Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining
Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining
COMP9417 Machine Learning and Data Mining
Last revision: 28 Feb 2018
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Material derived from slides for the book
“Elements of Statistical Learning (2nd Ed.)” by T. Hastie,
R. Tibshirani & J. Friedman. Springer (2009)
Material derived from slides for the book
“Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective” by P. Murphy
MIT Press (2012)
Material derived from slides for the book
“Machine Learning” by P. Flach
Cambridge University Press (2012)
Material derived from slides for the book
“Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning” by D. Barber
Cambridge University Press (2012)
Material derived from slides for the book
“Machine Learning” by T. Mitchell
McGraw-Hill (1997)
Material derived from slides for the course
“Machine Learning” by A. Srinivasan
BITS Pilani, Goa, India (2016)
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This lecture will introduce you to machine learning, giving an overview of
some of the key ideas and approaches we will cover in the course.
Following it you should be able to describe some of the main concepts and
outline some of the main techniques that are used in machine learning:
• categories of learning (supervised learning, unsupervised learning, etc.)
• widely-used techniques of machine learning algorithms
• batch vs. online settings
• parametric vs. non-parametric approaches
• generalisation in machine learning
• training, validation and testing phases in applications
• limits on learning
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What we will cover
• core algorithms and model types in machine learning
• foundational concepts regarding learning from data
• relevant theory to inform and generalise understanding
• practical applications
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What we will NOT cover
• lots of probability and statistics
• lots of neural nets and deep learning
• “big data”
• commercial and business aspects of “analytics”
• ethical aspects of AI and ML
although all of these are interesting and important topics
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Why Study Machine Learning?
Some history
One can imagine that after the machine had been in operation
for some time, the instructions would have been altered out of
recognition, but nevertheless still be such that one would have to
admit that the machine was still doing very worthwhile
calculations. Possibly it might still be getting results of the type
desired when the machine was first set up, but in a much more
efficient manner. In such a case one would have to admit that
the progress of the machine had not been foreseen when its
original instructions were put in. It would be like a pupil who had
learnt much from his master, but had added much more by his
own work.
From A. M. Turing’s lecture to the London Mathematical Society. (1947)
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Why Study Machine Learning?
Some definitions
The field of machine learning is concerned with the question of
how to construct computer programs that automatically improve
from experience.
“Machine Learning”. T. Mitchell (1997)
Machine learning, then, is about making computers modify or
adapt their actions (whether these actions are making
predictions, or controlling a robot) so that these actions get
more accurate, where accuracy is measured by how well the
chosen actions reflect the correct ones.
“Machine Learning”. S. Marsland (2015)
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Why Study Machine Learning?
Some definitions
Machine learning is the systematic study of algorithms and
systems that improve their knowledge or performance with
Machine Learning”. P. Flach (2012)
The term machine learning refers to the automated detection of
meaningful patterns in data.
“Understanding Machine Learning”. S. Shalev-Shwartz and S. Ben-David (2014)
Data mining is the extraction of implicit, previously unknown,
and potentially useful information from data.
“Data Mining”. I. Witten et al. (2016)
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Why Study Machine Learning?
Machine Learning is . . .
Trying to get programs to work in a reasonable way to predict stuff.
R. Kohn (2015)
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Why Study Machine Learning?
How is Machine Learning different from . . .
Machine learning comes originally from Artificial Intelligence (AI), where
the motivation is to build intelligent agents, capable of acting
autonomously. Learning is a characteristic of intelligence, so to be
successful an agent must ultimately be able to learn, apply, understand
and communicate what it has learned.
These are not requirements in:
• statistics — the results are typically mathematical models for humans
• data mining — the results are typically models of “insight” for
These criteria are often also necessary, but not always sufficient, for
machine learning.
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Why Study Machine Learning?
Machine Learning for Human-level Artifical Intelligence
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Why Study Machine Learning?
ML for human-level AI, right ?
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Why Study Machine Learning?
ML for human-level AI, right ? Not so fast . . .
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Categories of Machine Learning
Supervised and unsupervised learning
The most widely used categories of machine learning algorithms are:
• Supervised learning – output class (or label) is given
• Unsupervised learning – no output class is given
There are also hybrids, such as semi-supervised learning, and alternative
strategies to acquire data, such as reinforcement learning and active
Note: output class can be real-valued or discrete, scalar, vector, or other
structure . . .
