Deep TextSpotter: An End-To-End Trainable Scene Text Localization and Recognition Framework
Deep TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Scene Text Localization and
Recognition Framework
Michal Bušta, Lukáš Neumann and Jiřı́ Matas
Centre for Machine Perception, Department of Cybernetics
Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic,,
A method for scene text localization and recognition is
proposed. The novelties include: training of both text detec-
tion and recognition in a single end-to-end pass, the struc-
ture of the recognition CNN and the geometry of its input
layer that preserves the aspect of the text and adapts its res-
olution to the data.
The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy
in the end-to-end text recognition on two standard datasets
– ICDAR 2013 and ICDAR 2015, whilst being an order
of magnitude faster than competing methods – the whole
pipeline runs at 10 frames per second on an NVidia K80
1. Introduction
Scene text localization and recognition, a.k.a. text spot-
ting, text-in-the-wild problem or photo OCR, in an open
problem with many practical applications, ranging from
tools for helping visually impaired or text translation, to use
as a part of a larger integrated system, e.g. in robotics, in-
door navigation or autonomous driving.
Like many areas of computer vision, the scene text field
has greatly benefited from deep learning techniques and
accuracy of methods has significantly improved [12, 6].
Most work however focuses either solely on text localiza-
tion (detection) [18, 26, 6, 15] or on recognition of manu-
ally cropped-out words [7, 24]. The problem of scene text
recognition has been so far always approached ad-hoc, by
connecting the detection module to an existing independent
recognition method [6, 15, 8].
In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end framework
which simultaneously detects and recognizes text in scene
images. As the first contribution, we present a model which
is trained for both text detection and recognition in a sin-
gle learning framework, and we show that such joint model
outperforms the combination of state-of-the-art localization
Figure 1. The proposed method detects and recognizes text in
scene images at 10fps on an NVidia K80 GPU. Ground truth in
green, model output in red. The image is taken from the ICDAR
2013 dataset [13]
and state-of-the-art recognition methods [6, 4].
As the second contribution, we show how the state-
of-the-art object detection methods [22, 23] can be ex-
tended for text detection and recognition, taking into ac-
count specifics of text such as the exponential number of
classes (given an alphabet A, there are up to AL possi-
ble classes, where L denotes maximum text length) and the
sensitivity to hidden parameters such as text aspect and ro-
The method achieves state-of-the-art results on the stan-
dard ICDAR 2013 [13] and ICDAR 2015 [12] datasets and
the pipeline runs end-to-end at 10 frames per second on a
NVidia K80 GPU, which is more than 10 times faster than
the fastest methods.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Sec-
tion 2, previous work is reviewed. In Section 3, the pro-
posed method is described and in Section 4 evaluated. The
paper is concluded in Section 5.
2. Previous Work
2.1. Scene Text Localization
Jaderberg et al. [10] train a character-centric CNN [14],
which takes a 24 × 24 image patch and predicts a text/no-
text score, a character and a bigram class. The input image
Source Image Fully Convolutional Net Region Proposals
Region Scores
Best Proposals Geometric Normalization CTC Region Transcription
Figure 2. Method overview. Text region proposals are generated by a Region Proposal Network [22]. Each region with a sufficient text
confidence is then normalized to a variable-width feature tensor by bilinear sampling. Finally, each region is associated with a sequence of
characters or rejected as not text.
is scanned by the trained network in 16 scales and a text
saliency map is obtained by taking the text/no-text output
of the network. Given the saliency maps, word bounding
boxes are then obtained by the run length smoothing algo-
rithm. The method is further improved in [8], where a word-
centric approach is introduced. First, horizontal bounding-
box proposals are detected by aggregating the output of
the standard Edge Boxes [29] and Aggregate Channel Fea-
ture [2] detectors. Each proposal is then classified by a Ran-
dom Forest [1] classifier to reduce the number of false pos-
itives and its position and size is further refined by a CNN
regressor, to obtain a more suitable cropping of the detected
word image.
Gupta et al. [6] propose a fully-convolutional regression
network, drawing inspiration from the YOLO object detec-
tion pipeline [21]. An image is divided into a fixed num-
ber of cells (14 × 14 in the highest resolution), where each
cell is associated with 7 values directly predicting the po-
sition, rotation and confidence of text. The values are esti-
mated by translation-invariant predictors built on top of the
first 9 convolutional layers of the popular VGG-16 architec-
ture [25], trained on synthetic data.
