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Opinion Observer: Analyzing and Comparing Opinions
on the Web
Bing Liu
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Chicago
851 South Morgan Street,
Chicago, IL 60607-7053
Minqing Hu
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Chicago
851 South Morgan Street,
Chicago, IL 60607-7053
Junsheng Cheng
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Chicago
851 South Morgan Street,
Chicago, IL 60607-7053
The Web has become an excellent source for gathering consumer
opinions. There are now numerous Web sites containing such
opinions, e.g., customer reviews of products, forums, discussion
groups, and blogs. This paper focuses on online customer reviews
of products. It makes two contributions. First, it proposes a novel
framework for analyzing and comparing consumer opinions of
competing products. A prototype system called Opinion Observer
is also implemented. The system is such that with a single glance
of its visualization, the user is able to clearly see the strengths and
weaknesses of each product in the minds of consumers in terms of
various product features. This comparison is useful to both
potential customers and product manufacturers. For a potential
customer, he/she can see a visual side-by-side and feature-by-
feature comparison of consumer opinions on these products,
which helps him/her to decide which product to buy. For a
product manufacturer, the comparison enables it to easily gather
marketing intelligence and product benchmarking information.
Second, a new technique based on language pattern mining is
proposed to extract product features from Pros and Cons in a
particular type of reviews. Such features form the basis for the
above comparison. Experimental results show that the technique
is highly effective and outperform existing methods significantly.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
I.2.7 [Natural Language Processing]: Text analysis.
General Terms: Algorithms, Human Factors.
Keywords: Opinion analysis, sentiment analysis, information
extraction, visualization.
The Web has dramatically changed the way that consumers
express their opinions. They can now post reviews of products at
merchant sites and express their views on almost anything in
Internet forums, discussion groups, and blogs. This online word-
of-mouth behavior represents new and measurable sources of
information for marketing intelligence. Techniques are now being
developed to exploit these sources to help companies and
individuals to gain such information effectively and easily.
This paper focuses on online customer reviews of products. It is a
common practice for online merchants (e.g., to ask
their customers to review the products that they have purchased.
There are also dedicated review sites, e.g., With
more and more people using the Web to express opinions, the
number of reviews that a product receives grows rapidly. For
some popular products, the number of reviews can be in hundreds
or more. These reviews provide excellent sources of consumer
opinions on products, which are very useful to both potential
customers and product manufacturers.
In this paper, we propose an analysis system with a visual
component to compare consumer opinions of different products.
The system is called Opinion Observer. With a single glance of
its visualization, the user can clearly see the strengths and
weaknesses of each product in the minds of consumers. We use
Figure 1 to illustrate the idea. It compares customer opinions of
two digital cameras along different feature dimensions, i.e.,
picture, battery, zoom, size, and weight.
Figure 1: Visual comparison of consumer opinions on two products.
Each bar in Figure 1 shows the percents of reviews that express
positive (above x-axis) and negative (below x-axis) opinions on a
feature of a camera. One can easily see that digital camera 1 is a
superior camera. Specifically, most customers have negative
opinions about the picture quality, battery and zoom of digital
camera 2. However, on the same three features, customers are
mostly positive about digital camera 1. Regarding size and
weight, customers have similar opinions on both cameras. The
visualization enables the user to clearly see how the cameras
compare with each other along each feature dimension.
This opinion comparison is useful to both potential customers
(buyers) and product manufacturers.
• For a potential customer, although he/she can read all reviews
of different products at merchant sites to mentally compare
and assess the strengths and weaknesses of each product in
order to decide which one to buy, it is much more convenient
and less time consuming to see a visual feature-by-feature
comparison of customer opinions in the reviews.
Copyright is held by the International World Wide Web Conference
Committee (IW3C2). Distribution of these papers is limited to classroom
use, and personal use by others.
WWW 2005, May 10-14, 2005, Chiba, Japan.
ACM 1-59593-046-9/05/0005.
Picture Battery Size Weight Zoom positive
negative Digital Camera 1 Digital Camera 2
A system like ours can be installed at a merchant site that has
reviews so that potential buyers can compare not only prices
and product specifications (which can already be done at
some sites), but also opinions from existing customers.
• For a product manufacturer, comparing consumer opinions of
its products and those of its competitors to find their strengths
and weaknesses is crucial for marketing intelligence and for
product benchmarking. This is typically done manually now,
which is very labor intensive and time consuming. Our system
comes to help naturally in this case.
To enable the above visualization, two challenging technical tasks
need to be performed:
1. Identifying product features that customers have expressed
their (positive or negative) opinions on.
2. For each feature, identifying whether the opinion from each
reviewer is positive or negative, if any. Negative opinions
typically represent complains/problems about some features.
There are three main review formats on the Web. Different review
formats may need different techniques to perform the above tasks.
Format (1) – Pros and Cons: The reviewer is asked to describe
Pros and Cons separately. C| uses this format.
Format (2) – Pros, Cons and detailed review: The reviewer is
asked to describe Pros and Cons separately and also write a
detailed review. uses this format.
Format (3) – free format: The reviewer can write freely, i.e., no
separation of Pros and Cons. uses this format.
