Programming Foundations FIT9131 Documentation, identity, equality, more collections Week 6
FIT9131 Week 6
Programming Foundations
Documentation, identity,
equality, more collections
Week 6
FIT9131 Week 6
Lecture outline
• Class documentation
• javadoc
• Object identity vs. object equality
• Java Strings
• Iterators
• Conditional operator
FIT9131 Week 6
Review : Class documentation
• The Java standard library documentation shows
details about all classes in the library.
• This is called the Java API (Application
Programming Interface) documentation.
• The documentation is readable in a Web browser.
• Provides an interface description for all library
FIT9131 Week 6
Interface vs. Implementation
The documentation includes:
• the name of the class;
• a general description of the class;
• a list of constructors and methods;
• return value types and parameters for constructors
and methods;
• a description of the purpose of each constructor and
describes the interface of the class
FIT9131 Week 6
Interface vs. Implementation
The documentation does not include :
• private fields (fields are typically private)
• private methods
• the bodies (source code) for each method
does not describe the implementation of the class
FIT9131 Week 6
Writing class documentation
• It is important to document your code.
• Your own classes should be documented in the
same way as the Java library classes.
• Important : other people should be able to use your
class without reading/knowing the implementation.
• Make your class to be just like a ‘library class’! The
aim is to make your class as re-usable as possible –
and not just for use in the current program you are
FIT9131 Week 6
Elements of documentation
Documentation for a class should include at least:
• the class name
• a comment describing the overall purpose and
characteristics of the class
• a version number
• the authors’ names
• documentation for each constructor and each
FIT9131 Week 6
Elements of documentation
The documentation for each method (and also each
constructor) should include:
• the name of the method
• the return type
• the parameter names and types
• a description of the purpose and function of the method
• a description of each parameter
• a description of the value returned
FIT9131 Week 6
Javadoc is a tool (a document generator) to automate
the generation of Java documentation.
Documentation comments are enclosed by /** … */
These consist of a main description followed by a “tag”
section. Eg :
* The Responder class represents a response
* generator object. It is used to generate an
* automatic response.
* @author Michael Kölling and David J. Barnes
* @version 1.0 (30.Mar.2006)
Tags’ values
Start of
End of
Example of a Class comment
FIT9131 Week 6
Javadoc (contd.)
Method comment:
* Read a line of text from standard input (the text
* terminal), and return it as a set of words.
* @param prompt A prompt to print to screen.
* @return An ArrayList set of Strings, where each
* String is one of the words typed by the user
public ArrayList
Main description
Example of a Method comment
FIT9131 Week 6
Overall project details (BlueJ)
ReadMe file
FIT9131 Week 6
Using BlueJ to generate documentation
FIT9131 Week 6
Sample Javadoc output from BlueJ
FIT9131 Week 6
Toggling between
Document/SourceCode view
In the BlueJ code
editor, you can
easily toggle
between the
Document view
and the Source
Code view
Source Code view Document view
FIT9131 Week 6
Object : Identity vs. Equality
person1 == person2 ?
person1 person2
FIT9131 Week 6
Object : Identity vs. Equality
person1 == person2 ?
person1 person2
FIT9131 Week 6
Object : Identity vs. Equality
person1.getName() == person2.getName() ?
(assuming Person class has a getName() accessor method)
This is really NOT the correct
way to compare 2 strings!!!
FIT9131 Week 6
Object : Identity vs. Equality
person1 == person2 ?
person1 person2
person1 == person3 ?
FIT9131 Week 6
Comparing two Strings
A java String is an object. Comparing two Strings for
equality using the == operator compares the reference
variables, i.e. the memory locations, for equality. The
only way they will be equal is if they are the same
location in memory, i.e. the same object.
If you want to compare the content of two Strings to see
if they are the same, you should use the equals method
of the String class.
The same rule applies to any two objects. If you write a
class, and you want to compare the state (eg. the name
attribute of a Person class) of the two objects of that
class, you need to write an equals method for the class.
FIT9131 Week 6
String equality
if(input == “bye”)
Strings should always be compared using the equals method.
The String class also has an equalsIgnoreCase method.
tests identity
tests equality
FIT9131 Week 6
Identity vs. equality (Strings)
String input = reader.getInput();
if (input == “bye”)
== tests identity
== ?
This example is from the InputReader
class in the tech-support project from
the textbook (Chapter05)
FIT9131 Week 6
Identity vs. equality (Strings)
String input = reader.getInput();
if (input.equals(“bye”))
equals tests
equals ?
FIT9131 Week 6
Strings are immutable
Java Strings are immutable. A String never
changes its value. A method that appears to change a
String (e.g. toUpperCase) actually creates a new
temporary String that looks like the original in upper
case, but the original is unchanged.
public void changingString()
String greeting = “Hello there”;
What will be displayed on the screen?
