程序代写代做代考 data mining database information retrieval algorithm deep learning Collective Vertex Classification Using Recursive Neural Network

Collective Vertex Classification Using Recursive Neural Network
Qiongkai Xu

The Australian National University
Data61 CSIRO


Qing Wang
The Australian National University

Chenchen Xu
The Australian National University

Data61 CSIRO

Lizhen Qu
The Australian National University

Data61 CSIRO


Collective classification of vertices is a task of assign-
ing categories to each vertex in a graph based on both
vertex attributes and link structure. Nevertheless, some
existing approaches do not use the features of neigh-
bouring vertices properly, due to the noise introduced
by these features. In this paper, we propose a graph-
based recursive neural network framework for collec-
tive vertex classification. In this framework, we gener-
ate hidden representations from both attributes of ver-
tices and representations of neighbouring vertices via
recursive neural networks. Under this framework, we
explore two types of recursive neural units, naive recur-
sive neural unit and long short-term memory unit. We
have conducted experiments on four real-world network
datasets. The experimental results show that our frame-
work with long short-term memory model achieves bet-
ter results and outperforms several competitive baseline

In everyday life, graphs are ubiquitous, e.g. social net-
works, sensor networks, and citation networks. Mining use-
ful knowledge from graphs and studying properties of var-
ious kinds of graphs have been gaining popularity in re-
cent years. Many studies formulate their graph problems as
predictive tasks such as vertex classification (London and
Getoor 2014), link prediction (Tang et al. 2015), and graph
classification (Niepert, Ahmed, and Kutzkov 2016).

In this paper, we focus on vertex classification task which
studies the properties of vertices by categorising them. Al-
gorithms for classifying vertices are widely adopted in web
page analysis, citation analysis and social network analy-
sis (London and Getoor 2014). Naive approaches for vertex
classification use traditional machine learning techniques
to classify a vertex only based on the attributes or fea-
tures provided by this vertex, e.g. such attributes can be
words of web pages or user profiles in a social network.
Another series of approaches are collective vertex classi-
fication, where instances are classified simultaneously as
opposed to independently. Based on the observation that
information of neighbouring vertices may help classify-
ing current vertex, some approaches incorporate attributes
of neighbouring vertices into classification process, which

however introduce noise at the same time and result in re-
duced performance (Chakrabarti, Dom, and Indyk 1998;
Myaeng and Lee 2000). Other approaches incorporate the
labels of its neighbours. For instance, the Iterative Classi-
fication Approach (ICA) integrates the label distribution of
neighbouring vertices to assist classification (Lu and Getoor
2003) and the Label Propagation approach (LP) fine-tunes
predictions of the vertex using the labels of its neighbouring
vertices (Wang and Zhang 2008). However, labels of neigh-
bouring vertices are not representative enough for learning
sophisticated relationships of vertices, while using their at-
tributes directly would involve noise. We thus need an ap-
proach that is capable of capturing information from neigh-
bouring vertices, while in the mean time reducing noise of
attributes. Utilizing representations learned from neural net-
works instead of neighbouring attributes or labels is one
of the possible approaches (Schmidhuber 2015). As graphs
normally provide rich structural information, we exploit the
neural networks with sufficient complexity for capturing
such structures.

Recurrent neural networks were developed to utilize se-
quence structures by processing input in order, in which
the representation of the previous node is used to gener-
ate the representation of the current node. Recursive neu-
ral networks exploit representation learning on tree struc-
tures. Both of the approaches achieve success in learning
representation of data with implicit structures which indicate
the order of processing vertices (Tang, Qin, and Liu 2015;
Tai, Socher, and Manning 2015). Following these work, we
explore the possibility of integrating graph structures into
recursive neural network. However, graph structures, espe-
cially cyclic graphs, do not provide such an processing or-
der. In this paper, we propose a graph-based recursive neural
network (GRNN), which allows us to transform graph struc-
tures to tree structures and use recursive neural networks to
learn representations for the vertices to classify. This frame-
work consists of two main components, as illustrated in Fig-
ure 1:

1. Tree construction: For each vertex to classify vt, we gen-
erate a search tree rooted at vt. Starting from vt, we add
its neighbouring vertices into the tree layer by layer.

