPG and Unix’s sed and awk. From these evolved Rexx, IBM’s
      “Restructured Extended Executor,” which dates from 1979, and Perl, originally
      devised by Larry Wall in the late 1980s, and still one of the most widely used
      general-purpose scripting languages. Other general-purpose scripting languages
      include Python, Ruby, PowerShell (for Windows), and AppleScript (for the Mac).

      With the growth of the World Wide Web in the late 1990s, Perl was widely
      adopted for “server-side” web scripting, in which a web server executes a pro-
      gram (on the server’s machine) to generate the content of a page. One early
      web-scripting enthusiast was Rasmus Lerdorf, who created a collection of scripts
      to track access to his personal home page. Originally written in Perl but soon
      redesigned as a full-fledged and independent language, these scripts evolved into
      PHP, now the most popular platform for server-side web scripting. PHP competi-
      tors include JSP (Java Server Pages), Ruby on Rails, and, on Microsoft platforms,

      14.1 What Is a Scripting Language? 701

      PowerShell. For scripting on the client computer, all major browsers implement
      JavaScript, a language developed by Netscape Corporation in the mid 1990s, and
      standardized by ECMA (the European standards body) in 1999 [ECM11].

      In a classic paper on scripting [Ous98], John Ousterhout, the creator of Tcl,
      suggested that “Scripting languages assume that a collection of useful components
      already exist in other languages. They are intended not for writing applications
      from scratch but rather for combining components.” Ousterhout envisioned a
      future in which programmers would increasingly rely on scripting languages for
      the top-level structure of their systems, where clarity, reusability, and ease of de-
      velopment are crucial. Traditional “systems languages” like C, C++, or Java, he
      argued, would be used for self-contained, reusable system components, which
      emphasize complex algorithms or execution speed. As a general rule of thumb
      that still seems reasonable today, he suggested that code could be developed 5 to
      10 times faster in a scripting language, but would run 10 to 20 times faster in a
      traditional systems language.

      Some authors reserve the term “scripting” for the glue languages used to coor-
      dinate multiple programs. In common usage, however, scripting is a broader
      and vaguer concept, encompassing not only web scripting but also extension
      languages. These are typically embedded within some larger host program,
      which they can then control. Many readers will be familiar with the Visual Ba-
      sic “macros” of Microsoft Office and related applications. Others may be fa-
      miliar with the Lisp-based extension language of the emacs text editor, or the
      widespread use of Lua in the computer gaming industry. Several other languages,
      including Tcl, Rexx, Python, and the Guile and Elk dialects of Scheme, have im-
      plementations designed to be embedded in other applications. In a similar vein,
      several widely used commercial applications provide their own proprietary exten-
      sion languages. For graphical user interface (GUI) programming, the Tk toolkit,
      originally designed for use with Tcl, has been incorporated into several scripting
      languages, including Perl, Python, and Ruby.

      One can also view XSLT (extensible stylesheet language transformations) as a
      scripting language, albeit somewhat different from the others considered in this
      chapter. XSLT is part of the growing family of XML (extensible markup language)
      tools. We consider it further in Section 14.3.5.

      14.1.1 Common Characteristics

      While it is difficult to define scripting languages precisely, there are several char-
      acteristics that they tend to have in common:

      Both batch and interactive use. A few scripting languages (notably Perl) have a
      compiler that insists on reading the entire source program before it produces
      any output. Most other languages, however, are willing to compile or inter-
      pret their input line by line. Rexx, Python, Tcl, Guile, and (with short helper
      scripts) Ruby and Lua will all accept commands from the keyboard.

      702 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      Economy of expression. To support both rapid development and interactive use,
      scripting languages tend to require a minimum of “boilerplate.” Some make
      heavy use of punctuation and very short identifiers (Perl is notorious for this),
      while others (e.g., Rexx, Tcl, and AppleScript) tend to be more “English-like,”
      with lots of words and not much punctuation. All attempt to avoid the exten-
      sive declarations and top-level structure common to conventional languages.
      Where a trivial program looks like this in Java:EXAMPLE 14.1

      Trivial programs in
      conventional and scripting

      class Hello {
      public static void main(String[] args) {

      System.out.println(“Hello, world!”);


      and like this in Ada:

      with ada.text_IO; use ada.text_IO;
      procedure hello is

      put_line(“Hello, world!”);
      end hello;

      in Perl, Python, or Ruby it is simply

      print “Hello, world!\n” �

      Lack of declarations; simple scoping rules. Most scripting languages dispense with
      declarations, and provide simple rules to govern the scope of names. In some
      languages (e.g., Perl) everything is global by default; optional declarations can
      be used to limit a variable to a nested scope. In other languages (e.g., PHP
      and Tcl), everything is local by default; globals must be explicitly imported.
      Python adopts the interesting rule that any variable that is assigned a value is
      local to the block in which the assignment appears. Special syntax is required
      to assign to a variable in a surrounding scope.


      14.1 Compiling interpreted languages
      Several times in this chapter we will make reference to “the compiler” for a
      scripting language. As we saw in Examples 1.9 and 1.10, interpreters almost
      never work with source code; a front-end translator first replaces that source
      with some sort of intermediate form. For most implementations of most of
      the languages described in this chapter, the front end is sufficiently complex
      to deserve the name “compiler.” Intermediate forms are typically internal data
      structures (e.g., a syntax tree) or “byte-code” representations reminiscent of
      those of Java.

      14.1 What Is a Scripting Language? 703

      Flexible dynamic typing. In keeping with the lack of declarations, most script-
      ing languages are dynamically typed. In some (e.g., PHP, Python, Ruby, and
      Scheme), the type of a variable is checked immediately prior to use. In others
      (e.g., Rexx, Perl, and Tcl), a variable will be interpreted differently in different
      contexts. In Perl, for example, the programEXAMPLE 14.2

      Coercion in Perl
      $a = “4”;
      print $a . 3 . “\n”; # ‘.’ is concatenation
      print $a + 3 . “\n”; # ‘+’ is addition

      will print


      This contextual interpretation is similar to coercion, except that there isn’t nec-
      essarily a notion of the “natural” type from which an object must be converted;
      the various possible interpretations may all be equally “natural.” We shall have
      more to say about context in Perl in Section 14.4.3. �

      Easy access to system facilities. Most programming languages provide a way to
      ask the underlying operating system to run another program, or to perform
      some operation directly. In scripting languages, however, these requests are


      14.2 Canonical implementations
      Because they are usually implemented with interpreters, scripting languages
      tend to be easy to port from one machine to another—substantially easier than
      compilers for which one must write a new code generator. Given a native com-
      piler for the language in which the interpreter is written, the only difficult part
      (and it may indeed be difficult) is to implement any necessary modifications to
      the part of the interpreter that provides the interface to the operating system.

      At the same time, the ease of porting an interpreter means that many script-
      ing languages, including Perl, Python, and Ruby, have a single widely used
      implementation, which serves as the de facto language definition. Reading a
      book on Perl, it can be difficult to tell how a subtle program will behave. When
      in doubt, one may need to “try it out.” Rexx and JavaScript are arguably the
      only widely used scripting languages that have both a formal definition codi-
      fied by an international standards body and a nontrivial number of indepen-
      dent implementations. (Lua [and Scheme, if you count it as scripting] have
      detailed reference manuals and multiple implementations, though no formal
      blessing from a standards body. Dart has an ECMA standard, but as of 2015,
      only Google implementations. Sed, awk, and sh have all been standardized
      by POSIX [Int03b], but none of them can really be described as a full-fledged
      scripting language.)

      704 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      much more fundamental, and have much more direct support. Perl, for one,
      provides well over 100 built-in commands that access operating system func-
      tions for input and output, file and directory manipulation, process manage-
      ment, database access, sockets, interprocess communication and synchroniza-
      tion, protection and authorization, time-of-day clock, and network commu-
      nication. These built-in commands are generally a good bit easier to use than
      corresponding library calls in languages like C.

      Sophisticated pattern matching and string manipulation. In keeping with their
      text processing and report generation ancestry, and to facilitate the manip-
      ulation of textual input and output for external programs, scripting languages
      tend to have extraordinarily rich facilities for pattern matching, search, and
      string manipulation. Typically these are based on extended regular expressions.
      We discuss them further in Section 14.4.2.

      High-level data types. High-level data types like sets, bags, dictionaries, lists, and
      tuples are increasingly common in the standard library packages of conven-
      tional programming languages. A few languages (notably C++) allow users to
      redefine standard infix operators to make these types as easy to use as more
      primitive, hardware-centric types. Scripting languages go one step further by
      building high-level types into the syntax and semantics of the language itself.
      In most scripting languages, for example, it is commonplace to have an “array”
      that is indexed by character strings, with an underlying implementation based
      on hash tables. Storage is invariably garbage collected.

      Much of the most rapid change in programming languages today is occurring
      in scripting languages. This can be attributed to several causes, including the
      continued growth of the Web, the dynamism of the open-source community, and
      the comparatively low investment required to create a new scripting language.
      Where a compiled, industrial-quality language like Java or C# requires a multiyear
      investment by a very large programming team, a single talented designer, working
      alone, can create a usable implementation of a new scripting language in only a
      year or two.

      Due in part to this rapid change, newer scripting languages have been able to
      incorporate some of the most innovative concepts in language design. Ruby, for
      example, has a uniform object model (much like Smalltalk), true iterators (like
      Clu), lambda expressions, (like Lisp), array slices (like Fortran 90), structured
      exception handling, multiway assignment, and reflection. Python has many of
      these features as well, and a few that Ruby lacks, including Haskell-style list com-

      14.2 Problem Domains
      Some general-purpose languages—Scheme and Visual Basic, for example—are
      widely used for scripting. Conversely, some scripting languages, including Perl,

      14.2 Problem Domains 705

      Python, and Ruby, are intended by their designers for general-purpose use, with
      features intended to support “programming in the large”: modules, separate
      compilation, reflection, program development environments, and so on. For the
      most part, however, scripting languages tend to see their principal use in well-
      defined problem domains. We consider some of these in the following subsec-

      14.2.1 Shell (Command) Languages

      In the days of punch-card computing (through perhaps the mid 1970s), simple
      command languages allowed the user to “script” the processing of a card deck. A
      control card at the front of the deck, for example, might indicate that the upcom-
      ing cards represented a program to be compiled, or perhaps machine language for
      the compiler itself, or input for a program already compiled and stored on disk.
      A control card embedded later in the deck might test the exit status of the most
      recently executed program and choose what to do next based on whether that
      program completed successfully. Given the linear nature of a card deck, however
      (one can’t in general back up), command languages for batch processing tended
      not to be very sophisticated. JCL, for example, had no iteration constructs.

      With the development of interactive timesharing in the 1960s and early 1970s,
      command languages became much more sophisticated. Louis Pouzin wrote a
      simple command interpreter for CTSS, the Compatible Time Sharing System at
      MIT, in 1963 and 1964. When work began on the groundbreaking Multics sys-
      tem in 1964, Pouzin sketched the design of an extended command language, with
      quoting and argument-passing mechanisms, for which he coined the term “shell.”
      The subsequent implementation served as inspiration for Ken Thompson in the
      design of the original Unix shell in 1973. In the mid-1970s, Stephen Bourne and
      John Mashey separately extended the Thompson shell with control flow and vari-
      ables; Bourne’s design was adopted as the Unix standard, taking the place (and
      the name) of the Thompson shell, sh.

      In the late 1970s Bill Joy developed the so-called “C shell” (csh), inspired at
      least in part by Mashey’s syntax, and introducing significant enhancements for in-
      teractive use, including history, aliases, and job control. The tcsh version of csh
      adds command-line editing and command completion. David Korn incorpo-
      rated these mechanisms into a direct descendant of the Bourne shell, ksh, which
      is very similar to the standard POSIX shell [Int03b]. The popular “Bourne-again”
      shell, bash, is an open-source version of ksh. While tcsh is still popular in some
      quarters, ksh/bash/POSIX sh is substantially better for writing shell scripts, and
      comparable for interactive use.

      In addition to features designed for interactive use, which we will not consider
      further here, shell languages provide a wealth of mechanisms to manipulate file-
      names, arguments, and commands, and to glue together other programs. Most of
      these features are retained by more general scripting languages. We consider a few
      of them here, using bash syntax. The discussion is of necessity heavily simplified;
      full details can be found in the bash man page, or in various on-line tutorials.

      706 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      Filename and Variable Expansion

      Most users of a Unix shell are familiar with “wildcard” expansion of file names.
      The following command will list all files in the current directory whose namesEXAMPLE 14.3

      “Wildcards” and

      end in .pdf:

      ls *.pdf

      The shell expands the pattern *.pdf into a list of all matching names. If there are
      three of them (say fig1.pdf, fig2.pdf, and fig3.pdf), the result is equivalent

      ls fig1.pdf fig2.pdf fig3.pdf

      Filename expansion is sometimes called “globbing,” after the original Unix
      glob command that implemented it. In addition to * wildcards, one can usually
      specify “don’t care” or alternative characters or substrings. The pattern fig?.pdf
      will match (expand to) any file(s) with a single character between the g and the
      dot. The pattern fig[0-9].pdf will require that character to be a digit. The
      pattern fig3.{eps,pdf} will match both fig3.eps and fig3.pdf. �

      Filename expansion is particularly useful in loops. Such loops may be typed
      directly from the keyboard, or embedded in scripts intended for later execution.
      Suppose, for example, that we wish to create PDF versions of all our EPS figures:1EXAMPLE 14.4

      For loops in the shell
      for fig in *.eps

      ps2pdf $fig

      The for construct arranges for the shell variable fig to take on the names in
      the expansion of *.eps, one at a time, in consecutive iterations of the loop. The
      dollar sign in line 3 causes the value of fig to be expanded into the ps2pdf com-
      mand before it is executed. (Interestingly, ps2pdf is itself a shell script that calls
      the gs Postscript interpreter.) Optional braces can be used to separate a variable
      name from following characters, as in cp $foo ${foo}_backup. �

      Multiple commands can be entered on a single line if they are separated byEXAMPLE 14.5
      A whole loop on one line semicolons. The following, for example, is equivalent to the loop in the previous


      for fig in *.eps; do ps2pdf $fig; done �

      1 Postscript is a programming language developed at Adobe Systems, Inc. for the description of
      images and documents (we consider it again in Sidebar 15.1). Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) is
      a restricted form of Postscript intended for figures that are to be embedded in other documents.
      Portable Document Format (PDF, also by Adobe) is a self-contained file format that combines a
      subset of Postscript with font embedding and compression mechanisms. It is strictly less powerful
      than Postscript from a computational perspective, but much more portable, and faster and easier
      to render.

      14.2 Problem Domains 707

      Tests, Queries, and Conditions

      The loop above will execute ps2pdf for every EPS file in the current directory.
      Suppose, however, that we already have some PDF files, and only want to createEXAMPLE 14.6

      Conditional tests in the

      the ones that are missing:

      for fig in *.eps

      if [ $fig -nt $target ]

      ps2pdf $fig


      The third line of this script is a variable assignment. The expression ${fig%.eps}
      within the right-hand side expands to the value of fig with any trailing .eps re-
      moved. Similar special expansions can be used to test or modify the value of a
      variable in many different ways. The square brackets in line four delimit a con-
      ditional test. The -nt operator checks to see whether the file named by its left
      operand is newer than the file named by its right operand (or if the left operand
      exists but the right does not). Similar file query operators can be used to check
      many other properties of files. Additional operators can be used for arithmetic or
      string comparisons. �


      14.3 Built-in commands in the shell
      Commands in the shell generally take the form of a sequence of words, the first
      of which is the name of the command. Most commands are executable pro-
      grams, found in directories on the shell’s search path. A large number, however
      (about 50 in bash), are builtins—commands that the shell recognizes and ex-
      ecutes itself, rather than starting an external program. Interestingly, several
      commands that are available as separate programs are duplicated as builtins,
      either for the sake of efficiency or to provide additional semantics. Conditional
      tests, for example, were originally supported by the external test command
      (for which square brackets are syntactic sugar), but these occur sufficiently
      often in scripts that execution speed improved significantly when a built-in
      version was added. By contrast, while the kill command is not used very
      often, the built-in version allows processes to be identified by small integer
      or symbolic names from the shell’s job control mechanism. The external ver-
      sion supports only the longer and comparatively unintuitive process identifiers
      supplied by the operating system.

      708 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      Pipes and Redirection

      One of the principal innovations of Unix was the ability to chain commands to-
      gether, “piping” the output of one to the input of the next. Like most shells, bash
      uses the vertical bar character (|) to indicate a pipe. To count the number of fig-EXAMPLE 14.7

      Pipes ures in our directory, without distinguishing between EPS and PDF versions, we
      might type

      for fig in *; do echo ${fig%.*}; done | sort -u | wc -l

      Here the first command, a for loop, prints the names of all files with extensions
      (dot-suffixes) removed. The echo command inside the loop simply prints its
      arguments. The sort -u command after the loop removes duplicates, and the
      wc -l command counts lines. �

      Like most shells, bash also allows output to be redirected to a file, or input
      read from a file. To create a list of figures, we might typeEXAMPLE 14.8

      Output redirection
      for fig in *; do echo ${fig%.*}; done | sort -u > all_figs

      The “greater than” sign indicates output redirection. If doubled (sort -u >>
      all_figs) it causes output to be appended to the specified file, rather than over-
      writing the previous contents.

      In a similar vein, the “less than” sign indicates input redirection. Suppose we
      want to print our list of figures all on one line, separated by spaces, instead of on
      multiple lines. On a Unix system we can type

      tr ‘\n’ ‘ ‘ < all_figs This invocation of the standard tr command converts all newline characters to spaces. Because tr was written as a simple filter, it does not accept a list of files on the command line; it only reads standard input. � For any executing Unix program, the operating system keeps track of a list of open files. By convention, standard input and standard output (stdin and stdout) are files numbers 0 and 1. File number 2 is by convention standard error (stderr), to which programs are supposed to print diagnostic error messages. One of the advantages of the sh family of shells over the csh family is the abil- ity to redirect stderr and other open files independent of stdin and stdout. Consider, for example, the ps2pdf script. Under normal circumstances this scriptEXAMPLE 14.9 Redirection of stderr and stdout works silently. If it encounters an error, however, it prints a message to stdout and quits. This violation of convention (the message should go to stderr) is harmless when the command is invoked from the keyboard. If it is embedded in a script, however, and the output of the script is directed to a file, the error mes- sage may end up in the file instead of on the screen, and go unnoticed by the user. With bash we can type ps2pdf my_fig.eps 1>&2

      14.2 Problem Domains 709

      Here 1>&2 means “make ps2pdf send file 1 (stdout) to the same place that the
      surrounding context would normally send file 2 (stderr).” �

      Finally, like most shells, bash allows the user to provide the input to a com-EXAMPLE 14.10
      Heredocs (in-line input) mand in-line:

      tr ‘\n’ ‘ ‘ <> file_list

      Unlike parenthesized lists, commands enclosed in braces are executed by the cur-
      rent shell. From a programming languages perspective, parentheses and braces
      behave “backward” from the way they do in C: parentheses introduce a nested
      dynamic scope in bash, while braces are purely for grouping. In particular, vari-
      ables that are assigned new values within a parenthesized command list will revert
      to their previous values once the list has completed execution. �

      When not surrounded by white space, braces perform pattern-based list gen-EXAMPLE 14.15
      Pattern-based list

      eration, in a manner similar to filename expansion, but without the connec-
      tion to the file system. For example, echo abc{12,34,56}xyz prints abc12xyz
      abc34xyz abc56xyz. Also, as we have seen, braces serve to delimit variable
      names when the opening brace is preceded by a dollar sign. �

      In Example 14.6 we used square brackets to enclose a conditional expression.
      Double square brackets serve a similar purpose, but with more C-like expression
      syntax, and without filename expansion. Double parentheses are used to enclose
      arithmetic computations, again with C-like syntax.

      The interpolation of commands in $( ) or backquotes, patterns in { }, and
      arithmetic expressions in (( )) are all considered forms of expansion, analogous
      to filename expansion and variable expansion. The splitting of strings into words
      is also considered a form of expansion, as is the replacement, in certain contexts,
      of tilde (~) characters with the name of the user’s home directory. All told, these
      give us seven different kinds of expansion in bash.

      All of the various bracketing constructs have rules governing which kinds of
      expansion are performed within. The rules are intended to be as intuitive as pos-
      sible, but they are not uniform across constructs. Filename expansion, for exam-
      ple, does not occur within [[ ]]-bracketed conditions. Similarly, a double-quote
      character may appear inside a double-quoted string if escaped with a backslash,
      but a single-quote character may not appear inside a single-quoted string.


      Users can define functions in bash that then work like built-in commands. ManyEXAMPLE 14.16
      User-defined shell

      users, for example, define ll as a shortcut for ls -l, which lists files in the cur-
      rent directory in “long format”:

      function ll () {
      ls -l “$@”


      14.2 Problem Domains 711

      Within the function, $1 represents the first parameter, $2 represents the second,
      and so on. In the definition of ll, $@ represents the entire parameter list. Func-
      tions can be arbitrarily complex. In particular, bash supports both local variables
      and recursion. Shells in the csh family provide a more primitive alias mecha-
      nism that works via macro expansion. �

      The #! Convention

      As noted above, shell commands can be read from a script file. To execute themEXAMPLE 14.17
      The #! convention in
      script files

      in the current shell, one uses the “dot” command:

      . my_script

      where my_script is the name of the file. Many operating systems, including most
      versions of Unix, allow one to turn a script file into an executable program, so that
      users can simply type


      Two steps are required. First, the file must be marked executable in the eyes of the
      operating system. On Unix one types chmod +x my_script. Second, the file must
      be self-descriptive in a way that allows the operating system to tell which shell (or
      other interpreter) will understand the contents. Under Unix, the file must begin
      with the characters #!, followed by the name of the shell. The typical bash script
      thus begins with


      Specifying the full path name is a safety feature: it anticipates the possibility that
      the user may have a search path for commands on which some other program
      named bash appears before the shell. (Unfortunately, the requirement for full
      path names makes #! lines nonportable, since shells and other interpreters may
      be installed in different places on different machines.) �

      1. Give a plausible one-sentence definition of “scripting language.”

      2. List the principal ways in which scripting languages differ from conventional
      “systems” languages.

      3. From what two principal sets of ancestors are modern scripting languages

      4. What IBM creation is generally considered the first general-purpose scripting

      5. What is the most popular language for server-side web scripting?

      712 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      6. How does the notion of context in Perl differ from coercion?

      7. What is globbing? What is a wildcard?

      8. What is a pipe in Unix? What is redirection?

      9. Describe the three standard I/O streams provided to every Unix process.

      10. Explain the significance of the #! convention in Unix shell scripts.


      14.4 Magic numbers
      When the Unix kernel is asked to execute a file (via the execve system call),
      it checks the first few bytes of the file for a “magic number” that indicates the
      file’s type. Some values correspond to directly executable object file formats.
      Under Linux, for example, the first four bytes of an object file are 0x7f45_4c46
      (〈del〉ELF in ASCII). Under Mac OS X they are 0xfeed_face. If the first two
      bytes are 0x2321 (#! in ASCII), the kernel assumes that the file is a script, and
      reads subsequent characters to find the name of the interpreter.

      The #! convention in Unix is the main reason that most scripting languages
      use # as the opening comment delimiter. Early versions of sh used the no-op
      command (:) as a way to introduce comments. Joy’s C shell introduced #,
      whereupon some versions of sh were modified to launch csh when asked to
      execute a script that appeared to begin with a C shell comment. This mecha-
      nism evolved into the more general mechanism used in many (though not all)
      variants of Unix today.

      14.2.2 Text Processing and Report Generation

      Shell languages tend to be heavily string-oriented. Commands are strings, parsed
      into lists of words. Variables are string-valued. Variable expansion mechanisms
      allow the user to extract prefixes, suffixes, or arbitrary substrings. Concatenation
      is indicated by simple juxtaposition. There are elaborate quoting conventions.
      Few more conventional languages have similar support for strings.

      At the same time, shell languages are clearly not intended for the sort of text
      manipulation commonly performed in editors like emacs or vim. Search and
      substitution, in particular, are missing, and many other tasks that editors accom-
      plish with a single keystroke—insertion, deletion, replacement, bracket match-
      ing, forward and backward motion—would be awkward to implement, or simply
      make no sense, in the context of the shell. For repetitive text manipulation it is
      natural to want to automate the editing process. Tools to accomplish this task
      constitute the second principal class of ancestors for modern scripting languages.

      14.2 Problem Domains 713

      # label (target for branch):
      /<[hH][123]>.*<\/[hH][123]>/ { ;# match whole heading

      h ;# save copy of pattern space
      s/\(<\/[hH][123]>\).*$/\1/ ;# delete text after closing tag
      s/^.*\(<[hH][123]>\)/\1/ ;# delete text before opening tag
      p ;# print what remains
      g ;# retrieve saved pattern space
      s/<[hH][123]>// ;# delete opening tag
      s/<\/[hH][123]>// ;# delete closing tag
      b top

      } ;# and branch to top of script
      /<[hH][123]>/ { ;# match opening tag (only)

      N ;# extend search to next line
      b top

      } ;# and branch to top of script
      d ;# if no match at all, delete

      Figure 14.1 Script in sed to extract headers from an HTML file. The script assumes that
      opening and closing tags are properly matched, and that headers do not nest.


      As a simple text processing example, consider the problem of extracting all head-EXAMPLE 14.18
      Extracting HTML headers
      with sed

      ers from a web page (an HTML file). These are strings delimited by

      . . .


      . . .

      , and

      . . .

      tags. Accomplishing this task in an
      editor like emacs, vim, or even Microsoft Word is straightforward but tedious:
      one must search for an opening tag, delete preceding text, search for a closing tag,
      mark the current position (as the starting point for the next deletion), and re-
      peat. A program to perform these tasks in sed, the Unix “stream editor,” appears
      in Figure 14.1. The code consists of a label and three commands, the first two of
      which are compound. The first compound command prints the first header, if
      any, found in the portion of the input currently being examined (what sed calls
      the pattern space). The second compound command appends a new line to the
      pattern space whenever it already contains a header-opening tag. Both compound
      commands, and several of the subcommands, use regular expression patterns, de-
      limited by slashes. We will discuss these patterns further in Section 14.4.2. The
      third command (the lone d) simply deletes the pattern space. Because each com-
      pound command ends with a branch back to the top of the script, the second
      will execute only if the first does not, and the delete will execute only if neither
      compound does. �

      The editor heritage of sed is clear in this example. Commands are generally
      one character long, and there are no variables—no state of any kind beyond the
      program counter and text that is being edited. These limitations make sed best
      suited to “one-line programs,” typically entered verbatim from the keyboard with
      the -e command-line switch. The following, for example, will read from standardEXAMPLE 14.19

      One-line scripts in sed input, delete blank lines, and (implicitly) print the nonblank lines to standard

      714 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      /<[hH][123]>/ {
      # execute this block if line contains an opening tag
      do {

      open_tag = match($0, /<[hH][123]>/)
      $0 = substr($0, open_tag) # delete text before opening tag

      # $0 is the current input line
      while (!/<\/[hH][123]>/) { # print interior lines

      print # in their entirety
      if (getline != 1) exit

      close_tag = match($0, /<\/[hH][123]>/) + 4

      print substr($0, 0, close_tag) # print through closing tag
      $0 = substr($0, close_tag + 1) # delete through closing tag

      } while (/<[hH][123]>/) # repeat if more opening tags

      Figure 14.2 Script in awk to extract headers from an HTML file. Unlike the sed script, this
      version prints interior lines incrementally. It again assumes that the input is well formed.

      sed -e’/^[[:space:]]*$/d’

      Here ^ represents the beginning of the line and $ represents the end. The
      [[:space:]] expression matches any white-space character in the local char-
      acter set, to be repeated an arbitrary number of times, as indicated by the Kleene
      star (*). The d indicates deletion. Nondeleted lines are printed by default. �


      In an attempt to address the limitations of sed, Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and
      Brian Kernighan designed awk in 1977 (the name is based on the initial letters
      of their last names). Awk is in some sense an evolutionary link between stream
      editors like sed and full-fledged scripting languages. It retains sed’s line-at-a-
      time filter model of computation, but allows the user to escape this model when
      desired, and replaces single-character editing commands with syntax reminiscent
      of C. Awk provides (typeless) variables and a variety of control-flow constructs,
      including subroutines.

      An awk program consists of a sequence of patterns, each of which has an as-
      sociated action. For every line of input, the interpreter executes, in order, the
      actions whose patterns evaluate to true. An example with a single pattern-actionEXAMPLE 14.20

      Extracting HTML headers
      with awk

      pair appears in Figure 14.2. It performs essentially the same task as the sed script
      of Figure 14.1. Lines that contain no opening tag are ignored. In a line with an
      opening tag, we delete any text that precedes the header. We then print lines until
      we find the closing tag, and repeat if there is another opening tag on the same
      line. We fall back into the interpreter’s main loop when we’re cleanly outside any

      Several conventions can be seen in this example. The current input line is
      available in the pseudovariable $0. The getline function reads into this variable

      14.2 Problem Domains 715

      BEGIN { # “noise” words
      nw[“a”] = 1; nw[“an”] = 1; nw[“and”] = 1; nw[“but”] = 1
      nw[“by”] = 1; nw[“for”] = 1; nw[“from”] = 1; nw[“in”] = 1
      nw[“into”] = 1; nw[“nor”] = 1; nw[“of”] = 1; nw[“on”] = 1
      nw[“or”] = 1; nw[“over”] = 1; nw[“the”] = 1; nw[“to”] = 1
      nw[“via”] = 1; nw[“with”] = 1


      for (i=1; i <= NF; i++) { if ((!nw[$i] || i == 0 || $(i-1) ~ /[:-]$/) && ($i !~ /.+[A-Z]/)) { # capitalize $i = toupper(substr($i, 1, 1)) substr($i, 2) } printf $i " "; # don't add trailing newline } printf "\n"; } Figure 14.3 Script in awk to capitalize a title. The BEGIN block is executed before reading any input lines. The main block has no explicit pattern, so it is applied to every input line. by default. The substr(s, a, b) function extracts the portion of string s start- ing at position a and with length b. If b is omitted, the extracted portion runs to the end of s. Conditions, like patterns, can use regular expressions; we can see an example in the do . . . while loop. By default, regular expressions match against $0. � Perhaps the two most important innovations of awk are fields and associative arrays, neither of which appears in Figure 14.2. Like the shell, awk parses each input line into a series of words (fields). By default these are delimited by white space, though the user can change this behavior dynamically by assigning a regu- lar expression to the built-in variable FS (field separator). The fields of the current input line are available in the pseudovariables $1, $2, . . . . The built-in variable NR gives the total number of fields. Awk is frequently used for field-based one-line programs. The following, for example, will print the second word of every line ofEXAMPLE 14.21 Fields in awk standard input: awk '{ print $2 }' � Associative arrays will be considered in more detail in Section 14.4.3. Briefly, they combine the functionality of hash tables with the syntax of arrays. We canEXAMPLE 14.22 Capitalizing a title in awk illustrate both fields and associative arrays with an example script (Figure 14.3) that capitalizes each line of its input as if it were a title. The script declines to modify “noise” words (articles, conjunctions, and short prepositions) unless they are the first word of the title or of a subtitle, where a subtitle follows a word ending with a colon or a dash. The script also declines to modify words in which any letter other than the first is already capitalized. � 716 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages while (<>) { # iterate over lines of input
      next if !/<[hH][123]>/; # jump to next iteration
      while (!/<\/[hH][123]>/) { $_ .= <>; } # append next line to $_

      # perform minimal matching; capture parenthesized expression in $1
      print $1, “\n”;
      redo unless eof; # continue without reading next line of input


      Figure 14.4 Script in Perl to extract headers from an HTML file. For simplicity we have again
      adopted the strategy of buffering entire headers, rather than printing them incrementally.


      Perl was originally developed by Larry Wall in 1987, while he was working at the
      National Security Agency. The original version was, to first approximation, an at-
      tempt to combine the best features of sed, awk, and sh. It was a Unix-only tool,
      meant primarily for text processing (the name stands for “practical extraction
      and report language”). Over the years Perl grew into a large and complex lan-
      guage, with an enormous user community. For many years it was clearly the most
      popular and widely used scripting language, though that lead has more recently
      been lost to Python, Ruby, and others. Perl is fast enough for much general-
      purpose use, and includes separate compilation, modularization, and dynamic
      library mechanisms appropriate for large-scale projects. It has been ported to
      almost every known operating system.

      Perl consists of a relatively simple language core, augmented with an enormous
      number of built-in library functions and an equally enormous number of short-
      cuts and special cases. A hint at this richness of expression can be found in the
      standard language reference [CfWO12, p. 722], which lists (only) the 97 built-in
      functions “whose behavior varies the most across platforms.” The cover of the
      third edition was emblazoned with the motto: “There’s more than one way to
      do it.”

      We will return to Perl several times in this chapter, notably in Sections 14.2.4
      and 14.4. For the moment we content ourselves with a simple text-processingEXAMPLE 14.23

      Extracting HTML headers
      with Perl

      example, again to extract headers from an HTML file (Figure 14.4). We can see
      several Perl shortcuts in this figure, most of which help to make the code shorter
      than the equivalent programs in sed (Figure 14.1) and awk (Figure 14.2). Angle
      brackets (<>) are the “readline” operator, used for text file input. Normally they
      surround a file handle variable name, but as a special case, empty angle brackets
      generate as input the concatenation of all files specified on the command line
      when the script was first invoked (or standard input, if there were no such files).
      When a readline operator appears by itself in the control expression of a while
      loop (but nowhere else in the language), it generates its input a line at a time into
      the pseudovariable $_. Several other operators work on $_ by default. Regular
      expressions, for example, can be used to search within arbitrary strings, but when
      none is specified, $_ is assumed.

      14.2 Problem Domains 717

      The next statement is similar to continue in C or Fortran: it jumps to the
      bottom of the innermost loop and begins the next iteration. The redo statement
      also skips the remainder of the current iteration, but returns to the top of the
      loop, without reevaluating the control expression. In our example program, redo
      allows us to append additional input to the current line, rather than reading a new
      line. Because end-of-file is normally detected by an undefined return value from
      <>, and because that failure will happen only once per file, we must explicitly test
      for eof when using redo here. Note that if and its symmetric opposite, unless,
      can be used as either a prefix or a postfix test.

      Readers familiar with Perl may have noticed two subtle but key innovations
      in the substitution command of line 4 of the script. First, where the expression
      .* (in sed, awk, and Perl) matches the longest possible string of characters that
      permits subsequent portions of the match to succeed, the expression .*? in Perl
      matches the shortest possible such string. This distinction allows us to easily iso-
      late the first header in a given line. Second, much as sed allows later portions
      of a regular expression to refer back to earlier, parenthesized portions (line 4 of
      Figure 14.1), Perl allows such captured strings to be used outside the regular ex-
      pression. We have leveraged this feature to print matched headers in line 6 of
      Figure 14.4. In general, the regular expressions of Perl are significantly more pow-
      erful than those of sed and awk; we will return to this subject in more detail in
      Section 14.4.2. �

      14.2.3 Mathematics and Statistics

      As we noted in our discussions of sed and awk, one of the distinguishing charac-
      teristics of text processing and report generation is the frequent use of “one-line
      programs” and other simple scripts. Anyone who has ever entered formulas in the
      cells of a spreadsheet realizes that similar needs arise in mathematics and statis-
      tics. And just as shell and report generation tools have evolved into powerful
      languages for general-purpose computing, so too have notations and tools for
      mathematical and statistical computing.

      In Section 8.2.1 (“Slices and Array Operations”), we mentioned APL, one of
      the more unusual languages of the 1960s. Originally conceived as a pen-and-
      paper notation for teaching applied mathematics, APL retained its emphasis on
      the concise, elegant expression of mathematical algorithms when it evolved into
      a programming language. Though it lacked both easy access to other programs
      and sophisticated string manipulation, APL displayed all the other characteristics
      of scripting described in Section 14.1.1, and one sometimes finds it listed as a
      scripting language.

      The modern successors to APL include a trio of commercial packages for math-
      ematical computing: Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab. Though their design
      philosophies differ, each provides extensive support for numerical methods, sym-
      bolic mathematics (formula manipulation), data visualization, and mathematical

      718 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      modeling. All three provide powerful scripting languages, with a heavy orienta-
      tion toward scientific and engineering applications.

      As the “3 Ms” are to mathematical computing, so the S and R languages are to
      statistical computing. Originally developed at Bell Labs by John Chambers and
      colleagues in the late 1970s, S is a commercial package widely used in the statistics
      community and in quantitative branches of the social and behavioral sciences. R
      is an open-source alternative to S that is largely though not entirely compatible
      with its commercial cousin. Among other things, R supports multidimensional
      array and list types, array slice operations, user-defined infix operators, call-by-
      need parameters, first-class functions, and unlimited extent.

      14.2.4 “Glue” Languages and General-Purpose Scripting

      From their text-processing ancestors, scripting languages inherit a rich set of pat-
      tern matching and string manipulation mechanisms. From command interpreter
      shells they inherit a wide variety of additional features including simple syntax;
      flexible typing; easy creation and management of subprograms, with I/O redirec-
      tion and access to completion status; file queries; easy interactive and file-based
      I/O; easy access to command-line arguments, environment strings, process iden-
      tifiers, time-of-day clock, and so on; and automatic interpreter start-up (the #!
      convention). As noted in Section 14.1.1, many scripting languages have inter-
      preters that will accept commands interactively.

      The combination of shell and text-processing mechanisms allows a scripting
      language to prepare input to, and parse output from, subsidiary processes. As aEXAMPLE 14.24

      “Force quit” script in Perl simple example, consider the (Unix-specific) “force quit” Perl script shown in Fig-
      ure 14.5. Invoked with a regular expression as argument, the script identifies all of
      the user’s currently running processes whose name, process id, or command-line
      arguments match that regular expression. It prints the information for each, and
      prompts the user for an indication of whether the process should be killed.

      The second line of the code starts a subsidiary process to execute the Unix
      ps command. The command-line arguments cause ps to print the process id
      and name of all processes owned by the current user, together with their full
      command-line arguments. The pipe symbol (|) at the end of the command in-
      dicates that the output of ps is to be fed to the script through the PS file handle.
      The main while loop then iterates over the lines of this output. Within the loop,
      the if condition matches each line against $ARGV[0], the regular expression pro-
      vided on the script’s command line. It also compares the first word of the line (the
      process id) against $$, the id of the Perl interpreter currently running the script.

      Scalar variables (which in Perl include strings) begin with a dollar sign ($).
      Arrays begin with an at sign (@). In the first line of the while loop in Figure 14.5,
      the input line ($_, implicitly) is split into space-separated words, which are then
      assigned into the array @words. In the following line, $words[0] refers to the
      first element of this array, a scalar. A single variable name may have different
      values when interpreted as a scalar, an array, a hash table, a subroutine, or a file

      14.2 Problem Domains 719

      $#ARGV == 0 || die “usage: $0 pattern\n”;
      open(PS, “ps -w -w -x -o’pid,command’ |”); # ‘process status’ command
      ; # discard header line
      while () {

      @words = split; # parse line into space-separated words
      if (/$ARGV[0]/i && $words[0] ne $$) {

      chomp; # delete trailing newline
      do {

      print “? “;
      $answer = ;

      } until $answer =~ /^[yn]/i;
      if ($answer =~ /^y/i) {

      kill 9, $words[0]; # signal 9 in Unix is always fatal
      sleep 1; # wait for ‘kill’ to take effect
      die “unsuccessful; sorry\n” if kill 0, $words[0];

      } # kill 0 tests for process existence


      Figure 14.5 Script in Perl to “force quit” errant processes. Perl’s text processing features
      allow us to parse the output of ps , rather than filtering it through an external tool like sed or

      handle. The choice of interpretation depends on the leading punctuation mark
      and on the context in which the name appears. We shall have more to say about
      context in Perl in Section 14.4.3. �

      Beyond the combination of shell and text-processing mechanisms, the typi-
      cal glue language provides an extensive library of built-in operations to access
      features of the underlying operating system, including files, directories, and I/O;
      processes and process groups; protection and authorization; interprocess com-
      munication and synchronization; timing and signals; and sockets, name service,
      and network communication. Just as text-processing mechanisms minimize the
      need to employ external tools like sed, awk, and grep, operating system builtins
      minimize the need for other external tools.

      At the same time, scripting languages have, over time, developed a rich set
      of features for internal computation. Most have significantly better support for
      mathematics than is typically found in a shell. Several, including Scheme, Python,
      and Ruby, support arbitrary precision arithmetic. Most provide extensive support
      for higher-level types, including arrays, strings, tuples, lists, and hashes (associa-
      tive arrays). Several support classes and object orientation. Some support itera-
      tors, continuations, threads, reflection, and first-class and higher-order functions.
      Some, including Perl, Python, and Ruby, support modules and dynamic loading,
      for “programming in the large.” These features serve to maximize the amount of
      code that can be written in the scripting language itself, and to minimize the need
      to escape to a more traditional, compiled language.

      720 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      In summary, the philosophy of general-purpose scripting is to make it as easy
      as possible to construct the overall framework of a program, escaping to exter-
      nal tools only for special-purpose tasks, and to compiled languages only when
      performance is at a premium.


      As noted in Section 14.1, Rexx is generally considered the first of the general-
      purpose scripting languages, predating Perl and Tcl by almost a decade. Perl and
      Tcl are roughly contemporaneous: both were initially developed in the late 1980s.
      Perl was originally intended for glue and text-processing applications. Tcl was
      originally an extension language, but soon grew into glue applications as well. As
      the popularity of scripting grew in the 1990s, users were motivated to develop
      additional languages, to provide additional features, address the needs of specific
      application domains (more on this in subsequent sections), or support a style of
      programming more in keeping with the personal taste of their designers.

      Python was originally developed by Guido van Rossum at CWI in Amsterdam,
      the Netherlands, in the early 1990s. He continued his work at CNRI in Reston,
      Virginia, beginning in 1995. After a series of subsequent moves, he joined Google
      in 2005. Recent versions of the language are owned by the Python Software Foun-
      dation. All releases are open source.

      Figure 14.6 presents a Python version of the “force quit” program from Exam-EXAMPLE 14.25
      “Force quit” script in

      ple 14.24. Reflecting the maturation of programming language design, Python
      was from the beginning an object-oriented language.2 It includes a standard li-
      brary as rich as that of Perl, but partitioned into a collection of namespaces rem-
      iniscent of those of C++, Java, or C#. The first line of our script imports symbols
      from the os, re, subprocess, sys, and time library modules. The fifth line
      launches ps as an external program, and arranges for its output to be available
      to the script through a Unix pipe. We discard the initial (header) line of output
      from the subprocess by calling the output pipe’s readline method. We then use
      a Python for loop to iterate over the remaining lines.

      Perhaps the most distinctive feature of Python, though hardly the most impor-
      tant, is its reliance on indentation for syntactic grouping. Python not only uses
      line breaks to separate commands; it also specifies that the body of a structured
      statement consists of precisely those subsequent statements that are indented one
      more tab stop. Like the “more than one way to do it” philosophy of Perl, Python’s
      use of indentation tends to arouse strong feelings among users: some strongly
      positive, some strongly negative.

      The regular expression (re) library has all of the power available in Perl, but
      employs the somewhat more verbose syntax of method calls, rather than the built-
      in notation of Perl. The search routine returns a “match object” that captures,

      2 Rexx and Tcl have object-oriented extensions, named Object Rexx and Incr Tcl, respectively.
      Perl 5 includes some (rather awkward) object-oriented features; Perl 6 will have more uniform
      object support.

      14.2 Problem Domains 721

      import os, re, subprocess, sys, time
      if len(sys.argv) != 2:

      sys.stderr.write(‘usage: ‘ + sys.argv[0] + ‘ pattern\n’)

      ps = subprocess.Popen([‘/bin/ps’, ‘-w’, ‘-w’, ‘-x’,
      ‘-o’, ‘pid,command’], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

      toss = ps.stdout.readline() # discard header line
      for line in ps.stdout:

      line = line.decode().rstrip()
      proc = int(re.search(‘\S+’, line).group())
      if re.search(sys.argv[1], line) and proc != os.getpid():

      print(line + ‘? ‘, flush=True, end=”)
      answer = sys.stdin.readline()
      while not re.search(‘^[yn]’, answer, re.I):

      print(‘? ‘, flush=True, end=”)
      answer = sys.stdin.readline()

      if re.search(‘^y’, answer, re.I):
      os.kill(proc, 9)
      try: # expect exception if process

      os.kill(proc, 0) # no longer exists
      sys.stderr.write(‘unsuccessful; sorry\n’);

      except: pass # do nothing on expected exception

      Figure 14.6 Script in Python 3 to “force quit” errant processes. Compare with Figure 14.5.

      lazily, the places in the string at which the pattern appears. If no match is found,
      search returns None, the empty object, instead. In a condition, None is inter-
      preted as false, while a true match object is interpreted as true. The match object
      in turn supports a variety of methods, including group, which returns the sub-
      string corresponding to the first match. The re.I flag to search indicates case
      insensitivity. Note that group returns a string. Unlike Perl and Tcl, Python will
      not coerce this to an integer—hence the need for the explicit type conversion on
      the second line of the body of the for loop.

      As in Perl, the readline method does not remove the newline character at the
      end of an input line; we use the rstrip method to do this. The print function
      adds a newline to the end of its argument list unless given a different end string.
      Unless explicitly instructed to flush, it also tends to buffer its output, waiting
      to call the OS until it has a large amount of data; this needs to be defeated for
      interactive IO.

      The sleep and kill routines are available as library built-ins in Python, much
      as they are in Perl; there is no need to start a separate program. When given a
      signal number of 0, kill tests for process existence. Instead of returning a status
      code, however, as it does in Perl, Python’s kill throws an exception if the process
      does not exist. We use a try block to catch this exception in the expected case. �

      722 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      While our “force quit” program may convey, at least in part, the “feel” of
      Perl and Python, it cannot capture the breadth of their capabilities. Python in-
      cludes many of the more interesting features discussed in earlier chapters, includ-
      ing nested functions with static scoping, lambda expressions and higher-order
      functions, true iterators, list comprehensions, array slice operations, reflection,
      structured exception handling, multiple inheritance, and modules and dynamic
      loading. Many of these also appear in Ruby.


      Ruby was developed in Japan in the early 1990s by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto.
      Matz writes that he “wanted a language more powerful than Perl, and more
      object-oriented than Python” [TFH13, Foreword]. The first public release was
      made available in 1995, and quickly gained widespread popularity in Japan. With
      the publication in 2001 of English-language documentation [TFH13, 1st ed.],
      Ruby spread rapidly elsewhere as well. Much of its success can be credited to
      the Ruby on Rails web-development framework. Originally released by David
      Heinemeier Hansson in 2004, Rails was subsequently adopted by several major
      players—notably Apple, which included it in the 10.5 “Leopard” release of the
      Mac OS, and Twitter, which used it for early versions of their infrastructure.

      In keeping with Matz’s original motivation, Ruby is a pure object-oriented lan-EXAMPLE 14.26
      Method call syntax in Ruby guage, in the sense of Smalltalk: everything—even instances of built-in types—is

      an object. Integers have more than 25 built-in methods. Strings have more than
      75. Smalltalk-like syntax is even supported: 2 * 4 + 5 is syntactic sugar for
      (2.*(4)).+(5), which is in turn equivalent to (2.send(


      , 4)).send(



      5).3 �
      Figure 14.7 presents a Ruby version of our “force quit” program. NewlineEXAMPLE 14.27

      “Force quit” script in Ruby characters serve to end the current statement, but indentation is not significant. A
      dollar sign ($) at the beginning of an identifier indicates a global name. Though it
      doesn’t appear in this example, an at sign (@) indicates an instance variable of the
      current object. Double at signs (@@) indicate an instance variable of the current

      Probably the most distinctive feature of Figure 14.7 is its use of blocks and it-
      erators. The IO.popen class method takes as argument a string that specifies the
      name and arguments of an external program. The method also accepts, in a man-
      ner reminiscent of Smalltalk, an associated block, specified as a multiline fragment
      of Ruby code delimited with curly braces. The associated block is essentially an
      extra parameter to popen, passed as a closure. The closure is invoked by popen,
      passing as parameter a file handle (an object of class IO) that represents the out-
      put of the external command. The |ps| at the beginning of the block specifies the
      name by which this handle is known within the block. In a similar vein, the each

      3 Parentheses here are significant. Infix arithmetic follows conventional precedence rules, but
      method invocation proceeds from left to right. Likewise, parentheses can be omitted around ar-
      gument lists, but the method-selecting dot (.) groups more tightly than the argument-separating
      comma (,), so 2.send ’*’, 4.send ’+’, 5 evaluates to 18, not 13.

      14.2 Problem Domains 723

      ARGV.length() == 1 or begin
      $stderr.print(“usage: #{$0} pattern\n”); exit(1)


      pat = Regexp.new(ARGV[0]) # treat command-line arg as regular expression
      IO.popen(“ps -w -w -x -o’pid,command'”) {|ps|

      ps.gets # discard header line
      ps.each {|line|

      pid = line.split[0].to_i
      if line =~ pat and pid != Process.pid then

      print line.chomp

      print “? ”
      answer = $stdin.gets

      end until answer =~ /^[yn]/i
      if answer =~ /^y/i then

      Process.kill(9, pid)
      begin # expect exception (process gone)

      Process.kill(0, pid)
      $stderr.print(“unsuccessful; sorry\n”); exit(1)

      rescue # handler — do nothing



      Figure 14.7 Script in Ruby to “force quit” errant processes. Compare with Figures 14.5
      and 14.6.

      method of object ps is an iterator that invokes the associated block (the code in
      braces beginning with |line|) once for every line of data. For those more com-
      fortable with traditional for loop syntax, the iterator can also be written

      for line in PS


      In addition to (true) iterators, Ruby provides continuations, first-class and
      higher-order functions, and closures with unlimited extent. Its module mech-
      anism supports an extended form of mix-in inheritance. Though a class cannot
      inherit data members from a module, it can inherit code. Run-time type checking
      makes such inheritance more or less straightforward. Methods of modules that
      have not been explicitly included into the current class can be accessed as qual-
      ified names; Process.kill is an example in Figure 14.7. Methods sleep and
      exit belong to module Kernel, which is included by class Object, and is thus
      available everywhere without qualification. Like popen, they are class methods,

      724 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      rather than instance methods; they have no notion of “current object.” Variables
      stdin and stderr refer to global objects of class IO.

      Regular expression operations in Ruby are methods of class Regexp, and can
      be invoked with standard object-oriented syntax. For convenience, Perl-like nota-
      tion is also supported as syntactic sugar; we have used this notation in Figure 14.7.

      The rescue clause of the innermost begin . . . end block is an exception han-
      dler. As in the Python code of Figure 14.6, it allows us to determine whether the
      kill operation has succeeded by catching the (expected) exception that arises
      when we attempt to refer to a process after it has died. �

      14.2.5 Extension Languages

      Most applications accept some sort of commands, which tell them what to do.
      Sometimes these commands are entered textually; more often they are triggered
      by user interface events such as mouse clicks, menu selections, and keystrokes.
      Commands in a graphical drawing program might save or load a drawing; select,
      insert, delete, or modify its parts; choose a line style, weight, or color; zoom or
      rotate the display; or modify user preferences.

      An extension language serves to increase the usefulness of an application by al-
      lowing the user to create new commands, generally using the existing commands
      as building blocks. Extension languages are widely regarded as an essential feature
      of sophisticated tools. Adobe’s graphics suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign,
      etc.) can be extended (scripted) using JavaScript, Visual Basic (on Windows), or
      AppleScript (on the Mac). Disney and Industrial Light & Magic use Python to
      extend their internal (proprietary) tools. The computer gaming industry makes
      heavy use of Lua for scripting of both commercial and open-source game en-
      gines. Many commercially available tools, including AutoCAD, Maya, Director,
      and Flash, have their own unique scripting languages. This list barely scratches
      the surface.

      To admit extension, a tool must

      incorporate, or communicate with, an interpreter for a scripting language.

      provide hooks that allow scripts to call the tool’s existing commands.

      allow the user to tie newly defined commands to user interface events.

      With care, these mechanisms can be made independent of any particular scripting
      language. Microsoft’s Windows Script interface allows almost any language to be
      used to script the operating system, web server, and browser. GIMP, the widely
      used GNU Image Manipulation Program, has a comparably general interface: it
      comes with a built-in interpreter for a dialect of Scheme, and supports plug-ins
      (externally provided interpreter modules) for Perl and Tcl, among others. There
      is a tendency, of course, for user communities to converge on a favorite language,
      to facilitate sharing of code. Microsoft tools are usually scripted with PowerShell;
      GIMP with Scheme; Adobe tools with Visual Basic on the PC, or AppleScript on
      the Mac.

      14.2 Problem Domains 725

      (setq-default line-number-prefix “”)
      (setq-default line-number-suffix “) “)
      (defun number-region (start end &optional initial)

      “Add line numbers to all lines in region.
      With optional prefix argument, start numbering at num.
      Line number is bracketed by strings line-number-prefix
      and line-number-suffix (default \”\” and \”) \”).”

      (interactive “*r\np”) ; how to parse args when invoked from keyboard
      (let* ((i (or initial 1))

      (num-lines (+ -1 initial (count-lines start end)))
      (fmt (format “%%%dd” (length (number-to-string num-lines))))

      ; yields “%1d”, “%2d”, etc. as appropriate
      (finish (set-marker (make-marker) end)))

      (goto-char start)
      (while (< (point) finish) (insert line-number-prefix (format fmt i) line-number-suffix) (setq i (1+ i)) (forward-line 1)) (set-marker finish nil)))) Figure 14.8 Emacs Lisp function to number the lines in a selected region of text. One of the oldest existing extension mechanisms is that of the emacs text ed- itor, used to write this book. An enormous number of extension packages have been created for emacs; many of them are installed by default in the standard distribution. In fact much of what users consider the editor’s core functionality is actually provided by extensions; the truly built-in parts are comparatively small. The extension language for emacs is a dialect of Lisp called Emacs Lisp, orEXAMPLE 14.28 Numbering lines with Emacs Lisp elisp, for short. An example script appears in Figure 14.8. It assumes that the user has used the standard marking mechanism to select a region of text. It then inserts a line number at the beginning of every line in the region. The first line is numbered 1 by default, but an alternative starting number can be specified with an optional parameter. Line numbers are bracketed with a prefix and suffix that are “ ” (empty) and “) ” by default, but can be changed by the user if desired. To maintain existing alignment, small numbers are padded on the left with enough spaces to match the width of the number on the final line. Many features of Emacs Lisp can be seen in this example. The setq-default command is an assignment that is visible in the current buffer (editing session) and in any concurrent buffers that haven’t explicitly overridden the previous value. The defun command defines a new command. Its arguments are, in or- der, the command name, formal parameter list, documentation string, interactive specification, and body. The argument list for number-region includes the start and end locations of the currently marked region, and the optional initial line number. The documentation string is automatically incorporated into the on- 726 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages line help system. The interactive specification controls how arguments are passed when the command is invoked through the user interface. (The command can also be called from other scripts, in which case arguments are passed in the con- ventional way.) The “*” raises an exception if the buffer is read-only. The “r” represents the beginning and end of the currently marked region. The “\n” sep- arates the “r” from the following “p,” which indicates an optional numeric prefix argument. When the command is bound to a keystroke, a prefix argument of, say, 10 can be specified by preceding the keystroke with “C-u 10” (control-U 10). As usual in Lisp, the let* command introduces a set of local variables in which later entries in the list (fmt) can refer to earlier entries (num-lines). A marker is an index into the buffer that is automatically updated to maintain its position when text is inserted in front of it. We create the finish marker so that newly in- serted line numbers do not alter our notion of where the to-be-numbered region ends. We set finish to nil at the end of the script to relieve emacs of the need to keep updating the marker between now and whenever the garbage collector gets around to reclaiming it. The format command is similar to sprintf in C. We have used it, once in the declaration of fmt and again in the call to insert, to pad all line numbers out to an appropriate length. The save-excursion command is roughly equivalent to an exception handler (e.g., a Java try block) with a finally clause that restores the current focus of attention ((point)) and the borders of the marked region. Our script can be supplied to emacs by including it in a personal start-up file (usually ~/.emacs), by using the interactive load-file command to read some other file in which it resides, or by loading it into a buffer, placing the focus of attention immediately after it, and executing the interactive eval-last-sexp command. Once any of these has been done, we can invoke our command in- teractively by typing M-x number-region (meta-X, followed by the com-
      mand name and the return key). Alternatively, we can bind our command to a
      keyboard shortcut:

      (define-key global-map [?\C-#] ‘number-region)

      This one-line script, executed in any of the ways described above, binds our
      number-region command to key combination “control-number-sign”. �

      11. What is meant by the pattern space in sed?

      12. Briefly describe the fields and associative arrays of awk.

      13. In what ways did even early versions of Perl improve on sed and awk?

      14. Explain the special relationship between while loops and file handles in Perl.
      What is the meaning of the empty file handle, <>?

      15. Name three widely used commercial packages for mathematical computing.

      14.3 Scripting the World Wide Web 727

      16. List several distinctive features of the R statistical scripting language.

      17. Explain the meaning of the $ and @ characters at the beginning of variable
      names in Perl. Explain the different meanings of $, @, and @@ in Ruby.

      18. Which of the languages described in Section 14.2.4 uses indentation to control
      syntactic grouping?

      19. List several distinctive features of Python.

      20. Describe, briefly, how Ruby uses blocks and iterators.

      21. What capabilities must a scripting language provide in order to be used for

      22. Name several commercial tools that use extension languages.

      14.3 Scripting the World Wide Web
      Much of the content of the World Wide Web—particularly the content that is vis-
      ible to search engines—is static: pages that seldom, if ever, change. But hypertext,
      the abstract notion on which the Web is based, was always conceived as a way
      to represent “the complex, the changing, and the indeterminate” [Nel65]. Much
      of the power of the Web today lies in its ability to deliver pages that move, play
      sounds, respond to user actions, or—perhaps most important—contain infor-
      mation created or formatted on demand, in response to the page-fetch request.

      From a programming languages point of view, simple playback of recorded
      audio or video is not particularly interesting. We therefore focus our attention
      here on content that is generated on the fly by a program—a script—associated
      with an Internet URI (uniform resource identifier).4 Suppose we type a URI into
      a browser on a client machine, and the browser sends a request to the appropriate
      web server. If the content is dynamically created, an obvious first question is: does
      the script that creates it run on the server or the client machine? These options
      are known as server-side and client-side web scripting, respectively.

      Server-side scripts are typically used when the service provider wants to re-
      tain complete control over the content of the page, but can’t (or doesn’t want to)
      create the content in advance. Examples include the pages returned by search
      engines, Internet retailers, auction sites, and any organization that provides its
      clients with on-line access to personal accounts. Client-side scripts are typically
      used for tasks that don’t need access to proprietary information, and are more

      4 The term “URI” is often used interchangeably with “URL” (uniform resource locator), but the
      World Wide Web Consortium distinguishes between the two. All URIs are hierarchical (multi-
      part) names. URLs are one kind of URIs; they use a naming scheme that indicates where to find
      the resource. Other URIs can use other naming schemes.

      728 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages


      print “Content-type: text/html\n\n”;
      print “\n”;

      print “\n”;
      $host = `hostname`; chop $host;
      print “\n”;
      print “\n”;
      print “Status of “, $host, “\n”;
      print “\n\n”;
      print “

      “, $host, “

      print “

      \n", `uptime`, "\n", `who`;
      print "


      Figure 14.9 A simple CGI script in Perl. If this script is named status.perl, and is installed
      in the server’s cgi-bin directory, then a user anywhere on the Internet can obtain summary
      statistics and a list of users currently logged into the server by typing hostname/cgi-bin/status.perl
      into a browser window.

      efficient if executed on the client’s machine. Examples include interactive anima-
      tion, error-checking of fill-in forms, and a wide variety of other self-contained

      14.3.1 CGI Scripts

      The original mechanism for server-side web scripting was the Common Gateway
      Interface (CGI). A CGI script is an executable program residing in a special di-
      rectory known to the web server program. When a client requests the URI corre-
      sponding to such a program, the server executes the program and sends its output
      back to the client. Naturally, this output needs to be something that the browser
      will understand—typically HTML.

      CGI scripts may be written in any language available on the server’s machine,
      though Perl is particularly popular: its string-handling and “glue” mechanisms
      are ideally suited to generating HTML, and it was already widely available during
      the early years of the Web. As a simple if somewhat artificial example, suppose weEXAMPLE 14.29

      Remote monitoring with a
      CGI script

      would like to be able to monitor the status of a server machine shared by some
      community of users. The Perl script in Figure 14.9 creates a web page titled by the
      name of the server machine, and containing the output of the uptime and who
      commands (two simple sources of status information). The script’s initial print
      command produces an HTTP message header, indicating that what follows is
      HTML. Sample output from executing the script appears in Figure 14.10. �

      CGI scripts are commonly used to process on-line forms. A simple exampleEXAMPLE 14.30
      Adder web form with a
      CGI script

      appears in Figure 14.11. The form element in the HTML file specifies the URI
      of the CGI script, which is invoked when the user hits the Submit button. Values
      previously entered into the input fields are passed to the script either as a trailing

      14.3 Scripting the World Wide Web 729

      Status of sigma.cs.rochester.edu


      22:10 up 5 days, 12:50, 5 users, load averages: 0.40 0.37 0.31
      scott console Feb 13 09:21
      scott ttyp2 Feb 17 15:27
      test ttyp3 Feb 18 17:10
      test ttyp4 Feb 18 17:11

      Status of sigma.cs.rochester.edu


      22:10 up 5 days, 12:50, 5 users, load averages: 0.40 0.37 0.31

      scott console Feb 13 09:21
      scott ttyp2 Feb 17 15:27
      test ttyp3 Feb 18 17:10
      test ttyp4 Feb 18 17:11

      Figure 14.10 Sample output from the script of Figure 14.9. HTML source appears at top; the
      rendered page is below.

      part of the URI (for a get-type form) or on the standard input stream (for a
      post-type form, shown here).5 With either method, we can access the values
      using the param routine of the standard CGI Perl library, loaded at the beginning
      of our script. �

      14.3.2 Embedded Server-Side Scripts

      Though widely used, CGI scripts have several disadvantages:

      5 One typically uses post type forms for one-time requests. A get type form appears a little
      clumsier, because arguments are visibly embedded in the URI, but this gives it the advantage of
      repeatability: it can be “bookmarked” by client browsers.

      730 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages


      First addend

      Second addend


      12 First addend

      34 Second addend



      use CGI qw(:standard); # provides access to CGI input fields
      $argA = param(“argA”); $argB = param(“argB”); $sum = $argA + $argB;

      print “Content-type: text/html\n\n”;
      print “\n”;

      print “\n”;
      print “Sum\n\n”;
      print “

      $argA plus $argB is $sum

      print “\n\n”;


      12 plus 34 is 46


      12 plus 34 is 46

      Figure 14.11 An interactive CGI form. Source for the original web page is shown at the upper left, with the rendered page
      to the right. The user has entered 12 and 34 in the text fields. When the Submit button is pressed, the client browser sends a
      request to the server for URI /cgi-bin/add.perl. The values 12 and 13 are contained within the request. The Perl script, shown
      in the middle, uses these values to generate a new web page, shown in HTML at the bottom left, with the rendered page to
      the right.

      The web server must launch each script as a separate program, with potentially
      significant overhead (though a CGI script compiled to native code can be very
      fast once running).

      Because the server has little control over the behavior of a script, scripts must
      generally be installed in a trusted directory by trusted system administrators;
      they cannot reside in arbitrary locations as ordinary pages do.

      14.3 Scripting the World Wide Web 731

      Status of <?php echo $host = chop(`hostname`) ?>


      Figure 14.12 A simple PHP script embedded in a web page. When served by a PHP-enabled
      host, this page performs the equivalent of the CGI script of Figure 14.9.

      The name of the script appears in the URI, typically prefixed with the name of
      the trusted directory, so static and dynamic pages look different to end users.

      Each script must generate not only dynamic content but also the HTML tags
      that are needed to format and display it. This extra “boilerplate” makes scripts
      more difficult to write.

      To address these disadvantages, most web servers provide a “module-loading”
      mechanism that allows interpreters for one or more scripting languages to be
      incorporated into the server itself. Scripts in the supported language(s) can then
      be embedded in “ordinary” web pages. The web server interprets such scripts
      directly, without launching an external program. It then replaces the scripts with
      the output they produce, before sending the page to the client. Clients have no
      way to even know that the scripts exist.

      Embeddable server-side scripting languages include PHP, PowerShell (in Mi-
      crosoft Active Server Pages), Ruby, Cold Fusion (from Macromedia Corp.), and
      Java (via “Servlets” in Java Server Pages). The most common of these is PHP.
      Though descended from Perl, PHP has been extensively customized for its target
      domain, with built-in support for (among other things) e-mail and MIME en-
      coding, all the standard Internet communication protocols, authentication and
      security, HTML and URI manipulation, and interaction with dozens of database

      The PHP equivalent of Figure 14.9 appears in Figure 14.12. Most of the textEXAMPLE 14.31
      Remote monitoring with a
      PHP script

      in this figure is standard HTML. PHP code is embedded between
      delimiters. These delimiters are not themselves HTML; rather, they indicate a
      processing instruction that needs to be executed by the PHP interpreter to generate
      replacement text. The “boilerplate” parts of the page can thus appear verbatim;
      they need not be generated by print (Perl) or echo (PHP) commands. Note that
      the separate script fragments are part of a single program. The $host variable,
      for example, is set in the first fragment and used again in the second. �

      732 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      20 numbers

      Figure 14.13 A fragmented PHP script. The if and for statements work as one might
      expect, despite the intervening raw HTML. When requested by a browser, this page displays the
      numbers from 0 to 19, with odd numbers written in bold.

      PHP scripts can even be broken into fragments in the middle of structuredEXAMPLE 14.32
      A fragmented PHP script statements. Figure 14.13 contains a script in which if and for statements span

      fragments. In effect, the HTML text between the end of one script fragment and
      the beginning of the next behaves as if it had been output by an echo command.
      Web designers are free to use whichever approach (echo or escape to raw HTML)
      seems most convenient for the task at hand. �

      Self-Posting Forms

      By changing the action attribute of the FORM element, we can arrange for theEXAMPLE 14.33
      Adder web form with a
      PHP script

      Adder page of Figure 14.11 to invoke a PHP script instead of a CGI script:

      The PHP script itself is shown in the top half of Figure 14.14. Form values are
      made available to the script in an associative array (hash table) named _REQUEST.
      No special library is required. �

      Because our PHP script is executed directly by the web server, it can safelyEXAMPLE 14.34
      Self-posting Adder web

      reside in an arbitrary web directory, including the one in which the Adder page
      resides. In fact, by checking to see how a page was requested, we can merge the
      form and the script into a single page, and let it service its own requests! We
      illustrate this option in the bottom half of Figure 14.14. �

      14.3 Scripting the World Wide Web 733



      First addend

      Second addend


      Figure 14.14 An interactive PHP web page. The script at top could be used in place of the
      script in the middle of Figure 14.11. The lower script in the current figure replaces both the web
      page at the top and the script in the middle of Figure 14.11. It checks to see if it has received a
      full set of arguments. If it hasn’t, it displays the fill-in form; if it has, it displays results.

      734 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      14.3.3 Client-Side Scripts

      While embedded server-side scripts are generally faster than CGI scripts, at least
      when start-up cost predominates, communication across the Internet is still too
      slow for truly interactive pages. If we want the behavior or appearance of the page
      to change as the user moves the mouse, clicks, types, or hides or exposes windows,
      we really need to execute some sort of script on the client’s machine.

      Because they run on the web designer’s site, CGI scripts and, to a lesser extent,
      embeddable server-side scripts can be written in many different languages. All
      the client ever sees is standard HTML. Client-side scripts, by contrast, require an
      interpreter on the client’s machine. By virtue of having been “in the right place
      at the right time” historically, JavaScript is supported with at least some degree
      of consistency by almost all of the world’s web browsers. Given the number of
      legacy browsers still running, and the difficulty of convincing users to upgrade
      or to install new plug-ins, pages intended for use outside a limited domain (e.g.,
      the desktops of a single company) almost always use JavaScript for interactive

      Figure 14.15 shows a page with embedded JavaScript that imitates (on theEXAMPLE 14.35
      Adder web form in

      client) the behavior of the Adder scripts of Figures 14.11 and 14.14. Function
      doAdd is defined in the header of the page so it is available throughout. In partic-
      ular, it will be invoked when the user clicks on the Calculate button. By default,
      the input values are character strings; we use the parseInt function to convert
      them to integers. The parentheses around (argA + argB) in the final assign-
      ment statement then force the use of integer addition. The other occurrences of
      + are string concatenation. To disable the usual mechanism whereby input data
      are submitted to the server when the user hits the enter or return key, we have
      specified a dummy behavior for the onsubmit attribute of the form.

      Rather than replace the page with output text, as our CGI and PHP scripts did,
      we have chosen in our JavaScript version to append the output at the bottom. The
      HTML SPAN element provides a named place in the document where this output
      can be inserted, and the getElementById JavaScript method provides us with a
      reference to this element. The HTML Document Object Model (DOM), standard-
      ized by the World Wide Web Consortium, specifies a very large number of other
      elements, attributes, and user actions, all of which are accessible in JavaScript.
      Through them, scripts can, at appropriate times, inspect or alter almost any as-
      pect of the content, structure, or style of a page. �

      14.3.4 Java Applets and Other Embedded Elements

      As an alternative to requiring client-side scripts to interact with the DOM of a
      web page, many browsers support an embedding mechanism that allows a browser
      plug-in to assume responsibility for some rectangular region of the page, in which
      it can then display whatever it wants. In other words, plug-ins are less a matter
      of scripting the browser than of bypassing it entirely. Historically, plug-ins were

      14.3 Scripting the World Wide Web 735


      First addend

      Second addend


      12 First addend

      34 Second addend


      12 plus 34 is 46

      Figure 14.15 An interactive JavaScript web page. Source appears at left. The rendered version on the right shows the
      appearance of the page after the user has entered two values and hit the Calculate button, causing the output message to
      appear. By entering new values and clicking again, the user can calculate as many sums as desired. Each new calculation will
      replace the output message.

      widely used for content—animations and video in particular—that were poorly
      supported by HTML.

      Programs designed to be run by a Java plug-in are commonly known as ap-
      plets. Consider, for example, an applet to display a clock with moving hands.EXAMPLE 14.36

      Embedding an applet in a
      web page

      Legacy browsers have supported several different applet tags, but as of HTML5
      the standard syntax looks like this:

      The type attribute informs the browser that the embedded element is expected to
      be a Java applet; the code element provides the applet’s URI. Additional attributes
      can be used to specify such properties as the required interpreter version number
      and the size of the needed display space. �

      As one might infer from the existence of the type attribute, embed tags can re-
      quest execution by a wide variety of plug-ins—not just a Java Virtual Machine. As
      of 2015, the most widely used plug-in is Adobe’s Flash Player. Though scriptable,

      736 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      Flash Player is more accurately described as a multimedia display engine than a
      general purpose programming language interpreter.

      Over time, plug-ins have proven to be a major source of browser security bugs.
      Almost any nontrivial plug-in requires access to operating system services—
      network IO, local file space, graphics acceleration, and so on. Providing just
      enough service to make the plug-in useful—but not enough to allow it to do any
      harm—has proven extremely difficult. To address this problem, extensive mul-
      timedia support has been built into the HTML5 standard, allowing the browser
      itself to assume responsibility for much of what was once accomplished with plug-
      ins. Security is still a problem, but the number of software modules that must
      be trusted—and the number of points at which an attacker might try to gain
      entrance—is significantly reduced. Many browsers now disable Java by default.
      Some disable Flash as well.

      14.3.5 XSLT

      Most readers will undoubtedly have had the opportunity to write, or at least
      to read, the HTML (hypertext markup language) used to compose web pages.
      HTML has, for the most part, a nested structure in which fragments of docu-
      ments (elements) are delimited by tags that indicate their purpose or appearance.
      We saw in Section 14.2.2, for example, that top-level headings are delimited with


      . Unfortunately, as a result of the chaotic and informal way in
      which the Web evolved, HTML ended up with many inconsistencies in its design,
      and incompatibilities among the versions implemented by different vendors.


      14.5 JavaScript and Java
      Despite its name, JavaScript has no connection to Java beyond some superficial
      syntactic similarity. The language was originally developed by Brendan Eich at
      Netscape Corp. in 1995. Eich called his creation LiveScript, but the company
      chose to rename it as part of a joint marketing agreement with Sun Microsys-
      tems, prior to its public release. Trademark on the JavaScript name is actually
      owned by Oracle, which acquired Sun in 2010.