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Categories of Machine Learning
Supervised and unsupervised learning
Supervised learning tends to dominate in applications.
Why ?
Generally, because it is much easier to define the problem and develop an
error measure (loss function) to evaluate different algorithms, parameter
settings, data transformations, etc. for supervised learning than for
unsupervised learning.
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Categories of Machine Learning
Supervised and unsupervised learning
Unfortunately . . .
In the real world it is often difficult to obtain good labelled data in
sufficient quantities
So in such cases unsupervised learning is really what you want . . .
but currently, finding good unsupervised learning algorithms for complex
machine learning tasks remains a research challenge.
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Categories of Machine Learning Models: the output of machine learning
Machine learning models
Machine learning models can be distinguished according to their main
intuition, for example:
• Geometric models use intuitions from geometry such as separating
(hyper-)planes, linear transformations and distance metrics.
• Probabilistic models view learning as a process of reducing
uncertainty, modelled by means of probability distributions.
• Logical models are defined in terms of easily interpretable logical
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Categories of Machine Learning Models: the output of machine learning
Machine learning models
Alternatively, can be characterised by algorithmic properties:
• Regression models predict a numeric output
• Classification models predict a discrete class value
• Neural networks learn based on a biological analogy
• Local models predict in the local region of a query instance
• Tree-based models partition the data to make predictions
• Ensembles learn multiple models and combine their predictions
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Linear regression
Given 2 real-valued variables X1, X2, labelled with a real-valued variable
Y , find “line of best fit” that captures the dependency of Y on X1, X2.
Learning here is by minimizing MSE, i.e., the average of the squared
vertical distances of values of Y from the learned function Ŷ = f̂(X).
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Linear regression
A question: is it possible to do better than the line of best fit?
Maybe. Linear regression assume that the (xi, yi) examples in the data are
“generated” by the true (but unknown) function Y = f(X).
So any training set is a sample from the true distribution E(Y ) = f(X).
But what if f is non-linear ?
We may be able to reduce the mean squared error (MSE) value∑
i(yi − ŷ)
2 by trying a different function.
Can “decompose” MSE to aid in selecting a better function.
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Nearest Neighbour
Nearest Neighbour is a regression or classification algorithm that predicts
whatever is the output value of the nearest data point to some query.
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Customer103: Customer103: Customer103:(time=t0) (time=t1) (time=tn)…
Own House: Yes
Other delinquent accts: 2
Loan balance: $2,400
Income: $52k
Max billing cycles late: 3
Years of credit: 9
Profitable customer?: ?
Own House: Yes
Years of credit: 9
Profitable customer?: ?
Own House: Yes
Years of credit: 9
Loan balance: $3,250
Income: ?
Other delinquent accts: 2
Max billing cycles late: 4
Loan balance: $4,500
Income: ?
Other delinquent accts: 3
Max billing cycles late: 6
Profitable customer?: No
If OtherDelinquentAccounts > 2, and
NumberDelinquentBillingCycles > 1
Then ProfitableCustomer = No
If OtherDelinquentAccounts = 0, and
Income > 30k OR Y earsOfCredit > 3
Then ProfitableCustomer = Y es
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Assassinating spam e-mail
SpamAssassin is a widely used open-source spam filter. It calculates a
score for an incoming e-mail, based on a number of built-in rules or ‘tests’
in SpamAssassin’s terminology, and adds a ‘junk’ flag and a summary
report to the e-mail’s headers if the score is 5 or more.
-0.1 RCVD_IN_MXRATE_WL RBL: MXRate recommends allowing
[ listed in]
0.6 HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_02 BODY: HTML has a low ratio of text to image area
0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
0.6 HTML_FONx_FACE_BAD BODY: HTML font face is not a word
1.4 SARE_GIF_ATTACH FULL: Email has a inline gif
0.1 BOUNCE_MESSAGE MTA bounce message
0.1 ANY_BOUNCE_MESSAGE Message is some kind of bounce message
1.4 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list
From left to right you see the score attached to a particular test, the test
identifier, and a short description including a reference to the relevant part
of the e-mail. As you see, scores for individual tests can be negative
(indicating evidence suggesting the e-mail is ham rather than spam) as well
as positive. The overall score of 5.3 suggests the e-mail might be spam.
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Linear classification
Suppose we have only two tests and four training e-mails, one of which is
spam. Both tests succeed for the spam e-mail; for one ham e-mail neither
test succeeds, for another the first test succeeds and the second doesn’t,
and for the third ham e-mail the first test fails and the second succeeds.
