Introduction to AI -Tutorial Planning-
Introduction to AI
-Tutorial Planning-
Francesca Toni
STRIPS: rocket domain
1. Formulate the rocket domain below in STRIPS. There are three
possible actions:
• to load a piece of cargo into a rocket
• to unload a piece of cargo from a rocket
• to move a rocket from a location to another
• for a rocket to be moved , it must have fuel, and moving uses up
• for a piece of cargo to be loaded/unloaded into/from a rocket,
cargo and rocket must be at the same location
2. Modify your formulation of the rocket domain to accommodate
fuel as a resource that can be consumed and produced
Apply GRAPHPLAN to the shopping domain with
Go(x) preconditions: At(y),xy effects: At(x),¬ At(y)
Buy(x) preconditions: At(s),Sells(s,x) effects: Have(x)
start state: At(H),Sells(BS,B),Sells(SM,A),Sells(SM,M)
goal: At(H), Have(M),Have(A),Have(B)
Show explicitly the graph (including mutex) for S0, A0, S1
Return the computed plan explicitly, and indicate the level at which the plan can be extracted.