      Netscape’s browser was the market leader in 1995, and JavaScript usage
      grew extremely fast. To remain competitive, developers at Microsoft added
      JavaScript support to Internet Explorer, but they used the name JScript in-
      stead, and they introduced a number of incompatibilities with the Netscape
      version of the language. A common version was standardized as ECMAScript
      by the European standards body in 1997 (and subsequently by the ISO), but
      major incompatibilities remained in the Document Object Models provided
      by different browsers. These have been gradually resolved through a series of
      standards from the World Wide Web Consortium, but legacy pages and legacy
      browsers continue to plague web developers.

      14.3 Scripting the World Wide Web 737

      XML (extensible markup language) is a more recent and general language in
      which to capture structured data. Compared to HTML, its syntax and seman-
      tics are more regular and consistent, and more consistently implemented across
      platforms. It is extensible, meaning that users can define their own tags. It also
      makes a clear distinction between the content of a document (the data it captures)
      and the presentation of that data. Presentation, in fact, is deferred to a compan-
      ion standard known as XSL (extensible stylesheet language). XSLT is a portion
      of XSL devoted to transforming XML: selecting, reorganizing, and modifying tags
      and the elements they delimit—in effect, scripting the processing of data repre-
      sented in XML.


      14.6 How far can you trust a script?
      Security becomes an issue whenever code is executed using someone else’s re-
      sources. On a hosting machine, web servers are usually installed with very lim-
      ited access rights, and with only a limited view of the host’s file system. This
      strategy limits the set of pages accessible through the server to a well-defined
      subset of what would be visible to users logged into the hosting machine di-
      rectly. By contrast, CGI scripts are separate executable programs, and can po-
      tentially run with the privileges of whoever installs them. To prevent users on
      the hosting machine from accidentally or intentionally passing their privileges
      to arbitrary users on the Internet, most system administrators configure their
      machines so that CGI scripts must reside in a special directory, and be installed
      by a trusted user. Embedded server-side scripts can reside in any file because
      they are guaranteed to run with the (limited) rights of the server itself.

      A larger risk is posed by code downloaded over the Internet and executed
      on a client machine. Because such code is in general untrusted, it must be
      executed in a carefully controlled environment, sometimes called a sandbox,
      to prevent it from doing any damage. As a general rule, embedded JavaScript
      cannot access the local file system, memory management system, or network,
      nor can it manipulate documents from other sites. Java applets, likewise, have
      only limited ability to access external resources. Reality is a bit more compli-
      cated, of course: Sometimes, a script needs access to, say, a temporary file of
      limited size, or a network connection to a trusted server. Mechanisms exist to
      certify sites as trusted, or to allow a trusted site to certify the trustworthiness
      of pages from other sites. Scripts on pages obtained through a trusted mecha-
      nism may then be given extended rights. Such mechanisms must be used with
      care. Finding the right balance between security and functionality remains one
      of the central challenges of the Web, and of distributed computing in general.
      (More on this topic can be found in Section 16.2.4, and in Explorations 16.19
      and 16.20.)

      738 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages


      XML can be used to create specialized markup languages for a very wide range of
      application domains. XHTML is an almost (but not quite) backward compatible
      variant of HTML that conforms to the XML standard. Web tools are increasingly
      being designed to generate XHTML.

      On the companion site, we consider a variety of topics related to XML, with
      a particular emphasis on XSLT. We elaborate on the distinction between content
      and presentation, introduce the general notion of stylesheet languages, and de-
      scribe the document type definitions (DTDs) and schemas used to define domain-
      specific applications of XML, using XHTML as an example.

      Because tags are required to nest, an XML document has a natural tree-based
      structure. XSLT is designed to process these trees via recursive traversal. Though
      it can be used for almost any task that takes XML as input, perhaps its most com-
      mon use is to transform XML into formatted output—often XHTML to be pre-
      sented in a browser. As an extended example, we consider the formatting of an
      XML-based bibliographic database.

      23. Explain the distinction between server-side and client-side web scripting.

      24. List the tradeoffs between CGI scripts and embedded PHP.

      25. Why are CGI scripts usually installed only in a special directory?

      26. Explain how a PHP page can service its own requests.

      27. Why might we prefer to execute a web script on the server rather than the
      client? Why might we sometimes prefer the client instead?

      28. What is the HTML Document Object Model? What is its significance for client-
      side scripting?

      29. What is the relationship between JavaScript and Java?

      30. What is an applet? Why applets are usually not considered an example of

      31. What is HTML? XML? XSLT? How are they related to one another?

      14.4 Innovative Features
      In Section 14.1.1, we listed several common characteristics of scripting languages:

      1. Both batch and interactive use

      14.4 Innovative Features 739

      2. Economy of expression
      3. Lack of declarations; simple scoping rules
      4. Flexible dynamic typing
      5. Easy access to other programs
      6. Sophisticated pattern matching and string manipulation
      7. High-level data types

      Several of these are discussed in more detail in the subsections below. Specifi-
      cally, Section 14.4.1 considers naming and scoping in scripting languages; Sec-
      tion 14.4.2 discusses string and pattern manipulation; and Section 14.4.3 con-
      siders data types. Items (1), (2), and (5) in our list, while important, are not
      particularly difficult or subtle, and will not be considered further here.

      14.4.1 Names and Scopes

      Most scripting languages (Scheme is the obvious exception) do not require vari-
      ables to be declared. A few languages, notably Perl and JavaScript, permit optional
      declarations, primarily as a sort of compiler-checked documentation. Perl can be
      run in a mode (use strict


      ) that requires declarations. With or without

      declarations, most scripting languages use dynamic typing. Values are generally
      self-descriptive, so the interpreter can perform type checking at run time, or co-
      erce values when appropriate.

      Nesting and scoping conventions vary quite a bit. Scheme, Python, JavaScript,
      and R provide the classic combination of nested subroutines and static (lexical)
      scope. Tcl allows subroutines to nest, but uses dynamic scoping. Named subrou-
      tines (methods) do not nest in PHP or Ruby, and they are only sort of nest in Perl
      (more on this below as well), but Perl and Ruby join Scheme, Python, JavaScript,
      and R in providing first-class anonymous local subroutines. Nested blocks are
      statically scoped in Perl. In Ruby, they are part of the named scope in which
      they appear. Scheme, Perl, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and R all provide unlimited
      extent for variables captured in closures. PHP, R, and the major glue languages
      (Perl, Tcl, Python, Ruby) all have sophisticated namespace mechanisms for infor-
      mation hiding and the selective import of names from separate modules.

      What Is the Scope of an Undeclared Variable?

      In languages with static scoping, the lack of declarations raises an interesting
      question: when we access a variable x, how do we know if it is local, global, or (if
      scopes can nest) something in-between? Existing languages take several different
      approaches. In Perl, all variables are global unless explicitly declared. In PHP,
      they are local unless explicitly imported (and all imports are global, since scopes
      do not nest). Ruby, too, has only two real levels of scoping, but as we saw in Sec-
      tion 14.2.4, it distinguishes between them using prefix characters on names: foo
      is a local variable; $foo is a global variable; @foo is an instance variable of the cur-
      rent object (the one whose method is currently executing); @@foo is an instance

      740 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      i = 1; j = 3
      def outer():

      def middle(k):
      def inner():

      global i # from main program, not outer
      i = 4

      return i, j, k # 3-element tuple

      i = 2 # new local i
      return middle(j) # old (global) j

      print(i, j)

      Figure 14.16 A program to illustrate scope rules in Python. There is one instance each of j
      and k, but two of i: one global and one local to outer. The scope of the latter is all of outer,
      not just the portion after the assignment. The global statement provides inner with access to
      the outermost i, so it can write it without defining a new instance.

      variable of the current object’s class (shared by all sibling instances). (Note: as
      we shall see in Section 14.4.3, Perl uses similar prefix characters to indicate type.
      These very different uses are a potential source of confusion for programmers
      who switch between the two languages.)

      Perhaps the most interesting scope-resolution rule is that of Python and R. In
      these languages, a variable that is written is assumed to be local, unless it is explic-
      itly imported. A variable that is only read in a given scope is found in the closest
      enclosing scope that contains a defining write. Consider, for example, the PythonEXAMPLE 14.37

      Scoping rules in Python program of Figure 14.16. Here we have a set of nested subroutines, as indicated
      by indentation level. The main program calls outer, which calls middle, which
      in turn calls inner. Before its call, the main program writes both i and j. Outer
      reads j (to pass it to middle), but does not write it. It does, however, write i.
      Consequently, outer reads the global j, but has its own i, different from the
      global one. Middle reads both i and j, but it does not write either, so it must
      find them in surrounding scopes. It finds i in outer, and j at the global level.
      Inner, for its part, also writes the global i. When executed, the program prints

      (2, 3, 3)
      4 3

      Note that while the tuple returned from middle (forwarded on by outer, and
      printed by the main program) has a 2 as its first element, the global i still con-
      tains the 4 that was written by inner. Note also that while the write to i in
      outer appears textually after the read of i in middle, its scope extends over all
      of outer, including the body of middle. �

      Interestingly, there is no way in Python for a nested routine to write a variable
      that belongs to a surrounding but nonglobal scope. In Figure 14.16, inner couldEXAMPLE 14.38

      Superassignment in R not be modified to write outer’s i. R provides an alternative mechanism that

      14.4 Innovative Features 741

      sub outer($) { # must be called with scalar arg
      $sub_A = sub {

      print “sub_A $lex, $dyn\n”;
      my $lex = $_[0]; # static local initialized to first arg
      local $dyn = $_[0]; # dynamic local initialized to first arg
      $sub_B = sub {

      print “sub_B $lex, $dyn\n”;
      print “outer $lex, $dyn\n”;


      $lex = 1; $dyn = 1;
      print “main $lex, $dyn\n”;
      print “main $lex, $dyn\n”;

      Figure 14.17 A program to illustrate scope rules in Perl. The my operator creates a statically
      scoped local variable; the local operator creates a new dynamically scoped instance of a global
      variable. The static scope extends from the point of declaration to the lexical end of the block;
      the dynamic scope extends from elaboration to the end of the block’s execution.

      does provide this functionality. Rather than declare i to be global, R uses a “su-
      perassignment” operator. Where a normal assignment i <- 4 assigns the value 4 into a local variable i, the superassignment i <<- 4 assigns 4 into whatever i would be found under the normal rules of static (lexical) scoping. � Scoping in Perl Perl has evolved over the years. At first, there were only global variables. Locals were soon added for the sake of modularity, so a subroutine with a variable named i wouldn’t have to worry about modifying a global i that was needed elsewhere in the code. Unfortunately, locals were originally defined in terms of dynamic scoping, and the need for backward compatibility required that this behavior be retained when static scoping was added in Perl 5. Consequently, the language provides both mechanisms. Any variable that is not declared is global in Perl by default. Variables declared with the local operator are dynamically scoped. Variables declared with the my operator are statically scoped. The difference can be seen in Figure 14.17, inEXAMPLE 14.39 Static and dynamic scoping in Perl which subroutine outer declares two local variables, lex and dyn. The former is statically scoped; the latter is dynamically scoped. Both are initialized to be a copy of foo’s first parameter. (Parameters are passed in the pseudovariable @_. The first element of this array is $_[0].) Two lexically identical anonymous subroutines are nested inside outer, one before and one after the redeclarations of $lex and $dyn. References to these are 742 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages stored in local variables sub_A and sub_B. Because static scopes in Perl extend from a declaration to the end of its block, sub_A sees the global $lex, while sub_B sees outer’s $lex. In contrast, because the declaration of local $dyn occurs before either sub_A or sub_B is called, both see this local version. Our program prints main 1, 1 outer 2, 2 sub_A 1, 2 sub_B 2, 2 main 1, 1 � In cases where static scoping would normally access a variable at an in-betweenEXAMPLE 14.40 Accessing globals in Perl level of nesting, Perl allows the programmer to force the use of a global variable with the our operator, whose name is intended to contrast with my: ($x, $y, $z) = (1, 1, 1); # global scope { # middle scope my ($x, $y) = (2, 2); local $z = 3; { # inner scope our ($x, $z); # use globals print "$x, $y, $z\n"; } } Here there is one lexical instance of z and two of x and y—one global, one in the middle scope. There is also a dynamic z in the middle scope. When it executes DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 14.7 Thinking about dynamic scoping In Section 3.3.6, we described dynamic scope rules as introducing a new mean- ing for a name that remains visible, wherever we are in the program, until con- trol leaves the scope in which the new meaning was created. This conceptual model mirrors the association list implementation described in Section C 3.4.2 and, as described in Sidebar 3.6, probably accounts for the use of dynamic scoping in early dialects of Lisp. Documentation for Perl suggests a semantically equivalent but conceptually different model. Rather than saying that a local declaration introduces a new variable whose name hides previous declarations, Perl says that there is a single variable, at the global level, whose previous value is saved when the new decla- ration is encountered, and then automatically restored when control leaves the new declaration’s scope. This model mirrors the underlying implementation in Perl, which uses a central reference table (also described in Section C 3.4.2). In keeping with this model and implementation, Perl does not allow a local operator to create a dynamic instance of a variable that is not global. 14.4 Innovative Features 743 its print statement, the inner scope finds the y from the middle scope. It finds the global x, however, because of the our operator on line 6. Now what about z? The rules require us to start with static scoping, ignoring local operators. According, then, to the our operator in the inner scope, we are using the global z. Once we know this, we look to see whether a dynamic (local) redeclaration of z is in effect. In this case indeed it is, and our program prints 1, 2, 3. As it turns out, the our declaration in the inner scope had no effect on this program. If only x had been declared our, we would still have used the global z, and then found the dynamic instance from the middle scope. � 14.4.2 String and Pattern Manipulation When we first considered regular expressions, in Section 2.1.1, we noted that many scripting languages and related tools employ extended versions of the no- tation. Some extensions are simply a matter of convenience. Others increase the expressive power of the notation, allowing us to generate (match) nonregular sets of strings. Still other extensions serve to tie the notation to other language fea- tures. We have already seen examples of extended regular expressions in sed (Fig- ure 14.1), awk (Figures 14.2 and 14.3), Perl (Figures 14.4 and 14.5), Python (Fig- ure 14.6), and Ruby (Figure 14.7). Many readers will also be familiar with grep, the stand-alone Unix pattern-matching tool (see Sidebar 14.8). While there are many different implementations of extended regular expres- sions (“REs” for short), with slightly different syntax, most fall into two main groups. The first group includes awk, egrep (the most widely used of several different versions of grep), and the regex library for C. These implement REs as defined in the POSIX standard [Int03b]. Languages in the second group follow the lead of Perl, which provides a large set of extensions, sometimes referred to as “advanced REs.” Perl-like advanced REs appear in PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Emacs Lisp, Java, and C#. They can also be found in third-party packages for C++ and other languages. A few tools, including sed, classic grep, and older Unix editors, provide so-called “basic” REs, less capable than those of egrep. In certain languages and tools—notably sed, awk, Perl, PHP, Ruby, and JavaScript—regular expressions are tightly integrated into the rest of the lan- guage, with special syntax and built-in operators. In these languages an RE is typ- ically delimited with slash characters, though other delimiters may be accepted in some cases (and Perl in fact provides slightly different semantics for a few alterna- tive delimiters). In most other languages, REs are expressed as ordinary character strings, and are manipulated by passing them to library routines. Over the next few pages we will consider POSIX and advanced REs in more detail. Following Perl, we will use slashes as delimiters. Our coverage will of necessity be incom- plete. The chapter on REs in the Perl book [CfWO12, Chap. 5] is over 100 pages long. The corresponding Unix man page totals some 40 pages. 744 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages POSIX Regular Expressions Like the “true” regular expressions of formal language theory, extended REs sup-EXAMPLE 14.41 Basic operations in POSIX REs port concatenation, alternation, and Kleene closure. Parentheses are used for grouping: /ab(cd|ef)g*/ matches abcd, abcdg, abefg, abefgg, abcdggg, etc. � Several other quantifiers (generalizations of Kleene closure) are also available: ?EXAMPLE 14.42 Extra quantifiers in POSIX REs indicates zero or one repetitions, + indicates one or more repetitions, {n} indi- cates exactly n repetitions, {n,} indicates at least n repetitions, and {n,m} indi- cates n–m repetitions: /a(bc)*/ matches a, abc, abcbc, abcbcbc, etc. /a(bc)?/ matches a or abc /a(bc)+/ matches abc, abcbc, abcbcbc, etc. /a(bc){3}/ matches abcbcbc only /a(bc){2,}/ matches abcbc, abcbcbc, etc. /a(bc){1,3}/ matches abc, abcbc, and abcbcbc (only) � Two zero-length assertions, ^ and $, match only at the beginning and end, re- spectively, of a target string. Thus while /abe/ will match abe, abet, babe, andEXAMPLE 14.43 Zero-length assertions label, /^abe/ will match only the first two of these, /abe$/ will match only the first and the third, and /^abe$/ will match only the first. � As an abbreviation for the alternation of set of single characters (e.g., /a|e|i|EXAMPLE 14.44 Character classes o|u/), extended REs permit character classes to be specified with square brackets: /b[aeiou]d/ matches bad, bed, bid, bod, and bud DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 14.8 The grep command and the birth of Unix tools Historically, regular expression tools have their roots in the pattern matching mechanism of the ed line editor, which dates from the earliest days of Unix. In 1973, Doug McIlroy, head of the department where Unix was born, was working on a project in computerized voice synthesis. As part of this project he was using the editor to search for potentially challenging words in an on- line dictionary. The process was both tedious and slow. At McIlroy’s request, Ken Thompson extracted the pattern matcher from ed and made it a stand- alone tool. He named his creation grep, after the g/re/p command sequence in the editor: g for “global”; / / to search for a regular expression (re); p to print [HH97a, Chap. 9]. Thompson’s creation was one of the first in a large suite of stream-based Unix tools. As described in Section 14.2.1, such tools are frequently combined with pipes to perform a variety of filtering, transforming, and formatting op- erations. 14.4 Innovative Features 745 Ranges are also permitted: /0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/ matches any hexadecimal integer � Outside a character class, a dot (.) matches any character other than a newline. The expression /b.d/, for example, matches not only bad, bbd, bcd, and so on,EXAMPLE 14.45 The dot (.) character but also b:d, b7d, and many, many others, including sequences in which the middle character isn’t printable. In a Unicode-enabled version of Perl, there are tens of thousands of options. � A caret (^) at the beginning of a character class indicates negation: the class expression matches anything other than the characters inside. Thus /b[^aq]d/EXAMPLE 14.46 Negation and quoting in character classes matches anything matched by /b.d/ except for bad and bqd. A caret, right bracket, or hyphen can be specified inside a character class by preceding it with a backslash. A backslash will similarly protect any of the special characters | ( ) [ ] { } $ . * + ? outside a character class.6 To match a literal backslash, use two of them in a row: /a\\b/ matches a\b � Several character class expressions are predefined in the POSIX standard. As we saw in Example 14.19, the expression [:space:] can be used to cap-EXAMPLE 14.47 Predefined POSIX character classes ture white space. For punctuation there is [:punct:]. The exact defini- tions of these classes depend on the local character set and language. Note, too, that the expressions must be used inside a built-up character class; they aren’t classes by themselves. A variable name in C, for example, might be matched by /[[:alpha:]_][[:alpha:][:digit:]_]*/ or, a bit more simply, /[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*/. Additional syntax, not described here, allows character classes to capture Unicode collating elements (multibyte sequences such as a character and associated accents) that collate (sort) as if they were single ele- ments. Perl provides less cumbersome versions of most of these special classes. � Perl Extensions Extended REs are a central part of Perl. The built-in =~ operator is used to testEXAMPLE 14.48 RE matching in Perl for matching: $foo = "albatross"; if ($foo =~ /ba.*s+/) ... # true if ($foo =~ /^ba.*s+/) ... # false (no match at start of string) The string to be matched against can also be left unspecified, in which case Perl uses the pseudovariable $_ by default: 6 Strictly speaking, ] and } don’t require a protective backslash unless there is a preceding un- matched (and unprotected) [ or {, respectively. 746 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages $_ = "albatross"; if (/ba.*s+/) ... # true if (/^ba.*s+/) ... # false Recall that $_ is set automatically when iterating over the lines of a file. It is also the default index variable in for loops. � The !~ operator returns true when a pattern does not match:EXAMPLE 14.49 Negating a match in Perl if ("albatross" !~ /^ba.*s+/) ... # true � For substitution, the binary “mixfix” operator s/// replaces whatever lies be-EXAMPLE 14.50 RE substitution in Perl tween the first and second slashes with whatever lies between the second and the third: $foo = "albatross"; $foo =~ s/lbat/c/; # "across" Again, if a left-hand side is not specified, s/// matches and modifies $_. � Modifiers and Escape Sequences Both matches and substitutions can be modified by adding one or more char- acters after the closing delimiter. A trailing i, for example, makes the match case-insensitive:EXAMPLE 14.51 Trailing modifiers on RE matches $foo = "Albatross"; if ($foo =~ /^al/i) ... # true A trailing g on a substitution replaces all occurrences of the regular expression: $foo = "albatross"; $foo =~ s/[aeiou]/-/g; # "-lb-tr-ss" � DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION 14.9 Automata for regular expressions POSIX regular expressions are typically implemented using the constructions described in Section 2.2.1, which transform the RE into an NFA and then a DFA. Advanced REs of the sort provided by Perl are typically implemented via backtracking search in the obvious NFA. The NFA-to-DFA construction is usually not employed because it fails to preserve some of the advanced RE extensions (notably the capture mechanism described in Examples 14.55– 14.58) [CfWO12, pp. 241–246]. Some implementations use a DFA first to de- termine whether there is a match, and then an NFA or backtracking search to actually effect the match. This strategy pays the price of the slower automaton only when it’s sure to be worthwhile. 14.4 Innovative Features 747 Escape Meaning \0 NUL character \a alarm (BEL) character \b backspace (within character class) \e escape (ESC) character \f form-feed (FF) character \n newline \r return \t tab \NNN character given by NNN in octal \x{abcd} character given by abcd in hexadecimal \b word boundary (outside character classes) \B not a word boundary \A beginning of string \z end of string \Z prior to final newline, or end of string if none \d digit (decimal) \D not a digit \s white space (space, tab, newline, return, form feed) \S not white space \w word character (letter, digit, underscore) \W not a word character Figure 14.18 Regular expression escape sequences in Perl. Sequences in the top portion of the table represent individual characters. Sequences in the middle are zero-width assertions. Sequences at the bottom are built-in character classes. Note that these are only examples: Perl assigns a meaning to almost every backslash-character sequence. For matching in multiline strings, a trailing s allows a dot (.) to match an em- bedded newline (which it normally cannot). A trailing m allows $ and ^ to match immediately before and after such a newline, respectively. A trailing x causes Perl to ignore both comments and embedded white space in the pattern so that partic- ularly complicated expressions can be broken across multiple lines, documented, and indented. In the tradition of C and its relatives (Example 8.29), Perl allows nonprinting characters to be specified in REs using backslash escape sequences. Some of the most frequently used examples appear in the top portion of Figure 14.18. Perl also provides several zero-width assertions, in addition to the standard ^ and $. Examples are shown in the middle of the figure. The \A and \Z escapes differ from ^ and $ in that they continue to match only at the beginning and end of the string, respectively, even in multiline searches that use the modifier m. Finally, Perl provides several built-in character classes, some of which are shown at the bottom of the figure. These can be used both inside and outside user-defined (i.e., bracket-delimited) classes. Note that \b has different meanings inside and outside such classes. 748 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages Greedy and Minimal Matches The usual rule for matching in REs is sometimes called “left-most longest”: when a pattern can match at more than one place within a string, the chosen match will be the one that starts at the earliest possible position within the string, and then extends as far as possible. In the string abcbcbcde, for example, the patternEXAMPLE 14.52 Greedy and minimal matching /(bc)+/ can match in six different ways: abcbcbcde abcbcbcde abcbcbcde abcbcbcde abcbcbcde abcbcbcde The third of these is “left-most longest,” also known as greedy. In some cases, however, it may be desirable to obtain a “left-most shortest” or minimal match. This corresponds to the first alternative above. � We saw a more realistic example in Example 14.23 (Figure 14.4), which con-EXAMPLE 14.53 Minimal matching of HTML headers tains the following substitution: s/.*?(<[hH][123]>.*?<\/[hH][123]>)//s;

      Assuming that the HTML input is well formed, and that headers do not nest, this
      substitution deletes everything between the beginning of the string (implicitly $_)
      and the end of the first embedded header. It does so by using the *? quantifier
      instead of the usual *. Without the question marks, the pattern would match
      through (and the substitution would delete through) the end of the last header in
      the string. Recall that the trailing s modifier allows our headers to span lines.

      In general, *? matches the smallest number of instances of the preceding
      subexpression that will allow the overall match to succeed. Similarly, +? matches
      at least one instance, but no more than necessary to allow the overall match to suc-
      ceed, and ?? matches either zero or one instances, with a preference for zero. �

      Variable Interpolation and Capture

      Like double-quoted strings, regular expressions in Perl support variable interpo-
      lation. Any dollar sign that does not immediately precede a vertical bar, closing
      parenthesis, or end of string is assumed to introduce the name of a Perl variable,
      whose value as a string is expanded prior to passing the pattern to the regular
      expression evaluator. This allows us to write code that generates patterns at runEXAMPLE 14.54

      Variable interpolation in
      extended REs


      $prefix = …
      $suffix = …
      if ($foo =~ /^$prefix.*$suffix$/) …

      14.4 Innovative Features 749

      Note the two different roles played by $ in this example. �
      The flow of information can go the other way as well: we can pull the values of

      variables out of regular expressions. We saw a simple example in the sed scriptEXAMPLE 14.55
      Variable capture in
      extended REs

      of Figure 14.1:

      s/^.*\(<[hH][123]>\)/\1/ ;# delete text before opening tag

      The equivalent in Perl would look something like this:

      $line =~ s/^.*(<[hH][123]>)/\1/;

      Every parenthesized fragment of a Perl RE is said to capture the text that it
      matches. The captured strings may be referenced in the right-hand side of the
      substitution as \1, \2, and so on. Outside the expression they remain available
      (until the next substitution is executed) as $1, $2, and so on:

      print “Opening tag: “, $1, “\n”; �


      14.10 Compiling regular expressions
      Before it can be used as the basis of a search, a regular expression must be
      compiled into a deterministic or nondeterministic (backtracking) automaton.
      Patterns that are clearly constant can be compiled once, either when the pro-
      gram is loaded or when they are first encountered. Patterns that contain in-
      terpolated strings, however, must in the general case be recompiled whenever
      they are encountered, at potentially significant run-time cost. A programmer
      who knows that interpolated variables will never change can inhibit recom-
      pilation by attaching a trailing o modifier to the regular expression, in which
      case the expression will be compiled the first time it is encountered, and never
      thereafter. For expressions that must sometimes but not always be recompiled,
      the programmer can use the qr operator to force recompilation of a pattern,
      yielding a result that can be used repeatedly and efficiently:

      for (@patterns) { # iterate over patterns
      my $pat = qr($_); # compile to automaton
      for (@strings) { # iterate over strings

      if (/$pat/) { # no recompilation required
      print; # print all strings that match
      print “\n”;

      print “\n”;


      750 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      One can even use a captured string later in the RE itself. Such a string is calledEXAMPLE 14.56
      Backreferences in
      extended REs

      a backreference:

      if (/.*?(<[hH]([123])>.*?<\/[hH]\2>)/) {
      print “header: $1\n”;


      Here we have used \2 to insist that the closing tag of an HTML header match the
      opening tag. �

      One can, of course capture multiple strings:EXAMPLE 14.57
      Dissecting a floating-point
      literal if (/^([+-]?)((\d+)\.|(\d*)\.(\d+))(e([+-]?\d+))?$/) {

      # floating-point number
      print “sign: “, $1, “\n”;
      print “integer: “, $3, $4, “\n”;
      print “fraction: “, $5, “\n”;
      print “mantissa: “, $2, “\n”;
      print “exponent: “, $7, “\n”;


      As in the previous example, the numbering corresponds to the occurrence of left
      parentheses, read from left to right. With input -123.45e-6 we see

      sign: –
      integer: 123
      fraction: 45
      mantissa: 123.45
      exponent: -6

      Note that because of alternation, exactly one of $3 and $4 is guaranteed to be set.
      Note also that while we need the sixth set of parentheses for grouping (it has a ?
      quantifier), we don’t really need it for capture. �

      For simple matches, Perl also provides pseudovariables named $`, $&, and $

      These name the portions of the string before, in, and after the most recent match,EXAMPLE 14.58

      Implicit capture of prefix,
      match, and suffix


      $line = <>;
      chop $line; # delete trailing newline
      $line =~ /is/;
      print “prefix($`) match($&) suffix($’)\n”;

      With input “now is the time”, this code prints

      prefix(now ) match(is) suffix( the time) �

      14.4 Innovative Features 751

      32. Name a scripting language that uses dynamic scoping.

      33. Summarize the strategies used in Perl, PHP, Ruby, and Python to determine
      the scope of variables that are not declared.

      34. Describe the conceptual model for dynamically scoped variables in Perl.

      35. List the principal features found in POSIX regular expressions, but not in the
      regular expressions of formal language theory (Section 2.1.1).

      36. List the principal features found in Perl REs, but not in those of POSIX.

      37. Explain the purpose of search modifiers (characters following the final delim-
      iter) in Perl-type regular expressions.

      38. Describe the three main categories of escape sequences in Perl-type regular

      39. Explain the difference between greedy and minimal matches.

      40. Describe the notion of capture in regular expressions.

      14.4.3 Data Types

      As we have seen, scripting languages don’t generally require (or even permit) the
      declaration of types for variables. Most perform extensive run-time checks to
      make sure that values are never used in inappropriate ways. Some languages (e.g.,
      Scheme, Python, and Ruby) are relatively strict about this checking; the program-
      mer who wants to convert from one type to another must say so explicitly. If weEXAMPLE 14.59

      Coercion in Ruby and Perl type the following in Ruby,

      a = “4”
      print a + 3, “\n”

      we get the following message at run time: “In ‘+’: no implicit conversion of Fixnum
      into String (TypeError).” Perl is much more forgiving. As we saw in Example 14.2,
      the program

      $a = “4”;
      print $a . 3 . “\n”; # ‘.’ is concatenation
      print $a + 3 . “\n”; # ‘+’ is addition

      prints 43 and 7. �
      In general, Perl (and likewise Rexx and Tcl) takes the position that program-

      mers should check for the errors they care about, and in the absence of such
      checks the program should do something reasonable. Perl is willing, for example,EXAMPLE 14.60

      Coercion and context in

      to accept the following (though it prints a warning if run with the -w compile-
      time switch):

      752 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      $a[3] = “1”; # (array @a was previously undefined)
      print $a[3] + $a[4], “\n”;

      Here $a[4] is uninitialized and hence has value undef. In a numeric context (as
      an operand of +) the string “1” evaluates to 1, and undef evaluates to 0. Added
      together, these yield 1, which is converted to a string and printed. �

      A comparable code fragment in Ruby requires a bit more care. Before we canEXAMPLE 14.61
      Explicit conversion in Ruby subscript a we must make sure that it refers to an array:

      a = [] # empty array assignment
      a[3] = “1”

      If the first line were not present (and a had not been initialized in any other way),
      the second line would have generated an “undefined local variable” error. After
      these assignments, a[3] is a string, but other elements of a are nil. We cannot
      concatenate a string and nil, nor can we add them (both operators are specified
      in Ruby using the operator +). If we want concatenation, and a[4] may be nil,
      we must say

      print a[3] + String(a[4]), “\n”

      If we want addition, we must say

      print Integer(a[3]) + Integer(a[4]), “\n”

      As these examples suggest, Perl (and likewise Tcl) uses a value model of vari-
      ables. Scheme, Python, and Ruby use a reference model. PHP and JavaScript, like
      Java, use a value model for variables of primitive type and a reference model for
      variables of object type. The distinction is less important in PHP and JavaScript
      than it is in Java, because the same variable can hold a primitive value at one point
      in time and an object reference at another.

      Numeric Types

      As we have seen in Section 14.4.2, scripting languages generally provide a very rich
      set of mechanisms for string and pattern manipulation. Syntax and interpolation
      conventions vary, but the underlying functionality is remarkably consistent, and
      heavily influenced by Perl. The underlying support for numeric types shows a bit
      more variation across languages, but the programming model is again remark-
      ably consistent: users are, to first approximation, encouraged to think of numeric
      values as “simply numbers,” and not to worry about the distinction between fixed
      and floating point, or about the limits of available precision.

      Internally, numbers in JavaScript are always double-precision floating point;
      they are doubles by default in Lua as well. In Tcl they are strings, converted to
      integers or floating-point numbers (and back again) when arithmetic is needed.
      PHP uses integers (guaranteed to be at least 32 bits wide), plus double-precision

      14.4 Innovative Features 753

      floating point. To these Perl and Ruby add arbitrary precision (multiword) in-
      tegers, sometimes known as bignums. Python has bignums too, plus support for
      complex numbers. Scheme has all of the above, plus precise rationals, maintained
      as 〈numerator, denominator〉 pairs. In all cases the interpreter “up-converts”
      as necessary when doing arithmetic on values with different representations, or
      when overflow would otherwise occur.

      Perl is scrupulous about hiding the distinctions among different numeric rep-
      resentations. Most other languages allow the user to determine which is being
      used, though this is seldom necessary. Ruby is perhaps the most explicit about
      the existence of different representations: classes Fixnum, Bignum, and Float
      (double-precision floating point) have overlapping but not identical sets of built-
      in methods. In particular, integers have iterator methods, which floating-point
      numbers do not, and floating-point numbers have rounding and error checking
      methods, which integers do not. Fixnum and Bignum are both descendants of

      Composite Types

      The type constructors of compiled languages like C, Fortran, and Ada were cho-
      sen largely for the sake of efficient implementation. Arrays and records, in partic-
      ular, have straightforward time- and space-efficient implementations, which we
      studied in Chapter 8. Efficiency, however, is less important in scripting languages.
      Designers have felt free to choose type constructors oriented more toward ease
      of understanding than pure run-time performance. In particular, most script-
      ing languages place a heavy emphasis on mappings, sometimes called dictionaries,
      hashes, or associative arrays. As might be guessed from the third of these names,
      a mapping is typically implemented with a hash table. Access time for a hash re-
      mains O(1), but with a significantly higher constant than is typical for a compiled
      array or record.

      Perl, the oldest of the widely used scripting languages, inherits its principal
      composite types—the array and the hash—from awk. It also uses prefix char-
      acters on variable names as an indication of type: $foo is a scalar (a number,
      Boolean, string, or pointer [which Perl calls a “reference”]); @foo is an array;
      %foo is a hash; &foo is a subroutine; and plain foo is a filehandle or an I/O
      format, depending on context.

      Ordinary arrays in Perl are indexed using square brackets and integers startingEXAMPLE 14.62
      Perl arrays with 0:

      @colors = (“red”, “green”, “blue”); # initializer syntax
      print $colors[1]; # green

      Note that we use the @ prefix when referring to the array as a whole, and the $
      prefix when referring to one of its (scalar) elements. Arrays are self-expanding:
      assignment to an out-of-bounds element simply makes the array larger (at the
      cost of dynamic memory allocation and copying). Uninitialized elements have
      the value undef by default. �

      Hashes are indexed using curly braces and character string names:EXAMPLE 14.63
      Perl hashes

      754 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      %complements = (“red” => “cyan”,
      “green” => “magenta”, “blue” => “yellow”);

      print $complements{“blue”}; # yellow

      These, too, are self-expanding.
      Records and objects are typically built from hashes. Where the C programmer

      would write fred.age = 19, the Perl programmer writes $fred{“age”} = 19.
      In object-oriented code, $fred is more likely to be a reference, in which case we
      have $fred->{“age”} = 19. �

      Python and Ruby, like Perl, provide both conventional arrays and hashes. TheyEXAMPLE 14.64
      Arrays and hashes in
      Python and Ruby

      use square brackets for indexing in both cases, and distinguish between array and
      hash initializers (aggregates) using bracket and brace delimiters, respectively:

      colors = [“red”, “green”, “blue”]
      complements = {“red” => “cyan”,

      “green” => “magenta”, “blue” => “yellow”}
      print colors[2], complements[“blue”]


      14.11 Typeglobs in Perl
      It turns out that a global name in Perl can have multiple independent mean-
      ings. It is possible, for example, to use $foo, @foo, %foo, &foo and two differ-
      ent meanings of foo, all in the same program. To keep track of these multiple
      meanings, Perl interposes a level of indirection between the symbol table entry
      for foo and the various values foo may have. The intermediate structure is
      called a typeglob. It has one slot for each of foo’s meanings. It also has a name
      of its own: *foo. By manipulating typeglobs, the expert Perl programmer can
      actually modify the table used by the interpreter to look up names at run time.
      The simplest use is to create an alias:

      *a = *b;

      After executing this statement, a and b are indistinguishable; they both refer
      to the same typeglob, and changes made to (any meaning of) one of them will
      be visible through the other. Perl also supports selective aliasing, in which one
      slot of a typeglob is made to point to a value from a different typeglob:

      *a = \&b;

      The backslash operator (\) in Perl is used to create a pointer. After executing
      this statement, &a (the meaning of a as a function) will be the same as &b, but
      all other meanings of a will remain the same. Selective aliasing is used, among
      other things, to implement the mechanism that imports names from libraries
      in Perl.

      14.4 Innovative Features 755

      (This is Ruby syntax; Python uses : in place of =>.) �
      As a purely object-oriented language, Ruby defines subscripting as syntacticEXAMPLE 14.65

      Array access methods in

      sugar for invocations of the [] (get) and []= (put) methods:

      c = colors[2] # same as c = colors.[](2)
      colors[2] = c # same as colors.[]=(2, c) �

      In addition to arrays (which it calls lists) and hashes (which it calls dictionar-
      ies), Python provides two other composite types: tuples and sets. A tuple is es-EXAMPLE 14.66

      Tuples in Python sentially an immutable list (array). The initializer syntax uses parentheses rather
      than brackets:

      crimson = (0xdc, 0x14, 0x3c) # R,G,B components

      Tuples are more efficient to access than arrays: their immutability eliminates the
      need for most bounds and resizing checks. They also form the basis of multiway

      a, b = b, a # swap

      Parentheses can be omitted in this example: the comma groups more tightly than
      the assignment operator. �

      Python sets are like dictionaries that don’t map to anything of interest, but sim-EXAMPLE 14.67
      Sets in Python ply serve to indicate whether elements are present or absent. Unlike dictionaries,

      they also support union, intersection, and difference operations:

      X = set([‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]) # set constructor
      Y = set([‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’]) # takes array as parameter
      U = X | Y # ([‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’])
      I = X & Y # ([‘c’, ‘d’])
      D = X – Y # ([‘a’, ‘b’])
      O = X ^ Y # ([‘a’, ‘b’, ‘e’, ‘f’])
      ‘c’ in I # True

      PHP and Tcl have simpler composite types: they eliminate the distinction be-EXAMPLE 14.68

      Conflated types in PHP,
      Tcl, and JavaScript

      tween arrays and hashes. An array is simply a hash for which the programmer
      chooses to use numeric keys. JavaScript employs a similar simplification, unify-
      ing arrays, hashes, and objects. The usual obj.attr notation to access a mem-
      ber of an object (what JavaScript calls a property) is simply syntactic sugar for
      obj[“attr”]. So objects are hashes, and arrays are objects with integer property
      names. �

      Higher-dimensional types are straightforward to create in most scripting lan-
      guages: one can define arrays of (references to) hashes, hashes of (references to)
      arrays, and so on. Alternatively, one can create a “flattened” implementation byEXAMPLE 14.69

      Multidimensional arrays in
      Python and other

      using composite objects as keys in a hash. Tuples in Python work particularly

      756 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      matrix = {} # empty dictionary (hash)
      matrix[2, 3] = 4 # key is (2, 3)

      This idiom provides the appearance and functionality of multidimensional ar-
      rays, though not their efficiency. There exist extension libraries for Python that
      provide more efficient homogeneous arrays, with only slightly more awkward
      syntax. Numeric and statistical scripting languages, such as Maple, Mathemat-
      ica, Matlab, and R, have much more extensive support for multidimensional ar-
      rays. �


      In Section 7.2.2 we defined the notion of type compatibility, which determines,
      in a statically typed language, which types can be used in which contexts. In this
      definition the term “context” refers to information about how a value will be used.
      In C, for example, one might say that in the declaration

      double d = 3;

      the 3 on the right-hand side occurs in a context that expects a floating-point
      number. The C compiler coerces the 3 to make it a double instead of an int.

      In Section 7.2.3 we went on to define the notion of type inference, which al-
      lows a compiler to determine the type of an expression based on the types of its
      constituent parts and, in some cases, the context in which it appears. We saw an
      extreme example in ML and its descendants, which use a sophisticated form of
      inference to determine types for most objects without the need for declarations.

      In both of these cases—compatibility and inference—contextual information
      is used at compile time only. Perl extends the notion of context to drive deci-
      sions made at run time. More specifically, each operator in Perl determines, at
      compile time, and for each of its arguments, whether that argument should be
      interpreted as a scalar or a list. Conversely each argument (which may itself be a
      nested operator) is able to tell, at run time, which kind of context it occupies, and
      can consequently exhibit different behavior.

      As a simple example, the assignment operator (=) provides a scalar or list con-EXAMPLE 14.70
      Scalar and list context in

      text to its right-hand side based on the type of its left-hand side. This type is
      always known at compile time, and is usually obvious to the casual reader, be-
      cause the left-hand side is a name and its prefix character is either a dollar sign
      ($), implying a scalar context, or an at (@) or percent (%) sign, implying a list
      context. If we write

      $time = gmtime();

      Perl’s standard gmtime() library function will return the time as a character
      string, along the lines of “Wed May 6 04:36:30 2015”. On the other hand, if
      we write

      @time_arry = gmtime();

      14.4 Innovative Features 757

      the same function will return (30, 36, 4, 6, 4, 115, 3, 125, 0), a nine-
      element array indicating seconds, minutes, hours, day of month, month of year
      (with January = 0), year (counting from 1900), day of week (with Sunday = 0),
      day of year, and (as a 0/1 Boolean value) an indication of whether it’s a leap
      year. �

      So how does gmtime know what to do? By calling the built-in functionEXAMPLE 14.71
      Using wantarray to
      determine calling context

      wantarray. This returns true if the current function was called in a list context,
      and false if it was called in a scalar context. By convention, functions typically
      indicate an error by returning the empty array when called in a list context, and
      the undefined value (undef) when called in a scalar context:

      if ( something went wrong ) {
      return wantarray ? () : undef;

      } �

      14.4.4 Object Orientation

      Though not an object-oriented language, Perl 5 has features that allow one to
      program in an object-oriented style.7 PHP and JavaScript have cleaner, more
      conventional-looking object-oriented features, but both allow the programmer
      to use a more traditional imperative style as well. Python and Ruby are explicitly
      and uniformly object-oriented.

      Perl uses a value model for variables; objects are always accessed via pointers.
      In PHP and JavaScript, a variable can hold either a value of a primitive type or
      a reference to an object of composite type. In contrast to Perl, however, these
      languages provide no way to speak of the reference itself, only the object to which
      it refers. Python and Ruby use a uniform reference model.

      Classes are themselves objects in Python and Ruby, much as they are in Small-
      talk. They are merely types in PHP, much as they are in C++, Java, or C#.
      Classes in Perl are simply an alternative way of looking at packages (namespaces).
      JavaScript, remarkably, has objects but no classes; its inheritance is based on a
      concept known as prototypes, initially introduced by the Self programming lan-

      Perl 5

      Object support in Perl 5 boils down to two main things: (1) a “blessing” mecha-
      nism that associates a reference with a package, and (2) special syntax for method
      calls that automatically passes an object reference or package name as the ini-
      tial argument to a function. While any reference can in principle be blessed, the
      usual convention is to use a hash, so that fields can be named as shown in Exam-
      ple 14.63.

      7 More extensive features, currently under design for Perl 6, will not be covered here.

      758 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      { package Integer;

      sub new {
      my $class = shift; # probably “Integer”
      my $self = {}; # reference to new hash
      bless($self, $class);
      $self->{val} = (shift || 0);
      return $self;

      sub set {

      my $self = shift;
      $self->{val} = shift;

      sub get {

      my $self = shift;
      return $self->{val};


      Figure 14.19 Object-oriented programming in Perl. Blessing a reference (object) into package
      Integer allows Integer’s functions to serve as the object’s methods.

      As a very simple example, consider the Perl code of Figure 14.19. Here we haveEXAMPLE 14.72
      A simple class in Perl defined a package, Integer, that plays the role of a class. It has three functions,

      one of which (new) is intended to be used as a constructor, and two of which (set
      and get) are intended to be used as accessors. Given this definition we can write

      $c1 = Integer->new(2); # Integer::new(“Integer”, 2)
      $c2 = new Integer(3); # alternative syntax
      $c3 = new Integer; # no initial value specified

      Both Integer->new and new Integer are syntactic sugar for calls to Integer::
      new with an additional first argument that contains the name of the package
      (class) as a character string. In the first line of function new we assign this string
      into the variable $class. (The shift operator returns the first element of pseu-
      dovariable @_ [the function’s arguments], and shifts the remaining arguments, if
      any, so they will be seen if shift is used again.) We then create a reference to
      a new hash, store it in local variable $self, and invoke the bless operator to
      associate it with the appropriate class. With a second call to shift we retrieve
      the initial value for our integer, if any. (The “or” expression [||] allows us to use
      0 instead if no explicit argument was present.) We assign this initial value into
      the val field of $self using the usual Perl syntax to dereference a pointer and
      subscript a hash. Finally we return a reference to the newly created object. �

      Once a reference has been blessed, Perl allows it to be used with method in-EXAMPLE 14.73
      Invoking methods in Perl vocation syntax: c1->get() and get c1() are syntactic sugar for Integer::

      get($c1). Note that this call passes a reference as the additional first parameter,
      rather than the name of a package. Given the declarations of $c1, $c2, and $c3
      from Example 14.72, the following code

      14.4 Innovative Features 759

      print $c1->get, ” “, $c2->get, ” “, $c3->get, ” “, “\n”;
      $c1->set(4); $c2->set(5); $c3->set(6);
      print $c1->get, ” “, $c2->get, ” “, $c3->get, ” “, “\n”;

      will print

      2 3 0
      4 5 6

      As usual in Perl, if an argument list is empty, the parentheses can be omitted. �
      Inheritance in Perl is obtained by means of the @ISA array, initialized at the

      global level of a package. Extending the previous example, we might define aEXAMPLE 14.74
      Inheritance in Perl Tally class that inherits from Integer:

      { package Tally;
      @ISA = (“Integer”);

      sub inc {
      my $self = shift;


      $t1 = new Tally(3);
      print $t1->get, “\n”; # prints 5

      The inc method of t1 works as one might expect. However when Perl sees a
      call to Tally::new or Tally::get (neither of which is actually in the package),
      it uses the @ISA array to locate additional package(s) in which these methods
      may be found. We can list as many packages as we like in the @ISA array; Perl
      supports multiple inheritance. The possibility that new may be called through
      Tally rather than Integer explains the use of shift to obtain the class name in
      Figure 14.19. If we had used “Integer” explicitly we would not have obtained
      the desired behavior when creating a Tally object. �

      Most often packages (and thus classes) in Perl are declared in separate modulesEXAMPLE 14.75
      Inheritance via use base (files). In this case, one must import the module corresponding to a superclass

      in addition to modifying @ISA. The standard base module provides convenient
      syntax for this combined operation, and is the preferred way to specify inheritance

      { package Tally;
      use base (“Integer”);
      … �

      760 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      PHP and JavaScript

      While Perl’s mechanisms suffice to create object-oriented programs, dynamic
      lookup makes them slower than equivalent imperative programs, and it seems
      fair to characterize the syntax as less than elegant. Objects are more fundamental
      to PHP and JavaScript.

      PHP 4 provided a variety of object-oriented features, which were heavily re-
      vised in PHP 5. The newer version of the language provides a reference model of
      (class-typed) variables, interfaces and mix-in inheritance, abstract methods and
      classes, final methods and classes, static and constant members, and access con-
      trol specifiers (public, protected, and private) reminiscent of those of Java,
      C#, and C++. In contrast to all other languages discussed in this subsection, class
      declarations in PHP must include declarations of all members (fields and meth-
      ods), and the set of members in a given class cannot subsequently change (though
      one can of course declare derived classes with additional members).

      JavaScript takes the unusual approach of providing objects—with inheritance
      and dynamic method dispatch—without providing classes. Such a language is
      said to be object-based, as opposed to object-oriented. Functions are first-class
      entities in JavaScript—objects, in fact. A method is simply a function that is
      referred to by a property (member) of an object. When we call o.m, the keyword
      this will refer to o during the execution of the function referred to by m. Likewise
      when we call new f, this will refer to a newly created (initially empty) object
      during the execution of f. A constructor in JavaScript is thus a function whose
      purpose is to assign values into properties (fields and methods) of a newly created

      Associated with every constructor f is an object f.prototype. If object o
      was constructed by f, then JavaScript will look in f.prototype whenever we
      attempt to use a property of o that o itself does not provide. In effect, o inherits
      from f.prototype anything that it does not override. Prototype properties are
      commonly used to hold methods. They can also be used for constants or for what
      other languages would call “class variables.”

      Figure 14.20 illustrates the use of prototypes. It is roughly equivalent to theEXAMPLE 14.76
      Prototypes in JavaScript Perl code of Figure 14.19. Function Integer serves as a constructor. Assignments

      to properties of Integer.prototype serve to establish methods for objects con-
      structed by Integer. Using the code in the figure, we can write

      c2 = new Integer(3);
      c3 = new Integer;

      document.write(c2.get() + ”  ” + c3.get() + “
      c2.set(4); c3.set(5);
      document.write(c2.get() + ”  ” + c3.get() + “

      This code will print

      3 0
      4 5 �

      14.4 Innovative Features 761

      function Integer(n) {
      this.val = n || 0; // use 0 if n is missing (undefined)

      function Integer_set(n) {

      this.val = n;
      function Integer_get() {

      return this.val;
      Integer.prototype.set = Integer_set;
      Integer.prototype.get = Integer_get;

      Figure 14.20 Object-oriented programming in JavaScript. The Integer function is used as a
      constructor. Assignments to members of its prototype object serve to establish methods. These
      will be available to any object created by Integer that doesn’t have corresponding members of
      its own.

      Interestingly, the lack of a formal notion of class means that we can overrideEXAMPLE 14.77
      Overriding instance
      methods in JavaScript

      methods and fields on an object-by-object basis:

      c2.set = new Function(“n”, “this.val = n * n;”);
      // anonymous function constructor

      c2.set(3); c3.set(4); // these call different methods!
      document.write(c2.get() + ”  ” + c3.get() + “

      If nothing else has changed since the previous example, this code will print

      9 4 �
      To obtain the effect of inheritance, we can writeEXAMPLE 14.78

      Inheritance in JavaScript
      function Tally(n) {

      this.base(n); // call to base constructor
      function Tally_inc() {

      Tally.prototype = new Integer; // inherit methods
      Tally.prototype.base = Integer; // make base constructor available
      Tally.prototype.inc = Tally_inc; // new method

      t1 = new Tally(3);
      t1.inc(); t1.inc();
      document.write(t1.get() + “

      This code will print a 5. �
      ECMAScript 6, expected to become official in 2015, adds a formal notion of

      classes to the language, along with a host of other features. Classes are defined in
      a backward compatible way—essentially as syntactic sugar for constructors with

      762 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      Python and Ruby

      As we have noted, both Python and Ruby are explicitly object-oriented. Both
      employ a uniform reference model for variables. Like Smalltalk, both incorporate
      an object hierarchy in which classes themselves are represented by objects. The
      root class in Python is called object; in Ruby it is Object.

      In both Python and Ruby, each class has a single distinguished constructor,EXAMPLE 14.79
      Constructors in Python
      and Ruby

      which cannot be overloaded. In Python it is __init__; in Ruby it is initialize.
      To create a new object in Python one says my_object = My_class(args); in Ruby
      one says my_object = My_class.new(args). In each case the args are passed to
      the constructor. To achieve the effect of overloading, with different numbers or
      types of arguments, one must arrange for the single constructor to inspect its
      arguments explicitly. We employed a similar idiom in Perl (in the new routine of
      Figure 14.19) and JavaScript (in the Integer function of Figure 14.20). �

      Both Python and Ruby are more flexible than PHP or more traditional object-
      oriented languages regarding the contents (members) of a class. New fields can be
      added to a Python object simply by assigning to them: my_object.new_field =
      value. The set of methods, however, is fixed when the class is first defined. In
      Ruby only methods are visible outside a class (“put” and “get” methods must be
      used to access fields), and all methods must be explicitly declared. It is possible,
      however, to modify an existing class declaration, adding or overriding methods.
      One can even do this on an object-by-object basis. As a result, two objects of the
      same class may not display the same behavior.

      Python and Ruby differ in many other ways. The initial parameter to methodsEXAMPLE 14.80
      Naming class members in
      Python and Ruby

      is explicit in Python; by convention it is usually named self. In Ruby self is a
      keyword, and the parameter it represents is invisible. Any variable beginning with
      a single @ sign in Ruby is a field of the current object. Within a Python method,
      uses of object members must name the object explicitly. One must, for example,
      write self.print(); just print() will not suffice. �

      Ruby methods may be public, protected, or private.8 Access control in
      Python is purely a matter of convention; both methods and fields are universally
      accessible. Finally, Python has multiple inheritance. Ruby has mix-in inheri-
      tance: a class cannot obtain data from more than one ancestor. Unlike most other
      languages, however, Ruby allows an interface (mix-in) to define not only the sig-
      natures of methods but also their implementation (code).

      41. Contrast the philosophies of Perl and Ruby with regard to error checking and


      8 The meanings of private and protected in Ruby are different from those in C++, Java, or C#:
      private methods in Ruby are available only to the current instance of an object; protected
      methods are available to any instance of the current class or its descendants.

      14.4 Innovative Features 763

      42. Compare the numeric types of popular scripting languages to those of com-
      piled languages like C or Fortran.

      43. What are bignums? Which languages support them?

      44. What are associative arrays? By what other names are they sometimes known?

      45. Why don’t most scripting languages provide direct support for records?

      46. What is a typeglob in Perl? What purpose does it serve?

      47. Describe the tuple and set types of Python.

      48. Explain the unification of arrays and hashes in PHP and Tcl.

      49. Explain the unification of arrays and objects in JavaScript.

      50. Explain how tuples and hashes can be used to emulate multidimensional ar-
      rays in Python.

      51. Explain the concept of context in Perl. How is it related to type compatibil-
      ity and type inference? What are the two principal contexts defined by the
      language’s operators?


      14.12 Executable class declarations
      Both Python and Ruby take the interesting position that class declarations are
      executable code. Elaboration of a declaration executes the code inside. Among
      other things, we can use this mechanism to achieve the effect of conditional

      class My_class # Ruby code
      def initialize(a, b)

      @a = a; @b = b;
      if expensive_function()

      def get()
      return @a


      def get()
      return @b



      Instead of computing the expensive function inside get, on every invocation,
      we compute it once, ahead of time, and define an appropriate specialized ver-
      sion of get.

      764 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      52. Compare the approaches to object orientation taken by Perl 5, PHP 5,
      JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.

      53. What is meant by the blessing of a reference in Perl?

      54. What are prototypes in JavaScript? What purpose do they serve?

      14.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      Scripting languages serve primarily to control and coordinate other software
      components. Though their roots go back to interpreted languages of the 1960s,
      for many years they were largely ignored by academic computer science. With an
      increasing emphasis on programmer productivity, however, and with the explo-
      sion of the World Wide Web, scripting languages have seen enormous growth in
      interest and popularity, both in industry and in academia. Many significant ad-
      vances have been made by commercial developers and by the open-source com-
      munity. Scripting languages may well come to dominate programming in the
      21st century, with traditional compiled languages more and more seen as special-
      purpose tools.

      In comparison to their traditional cousins, scripting languages emphasize flex-
      ibility and richness of expression over sheer run-time performance. Common
      characteristics include both batch and interactive use, economy of expression,


      14.13 Worse Is Better
      Any discussion of the relative merits of scripting and “systems” languages in-
      variably ends up addressing the tradeoffs between expressiveness and flexibility
      on the one hand and compile-time safety and performance on the other. It may
      also digress into questions of “quick-and-dirty” versus “polished” applications.
      An interesting take on this debate can be found in the widely circulated essays
      of Richard Gabriel (www.dreamsongs.com/WorseIsBetter.html). While working
      for Lucid Corp. in 1989, Gabriel found himself asking why Unix and C had
      been so successful at attracting users, while Common Lisp (Lucid’s principal
      focus) had not. His explanation contrasts “The Right Thing,” as exemplified by
      Common Lisp, with a “Worse Is Better” philosophy, as exemplified by C and
      Unix. “The Right Thing” emphasizes complete, correct, consistent, and ele-
      gant design. “Worse Is Better” emphasizes the rapid development of software
      that does most of what users need most of the time, and can be tuned and im-
      proved incrementally, based on field experience. Much of scripting, and Perl in
      particular, fits the “Worse Is Better” philosophy (Ruby and Scheme enthusiasts
      might beg to disagree). Gabriel, for his part, says he still hasn’t made up his
      mind; his essays argue both points of view.

      14.6 Exercises 765

      lack of declarations, simple scoping rules, flexible dynamic typing, easy access
      to other programs, sophisticated pattern matching and string manipulation, and
      high-level data types.

      We began our chapter by tracing the historical development of scripting, start-
      ing with the command interpreter, or shell programs of the mid-1970s, and the
      text processing and report generation tools that followed soon thereafter. We
      looked in particular at the “Bourne-again” shell, bash, and the Unix tools sed
      and awk. We also mentioned such special-purpose domains as mathematics and
      statistics, where scripting languages are widely used for data analysis, visualiza-
      tion, modeling, and simulation. We then turned to the three domains that dom-
      inate scripting today: “glue” (coordination) applications, configuration and ex-
      tension, and scripting of the World Wide Web.

      For many years, Perl was the most popular of the general-purpose “glue” lan-
      guages, but Python and Ruby have clearly overtaken it at this point. Several script-
      ing languages, including Python, Scheme, and Lua, are widely used to extend the
      functionality of complex applications. In addition, many commercial packages
      have their own proprietary extension languages.

      Web scripting comes in many forms. On the server side of an HTTP con-
      nection, the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) standard allows a URI to name
      a program that will be used to generate dynamic content. Alternatively, web-
      page-embedded scripts, often written in PHP, can be used to create dynamic con-
      tent in a way that is invisible to users. To reduce the load on servers, and to
      improve interactive responsiveness, scripts can also be executed within the client
      browser. JavaScript is the dominant notation in this domain; it uses the HTML
      Document Object Model (DOM) to manipulate web-page elements. For more
      demanding tasks, many browsers can be directed to run a Java applet, which takes
      full responsibility for some portion of the “screen real estate,” but this strategy
      comes with security concerns that are increasingly viewed as unacceptable. With
      the emergence of HTML5, most dynamic content—multimedia in particular—
      can be handled directly by the browser. At the same time, XML has emerged as
      the standard format for structured, presentation-independent information, with
      load-time transformation via XSL.

      Because of their rapid evolution, scripting languages have been able to take ad-
      vantage of many of the most powerful and elegant mechanisms described in pre-
      vious chapters, including first-class and higher-order functions, unlimited extent,
      iterators, garbage collection, list comprehensions, and object orientation—not to
      mention extended regular expressions and such high-level data types as dictionar-
      ies, sets, and tuples. Given current trends, scripting languages are likely to become
      increasingly ubiquitous, and to remain a principal focus of language innovation.

      14.6 Exercises
      14.1 Does filename “globbing” provide the expressive power of standard regu-

      lar expressions? Explain.

      766 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      14.2 Write shell scripts to
      (a) Replace blanks with underscores in the names of all files in the current


      (b) Rename every file in the current directory by prepending to its name
      a textual representation of its modification date.

      (c) Find all eps files in the file hierarchy below the current directory, and
      create any corresponding pdf files that are missing or out of date.

      (d) Print the names of all files in the file hierarchy below the current di-
      rectory for which a given predicate evaluates to true. Your (quoted)
      predicate should be specified on the command line using the syntax
      of the Unix test command, with one or more at signs (@) standing
      in for the name of the candidate file.

      14.3 In Example 14.16 we used “$@” to refer to the parameters passed to ll.
      What would happen if we removed the quote marks? (Hint: Try this for
      files whose names contain spaces!) Read the man page for bash and learn
      the difference between $@ and $*. Create versions of ll that use $* or
      “$*” instead of “$@”. Explain what’s going on.

      14.4 (a) Extend the code in Figure 14.5, 14.6, or 14.7 to try to kill processes
      more gently. You’ll want to read the man page for the standard kill
      command. Use a TERM signal first. If that doesn’t work, ask the user if
      you should resort to KILL.

      (b) Extend your solution to part (a) so that the script accepts an optional
      argument specifying the signal to be used. Alternatives to TERM and
      KILL include HUP, INT, QUIT, and ABRT.

      14.5 Write a Perl, Python, or Ruby script that creates a simple concordance: a
      sorted list of significant words appearing in an input document, with a
      sublist for each that indicates the lines on which the word occurs, with up
      to six words of surrounding context. Exclude from your list all common
      articles, conjunctions, prepositions, and pronouns.

      14.6 Write Emacs Lisp scripts to
      (a) Insert today’s date into the current buffer at the insertion point (cur-

      rent cursor location).

      (b) Place quote marks (” “) around the word surrounding the insertion

      (c) Fix end-of-sentence spaces in the current buffer. Use the following
      heuristic: if a period, question mark, or exclamation point is followed
      by a single space (possibly with closing quote marks, parentheses,
      brackets, or braces in-between), then add an extra space, unless the
      character preceding the period, question mark, or exclamation point
      is a capital letter (in which case we assume it is an abbreviation).

      14.6 Exercises 767

      Pascal’s Triangle

      Pascal’s Triangle

      1 1

      1 2 1
      1 3 3 1

      1 4 6 4 1
      1 5 10 10 5 1

      1 6 15 20 15 6 1
      1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1

      1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
      1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1

      Figure 14.21 Pascal’s triangle rendered in a web page (Exercise 14.8).

      (d) Run the contents of the current buffer through your favorite spell
      checker, and create a new buffer containing a list of misspelled words.

      (e) Delete one misspelled word from the buffer created in (d), and place
      the cursor (insertion point) on top of the first occurrence of that mis-
      spelled word in the current buffer.

      14.7 Explain the circumstances under which it makes sense to realize an inter-
      active task on the Web as a CGI script, an embedded server-side script, or
      a client-side script. For each of these implementation choices, give three
      examples of tasks for which it is clearly the preferred approach.

      14.8 (a) Write a web page with embedded PHP to print the first 10 rows of
      Pascal’s triangle (see Example C 17.10 if you don’t know what this is).
      When rendered, your output should look like Figure 14.21.

      (b) Modify your page to create a self-posting form that accepts the num-
      ber of desired rows in an input field.

      (c) Rewrite your page in JavaScript.
      14.9 Create a fill-in web form that uses a JavaScript implementation of the Luhn

      formula (Exercise 4.10) to check for typos in credit card numbers. (But
      don’t use real credit card numbers; homework exercises don’t tend to be
      very secure!)

      14.10 (a) Modify the code of Figure 14.15 (Example 14.35) so that it replaces the
      form with its output, as the CGI and PHP versions of Figures 14.11
      and 14.14 do.

      (b) Modify the CGI and PHP scripts of Figures 14.11 and 14.14 (Exam-
      ples 14.30 and 14.34) so they appear to append their output to the
      bottom of the form, as the JavaScript version of Figure 14.15 does.

      768 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      14.11 Run the following program in Perl:

      sub foo {
      my $lex = $_[0];
      sub bar {

      print “$lex\n”;


      foo(2); foo(3);

      You may be surprised by the output. Perl 5 allows named subroutines
      to nest, but does not create closures for them properly. Rewrite the code
      above to create a reference to an anonymous local subroutine and verify
      that it does create closures correctly. Add the line use diagnostics; to
      the beginning of the original version and run it again. Based on the expla-
      nation this will give you, speculate as to how nested named subroutines
      are implemented in Perl 5.

      14.12 Write a program that will map the web pages stored in the file hierarchy
      below the current directory. Your output should itself be a web page, con-
      taining the names of all directories and .html files, printed at levels of
      indentation corresponding to their level in the file hierarchy. Each .html
      file name should be a live link to its file. Use whatever language(s) seem
      most appropriate to the task.

      14.13 In Section 14.4.1 we claimed that nested blocks in Ruby were part of the
      named scope in which they appear. Verify this claim by running the fol-
      lowing Ruby script and explaining its output:

      def foo(x)
      y = 2
      bar = proc {

      print x, “\n”
      y = 3

      print y, “\n”



      Now comment out the second line (y = 2) and run the script again. Ex-
      plain what happens. Restate our claim about scoping more carefully and

      14.14 Write a Perl script to translate English measurements (in, ft, yd, mi) into
      metric equivalents (cm, m, km). You may want to learn about the e mod-
      ifier on regular expressions, which allows the right-hand side of an s///e
      expression to contain executable code.

      14.7 Explorations 769

      14.15 Write a Perl script to find, for each input line, the longest substring that
      appears at least twice within the line, without overlapping. (Warning: This
      is harder than it sounds. Remember that by default Perl searches for a left-
      most longest match.)

      14.16 Perl provides an alternative (?:. . . ) form of parentheses that supports
      grouping in regular expressions without performing capture. Using this
      syntax, Example 14.57 could have been written as follows:

      if (/^([+-]?)((\d+)\.|(\d*)\.(\d+))(?:e([+-]?\d+))?$/) {
      # floating-point number
      print “sign: “, $1, “\n”;
      print “integer: “, $3, $4, “\n”;
      print “fraction: “, $5, “\n”;
      print “mantissa: “, $2, “\n”;
      print “exponent: “, $6, “\n”; # not $7


      What purpose does this extra notation serve? Why might the code here be
      preferable to that of Example 14.57?

      14.17 Consider again the sed code of Figure 14.1. It is tempting to write the first
      of the compound statements as follows (note the differences in the three
      substitution commands):

      /<[hH][123]>.*<\/[hH][123]>/ { ;# match whole heading
      h ;# save copy of pattern space
      s/^.*\(<[hH][123]>\)/\1/ ;# delete text before opening tag
      s/\(<\/[hH][123]>\).*$/\1/ ;# delete text after closing tag
      p ;# print what remains
      g ;# retrieve saved pattern space
      s/^.*<\/[hH][123]>// ;# delete through closing tag
      b top

      Explain why this doesn’t work. (Hint: Remember the difference between
      greedy and minimal matches [Example 14.53]. Sed lacks the latter.)

      14.18 Consider the following regular expression in Perl: /^(?:((?:ab)+)
      |a((?:ba)*))$/. Describe, in English, the set of strings it will match.
      Show a natural NFA for this set, together with the minimal DFA. Describe
      the substrings that should be captured in each matching string. Based on
      this example, discuss the practicality of using DFAs to match strings in

      14.19–14.21 In More Depth.

      14.7 Explorations
      14.22 Learn about TEX [Knu86] and LATEX [Lam94], the typesetting system used

      to create this book. Explore the ways in which its specialized target

      770 Chapter 14 Scripting Languages

      domain—professional typesetting—influenced its design. Features you
      might wish to consider include dynamic scoping, the relatively impover-
      ished arithmetic and control-flow facilities, and the use of macros as the
      fundamental control abstraction.

      14.23 Research the security mechanisms of JavaScript and/or Java applets. What
      exactly are programs allowed to do and why? What potentially useful fea-
      tures have not been provided because they can’t be made secure? What
      potential security holes remain in the features that are provided?

      14.24 Learn about web crawlers—programs that explore the World Wide Web.
      Build a crawler that searches for something of interest. What language
      features or tools seem most useful for the task? Warning: Automated web
      crawling is a public activity, subject to strict rules of etiquette. Before cre-
      ating a crawler, do a web search and learn the rules, and test your code very
      carefully before letting it outside your local subnet (or even your own ma-
      chine). In particular, be aware that rapid-fire requests to the same server
      constitute a denial of service attack, a potentially criminal offense.

      14.25 In Sidebar 14.9 we noted that the “extended” REs of awk and egrep are
      typically implemented by translating first to an NFA and then to a DFA,
      while those of Perl and its ilk are typically implemented via backtracking
      search. Some tools, including GNU ggrep, use a variant of the Boyer-
      Moore-Gosper algorithm [BM77, KMP77] for faster deterministic search.
      Find out how this algorithm works. What are its advantages? Could it be
      used in languages like Perl?

      14.26 In Sidebar 14.10 we noted that nonconstant patterns must generally be
      recompiled whenever they are used. Perl programmers who wish to re-
      duce the resulting overhead can inhibit recompilation using the o trailing
      modifier or the qr quoting operator. Investigate the impact of these mech-
      anisms on performance. Also speculate as to the extent to which it might
      be possible for the language implementation to determine, automatically
      and efficiently, when recompilation should occur.

      14.27 Our coverage of Perl REs in Section 14.4.2 was incomplete. Features not
      covered include look-ahead and look-behind (context) assertions, com-
      ments, incremental enabling and disabling of modifiers, embedded code,
      conditionals, Unicode support, nonslash delimiters, and the translitera-
      tion (tr///) operator. Learn how these work. Explain if (and how) they
      extend the expressive power of the notation. How could each be emulated
      (possibly with surrounding Perl code) if it were not available?

      14.28 Investigate the details of RE support in PHP, Tcl, Python, Ruby, JavaScript,
      Emacs Lisp, Java, and C#. Write a paper that documents, as concisely as
      possible, the differences among these, using Perl as a reference for com-

      14.29 Do a web search for Perl 6, a community-based effort that has been in the
      works for many years. Write a report that summarizes the changes with

      14.8 Bibliographic Notes 771

      respect to Perl 5. What do you think of these changes? If you were in
      charge of the revision, what would you do differently?

      14.30 Learn about AJAX, a collection of web technologies that allows a JavaScript
      program to interact with web servers “in the background,” to dynamically
      update a page in a browser after its initial loading. What kinds of ap-
      plications can you build in AJAX that you couldn’t easily build otherwise?
      What features of JavaScript are most important for making the technology

      14.31 Learn about Dart, a language developed at Google. Initially intended as
      a successor to JavaScript, Dart is now supported only as a language in
      which to develop code that will be translated into JavaScript. What explains
      the change in strategy? What are the odds that some other competitor to
      JavaScript will emerge in future years?

      14.32–14.35 In More Depth.

      14.8 Bibliographic Notes
      Most of the major scripting languages and their predecessors are described
      in books by the language designers or their close associates: awk [AKW88],
      Perl [CfWO12], PHP [TML13], Python [vRD11], and Ruby [TFH13]. Several
      of these books have versions available on-line. Most of the languages are also de-
      scribed in a variety of other texts, and most have dedicated web sites: perl.org,
      php.net, python.org, ruby-lang.org. Extensive documentation for Perl is pre-
      installed on many machines; type man perl for an index.

      Rexx [Ame96a] was standardized by ANSI, the American National Standards
      Institute. JavaScript [ECM11] is standardized by ECMA, the European stan-
      dards body. Guile (gnu.org/software/guile/) is GNU’s Scheme implementation
      for scripting. Standards for the World Wide Web, including HTML5, XML,
      XSL, XPath, and XSLT, are promulgated by the World Wide Web Consortium:
      www.w3.org. For those updating their pages to HTML5, the validation service
      at validator.w3.org is particularly useful. High-quality tutorials on many web-
      related topics can be found at w3schools.com.

      Hauben and Hauben [HH97a] describe the historical roots of the Internet,
      including early work on Unix. Original articles on the various Unix shell lan-
      guages include those of Mashey [Mas76], Bourne [Bou78], and Korn [Kor94].
      The original reference on APL is by Iverson [Ive62]. Ousterhout [Ous98] makes
      the case for scripting languages in general, and Tcl in particular. Chonacky and
      Winch [CW05] compare and contrast Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab. Richard
      Gabriel’s collection of “Worse Is Better” papers can be found at www.dreamsongs.
      com/WorseIsBetter.html. A similar comparison of Tcl and Scheme can be found
      in the introductory chapter of Abelson, Greenspun, and Sandon’s on-line Tcl for
      Web Nerds guide (philip.greenspun.com/tcl/index.adp).

      IVA Closer Look at Implementation
      In this, the final and shortest of the major parts of the text, we return our focus to implemen-
      tation issues.

      Chapter 15 considers the work that must be done, in the wake of semantic analysis, to
      generate a runnable program. The first half of the chapter describes, in general terms, the
      structure of the back end of the typical compiler, surveys intermediate program representations,
      and uses the attribute grammar framework of Chapter 4 to describe how a compiler produces
      assembly-level code. The second half of the chapter describes the structure of the typical process
      address space, and explains how the assembler and linker transform the output of the compiler
      into executable code.