It is easy to see that assigning both tests a weight of 4 correctly ‘classifies’
these four e-mails into spam and ham. In the mathematical notation
introduced above we could describe this classifier as 4×1 + 4×2 > 5 or
(4, 4) · (x1, x2) > 5.
In fact, any weight between 2.5 and 5 will ensure that the threshold of 5 is
only exceeded when both tests succeed. We could even consider assigning
different weights to the tests – as long as each weight is less than 5 and
their sum exceeds 5 – although it is hard to see how this could be justified
by the training data.
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Spam filtering as a classification task
The columns marked x1 and x2 indicate the results of two tests on four
different e-mails. The fourth column indicates which of the e-mails are
spam. The right-most column demonstrates that by thresholding the
function 4×1 + 4×2 at 5, we can separate spam from ham.
E-mail x1 x2 Spam? 4×1 + 4×2
1 1 1 1 8
2 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 4
4 0 1 0 4
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Linear classification in two dimensions
+ +
• straight line separates positives from negatives
• defined by w · xi = t
• w is perpendicular to decision boundary
• w points in direction of positives
• t is the decision threshold
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Linear classification in two dimensions
Note: xi points to a point on the decision boundary. In particular, x0
points in the same direction as w, from which it follows that
w · x0 = ||w|| ||x0|| = t (where ||x|| denotes the length of the vector x).
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Homogeneous coordinates
It is sometimes convenient to simplify notation further by introducing an
extra constant ‘variable’ x0 = 1, the weight of which is fixed to w0 = −t.
The extended data point is then x◦ = (1, x1, . . . , xn) and the extended
weight vector is w◦ = (−t, w1, . . . , wn), leading to the decision rule
w◦ · x◦ > 0 and the decision boundary w◦ · x◦ = 0.
Thanks to these so-called homogeneous coordinates the decision boundary
passes through the origin of the extended coordinate system, at the
expense of needing an additional dimension.
Note: this doesn’t really affect the data, as all data points and the ‘real’
decision boundary live in the plane x0 = 1.
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
Machine learning for spam filtering
tests Linear classifier
E-mails Data Spam?
Learn weights
Training data
At the top we see how SpamAssassin approaches the spam e-mail
classification task: the text of each e-mail is converted into a data point
by means of SpamAssassin’s built-in tests, and a linear classifier is applied
to obtain a ‘spam or ham’ decision. At the bottom (in blue) we see the bit
that is done by machine learning.
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
A Bayesian classifier I
Bayesian spam filters maintain a vocabulary of words and phrases –
potential spam or ham indicators – for which statistics are collected from a
training set.
• For instance, suppose that the word ‘Viagra’ occurred in four spam
e-mails and in one ham e-mail. If we then encounter a new e-mail
that contains the word ‘Viagra’, we might reason that the odds that
this e-mail is spam are 4:1, or the probability of it being spam is 0.80
and the probability of it being ham is 0.20.
• The situation is slightly more subtle because we have to take into
account the prevalence of spam. Suppose that I receive on average
one spam e-mail for every six ham e-mails. This means that I would
estimate the odds of an unseen e-mail being spam as 1:6, i.e.,
non-negligible but not very high either.
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
A Bayesian classifier II
• If I then learn that the e-mail contains the word ‘Viagra’, which
occurs four times as often in spam as in ham, I need to combine these
two odds. As we shall see later, Bayes’ rule tells us that we should
simply multiply them: 1:6 times 4:1 is 4:6, corresponding to a spam
probability of 0.4.
In this way you are combining two independent pieces of evidence, one
concerning the prevalence of spam, and the other concerning the
occurrence of the word ‘Viagra’, pulling in opposite directions.
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
A Bayesian classifier III
The nice thing about this ‘Bayesian’ classification scheme is that it can be
repeated if you have further evidence. For instance, suppose that the odds
in favour of spam associated with the phrase ‘blue pill’ is estimated at 3:1,
and suppose our e-mail contains both ‘Viagra’ and ‘blue pill’, then the
combined odds are 4:1 times 3:1 is 12:1, which is ample to outweigh the
1:6 odds associated with the low prevalence of spam (total odds are 2:1, or
a spam probability of 0.67, up from 0.40 without the ‘blue pill’).
