COMP6714 18s2 Project¶
Stage 1: Implement a hyponymy classification model using BiLSTM¶
In this project, you need to build a system that can extract hyponym and hypernym from a sentence.
For example, in sentence Stephen Hawking is a physicist ., phrase Stephen Hawking is the hyponym of physicist, and physicist is the hypernym of Stephen Hawking.
We formulate the problem as a sequence tagging task where
Input is a sentence formed as a sequence of words with length $l$.
output is a tag sequence with length $l$.
We use IOB2) scheme to represent the results (i.e., encode the tags), as both hypernyms and hyponyms can be phrases.
Thus, in the above example,
[Stephen, Hawking, is, a, physicist, .] is the input word list
[B-TAR, I-TAR, O, O, B-HYP, O] is the corresponding output tag sequence, where TAR corresponds to hyponyms and HYP corresponds to hypernyms.
You need to build and train a neural network model for this task.
Data Preprocessing¶
Description of given files¶
tags.txt lists all the tags.
train.txt, dev.txt, test.txt refers to training set, development set, and test set, individually. Each of them is in the CoNLL format, with each line having two columns for word and tag. Sentences are separated by blank lines.
word_embeddings.txt is the pretrained word embedding file, with word in the first column and embeddings (a vector with 50-dimensions) in the rest columns.
Generate batches¶
In order to speed up the training process, instead of pass the training sentences one by one to the model, we pass a batch of sentences at each iteration.
Generate tensors¶
The first step is to convert each sentence into a list of word embeddings. In order to do that, we need two additional words, they are
we offered the embedding of
Then for each batch, we can generate the corresponding tensor with size [batch_size, max_sent_len, word_embedding_dim]. Where max_sent_len is the maximum length among sentences in the batch.
For tag sequence, We generate a tensor with size [batch_size, max_sent_len], in which each element represents a tag_id.
A Baseline BiLSTM Model¶
In this project, you are required to use Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) and SoftMax in your model.
The input tensor will go through a BiLSTM layer, followed by a softmax function to determine the output tags.
An example of the model is shown as follows:
In the training process, in each epoch, you should feed the training data to the model batch by batch, and update the paramters accordingly.
You should use ADAM as the optimizer for your model.
If your implementation is correct, then your loss should converge within 80 epochs. Therefore the maximum number of epochs is set to 80.
You can either take the model from the last epoch or the one with highest F1 score on the development set as the final model.
Helpful Resources¶
PyTorch Documents
Sequence Modelling Tutorial
Stage 2 for the project¶
In the next stage of the project, you will be given a baseline model based on the above description. You will need to firstly read and understand the implementation, and then finish the following 3 request:
implement a special LSTM cell and replace it with the default one
implement character embedding and plug it into the model
implement the evaluation function (i.e., compute F1 score) to help the training process with model selection.
You are also expected to write a short report with the implementation details.
Detailed specification of stage 2 will be posted later.