      In any nontrivial language implementation, the compiler assumes the existence of a large
      body of preexisting code for storage management, exception handling, dynamic linking, and
      the like. A more sophisticated language may require events, threads, and messages as well.
      When the libraries that implement these features depend on knowledge of the compiler or of
      the structure of the running program, they are said to constitute a run-time system. We consider
      such systems in Chapter 16. We focus in particular on virtual machines; run-time manipulation
      of machine code; and reflection mechanisms, which allow a program to reason about its run-
      time structure and types.

      The back-end compiler description in Chapter 15 is by necessity simplistic. Entire books
      and courses are devoted to the fuller story, most of which focuses on the code improvement or
      optimization techniques used to produce efficient code. Chapter 17 of the current text, con-
      tained entirely on the companion site, provides an overview of code improvement. Since most
      programmers will never write the back end of a compiler, the goal of Chapter 17 is more to
      convey a sense of what the compiler does than exactly how it does it. Programmers who un-
      derstand this material will be in a better position to “work with” the compiler, knowing what
      is possible, what to expect in common cases, and how to avoid programming idioms that are
      hard to optimize. Topics include local and “global” (procedure-level) redundancy elimination,
      data flow analysis, loop optimization, and register allocation.

      This page intentionally left blank

      15Building a Runnable Program
      As noted in Section 1.6, the various phases of compilation are commonly
      grouped into a front end responsible for the analysis of source code, a back end
      responsible for the synthesis of target code, and often a “middle end” responsible
      for language- and machine-independent code improvement. Chapters 2 and 4
      discussed the work of the front end, culminating in the construction of a syntax
      tree. The current chapter turns to the work of the back end, and specifically to
      code generation, assembly, and linking. We will continue with code improvement
      in Chapter 17.

      In Chapters 6 through 10, we often discussed the code that a compiler would
      generate to implement various language features. Now we will look at how the
      compiler produces that code from a syntax tree, and how it combines the out-
      put of multiple compilations to produce a runnable program. We begin in Sec-
      tion 15.1 with a more detailed overview of the work of program synthesis than
      was possible in Chapter 1. We focus in particular on one of several plausible ways
      of dividing that work into phases. In Section 15.2 we then consider the many
      possible forms of intermediate code passed between these phases. On the com-
      panion site we provide a bit more detail on two concrete examples—the GIMPLE
      and RTL formats used by the GNU compilers. We will consider two additional
      intermediate forms in Chapter 16: Java bytecode and the Common Intermedi-
      ate Language (CIL) used by Microsoft and other implementors of the Common
      Language Infrastructure.

      In Section 15.3 we discuss the generation of assembly code from an abstract
      syntax tree, using attribute grammars as a formal framework. In Section 15.4 we
      discuss the internal organization of binary object files and the layout of programs
      in memory. Section 15.5 describes assembly. Section 15.6 considers linking.

      15.1 Back-End Compiler Structure
      As we noted in Chapter 4, there is less uniformity in back-end compiler structure
      than there is in front-end structure. Even such unconventional compilers as text


      776 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      processors, source-to-source translators, and VLSI layout tools must scan, parse,
      and analyze the semantics of their input. When it comes to the back end, however,
      even compilers for the same language on the same machine can have very different
      internal structure.

      As we shall see in Section 15.2, different compilers may use different interme-
      diate forms to represent a program internally. They may also differ dramatically
      in the forms of code improvement they perform. A simple compiler, or one de-
      signed for speed of compilation rather than speed of target code execution (e.g.,
      a “just-in-time” compiler) may not do much improvement at all. A just-in-time
      or “load-and-go” compiler (one that compiles and then executes a program as a
      single high-level operation, without writing the target code to a file) may not use
      a separate linker. In some compilers, much or all of the code generator may be
      written automatically by a tool (a “code generator generator”) that takes a formal
      description of the target machine as input.

      15.1.1 A Plausible Set of Phases

      Figure 15.1 illustrates a plausible seven-phase structure for a conventional com-EXAMPLE 15.1
      Phases of compilation piler. The first three phases (scanning, parsing, and semantic analysis) are lan-

      guage dependent; the last two (target code generation and machine-specific code
      improvement) are machine dependent, and the middle two (intermediate code
      generation and machine-independent code improvement) are (to first approxi-
      mation) dependent on neither the language nor the machine. The scanner and
      parser drive a set of action routines that build a syntax tree. The semantic analyzer
      traverses the tree, performing all static semantic checks and initializing various at-
      tributes (mainly symbol table pointers and indications of the need for dynamic
      checks) of use to the back end. �

      While certain code improvements can be performed on syntax trees, a less hi-
      erarchical representation of the program makes most code improvement easier.
      Our example compiler therefore includes an explicit phase for intermediate code
      generation. The code generator begins by grouping the nodes of the tree into
      basic blocks, each of which consists of a maximal-length set of operations that
      should execute sequentially at run time, with no branches in or out. It then cre-
      ates a control flow graph in which the nodes are basic blocks and the arcs represent
      interblock control flow. Within each basic block, operations are represented as
      instructions for an idealized machine with an unlimited number of registers. We
      will call these virtual registers. By allocating a new one for every computed value,
      the compiler can avoid creating artificial connections between otherwise inde-
      pendent computations too early in the compilation process.

      In Example 1.20 we used a simple greatest common divisor (GCD) programEXAMPLE 15.2
      GCD program abstract
      syntax tree (reprise)

      to illustrate the phases of compilation. The syntax tree for this program appeared
      in Figure 1.6; it is reproduced here (in slightly altered form) as Figure 15.2. A cor-
      responding control flow graph appears in Figure 15.3. We will discuss techniques
      to generate this graph in Section 15.3 and Exercise 15.6. Additional examples of
      control flow graphs will appear in Chapter 17. �

      15.1 Back-End Compiler Structure 777

      Scanner (lexical analysis)

      Character stream

      Token stream

      Parse tree

      Abstract syntax tree
      with annotations

      Front end

      Flow graph with pseudo-
      instructions in basic blocks


      Modified flow graph

      (Almost) assembly language

      Real assembly language

      Parser (syntax analysis)

      Semantic analysis

      code generation

      code improvement

      Target code generation

      code improvement

      Back end

      Figure 15.1 A plausible set of compiler phases. Here we have shown a sharper separation
      between semantic analysis and intermediate code generation than we considered in Chapter 1
      (see Figure 1.3). Machine-independent code improvement employs an intermediate form that
      resembles the assembly language for an idealized machine with an unlimited number of reg-
      isters. Machine-specific code improvement—register allocation and instruction scheduling in
      particular—employs the assembly language of the target machine. The dashed line shows a
      common “break point” between the front end and back end of a two-pass compiler. In some
      implementations, machine-independent code improvement may be located in a separate “middle
      end” pass.

      The machine-independent code improvement phase of compilation performs
      a variety of transformations on the control flow graph. It modifies the instruction
      sequence within each basic block to eliminate redundant loads, stores, and arith-
      metic computations; this is local code improvement. It also identifies and removes
      a variety of redundancies across the boundaries between basic blocks within a
      subroutine; this is global code improvement. As an example of the latter, an ex-
      pression whose value is computed immediately before an if statement need not
      be recomputed within the code that follows the else. Likewise an expression that
      appears within the body of a loop need only be evaluated once if its value will not
      change in subsequent iterations. Some global improvements change the number
      of basic blocks and/or the arcs among them.

      778 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program


      func : (1) → (2)
      func : (2) → (1)







      Index Symbol Type



      (5) call

      (6) call


      (4) (5)

      (5) (6)

      (3) null
      (3) null


      (5) (6) (5)

      (5) (6) (6) (5)


      > := :=

      − −





      Figure 15.2 Syntax tree and symbol table for the GCD program. The only difference from Figure 1.6 is the addition of
      explicit null nodes to indicate empty argument lists and to terminate statement lists.

      It is worth noting that “global” code improvement typically considers only the
      current subroutine, not the program as a whole. Much recent research in com-
      piler technology has been aimed at “truly global” techniques, known as inter-
      procedural code improvement. Since programmers are generally unwilling to give
      up separate compilation (recompiling hundreds of thousands of lines of code is a
      very time-consuming operation), a practical interprocedural code improver must
      do much of its work at link time. One of the (many) challenges to be overcome
      is to develop a division of labor and an intermediate representation that allow the
      compiler to do as much work as possible during (separate) compilation, but leave
      enough of the details undecided that the link-time code improver is able to do its

      Following machine-independent code improvement, the next phase of com-
      pilation is target code generation. This phase strings the basic blocks together
      into a linear program, translating each block into the instruction set of the target
      machine and generating branch instructions (or “fall-throughs”) that correspond
      to the arcs of the control flow graph. The output of this phase differs from real
      assembly language primarily in its continued reliance on virtual registers. So long
      as the pseudoinstructions of the intermediate form are reasonably close to those
      of the target machine, this phase of compilation, though tedious, is more or less

      15.1 Back-End Compiler Structure 779


      v1 := i
      v2 := j
      v3 := v1 =/ v2
      test v3




      T F


      v7 := i
      v8 := j
      v9 := v7 − v 8
      i := v9

      v10 := j
      v11 := i
      v12 := v10 − v11
      j := v12

      v13 := i
      a1 := v13
      call putint

      v4 := i
      v5 := j
      v6 := v4 > v5
      test v6

      call getint
      i := rv
      call getint
      j := rv

      Figure 15.3 Control flow graph for the GCD program. Code within basic blocks is shown
      in the pseudo-assembly notation introduced in Sidebar 5.1, with a different virtual register (here
      named v1. . . v13) for every computed value. Registers a1 and rv are used to pass values to and
      from subroutines.

      To reduce programmer effort and increase the ease with which a compiler can
      be ported to a new target machine, target code generators are sometimes gen-
      erated automatically from a formal description of the machine. Automatically
      generated code generators all rely on some sort of pattern-matching algorithm to
      replace sequences of intermediate code instructions with equivalent sequences of
      target machine instructions. References to several such algorithms can be found
      in the Bibliographic Notes at the end of this chapter; details are beyond the scope
      of this book.

      780 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      The final phase of our example compiler structure consists of register alloca-
      tion and instruction scheduling, both of which can be thought of as machine-
      specific code improvement. Register allocation requires that we map the unlim-
      ited virtual registers employed in earlier phases onto the bounded set of architec-
      tural registers available in the target machine. If there aren’t enough architectural
      registers to go around, we may need to generate additional loads and stores to
      multiplex a given architectural register among two or more virtual registers. In-
      struction scheduling (described in Sections C 5.5 and C 17.6) consists of reorder-
      ing the instructions of each basic block in an attempt to fill the pipeline(s) of the
      target machine.

      15.1.2 Phases and Passes

      In Section 1.6 we defined a pass of compilation as a phase or sequence of phases
      that is serialized with respect to the rest of compilation: it does not start until
      previous phases have completed, and it finishes before any subsequent phases
      start. If desired, a pass may be written as a separate program, reading its input
      from a file and writing its output to a file. Two-pass compilers are particularly
      common. They may be divided between semantic analysis and intermediate code
      generation or between intermediate code generation and machine-independent
      code improvement. In either case, the first pass is commonly referred to as the
      “front end” and the second pass as the “back end.”

      Like most compilers, our example generates symbolic assembly language as
      its output (a few compilers, including those written by IBM for the Power family,
      generate binary machine code directly). The assembler (not shown in Figure 15.1)
      behaves as an extra pass, assigning addresses to fragments of data and code, and
      translating symbolic operations into their binary encodings. In most cases, the
      input to the compiler will have consisted of source code for a single compilation
      unit. After assembly, the output will need to be linked to other fragments of the
      application, and to various preexisting subroutine libraries. Some of the work of
      linking may be delayed until load time (immediately prior to program execution)
      or even until run time (during program execution). We will discuss assembly and
      linking in Sections 15.5 through 15.7.

      15.2 Intermediate Forms
      An intermediate form (IF) provides the connection between phases of machine-
      independent code improvement, and continues to represent the program during
      the various back-end phases.

      IFs can be classified in terms of their level, or degree of machine dependence.
      High-level IFs are often based on trees or directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) that
      directly capture the hierarchical structure of modern programming languages.

      15.2 Intermediate Forms 781

      A high-level IF facilitates certain kinds of machine-independent code improve-
      ment, incremental program updates (e.g., in a language-based editor), and direct
      interpretation (most interpreters employ a tree-based internal IF). Because the
      permissible structure of a tree can be described formally by a set of productions
      (as described in Section 4.6), manipulations of tree-based forms can be written as
      attribute grammars.

      The most common medium-level IFs employ three-address instructions for a
      simple idealized machine, typically one with an unlimited number of registers.
      Often the instructions are embedded in a control flow graph. Since the typical
      instruction specifies two operands, an operator, and a destination, three-address
      instructions are sometimes called quadruples. Low-level IFs usually resemble the
      assembly language of some particular target machine, most often the physical
      machine on which the target code will execute.

      Different compilers use different IFs. Many compilers use more than one IF
      internally, though in the common two-pass organization one of these is distin-
      guished as “the” intermediate form by virtue of being the externally visible con-
      nection between the front end and the back end. In the example of Section 15.1.1,EXAMPLE 15.3

      Intermediate forms in
      Figure 15.1

      the syntax trees passed from semantic analysis to intermediate code generation
      constitute a high-level IF. Control flow graphs containing pseudo-assembly lan-
      guage (passed in and out of machine-independent code improvement) are a
      medium-level IF. The assembly language of the target machine (initially with
      virtual registers; later with architectural registers) serves as a low-level IF.

      The distinction between “high-,” “medium-,” and “low-level” IFs is of course
      somewhat arbitrary: the plausible design space is very large, with a nearly contin-
      uous spectrum from abstract to machine-dependent. �

      Compilers that have back ends for several different target architectures tend to
      do as much work as possible on a high- or medium-level IF, so that the machine-
      independent parts of the code improver can be shared by different back ends. By
      contrast, some (but not all) compilers that generate code for a single architecture
      perform most code improvement on a comparatively low-level IF, closely mod-
      eled after the assembly language of the target machine.

      In a multilanguage compiler family, an IF that is independent of both source
      language and target machine allows a software vendor who wishes to sell compil-
      ers for n languages on m machines to build just n front ends and m back ends,
      rather than n × m integrated compilers. Even in a single-language compiler fam-
      ily, a common, possibly language-dependent IF simplifies the task of porting to
      a new machine by isolating the code that needs to be changed. In a rich pro-
      gram development environment, there may be a variety of tools in addition to the
      passes of the compiler that understand and operate on the IF. Examples include
      editors, assemblers, linkers, debuggers, pretty-printers, and version-management
      software. In a language system capable of interprocedural (whole-program) code
      improvement, separately compiled modules and libraries may be compiled only
      to the IF, rather than the target language, leaving the final stages of compilation
      to the linker.

      782 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      To be stored in a file, an IF requires a linear representation. Sequences of three-
      address instructions are naturally linear. Tree-based IFs can be linearized via or-
      dered traversal. Structures like control flow graphs can be linearized by replacing
      pointers with indices relative to the beginning of the file.

      15.2.1 GIMPLE and RTL

      Many readers will be familiar with the gcc compilers. Distributed as open source
      by the Free Software Foundation, gcc is used very widely in both academia and
      industry. The standard distribution includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-
      C, Ada, Fortran, Go, and Java. Front ends for additional languages, including
      Cobol, Modula-2 and 3, Pascal and PL/I, are separately available. The C compiler
      is the original, and the one most widely used (gcc originally stood for “GNU C
      compiler”). There are back ends for dozens of processor architectures, including
      all commercially significant options. There are also GNU implementations, not
      based on gcc, for some two dozen additional languages.


      Gcc has three main IFs. Most of the (language-specific) front ends employ, in-
      ternally, some variant of a high-level syntax tree form known as GENERIC. Early
      phases of machine-independent code improvement use a somewhat lower-level
      tree form known as GIMPLE (still a high-level IF). Later phases use a linear form
      known as RTL (register transfer language). RTL is a medium-level IF, but a bit
      higher level than most: it overlays a control flow graph on of a sequence of pseu-
      doinstructions. RTL was, for many years, the principal IF for gcc. GIMPLE was
      introduced in 2005 as a more suitable form for machine-independent code im-
      provement. We consider GIMPLE and RTL in more detail on the companion

      15.2.2 Stack-Based Intermediate Forms

      In situations where simplicity and brevity are paramount, designers often turn to
      stack-based languages. Operations in a such a language pop arguments from—
      and push results to—a common implicit stack. The lack of named operands
      means that a stack-based language can be very compact. In certain HP calcu-
      lators (Exercise 4.7), stack-based expression evaluation serves to minimize the
      number of keystrokes required to enter equations. For embedded devices and
      printers, stack-based evaluation in Forth and Postscript serves to reduce memory
      and bandwidth requirements, respectively (see Sidebar 15.1).

      Medium-level stack-based intermediate languages are similarly attractive when
      passing code from a compiler to an interpreter or virtual machine. Forty years

      15.2 Intermediate Forms 783

      ago, P-code (Example 1.15) made it easy to port Pascal to new machines, and
      helped to speed the language’s adoption. Today, the compactness of Java bytecode
      helps minimize the download time for applets. Common Intermediate Language
      (CIL), the analogue of Java bytecode for .NET and other implementations of the
      Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), is similarly compact and machine inde-
      pendent. As of 2015, .NET runs only on the x86 and ARM, but the open-source
      Mono CLI is available for all the major instruction sets. We will consider Java
      bytecode and CIL in some detail in Chapter 16.

      Unfortunately, stack-based IF is not well suited to many code improvement
      techniques: it limits the ability to eliminate redundancy or improve pipeline per-
      formance by reordering calculations. For this reason, languages like Java bytecode
      and CIL tend to be used mainly as an external format, not as a representation for
      code within a compiler.

      In many cases, stack-based code for an expression will occupy fewer bytes, but
      specify more instructions, than corresponding three-address code. As a concreteEXAMPLE 15.4

      Computing Heron’s

      example, consider Heron’s formula to compute the area of a triangle given the
      lengths of its sides, a, b, and c:

      A =

      s(s− a)(s− b)(s− c), where s = a + b + c

      Figure 15.4 compares bytecode and three-address versions of this formula. Each
      line represents a single instruction. If we assume that a, b, c, and s are all among
      the first few local variables of the current subroutine, both the Java Virtual Ma-
      chine (JVM) and the CLI will be able to move them to or from the stack with
      single-byte instructions. Consequently, the second-to-last instruction in the left
      column is the only one that needs more than a single byte (it takes three: one for


      15.1 Postscript
      One of the most pervasive uses of stack-based languages today occurs in doc-
      ument preparation. Many document compilers (TEX, Microsoft Word, etc.)
      generate Postscript or the related Portable Document Format (PDF) as their
      target language. (Most document compilers employ some special-purpose in-
      termediate language as well, and have multiple back ends, so they can generate
      multiple target languages.)

      Postscript is stack-based. It is portable, compact, and easy to generate. It
      is also written in ASCII, so it can be read (albeit with some difficulty) by hu-
      man beings. Postscript interpreters are embedded in most professional-quality
      printers. Issues of code improvement are relatively unimportant: most of the
      time required for printing is consumed by network delays, mechanical paper
      transport, and data manipulations embedded in (optimized) library routines;
      interpretation time is seldom a bottleneck. Compactness on the other hand is
      crucial, because it contributes to network delays.

      784 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      push a r2 := a
      push b r3 := b
      push c r4 := c
      add r1 := r2 + r3
      add r1 := r1 + r4
      push 2 r1 := r1 / 2 –– s
      pop s
      push s
      push s r2 := r1 − r2 –– s − a
      push a
      push s r3 := r1 − r3 –– s − b
      push b
      push s r4 := r1 − r4 –– s − c
      push c
      multiply r3 := r3 × r4
      multiply r2 := r2 × r3
      multiply r1 := r1 × r2
      push sqrt call sqrt

      Figure 15.4 Stack-based versus three-address IF. Shown are two versions of code to compute
      the area of a triangle using Heron’s formula. At left is a stylized version of Java bytecode or CLI
      Common Intermediate Language. At right is corresponding pseudo-assembler for a machine
      with three-address instructions. The bytecode requires a larger number of instructions, but
      occupies less space.

      the push operation and two to specify the sqrt routine). This gives us a total of
      23 instructions in 25 bytes.

      By contrast, three-address code for the same formula keeps a, b, c, and s in
      registers, and requires only 13 instructions. Unfortunately, in typical notation
      each instruction but the last will be four bytes in length (the last will be eight),
      and our 13 instructions will occupy 56 bytes. �

      15.3 Code Generation
      The back-end structure of Figure 15.1 is too complex to present in any detail in aEXAMPLE 15.5

      Simpler compiler structure single chapter. To limit the scope of our discussion, we will content ourselves in
      this chapter with producing correct but naive code. This choice will allow us to
      consider a significantly simpler middle and back end. Starting with the structure
      of Figure 15.1, we drop the machine-independent code improver and then merge
      intermediate and target code generation into a single phase. This merged phase

      15.3 Code Generation 785

      Abstract syntax tree
      with annotations

      Front end

      Scanner (lexical analysis)

      Character stream

      Token stream

      Parse tree

      Parser (syntax analysis)

      Semantic analysis

      Back end

      Syntax tree with
      additional annotations

      Assembly language

      Naive register allocation

      Target code generation

      Figure 15.5 A simpler, nonoptimizing compiler structure, assumed in Section 15.3. The target
      code generation phase closely resembles the intermediate code generation phase of Figure 15.1.

      generates pure, linear assembly language; because we are not performing code
      improvements that alter the program’s control flow, there is no need to represent
      that flow explicitly in a control flow graph. We also adopt a much simpler register
      allocation algorithm, which can operate directly on the syntax tree prior to code
      generation, eliminating the need for virtual registers and the subsequent mapping
      onto architectural registers. Finally, we drop instruction scheduling. The result-
      ing compiler structure appears in Figure 15.5. Its code generation phase closely
      resembles the intermediate code generation of Figure 15.1. �

      15.3.1 An Attribute Grammar Example

      Like semantic analysis, intermediate code generation can be formalized in terms
      of an attribute grammar, though it is most commonly implemented via hand-
      written ad hoc traversal of a syntax tree. We present an attribute grammar here
      for the sake of clarity.

      In Figure 1.7, we presented naive x86 assembly language for the GCD pro-
      gram. We will use our attribute grammar example to generate a similar version
      here, but for a RISC-like machine, and in pseudo-assembly notation. Because this
      notation is now meant to represent target code, rather than medium- or low-level
      intermediate code, we will assume a fixed, limited register set reminiscent of real
      machines. We will reserve several registers (a1, a2, sp, rv) for special purposes;
      others (r1 . . rk) will be available for temporary values and expression evaluation.

      Figure 15.6 contains a fragment of our attribute grammar. To save space, weEXAMPLE 15.6
      An attribute grammar for
      code generation

      have shown only those productions that actually appear in Figure 15.2. As in

      786 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      reg names : array [0..k−1] of register name := [“r1”, “r2”, . . . , “rk”]
      –– ordered set of temporaries

      program −→ stmt
      � stmt.next free reg := 0
      � program.code := [“main:”] + stmt.code + [“goto exit”]

      while : stmt1 −→ expr stmt2 stmt3
      � expr.next free reg := stmt2.next free reg := stmt3.next free reg := stmt1.next free reg
      � L1 := new label(); L2 := new label()

      stmt1.code := [“goto” L1] + [L2 “:”] + stmt2.code + [L1 “:”] + expr.code
      + [“if” expr.reg “goto” L2] + stmt3.code

      if : stmt1 −→ expr stmt2 stmt3 stmt4
      � expr.next free reg := stmt2.next free reg := stmt3.next free reg := stmt4.next free reg :=

      stmt1.next free reg
      � L1 := new label(); L2 := new label()

      stmt1.code := expr.code + [“if” expr.reg “goto” L1] + stmt3.code + [“goto” L2]
      + [L1 “:”] + stmt2.code + [L2 “:”] + stmt4.code

      assign : stmt1 −→ id expr stmt2
      � expr.next free reg := stmt2.next free reg := stmt1.next free reg
      � stmt1.code := expr.code + [id.stp→name “:=” expr.reg] + stmt2.code

      read : stmt1 −→ id1 id2 stmt2
      � stmt1.code := [“a1 := &” id1.stp→name] –– file

      + [“call” if id2.stp→type = int then “readint” else . . . ]
      + [id2.stp→name “:= rv”] + stmt2.code

      write : stmt1 −→ id expr stmt2
      � expr.next free reg := stmt2.next free reg := stmt1.next free reg
      � stmt1.code := [“a1 := &” id.stp→name] –– file

      + [“a2 :=” expr.reg] –– value
      + [“call” if id.stp→type = int then “writeint” else . . . ] + stmt2.code

      writeln : stmt1 −→ id stmt2
      � stmt1.code := [“a1 := &” id.stp→name] + [“call writeln”] + stmt2.code

      null : stmt −→ �
      � stmt.code := null

      ‘<>’ : expr1 −→ expr2 expr3
      � handle op(expr1, expr2, expr3, “�=”)

      ‘>’ : expr1 −→ expr2 expr3
      � handle op(expr1, expr2, expr3, “>”)

      ‘−’ : expr1 −→ expr2 expr3
      � handle op(expr1, expr2, expr3, “−”)

      id : expr −→ �
      � expr.reg := reg names[expr.next free reg mod k]
      � expr.code := [expr.reg “:=” expr.stp→name]

      Figure 15.6 Attribute grammar to generate code from a syntax tree. Square brackets delimit individual target instructions.
      Juxtaposition indicates concatenation within instructions; the ‘+’ operator indicates concatenation of instruction lists. The
      handle op macro is used in three of the attribute rules. (continued)

      15.3 Code Generation 787

      macro handle op(ref result, L operand, R operand, op : syntax tree node)
      result.reg := L operand.reg
      L operand.next free reg := result.next free reg
      R operand.next free reg := result.next free reg + 1
      if R operand.next free reg < k spill code := restore code := null else spill code := [“*sp :=” reg names[R operand.next free reg mod k]] + [“sp := sp − 4”] restore code := [“sp := sp + 4”] + [reg names[R operand.next free reg mod k] “:= *sp”] result.code := L operand.code + spill code + R operand.code + [result.reg “:=” L operand.reg op R operand.reg] + restore code Figure 15.6 (continued) Chapter 4, notation like while : stmt on the left-hand side of a production in- dicates that a while node in the syntax tree is one of several kinds of stmt node; it may serve as the stmt in the right-hand side of its parent production. In our attribute grammar fragment, program, expr, and stmt all have a synthesized at- tribute code that contains a sequence of instructions. Program has an inherited attribute name of type string, obtained from the compiler command line. Id has a synthesized attribute stp that points to the symbol table entry for the identi- fier. Expr has a synthesized attribute reg that indicates the register that will hold the value of the computed expression at run time. Expr and stmt have an inher- ited attribute next free reg that indicates the next register (in an ordered set of temporaries) that is available for use (i.e., that will hold no useful value at run time) immediately before evaluation of a given expression or statement. (For simplicity, we will be managing registers as if they were a stack; more on this in Section 15.3.2.) � Because we use a symbol table in our example, and because symbol tables lie outside the formal attribute grammar framework, we must augment our attribute grammar with some extra code for storage management. Specifically, prior to evaluating the attribute rules of Figure 15.6, we must traverse the symbol table in order to calculate stack-frame offsets for local variables and parameters (two of which—i and j—occur in the GCD program) and in order to generate assembler directives to allocate space for global variables (of which our program has none). Storage allocation and other assembler directives will be discussed in more detail in Section 15.5. 15.3.2 Register Allocation Evaluation of the rules of the attribute grammar itself consists of two main tasks. In each subtree we first determine the registers that will be used to hold various quantities at run time; then we generate code. Our naive register allocation strat-EXAMPLE 15.7 Stack-based register allocation 788 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program egy uses the next free reg inherited attribute to manage registers r1. . . rk as an expression evaluation stack. To calculate the value of (a + b) × (c − (d / e)), for example, we would generate the following: r1 := a –– push a r2 := b –– push b r1 := r1 + r2 –– add r2 := c –– push c r3 := d –– push d r4 := e –– push e r3 := r3 / r4 –– divide r2 := r2 − r3 –– subtract r1 := r1 × r2 –– multiply Allocation of the next register on the “stack” occurs in the production id : expr −→ �, where we use expr.next free reg to index into reg names, the ar- ray of temporary register names, and in macro handle op, where we increment next free reg to make this register unavailable during evaluation of the right- hand operand. There is no need to “pop” the “register stack” explicitly; this hap- pens automatically when the attribute evaluator returns to a parent node and uses the parent’s (unmodified) next free reg attribute. In our example grammar, left- hand operands are the only constructs that tie up a register during the evaluation of anything else. In a more complete grammar, other long-term uses of registers would probably occur in constructs like for loops (for the step size, index, and bound). In a particularly complicated fragment of code it is possible to run out of ar- chitectural registers. In this case we must spill one or more registers to memory. Our naive register allocator pushes a register onto the program’s subroutine call stack, reuses the register for another purpose, and then pops the saved value back into the register before it is needed again. In effect, architectural registers hold the top k elements of an expression evaluation stack of effectively unlimited size. � It should be emphasized that our register allocation algorithm, while correct, makes very poor use of machine resources. We have made no attempt to reor- ganize expressions to minimize the number of registers used, or to keep com- monly used variables in registers over extended periods of time (avoiding loads and stores). If we were generating medium-level intermediate code, instead of tar- get code, we would employ virtual registers, rather than architectural ones, and would allocate a new one every time we needed it, never reusing one to hold a dif- ferent value. Mapping of virtual registers to architectural registers would occur much later in the compilation process. Target code for the GCD program appears in Figure 15.7. The first few lines areEXAMPLE 15.8 GCD program target code generated during symbol table traversal, prior to attribute evaluation. Attribute program.name might be passed to the assembler, to tell it the name of the file into which to place the runnable program. A real compiler would probably also generate assembler directives to embed symbol-table information in the target program. As in Figure 1.7, the quality of our code is very poor. We will investigate 15.3 Code Generation 789 –– first few lines generated during symbol table traversal .data –– begin static data i: .word 0 –– reserve one word to hold i j: .word 0 –– reserve one word to hold j .text –– begin text (code) –– remaining lines accumulated into program.code main: a1 := &input –– “input” and “output” are file control blocks –– located in a library, to be found by the linker call readint –– “readint”, “writeint”, and “writeln” are library subroutines i := rv a1 := &input call readint j := rv goto L1 L2: r1 := i –– body of while loop r2 := j r1 := r1 > r2
      if r1 goto L3
      r1 := j –– “else” part
      r2 := i
      r1 := r1 − r2
      j := r1
      goto L4

      L3: r1 := i –– “then” part
      r2 := j
      r1 := r1 − r2
      i := r1

      L1: r1 := i –– test terminating condition

      r2 := j
      r1 := r1 �= r2
      if r1 goto L2
      a1 := &output
      r1 := i
      a2 := r1
      call writeint
      a1 := &output
      call writeln
      goto exit –– return to operating system

      Figure 15.7 Target code for the GCD program, generated from the syntax tree of Figure 15.2,
      using the attribute grammar of Figure 15.6.

      790 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      techniques to improve it in Chapter 17. In the remaining sections of the current
      chapter we will consider assembly and linking. �

      1. What is a code generator generator? Why might it be useful?

      2. What is a basic block? A control flow graph?

      3. What are virtual registers? What purpose do they serve?

      4. What is the difference between local and global code improvement?

      5. What is register spilling?

      6. Explain what is meant by the “level” of an intermediate form (IF). What are
      the comparative advantages and disadvantages of high-, medium-, and low-
      level IFs?

      7. What is the IF most commonly used in Ada compilers?

      8. Name two advantages of a stack-based IF. Name one disadvantage.

      9. Explain the rationale for basing a family of compilers (several languages, sev-
      eral target machines) on a single IF.

      10. Why might a compiler employ more than one IF?

      11. Outline some of the major design alternatives for back-end compiler organi-
      zation and structure.

      12. What is sometimes called the “middle end” of a compiler?

      13. Why is management of a limited set of physical registers usually deferred until
      late in the compilation process?

      15.4 Address Space Organization
      Assemblers, linkers, and loaders typically operate on a pair of related file formats:
      relocatable object code and executable object code. Relocatable object code is ac-
      ceptable as input to a linker; multiple files in this format can be combined to
      create an executable program. Executable object code is acceptable as input to a
      loader: it can be brought into memory and run. A relocatable object file includes
      the following descriptive information:

      Import table: Identifies instructions that refer to named locations whose ad-
      dresses are unknown, but are presumed to lie in other files yet to be linked
      to this one.

      15.4 Address Space Organization 791

      Relocation table: Identifies instructions that refer to locations within the current
      file, but that must be modified at link time to reflect the offset of the current
      file within the final, executable program.

      Export table: Lists the names and addresses of locations in the current file that
      may be referred to in other files.

      Imported and exported names are known as external symbols.
      An executable object file is distinguished by the fact that it contains no refer-

      ences to external symbols (at least if statically linked—more on this below). It
      also defines a starting address for execution. An executable file may or may not
      be relocatable, depending on whether it contains the tables above.

      Details of object file structure vary from one operating system to another. Typ-
      ically, however, an object file is divided into several sections, each of which is
      handled differently by the linker, loader, or operating system. The first section
      includes the import, export, and relocation tables, together with an indication of
      how much space will be required by the program for noninitialized static data.
      Other sections commonly include code (instructions), read-only data (constants,
      jump tables for case statements, etc.), initialized but writable static data, and
      symbol table and layout information saved by the compiler. The initial descrip-
      tive section is used by the linker and loader. The symbol table section is used
      by debuggers and performance profilers (Sections 16.3.2 and 16.3.3). Neither
      of these tables is usually brought into memory at run time; neither is needed by
      most running programs (an exception occurs in the case of programs that employ
      reflection mechanisms [Section 16.3.1] to examine their own type structure).

      In its runnable (loaded) form, a program is typically organized into several
      segments. On some machines (e.g., the 80286 or PA-RISC), segments were visible
      to the assembly language programmer, and could be named explicitly in instruc-
      tions. More commonly on modern machines, segments are simply subsets of
      the address space that the operating system manages in different ways. Some of
      them—code, constants, and initialized data in particular—correspond to sections
      of the object file. Code and constants are usually read-only, and are often com-
      bined in a single segment; the operating system arranges to receive an interrupt
      if the program attempts to modify them. (In response to such an interrupt it will
      most likely print an error message and terminate the program.) Initialized data
      are writable. At load time, the operating system either reads code, constants, and
      initialized data from disk, or arranges to read them in at run time, in response to
      “invalid access” (page fault) interrupts or dynamic linking requests.

      In addition to code, constants, and initialized data, the typical running pro-
      gram has several additional segments:

      Uninitialized data: May be allocated at load time or on demand in response to
      page faults. Usually zero-filled, both to provide repeatable symptoms for pro-
      grams that erroneously read data they have not yet written, and to enhance
      security on multiuser systems, by preventing a program from reading the con-
      tents of pages written by previous users.

      792 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      Stack: May be allocated in some fixed amount at load time. More commonly, is
      given a small initial size, and is then extended automatically by the operating
      system in response to (faulting) accesses beyond the current segment end.

      Heap: Like stack, may be allocated in some fixed amount at load time. More
      commonly, is given a small initial size, and is then extended in response to
      explicit requests (via system call) from heap-management library routines.

      Files: In many systems, library routines allow a program to map a file into mem-
      ory. The map routine interacts with the operating system to create a new seg-
      ment for the file, and returns the address of the beginning of the segment. The
      contents of the segment are usually fetched from disk on demand, in response
      to page faults.

      Dynamic libraries: Modern operating systems typically arrange for most pro-
      grams to share a single copy of the code for popular libraries (Section C 15.7).
      From the point of view of an individual process, each such library tends to oc-
      cupy a pair of segments: one for the shared code, one for linkage information
      and for a private copy of any writable data the library may need.

      The layout of these segments for a contemporary 32-bit Linux system on theEXAMPLE 15.9
      Linux address space layout x86 appears in Figure 15.8. Relative placements and addresses may be different

      for other operating systems and machines. �

      15.5 Assembly
      Some compilers translate source files directly into object files acceptable to the
      linker. More commonly, they generate assembly language that must subsequently
      be processed by an assembler to create an object file.

      In our examples we have consistently employed a symbolic (textual) notation
      for code. Within a compiler, the representation would not be textual, but it would
      still be symbolic, most likely consisting of records and linked lists. To translate this
      symbolic representation into executable code, we must

      1. Replace opcodes and operands with their machine language encodings.
      2. Replace uses of symbolic names with actual addresses.

      These are the principal tasks of an assembler.
      In the early days of computing, most programmers wrote in assembly lan-

      guage. To simplify the more tedious and repetitive aspects of assembly program-
      ming, assemblers often provided extensive macro expansion facilities. With the
      ubiquity of modern high-level languages, such programmer-centric features have
      largely disappeared. Almost all assembly language programs today are written by

      When passing assembly language directly from the compiler to the assembler, itEXAMPLE 15.10
      Assembly as a final
      compiler pass

      makes sense to use some internal (records and linked lists) representation. At the

      15.5 Assembly 793






      Kernel address space
      (inaccessible to
      user programs)

      Shared libraries and
      memory-mapped files

      Shared libraries and
      memory-mapped files

      Read-only code
      (“text”) and constants

      Uninitialized data

      Initialized data

      In early Unix systems with very limited memory,
      the stack grew downward from the bottom of the
      text segment; the number 0x08048000 is a legacy
      of these systems. The sections marked “Shared li-
      braries and memory-mapped files” typically com-
      prise multiple segments with varying permissions
      and addresses. (Modern Linux systems randomize
      the choice of addresses to discourage malware.) The
      top quarter of the address space belongs to the ker-
      nel. Just over 1 MB of space is left unmapped at the
      bottom of the address space to help catch program
      bugs in which small integer values are accidentally
      used as pointers.

      Figure 15.8 Layout of 32-bit process address space in x86 Linux (not to scale). Double lines
      separate regions with potentially different access permissions.

      same time, we must provide a textual front end to accommodate the occasional
      need for human input:

      Source program

      Object code

      Internal data structures

      Assembler source Assembler sourceCompiler

      Assembler front end

      Assembler back end

      794 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      The assembler front end simply translates textual source into internal symbolic
      form. By sharing the assembler back end, the compiler and assembler front end
      avoid duplication of effort. For debugging purposes, the compiler will generally
      have an option to dump a textual representation of the code it passes to the as-
      sembler. �

      An alternative organization has the compiler generate object code directly:EXAMPLE 15.11
      Direct generation of object

      Object code

      Source program


      Assembler Disassembler

      Assembler source

      Assembler source

      This organization gives the compiler a bit more flexibility: operations nor-
      mally performed by an assembler (e.g., assignment of addresses to variables) can
      be performed earlier if desired. Because there is no separate assembly pass, the
      overall translation to object code may be slightly faster. The stand-alone assem-
      bler can be relatively simple. If it is used only for small, special-purpose code
      fragments, it probably doesn’t need to perform instruction scheduling or other
      machine-specific code improvement. Using a disassembler instead of an assem-
      bly language dump from the compiler ensures that what the programmer sees
      corresponds precisely to what is in the object file. If the compiler uses a fancier
      assembler as a back end, then any program modifications effected by the assem-
      bler will not be visible in the assembly language dumped by the compiler. �

      15.5.1 Emitting Instructions

      The most basic task of the assembler is to translate symbolic representations of
      instructions into binary form. In some assemblers this is an entirely straight-
      forward task, because there is a one-to-one correspondence between mnemonic
      operations and instruction op-codes. Many assemblers, however, make minor
      changes to their input in order to improve performance or to extend the instruc-
      tion set in ways that make the assembly language easier for human beings to read.
      The GNU assembler, gas, is among the more conservative, but even it takes a few
      liberties. For example, some compilers generate nop instructions to cache-alignEXAMPLE 15.12

      Compressing nops certain basic blocks (e.g., function prologues). To reduce the number of cycles
      these consume, gas will combine multiple consecutive nops into multibyte in-
      structions that have no effect. (On the x86, there are 2-, 4-, and 7-byte variants of
      the lea instruction that can be used to move a register into itself.) �

      15.5 Assembly 795

      For jumps to nearby addresses, gas uses an instruction variant that specifiesEXAMPLE 15.13
      Relative and absolute

      an offset from the pc. For jumps to distant addresses (or to addresses not known
      until link time), it uses a longer variant that specifies an absolute address. A few
      x86 instructions (not typically generated by modern compilers) don’t have the
      longer variant. For these, some assemblers will reverse the sense of the conditional
      test to hop over an unconditional jump. Gas simply fails to handle them. �

      At the more aggressive end of the spectrum, SGI’s assembler for the MIPSEXAMPLE 15.14
      Pseudoinstructions instruction set provides a large number of pseudoinstructions that translate into

      different real instructions depending on their arguments, or that correspond to
      multi-instruction sequences. For example, there are two integer add instructions
      on the MIPS: one of them adds two registers; the other adds a register and a con-
      stant. The assembler provides a single pseudoinstruction, which it translates into
      the appropriate variant. In a similar vein, the assembler provides a pseudoinstruc-
      tion to load an arbitrary constant into a register. Since all instructions are 32 bits
      long, this pseudoinstruction must be translated into a pair of real instructions
      when the constant won’t fit in 16 bits. Some pseudoinstructions may generate
      even longer sequences. Integer division can take as many as 11 real instructions,
      to check for errors and to move the quotient from a temporary location into the
      desired register. �

      In effect, the SGI assembler implements a “cleaned-up” variant of the real ma-
      chine. In addition to providing pseudoinstructions, it reorganizes instructions to
      hide the existence of delayed branches (Section C 5.5.1) and to improve the ex-
      pected performance of the processor pipeline. This reorganization constitutes a
      final pass of instruction scheduling (Sections C 5.5.1 and C 17.6). Though the job
      could be handled by the compiler, the existence of pseudoinstructions like the in-
      teger division example argues strongly for doing it in the assembler. In addition
      to having two branch delays that might be filled by neighboring instructions, the
      expanded division sequence can be used as a source of instructions to fill nearby
      branch, load, or functional unit delays.

      In addition to translating from symbolic to binary instruction representations,EXAMPLE 15.15
      Assembler directives most assemblers respond to a variety of directives. Gas provides more than 100 of

      these. A few examples follow.

      Segment switching: The .text directive indicates that subsequent instructions
      and data should be placed in the code (text) segment. The .data directive
      indicates that subsequent instructions and data should be placed in the initial-
      ized data segment. (It is possible, though uncommon, to put instructions in
      the data segment, or data in the code segment.) The .space n directive indi-
      cates that n bytes of space should be reserved in the uninitialized data segment.
      (This latter directive is usually preceded by a label.)

      Data generation: The .byte, .hword, .word, .float, and .double directives
      each take a sequence of arguments, which they place in successive locations
      in the current segment of the output program. They differ in the types of
      operands. The related .ascii directive takes a single character string as argu-
      ment, which it places in consecutive bytes.

      796 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      Symbol identification: The .globl name directive indicates that name should be
      entered into the table of exported symbols.

      Alignment: The.align n directive causes the subsequent output to be aligned at
      an address evenly divisible by 2n. �

      15.5.2 Assigning Addresses to Names

      Like compilers, assemblers commonly work in several phases. If the input is tex-
      tual, an initial phase scans and parses the input, and builds an internal represen-
      tation. In the most common organization there are two additional phases. The
      first identifies all internal and external (imported) symbols, assigning locations to
      the internal ones. This phase is complicated by the fact that the length of some in-
      structions (on a CISC machine) or the number of real instructions produced by a
      pseudoinstruction (on a RISC machine) may depend on the number of significant
      bits in an address. Given values for symbols, the final phase produces object code.

      Within the object file, any symbol mentioned in a .globl directive must ap-
      pear in the table of exported symbols, with an entry that indicates the symbol’s
      address. Any symbol referred to in a directive or an instruction, but not defined
      in the input program, must appear in the table of imported symbols, with an en-
      try that identifies all places in the code at which such references occur. Finally,
      any instruction or datum whose value depends on the placement of the current
      file within the address space of a running program must be listed in the relocation

      Historically, assemblers distinguished between absolute and relocatable wordsEXAMPLE 15.16
      Encoding of addresses in
      object files

      in an object file. Absolute words were known at assembly time; they did not need
      to be changed by the linker. Examples include constants and register–register
      instructions. A relocatable word, in contrast, needed to be modified by adding to
      it the address within the final program of the code or data segment of the object
      file in which it appeared. A CISC jump instruction, for example, might consist
      of a 1-byte jmp opcode followed by a 4-byte target address. For a local target,
      the address bytes in the object file would contain the symbol’s offset within the
      file. The linker would finalize the address by adding the address of the file’s code
      segment in the final version of the program.

      On modern machines, this single form of relocation no longer suffices. Ad-
      dresses are encoded into instructions in many different ways, and these encodings
      must be reflected in the relocation table and the import table. On a 32-bit ARM
      processor, for example, an unconditional branch (b) instruction has a 24-bit off-
      set field. The processor left-shifts this field by two bits, sign-extends it, and then
      adds it to the address of the branch instruction itself to obtain the target address.1

      1 The size of the offset implies that branches on ARM are limited to jumps of ≤ 32 MB in either
      direction. If the linker discovers that a target is farther away than that, it must generate “veneer”
      code that loads the target address into r12 (which is reserved for this purpose) and then performs
      and indirect branch.

      15.6 Linking 797

      To relocate such an instruction, the linker must add the address of the target code
      segment and the offset within it of the target instruction, subtract the address
      of the current code segment and the offset within it of the branch instruction,
      perform a two-bit right arithmetic shift, and truncate the result to 24 bits. In a
      similar vein, a 32-bit load on ARM requires a two-instruction sequence analogous
      to that of Example 15.14; if the loaded quantity is relocatable, the linker must re-
      calculate the 16-bit operands of both instructions. Modern assemblers and object
      file formats reflect this diversity of relocation modes. �

      15.6 Linking
      Most language implementations—certainly all that are intended for the construc-
      tion of large programs—support separate compilation: fragments of the program
      can be compiled and assembled more or less independently. After compilation,
      these fragments (known as compilation units) are “glued together” by a linker.
      In many languages and environments, the programmer explicitly divides the pro-
      gram into modules or files, each of which is separately compiled. More integrated
      environments may abandon the notion of a file in favor of a database of subrou-
      tines, each of which is separately compiled.

      The task of a linker is to join together compilation units. A static linker does
      its work prior to program execution, producing an executable object file. A dy-
      namic linker (described in Section C 15.7) does its work after the (first part of the)
      program has been brought into memory for execution.

      Each to-be-linked compilation unit must be a relocatable object file. Typically,
      some files will have been produced by compiling fragments of the application
      being constructed, while others will be preexisting library packages needed by
      the application. Since most programs make use of libraries, even a “one-file”
      application typically needs to be linked.

      Linking involves two subtasks: relocation and the resolution of external ref-
      erences. Some authors refer to relocation as loading, and call the entire “joining
      together” process “link-loading.” Other authors (including the current one) use
      “loading” to refer to the process of bringing an executable object file into memory
      for execution. On very simple machines, or on machines with very simple oper-
      ating systems, loading entails relocation. More commonly, the operating system
      uses virtual memory to give every program the impression that it starts at some
      standard address. In many systems loading also entails a certain amount of link-
      ing (Section C 15.7).

      798 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      Relocatable object files











      0 3


      Executable object file





      r1 := &M (2300)

      call M (2300)

      r1 := &L (1800)

      r2 := Y (3900)

      r3 := X (3300)
















      r1 := &L (1000)

      r2 := Y (400)

      r3 := X















      r1 := &M

      call M

      Figure 15.9 Linking relocatable object files A and B to make an executable object file. For simplicity of presentation, A ’s
      code section has been placed at offset 0, with B ’s code section immediately after, at offset 800 (addresses increase down the
      page). To allow the operating system to establish different protections for the code and data segments, A ’s data section has
      been placed at the next page boundary (offset 3000), with B ’s data section immediately after (offset 3500). External references
      to M and X have been set to use the appropriate addresses. Internal references to L and Y have been updated by adding in
      the starting addresses of B ’s code and data sections, respectively.

      15.6.1 Relocation and Name Resolution

      Each relocatable object file contains the information required for linking: the
      import, export, and relocation tables. A static linker uses this information in a
      two-phase process analogous to that described for assemblers in Section 15.5. In
      the first phase, the linker gathers all of the compilation units together, chooses an
      order for them in memory, and notes the address at which each will consequently
      lie. In the second phase, the linker processes each unit, replacing unresolved exter-
      nal references with appropriate addresses, and modifying instructions that need
      to be relocated to reflect the addresses of their units. These phases are illustratedEXAMPLE 15.17

      Static linking pictorially in Figure 15.9. Addresses and offsets are assumed to be written in hex-
      adecimal notation, with a page size of 4K (100016) bytes. �

      Libraries present a bit of a challenge. Many consist of hundreds of separately
      compiled program fragments, most of which will not be needed by any particular

      15.6 Linking 799

      application. Rather than link the entire library into every application, the linker
      needs to search the library to identify the fragments that are referenced from the
      main program. If these refer to additional fragments, then those must be included
      also, recursively. Many systems support a special library format for relocatable
      object files. A library in this format may contain an arbitrary number of code and
      data sections, together with an index that maps symbol names to the sections in
      which they appear.

      15.6.2 Type Checking

      Within a compilation unit, the compiler enforces static semantic rules. Across the
      boundaries between units, it uses module headers to enforce the rules pertaining
      to external references. In effect, the header for module M makes a set of promises
      regarding M’s interface to its users. When compiling the body of M, the compiler
      ensures that those promises are kept. Imagine what could happen, however, if
      we compiled the body of M, and then changed the numbers and types of param-
      eters for some of the subroutines in its header file before compiling some user
      module U. If both compilations succeed, then M and U will have very differ-
      ent notions of how to interpret the parameters passed between them; while they
      may still link together, chaos is likely to ensue at run time. To prevent this sort of
      problem, we must ensure whenever M and U are linked together that both were
      compiled using the same version of M’s header.

      In most module-based languages, the following technique suffices. When
      compiling the body of module M we create a dummy symbol whose name
      uniquely characterizes the contents of M’s header. When compiling the body
      of U we create a reference to the dummy symbol. An attempt to link M and U
      together will succeed only if they agree on the name of the symbol.

      One way to create the symbol name that characterizes M is to use a textualEXAMPLE 15.18
      Checksumming headers
      for consistency

      representation of the time of the most recent modification of M’s header. Because
      files may be moved across machines, however (e.g., to deliver source files to geo-
      graphically distributed customers), modification times are problematic: clocks
      on different machines may be poorly synchronized, and file copy operations often


      15.2 Type checking for separate compilation
      The encoding of type information in symbol names works well in C++, but is
      too strict for use in C: it would outlaw programming tricks that, while ques-
      tionable, are permitted by the language definition. Symbol-name encoding is
      facilitated in C++ by the use of structural equivalence for types. In princi-
      ple, one could use it in a language with name equivalence, but given that such
      languages generally have well-structured modules, it is simpler just to use a
      checksum of the header.

      800 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      change the modification time. A better candidate is a checksum of the header file:
      essentially the output of a hash function that uses the entire text of the file as key.
      It is possible in theory for two different but valid files to have the same checksum,
      but with a good choice of hash function the odds of this error are exceedingly
      small. �

      The checksum strategy does require that we know when we’re using a mod-
      ule header. Unfortunately, as described in Section C 3.8, we don’t know this in C
      and C++: headers in these languages are simply a programming convention, sup-
      ported by the textual inclusion mechanism of the language’s preprocessor. Most
      implementations of C do not enforce consistency of interfaces at link time; in-
      stead, programmers rely on configuration management tools (e.g., Unix’s make)
      to recompile files when necessary. Such tools are typically driven by file modifi-
      cation times.

      Most implementations of C++ adopt a different approach, sometimes called
      name mangling. The name of each imported or exported symbol in an object
      file is created by concatenating the corresponding name from the program source
      with a representation of its type. For an object, the type consists of the class name
      and a terse encoding of its structure. For a function, it consists of an encoding
      of the types of the arguments and the return value. For complicated objects or
      functions of many arguments, the resulting names can be very long. If the linker
      limits symbols to some too-small maximum length, the type information can be
      compressed by hashing, at some small loss in security [SF88].

      One problem with any technique based on file modification times or check-
      sums is that a trivial change to a header file (e.g., modification of a comment,
      or definition of a new constant not needed by existing users of the interface) can
      prevent files from linking correctly. A similar problem occurs with configuration
      management tools: a trivial change may cause the tool to recompile files unnec-
      essarily. A few programming environments address this issue by tracking changes
      at a granularity smaller than the compilation unit [Tic86]. Most just live with the
      need to recompile.

      15.7 Dynamic Linking
      On a multiuser system, it is common for several instances of a program (e.g.,
      an editor or web browser) to be executing simultaneously. It would be highly
      wasteful to allocate space in memory for a separate, identical copy of the code of
      such a program for every running instance. Many operating systems therefore
      keep track of the programs that are running, and set up memory mapping tables
      so that all instances of the same program share the same read-only copy of the
      program’s code segment. Each instance receives its own writable copy of the data
      segment. Code segment sharing can save enormous amounts of space. It does not
      work, however, for instances of programs that are similar but not identical.

      Many sets of programs, while not identical, have large amounts of library code
      in common—for example to manage a graphical user interface. If every appli-

      15.7 Dynamic Linking 801

      cation has its own copy of the library, then large amounts of memory may be
      wasted. Moreover, if programs are statically linked, then much larger amounts
      of disk space may be wasted on nearly identical copies of the library in separate
      executable object files.


      In the early 1990s, most operating system vendors adopted dynamic linking in or-
      der to save space in memory and on disk. We consider this option in more detail
      on the companion site. Each dynamically linked library resides in its own code
      and data segments. Every program instance that uses a given library has a pri-
      vate copy of the library’s data segment, but shares a single system-wide read-only
      copy of the library’s code segment. These segments may be linked to the remain-
      der of the code when the program is loaded into memory, or they may be linked
      incrementally on demand, during execution. In addition to saving space, dy-
      namic linking allows a programmer or system administrator to install backward-
      compatible updates to a library without rebuilding all existing executable object
      files: the next time it runs, each program will obtain the new version of the library

      14. What are the distinguishing characteristics of a relocatable object file? An ex-

      ecutable object file?

      15. Why do operating systems typically zero-fill pages used for uninitialized data?

      16. List four tasks commonly performed by an assembler.

      17. Summarize the comparative advantages of assembly language and object code
      as the output of a compiler.

      18. Give three examples of pseudoinstructions and three examples of directives that
      an assembler might be likely to provide.

      19. Why might an assembler perform its own final pass of instruction scheduling?

      20. Explain the distinction between absolute and relocatable words in an object
      file. Why is the notion of “relocatability” more complicated than it used to

      21. What is the difference between linking and loading?

      22. What are the principal tasks of a linker?

      23. How can a linker enforce type checking across compilation units?

      24. What is the motivation for dynamic linking?

      802 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      15.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      In this chapter we focused our attention on the back end of the compiler, and on
      code generation, assembly, and linking in particular.

      Compiler middle and back ends vary greatly in internal structure. We dis-
      cussed one plausible structure, in which semantic analysis is followed by, in order,
      intermediate code generation, machine-independent code improvement, target
      code generation, and machine-specific code improvement (including register al-
      location and instruction scheduling). The semantic analyzer passes a syntax tree
      to the intermediate code generator, which in turn passes a control flow graph to the
      machine-independent code improver. Within the nodes of the control flow graph,
      we suggested that code be represented by instructions in a pseudo-assembly lan-
      guage with an unlimited number of virtual registers. In order to delay discussion
      of code improvement to Chapter 17, we also presented a simpler back-end struc-
      ture in which code improvement is dropped, naive register allocation happens
      early, and intermediate and target code generation are merged into a single phase.
      This simpler structure provided the context for our discussion of code generation.

      We also discussed intermediate forms (IFs). These can be categorized in terms
      of their level, or degree of machine independence. On the companion site we con-
      sidered GIMPLE and RTL, the IFs of the Free Software Foundation GNU com-
      pilers. A well-defined IF facilitates the construction of compiler families, in which
      front ends for one or more languages can be paired with back ends for many ma-
      chines. In many systems that compile for a virtual machine (to be discussed at
      greater length in Chapter 16), the compiler produces a stack-based medium-level
      IF. While not generally suitable for use inside the compiler, such an IF can be
      simple and very compact.

      Intermediate code generation is typically performed via ad hoc traversal of a
      syntax tree. Like semantic analysis, the process can be formalized in terms of
      attribute grammars. We presented part of a small example grammar and used
      it to generate code for the GCD program introduced in Chapter 1. We noted
      in passing that target code generation is often automated, in whole or in part,
      using a code generator generator that takes as input a formal description of the
      target machine and produces code that performs pattern matching on instruction
      sequences or trees.

      In our discussion of assembly and linking we described the format of relo-
      catable and executable object files, and discussed the notions of name resolution
      and relocation. We noted that while not all compilers include an explicit assem-
      bly phase, all compilation systems must make it possible to generate assembly
      code for debugging purposes, and must allow the programmer to write special-
      purpose routines in assembler. In compilers that use an assembler, the assembly
      phase is sometimes responsible for instruction scheduling and other low-level
      code improvement. The linker, for its part, supports separate compilation, by
      “gluing” together object files produced by multiple compilations. In many mod-
      ern systems, significant portions of the linking task are delayed until load time

      15.9 Exercises 803

      or even run time, to allow programs to share the code segments of large, popu-
      lar libraries. For many languages the linker must perform a certain amount of
      semantic checking, to guarantee type consistency. In more aggressive optimiz-
      ing compilation systems (not discussed in this text), the linker may also perform
      interprocedural code improvement.

      As noted in Section 1.5, the typical programming environment includes a host
      of additional tools, including debuggers, performance profilers, configuration
      and version managers, style checkers, preprocessors, pretty-printers, testing sys-
      tems, and perusal and cross-referencing utilities. Many of these tools, particularly
      in well-integrated environments, are directly supported by the compiler. Many
      make use, for example, of symbol-table information embedded in object files.
      Performance profilers and testing systems often rely on special instrumentation
      code inserted by the compiler at subroutine calls, loop boundaries, and other key
      points in the code. Perusal, style-checking, and pretty-printing programs may
      share the compiler’s scanner and parser. Configuration tools often rely on lists of
      interfile dependences, again generated by the compiler, to tell when a change to
      one part of a large system may require that other parts be recompiled.

      15.9 Exercises
      15.1 If you were writing a two-pass compiler, why might you choose a high-

      level IF as the link between the front end and the back end? Why might
      you choose a medium-level IF?

      15.2 Consider a language like Ada or Modula-2, in which a module M can be
      divided into a specification (header) file and an implementation (body)
      file for the purpose of separate compilation (Section 10.2.1). Should M’s
      specification itself be separately compiled, or should the compiler simply
      read it in the process of compiling M’s body and the bodies of other mod-
      ules that use abstractions defined in M? If the specification is compiled,
      what should the output consist of?

      15.3 Many research compilers (e.g., for SR [AO93], Cedar [SZBH86], Lynx
      [Sco91], and Modula-3 [Har92]) have used C as their IF. C is well doc-
      umented and mostly machine independent, and C compilers are much
      more widely available than alternative back ends. What are the disadvan-
      tages of generating C, and how might they be overcome?

      15.4 List as many ways as you can think of in which the back end of a just-
      in-time compiler might differ from that of a more conventional compiler.
      What design goals dictate the differences?

      15.5 Suppose that k (the number of temporary registers) in Figure 15.6 is 4 (this
      is an artificially small number for modern machines). Give an example of
      an expression that will lead to register spilling under our naive register
      allocation algorithm.

      804 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program







      func: (1) → (2)
      func: (1) → (3)
      func: (3) → (1)



      (8) 0.0

      (10) 1

      (8) (9)








      (7) call
















      Index Symbol Type Scope





      Figure 15.10 Syntax tree and symbol table for a program that computes the average of N real numbers. The children of
      the for node are the index variable, the lower bound, the upper bound, and the body.

      15.6 Modify the attribute grammar of Figure 15.6 in such a way that it will gen-
      erate the control flow graph of Figure 15.3 instead of the linear assembly
      code of Figure 15.7.

      15.7 Add productions and attribute rules to the grammar of Figure 15.6 to han-
      dle Ada-style for loops (described in Section 6.5.1). Using your modi-
      fied grammar, hand-translate the syntax tree of Figure 15.10 into pseudo-
      assembly notation. Keep the index variable and the upper loop bound in

      15.8 One problem (of many) with the code we generated in Section 15.3 is that
      it computes at run time the value of expressions that could have been com-
      puted at compile time. Modify the grammar of Figure 15.6 to perform a
      simple form of constant folding: whenever both operands of an operator
      are compile-time constants, we should compute the value at compile time
      and then generate code that uses the value directly. Be sure to consider
      how to handle overflow.

      15.9 Modify the grammar of Figure 15.6 to generate jump code for Boolean
      expressions, as described in Section 6.4.1. You should assume short-circuit
      evaluation (Section 6.1.5).

      15.10 Explorations 805

      15.10 Our GCD program did not employ subroutines. Extend the grammar of
      Figure 15.6 to handle procedures without parameters (feel free to adopt
      any reasonable conventions on the structure of the syntax tree). Be sure to
      generate appropriate prologue and epilogue code for each subroutine, and
      to save and restore any needed temporary registers.

      15.11 The grammar of Figure 15.6 assumes that all variables are global. In the
      presence of subroutines, we should need to generate different code (with
      fp-relative displacement mode addressing) to access local variables and
      parameters. In a language with nested scopes we should need to derefer-
      ence the static chain (or index into the display) to access objects that are
      neither local nor global. Suppose that we are compiling a language with
      nested subroutines, and are using a static chain. Modify the grammar of
      Figure 15.6 to generate code to access objects correctly, regardless of scope.
      You may find it useful to define a to register subroutine that generates the
      code to load a given object. Be sure to consider both l-values and r-values,
      and parameters passed by both value and result.

      15.12–15.15 In More Depth.

      15.10 Explorations
      15.16 Investigate and describe the IF of the compiler you use most often. Can

      you instruct the compiler to dump it to a file which you can then inspect?
      Are there tools other than the compiler phases that operate on the IF (e.g.,
      debuggers, code improvers, configuration managers, etc.)? Is the same IF
      used by compilers for other languages or machines?

      15.17 Implement Figure 15.6 in your favorite programming language. Define
      appropriate data structures to represent a syntax tree; then generate code
      for some sample trees via ad hoc tree traversal.

      15.18 Augment your solution to the previous exercise to handle various other
      language features. Several interesting options have been mentioned in ear-
      lier exercises. Others include functions, first-class subroutines, case state-
      ments, records, arrays (particularly those of dynamic size), and iterators.

      15.19 Find out what tools are available on your favorite system to inspect the
      content of object files (on a Unix system, use nm or objdump). Consider
      some program consisting of a modest number (three to six, say) of com-
      pilation units. Using the appropriate tool, list the imported and exported
      symbols in each compilation unit. Then link the files together. Draw an
      address map showing the locations at which the various code and data
      segments have been placed. Which instructions within the code segments
      have been changed by relocation?

      15.20 In your favorite C++ compiler, investigate the encoding of type informa-
      tion in the names of external symbols. Are there strange strings of char-

      806 Chapter 15 Building a Runnable Program

      acters at the end of every name? If so, can you “reverse engineer” the
      algorithm used to generate them? For hints, type “C++ name mangling”
      into your favorite search engine.

      15.21–15.25 In More Depth.

      15.11 Bibliographic Notes
      Standard compiler textbooks (e.g., those by Aho et al. [ALSU07], Cooper and Tor-
      czon [CT04], Grune et al. [GBJ+12], Appel [App97], or Fischer et al. [FCL10])
      are an accessible source of information on back-end compiler technology. More
      detailed information can be found in the text of Muchnick [Muc97]. Fraser and
      Hanson provide a wealth of detail on code generation and (simple) code improve-
      ment in their lcc compiler [FH95].

      RTL and GIMPLE are documented in the gcc Internals Manual, available from
      www.gnu.org/onlinedocs. Java bytecode is documented by Lindholm and Yellin
      [LYBB14]. The Common Intermediate Language is described by Miller and Rags-
      dale [MR04].

      Ganapathi, Fischer, and Hennessy [GFH82] and Henry and Damron [HD89]
      provide early surveys of automatic code generator generators. The most widely
      used technique from that era was based on LR parsing, and was due to Glanville
      and Graham [GG78]. Fraser et al. [FHP92] describe a simpler approach based on
      dynamic programming. Documentation for the LLVM Target-Independent Code
      Generator can be found at llvm.org/docs/CodeGenerator.html.

      Beck [Bec97] provides a good turn-of-the-century introduction to assemblers,
      linkers, and software development tools. Gingell et al. describe the implemen-
      tation of shared libraries for the SPARC architecture and the SunOS variant of
      Unix [GLDW87]. Ho and Olsson describe a particularly ambitious dynamic
      linker for Unix [HO91]. Tichy presents a compilation system that avoids un-
      necessary recompilations by tracking dependences at a granularity finer than the
      source file [Tic86].

      16Run-Time Program Management
      Every nontrivial implementation of a high-level programming language makes
      extensive use of libraries. Some library routines are very simple: they may copy
      memory from one place to another, or perform arithmetic functions not directly
      supported by the hardware. Others are more sophisticated. Heap management
      routines, for example, maintain significant amounts of internal state, as do li-
      braries for buffered or graphical I/O.

      In general, we use the term run-time system (or sometimes just runtime, with-
      out the hyphen) to refer to the set of libraries on which the language implemen-
      tation depends for correct operation. Some parts of the runtime, like heap man-
      agement, obtain all the information they need from subroutine arguments, and
      can easily be replaced with alternative implementations. Others, however, require
      more extensive knowledge of the compiler or the generated program. In simpler
      cases, this knowledge is really just a set of conventions (e.g., for the subroutine
      calling sequence) that the compiler and runtime both respect. In more complex
      cases, the compiler generates program-specific metadata that the runtime must
      inspect to do its job. A tracing garbage collector (Section 8.5.3), for example, de-
      pends on metadata identifying all the “root pointers” in the program (all global,
      static, and stack-based pointer or reference variables), together with the type of
      every reference and of every allocated block.

      Many examples of compiler/runtime integration have been discussed in previ-
      ous chapters; we review these in Sidebar 16.1. The length and complexity of the
      list generally means that the compiler and the run-time system must be developed

      Some languages (notably C) have very small run-time systems: most of the
      user-level code required to execute a given source program is either generated
      directly by the compiler or contained in language-independent libraries. Other
      languages have extensive run-time systems. C#, for example, is heavily dependent
      on a run-time system defined by the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
      standard [Int12a].

      Like any run-time system, the CLI depends on data generated by the com-EXAMPLE 16.1
      The CLI as a run-time
      system and virtual machine

      piler (e.g., type descriptors, lists of exception handlers, and certain content from
      the symbol table). It also makes extensive assumptions about the structure of


      808 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management


      16.1 Run-time systems

      Many of the most interesting topics in language implementation revolve
      around the run-time system, and have been covered in previous chapters. To
      set the stage for virtual machines, we review those topics here.

      Garbage Collection (Section 8.5.3). As noted in the chapter introduction,
      a tracing garbage collector must be able to find all the “root pointers” in the
      program, and to identify the type of every reference and every allocated block.
      A compacting collector must be able to modify every pointer in the program.
      A generational collector must have access to a list of old-to-new pointer ref-
      erences, maintained by write barriers in the main program. A collector for a
      language like Java must call appropriate finalize methods. And in imple-
      mentations that support concurrent or incremental collection, the main pro-
      gram and the collector must agree on some sort of locking protocol to preserve
      the consistency of the heap.

      Variable Numbers of Arguments (Section 9.3.3). Several languages allow the
      programmer to declare functions that take an arbitrary number of arguments,
      of arbitrary type. In C, a call to va_arg(my_args, arg_type) must return the
      next argument in the previously identified list my_args. To find the argument,
      va_arg must understand which arguments are passed in which registers, and
      which arguments are passed on the stack (with what alignment, padding, and
      offset). If the code for va_arg is generated entirely in-line, this knowledge may
      be embedded entirely in the compiler. If any of the code is in library routines,
      however, those routines are compiler-specific, and thus a (simple) part of the
      run-time system.

      Exception Handling (Section 9.4). Exception propagation requires that we
      “unwind” the stack whenever control escapes the current subroutine. Code
      to deallocate the current frame may be generated by the compiler on a
      subroutine-by-subroutine basis. Alternatively, a general-purpose routine to
      deallocate any given frame may be part of the run-time system. In a similar
      vein, the closest exception handler around a given point in the program may
      be found by compiler-generated code that maintains a stack of active handlers,
      or by a general-purpose run-time routine that inspects a table of program-
      counter-to-handler mappings generated at compile time. The latter approach
      avoids any run-time cost when entering and leaving a protected region (try

      Event Handling (Section 9.6). Events are commonly implemented as “spon-
      taneous” subroutine calls in a single-threaded program, or as “callbacks” in
      a separate, dedicated thread of a concurrent program. Depending on imple-
      mentation strategy, they may be able to exploit knowledge of the compiler’s

      Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management 809

      subroutine calling conventions. They also require synchronization between
      the main program and the event handler, to protect the consistency of shared
      data structures. A truly asynchronous call—one that may interrupt execution
      of the main program at any point—may need to save the entire register set of
      the machine. Calls that occur only at well-defined “safe points” in the program
      (implemented via polling) may be able to save a smaller amount of state. In
      either case, calls to any handler not at the outermost level of lexical nesting may
      need to interpret a closure to establish the proper referencing environment.

      Coroutine and Thread Implementation (Sections 9.5 and 13.2.4). Code to
      create a coroutine or thread must allocate and initialize a stack, establish a
      referencing environment, perform any set-up needed to handle future excep-
      tions, and invoke a specified start-up routine. Routines like transfer, yield,
      reschedule, and sleep on (as well as any scheduler-based synchronization
      mechanisms) must likewise understand a wealth of details about the imple-
      mentation of concurrency.

      Remote Procedure Call (Section C 13.5.4). Remote procedure call (RPC)
      merges aspects of events and threads: from the server’s point of view, an RPC
      is an event executed by a separate thread in response to a request from a client.
      Whether built into the language or implemented via a stub compiler, it requires
      a run-time system (dispatcher) with detailed knowledge of calling conventions,
      concurrency, and storage management.

      Transactional Memory (Section 13.4.4). A software implementation of trans-
      actional memory must buffer speculative updates, track speculative reads, de-
      tect conflicts with other transactions, and validate its view of memory before
      performing any operation that might be compromised by inconsistency. It
      must also be prepared to roll back its updates if aborted, or to make them per-
      manent if committed. These operations typically require library calls at the
      beginning and end of every transaction, and at most read and write instruc-
      tions in between. Among other things, these calls must understand the layout
      of objects in memory, the meaning of metadata associated with objects and
      transactions, and the policy for arbitrating between conflicting transactions.

      Dynamic Linking (Section C 15.7). In any system with separate compilation,
      the compiler generates symbol table information that the linker uses to resolve
      external references. In a system with fully dynamic (lazy) linking, external ref-
      erences are (temporarily) filled with pointers to the linker, which must then
      be part of the run-time system. When the program tries to call a routine that
      has not yet been linked, it actually calls the linker, which resolves the refer-
      ence dynamically. Specifically, the linker looks up symbol table information
      describing the routine to be called. It then patches, in a manner consistent
      with the language’s subroutine calling conventions, the linkage tables that will
      govern future calls.

      810 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      compiler-generated code (e.g., parameter-passing conventions, synchronization
      mechanisms, and the layout of run-time stacks). The coupling between compiler
      and runtime runs deeper than this, however: the CLI programming interface is
      so complete as to fully hide the underlying hardware.1 Such a runtime is known
      as a virtual machine. Some virtual machines—notably the Java Virtual Machine
      (JVM)—are language-specific. Others, including the CLI, are explicitly intended
      for use with multiple languages. In conjunction with development of their version
      of the CLI,2 Microsoft introduced the term managed code to refer to programs that
      run on top of a virtual machine. �

      Virtual machines are part of a growing trend toward run-time management
      and manipulation of programs using compiler technology. This trend is the sub-
      ject of this chapter. We consider virtual machines in more detail in Section 16.1.
      To avoid the overhead of emulating a non-native instruction set, many virtual ma-
      chines use a just-in-time (JIT) compiler to translate their instruction set to that of
      the underlying hardware. Some may even invoke the compiler after the program
      is running, to compile newly discovered components or to optimize code based
      on dynamically discovered properties of the program, its input, or the underly-
      ing system. Using related technology, some language implementations perform
      binary translation to retarget programs compiled for one machine to run on an-
      other machine, or binary rewriting to instrument or optimize programs that have
      already been compiled for the current machine. We consider these various forms
      of late binding of machine code in Section 16.2. Finally, in Section 16.3, we con-
      sider run-time mechanisms to inspect or modify the state of a running program.
      Such mechanisms are needed by symbolic debuggers and by profiling and perfor-
      mance analysis tools. They may also support reflection, which allows a program
      to inspect and reason about its own state at run time.