2. Recursive neural network construction: We build a re-
cursive neural network for the constructed tree, by aug-












Figure 1: Main components of the Graph-based Recursive Neural Network framework (GRNN): 1) constructing a tree from the vertex to classify (vertex 1); 2) building a recursive
neural network on the tree.

menting each vertex with one recursive neural unit. The
inputs of each vertex are its features and hidden states
of its child vertices. The output of a vertex is its hidden

Our main contributions are: (1) We introduce recursive neu-
ral networks to solve the collective vertex classification
problem. (2) We propose a method that can transfer ver-
tices for classification to a locally constructed tree. Based on
the tree, recursive neural network can extract representations
for target vertices. (3) Our experimental results show that
the proposed approach outperforms several baseline meth-
ods. Particularly, we demonstrate that including informa-
tion from neighbouring vertices can improve performance
of classification.

Related Work
There has been a growing trend to represent data using
graphs (Angles and Gutierrez 2008). Discovering knowl-
edge from graphs becomes an exciting research area, such
as vertex classification (London and Getoor 2014) and graph
classification (Niepert, Ahmed, and Kutzkov 2016). Graph
classification analyzes the properties of the graph as a whole,
while vertex classification focuses on predicting labels of
vertices in the graph. In this paper, we discuss the prob-
lem of vertex classification. The main-stream approaches for
vertex classification are collective vertex classification (Lu
and Getoor 2003) which classify vertices using information
provided by neighbouring vertices. Iterative classification
approach (Lu and Getoor 2003) models neighbours’ label
distribution as link features to facilitate classification. La-
bel propagation approach (Wang and Zhang 2008) assigns
a probabilistic label for each vertex and then fine-tunes the
probability using graph structure. However, labels of neigh-
bouring vertices are not representative enough to include
all useful information. Some researchers tried to introduce
attributes from neighbouring vertices to improve classifica-
tion performance. Nevertheless, as reported in (Chakrabarti,
Dom, and Indyk 1998; Myaeng and Lee 2000), naively in-
corporating these features may reduce the performance of
classification, when original features of neighbouring ver-
tices are too noisy.

Recently, some researchers analysed graphs using deep

neural network technologies. Deepwalk (Perozzi, Al-Rfou,
and Skiena 2014) is an unsupervised learning algorithm to
learn vertex embeddings using link structure, while content
of each vertex is not considered. Convolutional neural net-
work for graphs (Niepert, Ahmed, and Kutzkov 2016) learns
feature representations for the graphs as a whole. Recurrent
neural collective classification (Monner and Reggia 2013)
encodes neighbouring vertices via a recurrent neural net-
work, which is hard to capture the information from vertices
that are more than several steps away.

Recursive neural networks (RNN) are a series of mod-
els that deal with tree-structured information. RNN has been
implemented in natural scenes parsing (Socher et al. 2011)
and tree-structured sentence representation learning (Tai,
Socher, and Manning 2015). Under this framework, repre-
sentations can be learned from both input features and repre-
sentations of child nodes. Graph structures are more widely
used and more complicated than tree or sequence structures.
Due to the lack of notable order for processing vertices in
a graph, few studies have investigated the vertex classifi-
cation problem using recursive neural network techniques.
The graph-based recursive neural network framework pro-
posed in this paper can generate the processing order for
neural network according to the vertex to classify and the
local graph structure.

Graph-based Recursive Neural Networks

In this section, we present the framework of Graph-based
Recursive Neural Networks (GRNN). A graph G = (V,E)
consists of a set of vertices V = {v1, v2, . . . , vN} and a
set of edges E ⊆ V × V . Graphs may contain cycles,
where a cycle is a path from a vertex back to itself. Let
X = {x1, x2, · · · , xN} be a set of feature vectors, where
each xi ∈ X is associated with a vertex vi ∈ V , L be a set
of labels, and vt ∈ V be a vertex to be classified, called tar-
get vertex. Then, the collective vertex classification problem
is to predict the label yt of vt, such that

ŷt = argmax

Pθ(yt|vt, G,X ) (1)

using a recursive neural network with parameters θ.