For formats (1) and (2), opinion orientations (positive or negative)
of features are known because Pros and Cons are separated and
thus there is no need to identify them. Only product features that
have been commented on by customers need to be identified. For
format (3), we need to identify both product features and opinion
orientations. In [17], we proposed several techniques to perform
these tasks for format (3), which are also useful for format (1). In
both formats (1) and (3), reviewers typically use full sentences.
However, for format (2), Pros and Cons tend to be very brief. For
example, under Cons, one may write: “heavy, bad picture quality,
battery life too short”, which are elaborated in the detailed review.
In this paper, we propose a new technique to identify product
features from Pros and Cons in format (2). The method is based
on natural language processing and supervised pattern discovery.
We show that the techniques in [17] are not suitable for format (2)
because of short phrases or incomplete sentences (we call them
sentence segments) in Pros and Cons rather than full sentences.
We do not analyze detailed reviews of format (2) as they are
elaborations of Pros and Cons. Analyzing short sentence segments
in Pros and Cons produce more accurate results. Note that our
visualization system is applicable to all three formats.
Our work is related but quite different from sentiment
classification [e.g., 8, 9, 15, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35]. Its purpose is to
classify reviews as positive or negative. It does not identify
product features that have been commented on by consumers. We
will discuss this and other related work in Section 2.
Given a set of products (which may be from the same brand or
different brands) and a set of URLs of Web pages that contain
customer reviews, Opinion Observer works in two stages:
Stage 1: Extracting and analyzing customer reviews in two steps:
Step 1: This step automatically connects to and downloads all
customer reviews from the given pages. Subsequently, the
system monitors these pages to periodically download new
reviews if any. All raw reviews are stored in a database.
Note that this step is not needed if an online merchant or a
dedicated review site that has reviews wants to provide the
opinion comparison service.
Step 2: In this step, all the new reviews (which were not
analyzed before) of every product are analyzed. Two tasks
are performed, identifying product features and opinion
orientations from each review. This can be done
automatically or semi-automatically. Details of this step
will be discussed in Sections 3.3 and 3.4.
Stage 2: In this stage, based on the analysis results, different users
can visualize and compare opinions of different products
using a user interface. The user simply chooses the products
that he/she wishes to compare and the system then retrieves
the analyzed results of these products and display them in the
interface (see Section 3.2). Note that Stage 1 tasks are
performed by the system or together with human analysts.
Stage 2 is for anyone who is authorized to view the results.
This paper makes the following contributions:
1. To the best of our knowledge, Opinion Observer is the first
system that allows comparison of consumer opinions of
multiple (competing) products (it can be one). The system is
useful to both potential customers and product manufacturers.
2. A new technique is proposed to identify product features from
Pros and Cons of review format (2). Existing techniques in
[17] are not suitable for this case. Our experimental results
show that the proposed technique is highly effective.
Gathering and comparing consumer opinions of competing
products from the Web for marketing intelligence and for product
benchmarking is an important problem. To our knowledge, no
existing system is able to perform visual comparison of consumer
opinions as proposed in this paper. Below, we mainly discuss
prior work related to analysis of customer reviews or opinions.
In [17], we propose several methods to analyze customer reviews
of format (3). They perform the same tasks of identifying product
features on which customers have expressed their opinions and
determining whether the opinions are positive or negative.
However, the techniques in [17], which are primarily based on
unsupervised itemset mining, are only suitable for reviews of
formats (3) and (1). Reviews of these formats usually consist of
full sentences. The techniques are not suitable for Pros and Cons
of format (2), which are very brief. Instead, we use supervised
rule mining in this work to generate language patterns to identify
product features. This new method is much more effective than
the old methods (see Section 5). Currently we do not use detailed
reviews of format (2). Although the methods in [17] can be
applied to detailed reviews of format (2), analyzing short sentence
segments in Pros and Cons produce more accurate results.
In [23], Morinaga et al. compare information of different products
in a category through search to find the reputation of the products.
It does not analyze reviews, and does not identify product
features. Below, we present some other related research.
Terminology finding and entity extraction
There are basically two techniques for terminology finding:
symbolic approaches that rely on noun phrases, and statistical
approaches that exploit the fact that words composing a term tend
to be found close to each other and reoccurring [e.g., 4, 7, 18, 19].
However, using noun phrases tends to produce too many non-
terms, while using reoccurring phrases misses many low
frequency terms, terms with variations, and terms with only one
word. As shown in [17] using the existing terminology finding
system FASTR [11] produces very poor results. Furthermore,
using noun phrases are not sufficient for finding product features.
We also need to consider other language components (e.g., verbs
and adjectives) as we will see in Section 3.3.
Recently, information extraction from texts was studied by
several researchers. Their focus is on using machine learning and
NLP methods to extract/classify named entities and relations [5,
10, 14, 20, 31]. Our task involves identifying product features
which are usually not named entities and can be expressed as
nouns, noun phrases, verbs, and adjectives. Also, our extraction
work uses short sentence segments rather than full sentences.
Sentiment classification
Sentiment classification classifies opinion texts or sentences as
positive or negative. Work of Hearst [16] on classification of
entire documents uses models inspired by cognitive linguistics.