      16.1 Virtual Machines
      A virtual machine (VM) provides a complete programming environment: its ap-
      plication programming interface (API) includes everything required for correct
      execution of the programs that run above it. We typically reserve use of the term
      “VM” to environments whose level of abstraction is comparable to that of a com-
      puter implemented in hardware. (A Smalltalk or Python interpreter, for example,
      is usually not described as a virtual machine, because its level of abstraction is too
      high, but this is a subjective call.)

      Every virtual machine API includes an instruction set architecture (ISA) in
      which to express programs. This may be the same as the instruction set of some

      1 In particular, the CLI defines the instruction set of compiler’s target language: the Common
      Intermediate Language (CIL) described in Section C 16.1.2.

      2 CLI is an ECMA and ISO standard. CLR—the Common Language Runtime—is Microsoft’s im-
      plementation of the CLI. It is part of the .NET framework.

      16.1 Virtual Machines 811

      existing physical machine, or it may be an artificial instruction set designed to
      be easier to implement in software and to generate with a compiler. Other por-
      tions of the VM API may support I/O, scheduling, or other services provided by
      a library or by the operating system (OS) of a physical machine.

      In practice, virtual machines tend to be characterized as either system VMs or
      process VMs. A system VM faithfully emulates all the hardware facilities needed
      to run a standard OS, including both privileged and unprivileged instructions,
      memory-mapped I/O, virtual memory, and interrupt facilities. By contrast, a
      process VM provides the environment needed by a single user-level process: the
      unprivileged subset of the instruction set and a library-level interface to I/O and
      other services.

      System VMs are often managed by a virtual machine monitor (VMM) or hyper-
      visor, which multiplexes a single physical machine among a collection of “guest”
      operating systems, each of which runs in its own virtual machine. The first widely
      available VMM was IBM’s CP/CMS, which debuted in 1967. Rather than build an
      operating system capable of supporting multiple users, IBM used the CP (“con-
      trol program”) VMM to create a collection of virtual machines, each of which ran
      a lightweight, single-user operating system (CMS). In recent years, VMMs have
      played a central role in the rise of cloud computing, by allowing a hosting center
      to share physical machines among a large number of (mutually isolated) guest
      OSes. The center can monitor and manage its workload more easily if customer
      workloads were running on bare hardware—it can even migrate running OSes
      from one machine to another, to balance load among customers or to clear ma-
      chines for hardware maintenance. System VMs are also increasingly popular on
      personal computers, where products like VMware Fusion and Parallels Desktop
      allow users to run programs on top of more than one OS at once.

      It is process VMs, however, that have had the greatest impact on program-
      ming language design and implementation. As with system VMs, the technology
      is decades old: the P-code VM described in Example 1.15, for example, dates
      from the early 1970s. Process VMs were originally conceived as a way to increase
      program portability and to quickly “bootstrap” languages on new hardware. The
      traditional downside was poor performance due to interpretation of the abstract
      instruction set. The tradeoff between portability and performance remained valid
      through the late 1990s, when early versions of Java were typically an order of mag-
      nitude slower than traditionally compiled languages like Fortran or C. With the
      introduction of just-in-time compilation, however, modern implementations of
      the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
      have come to rival the performance of traditional languages on native hardware.
      We will consider these systems in Sections 16.1.1 and 16.1.2.

      Both the JVM and the CLI use a stack-based intermediate form (IF): Java byte-
      code and CLI Common Intermediate Language (CIL), respectively. As described
      in Section 15.2.2, the lack of named operands means that stack-based IF can be
      very compact—a feature of particular importance for code (e.g., applets) dis-
      tributed over the Internet. At the same time, the need to compute everything in
      stack order means that intermediate results cannot generally be saved in registers

      812 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      and reused. In many cases, stack-based code for an expression will occupy fewer
      bytes, but specify more instructions, than corresponding code for a register-based

      16.1.1 The Java Virtual Machine

      Development of the language that eventually became Java began in 1990–1991,
      when Patrick Naughton, James Gosling, and Mike Sheridan of Sun Microsystems
      began work on a programming system for embedded devices. An early version of
      this system was up and running in 1992, at which time the language was known
      as Oak. In 1994, after unsuccessful attempts to break into the market for cable
      TV set-top boxes, the project was retargeted to web browsers, and the name was
      changed to Java.

      The first public release of Java occurred in 1995. At that time code in the
      JVM was entirely interpreted. A JIT compiler was added in 1998, with the release
      of Java 2. Though not standardized by any of the usual agencies (ANSI, ISO,
      ECMA), Java is sufficiently well defined to admit a wide variety of compilers and
      JVMs. Oracle’s javac compiler and HotSpot JVM, released as open source in
      2006, are by far the most widely used. The Jikes RVM (Research Virtual Machine)
      is a self-hosting JVM, written in Java itself, and widely used for VM research.
      Several companies have their own proprietary JVMs and class libraries, designed
      to provide a competitive edge on particular machines or in particular markets.

      Architecture Summary

      The interface provided by the JVM was designed to be an attractive target for
      a Java compiler. It provides direct support for all (and only) the built-in and


      16.2 Optimizing stack-based IF
      As we shall see in Section C 16.1.2, code for the CLI was not intended for inter-
      pretation; it is almost always JIT compiled. As a result, the extra instructions
      sometimes needed to capture an expression in stack-based form are not a se-
      rious problem: reasonably straightforward code improvement algorithms (to
      be discussed in Chapter 17) allow the JIT compiler to transform the left side of
      Figure 15.4 into good machine code at load time. In the judgment of the CLI
      designers, the simplicity and compactness of the stack-based code outweigh
      the cost of the code improvement. For Java, the need for compact mobile code
      (e.g., browser applets) was a compelling advantage, even in early implementa-
      tions that were interpreted rather than JIT compiled.

      The higher level of abstraction of stack-based code also enhances portabil-
      ity. Three-address instructions might be a good fit for execution on SPARC
      machines, but not on the x86 (a two-address machine).

      16.1 Virtual Machines 813

      reference types defined by the Java language. It also enforces both definite as-
      signment (Section 6.1.3) and type safety. Finally, it includes built-in support for
      many of Java’s language features and standard library packages, including excep-
      tions, threads, garbage collection, reflection, dynamic loading, and security.

      Of course, nothing requires that Java bytecode be produced from Java source.
      Compilers targeting the JVM exist for many other languages, including Ruby,
      JavaScript, Python, and Scheme (all of which are traditionally interpreted), as well
      as C, Ada, Cobol, and others, which are traditionally compiled.3 There are even
      assemblers that allow programmers to write Java bytecode directly. The princi-
      pal requirement, for both compilers and assemblers, is that they generate correct
      class files. These have a special format understood by the JVM, and must satisfy a
      variety of structural and semantic constraints.

      At start-up time, a JVM is typically given the name of a class file containing
      the static method main. It loads this class into memory, verifies that it satisfies a
      variety of required constraints, allocates any static fields, links it to any preloaded
      library routines, and invokes any initialization code provided by the programmer
      for classes or static fields. Finally, it calls main in a single thread. Additional
      classes (needed by the initial class) may be loaded either immediately or lazily on
      demand. Additional threads may be created via calls to the (built-in) methods of
      class Thread. The three following subsections provide additional details on JVM
      storage management, the format of class files, and the Java bytecode instruction

      Storage Management

      Storage allocation mechanisms in the JVM mirror those of the Java language.
      There is a global constant pool, a set of registers and a stack for each thread, a
      method area to hold executable bytecode, and a heap for dynamically allocated

      Global data The method area is analogous to the code (“text”) segment of a tra-
      ditional executable file, as described in Section 15.4. The constant pool contains
      both program constants and a variety of symbol table information needed by the
      JVM and other tools. Like the code of methods, the constant pool is read-only
      to user programs. Each entry begins with a one-byte tag that indicates the kind
      of information contained in the rest of the entry. Possibilities include the various
      built-in types; character-string names; and class, method, and field references.
      Consider, for example, the trivial “Hello, world” program:EXAMPLE 16.2

      Constants for “Hello,

      3 Compilation of type-unsafe code, as in C, is problematic; we will return to this issue in Sec-
      tion C 16.1.2.

      814 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      class Hello {
      public static void main(String args[]) {

      System.out.println(“Hello, world!”);


      When compiled with OpenJDK’s javac compiler, the constant pool for this pro-
      gram has 28 separate entries, shown in Figure 16.1. Entry 18 contains the text
      of the output string; entry 3 indicates that this text is indeed a Java string. Many
      of the additional entries (7, 11, 14, 21–24, 26, 27) give the textual names of files,
      classes, methods, and fields. Others (9, 10, 13) are the names of structures else-
      where in the class file; by pointing to these entries, the structures can be self-
      descriptive. Four of the entries (8, 12, 25, 28) are type signatures for methods
      and fields. In the format shown here, “V” indicates void; “Lname;” is a fully
      qualified class. For methods, parentheses surround the list of argument types; the
      return type follows. Most of the remaining entries are references to classes (5, 6,
      16, 19), fields (2), and methods (1, 4). The final three entries (15, 17, 20) give
      name and type for fields and methods. The surprising amount of information for
      such a tiny program stems from Java’s rich naming structure, the use of library
      classes, and the deliberate retention of symbol table information to support lazy
      linking, reflection, and debugging. �

      Per-thread data A program running on the JVM begins with a single thread.
      Additional threads are created by allocating and initializing a new object of the
      build-in class Thread, and then calling its start method. Each thread has a small
      set of base registers, a stack of method call frames, and an optional traditional
      stack on which to call native (non-Java) methods.

      Each frame on the method call stack contains an array of local variables, an
      operand stack for evaluation of the method’s expressions, and a reference into the
      constant pool that identifies information needed for dynamic linking of called
      methods. Space for formal parameters is included among the local variables.
      Variables that are not live at the same time can share a slot in the array; this means
      that the same slot may be used at different times for data of different types.

      Because Java bytecode is stack oriented, operands and results of arithmetic
      and logic instructions are kept in the operand stack of the current method frame,
      rather than in registers. Implicitly, the JVM instruction set requires four registers
      per thread, to hold the program counter and references to the current frame, the
      top of the operand stack, and the base of the local variable array.

      Slots in the local variable array and the operand stack are always 32 bits wide.
      Data of smaller types are padded; long and double data take two slots each. The
      maximum depth required for the operand stack can be determined statically by
      the compiler, making it easy to preallocate space in the frame.

      Heap In keeping with the type system of the Java language, a datum in the local
      variable array or the operand stack is always either a reference or a value of a
      built-in scalar type. Structured data (objects and arrays) must always lie in the

      16.1 Virtual Machines 815

      const #1 = Method #6.#15; // java/lang/Object.”“:()V
      const #2 = Field #16.#17; // java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
      const #3 = String #18; // Hello, world!
      const #4 = Method #19.#20; // java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
      const #5 = class #21; // Hello
      const #6 = class #22; // java/lang/Object
      const #7 = Asciz ;
      const #8 = Asciz ()V;
      const #9 = Asciz Code;
      const #10 = Asciz LineNumberTable;
      const #11 = Asciz main;
      const #12 = Asciz ([Ljava/lang/String;)V;
      const #13 = Asciz SourceFile;
      const #14 = Asciz Hello.java;
      const #15 = NameAndType #7:#8; // ““:()V
      const #16 = class #23; // java/lang/System
      const #17 = NameAndType #24:#25; // out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
      const #18 = Asciz Hello, world!;
      const #19 = class #26; // java/io/PrintStream
      const #20 = NameAndType #27:#28; // println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
      const #21 = Asciz Hello;
      const #22 = Asciz java/lang/Object;
      const #23 = Asciz java/lang/System;
      const #24 = Asciz out;
      const #25 = Asciz Ljava/io/PrintStream;;
      const #26 = Asciz java/io/PrintStream;
      const #27 = Asciz println;
      const #28 = Asciz (Ljava/lang/String;)V;

      Figure 16.1 Content of the JVM constant pool for the program in Example 16.2. The “Asciz” entries (zero-terminated
      ASCII) contain null-terminated character-string names. Most other entries pair an indication of the kind of constant with a
      reference to one or more additional entries. This output was produced by Sun’s javap tool.

      heap. They are allocated, dynamically, using the new and newarray instructions.
      They are reclaimed automatically via garbage collection. The choice of collection
      algorithm is left to the implementor of the JVM.

      To facilitate sharing among threads, the Java language provides the equivalent
      of monitors with a lock and a single, implicit condition variable per object, as
      described in Section 13.4.3. The JVM provides direct support for this style of
      synchronization. Each object in the heap has an associated mutual exclusion lock;
      in a typical implementation, the lock maintains a set of threads waiting for entry
      to the monitor. In addition, each object has an associated set of threads that
      are waiting for the monitor’s condition variable.4 Locks are acquired with the
      monitorenter instruction and released with the monitorexit instruction. Most

      4 To save space, a JIT compiler will typically omit the monitor information for any object it can
      prove is never used for synchronization.

      816 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      JVMs insist that these calls appear in matching nested pairs, and that every lock
      acquired within a given method be released within the same method (any correct
      compiler for the Java language will follow these rules).

      Consistency of access to shared objects is governed by the Java memory model,
      which we considered briefly in Section 13.3.3. Informally, each thread behaves as
      if it kept a private cache of the heap. When a thread releases a monitor or writes a
      volatile variable, the JVM must ensure that all previous updates to the thread’s
      cache have been written back to memory. When a thread enters a monitor or
      reads a volatile variable, the JVM must (in effect) clear the thread’s cache so
      that subsequent reads cause locations to be reloaded from memory. Of course,
      actual implementations don’t perform explicit write-backs or invalidations; they
      start with the memory model provided by the hardware’s cache coherence pro-
      tocol and use memory barrier (fence) instructions where needed to avoid unac-
      ceptable orderings.

      Class Files

      Physically, a JVM class file is stored as a stream of bytes. Typically these occupy
      some real file provided by the operating system, but they could just as easily be a
      record in a database. On many systems, multiple class files may be combined into
      a Java archive (.jar) file.

      Logically, a class file has a well-defined hierarchical structure. It begins with a
      “magic number” (0x_cafe_babe), as described in Sidebar 14.4. This is followed

      Major and minor version numbers of the JVM for which the file was created

      The constant pool

      Indices into the constant pool for the current class and its superclass

      Tables describing the class’s superinterfaces, fields, and methods

      Because the JVM is both cleaner and more abstract than a real machine, the
      Java class file structure is both cleaner and more abstract than a typical object
      file (Section 15.4). Conspicuously missing is the extensive relocation informa-
      tion required to cope with the many ways that addresses are embedded into in-
      structions on a typical real machine. In place of this, bytecode instructions in a
      class file contain references to symbolic names in the constant pool. These be-
      come references into the method area when code is dynamically linked. (Alter-
      natively, they may become real machine addresses, appropriately encoded, when
      the code is JIT compiled.) At the same time, class files contain extensive informa-
      tion not typically found in an executable object file. Examples include access flags
      for classes, fields, and methods (public, private, protected, static, final,
      synchronized, native, abstract, strictfp); symbol table information that
      is built into the structure of the file (rather than an optional add-on); and special
      instructions for such high-level notions as throwing an exception or entering or
      leaving a monitor.

      16.1 Virtual Machines 817


      The bytecode for a method (or for a constructor or a class initializer) appears in
      an entry in the class file’s method table. It is accompanied by the following:

      An indication of the number of local variables, including parameters

      The maximum depth required in the operand stack

      A table of exception handler information, each entry of which indicates

      – The bytecode range covered by this handler

      – The address (index in the code) of the handler itself

      – The type of exception caught (an index into the constant pool)

      Optional information for debuggers: specifically, a table mapping bytecode
      addresses to line numbers in the original source code and/or a table indicat-
      ing which source code variable(s) occupy which JVM local variables at which
      points in the bytecode.

      Instruction Set Java bytecode was designed to be both simple and compact.
      Orthogonality was a strictly secondary concern. Every instruction begins with
      a single-byte opcode. Arguments, if any, occupy subsequent bytes, with values
      given in big-endian order. With two exceptions, used for switch statements, ar-
      guments are unaligned, for compactness. Most instructions, however, actually
      don’t need an argument. Where typical hardware performs arithmetic on val-
      ues in named registers, bytecode pops arguments from, and pushes result to, the
      operand stack of the current method frame. Moreover, even loads and stores can
      often use a single byte. There are, for example, special one-byte integer store in-
      structions for each of the first four entries in the local variable array. Similarly,
      there are special instructions to push the values −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 onto the
      operand stack.

      As of Java 8, the JVM defines 205 of the 256 possible opcode values. Five of
      these serve special purposes (unused, nop, debugger breakpoints, implementa-
      tion dependent). The remainder can be organized into the following categories:

      Load/store: move values back and forth between the operand stack and the local
      variable array.

      Arithmetic: perform integer or floating point operations on values in the
      operand stack.

      Type conversion: “widen” or “narrow” values among the built-in types (byte,
      char, short, int, long, float, and double). Narrowing may result in a loss
      of precision but never an exception.

      Object management: create or query the properties of objects and arrays; access
      fields and array elements.

      Operand stack management: push and pop; duplicate; swap.

      Control transfer: perform conditional, unconditional, or multiway branches

      818 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      Method calls: call and return from ordinary and static methods (including
      constructors and initializers) of classes and interfaces. An invokedynamic
      instruction, introduced in the Java 7 JVM, allows run-time customization of
      linkage conventions for individual call sites. It is used both for Java 8 lambda
      expressions and for the implementation of dynamically typed languages on top
      of the JVM.

      Exceptions: throw (no instructions required for catch).
      Monitors: enter and exit (wait, notify, and notifyAll are invoked via method


      As a concrete example, consider the following definitions for an integer set,EXAMPLE 16.3
      Bytecode for a list insert

      represented as a sorted linked list:

      public class LLset {
      node head;
      class node {

      public int val;
      public node next;

      public LLset() { // constructor

      head = new node(); // head node contains no real data
      head.next = null;



      An insert method for this class appears in Figure 16.2. Java source is on the
      left; a symbolic representation of the corresponding bytecode is on the right. The
      line at the top of the bytecode indicates a maximum depth of 3 for the operand
      stack and four entries in the local variable array, the first two of which are argu-
      ments: the this pointer and the integer v. Perusal of the code reveals numerous
      examples of the special one-byte load and store instructions, and of instructions
      that operate implicitly on the operand stack. �

      Verification Safety was one of the principal concerns in the definition of the
      Java language and virtual machine. Many of the things that can “go wrong”
      while executing machine code compiled from a more traditional language can-
      not go wrong when executing bytecode compiled from Java. Some aspects of
      safety are obtained by limiting the expressiveness of the byte-code instruction
      set or by checking properties at load time. One cannot jump to a nonexistent
      address, for example, because method calls specify their targets symbolically by
      name, and branch targets are specified as indices within the code attribute of the
      current method. Similarly, where hardware allows displacement addressing from
      the frame pointer to access memory outside the current stack frame, the JVM
      checks at load time to make sure that references to local variables (specified by
      constant indices into the local variable array) are within the bounds declared.

      16.1 Virtual Machines 819

      public void insert(int v) {
      node n = head;

      while (n.next != null
      && n.next.val < v) { n = n.next; } if (n.next == null || n.next.val > v) {

      node t = new node();

      t.val = v;

      t.next = n.next;

      n.next = t;

      } // else v already in set

      Stack=3, Locals=4, Args_size=2
      0: aload_0 // this
      1: getfield #4; //Field head:LLLset$node;
      4: astore_2
      5: aload_2 // n
      6: getfield #5; //Field LLset$node.next:LLLset$node;
      9: ifnull 31 // conditional branch
      12: aload_2
      13: getfield #5; //Field LLset$node.next:LLLset$node;
      16: getfield #6; //Field LLset$node.val:I
      19: iload_1 // v
      20: if_icmpge 31
      23: aload_2
      24: getfield #5; //Field LLset$node.next:LLLset$node;
      27: astore_2
      28: goto 5
      31: aload_2
      32: getfield #5; //Field LLset$node.next:LLLset$node;
      35: ifnull 49
      38: aload_2
      39: getfield #5; //Field LLset$node.next:LLLset$node;
      42: getfield #6; //Field LLset$node.val:I
      45: iload_1
      46: if_icmple 76
      49: new #2; //class LLset$node
      52: dup
      53: aload_0
      54: invokespecial #3; //Method LLset$node.”“:(LLLset;)V
      57: astore_3
      58: aload_3 // t
      59: iload_1
      60: putfield #6; //Field LLset$node.val:I
      63: aload_3
      64: aload_2
      65: getfield #5; //Field LLset$node.next:LLLset$node;
      68: putfield #5; //Field LLset$node.next:LLLset$node;
      71: aload_2
      72: aload_3
      73: putfield #5; //Field LLset$node.next:LLLset$node;
      76: return

      Figure 16.2 Java source and bytecode for a list insertion method. Output on the right was produced by Oracle’s javac
      (compiler) and javap (disassembler) tools, with additional comments inserted by hand.

      820 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      Other aspects of safety are guaranteed by the JVM during execution. Field
      access and method call instructions throw an exception if given a null reference.
      Similarly, array load and store instructions throw an exception if the index is not
      within the bounds of the array.

      When it first loads a class file, the JVM checks the top-level structure of the file.
      Among other things, it verifies that the file begins with the appropriate “magic
      number,” that the specified sizes of the various sections of the file are all within
      bounds, and that these sizes add up to the size of the overall file. When it links
      the class file into the rest of the program, the JVM checks additional constraints.
      It verifies that all items in the constant pool are well formed, and that nothing
      inherits from a final class. More significantly, it performs a host of checks on
      the bytecode of the class’s methods. Among other things, the bytecode verifier
      ensures that every variable is initialized before it is read, that every operation
      is type-safe, and that the operand stacks of methods never overflow or under-
      flow. All three of these checks require data flow analysis to determine that desired
      properties (initialization status, types of slots in the local stack frame, depth of
      the operand stack) are the same on every possible path to a given point in the
      program. We will consider data flow in more detail in Section C 17.4.


      16.3 Verification of class files and bytecode
      Java compilers are required to generate code that satisfies all the constraints de-
      fined by the Java class file specification. These include well-formedness of the
      internal data structures, type safety, definite assignment, and lack of underflow
      or overflow in the operand stack. A JVM, however, has no way to tell whether
      a given class file was generated by a correct compiler. To protect itself from
      potentially incorrect (or even malicious) class files, a JVM must verify that any
      code it runs follows all the rules. Under normal operation, this means that cer-
      tain checks (e.g., data flow for definite assignment) are performed twice: once
      by the Java compiler, to provide compile-time error messages to the program-
      mer, and again by the JVM, to protect against buggy compilers or alternative
      sources of bytecode.

      To improve program start-up times and avoid unnecessary work, most
      JVMs delay the loading (and verification) of class files until some method in
      that file is actually called (this is the Java equivalent of the lazy linking described
      in Section C 15.7.2). In order to effect this delay, the JVM must wait until a call
      occurs to verify the last few properties of the code at the call site (i.e., that it
      refers to a method that really exists, and that the caller is allowed to call).

      16.1.2 The Common Language Infrastructure

      As early as the mid-1980s, Microsoft recognized the need for interoperability
      among programming languages running on Windows platforms. In a series of

      16.1 Virtual Machines 821

      product offerings spanning a decade and a half, the company developed increas-
      ingly sophisticated versions of its Component Object Model (COM), first to com-
      municate with, then to call, and finally to share data with program components
      written in multiple languages.

      With the success of Java, it became clear by the mid to late 1990s that a sys-
      tem combining a JVM-style run-time system with the language interoperability
      of COM could have enormous technical and commercial potential. Microsoft’s
      .NET project set out to realize this potential. It includes a JVM-like virtual
      machine whose specification—the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)—is
      standardized by ECMA and the ISO. While development of the CLI has clearly
      been driven by Microsoft, other implementations—notably from the open-source
      Mono project, led by Xamarin, Inc.—are available for non-Windows platforms.


      We consider the CLI in more detail on the companion site. Among other things,
      we describe the Common Type System, which governs cross-language interoper-
      ability; the architecture of the virtual machine, including its support for generics;
      the Common Intermediate Language (CIL—the CLI analogue of Java bytecode);
      and Portable Executable (PE) assemblies, the CLI analogue of .jar files.

      1. What is a run-time system? How does it differ from a “mere” library?

      2. List some of the major tasks that may be performed by a run-time system.

      3. What is a virtual machine? What distinguishes it from interpreters of other

      4. Explain the distinction between system and process VMs. What other terms
      are sometimes used for system VMs?

      5. What is managed code?

      6. Why do many virtual machines use a stack-based intermediate form?

      7. Give several examples of special-purpose instructions provided by Java byte-

      8. Summarize the architecture of the Java Virtual Machine.

      9. Summarize the content of a Java class file.

      10. Explain the validity checks performed on a class file at load time.

      822 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      16.2 Late Binding of Machine Code
      In the traditional conception (Example 1.7), compilation is a one-time activity,
      sharply distinguished from program execution. The compiler produces a tar-
      get program, typically in machine language, which can subsequently be executed
      many times for many different inputs.

      In some environments, however, it makes sense to bring compilation and ex-
      ecution closer together in time. A just-in-time (JIT) compiler translates a pro-
      gram from source or intermediate form into machine language immediately be-
      fore each separate run of the program. We consider JIT compilation further in the
      first subsection below. We also consider language systems that may compile new
      pieces of a program—or recompile old pieces—after the program begins its exe-
      cution. In Sections 16.2.2 and 16.2.3, we consider binary translation and binary
      rewriting systems, which perform compiler-like operations on programs without
      access to source code. Finally, in Section 16.2.4, we consider systems that may
      download program components from remote locations. All these systems serve
      to delay the binding of a program to its machine code.

      16.2.1 Just-in-Time and Dynamic Compilation

      To promote the Java language and virtual machine, Sun Microsystems coined the
      slogan “write once, run anywhere”—the idea being that programs distributed
      as Java bytecode could run on a very wide range of platforms. Source code, of
      course, is also portable, but byte code is much more compact, and can be inter-
      preted without additional preprocessing. Unfortunately, interpretation tends to
      be expensive. Programs running on early Java implementations could be as much
      as an order of magnitude slower than compiled code in other languages. Just-in-
      time compilation is, to first approximation, a technique to retain the portability of
      bytecode while improving execution speed. Like both interpretation and dynamic
      linking (Section 15.7), JIT compilation also benefits from the delayed discovery of
      program components: program code is not bloated by copies of widely shared li-
      braries, and new versions of libraries are obtained automatically when a program
      that needs them is run.

      Because a JIT system compiles programs immediately prior to execution, it
      can add significant delay to program start-up time. Implementors face a difficult
      tradeoff: to maximize benefits with respect to interpretation, the compiler should
      produce good code; to minimize start-up time, it should produce that code very
      quickly. In general, JIT compilers tend to focus on the simpler forms of target
      code improvement. Specifically, they often limit themselves to the so-called local
      improvements, which operate within individual control-flow constructs. Im-
      provements at the global (whole method) and interprocedural (whole program)
      level may be expensive to consider.

      16.2 Late Binding of Machine Code 823

      Fortunately, the cost of JIT compilation is typically lessened by the existence
      of an earlier source-to-byte-code compiler that does much of the “heavy lifting.”5

      Scanning is unnecessary in a JIT compiler, since bytecode is not textual. Parsing
      is trivial, since class files have a simple, self-descriptive structure. Many of the
      properties that a source-to-byte-code compiler must infer at significant expense
      (type safety, agreement of actual and formal parameter lists) are embedded di-
      rectly in the structure of the bytecode (objects are labeled with their type, calls are
      made through method descriptors); others can be verified with simple data flow
      analysis. Certain forms of machine-independent code improvement may also be
      performed by the source-to-byte-code compiler (these are limited to some degree
      by stack-based expression evaluation).

      All these factors allow a JIT compiler to be faster—and to produce better
      code—than one might initially expect. In addition, since we are already com-
      mitted to invoking the JIT compiler at run time, we can minimize its impact on
      program start-up latency by running it a bit at a time, rather than all at once:

      Like a lazy linker (Section C 15.7.2), a JIT compiler may perform its work in-
      crementally. It begins by compiling only the class file that contains the program
      entry point (i.e., main), leaving hooks in the code that call into the run-time
      system wherever the program is supposed to call a method in another class file.
      After this small amount of preparation, the program begins execution. When
      execution falls into the runtime through an unresolved hook, the runtime in-
      vokes the compiler to load the new class file and to link it into the program.

      To eliminate the latency of compiling even the original class file, the language
      implementation may incorporate both an interpreter and a JIT compiler. Exe-
      cution begins in the interpreter. In parallel, the compiler translates portions of
      the program into machine code. When the interpreter needs to call a method,
      it checks to see whether a compiled version is available yet, and if so calls that
      version instead of interpreting the bytecode. We will return to this technique
      below, in the context of the HotSpot Java compiler and JVM.

      When a class file is JIT compiled, the language implementation can cache the
      resulting machine code for later use. This amounts to guessing, speculatively,
      that the versions of library routines employed in the current run of the pro-
      gram will still be current when the program is run again. Because languages
      like Java and C# require the appearance of late binding of library routines, this
      guess must be checked in each subsequent run. If the check succeeds, using a
      cached copy saves almost the entire cost of JIT compilation.

      Finally, JIT compilation affords the opportunity to perform certain kinds of
      code improvement that are usually not feasible in traditional compilers. It is cus-
      tomary, for example, for software vendors to ship a single compiled version of an

      5 While a JIT compiler could, in principle, operate on source code, we assume throughout this
      discussion that it works on a medium-level IF like Java bytecode or CIL.

      824 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      application for a given instruction set architecture, even though implementations
      of that architecture may differ in important ways, including pipeline width and
      depth; the number of physical (renaming) registers; and the number, size, and
      speed of the various levels of cache. A JIT compiler may be able to identify the
      processor implementation on which it is running, and generate code that is tuned
      for that specific implementation. More important, a JIT compiler may be able
      to in-line calls to dynamically linked library routines. This optimization is par-
      ticularly important in object-oriented programs, which tend to call many small
      methods. For such programs, dynamic in-lining can have a dramatic impact on

      Dynamic Compilation

      We have noted that a language implementation may choose to delay JIT compi-
      lation to reduce the impact on program start-up latency. In some cases, compila-
      tion must be delayed, either because the source or bytecode was not created or dis-
      covered until run time, or because we wish to perform optimizations that depend
      on information gathered during execution. In these cases, we say the language
      implementation employs dynamic compilation. Common Lisp systems have used
      dynamic compilation for many years: the language is typically compiled, but a
      program can extend itself at run time. Optimization based on run-time statistics
      is a more recent innovation.

      Most programs spend most of their time in a relatively small fraction of the
      code. Aggressive code improvement on this fraction can yield disproportion-
      ately large improvements in program performance. A dynamic compiler can use
      statistics gathered by run-time profiling to identify hot paths through the code,
      which it then optimizes in the background. By rearranging the code to make
      hot paths contiguous in memory, it may also improve the performance of the in-
      struction cache. Additional run-time statistics may suggest opportunities to un-
      roll loops (Exercise C 5.21), assign frequently used expressions to registers (Sec-
      tions C 5.5.2 and C 17.8), and schedule instructions to minimize pipeline stalls
      (Sections C 5.5.1 and C 17.6).

      In some situations, a dynamic compiler may even be able to perform opti-
      mizations that would be unsafe if implemented statically. Consider, for example,EXAMPLE 16.4

      When is in-lining safe? the in-lining of methods from dynamically linked libraries. If foo is a static
      method of class C, then calls to C.foo can safely be in-lined. Similarly, if bar
      is a final method of class C (one that cannot be overridden), and o is an ob-
      ject of class C, then calls to o.bar can safely be in-lined. But what if bar is not
      final? The compiler can still in-line calls to o.bar if it can prove that o will
      never refer to an instance of a class derived from C (which might have a different
      implementation of bar). Sometimes this is easy:

      C o = new C( args );
      o.bar(); // no question what type this is

      Other times it is not:

      16.2 Late Binding of Machine Code 825

      static void f(C o) {


      Here the compiler can in-line the call only if it knows that f will never be passed
      an instance of a class derived from C. A dynamic compiler can perform the op-
      timization if it verifies that there exists no class derived from C anywhere in the
      (current version of the) program. It must keep notes of what it has done, how-
      ever: if dynamic linking subsequently extends the program with code that defines
      a new class D derived from C, the in-line optimization may need to be undone. �

      In some cases, a dynamic compiler may choose to perform optimizations that
      may be unsafe even in the current program, provided that profiling suggests
      they will be profitable and run-time checks can determine whether they are safe.
      Suppose, in the previous example, there already exists a class D derived from C,EXAMPLE 16.5

      Speculative optimization but profiling indicates that every call to f so far has passed an instance of class C.
      Suppose further that f makes many calls to methods of parameter o, not just the
      one shown in the example. The compiler might choose to generate code along
      the following lines:

      static void f(C o) {
      if (o.getClass() == C.class) {

      … // code with in-lined calls — much faster
      } else {

      … // code without in-lined calls

      } �

      An Example System: the HotSpot Java Compiler

      HotSpot is Oracle’s principal JVM and JIT compiler for desktop and server sys-
      tems. It was first released in 1999, and is available as open source.

      HotSpot takes its name from its use of dynamic compilation to improve the
      performance of hot code paths. Newly loaded class files are initially interpreted.
      Methods that are executed frequently are selected by the JVM for compilation and
      are subsequently patched into the program on the fly. The compiler is aggressive
      about in-lining small routines, and will do so in a deep, iterative fashion, repeat-
      edly in-lining routines that are called from the code it just finished in-lining. As
      described in the preceding discussion of dynamic compilation, the compiler will
      also in-line routines that are safe only for the current set of class files, and will
      dynamically “deoptimize” in-lined calls that have been rendered unsafe by the
      loading of new derived classes.

      The HotSpot compiler can be configured to operate in either “client” or
      “server” mode. Client mode is optimized for lower start-up latency. It is ap-
      propriate for systems in which a human user frequently starts new programs. It
      translates Java bytecode to static single assignment (SSA) form (a medium-level
      IF described in Section C 17.4.1) and performs a few straightforward machine-
      independent optimizations. It then translates to a low-level IF, on which it per-

      826 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      forms instruction scheduling and register allocation. Finally, it translates this IF
      to machine code.

      Server mode is optimized to generate faster code. It is appropriate for systems
      that need maximum throughput and can tolerate slower start-up. It applies most
      classic global and interprocedural code improvement techniques to the SSA ver-
      sion of the program (many of these are described in Chapter 17), as well as other
      improvements specific to Java. Many of these improvements make use of profiling

      Particularly when running in server mode, HotSpot can rival the performance
      of traditional compilers for C and C++. In effect, aggressive in-lining and profile-
      driven optimization serve to “buy back” both the start-up latency of JIT compi-
      lation and the overhead of Java’s run-time semantic checks.

      Other Example Systems

      Like HotSpot, Microsoft’s CIL-to-machine-code compiler performs dynamic op-EXAMPLE 16.6
      Dynamic compilation in
      the CLR

      timization of hot code paths. The .NET source-to-CIL compilers are also ex-
      plicitly available to programs through the System.CodeDom.Compiler API. A
      program running on the CLR can directly invoke the compiler to translate C# (or
      Visual Basic, or other .NET languages) into CIL PE assemblies. These can then
      be loaded into the running program. As they are loaded, the CLR JIT compiler
      translates them to machine code. As noted in Sections 3.6.4 and 11.2, C# includes
      lambda expressions reminiscent of those in functional languages:

      Func square_func = x => x * x;

      Here square_func is a function from integers to integers that multiplies its pa-
      rameter (x) by itself, and returns the product. It is analogous to the following in

      (let ((square-func (lambda (x) (* x x)))) …

      Given the C# declaration, we can write

      y = square_func(3); // 9

      But just as Lisp allows a function to be represented as a list, so too does C# allow
      a lambda expression to be represented as a syntax tree:

      Expression> square_tree = x => x * x;

      Various methods of library class Expression can now be used to explore and
      manipulate the tree. When desired, the tree can be converted to CIL code:

      square_func = square_tree.Compile();

      These operations are roughly analogous to the following in Scheme:

      16.2 Late Binding of Machine Code 827

      (let* ((square-tree ‘(lambda (x) (* x x))) ; note the quote mark
      (square-func (eval square-tree (scheme-report-environment 5))))

      The difference in practice is that while Scheme’s eval checks the syntactic valid-
      ity of the lambda expression and creates the metadata needed for dynamic type
      checking, the typical implementation leaves the function in list (tree) form, and
      interprets it when called. C#’s Compile is expected to produce CIL code; when
      called it will be JIT compiled and directly executed. �

      Many Lisp dialects and implementations have employed an explicit mix of in-
      terpretation and compilation. Common Lisp includes a compile function thatEXAMPLE 16.7

      Dynamic compilation in
      CMU Common Lisp

      takes the name of an existing (interpretable) function as argument. As a side ef-
      fect, it invokes the compiler on that function, after which the function will (pre-
      sumably) run much faster:

      (defun square (x) (* x x)) ; outermost level function declaration
      (square 3) ; 9
      (compile ‘square)
      (square 3) ; also 9 (but faster 🙂

      CMU Common Lisp, a widely used open-source implementation of the lan-
      guage, incorporates two interpreters and a compiler with two back ends. The so-
      called “baby” interpreter understands a subset of the language, but works stand-
      alone. It handles simple expressions at the read-eval-print loop, and is used to
      bootstrap the system. The “grown-up” interpreter understands the whole lan-
      guage, but needs access to the front end of the compiler. The bytecode compiler
      translates source code to an intermediate form reminiscent of Java bytecode or
      CIL. The native code compiler translates to machine code. In general, programs
      are run by the “grown-up” interpreter unless the programmer invokes the com-
      piler explicitly from the command line or from within a Common Lisp program
      (with compile). The compiler, when invoked, produces native code unless other-
      wise instructed. Documentation indicates that the bytecode version of the com-
      piler runs twice as fast as the native code version. Bytecode is portable and 6×
      denser than native code. It runs 50× slower than native code, but 10× faster than
      the interpreter. �

      Like most scripting languages, Perl 5 compiles its input to an internal syntaxEXAMPLE 16.8
      Compilation of Perl tree format, which it then interprets. In several cases, the interpreter may need

      to call back into the compiler during execution. Features that force such dynamic
      compilation include eval, which compiles and then interprets a string; require,
      which loads a library package; and the ee version of the substitution command,
      which performs expression evaluation on the replacement string:

      $foo = “abc”;
      $foo =~ s/b/2 + 3/ee; # replace b with the value of 2 + 3
      print “$foo\n”; # prints a5c

      828 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      Perl can also be directed, via library calls or the perlcc command-line script
      (itself written in Perl), to translate source code to either bytecode or machine
      code. In the former case, the output is an “executable” file beginning with
      #! /usr/bin/perl (see the Sidebar 14.4 for a discussion of the #! convention).
      If invoked from the shell, this file will feed itself back into Perl 5, which will notice
      that the rest of the file contains bytecode instead of source, and will perform a
      quick reconstruction of the syntax tree, ready for interpretation.

      If directed to produce machine code, perlcc generates a C program, which it
      then runs through the C compiler. The C program builds an appropriate syntax
      tree and passes it directly to the Perl interpreter, bypassing both the compiler
      and the byte-code-to-syntax-tree reconstruction. Both the bytecode and machine
      code back ends are considered experimental; they do not work for all programs.

      Perl 6, still under development as of 2015, is intended to be JIT compiled. Its
      virtual machine, called Parrot, is unusual in providing a large register set, rather
      than a stack, for expression evaluation. Like Perl itself—but unlike the JVM and
      CLR—Parrot allows variables to be treated as different types in different contexts.
      Work is underway to target other scripting languages to Parrot, with the eventual
      goal or providing interoperability similar to that of the .NET languages. �

      11. What is a just-in-time (JIT) compiler? What are its potential advantages over

      interpretation or conventional compilation?

      12. Why might one prefer bytecode over source code as the input to a JIT com-

      13. What distinguishes dynamic compilation from just-in-time compilation?

      14. What is a hot path? Why is it significant?

      15. Under what circumstances can a JIT compiler expand virtual methods in-line?

      16. What is deoptimization? When and why is it needed?

      17. Explain the distinction between the function and expression tree representa-
      tions of a lambda expression in C#.

      18. Summarize the relationship between compilation and interpretation in Perl.

      16.2.2 Binary Translation

      Just-in-time and dynamic compilers assume the availability of source code or of
      bytecode that retains all of the semantic information of the source. There are
      times, however, when it can be useful to recompile object code. This process is
      known as binary translation. It allows already-compiled programs to be run on
      a machine with a different instruction set architecture. Some readers may recall

      16.2 Late Binding of Machine Code 829

      Apple’s Rosetta system, which allowed programs compiled for older PowerPC-
      based Macintosh computers to run on newer x86-based Macs. Rosetta built on
      experience with a long line of similar translators.

      The principal challenge for binary translation is the loss of information in the
      original source-to-object-code translation. Object code typically lacks both type
      information and the clearly delineated subroutines and control-flow constructs
      of source code and bytecode. While most of this information appears in the com-
      piler’s symbol table, and may sometimes be included in the object file for debug-
      ging purposes, vendors usually delete it before shipping commercial products,
      and a binary translator cannot assume it will be present.

      The typical binary translator reads an object file and reconstructs a control
      flow graph of the sort described in Section 15.1.1. This task is complicated by
      the lack of explicit information about basic blocks. While branches (the ends
      of basic blocks) are easy to identify, beginnings are more difficult: since branch
      targets are sometimes computed at run time or looked up in dispatch tables or
      virtual function tables, the binary translator must consider the possibility that
      control may sometimes jump into the middle of a “probably basic” block. Since
      translated code will generally not lie at the same address as the original code,
      computed branches must be translated into code that performs some sort of table
      lookup, or falls back on interpretation.

      Static binary translation is not always possible for arbitrary object code. In ad-
      dition to computed branches, problems include self-modifying code (programs
      that write to their own instruction space), dynamically generated code (e.g., for
      single-pointer closures, as described in Example C 9.61), and various forms of in-
      trospection, in which a program examines and reasons about its own state (we
      will consider this more fully in Section 16.3). Fortunately, many common id-
      ioms can be identified and treated as special cases, and for the (comparatively
      rare) cases that can’t be handled statically, a binary translator can always delay
      some translation until run time, fall back on interpretation, or simply inform the
      user that translation is not possible. In practice, binary translation has proved
      remarkably successful.

      Where and When to Translate

      Most binary translators operate in user space, and limit themselves to the non-
      privileged subset of the machine’s instruction set. A few are built at a lower level.
      When Apple converted from the Motorola 680×0 processor to the PowerPC inEXAMPLE 16.9

      The Mac 68K emulator 1994, they built a 68K interpreter into the operating system. A subsequent re-
      lease the following year augmented the interpreter with a rudimentary binary
      translator that would cache frequently executed instruction sequences in a small
      (256KB) buffer. By placing the interpreter (emulator) in the lowest levels of the
      operating system, Apple was able to significantly reduce its time to market: only
      the most performance-critical portions of the OS were rewritten for the PowerPC,
      leaving the rest as 68K code. Additional portions were rewritten over time. �

      In the late 1990s, Transmeta Corp. developed an unusual system capable ofEXAMPLE 16.10
      The Transmeta Crusoe

      running unmodified x86 operating systems and applications by means of binary

      830 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      translation. Their Crusoe and Efficeon processors, sold from 2000 to 2005, ran
      proprietary “Code Morphing” software directly on top of a wide-instruction-
      word ISA (distantly related to the Itanium). This software, designed in conjunc-
      tion with the hardware, translated x86 code to native code on the fly, and was
      entirely invisible to systems running above it. �

      Binary translators display even more diversity in their choice of what and when
      to translate. In the simplest case, translation is a one-time, off-line activity akin to
      conventional compilation. In the late 1980s, for example, Hewlett Packard Corp.EXAMPLE 16.11

      Static binary translation developed a binary translator to retarget programs from their “Classic” HP 3000
      line to the PA-RISC processor. The translator depended on the lack of dynamic
      linking in the operating system: all pieces of the to-be-translated program could
      be found in a single executable. �

      In a somewhat more ambitious vein, Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) in theEXAMPLE 16.12
      Dynamic binary translation early 1990s constructed a pair of translators for their newly developed Alpha pro-

      cessor: one (mx) to translate Unix programs originally compiled for MIPS-based
      workstations, the other (VEST) to translate VMS programs originally compiled
      for the VAX. Because VMS supported an early form of shared libraries, it was
      not generally possible to statically identify all the pieces of a program. VEST
      and mx were therefore designed as “open-ended” systems that could intervene, at
      run time, to translate newly loaded libraries. Like the HP system, DEC’s transla-
      tors saved new, translated versions of their applications to disk, for use in future
      runs. �

      In a subsequent project in the mid-1990s, DEC developed a system to executeEXAMPLE 16.13
      Mixed interpretation and

      shrink-wrapped Windows software on Alpha processors. (Early versions of Mi-
      crosoft’s Windows NT operating system were available for both the x86 and the


      16.4 Emulation and interpretation
      While the terms interpretation and emulation are often used together, the con-
      cepts are distinct. Interpretation, as we have seen, is a language implemen-
      tation technique: an interpreter is a program capable of executing programs
      written in the to-be-implemented language. Emulation is an end goal: faith-
      fully imitating the behavior of some existing system (typically a processor or
      processor/OS pair) on some other sort of system. An emulator may use an in-
      terpreter to execute the emulated processor’s instruction set. Alternatively, it
      may use binary translation, special hardware (e.g., a field-programmable gate
      array—FPGA), or some combination of these.

      Emulation and interpretation are also distinct from simulation. A simulator
      models some complex system by capturing “important” behavior and ignor-
      ing “unimportant” detail. Meteorologists, for example, simulate the Earth’s
      weather systems, but they do not emulate them. An emulator is generally con-
      sidered correct if it does exactly what the original system does. For a simulator,
      one needs some notion of accuracy: how close is close enough?

      16.2 Late Binding of Machine Code 831

      Alpha, but most commercial software came in x86-only versions.) DEC’s FX!32
      included both a binary translator and a highly optimized interpreter. When the
      user tried to run an x86 executable, FX!32 would first interpret it, collecting usage
      statistics. Later, in the background, it would translate hot code paths to native
      code, and store them in a database. Once translated code was available (later in
      the same execution or during future runs), the interpreter would run it in lieu of
      the original. �

      Modern emulation systems typically take an intermediate approach. A fast,EXAMPLE 16.14
      Transparent dynamic

      simple translator creates native versions of basic blocks or subroutines on de-
      mand, and caches them for repeated use within a given execution. For the sake of
      transparency (to avoid modification of programs on disk), and to accommodate
      dynamic linking, translated code is usually not retained from one execution to
      the next. Systems in this style include Apple’s Rosetta; HP’s Aries, which retar-
      gets PA-RISC code to the Itanium; and Intel’s IA-32 EL, which retargets x86 code
      to the Itanium. �

      Among the most widely used emulators today is the open-source QEMUEXAMPLE 16.15
      Translation and

      (quick emulation) system. In the language of Section 16.1, QEMU is a system
      virtual machine. Like other system VMs, it runs as a user-level process that emu-
      lates bare hardware on which to run a guest operating system (and that system’s
      workload). Unlike most system VMs, QEMU can emulate hardware very different
      from that of the underlying physical machine. For the sake of good performance,
      it makes heavy use of binary translation, converting large blocks of guest system
      instructions into equivalent blocks of native instructions. �

      Dynamic Optimization

      In a long-running program, a dynamic translator may revisit hot paths and opti-
      mize them more aggressively. A similar strategy can also be applied to programs
      that don’t need translation—that is, to programs that already exist as machine
      code for the underlying architecture. This sort of dynamic optimization has been
      reported to improve performance by as much as 20% over already-optimized
      code, by exploiting run-time profiling information.

      Much of the technology of dynamic optimization was pioneered by the Dy-EXAMPLE 16.16
      The Dynamo dynamic

      namo project at HP Labs in the late 1990s. Dynamo was designed to transparently
      enhance the performance of applications for the PA-RISC instruction set. A sub-
      sequent version, DynamoRIO, was written for the x86. Dynamo’s key innovation
      was the concept of a partial execution trace: a hot path whose basic blocks can be
      reorganized, optimized, and cached as a linear sequence.

      An example of such a trace appears in Figure 16.3. Procedure print matching
      takes a set and a predicate as argument, and prints all elements of the set that
      match the predicate. At run time, Dynamo may discover that the procedure is
      frequently called with a particular predicate p that is almost never true. The hot
      path through the flow graph (left side of the figure) can then be turned into the
      trace at the right. If print matching is sometimes called with a different predi-
      cate p, it will use a separate copy of the code. Branches out of the trace (in the

      832 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      procedure print_matching(S : set, p : predicate)
      foreach e in S
      if p(e)
      print e


      loop foot








      loop head

      loop foot





      loop head

      Figure 16.3 Creation of a partial execution trace. Procedure print matching (shown at top)
      is often called with a particular predicate, p, which is usually false. The control flow graph (left,
      with hot blocks in bold and the hot path in grey) can be reorganized at run time to improve
      instruction-cache locality and to optimize across abstraction boundaries (right).

      loop-termination and predicate-checking tests) jump either to other traces or, if
      appropriate ones have not yet been created, back into Dynamo.

      By identifying and optimizing traces, Dynamo is able to significantly improve
      locality in the instruction cache, and to apply standard code improvement tech-
      niques across the boundaries between separately compiled modules and dynam-
      ically loaded libraries. In Figure 16.3, for example, it will perform register allo-
      cation jointly across print matchings and the predicate p. It can even perform
      instruction scheduling across basic blocks if it inserts appropriate compensating
      code on branches out of the trace. An instruction in block test2, for example,
      can be moved into the loop footer if a copy is placed on the branch to the right.
      Traces have proved to be a very powerful technique. They are used not only by dy-
      namic optimizers, but by dynamic translators like Rosetta as well, and by binary
      instrumentation tools like Pin (to be discussed in Section 16.2.3). �

      16.2 Late Binding of Machine Code 833

      16.2.3 Binary Rewriting

      While the goal of a binary optimizer is to improve the performance of a program
      without altering its behavior, one can also imagine tools designed to change that
      behavior. Binary rewriting is a general technique to modify existing executable
      programs, typically to insert instrumentation of some kind. The most common
      form of instrumentation collects profiling information. One might count the
      number of times that each subroutine is called, for example, or the number of
      times that each loop iterates (Exercise 16.5). Such counts can be stored in a buffer
      in memory, and dumped at the end of execution. Alternatively, one might log
      all memory references. Such a log will generally need to be sent to a file as the
      program runs—it will be too long to fit in memory.

      In addition to profiling, binary rewriting can be used to

      Simulate new architectures: operations of interest to the simulator are replaced
      with code that jumps into a special run-time library (other code runs at native

      Evaluate the coverage of test suites, by identifying paths through the code that
      are not explored by a series of tests.

      Implement model checking for parallel programs, a process that exposes race
      conditions (Example 13.2) by forcing a program through different interleav-
      ings of operations in different threads.

      “Audit” the quality of a compiler’s optimizations. For example, one might
      check whether the value loaded into a register is always the same as the value
      that was already there (such loads suggest that the compiler may have failed to
      realize that the load was redundant).

      Insert dynamic semantic checks into a program that lacks them. Binary rewrit-
      ing can be used not only for simple checks like null-pointer dereference and
      arithmetic overflow, but for a wide variety of memory access errors as well,
      including uninitialized variables, dangling references, memory leaks, “double
      deletes” (attempts to deallocate an already deallocated block of memory), and
      access off the ends of dynamically allocated arrays.

      More ambitiously, as described in Sidebar 16.5, binary rewriting can be used to
      “sandbox” untrusted code so that it can safely be executed in the same address
      space as the rest of the application.

      Many of the techniques used by rewriting tools were pioneered by the ATOMEXAMPLE 16.17
      The ATOM binary rewriter binary rewriter for the Alpha processor. Developed by researchers at DEC’s West-

      ern Research Lab in the early 1990s, ATOM was a static tool that modified a pro-
      gram for subsequent execution.

      To use ATOM, a programmer would write instrumentation and analysis sub-
      routines in C. Instrumentation routines would be called by ATOM during the
      rewriting process. By calling back into ATOM, these routines could arrange for
      the rewritten application to call analysis routines at instructions, basic blocks,
      subroutines, or control flow edges of the programmer’s choosing. To make room

      834 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      for inserted calls, ATOM would move original instructions of the instrumented
      program; to facilitate such movement, the program had to be provided as a set of
      relocatable modules. No other changes were made to the instrumented program;
      in particular, data addresses were always left unchanged. �

      An Example System: the Pin Binary Rewriter

      For modern processors, ATOM has been supplanted by Pin, a binary rewriter de-
      veloped by researchers at Intel in the early 2000s, and distributed as open source.
      Designed to be largely machine independent, Pin is available not only for the x86,
      x86-64, and Itanium, but also for ARM.

      Pin was directly inspired by ATOM, and has a similar programming interface.
      In particular, it retains the notions of instrumentation and analysis routines. It
      also borrows ideas from Dynamo and other dynamic translation tools. Most sig-
      nificantly, it uses an extended version of Dynamo’s trace mechanism to instru-
      ment previously unmodified programs at run time; the on-disk representation
      of the program never changes. Pin can even be attached to an already-running
      application, much like the symbolic debuggers we will study in Section 16.3.2.

      Like Dynamo, Pin begins by writing an initial trace of basic blocks into a run-
      time trace cache. It ends the trace when it reaches an unconditional branch, a
      predefined maximum number of conditional branches, or a predefined maxi-
      mum number of instructions. As it writes, it inserts calls to analysis routines (or
      in-line versions of short routines) at appropriate places in the code. It also main-
      tains a mapping between original program addresses and addresses in the trace,
      so it can modify address-specific instructions accordingly. Once it has finished
      creating a trace, Pin simply jumps to its first instruction. Conditional branches
      that exit the trace are set to link to other traces, or to jump back into Pin.

      Indirect branches are handled with particular care. Based on run-time pro-
      filing, Pin maintains a set of predictions for the targets of such branches, sorted
      most likely first. Each prediction consists of an address in the original program
      (which serves as a key) and an address to jump to in the trace cache. If none
      of the predictions match, Pin falls back to table lookup in its mapping between
      original and trace cache addresses. If match is still not found, Pin falls back on an
      instruction set interpreter, allowing it to handle even dynamically generated code.

      To reduce the need to save registers when calling analysis routines, and to facil-
      itate in-line expansion of those routines, Pin performs its own register allocation
      for the instructions of each trace, using similar allocations whenever possible for
      traces that link to one another. In multithreaded programs, one register is stat-
      ically reserved to point to a thread-specific buffer, where registers can be spilled
      when necessary. Condition codes are not saved across calls to analysis routines
      unless their values are needed afterward. For routines that can be called any-
      where within a basic block, Pin hunts for a location where the cost of saving and
      restoring is minimized.

      16.2 Late Binding of Machine Code 835

      16.2.4 Mobile Code and Sandboxing

      Portability is one of the principal motivations for late binding of machine code.
      Code that has been compiled for one machine architecture or operating system
      cannot generally be run on another. Code in a byte code (Java bytecode, CIL) or
      scripting language (JavaScript, Visual Basic), however, is compact and machine
      independent: it can easily be moved over the Internet and run on almost any
      platform. Such mobile code is increasingly common. Every major browser sup-
      ports JavaScript; most enable the execution of Java applets as well. Visual Basic
      macros are commonly embedded not only in pages meant for viewing with In-
      ternet Explorer, but also in Excel, Word, and Outlook documents distributed via
      email. Cell phone apps may use mobile code to distribute games, productivity
      tools, and interactive media that run within an existing process.

      In some sense, mobile code is nothing new: almost all our software comes from
      other sources; we download it over the Internet or perhaps install it from a DVD.
      Historically, this usage model has relied on trust (we assume that software from a
      well-known company will be safe) and on the very explicit and occasional nature
      of installation. What has changed in recent years is the desire to download code
      frequently, from potentially untrusted sources, and often without the conscious
      awareness of the user.

      Mobile code carries a variety of risks. It may access and reveal confidential
      information (spyware). It may interfere with normal use of the computer in an-
      noying ways (adware). It may damage existing programs or data, or save copies of
      itself that run without the user’s intent (malware of various kinds). In particular


      16.5 Creating a sandbox via binary rewriting
      Binary rewriting provides an attractive means to implement a sandbox. While
      there is in general no way to ensure that code does what it is supposed to do
      (one is seldom sure of that even with one’s own code), a binary rewriter can

      Verify the address of every load and store, to make sure untrusted code ac-
      cesses only its own data, and to avoid alignment faults

      Similarly verify every branch and call, to prevent control from leaving the
      sandbox by any means other than returning

      Verify all opcodes, to prevent illegal instruction faults

      Double-check the parameters to any arithmetic instruction that may gener-
      ate a fault

      Audit (or forbid) all system calls

      Instrument backward jumps to limit the amount of time that untrusted
      code can run (and in particular to preclude any infinite loops)

      836 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      egregious cases, it may use the host machine as a “zombie” from which to launch
      attacks on other users.

      To protect against unwanted behavior, both accidental and malicious, mobile
      code must be executed in some sort of sandbox, as described in Sidebar 14.6.
      Sandbox creation is difficult because of the variety of resources that must be pro-
      tected. At a minimum, one needs to monitor or limit access to processor cycles,
      memory outside the code’s own instructions and data, the file system, network
      interfaces, other devices (passwords, for example, may be stolen by snooping the
      keyboard), the window system (e.g., to disable pop-up ads), and any other poten-
      tially dangerous services provided by the operating system.

      Sandboxing mechanisms lie at the boundary between language implementa-
      tion and operating systems. Traditionally, OS-provided virtual memory tech-
      niques might be used to limit access to memory, but this is generally too expensive
      for many forms of mobile code. The two most common techniques today—both
      of which rely on technology discussed in this chapter—are binary rewriting and
      execution in an untrusting interpreter. Both cases are complicated by an inherent
      tension between safety and utility: the less we allow untrusted code to do, the less
      useful it can be. No single policy is likely to work in all cases. Applets may be
      entirely safe if all they can do is manipulate the image in a window, but macros
      embedded in a spreadsheet may not be able to do their job without changing the
      user’s data. A major challenge for future work is to find a way to help users—
      who cannot be expected to understand the technical details—to make informed
      decisions about what and what not to allow in mobile code.

      19. What is binary translation? When and why is it needed?

      20. Explain the tradeoffs between static and dynamic binary translation.

      21. What is emulation? How is it related to interpretation and simulation?

      22. What is dynamic optimization? How can it improve on static optimization?

      23. What is binary rewriting? How does it differ from binary translation and dy-
      namic optimization?

      24. Describe the notion of a partial execution trace. Why is it important to dy-
      namic optimization and rewriting?

      25. What is mobile code?

      26. What is sandboxing? When and why is it needed? How can it be implemented?

      16.3 Inspection/Introspection 837

      16.3 Inspection/Introspection
      Symbol table metadata makes it easy for utility programs—just-in-time and dy-
      namic compilers, optimizers, debuggers, profilers, and binary rewriters—to in-
      spect a program and reason about its structure and types. We consider debuggers
      and profilers in particular in Sections 16.3.2 and 16.3.3. There is no reason, how-
      ever, why the use of metadata should be limited to outside tools, and indeed it is
      not: Lisp has long allowed a program to reason about its own internal structure
      and types (this sort of reasoning is sometimes called introspection). Java and C#
      provide similar functionality through a reflection API that allows a program to
      peruse its own metadata. Reflection appears in several other languages as well,
      including Prolog (Sidebar 12.2) and all the major scripting languages. In a dy-
      namically typed language such as Lisp, reflection is essential: it allows a library
      or application function to type check its own arguments. In a statically typed
      language, reflection supports a variety of programming idioms that were not tra-
      ditionally feasible.

      16.3.1 Reflection

      Trivially, reflection can be useful when printing diagnostics. Suppose we are try-EXAMPLE 16.18
      Finding the concrete type
      of a reference variable

      ing to debug an old-style (nongeneric) queue in Java, and we want to trace the
      objects that move through it. In the dequeue method, just before returning an
      object rtn of type Object, we might write

      System.out.println(“Dequeued a ” + rtn.getClass().getName());

      If the dequeued object is a boxed int, we will see

      Dequeued a java.lang.Integer �

      More significantly, reflection is useful in programs that manipulate other pro-
      grams. Most program development environments, for example, have mecha-
      nisms to organize and “pretty-print” the classes, methods, and variables of a pro-
      gram. In a language with reflection, these tools have no need to examine source
      code: if they load the already-compiled program into their own address space,
      they can use the reflection API to query the symbol table information created by
      the compiler. Interpreters, debuggers, and profilers can work in a similar fashion.
      In a distributed system, a program can use reflection to create a general-purpose
      serialization mechanism, capable of transforming an almost arbitrary structure
      into a linear stream of bytes that can be sent over a network and reassembled at
      the other end. (Both Java and C# include such mechanisms in their standard li-
      brary, implemented on top of the basic language.) In the increasingly dynamic

      838 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      world of Internet applications, one can even create conventions by which a pro-
      gram can “query” a newly discovered object to see what methods it implements,
      and then choose which of these to call.

      There are dangers, of course, associated with the undisciplined use of reflec-
      tion. Because it allows an application to peek inside the implementation of a class
      (e.g., to list its private members), reflection violates the normal rules of abstrac-
      tion and information hiding. It may be disabled by some security policies (e.g., in
      sandboxed environments). By limiting the extent to which target code can differ
      from the source, it may preclude certain forms of code improvement.

      Perhaps the most common pitfall of reflection, at least for object-oriented lan-EXAMPLE 16.19
      What not to do with

      guages, is the temptation to write case (switch) statements driven by type in-

      procedure rotate(s : shape)
      case shape.type of –– don’t do this in Java!

      square: rotate square(s)
      triangle: rotate triangle(s)
      circle: –– no-op
      . . .

      While this kind of code is common (and appropriate) in Lisp, in an object-
      oriented language it is much better written with subtype polymorphism:

      s.rotate() –– virtual method call �

      Java Reflection

      Java’s root class, Object, supports a getClass method that returns an instance
      of java.lang.Class. Objects of this class in turn support a large number of re-
      flection operations, among them the getName method we used in Example 16.18.
      A call to getName returns the fully qualified name of the class, as it is embeddedEXAMPLE 16.20

      Java class-naming

      in the package hierarchy. For array types, naming conventions are taken from the

      int[] A = new int[10];
      System.out.println(A.getClass().getName()); // prints “[I”
      String[] C = new String[10];
      System.out.println(C.getClass().getName()); // “[Ljava.lang.String;”
      Foo[][] D = new Foo[10][10];
      System.out.println(D.getClass().getName()); // “[[LFoo;”

      Here Foo is assumed to be a user-defined class in the default (outermost) package.
      A left square bracket indicates an array type; it is followed by the array’s element
      type. The built-in types (e.g., int) are represented in this context by single-letter
      names (e.g., I). User-defined types are indicated by an L, followed by the fully
      qualified class name and terminated by a semicolon. Notice the similarity of the
      second example (C) to entry #12 in the constant pool of Figure 16.1: that entry

      16.3 Inspection/Introspection 839

      gives the parameter types (in parentheses) and return type (V means void) of
      main. As every Java programmer knows, main expects an array of strings. �

      A call to o.getClass() returns information on the concrete type of the object
      referred to by o, not on the abstract type of the reference o. If we want a ClassEXAMPLE 16.21

      Getting information on a
      particular class

      object for a particular type, we can create a dummy object of that type:

      Object o = new Object();
      System.out.println(o.getClass().getName()); // “java.lang.Object”

      Alternatively, we can append the pseudo field name .class to the name of the
      type itself:

      System.out.println(Object.class.getName()); // “java.lang.Object”

      In the reverse direction, we can use static method forName of class Class to
      obtain a Class object for a type with a given (fully qualified) character string

      Class stringClass = Class.forName(“java.lang.String”);
      Class intArrayClass = Class.forName(“[I”);

      Method forName works only for reference types. For built-ins, one can either use
      the .class syntax or the .TYPE field of one of the standard wrapper classes:

      Class intClass = Integer.TYPE; �

      Given a Class object c, one can call c.getSuperclass() to obtain a Class
      object for c’s parent. In a similar vein, c.getClasses() will return an array of
      Class objects, one for each public class declared within c’s class. Perhaps more
      interesting, c.getMethods(), c.getFields(), and c.getConstructors() will
      return arrays of objects representing all c’s public methods, fields, and construc-
      tors (including those inherited from ancestor classes). The elements of these
      arrays are instances of classes Method, Field, and Constructor, respectively.
      These are declared in package java.lang.reflect, and serve roles analogous to
      that of Class. The many methods of these classes allow one to query almost any
      aspect of the Java type system, including modifiers (static, private, final,
      abstract, etc.), type parameters of generics (but not of generic instances—those
      are erased), interfaces implemented by classes, exceptions thrown by methods,
      and much more. Perhaps the most conspicuous thing that is not available through
      the Java reflection API is the bytecode that implements methods. Even this, how-
      ever, can be examined using third-party tools such as the Apache Byte Code En-
      gineering Library (BCEL) or ObjectWeb’s ASM, both of which are open source.

      Figure 16.4 shows Java code to list the methods declared in (but not inheritedEXAMPLE 16.22
      Listing the methods of a
      Java class

      by) a given class. Also shown is output for AccessibleObject, the parent class
      of Method, Field, and Constructor. (The primary purpose of this class is to

      840 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      import static java.lang.System.out;

      public static void listMethods(String s)
      throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException {

      Class c = Class.forName(s); // throws if class not found
      for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) {

      out.print(Modifier.toString(m.getModifiers()) + ” “);
      out.print(m.getReturnType().getName() + ” “);
      out.print(m.getName() + “(“);
      boolean first = true;
      for (Class p : m.getParameterTypes()) {

      if (!first) out.print(“, “);
      first = false;

      out.println(“) “);


      Sample output for listMethods(“java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject”):

      public java.lang.annotation.Annotation getAnnotation(java.lang.Class)
      public boolean isAnnotationPresent(java.lang.Class)
      public [Ljava.lang.annotation.Annotation; getAnnotations()
      public [Ljava.lang.annotation.Annotation; getDeclaredAnnotations()
      public static void setAccessible([Ljava.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;, boolean)
      public void setAccessible(boolean)
      private static void setAccessible0(java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject, boolean)
      public boolean isAccessible()

      Figure 16.4 Java reflection code to list the methods of a given class. Sample output is shown below below the code.

      control whether the reflection interface can be used to override access control
      [private, protected] for the given object.) �

      One can even use reflection to call a method of an object whose class is notEXAMPLE 16.23
      Calling a method with

      known at compile time. Suppose that someone has created a stack containing a
      single integer:

      Stack s = new Stack();
      s.push(new Integer(3));

      Now suppose we are passed this stack as a parameter u of Object type. We can
      use reflection to explore the concrete type of u. In the process we will discover
      that its second method, named pop, takes no arguments and returns an Object
      result. We can call this method using Method.invoke:

      16.3 Inspection/Introspection 841

      Method uMethods[] = u.getClass().getMethods();
      Method method1 = uMethods[1];
      Object rtn = method1.invoke(u); // u.pop()

      A call to rtn.getClass().getName() will return java.lang.Integer. A call
      to ((Integer) rtn).intValue() will return the value 3 that was originally
      pushed into s. �

      Other Languages

      C#’s reflection API is similar to that of Java: System.Type is analogous to
      java.lang.Class; System.Reflection is analogous to java.lang.reflect.
      The pseudo function typeof plays the role of Java’s pseudo field .class. More
      substantive differences stem from the fact that PE assemblies contain a bit more
      information than is found in Java class files. We can ask for names of for-
      mal parameters in C#, for example, not just their types. More significantly,
      the use of reification instead of erasure for generics means that we can re-
      trieve precise information on the type parameters used to instantiate a given
      object. Perhaps the biggest difference is that .NET provides a standard library,
      System.Reflection.Emit, to create PE assemblies and to populate them with
      CIL. The functionality of Reflection.Emit is roughly comparable to that of the
      BCEL and ASM tools mentioned in the previous subsection. Because it is part of
      the standard library, however, it is available to any program running on the CLI.

      All of the major scripting languages (Perl, PHP, Tcl, Python, Ruby, JavaScript)
      provide extensive reflection mechanisms. The precise set of capabilities varies
      some from language to language, and the syntax varies quite a bit, but all allow
      a program to explore its own structure and types. From the programmer’s point
      of view, the principal difference between reflection in Java and C# on the one
      hand, and in scripting languages on the other, is that the scripting languages—
      like Lisp—are dynamically typed. In Ruby, for example, we can discover the classEXAMPLE 16.24

      Reflection facilities in Ruby of an object, the methods of a class or object, and the number of parameters
      expected by each method, but the parameters themselves are untyped until the
      method is called. In the following code, method p prints its argument to standard
      output, followed by a newline:

      squares = {2=>4, 3=>9}
      p squares.class # Hash
      p Hash.public_instance_methods.length # 146 — Hashes have many methods
      p squares.public_methods.length # 146 — those same methods
      m = Hash.public_instance_methods[12]
      p m # “:store”
      p squares.method(m).arity # 2 — key and value to be stored

      As in Java and C#, we can also invoke a method whose name was not known
      at compile time:

      842 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      squares.store(1, 1) # static invocation
      p squares # {2=>4, 3=>9, 1=>1}
      squares.send(m, 0, 0) # dynamic invocation
      p squares # {2=>4, 3=>9, 1=>1, 0=>0} �

      As suggested at the beginning of this section, reflection is in some sense more
      “natural” in scripting languages (and in Lisp and Prolog) than it is in Java or
      C#: detailed symbol table information is needed at run time to perform dynamic
      type checks; in an interpreted implementation, it is also readily available. Lisp
      programmers have known for decades that reflection was useful for many ad-
      ditional purposes. The designers of Java and C# clearly felt these purposes were
      valuable enough to justify adding reflection (with considerably higher implemen-
      tation complexity) to a compiled language with static typing.

      Annotations and Attributes

      Both Java and C# allow the programmer to extend the metadata saved by the
      compiler. In Java, these extensions take the form of annotations attached to decla-
      rations. Several annotations are built into the programming language. These play
      the role of pragmas. In Example C 7.65, for example, we noted that the Java com-
      piler will generate warnings when a generic class is assigned into a variable of the
      equivalent nongeneric class. The warning indicates that the code is not statically
      type-safe, and that an error message is possible at run time. If the programmer
      is certain that the error cannot arise, the compile-time warning can be disabled
      by prefixing the method in which the assignment appears with the annotation

      In general, a Java annotation resembles an interface whose methods take no
      parameters, throw no exceptions, and return values of one of a limited number
      of predefined types. An example of a user-defined annotation appears in Fig-EXAMPLE 16.25

      User-defined annotations
      in Java

      ure 16.5. If we run the program it will print

      author: Michael Scott
      date: July, 2015
      revision: 0.1
      docString: Illustrates the use of annotations �

      The C# equivalent of Figure 16.5 appears in Figure 16.6. Here user-definedEXAMPLE 16.26
      User-defined annotations
      in C#

      annotations (known as attributes in C#) are classes, not interfaces, and the syntax
      for attaching an attribute to a declaration uses square brackets instead of an @
      sign. �

      In effect, annotations (attributes) serve as compiler-supported comments,
      with well-defined structure and an API that makes them accessible to automated
      perusal. As we have seen, they may be read by the compiler (as pragmas) or by
      reflective programs. They may also be read by independent tools. Such tools can
      be surprisingly versatile.