Tian et al. [26] adapt the Faster R-CNN architecture [23]
by horizontally sliding a 3 × 3 window on the last convo-
lutional layer of the VGG-16 [25] and applying a Recurrent
Neural Network to jointly predict the text/non-text score,
the y-axis coordinates and the anchor side-refinement. Sim-
ilarly, Liao et al. [15] adapt the SSD object detector [17] to
detect horizontal bounding boxes.
Ma et al. [18] adapt the Faster R-CNN architecture and
extend it to detect text of different orientations by adding
anchor boxes of 6 hand-crafted rotations and 3 aspects. This
is in contrast to our work, where the rotation is a continu-
ous parameter and the optimal anchor boxes dimensions are
found on the training set.
All the aforementioned methods only localize text, but
do not provide text recognition. The end-to-end scene text
recognition results, where present, are achieved by simply
connecting the particular localization method to one of the
cropped-word recognition methods (see Section 2.2).
Last but not least, the methods are significantly slower
than the proposed method, the missing recognition stage
2.2. Scene Text Recognition
Jaderberg et al. [8] take a cropped image of a single
word, resize it to a fixed size of 32 × 100 pixels and clas-
sify it as one of the words in a dictionary. In their setup, the
dictionary contains 90 000 English words and words of the
training and testing set. The classifier is trained on a dataset
of 9 million synthetic word images uniformly sampled from
this dictionary.
Shi et al. [24] train a fully-convolutional network with
a bidirectional LSTM using the Connectionist Tempo-
ral Classification (CTC), which was first introduced by
Graves et al. [5] for speech recognition to eliminate the need
for pre-segmented data. Unlike the proposed method, Shi et
al. [24] only recognize a single word per image (i.e. the out-
put is always just one sequence of characters), they resize
the source image to a fixed-sized matrix of 100 × 32 pix-
els regardless of how many characters it contains and the
method is significantly slower because of the LSTM layer.
2.3. Image Captioning
Johnson et al. [11] introduce a Fully Convolutional Lo-
calization Network (FCLN) that combines the Faster R-
CNN approach of Ren et al. [23] based on full VGG-16
[25] with bilinear sampling [9] to generate features for
LSTM that produces captions for detected objects. In our
method, we use YOLOv2 architecture [22] for its lower
complexity, we use the bilinear sampling to produce tensors
of variable width to deal with character sequence recog-
nition and we employ a different (and significantly faster)
classification stage.
3. Proposed Method
The proposed model localizes text regions in a given
scene image and provides text transcription as a sequence
of characters for all regions with text (see Figure 2). The
model is jointly optimized for both text localization and
recognition in an end-to-end training framework.
3.1. Fully Convolutional Network
We adapt the YOLOv2 architecture [22] for its accuracy
and significantly lower complexity than the standard VGG-
16 architecture [25, 11], as the full VGG-16 architecture re-
quires 30 billion operations just to process a 224×224 (0.05
Mpx) image [22]. Using YOLOv2 architecture allows us to
process images with higher resolution, which is a crucial
ability for text recognition – processing at higher resolution
is required because a 1Mpx scene image may contain text
which is 10 pixels high [12], so scaling down the source
image would make the text unreadable.
The proposed method uses the first 18 convolutional and
5 max pool layers from the YOLOv2 architecture, which is
based on 3×3 convolutional filters, doubling the number of
channels after every pooling step and adding 1× 1 filters to
compress the representations between the 3× 3 filters [22].
We remove the fully-connected layers to make the network
fully convolutional, so our model final layer has the dimen-
sion of W
× H
×1024, where W a H denote source image
width and height [22].
3.2. Region Proposals
Similarly to Faster R-CNN [23] and YOLOv2 [22], we
use a Region Proposal Network (RPN) to generate region
proposals, but we add rotation rθ which is crucial for a suc-
cessful text recognition. At each position of the last convo-
lutional layer, the model predicts k rotated bounding boxes,
where for each bounding box r we predict 6 features – its
position rx, ry , its dimensions rw, rh, its rotation rθ and
its score rp, which captures the probability that the region
contains text.
The bounding box position and dimension is encoded
with respect to predefined anchor boxes using the logistic
activation function, so the actual bounding box position (x,
y) and dimension (w, h) in the source image is given as
x = σ(rx) + cx (1)
y = σ(ry) + cy (2)
w = aw exp(rw) (3)
h = ah exp(rh) (4)
θ = rθ (5)
where cx and cy denote the offset of the cell in the last con-
volutional layer and aw and ah denote the predefined height
and width of the anchor box a. The rotation θ ∈ (−π
, π
of the bounding box is predicted directly by rθ.