Das and Chen [8] use a manually crafted lexicon in conjunction
with several scoring methods to classify stock postings. Tong [32]
generates sentiment (positive and negative) timelines by tracking
online discussions about movies over time.
[33] applies a unsupervised learning technique based on mutual
information between document phrases and the words “excellent”
and “poor” to find indicative words of opinions for classification.
[29] examines several supervised machine learning methods for
sentiment classification of movie reviews. [9] also experiments a
number of learning methods for review classification. They show
that the classifiers perform well on whole reviews, but poorly on
sentences because a sentence contains much less information. [1]
finds that supervised sentiment classification is inaccurate. They
proposed a method based on social network for the purpose.
However, social networks are not applicable to customer reviews.
[15] investigates sentence subjectivity classification. A method is
proposed to find adjectives that are indicative of positive or
negative opinions. [34] proposes a similar method for nouns.
Other related works on sentiment classification and opinions
discovery include [26, 27, 30, 35, 36].
Our work differs from sentiment and subjectivity classification as
they do not identify features commented by customers or what
customers praise or complain about. Thus, we solve a related but
different problem. They also do not perform opinion comparisons.
We now present the proposed system, Opinion Observer. We first
describe the problem statement, and then introduce the main
visualization interface of Opinion Observer for comparing
consumer opinions of different products. After that, we discuss
the new automatic technique for identifying product features from
Pros and Cons in reviews of format (2), which is followed by the
interactive method with a convenient user interface. Finally, we
discuss how to automatically collect customer reviews from Web
pages using a Web data record extraction technique.
3.1 Problem Statement
Let P = {P1, P2, …, Pn} be a set of products (which may be from
the same brand or different brands) that the user is interested in.
Each product Pi has a set of reviews Ri = {r1, r2, …, rk}. Each
review rj is a sequence of sentences rj =
simplification as Pros and Cons in a review may be separated).
The reviews may be from one site or multiple sites as more than
one site may have reviews of a particular product.
Definition (product feature): A product feature f in rj is an
attribute/component of the product that has been commented on
in rj. If f appears in rj, it is called an explicit feature in rj. If f
does not appear in rj but is implied, it is called an implicit
feature in rj.
In a similar way, we can define an explicit feature and an implicit
feature in a sentence. For example, “battery life” in the following
two opinion sentences/segments is an explicit feature:
“The battery life of this camera is too short”
“Battery life too short”
“Size” is an implicit feature in the following two opinion
sentences as it does not appear in each sentence but it is implied:
“This camera is too large”
“Too big”
Definition (opinion segment of a feature): The opinion segment
Os of feature f in review ri is a set of consecutive sentences that
expresses a positive or negative opinion on f.
We note that it is common that a sequence of sentences (at least
one) in a review together express an opinion on a feature. Also,
one sentence may be used to express opinions of more than one
feature as the following two sentences show:
“The picture quality is good, but the battery life is short”
“Good picture, long battery life”
Definition (positive opinion set of a feature): The positive
opinion set (denoted by Pset) of feature f of product Pi is the set
of opinion segments of f that expresses positive opinions about
f from all the reviews Ri of product Pi.
We can define the negative opinion set (Nset) in the same way.
Our task: In order to visually compare consumer opinions on a
set of products, we need to analyze the reviews in Ri of each
product Pi (1) to find all the explicit and implicit product
features on which reviewers have expressed their (positive or
negative) opinions, and (2) to produce the positive opinion set
and the negative opinion set for each feature.
It should be noted that reviews can be analyzed and visualized at
different levels of detail. For example, in analyzing the reviews of
a digital camera, at the highest level (level 1) we can aggregate
Psets and Nsets of all features of the camera to show an overall
customer opinion on the product. At level 2, we can focus on each
main feature or component of the product, e.g., “battery”, “zoom”
and “picture”, and generate its Pset and Nset. In visualization, we
simply use the size of Pset or Nset of each feature to show the
number of positive or negative opinions on the feature (see Figure
1). At level 3, we can study specific problems of each feature,
e.g., “the picture is blurry” and “the picture is dark”. At the
moment, our system aims to work at level 1 and level 2, which are
often sufficient. Details at level 3 and beyond are too specific and
are studied by human analysts.
3.2 Visualizing Opinion Comparison
We now discuss visualization of opinion comparison. We assume
that every product feature and its positive and negative opinion
sets (Pset and Nset) have been generated (see Sections 3.3 and
3.4) for a set of products P. The main visualization screen is
shown in Figure 2, which compares opinions on three cell phones
from three different brands. Due to confidentiality, we do not
show the actual brand and model of each product.
In the interface, products in P are organized into brands and
models, which are below “Select Products”. To start comparison,
the user first selects a few products that he/she wants to compare.