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Categories of Machine Learning Supervised learning
A rule-based classifier
• if the e-mail contains the word ‘Viagra’ then estimate the odds of
spam as 4:1;
• otherwise, if it contains the phrase ‘blue pill’ then estimate the odds
of spam as 3:1;
• otherwise, estimate the odds of spam as 1:6.
The first rule covers all e-mails containing the word ‘Viagra’, regardless of
whether they contain the phrase ‘blue pill’, so no overcounting occurs.
The second rule only covers e-mails containing the phrase ‘blue pill’ but
not the word ‘Viagra’, by virtue of the ‘otherwise’ clause. The third rule
covers all remaining e-mails: those which neither contain neither ‘Viagra’
nor ‘blue pill’.
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The ingredients of machine learning
How machine learning helps to solve a task
Learning problem
Data Output
Training data
An overview of how machine learning is used to address a given task. A
task (red box) requires an appropriate mapping – a model – from data
described by features to outputs. Obtaining such a mapping from training
data is what constitutes a learning problem (blue box).
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The ingredients of machine learning
Some terminology I
Tasks are addressed by models, whereas learning problems are solved by
learning algorithms that produce models.
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The ingredients of machine learning
Some terminology II
Machine learning is concerned with using the right features to build the
right models that achieve the right tasks.
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The ingredients of machine learning
Some terminology III
Models lend the machine learning field diversity, but tasks and features
give it unity.
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The ingredients of machine learning
Some terminology IV
Does the algorithm require all training data to be present before the start
of learning ? If yes, then it is categorised as batch learning algorithm.
If however, it can continue to learn a new data arrives, it is an online
learning algorithm.
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The ingredients of machine learning
Some terminology V
If the model has a fixed number of parameters it is categorised as
Otherwise, if the number of parameters grows with the amount of training
data it is categorised as non-parametric.
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The ingredients of machine learning Geometric models
Basic linear classifier I
+ +
The basic linear classifier constructs a decision boundary by half-way
intersecting the line between the positive and negative centres of mass.
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The ingredients of machine learning Geometric models
Basic linear classifier II
The basic linear classifier is described by the equation w · x = t, with
w = p− n; the decision threshold can be found by noting that (p+ n)/2
is on the decision boundary, and hence
t = (p− n) · (p+ n)/2 = (||p||2 − ||n||2)/2, where ||x|| denotes the
length of vector x.
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The ingredients of machine learning Geometric models
Neural Networks I
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The ingredients of machine learning Geometric models
Neural Networks II
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The ingredients of machine learning Geometric models
Neural Networks III
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The ingredients of machine learning Geometric models
Neural Networks IV
4 Hidden
30 Output
30×32 Sensor
Input Retina
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The ingredients of machine learning Geometric models
Support vector machine
+ +
The decision boundary learned by a support vector machine from the
linearly separable data from before. The decision boundary maximises the
margin, which is indicated by the dotted lines. The circled data points are
the support vectors.
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The ingredients of machine learning Probabilistic models
A simple probabilistic model
‘Viagra’ and ‘lottery’ are two Boolean features; Y is the class variable,
with values ‘spam’ and ‘ham’. In each row the most likely class is
indicated in bold.
Viagra lottery P (Y = spam|Viagra, lottery) P (Y = ham|Viagra, lottery)
0 0 0.31 0.69
0 1 0.65 0.35
1 0 0.80 0.20
1 1 0.40 0.60
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The ingredients of machine learning Probabilistic models
Decision rule
Assuming that X and Y are the only variables we know and care about,
the posterior distribution P (Y |X) helps us to answer many questions of
• For instance, to classify a new e-mail we determine whether the words
‘Viagra’ and ‘lottery’ occur in it, look up the corresponding
probability P (Y = spam|Viagra, lottery), and predict spam if this
probability exceeds 0.5 and ham otherwise.
• Such a recipe to predict a value of Y on the basis of the values of X
and the posterior distribution P (Y |X) is called a decision rule.
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The ingredients of machine learning Probabilistic models
Missing values I
Suppose we skimmed an e-mail and noticed that it contains the word
‘lottery’ but we haven’t looked closely enough to determine whether it
uses the word ‘Viagra’. This means that we don’t know whether to use the
second or the fourth row in to make a prediction. This is a problem, as we
would predict spam if the e-mail contained the word ‘Viagra’ (second row)
and ham if it didn’t (fourth row).