Algorithm 1 Tree Construction Algorithm
Require: Graph G, Target vertex vt, Tree depth d
Ensure: Tree T = (VT , ET )

1. Let Q be a queue
2. VT = {vt}, ET = ∅
3. Q.push(vt)
4. while Q is not empty do
5. v = Q.pop()
6. if T .depth(v) ≤ d then
7. for w in G.outgoingVertices(v) do
8. // add w to T as child of v
9. VT = VT ∪ {w}

10. ET = ET ∪ {(v, w)}
11. Q.push(w)
12. end for
13. end if
14. end while
15. return T

Tree Construction

In a neural network, neurons are arranged in layers and dif-
ferent layers are processed following a predefined order. For
example, recurrent neural networks process inputs in se-
quential order and recursive neural networks deal with tree-
structures in a bottom-up manner. However, graphs, partic-
ularly cyclic graphs, do not have an explicit order. How to
construct an ordered structure from a graph is challenging.

Given a graphG = (V,E), a target vertex vt ∈ V and tree
depth d ∈ N, we can construct a tree T = (VT , ET ) rooted
at vt using breadth-first-search, where VT is a vertex set, ET
is an edge set, and (v, w) ∈ ET means an edge from parent
vertex v to child vertex w. The depth of a vertex v in T is the
length of the path from vt to v, denoted as T .depth(v). The
depth of a tree is maximum depth of vertices in T . We use
G.outgoingVertices(v) to denote a set of outgoing vertices
from v, i.e. {w|(v, w) ∈ G}. The tree construction algo-
rithm is described in Algorithm 1. Firstly, a first-in-first-out
queue (Q) is initialized with vt (lines 1-3). The algorithm it-
eratively check the vertices in Q. If there is a vertex whose
depth is less than d, we pop it out from Q (line 6), add all
its neighbouring vertices in G as its children in T and push
them to the end of Q (lines 9-11).

In general, there are two approaches to deal with cycles
in a graph. One is to remove vertices that have been visited,
and the other is to keep duplicate vertices. Fig 2.a describes
an example of a graph with a cycle between v1 and v2. Let
us start with the target vertex v1. In the first approach, there
will be no child vertex for v2, since v1 is already visited.
The corresponding tree is shown in Fig 2.b. In the second
approach, we will add v1 as a child vertex to v2 iteratively
and terminate after certain steps. The corresponding tree is
illustrated in Fig 2.c. When generating the representation of
a vertex, say v2, any information from its neighbours may
help. We thus include v1 as a child vertex of v2. In this paper,
we use the second manner for tree construction.

Figure 2: (a) A graph with a cycle; (b) A tree constructed without duplicate vertices;
(c) A tree constructed with duplicate vertices.

Recursive Neural Network Construction
Now we construct a recursive neural unit (RNU) for each
vertex vk ∈ T . Each RNU takes a feature vector xk and hid-
den states of its child vertices as input. We explore two kinds
of recursive neural units which are discussed in (Socher et al.
2011; Tai, Socher, and Manning 2015).

Naive Recursive Neural Unit (NRNU)
Each NRNU for a vertex vk ∈ T takes a feature vector xk
and the aggregation of the hidden states from all children of
vk. The transition equations of NRNU are given as follows:

h̃k = max

{hr} (2)

hk = tanh(W
(h)xk + U

(h)h̃k + b
(h)) (3)

where C(vk) is the set of child vertices of vk, W (h) and
U (h) are weight matrix, and b(h) is the bias. The generated
hidden state hk of vk is related to the input vector xk and
aggregated hidden state h̃k. Different from summing up all
hidden states as in (Tai, Socher, and Manning 2015), we use
max pooling for h̃k (see Eq 2). This is because, in real-life
situations, the number of neighbours for a vertex can be very
large and some of them are irrelevant for the vertex to clas-
sify (Zhang et al. 2013). We use G-NRNN to refer to the
graph-based naive recursive neural network which incorpo-
rates NRNU as recursive neural units.

