程序代写代做代考 compiler Microsoft Word – Assignment2-2018.doc

Microsoft Word – Assignment2-2018.doc

University of Newcastle

Discipline of Computing and Information Technology

Semester 2, 2018 – SENG1120/6120

Assignment 2

Due using the Blackboard Assignment submission facility:

11:59PM – October 19th, 2018

NOTE: The important information about submission and code specifics at the end of this

assignment specification.


In lectures, we have discussed the use of templates to provide the compiler with blueprints

for functions and classes. These are used by the compiler to produce code that implements

functions and/or classes that are suitable for the type(s) to which you apply them in your

program code.


Consider the situation where you are working for a software company that will develop a

reporting tool for school administrators. One of the functionalities of that tool is to count the

number of fails (FF), passes (P), credits (C), distinctions (D) and high distinctions (HD) among

the students. In addition, the program should be able to calculate the average, minimum and

maximum scores, and standard deviation. You will be tasked with developing some of the

classes for that tool. Standard deviation (σ) can be calculated as:

, where N is the number of samples, xi is sample i, and μ is the

average of the samples.

For more info, please visit: https://www.mathsisfun.com/data/standard-deviation.html

The counting is done using a queue that stores the marks, and the marks in each grade band are

stored in individual stacks, one for each grade. You will be provided a main program that will

do the counting, and you will be required to create both Queue and Stack classes (based on

the LinkedList and Node classes from assignment 1) that interact with it. The average,

minimum, maximum and standard deviation calculations must be done in a method inside the

class Queue.

All classes that you design and submit need to use templates (i.e. Queue, Stack,

LinkedList and Node will be class templates).

SENG6120 students (or for bonus marks): Note that the grades in the main program provided

are ordered, which means the stacks that store the marks in each grade band will also be

ordered. SENG6120 students need to change the main program so that even if the variable

vectorMarks is not ordered, the five resulting stacks will be. SENG1120 students who

implement this feature correctly will get a 1-mark bonus. You are NOT ALLOWED to use the

order() method from LinkedList. The challenge is to implement sort() within the Queue

class, so that the sorting in done by dequeuing and enqueuing elements from/into the queue



Make sure your code works with the files supplied, and DO NOT change them. For marking,

we will add the main file GradesDemo.cpp to the project and compile it using the

makefile, together with your own files. If it does not compile or run, your mark will be zero.

Your submission should be made using the Assignments section of the course Blackboard site.

Incorrectly submitted assignments will not be marked. You should provide the .h and

.template files related to the Queue, Stack, LinkedList and Node classes. Also, if

necessary, provide a readme.txt file containing any instructions for the marker. Each

program file should have a proper header section including your name, course and student

number, and your code should be properly documented.

Remember that your code should compile and run correctly using Cygwin. There should be no

segmentation faults or memory leaks during or after the execution of the program.

Compress all your files, including the cover sheet, into a single .zip file and submit it in by

clicking in a link that will be created in the Assignments section on Blackboard.

Late submissions are subjected to the rules specified in the Course Outline. Finally, a completed

Assignment Cover Sheet should accompany your submission.

This assignment is worth 10 marks of your final result for the course.

Compiling and running your files together with the demo file provided should output the

following result:

Alexandre@ces249-339952s /home/SENG1120
$ ./assignment2.exe

Average: 63.24
Min: 12
Max: 98
Stdev: 22.89

Number of FF: 6 ( 43 40 34 26 18 12 )
Number of P: 3 ( 62 60 50 )
Number of C: 8 ( 74 72 71 70 69 69 67 65 )
Number of D: 5 ( 84 81 80 80 75 )
Number of HD: 3 ( 98 91 90 )
The program has finished.