程序代写代做代考 dns 2018/10/1 COMP1521 18s2 – Week 10 Lab Exercise

2018/10/1 COMP1521 18s2 – Week 10 Lab Exercise

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COMP1521 18s2 Week 10 Lab Exercise
DNS Lookup

Computer System


to explore Linux IP address system calls


Grades A+=outstanding, A=very good, B=adequate, C=sub-standard, D=hopeless

Demo in the Week10 Lab or at the start of the Week12 Lab (Week 11 is the Practice Exam)

Submit give cs1521 lab10 dns.c or via WebCMS

Deadline must be submitted by 11:59pm Sunday 7 October

Note: you need to do something truly outstanding, above and beyond the “call of duty” to get A+. Doing the exercise well and
correctly as specified will get you an A grade. An A grade gets you full marks; an A+ grade gives a small bonus.


The host command on Linux/Unix allows you to map between host names and IP addresses by doing
DNS server lookups. For example:

$ host domain name pointer localhost.
$ host www.cse.unsw.edu.au
www.cse.unsw.edu.au has address
$ host domain name pointer albeniz.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU

The host command is useful, but also has a wide range of options, most of which you might never
need. The aim of this lab is to write a simple version of a DNS lookup program that maps between
hostnames and IP addresses.

To do this, you could use some simple library functions:

struct hostent *gethostbyname(char *name)

Takes a hostname (e.g. tuba00.cse.unsw.edu.au) and returns a pointer to a hostent structure
that contains, among other things, an array of IP addresses associated with the hostname. If it
cannot resolve the hostname, it returns a NULL pointer.

struct hostent *gethostbyaddr(struct in_addr *ip, socklen_t len, int typ)

Takes an IP address, packaged in an in_addr structure, the size of the structure and an address
family, and returns a a pointer to a hostent structure that contains, among other things, an array
of IP addresses associated with the hostname. If it cannot resolve the hostname, it returns a
NULL pointer. For our purposes, the only useful value for typ is AF_INET.

int inet_aton(char *addr, struct in_addr *ip)

Converts a string representing an IP address (e.g. and converts it to an internet
address (in_addr) structure which is used in various network functions. If the addr looks like a
“dotted-quad” IP address, then the function returns 1, otherwise it returns 0.

char *inet_ntoa(struct in_addr *ip)


2018/10/1 COMP1521 18s2 – Week 10 Lab Exercise

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Produces a printable string representation of an IP address stored in an in_addr structure. The
string is dynamically allocated, and the function returns a pointer to the first character in the string.

You can find more information about these functions and the hostent structure by reading the Unix man
pages for them. E.g. the command:

$ man 3 gethostbyname

will tell you about the two gethost…() functions and hostent.

The in_addr structure holds a binary representation of an IP address (the in stands for “internet”).

Note that the gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr() have been flagged as obsolete in the Unix
documentation. However, they are simpler to use than the new and more general function that is
replacing them (getaddrinfo()). If you wish, you are free to use the new function for this lab.

Setting Up

Create a directory for this lab; let’s call it Lab10Dir.

Change into your Lab10Dir directory and run the following command:

$ unzip /home/cs1521/web/18s2/labs/week10/lab10.zip

If you’re working at home, download lab.zip by right-clicking on the above link and then run the above
command on your local machine.

If you’ve done the above correctly, you should now find the following files in the directory:

dns.c skeleton for dns lookup program

Makefile compiles the dns program

Note that, as supplied, the program will not compile. You will need to add some code before this


You need to write the rest of the main program so that it does DNS lookups and reports results as

$ ./dns www.cse.unsw.edu.au
www.cse.unsw.edu.au ->
$ ./dns -> localhost
$ ./dns
No name associated with
$ ./dns -> albeniz.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU
$ ./dns abc.def.ghi
Can’t resolve abc.def.ghi

To achieve this requires only about 15 lines of code, but you will need to understand the functions and
data types mentioned above. The program will look something like this pseduo-code:

if (argv[1] looks like an IP address) {
use gethostbyaddr() to determine its hostname
if (no match)
print error message


2018/10/1 COMP1521 18s2 – Week 10 Lab Exercise

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print “IP -> hostname”
else { // might be a hostname
use gethostbyname() to determine its IP address
if (no match)
print error message
print “hostname -> IP”

You can check your results by comparing the output from your program against the output of the host
command. The outputs will not match exactly, but you should be able to determine whether your
program has found one of the correct names or IP addresses.


Print any aliases (either names or IP addresses) for the discovered host.


You need to submit the file: dns.c. You can submit this via the command line using give or you can
submit it from within WebCMS. After submitting the code, show your tutor, who’ll give you feedback on
your work and award a grade.

Have fun, jas