How to format Z Utilities output for Excel
Because word pairs are the most important elements to identifying networks we illustrate reading them into Excel and interpreting them. The same process would apply to words and word pairs from NodeTric .net file comparisons.
1. Start Excel, from the menu select File, then Open and select your z-test pair output file. 2. At the Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3, click Finish.
3. Click the upper left corner to select the entire spreadsheet.
4. Then from the Excel menu, select Format Column, AutoFit Selection.
This will adjust your column widths.
5. Select columns D, E, F, & G to format
6. On the Excel menu, select Format, Cells, Number, Increment decimals to 4. Click OK.
Your Z Utility output is now formatted for Excel.
This is a snapshot of a portion of the Excel file, sorted by Z-score in ascending order. Negative z-score values mean that group 2 (here time 2) had higher relative frequencies than group 1 (here time 1). These are word pairs that are significant increasing over time. If the comparison files were not time-based it would show the second file as having higher values.
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