Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification
Armand Joulin Edouard Grave Piotr Bojanowski Tomas Mikolov
Facebook AI Research
This paper proposes a simple and efficient ap-
proach for text classification and representa-
tion learning. Our experiments show that our
fast text classifier fastText is often on par
with deep learning classifiers in terms of ac-
curacy, and many orders of magnitude faster
for training and evaluation. We can train
fastText on more than one billion words
in less than ten minutes using a standard mul-
ticore CPU, and classify half a million sen-
tences among 312K classes in less than a
1 Introduction
Building good representations for text classi-
fication is an important task with many ap-
plications, such as web search, information
retrieval, ranking and document classifica-
tion (Deerwester et al., 1990; Pang and Lee, 2008).
Recently, models based on neural networks have
become increasingly popular for computing
sentence representations (Bengio et al., 2003;
Collobert and Weston, 2008). While these
models achieve very good performance in
practice (Kim, 2014; Zhang and LeCun, 2015;
Zhang et al., 2015), they tend to be relatively slow
both at train and test time, limiting their use on very
large datasets.
At the same time, simple linear models have also
shown impressive performance while being very
computationally efficient (Mikolov et al., 2013;
Levy et al., 2015). They usually learn word level
representations that are later combined to form sen-
tence representations. In this work, we propose an
extension of these models to directly learn sentence
representations. We show that by incorporating
additional statistics such as using bag of n-grams,
we reduce the gap in accuracy between linear and
deep models, while being many orders of magnitude
Our work is closely related to stan-
dard linear text classifiers (Joachims, 1998;
McCallum and Nigam, 1998; Fan et al., 2008).
Similar to Wang and Manning (2012), our moti-
vation is to explore simple baselines inspired by
models used for learning unsupervised word repre-
sentations. As opposed to Le and Mikolov (2014),
our approach does not require sophisticated infer-
ence at test time, making its learned representations
easily reusable on different problems. We evaluate
the quality of our model on two different tasks,
namely tag prediction and sentiment analysis.
2 Model architecture
A simple and efficient baseline for sentence
classification is to represent sentences as bag of
words (BoW) and train a linear classifier, for
example a logistic regression or support vec-
tor machine (Joachims, 1998; Fan et al., 2008).
However, linear classifiers do not share pa-
rameters among features and classes, possibly
limiting generalization. Common solutions to
this problem are to factorize the linear clas-
sifier into low rank matrices (Schutze, 1992;
Mikolov et al., 2013) or to use multilayer neu-
ral networks (Collobert and Weston, 2008;
Zhang et al., 2015). In the case of neural net-
works, the information is shared via the hidden
Figure 1: Model architecture for fast sentence classification.
Figure 1 shows a simple model with 1 hidden
layer. The first weight matrix can be seen as a
look-up table over the words of a sentence. The
word representations are averaged into a text rep-
resentation, which is in turn fed to a linear classi-
fier. This architecture is similar to the cbow model
of Mikolov et al. (2013), where the middle word is
replaced by a label. The model takes a sequence of
words as an input and produces a probability distri-
bution over the predefined classes. We use a softmax
function to compute these probabilities.
Training such model is similar in nature to
word2vec, i.e., we use stochastic gradient descent
and backpropagation (Rumelhart et al., 1986) with a
linearly decaying learning rate. Our model is trained
asynchronously on multiple CPUs.
2.1 Hierarchical softmax
When the number of targets is large, computing
the linear classifier is computationally expensive.
More precisely, the computational complexity is
O(Kd) where K is the number of targets and d
the dimension of the hidden layer. In order to im-
prove our running time, we use a hierarchical soft-
max (Goodman, 2001) based on a Huffman cod-
ing tree (Mikolov et al., 2013). During training, the
computational complexity drops to O(d log2(K)).
In this tree, the targets are the leaves.
The hierarchical softmax is also advantageous at
test time when searching for the most likely class.
Each node is associated with a probability that is the
probability of the path from the root to that node. If
the node is at depth l+1 with parents n1, . . . , nl, its
probability is
P (nl+1) =
P (ni).
This means that the probability of a node is always
lower than the one of its parent. Exploring the tree
with a depth first search and tracking the maximum
probability among the leaves allows us to discard
any branch associated with a smaller probability. In
practice, we observe a reduction of the complexity to
O(d log2(K)) at test time. This approach is further
extended to compute the T -top targets at the cost of
O(log(T )), using a binary heap.
