Evaluation of CPU Scheduling Algorithms
Operating Systems
Coursework 1
The aim of this assignment is to investigate the performance of different CPU scheduling algo-
rithms. You will use a discrete event simulator to conduct experiments on different processor loads
and schedulers, and analyse the results to determine in what situations each scheduling algorithm
works most effectively. You will then write a report on your experiments, communicating your
findings in an effective manner.
1 Learning Outcomes
In this assignment, you will show that you understand the implementation of CPU scheduling, and
can demonstrate through simulation the characteristics of different scheduling algorithms. You
will show that you can write a report on an experiment and can demonstrate the organisation of
experimental data into a format suitable for comparison.
2 Getting Started
1. Download the os-coursework1.zip archive from Study Direct and unzip it into your workspace.
2. Start NetBeans and open the project. The project should contain several .java files in the src
3. Compile and run the code. This should work without problems.
3 Simulator
The simulation framework that is contained in os-coursework1.zip consists of two components:
• input generator
• simulator
The flow of using these two tools is as follows:
3.1 Input Generator
The input generator is run as follows, for example:
java InputGenerator ../experiment1/input parameters.prp ../experiment1/inputs.in
This will generate an input data file in ../experiment1/inputs.in based on the parameters
provided in the property file ../experiment1/input parameters.prp.
The property file contains several parameters to specify the number of processes, their static
priority, and the means (1/λ) of the exponential distributions used to draw values for the arrival
time, the duration of CPU and I/O bursts and the number of these bursts.
The generated input data file contains a line for each process with the first value being the
static priority and the second value the arrival time. The remaining values are the durations of
alternating CPU and I/O bursts (the number of these values is always odd because we always
start and finish with a CPU burst).
For example:
0 0 15 5 15 5 15
0 10 50
0 25 5
Note that you can write such input files manually in order to understand the behaviour of the
simulator and to test your implementation.
3.2 Simulator
The simulator is run as follows, for example:
java Simulator ../experiment1/simulator parameters.prp
../experiment1/output.out ../experiment1/inputs.in
This will generate an output file in ../experiment1/output.out based on the parameters pro-
vided in the property file ../experiment1/simulator parameters.prp and using the input data
file ../experiment1/inputs.in.
Note that you can supply several input files. The contents of all files supplied will be considered.
The property file contains parameters that define how the experiment is run: which scheduler
class to use, a potential timeLimit on the simulation duration, the interruptTime (duration of
interrupts, including scheduler invocations), and parameters that are needed for the scheduling
algorithms (e.g. timeQuantum, initialBurstEstimate, alphaBurstEstimate).
The most important classes are Process, and AbstractScheduler that scheduler implementa-
tions extend. You are provided with the implementation of a First-Come First-Serve scheduler
An output file looks as follows, for instance:
id priority createdTime startedTime terminatedTime cpuTime blockedTime turnaroundTime waitingTime responseTime
2 10 10 15 65 50 0 55 5 5
3 10 25 65 70 5 0 45 40 40
1 14 0 0 105 45 10 105 50 0
0 0 0 0 105 5 0 105 100 0
You can copy and paste the content of this file into any spreadsheet program in order to perform
further analysis of this output data.
We assume that the unit of time is ms throughout this coursework.
Moreover, the simulator logs the events that it executes to the terminal (the number before the
colon is the point in time when the event happens):
0: CREATE process 1
10: CREATE process 2
15: BLOCK process 1
20: UNBLOCK process 1
25: CREATE process 3
65: TERMINATE process 2
80: BLOCK process 1
85: UNBLOCK process 1
85: TERMINATE process 3
100: TERMINATE process 1
4 Your Implementation
1. Implement the calculation of performance metrics by completing the corresponding functions
in the file Process.java:
• turnaround time of the process: getTurnaroundTime()
• waiting time: getWaitingTime()
• response time: getResponseTime()
Remark: These functions are called by the simulator when a process terminates to produce the
output file.