To select a product, he/she chooses a brand first and then a model
using the drop-down lists. He/she then clicks on “+” to add the
selected product model to the box below. The user can also delete
a product from comparison by marking the product in the box and
clicking on “–”. In Figure 2, we see that three products are
selected for comparison. To compare, the user clicks on the
button “Compare Them!”. A bar chart will appear below, which is
similar to that in Figure 1. The bars above the x-axis in the middle
show positive opinions and the bars below x-axis show negative
opinions. The opinion bars of each product are shown in a
different color. We clearly see how consumers view different
features of each product. If the user is interested in the positive or
negative review sentences of a particular feature of a product,
he/she can click on the corresponding positive or negative portion
of the bar. All the review sentences will then be retrieved and
displayed in the box above. The user can click on each sentence
to see the entire review from which the sentence is extracted.
Let the set of products selected for a particular comparison be S
(⊆ P). The set of features used in the visualization is the union of
features of all the products in S. Each bar above or below x-axis
can be displayed in two scales:
1. Actual number of positive or negative opinions (the size of
Pset or Nset) normalized with the maximal number of
opinions on any feature of any product. This is to ensure that
the tallest bar fits the limited space. The height of the bar
representing the size of Pset or Nset of a feature j of product i,
denoted by +
jiL , (or
jiL , ), is computed with
, −+
+ =
L jiji
, −+
− =
L jiji
),…,,max( 21
++++ = kMMMM , ),…,,max( 21
−−−− = kMMMM
),…,,max( ,2,1,
++++ = niiii NNNM , ),…,,max( ,2,1,
−−−− = niiii NNNM
where +
jiN , (or
jiN , ) is the size of Pset (or Nset) of feature j
of product i. M+ (or M−) is the maximal size of all Psets (or
Nsets) of all features of the products in S. Mi+ (or Mi
−) is the
maximal size of Psets (or Nsets) of all features of product i. In
the display, max(M+, M−) is made equal to the height of space
below and above x-axis. In Figure 2, the actual number of
positive or negative reviews is also listed below each bar.
2. Percent of positive or negative opinions. We can also show
the comparison in term of percentages of positive and
negative reviews. A similar method as above can be used to
produce a suitable visualization.
To support the visualization, we need to identify product features
and opinions on them, which is the topic of Sections 3.3 and 3.4.
3.3 Automated Opinion Analysis
As discussed in the introduction, there are three common review
formats. For formats (3) and (1), our existing methods in [17] can
be used to extract product features and decide opinion orientations
(positive or negative). Note that due to the separation of Pros and
Cons, there is no need to decide opinion orientations for reviews
Figure 2: Opinion Observer’s main comparison screen.
of format (1). In this section, we focus on reviews of format (2).
Figure 3 shows a review of format (2). Pros and Cons are
separated and very brief. We propose a supervised pattern mining
method to find language patterns to identify product features from
Pros and Cons. We do not need to determine opinion orientations
as they are already indicated by “Pros” and “Cons” (we do not
analyze full reviews, which elaborate on Pros and Cons).
Our approach is based on the following important observation:
Each sentence segment contains at most one product feature.
Sentence segments are separated by ‘,’, ‘.’, ‘and’, and ‘but’.
For example, Pros in Figure 3 can be separated into 5 segments.
great photos
Cons in Figure 3 can be separated into 3 segments:
battery usage
included software could be improved
included 16MB is stingy <16MB> ⇒
We can see that each segment describes a product feature on
which the reviewer has expressed an opinion (the last two can be
seen as full sentences). The product feature for each segment is
listed within <>. From the list of features, we note the following:
1. Explicit features and implicit features: Some features are
genuine features, i.e.,
2. Synonyms: Different reviewers may use different words to
mean the same produce feature. For example, one reviewer
may use “photo”, but another may use “picture”. Synonym of
features should be grouped together.
3. Granularity of features: In sentence segment “great photos”, it
is easy to decide that “photo” is the feature. However, in
“battery usage”, we can use either “battery usage” or “battery”
as the feature. As indicated in Section 3.1, we do not use
“battery usage” as it is too specific and can fragment the
comparison. For example, other reviewers may complain
“battery size”, “battery weight”, “battery color”, etc. This
results in a large number of features and each feature is only
commented on by a few customers. Then, visualization
becomes ineffective. Note that in semi-automatic tagging,
more detailed analysis is possible (see Sections 3.4).
Another important point to note is that a feature may not be a
noun or noun phrase, which is used in [17]. Verbs may be features
as well, e.g., “use” in “easy to use”. Of course, we can also use its
corresponding noun as the feature, e.g., “usage” or simply “use”
3.3.1 Extracting Product Features
We use supervised rule discovery to perform this task. We first
prepare a training dataset by manually labeling (or tagging) a
large number of reviews. The steps are as follows:
1. Perform Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging and remove digits: We
use the NLProcessor linguistic parser [28] to generate the POS
tag of each word (whether the word is a noun, verb, adjective,
etc). POS tagging is important as it allows us to generate
general language patterns.
We also remove digits in sentences, e.g., changing “16MB” to
“MB”. Digits often represent concepts that are too specific to
be used in rule discovery, which aims to generalize. We use
two examples from above to illustrate the results of this step:
Each POS tag appears right before the corresponding word(s).
2. Replace the actual feature words in a sentence with [feature]:
This replacement is necessary because different products have
different features. The replacement ensures that we can find
general language patterns which can be used for any product.
