程序代写代做代考 compiler cuda data structure GPU flex cache PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

Parallel Computing

with GPUs: CUDA

Dr Paul Richmond


Previous Lecture and Lab

We started developing some CUDA programs

We had to move data from the host to the device memory

We learnt about mapping problems to grids of thread blocks and
how to index data

Memory Hierarchy Overview

Global Memory

Constant Memory

Texture and Read-only Memory

Roundup & Performance Timing

GPU Memory (GTX Titan Z)

Host Memory (via PCIe) GPU DRAM Memory

Shared Memory, cache and registers


Block (0, 0)

Simple Memory View

Threads have access to;

Read/Write per thread

Local memory
Read/Write per thread

Local Cache
Read/Write per block

Main DRAM Memory
Read/Write per grid


Local Cache

Thread (0, 0)


Thread (1, 0)


Block (1, 0)

Local Cache

Thread (0, 0)


Thread (1, 0)



Local Memory

Local memory (Thread-Local
Global Memory)
Read/Write per thread

Does not physically exist
(reserved area in global memory)

Cached locally

Used for variables if you exceed
the number of registers available
Very bad for perf!

Arrays go in local memory if they
are indexed with non constants

__global__ void localMemoryExample

(int * input)


int a;

int b;

int index;

int myArray1[4];

int myArray2[4];

int myArray3[100];

index = input[threadIdx.x];

a = myArray1[0];

b = myArray2[index];



non constant index


Block (0, 0)Kepler Memory View

Each Thread has access to

Local memory

Main DRAM Memory via cache
Global Memory

Via L2 cache and configurable
per block Shared Memory cache

Constant Memory
Via L2 cache and per block

Constant cache

Read-only/Texture Memory
Via L2 cache and per block Read-

only cache

Local Cache

Thread (0, 0)


Thread (1, 0)


Host L2 Cache

Global Memory

Constant Memory

Read-only/Texture Memory

Shared Mem/ L1

Constant Cache

Read-only (Tex) Cache

Block (1, 0)

Local Cache

Thread (0, 0)


Thread (1, 0)


Shared Mem/ L1

Constant Cache

Read-only (Tex) Cache

Kepler and Fermi

Memory Latencies

What is the cost of accessing each area of memory?
On chip caches are MUCH lower latency

Cost (cycles)

Register 1

Global 200-800

Shared memory ~1

L1 1

Constant ~1 (if cached)

Read-only (tex) 1 if cached (same as global
if not)


Block (0, 0)Changes in Maxwell/Pascal

Shared memory has
dedicated Cache
No longer shared with L1 as in

Fermi and Kepler

Read-only (texture) cache
unified with L1


Local Cache

Thread (0, 0)


Thread (1, 0)


Host L2 Cache

Global Memory

Constant Memory

Read-only/Texture Memory

Shared Mem

Constant Cache

L1 / Read-only

Block (1, 0)

Local Cache

Thread (0, 0)


Thread (1, 0)


Shared Mem

Constant Cache

L1 / Read-only


Block (0, 0)Cache and Memory Sizes


Local Cache

Thread (0, 0)


Thread (1, 0)


Host L2 Cache

Global Memory

Constant Memory

Read-only/Texture Memory

Shared Mem

Constant Cache

L1 / Read-only

Block (1, 0)

Local Cache

Thread (0, 0)


Thread (1, 0)


Shared Mem

Constant Cache

L1 / Read-only

Kepler Maxwell

Registers 64k 32 bit
registers per SM

64k 32 bit
registers per SM

Max Registers /

63 255

Shared Memory 16KB / 48KB
Configurable SM
and L1

64KB Dedicated


8KB Cache per

8KB Cache per

Read Only

48KB per SM 48KB per SM
Shared with L1

Device Memory Varying
12GB Max

12GB Max

Device Query

What are the specifics of my GPU?
Use cudaGetDeviceProperties



CUDA SDK deviceQry example

int deviceCount = 0;