      An obvious use is the automated creation of documentation. Java annotationsEXAMPLE 16.27
      javadoc (first introduced in Java 5) were inspired at least in part by experience with the

      16.3 Inspection/Introspection 843

      import static java.lang.System.out;
      import java.lang.annotation.*;

      @interface Documentation{

      String author();
      String date();
      double revision();
      String docString();


      author = “Michael Scott”,
      date = “July, 2015”,
      revision = 0.1,
      docString = “Illustrates the use of annotations”

      public class Annotate {

      public static void main(String[] args) {
      Class c = Annotate.class;
      Documentation a = c.getAnnotation(Documentation.class);
      out.println(“author: ” + a.author());
      out.println(“date: ” + a.date());
      out.println(“revision: ” + a.revision());
      out.println(“docString: ” + a.docString());


      Figure 16.5 User-defined annotations in Java. Retention is a built-in annotation for annota-
      tions. It indicates here that Documentation annotations should be saved in the class file pro-
      duced by the Java compiler, where they will be available to run-time reflection.

      earlier javadoc tool, which produces HTML-formatted documentation based on
      structured comments in Java source code. The @Documented annotation, when
      attached to the declaration of a user-defined annotation, indicates that javadoc
      should include the annotation when creating its reports. One can easily imagine
      more sophisticated documentation systems that tracked the version history and
      bug reports for a program over time. �

      The various communication technologies in .NET make extensive use of at-EXAMPLE 16.28

      tributes to indicate which methods should be available for remote execution, how
      their parameters should be marshalled into messages, which classes need serial-
      ization code, and so forth. Automatic tools use these attributes to create appro-
      priate stubs for remote communication, as described (in language-neutral terms)
      in Section C 13.5.4. �

      In a similar vein, the .NET LINQ mechanism uses attributes to define the map-EXAMPLE 16.29
      Attributes for LINQ ping between classes in a user program and tables in a relational database, allow-

      844 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      using System;
      using System.Reflection;

      // Documentation attribute can applied only to classes

      public class DocumentationAttribute : System.Attribute {
      public string author;
      public string date; // these should perhaps be properties
      public double revision;
      public string docString;
      public DocumentationAttribute(string a, string d, double r, string s) {

      author = a; date = d; revision = r; docString = s;


      [Documentation(“Michael Scott”,
      “July, 2015”, 0.1, “Illustrates the use of attributes”)]

      public class Attr {
      public static void Main(string[] args) {

      System.Reflection.MemberInfo tp = typeof(Attr);
      object[] attrs =

      tp.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DocumentationAttribute), false);
      // false means don’t search ancestor classes and interfaces

      DocumentationAttribute a = (DocumentationAttribute) attrs[0];
      Console.WriteLine(“author: ” + a.author);
      Console.WriteLine(“date: ” + a.date);
      Console.WriteLine(“revision: ” + a.revision);
      Console.WriteLine(“docString: ” + a.docString);


      Figure 16.6 User-defined attributes in C#. This code is roughly equivalent to the Java version in Figure 16.5. AttributeUsage
      is a predefined attribute indicating properties of the attribute to whose declaration it is attached.

      ing an automatic tool to generate SQL queries that implement iterators and other
      language-level operations. �

      In an even more ambitious vein, independent tools can be used to modify or
      analyze programs based on annotations. One could imagine inserting logging
      code into certain annotated methods, or building a testing harness that called
      annotated methods with specified arguments and checked for expected results
      (Exercise 16.11). JML, the Java Modeling Language, allows the programmer toEXAMPLE 16.30

      The Java Modeling

      specify preconditions, post-conditions, and invariants for classes, methods, and
      statements, much like those we considered under “Assertions” in Section 4.1.
      JML builds on experience with an earlier multilanguage, multi-institution project
      known as Larch. Like javadoc, JML uses structured comments rather than the
      newer compiler-supported annotations to express its specifications, so they are
      not automatically included in class files. A variety of tools can be used, however,

      16.3 Inspection/Introspection 845

      to verify that a program conforms to its specifications, either statically (where
      possible) or at run time (via insertion of semantic checks). �

      Java 5 introduced a program called apt designed to facilitate the constructionEXAMPLE 16.31
      Java annotation processors of annotation processing tools. The functionality of this tool was subsequently

      integrated into Sun’s Java 6 compiler. Its key enabling feature is a set of APIs
      (in javax.annotation.processing) that allow an annotation processor class to
      be added to a program in such a way that the compiler will run it at compile
      time. Using reflection, the class can peruse the static structure of the program
      (including annotations and full information on generics) in much the same way
      that traditional reflection mechanisms allow a running program to peruse its own
      types and structure. �

      16.3.2 Symbolic Debugging

      Most programmers are familiar with symbolic debuggers: they are built into most
      programming language interpreters, virtual machines, and integrated program
      development environments. They are also available as stand-alone tools, of which
      the best known is probably GNU’s gdb. The adjective symbolic refers to a debug-
      ger’s understanding of high-level language syntax—the symbols in the original
      program. Early debuggers understood assembly language only.

      In a typical debugging session, the user starts a program under the control of
      the debugger, or attaches the debugger to an already running program. The de-
      bugger then allows the user to perform two main kinds of operations. One kind
      inspects or modifies program data; the other controls execution: starting, stop-
      ping, stepping, and establishing breakpoints and watchpoints. A breakpoint speci-
      fies that execution should stop if it reaches a particular location in the source code.
      A watchpoint specifies that execution should stop if a particular variable is read
      or written. Both breakpoints and watchpoints can typically be made conditional,
      so that execution stops only if a particular Boolean predicate evaluates to true.

      Both data and control operations depend critically on symbolic information. A
      symbolic debugger needs to be able both to parse source language expressions and
      to relate them to symbols in the original program. In gdb, for example, the com-
      mand print a.b[i] needs to parse the to-be-printed expression; it also needs to
      recognize that a and i are in scope at the point where the program is currently
      stopped, and that b is an array-typed field whose index range includes the current
      value of i. Similarly, the command break 123 if i+j == 3 needs to parse the
      expression i+j; it also needs to recognize that there is an executable statement at
      line 123 in the current source file, and that i and j are in scope at that line.

      Both data and control operations also depend on the ability to manipulate a
      program from outside: to stop and start it, and to read and write its data. This
      control can be implemented in at least three ways. The easiest occurs in inter-
      preters. Since an interpreter has direct access to the program’s symbol table and
      is “in the loop” for the execution of every statement, it is a straightforward matter
      to move back and forth between the program and the debugger, and to give the
      latter access to the former’s data.

      846 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      The technology of dynamic binary rewriting (as in Dynamo and Pin) can also
      be used to implement debugger control [ZRA+08]. This technology is relatively
      new, however, and is not widely employed in production debugging tools.

      For compiled programs, the third implementation of debugger control is by far
      the most common. It depends on support from the operating system. In Unix,
      it employs a kernel service known as ptrace. The ptrace kernel call allows a
      debugger to “grab” (attach to) an existing process or to start a process under its
      control. The tracing process (the debugger) can intercept any signals sent to the
      traced process by the operating system and can read and write its registers and
      memory. If the traced process is currently running, the debugger can stop it by
      sending it a signal. If it is currently stopped, the debugger can specify the address
      at which it should resume execution, and can ask the kernel to run it for a single
      instruction (a process known as single stepping) or until it receives another signal.

      Perhaps the most mysterious parts of debugging from the user’s perspective are
      the mechanisms used to implement breakpoints, watchpoints, and single step-
      ping. The default implementation, which works on any modern processor, relies


      16.6 DWARF
      To enable symbolic debugging, the compiler must include symbol table in-
      formation in each object file, in a format the debugger can understand. The
      DWARF format, used by many systems (Linux among them) is among the
      most versatile available [DWA10, Eag12]. Originally developed by Brian Rus-
      sell of Bell Labs in the late 1980s, DWARF is now maintained by the inde-
      pendent DWARF Committee, led by Michael Eager. Version 5 is expected to
      appear in late 2015.

      Unlike many proprietary formats, DWARF is designed to accommodate a
      very wide range of (statically typed) programming languages and an equally
      wide variety of machine architectures. Among other things, it encodes the
      representation of all program types, the names, types, and scopes of all pro-
      gram objects (in the broad sense of the term), the layout of all stack frames,
      and the mapping from source files and line numbers to instruction addresses.

      Much emphasis has been placed on terse encoding. Program objects are
      described hierarchically, in a manner reminiscent of an AST. Character string
      names and other repeated elements are captured exactly once, and then ref-
      erenced indirectly. Integer constants and references employ a variable-length
      encoding, so small values take fewer bits. Perhaps most important, stack lay-
      outs and source-to-address mappings are encoded not as explicit tables, but as
      finite automata that generate the tables, line by line. For the tiny gcd program
      of Example 1.20, a human-readable representation of the DWARF debugging
      information (as produced by Linux’s readelf tool) would fill more than four
      full pages of this book. The binary encoding in the object file takes only 571

      16.3 Inspection/Introspection 847

      on the ability to modify the memory space of the traced process—in particular,
      the portion containing the program’s code. As an example, suppose the tracedEXAMPLE 16.32

      Setting a breakpoint process is currently stopped, and that before resuming it the debugger wishes to
      set a breakpoint at the beginning of function foo. It does so by replacing the first
      instruction of the function’s prologue with a special kind of trap.

      Trap instructions are the normal way a process requests a service from the op-
      erating system. In this particular case, the kernel interprets the trap as a request to
      stop the currently running process and return control to the debugger. To resume
      the traced process in the wake of the breakpoint, the debugger puts back the orig-
      inal instruction, asks the kernel to single-step the traced process, replaces the in-
      struction yet again with a trap (to reenable the breakpoint), and finally resumes
      the process. For a conditional breakpoint, the debugger evaluates the condition’s
      predicate when the breakpoint occurs. If the breakpoint is unconditional, or if
      the condition is true, the debugger jumps to its command loop and waits for user
      input. If the predicate is false, it resumes the traced process automatically and
      transparently. If the breakpoint is set in an inner loop, where control will reach it
      frequently, but the condition is seldom true, the overhead of switching back and
      forth between the traced process and the debugger can be very high. �

      Some processors provide hardware support to make breakpoints a bit faster.
      The x86, for example, has four debugging registers that can be set (in kernel mode)EXAMPLE 16.33

      Hardware breakpoints to contain an instruction address. If execution reaches that address, the processor
      simulates a trap instruction, saving the debugger the need to modify the address
      space of the traced process and eliminating the extra kernel calls (and the extra
      round trip between the traced process and the debugger) needed to restore the
      original instruction, single-step the process, and put the trap back in place. In a
      similar vein, many processors, including the x86, can be placed in single-stepping
      mode, which simulates a trap after every user-mode instruction. Without such
      support, the debugger (or the kernel) must implement single-stepping by repeat-
      edly placing a (temporary) breakpoint at the next instruction. �

      Watchpoints are a bit trickier. By far the easiest implementation depends on
      hardware support. Suppose we want to drop into the debugger whenever the
      program modifies some variable x. The debugging registers of the x86 and otherEXAMPLE 16.34

      Setting a watchpoint modern processors can be set to simulate a trap whenever the program writes to
      x’s address. When the processor lacks such hardware support, or when the user
      asks the debugger to set more breakpoints or watchpoints than the hardware can
      support, there are several alternatives, none of them attractive. Perhaps the most
      obvious is to single step the process repeatedly, checking after each instruction to
      see whether x has been modified. If the processor also lacks a single-step mode,
      the debugger will want to place its temporary breakpoints at successive store in-
      structions rather than at every instruction (it may be able to skip some of the store
      instructions if it can prove they cannot possibly reach the address of x). Alterna-
      tively, the debugger can modify the address space of the traced process to make
      x’s page unwritable. The process will then take a segmentation fault on every
      write to that page, allowing the debugger to intervene. If the write is actually to

      848 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      x, the debugger jumps to its command loop. Otherwise it performs the write on
      the process’s behalf and asks the kernel to resume it. �

      Unfortunately, the overhead of repeated context switches between the traced
      process and the debugger dramatically impacts the performance of software
      watchpoints: slowdowns of 1000× are not uncommon. Debuggers based on dy-
      namic binary rewriting have the potential to support arbitrary numbers of watch-
      points at speeds close to those admitted by hardware watchpoint registers. The
      idea is straightforward: the traced program runs as partial execution traces in a
      trace cache managed by the debugger. As it generates each trace, the debugger
      adds instructions at every store, in-line, to check whether it writes to x’s address
      and, if so, to jump back to the command loop.

      16.3.3 Performance Analysis

      Before placing a debugged program into production use, one often wants to
      understand—and if possible improve—its performance. Tools to profile and an-
      alyze programs are both numerous and varied—far too much so to even survey
      them here. We focus therefore on the run-time technologies, described in this
      chapter, that feature prominently in many analysis tools.

      Perhaps the simplest way to measure, at least approximately, the amount ofEXAMPLE 16.35
      Statistical sampling time spent in each part of the code is to sample the program counter (PC) pe-

      riodically. This approach was exemplified by the classic prof tool in Unix. By
      linking with a special prof library, a program could arrange to receive a periodic
      timer signal—once a millisecond, say—in response to which it would increment a
      counter associated with the current PC. After execution, the prof post-processor
      would correlate the counters with an address map of the program’s code and pro-
      duce a statistical summary of the percentage of time spent in each subroutine and
      loop. �

      While simple, prof had some serious limitations. Its results were only approx-
      imate, and could not capture fine-grain costs. It also failed to distinguish among
      calls to a given routine from multiple locations. If we want to know which of A, B,EXAMPLE 16.36

      Call graph profiling and C is the biggest contributor to program run time, it is not particularly helpful
      to learn that all three of them call D, where most of the time is actually spent. If
      we want to know whether it is A’s Ds, B’s Ds, or C’s Ds that are so expensive, we
      can use the (slightly) more recent gprof tool, which relies on compiler support to
      instrument procedure prologues. As the instrumented program runs, it logs the
      number of times that D is called from each location. The gprof post-processor
      then assumes that the total time spent in D can accurately be apportioned among
      the call sites according to the relative number of calls. More sophisticated tools
      log not only the caller and callee but also the stack backtrace (the contents of the
      dynamic chain), allowing them to cope with the case in which D consumes twice
      as much time when called from A as it does when called from B or C (see Exer-
      cise 16.13). �

      If our program is underperforming for algorithmic reasons, it may be enough
      to know where it is spending the bulk of its time. We can focus our attention on

      16.3 Inspection/Introspection 849

      improving the source code in the places it will matter most. If the program is
      underperforming for other reasons, however, we generally need to know why. Is
      it cache misses due to poor locality, perhaps? Branch mispredictions? Poor use
      of the processor pipeline? Tools to address these and similar questions generally
      rely on more extensive instrumentation of the code or on some sort of hardware

      As an example of instrumentation, consider the task of identifying basic blocksEXAMPLE 16.37
      Finding basic blocks with
      low IPC

      that execute an unusually small number of instructions per cycle. To find such
      blocks we can combine (1) the aggregate time spent in each block (obtained by
      statistical sampling), (2) a count of the number of times each block executes (ob-
      tained via instrumentation), and (3) static knowledge of the number of instruc-
      tions in each block. If basic block i contains ki instructions and executes ni times
      during a run of a program, it contributes kini dynamic instructions to that run.
      Let N =

      i kini be the total number of instructions in the run. If statistical

      sampling indicates that block i accounts for xi% of the time in the run and xi is
      significantly larger than (kini)/N, then something strange is going on—probably
      an unusually large number of cache misses. �

      Most modern processors provide a set of performance counters that can be used
      to good effect by performance analysis tools. The Intel Haswell processor, for ex-EXAMPLE 16.38

      Haswell performance

      ample, has built-in counters for clock ticks (both total and when running) and
      instructions executed. It also has four general-purpose counters, which can be
      configured by the kernel to count any of more than 250 different kinds of events,
      including branch mispredictions; TLB (address translation) misses; and various
      kinds of cache misses, interrupts, executed instructions, and pipeline stalls. Fi-
      nally, it has counters for the number of Joules of energy consumed by the pro-
      cessor cores, caches, and memory. Unfortunately, performance counters are gen-
      erally a scarce resource (one might often wish for many more of them). Their
      number, type, and mode of operation varies greatly from processor to processor;
      direct access to them is usually available only in kernel mode; and operating sys-
      tems do not always export that access to user-level programs with a convenient or
      uniform interface. Tools to access the counters and interpret their values are avail-
      able from most manufacturers—Intel among them. Portable tools are an active
      topic of research. �

      27. What is reflection? What purposes does it serve?

      28. Describe an inappropriate use of reflection.

      29. Name an aspect of reflection supported by the CLI but not by the JVM.

      30. Why is reflection more difficult to implement in Java or C# than it is in Perl
      or Ruby?

      31. What are annotations (Java) or attributes (C#)? What are they used for?

      850 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      32. What are javadoc, apt, JML, and LINQ, and what do they have to do with

      33. Briefly describe three different implementation strategies for a symbolic de-

      34. Explain the difference between breakpoints and watchpoints. Why are watch-
      points potentially much more expensive?

      35. Summarize the capabilities provided by the Unix ptrace mechanism.

      36. What is the principal difference between the Unix prof and gprof tools?

      37. For the purposes of performance analysis, summarize the relative strengths
      and limitations of statistical sampling, instrumentation, and hardware perfor-
      mance counters. Explain why statistical sampling and instrumentation might
      profitably be used together.

      16.4 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      We began this chapter by defining a run-time system as the set of libraries, es-
      sential to many language implementations, that depend on knowledge of the
      compiler or the programs it produces. We distinguished these from “ordinary”
      libraries, which require only the arguments they are passed.

      We noted that several topics covered elsewhere in the book, including garbage
      collection, variable-length argument lists, exception and event handling, corou-
      tines and threads, remote procedure calls, transactional memory, and dynamic
      linking are often considered the purview of the run-time system. We then turned
      to virtual machines, focusing in particular on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
      and the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). Under the general heading of
      late binding of machine code, we considered just-in-time and dynamic compila-
      tion, binary translation and rewriting, and mobile code and sandboxing. Finally,
      under the general heading of inspection and introspection, we considered reflec-
      tion mechanisms, symbolic debugging, and performance analysis.

      Through all these topics we have seen a steady increase in complexity over
      time. Early Basic interpreters parsed and executed one source statement at a time.
      Modern interpreters first translate their source into a syntax tree. Early Java im-
      plementations, while still interpreter-based, relied on a separate source-to-byte-
      code compiler. Modern Java implementations, as well as implementations of the
      CLI, enhance performance with a just-in-time compiler. For programs that ex-
      tend themselves at run time, the CLI allows the source-to-byte-code compiler to
      be invoked dynamically as well, as it is in Common Lisp. Recent systems may pro-
      file and reoptimize already-running programs. Similar technology may allow sep-
      arate tools to translate from one machine language to another, or to instrument
      code for testing, debugging, security, performance analysis, model checking, or

      16.5 Exercises 851

      architectural simulation. The CLI provides extensive support for cross-language

      Many of these developments have served to blur the line between the compiler
      and the run-time system, and between compile-time and run-time operations. It
      seems safe to predict that these trends will continue. More and more, programs
      will come to be seen not as static artifacts, but as dynamic collections of mal-
      leable components, with rich semantic structure amenable to formal analysis and

      16.5 Exercises
      16.1 Write the formula of Example 15.4 as an expression tree (a syntax tree in

      which each operator is represented by an internal node whose children
      are its operands). Convert your tree to an expression DAG by merging
      identical nodes. Comment on the redundancy in the tree and how it relates
      to Figure 15.4.

      16.2 We assumed in Example 15.4 and Figure 15.4 that a, b, c, and s were
      all among the first few local variables of the current method, and could
      be pushed onto or popped from the operand stack with a single one-byte
      instruction. Suppose that this is not the case: that is, that the push and
      pop instructions require three bytes each. How many bytes will now be
      required for the code on the left side of Figure 15.4?

      Most stack-based languages, Java bytecode and CIL among them, pro-
      vide a swap instruction that reverses the order of the top two values on the
      stack, and a duplicate instruction that pushes a second copy of the value
      currently at top of stack. Show how to use swap and duplicate to elimi-
      nate the pop and the pushes of s in the left side of Figure 15.4. Feel free to
      exploit the associativity of multiplication. How many instructions is your
      new sequence? How many bytes?

      16.3 The speculative optimization of Example 16.5 could in principle be stati-
      cally performed. Explain why a dynamic compiler might be able to do it
      more effectively.

      16.4 Perhaps the most common form of run-time instrumentation counts the
      the number of times that each basic block is executed. Since basic blocks
      are short, adding a load-increment-store instruction sequence to each
      block can have a significant impact on run time.

      We can improve performance by noting that certain blocks imply the
      execution of other blocks. In an if. . . then . . . else construct, for example,
      execution of either the then part or the else part implies execution of the
      conditional test. If we’re smart, we won’t actually have to instrument the

      Describe a general technique to minimize the number of blocks that
      must be instrumented to allow a post-processor to obtain an accurate

      852 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      count for each block. (This is a difficult problem. For hints, see the paper
      by Larus and Ball [BL92].)

      16.5 Visit software.intel.com/en-us/articles/pintool-downloads and download a
      copy of Pin. Use it to create a tool to profile loops. When given a (machine
      code) program and its input, the output of the tool should list the number
      of times that each loop was encountered when running the program. It
      should also give a histogram, for each loop, of the number of iterations

      16.6 Outline mechanisms that might be used by a binary rewriter, without
      access to source code, to catch uses of uninitialized variables, “double
      deletes,” and uses of deallocated memory (e.g., dangling pointers). Under
      what circumstances might you be able to catch memory leaks and out-of-
      bounds array accesses?

      16.7 Extend the code of Figure 16.4 to print information about
      (a) fields
      (b) constructors
      (c) nested classes
      (d) implemented interfaces
      (e) ancestor classes, and their methods, fields, and constructors
      (f) exceptions thrown by methods
      (g) generic type parameters

      16.8 Repeat the previous exercise in C#. Add information about parameter
      names and generic instances.

      16.9 Write an interactive tool that accepts keyboard commands to load speci-
      fied class files, create instances of their classes, invoke their methods, and
      read and write their fields. Feel free to limit keyboard input to values of
      built-in types, and to work only in the global scope. Based on your expe-
      rience, comment on the feasibility of writing a command-line interpreter
      for Java, similar to those commonly used for Lisp, Prolog, or the various
      scripting languages.

      16.10 In Java, if the concrete type of p is Foo, p.getClass() and Foo.class
      will return the same thing. Explain why a similar equivalence could not
      be guaranteed to hold in Ruby, Python, or JavaScript. For hints, see Sec-
      tion 14.4.4.

      16.11 Design a “test harness” system based on Java annotations. The user should
      be able to attach to a method an annotation that specifies parameters
      to be passed to a test run of the method, and values expected to be re-
      turned. For simplicity, you may assume that parameters and return val-
      ues will all be strings or instances of built-in types. Using the annota-
      tion processing facility of Java 6, you should automatically generate a new
      method, test() in any class that has methods with @Test annotations.

      16.6 Explorations 853

      This method should call the annotated methods with the specified param-
      eters, test the return values, and report any discrepancies. It should also
      call the test methods of any nested classes. Be sure to include a mech-
      anism to invoke the test method of every top-level class. For an extra
      challenge, devise a way to specify multiple tests of a single method, and a
      way to test exceptions thrown, in addition to values returned.

      16.12 C++ provides a typeid operator that can be used to query the concrete
      type of a pointer or reference variable:

      if (typeid(*p) == typeid(my_derived_type)) …

      Values returned by typeid can be compared for equality but not assigned.
      They also support a name() method that returns an (implementation-
      dependent) character string name for the type. Give an example of a pro-
      gram fragment in which these mechanisms might reasonably be used.

      Unlike more extensive reflection mechanisms, typeid can be applied
      only to (instances of) classes with at least one virtual method. Give a plau-
      sible explanation for this restriction.

      16.13 Suppose we wish, as described at the end of Example 16.36, to accurately
      attribute sampled time to the various contexts in which a subroutine is
      called. Perhaps the most straightforward approach would be to log not
      only the current PC but also the stack backtrace—the contents of the dy-
      namic chain—on every timer interrupt. Unfortunately, this can dramat-
      ically increase profiling overhead. Suggest an equivalent but cheaper im-

      16.14–16.17 In More Depth.

      16.6 Explorations
      16.18 Learn about the Java security policy mechanism. What aspects of program

      behavior can the programmer enable/proscribe? How are such policies
      enforced? What is the relationship (if any) between security policies and
      the verification process described in Sidebar 16.3?

      16.19 Learn about taint mode in Perl and Ruby. How does it compare to sand-
      box creation via binary rewriting, as described in Sidebar 16.5? What sorts
      of security problems does it catch? What sorts of problems does it not

      16.20 Learn about proof-carrying code, a technique in which the supplier of mo-
      bile code includes a proof of its safety, and the user simply verifies the
      proof, rather than regenerating it (start with the work of Necula [Nec97]).
      How does this technique compare to other forms of sandboxing? What
      properties can it guarantee?

      854 Chapter 16 Run-Time Program Management

      16.21 Investigate the MetaObject Protocol (MOP), which underlies the Common
      Lisp Object System. How does it compare to the reflection mechanisms of
      Java and C#? What does it allow you to do that these other languages do

      16.22 When using a symbolic debugger and moving through a program with
      breakpoints, one often discovers that one has gone “too far,” and must start
      the program over from the beginning. This may mean losing all the effort
      that had been put into reaching a particular point. Consider what it would
      take to be able to run the program not only forward but backward as well.
      Such a reverse execution facility might allow the user to narrow in on the
      source of bugs much as one narrows the range in binary search. Consider
      both the loss of information that happens when data is overridden and the
      nondeterminism that arises in parallel and event-driven programs.

      16.23 Download and experiment with one of the several available packages
      for performance counter sampling in Linux (try sourceforge.net/projects/
      perfctr/, perfmon2.sourceforge.net/, or www.intel.com/software/pcm). What
      do these packages allow you to measure? How might you use the informa-
      tion? (Note: you may need to install a kernel patch to make the program
      counters available to user-level code.)

      16.24–16.25 In More Depth.

      16.7 Bibliographic Notes
      Aycock [Ayc03] surveys the history of just-in-time compilation. Documentation
      on the HotSpot compiler and JVM can be found at Oracle’s web site: www.oracle.
      com/technetwork/articles/javase/index-jsp-136373.html. The JVM specification is
      by Lindholm et al. [LYBB14]. Sources of information on the CLI include the
      ECMA standard [Int12a, MR04] and the .NET pages at msdn.microsoft.com.

      Arnold et al. [AFG+05] provide an extensive survey of adaptive optimization
      techniques for programs on virtual machines. Deutsch and Schiffman [DS84]
      describe the ParcPlace Smalltalk virtual machine, which pioneered such mecha-
      nisms as just-in-time compilation and the caching of JIT-compiled machine code.
      Various articles discuss the binary translation technology of Apple’s 68K emula-
      tor [Tho95], DEC’s FX!32 [HH97b], and its earlier VEST and mx [SCK+93].

      Probably the best source of information on binary rewriting is the text by
      Hazelwood [Haz11]. The original papers on Dynamo, Atom, Pin, and QEMU
      are by Bala et al. [BDB00], Srivastava and Eustace [SE94], Luk et al. [LCM+05],
      and Bellard [Bel05], respectively. Duesterwald [Due05] surveys issues in the de-
      sign of a dynamic binary optimizer, drawing on her experience with the Dynamo
      project. Early work on sandboxing via binary rewriting is reported by Wahbe et
      al. [WLAG93].

      16.7 Bibliographic Notes 855

      The DWARF standard is available from dwarfstd.org [DWA10]; Eager pro-
      vides a gentler introduction [Eag12]. Ball and Larus [BL92] describe the min-
      imal instrumentation required to profile the execution of basic blocks. Zhao
      et al. [ZRA+08] describe the use of dynamic instrumentation (based on Dy-
      namoRIO) to implement watchpoints efficiently. Martonosi et al. [MGA92]
      describe a performance analysis tool that builds on the idea outlined in Exam-
      ple 16.37.

      This page intentionally left blank

      17Code Improvement
      In Chapter 15 we discussed the generation, assembly, and linking of target
      code in the back end of a compiler. The techniques we presented led to correct
      but highly suboptimal code: there were many redundant computations, and in-
      efficient use of the registers, multiple functional units, and cache of a modern
      microprocessor. This chapter takes a look at code improvement: the phases of
      compilation devoted to generating good (fast) code. As noted in Section 1.6.4,
      code improvement is often referred to as optimization, though it seldom makes
      anything optimal in any absolute sense.

      Our study will consider simple peephole optimization, which “cleans up” gen-
      erated target code within a very small instruction window; local optimization,
      which generates near-optimal code for individual basic blocks; and global opti-
      mization, which performs more aggressive code improvement at the level of entire
      subroutines. We will not cover interprocedural improvement; interested readers
      are referred to other texts (see the Bibliographic Notes at the end of the chapter).
      Moreover, even for the subjects we cover, our intent will be more to “demystify”
      code improvement than to describe the process in detail. Much of the discussion
      will revolve around the successive refinement of code for a single subroutine. This
      extended example will allow us to illustrate the effect of several key forms of code
      improvement without dwelling on the details of how they are achieved.


      Chapter 17 can be found in its entirety on the companion site.


      This page intentionally left blank

      AProgramming Languages Mentioned
      This appendix provides brief descriptions, bibliographic references, and
      (in many cases) URLs for on-line information concerning each of the principal
      programming languages mentioned in this book. The URLs are accurate as of
      June 2015, though they are subject to change as people move files around. Some
      additional URLs can be found in the bibliographic references.

      Bill Kinnersley maintains an index of on-line materials for approximately 2500
      programming languages at people.ku.edu/~nkinners/LangList/Extras/langlist.htm.

      Figure A.1 shows the genealogy of some of the more influential or widely used
      programming languages. The date for each language indicates the approximate
      time at which its features became widely known. Arrows indicate principal influ-
      ences on design. Many influences, of course, cannot be shown in a single figure.

      Ada : Originally intended to be the standard language for all software commis-
      sioned by the U.S. Department of Defense [Ame83], now standardized by the
      ISO [Int12b]. Prototypes designed by teams at several sites; final ’83 language
      developed by a team at Honeywell’s Systems and Research Center in Min-
      neapolis and Alsys Corp. in France, led by Jean Ichbiah. A very large language,
      descended largely from Pascal. Design rationale articulated in a remarkably
      clear companion document [IBFW91]. Ada 95 was a revision developed un-
      der government contract by a team at Intermetrics, Inc. It fixed several sub-
      tle problems in the earlier language, and added objects, shared-memory syn-
      chronization, and many other features. Ada 2005 and Ada 2012 add a host of
      additional features; for a summary see ada2012.org/comparison.html. Freely
      available implementation (gnat) distributed as part of the GNU compiler col-
      lection (gcc). Additional resources at adaic.org/ and ada-europe.org/.

      Algol 60 : The original block-structured language. The definition by Naur et al.
      [NBB+63] is considered a landmark of clarity and conciseness. It includes the
      original use of Backus-Naur Form (BNF).

      Algol 68 : A large and relatively complex successor to Algol 60, designed by a
      committee led by A. van Wijngaarden. Includes (among other things) struc-
      tures and unions, expression-based syntax, reference parameters, a reference
      model of variables, and concurrency. The official definition [vMP+75] uses


      860 Appendix A Programming Languages Mentioned


      Fortran I
      Fortran II

      Fortran IV

      Fortran 77

      Fortran 90

      Fortran 95

      BasicHPF Python


      Cobol Algol 58

      Algol 60

      Algol W





      Objective C



      C shell


      Algol 68



      Simula 67BCPL








      ANSI C
      (C90) Eiffel

      CLOS Haskell





      Smalltalk 80












      Imperative Scripting Functional





      Figure A.1 Genealogy of selected programming languages. Dates are approximate. Arrows that continue at the botton of
      the page indicate ongoing evolution.

      Appendix A Programming Languages Mentioned 861

      unconventional terminology and is very difficult to read; other sources (e.g.,
      Pagan’s book [Pag76]) are more accessible.

      Algol W : A smaller, simpler alternative to Algol 68, proposed by Niklaus Wirth
      and C. A. R. Hoare [WH66, Sit72]. The precursor to Pascal. Introduced the
      case statement.

      APL : Designed by Kenneth Iverson in the late 1950s and early 1960s, primar-
      ily for the manipulation of numeric arrays. Functional. Extremely concise.
      Powerful set of operators. Employs an extended character set. Intended for
      interactive use. Original syntax [Ive62] was nonlinear; implementations gen-
      erally use a revised syntax due to a team at IBM [IBM87]. On-line resources at

      Basic : Simple imperative language, originally intended for interactive use.
      Original version developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz of Dartmouth
      College in the early 1960s. Dozens of dialects exist. Microsoft’s Visual Basic,
      which bears little resemblance to the original, is the most widely used today
      (resources available at msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sh9ywfdk.aspx). Min-
      imal subset defined by ANSI standard [Ame78].

      C : One of the most successful imperative languages. Originally defined by
      Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie of Bell Labs as part of the development
      of Unix [KR88]. Concise syntax. Unusual declaration syntax. Intended for
      systems programming. Weak type checking. No dynamic semantic checks.
      Standardized by ANSI/ISO in 1990 [Ame90]. Extensions for international
      character sets adopted in 1994. More extensive changes adopted in 1999
      and 2011 [Int99, Int11]. Popular open-source implementations include gcc
      (gnu.org/software/gcc/) and clang/llvm (clang.llvm.org/).

      C# : Object-oriented language originally designed by Anders Hejlsberg, Scott
      Wiltamuth, and associates at Microsoft Corporation in the late 1990s and early
      2000s [HTWG11, Mic12, ECM06a]. Versions 1 and 2 standardized by ECMA
      and the ISO [ECM06a]; subsequent versions defined directly by Microsoft.
      Serves as the principal language for the .NET platform, a runtime and middle-
      ware system for multilanguage distributed computing. Includes most of Java’s
      features, plus many from C++ and Visual Basic, including both reference and
      value types, both contiguous and row-pointer arrays, both virtual and nonvir-
      tual methods, operator overloading, delegates, generics, local type inference,
      an “unsafe” superset with pointers, and the ability to invoke methods of dy-
      namically typed objects across language boundaries. Commercial resources at
      msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/hh388566.aspx. Freely available implemen-
      tation at mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/languages/csharp/.

      C++ : The first object-oriented successor to C to gain widespread adoption. Still
      widely considered the one most suited to “industrial strength” computing.
      Originally designed by Bjarne Stroustrup of Bell Labs (now at Texas A & M
      University). A large language. Standardized by the ISO in 1998; major re-
      vision in 2011; updated in 2014. Includes (among other things) generalized
      reference types, both static and dynamic method binding, extensive facili-

      862 Appendix A Programming Languages Mentioned

      ties for overloading and coercion, multiple inheritance, and Turing-complete
      generics. No automatic garbage collection. Many texts exist; aside from the
      ISO standard [Int14b], Stroustrup’s is the most comprehensive [Str13]. Freely
      available implementations included in the gcc and clang/llvm distributions
      (see C). Stroustrup’s own resource page is at stroustrup.com/C++.html.

      Caml and OCaml : Caml is a dialect of ML developed by Guy Cousineau and
      colleagues at INRIA (the French National research institute) beginning in the
      late 1980s. Evolved into Objective Caml (OCaml) around 1996, under the
      leadership of Xavier Leroy; the revised language adds modules and object ori-
      entation. Regarded by many as “more practical” than SML (the other principal
      ML dialect), OCaml is widely used in industry. See also F#. On-line resources
      at caml.inria.fr/.

      Cedar : See Mesa and Cedar.
      Cilk : Concurrent extension of C and C++ developed by Charles Leiserson and

      associates at MIT beginning in the mid 1990s, and commercialized by Cilk
      Arts, Inc. in 2006; acquired by Intel in 2009. Extensions to C are deliberately
      minimal: a function can be spawned as a separate task; completion of subtasks
      can be awaited en masse with sync; tasks can synchronize with each other
      to a limited degree with inlets. Implementation employs a novel, provably
      efficient work-stealing scheduler. On-line resources at supertech.csail.mit.edu/
      cilk/ and /software.intel.com/en-us/intel-cilk-plus.

      CLOS : The Common Lisp Object System [Kee89; Sei05, Chaps. 16–17]. A set
      of object-oriented extensions to Common Lisp, incorporated into the ANSI
      standard language (see Common Lisp).

      Clu : Developed by Barbara Liskov and associates at MIT in the late 1970s
      [LG86]. Designed to provide an unusually powerful set of features for data
      abstraction [LSAS77]. Also includes iterators and exception handling. Doc-
      umentation and freely available implementations at pmg.csail.mit.edu/CLU.

      Cobol : Originally developed by the U.S. Department of Defense in the late
      1950s and early 1960s by a team led by Grace Murray Hopper. Long the most
      widely used programming language in the world. Standardized by ANSI in
      1968; revised in 1974 and 1985. Intended principally for business data process-
      ing. Introduced the concept of structures. Elaborate I/O facilities. Cobol 2002
      and 2014 [Int14a] add a variety of modern language features, including object

      Common Lisp : Large, widely used dialect of Lisp (see also Lisp). Includes
      (among other things) static scoping, an extensive type system, exception han-
      dling, and object-oriented features (see CLOS). For years the standard refer-
      ence was the book by Guy Steele, Jr. [Ste90]. Subsequently standardized by
      ANSI [Ame96b]; recent text by Seibel [Sei05] Abridged hypertext version of
      the standard available at lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/index.

      Appendix A Programming Languages Mentioned 863

      CSP : See Occam.
      Eiffel : An object-oriented language developed by Bertrand Meyer and asso-

      ciates at the Société des Outils du Logiciel à Paris [Mey92b, ECM06b]. Includes
      (among other things) multiple inheritance, automatic garbage collection, and
      powerful mechanisms for renaming of data members and methods in derived
      classes. On-line resources at eiffel.com/.

      Erlang : A functional language with extensive support for distribution, fault
      tolerance, and message passing. Developed by Joe Armstrong and colleagues
      at Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory starting in the late 1980s [Arm13].
      Distributed as open source since 1998. Used to implement a variety of prod-
      ucts from Ericsson and other companies, particularly in the European telecom
      industry. On-line resources at erlang.org/.

      Euclid : Imperative language developed by Butler Lampson and associates at the
      Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in the mid-1970s [LHL+77]. Designed to
      eliminate many of the sources of common programming errors in Pascal, and
      to facilitate formal verification of programs. Has closed scopes and module

      F# : A descendant of OCaml developed by Don Syme and colleagues at Mi-
      crosoft Research. First public release was in 2005 [SGC13]. Differences from
      OCaml are primarily to accommodate integration with the .NET framework.
      On-line resources at research.microsoft.com/fsharp/ and msdn.microsoft.com/

      Forth : A small and rather ingenious stack-based language designed for inter-
      pretation on machines with limited resources [Bro87, Int97]. Originally de-
      veloped by Charles H. Moore in the late 1960s. Has a loyal following in the
      instrumentation and process-control communities.

      Fortran : The original high-level imperative language. Developed in the mid-
      1950s by John Backus and associates at IBM. Important historical versions in-
      clude Fortran I, Fortran II, Fortran IV, Fortran 77, and Fortran 90. The lat-
      ter two were documented in a pair of ANSI standards. Fortran 90 [MR96]
      (updated in 1995) was a major revision to the language, adding (among other
      things) recursion, pointers, new control constructs, and a wealth of array oper-
      ations. Fortran 2003 adds object orientation. Fortran 2008 [Int10] (approved
      in 2010) adds several generics, co-arrays (arrays with an explicit extra “loca-
      tion” dimension for distributed-memory machines), and a DO CONCURRENT
      construct for loops whose iterations are independent. Fortran 77 continues
      to be widely used. Freely available gfortran implementation conforms to
      all modern standards, and is distributed as part of the gcc compiler suite
      (gnu.org/software/gcc/fortran/). Support for the older g77 front end was dis-
      continued as of gcc version 3.4.

      Go : A statically typed language developed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken
      Thompson, and colleagues at Google, beginning in 2007. Intended to com-
      bine the simplicity of scripting languages with the efficiency of compilation,

      864 Appendix A Programming Languages Mentioned

      and motivated in part by the perception that C++ had grown too large and
      complicated. Includes garbage collection, strong typing, local type inference,
      type extension and interfaces as an alternative to classes, variable-length and
      associative arrays, and message-based concurrency. In active use both within
      and outside Google. Online resources at golang.org/.

      Haskell : The leading purely functional language. Descended from Miranda.
      Designed by a committee of researchers beginning in 1987. Includes cur-
      ried functions, higher order functions, nonstrict semantics, static polymor-
      phic typing, pattern matching, list comprehensions, modules, monadic I/O,
      type classes, and layout (indentation)-based syntactic grouping. Haskell 98
      was for many years the standard; superceded by Haskell 2010 [PJ10]. On-line
      resources at haskell.org/. Several concurrent variants have also been devised,
      including Concurrent Haskell [JGF96] and pH [NA01].

      Icon : The successor to Snobol. Developed by Ralph Griswold (Snobol’s prin-
      cipal designer) at the University of Arizona [GG96]. Adopts more conven-
      tional control-flow constructs, but with powerful iteration and search fa-
      cilities based on pattern matching and backtracking. On-line resources at

      Java : Object-oriented language based largely on a subset of C++. Developed by
      James Gosling and associates at Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s [AG06,
      GJS+14]. Intended for the construction of highly portable, architecture-
      neutral programs. Defined in conjunction with an intermediate bytecode for-
      mat intended for execution on a Java virtual machine [LYBB14]. Includes
      (among other things) a reference model of (class-typed) variables, mix-in in-
      heritance, threads, and extensive predefined libraries for graphics, communi-
      cation, and other activities. On-line resources at docs.oracle.com/javase/.

      JavaScript : Simple scripting language developed by Brendan Eich at Netscape
      Corp. in the mid 1990s for the purpose of client-side web scripting. Has no
      connection to Java beyond superficial syntactic similarity. Embedded in most
      commercial web browsers. Microsoft’s JScript is very similar. The two were
      merged into a single ECMA standard in 1997; subsequently revised and cross-
      standardized by the ISO [ECM11].

      Lisp : The original functional language [McC60]. Developed by John McCarthy
      in the late 1950s as a realization of Church’s lambda calculus. Many dialects ex-
      ist. The two most common today are Common Lisp and Scheme (see separate
      entries). Historically important dialects include Lisp 1.5 [MAE+65], MacLisp
      [Moo78], and Interlisp [TM81].

      Lua : Lightweight scripting language intended primarily for extension/embed-
      ded settings. Originally developed by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Waldemar Celes,
      and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio
      de Janeiro. Intended to be simple, fast, and easy to extend and to port to new
      environments. The standard implementation is also quite small—well under
      1 MB for the interpreter and all the standard libraries. Heavily used in the

      Appendix A Programming Languages Mentioned 865

      gaming industry and in a wide variety of other fields. Online resources at

      Mesa and Cedar : Mesa [LR80] was a successor to Euclid developed in the
      1970s at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center by a team led by Butler Lamp-
      son. Includes monitor-based concurrency. Along with Interlisp and Smalltalk,
      one of three companion projects that pioneered the use of personal worksta-
      tions, with bitmapped displays, mice, and a graphical user interface. Cedar
      [SZBH86] was a successor to Mesa with (among other things) complete type
      safety, exceptions, and automatic garbage collection.

      Miranda : Purely functional language designed by David Turner in the mid-
      1980s [Tur86]. Descended from ML; has type inference and automatic curry-
      ing. Adds list comprehensions (Section 8.6), and uses lazy evaluation for all
      arguments. Uses indentation and line breaks for syntactic grouping. On-line
      resources at miranda.org.uk/.

      ML : Functional language with “Pascal-like” syntax. Originally designed in the
      mid- to late 1970s by Robin Milner and associates at the University of Edin-
      burgh as the meta-language (hence the name) for a program verification sys-
      tem. Pioneered aggressive compile-time type inference and polymorphism.
      Has a few imperative features. Several dialects exist; the most widely used are
      Standard ML [MTHM97] and OCaml (see separate entry). Standard ML of
      New Jersey, a project of Princeton University and Bell Labs, has produced freely
      available implementations for many platforms (smlnj.org/).

      Modula and Modula-2 : The immediate successors to Pascal, developed by
      Niklaus Wirth. The original Modula [Wir77b] was an explicitly concurrent
      monitor-based language. It is sometimes called Modula (1) to distinguish it
      from its successors. The more influential Modula-2 [Wir85b] was originally
      designed with coroutines (Section 9.5), but no real concurrency. Both lan-
      guages provide mechanisms for module-as-manager style data abstractions.
      Modula-2 was standardized by the ISO in 1996 [Int96]. Freely available imple-
      mentation for several platforms available from nongnu.org/gm2/.

      Modula-3 : A major extension to Modula-2 developed by Luca Cardelli, Jim
      Donahue, Mick Jordan, Bill Kalsow, and Greg Nelson at the Digital Systems
      Research Center and the Olivetti Research Center in the late 1980s [Har92].
      Intended to provide a level of support for large, reliable, and maintainable
      systems comparable to that of Ada, but in a simpler and more elegant form.
      On-line resources at modula3.org/.

      Oberon : A deliberately minimal language designed by Niklaus Wirth [Wir88b,
      RW92]. Essentially a subset of Modula-2 [Wir88a], augmented with a mech-
      anism for type extension (Section 10.2.4) [Wir88c]. On-line resources at

      Objective-C : An object-oriented extension to C based on Smalltalk-style
      “messaging.” Designed by Brad Cox and StepStone corporation in the
      early 1980s. Adopted by NeXT Software, Inc., in the late 1980s for their

      866 Appendix A Programming Languages Mentioned

      NeXTStep operating system and programming environment. Adopted by
      Apple as the principal development language for Mac OS X after Apple ac-
      quired NeXT in 1997. Substantially simpler than other object-oriented de-
      scendants of C. Distinguished by fully dynamic method dispatch and un-
      usual messaging syntax. Freely available implementation included in the gcc
      distribution (see C). On-line documentation can be found with a search at
      developer.apple.com/library/mac/navigation. Future development at Apple is
      moving to Swift (see separate entry).

      OCaml : See Caml.
      Occam : A concurrent language [JG89] based on CSP [Hoa78], Hoare’s no-

      tation for message-based communication using guarded commands and syn-
      chronization send. The language of choice for systems built from INMOS
      Corporation’s transputer processors, once widely used in Europe. Uses inden-
      tation and line breaks for syntactic grouping. On-line resources at wotug.org/

      Pascal : Designed by Niklaus Wirth in the late 1960s [Wir71], largely in reaction
      to Algol 68, which was widely perceived as bloated. Heavily used in the 1970s
      and 1980s, particularly for teaching. Introduced subrange and enumeration
      types. Unified structures and unions. For many years, the standard reference
      was Wirth’s book with Kathleen Jensen [JW91]; subsequently standardized by
      ISO and ANSI [Int90]. Freely available implementation available at gnu-pascal.

      Perl : A general-purpose scripting language designed by Larry Wall in the late
      1980s [CfWO12]. Includes unusually extensive mechanisms for character
      string manipulation and pattern matching based on (extended) regular ex-
      pressions. Borrows features from C, sed, awk [AKW88], and various Unix
      shell (command interpreter) languages. Is famous/infamous for having mul-
      tiple ways of doing almost anything. Enjoyed an upsurge in popularity in the
      late 1990s as a server-side web scripting language. Version 5 released in 1995;
      version 6 still under development as of 2015. On-line resources at perl.org/.

      PHP : A descendant of Perl designed for server-side web scripting. Scripts are
      typically embedded in web pages. Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in
      1995 to help manage his personal home page. The name is now officially a re-
      cursive acronym (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor). More recent versions due to
      Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski, in cooperation with Lerdorf. Includes built-
      in support for a wide range of Internet protocols and for access to dozens of dif-
      ferent commercial database systems. Version 5 (2004) added extensive object-
      oriented features, mix-in inheritance, iterator objects, autoloading, structured
      exception handling, reflection, overloading, and optional type declarations for
      parameters. On-line resources at php.net/.

      PL/I : A large, general-purpose language designed in the mid-1960s as a suc-
      cessor to Fortran, Cobol, and Algol [Bee70]. Never managed to displace its
      predecessors; kept alive largely through IBM corporate influence.

      Appendix A Programming Languages Mentioned 867

      Postscript : A stack-based language for the description of graphics and print
      operations [Ado90]. Developed and marketed by Adobe Systems, Inc. Based
      in part on Forth [Bro87]. Generated by many word processors and drawing
      programs. Most professional-quality printers contain a Postscript interpreter.

      Prolog : The most widely used logic programming language. Developed in the
      early 1970s by Alain Colmeraurer and Philippe Roussel of the University of
      Aix–Marseille in France and Robert Kowalski and associates at the University
      of Edinburgh in Scotland. Many dialects exist. Partially standardized in 1995
      [Int95]. Numerous implementations, both free and commercial, are available;
      popular freely available versions include GNU Prolog (gprolog.org/) and SWI-
      Prolog (swi-prolog.org/).

      Python : A general-purpose, object-oriented scripting language designed by
      Guido van Rossum in the early 1990s. Uses indentation for syntactic group-
      ing. Includes dynamic typing, nested functions with lexical scoping, lambda
      expressions and higher order functions, true iterators, list comprehensions, ar-
      ray slices, reflection, structured exception handling, multiple inheritance, and
      modules and dynamic loading. On-line resources at python.org/.

      R : Open-source scripting language intended primarily for statistical analysis.
      Based on the proprietary S statistical programming language, originally devel-
      oped by John Chambers and others at Bell Labs. Supports first-class and higher
      order functions, unlimited extent, call-by-need, multidimensional arrays and
      slices, and an extensive library of statistical functions. On-line resources at

      Ruby : An elegant, general-purpose, object-oriented scripting language de-
      signed by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, beginning in 1993. First released in
      1995. Inspired by Ada, Eiffel, and Perl, with traces of Python, Lisp, Clu, and
      Smalltalk. Includes dynamic typing, arbitrary precision arithmetic, true iter-
      ators, user-level threads, first-class and higher order functions, continuations,
      reflection, Smalltalk-style messaging, mix-in inheritance, autoloading, struc-
      tured exception handling, and support for the Tk windowing toolkit. The text
      by Thomas and Hunt is a standard reference [TFH13]. On-line resources at

      Rust : A statically typed language for systems programming, initially developed
      by Graydon Hoare and colleagues at Mozilla Research. Syntactically reminis-
      cent of C, but with a strong emphasis on type safety, memory safety (without
      automatic garbage collection), and concurrency. Includes local type inference,
      Haskell-like type traits, generics, mix-in inheritance, pattern matching, and
      inter-thread communication based on ownership transfer. Statically prohibits
      both null and dangling pointers. On-line resources at rust-lang.org/.

      Scala : Object-oriented functional language developed by Martin Odersky and
      associates at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland,
      beginning in 2001. Intended for implementation on top of the Java Virtual
      Machine, and motivated in part by perceived shorcomings in Java. Provides

      868 Appendix A Programming Languages Mentioned

      arguably the most aggressive integration of functional features into an imper-
      ative language. Has first-class and higher order functions, local type infer-
      ence, lazy evaluation, pattern matching, currying, tail recursion, rich generics
      (with covariance and contravariance), message-based concurrency, trait-based
      inheritance (sort of a cross between classes and interfaces). Heavily used in
      both industry and academia. Development funded by the European Research
      Council. On-line resources at scala-lang.org/.

      Scheme : A small, elegant dialect of Lisp (see also Lisp) developed in the
      mid-1970s by Guy Steele and Gerald Sussman. Has static scoping and true
      first-class functions. Widely used for teaching. The sixth revised standard
      (R6RS) [SDF+07], released in 2007, substantially increased the size of the lan-
      guage; in the wake of subsequent objections, the R7RS standard [SCG+13]
      codifies a small core language similar to the R5RS version and a larger set of ex-
      tensions. Earlier version standardized by the IEEE and ANSI [Ins91]. The book
      by Abelson and Sussman [AS96], long used for introductory programming
      classes at MIT and elsewhere, is a classic guide to fundamental programming
      concepts, and to functional programming in particular. On-line resources at

      Simula : Designed at the Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, in the mid-1960s
      by Ole-Johan Dahl, Bjørn Myhrhaug, and Kristen Nygaard [BDMN73, ND78].
      Extends Algol 60 with classes and coroutines. The name of the language reflects
      its suitability for discrete-event simulation (Section C 9.5.4). Free Simula-to-C
      translator available at directory.fsf.org/project/cim/.

      Single Assignment C (SAC) : A purely functional language designed for
      high performance computing on array-based data [Sch03]. Developed by
      Sven-Bodo Scholz and associates at University of Hertfordshire and several
      other institutions beginning in 1994. Similar in spirit to Sisal, but with syntax
      based as heavily as possible on C. On-line resources at www.sac-home.org/.

      Sisal : A functional language with “imperative-style” syntax. Developed by
      James McGraw and associates at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
      in the early to mid-1980s [FCO90, Can92]. Intended primarily for high-
      performance scientific computing, with automatic parallelization. A descen-
      dant of the dataflow language Val [McG82]. No longer under development at
      LLNL; available open-source from sisal.sourceforge.net/.

      Smalltalk : Considered by many to be the quintessential object-oriented lan-
      guage. Developed by Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg, Dan Ingalls, and associates at
      the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center throughout the 1970s, culminating in the
      Smalltalk-80 language [GR89]. Anthropomorphic programming model based
      on “messages” between active objects. On-line resources at smalltalk.org/.

      SML : See ML.
      Snobol : Developed by Ralph Griswold and associates at Bell Labs in the 1960s

      [GPP71], culminating in SNOBOL4. Intended primarily for processing char-
      acter strings. Included an extremely rich set of string-manipulating primitives

      Appendix A Programming Languages Mentioned 869

      and a novel control-flow mechanism based on the notions of success and fail-
      ure. On-line archive at snobol4.org/.

      SR : Concurrent programming language developed by Greg Andrews and
      colleagues at the University of Arizona in the 1980s [AO93]. Integrated
      not only sequential and concurrent programming but also shared memory,
      semaphores, message passing, remote procedures, and rendezvous into a sin-
      gle conceptual framework and simple syntax. On-line archive at cs.arizona.

      Swift : Dynamic object-oriented language developed by Apple as a successor to
      Objective-C. Includes garbage collection, local type inference, array bounds
      checking, associative arrays, tuples, first class lambda expressions with unlim-
      ited extent, generics, and both value and reference variables of object type.
      On-line resources at developer.apple.com/swift/.

      Tcl/Tk : Tool command language (pronounced “tickle”). Scripting language
      designed by John Ousterhout in the late 1980s [Ous94, WJH03]. Keyword-
      based syntax resembles Unix command-line invocations and switches; punctu-
      ation is relatively spare. Uses dynamic scoping. Supports reflection, recursive
      invocation of interpreter. Tk (pronounced “tee-kay”) is a set of Tcl commands
      for graphical user interface (GUI) programming. Designed by Ousterhout as
      an extension to Tcl, Tk has also been embedded in Ruby, Perl, and several other
      languages. On-line resources at tcl.tk/.

      Turing : Derived from Euclid by Richard Holt and associates at the University
      of Toronto in the early 1980s [HMRC88]. Originally intended as a pedagogical
      language, but could be used for a wide range of applications. Descendants, also
      developed by Holt’s group, include Turing Plus and Object-Oriented Turing.

      XSL : Extensible Stylesheet Language, standardized by the World Wide Web
      Consortium. Serves as the standard stylesheet language for XML (Extensible
      Markup Language), the standard for self-descriptive tree-structured data, of
      which XHTML is a dialect. Includes three substandards: XSLT (XSL Transfor-
      mations) [Wor14], which specifies how to translate from one dialect of XML
      to another; XPath [Wor07], used to name elements of an XML document; and
      XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects) [Wor06b], which specifies how to format
      documents. XSLT, though highly specialized to the transformation of XML, is
      a Turing complete programming language [Kep04]. Standards and additional
      resources at w3.org/Style/XSL/.

      This page intentionally left blank

      BLanguage Design and LanguageImplementation
      Throughout this text, we have had occasion to remark on the many connections
      between language design and language implementation. Some of the more direct
      connections have been highlighted in separate sidebars. We list those sidebars

      Chapter 1: Introduction

      1.1 Introduction 10
      1.2 Compiled and interpreted languages 18
      1.3 The early success of Pascal 22
      1.4 Powerful development environments 25

      Chapter 2: Programming Language Syntax

      2.1 Contextual keywords 46
      2.2 Formatting restrictions 48
      2.3 Nested comments 55
      2.4 Recognizing multiple kinds of token 63
      2.5 Longest possible tokens 64
      2.6 The dangling else 81
      2.7 Recursive descent and table-driven LL parsing 86

      Chapter 3: Names, Scopes, and Bindings

      3.1 Binding time 117
      3.2 Recursion in Fortran 119
      3.3 Mutual recursion 131
      3.4 Redeclarations 134
      3.5 Modules and separate compilation 140
      3.6 Dynamic scoping 143
      3.7 Pointers in C and Fortran 146
      3.8 User-defined operators in OCaml 149
      3.9 Binding rules and extent 156
      3.10 Functions and function objects 161

      872 Appendix B Language Design and Language Implementation

      3.11 Generics as macros 163
      3.12 Separate compilation C·41

      Chapter 4: Semantic Analysis

      4.1 Dynamic semantic checks 182
      4.2 Forward references 193
      4.3 Attribute evaluators 198

      Chapter 5: Target Machine Architecture

      5.2 The processor/memory gap C·62
      5.3 How much is a megabyte? C·66
      5.4 Delayed branch instructions C·90
      5.5 Delayed load instructions C·92
      5.6 In-line subroutines C·97
      5.1 Pseudo-assembly notation 218

      Chapter 6: Control Flow

      6.1 Implementing the reference model 232
      6.2 Safety versus performance 241
      6.3 Evaluation order 242
      6.4 Cleaning up continuations 250
      6.5 Short-circuit evaluation 255
      6.6 Case statements 259
      6.7 Numerical imprecision 264
      6.8 for loops 267
      6.9 “True” iterators and iterator objects 270
      6.10 Normal-order evaluation 282
      6.11 Nondeterminacy and fairness C·114

      Chapter 7: Type Systems

      7.1 Systems programming 299
      7.2 Dynamic typing 300
      7.3 Multilingual character sets 306
      7.4 Decimal types 307
      7.5 Multiple sizes of integers 309
      7.6 Nonconverting casts 319
      7.7 Type classes for overloaded functions in Haskell 329
      7.8 Unification 331
      7.9 Generics in ML 334
      7.10 Overloading and polymorphism 336
      7.11 Why erasure? C·127

      Chapter 8: Composite Types

      8.1 Struct tags and typedef in C and C++ 353
      8.2 The order of record fields 356

      Appendix B Language Design and Language Implementation 873

      8.13 The placement of variant fields C·141
      8.3 Is [ ] an operator? 361
      8.4 Array layout 370
      8.5 Lower bounds on array indices 373
      8.6 Implementation of pointers 378
      8.7 Stack smashing 385
      8.8 Pointers and arrays 386
      8.9 Garbage collection 390
      8.10 What exactly is garbage? 393
      8.11 Reference counts versus tracing 396
      8.12 car and cdr 399

      Chapter 9: Subroutines and Control Abstraction

      9.8 Lexical nesting and displays C·164
      9.9 Leveraging pc = r15 C·169
      9.10 Executing code in the stack C·176
      9.1 Hints and directives 420
      9.2 In-lining and modularity 421
      9.3 Parameter modes 424
      9.11 Call by name C·181
      9.12 Call by need C·182
      9.4 Structured exceptions 446
      9.5 setjmp 449
      9.6 Threads and coroutines 452
      9.7 Coroutine stacks 453

      Chapter 10: Data Abstraction and Object Orientation

      10.1 What goes in a class declaration? 476
      10.2 Containers/collections 484
      10.3 The value/reference tradeoff 498
      10.4 Initialization and assignment 501
      10.5 Initialization of “expanded” objects 502
      10.6 Reverse assignment 511
      10.7 The fragile base class problem 512
      10.8 The cost of multiple inheritance C·197

      Chapter 11: Functional Languages

      11.1 Iteration in functional programs 546
      11.2 Equality and ordering in SML and Haskell 554
      11.3 Type Equivalence in OCaml 560
      11.4 Lazy evaluation 570
      11.5 Monads 575
      11.6 Higher-order functions 577
      11.7 Side effects and compilation 582

      874 Appendix B Language Design and Language Implementation

      Chapter 12: Logic Languages

      12.1 Homoiconic languages 608
      12.2 Reflection 611
      12.3 Implementing logic 613
      12.4 Alternative search strategies 614

      Chapter 13: Concurrency

      13.1 What, exactly, is a processor? 632
      13.2 Hardware and software communication 636
      13.3 Task-parallel and data-parallel computing 643
      13.4 Counterintuitive implementation 646
      13.5 Monitor signal semantics 672
      13.6 The nested monitor problem 673
      13.7 Conditional critical regions 674
      13.8 Condition variables in Java 677
      13.9 Side-effect freedom and implicit synchronization 685
      13.10 The semantic impact of implementation issues C·241
      13.11 Emulation and efficiency C·243
      13.12 Parameters to remote procedures C·250

      Chapter 14: Scripting Languages

      14.1 Compiling interpreted languages 702
      14.2 Canonical implementations 703
      14.3 Built-in commands in the shell 707
      14.4 Magic numbers 712
      14.5 JavaScript and Java 736
      14.6 How far can you trust a script? 737
      14.14 W3C and WHATWG C·260
      14.7 Thinking about dynamic scoping 742
      14.8 The grep command and the birth of Unix tools 744
      14.9 Automata for regular expressions 746
      14.10 Compiling regular expressions 749
      14.11 Typeglobs in Perl 754
      14.12 Executable class declarations 763
      14.13 Worse Is Better 764

      Chapter 15: Building a Runnable Program

      15.1 Postscript 783
      15.2 Type checking for separate compilation 799

      Chapter 16: Run-Time Program Management

      16.1 Run-time systems 808
      16.2 Optimizing stack-based IF 812
      16.3 Verification of class files and bytecode 820

      Appendix B Language Design and Language Implementation 875

      16.7 Assuming a just-in-time compiler C·287
      16.8 References and pointers C·290
      16.4 Emulation and interpretation 830
      16.5 Creating a sandbox via binary rewriting 835
      16.6 DWARF 846

      Chapter 17: Code Improvement

      17.1 Peephole optimization C·303
      17.2 Basic blocks C·304
      17.3 Common subexpressions C·309
      17.4 Pointer analysis C·310
      17.5 Loop invariants C·324
      17.6 Control flow analysis C·325

      This page intentionally left blank

      CNumbered Examples
      Chapter 1: Introduction

      1.1 GCD program in x86 machine language 5
      1.2 GCD program in x86 assembler 5

      The Art of Language Design

      The Programming Language Spectrum

      1.3 Classification of programming languages 11
      1.4 GCD function in C 13
      1.5 GCD function in OCaml 13
      1.6 GCD rules in Prolog 13

      Why Study Programming Languages?

      Compilation and Interpretation

      1.7 Pure compilation 17
      1.8 Pure interpretation 17
      1.9 Mixing compilation and interpretation 18
      1.10 Preprocessing 19
      1.11 Library routines and linking 19
      1.12 Post-compilation assembly 20
      1.13 The C preprocessor 20
      1.14 Source-to-source translation 20
      1.15 Bootstrapping 21
      1.16 Compiling interpreted languages 23
      1.17 Dynamic and just-in-time compilation 23
      1.18 Microcode (firmware) 24

      Programming Environments

      An Overview of Compilation

      1.19 Phases of compilation and interpretation 26
      1.20 GCD program in C 28
      1.21 GCD program tokens 28
      1.22 Context-free grammar and parsing 28
      1.23 GCD program parse tree 29
      1.24 GCD program abstract syntax tree 33

      1.25 Interpreting the syntax tree 33
      1.26 GCD program assembly code 34
      1.27 GCD program optimization 36

      Chapter 2: Programming Language Syntax
      2.1 Syntax of Arabic numerals 43

      Specifying Syntax: Regular Expressions and Context-Free

      2.2 Lexical structure of C11 45
      2.3 Syntax of numeric constants 46
      2.4 Syntactic nesting in expressions 48
      2.5 Extended BNF (EBNF) 49
      2.6 Derivation of slope * x + intercept 50
      2.7 Parse trees for slope * x + intercept 51
      2.8 Expression grammar with precedence

      and associativity 52


      2.9 Tokens for a calculator language 54
      2.10 An ad hoc scanner for calculator tokens 54
      2.11 Finite automaton for a calculator scanner 55
      2.12 Constructing an NFA for a given regular

      expression 58
      2.13 NFA for d *( .d | d. ) d * 59
      2.14 DFA for d *( .d | d. ) d * 60
      2.15 Minimal DFA for d * ( .d | d. ) d * 60
      2.16 Nested case statement automaton 62
      2.17 The nontrivial prefix problem 64
      2.18 Look-ahead in Fortran scanning 64
      2.19 Table-driven scanning 65


      2.20 Top-down and bottom-up parsing 70
      2.21 Bounding space with a bottom-up

      grammar 72

      878 Appendix C Numbered Examples

      2.22 Top-down grammar for a calculator
      language 73

      2.23 Recursive descent parser for the calcula-
      tor language 75

      2.24 Recursive descent parse of a “sum and
      average” program 75

      2.25 Left recursion 79
      2.26 Common prefixes 79
      2.27 Eliminating left recursion 80
      2.28 Left factoring 80
      2.29 Parsing a “dangling else” 80
      2.30 “Dangling else” program bug 81
      2.31 End markers for structured statements 81
      2.32 The need for elsif 82
      2.33 Driver and table for top-down parsing 82
      2.34 Table-driven parse of the “sum and

      average” program 83
      2.35 Predict sets for the calculator language 84
      2.36 Derivation of an id list 90
      2.37 Bottom-up grammar for the calculator

      language 90
      2.38 Bottom-up parse of the “sum and

      average” program 91
      2.39 CFSM for the bottom-up calculator

      grammar 95
      2.40 Epsilon productions in the bottom-up

      calculator grammar 95
      2.41 CFSM with epsilon productions 101
      2.42 A syntax error in C 102
      2.43 Syntax error in C (reprise) C·1
      2.44 The problem with panic mode C·1
      2.45 Phrase-level recovery in recursive

      descent C·2
      2.46 Cascading syntax errors C·3
      2.47 Reducing cascading errors with context-

      specific look-ahead C·4
      2.48 Recursive descent with full phrase-level

      recovery C·4
      2.49 Exceptions in a recursive descent parser C·5
      2.50 Error production for “; else” C·6
      2.51 Insertion-only repair in FMQ C·8
      2.52 FMQ with deletions C·8
      2.53 Panic mode in yacc/bison C·11
      2.54 Panic mode with statement terminators C·11
      2.55 Phrase-level recovery in yacc/bison C·11
      Theoretical Foundations

      2.56 Formal DFA for d *( .d | d. ) d * C·14
      2.57 Reconstructing a regular expression for

      the decimal string DFA C·15
      2.58 A regular language with a large minimal

      DFA C·16
      2.59 Exponential DFA blow-up C·16

      2.60 0n 1n is not a regular language C·19
      2.61 Separation of grammar classes C·20
      2.62 Separation of language classes C·20

      Chapter 3: Names, Scopes, and Bindings
      The Notion of Binding Time

      Object Lifetime and Storage Management

      3.1 Static allocation of local variables 119
      3.2 Layout of the run-time stack 120
      3.3 External fragmentation in the heap 122

      Scope Rules

      3.4 Static variables in C 127
      3.5 Nested scopes 128
      3.6 Static chains 130
      3.7 A “gotcha” in declare-before-use 131
      3.8 Whole-block scope in C# 132
      3.9 “Local if written” in Python 132
      3.10 Declaration order in Scheme 132
      3.11 Declarations vs definitions in C 133
      3.12 Inner declarations in C 134
      3.13 Pseudorandom numbers as a motivation

      for modules 136
      3.14 Pseudorandom number generator in

      C++ 137
      3.15 Module as “manager” for a type 138
      3.16 A pseudorandom number generator

      type 140
      3.17 Modules and classes in a large application 142
      3.18 Static vs dynamic scoping 143
      3.19 Run-time errors with dynamic scoping 144

      Implementing Scope

      3.45 The LeBlanc-Cook symbol table C·27
      3.46 Symbol table for a sample program C·28
      3.47 A-list lookup in Lisp C·31
      3.48 Central reference table C·33
      3.49 A-list closures C·33
      The Meaning of Names within a Scope

      3.20 Aliasing with parameters 146
      3.21 Aliases and code improvement 146
      3.22 Overloaded enumeration constants in

      Ada 147
      3.23 Resolving ambiguous overloads 147
      3.24 Overloading in C++ 148
      3.25 Operator overloading in Ada 148
      3.26 Operator overloading in C++ 148
      3.27 Infix operators in Haskell 149
      3.28 Overloading with type classes 149
      3.29 Printing objects of multiple types 150

      Appendix C Numbered Examples 879

      The Binding of Referencing Environments

      3.30 Deep and shallow binding 152
      3.31 Binding rules with static scoping 154
      3.32 Returning a first-class subroutine in

      Scheme 156
      3.33 An object closure in Java 157
      3.34 Delegates in C# 158
      3.35 Delegates and unlimited extent 158
      3.36 Function objects in C++ 158
      3.37 A lambda expression in C# 159
      3.38 Variety of lambda syntax 159
      3.39 A simple lambda expression in C++11 160
      3.40 Variable capture in C++ lambda expres-

      sions 161
      3.41 Lambda expressions in Java 8 162

      Macro Expansion

      3.42 A simple assembly macro 162
      3.43 Preprocessor macros in C 163
      3.44 “Gotchas” in C macros 163

      Separate Compilation

      3.50 Namespaces in C++ C·39
      3.51 Using names from another namespace C·39
      3.52 Packages in Java C·40
      3.53 Using names from another package C·40
      3.54 Multipart package names C·41

      Chapter 4: Semantic Analysis
      The Role of the Semantic Analyzer

      4.1 Assertions in Java 182
      4.2 Assertions in C 183

      Attribute Grammars

      4.3 Bottom-up CFG for constant expressions 184
      4.4 Bottom-up AG for constant expressions 185
      4.5 Top-down AG to count the elements of

      a list 185

      Evaluating Attributes

      4.6 Decoration of a parse tree 187
      4.7 Top-down CFG and parse tree for

      subtraction 188
      4.8 Decoration with left-to-right attribute

      flow 188
      4.9 Top-down AG for subtraction 189
      4.10 Top-down AG for constant expressions 189
      4.11 Bottom-up and top-down AGs to build a

      syntax tree 193

      Action Routines

      4.12 Top-down action routines to build a
      syntax tree 198

      4.13 Recursive descent and action routines 199

      Space Management for Attributes

      4.19 Stack trace for bottom-up parse, with
      action routines C·45

      4.20 Finding inherited attributes in “buried”
      records C·46

      4.21 Grammar fragment requiring context C·47
      4.22 Semantic hooks for context C·47
      4.23 Semantic hooks that break an LR CFG C·48
      4.24 Action routines in the trailing part C·49
      4.25 Left factoring in lieu of semantic hooks C·49
      4.26 Operation of an LL attribute stack C·50
      4.27 Ad hoc management of a semantic stack C·53
      4.28 Processing lists with an attribute stack C·54
      4.29 Processing lists with a semantic stack C·55

      Tree Grammars and Syntax Tree Decoration

      4.14 Bottom-up CFG for calculator language
      with types 201

      4.15 Syntax tree to average an integer and a
      real 201

      4.16 Tree grammar for the calculator language
      with types 201

      4.17 Tree AG for the calculator language with
      types 203

      4.18 Decorating a tree with the AG of
      Example 4.17 206

      Chapter 5: Target Machine Architecture
      The Memory Hierarchy

      5.1 Memory hierarchy stats C·61

      Data Representation

      5.2 Big- and little-endian C·63
      5.3 Hexadecimal numbers C·65
      5.4 Two’s complement C·66
      5.5 Overflow in two’s complement addition C·66
      5.6 Biased exponents C·68
      5.7 IEEE floating-point C·68

      Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

      5.8 An if statement in x86 assembler C·72
      5.9 Compare and test instructions C·73
      5.10 Conditional move C·73

      880 Appendix C Numbered Examples

      Architecture and Implementation

      5.11 The x86 ISA C·80
      5.12 The ARM ISA C·81
      5.13 x86 and ARM register sets C·82
      Compiling for Modern Processors

      5.14 Performance �= clock rate C·88
      5.15 Filling a load delay slot C·91
      5.16 Renaming registers for scheduling C·92
      5.17 Register allocation for a simple loop C·93
      5.18 Register allocation and instruction

      scheduling C·95

      Chapter 6: Control Flow
      Expression Evaluation

      6.1 A typical function call 225
      6.2 Typical operators 225
      6.3 Cambridge Polish (prefix) notation 225
      6.4 Juxtaposition in ML 225
      6.5 Mixfix notation in Smalltalk 226
      6.6 Conditional expressions 226
      6.7 A complicated Fortran expression 226
      6.8 Precedence in four influential languages 227
      6.9 A “gotcha” in Pascal precedence 227
      6.10 Common rules for associativity 227
      6.11 User-defined precedence and associativ-

      ity in Haskell 228
      6.12 L-values and r-values 230
      6.13 L-values in C 230
      6.14 L-values in C++ 231
      6.15 Variables as values and references 231
      6.16 Wrapper classes 232
      6.17 Boxing in Java 5 and C# 232
      6.18 Expression orientation in Algol 68 233
      6.19 A “gotcha” in C conditions 234
      6.20 Updating assignments 234
      6.21 Side effects and updates 235
      6.22 Assignment operators 235
      6.23 Prefix and postfix inc/dec 235
      6.24 Advantages of postfix inc/dec 236
      6.25 Simple multiway assignment 236
      6.26 Advantages of multiway assignment 236
      6.27 Programs outlawed by definite assign-

      ment 239
      6.28 Indeterminate ordering 240
      6.29 A value that depends on ordering 241
      6.30 An optimization that depends on

      ordering 241
      6.31 Optimization and mathematical “laws” 242
      6.32 Overflow and arithmetic “identities” 243
      6.33 Reordering and numerical stability 243