The solution is to average these two rows, using the probability of ‘Viagra’
occurring in any e-mail (spam or not):
P (Y |lottery) =P (Y |Viagra = 0, lottery)P (Viagra = 0)
+ P (Y |Viagra = 1, lottery)P (Viagra = 1)
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The ingredients of machine learning Probabilistic models
Missing values II
For instance, suppose for the sake of argument that one in ten e-mails
contain the word ‘Viagra’, then P (Viagra = 1) = 0.10 and
P (Viagra = 0) = 0.90. Using the above formula, we obtain
P (Y = spam|lottery = 1) = 0.65 · 0.90 + 0.40 · 0.10 = 0.625 and
P (Y = ham|lottery = 1) = 0.35 · 0.90 + 0.60 · 0.10 = 0.375. Because the
occurrence of ‘Viagra’ in any e-mail is relatively rare, the resulting
distribution deviates only a little from the second row in the data.
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The ingredients of machine learning Probabilistic models
Likelihood ratio
As a matter of fact, statisticians work very often with different conditional
probabilities, given by the likelihood function P (X|Y ).
• I like to think of these as thought experiments: if somebody were to
send me a spam e-mail, how likely would it be that it contains exactly
the words of the e-mail I’m looking at? And how likely if it were a
ham e-mail instead?
• What really matters is not the magnitude of these likelihoods, but
their ratio: how much more likely is it to observe this combination of
words in a spam e-mail than it is in a non-spam e-mail.
• For instance, suppose that for a particular e-mail described by X we
have P (X|Y = spam) = 3.5 · 10−5 and P (X|Y = ham) = 7.4 · 10−6,
then observing X in a spam e-mail is nearly five times more likely
than it is in a ham e-mail.
• This suggests the following decision rule: predict spam if the
likelihood ratio is larger than 1 and ham otherwise.
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The ingredients of machine learning Probabilistic models
When to use likelihoods
Use likelihoods if you want to ignore the prior distribution or assume it
uniform, and posterior probabilities otherwise.
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The ingredients of machine learning Probabilistic models
Posterior odds
P (Y = spam|Viagra = 0, lottery = 0)
P (Y = ham|Viagra = 0, lottery = 0)
= 0.45
P (Y = spam|Viagra = 1, lottery = 1)
P (Y = ham|Viagra = 1, lottery = 1)
= 0.67
P (Y = spam|Viagra = 0, lottery = 1)
P (Y = ham|Viagra = 0, lottery = 1)
= 1.9
P (Y = spam|Viagra = 1, lottery = 0)
P (Y = ham|Viagra = 1, lottery = 0)
= 4.0
Using a MAP decision rule we predict ham in the top two cases and spam
in the bottom two. Given that the full posterior distribution is all there is
to know about the domain in a statistical sense, these predictions are the
best we can do: they are Bayes-optimal.
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The ingredients of machine learning Probabilistic models
Example marginal likelihoods
Y P (Viagra = 1|Y ) P (Viagra = 0|Y )
spam 0.40 0.60
ham 0.12 0.88
Y P (lottery = 1|Y ) P (lottery = 0|Y )
spam 0.21 0.79
ham 0.13 0.87
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The ingredients of machine learning Probabilistic models
Using marginal likelihoods
Using the marginal likelihoods from before, we can approximate the
likelihood ratios (the previously calculated odds from the full posterior
distribution are shown in brackets):
P (Viagra = 0|Y = spam)
P (Viagra = 0|Y = ham)
P (lottery = 0|Y = spam)
P (lottery = 0|Y = ham)
= 0.62 (0.45)
P (Viagra = 0|Y = spam)
P (Viagra = 0|Y = ham)
P (lottery = 1|Y = spam)
P (lottery = 1|Y = ham)
= 1.1 (1.9)
P (Viagra = 1|Y = spam)
P (Viagra = 1|Y = ham)
P (lottery = 0|Y = spam)
P (lottery = 0|Y = ham)
= 3.0 (4.0)
P (Viagra = 1|Y = spam)
P (Viagra = 1|Y = ham)
P (lottery = 1|Y = spam)
P (lottery = 1|Y = ham)
= 5.4 (0.67)
We see that, using a maximum likelihood decision rule, our very simple
model arrives at the Bayes-optimal prediction in the first three cases, but
not in the fourth (‘Viagra’ and ‘lottery’ both present), where the marginal
likelihoods are actually very misleading.
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The ingredients of machine learning Logical models
A classification tree I
spam: 20
ham: 5
spam: 20
ham: 40
spam: 10
ham: 5
0 1
spam: 20
ham: 5
spam: 20
ham: 40
spam: 10
ham: 5
A classification tree combining two Boolean features.
