The Students, Enrollments, Courses, Departments and Faculty table are defined as follows:
Column Name Type
FirstName VARCHAR(255)
LastName VARCHAR(255)
Department VARCHAR(100)
Column Name Type
Credits INT
Score REAL
Column Name Type
Title VARCHAR(255)
Department VARCHAR(100)
Instructor VARCHAR(255)
Column Name Type
Department VARCHAR(100)
NumberOfStudents INT
YearOfEstablishment INT
DepartmentHead VARCHAR(255)
Column Name Type
FirstName VARCHAR(255)
LastName VARCHAR(255)
Department VARCHAR(100)
ResearchArea VARCHAR(255)
Q1. How big is your department?
For the table Departments, write a SQL query that returns the name (the column Department) of
departments that are bigger (in terms of NumberOfStudents) compared to at least one other
SELECT department
FROM departments
WHERE numberofstudents > ANY ( SELECT numberofstudents
FROM departments) ;
Alternative Solution:
SELECT department
FROM departments
WHERE numberofstudents > ( SELECT Min(numberofstudents)
FROM departments) ;
Q2. How balanced is your department?
For the table Departments and Faculty, write a SQL query that returns the name (the column
Department) of Departments, in which the ratio of the number of faculty members and the
number of students (NumberOfStudents) is greater than 0.25.
SELECT D . department
FROM departments D
WHERE D . numberofstudents < 4 * ( SELECT Count( * )
FROM faculty F
WHERE F . department = D . department) ;
Q3. How active is your department?
For the table Students, Enrollments, Courses and Departments, write a SQL query that returns
the DepartmentHead for Departments where at least 50% of NumberOfStudents are enrolled in
at least one course.
SELECT departmenthead
FROM departments D
WHERE numberofstudents * 0.5 <= ( SELECT Count( DISTINCT S . netid)
FROM students S ,
enrollments E
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND S . department =
D . department)
Alternative Solution:
SELECT departmenthead
FROM departments D ,
( SELECT R . dept ,
Count( * ) AS ActiveStudentCount
FROM ( SELECT S . department AS Dept ,
Count( * ) AS CourseCount
FROM students S ,
enrollments E
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
GROUP BY S . department ,
S . netid
HAVING coursecount >= 1 ) AS R
GROUP BY R . dept) AS R2
WHERE D . department = R2 . dept
AND R2 . activestudentcount >= 0.5 * D . numberofstudents ;
Q4. Who outperformed the non-departmental students?
For the table Students, Enrollments, Courses and Departments, write a SQL query that returns
the NetId of Students from ‘CS’ Department whose Score in ‘Database Systems’ course is
higher compared to all non-CS students taking the course. Sort the NetIds in ascending order.
SELECT S . netid
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND S . department = ’CS’
AND C . title = ’Database Systems’
AND E . score > ( SELECT Max(E . score)
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND S . department <> ’CS’
AND C . title = ’Database Systems’ )
ORDER BY S . netid ;
Alternative Solution:
SELECT S . netid
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND S . department = ’CS’
AND C . title = ’Database Systems’
AND E . score > ALL ( SELECT E . score
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND C . title = ’Database Systems’
AND S . department <> ’CS’ )
ORDER BY S . netid
Q5. How Many CS Courses Are You Taking?
For the table Students, Enrollments and Courses, write a SQL query that returns the FirstName
and number of CS courses (Department = ‘CS’) for all students who are enrolled in one or more
CS courses. Sort your results first by number of CS courses (in descending order) and then by
FirstName (in ascending order).
SELECT S . firstname ,
Count(E . crn) AS numCSCrs
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND C . department = ’CS’
GROUP BY S . netid ,
S . firstname
HAVING Count(E . crn) > 0
ORDER BY numcscrs DESC ,
S . firstname ASC
Q6. What Course Are You Taking?
For the table Students, Enrollments and Courses, write a SQL query that returns the NetId and
Department of all students who are taking courses offered by a different department than their
own department.
SELECT netid ,
FROM students
WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT courses . department
FROM enrollments ,
WHERE enrollments . crn = courses . crn
AND enrollments . netid = students . netid
AND courses . department <> students . department) ;
Alternative Solution:
S . department
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND C . crn IN ( SELECT crn
FROM courses
WHERE crn = E . crn
AND department <> S . department)
Q7. New student on board
For the table Students, Enrollments and Courses:
1. Insert the following information into the appropriate table(s). A student ‘Mickey Mouse’
with NetId ‘mm1’ joins ‘CS’ department. He is taking ‘Computer Graphics’ course (CRN
195) offered by Prof. ‘Donald Duck’ from ‘CS’ department.
2. Write a SQL query that returns the LastName of student, Title of course he/she is taking,
and the Score, for all students in ‘CS’ department.
Note that, you can write as many SQL statements as you need to insert data. Just maker sure,
you write the SQL query after the insert statements.
’mm1′ ,
’Mickey’ ,
’Mouse’ ,
’195′ ,
’Computer Graphics’ ,
’CS’ ,
’Donald Duck’
) ; INSERT INTO enrollments
netid ,
’mm1′ ,
) ;
SELECT s . lastname ,
c . title ,
e . score
FROM students s ,
courses c ,
enrollments e
WHERE s . netid = e . netid
AND c . crn = e . crn
AND s . department = ’CS’ ;
Q8. Who Scored the Highest?