We followed the approach of Redmon et al. [22]
and found suitable anchor box scales and aspects by k-
means clustering on the aggregated training set (see Sec-
tion 3.5). Requiring the anchor boxes to have at least 60%
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
Figure 3. Anchor box widths and heights, or equivalently scales
and aspects, were obtained by k-means clustering on the training
set. Requiring that each ground truth box had intersection-over-
union of at least 60% with one anchor box led to k = 14 boxes.
intersection-over-union with the ground truth led to k = 14
different anchor boxes dimensions (see Figure 3).
For every image, the RPN produces W
× H
×6k boxes,
where k is the number of anchor boxes in every location and
6 is the number of predicted parameters (x, y, w, h, θ and
the text score).
In the training stage, we use the YOLOv2 approach [22]
by taking all positive and negative samples in the source
image, where every 20 batches we randomly change the in-
put dimension size into one of {352, 416, 480, 544, 608}. A
positive sample is the region with the highest intersection
over union with the ground truth, the other intersecting re-
gions are negatives.
At runtime, we found the best approach is to take all re-
gions with the score rp above a certain threshold pmin and
to postpone the non-maxima suppression after the recog-
nition stage, because regions with very similar rp scores
could produce very different transcriptions, and therefore
selecting the region with the highest rp at this stage would
not always correspond to the correct transcription (for ex-
ample, in some cases a region containing letters “TALY”
may have slightly higher score rp than a region contain-
ing the full word “ITALY”). We empirically found the value
pmin = 0.1 to be a reasonable trade-off between accuracy
and speed.
3.3. Bilinear Sampling
Each region detected in the previous stage has a different
size and rotation and it is therefore necessary to map the
features into a tensor of canonical dimensions, which can
be used in recognition.
Faster R-CNN [23] uses the RoI pooling approach of
Girshick [3], where a w × h × C region is mapped onto a
fixed-sized W ′ ×H ′ ×C grid (7× 7× 1024 in their imple-
mentation), where each cell takes the maximum activation
of the w
× h
cells in the underlying feature layer.
In our model, we instead use bilinear sampling [9, 11]
to map a w × h × C region from the source image into a
fixed-height wH
×H ′ ×C tensor (H ′ = 32). This feature
representation has a key advantage over the standard RoI
approach as it allows the network to normalize rotation and
Type Channels Size/Stride Dim/Act
input C – W × 32
conv 32 3× 3 leaky ReLU
conv 32 3× 3 leaky ReLU
maxpool 2× 2/2 W/2× 16
conv 64 3× 3 leaky ReLU
recurrent conv 64 3× 3 leaky ReLU
maxpool 2× 2/2 W/4× 8
conv 128 3× 3 leaky ReLU
recurrent conv 128 3× 3 leaky ReLU
maxpool 2× 2/2× 1 W/4× 4
conv 256 3× 3 leaky ReLU
recurrent conv 256 3× 3 leaky ReLU
maxpool 2× 2/2× 1 W/4× 2
conv 512 3× 2 leaky ReLU
conv 512 5× 1 leaky ReLU
conv |Â| 7× 1 W/4× 1
log softmax
Table 1. Fully-Convolutional Network for Text Recognition
scale, but at the same to persist the aspect and positioning of
individual characters, which is crucial for text recognition
accuracy (see Section 3.4).
Given the detected region features U ∈ Rw×h×C , they
are mapped into a fixed-height tensor V ∈ R
×C as
x′,y′ =
x,yκ(x− Tx(x
′))κ(y − Ty(y
′)) (6)
where κ is the bilinear sampling kernel κ(v) = max(0, 1−
|v|) and T is a point-wise coordinate transformation, which
projects co-ordinates x′ and y′ of the fixed-sized tensor V
to the co-ordinates x and y in the detected region features
tensor U.
The transformation allows for shift and scaling in x- and
y- axes and rotation and its parameters are taken directly
from the region parameters (see Section 3.2).
3.4. Text Recognition
Given the normalized region from the source image, each
region is associated with a sequence of characters or re-
jected as not text in the following process.