2.2 N-gram features
Bag of words is invariant to word order but taking
explicitly this order into account is often compu-
tationally very expensive. Instead, we use bag of
n-gram as additional features to capture some par-
tial information about the local word order. This
is very efficient in practice while achieving compa-
rable results to methods that explicitly use the or-
der (Wang and Manning, 2012).
We maintain a fast and memory efficient
mapping of the n-grams by using the hashing
trick (Weinberger et al., 2009) with the same hash-
ing function as in Mikolov et al. (2011) and 10M
bins if we only used bigrams, and 100M otherwise.
3 Experiments
3.1 Sentiment analysis
Datasets and baselines. We employ the
same 8 datasets and evaluation protocol
of Zhang et al. (2015). We report the N-grams
and TFIDF baselines from Zhang et al. (2015), as
well as the character level convolutional model
(char-CNN) of Zhang and LeCun (2015) and
the very deep convolutional network (VDCNN)
of Conneau et al. (2016). We also compare
to Tang et al. (2015) following their evaluation
protocol. We report their main baselines as well as
Model AG Sogou DBP Yelp P. Yelp F. Yah. A. Amz. F. Amz. P.
BoW (Zhang et al., 2015) 88.8 92.9 96.6 92.2 58.0 68.9 54.6 90.4
ngrams (Zhang et al., 2015) 92.0 97.1 98.6 95.6 56.3 68.5 54.3 92.0
ngrams TFIDF (Zhang et al., 2015) 92.4 97.2 98.7 95.4 54.8 68.5 52.4 91.5
char-CNN (Zhang and LeCun, 2015) 87.2 95.1 98.3 94.7 62.0 71.2 59.5 94.5
VDCNN (Conneau et al., 2016) 91.3 96.8 98.7 95.7 64.7 73.4 63.0 95.7
fastText, h = 10 91.5 93.9 98.1 93.8 60.4 72.0 55.8 91.2
fastText, h = 10, bigram 92.5 96.8 98.6 95.7 63.9 72.3 60.2 94.6
Table 1: Test accuracy [%] on sentiment datasets. FastText has been run with the same parameters for all the datasets. It has 10
hidden units and we evaluate it with and without bigrams. For VDCNN and char-CNN, we show the best reported numbers without
data augmentation.
Zhang and LeCun (2015) Conneau et al. (2016) fastText
small char-CNN∗ big char-CNN∗ depth=9 depth=17 depth=29 h = 10, bigram
AG 1h 3h 8h 12h20 17h 3s
Sogou – – 8h30 13h40 18h40 36s
DBpedia 2h 5h 9h 14h50 20h 8s
Yelp P. – – 9h20 14h30 23h00 15s
Yelp F. – – 9h40 15h 1d 18s
Yah. A. 8h 1d 20h 1d7h 1d17h 27s
Amz. F. 2d 5d 2d7h 3d15h 5d20h 33s
Amz. P. 2d 5d 2d7h 3d16h 5d20h 52s
Table 2: Training time on sentiment analysis datasets compared to char-CNN and VDCNN. We report the overall training time,
except for char-CNN where we report the time per epoch. ∗ Training time for a single epoch.
their two approaches based on recurrent networks
(Conv-GRNN and LSTM-GRNN).
Model Yelp’13 Yelp’14 Yelp’15 IMDB
SVM+TF 59.8 61.8 62.4 40.5
CNN 59.7 61.0 61.5 37.5
Conv-GRNN 63.7 65.5 66.0 42.5
LSTM-GRNN 65.1 67.1 67.6 45.3
fastText 64.2 66.2 66.6 45.2
Table 3: Comparision with Tang et al. (2015). The hyper-
parameters are chosen on the validation set.
Results. We present the results in Figure 1. We use
10 hidden units and run fastText for 5 epochs
with a learning rate selected on a validation set
from {0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5}. On this task, adding
bigram information improves the performance by
1 − 4%. Overall our accuracy is slightly better
than char-CNN and a bit worse than VDCNN. Note
that we can increase the accuracy slightly by using
more n-grams, for example with trigrams, the per-
formance on Sogou goes up to 97.1%. Finally, Fig-
ure 3 shows that our method is competitive with the
methods presented in Tang et al. (2015). We tune
the hyper-parameters on the validation set and ob-
serve that using n-grams up to 5 leads to the best per-
formance. Unlike Tang et al. (2015), fastText
does not use pre-trained word embeddings, which
can be explained the 1% difference in accuracy.
Training time. Both char-CNN and VDCNN are
trained on a NVIDIA Tesla K40 GPU, while our
models are trained on a CPU using 20 threads. Ta-
ble 2 shows that methods using convolutions are sev-
eral orders of magnitude slower than fastText.