      6.34 Short-circuited expressions 243
      6.35 Saving time with short-circuiting 243
      6.36 Short-circuit pointer chasing 244
      6.37 Short-circuiting and other errors 244
      6.38 Optional short-circuiting 245

      Structured and Unstructured Flow

      6.39 Control flow with gotos in Fortran 246
      6.40 Escaping a nested subroutine 247
      6.41 Structured nonlocal transfers 248
      6.42 Error checking with status codes 249
      6.43 A simple Ruby continuation 250
      6.44 Continuation reuse and unlimited extent 251


      6.45 Side effects in a random number
      generator 252


      6.46 Selection in Algol 60 253
      6.47 elsif/elif 253
      6.48 cond in Lisp 253
      6.49 Code generation for a Boolean condition 254
      6.50 Code generation for short-circuiting 255
      6.51 Short-circuit creation of a Boolean value 255
      6.52 case statements and nested ifs 256
      6.53 Translation of nested ifs 257
      6.54 Jump tables 257
      6.55 Fall-through in C switch statements 260


      6.56 Fortran 90 do loop 262
      6.57 Modula-2 for loop 262
      6.58 Obvious translation of a for loop 262
      6.59 for loop translation with test at the

      bottom 263
      6.60 for loop translation with an iteration

      count 263
      6.61 A “gotcha” in the naive loop translation 263
      6.62 Changing the index in a for loop 265
      6.63 Inspecting the index after a for loop 265
      6.64 Combination (for) loop in C 267
      6.65 C for loop with a local index 268
      6.66 Simple iterator in Python 268
      6.67 Python iterator for tree enumeration 269
      6.68 Java iterator for tree enumeration 270
      6.69 Iteration in C++11 270
      6.70 Passing the “loop body” to an iterator in

      Scheme 272
      6.71 Iteration with blocks in Smalltalk 272
      6.72 Iterating with procs in Ruby 273
      6.73 Imitating iterators in C 274

      Appendix C Numbered Examples 881

      6.89 Simple generator in Icon C·107
      6.90 A generator inside an expression C·107
      6.91 Generating in search of success C·108
      6.92 Backtracking with multiple generators C·108
      6.74 while loop in Algol-W 275
      6.75 Post-test loop in Pascal and Modula 275
      6.76 Post-test loop in C 275
      6.77 break statement in C 276
      6.78 Exiting a nested loop in Ada 276
      6.79 Exiting a nested loop in Perl 276


      6.80 A “naturally iterative” problem 278
      6.81 A “naturally recursive” problem 278
      6.82 Implementing problems “the other way” 278
      6.83 Iterative implementation of tail recursion 279
      6.84 By-hand creation of tail-recursive code 279
      6.85 Naive recursive Fibonacci function 280
      6.86 Linear iterative Fibonacci function 281
      6.87 Efficient tail-recursive Fibonacci function 281
      6.88 Lazy evaluation of an infinite data

      structure 283
      6.93 Avoiding asymmetry with non-

      determinism C·110
      6.94 Selection with guarded commands C·110
      6.95 Looping with guarded commands C·111
      6.96 Nondeterministic message receipt C·112
      6.97 Nondeterministic server in SR C·112
      6.98 Naive (unfair) implementation of non-

      determinism C·113
      6.99 “Gotcha” in round-robin implementation

      of nondeterminism C·113

      Chapter 7: Type Systems
      7.1 Operations that leverage type informa-

      tion 297
      7.2 Errors captured by type information 297
      7.3 Types as a source of “may alias” informa-

      tion 298


      7.4 void (trivial) type 303
      7.5 Making do without void 303
      7.6 Option types in OCaml 303
      7.7 Option types in Swift 304
      7.8 Aggregates in Ada 304
      7.9 Enumerations in Pascal 307
      7.10 Enumerations as constants 308
      7.11 Converting to and from enumeration

      type 308
      7.12 Distinguished values for enums 308

      7.13 Emulating distinguished enum values in
      Java 309

      7.14 Subranges in Pascal 309
      7.15 Subranges in Ada 310
      7.16 Space requirements of subrange type 310

      Type Checking

      7.17 Trivial differences in type 313
      7.18 Other minor differences in type 313
      7.19 The problem with structural equivalence 314
      7.20 Alias types 314
      7.21 Semantically equivalent alias types 315
      7.22 Semantically distinct alias types 315
      7.23 Derived types and subtypes in Ada 315
      7.24 Name vs structural equivalence 316
      7.25 Contexts that expect a given type 316
      7.26 Type conversions in Ada 317
      7.27 Type conversions in C 318
      7.28 Unchecked conversions in Ada 319
      7.29 Conversions and nonconverting casts in

      C++ 319
      7.30 Coercion in C 320
      7.31 Coercion vs overloading of addends 322
      7.32 Java container of Object 323
      7.33 Inference of subrange types 324
      7.34 Type inference for sets 325
      7.35 var declarations in C# 325
      7.36 Avoiding messy declarations 325
      7.37 decltype in C++11 326
      7.38 Fibonacci function in OCaml 327
      7.39 Checking with explicit types 327
      7.40 Expression types 328
      7.41 Type inconsistency 328
      7.42 Polymorphic functions 329
      7.43 A simple instance of unification 330

      Parametric Polymorphism

      7.44 Finding the minimum in OCaml or
      Haskell 331

      7.45 Implicit polymorphism in Scheme 332
      7.46 Duck typing in Ruby 332
      7.47 Generic min function in Ada 333
      7.48 Generic queues in C++ 333
      7.49 Generic parameters 333
      7.50 with constraints in Ada 336
      7.51 Generic sorting routine in Java 336
      7.52 Generic sorting routine in C# 337
      7.53 Generic sorting routine in C++ 337
      7.54 Generic class instance in C++ 338
      7.55 Generic subroutine instance in Ada 338
      7.56 Implicit instantiation in C++ 338
      7.58 Generic arbiter class in C++ C·119

      882 Appendix C Numbered Examples

      7.59 Template function bodies moved to a .c
      file C·121

      7.60 extern templates in C++11 C·122
      7.61 Instantiation-time errors in C++ tem-

      plates C·122
      7.62 Generic Arbiter class in Java C·124
      7.63 Wildcards and bounds on Java generic

      parameters C·125
      7.64 Type erasure and implicit casts C·126
      7.65 Unchecked warnings in Java C·127
      7.66 Java generics and built-in types C·127
      7.67 Sharing generic implementations in C# C·128
      7.68 C# generics and built-in types C·128
      7.69 Generic Arbiter class in C# C·128
      7.70 Contravariance in the Arbiter interface C·128
      7.71 Covariance C·130
      7.72 Chooser as a delegate C·130
      Equality Testing and Assignment

      7.57 Equality testing in Scheme 340

      Chapter 8: Composite Types
      Records (Structures)

      8.1 A C struct 352
      8.2 Accessing record fields 352
      8.3 Nested records 352
      8.4 OCaml records and tuples 353
      8.5 Memory layout for a record type 353
      8.6 Nested records as values 354
      8.7 Nested records as references 354
      8.8 Layout of packed types 354
      8.9 Assignment and comparison of records 355
      8.10 Minimizing holes by sorting fields 356
      8.11 A union in C 357
      8.12 Motivation for variant records 358
      8.59 Nested structs and unions in tradi-

      tional C C·136
      8.60 A variant record in Pascal C·137
      8.61 Anonymous unions in C11 and C++11 C·137
      8.62 Breaking type safety with unions C·138
      8.63 Type-safe unions in OCaml C·139
      8.64 Ada variants and tags (discriminants) C·140
      8.65 A discriminated subtype in Ada C·141
      8.66 Discriminated array in Ada C·141
      8.67 Derived types as an alternative to unions C·142

      8.13 Array declarations 359
      8.14 Multidimensional arrays 360
      8.15 Multidimensional vs built-up arrays 360
      8.16 Arrays of arrays in C 361

      8.17 Array slice operations 362
      8.18 Local arrays of dynamic shape in C 365
      8.19 Stack allocation of elaborated arrays 365
      8.20 Elaborated arrays in Fortran 90 366
      8.21 Dynamic strings in Java and C# 367
      8.22 Row-major vs column-major array layout 368
      8.23 Array layout and cache performance 368
      8.24 Contiguous vs row-pointer array layout 370
      8.25 Indexing a contiguous array 371
      8.26 Static and dynamic portions of an array

      index 372
      8.27 Indexing complex structures 373
      8.28 Indexing a row-pointer array 374


      8.29 Character escapes in C and C++ 375
      8.30 char* assignment in C 376


      8.31 Set types in Pascal 376
      8.32 Emulating a set with a map in Go 377

      Pointers and Recursive Types

      8.33 Tree type in OCaml 379
      8.34 Tree type in Lisp 379
      8.35 Mutually recursive types in OCaml 380
      8.36 Tree types in Ada and C 382
      8.37 Allocating heap nodes 382
      8.38 Object-oriented allocation of heap nodes 382
      8.39 Pointer-based tree 382
      8.40 Pointer dereferencing 382
      8.41 Implicit dereferencing in Ada 383
      8.42 Pointer dereferencing in OCaml 383
      8.43 Assignment in Lisp 384
      8.44 Array names and pointers in C 384
      8.45 Pointer comparison and subtraction in C 386
      8.46 Pointer and array declarations in C 386
      8.47 Arrays as parameters in C 387
      8.48 sizeof in C 387
      8.49 Explicit storage reclamation 388
      8.50 Dangling reference to a stack variable in

      C++ 388
      8.51 Dangling reference to a heap variable in

      C++ 388
      8.68 Dangling reference detection with

      tombstones C·144
      8.69 Dangling reference detection with locks

      and keys C·146
      8.52 Reference counts and circular structures 391
      8.53 Heap tracing with pointer reversal 394

      Appendix C Numbered Examples 883


      8.54 Lists in ML and Lisp 398
      8.55 List notation 399
      8.56 Basic list operations in Lisp 400
      8.57 Basic list operations in OCaml 400
      8.58 List comprehensions 400
      8.70 Files as a built-in type C·150
      8.71 The open operation C·150
      8.72 The close operation C·150
      8.73 Formatted output in Fortran C·152
      8.74 Labeled formats C·152
      8.75 Printing to standard output C·153
      8.76 Formatted output in Ada C·153
      8.77 Overloaded put routines C·154
      8.78 Formatted output in C C·154
      8.79 Text in format strings C·155
      8.80 Formatted input in C C·155
      8.81 Formatted output in C++ C·156
      8.82 Stream manipulators C·157
      8.83 Array output in C++ C·157
      8.84 Changing default format C·158

      Chapter 9: Subroutines and Control
      Review of Stack Layout

      9.1 Layout of run-time stack (reprise) 412
      9.2 Offsets from frame pointer 412
      9.3 Static and dynamic links 412
      9.4 Visibility of nested routines 413

      Calling Sequences

      9.5 A typical calling sequence 415
      9.56 Nonlocal access using a display C·163
      9.57 LLVM/ARM stack layout C·167
      9.58 LLVM/ARM calling sequence C·170
      9.59 gcc/x86-32 stack layout C·172
      9.60 gcc/x86-32 calling sequence C·172
      9.61 Subroutine closure trampoline C·174
      9.62 The x86-64 red zone C·175
      9.63 Register windows on the SPARC C·177
      9.6 Requesting an inline subroutine 419
      9.7 In-lining and recursion 420

      Parameter Passing

      9.8 Infix operators 422
      9.9 Control abstraction in Lisp and Smalltalk 422
      9.10 Passing an argument to a subroutine 423
      9.11 Value and reference parameters 423
      9.12 Call by value/result 424
      9.13 Emulating call-by-reference in C 424

      9.14 const parameters in C 426
      9.15 Reference parameters in C++ 428
      9.16 References as aliases in C++ 428
      9.17 Simplifying code with an in-line alias 428
      9.18 Returning a reference from a function 429
      9.19 R-value references in C++11 430
      9.20 Subroutines as parameters in Ada 431
      9.21 First-class subroutines in Scheme 431
      9.22 First-class subroutines in OCaml 432
      9.23 Subroutine pointers in C and C++ 432
      9.64 Jensen’s device C·180
      9.24 Default parameters in Ada 433
      9.25 Named parameters in Ada 435
      9.26 Self-documentation with named parame-

      ters 436
      9.27 Variable number of arguments in C 436
      9.28 Variable number of arguments in Java 437
      9.29 Variable number of arguments in C# 438
      9.30 return statement 438
      9.31 Incremental computation of a return

      value 438
      9.32 Explicitly named return values in Go 439
      9.33 Multivalue returns 439

      Exception Handling

      9.34 ON conditions in PL/I 441
      9.35 A simple try block in C++ 441
      9.36 Nested try blocks 442
      9.37 Propagation of an exception out of a

      called routine 442
      9.38 What is an exception? 444
      9.39 Parameterized exceptions 444
      9.40 Multiple handlers in C++ 445
      9.41 Exception handler in OCaml 446
      9.42 finally clause in Python 447
      9.43 Stacked exception handlers 447
      9.44 Multiple exceptions per handler 447
      9.45 setjmp and longjmp in C 449


      9.46 Explicit interleaving of concurrent
      computations 451

      9.47 Interleaving coroutines 451
      9.48 Cactus stacks 453
      9.49 Switching coroutines 455
      9.65 Coroutine-based iterator invocation C·183
      9.66 Coroutine-based iterator implementation C·183
      9.67 Iterator usage in C# C·184
      9.68 Implementation of C# iterators C·185
      9.69 Sequential simulation of a complex

      physical system C·187

      884 Appendix C Numbered Examples

      9.70 Initialization of a coroutine-based traffic
      simulation C·187

      9.71 Traversing a street segment in the traffic
      simulation C·188

      9.72 Scheduling a coroutine for future
      execution C·188

      9.73 Queueing cars at a traffic light C·188
      9.74 Waiting at a light C·189
      9.75 Sleeping in anticipation of future execu-

      tion C·189


      9.50 Signal trampoline 457
      9.51 An event handler in C# 459
      9.52 An anonymous delegate handler 459
      9.53 An event handler in Java 460
      9.54 An anonymous inner class handler 460
      9.55 Handling an event with a lambda

      expression 460

      Chapter 10: Data Abstraction and Object
      Object-Oriented Programming

      10.1 list_node class in C++ 473
      10.2 list class that uses list_node 473
      10.3 Declaration of in-line (expanded) objects 475
      10.4 Constructor arguments 475
      10.5 Method declaration without definition 476
      10.6 Separate method definition 477
      10.7 property and indexer methods in C# 477
      10.8 queue class derived from list 478
      10.9 Hiding members of a base class 479
      10.10 Redefining a method in a derived class 479
      10.11 Accessing base class members 480
      10.12 Renaming methods in Eiffel 480
      10.13 A queue that contains a list 480
      10.14 Base class for general-purpose lists 481
      10.15 The problem with type-specific exten-

      sions 482
      10.16 How do you name an unknown type? 483
      10.17 Generic lists in C++ 483

      Encapsulation and Inheritance

      10.18 Data hiding in Ada 486
      10.19 The hidden this parameter 487
      10.20 Hiding inherited methods 488
      10.21 protected base class in C++ 488
      10.22 Inner classes in Java 490
      10.23 List and queue abstractions in Ada 2005 491
      10.24 Extension methods in C# 494

      Initialization and Finalization

      10.25 Naming constructors in Eiffel 496
      10.26 Metaclasses in Smalltalk 497
      10.27 Declarations and constructors in C++ 498
      10.28 Copy constructors 499
      10.29 Temporary objects 499
      10.30 Return value optimization 500
      10.31 Eiffel constructors and expanded objects 501
      10.32 Specification of base class constructor

      arguments 502
      10.33 Specification of member constructor

      arguments 502
      10.34 Constructor forwarding 503
      10.35 Invocation of base class constructor in

      Java 503
      10.36 Reclaiming space with destructors 504

      Dynamic Method Binding

      10.37 Derived class objects in a base class
      context 505

      10.38 Static and dynamic method binding 506
      10.39 The need for dynamic binding 507
      10.40 Virtual methods in C++ and C# 508
      10.41 Class-wide types in Ada 95 508
      10.42 Abstract methods in Java and C# 508
      10.43 Abstract methods in C++ 509
      10.44 Vtables 509
      10.45 Implementation of a virtual method call 509
      10.46 Implementation of single inheritance 510
      10.47 Casts in C++ 511
      10.48 Reverse assignment in Eiffel and C# 511
      10.49 Virtual methods in an object closure 513
      10.50 Encapsulating arguments 514

      Mix-In Inheritance

      10.51 The motivation for interfaces 516
      10.52 Mixing interfaces into a derived class 516
      10.53 Compile-time implementation of mix-in

      inheritance 517
      10.54 Use of default methods 520
      10.55 Implementation of default methods 520
      10.56 Deriving from two base classes 521
      10.57 Deriving from two base classes (reprise) C·194
      10.58 (Nonrepeated) multiple inheritance C·194
      10.59 Method invocation with multiple inheri-

      tance C·195
      10.60 this correction C·196
      10.61 Methods found in more than one base

      class C·197
      10.62 Overriding an ambiguous method C·197
      10.63 Repeated multiple inheritance C·198
      10.64 Shared inheritance in C++ C·199

      Appendix C Numbered Examples 885

      10.65 Replicated inheritance in Eiffel C·199
      10.66 Using replicated inheritance C·200
      10.67 Overriding methods with shared inheri-

      tance C·201
      10.68 Implementation of shared inheritance C·201
      Object-Oriented Programming Revisited

      10.69 Operations as messages in Smalltalk C·204
      10.70 Mixfix messages C·204
      10.71 Selection as an ifTrue: ifFalse:

      message C·205
      10.72 Iterating with messages C·205
      10.73 Blocks as closures C·206
      10.74 Logical looping with messages C·206
      10.75 Defining control abstractions C·206
      10.76 Recursion in Smalltalk C·207

      Chapter 11: Functional Languages
      Historical Origins

      Functional Programming Concepts

      A Bit of Scheme

      11.1 The read-eval-print loop 539
      11.2 Significance of parentheses 540
      11.3 Quoting 540
      11.4 Dynamic typing 540
      11.5 Type predicates 541
      11.6 Liberal syntax for symbols 541
      11.7 lambda expressions 541
      11.8 Function evaluation 542
      11.9 if expressions 542
      11.10 Nested scopes with let 542
      11.11 Global bindings with define 543
      11.12 Basic list operations 543
      11.13 List search functions 544
      11.14 Searching association lists 545
      11.15 Multiway conditional expressions 545
      11.16 Assignment 545
      11.17 Sequencing 545
      11.18 Iteration 546
      11.19 Evaluating data as code 547
      11.20 Simulating a DFA in Scheme 548

      A Bit of OCaml

      11.21 Interacting with the interpreter 551
      11.22 Function call syntax 551
      11.23 Function values 552
      11.24 unit type 552
      11.25 “Physical” and “structural” comparison 553
      11.26 Outermost declarations 554
      11.27 Nested declarations 555

      11.28 A recursive nested function (reprise of
      Example 7.38) 555

      11.29 Polymorphic list operators 555
      11.30 List notation 556
      11.31 Array notation 556
      11.32 Strings as character arrays 557
      11.33 Tuple notation 557
      11.34 Record notation 557
      11.35 Mutable fields 558
      11.36 References 558
      11.37 Variants as enumerations 558
      11.38 Variants as unions 558
      11.39 Recursive variants 559
      11.40 Pattern matching of parameters 559
      11.41 Pattern matching in local declarations 560
      11.42 The match construct 560
      11.43 Guards 561
      11.44 The as keyword 561
      11.45 The function keyword 561
      11.46 Run-time pattern matching 562
      11.47 Coverage of patterns 562
      11.48 Pattern matching against a tuple returned

      from a function 562
      11.49 An if without an else 563
      11.50 Insertion sort in OCaml 563
      11.51 A simple exception 564
      11.52 An exception with arguments 564
      11.53 Catching an exception 564
      11.54 Simulating a DFA in OCaml 565

      Evaluation Order Revisited

      11.55 Applicative and normal-order evaluation 567
      11.56 Normal-order avoidance of unnecessary

      work 568
      11.57 Avoiding work with lazy evaluation 570
      11.58 Stream-based program execution 571
      11.59 Interactive I/O with streams 572
      11.60 Pseudorandom numbers in Haskell 572
      11.61 The state of the IO monad 574
      11.62 Functional composition of actions 574
      11.63 Streams and the I/O monad 575

      Higher-Order Functions

      11.64 map function in Scheme 576
      11.65 Folding (reduction) in Scheme 576
      11.66 Folding in OCaml 576
      11.67 Combining higher-order functions 576
      11.68 Partial application with currying 577
      11.69 General-purpose curry function 577
      11.70 Tuples as OCaml function arguments 578
      11.71 Optional parentheses on singleton

      arguments 578

      886 Appendix C Numbered Examples

      11.72 Simple curried function in OCaml 578
      11.73 Shorthand notation for currying 579
      11.74 Building fold_left in OCaml 579
      11.75 Currying in OCaml vs Scheme 580
      11.76 Declarative (nonconstructive) function

      definition 580
      11.77 Functions as mappings C·212
      11.78 Functions as sets C·212
      11.79 Functions as powerset elements C·213
      11.80 Function spaces C·213
      11.81 Higher-order functions as sets C·213
      11.82 Curried functions as sets C·213
      11.83 Juxtaposition as function application C·214
      11.84 Lambda calculus syntax C·214
      11.85 Binding parameters with λ C·214
      11.86 Free variables C·215
      11.87 Naming functions for future reference C·215
      11.88 Evaluation rules C·215
      11.89 Delta reduction for arithmetic C·215
      11.90 Eta reduction C·216
      11.91 Reduction to simplest form C·216
      11.92 Nonterminating applicative-order reduc-

      tion C·217
      11.93 Booleans and conditionals C·218
      11.94 Beta abstraction for recursion C·218
      11.95 The fixed-point combinator Y C·218
      11.96 Lambda calculus list operators C·219
      11.97 List operator identities C·219
      11.98 Nesting of lambda expressions C·221
      11.99 Paired arguments and currying C·221
      Functional Programming in Perspective

      Chapter 12: Logic Languages
      Logic Programming Concepts

      12.1 Horn clauses 592
      12.2 Resolution 592
      12.3 Unification 592


      12.4 Atoms, variables, scope, and type 593
      12.5 Structures and predicates 593
      12.6 Facts and rules 593
      12.7 Queries 594
      12.8 Resolution in Prolog 595
      12.9 Unification in Prolog and ML 595
      12.10 Equality and unification 595
      12.11 Unification without instantiation 596
      12.12 List notation in Prolog 596
      12.13 Functions, predicates, and two-way rules 597
      12.14 Arithmetic and the is predicate 597
      12.15 Search tree exploration 598

      12.16 Backtracking and instantiation 599
      12.17 Order of rule evaluation 600
      12.18 Infinite regression 600
      12.19 Tic-tac-toe in Prolog 600
      12.20 The cut 604
      12.21 \+ and its implementation 605
      12.22 Pruning unwanted answers with the cut 605
      12.23 Using the cut for selection 605
      12.24 Looping with fail 605
      12.25 Looping with an unbounded generator 606
      12.26 Character input with get 607
      12.27 Prolog programs as data 607
      12.28 Modifying the Prolog database 608
      12.29 Tic-tac-toe (full game) 608
      12.30 The functor predicate 608
      12.31 Creating terms at run time 610
      12.32 Pursuing a dynamic goal 611
      12.33 Custom database perusal 611
      12.34 Predicates as mathematical objects 612
      12.39 Propositions C·226
      12.40 Different ways to say things C·226
      12.41 Conversion to clausal form C·227
      12.42 Conversion to Prolog C·228
      12.43 Disjunctive left-hand side C·228
      12.44 Empty left-hand side C·229
      12.45 Theorem proving as a search for

      contradiction C·229
      12.46 Skolem constants C·230
      12.47 Skolem functions C·230
      12.48 Limitations of Skolemization C·230
      Logic Programming in Perspective

      12.35 Sorting incredibly slowly 613
      12.36 Quicksort in Prolog 614
      12.37 Negation as failure 615
      12.38 Negation and instantiation 616

      Chapter 13: Concurrency
      Background and Motivation

      13.1 Independent tasks in C# 626
      13.2 A simple race condition 626
      13.3 Multithreaded web browser 627
      13.4 Dispatch loop web browser 628
      13.5 The cache coherence problem 632

      Concurrent Programming Fundamentals

      13.6 General form of co-begin 638
      13.7 Co-begin in OpenMP 639
      13.8 A parallel loop in OpenMP 639
      13.9 A parallel loop in C# 639
      13.10 Forall in Fortran 95 640

      Appendix C Numbered Examples 887

      13.11 Reduction in OpenMP 641
      13.12 Elaborated tasks in Ada 641
      13.13 Co-begin vs fork/join 642
      13.14 Task types in Ada 642
      13.15 Thread creation in Java 2 643
      13.16 Thread creation in C# 644
      13.17 Thread pools in Java 5 645
      13.18 Spawn and sync in Cilk 645
      13.19 Modeling subroutines with fork/join 646
      13.20 Multiplexing threads on processes 647
      13.21 Cooperative multithreading on a unipro-

      cessor 648
      13.22 A race condition in preemptive multi-

      threading 650
      13.23 Disabling signals during context switch 651

      Implementing Synchronization

      13.24 The basic test and set lock 654
      13.25 Test-and-test and set 654
      13.26 Barriers in finite element analysis 655
      13.27 The “sense-reversing” barrier 656
      13.28 Java 7 phasers 656
      13.29 Atomic update with CAS 657
      13.30 The M&S queue 658
      13.31 Write buffers and consistency 659
      13.32 Distributed consistency 661
      13.33 Using volatile to avoid a data race 662
      13.34 Scheduling threads on processes 663
      13.35 A race condition in thread scheduling 664
      13.36 A “spin-then-yield” lock 665
      13.37 The bounded buffer problem 666
      13.38 Semaphore implementation 667
      13.39 Bounded buffer with semaphores 668

      Language-Level Constructs

      13.40 Bounded buffer monitor 670
      13.41 How to wait for a signal (hint or absolute) 671
      13.42 Original CCR syntax 674
      13.43 synchronized statement in Java 676
      13.44 notify as hint in Java 676
      13.45 Lock variables in Java 5 677
      13.46 Multiple Conditions in Java 5 678
      13.47 A simple atomic block 680
      13.48 Bounded buffer with transactions 680
      13.49 Translation of an atomic block 681
      13.50 future construct in Multilisp 684
      13.51 Futures in C# 684
      13.52 Futures in C++11 685
      13.53 Naming processes, ports, and entries C·235
      13.54 entry calls in Ada C·235
      13.55 Channels in Go C·236
      13.56 Remote invocation in Go C·237

      13.57 Datagram messages in Java C·238
      13.58 Connection-based messages in Java C·238
      13.59 Three main options for send semantics C·240
      13.60 Buffering-dependent deadlock C·241
      13.61 Acknowledgments C·242
      13.62 Bounded buffer in Ada 83 C·245
      13.63 Timeout and distributed termination C·246
      13.64 Bounded buffer in Go C·246
      13.65 Bounded buffer in Erlang C·247
      13.66 Peeking at messages in Erlang C·247
      13.67 An RPC server system C·251

      Chapter 14: Scripting Languages
      What Is a Scripting Language?

      14.1 Trivial programs in conventional and
      scripting languages 702

      14.2 Coercion in Perl 703

      Problem Domains

      14.3 “Wildcards” and “globbing” 706
      14.4 For loops in the shell 706
      14.5 A whole loop on one line 706
      14.6 Conditional tests in the shell 707
      14.7 Pipes 708
      14.8 Output redirection 708
      14.9 Redirection of stderr and stdout 708
      14.10 Heredocs (in-line input) 709
      14.11 Problematic spaces in file names 709
      14.12 Single and double quotes 709
      14.13 Subshells 709
      14.14 Brace-quoted blocks in the shell 710
      14.15 Pattern-based list generation 710
      14.16 User-defined shell functions 710
      14.17 The #! convention in script files 711
      14.18 Extracting HTML headers with sed 713
      14.19 One-line scripts in sed 713
      14.20 Extracting HTML headers with awk 714
      14.21 Fields in awk 715
      14.22 Capitalizing a title in awk 715
      14.23 Extracting HTML headers with Perl 716
      14.24 “Force quit” script in Perl 718
      14.25 “Force quit” script in Python 720
      14.26 Method call syntax in Ruby 722
      14.27 “Force quit” script in Ruby 722
      14.28 Numbering lines with Emacs Lisp 725

      Scripting the World Wide Web

      14.29 Remote monitoring with a CGI script 728
      14.30 Adder web form with a CGI script 728
      14.31 Remote monitoring with a PHP script 731
      14.32 A fragmented PHP script 731

      888 Appendix C Numbered Examples

      14.33 Adder web form with a PHP script 732
      14.34 Self-posting Adder web form 732
      14.35 Adder web form in JavaScript 734
      14.36 Embedding an applet in a web page 735
      14.81 Content versus presentation in HTML C·258
      14.82 Well-formed XHTML C·259
      14.83 XHTML to display a favorite quote C·261
      14.84 XPath names for XHTML elements C·262
      14.85 Creating a reference list with XSLT C·262
      Innovative Features

      14.37 Scoping rules in Python 740
      14.38 Superassignment in R 740
      14.39 Static and dynamic scoping in Perl 741
      14.40 Accessing globals in Perl 742
      14.41 Basic operations in POSIX REs 744
      14.42 Extra quantifiers in POSIX REs 744
      14.43 Zero-length assertions 744
      14.44 Character classes 744
      14.45 The dot (.) character 745
      14.46 Negation and quoting in character classes 745
      14.47 Predefined POSIX character classes 745
      14.48 RE matching in Perl 745
      14.49 Negating a match in Perl 746
      14.50 RE substitution in Perl 746
      14.51 Trailing modifiers on RE matches 746
      14.52 Greedy and minimal matching 748
      14.53 Minimal matching of HTML headers 748
      14.54 Variable interpolation in extended REs 748
      14.55 Variable capture in extended REs 749
      14.56 Backreferences in extended REs 750
      14.57 Dissecting a floating-point literal 750
      14.58 Implicit capture of prefix, match, and

      suffix 750
      14.59 Coercion in Ruby and Perl 751
      14.60 Coercion and context in Perl 751
      14.61 Explicit conversion in Ruby 752
      14.62 Perl arrays 753
      14.63 Perl hashes 753
      14.64 Arrays and hashes in Python and Ruby 754
      14.65 Array access methods in Ruby 755
      14.66 Tuples in Python 755
      14.67 Sets in Python 755
      14.68 Conflated types in PHP, Tcl, and

      JavaScript 755
      14.69 Multidimensional arrays in Python and

      other languages 755
      14.70 Scalar and list context in Perl 756
      14.71 Using wantarray to determine calling

      context 757
      14.72 A simple class in Perl 757
      14.73 Invoking methods in Perl 758

      14.74 Inheritance in Perl 759
      14.75 Inheritance via use base 759
      14.76 Prototypes in JavaScript 760
      14.77 Overriding instance methods in JavaScript 761
      14.78 Inheritance in JavaScript 761
      14.79 Constructors in Python and Ruby 762
      14.80 Naming class members in Python and

      Ruby 762

      Chapter 15: Building a Runnable Program
      Back-End Compiler Structure

      15.1 Phases of compilation 776
      15.2 GCD program abstract syntax tree

      (reprise) 776

      Intermediate Forms

      15.3 Intermediate forms in Figure 15.1 781
      15.19 GCD program in GIMPLE C·273
      15.20 An RTL insn sequence C·276
      15.4 Computing Heron’s formula 783

      Code Generation

      15.5 Simpler compiler structure 784
      15.6 An attribute grammar for code genera-

      tion 785
      15.7 Stack-based register allocation 787
      15.8 GCD program target code 788

      Address Space Organization

      15.9 Linux address space layout 792


      15.10 Assembly as a final compiler pass 792
      15.11 Direct generation of object code 794
      15.12 Compressing nops 794
      15.13 Relative and absolute branches 794
      15.14 Pseudoinstructions 795
      15.15 Assembler directives 795
      15.16 Encoding of addresses in object files 796


      15.17 Static linking 798
      15.18 Checksumming headers for consistency 799
      15.21 PIC under x86/Linux C·280
      15.22 PC-relative addressing on the x86 C·282
      15.23 Dynamic linking in Linux on the x86 C·282

      Chapter 16: Run-Time Program

      16.1 The CLI as a run-time system and virtual
      machine 807

      Appendix C Numbered Examples 889

      Virtual Machines

      16.2 Constants for “Hello, world” 813
      16.3 Bytecode for a list insert operation 818
      16.39 Generics in the CLI and JVM C·291
      16.40 CIL for a list insert operation C·292
      Late Binding of Machine Code

      16.4 When is in-lining safe? 824
      16.5 Speculative optimization 825
      16.6 Dynamic compilation in the CLR 826
      16.7 Dynamic compilation in CMU Common

      Lisp 827
      16.8 Compilation of Perl 827
      16.9 The Mac 68K emulator 829
      16.10 The Transmeta Crusoe processor 829
      16.11 Static binary translation 830
      16.12 Dynamic binary translation 830
      16.13 Mixed interpretation and translation 830
      16.14 Transparent dynamic translation 831
      16.15 Translation and virtualization 831
      16.16 The Dynamo dynamic optimizer 831
      16.17 The ATOM binary rewriter 833


      16.18 Finding the concrete type of a reference
      variable 837

      16.19 What not to do with reflection 838
      16.20 Java class-naming conventions 838
      16.21 Getting information on a particular class 839
      16.22 Listing the methods of a Java class 839
      16.23 Calling a method with reflection 840
      16.24 Reflection facilities in Ruby 841
      16.25 User-defined annotations in Java 842
      16.26 User-defined annotations in C# 842
      16.27 javadoc 842
      16.28 Intercomponent communication 843
      16.29 Attributes for LINQ 843
      16.30 The Java Modeling Language 844
      16.31 Java annotation processors 845
      16.32 Setting a breakpoint 847
      16.33 Hardware breakpoints 847
      16.34 Setting a watchpoint 847
      16.35 Statistical sampling 848
      16.36 Call graph profiling 848
      16.37 Finding basic blocks with low IPC 849
      16.38 Haswell performance counters 849

      Chapter 17: Code Improvement
      17.1 Code improvement phases C·299
      17.2 Elimination of redundant loads and stores C·301
      17.3 Constant folding C·301
      17.4 Constant propagation C·301
      17.5 Common subexpression elimination C·302
      17.6 Copy propagation C·302
      17.7 Strength reduction C·302
      17.8 Elimination of useless instructions C·303
      17.9 Exploitation of the instruction set C·303
      17.10 The combinations subroutine C·305
      17.11 Syntax tree and naive control flow graph C·305
      17.12 Result of local redundancy elimination C·310
      17.13 Conversion to SSA form C·313
      17.14 Global value numbering C·313
      17.15 Data flow equations for available

      expressions C·317
      17.16 Fixed point for available expressions C·317
      17.17 Result of global common subexpression

      elimination C·318
      17.18 Edge splitting transformations C·319
      17.19 Data flow equations for live variables C·321
      17.20 Fixed point for live variables C·321
      17.21 Data flow equations for reaching

      definitions C·324
      17.22 Result of hoisting loop invariants C·325
      17.23 Induction variable strength reduction C·325
      17.24 Induction variable elimination C·326
      17.25 Result of induction variable optimization C·326
      17.26 Remaining pipeline delays C·329
      17.27 Value dependence DAG C·329
      17.28 Result of instruction scheduling C·331
      17.29 Result of loop unrolling C·332
      17.30 Result of software pipelining C·333
      17.31 Loop interchange C·337
      17.32 Loop tiling (blocking) C·337
      17.33 Loop distribution C·339
      17.34 Loop fusion C·339
      17.35 Obtaining a perfect loop nest C·339
      17.36 Loop-carried dependences C·340
      17.37 Loop reversal and interchange C·341
      17.38 Loop skewing C·341
      17.39 Coarse-grain parallelization C·343
      17.40 Strip mining C·343
      17.41 Live ranges of virtual registers C·344
      17.42 Register coloring C·344
      17.43 Optimized combinations subroutine C·346

      This page intentionally left blank


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      This page intentionally left blank


      In each entry, pages in the main text are listed first, followed by pages on the companion site.
      The “ff” designation indicates that coverage continues on following pages.

      680×0 architecture, 829

      endian-ness, 344


      A-list. See association list

      ABA problem, 690

      Abelson, Harold (Hal), 178, 590, 771

      Abrahams, David, 349

      absolutes. See also hints

      monitor signals as, 671ff

      abstract syntax tree. See syntax tree,


      Abstract Window Toolkit for Java, C 149

      abstraction, 8, 15, 177, 285, 295, 300ff,

      349, 411. See also control

      abstraction; data abstraction

      and coercion, 321

      definition, 115, 221

      with generics, 335

      lambda, C 214

      procedural, 223

      random number generator as

      example, 137

      and reflection, 838

      abstraction-based view of types, 300

      accessors, in C#, 459, 477

      acknowledgment message, C 242ff

      action routine, 32, 180, 195ff, 200; C 20

      bottom-up evaluation, 199

      and error recovery, C 8, C 11ff

      and management of attribute space,

      C 45ff

      and semantic stack, C 53

      activation record. See stack frame

      Active Server Pages, Microsoft (ASP),


      ActiveX, 530

      actual parameter. See parameters, actual

      ad hoc polymorphism, 336. See also


      ad hoc translation scheme, 198

      Ada, 7, 12, 285, 294, 859

      accept statement, C 236, C 245
      access (pointer) types, 378ff, 382ff,

      389, 407

      aggregates, 238, 304, 382, 538

      aliased objects, 407
      arrays, 321, 359ff, 362; C 48

      dynamic, 365ff

      bounded buffer example, 675; C 245ff

      case of letters, 47

      case statement, 257, 286
      class-wide types, 508

      coercion, 321

      communication model, 636

      concurrency. See also Ada, tasks

      constants, 120

      dangling references, 389, 407

      declaration syntax, C 54

      delay alternative in select
      statement, C 246

      denotational semantics, 214

      dereferencing, automatic, 383

      elaboration, 126

      entries, C 235

      enumeration types, 308

      erroneous program, 33, 427, 663

      exception handling, 441, 468

      exit statement, 276
      exponentiation, 227

      fixed point types, 305, 344

      floating-point constants, 106

      for loop, 325
      function return value, 439

      garbage collection, 390

      generics, 333ff

      constraints, 335

      GNU compiler (gnat), 467, 782;
      C 285

      goto statement, 246
      history, 9

      I/O, 433; C 153ff

      if statement, 256, 422
      in-line subroutines, 419

      interface classes, 509, 516

      invariants (contracts), 183

      iterator objects, 268ff

      limited extent of local objects, C 191

      message passing, 674; C 245

      method binding, 507, 527

      method call syntax, 491

      mod operator, 345
      multibyte characters, 47

      nested subroutines, 127

      new operation, 382
      numeric types, 322

      NYU interpreter, 214

      object initialization, 497ff


      912 Index

      operator functions, 148, 225

      overloading, 147ff, 309

      packages (modules), 137, 138, 486

      hierarchical (nested), C 41

      packed types, 354, 357
      parameter passing, 423, 424, 427ff,

      433ff, 464, 468; C 250ff

      pointers. See Ada, access (pointer)

      precedence levels, 228

      private type, 336
      protected objects, 674; C 245

      receive operation, C 244
      records, 322, 355

      rem operator, 345
      remote invocation, C 240

      rendezvous, C 249

      repeat loop, lack of, 275
      scope resolution, 128

      scope rules, 132, 134, 412

      select statement, C 246
      separate compilation, 165; C 36

      short-circuit evaluation, 245, 256

      side effects in functions, 253

      strings, 376

      subrange types, 310

      subroutines as parameters, 155, 157,

      431; C 174

      subtypes, 310, 315

      synchronization, 674ff

      tasks (threads), 12, 126, 427, 451,

      635, 638, 641ff

      terminate alternative in select
      statement, C 246, C 255

      type attributes, 336, 407, 434

      type checking, 183, 313, 315, 320

      type constraint, 310

      type conversion, 317

      type declarations, incomplete, 382

      type extension (objects), 141, 472,

      491ff, 522

      unchecked_conversion, 319
      unchecked pragma, 68; C 160
      variables as values, 498

      variant records, C 139ff, C 160ff

      visibility of class members, 491

      address space organization, 790ff


      of array elements, 371ff

      assignment to names by assembler,


      as a data format, C 63

      and pointers, 378

      segments and, 791

      virtual and physical, 117

      addressing mode, C 71ff

      displacement, C 72

      loop unrolling and, C 333

      and peephole optimization, C 303

      in position-independent code,

      C 280

      for records, 353

      with respect to display element, 417

      with respect to fp, 121, 129, 412;
      C 164

      with respect to sp, C 307
      indexed, C 72

      register indirect, C 72

      Adobe Systems, Inc., 706, 724, 867

      Adve, Sarita V., 662, 696, 698

      aggregate, 304

      for array, 371

      in assignment, C 140

      in functional programming, 538ff

      for initialization, 238, 386

      lambda expression as, 542
      for linked structure, 382

      for list, 400

      in scripting languages, 754

      Aho, Alfred V., 40, 215, 714, 806; C 354

      AJAX, 771

      Algol, 7, 81. See also Algol 60; Algol 68;

      Algol W

      declarations, 134

      forward references, C 27

      history, 6

      if construct, 226, 288
      nested subroutines, 127

      own (static) variables, 127, 136
      scope rules, 127, 134

      short-circuit evaluation, lack of, 288

      void (trivial) type, 303
      Algol 60, 246, 859

      call-by-name parameters, 433;

      C 180ff

      function return value, 439

      goto statement, 247, 448
      I/O, C 149

      if construct, 110, 234, 253
      label parameters, 248; C 181

      loops, 266

      parameter passing, 248, 282, 433,

      448; C 180ff

      recursion, 468

      and Simula, 868

      switch construct, 246
      Algol 68, 301, 859

      assignment, 234

      assignment operators, 235

      concurrency, 624, 639

      dangling references, 389

      elaboration, 126

      function return value, 439

      if construct, 253
      label parameters, 248; C 181

      nondeterminacy (collateral

      execution), C 110

      orthogonality, 233, 303

      parameter passing, 248, 433; C 181

      pointers, 408

      references, 429

      semaphores, 667

      statements and expressions, 233, 252

      structures (records), 351ff

      threads, 451

      type checking, 313, 407

      type system, 348

      unions (variant records), 357; C 136ff

      variables as references, 231

      Algol W, 182, 294, 301, 861

      case statement, 246, 256
      parameter passing, 424

      while loop, 275
      alias, 145ff, 340, 754

      and code improvement, 386; C 309,

      C 312, C 322

      Index 913

      definition, 145

      pointers, 146, 386

      reference parameters, 146, 423, 434;

      C 250

      references in C++, 428

      alias analysis, 146, 184; C 310

      alias type. See type, alias

      alignment, 236, 319, 354, 356, 357, 368,

      796; C 63, C 141, C 150

      of HPF array, 640

      Allen, Frances E., 368

      Allen, Randy, C 332, C 355

      alloca (stack allocation) routine, C 191
      Alpern, Bowen, C 355

      Alpha architecture, 830, 833; C 105

      alpha conversion, C 215

      alphabet of a formal language, 103;

      C 13ff, C 18

      alternation, 44, 46, 58ff, 103ff, 223

      Alto personal computer, 669


      in context-free grammar, 52ff, 80

      predict-predict conflict, 89

      shift-reduce conflict, 94

      AMD Corp., 22; C 81

      AMD64 architecture, C 99

      American National Standards Institute

      (ANSI), 211, 771, 861–863, 866,


      AND parallelism, 686, 695

      Andrews, Gregory R., 697, 869

      Android, 418


      in Java, 842ff

      in RTL, C 276

      in semantic analysis. See parse tree,

      decoration of; syntax tree,

      decoration of

      anonymous type. See type, anonymous

      anonymous union, in C and C++, C 138

      ANSI. See American National Standards


      anthropomorphism in object-oriented

      languages, 497, 522ff

      anti-dependence, C 92

      ANTLR (parser generator), 72, 74; C 5

      Apache Byte Code Engineering Library

      (BCEL), 839

      APL, 363, 717, 861

      dynamic arrays, 367

      precedence, 227

      scope rules, 125, 142

      Appel, Andrew W., 41, 215, 590, 806

      Apple, Inc., 523, 722, 866

      68000 emulator, 829, 854

      Rosetta binary translator, 829, 831,


      XCode, 25

      AppleScript, 700, 702, 724ff

      applet, in Java, 734ff

      applicative-order evaluation, 282ff, 291,

      295, 567ff, 581, 623; C 216

      apply function in Lisp/Scheme, 548ff
      apt (Java tool), 845
      Apt, Krzysztof R., C 255

      Arabic numerals, 43

      architecture, 217ff; C 60ff. See also CISC;

      RISC; specific architectures

      ARM as example, C 80ff

      instruction set, C 70ff

      multiprocessors, 631ff

      processor implementation and, 824;

      C 75ff

      x86 as example, C 80ff

      arguments, 32, 35, 120, 411. See also

      parameters, actual

      encapsulation in object closure, 514

      evaluation order, 240ff, 282ff, 567ff,

      684, 695

      generic, 333ff

      in lambda calculus, 581; C 214ff

      space management, 415ff

      type checking, 317, 320

      variable number of, 15, 436ff, 808

      variable size, 365, 412

      Argus, 137; C 149

      Aries binary translator, 831

      arithmetic operations. See also

      associativity; overflow;


      in Prolog, 597ff

      arithmetic, computer, C 65ff

      ARM architecture, 633, 834; C 80ff,

      C 99ff

      v8 (64-bit) extensions, C 81, C 85

      addressing modes, C 72

      atomic instructions, 657

      calling sequence, 418; C 167ff

      condition codes, C 73

      endian-ness, C 64

      instruction encoding, 796

      memory model, 662

      predication, C 74

      register set, C 82ff

      Armstrong, Joe, 590, 863

      Arnold, Matthew, 854

      arrays, 359ff

      address calculations, 371ff

      allocation, 363ff

      associative, 359, 377, 753

      bounds, 360, 363ff, 373

      checking, 33, 184, 364, 373, 385ff

      component type, 359

      as composite type, 311

      conformant, 364ff

      dimensions, 363ff

      dynamic, 367ff

      element type, 359

      full-array operations, 362

      index type, 359

      memory layout, 368ff. See also

      row-major layout; column-major

      layout; dope vector

      in ML, 556

      multidimensional, 360, 368ff, 755

      operations, 359ff

      ragged, 370

      shape, 321, 363ff

      slices, 360ff, 718; C 343

      sparse, 359, 410

      syntax, 359ff

      ASCII character set (American Standard

      Code for Information


      .ascii assembler directive, 795

      914 Index

      and bit sets, 376

      and Postscript, 783

      in Prolog, 607, 612

      and Unicode, 305, 306; C 264

      ASM bytecode framework (ObjectWeb),


      assembler, 6, 15, 24, 780, 792ff, 806

      address assignment, 796ff

      directives, 795

      instruction emission, 794ff

      macros, 162

      assembly language, 5ff, 20ff, 33ff, 181,

      246, 433, 781, 792ff; C 76

      pseudo-assembly notation, 218

      and types, 298ff

      assertions, 146, 182ff

      in extended regular expressions, 744,

      747, 770

      assignment, 12, 122, 229ff, 340ff; C 48.

      See also side effect; reference

      model of variables; value model

      of variables

      of aggregates, 538

      of arrays, 362

      associativity, 228

      deep, 340ff

      denotational definition, 301

      expressions, 111, 228ff

      of function return values, 438

      and initialization, 238ff, 499ff

      in Lisp, 384, 725

      in ML, 383, 589

      move assignment, 431

      multiway, 236, 755

      operators, 234ff

      and orthogonality, 234

      of pointers, 379, 391

      of records, 355; C 140

      redundant, C 318

      reverse assignment, 511

      reversible, C 108

      in Scheme, 272, 545ff

      shallow, 340ff

      in Smalltalk, C 205

      of strings, 376

      type checking, 320, 323ff

      type inference, 324

      Association for Computing Machinery

      (ACM), 41. See also Turing


      association list, 545; C 31ff

      and closures, 156

      dynamic scoping and, 144, 742

      associative arrays, 359, 377, 715

      associativity, 188, 286, 287

      of assignment, 236

      of caches, C 89

      in CFG, 32, 52, 91, 184

      and code improvement, C 310

      definition, 52

      in lambda calculus, C 214

      of operators, 224, 226ff, 240; C 205

      AST (abstract syntax tree). See syntax

      tree, abstract


      in Lisp, 380, 398ff

      in logic programming, 592ff, 611

      ATOM binary rewriter, 833, 854

      atomic instruction (primitive), 654ff

      atomic operation, 627, 651ff, 664ff,


      atomic variable, 662
      attribute, 33, 180, 185

      in C++, 68

      in C#, 842ff

      evaluation, 187ff

      inherited, 188ff, 254ff; C 46ff

      space management, 200ff; C 45ff

      ad hoc, C 53

      synthesized, 187ff, 254, 288

      attribute evaluator, 198

      attribute flow, 180, 187ff, 190ff. See also

      attribute grammar,

      L-attributed; attribute

      grammar, S-attributed

      attribute grammar, 3, 180, 184ff

      code generation example, 785ff

      copy rule, 185

      decoration (annotation), 187ff

      error handling, 203

      L-attributed, 192ff

      noncircular, 190

      and one-pass compilation, 193ff

      S-attributed, 188, 192ff

      semantic function, 185ff

      for syntax trees, 201ff

      translation scheme, 191

      type checking example, 201ff

      well-defined, 190

      attribute stack, 200; C 45ff

      bottom-up, 200; C 45ff

      and parse tree, C 50

      top-down, 200; C 50ff

      augmenting production, in CFG, 73. See

      also end marker, syntactic

      auto-increment/decrement addressing

      mode, C 303

      AutoCAD, 724

      automata theory, 103ff, 291, 407; C 13ff


      deterministic, 44, 407, 746, 749;

      C 13

      finite, 55, 94, 103, 746, 749; C 13ff.

      See also finite automaton

      OCaml example, 565ff

      Scheme example, 548ff

      push-down, 44, 103; C 18ff

      Turing machine, 536

      available expression, C 317, C 351

      awk, 7, 700, 714ff, 866
      associative arrays, 715ff

      capitalization example, 715ff

      fields, 715ff

      hash (associative array) types, 753

      HTML header extraction example,


      regular expressions, 48, 743

      standardization, 703

      AWT. See Abstract Window Toolkit for


      axiom of choice, C 230

      axiomatic semantics. See semantics,


      axioms, in logic programming, 592

      Aycock, John, 854

      Index 915


      back end

      of a compiler, 26, 33, 37, 102, 181,

      775ff, 782ff, 783. See also code

      generation; code improvement

      of a simulator, C 189

      backoff, in synchronization, 655

      backtrace, 250, 848, 853; C 172

      backtracking, 586, 599ff, 617; C 108

      Icon generators, 864; C 108

      and parallelization, 686

      Prolog search, 599ff, 604ff, 623

      in recursive descent, C 118

      Backus, John W., 49, 113, 589, 590, 863

      Backus-Naur Form, 49, 84, 113, 859

      extended, 49

      backward chaining in logic languages,

      598, 623

      backward compatibility

      C and C++, 502, 511

      and dynamic linking, 801

      Java generics, 339; C 127

      multibyte characters, 47, 306

      scoping in Perl 5, 741

      separate compilation in C, 165

      x86 architecture, C 81, C 84

      Bacon, David F., 410, 530; C 355

      bag of tasks model of concurrency, 635,

      645; C 344

      Bagrodia, Rajive, C 254

      Bala, Vasanth, 854

      Ball, Thomas, 852, 855

      Banerjee, Utpal, C 355

      Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, 113

      Barendregt, Hendrik Pieter, 590


      in garbage collection, 397

      in relaxed memory model, 660, 816

      in RTL, C 276

      synchronization mechanism, 653,

      655ff, 668

      Barton, Clara, C 260

      base (parent) type of subrange, 309

      base (universe) type of set, 376

      base class. See class, base

      bash (Bourne-again shell), 12, 705ff
      the #! convention, 711
      built-in commands, 707

      functions, 710

      heredocs, 709

      loops, 706

      pipes and redirection, 708ff

      quoting and expansion, 709ff

      tests, queries, and conditions, 707ff

      Basic, 8, 861. See also Visual Basic

      comments, performance and, 19

      goto statement, 7
      scope rules, 126

      basic block, 776, 829; C 93, C 276, C 297,

      C 304ff, C 312ff

      definition, C 93

      profiling, 851, 855

      basis of a set of LR items, 92ff, 96

      batch processing, C 11, C 149

      scripting, 705

      BCD. See binary-coded decimal

      BCEL (Apache Byte Code Engineering

      Library), 839

      Beck, Leland L., 806

      Bell Telephone Laboratories, 9, 718, 846,

      861, 865, 868; C 37

      Bell, C. Gordon, C 105

      Bellard, Fabrice, 854

      Bernstein, Robert L., 294

      best fit algorithm, 122

      beta abstraction, C 218, C 220

      beta reduction, C 215

      BIBTEX, C 270, C 272

      big-endian byte order. See endian-ness

      bignums (arbitrary precision integers),


      binary integers, as a data format, C 63

      binary rewriting, 810, 822, 833ff

      for debugging, 846

      binary search, 259ff, 286, 290, 448

      binary translation, 810, 822, 828ff, 854

      binary-coded decimal (BCD) arithmetic,

      307; C 86

      binding, 3, 116ff, 118. See also binding

      rules; binding time; closure;

      names; scope

      of array shape, 363ff

      of communication channel to remote

      procedure, 646

      definition, 116

      dynamic, 117; C 31

      of exception handlers, 441

      and extent, 156

      late, 17, 23, 117, 152, 300

      of methods. See method binding

      name lookup in Lisp, C 33

      of names within a scope, 145ff

      overloading, 147ff

      in Prolog, 599, 616

      of referencing environment. See

      binding rules

      in Scheme, 542ff

      and scope rules, 125ff

      static, 117

      and storage management, 118ff

      binding rules, 126, 152ff, 155. See also

      closure, subroutine

      deep, 126, 152ff

      and dynamic scoping, 152ff

      shallow, 126, 152

      and static scoping, 152

      binding time, 115ff, 154

      Birtwistle, Graham M., 469

      bison, 75. See also yacc
      Black, Andrew, 348

      Blizzard, 295

      block (syntactic unit), 7, 132

      definition, 125, 252

      and exception handling, 441ff

      nested, 134ff, 170, 172, 739, 768

      in Ruby, 250, 722

      in Smalltalk, C 205ff

      block copy operation, 356

      blocking (of arrays/loops), C 337

      blocking (of process/thread), 628, 636,

      647ff, 664ff; C 238ff, C 251. See

      also synchronization,


      definition, 657

      BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane of

      Unicode), 306

      916 Index

      BNF. See Backus-Naur Form

      Bobrow, Daniel G., 410

      Bochmann, Gregor V., 215


      of Horn clause, 592, 595

      of lambda abstraction, C 216

      of lambda expression, 541

      of loop, 48, 262ff, 266, 275ff, 290;

      C 206, C 323ff, C 333

      of module, 140, 486ff; C 36

      of object method, 508, 676

      of remote procedure, 646. See also

      entry, of a message-passing


      of structured statement, 95

      of subroutine, 420, 438; C 1,

      C 38

      Boehm, Hans-Juergen, 410, 698

      Boolean type. See type, Boolean

      Boost library, 526; C 162

      bootstrapping, 21ff, 811, 827

      Borning, Alan H., 530

      bottom-up parsing. See parsing,


      bound variable in lambda expression,

      C 215

      bounded buffer, 666ff

      in Ada 83, C 245ff

      in Ada 95, 675

      with conditional critical regions,


      in Erlang, C 247, C 249ff

      in Java, 677

      and message passing, C 243

      with monitors, 670

      with semaphores, 668

      with transactional memory, 680


      of array, 363ff, 373

      of loop, 262ff

      Bourne, Stephen R., 705, 771

      boxing, 232ff, 286

      Boyer, Robert S., 770

      Bracha, Gilad, 349

      branch delay, 419; C 90, C 329

      branch instruction, 246; C 62, C 72ff,

      C 89ff

      and basic block, C 93, C 297, C 304

      computed target, 829

      conditional, 254, 263ff; C 72ff, C 75,

      C 102

      delayed, 795; C 90, C 103, C 303

      in MIPS architecture, C 73

      nullifying, C 331

      in partial execution trace, 834

      pipelining and, C 90

      in position-independent code, C 280,

      C 284

      relative vs absolute, 795

      in x86 architecture, 795; C 86

      branch prediction, 255; C 89, C 96,

      C 103, C 329, C 331

      for object-oriented languages, 529

      breakpoints, 845ff

      Brinch Hansen, Per, 669, 674

      broadcast, 633

      of monitor condition, 672

      Bryant, Randal E., C 105

      buddy system, 123

      buffer overflow attack, 385

      buffering for messaging passing,

      C 241ff

      built-in commands in the shell, 707

      built-in objects. See predefined objects

      built-in type. See type, built-in

      busy-wait synchronization. See

      synchronization, busy-wait

      bypassing, in relaxed memory model,


      Byron, Countess Ada Augusta, 446

      Byte Code Engineering Library (Apache

      BCEL), 839

      byte order. See endian-ness

      bytecode, 835. See also Common

      Language Infrastructure,

      Common Intermediate

      Language; Java Virtual

      Machine, bytecode; P-code

      Common Lisp, 827

      Perl, 828


      C, 7, 8, 12, 28ff, 294, 861

      = and ==, 234, 287
      % (modulo) operator, 345
      aggregates, 238, 304, 538

      anachronisms, C 6

      anonymous structs and unions, C 138

      arithmetic overflow, 38, 243

      arrays, 321, 373, 384, 405

      memory layout, 370

      as parameters, 386

      assignment, 228, 234

      assignment operators, 235

      backslash character escapes, 375ff

      bit fields, 357

      Boolean type, 234, 305

      break statement, 276
      C11, 45, 358; C 138

      calling sequence on ARM, 418

      calling sequence on x86, 418

      case of letters, 47

      casts, 303, 318

      coercion, 320, 321

      comments, nested, 55

      compilers, 20, 806. See also gcc;

      _Complex type, 305
      concurrent programming, 12, 637

      conditional expression, 226

      constants, 120, 426

      dangling references, 388

      declarations, 134, 386, 426; C 46, C 54

      dereference (*, ->) operators, 383
      dynamic semantic checks, lack of,

      318; C 147

      dynamic shape arrays, 365ff

      enumeration types, 308

      for loop, 267
      forward references, C 27

      free routine, 124, 388
      function return value, 439

      grammar, 29

      history, C 37

      I/O, C 150, C 154ff, C 161

      implementation, 20

      Index 917

      increment/decrement operators, 226,


      initialization, 238

      initializers. See C, aggregates

      inline subroutines, 419ff
      as an intermediate form, 20, 803

      iterator emulation, 274

      macros, 163, 175

      malloc routine, 382
      multibyte characters, 47

      nested blocks, 170

      nested subroutines, lack of, C 166

      nonconverting type cast, 319

      numeric constants, 105

      numeric types, 305, 309, 344

      orthogonality, 303

      overloading, 147ff

      parameter passing, 423ff, 427, 436

      variable number of arguments, 436

      pointer arithmetic, 236, 384

      pointers, 146, 378ff, 382ff, 408

      and arrays, 322, 373, 384ff, 424

      post-test (do) loop, 275
      precedence levels, 227, 228

      printf, 19
      references to subroutines, 432ff, 439

      restrict qualifier, 146
      run-time system, 807

      scope rules, 125, 132, 134

      separate compilation, 137, 165, 800

      setjmp routine, 449ff
      short-circuit evaluation, 245

      sizeof operator, 387
      statements and expressions, 164, 233

      static variables, 127, 136
      storage management, 378

      strict aliasing, 146

      strings, 105, 344

      structures, 322, 351ff

      memory layout, 357

      subroutine calling sequence, 418;

      C 167ff

      subroutines as parameters, 155

      switch statement, 260ff
      syntax errors, 102

      tokens, 32, 45

      type cast (conversion), 303, 318, 319

      type checking, 40, 299, 313

      type declarations, incomplete, 382

      type pun, 319

      type system, 353

      typedef, 353
      undefined behavior, 33

      unions (variant records), 357; C 160

      variables as values, 230

      void (trivial) type, 303
      void* (universal reference) type, 323
      volatile variables, 450

      C++, 7, 8, 12, 15, 861. See also C

      aggregates, 238, 304

      anonymous structs and unions, C 138

      arithmetic overflow, 243

      arrays, 370, 405

      associative, 359, 361

      assignment, 240

      vs initialization, 499ff

      attributes, 68

      auto declarations, 326
      Boost library, 526; C 162

      and C, 502, 522

      C++11, 46, 68, 148, 160, 270, 309,

      325, 348, 358, 430, 432, 501, 507,

      514, 538, 679, 685, 698; C 122,

      C 138, C 162

      casts, 319, 511ff

      classes, 141. See also C++, objects

      nested, 490

      coercion, 322

      comments, nested, 55

      compiler, as preprocessor, 21

      constructors. See C++, objects,


      copy constructor, 15, 499

      declarations, 134

      decltype, 326
      delete operation, 124, 388
      deleted methods, 488

      destructors, 388, 392, 475, 504ff

      enum types, 309
      exception handling, 441

      friends, 488
      function objects, 158, 514

      futures, 685

      generics. See C++, templates

      I/O, C 156ff

      implementation, 20, 513

      inline subroutines, 419ff
      interface class, C 197

      iterator objects, 268ff, 270

      keywords, contextual, 46

      lambda expressions, 160, 432, 538

      memory model, 662, 679

      method binding, 507

      multibyte characters, 47

      multiple inheritance, 480, 521;

      C 194ff, C 197

      name mangling, 800, 806

      namespace mechanism, 137, 142;
      C 39

      and .NET, C 286

      new operation, 118, 297, 382
      numeric types, 305

      objects, 472ff, 522, 525

      initialization, 240, 475, 496ff, 502

      operator functions, 148, 225, 429,

      478; C 157

      overloading, 148ff

      parameter passing, 423, 427ff, 435ff.

      See also C++, references

      variable number of arguments, 436

      pointers, 378ff

      to methods, C 209

      smart, 392; C 161ff

      polymorphism, 302

      precedence levels, 227

      r-value references, 430

      references, 118, 231, 361, 427ff, 467,


      return value optimization, 500

      run-time type identifcation, 853

      scope resolution, 128

      scope rules, 132, 193

      streams, C 156ff

      strings, 376

      structures, 351ff, 353

      918 Index

      subscript ([]) operator, 361
      templates (generics), 331, 333ff,

      337ff, 483; C 119ff

      extern, C 122
      variadic, 348

      temporary objects, 499

      this, 473
      threads, 451

      type cast (conversion), 319, 511ff

      type checking, 511

      for separate compilation, 800

      type inference, 325

      type system, 353

      typeid, 853
      variables as values, 498

      vector class, 367
      virtual methods, 508, 853
      visibility of class members, 476, 491ff,


      C#, 7, 861. See also Common Language

      Infrastructure; .NET

      accessors, 459, 477

      arithmetic overflow, 243, 318

      arrays, 370

      associative, 361

      as operator, 512
      async and await, 468
      attributes, 842ff

      base, 480
      bool type, 234
      boxing, 233

      capitalization, 47

      casts, 323, 511

      classes, 141. See also C#, objects

      nested, 490

      constants, 120

      decimal type, 307

      declarations, 134

      definite assignment, 33, 184, 239,

      347; C 287

      delegates, 158, 432, 459, 626, 644

      anonymous, 158, 172, 459

      enum values, 309
      events, 459

      exception handling, 323, 441

      expression evaluation, 241

      extension methods, 494

      finalization of objects, 505

      futures, 684

      garbage collection, 124, 378, 390

      generics, 333, 337ff, 485; C 128ff

      constraints, 335

      goto statement, 246
      history, 9, 637; C 286

      indexer methods, 361, 477ff

      initialization, 238

      interface classes, 509

      iterators, 46, 268; C 184ff

      just-in-time compiler, C 349

      keywords, contextual, 46

      lambda expressions, 159, 432, 538,

      626, 826

      LINQ, 625, 843

      memory model, 662

      method binding, 507

      mix-in inheritance, 516

      multibyte characters, 47

      namespaces, 137, 138, 142; C 40ff

      hierarchical (nested), C 41

      and .NET, C 286

      new operation, 297, 382
      Nullable types, 304
      numeric types, 305

      object superclass, 323, 479
      objects, 472

      initialization, 496, 503, 504

      operator functions, 148

      overloading, 147, 148, 309

      parameter passing, 425, 435ff, 436

      variable number of arguments, 438

      polymorphism, 302

      precedence levels, 227

      property mechanism, 459, 477
      reflection, 611, 837, 841

      regular expressions, 743

      run-time system. See Common

      Language Infrastructure

      scope rules, 132, 193

      sealed class, 494
      separate compilation, 165; C 40ff

      serialization of objects, 837

      strings, 367, 376

      structures, 351, 498

      switch statement, 257, 261
      synchronization, 674, 677

      syntax trees, 826

      Task Parallel Library (TPL), 626, 639,


      threads, 12, 451, 638, 644, 645

      try. . . finally, 447
      type checking, 313

      type inference, 325

      unions, lack of, C 142

      universal reference type, 323

      unlimited extent, 156, 158, 172, 645

      variables as references or values, 232,

      379, 498

      vectors (ArrayList class), 367
      virtual methods, 508
      visibility of class members, 489

      cache eviction, C 89

      cache hit, C 63, C 178

      cache line, C 63

      cache miss, 849; C 63ff, C 92ff, C 146ff,

      C 331ff

      caches, 651; C 61ff, C 100

      and array layout, 368ff, 374

      associativity, C 89

      coherence, 633ff, 654; C 176

      and synchronization, 691

      direct-mapped, C 89

      hierarchy, C 61

      optimization for, 582; C 337ff, C 340,

      C 342, C 353

      and parallelization, C 344

      pipeline and, C 89ff

      cactus stack, 454, 469

      Cailliau, R., 178

      call by —. See parameter passing, by —

      call graph, 170, 416, 848

      callback function, 160, 457, 808

      caller, of subroutine, 411

      calling sequence, 120, 388, 411, 414ff,

      434, 446, 453, 807; C 96ff

      displays, 417

      Index 919

      dynamic linking, C 280ff

      and event handling, 457

      and garbage collection, 391

      gcc on x86, 418; C 171ff
      generic example, 415ff

      in-line expansion, 419ff

      LLVM on ARM, 418; C 167ff

      parameter passing, 422ff

      register windows, 419ff; C 177ff

      registers, saving/restoring, 414ff;

      C 85, C 98

      static chain, 415

      for virtual method, 510

      Cambridge Polish notation, 225, 280,

      540. See also prefix notation

      Cambridge University, 327, 550

      Caml, 862. See also OCaml

      Cann, David, 582

      canonical derivation. See derivation of

      string in CFL

      capture of free variable in lambda

      calculus, C 216

      car function, 399
      Cardelli, Luca, 178, 349, 865; C 225

      cardinal type. See type, cardinal

      Carnegie Mellon University, 113

      CAS. See compare_and_swap

      cascading error. See error, cascading

      case, of letters in names, 7, 47, 107, 593

      case/switch statement, 7, 32, 74, 107,
      182, 246, 256ff, 294, 791; C 111

      in C, 260ff

      finite automata and, 61ff, 65

      implementation, 256ff

      cast. See type cast

      CCR. See conditional critical region

      cdr function, 399
      Cedar, 669, 865

      implementation, 803

      programming environment, 41

      central reference table, 646; C 31ff

      dynamic scoping and, 144, 742

      CFG. See context-free grammar

      CFL. See language, context-free

      CFSM. See characteristic finite-state


      CGI (Common Gateway Interface)

      scripts, 728ff

      disadvantages, 729ff

      interactive form example, 728ff

      remote machine monitoring

      example, 728ff

      security, 737

      Chaitin, Gregory, C 344, C 355

      Chamberlain, Bradford L., 410

      Chambers, John, 718, 867

      Chandy, K. Mani, 695

      channel, for message passing, 646;

      C 235ff, C 244

      Chapel, 698

      character sets. See also Unicode

      localization, 47

      multilingual, 306, 349

      characteristic array, 376

      characteristic finite-state machine

      (CFSM), 93ff; C 12, C 19

      epsilon productions, 101

      characters, as a data format, C 63

      checksum, 799, 800

      Chen, Hao, C 354

      χ (chi), C 149

      child class. See class, derived

      child package, C 41

      Chomsky, Noam, 103, 113

      Chomsky hierarchy, 103; C 13

      Chonacky, Norman, 771

      Chrome, 627

      Church, Alonzo, 11, 468, 536ff, 580, 584,

      590, 864; C 217

      Church’s thesis, 536

      Church-Rosser theorem, C 217

      CIL (Common Intermediate Language).