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The ingredients of machine learning Logical models
A classification tree II
Each internal node or split is labelled with a feature, and each edge
emanating from a split is labelled with a feature value.
Each leaf therefore corresponds to a unique combination of feature values.
Also indicated in each leaf is the class distribution derived from the
training set.
A classification tree partitions the instance space into rectangular regions,
one for each leaf. We can clearly see that the majority of ham lives in the
lower left-hand corner.
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The ingredients of machine learning Logical models
Labelling a classification tree
• The leaves of the classification tree could be labelled, from left to
right, as ham – spam – spam, employing a simple decision rule called
majority class.
• Alternatively, we could label them with the proportion of spam e-mail
occurring in each leaf: from left to right, 1/3, 2/3, and 4/5.
• Or, if our task was a regression task, we could label the leaves with
predicted real values or even linear functions of some other,
real-valued features.
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The ingredients of machine learning Logical models
A complete classification tree
spam: 20
ham: 40
spam: 10
ham: 5
spam: 20
ham: 4
spam: 0
ham: 1
spam: 0
ham: 1
0 1
spam: 20
ham: 4
spam: 20
ham: 40
spam: 10
ham: 5
A complete classification tree built from two Boolean features. The
corresponding instance space partition is the finest partition that can be
achieved with those two features.
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The ingredients of machine learning Features: the workhorses of machine learning
Two uses of features
Suppose we want to approximate y = cosπx on the interval −1 ≤ x ≤ 1.
A linear approximation is not much use here, since the best fit would be
y = 0. However, if we split the x-axis in two intervals −1 ≤ x < 0 and
0 ≤ x ≤ 1, we could find reasonable linear approximations on each
interval. We can achieve this by using x both as a splitting feature and as
a regression variable.
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The ingredients of machine learning Features: the workhorses of machine learning
A small regression tree
ŷ = 2x+1
ŷ = −2x+1
≥0 -1 0 1
A regression tree combining a one-split feature tree with linear regression
models in the leaves. Note: x used as both a splitting feature and
regression variable. At right, function y = cosπx on the interval
−1 ≤ x ≤ 1, and piecewise linear approximation by regression tree.
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The ingredients of machine learning Feature construction and transformation
Class-sensitive discretisation I
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
35 55 75 90 110 130
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The ingredients of machine learning Feature construction and transformation
Class-sensitive discretisation II
Artificial data depicting a histogram of body weight measurements of
people with (blue) and without (red) diabetes, with eleven fixed intervals
of 10 kilograms width each.
By joining the first and second, third and fourth, fifth and sixth, and the
eighth, ninth and tenth intervals, we obtain a discretisation such that the
proportion of diabetes cases increases from left to right. This
discretisation makes the feature more useful in predicting diabetes.
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The ingredients of machine learning Feature construction and transformation
The kernel trick
Let x1 = (x1, y1) and x2 = (x2, y2) be two data points, and consider the
mapping (x, y) 7→ (x2, y2,
2xy) to a three-dimensional feature space.
The points in feature space corresponding to x1 and x2 are
x′1 = (x
1, y
2x1y1) and x
2 = (x
2, y
2x2y2). The dot product of
these two feature vectors is
x′1 · x
2 = x
2 + y
2 + 2x1y1x2y2 = (x1x2 + y1y2)
2 = (x1 · x2)2
That is, by squaring the dot product in the original space we obtain the
dot product in the new space without actually constructing the feature
vectors! A function that calculates the dot product in feature space
directly from the vectors in the original space is called a kernel – here the
kernel is κ(x1,x2) = (x1 · x2)2.
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The ingredients of machine learning Feature construction and transformation
Non-linearly separable data
−2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
A linear classifier would perform poorly on this data. By transforming the
original (x, y) data into (x′, y′) = (x2, y2), the data becomes more ‘linear’,
and a linear decision boundary x′ + y′ = 3 separates the data fairly well. In
the original space this corresponds to a circle with radius
3 around the
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The ingredients of machine learning Representation is important
Where do features come from ?
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The ingredients of machine learning Representation is important
Feature engineering
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The ingredients of machine learning Representation is important
Can features be learned ?
Yes, to some extent. For example, in the intermediate layers of a
convolutional neural network1.
1Image downloaded 28/2/18 from
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The ingredients of machine learning Data is important
Where does data come from ?