After replacement, the above two examples become:
For implicit features, we replace the words that indicate such
features with [feature]. For example, “MB” above is replaced
with [feature] as it indicates implicit feature
It is possible that some feature contains more than one word,
e.g., “auto mode stinks”, which will be changed to
3. Use n-gram to produce shorter segments from long ones: For
example, “
will generate 2 smaller segments:
We only use 3-grams (3 words with their POS tags) here,
which works well. The reason for using n-gram rather than
full sentences is because most product features can be found
based on local information and POS tagging. Using long
sentences tend to generate a large number of spurious rules.
4. Distinguish duplicate tags: When there are duplicate tags in a
segment, we distinguish them with a sequence number, e.g.:
5. Perform word stemming: This is commonly performed in
information retrieval tasks to reduce a word to its stem.
After the five-step pre-processing and labeling (tagging), the
resulting sentence (3-gram) segments are saved in a file (called a
transaction file) for the generation of rules. In this file, each line
contains one processed (labeled) sentence segment. We then use
association rule mining [2] to find all rules.
Rule generation: Association rule mining is one of the main data
mining models. It is commonly stated as follows: Let I = {i1, …,
in} be a set of items, and D be a set of transactions. Each
Figure 3: An example review of format (2).
transaction consists of a subset of items in I. An association rule
is an implication of the form X → Y, where X ⊂ I, Y ⊂ I, and X ∩
Y = ∅. The rule X→ Y holds in D with confidence c if c% of
transactions in D that support X also support Y. The rule has
support s in D if s% of transactions in D contain X ∪ Y. The
problem of mining association rules is to generate all association
rules in D that have support and confidence greater than the user-
specified minimum support and minimum confidence.
We use the association mining system CBA [21] to mine rules.
We use 1% as the minimum support, but do not use minimum
confidence here, which will be used later. Some example rules are
given below (we omit supports and confidences of the rules):
We observe that both POS tags and words may appear in rules.
Note that although association rule mining is commonly applied
as an unsupervised method, here we use it in a supervised case
because features are manually tagged or labeled.
Post-processing: Not all generated rules are useful. Some post-
processing is needed due to a few reasons:
1. We only need rules that have [feature] on the right-hand-side
of “→” as our objective is to predict [feature] and extract the
feature. Thus, the above rules (c) and (d) should be removed.
2. We need to consider the sequence of items in the conditional
part (the left-hand-side) of each rule. In association rule
mining, the algorithm does not consider the position of an
item in a transaction. However, in natural language sentences,
ordering of words is significant. For example, if we consider
word sequence, rule (b) above should be:
easy, to,
the feature to be extracted. Thus, we need to check each rule
against the transaction file to find the possible sequences. This
may split the original rule into a few rules according to
different sequences. This process is not complex, and thus will
not be discussed further due to space limitations. Here, we
need minimum confidence (we use 50%) to remove those
derived rules that are not sufficiently predictive.
3. Finally, we generate language patterns: Rules still cannot be
used to extract features. They need to be transformed into
patterns to be used to match test reviews. For example, rules
easy, to,
are changed to the language patterns according to the ordering
of the items in the rules from step 2 and the feature location:
easy to
Note that step 2 and 3 can be computed together. We present
them separately for clarity.
Extraction of product features: The resulting patterns are used
to match and identify candidate features from new reviews after
POS tagging. There are a few situations that need to be handled.
1. A generated pattern does not need to match a part of a
sentence segment with the same length as the pattern. In other
words, we allow gaps for pattern matching. For example,
pattern “
“size of printout”.
Note that our system allows the user to set a value for the
maximum length that a pattern could expand. It also allows
the user to set the maximum length of a review segment that a
pattern should be applied to. These two values enable the user
to refine the patterns for better extraction. Note also, the user
can add new patterns as well. However, in our experiments
reported in Section 5, we did not manually set any of these
values or add any pattern (no manual involvement).
2. If a sentence segment satisfies multiple patterns, we normally
use the pattern that gives the highest confidence as higher
confidence indicates higher predictive accuracy (see feature
refinement below as well).
3. For those sentence segments that no pattern applies, we use
nouns or noun phrases produced by NLProcessor as features if
such nouns or noun phrases exist.
Note that our rule mining method is not applicable to cases that a
sentence segment has only a single word, e.g., “heavy” and “big”.
In such cases, we treat these single words as candidate features.
Feature refinement via frequent terms: In this final step, we
want to correct some mistakes made during extraction. Two main
cases are handled:
(1) There is a feature conflict, two or more candidate features in
one sentence segment, i.e., point 2 and 3 above.
(2) There is a more likely feature in the sentence segment but
not extracted by any pattern. For example, “hum” is found to
be the feature in the following review segment for a speaker.
“slight hum from subwoofer when not in use.”
However, the more suitable product feature is “subwoofer”.
The question is: how does the system know this?
In the above example, if we know that in a number of reviews of
the product, “subwoofer” was found as candidate features, e.g.,
“subwoofer annoys people.”
“Subwoofer is bulky.”