For the table Students, Enrollments and Courses, write a SQL query that returns the NetId of
students who received highest score for a non-departmental (a department other than his own)
course among all students who attended that course.
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND S . department <> C . department
AND E . score = ( SELECT Max(score)
FROM enrollments
WHERE crn = E . crn)
Alternative Solution:
SELECT S . netid
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND S . department <> C . department
AND E . score >= ALL ( SELECT E2 . score
FROM enrollments E2
Q9. Do you know the department head?
For the table Students, Enrollments, Courses and Departments, write a SQL query that returns
the NetId of all students who are taking courses offered by their DepartmentHead.
SELECT S . netid
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C ,
departments D
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND S . department = C . department
AND C . instructor = D . departmenthead ;
Q10. Students taking same courses
For the table Students, Enrollments and Courses, write a SQL query that returns the pair of
FirstName for Students who are enrolled in the exactly same courses. The resultant relation will
list a pair once, having the alphabetically smaller Firstname in first column and the
alphabetically bigger Firstname in second column, e.g., a tuple consisting of firstanmes ‘Abcd’
and ‘Efg’ will have ‘Abcd’ in first column and ‘Efg’ in second column. Also, the resultant relation
will not have self pairs (a self pair involves two FirstNames of a single student).
SELECT S1 . firstname ,
S2 . firstname
FROM ( SELECT E1 . netid AS n1 ,
E2 . netid AS n2 ,
Count( * ) AS nosc
FROM enrollments E1 ,
enrollments E2
WHERE E1 . netid != E2 . netid
AND E1 . crn = E2 . crn
GROUP BY E1 . netid ,
E2 . netid) AS Temp ,
students AS S1 ,
students AS S2
WHERE nosc = ( SELECT Count( * )
FROM enrollments
WHERE netid = n1)
AND nosc = ( SELECT Count( * )
FROM enrollments
WHERE netid = n2)
AND S1 . netid = n1
AND S2 . netid = n2
AND S1 . firstname < S2 . firstname
Q11. Inactive students and faculty members
For the table Students, Enrollments, Courses, Departments and Faculty, write a SQL query that
returns the LastName of inactive students and faculty members. A student is inactive if he/she is
not enrolled in any courses. A faculty member is inactive if he/she is not instructing any courses
and is not serving as a department head.
SELECT S . lastname
FROM students S
WHERE S . netid NOT IN ( SELECT E2 . netid
FROM enrollments E2)
SELECT lastname
FROM faculty
WHERE Concat (firstname , ' ' , lastname) NOT IN ( SELECT departmenthead
FROM departments)
AND Concat (firstname , ' ' , lastname) NOT IN ( SELECT instructor
FROM courses) ;
Q12. Who outperformed the departmental students?
For the table Students, Enrollments, Courses and Departments, write a SQL query that returns
the NetId of Students whose Score in a non-departmental course is higher compared to at least
one departmental student taking the course. Sort the NetIds in ascending order. Also, the
resultant relation should not list a NetId more than once.
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND S . department != C . department
AND E . score > ANY ( SELECT E1 . score
FROM students S1 ,
enrollments E1 ,
courses C1
WHERE S1 . netid = E1 . netid
AND E1 . crn = E . crn
AND S1 . department = C . department)
ORDER BY S . netid
Q13. Above average students I
For the table Students, Enrollments, Courses and Departments, write a SQL query that returns
Title of each course and the number of students whose score in the course is higher than the
average score for all students taking the course.
Count(E . netid)
FROM enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE E . crn = C . crn
AND E . score > ( SELECT Avg(score)
FROM enrollments
WHERE crn = E . crn)
GROUP BY E . crn ,
C . title
Q14. Above average students II (is the same as Q9, with a different set of data)
For the table Students, Enrollments, Courses and Departments, write a SQL query that returns
Title of each course and the number of students whose score in the course is higher than the
average score for all students taking the course.
SELECT R2 . c1 ,
Ifnull(R1 . c2 , 0 )
FROM ( SELECT C . title AS C1 ,
Count( * ) AS C2
FROM students S ,
enrollments E ,
courses C
WHERE S . netid = E . netid
AND E . crn = C . crn
AND E . score > ( SELECT Avg(E2 . score)
FROM enrollments E2
WHERE E2 . crn = E . crn)
GROUP BY C . title) AS R1
FROM courses) AS R2
ON R1 . c1 = R2 . c1 ;
Q15. Deleting students
For the table Students, Enrollments, Courses and Departments:
1. Write a SQL statement that deletes the records of students from Students table
whose average score for ‘CS’ courses is less than 80%.
2. Write a SQL query that returns the current Students table.
Note that, you need to write the statements in given order, first delete statement, then
SQL query.
DELETE FROM students
WHERE netid IN ( SELECT x . netid
FROM ( SELECT s1 . netid
FROM students s1 ,
enrollments e ,
courses c ,
departments d
WHERE s1 . netid = e . netid
AND e . crn = c . crn
AND c . department = ’CS’
GROUP BY s1 . netid
HAVING Avg(e . score) < 80 ) AS x) ;
FROM students ;