程序代写代做代考 Braiker and Kelley define love as feelings of belonging, closeness, and attachment. Their scale of love contains ten items, listed below. Individuals rate the answer to each question on a nine-point scale, so that each respondent’s score could range from 10 to 90.

Braiker and Kelley define love as feelings of belonging, closeness, and attachment. Their scale of love contains ten items, listed below. Individuals rate the answer to each question on a nine-point scale, so that each respondent’s score could range from 10 to 90.

Braiker and Kelley’s scale of conflict attempts to reflect the amount of overt antagonism and negativity in the relationship. There are five items; each response was rated on a nine-point scale, creating a range of scores from 5 to 45.

Braiker and Kelley represented ambivalence as feelings of confusion concerning the partner and anxiety about loss of independence. There are five items for this construct, as shown below. Respondents answer each question on a scale from one to nine, so that scores on the ambivalence scale could range from 5 to 45.

Braiker and Kelley characterized maintenance behaviors primarily in terms of communication between partners that is designed to increase satisfaction or decrease dissatisfaction. There are five items on this scale. Individuals answer each question on a nine-point scale, ranging from 5 to 45.