Note that for char-CNN, we report the time per
epoch while we report overall training time for the
other methods. While it is possible to have a 10×
speed up for char-CNN by using more recent CUDA
implementations of convolutions, fastText takes
less than a minute to train on these datasets. Our
speed-up compared to CNN based methods in-
creases with the size of the dataset, going up to at
Input Prediction Tags
taiyoucon 2011 digitals: individuals digital pho-
tos from the anime convention taiyoucon 2011 in
mesa, arizona. if you know the model and/or the
character, please comment.
#cosplay #24mm #anime #animeconvention
#arizona #canon #con #convention
#cos #cosplay #costume #mesa #play
#taiyou #taiyoucon
2012 twin cities pride 2012 twin cities pride pa-
#minneapolis #2012twincitiesprideparade #min-
neapolis #mn #usa
beagle enjoys the snowfall #snow #2007 #beagle #hillsboro #january
#maddison #maddy #oregon #snow
christmas #christmas #cameraphone #mobile
euclid avenue #newyorkcity #cleveland #euclidavenue
Table 4: Examples from the validation set of YFCC100M dataset obtained with fastText with 200 hidden units and bigrams.
We show a few correct and incorrect tag predictions.
least a 15, 000× speed-up.
3.2 Tag prediction
Dataset and baseline. To test scalability of our
approach, further evaluation is carried on the
YFCC100M dataset (Ni et al., 2015) which consists
of almost 100M images with captions, titles and
tags. We focus on predicting the tags according to
the title and caption (we do not use the images). We
remove the words and tags occurring less than 100
times and split the data into a train, validation and
test set. The train set contains 91,188,648 examples
(1.5B tokens). The validation has 930,497 exam-
ples and the test set 543,424. The vocabulary size is
297,141 and there are 312,116 unique tags. We will
release a script that recreates this dataset so that our
numbers could be reproduced. We report precision
at 1.
We consider a frequency-based baseline which
predicts the most frequent tag. We also compare
with Tagspace (Weston et al., 2014), which is a tag
prediction model similar to ours, but based on the
Wsabie model of Weston et al. (2011). While the
Tagspace model is described using convolutions, we
consider the linear version, which achieves compa-
rable performance but is much faster.
Results and training time. Table 5 presents a
comparison of fastText and the baselines. We
run fastText for 5 epochs and compare it to
Tagspace for two sizes of the hidden layer, i.e., 50
and 200. Both models achieve a similar perfor-
mance with a small hidden layer, but adding bigrams
gives us a significant boost in accuracy. At test
time, Tagspace needs to compute the scores for all
the classes which makes it relatively slow, while our
fast inference gives a significant speed-up when the
number of classes is large (more than 300K here).
Overall, we are more than an order of magnitude
faster to obtain model with a better quality. The
speedup of the test phase is even more significant
(a 600x speedup).
Model prec@1
Running time
Train Test
Freq. baseline 2.2 – –
Tagspace, h = 50 30.1 3h8 6h
Tagspace, h = 200 35.6 5h32 15h
fastText, h = 50 30.8 6m40 48s
fastText, h = 50, bigram 35.6 7m47 50s
fastText, h = 200 40.7 10m34 1m29
fastText, h = 200, bigram 45.1 13m38 1m37
Table 5: Prec@1 on the test set for tag prediction on
YFCC100M. We also report the training time and test time.
Test time is reported for a single thread, while training uses 20
threads for both models.
Table 4 shows some qualitative examples.
FastText learns to associate words in the caption
with their hashtags, e.g., “christmas” with “#christ-
mas”. It also captures simple relations between
words, such as “snowfall” and “#snow”. Finally, us-
ing bigrams also allows it to capture relations such
as “twin cities” and “#minneapolis”.
4 Discussion and conclusion
In this work, we have developed fastText which
extends word2vec to tackle sentence and document
classification. Unlike unsupervisedly trained word
vectors from word2vec, our word features can be
averaged together to form good sentence represen-
tations. In several tasks, we have obtained perfor-
mance on par with recently proposed methods in-
spired by deep learning, while observing a mas-
sive speed-up. Although deep neural networks have
in theory much higher representational power than
shallow models, it is not clear if simple text classifi-
cation problems such as sentiment analysis are the
right ones to evaluate them. We will publish our
code so that the research community can easily build
on top of our work.
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1 Introduction
2 Model architecture
2.1 Hierarchical softmax
2.2 N-gram features
3 Experiments
3.1 Sentiment analysis
3.2 Tag prediction
4 Discussion and conclusion