The main problem one has to address in this step is the
fact, that text regions of different sizes have to be mapped to
character sequences of different lengths. Traditionally, the
issue is solved by resizing the input to a fixed-sized matrix
(typically 100×32 [8, 24]) and the input is then classified by
either making every possible character sequence (i.e. every
word) a separate class of its own [8, 6], thus requiring a list
of all possible outputs in the training stage, or by having
0 10 20 30 40
blank T i r e d n s
Figure 4. Text recognition using Connectionist Temporal Classi-
fication. Input W × 32 region (top), CTC output W
× |Â| as
the most probable class at given column (middle) and the resulting
sequence (bottom)
multiple independent classifiers, where each classifier pre-
dicts the character at a predefined position [7].
Our model exploits a novel fully-convolutional network
(see Table 1), which takes a variable-width feature tensor
W ×H ′ × C as an input (W = wH
) and outputs a matrix
× |Â|, where A is the alphabet (e.g. all English charac-
ters). The matrix height is fixed (it’s the number of character
classes), but its width grows with the width of the source re-
gion and therefore with the length of the expected character
As a result, a single classifier is used regardless of the
position of the character in the word (in contrast to Jader-
berg et al. [7], where there is an independent classifier for
the character “A” as the first character in the word, an inde-
pendent classifier for the character “A” as the second charac-
ter in the word, etc). The model also does not require prior
knowledge of all words to be detected in the training stage,
in contrast to the separate class per character sequence for-
mulation [8].
The model uses Connectionist Temporal Classification
(CTC) [5, 24] to transform variable-width feature tensor
into a conditional probability distribution over label se-
quences. The distribution is then used to select the most
probable labelling sequence for the text region (see Fig-
ure 4).
Let y = y1, y2, · · · , yn denote the vector of network out-
puts of length n from an alphabet A extended with a blank
symbol “–”.
The probability of a path π is then given as
p(π|y) =
yiπi , π ∈ Â
 = A ∪ {−}
where yiπi denotes the output probability of the network pre-
dicting the label πi at the position i (i.e. the output of the
final softmax layer in Table 1).
Let us further define a many-to-one mapping B : Ân 7→
A≤n, where Â≤n is the set of all sequences of shorter or
equal in length. The mapping B removes all blanks and
repeated labels, which corresponds to outputting a new label
every time the label prediction changes. For example,
B(−ww − al − k) = B(wwaaa − l − k−) = walk
B(−f − oo − o −−d) = B(ffoo − ooo − d) = food
The conditional probability of observing the output se-
quence w is then given as
p(w|y) =
p(π|y), w ∈ A≤n (8)
In training, an objective function that maximizes the log
likelihood of target labellings p(w|y) is used [5]. In every
training step, the probability p(wgt|y) of every text region
in the mini-batch is efficiently calculated using a forward-
backward algorithm similar to HMMs training [20] and
the objective function derivatives are used to update net-
work weights, using the standard back-propagation algo-
rithm (wgt denotes the ground truth transcription of the text
At test time, the classification output w∗ should be given
by the most probable path p(w|y), which unfortunately is
not tractable, and therefore we adapt the approximate ap-
proach [5] of taking the most probable labelling
∗ ≈ B
argmax p(π|y)
At the end of this process, each text region in the im-
age has an associated content in the form of a character se-
quence, or it is rejected as not text when all the labels are
The model typically produces many different boxes for
a single text area in the image, we therefore suppress over-
lapping boxes by a standard non-maxima suppression algo-
rithm based on the text recognition confidence, which is the
p(w∗|y) normalized by the text length.
3.5. Training
We pre-train the detection CNN using the SynthText
dataset [6] (800, 000 synthetic scene images with multi-
ple words per image) for 3 epochs, with weights initialized
from ImageNet [22]. The recognition CNN is pre-trained on
the Synthetic Word dataset [7] (9 million synthetic cropped
word images) for 3 epochs, with weights randomly initial-
ized from the N (0, 1) distribution.
As the final step, we train both networks simultane-
ously for 3 epochs on a combined dataset consisting of the
SynthText dataset, the Synthetic Word dataset, the ICDAR
2013 Training dataset [13] (229 scene images captured
by a professional camera) and the ICDAR 2015 Training
Figure 5. End-to-end scene text recognition samples from the
ICDAR 2013 dataset. Model output in red, ground truth in green.
Note that in some cases (e.g. top-right) text is correctly recog-
nized even though the bounding IoU with the ground truth is less
than 80%, which would be required by the text localization proto-
col [13]. Best viewed zoomed in color
dataset [12] (1000 scene images captured by Google Glass).