Long Short-Term Memory Unit (LSTMU)
LSTMU is one variation on RNU, which can handle the long
term dependency problem by introducing memory cells and
gated units (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber 1997). LSTMU is
composed of an input gate ik, a forget gate fk, an output gate
ok, a memory cell ck and a hidden state hk. The transition
equations of LSTMU are given as follows:

h̃k = max

{hr} (4)

ik = σ(W
(i)xk + U

(i)h̃k + b
(i)) (5)

fkr = σ(W
(f)xk + U

(f)hr + b
(f)) (6)

ok = σ(W
(o)xk + U

(o)h̃k + b
(o)) (7)

uk = tanh(W
(u)xk + U

(u)h̃k + b
(u)) (8)

ck = ik � uk +


fkr � cr (9)

hk = ok � tanh(ck) (10)
where C(vk) is the set of child vertices of vk, vr ∈ C(vk),
xk is corresponding feature vector of the child vertex vk,
� is element-wise multiplication and σ is sigmoid function,
W (∗) and U (∗) are weight matrices, and b(∗) are the biases.
h̃k is a vector aggregated from the hidden states of the child
vertices. We use G-LSTM to refer to the graph-based long
short-term memory network which incorporates LSTMU as
recursive neural units.

After constructing GRNN, we calculate the hidden states
of all vertices in T from leaves to root, then we use a softmax
classifier to predict label yt of the target vertex vt using its
hidden states ht (see Eq 11).

Pθ(yt|vt, G,X ) = softmax(W (s)ht + b(s)) (11)

ŷt = argmax

Pθ(yt|vt, G,X ) (12)

Cross-entropy J(θ) = − 1

t=1 logPθ(yt|vt, G,X ) is

used as cost function, where N is the number of vertices in a
training set.

Experimental Setup
To verify the effectiveness of our approach, we have con-
ducted experiments on four datasets and compared our ap-
proach with three baseline methods. We will describe the
datasets, baseline methods, and experimental settings.

We have tested our approach on four real-world network

• Cora (McCallum et al. 2000) is a citation network dataset
which is composed of 2708 scientific publications and
5429 citations between publications. All publications are
classified into seven classes: Rule Learning (RU), Genetic
Algorithms (GE), Reinforcement Learning (RE), Neural
Networks (NE), Probabilistic Methods (PR), Case Based
(CA) and Theory (TH).

• Citeseer (Giles, Bollacker, and Lawrence 1998) is an-
other citation network dataset which is larger than Cora.
Citeseer is composed of 3312 scientific publications and
4723 citations. All publications are classified into six
classes: Agents, AI, DB, IR, ML and HCI.

• WebKB (Craven et al. 1998) is a website network col-
lected from four computer science departments in differ-
ent universities which consists of 877 web pages, 1608
hyper-links between web pages. All websites are classi-
fied into five classes: faculty, students, project, course and

• WebKB-sim is a network dataset which is generated from
WebKB based on the cosine similarity between each ver-
tex and its top 3 similar vertices according to their feature
vectors (Baeza-Yates, Ribeiro-Neto, and others 1999). We
use same feature vectors as the ones in WebKB. This

dataset is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of our
framework on datasets which may not have explicit rela-
tionship represented as edges between vertices, but can be
treated as graphs whose edges are based on some metrics
such as similarity of vertices.

We use abstracts of publications in Cora and Citeseer, and
contents of web pages in WebKB to generate features of
vertices. For the above datasets, all words are stemmed first,
then stop words and words with document frequency less
than 10 are discarded. A dictionary is generated by includ-
ing all these words. We have 1433, 3793, and 1703 for
Cora, Citeseer and WebKB, respectively. Each vertex is rep-
resented by a bag-of-words vector where each dimension in-
dicates absence or occurrence of a word in the dictionary of
the corresponding dataset1.

Baseline Methods
We have implemented the following three baseline methods:
• Logistic Regression (LR) (Hosmer Jr and Lemeshow

2004) predicts the label of a vertex using its own attributes
through a logistic regression model.

• Iterative classification approach (ICA) (Lu and Getoor
2003; London and Getoor 2014) utilizes the combination
of link structure and vertex features as input of a statisti-
cal machine learning model. We use two variants of ICA:
ICA-binary uses the occurrence of labels of neighbour-
ing vertices, ICA-count uses the frequency of labels of
neighbouring vertices.

