程序代写代做代考 Java javascript ### util.strings

### util.strings

> Functions for working with strings.


#### camelCase

**Signature:** `_.camelCase(string:String)`

Converts a dash-separated string to camel case. Opposite of [toDash](#todash).

// => “ancientGreece”


#### explode

**Signature:** `_.explode(s:String)`

Explodes a string into an array of characters. Opposite of [implode](#implode).

// => [“P”, “l”, “a”, “t”, “o”]


#### fromQuery

**Signature:** `_.fromQuery(str:String)`

Takes a URL query string and converts it into an equivalent JavaScript object.
Opposite of [toQuery](#toquery)

// => { forms: { perfect: “circle”, imperfect: “square” } }


#### implode

**Signature:** `_.implode(a:Array)`

Implodes an array of strings into a single string. Opposite of [explode](#explode).

_.implode([“H”, “o”, “m”, “e”, “r”]);
// => “Homer”


#### strContains

**Signature:** `_.strContains(str:String, search:String)`

Reports whether a string contains a search string.

_.strContains(“Acropolis”, “polis”);
// => true


#### toDash

**Signature:** `_.toDash(string:String)`

Converts a camel case string to a dashed string. Opposite of [camelCase](#camelcase).

// => “this-is-sparta”


#### toQuery

**Signature:** `_.toQuery(obj:Object)`

Takes an object and converts it into an equivalent URL query string. Opposite
of [fromQuery](#fromquery).

_.toQuery({ forms: { perfect: “circle”, imperfect: “square” } });
// => “forms%5Bperfect%5D=circle&forms%5Bimperfect%5D=square”