AlphaZero played around 44 million chess games against an expert (itself).
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The ingredients of machine learning Tasks: the problems that can be solved with machine learning
Tasks for machine learning
The most common machine learning tasks are predictive, in the sense that
they concern predicting a target variable from features.
• Binary and multi-class classification: categorical target
• Regression: numerical target
• Clustering: hidden target
• Dimensionality reduction: intrinsic structure
Exploratory or descriptive tasks are concerned with exploiting underlying
structure in the data.
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The ingredients of machine learning Tasks: the problems that can be solved with machine learning
Measuring similarity I
If our e-mails are described by word-occurrence features as in the text
classification example, the similarity of e-mails would be measured in terms
of the words they have in common. For instance, we could take the
number of common words in two e-mails and divide it by the number of
words occurring in either e-mail (this measure is called the Jaccard
Suppose that one e-mail contains 42 (different) words and another
contains 112 words, and the two e-mails have 23 words in common, then
their similarity would be 23
42+112−23 =
= 0.18.
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The ingredients of machine learning Tasks: the problems that can be solved with machine learning
Measuring similarity II
We can then cluster our e-mails into groups, such that the average
similarity of an e-mail to the other e-mails in its group is much larger than
the average similarity to e-mails from other groups.
While it wouldn’t be realistic to expect that this would result in two nicely
separated clusters corresponding to spam and ham – there’s no magic here
– the clusters may reveal some interesting and useful structure in the data.
It may be possible to identify a particular kind of spam in this way, if that
subgroup uses a vocabulary, or language, not found in other messages.
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The ingredients of machine learning Tasks: the problems that can be solved with machine learning
We want to cluster similarly expressed genes in cancer samples.
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The ingredients of machine learning Tasks: the problems that can be solved with machine learning
How many clusters ? I
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The ingredients of machine learning Tasks: the problems that can be solved with machine learning
How many clusters ? II
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The ingredients of machine learning Looking for structure
Looking for structure I
Consider the following matrix:
1 0 1 0
0 2 2 2
0 0 0 1
1 2 3 2
1 0 1 1
0 2 2 3
Imagine these represent ratings by six different people (in rows), on a scale
of 0 to 3, of four different films – say The Shawshank Redemption, The
Usual Suspects, The Godfather, and The Big Lebowski, (in columns, from
left to right). The Godfather seems to be the most popular of the four
with an average rating of 1.5, and The Shawshank Redemption is the least
appreciated with an average rating of 0.5.
Can you see any structure in this matrix?
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The ingredients of machine learning Looking for structure
Looking for structure II
1 0 1 0
0 2 2 2
0 0 0 1
1 2 3 2
1 0 1 1
0 2 2 3
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 00 2 0
0 0 1
1 0 1 00 1 1 1
0 0 0 1
• The right-most matrix associates films (in columns) with genres (in
rows): The Shawshank Redemption and The Usual Suspects belong
to two different genres, say drama and crime, The Godfather belongs
to both, and The Big Lebowski is a crime film and also introduces a
new genre (say comedy).
• The tall, 6-by-3 matrix then expresses people’s preferences in terms of
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The ingredients of machine learning Looking for structure
Looking for structure III
• Finally, the middle matrix states that the crime genre is twice as
important as the other two genres in terms of determining people’s
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning
The philosophical problem
Deduction: derive specific consequences from general theories
Induction: derive general theories from specific observations
Deduction is well-founded (mathematical logic).
Induction is (philosophically) problematic – induction is useful since it
often seems to work – an inductive argument !
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning
Generalisation - the key objective of machine learning
What we are really interested in is generalising from the sample of data in
our training set. This can be stated as:
The inductive learning hypothesis
Any hypothesis found to approximate the target (true) function
well over a sufficiently large set of training examples will also
approximate the target function well over other unobserved
A corollary of this is that it is necessary to make some assumptions about
the type of target function in a task for an algorithm to go beyond the
data, i.e., generalise or learn.
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning Evaluating performance on a task
Cross-validation I
There are certain parameters that need to be estimated during learning.
We use the data, but NOT the training set, OR the test set. Instead, we
use a separate validation or development set.
