## Exercise 3
### (a)
Let $y_i$ be the measurement at time $t_i$.
Let $m$ be the number of measurements. In this case, $m = 100$.
The residual at time $t_i$ is
r_i = (x_1 + x_2t_i^2) \exp(−x_3t_i) – y_i
The objective function is
f (x)= \frac {1} {2} \sum_{i=1}^m r_i^2(x) = \frac {1} {2} \sum_{i=1}^m ((x_1 + x_2t_i^2) \exp(−x_3t_i) – y_i)^2
Our goal is to minimize $f(x)$, it is a least-squares problem.
\frac {\partial r_i} {\partial x_1} = \exp(-x_3t_i)
\frac {\partial r_i} {\partial x_2} = t_i^2\exp(-x_3t_i)
\frac {\partial r_i} {\partial x_3} = -t_i \exp(-x_3t_i)
The Jacobian matrix is
J(x) = [\frac {\partial r_i} {\partial r_j}]_{ij} = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
\exp(-x_3t_1) & t_1^2\exp(-x_3t_1) & -t_1\exp(-x_3t_1)\\
\exp(-x_3t_2) & t_2^2\exp(-x_3t_2) & -t_2\exp(-x_3t_2) \\
… & … & … \\
\exp(-x_3t_{200}) & t_i^2\exp(-x_3t_{200}) & -t_i \exp(-x_3t_{200})
### (b)
#### Gauss-Newton
##### Parameters
| Name | Value |
| ——- | ——– |
| x0 | [1,1,1]’ |
| descent | ‘gauss’ |
| alpha0 | 0.05 |
| tol | 0.00001 |
| maxIter | 10000 |
##### Result
| $x_1$ | $x_2$ | $x_3$ | $f$ |
| —— | ——– | —— | ——- |
| 3.3976 | 147.2555 | 1.9922 | 88.0913 |
##### Plot
#### Levenberg-Marquardt
##### Parameters
| Name | Value |
| ——- | ——– |
| x0 | [1,1,1]’ |
| Delta | 1 |
| eta | 0.001 |
| tol | 0.00001 |
| maxIter | 10000 |
##### Result
| $x_1$ | $x_2$ | $x_3$ | $f$ |
| —— | ——– | —— | ——- |
| 3.3984 | 147.2763 | 1.9922 | 88.0908 |
##### Plot
#### Discussion
We can see that the parameters estimated by Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt are very similar. The objective value achieved by Levenberg-Marquardt is a little lower than Gauss-Newton (88.0908 compared with 88.0913).
From the fit plots, we also can see their estimation have no obvious difference, both are good fit the noisy measurements. The estimated paraeters $x$ are close to the actual value.