for (int dev = 0; dev < deviceCount; ++dev) { cudaSetDevice(dev); cudaDeviceProp deviceProp; cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, dev); … } Memory Hierarchy Overview Global Memory Constant Memory Texture and Read-only Memory Roundup & Performance Timing Dynamic vs Static Global Memory In the previous lab we dynamically defined GPU memory Using cudaMalloc() You can also statically define (and allocate) GPU global memory Using __device__ qualifier Requires memory copies are performed using cudaMemcpyToSymbol or cudaMemcpyFromSymbol See example from last weeks lecture This is the difference between the following in C int my_static_array[1024]; int *my_dynamic_array = (int*) malloc(1024*sizeof(int)); So far the developer view is that GPU and CPU have separate memory Memory must be explicitly copied Deep copies required for complex data structures Unified Memory changes that view Unified Memory System Memory GPU Memory CPU GPU Unified Memory CPU GPU CUDA 6.0+ Kepler+ Unified Memory Example void sortfile(FILE *fp, int N) { char *data; data = (char *)malloc(N); fread(data, 1, N, fp); qsort(data, N, 1, compare); use_data(data); free(data); } void sortfile(FILE *fp, int N) { char *data; cudaMallocManaged(&data, N); fread(data, 1, N, fp); gpu_qsort(data, N, 1, compare); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); use_data(data); free(data); } C Code CUDA (6.0+) Code Implications of CUDA Unified Managed Memory Simpler porting of code Memory is only virtually unified GPU still has discrete memory It still has to be transferred via PCIe (or NVLINK) Easier management of data to and from the device Explicit memory movement is not required Similar to the way the OS handles virtual memory Issues Requires look ahead and paging to ensure memory is in the correct place (and synchronised) It is not as fast as hand tuned code which has finer explicit control over transfers We will manage memory movement ourselves! Memory Hierarchy Overview Global Memory Constant Memory Texture and Read-only Memory Roundup & Performance Timing Grid Block (0, 0) GPU DRAM Local Cache Thread (0, 0) Registers Thread (1, 0) Registers Host L2 Cache Global Memory Constant Memory Read-only/Texture Memory Shared Mem Constant Cache L1 / Read-only Block (1, 0) Local Cache Thread (0, 0) Registers Thread (1, 0) Registers Shared Mem Constant Cache L1 / Read-only Constant Memory Constant Memory Stored in the devices global memory Read through the per SM constant cache Set at runtime When using correctly only 1/16 of the traffic compared to global loads When to use it? When small amounts of data are read only When values are broadcast to threads in a half warp (of 16 threads) Very fast when cache hit Very slow when no cache hit How to use Must be statically (compile-time) defined as a symbol using __constant__ qualifier Value(s) must be copied using cudaMemcpytoSymbol. Constant Memory Broadcast …. When values are broadcast to threads in a half warp (groups of 16 threads) __constant__ int my_const[16]; __global__ void vectorAdd() { int i = blockIdx.x; int value = my_const[i % 16]; } __constant__ int my_const[16]; __global__ void vectorAdd() { int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int value = my_const[i % 16]; } Which is good use of constant memory? Constant Memory Question: Should I convert #define to constants? E.g. #define MY_CONST 1234 Answer: No Leave alone #defines are embed in the code by pre-processors They don’t take up registers as they are embed within the instruction space i.e. are replaced with literals by the pre-processor Only replace constants that may change at runtime (but not during the GPU programs) Memory Hierarchy Overview Global Memory Constant Memory Texture and Read-only Memory Roundup & Performance Timing Grid Block (0, 0) GPU DRAM Local Cache Thread (0, 0) Registers Thread (1, 0) Registers Host L2 Cache Global Memory Constant Memory Read-only/Texture Memory Shared Mem Constant Cache L1 / Read-only Block (1, 0) Local Cache Thread (0, 0) Registers Thread (1, 0) Registers Shared Mem Constant Cache L1 / Read-only Read–only and Texture Memory Separate in Kepler but unified thereafter Same use case but used in different ways When to use read-only or texture When data is read only Good for bandwidth limited kernels Regular memory accesses with good locality (think about the way textures are accessed) Two Methods for utilising Read-only/Texture Memory Bind memory to texture (or use advanced bindless textures in CUDA 5.0+) Hint the compiler to load via read-only cache Texture Memory Binding Known as bound texture (or texture reference method) #define N 1024 texture tex;

__global__ void kernel() {

int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

float x = tex1Dfetch(tex, i);


int main() {

float *buffer;

cudaMalloc(&buffer, N*sizeof(float));

cudaBindTexture(0, tex, buffer, N*sizeof(float));

kernel << > >();




Texture Memory Binding

Known as bound texture (or texture reference method)

#define N 1024

texture tex;

__global__ void kernel() {

int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

float x = tex1Dfetch(tex, i);


int main() {

float *buffer;

cudaMalloc(&buffer, N*sizeof(float));

cudaBindTexture(0, tex, buffer, N*sizeof(float));

kernel << > >();




Must be either;
 char, short, long,

long long, float or

Vector Equivalents are also
permitted e.g.
 uchar4

Texture Memory Binding

Known as bound texture (or texture reference method)

#define N 1024

texture tex;

__global__ void kernel() {

int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

float x = tex1Dfetch(tex, i);


int main() {

float *buffer;

cudaMalloc(&buffer, N*sizeof(float));

cudaBindTexture(0, tex, buffer, N*sizeof(float));

kernel << > >();




 cudaTextureType1D (1)

 cudaTextureType2D (2)

 cudaTextureType3D (3)

 cudaTextureType1DLayered (4)

 cudaTextureType2DLayered (5)

 cudaTextureTypeCubemap (6)

 cudaTextureTypeCubemapLayered (7)

Texture Memory Binding

Known as bound texture (or texture reference method)

#define N 1024

texture tex;