However, “hum” was never found in any other review or never
identified as a feature. We can conclude that “subwoofer” is more
likely to the genuine feature. Based on this observation, we
assume that if a candidate feature X appears more frequently than
a candidate feature Y, then X is more likely to be a genuine
feature. This assumption is reasonable because a more frequent
feature is less likely to be wrong. Our experiment results in
Section 5 also confirm this. We can then perform feature
refinement for each review segment based on the assumption. In
the above example, “subwoofer” is more frequent than “hum”,
thus “subwoofer” replaces “hum” as the feature for the segment.
We tested two strategies, frequent-noun and frequent-term. The
frequent-noun strategy, which is more restrictive, only allows a
noun to replace another noun, e.g., the “subwoofer” and “hum”
case above. The detailed procedure is as follows:
1. The generated product features together with their frequency
counts are saved in a candidate feature list.
2. We iterate over the review sentences. For each sentence
segment, if there are two or more nouns, we choose the noun
which is in the candidate feature list and is more frequent.
The frequent-term strategy allows replacement of any type of
words. Again, for each sentence segment, we simply choose the
word/phrase (it does not need to be a noun) with the highest
frequency in the candidate feature list. This strategy comes to
help in cases where the POS tagger makes mistakes and/or the
product feature is not of type noun. Our experiments results show
the frequent-term strategy gives better results than the frequent-
noun strategy. It improves the recall and precision values of the
product feature extraction significantly.
Mapping to implicit features: We noted earlier that some
candidate features represent specific values of the actual features.
For example, “heavy” and “big” are not features themselves but
are values of
map them to implicit features,
A similar rule mining technique as above can be used here. In
labeling or tagging the training data for mining rules, we also tag
the mapping of candidate features to their actual features. For
example, when we tag “heavy” in the sentence segment below as
a feature word we also record a mapping of “heavy” to
“too heavy”
Rule mining can be used to generate mapping rules, which is
simple, and thus will not be discussed further.
Computing Pset and Nset: Pset and Nset for each feature of
every product is easily computed (for visualization) as we know
whether the feature is from Pros or Cons of a review.
3.3.2 Grouping Synonyms
It is common that people use different words to describe a feature,
i.e., “photo”, “picture” and “image” all refers to the same feature
in digital camera reviews. For effective visualization, it is
important to group features with similar meaning together. Our
current system uses a simple method. The basic idea is to employ
WordNet [12] to check if any synonym groups/sets exist among
the features. For a given word, it may have more than one sense,
i.e., different synonyms for different senses. However, we cannot
use all the synonyms as they will result in many errors. For
example, movie and picture are considered as synonyms in a
sense, or in a synset (defined in WordNet). This is true when we
talk about Hollywood movies. However, in the case of a digital
camera review, it is not suitable to regard picture and movie in
one synset, as picture is more related to photo while movie refers
to video. To reduce the occurrence of such situations, we choose
only the top two frequent senses of a word for finding its
synonyms. That is, word A and word B will be regarded as
synonyms only if there is a synset containing A and B that appear
in the top two senses of both words.
3.4 Semi-Automated Tagging of Reviews
It is very hard, if not impossible, for any automatic technique to
achieve perfect accuracy due to the difficulty of natural language
understanding. The techniques presented in Section 3.3 and those
in [17] alone are useful in situations where a fast and approximate
solution is sufficient. For applications that need near-perfect
solutions, human analysts have to be involved to correct errors
made by automatic techniques (which generate the first-cut
solution). Opinion Observer enables analysts to correct errors
using a convenient user interface, which also displays the results
of automatic techniques for each review sentence. This is called
semi-automatic tagging in this paper.
A tagging interface is given in Figure 4. On the top left corner, the
analyst can choose a product by selecting a brand and a model.
After that, he/she can click on “Retrieve Reviews” to retrieve all
the reviews of the product from the database. The ID and the title
(if any) of the reviews are displayed in the window on the left.
The analyst can click on a title to display the full review in the
window in the middle.
The analyst then can read the review. For reviews of format (2),
he/she simply clicks on “Pros” or “Cons”, which will then be
highlighted in red (Figure 4) and all the features produced by the
automated technique will be displayed on the right. The window
in the middle (on the right) lists all the features identified by the
automatic techniques. Positive and negative opinions are
indicated by thumbs-up and thumbs-down.
For reviews of format (3) or (1), if the analyst finds that sentence i
contains product features on which the reviewer has expressed an
opinion, he/she selects the sentence by clicking on the sentence.
Due to space limitations, this interface is not given here. The
product features and opinions found by the automatic techniques
in [17] are also displayed in the window on the right.
If the results generated by automatic techniques are correct, the
analyst simply clicks on “Accept”. If a feature is wrong, he/she
can delete the feature. If a feature is missing, he/she can select an
existing feature from the drop-down list or add a new feature by
typing in (or cut-and-paste to) the feature slot. If the opinion
orientation on a feature is not correct, he/she can also change it.
This semi-automatic tagging is much more efficient than manual
tagging with no help as we will see in the experiment section.
Note that it is possible that a company analyst can supply a list of
product features. Then, the system only needs to map those
identified features from reviews to the supplied features. We did
not study this issue in this work, but plan to study it in the future.