      See Common Language


      Cilk, 645, 862

      CISC (complex instruction set

      computer), 217; C 70. See also

      680×0 architecture; IBM

      360/370 architecture; VAX

      architecture; x86 architecture;

      x86-64 architecture

      array access, 374

      BCD operations, 307

      philosophy of, C 78, C 100

      register-memory architecture, C 71

      class, 148, 183, 351, 405, 471, 488ff. See

      also abstraction; inheritance;

      object-oriented languages and

      programming; type extension

      abstract, 508ff

      base, 128, 478ff

      fragile base class problem, 512

      methods, modifying, 479ff

      protected, 488

      public, 479

      child. See class, derived

      concrete, 509

      declaration, 476

      executable, 763

      derived, 128, 478ff

      exception as, 444

      hierarchy, 479ff

      module and, 139ff

      nested, 490, 526

      parent. See class, base

      subclass. See class, derived

      superclass. See class, base

      class-based language, 529

      classification of languages, 11

      clausal form, 613

      logic programming and, 613

      in predicate calculus, C 227ff

      Cleaveland, J. Craig, 348

      CLI. See Common Language


      client-side web scripting, 727, 734ff

      clock register, C 114

      CLOS (Common Lisp Object System),

      12, 472, 862

      class hierarchy, 497

      MetaObject Protocol (MOP), 854

      multiple inheritance, 521

      ambiguity resolution, C 197

      object initialization, 504

      920 Index

      type checking, 513

      type extension, 491

      close operation, for files, C 150

      closed scope. See scope, closed

      closed world assumption in Prolog, 615ff

      closest nested scope rule, 127


      object, 157ff, 294, 491, 513ff, 644

      of a set of LR items, 92ff, 96

      in Smalltalk, C 206

      subroutine, 153ff, 156, 431ff, 441,

      621, 768, 829; C 165, C 171, C 174

      continuation as, 250, 448, 547

      coroutine as, 450

      and display, C 165, C 191

      with dynamic scoping, C 33ff

      as function return value, 439

      as parameter, 434

      CLP (Constraint Logic Programming),


      CLR (Common Language Runtime),

      810; C 287. See also Common

      Language Infrastructure

      Clu, 862

      clusters (modules), 137, 486ff

      encapsulation, 472

      goto statement, 246
      iterators, 268ff, 295

      lists, 398

      multiway assignment, 236

      parameter passing, 425, 468

      recursive types, 399

      universal reference type, 323

      variables as references, 231, 295

      cluster (module) in Clu, 137

      cluster of computers, 634

      Co-Array Fortran, 698, 863

      co-begin, 638ff, 642

      Cobol, 862

      decimal type, 307

      formatted I/O, C 152

      goto statement, 7
      history, 9

      indexed files, C 151

      records, 352

      Cocke, John, 69; C 105, C 355

      code generation, 27, 32ff, 34ff, 181, 198,

      784ff, 857; C 297ff

      attribute grammars and, 785ff

      disabling, 102; C 11

      for expressions, 254

      GCD example, 785ff

      in one-pass compiler, 193

      register allocation, 780, 787ff

      symbol table and, C 30

      code generator generator, 776, 779, 806;

      C 328

      code improvement, 27, 36, 181, 857;

      C 297ff. See also alias analysis;

      available expression; cache,

      optimization for; common

      subexpression elimination;

      constant folding; constant

      propagation; copy propagation;

      data flow analysis; escape

      analysis; in-line subroutine;

      instruction scheduling; loop


      parallelization; reaching

      definition; redundancy

      elimination; register allocation;

      strictness analysis; subtype

      analysis; value numbering; type

      hierarchy analysis; type


      “bang for the buck”, C 348

      combinations example, C 305ff
      conservative, 184; C 310, C 322, C 340

      dynamic, 810, 823, 831, 854

      and expression ordering, 241

      global, 777ff, 822, 857; C 298, C 312ff

      interprocedural, 778, 822; C 298

      in just-in-time compilers, 822

      local, 777, 822, 857; C 297, C 304ff

      optimistic, 184

      peephole, 857; C 297, C 301ff

      phases of, C 299ff

      profile-driven, 824ff

      source-level, 386; C 309, C 324

      speculative, 184

      unsafe, 184, 824

      code injection, C 176

      code morphing, 830

      coercion, 150, 213, 240, 312, 320ff, 703

      and overloading, 174, 322

      type compatibility and, 320ff

      COFF (Common Object File Format),

      C 291

      Cohen, Jacques, 410

      coherence. See caches, coherence;

      memory model

      Cold Fusion (scripting language), 731

      collection class. See container class

      collective communication in MPI, C 256

      Colmeraurer, Alain, 591, 621, 867

      column-major layout (of arrays), 368ff;

      C 337ff

      COM (Microsoft Component Object

      Model), 530, 698

      use of attributes, 843

      combination loops, 266ff

      combinator, fixed-point, 590; C 219,

      C 223

      command interpreter, 176, 700, 705ff,

      718, 866. See also shell

      MS-DOS shell, 700


      nested, 55

      performance and, Basic, 19

      significant. See pragma

      Common Language Infrastructure

      (CLI), 807, 820; C 286ff

      architectural summary, C 287ff

      calling mechanisms, C 288, C 292

      Common Intermediate Language

      (CIL), 23, 783, 806, 810, 821;

      C 286, C 291

      vs Java bytecode, C 291

      Common Language Specification

      (CLS), C 288ff

      Common Type System (CTS), 821;

      C 286ff, C 288ff

      delegates, C 289

      generics, C 290

      history, 820

      Index 921

      vs Java Virtual Machine, C 287ff

      just-in-time compilation, C 287

      language interoperability, 820, 821;

      C 287, C 292

      metadata, C 291ff

      operand stack, C 287

      pointers, C 289ff

      type safety, C 287

      unsafe code, C 288

      verification, C 288, C 292

      vs validation, C 294

      Virtual Execution System (VES),

      C 286

      Common Language Runtime (CLR),

      810; C 287. See also Common

      Language Infrastructure

      Common Lisp, 25, 862. See also Lisp

      arrays, 367

      Boolean constants, 544

      case of letters, 47

      catch and throw, 465, 467
      CMU compiler, 827

      complex type, 305

      exception handling, 443, 465, 467

      lambda expression, 541
      loop macro, 266
      macros, 164

      multilevel returns (catch and
      throw), 248, 249, 291, 443

      nested subroutines, 127

      objects. See CLOS

      parameter passing, 435ff

      programming environment, 9, 25ff,


      rational type, 305

      return-from, 248
      scope rules, 142, 412

      sequencing, 252

      structures, 352ff, 381

      unwind-protect, 447
      Worse Is Better, 764

      common prefix in CFG, 74, 79ff

      common subexpression elimination,

      242, 286, 419; C 166, C 297ff,

      C 302, C 309

      global, C 315ff

      communication, 427, 635ff; C 343. See

      also message passing; remote

      invocation; remote procedure


      hardware and software, 636

      and nondeterminacy, C 112ff

      polling, C 244

      communication path, C 239, C 241

      compare_and_swap (CAS) instruction,
      655ff, 682

      compilation unit, 797ff; C 40. See also

      separate compilation

      compiled languages, 18

      compilers and compilation, 9, 11, 15,

      26ff, 70, 72, 77, 102, 179, 181ff,

      198, 217. See also scanners and

      scanning; parsers and parsing;

      semantic analysis; code

      generation; code improvement;

      front end of a compiler; back

      end of a compiler

      assembler and, 20ff

      back-end structure, 775ff

      binding time and, 116

      compiler family (suite), 34, 781, 782

      conditional, 20

      dynamic compilation, 822ff

      of functional languages, 279, 582ff,


      history, 6

      IFs (intermediate forms), 780ff;

      C 273ff

      incremental, 198, 209, 215

      interaction with computer

      architecture, xxvff, 217ff; C 69,

      C 77, C 88ff, C 98, C 178

      interaction with language design,

      xxvff, 8, 166, 285, 286, 403ff, 462,

      689; C 241. See also Appendix B

      assignment operators, 235

      case/switch statement, 259ff;
      C 111ff

      communication semantics, C 241

      comparison of records, 356

      dynamic scoping, 143

      enumeration types, 307

      in-line subroutines, 420

      late binding, 118

      parameter modes, 424

      pointer arithmetic, 386

      scanning and parsing, 105; C 20

      semicolons, C 6

      side effects, 582

      subrange types, 310

      variant records, C 141

      and interpretation, 17ff, 38, 117

      of interpreted languages, 702

      just-in-time, 23, 421, 512, 776, 810,

      822ff, 854; C 349

      vs interpretation, 811

      late binding and, 23

      and modern processors, 36; C 88ff.

      See also instruction scheduling;

      register allocation

      passes, 26, 777, 780

      one-pass, 193ff, 209

      phases, 26ff, 37, 776ff, 780. See also

      scanning; parsing; semantic

      analysis; code improvement; code


      for query language, 24

      self-hosting, 21

      separate. See separate compilation

      unconventional, 24

      complex instruction set computer. See


      complex type. See type, complex

      component system, binary, 530

      interface query operation, 838

      component type of array, 359

      composite type. See type, composite

      compound statement, 252

      Computer Science Curricula 2013, xxvi,


      computers, history of, 5ff


      in context-free grammars, 103

      of lists, 283, 408

      in regular expressions, 44ff, 58ff, 103

      922 Index

      of strings, 367, 376; C 9

      concordance, 766

      concrete syntax tree. See parse tree

      concurrency, 223, 623ff. See also

      communication; message

      passing; multiprocessors;

      shared memory;

      synchronization; thread

      languages, 12, 637ff

      libraries, 637ff

      message passing, C 235ff

      motivation, 623, 627

      multithreaded programs, 627ff

      dispatch loop alternative, 628ff

      and nondeterminacy, C 112

      vs parallelism, 624

      processes, 635

      quasiparallelism, 624

      race condition, 626, 639, 640, 650ff,

      653, 664, 683

      shared memory, 652ff

      tasks, 635

      Concurrent Haskell, 681, 685, 697, 864

      Concurrent Pascal, 669, 673

      condition codes, 834; C 62, C 72, C 102,

      C 329

      condition queue, 649ff, 663ff

      of monitor, 671

      condition synchronization, 652, 666ff

      condition variable

      in Java, 677

      in monitor, 670

      conditional compilation, 20

      and executable class declarations, 763

      conditional critical region (CCR), 674ff

      vs monitor, 677

      conditional move instruction, C 73

      configuration management, 24; C 279

      conflicts in parsing

      predict-predict, 89

      shift-reduce, 94

      conformant array parameters, 364ff

      conjunctive normal form, C 228, C 234

      cons cell, 380
      ConScript Unicode Registry, 306

      consensus in concurrent systems, 652

      consequent, of Horn clause, 592

      conservative code improvement. See

      code improvement,


      conservative garbage collection, 397, 410

      consistency. See caches, coherence;

      memory model


      compile-time, 120

      elaboration-time, 120

      literal, 119, 298, 322, 326

      manifest, 120

      constant folding, 804; C 301

      constant propagation, C 301

      constrained subtype. See subtype,


      constrained variant in Ada, C 141

      constraint-based language, 12

      constraints on generic parameters, 335ff

      constructed type. See type, composite

      constructive proof, 537

      constructor function, 240ff, 297, 382,

      475, 495ff. See also initialization

      choosing, 495

      copy constructor, 430, 499

      move constructor, 430, 501

      overloaded, 475

      container class, 268, 323ff, 333, 484, 530;

      C 206

      contention, in parallel system, 654


      in Perl, 703, 719, 751ff, 756ff; C 47

      and types, 297

      context block, 455, 648ff, 664

      context switch, 628, 651, 672, 674

      context-free grammar, 3, 29, 44ff, 48ff;

      C 19ff

      ambiguous, 52ff, 80

      derivation of string, 50ff

      left-linear, C 24

      LL, 70, 73, 79

      LR, 70, 74

      nonterminal in, 49

      parse tree and, 50ff

      parsing and, 28

      production in, 49

      syntax and, 29

      terminal in, 49

      tree grammars and, 203

      variable in, 49

      context-free language, 103, 209; C 19ff

      context-sensitive grammar, 29

      context-specific look-ahead (for syntax

      error recovery), 102; C 3ff, C 7

      contextual keyword, 46, 64

      contiguous layout (of arrays), 368ff

      continuations and continuation-passing

      style, 250ff, 279, 291, 295, 448,

      469, 547

      contravariance, in object-oriented

      systems, C 129, C 135

      control abstraction, 115, 221, 223, 411ff,

      422. See also subroutine;

      coroutine; continuations;

      exception handling; generators;


      building from continuations, 251

      vs data abstraction, 411

      in Smalltalk, C 206ff

      control flow, 221, 223ff. See also

      concurrency; continuations;

      exception handling; iteration;

      nondeterminacy; ordering;

      recursion; selection;

      sequencing; subroutines

      expression evaluation, 224ff. See also

      assignments; associativity;

      short-circuit evaluation;


      in Prolog, 604ff

      in Scheme, 545ff

      structured and unstructured, 224,


      goto alternatives, 247ff
      control flow analysis, C 325

      control flow graph, 776, 829; C 298

      edge splitting, C 319

      control hazard in pipeline, C 89

      conversion. See type conversion

      Index 923

      Conway, Melvin E., 469

      Cook, Robert P., 144; C 27

      LeBlanc-Cook symbol table, C 27ff

      Cooper, Keith D., 41, 215, 806; C 106,

      C 354

      cooperative multithreading, 650

      copy constructor, 15, 499

      copy propagation, C 302

      copy rule, in attribute grammar, 185

      CORBA (Common Object Request

      Broker Architecture), 530, 698

      core, 632. See also processor

      Cornell Program Synthesizer, 215

      Synthesizer Generator, 214, 215

      coroutine, 450ff, 469, 648, 809

      context block, 455

      discrete event simulation example,

      456; C 187ff

      iterator implementation, 456; C 183

      stacks, 453ff

      threads and, 452

      transfer, 454ff

      Courcelle, Bruno, 215

      Courtois, Pierre-Jacques, 698

      Cousineau, Guy, 862

      covariance, in object-oriented systems,

      C 129, C 135

      Cox, Brad J., 865

      Cray, Inc., 634, 697

      critical section, 627, 652ff, 674, 678

      Crusoe (Transmeta) architecture, 830

      csh (C shell), 12, 700
      CSP (Communicating Sequential

      Processes), 182, 863, 866. See

      also Go; Occam

      input and output guards, C 254

      process naming, C 235

      termination, C 255

      CSS (cascading stylesheet language for

      HTML), C 259

      CTS (Common Type System). See

      Common Language


      CTSS (Compatible Time Sharing

      System), 705

      CUDA, 631, 643

      Curry, Haskell B., 577, 590

      currying of functions, 328, 577ff, 621,

      865; C 213, C 221ff

      cut (!), in Prolog, 604
      CWI Amsterdam, 720

      CYK (Cocke-Younger-Kasami)

      algorithm, 69

      Cytron, Ronald, C 355


      DAG. See directed acyclic graph

      Dahl, Ole-Johan, 177, 295, 472, 868

      Damron, Peter C., 806

      dangling else problem, 80ff, 110
      dangling reference, 118, 124, 156, 184,

      378, 388ff, 389, 833

      locks and keys, 410; C 146ff

      tombstones, 410; C 144ff

      Darlington, Jared L., 614

      Dart, 348, 771

      Dartmouth College, 861

      data abstraction, 115, 135ff, 144, 221,

      333, 349, 411, 471ff, 666, 669ff;

      C 31, C 76. See also class;

      control abstraction;

      inheritance; modules;

      object-oriented languages and


      vs control abstraction, 411

      data distribution in HPF, 640

      data flow, 685

      data flow analysis, 820; C 225, C 294,

      C 298, C 312ff, C 316

      all paths vs any path, C 321

      backward, C 317, C 321

      forward, C 317

      data formats in memory, C 63ff. See also


      data hazard in pipeline, C 89

      data members (fields), 473

      data parallelism, 643, 655

      data race freedom, 662ff

      dataflow language, 11

      datagram, C 237

      Datalog, 621

      DCOM (Microsoft Distributed

      Component Object Model),


      De Vere, Lorraine, 113

      dead code. See instructions, useless

      dead value, C 301

      deadlock, 673ff, 679, 695; C 112, C 241

      debugger, 15, 24, 144, 845ff; C 27

      hardware support, 847

      reverse execution, 854

      decimal type. See type, numeric, decimal


      class, 476

      executable, 763

      vs definition, 133, 316; C 37ff

      of loop index, 266

      order, 130ff

      nested blocks, 134ff

      in scripting languages, 702

      declarative language, 11, 613, 617, 620;

      C 267

      decoration in semantic analysis. See

      parse tree, decoration of; syntax

      tree, decoration of

      deep binding. See binding rules, deep

      deep binding for name lookup in Lisp,

      C 33

      deep comparisons and assignments

      (copies), 340ff; C 250

      default parameter. See parameter, default

      definite assignment, 33, 184, 239, 347,

      820; C 287, C 294, C 350

      definition vs declaration, 133, 316; C 37ff

      Dekker, Theodorus (Dirk) Jozef, 653

      delay slot, C 91ff, C 303

      delayed branch. See branch instruction,


      delayed load, C 92, C 103, C 303

      delta reduction, C 216

      denial of service attack, 770

      denormal number. See subnormal


      denotational semantics. See semantics,


      924 Index

      Department of Defense, U. S., 9

      dependence, 625, 660, 685; C 91, C 329

      anti- (read-write), 685; C 92, C 329

      flow (write-read), C 92, C 329

      loop-carried, C 340ff

      output (write-write), 685; C 92, C 329

      dependence analysis, 640, 683; C 329,

      C 340, C 355

      dependence DAG, C 329, C 355

      deprecated feature, C 258

      dereferencing of an l-value, 231, 319,

      378, 382ff

      DeRemer, Franklin L., 112

      derivation of string in CFL, 50ff

      canonical, 90ff

      left-most, 51

      right-most, 51

      derived class. See class, derived

      derived type. See type, derived

      descriptor for an array. See dope vector

      design patterns, 293

      destructor function, 388, 392, 446, 475,

      495, 504ff. See also finalization

      deterministic automaton. See

      automaton, push-down; finite

      automaton, deterministic

      Deterministic Parallel Java (DPJ), 697

      Deutsch, L. Peter, 410, 530, 854

      development environment. See

      programming environment

      devices, memory hierarchy and, C 61

      DFA (deterministic finite automaton).

      See finite automaton,


      dictionary. See associative array

      Digital Equipment Corp.

      binary translation tools, 830

      Systems Research Center, 865

      Western Research Lab, 833

      Dijkstra, Edsger W., 41, 246, 294ff, 468,

      653, 667, 669, 697; C 110ff

      dimensions, array, 363ff

      dining philosophers problem, 694ff

      Dion, Bernard A., 113

      direct-mapped cache, C 89

      directed acyclic graph (DAG)

      expression DAG, C 307, C 329

      in instruction scheduling, C 329,

      C 355

      as intermediate form, 780ff; C 307

      order of clauses in Prolog, 618

      Prolog example, 600

      topological sort, 618; C 330


      assembler, 795

      vs hint, 420

      Director, 724

      disambiguating rule in parser generator,

      52, 81

      discrete event simulation, 456; C 187ff

      discrete type. See type, discrete

      discriminant of a variant record, C 137

      discriminated union, C 140

      disjunctive normal form, C 234

      Disney Corp., 523, 724

      dispatch loop, 628ff

      displacement addressing mode. See

      addressing mode, displacement

      display, 417, 468; C 163ff, C 191

      vs static chain, 417

      Diwan, Amer, 530

      DLL (dynamic link library). See linkers

      and linking, dynamic

      dll hell, C 279
      do loop. See loop,


      Document Object Model (DOM), 734,

      736, 765

      Dolby, Julian, 530


      in denotational semantics, 301, 306

      of function, 84, 580; C 212

      Donahue, Jim, 865

      dope vector, 364ff, 487; C 209

      double-precision floating-point number,

      C 63, C 68

      Driesen, Karel, 530


      for LL(1) parser, 83

      for SLR(1) parser, 99

      for table-driven scanner, 66

      DSSSL (SGML stylesheet language),

      C 259

      DTD (document type definition), 738;

      C 260

      duck typing, 332, 512

      Duesterwald, Evelyn, 854

      Duff, Thomas D. S., 293, 294

      Duff ’s device, 293, 294

      DWARF debugging standard, 846;

      C 171ff

      Dyadkin, Lev. J., 64

      dynamic arrays, 367ff

      dynamic binding. See binding, dynamic

      dynamic compilation. See compilers and

      compilation, dynamic


      dynamic link, subroutine, 120, 413

      dynamic linker, 792, 797, 800ff, 809, 830;

      C 279ff

      dynamic method binding. See methods

      and method binding, dynamic

      dynamic optimization, 810, 823, 831,


      dynamic programming, C 14

      dynamic scoping. See scope, dynamic

      dynamic semantics. See semantics,


      dynamic typing. See type checking,


      Dynamo dynamic optimizer, 831, 854

      DynamoRIO, 831, 855


      Eager, Michael J., 846, 855

      Earley, Jay, 69

      Earley’s algorithm, 69

      early reply, 646; C 254

      Eclipse, 25

      ECMA (European standards body), 701,

      736, 771, 810, 821, 861, 864;

      C 286, C 291

      ECMAScript, 736, 864

      École Polytechnique Fédérale de

      Lausanne (EPFL), 867

      Index 925

      edge splitting in control flow graph,

      C 319

      Efficeon (Transmeta) architecture, 830

      Eich, Brendan, 736, 864

      Eiffel, 7, 469, 863

      !! (new) operator, 497, 501
      ANY superclass, 479
      classes, 141

      current, 473
      deferred features and classes, 509

      design by contract, 183, 249, 467

      exception handling, 467

      expanded objects, 498, 501, 504
      frozen class, 507
      function return value, 439

      generics, 333, 485

      goto statement, 246
      method binding, 507

      multiple inheritance, 480, 521;

      C 197ff, C 202

      ambiguity resolution, C 201

      implementation, C 209

      replicated, C 199

      objects, 472

      initialization, 496ff, 501, 504

      polymorphism, 302

      renaming of features, 480; C 197,

      C 201

      reverse assignment, 511

      undefined methods, 488

      variables as references or values, 232,

      498, 501

      visibility of class members, 489, 491

      elaboration, 117, 126

      of thread/task declaration, 641

      elaboration-time constants, 120

      element type of array, 359

      Elk (Scheme dialect), 701

      Ellis, Margaret A., 530; C 194

      else statement, dangling. See dangling
      else problem

      elsif keyword, 82
      emacs, 16, 25, 725ff

      Emacs Lisp, 701, 725ff, 743

      Emerald, 348

      call by move, C 250

      emulation, 830

      and efficiency, C 243

      encapsulation, 136, 165, 177, 485ff. See

      also abstraction; class; modules

      end marker, syntactic, 74, 81, 88, 101

      endian-ness, 319, 344, 357; C 64ff,

      C 150, C 292

      Engelfriet, Joost, 215

      Enigma code, 536

      Ennals, Robert, 696


      of a message-passing program,

      C 235ff

      of a monitor, 670

      entry queue of a monitor, 671

      enumeration. See iteration

      enumeration type, 307ff

      enumeration-controlled loop, 261ff

      environment variable, 176

      EPIC. See explicitly parallel instruction

      set computing

      epilogue of subroutine, 120, 414

      episode of a barrier, 656

      EPS sets, 84, 88

      epsilon production, 74, 95ff

      epsilon transition in automaton, 56

      equality testing, 340ff

      in the Common Language

      Infrastructure, C 289

      deep vs shallow, 340ff

      in ML, 329

      of records, 355

      in Scheme, 341, 544ff

      equational reasoning, 581

      equivalence of types. See type


      Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory,

      590, 863

      Erlang, 537, 863

      bounded buffer example, C 247

      message screening, C 247

      process naming, C 235

      receive operation, C 244
      send operation, C 240

      termination, C 255

      erroneous program, 33, 663; C 250

      error productions, 103; C 6ff

      error reporting

      for message passing, C 242ff

      supported by reflection, 837

      supported by scanner, 54

      errors. See also semantic check; semantic

      error; syntax error

      cascading, 102, 203; C 1, C 3ff

      as exceptions, 249

      lexical, 65ff

      escape analysis, 184, 498, 694

      escape sequence in string, 375

      eta reduction, C 215

      ETH (Eidgenössische Technische

      Hochschule), Zürich, 8

      Ethernet, 357, 634, 669

      Euclid, 669, 863

      aliases, 176

      encapsulation, 472, 486

      invariants, 183

      iterator objects, 268ff

      module types, 139, 486ff

      side effects, 242, 252

      and Turing, 869

      Euclid’s algorithm, 5, 537; C 111, C 207.

      See also greatest common

      divisor (GCD)

      European Research Council, 868

      Eustace, Alan, 854

      eval function in Lisp/Scheme, 548ff
      evaluation order, 646. See also

      applicative-order evaluation;

      execution order; lazy

      evaluation; normal-order


      of arguments, 164, 240ff, 282ff, 291,

      295, 567ff, 684, 695

      in functional programming, 567ff

      event handling, 456ff, 658, 808

      implementation, 457

      for interactive I/O, 456; C 148

      Evey, R. James, 113

      Excel, 12, 620

      926 Index

      exception handling, 223, 249ff, 440ff

      as alternative to goto, 249
      at elaboration time, 126

      and built-in errors, 33, 444

      cleanup (finally), 446
      for communication failures, C 251

      declaring in subroutine header, 445

      defining exceptions, 444ff

      in Emacs Lisp, 726

      for error recovery in recursive

      descent, C 5

      exception propagation, 173, 445ff

      implementation, 119, 286, 447ff, 808

      in OCaml, 446, 561, 562

      parameters, 444

      in PL/I, 441

      structured, 446

      making do without, 448ff; C 182

      suppressing, 444

      execution order. See also evaluation


      initialization and, 496, 502ff

      in logic programming, 598ff, 604ff,


      existential quantifier, 615; C 226ff

      exit, from loop, 265

      expanded objects, 498, 501, 502, 504. See

      also value model of variables

      expansion of variables in scripting

      languages, 706ff, 709ff, 748ff

      explicit receipt. See receive operation,

      explicitly parallel instruction set

      computing (EPIC), C 104. See

      also IA-64 (Itanium)


      exponent of floating-point number, C 67

      export of names from modules, 136, 476

      opaque, 138

      export tables, for linking, 791

      expression. See also assignment;


      evaluation, 224ff

      associativity, 226ff

      precedence, 226ff

      ordering within, 240ff, 646

      referential transparency, 230, 581;

      C 274

      short-circuit, 243ff, 254ff, 285, 287,


      vs statement, 224, 229, 233

      expression-oriented language, 233

      extension language, 16, 700, 701, 724ff

      commercial, 724

      extent, of object definition, 156, 646;

      C 191

      and Ada tasks, 642

      and C# delegates, 156, 158, 172, 432;

      C 130

      and continuations, 251

      and garbage collection, 390, 538

      and higher-order functions, 577

      in scripting languages, 156, 718, 739

      external fragmentation, 122ff, 394; C 146

      external symbol, 791


      F#, 326, 550, 863. See also ML; OCaml

      async and let!, 468
      list comprehensions, 400

      and .NET, C 286

      Facebook, Inc., 348

      fact, in Prolog, 593, 612

      failure, of computation in Icon, 305;

      C 108

      failure-directed search, 614

      fairness, 224, 649, 655, 691; C 114, C 246

      false positive/negative, 683; C 144, C 354

      fence (memory barrier) instruction,

      660ff, 682, 816

      Fenichel, Robert R., 410

      Fermat, Pierre de, C 226, C 229

      last theorem, C 226, C 229

      Feuer, Alan R., 294

      Feys, Robert, 590

      Fibonacci heap, 123

      Fibonacci numbers, 123, 280ff, 327, 546


      in awk, 715
      of object, 473

      of record, 352

      Fifth Generation project, 620

      de Figueiredo, Luiz Henrique, 864

      filename expansion in bash, 706ff
      files, 401ff; C 148ff. See also I/O

      binary, C 149

      as composite type, 311

      direct, C 151

      indexed, C 151

      internal, C 156

      memory-mapped, 792

      persistent, 401; C 149ff

      random-access, C 151

      sequential, C 150

      temporary, 401; C 150

      text, 401; C 149, C 151ff

      in Ada, C 153ff

      in C, C 154ff

      in C++, C 156ff

      in Fortran, C 152ff

      finalization. See also destructor function

      garbage collection and, 496, 504ff

      of objects, 495ff

      Findler, Robert Bruce, 215

      finite automaton, 55, 94, 103, 746, 749;

      C 13ff

      for calculator tokens, 57

      deterministic, 44, 407, 746, 749; C 13

      creation from NFA, 60ff; C 16ff

      minimization, 60

      OCaml example, 565ff

      Scheme example, 548ff

      generation, 56ff

      implementation, 61ff

      nondeterministic, 56, 746, 749; C 13

      backtracking, 749

      creation from regular expression,

      58ff, 746

      translation to regular expression,

      C 14ff

      finite element analysis, 655

      Finkel, Raphael A., 289, 295

      Firefox, 627

      firmware, 24; C 76

      FIRST and FOLLOW sets, 84ff, 88ff, 94ff;

      C 2ff, C 19ff, C 317ff

      Index 927

      first fit algorithm, 122

      first-class values. See also function,


      continuations, 250

      definition, 155

      Prolog terms, 605

      subroutines, 155ff, 299, 328, 577

      in functional programming, 538ff

      and iteration, 272

      and metacomputing, 608

      in R, 718

      Fischer, Charles N., 41, 103, 113, 215,

      410, 806; C 7

      Fisher, Joseph A., C 355

      fixed point of function, 581; C 218,

      C 225, C 316ff, C 321

      fixed-format language, 48

      fixed-point combinator, C 219ff, C 223

      fixed-point type, 305

      Flash, 724

      Flavors, 530

      Fleck, Arthur C., 468

      flex. See lex
      floating-point, C 67ff, C 76, C 90

      accuracy, 243, 264, 307, 317

      bias, C 68

      as a data format, C 63

      double-precision, C 63, C 68

      exponent, C 67

      extended, C 68

      fractional part, C 69

      gradual underflow, C 68

      history, 399

      IEEE standard, 239, 243, 307; C 68,

      C 106, C 155

      and instruction scheduling, C 95

      integer conversion, 317

      mantissa, C 67

      normalization, C 68

      scientific notation and, C 67

      significand, C 67

      single-precision, C 63, C 68

      subnormal (denormal), C 68

      in x86 architecture, C 69, C 82, C 84

      flow dependence, C 92, C 329

      FMQ algorithm, 113; C 7

      folding, 576, 579

      FOLLOW sets, 101

      for loop. See loop,

      forall loop. See loop, parallel
      fork operation, 638, 642ff

      formal language, C 14

      formal machine. See automaton

      formal parameter. See parameter, formal

      formal subroutine, 431. See also

      first-class values, subroutines

      format of program, lexical, 47

      formatted output

      in Ada, C 153

      in C, C 154ff

      in C++, C 156ff

      in Emacs Lisp, 726

      in Fortran, 19; C 152ff

      Forth, 8, 211, 226, 782, 863, 867


      (homoiconography), 608

      Fortran, 12, 15, 863

      aggregates, 238, 304, 538

      arrays, 321, 359ff, 362ff, 368, 405;

      C 48

      dynamic shape, 366

      slices, 362

      assignment, 234

      case of letters, 47

      coarrays, 698

      coercion, 321

      computed goto, 246
      concurrent programming, 12, 637

      declarations, 126; C 46, C 54

      do loop, 262ff, 264, 291
      equivalence statement, C 136ff
      exponentiation, 226

      format, fixed, 48

      formatted I/O, 19; C 152ff

      function return value, 439, 538

      goto statement, 7, 246, 265
      history, 6, 9

      I/O, C 149, C 156

      if statement, 253

      implementation, 9, 19

      internal files, C 156

      multibyte characters, 47, 305

      nested subroutines, 127

      numeric types, 305ff

      operator functions, 148

      parallel loops, 639

      parallelism, 640, 683

      parameter passing, 118, 423ff, 435ff,


      pointers, 146

      precedence levels, 228

      records, 321, 351ff, 357

      recursion, 119ff, 277, 538

      save statement, 127, 136
      scanning, 64, 105

      scope rules, 126

      subroutines, library, 19

      text I/O, C 152ff

      type checking, 362

      type extension (objects), 472, 491,


      Fortress, 698

      forward chaining in logic programming,


      forward declaration, C 38

      forward reference, 131, 193; C 27

      forward substitution (code

      improvement), C 320

      FP (language), 590

      fractional part of floating-point number,

      C 69

      fragile base class problem, 512

      fragmentation, 122; C 145

      external, 122ff, 394; C 146

      internal, 122, 453

      frame. See stack frame

      frame pointer, 120, 121, 412

      Francez, Nissim, C 255

      Fraser, Christopher, 806

      free list, 122

      Free Software Foundation, 782. See also

      bison; emacs; flex; g++; gas;
      gcc; gdb; GENERIC; GIMP;
      GIMPLE; gnat; gpc; gprof;

      928 Index

      free variable in lambda expression, C 215

      free-format language, 47

      Freeman, John, 178

      Friedman, Daniel P., 295, 469

      friend in C++, 488
      fringe, of tree, 586

      front end

      of a compiler, 26, 33, 37, 181, 775. See

      also parsers and parsing; scanners

      and scanning; semantic analysis

      of a simulator, C 189

      of x86 or z processor, C 71

      function, 411. See also subroutine

      in bash, 710
      currying, 328, 577ff; C 213

      higher-order, 538, 576ff, 621; C 213

      functional programming and, 576ff

      mathematical, C 212ff

      partial, C 212

      return value, 120, 438ff, 538

      semantic. See semantic function

      strict, 569

      total, C 212

      function constructor, 577. See also

      lambda expression; C#,

      delegates; Ruby, blocks;

      Smalltalk, blocks

      function object. See object closure

      function space, mathematical, C 213

      functional form. See higher-order


      functional languages and programming,

      11, 535ff. See also Common

      Lisp; Erlang; Haskell; lambda

      calculus; Lisp; ML; OCaml;

      recursion; Scheme; Sisal

      aggregates, 538ff

      assignment, lack of, 391, 408, 581

      code improvement, C 355

      commercial use, 539, 583, 590

      concurrency, 683ff, 695

      equational reasoning, 581

      evaluation order, 567ff

      lazy evaluation, 569ff

      first-class subroutines, 155ff, 538ff

      garbage collection, 124, 378, 538ff

      higher-order functions, 439, 538,


      in-place mutation, 582

      incremental initialization, 581

      iteration, 546

      key concepts, 537ff

      limitations, 575, 581ff

      lists, 398ff, 538

      polymorphism, 538, 541

      recursion, 538

      storage allocation, 453

      theoretical foundations, 580; C 212ff

      trivial update problem, 582

      functional unit, of processor, C 75

      functor, 158. See also object closure

      in Prolog, 593

      future (parallel processing), 684

      FX!32 binary translator, 831, 854


      g++ (GNU C++ compiler), 782
      Gabriel, Richard P., 764, 771

      Ganapathi, Mahadevan, 806

      gap, floating-point, C 68

      garbage collection, 119, 124, 156, 378,

      389ff, 808

      concurrent, 396

      conservative, 397, 410

      of continuations, 250

      and finalization of objects, 496, 504ff

      in functional programming, 536,


      generational, 396ff

      in HotSpot, 409

      incremental, 396, 410

      mark-and-sweep, 393ff, 410

      pointer reversal, 394ff

      and real-time execution, 390

      reference counts, 390ff; C 146, C 161ff

      circular structures, 391

      vs tracing collection, 396

      in scripting languages, 704

      stop-and-copy, 394ff, 410

      tenuring, 408

      tracing collection, 393ff, 807

      Garcia, Ronald, 349

      gas (GNU assembler), 6, 794ff; C 72
      gather operation, C 244, C 249

      Gaussian elimination, C 353

      gcc (GNU compiler collection), 6, 75,
      468, 477, 782, 806; C 72, C 171

      __packed__ attribute, 355
      GCD. See greatest common divisor

      gdb (GNU debugger), 845
      Gehani, Narain, 294

      Genera programming environment, 41

      generate-and-test idiom in logic

      programming, 607

      generational garbage collection, 396ff

      generators, 274, 295; C 107ff. See also


      GENERIC (gcc IF), 782
      generic subroutine or module, 286, 319,

      333ff; C 119ff

      covariance and contravariance, C 129,

      C 135

      implementation options, 334ff, 646

      implicit instantiation, 338

      and macros, 163, 346

      and object-oriented programming,

      481ff, 483

      parameter constraints, 335ff; C 128

      and reflection, 839, 841; C 127

      reification, 841; C 128, C 291

      type erasure, 839, 841; C 126ff, C 291

      Gharachorloo, Kourosh, 696, 698

      Gibbons, Phillip A., C 355

      Gil, Joseph (Yossi), 530

      GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation
      Program), 724

      Gtk, 459

      GIMPLE (gcc IF), 782ff, 806; C 273ff
      Gingell, Robert A., 806

      Ginsburg, Seymour, 113

      Glanville, R. Steven, 806

      global optimization (code

      improvement), 777ff, 857;

      C 312ff

      global variable, 126

      Index 929

      globbing, in shell languages, 706

      glue language, 700, 701, 718ff

      GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit), 459

      gnat (GNU Ada Translator), 467, 782;
      C 285

      GNU. See Free Software Foundation

      Go, 863

      arrays, 362

      associative arrays, 359

      communication model, 636

      function return value, 439

      garbage collection, 378, 390

      interfaces, 516

      line breaks, 48

      objects, 472

      receive operation, C 244
      send operation, C 240
      threads, 451

      type inference, 325

      goal, in logic programming, 592, 594ff

      goal-directed search, C 108

      Gödel (language), 621

      Goguen, Joseph A., 349

      Goldberg, Adele, 868

      Goldberg, David, C 70, C 105

      Goodenough, John B., 468

      Google, Inc., v, 348, 771, 863

      Gordon, Michael J. C., 215

      Gosling, James, 812, 864

      Gosper, R. William, 770

      goto statement, 7, 246ff, 265, 290, 295,

      alternatives, 247ff, 285

      nonlocal, 247

      gpc (GNU Pascal compiler), 782
      gprof, 848
      gradual typing, 348

      gradual underflow in floating-point

      arithmetic, C 68

      Graham, Susan L., 806; C 355

      grammar. See attribute grammar;

      context-free grammar

      graph coloring and register allocation,

      C 344, C 355

      graphical user interface (GUI), 456, 523,

      669, 701, 807; C 148ff, C 204.

      See also programming


      greatest common divisor (GCD), 13ff,

      28ff, 38, 175, 278ff, 776ff;

      C 111, C 218ff, C 273ff

      in assembly language, 5

      in C, 13, 28

      in machine language, 5

      in OCaml, 13

      in Prolog, 13, 618

      in Smalltalk, C 207

      greedy matching of regular expression,

      748, 769

      Greenspun, Philip, 771

      grep (Unix), 48, 743ff
      egrep, 743
      origin, 744

      Gries, David, 215, 295

      Griesemer, Robert, 863

      Griswold, Madge T., 295

      Griswold, Ralph E., 295, 864, 868; C 118

      Grune, Dick, 41, 590, 806; C 354

      Gtk (GIMP Tool Kit), 459


      in Ada select statement, C 246
      on entry of protected object in Ada

      95, 675

      in SR in statement, C 113
      guarded commands, C 110ff, C 117,

      C 245

      GUI. See graphical user interface

      Guile (Scheme dialect), 701, 771

      Gurtovoy, Aleksey, 349

      Gutmans, Andi, 866

      Guttag, John, 177, 295, 349, 468

      Guyer, Samuel Z., C 354


      Hack, 348

      handle, of a right-sentential form, 90

      handler, for event, 457ff

      Hanson, David R., 468, 806; C 116

      Hansson, David Heinemeier, 722

      happens before relationship, 698

      Harbison, Samuel P., 177, 468

      Harris, Tim, 692, 698

      Harvard University, 113, 225, 363

      hash function, 681, 800; C 28, C 33

      hash table, 64, 259, 359, 377, 690; C 27.

      See also associative array

      Haskell, 326, 537, 550, 590, 864. See also


      container classes, 575

      do construct, 573
      functors, 334

      global variables, 575

      I/O, 572ff

      indentation and line breaks, 48

      infix operators, 149, 228

      lazy evaluation, 282, 570, 586

      list comprehensions, 400, 408, 575

      map function, 574
      Maybe types, 304
      modules, 137, 138

      monads, 348, 572ff

      overloading, 149

      parameter passing, 433

      partial functions, 575

      pseudorandom numbers, 572ff

      side effects, lack of, 571

      threads, 451

      tuples, 573

      type classes, 149, 329, 336, 348, 554

      Hauben, Michael, 771

      Hauben, Ronda, 771

      Haynes, Christopher T., 295, 469

      hazard in pipeline, C 89

      Hazelwood, Kim, 854

      head, of Horn clause, 592

      header of module, 140, 487; C 36

      heap, 119, 122ff, 792, 807. See also

      garbage collection; priority

      queue; storage allocation and


      fragmentation, 122

      free list, 122

      in functional programming, 538

      heavyweight process, 635

      Hejlsberg, Anders, 861

      helping, in nonblocking concurrent

      algorithms, 658

      930 Index

      Hemlock, C 149

      Hennessy, John L., 806; C 70, C 89, C 105

      Henry, Robert R., 806

      heredoc, 709

      Herlihy, Maurice P., 680, 696ff

      Hermes, 347, 647; C 250

      Heron’s formula, 555, 783

      Hewlett-Packard Corp., 211, 523, 633,

      782, 830, 831

      hexadecimal notation, C 65

      Heymans, F., 698

      High Performance Fortran (HPF), 640,


      higher-order function. See function,


      Hind, Michael, C 310, C 355

      hints, 420, 676

      monitor signals as, 671ff

      history. See also Appendix A

      of the #! convention, 712
      of abstraction mechanisms, 471ff

      of Ada, 9

      of Algol, 6

      of C, C 37

      of C#, 9, 637; C 286

      of the CLI, 820

      of Cobol, 9

      of compilers and compilation, 6

      of computers, 5ff; C 76ff

      of floating-point, 399

      of Fortran, 6, 9

      of functional and logic programming,


      of HTML, 736

      of Java, 637, 812

      of Lisp, 6, 399, 468

      of math and statistics languages, 717

      of Perl, 741

      of PHP, 700

      of PL/I, 9

      of RISC, C 100

      of scope rules and abstraction

      mechanisms, 125ff, 166, 471

      of scripting, 700ff

      of separate compilation, C 41

      of Unix tools, 744

      Ho, W. Wilson, 806

      Hoare, Charles Antony Richard (Tony),

      41, 182, 215, 246, 294, 295,

      348ff, 669, 861, 866

      Hoare, Graydon, 867

      hole in record layout, 353ff

      hole in scope, 128, 132

      Holt, Richard C., 697, 869

      homoiconic language, 547, 584, 608, 617

      Hopcroft, John E., 112

      Hopper, Grace Murray, 862

      Horn, Alfred, 620

      Horn clause, 592; C 228

      Horowitz, Ellis, 41

      hot path, 824, 825, 831

      HotSpot JVM, 409, 812, 825ff

      HP 3000 architecture, 830

      HPF. See High Performance Fortran

      HTML (hypertext markup language),


      and CGI scripts, 728ff

      and client scripts, 734

      header extraction example, 713ff, 748

      in awk, 714ff
      in Perl, 716ff

      in sed, 713
      as output of javadoc, 843
      as output of XSLT, C 262

      and PHP scripts, 731ff

      polyglot markup, C 259

      and XML, 736ff

      HTTP (hypertext transport protocol),

      728, 765

      Hudak, Paul, 590

      Hunt, Andrew, 867

      hypervisor, 811; C 85


      IA-32 EL binary translator, 831

      IA-64 (Itanium) architecture, 633, 830,

      831, 834; C 99, C 104

      atomic instructions, 655

      memory model, 662

      predication, C 74

      register windows, 419; C 177

      IA32. See x86 architecture

      IBM 360/370 (z) architecture

      compare_and_swap, 690
      endian-ness, C 64

      memory model, 661

      microprogramming, C 76

      IBM 704 architecture, 119, 368, 399

      IBM Corp., 9, 861, 863, 866

      multiprocessors, 633

      T. J. Watson Research Center, 368;

      C 105

      IBM CP/CMS, 811

      Ichbiah, Jean, 859

      Icon, 7, 864

      Boolean type, lack of, 305; C 108

      generators, 268ff, 274, 295; C 107ff

      pattern matching, 559

      strings, 375

      suspend statement, C 108
      Id (language), 11

      IDE (integrated development

      environment). See

      programming environments

      idempotent operation, 252

      identifier, 32, 45. See also names

      IEEE floating-point standard. See

      floating-point, IEEE standard

      Ierusalimschy, Roberto, 864

      IF. See intermediate form

      ILP (instruction-level parallelism), C 90

      immediate error detection problem, C 3,

      C 19

      immutable object, 231, 367, 425; C 204

      imperative language, 11ff

      imperfect loop nest, C 339

      implementation. See also assembler;

      compilers and compilation;

      interpreters and interpretation;

      specific languages and features

      canonical, 703

      compilation and interpretation, 17ff,


      counterintuitive, 646

      language design and, xxvff, 3, 8

      Index 931

      processor architecture and, 217, 824;

      C 75ff

      implicit receipt. See receive operation,

      implicit synchronization, 683ff


      of names into modules, 136, 476, 739;

      C 39

      import tables, for linking, 790

      in-line subroutine, 164, 286, 419ff, 476,

      524, 646, 824, 825; C 97. See

      also macros

      in-order execution, 241; C 90

      incremental compilation. See compilers

      and compilation, incremental

      incremental garbage collection, 410

      indentation, 48, 81

      index type of array, 359

      index, of loop, 262ff, 285. See also

      induction variable

      indexed addressing mode, C 72

      indexed sequential file, C 151

      indexer methods in C#, 477ff

      induction variable, C 325ff

      Industrial Light & Magic, 724

      inference, of types. See type inference

      Infiniband, 634

      infinite data structure, 283, 589; C 149.

      See also lazy evaluation

      infix notation, 148, 211, 225ff, 240

      in ML, 226, 422

      in Prolog, 595, 607

      in R, 226, 718

      in Smalltalk, 226

      information hiding, 135

      and reflection, 838

      Ingalls, Daniel H. H., 530, 868

      Ingerman, Peter Z., 468

      inheritance, 141, 177, 471, 478ff, 485ff

      implementation, 510ff; C 194ff,

      C 209ff

      mix-in, 509, 516ff

      modules and, 486ff

      multiple, 472, 521ff; C 194ff

      ambiguity, C 196

      cost, C 197

      this correction, C 195ff
      in Perl, 759

      repeated, 522; C 198ff

      replicated, 522; C 199ff

      shared, 508, 522; C 199, C 201ff

      single, 510ff

      unions and, C 142

      inherited attribute. See attribute,


      initialization, 238ff. See also assignment;

      constructor function; definite

      assignment; finalization

      and assignment, 15, 238ff, 499ff

      of complex structures, 581

      execution order, 496, 502ff

      of expanded objects, 502

      of objects, 495ff

      and variables as references or values,

      495, 498ff

      INMOS Corp., 866

      input/output. See I/O

      INRIA, 550, 862

      insertion sort, 619

      inspector-executor loop transformation,

      C 354


      implicit, of generic subroutine, 338

      of variables in Prolog, 593, 595, 599,


      instruction scheduling, 419, 780, 795,

      824, 826; C 76, C 90, C 95ff,

      C 328ff, C 355

      register allocation and, C 95ff, C 299,

      C 347

      instruction set architecture (ISA), 810;

      C 70ff, C 86ff

      instruction-level parallelism, C 90


      as a data format, C 63

      useless, C 303, C 321

      Intel 64 architecture, C 99. See x86-64


      Intel Corp., 22, 834; C 81, C 99. See also

      x86 architecture; IA-64

      (Itanium architecture)

      Interlisp, 41, 590, 669; C 204

      interlock hardware, C 92

      intermediate form (IF), 19, 780ff;

      C 273ff, C 313

      level of machine dependence, 780;

      C 305, C 328

      stack-based, 782

      Intermetrics, 859

      internal fragmentation, 122, 453

      International Organization for

      Standardization (ISO), 621,

      736, 810, 861, 865, 866; C 291

      Internet address, C 237

      Internet Explorer, 736

      interpolation of variables in scripting

      languages, 706ff, 748ff

      interpreted languages, 18

      compiling, 702

      interpreters and interpretation, 17ff

      vs emulation, 830

      error checking and, 18

      vs just-in-time compilation, 811

      late binding, 17, 117

      metacircular, 548, 611; C 225

      of P-code, 21ff

      of Postscript, 24, 706

      of Scheme, 539

      and scripting, 702, 712, 718, 724, 731,

      734, 754, 764

      tree traversal, 33

      vs virtual machines, 810

      interprocedural code improvement. See

      code improvement,


      interrupts, for I/O events, 457ff

      intrinsic function in Fortran, 363

      introspection, 837. See also reflection

      invariant computation in loop, C 323ff

      invariant, logical, 58, 183

      of loop, 290, 295

      of monitor, 671

      I/O (input/output), 401ff, 807; C 148ff.

      See also files; event handling;

      graphical user interface

      interactive, C 148ff

      932 Index

      monads, in Haskell, 571ff

      streams, 571ff

      iPhone, 9, 418

      ISA (instruction set architecture), 810;

      C 70ff, C 86ff

      ISO. See International Organization for


      ISO/IEC 10646 standard, 47, 306. See

      also Unicode

      Itanium. See IA-64 (Itanium)


      item, in LR grammar, 91ff

      iteration, 223, 261ff. See also generators;


      enumeration-controlled, 261ff

      logically-controlled, 261, 275ff

      recursion and, 277ff

      in Smalltalk, C 205ff

      iteration count, 263, 266, 291

      iteration space, C 340

      iterators, 15, 268ff, 286, 456ff

      and continuations, 274

      and coroutines, 456; C 183

      and first-class functions, 272

      implementation, 599; C 183ff

      iterator objects, 270ff; C 184

      tree enumeration example, 289

      Iverson, Kenneth E., 363, 771, 861


      Järvi, Jaakko, 178

      Java, 7, 8, 12, 864. See also Java Virtual


      annotation processors, 845

      annotations, 842ff

      applets, 734ff, 783

      arithmetic overflow, 243

      arrays, 370

      assertions, 182

      assignment, 379

      AWT graphics, C 149

      boolean type, 234
      boxing, 233

      break statement, 276

      bytecode. See Java Virtual Machine,


      capitalization, 47

      casts, 323, 511

      classes, 141

      concurrency library, 676ff

      condition variables, 677

      declarations, 134

      definite assignment, 33, 184, 239,

      347, 820

      enum values, 309
      events, 460

      exception handling, 323, 441

      expression evaluation, 241

      final class, 494, 507
      finalization of objects, 505

      fragile base class problem, 512

      functional interface, 162, 460

      garbage collection, 124, 240, 378, 390

      generics, 333, 335, 336, 339ff, 485;

      C 119, C 123ff

      constraints, 335

      goto statement, 246
      graphical interface, C 148

      history, 637, 812

      implementation, 8, 18, 23

      initialization, 238, 820

      inner classes, 490

      anonymous, 460

      interface classes, 158, 509

      iterator objects, 268ff

      JavaFX graphics, 459ff

      just-in-time compiler, 512; C 349

      lambda expressions, 162, 460, 538

      locks and conditions, 676ff

      memory model, 662, 678ff, 696, 816

      message passing, C 237

      method binding, 507

      mix-in inheritance, 516

      monitors, 678, 679

      multibyte characters, 47

      new operation, 297, 382
      numeric types, 305

      object closure, 157, 460, 491, 514

      Object superclass, 323, 479

      objects, 472

      initialization, 496, 503

      overloading, 148, 309

      packages, 137, 138, 142; C 40ff

      hierarchical (nested), C 41

      parameter passing, 425, 436

      variable number of arguments, 437

      phasers, 656

      polymorphism, 302

      precedence levels, 227

      Real Time Specification for, 390

      recursive types, 7, 379

      reflection, 611, 837, 838ff

      regular expressions, 743

      safety, 241

      scope rules, 132, 193

      scoped memory, 390

      send operation, C 240
      separate compilation, 165; C 40ff

      serialization of objects, 837

      servlets, 731

      strings, 367, 376

      super, 480, 503
      Swing graphics, C 149
      synchronization, 674ff, 815

      thread pools and executors, 645

      threads, 12, 451, 638, 643

      try. . . finally, 447ff
      type checking, 183, 313

      type erasure, 839, 841; C 126ff, C 291

      unions, lack of, C 142

      universal reference type, 323

      variables as references or values, 232,

      379, 402, 498

      Vector class, 367
      visibility of class members, 489

      weak references, 409

      Java Modeling Language (JML), 844

      Java Server Pages, 731

      Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 812ff, 867

      architectural summary, 812

      archive (.jar) files, 816; C 291
      bytecode, 23, 211, 702, 783, 806, 817ff

      vs Common Intermediate

      Language, C 291

      Index 933

      instruction set, 817

      list insertion example, 818

      verification, 818

      class files, 816

      vs Common Language Infrastructure,

      C 287ff

      constant pool, 813ff

      and languages other than Java, 813,


      operand stack, 814ff, 817ff

      storage management, 813

      type safety, 820

      JavaBeans, 530, 698

      javadoc, 842
      JavaFX, C 149

      JavaScript, 12, 701, 734ff, 864

      arrays and hashes, 755

      first-class subroutines, 739

      interactive form example, 734ff

      numeric types, 752

      objects, 757ff, 760ff

      properties, 755, 760

      prototype objects, 529, 757, 760ff

      regular expressions, 743

      scope rules, 739

      security, 737

      standardization, 703

      unlimited extent, 739

      variables as references or values, 752,


      and XSLT, C 262

      Jazayeri, Mehdi, 215

      JCL, 700

      Jefferson, David R., C 193

      Jensen, Jørn, C 180

      Jensen’s device, C 180ff

      Jensen, Kathleen, 866

      JML (Java Modeling Language),


      job control in shell languages,


      Johnson, Stephen C., 112

      Johnson, Walter L., 112

      Johnstone, Mark S., 410

      join operation, 638, 642ff

      Jones, Richard, 410

      Jordan, Mick, 865

      Joy, William, 705

      JScript, 736, 864; C 286. See also


      JSP (Java Server Pages), 700

      jump code, 254ff

      jump table for case/switch statement,

      just-in-time compilation. See compilers

      and compilation, just-in-time

      JVM. See Java Virtual Machine


      Kalsow, Bill, 865

      Kasami, T., 69

      Kay, Alan, 523, 868

      Kemeny, John, 861

      Kennedy, Andrew, 349

      Kennedy, Ken, C 332, C 355

      Kernighan, Brian W., 41, 295, 714,


      Kessels, J. L. W., 675

      keys and locks. See locks and keys

      keywords, 45, 47, 63. See also specific

      keywords and languages

      contextual, 46, 64

      predefined names and, 64, 175

      Kinnersley, Bill, 859

      Kleene, Stephen C., 43, 113, 536

      Alonzo Church and, 537

      Kleene closure, 44, 58ff, 103

      plus metasymbol, 49

      star metasymbol, 43, 46ff

      Klein, Gerwin, 215

      Knuth, Donald E., 10, 112, 215

      Kontothanassis, Leonidas I., 693

      Korn, David G., 705, 771

      Kowalski, Robert, 591, 621, 867

      Kozyrakis, Christos, 698

      Král, J., 407

      ksh, 705
      Kurtz, Barry L., 215

      Kurtz, Thomas, 861


      L-attributed attribute grammar. See

      attribute grammar, L-attributed

      l-value, 230, 311, 319, 323, 384; C 48


      for goto, 246
      nonlocal, 247

      as parameter, 248, 433, 448; C 181ff

      LALR parsing. See parsers and parsing,


      lambda (λ) as empty string, 46

      lambda abstraction, C 214

      lambda calculus, 11, 468, 536, 580, 590,

      864; C 214ff

      alpha conversion, C 215

      arithmetic, C 214, C 223

      beta abstraction, C 218

      beta reduction, C 215

      control flow, C 217ff

      currying, C 221ff

      delta reduction, C 216

      eta reduction, C 215

      functional languages and, 11

      scope, C 215

      structures, C 219ff

      lambda expression, 155, 159ff, 280, 304,

      432, 538, 541, 621, 626; C 205

      Lamport, Leslie B., 654, 698

      Lampson, Butler W., 669, 863, 865

      Landin, Peter, 178

      language, 45. See also specific languages

      classification, 11ff, 533, 617

      concurrent, 12, 637ff

      constraint-based, 12

      context-free, 45, 103; C 19ff

      ambiguous, C 22

      dataflow, 11

      declarative, 11, 613, 617, 620; C 267

      design, 7ff

      binding time and, 116

      extension, 16, 724ff

      families, 11ff

      formal, 103; C 14

      free vs fixed format, 47

      functional, 11, 535ff

      934 Index

      glue, 718ff

      homoiconic, 547, 584, 608, 617

      imperative, 11ff

      implementation. See also compilers

      and compilation; interpreters and


      binding time and, 116

      logic, 12, 591ff

      nondeterministic, C 22

      object-oriented, 12, 13, 141, 471ff,

      522ff, 757ff

      reasons to study, 14ff

      regular, 45, 103

      scripting, 12, 699ff

      strict, 569

      von Neumann, 12

      Larch, 844

      Larus, James R., 698, 852, 855

      late binding. See binding, late

      LATEX, 769

      Lawrence Livermore National

      Laboratory, 684, 868

      lazy data structure, 283

      lazy evaluation, 245, 282ff, 286, 295,

      569ff, 586; C 182

      definition, 283

      lazy linking, 820, 823; C 282

      lcc (compiler), 806
      Lea, Doug, v, 691

      leaf routine, 416; C 165, C 171, C 307,

      C 346

      LeBlanc, Richard J., 410

      LeBlanc, Thomas J., 144; C 27

      LeBlanc-Cook symbol table, C 27ff

      Ledgard, Henry F., 215

      left corner of LR production, 200; C 49

      left factoring, 80; C 49

      left recursion in CFG, 79ff

      left-linear grammar, C 24

      left-most derivation, 51

      Leiserson, Charles, 862

      Lerdorf, Rasmus, 700, 866

      Leroy, Xavier, 862

      Lesk, Michael E., 112

      Lewis, Philip M. II, 112, 215

      lex, 44, 62, 104, 112
      lexical analysis. See scanners and


      lexical errors, 65ff

      lexical scope. See scope, static

      lexicographic ordering, 338, 362; C 310

      Li, Kai, 698

      library package, 12, 19, 117, 433, 451,

      512, 797ff, 807ff; C 149. See also

      linkers and linking, run-time


      for concurrency, 637ff. See also

      pthread standard (POSIX)
      lifetime, of bindings and objects, 118

      lightweight process, 635

      limited extent. See extent, of object

      Lindholm, Tim, 806, 854

      line breaks, 48

      in Python, 720

      in Ruby, 722

      linkers and linking, 15, 19, 24, 780,

      797ff, 806

      binding time and, 117

      dynamic, 792, 797, 800ff, 809, 822,

      830; C 279ff

      lazy, 820, 823; C 282

      name resolution, 798ff

      relocation and, 796ff

      separate compilation and, C 37

      static, 797ff

      type checking and, 799ff

      Linpack performance benchmark, 696

      LINQ, 625, 843; C 296

      Lins, Raphael, 410

      lint, 40
      Linux operating system, 9, 22. See also


      address space layout, 792

      dynamic linking, C 280

      magic numbers, 712

      Liskov, Barbara H., 137, 177, 295, 468,

      469, 862

      Lisp, 7, 11, 590, 864. See also Common

      Lisp; Scheme

      aggregates, 304

      arithmetic operators, 287

      assignment, 384

      binding of names, C 33

      closures, 154

      cond construct, 253
      dynamic typing, 398, 538

      equality testing, 232, 340

      expression syntax, 225, 422

      function primitive, 154
      history, 6, 399, 468

      if construct, 422
      imperative features, 384

      implementation, 23, 827

      lists, 380, 398ff, 543

      numeric types, 305

      parameter passing, 423, 425, 436, 468

      polymorphism, 399, 538

      recursion, 468

      recursive types, 7, 381, 399

      reflection, 837, 854

      S-expression, 547; C 274

      scope rules, 125ff, 132, 142ff, 543


      (homoiconography), 17, 125,

      539, 547, 584, 608

      storage allocation, 468

      strings, 376

      syntax, 540

      type checking, 183, 300

      unlimited precision arithmetic, 243

      variables as references, 231

      list comprehensions, 400, 408, 722

      lists, 379ff, 398ff

      as composite type, 311

      dotted notation, 399

      and functional programming, 535,


      improper, 399, 597

      in ML, 555

      notation, 399

      programs as (Scheme), 547ff

      in Prolog, 596ff

      proper, 399, 543

      in Scheme, 543ff

      literal constant. See constant, literal

      Index 935

      little-endian byte order. See endian-ness

      live value, 414; C 94, C 302

      range, C 344

      splitting, C 347

      live variable analysis, C 321, C 333

      LiveScript, 736

      LL grammar, 70, 73, 79ff; C 20ff

      LL language, 80; C 20ff

      LL parsing. See parsing, top-down

      Lloyd, John W., 621

      LLVM compiler suite, 418, 468; C 123,

      C 167ff, C 285

      load balancing, 646; C 343

      load delay, 241; C 91ff

      load penalty, C 91

      load-and-go compilation, 776

      load_linked instruction, 657, 680, 691
      load-store architecture (RISC

      machines), C 71, C 93

      loader, 797

      loading, binding time and, 117

      local code improvement (optimization),

      777, 857; C 304ff

      local variable, 126

      locality of access, C 62ff, C 97

      lock. See mutual exclusion; semaphores;

      spin lock

      locks and keys (for dangling reference

      detection), 410; C 146ff

      logic languages and programming, 12,

      591ff. See also Prolog

      arithmetic, 597ff

      backward chaining, 598

      clausal form, 613; C 227ff

      closed world assumption, 615ff

      code improvement, C 355

      concurrency, 686ff, 695

      constructive proofs and, 537

      execution order, 598ff, 613

      forward chaining, 598

      Horn clause, 592

      limitations, 613ff

      lists, 596ff

      predicate calculus, 591

      reflection, 611

      resolution and unification, 595ff

      theoretical foundations, 612; C 226ff

      logical type. See type, Boolean

      logically controlled loop, 261, 275ff

      Lomet, David B., 410

      long instruction word (LIW)

      architecture, C 104

      longest possible token rule, 55, 64ff

      loop, 261ff

      bounds, 262ff

      combination, 266ff

      enumeration-controlled, 261ff, 291;

      C 350

      index, 262ff, 285. See also induction


      logically controlled, 261, 275ff, 291

      mid-test, 276ff

      nested, C 339

      parallel, 639ff, 683

      post-test, 275

      pre-test, 275

      loop invariant computation, C 323ff

      loop transformations, C 323ff, C 332ff,

      C 355. See also dependence;

      induction variable; loop

      invariant computation

      blocking, C 337

      distribution, C 338

      fission, C 338

      fusion, C 338

      inspector-executor paradigm, C 354

      interchange, C 337

      jamming, C 338

      peeling, C 339

      reordering, C 337

      reversal, C 341

      skewing, C 341

      software pipelining, C 333ff

      splitting, C 338

      strip mining, C 343

      tiling, C 337

      unrolling, 292ff, 824; C 103ff, C 332ff

      Loops, 530

      loose name equivalence, 315

      Louden, Kenneth C., 41

      LR grammar, 70, 74; C 20ff

      LR language, C 20ff

      LR parsing. See parsers and parsing,


      Lua, 12, 701, 864

      game engine scripting, 724

      numeric types, 752

      Lucid Corp., 764

      Luckam, David C., 468

      Luhn, Hans Peter, 211

      Luhn formula, 211

      Luk, Chi-Keung, 854

      Łukasiewicz, Jan, 211

      Lynx, 803


      Mac OS, 635, 866

      text files, C 151

      Mach operating system, 635

      machine language, 5, 20, 217, 792ff;

      C 70ff

      machine, formal. See automaton

      machine-independent code

      improvement, 27; C 299ff

      machine-specific code improvement, 27;

      C 299ff

      MacLaren, M. Donald, 468

      MacLisp, 590

      Macromedia Corp., 731

      macros, 162ff, 282ff, 569

      and call-by-name, 433

      and generics, 163, 346

      hygienic, 163, 164

      vs in-line subroutines, 286, 291, 420

      and recursion, 164

      and variable number of arguments in

      C, 436

      magic numbers in Unix, 712, 816, 820

      Mairson, Harry G., 349

      make tool in Unix, 39, 800; C 38
      malloc (memory allocation) routine,

      382; C 191

      malware, 835

      managed code, 810

      manifest constants, 120

      936 Index

      Manson, Jeremy, 696, 698

      mantissa of floating-point number, C 67

      Maple, 717, 756, 771

      mapping. See associative array

      Marcotty, Michael, 215

      Mariner 1 space probe, 64

      mark-and-sweep garbage collection,

      393ff, 410

      marshalling. See gather operation

      Martonosi, Margaret, 855

      Mashey, John R., 705, 771

      Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

      103, 137, 399, 590, 645, 705,

      862, 868

      Massalin, Henry, C 355

      Mathematica, 717, 756, 771

      Matlab, 684, 717, 756, 771

      Matsumoto, Yukihiro (Matz), 722ff, 867

      Matthews, Jacob, 215

      Maurer, Dieter, 590; C 209

      Maya, 724

      maybe type. See option type

      McCarthy, John, 468, 590, 864

      McGraw, James R., 868

      McIlroy, M. Douglas, 744

      McKenzie, Bruce J., 113

      megabyte, definition, C 66

      Mellor-Crummey, John M., v, 698

      member lookup in object-oriented

      programming, 509ff

      memoization, 283, 570, 582, 589

      memory, C 61. See also alignment;

      endian-ness; data formats

      coherence. See caches, coherence

      hierarchy, C 61ff

      layout. See specific data types

      leak, 124, 378, 389, 393, 833; C 161

      memory model, 659ff, 816

      bypassing, 660

      C++11, 662, 679

      conflicting operations, 675, 680

      Java, 662, 678ff, 696

      sequential consistency, 659ff

      temporal loop, 660ff

      Mercury, 597, 621

      merge function, in SSA form, C 313ff

      Mesa, 669ff, 865; C 204

      message passing, 687; C 235ff. See also

      MPI; PVM; receive
      operation; remote procedure

      call; send operation
      buffering, C 241ff

      naming communication partners,

      C 235ff

      and nondeterminacy, C 112

      ordering, C 239

      peeking, C 247

      vs shared memory, 631, 635ff

      metacircular interpreter, 548, 611; C 225

      metacomputing, 608

      metadata, 807, 827, 837; C 291ff

      methods and method binding, 473

      abstract, 508

      base classes, modifying, 479ff

      dispatch, 141, 508

      dynamic, 177, 471, 505ff. See also

      polymorphism, subtype;

      methods and method binding,


      closures, 157ff, 491, 513ff, 644

      extension methods in C#, 494

      property mechanism in C#, 459,

      redefining, 479, 507

      static, 506

      virtual, 508

      implementation, 509ff

      pure. See methods and method

      binding, abstract

      vtable (virtual method table), 509ff

      overriding, 141ff, 489ff, 506ff

      Meyer, Bertrand, 469, 530, 863

      Meyerovich, Leo A., 215

      Michael, Maged M., v, 691, 696, 698

      Michaelson, Greg, 295, 590

      Michie, Donald, 295

      microcode and microprogramming, 24;

      C 76ff

      microprocessors, C 77ff

      Microsoft Corp., 9, 348, 530, 550, 861,

      863. See also Active Server

      Pages; ActiveX; C#; COM;

      Common Language

      Infrastructure; DCOM; DDE;

      F#; Internet Explorer; .NET;

      OLE; PowerShell; Windows

      operating system; Visual Basic;

      Visual Studio

      compilers, 826

      Microsoft Word, 783

      mid-test loop, 276ff

      middle end, of a compiler, 27, 181, 775ff;

      C 273ff

      Miller, James S., 806

      Milner, Robin, 327, 349, 550, 865

      Milton, Donn R., 103, 113; C 7

      minimal matching of regular expression,

      717, 748, 769

      Minsky, Marvin, 410

      MIPS architecture, 830; C 99ff, C 105

      atomic instructions, 657

      conditional branches, C 73ff

      endian-ness, C 64

      instruction encoding, C 87

      memory model, 661

      Miranda, 537, 550, 865. See also ML

      and Haskell, 864

      lazy evaluation, 282, 570

      list comprehensions, 400

      parameter passing, 433

      side effects, lack of, 571

      Misra, Jayadev, 695

      MIT. See Massachusetts Institute of


      MITI (Japanese Ministry of

      International Trade and

      Industry), 620

      mix-in inheritance. See inheritance,


      “mixfix” notation, 226, 422; C 107,

      C 204

      ML, 11, 621, 865. See also F#; Haskell;

      Miranda; OCaml; SML

      aggregates, 238, 400

      arrays, 556

      assignment, 383, 589

      Index 937

      currying, 578

      equality testing, 340

      exception handling, 441, 446

      first-class functions, 432, 577

      imperative features, 383

      infix notation, 226, 422

      lists, 398ff, 555

      nested subroutines, 127

      parameter passing, 423, 425

      pattern matching, 559ff

      pointers, 231, 380, 383

      polymorphism, 327, 329, 399, 538,


      records, 313, 353, 557; C 139ff

      recursive types, 7, 379, 381, 399

      scope rules, 134, 412

      strings, 376, 556

      tuples, 236, 439, 557, 578

      type checking, 183, 184, 313, 328ff

      type system, 326ff

      unification, 327, 330, 331, 349

      unit (trivial) type, 303
      variables as references, 231

      variant types, 379, 558; C 139ff

      mobile code, 835ff

      mod operator, 345
      model checking, 833; C 354

      Modula (1), 81, 294, 865

      dereference (^) operator, 382
      encapsulation, 472

      goto statement, 246
      modules, 137, 138, 486ff

      monitors, 669

      parameter passing, 425

      repeat loop, 275
      set types, 325

      Modula-2, 81, 491, 865

      address (universal reference) type,

      case of letters, 47

      coroutines, 451

      first-class subroutines, 156

      function return value, 439, 538

      modules, 137ff, 486

      numeric types, 305

      separate compilation, C 36

      subroutines as parameters, 155

      Modula-3, 865

      arrays, 360

      case of letters, 47

      first-class subroutines, 156

      forward references, C 27

      implementation, 803

      modules, 137, 138

      object initialization, 497ff

      overloading, 147

      parameter passing, 468

      pointers, 378

      refany (universal reference) type,

      scope rules, 132

      separate compilation, 165; C 36

      synchronization, 673

      threads, 644

      TRY. . . FINALLY, 447
      type checking, 313

      type extension (objects), 141, 491,


      module, 135ff, 486ff

      and classes, 139ff

      closed scope, 138

      exports, 136

      generic. See generic subroutine or


      header, 487

      imports, 136

      information hiding, 135

      as manager, 138ff

      open scope, 138

      and separate compilation, C 36ff

      this parameter, 487ff
      as type, 139ff, 471, 487

      monads, 348, 571ff, 621

      monitor, 182, 669ff

      bounded buffer example, 670

      condition variables, 670

      vs conditional critical region, 677

      Java, 678, 679

      message-passing model, C 254

      nested calls, 673

      semantics, 671ff

      signals as hints and absolutes, 671ff,


      Mono, 459, 783, 821; C 286, C 293

      Moore, Charles H., 863

      Moore, Gordon E., C 78

      Moore, J. Strother, 770

      Moss, J. Eliot B., 680, 698

      Motwani, Rajeev, 112

      move semantics, 392, 430, 501

      MPI (message passing interface), 634,

      637, 638, 687, 690, 698

      collective communication, C 256

      process naming, C 235

      receive operation, C 244
      reduction, C 256

      send operation, C 240
      MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate

      Language), C 287. See also

      Common Language

      Infrastructure, Common

      Intermediate Language

      Muchnick, Steven S., 806; C 106, C 355ff

      multicore processor, 624, 625, 632; C 60,

      C 78ff, C 100

      Multics, 705

      multidimensional array, 368ff, 755

      multilevel returns, gotos and, 247ff
      multilingual character set, 306, 349. See

      also Unicode

      Multilisp, 684, 695

      multipass compiler, 207. See also

      compilers and compilation,

      passes, one-pass

      multiple inheritance. See inheritance,


      multiprocessor, 533

      architecture, 631ff

      cache coherence, 632, 633ff, 654, 691;

      C 176

      scheduling, 651

      single-chip, 624, 625, 632; C 60,

      C 78ff, C 100

      uniform v. nonuniform memory, 631

      vector. See vector processor

      938 Index

      multithreading, 627ff

      cooperative, 650

      dispatch loop alternative, 628ff

      in hardware, 632; C 60, C 78ff

      need for, 627ff

      preemptive, 650

      multiway assignment, 236, 755

      Murer, Stephan, 469

      mutual exclusion, 627, 652. See also


      in monitor, 671, 673

      walking locks, 678, 692

      mutual recursion, 131

      mutually recursive types, 380

      mx binary translator, 830, 854
      Myhrhaug, Bjørn, 177, 868


      name equivalence of types, 313ff, 799

      strict vs loose, 315

      name mangling, 800, 806

      named (keyword) parameters, 435ff

      names, 3, 115. See also binding; binding

      rules; communication, naming

      partners; keywords; scope

      predefined, 47, 64, 128, 175

      qualified, 128, 723, 838; C 39ff, C 48

      scope resolution operator, 128

      in scripting languages, 739ff


      in C++, 137, 142; C 39

      in C#, 137, 142; C 40ff

      in Perl, 757

      in scripting languages, 739

      in XML, C 261, C 264

      NaN (not a number), floating-point,

      C 69

      Naughton, Patrick, 812

      Naur, Peter, 49, 113, 859. See also

      Backus-Naur Form

      Necula, George, 853

      negation in Prolog, 615ff

      Nelson, Bruce, 698

      Nelson, Greg, 865

      nested monitor problem, 673


      of blocks, 134ff, 542ff

      of case statements in scanner, 62ff
      of comments, 55

      in context-free grammar, 48

      of monitor calls, 673

      of subroutines, 127ff, 468, 739ff

      access to nonlocal objects, 128

      implementation. See calling

      sequence; display; static


      and local variables in scripting

      languages, 739ff

      .NET, 530, 783, 810, 861, 863. See also

      C#; COM; Common Language

      Infrastructure; F#

      compilers, 826

      LINQ, 625, 843; C 296

      Task Parallel Library (TPL), 626, 639,


      Windows Presentation Foundation

      (WPF), 459

      NetBeans, 25

      Netscape Corp., 701, 736

      New York University (NYU), 214, 409

      Newell, Allen, C 105

      NeXT Software, Inc., 865

      NFA (nondeterministic finite

      automaton). See finite

      automaton, nondeterministic

      nibble, 307

      Nipkow, Tobias, 215

      no-wait send, C 240
      nonbinding prefetches, 184

      nonblocking algorithms, 657ff, 696

      nonconverting type cast. See type cast,


      nondeterminacy, 224, 283; C 110ff

      nondeterministic automaton. See

      automaton, pushdown; finite

      automaton, nondeterministic

      nondiscriminated union, C 140

      nonlocal objects, access, 128

      nonterminal, of CFG, 49

      nontrivial prefix problem in

      scanning, 64

      nop (no-op), 794; C 74, C 92

      normal-order evaluation, 282ff, 295,

      567ff. See also lazy evaluation

      in lambda calculus, 581; C 216ff,

      C 220

      macros and, 291, 433

      and short-circuiting, 584


      of floating-point number, C 68

      of syntax tree for code improvement,

      C 310

      Norwegian Computing Center, 177, 472,


      notation. See also regular expressions;

      context-free grammar

      Cambridge Polish, 225, 280, 540. See

      also prefix notation

      constructive, 580

      for lists, 399

      pseudo-assembly, 218

      nullifying branch. See branch

      instruction, nullifying

      numerals, Arabic, 43

      numeric operations. See arithmetic


      numeric type. See type, numeric

      Numrich, Robert, 697

      Nygaard, Kristen, 177, 472, 868


      O’Hallaron, David, C 105

      Oak, 812

      Oberon, 81, 294, 865

      modules, 140

      object initialization, 497ff

      type extension (objects), 141, 491,

      521; C 142

      object closure, 157ff, 294, 432, 457, 491,

      513ff, 644

      object code, 17. See also machine


      binary translation, 828

      executable, 790

      relocatable, 790

      Object Management Group, 530

      object-based language, 529

      Index 939

      object-oriented languages and

      programming, 12, 13, 116, 141,

      471ff, 522ff, 757ff. See also

      abstraction; class; constructor

      function; container class;

      destructor function;

      inheritance; methods and

      method binding; specific

      object-oriented languages

      anthropomorphism, 522ff

      class-based vs object-based languages,

      529, 760

      code improvement, C 355

      covariance and contravariance, C 129,

      C 135

      dynamic method binding, 505ff

      encapsulation and inheritance, 485ff

      generics and, 481ff

      initialization and finalization, 495ff

      modules and, 139ff

      multiple inheritance, 521ff; C 194ff

      in scripting languages, 757ff

      uniform object model, 522

      visibility of members, 479, 488; C 27,

      C 30

      Objective-C, 472, 865

      categories, 512

      class hierarchy, 497

      iPhone and iPad, 9

      method binding, 507

      mix-in inheritance, 516

      object initialization, 504

      Object superclass, 479
      polymorphism, 302

      self, 473
      super, 480
      type checking, 332, 513

      visibility of class members, 489

      ObjectWeb ASM bytecode framework,


      OCaml, 12, 326, 550ff, 862, 863. See also


      classes, 141

      DFA example, 565ff

      equality testing, 329

      evaluation order, 567ff

      generics (functors), 334

      constraints, 335

      lambda expressions, 159

      lazy evaluation, 571

      objects, 472, 521

      Option types, 303
      polymorphism, 302

      recursive types, 379

      unification, 330

      Occam, 866. See also CSP

      channels, C 236

      input and output guards, C 254

      memory model, 640

      receive operation, C 244
      remote invocation, C 240

      send operation, C 240
      termination, C 255

      Odersky, Martin, 867

      Ogden, William F., 215

      OLE (Microsoft Object Linking and

      Editing system), 530

      Olivetti Research Center, 865

      Olsson, Ronald A., 806

      one-pass compiler, 193ff, 209

      Opal, C 149

      opaque types and exports. See export,


      Open Network Computing (ONC) RPC

      standard, 698

      open operation, for files, C 150

      open scope. See scope, open

      open source

      ANTLR, 72

      Apache Byte Code Engineering

      Library, 839

      bash, 705
      CMU Common Lisp compiler,


      Eclipse, 25

      gcc, 782
      gdb, 845
      HotSpot JVM, 812, 825

      language design and, 8, 704, 764

      Linux, 9

      Mono, 783, 821; C 286

      NetBeans, 25

      ObjectWeb ASM bytecode

      framework, 839

      Pin binary rewriter, 834, 852, 854

      Python, 720

      R scripting language, 718, 867

      Sisal, 868

      Strongtalk, 530

      Valgrind, 176

      OpenCL, 631, 643

      OpenMP, 638

      directives, 639ff

      parallel loops, 639ff

      reduction, 641

      thread creation, 638

      operator, 224. See also expression

      assignment, 234ff

      associativity, 52

      precedence, 52

      in predicate calculus, 612; C 226

      operator precedence parsing, 112

      OPS5, 621

      Opteron processor, C 81

      optimistic code improvement, 184

      optimization, C 355. See also code


      option type, 303, 310, 566

      OR parallelism, 686, 695

      Oracle Corporation, 633. See also Sun

      Microsystems, Inc.