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning Evaluating performance on a task
Cross-validation II
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning Evaluating performance on a task
Cross-validation III
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning Evaluating performance on a task
Cross-validation IV
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning Evaluating performance on a task
Contingency table I
Two-class prediction case:
Predicted Class
Actual Class Yes No
Yes True Positive (TP) False Negative (FN)
No False Positive (FP) True Negative (TN)
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning Evaluating performance on a task
Contingency table II
Classification Accuracy on a sample of labelled pairs (x, c(x)) given a
learned classification model that predicts, for each instance x, a class value
acc =
I[ĉ(x) = c(x)]
where Test is a test set and I[] is the indicator function which is 1 iff its
argument evaluates to true, and 0 otherwise.
Classification Error is 1-acc.
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning Evaluating performance on a task
Imagine you are preparing for your Machine Learning 101 exam. Helpfully,
your professor has made previous exam papers and their worked answers
available online. You begin by trying to answer the questions from previous
papers and comparing your answers with the model answers provided.
Unfortunately, you get carried away and spend all your time on memorising
the model answers to all past questions. Now, if the upcoming exam
completely consists of past questions, you are certain to do very well. But
if the new exam asks different questions about the same material, you
would be ill-prepared and get a much lower mark than with a more
traditional preparation.
In this case, one could say that you were overfitting the past exam papers
and that the knowledge gained didn’t generalise to future exam questions.
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning Evaluating performance on a task
The Bias-Variance Decomposition
Error (particularly MSE) can be shown to have two components:
Bias: error due to mismatch between target function and functions
learnable by the algorithm that was applied to the task
Variance: error due to variation between training sets sample from the
distribution on data generated by the target function
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning The limits of machine learning
Inductive Bias
All models are wrong, but some models are useful.
Box & Draper (1987)
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning The limits of machine learning
Inductive Bias
Confusingly, “inductive bias” is NOT the same “bias” as in the
“bias-variance” decomposition.
“Inductive bias” is the combination of assumptions and restrictions placed
on the models and algorithms used to solve a learning problem.
Essentially it means that the algorithm and model combination you are
using to solve the learning problem is appropriate for the task.
Success in machine learning requires understanding the inductive bias of
algorithms and models, and choosing them appropriately for the task2.
2Even true for “deep learning”, but watch Andrew Ng’s talk on this
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning The limits of machine learning
No Free Lunch
Uniformly averaged over all target functions, the expected
off-training-set error for all learning algorithms is the same.
Wolpert (1996)
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning The limits of machine learning
No Free Lunch
Owing to the “No Free Lunch’ Theorem, there is no universally best
machine learning algorithm.
Some learning algorithms perform better than others on certain tasks since
their assumptions about the type of target function are more appropriate
for the learning task in that application.
On some other tasks, those assumptions, and hence the algorithms, may
perform much worse than others.
These assumptions form the inductive bias of the learning algorithm.
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Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning The limits of machine learning
Ethics of machine learning
Machine learning algorithms are now widely available and increasingly used
on “big data” in commercial, medical, legal and scientific applications
These applications bring many benefits, but as they become more
widespread they wll start to impact most people as part of daily life
In some of these applications ethical and moral implications of the use of
machine learning must be considered
For example, can the use of machine learning be biased or unfair because
the training data does not adequately represent all of the data to which
the model may be applied ? Here is a recent paper discussing some of
these issues and giving some recommendations3.
3Zook et al. (2017) Ten simple rules for responsible big data research. PLoS Comput
Biol 13(3): e1005399.
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The purpose of this introductory lecture was, from a high-level, to survey
the landscape that we will explore in this course.
We have motivated the subject matter, outlined what parts of machine
learning will be addressed in this course, and introduced some key ideas
and terminology.
Throughout this lecture we have deliberately avoided details like
programming languages, machine learning tools and software libraries.
These change very rapidly, although the core technical ideas and
challenges remain.
Following this lecture you should have a clear idea of the course scope. In
the remaining lectures we will expand on the topics we have just
introduced and go into more detail. You will also get to work on practical
applications of what we have covered.
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Why Study Machine Learning?
Categories of Machine Learning
Models: the output of machine learning
Supervised learning
The ingredients of machine learning
Geometric models
Probabilistic models
Logical models
Features: the workhorses of machine learning
Feature construction and transformation
Representation is important
Data is important
Unsupervised learning
Tasks: the problems that can be solved with machine learning
Looking for structure
Batch vs. Online Learning Algorithms
Parametric vs. Non-Parametric Learning Algorithms
Algorithm-independent aspects of machine learning
Evaluating performance on a task
The limits of machine learning