Note: You will be able to compute CPU utilisation and throughput by analysing the output data.
2. Implement the following scheduling algorithms by completing the corresponding .java files.
You will have to override some methods from the AbstractScheduler class – read carefully their
documentation in the source code:
• Round Robin RRScheduler.java:
Read the timeQuantum from the parameters. The scheduler is non-preemptive.
• Ideal Shortest Job First IdealSJFScheduler.java:
You can use getNextBurst() method to get the duration of the next burst for each process.
The scheduler is non-preemptive.
• Multi-level feedback queue with Round Robin FeedbackRRScheduler.java:
The easiest way to compute a multi-level queue is to use a priority queue where priorities
correspond to the levels (lower number means higher priority). Implement the following
feedback: A process is demoted if it used its full time slice. The scheduler is preemptive.
• Shortest Job First using exponential averaging SJFScheduler.java:
Read the initialBurstEstimate (τ0) and alphaBurstEstimate (α) from the parameters.
For each process, use exponential averaging to estimate its next burst duration (which will
then define the priority of the process) from its previous burst durations. You can use the
getRecentBurst() method to get the duration of the most recent CPU burst of a process.
The scheduler is non-preemptive.
You may add debug output to your implementation. Make sure that you print to System.out
5 Your Experiments
Using your simulator implementation, set up three experiments to investigate three different
aspects of scheduling algorithms. You are free to choose which aspects you target — it is important
that you clearly explain in your report what the specific purpose of each experiment is and which
conclusions your draw from the experimental data that you gather.
General questions of interest are for instance:
• How does the process characteristics affect the choice of a good scheduling algorithm?
• What is the influence of the workload?
• What is the effect of the scheduling algorithm parameters?
• How does the cost for running the scheduler affect performance?
• You will have to adjust the workload (CPU utilisation) of your input data by finding ap-
propriate combinations of parameter values for the input generator.
Hint: The CPU time of the idle process (process ID 0) tells you something about the CPU
• Consider averaging your results over several input data sets with different random seed
6 Your Report
The report should have the following format:
Introduction What you are trying to do in this experiment
Methodology What experimental setup you have utilised
• Which experiments you performed
• Clearly state for each experiment
– which parameters you used to generate the input data
– which parameters you used to run the simulator
– the corresponding names of input and output files in your submission
• Which metrics you have chosen to use and why
• How you validated that your experiments produce reasonable results
Results Present your results in such a way that the reader can draw direct comparisons between
schedulers. Graphs or tables are mandatory.
Discussion Explain how your experimental results support or challenge your hypotheses. Every
claim must be supported by evidence – explicitly refer to graphs and tables in the Results
Threats to validity Mention any reservations, caveats or biases that may have affected the
outcome of your experiments
Conclusions Summarise what you have achieved and which insights you gained
There is no lower or upper word limit. Be as concise as possible and as verbose as necessary. As
a rough guidance, Introduction and Methodology will be one page, Results 2–4 pages (most of it
graphs and tables), and the remaining sections one page in total.
7 Hand-In
Submit a zip file with the following content via E-submissions on Study Direct:
report.pdf or report.doc or report.docx or report.odf
experimentk/ for k = 1 . . . n
all parameter property files for the simulator used in experiment k
all parameter property files for the input generator used in experiment k
all input files (.in) generated for experiment k
all output files (.out) produced in experiment k
all .java files that were contained in os-coursework1.zip, including the 5 files
that you modified.
run.sh or run.bat
• a script to automatically reproduce the files in output/ from the files in input/
and corresponding parameters.prp files for each experimentk/
You will receive 0 marks for your submission if
• it does not respect the above structure, or
• your code does not compile, or
• your run.sh or run.bat cannot reproduce your output files.
Avoid academic misconduct: Make sure that your submission is genuinely your own work.
The due date is published on the E-submissions website.
Learning Outcomes
Getting Started
Input Generator
Your Implementation
Your Experiments
Your Report