      HotSpot JVM, 409, 812, 825ff

      ordering, 223ff. See also concurrency;

      continuations; control flow;

      exception handling; iteration;

      nondeterminacy; recursion;

      selection; sequencing;


      in Prolog, 598ff

      within expressions, 240ff

      mathematical identities, 242ff

      ordinal type. See type, discrete

      ordinal value, of an enumeration

      constant, 308

      orthogonality, 233ff, 302ff, 817

      940 Index

      Ousterhout, John K., 665, 701, 771, 869

      out-of-order execution, C 78, C 89ff,

      C 92

      output dependence, C 92, C 329

      overflow, in binary arithmetic, 33, 38,

      243, 285, 286, 318; C 62, C 66,

      C 72, C 101

      overloading, 147ff, 309, 349

      in C++, 148ff

      and coercion, 174, 322

      of constructors, 475

      definition, 145

      overriding of method definitions, 141ff,

      489ff, 506ff


      P-code, 21ff, 211, 783, 811

      PA-RISC architecture, 264, 830ff

      memory model, 661

      segmentation, 791

      packed type. See type, packed

      page fault, 791

      panic mode. See syntax error,

      panic-mode recovery

      parallelism, 624. See also concurrency

      coarse-grain, C 343

      vs concurrency, 624

      data parallelism, 643, 655

      fine-grain, C 343

      granularity, 624, 625

      instruction-level, 625; C 355. See also

      instruction scheduling

      loop-level, 639ff; C 342ff

      task parallelism, 643

      thread-level, 625

      vector, 625, 640, 683

      parallelization, C 342ff, C 355

      Parallels Desktop (VMM), 811

      parameter passing, 422ff. See also


      in Ada, 427ff

      of arrays in C, 386

      by closure, 431ff

      by move, C 250

      by name, 282, 433, 569; C 180ff,

      C 216

      by need, 433, 571, 718; C 182

      by reference, 118, 423. See also C++,


      ambiguity of, 425ff

      by result, 427

      by sharing, 425

      by value, 423

      by value/result, 424, 427

      variable number of arguments, 15,

      436ff; C 149

      parameters. See also parameter passing

      actual, 411, 422ff. See also arguments

      C++ references, 427ff

      closures as, 431ff

      conformant arrays, 364ff

      const (read-only), 426, 428
      of exception, 444

      formal, 411, 422ff

      of generics, 333ff

      label, 248, 433, 448; C 181ff

      in Lisp/Scheme, 422

      modes, 423ff

      named (keyword), 435ff; C 153

      optional (default), 433ff

      positional, 435ff

      of remote procedures, C 250

      subroutines as, 576ff

      this, 487ff
      type checking, 317, 320

      parametric polymorphism. See

      polymorphism, parametric

      PARC. See Xerox Palo Alto Research


      ParcPlace Smalltalk, 854

      parent type. See class, base


      in arithmetic expressions, 227, 242

      for array subscripts, 359

      in Lisp/Scheme, 225, 379, 399, 540

      in ML tuples, 578

      in Prolog, 593

      in regular expressions, 46

      in Ruby, 722

      in shell languages, 710

      Parlog, 621, 686

      Parnas, David L., 177, 698

      Parrot virtual machine, 828

      parse table

      LL, 74, 84

      LR, 95ff

      parse tree (concrete syntax tree), 28ff,


      ambiguity and, 52ff

      associativity and, 52ff

      and attribute stack, C 50

      building automatically, 213

      decoration (annotation) of, 180ff,


      derivations and, 50ff

      exploration during LL or LR parse,

      70ff, 89

      GCD example, 29ff

      precedence and, 52ff

      semantic analysis and, 181

      sum-and-average example, 78

      parser generator, 74, 94, 104. See also

      ANTLR; yacc

      parsers and parsing, 3, 27, 28ff, 44, 69ff

      bottom-up (LR, shift-reduce), 70,


      attributes and, 200

      canonical derivations, 90ff

      CFSM, 93ff

      epsilon productions, 95ff

      LALR, 72, 94, 112; C 20ff

      LR items, 91ff

      LR(0), 94

      SLR, 72, 94, 112; C 20ff

      table-driven, 95ff

      variants, 93ff; C 20ff

      complexity, 69

      CYK (Cocke-Younger-Kasami)

      algorithm, 69

      Earley’s algorithm, 69

      operator precedence, 112

      syntax-directed translation, 69

      top-down (LL, predictive), 70, 82ff.

      See also recursive descent

      Index 941

      attributes and, 200

      EPS sets, 88

      FIRST and FOLLOW sets, 84ff, 88ff;

      C 2ff, C 19ff

      PREDICT sets, 84ff, 88

      in Scheme, 587

      SLL, C 20

      table-driven, 82ff

      partial execution trace, 831, 834, 848.

      See also trace scheduling

      partial redundancy, C 320

      Partitioned Global Address Space

      (PGAS) languages, 698

      Pascal, 7, 8, 294, 866; C 2

      arithmetic overflow, 243

      case of letters, 107

      case statement, 259
      coercion, 321

      comments, 105, 107

      compilers, 21

      conformant array parameters, 365

      declaration syntax, C 54

      dereference (^) operator, 382
      dynamic semantic checks, 410; C 147

      early success, 22

      enumeration types, 307

      and Euclid, 863

      forward references, C 27

      function return value, 439, 538

      GNU compiler (gpc), 782

      goto statement, 247, 448
      I/O, C 149, C 156

      if statement, 80, 105, 110, 253; C 6
      implementation, 8, 21, 783

      limited extent of local objects, C 191

      mod operator, 345
      packed types, 464
      parameter passing, 424ff

      pointers, 378ff

      precedence levels, 228

      repeat loop, 275
      scope rules, 131

      semicolons, C 6

      set types, 311, 325, 345, 376

      short-circuit evaluation, lack of, 244,


      standardization, 8

      statements and expressions, 233

      strings, 107

      subrange types, 309

      type checking, 313, 315

      type compatibility, 320

      type system, 348

      variant records, C 160

      Pascal’s triangle, 767ff; C 305

      pass of a compiler, 26, 777, 780

      path of communication. See

      communication path

      pattern matching. See also regular


      in awk, 714ff
      greedy, 748, 769

      in Icon, 274, 295; C 107ff

      minimal, 717, 748, 769

      in ML, 559ff

      in scripting languages, 559, 704, 743ff

      Patterson, David A., C 70, C 89, C 105

      PDA. See automaton, push-down

      PDF (Portable Document Format),

      C 151

      and Postscript, 706, 783

      PE (Portable Executable) assemblies,

      821; C 286, C 291


      at characters in scanner, 55, 63, 64

      at tokens in parser, 71, 94, 99, 101

      inside messages, C 247

      peephole optimization, 857; C 297,

      C 301ff

      Pentium processor, C 75, C 81, C 99. See

      x86 architecture

      perfect loop nest, C 339

      performance analysis, 24, 632, 848ff

      performance counters, hardware, 849

      performance vs safety, 182, 241, 285;

      C 325

      Perl, 12, 700, 716ff, 866

      arrays, 753

      blessing mechanism, 757

      bytecode, 828

      canonical implementation, 703

      case of letters, 47

      and CGI scripting, 728

      coercion, 751

      context, use of, 703, 719, 751ff, 756ff;

      C 47

      economy of expression, 702

      error checking, 751

      first-class subroutines, 739

      “force quit” example, 718ff

      hashes, 753

      HTML header extraction example,


      I/O, 716; C 152

      inheritance, 759

      last statement, 276
      modules (packages), 137, 719, 754,


      motto, 716

      multiway assignment, 236

      nested subroutines, 739, 768

      numeric types, 753

      objects, 720, 754, 757ff

      pattern matching, 559

      and PHP, 866

      regular expressions, 48, 717, 743,


      remote machine monitoring

      example, 728ff

      scope rules, 142, 702, 739ff, 741ff

      selective aliasing, 754



      mode, 739

      syntax trees, 827

      taint mode, 853
      tied variables, 176
      typeglobs, 754

      unlimited extent, 739

      variables as values, 752, 757

      Worse Is Better, 764

      Perl 6

      just-in-time compilation, 828

      object orientation, 720, 757

      perlcc, 828
      Perles, Micha A., 113

      persistent files, 401; C 149ff

      Peterson, Gary L., 653, 698

      942 Index

      Peyton Jones, Simon. L., 590

      PGAS (Partitioned Global Address

      Space) languages, 698

      pH (language), 537, 546, 582, 683, 697,


      phase of compilation, 26ff, 37, 776ff,

      780; C 299ff. See also scanning;

      parsing; semantic analysis; code

      improvement; code generation

      φ (phi) function, in SSA form, C 313ff

      PHP, 12, 700, 731ff, 866

      arrays and hashes, 755

      exception handling, 441

      interactive form examples, 732ff

      modules (namespaces), 137

      nested subroutines, lack of, 739

      numeric types, 752

      objects, 757ff, 760ff

      references, 467

      regular expressions, 743

      remote machine monitoring

      example, 731ff

      scope rules, 702, 739

      self-posting, 732ff

      server-side web scripting, 731ff

      type checking, 703

      variables as references or values, 752,


      and XSLT, C 262

      phrase-level recovery from syntax errors,

      102, 113; C 2ff, C 10ff

      PIC (position-independent code), C 279,

      C 280ff

      Pierce, Benjamin C., 348; C 225

      pigeonhole principle, C 19

      piggy-backing of messages, C 243

      Pike, Robert, 863

      Pin binary rewriter, 834, 852, 854

      pipeline stall, C 75, C 89ff

      pipelining, C 75, C 89ff, C 100. See also

      branch prediction; instruction


      branches and, C 90

      caches and, C 89ff

      pipes in scripting languages, 708ff

      PL/I, 866

      decimal type, 307

      exception handling, 441, 468

      first-class labels, 448

      formatted I/O, C 152

      history, 9

      indexed files, C 151

      label parameters, 248

      pointers, 377

      subroutines as parameters, lack of,


      Plauger, Phillip J., 295

      plug-in module, for embedded scripting,

      724, 734

      pointer analysis, C 310

      pointer arithmetic, 182, 384

      pointer reversal in garbage collection,


      pointer swizzling, C 285

      pointers, 377ff. See also dangling

      reference; garbage collection;

      reference model of variables

      and addresses, 378

      aliases and, 146

      and arrays in C, 384ff, 424

      as composite type, 311

      frame pointer, 412

      implementation, 378

      in ML, 383

      operations, 378ff

      and parameter passing in C, 424

      semantic analysis and, 33

      smart, 391; C 161

      stack pointer, 412

      to subroutines in C, 432

      syntax, 378ff

      Polak, W., 469

      Polish postfix notation, 211ff. See also

      postfix notation

      polling for communication, C 244

      polyglot markup, in HTML, C 259

      polymorphism, 118, 150, 299ff, 322,

      327, 349, 380, 481ff, 535

      ad hoc, 336

      functional programming and, 538

      in ML, 555

      parametric, 302, 331ff

      explicit, 333ff. See generic

      subroutine or module

      implicit, 327, 329, 332, 535

      in Scheme, 541

      subtype, 302, 505. See also methods

      and method binding, dynamic

      type systems and, 302ff

      port, of a message-passing program,

      C 235

      portability, 8

      bytecode, 8, 21ff, 812, 822, 835

      character sets, 47

      Java, 285

      nonconverting type casts, 319

      numeric precision, 39, 305

      Unix, 9

      virtual machines, 811

      position-independent code (PIC), C 279,

      C 280ff

      positional parameters, 435ff

      POSIX, C 191

      pthread standard, 453
      regular expressions, 743ff

      select routine, C 118
      shell, 703, 705

      Post, Emil, 536

      post-test loop, 275

      postcondition of subroutine, 183

      postfix notation, 211ff, 225, 287

      Postscript, 24, 211, 226, 706ff, 782, 783,

      867; C 151

      Pouzin, Louis, 705

      Power architecture, 264, 633, 780, 829;

      C 99ff, C 105ff

      addressing modes, C 72

      AltiVec extensions, 695

      atomic instructions, 657

      condition codes, C 73

      condition-determining delay, C 103

      decimal arithmetic, 307

      endian-ness, C 64

      memory model, 662

      powerset (in mathematics), C 213

      Index 943

      PowerShell, 700, 724, 731

      pragma (compiler directive), 67ff, 419,

      444, 638, 842; C 160. See also

      annotations, in Java; attribute,

      in C++ and C#

      pre-test loop, 275

      precedence, 287, 422

      in CFG, 32, 52, 184

      definition, 52

      in lambda calculus, C 214

      of operators, 163, 224, 226ff, 240,

      282; C 205

      precondition of subroutine, 183

      predefined names, 47, 128

      keywords and, 64, 175

      predefined type. See type, predefined


      in logic, 612; C 226

      in logic programming, 592

      predicate calculus, 591, 612; C 226ff

      Skolemization, C 227, C 230ff

      predication, C 74

      PREDICT sets, 84ff, 88

      predict-predict conflict, 89

      predictive parsing. See parsing,


      preemption, 628, 648ff

      prefetching, 184

      prefix argument in Emacs Lisp, 726

      prefix notation, 225, 287, 607. See also

      Cambridge Polish notation

      prefix property, of CFL, C 20

      preprocessor, 19, 20, 24

      C++ compiler as, 21

      pretty printer, 24

      primary cache, C 61

      primitive type. See type, primitive

      Princeton University, 537, 865

      priority queue, 122

      private member of class, 476ff

      private type, in Ada, 336
      procedural abstraction, 223. See also

      control abstraction

      procedure, 411. See also subroutine

      processes, 635, 647

      lightweight and heavyweight, 635

      threads and, 635, 647

      processor, 632. See also architecture;


      multiprocessor; vector


      compiling for modern processors, 36;

      C 88ff. See also instruction

      scheduling; register allocation

      definition, 632

      processor status register, C 62, C 72

      processor/memory gap, C 62

      production, of CFG, 49

      Proebsting, Todd A., C 354

      Proebsting’s Law, C 354

      prof, 848
      profile-driven code improvement, 824ff

      profiler, 24, 834, 848ff

      basic block, 851, 855

      program counter (PC), C 62

      program maintenance, 7

      programming environments, 24ff

      Genera, 41

      for Smalltalk, 25ff

      Prolog, 7, 12, 535, 593ff, 621, 867

      arithmetic, 597ff

      atoms, 593

      backtracking, 599ff

      call predicate, 605, 611; C 226
      character set, 607

      clause predicate, 612ff
      clauses, 593ff

      closed world assumption, 615ff

      control flow, 604ff

      cut (!), 604
      database, 593

      manipulation, 607ff

      execution order, 598ff, 604ff, 613

      facts, 593, 612

      fail predicate, 605
      failure-directed search, 614

      functors, 593, 610ff

      generator, 605ff

      goals, 594ff

      Horn clause, 593ff

      implementation, 23, 598ff, 613ff

      infinite regression, 600ff, 619

      instantiation, 593, 599, 616

      lists, 596ff

      loops, 605

      negation, 615ff

      \+ (not) predicate, 602ff, 613, 615ff;
      C 229

      parallelization, 686

      parentheses, 593

      queries, 594, 598

      recursive types, 399

      reflection, 611, 837

      resolution, 595ff

      rules, 593

      search strategy alternatives, 614, 619

      selection, 605


      (homoiconography), 17, 608

      structures, 593

      terms, 593

      tic-tac-toe example, 600ff, 605, 608ff

      type checking, 593

      unification, 331, 593, 595ff, 599

      variables, 593, 595

      prologue of subroutine, 120, 414

      promise, 283

      pronunciation, of language names, 7

      proof, constructive vs nonconstructive,

      537, 617

      proof-carrying code, 853

      proper list. See list, proper

      property mechanism in C#, 477

      proposition, in predicate calculus, 612;

      C 226

      protected base class, 488

      protected member of class, 488

      protected objects in Ada, 674

      prototype objects in JavaScript, 529, 757,


      pseudo-assembly notation, 218

      pseudoinstruction, 795

      pseudorandom number, 252, 572; C 114

      pthread standard (POSIX), 453
      ptrace, 846

      944 Index

      public base class, 479

      public member of class, 476

      Pugh, William, 698

      pumping lemma, 113

      push-down automaton. See automaton,


      PVM (parallel virtual machine), 698

      Python, 7, 8, 12, 700, 720ff, 867

      arrays, 754

      binding of referencing environment,


      canonical implementation, 703

      case of letters, 47

      class hierarchy, 497

      deleted methods, 488

      equality testing, 340

      exception handling, 441

      executable class declarations, 763

      as extension language, 701

      first-class functions, 739

      “force quit” example, 720ff

      hashes, 754

      implementation, 8

      indentation and line breaks, 48, 720

      interpretation, 18

      iterators, 268, 269

      lambda expressions, 538

      list comprehensions, 400, 704

      list types, 399

      method binding, 507

      method call syntax, 491

      modules, 138, 142, 719

      multidimensional arrays, 755

      multiple inheritance, 521; C 197

      multiway assignment, 236, 755

      nested subroutines, 127

      numeric types, 719, 753

      objects, 141, 472, 757ff, 762ff

      parameter passing, 435ff

      polymorphism, 302

      reflection, 611

      regular expressions, 48, 720, 743

      scope rules, 132, 702, 739ff

      sets, 377, 755

      threads, 451

      try. . . finally, 447
      tuples, 439, 755

      type checking, 183, 300, 332, 703,


      unlimited extent, 739

      variables as references, 498, 752, 757

      visibility of class members, 490

      Python Software Foundation, 720


      QEMU binary translation and

      virtualization system, 831, 854

      quadruples, 781

      qualified name, 128, 723, 838; C 39ff,

      C 48

      quantifier, 612, 615ff; C 226ff

      quasiparallelism, 624


      in bash, 707ff
      in Prolog, 594, 598; C 228ff

      query language processor, 24

      quicksort, 408, 614, 619

      Quine, Willard Van Orman, 225

      Quiring, Sam B., 103, 113; C 7

      quoting in shell languages, 709ff


      R scripting language, 718, 867

      arrays, 718

      automatic parallelization, 684

      call by need, 571

      first-class subroutines, 739

      infix notation, 226

      multidimensional arrays, 756

      parameter passing, 433; C 182

      scope rules, 739ff

      superassignment, 740

      unlimited extent, 739

      r-value, 230, 384; C 48

      references, 430

      Rabin, Michael O., 113

      Alonzo Church and, 537

      race condition, 626, 639, 640, 650ff, 653,

      664, 683

      ragged array, 370

      Ragsdale, Susann, 806

      Rajwar, Ravi, 698

      Randell, Brian, 468

      random number, pseudo, 252, 572;

      C 114

      random-access file, C 151

      range, of function, 580; C 212

      rational type. See type, numeric, rational

      Rau, B. Ramakrishna, C 355

      reaching definition, C 312, C 324, C 344

      read-eval-print loop, 539ff

      read-modify-write instruction, 654ff

      read-only parameter, 426

      read-write dependence. See dependence,


      reader–writer locks, 655, 675, 678, 691

      ready list, 649ff, 653, 663ff, 690; C 251

      Real Time Specification for Java, 390

      receive operation, C 244ff
      explicit, C 244ff, C 249

      implicit, 646; C 244ff, C 249, C 251

      peeking, C 247

      records, 351ff. See also variant records

      assignment, 355

      comparison, 355

      as composite type, 310, 557

      fields, 352

      ordering, 356

      memory layout, 353ff, 646

      holes, 353ff

      in ML, 557

      nested, 352

      symbol table management, C 26

      syntax and operations, 352ff

      recovery from syntax errors, 102

      recursion, 45, 223, 277ff. See also tail


      algorithmically inferior programs,


      continuation-passing style, 279

      and functional programming, 535,


      iteration and, 277ff

      mutual, 131

      Index 945

      in Scheme, 545ff

      recursive descent, 73ff, 131

      attribute management, C 50

      backtracking, C 118

      phrase-level recovery, C 2ff

      vs table-driven top-down parsing, 86

      recursive types, 311, 349, 377ff

      in Scheme, 543

      redeclaration, 134

      redirection of output, 708ff

      reduced instruction set computer. See


      reduction, 576, 579

      redundancy elimination. See also

      common subexpression


      global, C 312ff

      induction variables, C 325

      local, C 304ff

      reentrant code, 663

      reference counts, 390ff; C 146, C 161ff

      circular structures, 391

      vs tracing collection, 396

      reference model of variables, 230ff, 238,

      295ff, 349, 377, 379ff, 402, 425,

      476, 498ff, 646

      implementation, 232


      in C++, 467

      forward, 193; C 27

      initialization and, 495, 498ff

      in PHP, 467

      to subroutines, 152

      and values, 224, 230ff

      referencing environment, 116, 126

      binding and, 152ff

      referential transparency, 230, 581; C 274

      refinement of abstractions, 473

      reflection, 144, 611, 791, 810, 837ff; C 44

      in C#, 841

      and dynamic typing, 837, 842

      and generics, 839, 841; C 127ff,

      C 291ff

      in Java, 838ff

      pitfalls, 838

      in Prolog, 611

      regex library package, 743
      register, C 61

      clock, C 114

      debugging, 847

      FP. See frame pointer

      memory hierarchy and, C 61

      PC (program counter), C 62

      processor status, C 62, C 72

      saving/restoring, 414ff

      SP. See stack pointer

      virtual, 776; C 93, C 299, C 307ff

      in x86 and ARM, C 82ff

      register allocation, 419, 780, 787ff, 824,

      826; C 93ff, C 344ff

      complexity, C 298

      graph coloring, C 344, C 355

      and instruction scheduling, C 95ff,

      C 299, C 347

      in partial execution trace, 834

      stack-based, 787

      register indirect addressing mode, C 72

      register interference graph, C 344

      register pressure, C 299

      common subexpression elimination

      and, C 302, C 320ff

      induction variable elimination and,

      C 326

      instruction scheduling and, C 331

      loop reordering and, C 340

      software pipelining and, C 335

      register renaming, C 78, C 92ff, C 96,

      C 329, C 352

      register spilling, 788; C 93ff, C 332,

      C 347

      register windows, 419ff; C 177ff

      register-memory architecture (CISC

      machines), C 71

      register-register architecture (RISC

      machines), C 71, C 93

      regular expressions, 3, 44ff, 743ff. See

      also pattern matching

      advanced, 743

      basic, 743

      capture of substrings, 717, 746, 748ff,


      compiling, 746, 749

      creation from DFA, C 14ff

      extended, 743ff

      greedy, 748, 769

      grep, 48, 743ff
      Kleene star, 43, 46, 49

      minimal matching, 717, 748, 769

      nested constructs, lack of, 48

      parentheses, 46

      in Perl, 745ff

      POSIX, 743ff

      regex library package, 743
      in scripting languages, 704, 743ff

      translation to DFA, 58ff

      translation to NFA, 746, 749

      regular language (set), 45, 103

      reification, 841; C 128, C 291

      relocation, linking and, 791, 796ff, 816

      remainder, in integer division, 345

      rematerialization, C 347

      remote procedure call (RPC), 638;

      C 249ff

      implementation, 809; C 251ff

      implicit message receipt, 638; C 244

      message dispatcher, C 251

      parameters, C 250

      semantics, C 249

      remote-invocation send, C 240
      rendezvous, C 249

      repeat loop. See loop,

      repeated inheritance. See inheritance,


      replicated inheritance. See inheritance,

      repeated, replicated

      Reps, Thomas, 215

      reserved word. See keywords

      resolution, in logic programming, 592,


      resource hazard in pipeline, C 89

      return value of function, 120, 438ff, 538

      reverse assignment, 511

      reverse execution, 854

      reverse Polish notation, 211ff. See also

      postfix notation

      946 Index

      Rexx, 700, 702, 720, 771

      context, use of, 703

      error checking, 751

      as extension language, 701

      Object Rexx, 720

      standardization, 703

      Rice University, 698

      Rice, H. Gordon, 113

      right-most (canonical) derivation, 51,

      72, 90ff

      RISC (reduced instruction set

      computer), 217; C 60, C 71,

      C 77ff. See also Alpha

      architecture; ARM architecture;

      MIPS architecture; PA-RISC

      architecture; Power

      architecture; SPARC


      delayed branch, C 90

      delayed load, C 92

      history, C 100

      implementation of, C 77ff

      load-store (register-register)

      architecture, C 71, C 93

      philosophy of, C 78, C 100

      pipelining, C 75

      register windows, 419ff; C 177ff

      Ritchie, Dennis M., 9, 861

      RMI. See remote method invocation

      Robinson, John Alan, 595, 620

      Rosenkrantz, Daniel J., 112, 215

      Rosetta (Apple) binary translator, 829,

      831, 832

      Rosser, J. Barclay, 584; C 217

      Church-Rosser theorem, C 217

      Rounds, William C., 215

      Roussel, Philippe, 591, 621, 867

      row-major layout (of arrays), 368ff;

      C 337ff

      row-pointer layout (of arrays), 369ff

      RPC. See remote procedure call

      RPG, 700

      RTF (rich text format), C 151

      RTL (GNU register transfer language),

      782, 806; C 274ff

      Rubin, Frank, 295

      Ruby, 7, 12, 700, 722ff, 731, 867

      access control, 762

      arrays, 754

      blocks, 250, 722ff

      canonical implementation, 703

      case of letters, 47

      class hierarchy, 497

      coercion, 751

      continuations, 250, 448

      deleted methods, 488

      exception handling, 441, 704, 724

      executable class declarations, 763

      first-class subroutines, 739

      “force quit” example, 722ff

      hashes, 754

      if statement, 253
      iterators, 268, 273, 704, 722ff

      lambda expressions and procs, 159,

      250, 273, 294, 538

      line breaks, 722

      method binding, 507

      mix-in inheritance, 516, 723

      modules, 142, 719, 723

      multilevel returns (catch and
      throw), 248, 249, 443

      multiway assignment, 236, 704

      nested blocks, 739, 768

      nested subroutines, lack of, 739

      numeric types, 719, 753

      objects, 141, 472, 522, 704, 722, 757ff,


      parameter passing, 425

      polymorphism, 302

      on Rails, 700, 722

      reflection, 704

      regular expressions, 48, 724, 743

      scope rules, 739

      slices, 704

      taint mode, 853
      threads, 451

      type checking, 183, 300, 332, 703,


      unlimited extent, 739

      variables as references, 498, 752, 757

      rule, in Prolog, 593

      run-time system, 807ff. See also

      coroutine; event handling;

      exception handling; garbage

      collection; library package;

      linkers and linking, dynamic;

      parameter passing, variable

      number of arguments; remote

      procedure call (RPC); thread;

      transactional memory

      definition, 807

      relationship to compiler, 807, 851

      Russell, Brian, 846

      Russell, Lawford J., 468

      Rust, 867; C 250

      communication model, 636

      storage management, 124, 378, 388


      S scripting language, 718

      S-attributed attribute grammar. See

      attribute grammar, S-attributed

      S-DSM. See software distributed shared


      S-expression, 547; C 274

      SAC (Single Assignment C), 537, 582,


      safety vs performance, 182, 241, 285;

      C 325

      Saltz, Joel, C 354

      sandboxing, 737, 833ff, 853, 854

      Sandon, Lydia, 771

      Sather, 469

      satisfiability, C 234

      Scala, 867

      futures, 685

      garbage collection, 378, 390

      generics, 333

      constraints, 335

      objects, 472

      Option types, 304
      threads, 451

      traits (interfaces), 509, 516, 520

      type inference, 325

      scalability in parallel systems, 643, 679

      Index 947

      scalar type. See type, scalar

      scanner generator, 56ff, 62, 104. See also


      scanners and scanning, 3, 27, 28ff, 44,


      ad hoc, 55

      with explicit finite automaton, 55,


      lexical errors, 65ff

      longest possible token rule, 55, 64ff

      nontrivial prefix problem, 64

      table-driven, 65ff

      scatter operation, C 244, C 249, C 251

      scheduler-based synchronization, 636,


      scheduling, 648, 663ff; C 251. See also

      context switch; instruction

      scheduling; multithreading;

      self-scheduling; trace


      implementation, 663ff

      on multiprocessor, 651

      on uniprocessor, 648ff

      Scheme, 539ff, 868. See also Lisp

      apply function, 548ff
      assignment, 545ff

      association lists, 545

      bindings, 542ff

      Boolean constants, 544

      conditional expressions, 545, 584

      continuations, 250, 291, 448

      control flow, 545ff

      currying, 580

      delay and force, 282, 547, 570, 686
      denotational semantics, 215

      DFA example, 548ff

      equality testing, 341, 544ff

      eval function, 548ff
      evaluation order, 567ff

      expression types, 569

      first-class functions, 156, 431, 739

      iteration, 272

      for-each, 546ff
      inexact constants, 106

      lambda expression, 159, 541, 577

      lazy evaluation, 586

      let construct, 132, 542
      lists, 543ff

      macros, 164, 569, 571

      map function, 576
      nested subroutines, 127

      numbers and numeric functions, 305,

      544, 719, 753

      operational semantics, 215

      programs as lists, 547ff

      quoting, 540

      rational type, 305

      recursion, 545ff

      recursive declarations, 543

      S-expressions, 547

      scope rules, 125, 132, 134, 142, 412,

      543, 739

      searching, 545

      self-definition, 548ff


      (homoiconography), 125, 547ff,


      special forms, 283, 292, 541, 569

      symbols, 541

      type checking, 703, 751

      type predicate functions, 541

      unlimited extent, 739

      variables as references, 752

      Scherer, William N. III, v

      Schiffman, Allan M., 530, 854

      Schneider, Fred B., 697

      Scholz, Sven-Bodo, 583, 868

      Schorr, Herbert, 394, 410

      Schwartz, Jacob T., 409; C 355

      scientific notation and floating-point

      numbers, C 67

      scope, 3, 116, 125ff. See also binding;

      binding rules; specific


      closed, 138

      dynamic, 125, 142ff, 300, 535

      alternatives, 172

      conceptual model, 742

      motivation, 172

      global variable, 126

      hole in, 128, 132

      implementation, 128, 144, 412;

      C 26ff. See also display; static link

      association list, 144; C 31ff

      central reference table, 144; C 31ff

      symbol table, C 26ff

      lexical. See scope, static

      local variable, 126

      open, 138, 476

      scripting languages, 702, 739ff

      static, 125ff

      classes, 139ff, 488ff

      declaration order, 130ff

      declarations and definitions, 133ff

      modules, 135ff, 486ff

      nested blocks, 134ff, 542ff; C 26

      nested subroutines, 127ff; C 26

      own (static) variables, 127, 136
      of undeclared variable in scripting

      language, 739ff

      scope resolution operator, 128, 477, 489;

      C 197

      scope stack of symbol table, C 27ff

      scoped memory in Java, 390

      Scott, Dana S., 113, 215

      Alonzo Church and, 537

      Scott, Michael L., v, 691, 693, 698

      scripting languages, 12, 699ff. See also

      AppleScript; awk; bash; Emacs
      Lisp; JavaScript; Lua; Maple;

      Mathematica; Matlab; Perl;

      PHP; PowerShell; Python; R;

      Rexx; Ruby; S; Scheme; sed;
      Tcl; Tk; VBScript; Visual Basic;


      access to system facilities, 703

      arrays, 362, 367

      characteristics, 701ff, 738ff, 765

      data types, 704ff, 751ff

      composite, 753ff

      numeric, 752

      declarations, 702

      definition, 699

      dynamic typing, 118, 703

      extension languages, 701, 724ff

      948 Index

      first-class subroutines, 155

      “force quit” example

      in Perl, 718ff

      in Python, 720ff

      in Ruby, 722ff

      garbage collection, 124, 378

      general-purpose, 718ff

      glue languages, 718ff

      history, 700ff

      interactive use, 701

      magic numbers, 712

      for mathematics, 717ff

      modules, 137

      names, 739ff

      object orientation, 757ff

      pattern matching, 559, 704, 743ff

      problem domains, 704

      quoting, 709ff

      reflection, 611, 837, 841

      report generation, 712ff

      scope rules, 702, 739ff

      shell languages, 705ff

      for statistics, 717ff

      string manipulation, 367, 375, 704,


      text processing, 712ff

      type checking, 513

      unlimited extent, 156

      variable expansion and interpolation,

      706ff, 748ff

      World Wide Web and, 727ff, 835

      CGI scripts, 728ff

      client-side scripts, 734ff

      Java applets, 734ff

      server-side scripts, 727ff

      XSLT and XPath, C 261ff

      search path of a shell, 707

      Sebesta, Robert W., 41

      second-class subroutine, 155ff

      secondary cache, C 61

      section of an array. See arrays, slices

      security, 737. See also sandboxing

      and binary rewriting, 850

      code injection, C 176

      Common Language Infrastructure,

      C 288, C 291

      vs functionality, 737

      Java Virtual Machine, 813

      JavaScript, 737

      and reflection, 838

      stack smashing, 385

      taint mode, 853
      sed, 700, 713ff, 866

      HTML header extraction example,


      one-line scripts, 713

      pattern space, 713

      regular expressions, 48, 743

      standardization, 703

      seek operation, for files, C 151

      segmented memory, 378

      segments, 791

      segment switching in assembler, 795

      Seibel, Peter, 862

      select routine (POSIX), C 118
      selection, 223, 253ff

      case/switch statement, 256ff
      if statement, 253
      in Prolog, 605

      short-circuited conditions, 254ff, 285,

      287, 288

      selection function. See merge function,

      in SSA form

      Self (language), 529, 530, 757

      self-definition. See homoiconic language

      self-hosting compiler, 21

      self-modifying code, 829

      self-scheduling, C 344

      semantic action routine. See action


      semantic analysis, 32ff, 179ff. See also

      attribute grammar

      assertions, 182ff

      invariants, 183, 290, 295

      pre- and postconditions, 183

      symbol table and, 32

      semantic check, 18, 179. See also

      semantic error

      dynamic, 144, 181ff, 410; C 32

      arithmetic overflow, 243, 318

      array subscript, 364, 373, 833;

      C 326

      dangling reference, 389, 833

      disabling, 182

      in linker, 803

      reverse assignment, 511

      safety vs performance, 181, 241

      subrange values, 310, 325ff; C 326

      type conversion, 316ff, 320, 511

      uninitialized variable, 239, 287, 833

      variant records, C 141

      static, 181

      semantic error

      dynamic. See also semantic check;

      type clash

      and lazy evaluation, 569

      missing label in case statement,

      null pointer dereference, 244, 400

      unhandled exception, 443

      static, 102

      ambiguous method reference,

      C 197, C 201

      attribute grammar handling, 203

      declaration hiding local name, 134

      invalid generic coercion in C++,

      C 134

      missing default constructor, 498

      missing label in case statement,
      260, 562

      missing vtable in C++, 511

      misuse of precedence in Pascal, 227

      subrange and packed types as
      parameters in Pascal, 464

      taking address of non-l-value, 319

      type checking in ML, 328

      unsupported operation on generic,


      use before declaration, 131

      semantic function, 185ff. See also

      attribute grammar

      notation, 186ff

      semantic hook, C 47

      semantic stack, C 53

      semantics, 3, 44. See also attribute


      axiomatic, 182, 215, 290, 591

      Index 949

      denotational, 214, 215, 250, 300, 301,


      dynamic, 32, 143, 179. See also

      semantic check; semantic error

      of monitors, 671ff

      operational, 215

      of remote procedure calls, C 249

      static, 32, 143, 179

      vs syntax, 43ff

      semaphores, 246, 667ff, 683

      binary, 667

      bounded buffer example, 668

      send operation, C 239ff
      buffering, C 241ff

      emulation of alternatives, C 243ff

      error reporting, C 242ff

      synchronization semantics, C 240ff,

      C 243ff

      syntax, C 243

      sense-reversing barrier, 656

      sentential form, 51

      sentinel value, 287, 295

      separate compilation, 117, 165ff, 797,

      806; C 36ff

      in C, 137

      in C++, 477

      and code improvement, 778

      history, C 41

      and modules, 140

      in scripting languages, 739

      type checking, 799ff

      sequencing, 223, 252ff

      sequential consistency, 659ff

      sequential file, C 150


      in concurrent program, 656

      of objects in messages, 837

      of transactions, 680

      server-side web scripting, 727ff

      setjmp routine in C, 449ff
      SETL, 214, 409

      sets, 376ff

      as composite type, 311

      implementation, 376

      in Python, 755

      SGML (standard generalized markup

      language), C 258ff

      sh, 700, 705
      standardization, 703

      shallow binding. See binding rules,


      shallow binding for name lookup in

      Lisp, C 33

      shallow comparisons and assignments

      (copies), 340ff

      Shamir, Eliahu, 113

      shape of an array. See array, shape

      shared inheritance. See inheritance,

      repeated, shared

      shared memory (concurrent), 652ff. See

      also synchronization

      vs message passing, 631, 635ff

      scheduler implementation, 663ff

      Sharp, Oliver J., C 355

      Shasta, 295

      Shavit, Nir, 698

      shell, 700, 705ff, 718. See also bash;
      command interpreter; scripting


      Sheridan, Michael, 812

      shift-reduce parsing. See parsing,


      Shirako, Jun, 698

      SHMEM library package, 697

      short-circuit evaluation, 192, 243ff,

      254ff, 282, 285, 287, 288, 584

      side effect, 12, 234, 281ff, 607, 616ff

      and assignment operators, 235

      and compilation, 582

      and concurrency, 685

      definition, 229

      of exception handler, 446

      and functional programming, 537ff,


      and I/O, 571

      of instruction, C 347

      and lazy evaluation, 283, 569ff; C 182

      and macros, 163

      and nondeterminacy, 286; C 114

      and ordering, 241ff, 252ff, 571

      in RTL, C 276

      in Scheme, 545ff

      of Smalltalk assignment, C 205

      of statement, 303

      of subroutine call, C 304

      Siewiorek, Daniel P., C 105


      in monitor, 670ff

      cascading, 672

      hints vs absolutes, 671ff, 674

      OS, 101, 457ff, 647, 650ff, 658

      trampoline, 457

      signaling NaN, floating-point, 239; C 70

      significand of floating-point number,

      C 67

      significant comment. See pragma

      Silicon Graphics, Inc., 633, 634

      simple type. See type, simple

      Simula, 177, 469, 868

      cactus stacks, 454

      call-by-name parameters, 433;

      C 180ff

      classes, 141

      coroutines, 451

      detach operation, 452, 455, 647
      encapsulation, 472, 486

      inheritance, 521

      method binding, 507

      object initialization, 502

      parameter passing, C 180ff

      type system, 301

      variables as references, 498

      virtual methods, 508

      simulation, 456, 830; C 187ff

      Single Assignment C, 537, 582, 868

      single inheritance, 510ff

      single stepping, 846ff

      single-precision floating-point number,

      C 63, C 68

      Sipser, Michael, 113

      Sisal, 11, 537, 546, 582ff, 683, 868

      compilation, 582

      Skolem, Thoralf, C 227

      Skolemization, C 227, C 230ff

      slice of an array, 360ff, 718; C 343

      950 Index

      SLL parsing. See parsers and parsing,


      Slonneger, Kenneth, 215

      SLR parsing. See parsers and parsing,


      Smalltalk, 7, 12, 177, 472, 522ff, 669,

      868; C 204ff

      anthropomorphism, 497, 523

      assignment, C 205

      associativity and precedence, lack of,

      C 205

      blocks, C 205

      class hierarchy, 497

      classes, 141

      control abstraction, C 206ff

      expression syntax, 422; C 204

      if construct, 422; C 205
      implementation, 23, 530

      infix notation, 226

      inheritance, 521

      interpretation, 18

      iteration, 272; C 205ff

      messages, C 204

      metaclass, 497

      method binding, 507

      multiple inheritance, 530

      object initialization, 496ff

      Object superclass, 479
      object-oriented programming and,

      523; C 204ff

      parameter passing, 425

      polymorphism, 302

      precedence, 227

      programming environment, 25ff, 41,

      523; C 148ff, C 204ff

      self, 473; C 207
      super, 480
      type checking, 183, 300, 332, 512

      unlimited extent, 156

      variables as references, 231, 498

      visibility of class members, 489

      smart pointers, 391; C 146, C 161

      Smith, James E., C 105

      Smith, Randall B., 530

      SML, 326, 550, 865. See also ML

      equality tests and ordering, 554

      generics (functors), 334

      constraints, 335

      infix notation, 422

      Sneeringer, W. J., 348

      Snobol, 868; C 118

      pattern matching, 559

      scope rules, 125, 142


      (homoiconography), 608

      snooping (cache coherence), 633

      Snyder, Alan, 469

      Snyder, Lawrence, 410

      SOAP, 530, 698

      Société des Outils du Logiciel, 863

      socket, C 235

      software distributed shared memory

      (S-DSM), 295, 636, 698

      software pipelining, C 333ff

      Solomon, Marvin H., 295

      SPARC architecture, 633, 806; C 99ff,

      C 105

      addressing modes, C 72

      atomic instructions, 655

      condition codes, C 73

      endian-ness, C 64

      fence instructions, 661

      memory model, 662

      register windows, 419; C 177ff

      special forms in Scheme, 283, 292, 541,

      569, 695

      speculation, 223

      code caching, 823

      code improvement, 184

      OR parallelism, 686

      processor execution, C 79, C 89,

      C 104

      transactions, 680ff

      spilling of registers. See register spilling

      spin lock, 653ff, 664ff

      and preemption, 693

      two-level, 690

      spin-then-yield lock, 664ff

      spinning. See synchronization,


      spreadsheet, 12

      SQL, 12, 24, 620, 625, 844

      SR, 869

      case statement, lack of, C 111
      guarded commands, C 110, C 117

      implementation, 803

      in statement, C 113
      integration of sequential and

      concurrent constructs, 647

      message screening, C 114

      nondeterminacy, C 110

      threads, 638

      Srivastava, Amitabh, 854

      SSA form. See static single assignment


      stack frame, 120ff, 412ff; C 167ff

      bookkeeping information, 120

      with dynamic shape arrays, 366

      return value, 439

      temporaries, 120

      with variable number of arguments,


      stack pointer, 121, 412

      stack smashing, 385

      stack-based allocation and layout, 120ff,

      412ff, 792. See also calling

      sequence; stack frame

      backtrace, 250, 848, 853; C 172

      for coroutines, 453ff

      exceptions, 447ff

      for iterators, C 184

      for nested thread. See cactus stack

      stack-based intermediate language, 782,

      811. See also Forth; bytecode;


      optimization, 812

      stall of processor pipeline. See pipeline


      standard input and output, 708

      Standard ML. See SML

      standardization, 8

      Stanford University, 10, 468; C 105

      Stansifer, Ryan D., 590

      start symbol of CFG, 49


      Index 951

      vs expression, 224, 229, 233

      in predicate calculus, 612; C 226

      static analysis, 183ff. See also alias

      analysis; escape analysis;

      semantic check, static; subtype


      static binding. See binding, static

      static chain, 130ff, 413

      vs display, 417

      maintaining, 415

      static link, subroutine, 129, 413

      static linker, 797

      static method binding, 506

      static objects, storage allocation, 119ff,

      127, 136

      static scoping. See scope, static

      static semantics. See semantics, static

      static single assignment (SSA) form, 825;

      C 274, C 312ff, C 355

      static typing. See type checking, static

      stdio library, in C/C++, 436; C 154,
      C 156

      Stearns, Richard E., 112, 215

      Steele, Guy L. Jr., 539, 862, 868

      stop-and-copy garbage collection, 394ff,


      stop-the-world phenomenon in garbage

      collection, 396

      storage allocation and management,

      118ff. See also dangling

      reference; garbage collection;

      memory, leak

      storage compaction, 123; C 146

      store_conditional instruction, 657,
      680, 691

      stored program computing, 12

      Stoy, Joseph E., 215

      Strachey, Christopher, 215


      in C++, C 156ff

      in functional programming, 571ff,


      and Unix tools, 744

      strength reduction, C 302, C 325

      strict language, 569

      strict name equivalence, 315

      strictness analysis, 582

      strings, 311, 375ff

      in ML, 556

      and scripting languages, 704, 712,


      storage management, 376

      strip mining, C 343

      Strom, Robert E., 347

      strongly typed language. See type

      checking, strong

      Stroustrup, Bjarne, 346, 530, 861; C 194,

      C 197

      structural equivalence of types, 313ff,

      406, 560, 799

      structural view of types, 300

      structured programming, 7, 246ff, 295;

      C 324

      goto alternatives, 247ff, 285
      structures, 351ff. See also records

      in Prolog, 593


      for dynamic linkage, C 281

      in RPC, 843; C 249

      stylesheet languages, C 259

      subclass. See class, derived

      subnormal number, C 68

      subrange type, 309ff, 324ff

      subroutine, 223, 411ff. See also calling

      sequence; control abstraction;

      function; leaf routine;

      parameter passing; parameters;

      stack frame; stack-based

      allocation and layout

      closure. See closure, subroutine

      epilogue, 120, 414

      first-class. See first-class values,

      subroutines; function,


      formal, 431. See also first-class values,


      frame pointer, 120, 121, 412

      generic. See generic subroutine or


      impact on code generation and

      improvement, 476; C 96ff

      in-line. See in-line subroutine

      nested. See nesting, of subroutines

      object-oriented programming, 477ff

      pointer to, in C, 432

      prologue, 120, 414

      reference to, 152

      second-class, 155ff

      stack pointer, 121, 412

      static allocation for, 119

      subtype, 315, 320, 505. See also class,


      constrained, 310

      subtype analysis, 184, 510

      subtype polymorphism. See

      polymorphism, subtype

      success, of computation in Icon, 305;

      C 108

      Sun Microsystems, Inc., 530, 736, 812,

      864. See also Oracle


      Sundell, Håkan, 696

      superassignment in R, 740

      superclass. See class, base

      superscalar processor, 625; C 78ff,

      C 355ff

      Suraski, Zeev, 866

      Sussman, Gerald Jay, 178, 539, 590, 868

      Sweeney, Peter F., 530

      Swift, 869

      associative arrays, 359

      line breaks, 48

      mix-in inheritance, 516

      nested subroutines, 127

      objects, 472

      optional types, 304

      parameter passing, 423, 424, 435

      scope rules, 412

      sets, 377

      structures, 351

      type checking, 332, 513

      type inference, 325

      variables as references or values, 498

      Swing, C 149
      switch statement. See case/switch


      952 Index

      symbol table, 32, 34, 144, 787; C 26ff

      and action routines, 200

      and attribute grammar, 787

      and dynamic linking, 809

      and interpretation, 845

      in Java class file, 814, 816

      mutual recursion with syntax tree,


      in object file, 36, 791, 829, 837ff

      passing with inherited attributes, 188

      scope stack, C 27ff

      semantic analyzer and, 32, 776

      symbol, external, 791

      Symbolics Corp., 41

      Syme, Don, 349, 863

      synchronization, 458, 626, 635ff. See also

      barrier; mutual exclusion;

      transactional memory

      in Ada, 674ff

      blocking. See synchronization,


      busy-wait (spinning), 636, 653ff, 665

      barriers, 655ff

      and preemption, 693

      spin locks, 653ff, 664ff, 690

      condition synchronization, 652, 666ff

      definition, 636

      of event handler, 458, 658; C 148

      granularity, 679

      implicit, 683ff

      instruction, 660ff

      in Java, 676ff

      in message passing, C 240ff

      nonblocking, 657ff, 696

      scheduler-based, 636, 648ff, 665ff. See

      also blocking (of process/thread);

      conditional critical region;

      monitor; semaphore

      synchronization send, C 240
      synchronized method of a Java class,


      syntactic sugar, 148; C 157

      array access in Ruby, 755

      array subscripts, 360, 385

      definition, 148

      equality in Prolog, 595

      extension methods in C# 3.0, 494

      function in OCaml, 561
      iteration, 270, 273

      method calls in Ruby, 722

      monads, 572

      object orientation in Perl, 758

      operator overloading, 148, 225, 236

      origin of term, 178

      properties in JavaScript, 755

      regular expressions in Ruby, 724

      synchronized methods, 676
      tail recursion, 546, 582, 684

      test in bash, 707
      syntax, 3, 29, 43ff. See also context-free

      grammar; regular expressions

      recursive structure and, 45

      vs semantics, 43ff

      syntax analysis. See parsers and parsing;

      scanners and scanning

      syntax error, 75, 102ff; C 1ff

      bottom-up recovery, C 10ff

      context-specific look-ahead, 102;

      C 3ff, C 7

      error productions, 103

      misspelling, C 25

      panic mode recovery, 102; C 1ff,

      C 10ff

      phrase-level recovery, 102, 113; C 2ff

      repair, C 7

      syntax tree, abstract, 33, 34, 69, 198

      attribute grammars and, 193ff, 201

      averaging example, 804

      basic blocks of, C 93, C 304

      in C#, 826

      combinations example, C 305ff
      construction of, 180ff, 193ff, 198

      decoration (annotation) of, 33, 180ff,


      GCD example, 33ff, 776ff

      and local code improvement, C 310

      mutual recursion with symbol table,


      vs parse tree, 77

      in Perl, 827

      semantic analysis and, 180ff

      semantic errors and, 203ff

      syntax tree, concrete. See parse tree

      syntax-directed translation, 69

      synthesized attribute. See attribute,



      table-driven parsing. See also parsers and


      bottom-up, 95ff

      top-down, 82ff

      table-driven scanning, 65ff

      tag of a variant record, 238; C 137

      tail recursion, 279ff, 546, 582, 646; C 325

      taint mode in Perl and Ruby, 853;
      C 354

      Tanenbaum, Andrew S., 348

      target code generation compilation

      phase, 27, 34ff

      task, 635

      Task Parallel Library (TPL) in .NET, 626,

      639, 684

      task parallelism, 643

      Tcl (tool command language), 702, 869.

      See also Tk

      arrays and hashes, 755

      context, use of, 703

      error checking, 751

      as extension language, 701, 720

      Incr Tcl, 720

      nested subroutines, 739

      numeric types, 752

      scope rules, 125, 142, 702, 739ff


      (homoiconography), 608

      variables as values, 752

      TCP Internet protocol, 687; C 237, C 242

      Teitelbaum, Timothy, 215

      template metaprogramming, 163; C 120

      templates, in C++, 331, 333ff, 337ff, 483;

      C 119ff. See also generic

      subroutine or module

      variadic, 348

      Index 953

      temporal loop, in relaxed memory

      model, 660ff

      temporary file, 401; C 150

      term, in Prolog, 593

      terminal, of CFG, 49

      termination in distributed systems,

      C 246ff, C 255

      test_and_set instruction, 654ff, 666
      TEX, 10, 24, 769, 783

      dynamic scoping, 142

      text files. See files, text

      text processing, in scripting languages,


      theorem proving, automated, C 230

      this parameter, 487ff
      Thomas, David, 295, 867

      Thompson, Kenneth, 9, 306, 705, 744,


      Thompson shell, 705

      thread, 635. See also concurrency;

      context switch; multithreading;


      coroutines and, 452

      creation, 638ff

      co-begin, 638ff, 642

      early reply, 646

      implicit receipt, 646; C 244. See

      also remote procedure call

      in Java 2, 643

      in Java 5, 645ff

      launch-at-elaboration, 641ff

      parallel loops, 639ff

      for event handling, 459

      implementation, 647ff, 809

      preemption, 650ff

      vs process, 635, 647

      stack frame. See also cactus stack

      threading of state in functional

      programs, 573

      three-address instructions, C 71

      thunk, 468; C 180ff, C 250

      tic-tac-toe example in Prolog, 600ff, 605,


      Tichy, Walter F., 806

      tiling, of arrays/loops, C 337

      timeout in message passing, C 246

      timing window, 651. See also race


      Titanium, 698

      Tk, 701, 869

      tokens, 19, 28, 44ff. See also scanners

      and scanning

      examples, 28

      misspellings, C 25

      prefixes, 64ff

      regular expressions and, 45ff

      tombstones (for dangling reference

      detection), 410; C 144ff, C 161

      reference counts, 391; C 146

      Top 500 list, 696

      top-down parsing. See parsing,


      topological sort, 618; C 330

      Torczon, Linda, 41, 215, 806; C 106,

      C 354

      trace scheduling, 184, 831

      tracing garbage collection, 393ff

      vs reference counts, 396

      trailing part of LR production, 200; C 49


      in closure implementation, C 174,

      C 176

      for signal handling, 457

      transactional memory, 589, 679ff; C 100

      bounded buffer example, 680

      challenges, 683

      implementation, 681, 809

      nonblocking, 696

      retry, 680, 682

      transfer operation for coroutine, 454ff

      transition function

      of finite automaton, C 13

      of LR-family parser, 94

      of push-down automaton, C 18

      of table-driven scanner, 65

      translation scheme, 191. See also

      attribute flow; attribute


      ad hoc, 198. See also action routine

      Transmeta Corp., 829

      transparency, C 249

      transputer, INMOS, 866

      trap instruction, 847

      TreadMarks, 698

      tree grammar, 202ff, 781

      vs context-free grammar, 203

      trie, 64

      trivial update problem, 582

      true dependence. See dependence, flow

      tuples, 236, 311

      in ML, 552, 557

      Turing (language), 869

      aliases, 176

      modules, 137

      side effects, 242, 252

      Turing Award, 536. See also entries for

      Fran Allen; John Backus; O.-J.

      Dahl; Edsger Dijkstra; Tony

      Hoare; Kenneth Iverson; Alan

      Kay; Donald Knuth; Leslie

      Lamport; Butler Lampson;

      Barbara Liskov; John

      McCarthy; Robin Milner;

      Kristen Nygaard; Michael

      Rabin; Dennis Ritchie; Dana

      Scott; Ken Thompson; Alan

      Turing; Niklaus Wirth

      Turing, Alan, 536ff

      Alonzo Church and, 537

      Turing completeness, 8, 569, 620;

      C 120

      Turing machine, 536

      Turner, David A., 865

      two’s complement arithmetic, 243, 317;

      C 65ff

      two-address instructions, C 71

      two-level locking, 690

      type, 221

      alias, 315

      anonymous, 316

      Boolean, 305. See also short-circuit


      built-in, 300ff

      cardinal, 305

      classification, 305ff

      954 Index

      complex, 305

      composite, 300, 310ff. See also arrays;

      files; lists; pointers; records;

      variant records; sets

      in scripting languages, 704ff, 753ff

      constructed. See type, composite

      derived, 315

      discrete, 257, 306

      enumeration, 307ff

      logical, 305

      numeric, 305ff. See also


      arbitrary precision (bignums), 753

      decimal, 307; C 86

      fixed-point, 305

      multi-length, 309

      rational, 305, 753

      in Scheme, 544

      in scripting languages, 752

      unsigned, 305

      opaque, 138

      ordinal. See type, discrete

      packed, 354, 464

      predefined, 300

      primitive, 300

      recursive, 131, 311, 349, 377ff

      scalar, 307

      self-descriptive, 323

      simple, 307

      subrange, 309ff, 324ff

      universal reference, 323ff

      unnamed, 316

      type cast, 316ff, 431

      dynamic, 319, 511ff

      nonconverting, 312, 318ff

      static. See type conversion

      type checking, 299, 312ff. See also

      coercion; type equivalence; type

      compatibility; type inference

      with attribute grammar, 201ff

      dynamic, 143, 300ff

      scripting languages and, 118, 703

      vs static, 300

      gradual, 348

      linking and, 799ff

      in ML, 326ff, 328ff

      with separate compilation, 799ff

      static, 299

      strong, 299

      and garbage collection, 391

      and universal reference type, 323ff

      type clash, 144, 204ff, 299, 308

      and equality testing in Java and C#,


      in Scheme, 541

      in Smalltalk, 513

      type class, in Haskell, 348, 554

      type compatibility, 298, 312, 320ff, 756ff

      type conformance, 348

      type consistency, in ML, 328

      type constraint, 310

      for generics, 335ff; C 128

      type constructor, 116, 304, 310

      type conversion, 312, 316ff, 511

      type descriptor

      for dynamic typing and method

      dispatch, 513

      for garbage collection, 391, 394

      for reverse assignment, 511

      type equivalence, 298, 312ff

      name, 313ff, 799

      structural, 313ff, 406, 560, 799

      type erasure, C 126ff

      type extension, 471, 491ff, 524, 865. See

      also class

      type hierarchy analysis, 529

      type inference, 298, 312, 324ff, 621,

      756ff, 865

      in ML, 326

      for static method dispatch, 530

      for subranges, 324ff

      type predicate functions in Scheme, 541

      type propagation, 529

      type pun. See type cast, nonconverting

      type system, 298ff. See also

      polymorphism; type checking

      definition and point of view, 300ff

      orthogonality, 302ff

      polymorphism and, 302ff

      purpose, 297

      type variable, 329

      typeglobs in Perl, 754

      TypeScript, 348

      typestate, 347


      UCS (Universal Character Set), 306. See

      also Unicode

      UDP Internet protocol, C 237, C 242

      Ullman, Jeffrey D., 112

      undeclared variables, scope of in

      scripting languages, 739ff

      Ungar, David, 530

      Unicode, 47, 305ff, 375

      character entities, 306; C 264

      collating elements, 745

      unification, 617

      in C++ templates, 331

      cost, 349

      in logic programming, 331, 592ff,

      595ff, 599, 604, 686

      in ML, 327, 330, 331, 349

      Unified Parallel C (UPC), 698

      uniform object model, 522

      uninitialized variable, 238, 239, 791, 833

      unions. See variant records

      unit number (in Fortran I/O), C 152

      universal quantifier, C 226ff

      universal reference type, 323ff, 345

      universe type, of set, 376

      University of Aix–Marseille, 591, 621,


      University of Arizona, 864, 869

      University of California at Berkeley,

      C 105

      University of California at Los Angeles,


      University of Edinburgh, 591, 621, 867

      University of Hertfordshire, 868

      University of Illinois at

      Urbana-Champaign, 418

      University of Rochester, v

      University of Toronto, 869

      University of Wisconsin–Madison, v

      Unix, 20. See also Linux

      Index 955

      and C, 861

      grep, regular expressions and, 48,

      magic numbers, 712, 820

      prof and gprof, 848
      ptrace, 846
      SunOS, 806

      text files, C 151

      unlimited extent. See extent, of object

      unnamed type. See type, unnamed

      Unruh, Erwin, 349

      unsigned integer

      language-level, 305

      machine-level, C 65

      unstructured control flow, 224, 246ff

      unwinding of subroutine call stack

      on exception, 249; C 5

      on non-local goto, 248, 249; C 181
      UPC (Unified Parallel C), 698

      urgent queue of monitor, 671

      URI (uniform resource identifier)

      of applet, 735

      of CGI script, 728ff

      manipulation in XSLT, C 267

      in Perl, 731

      vs URL, 727

      useless instruction, C 303, C 321

      useless symbol in CFG, 52

      UTF-8 character encoding, 306


      Val (language), 11, 546

      Valgrind, 176

      value model of variables, 230ff, 377, 402,

      423, 425, 476, 498ff

      value numbering, C 355

      global, C 312ff

      local, C 307ff


      initialization and, 495, 498ff

      l-value, 230, 311, 319, 323, 384; C 48

      r-value, 230, 384; C 48

      and references, 224, 230ff

      van Rossum, Guido, 720, 867

      van Wijngaarden, A., 859

      variables. See also initialization; names;

      reference model of variables;

      scope; value model of variables

      in CFG, 49

      interpolation (expansion) in scripting

      languages, 706ff, 748ff

      in logic programming, 592, 593,


      semantic analysis and, 33

      undeclared, scope of in scripting

      languages, 739ff

      variadic templates, 348

      variance, of vector, C 93ff

      variant records (unions), 238, 319, 351,

      357ff; C 136ff

      as composite type, 311

      constrained, C 141

      and garbage collection, 391

      vs inheritance, 358

      memory layout, C 141

      in ML, 558

      vs nonconverting casts, 358

      safety, C 138ff

      tag checks, 184; C 141

      VAX architecture, 830

      arguments pointer, 463

      endian-ness, 344

      subroutine call, 463; C 193

      vector instructions, C 61, C 84

      vector processor, 625, 640, 683; C 342ff,

      C 355

      very busy expression, C 351

      VES (Virtual Execution System). See

      Common Language


      VEST binary translator, 830, 854

      viable prefix, of CFG, C 19

      view of an object, C 194

      virtual machine, xxv, 19, 810ff, 854. See

      also Common Language

      Infrastructure; Java Virtual


      vs interpretation, 17, 18, 810

      language-specific, 810

      process vs system, 811

      Smalltalk, 854

      virtual machine monitor (VMM),

      811; C 85

      virtual method table, 509ff

      virtual methods. See methods and

      method binding, virtual

      virtual registers, 776; C 93, C 299,

      C 307ff. See also register


      and available expressions, C 317ff

      and live variable analysis, C 321

      and value numbering, C 307, C 312ff

      visibility of members in object-oriented

      languages, 479, 488; C 27,

      C 30

      visitor pattern, 294, 514

      Visual Basic, 861; C 286. See also Basic;


      and scripting, 724ff, 835

      Visual Studio, 25

      VLSI, 217; C 77

      VMWare, 811

      volatile variable, 450, 662, 678
      von Neumann, John, 12

      von Neumann language, 12

      vtable (virtual method table), 509ff


      Wadler, Philip, 583, 590

      Wahbe, Robert, 854

      Waite, William H., 394, 410

      Waldemar, Celes, 864

      Wall, Larry, 700, 716, 866

      Wand, Mitchell, 295, 469

      watchpoints, 845ff

      Watt, David A., 215

      web browser, 627ff

      scripting, 701, 724, 727, 734ff

      web crawler, 770

      Wegman, Mark N., C 355

      Wegner, Peter, 178, 349, 530;

      C 225

      Weinberger, Peter, 714

      Weiser, Mark, 410

      Weiss, Shlomo, C 105

      956 Index

      Welsh, Jim, 348

      Wettstein, H., 693

      while loop. See loop,

      white space, 47

      wildcards, in shell languages, 706

      Wilhelm, Reinhard, 590; C 209

      Wilson, Paul R., 410

      Wiltamuth, Scott, 861

      Winch, David, 771

      Windows operating system, 22. See also


      on Alpha architecture, 830

      object file format, C 291

      text files, C 151

      thread package, 637

      Windows Presentation Foundation

      (WPF), 459

      Winskel, Glynn, 215

      Wirth, Niklaus, 8, 21, 41, 81, 103, 113,

      140, 177, 246, 294, 307, 861,

      865, 866; C 2

      Wisniewski, Robert, 693

      Wolfe, Michael, C 355

      workspace (e.g., in Smalltalk or

      Common Lisp), C 149

      World Wide Web. See also scripting

      languages, World Wide Web


      character model standard, 349

      and the growth of parallel

      computing, 637

      and the growth of scripting, 533, 700,


      security, 737

      World Wide Web Consortium, 727, 734,

      736, 771, 869

      Worse Is Better, 764, 771

      WPF (Windows Presentation

      Foundation), 459

      write buffer, 659

      write-read dependence. See dependence,


      write-write dependence. See

      dependence, output

      WYSIWYG (what you see is what you

      get), 669


      X10, 698

      x64 architecture. See x86-64 architecture

      x86 architecture, 22, 633, 831, 834;

      C 80ff

      assembly language, 5, 34

      atomic instructions, 655, 661

      binary coded decimal, C 86

      calling sequence, 418; C 171ff

      compilation for, C 88

      condition-determining delay, C 103

      conditional branches, C 86

      debugging registers, 847

      dynamic linking, C 280

      endian-ness, C 64

      floating-point, C 69, C 82, C 84

      machine language, 5

      nops, 794

      prefix code for instruction, C 86

      register set, C 82ff

      segmentation, 791

      string manipulation instructions,

      C 64

      two-address instructions, C 71

      vector instructions, 695; C 84

      x86-64 architecture, 633, 834; C 99

      Xamarin, Inc., 821; C 286

      XCode, 25

      Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

      (PARC), 41, 523, 669, 863, 868;

      C 148, C 204

      XHTML, 738, 771, 869; C 259ff

      quote presentation example, C 261ff

      XML (extensible markup language), 15,

      530, 737ff, 869; C 151, C 258ff

      namespaces, C 261, C 264

      tree structure, C 261

      XML Schema, C 260

      XPath, 869; C 261ff, C 264ff

      XQuery (XSL query language), C 261

      XSL (extensible stylesheet language),

      737, 869; C 258ff

      XSL-FO (XSL formatting objects), 869;

      C 261

      XSLT (XSL transforms), 12, 15, 620,

      737ff, 869; C 258ff

      bibliographic formatting example,

      C 262ff


      yacc, 44, 94, 104, 112
      action routines, C 45ff

      error recovery, C 10ff

      Yang, Junfeng, C 354

      Yeatman, Corey, 113

      Yellin, Frank, 806

      yield, of derivation, 51

      Yochelson, Jerome C., 410

      Younger, Daniel H., 69


      Zadeck, F. Kenneth, C 355

      Zhao, Qin, 855

      Front Cover
      Programming Language Pragmatics
      About the Author
      Part I: Foundations
      Chapter 1: Introduction
      1.1 The Art of Language Design
      1.2 The Programming Language Spectrum
      1.3 Why Study Programming Languages?
      1.4 Compilation and Interpretation
      1.5 Programming Environments
      1.6 An Overview of Compilation
      1.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      1.8 Exercises
      1.9 Explorations
      1.10 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 2: Programming Language Syntax
      2.1 Specifying Syntax: Regular Expressions and Context-Free Grammars
      2.2 Scanning
      2.3 Parsing
      2.4 Theoretical Foundations
      2.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      2.6 Exercises
      2.7 Explorations
      2.8 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 3: Names, Scopes, and Bindings
      3.1 The Notion of Binding Time
      3.2 Object Lifetime and Storage Management
      3.3 Scope Rules
      3.4 Implementing Scope
      3.5 The Meaning of Names within a Scope
      3.6 The Binding of Referencing Environments
      3.7 Macro Expansion
      3.8 Separate Compilation
      3.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      3.10 Exercises
      3.11 Explorations
      3.12 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 4: Semantic Analysis
      4.1 The Role of the Semantic Analyzer
      4.2 Attribute Grammars
      4.3 Evaluating Attributes
      4.4 Action Routines
      4.5 Space Management for Attributes
      4.6 Tree Grammars and Syntax Tree Decoration
      4.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      4.8 Exercises
      4.9 Explorations
      4.10 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 5: Target Machine Architecture

      Part II: Core Issues in Language Design
      Chapter 6: Control Flow
      6.1 Expression Evaluation
      6.2 Structured and Unstructured Flow
      6.3 Sequencing
      6.4 Selection
      6.5 Iteration
      6.6 Recursion
      6.7 Nondeterminacy
      6.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      6.9 Exercises
      6.10 Explorations
      6.11 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 7: Type Systems
      7.1 Overview
      7.2 Type Checking
      7.3 Parametric Polymorphism
      7.4 Equality Testing and Assignment
      7.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      7.6 Exercises
      7.7 Explorations
      7.8 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 8: Composite Types
      8.1 Records (Structures)
      8.2 Arrays
      8.3 Strings
      8.4 Sets
      8.5 Pointers and Recursive Types
      8.6 Lists
      8.7 Files and Input/Output
      8.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      8.9 Exercises
      8.10 Explorations
      8.11 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 9: Subroutines and Control Abstraction
      9.1 Review of Stack Layout
      9.2 Calling Sequences
      9.3 Parameter Passing
      9.4 Exception Handling
      9.5 Coroutines
      9.6 Events
      9.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      9.8 Exercises
      9.9 Explorations
      9.10 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 10: Data Abstraction and Object Orientation
      10.1 Object-Oriented Programming
      10.2 Encapsulation and Inheritance
      10.3 Initialization and Finalization
      10.4 Dynamic Method Binding
      10.5 Mix-In Inheritance
      10.6 True Multiple Inheritance
      10.7 Object-Oriented Programming Revisited
      10.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      10.9 Exercises
      10.10 Explorations
      10.11 Bibliographic Notes

      Part III: Alternative Programming Models
      Chapter 11: Functional Languages
      11.1 Historical Origins
      11.2 Functional Programming Concepts
      11.3 A Bit of Scheme
      11.4 A Bit of OCaml
      11.5 Evaluation Order Revisited
      11.6 Higher-Order Functions
      11.7 Theoretical Foundations
      11.8 Functional Programming in Perspective
      11.9 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      11.10 Exercises
      11.11 Explorations
      11.12 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 12: Logic Languages
      12.1 Logic Programming Concepts
      12.2 Prolog
      12.3 Theoretical Foundations
      12.4 Logic Programming in Perspective
      12.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      12.6 Exercises
      12.7 Explorations
      12.8 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 13: Concurrency
      13.1 Background and Motivation
      13.2 Concurrent Programming Fundamentals
      13.3 Implementing Synchronization
      13.4 Language-Level Constructs
      13.5 Message Passing
      13.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      13.7 Exercises
      13.8 Explorations
      13.9 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 14: Scripting Languages
      14.1 What Is a Scripting Language?
      14.2 Problem Domains
      14.3 Scripting the World Wide Web
      14.4 Innovative Features
      14.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      14.6 Exercises
      14.7 Explorations
      14.8 Bibliographic Notes

      Part IV: A Closer Look at Implementation
      Chapter 15: Building a Runnable Program
      15.1 Back-End Compiler Structure
      15.2 Intermediate Forms
      15.3 Code Generation
      15.4 Address Space Organization
      15.5 Assembly
      15.6 Linking
      15.7 Dynamic Linking
      15.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      15.9 Exercises
      15.10 Explorations
      15.11 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 16: Run-Time Program Management
      16.1 Virtual Machines
      16.2 Late Binding of Machine Code
      16.3 Inspection/Introspection
      16.4 Summary and Concluding Remarks
      16.5 Exercises
      16.6 Explorations
      16.7 Bibliographic Notes

      Chapter 17: Code Improvement

      A: Programming Languages Mentioned
      B: Language Design and Language Implementation
      C: Numbered Examples
      Back Cover