程序代写代做代考 Discussion Session on Neo4j

Discussion Session on Neo4j
Amirhossein Aleyasen

● We will learn how to load CSV files to Neo4j and create a graph from them.
● We will try 6 sample queries on the loaded data.

Load CSV to Neo4j

LOAD CSV FROM ‘https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-manual/3.5/csv/artists.csv’ AS line
CREATE (:Artist { name: line[1], year: toInteger(line[2])})

LOAD CSV with Header:

‘https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-manual/3.5/csv/artists-with-headers.csv’ AS line
CREATE (:Artist { name: line.Name, year: toInteger(line.Year)})

LOAD CSV from a local file
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM “file:///HW5-Dataset/business.csv” AS row

CREATE (:Business {business_id: row.business_id, city: row.city, is_open:

row.is_open,name : row.name,postal_code: row.postal_code,review_count:

row.review_count,stars: row.stars,state: row.state});

● Use file:// as protocal.
● Note that paths are relative to [NEO4j-HOME]/imports
● Use MERGE instead CREATE if many rows exist for a single node.

We create index to ensure their quick lookup when creating relationships in the
next step.

CREATE INDEX ON :Business(business_id);

CREATE INDEX ON :Review(review_id);

CREATE INDEX ON :Review(user_id);

CREATE INDEX ON :Review(business_id);

CREATE INDEX ON :User(user_id);

Create Relationships from CSV

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM “file:///HW5-Dataset/review.csv” AS row

MATCH (business:Business {business_id: row.business_id})

MATCH (review:Review {review_id: row.review_id})

MERGE (business)-[:HAS]->(review);

Q1. Find users with more than 5 reviews.

Q1. Find users with more than 5 reviews.

MATCH (user:User)-[:REVIEWED]->(:Review)

WITH user, count(*) as reviewCount

WHERE reviewCount > 5

RETURN user, reviewCount

Q2. Find all the users with at least one 5 star

Q2. Find all the users with at least one 5 star review.

MATCH (user:User)-[:REVIEWED]->(review:Review)

WITH user.user_id as user_id, review.stars as stars

where stars = “5”

RETURN distinct user_id

MATCH (user:User)-[:REVIEWED]->(review:Review{stars : “5”})

RETURN distinct user.user_id

Q3. Find all the users with at least ten 5 star

Q3. Find all the users with at least ten 5 star reviews.

MATCH (user:User)-[:REVIEWED]->(review:Review{stars : “5”})

WITH distinct user.user_id as user_id, count(*) as fiveStarCounts

WHERE fiveStarCounts >= 10

RETURN user_id

Q4. Find all the businesses in Urbana with at
least one 1 star review.

Q4. Find all the businesses in Urbana with at least one 1 star

MATCH (business:Business{city : “Urbana”})-[:HAS]->


RETURN distinct business.business_id

Q5. Return names of the businesses in Urbana
with at least ten 5 star review.

Q5. Return names of the businesses in Urbana with at least
ten 5 star review.

MATCH (business:Business{city : “Urbana”})-[:HAS]->


WITH distinct business.name as name, count(*) as c

WHERE c >= 10


Q6. Return names of the businesses in
Champaign that the number of their 1 star

reviews are more than the number of their 5 star

Q6. Return names of the businesses in Champaign that the
number of their 1 star reviews are more than the number of 5
star reviews.

MATCH (review1:Review{stars:”1″})<-[HAS]-(business:Business{city : "Champaign"})-[:HAS]->(review5:Review{stars:”5″})

WITH business.name as name , count(distinct review1) as count_r1,

count(distinct review5) as count_r5

WHERE count_r1 > count_r5