It should also be noted that in many cases using only the supplied
features is insufficient because customers may mention something
that the analyst has never thought of, i.e., unexpected features.
3.5 Extracting Reviews from Web Pages
In order to analyze reviews, we need to first extract them from
Web pages. Note that this step is not needed if a merchant who
already has reviews at its site (e.g., or a dedicated
review site (e.g., wants to provide the service.
To perform the extraction task automatically is a non-trivial task.
Manually browsing the Web and doing cut-and-paste is clearly
not acceptable. It is also too time consuming to write a site
specific extraction program for each site. Fortunately, there are
existing technologies for this purpose. One approach is wrapper
induction [24]. A wrapper induction system allows the user to
manually label a set of reviews from each site and the system
learns extraction rules from them. These rules are then used to
automatically extract reviews from other pages at the same site.
Another approach is to automatically find patterns from a page
that contains several reviews. These patterns are then employed to
extract reviews from other pages of the site. Both these
approaches are based on the fact that reviews at each site are
displayed according to some fixed layout templates. We use the
second approach which is provided by our system MDR-2 [37],
which is improvement of MDR [22]. MDR-2 is able to extract
individual data fields in data records. Due to space limitations, we
will not discuss it further (see [22][37] for more details).
Opinion Observer is designed for use by product manufacturers.
A manufacturer can compare consumer opinions from various
sources to benchmark its products against those of its competitors.
Note that a simpler system can also be built for an online
merchant site that has reviews. Figure 5 gives the system
architecture. Below, we describe each component:
1. Review sources: These are Web pages containing reviews of
the products that the user is interested in. The entry page
URLs of these sources are provided by the analyst/user.
2. Review extraction: It extracts all reviews from the given
URLs and put them in the database (see Section 3.5).
3. Database: It stores both raw reviews and processed reviews.
Currently, we use the database system, mySql [25].
a. Raw reviews: these are the original reviews extracted from
the user-supplied sources on the Web.
b. Processed reviews: These are reviews that have been
processed by the automatic techniques and/or interactively
tagged (corrected) by the analyst(s) (see below).
4. Automatic review processing: This component automatic
performs review processing to produce the results as described
in Section 3.3 and [17].
5. Analyst: This is the company analyst who takes the
automatically processed reviews and corrects any errors
interactively using the user interface (Figures 4).
6. UI (user interface): It enables analysts and users to interact
with the system. Some of the interfaces are shown in Figures
2 and 4.
Clearly, this general architecture can be simplified or customized
for other usage situations.
We now evaluate the proposed automatic technique to see how
effective it is in identifying product features from Pros and Cons
in reviews of format (2). We also assess the time saved by semi-
automatic tagging over manual tagging.
Training and test review data: We manually tagged a large
collection of reviews of 15 electronic products. 10 of them are
used as the training data to mine patterns. These patterns are then
used to extract product features from test reviews of the rest 5
products (Pros and Cons are considered separately). All the
reviews are extracted from
Evaluation measures: We use recall (r) and precision (p) as
evaluation measures:
== n
i i
i i
1 , and
== n
i i
i i
1 ,
where n is the total number of reviews of a particular product, ECi
is the number of extracted features from review i that are correct,
Ci is the number of actual features in review i, Ei is the number of
extracted features from review i. This evaluation is based on the
result of every review as it is crucial to extract features correctly
from every review. It is not suitable to simply compare the set of
extracted features (no duplicates) from all reviews of a product
with the set of manually identified features as it does not measure
how effective the extraction is for individual reviews.
Figure 4: Tagging interface: An example review of format (2).
Source 1 ……
Raw Reviews
Source 2
Source 3
Figure 5: System architecture.
Note that we generate language patterns and product features
separately for Pros and Cons as this gives better results. Table 1
shows the experimental results for Pros. Column 1 lists each data
set (product). Columns 2 to 7 give each stage of product feature
extraction. Columns 2 and 3 are the recall and precision results of
using only automatic generated language patterns. Columns 4 and
5 show the recall and precision results after the frequent-noun
strategy is applied to refine the features extracted by using only
patterns. Columns 6 and 7 give the recall and precision results
after the frequent-term strategy is applied to refine the features
extracted by using only patterns. Comparing the two strategies,
we observe that the frequent-term strategy gives better results
than the frequent-noun strategy. The reason for this is that some
features are not expressed as nouns and POS tagger also makes
mistakes. From columns 6 and 7, we can see that the frequent-
term strategy improves the results of patterns only significantly.
Table 2 shows the same set of results for Cons. Again, the same
observations can be made. Tables 1 and 2 demonstrate the
proposed techniques are very effective (with high accuracy).
Table 3 gives the results of two baselines methods. Columns 2-3
and 6-7 show the results of using nouns and noun phrases as
features based on POS tagging for Pros and Cons respectively.
Using nouns and noun phrases is reasonable because intuitively
product features are nouns. The results indicate that many features
appear explicitly as nouns or noun phrases. However, there are
still some adjectives and verbs appear as implicit features, which
cannot be found. We also observe that POS tagging makes many
mistakes due to the brief segments (incomplete sentences) in Pros
and Cons. Columns 4-5 and 8-9 show the recall and precision of
the FBS system in [17]. The low recall and precision values
indicate that the techniques there are not suitable for Pros and
Cons, which are mostly short phrases or incomplete sentences.