• Label propagation (LP) (Wang and Zhang 2008; Lon-
don and Getoor 2014) uses a statistical machine learning
to give a label probability for each vertex, then propagates
the label probability to all its neighbours. The propagation
steps are repeated until all label probabilities converge.
To make experiments consistent, logistic regression is

used for all statistical machine learning components in ICA
and LP. We run 5 iterations for each ICA experiment and 20
iterations for each LP experiment2.

Experimental Settings
In our experiments, we split each dataset into two parts:
training set and testing set, with different proportions (70%
to 95% for training). For each proportion setting, we ran-
domly generate 5 pairs of training and testing sets. For each
experiment on a pair of training and testing sets, we run 10
epochs on the training set and record the highest Micro-F1
score (Baeza-Yates, Ribeiro-Neto, and others 1999) on the
testing set. Then we report the averaged results from the ex-
periments with the same proportion setting. According to
preliminary experiments, the learning rate is set to 0.1 for
LR, ICA and LP and 0.01 for all GRNN models. We em-
pirically set number of hidden states to 200 for all GRNN
models. Adagrad (Duchi, Hazan, and Singer 2011) is used
as the optimization method in our experiments.

1Cora, Citeseer and WebKB can be downloaded from LINQS.
We will publish WebKB-sim along with our code.

2According to our preliminary experiments, LP converges
slower than ICA.


0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95











(a) Cora G-NRNN




0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95







(b) Citeseer G-NRNN

0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95







(c) WebKB G-NRNN

0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95







(d) WebKB-sim G-NRNN

0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95

Training Proportion













(e) Cora G-LSTM




0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95

Training Proportion







(f) Citeseer G-LSTM

0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95

Training Proportion







(g) WebKB G-LSTM

0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95

Training Proportion







(h) WebKB-sim G-LSTM

Figure 3: Comparison of G-NRNN and G-LSTM on four datasets: (a) Cora G-NRNN, (b) Citeseer G-NRNN, (c) WebKB G-NRNN, (d) WebKB-sim G-NRNN (e) Cora G-LSTM,
(f) Citeseer G-LSTM, (g) WebKB G-LSTM and (h) WebKB-sim G-LSTM.

0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95

Training Proportion













(a) Cora






0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95

Training Proportion







(b) Citeseer

0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95

Training Proportion







(c) WebKB

0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95

Training Proportion







(d) WebKB-sim

Figure 4: Comparison of G-LSTM with LR, LP and ICA on four datasets: (a) Cora, (b) Citeseer, (c) WebKB and (d) WebKB-sim.

Results and Discussion
Model and Parameter Selection
Figure 3 illustrates the performance of G-NRNN and G-
LSTM on four datasets. We use G-NRNN di and G-
LSTM di to refer to G-NRNN and G-LSTM over trees of
depth i, respectively, where i = 0, 1, 2.

For the experiments on G-NRNN and G-LSTM over trees
of different steps, d1 and d2 outperform d0 in most cases3.
Particularly, the experiments with d1 and d2 perform better
with more than 2% improvement than d0 on Cora, and d1
and d2 enjoy a consistent improvement over d0 on Citeseer
and WebKB-sim. This performance difference is also obvi-
ous in WebKB, when the training proportion is larger than
85%. These mean that introducing neighbouring vertices can
improve the performance of classification and more neigh-
bouring information can be obtained by increasing the depth

3When d = 0, each constructed tree contains only one vertex.

of trees. Using same RNU setting, d2 outperforms d1 in
most experiments on Cora, Citeseer and WebKB-sim. How-
ever, for WebKB, d2 does not always outperforms d1. That
is to say, introducing more layers of vertices may help im-
proving the performance, while the choice of the best tree
depth depends on applications.

Table 1: Micro-F1 score (%) of G-LSTM model with different pooling strategies on
Cora, Citeseer, WebKB and WebKB-sim.

Pooling Datasets
Strategy Cora Citeseer WebKB WebKB-sim

sum 83.05 74.81 86.21 87.42
G-LSTM d1 mean 84.18 74.77 86.21 87.58

max 83.83 74.89 87.12 87.42
sum 84.03 75.05 85.61 87.42

G-LSTM d2 mean 84.47 75.33 86.21 87.42
max 84.72 75.45 86.06 87.73

Figure 5: Distribution of label co-occurrence for Cora, Citeseer, WebKB and WebKB-sim, where d = 1, 2.