For every image, we randomly crop up to 30% of its width
and height. We use standard Stochastic Gradient Descent
with momentum 0.9 and learning rate 10−3, divided by 10
after each epoch. One mini-batch takes about 500ms on a
NVidia K80 GPU.
end-to-end word spotting speed
strong weak generic strong weak generic fps
Deep2Text [28] 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.85 0.83 0.79 1.0
TextSpotter [19] 0.77 0.63 0.54 0.85 0.66 0.57 1.0
StradVision [12] 0.81 0.79 0.67 0.84 0.83 0.70 ?
Jaderberg et al. [8] 0.86 – – 0.90 0.76 – *0.3
Gupta et al. [6] – – – – 0.85 – *0.4
Deep TextSpotter 0.89 0.86 0.77 0.92 0.89 0.81 *10.0
Table 2. ICDAR 2013 dataset – End-to-end scene text recognition accuracy (f-measure), depending on the lexicon size and whether digits
are excluded from the evaluation (denoted as word spotting). Methods running on a GPU marked with an asterisk
end-to-end word spotting speed
strong weak generic strong weak generic fps
TextSpotter [19] 0.35 0.20 0.16 0.37 0.21 0.16 1.0
Stradvision [12] 0.44 – – 0.46 – – ?
TextProposals + DictNet [4, 8] 0.53 0.50 0.47 0.56 0.52 0.50 0.2
Deep TextSpotter 0.54 0.51 0.47 0.58 0.53 0.51 *9.0
Table 3. ICDAR 2015 dataset – End-to-end scene text recognition accuracy (f-measure). Methods running on a GPU marked with an
4. Experiments
We trained our model once1 and then evaluated its accu-
racy on three standard datasets. We evaluate the model in
an end-to-end set up, where the objective is to localize and
recognize all words in the image in a single step, using the
standard evaluation protocol associated with each dataset.
4.1. ICDAR 2013 dataset
In the ICDAR evaluation schema [13, 12], each image in
the test set is associated with a list of words (lexicon), which
contains the words that the method should localize and rec-
ognize, as well as an increasing number of random “distrac-
tor” words. There are three sizes of lists provided with each
image, depending how heavily contextualized their content
is to the specific image:
• strongly contextualized – 100 words specific to each
image, contains all words in the image and the remain-
ing words are “distractors”
• weakly contextualized – all words in the testing set,
same list for every image
• generic – all words in the testing set plus 90k English
A word is considered as correctly recognized, when
its Intersection-over-Union (IoU) with the ground truth is
above 0.5 and the transcription is identical, using case-
insensitive comparison [12].
The ICDAR 2013 Dataset [13] is the most-frequently
cited dataset for scene text evaluation. It consists of 255
testing images with 716 annotated words, the images were
1Full source code and the trained model are publicly available at
taken by a professional camera so text is typically horizon-
tal and the camera is almost always aimed at it. The dataset
is sometimes referred to as the Focused Scene Text dataset.
The proposed model achieves state-of-the-art text recog-
nition accuracy (see Table 2) for all 3 lexicon sizes. In the
end-to-end set up, where all lexicon words plus all digits
in an image should be recognized, the maximal f-measure
it achieves is 0.89/0.86/0.77 for strongly, weakly and gen-
erally contextualized lexicons respectively. Each image is
first resized to 544×544 pixels, the average processing time
is 100ms per image on a NVidia K80 GPU for the whole
While training on the same training data, our model out-
performs the combination of the state-of-the-art localization
method of Gupta et al. [6] with the state-of-the-art recogni-
tion method of Jaderberg et al. [8] by at least 3 per cent
points on every measure, thus demonstrating the advantage
of the joint training for the end-to-end task of our model. It
is also more than 20 times faster than the method of Gupta et
al. [6].
Let us further note that our model would not be consid-
ered as a state-of-the-art text localization method according
to the text localization evaluation protocol, because the stan-
dard DetEval tool used for evaluation is based on a series of
thresholds which require at least a 80% intersection-over-
union with bounding boxes created by human annotators.
Our method in contrast does not always achieve the required
80% overlap, but it is still mostly able to recognize the text
correctly even when the overlap is lower (see Figure 5).
We argue that evaluating methods purely on text local-
ization accuracy without subsequent recognition is not very
informative, because the text localization “accuracy” only
aims to fit the way human annotators create bounding boxes
around text, but it does not give any estimates on how well
a text recognition phase would read text post a successful
Figure 6. End-to-end scene text recognition samples from the ICDAR 2015 dataset. Model output in red, ground truth in green. Best
viewed zoomed in color
Figure 7. All the images of the ICDAR 2013 Testing set where the
proposed method fails to correctly recognize any text (i.e. images
with 0% recall)
localization, which should be the prime objective of the text
localization metrics.