Clearly, from Tables 1, 2, and 3, we can see that the recall and
precision of the proposed technique are much higher than those of
the two existing methods.
From the tables, we also observe that the results for Pros are
better than those for Cons. After reading through the reviews and
the generated patterns for Pros and Cons carefully, we found that
people tend to use similar words like ‘excellent’, ‘great’, ‘good’
in Pros for various product features. In contrast, the words that
people use to complain differ a lot in Cons. Consequently, there
are some patterns contain specific words for Pros, e.g., excellent
such pattern but only those patterns consisting of POS tags, e.g.,
generated patterns for Cons than for Pros (22 vs. 117). Because
we use nouns or noun phrases if a segment does not match any
pattern, the small number of patterns for Cons result in a large
number of segments using nouns or noun phrases as product
features. As we discussed before, there are still features that are
adjectives and verbs, which are missed. Cons needs further
investigation in order to achieve better results.
Semi-automatic tagging: If the analyst wishes to correct errors
made by the automatic techniques. He/she can read the reviews
and use the user interface in Figure 4 to perform the task. Since
most results produced by our automatic techniques are correct, the
process is much more efficient than manual tagging. We
experimented in two settings using the same interface:
(1) Manual tagging (i.e., without using the results of automatic
techniques): The analyst reads, manually extracts each feature
(via cut-and-paste and/or search through the drop-down list)
and decides the opinion orientation.
(2) Semi-automatic tagging (using the results from the automatic
techniques). The analyst only corrects errors.
Our experiment results with two human taggers show that the
amount of time saved by the second method is around 45%
(including time used for reading the reviews). Without our visual
interface, the manual method will be much more time consuming.
Another saving in time and effort is from automatic extraction of
reviews from Web pages. Manual cut-and-paste will be extremely
time consuming, and cannot scale to a large number of reviews.
Finally, regarding synonym grouping, our method achieves 52%
recall and 100% precision on these data as the method is very
conservative. The main problem with our simple method is that it
does not handle context-dependent synonyms. This is a hard topic
in NLP and has not been the focus of this work. We will study
this more in the future. We do not list the result for each dataset as
there are only a few synonyms in each dataset.
Table 1: Recall and precision results for Pros
Patterns only
Recall Prec. Recall Prec. Recall Prec.
data1 0.878 0.880 0.849 0.861 0.922 0.876
data2 0.787 0.804 0.798 0.821 0.894 0.902
data3 0.782 0.806 0.758 0.782 0.825 0.825
data4 0.943 0.926 0.939 0.926 0.942 0.922
data5 0.899 0.893 0.878 0.881 0.930 0.923
Avg. 0.857 0.862 0.844 0.854 0.902 0.889
Table 2: Recall and precision results for Cons
Patterns only
Recall Prec Recall Prec Recall Prec
data1 0.900 0.856 0.867 0.848 0.850 0.798
data2 0.795 0.794 0.808 0.804 0.860 0.833
data3 0.677 0.699 0.834 0.801 0.846 0.769
data4 0.632 0.623 0.654 0.623 0.681 0.657
data5 0.772 0.772 0.839 0.867 0.881 0.897
Avg. 0.755 0.748 0.801 0.788 0.824 0.791
Table 3: Recall and precision results of nouns and FBS
Pros Cons
phrases FBS
phrases FBS
Recall Prec Recall Prec Recall Prec Recall Prec
data1 0.543 0.524 0.400 0.476 0.681 0.409 0.419 0.424
data2 0.747 0.642 0.494 0.567 0.536 0.249 0.485 0.508
data3 0.551 0.521 0.431 0.508 0.642 0.327 0.486 0.494
data4 0.728 0.682 0.411 0.441 0.758 0.354 0.496 0.506
data5 0.664 0.631 0.480 0.560 0.859 0.487 0.469 0.474
Avg. 0.647 0.600 0.443 0.510 0.70 0.365 0.471 0.481
Consumer opinions used to be very difficult to find before the
Web was available. Companies often conduct surveys or engage
external consultants to find such opinions about their products and
those of their competitors. Now much of the information is
publicly available on the Web. In this paper, we focused on one
type of opinion sources, customer reviews of products. We
proposed a novel visual analysis system to compare consumer
opinions of multiple products. To support visual analysis, we
designed a supervised pattern discovery method to automatically
identify product features from Pros and Cons in reviews of format
(2). A friendly interface is also provided to enable the analyst to
interactively correct errors of the automatic system, if needed,
which is much more efficient than manual tagging. Experiment
results show that the system is highly effective. In our future
work, we will improve the automatic techniques, study the
strength of opinions, and investigate how to extract useful
information from other types of opinion sources.
We thank Tom Tirpak, Weimin Xiao, Richard Anderson and
Ralph Pini from Motorola for many useful discussions. The name
of our system (Opinion Observer) was also suggested by Tom
Tirpak. This work was partially supported by NSF (IIS-0307239).
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