__global__ void kernel() {

int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

float x = tex1Dfetch(tex, i);


int main() {

float *buffer;

cudaMalloc(&buffer, N*sizeof(float));

cudaBindTexture(0, tex, buffer, N*sizeof(float));

kernel << > >();




Value normalization:
 cudaReadModeElementType

 cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat

 Normalises values across range

Texture Memory Binding on 2D Arrays

Use tex2D rather than
tex1Dfetch for CUDA

Note that last arg of

is pitch

Row size not !=

total size

#define N 1024

texture tex;

__global__ void kernel() {

int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

float v = tex2D (tex, x, y);


int main() {

float *buffer;

cudaMalloc(&buffer, W*H*sizeof(float));

cudaChannelFormatDesc desc = cudaCreateChannelDesc();

cudaBindTexture2D(0, tex, buffer, desc, W,

H, W*sizeof(float));

kernel << > >();




Read-only Memory

No textures required
Hint to the compiler that the data is read-only without pointer aliasing

Using the const and __restrict__ qualifiers
Suggests the compiler should use __ldg but does not guarantee it

Not the same as __constant__
Does not require broadcast reading

#define N 1024

__global__ void kernel(float const* __restrict__ buffer) {

int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

float x = __ldg(buffer[i]);


int main() {

float *buffer;

cudaMalloc(&buffer, N*sizeof(float));

kernel << > >(buffer);



Memory Hierarchy Overview

Global Memory

Constant Memory

Texture and Read-only Memory

Roundup & Performance Timing

CUDA qualifiers summary

Where can a variable be accessed?
Is declared inside the kernel?

Then the host can not access it
Lifespan ends after kernel execution

Is declared outside the kernel
Then the host can access it (via

What about pointers?
They can point to anything
BUT are not typed on memory space
Be careful not to confuse the compiler

__device__ int my_global;

__constant__ int my_constant;

__global__ void my_kernel() {

int my_local;

int *ptr1 = &my_global;

int *ptr2 = &my_local;

const int *ptr3 = &my_constant;


if (something)

ptr1 = &my_global;


ptr1 = &my_local;

const int *p != int * const p

Performance Measurements

How can we benchmark our CUDA code?

Kernel Calls are asynchronous
If we use a standard CPU timer it will measure

only launch time not execution time
We could call
cudaDeviceSynchronise() but this will
stall the entire GPU pipeline

Alternative: CUDA Events
Events are created with

Timestamps can be set using

cudaEventElapsedTime() sets the time
in ms between the two events.

cudaEvent_t start, stop;




my_kernel <<<(N /TPB), TPB >>>();



float milliseconds = 0;


start, stop);




The CUDA Memory Hierarchy varies between hardware generations

Utilisation of local caches can have a big impact on the expected
performance (1 cycle vs. 100s)

Global memory can be declared statically or dynamically

Constant cache good for small read only data accessed in broadcast
by nearby threads

Read-Only cache is larger than constant cache but does not have
broadcast performance of constant cache

Kernel variables are not available outside of the kernel

Acknowledgements and Further Reading


Mike Giles (Oxford): Different Memory and Variable Types

Jared Hoberock: CUDA Memories

CUDA Programming Guide


Bindless Textures (Advanced)

Texture Object Approach
(Kepler+ and CUDA 5.0+)
Textures only need to be

created once
No need for binding an


Better performance than
Small kernel overhead

More details in
programming guide


#define N 1024

__global__ void kernel(cudaTextureObject_t tex) {

int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

float x = tex1Dfetch(tex, i);


int main() {

float *buffer;

cudaMalloc(&buffer, N*sizeof(float));

cudaResourceDesc resDesc;

memset(&resDesc, 0, sizeof(resDesc));

resDesc.resType = cudaResourceTypeLinear;

resDesc.res.linear.devPtr = buffer;

resDesc.res.linear.desc.f = cudaChannelFormatKindFloat;

resDesc.res.linear.desc.x = 32; // bits per channel

resDesc.res.linear.sizeInBytes = N*sizeof(float);

cudaTextureDesc texDesc;

memset(&texDesc, 0, sizeof(texDesc));

texDesc.readMode = cudaReadModeElementType;

cudaTextureObject_t tex;

cudaCreateTextureObject(&tex, &resDesc, &texDesc, NULL);

kernel << > >(tex);





Address and Filter Modes

addressMode: Dictates what happened when address are out of
bounds. E.g.
cudaAddressModeClamp: in which case addresses out of bounds will be

clamped to range

cudaAddressModeWrap: in which case addressed out of bounds will wrap

filterMode: Allows values read from the texture to be filtered. E.g.
cudaFilterModeLinear: Linearly interpolates between points

cudaFilterModePoint: Gives the value at the specific texture point

cudaTextureObject_t tex;

cudaCreateTextureObject(&tex, &resDesc, &texDesc, NULL);

tex.addressMode = cudaAddressModeClamp;

texture tex;

tex.addressMode = cudaAddressModeClamp;

Bindless Textures

Bound Textures