The main limitation of the proposed model are single
characters or short snippets of digits and characters (see Fig-
ure 7), which may be partially caused by the fact that such
examples are not very frequent in the training set.
4.2. ICDAR 2015 dataset
The ICDAR 2015 dataset was introduced in the ICDAR
2015 Robust Reading Competition [12] and it uses the same
evaluation protocol as the ICDAR 2013 dataset in the previ-
ous section. The dataset consists of 500 test images, which
were collected by people wearing Google Glass devices and
walking in Singapore. Subsequently, all images with text
were selected and annotated. The images in the dataset
were taken “not having text in mind”, therefore text is much
smaller and the images contain a high variability of text
fonts and sizes. They also include many realistic effects
– e.g. occlusion, perspective distortion, blur or noise, so as a
result the dataset is significantly more challenging than the
ICDAR 2013 dataset (Section 4.1), which contains typically
large horizontal text.
The proposed model achieves state-of-the-art end-to-end
text recognition accuracy (see Table 3 and Figure 6) for all
3 lexicon sizes. In our experiments, the average processing
time was 110ms per image on a NVidia K80 GPU (the im-
age is first resized to 608 × 608 pixels), which makes the
proposed model 45 times faster than currently the best pub-
lished method of Gomez et al. [4]
The main failure mode of the proposed method is blurry
Figure 8. Main failure modes on the ICDAR 2015 dataset. Blurred
and noisy text (top), vertical text (top) and small text (bottom).
Best viewed zoomed in color
recall precision f-measure
Method A [27] 28.33 68.42 40.07
Method B [27] 9.97 54.46 16.85
Method C [27] 1.66 4.15 2.37
Deep TextSpotter 16.75 31.43 21.85
Table 4. COCO-Text dataset – End to End text recognition
or noisy text (see Figure 8), which are effects not present in
the training set (Section 3.5). The method also often fails to
detect small text (less than 15 pixels high), which again is
due to the lack of such samples in the training stage.
4.3. COCO-Text dataset
The COCO-Text dataset [27] was created by annotating
the standard MS COCO dataset [16], which captures im-
ages of complex everyday scenes. As a result, the dataset
contains 63,686 images with 173,589 labeled text regions,
so it is two orders of magnitude larger than any other scene
text dataset. Unlike the ICDAR datasets, there is no lexicon
used in the evaluation, so methods have to recognize text
without any prior knowledge.
The proposed model demonstrates competitive results in
the text recognition accuracy (see Table 4 and Figure 9),
being only surpassed by Method A2.
5. Conclusion
A novel framework for scene text localization and recog-
nition was proposed. The model is trained for both text de-
tection and recognition in a single training framework.
The proposed model achieves state-of-the-art accuracy
in the end-to-end text recognition on two standard datasets
(ICDAR 2013 and ICDAR 2015), whilst being an order of
2Method A [27] was authored by Google and neither the training data
nor the algorithm is published.
Figure 9. End-to-end scene text recognition samples from the
COCO-Text dataset. Model output in red, ground truth in green.
Best viewed zoomed in color
magnitude faster than the previous methods – the whole
pipeline runs at 10 frames per second on a NVidia K80
GPU. Our model showed that the state-of-the-art object de-
tection methods [22, 23] can be extended for text detection
and recognition, taking into account specifics of text, and
still maintaining a low computational complexity.
We also demonstrated the advantage of the joint training
for the end-to-end task, by outperforming the ad-hoc com-
bination of the state-of-the-art localization and state-of-the-
art recognition methods [6, 4, 8], while exploiting the same
training data.
Last but not least, we showed that optimizing localiza-
tion accuracy on human-annotated bounding boxes might
not improve performance of an end-to-end system, as there
is not a clear link between how well a method fits the bound-
ing boxes created by a human annotator and how well a
method reads text. Future work includes extending the
training set with more realistic effects, single characters and
JM was supported by the Czech Science Foundation
Project GACR P103/12/G084, LN and MB by Technol-
ogy Agency of the Czech Republic research program
TE01020415 (V3C – Visual Computing Competence Cen-
ter). Lukas would also like to acknowledge the support
of the Google PhD Fellowship and the Google Research
[1] A. Bosch, A. Zisserman, and X. Muoz. Image classification
using random forests and ferns. In Computer Vision, 2007.
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