In Table 1, we compare three different pooling strategies
used in G-LSTM4, sum, mean and max pooling. We use 85%
for training for all datasets here. In general, mean and max
outperform sum which is used in (Tai, Socher, and Manning
2015). This is probably because, the number of neighbours
for a vertex can be very large and summing them up can
make h̃ large for some extreme cases. max slightly outper-
forms mean in our experiments, which is probably due to
max pooling can select the most influential information of
child vertices which filters out noise to some extend.

Baseline Comparison
We compare our approach with the baseline methods on four
network datasets. As our models with d2 provide better per-
formance, we choose G-NRNN d2 and G-LSTM d2 as rep-
resentative models.

In Figure 4.a and Figure 4.b, we compare our approach
with the baseline methods on two citation networks, Cora
and Citeseer. The collective vertex classification approaches,
i.e. LP, ICA, G-NRNN and G-LSTM, largely outperform
LR which only uses attributes of the target vertex. Both
G-NRNN d2 and G-LSTM d2 consistently outperform all
baseline methods on the citation networks, which indicates
the effectiveness of our approach. In Figure 4.c and Fig-
ure 4.d, we compare our approach with the baseline meth-
ods on WebKB and WebKB-sim. For WebKB, our method
obtains competitive results in comparison with ICA. LP
works worse than LR on WebKB, where Micro-F1 score
is less than 0.7. For this reason, it is not presented in Fig-
ure 4.c, and we will discuss this in detail in the next subsec-
tion. For WebKB-sim, our approaches consistently outper-
form all baseline methods, and G-LSTM d2 outperforms G-
NRNN d1 when the training proportion is larger than 80%.

In general, G-LSTM d2 outperforms G-NRNN d2. This

4As G-NRNN gives similar results, we only illustrate results for
G-LSTM here

is likely due to the LSTMU’s capability of memorizing in-
formation using memory cells. G-LSTM can thus better cap-
ture correlations between representations with long depen-
dencies (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber 1997).

Dataset Comparison
To analyse co-occurrence of neighbouring labels, we com-
pute the transition probability from target vertices to their
neighbouring vertices. We first calculate the label co-
occurrence matrix Md, where Mdi,j indicates co-occurred
times of labels li of target vertices vi and labels lj of d-step
away vertices vj . Then we obtain a transition probability ma-
trix T d, where T di,j = M



i,k). The heat maps of

T d on four datasets are demonstrated in Figure 5.
For Cora and Citeseer, neighbouring vertices tend to share

same labels. When d increases to 2, labels are still tightly
correlated. That is probably why all ICA, LP G-NRNN and
G-LSTM work well on Cora and Citeseer. In this situation,
GRNN integrates features of d-step away vertices which
may directly help classify a target vertex. For WebKB, cor-
relation of labels is not clear, some label can be strongly
related to more than two labels, e.g. students connects to
course, project and student. Introducing vertices which are
more steps away makes the correlation even worse for We-
bKB, e.g.all labels are most related to student. In this sit-
uation, LP totally fails, while ICA can learn the correla-
tion of labels that are not same, i.e. student may relate to
course instead of student itself. For this dataset, GRNN still
achieves competitive results with the best baseline approach.
For WebKB-sim, although student is still the label with high-
est frequency, the correlation between labels is clearer than
WebKB, i.e. project relates to project and student. That is
probably the reason why, the performance of our approach
is good on WebKB-sim for both settings and G-LSTM d2
achieves better results than G-NRNN d2 when the training
proportion is larger.

Conclusions and Future work
In this paper, we have presented a graph-based recursive
neural network framework(GRNN) for vertex classification
on graphs. We have compared two recursive units, NRNU
and LSTMU within this framework. It turns out that LSTMU
works better than NRNU on most experiments. Finally, the
performance of our proposed methods outperformed several
state-of-the-art statistical machine learning based methods.

In the future, we intend to extend this work in several di-
rections. We aim to apply GRNN to large scale graphs. We
also aim to improve the efficiency of GRNN and conduct
time complexity analysis.

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