Eg :
FIT9131 Week 6
Example: Building a string using
a loop
// this works, but is rather inefficient
public void showLine(int numberOfStars)
String line = “”;
for (int counter = 0; counter < numberOfStars; counter++) line = line + "*"; System.out.println(line); } How many temporary Strings are created here? FIT9131 Week 6 25 Example : Changing a string (more efficient way) public String changingString(String aString) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(aString); // modify the StringBuffer object here... ... return buffer.toString(); } Strings can be converted to StringBuffers and vice versa. It is often more efficient to use a StringBuffer, especially when you are going to append things to it. FIT9131 Week 6 26 Example: Building a string (more efficient way) again public void showLineWithStringBuffer(int numberOfStars) { String line = ""; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(line); for (int counter = 0; counter < numberOfStars; counter++) buffer.append("*"); System.out.println(buffer); } This is more efficient than the previous example. Why? FIT9131 Week 6 27 Removing spaces from a string The leading and trailing spaces can be easily removed from a string: String input = console.getInput(); input = input.trim(); These can be merged into a single line of code : String input = console.getInput().trim(); This is from the InputReader class in the tech-support project from the textbook (Chapter05) FIT9131 Week 6 28 Test : Changing the case of characters in a string Write a line of code that will get a line of input from the user, removes the leading and trailing spaces and also changes it to lower case. Hint : use the line of code on the previous slide as a starting point. String input = FIT9131 Week 6 29 Examples : Validating a String • If a String is supposed to be numeric (e.g. a phone number or a postcode), you need to check that each character is a numeric character (i.e. between '0' and '9'). • If a String is not supposed to be blank (where a blank String is either empty or full of space characters), you could check each character to see if they are all spaces. • Unfortunately the String class does not provide methods to do these checks. FIT9131 Week 6 30 Example: stringNumeric method public boolean stringNumeric(String aString) { if (aString.length() == 0) return false; int position = 0; while (position < aString.length()) { char thisCharacter = aString.charAt(position); if (thisCharacter < '0' || thisCharacter > ‘9’)
return false;
return true;
FIT9131 Week 6
Revision : loops and collections
Loop statements allow a block of statements to be
• The while loop allows the repetition to be
controlled by a boolean expression.
• The for loop offers an alternative to while loops
when the number of repetitions is known.
• The for-each loop allows iteration over a whole
• All collection classes provide a special object known
as an Iterator, that provides sequential access to the
whole collection.
FIT9131 Week 6
Iterator and iterator()
• Collections (eg. ArrayLists) have an iterator()
• Calling this method returns an Iterator object.
• An Iterator
•boolean hasNext()
•E next()
•void remove()
FIT9131 Week 6
Iterating using an iterator object
An iterator object can be used to perform looping
over a Collection. Eg :
• The iterator method of ArrayList, like all
collections, returns an iterator object.
• A while loop performs the iteration.
• The iterator object keeps track of the
position in the list.
To use the iterator object we need to import the
Iterator class:
import java.util.Iterator;
FIT9131 Week 6
Using an Iterator object
while (it.hasNext())
call to get the next object
do something with that object
java.util.Iterator returns an Iterator object
public void listAllFiles()
while (it.hasNext())
Track tk =;
} // MusicOrganizer example from Week 5
FIT9131 Week 6
Other Collections
(non-examinable topics)
• Apart from the ArrayList we discussed before,
Java also provides other collections. Two of the
more commonly used ones are :
•HashMaps : collections that contain pairs of
objects. Pairs consist of a key and a value.
•HashSets : collections that store each individual
element at most once (ie. no duplicates).
• These specialised collections are often used to
implement specific types of data, Eg. A Map can be
used to implement a Telephone Book, where each
“pair” consists of a name and a corresponding tel#.
FIT9131 Week 6
Collection comparisons
Collection Strengths Limitations Example usages
ArrayList A sequence of
elements in order
of insertion
Slow to search, slow
to add/remove
arbitrary elements.
List of
waiting line; the
lines of a file.
HashSet A set of unique
elements that is
fast to search
Does not have
indexes; cannot
retrieve arbitrary
elements from it.
Unique words
in a book;
lottery ticket
HashMap A group of
between pairs of
“key” and
“value” objects.
Not a general-
purpose collection;
cannot easily map
backward from a
value to its key.
Word counting;
phone book.
From: “Building Java Programs”, by Regges & Stepp
FIT9131 Week 6
Conditional operator
public String toString()
return name + ” ” + age + ” ”
+ (isStudent ? “Student” : “Not a student”);
condition consequent alternative
? : is called the conditional operator. All three parts
(condition, consequent, alternative) must be present.
Its returned value can be used like any other returned
value. How does this compare to the if statement?
FIT9131 Week 6
An equivalent IF example
public String toString()
if (isStudent)
return name + ” ” + age + ” Student”;
return name + ” ” + age + ” Not a student”);
This does the same thing as the version using the
conditional operator, but the code is longer.
condition consequent
FIT9131 Week 6
Common Scanner input error
Problems may occur when using nextLine() in
conjunction with nextInt() from the Scanner class.
For example, when the following code was executed:
int age = console.nextInt();
String name = console.nextLine();
System.out.println(age + “, ” + name);
with the following input from the keyboard:
the following output will be produced:
What happened to the name?
FIT9131 Week 6
What was the problem?
To Java, the input is a long
buffer of characters:
nextInt removes the
characters corresponding to a
number, and that is all. The
newline character (‘\n’) is not
removed from the buffer.
nextLine looks for the next
newline character (‘\n’), and
returns everything before the
first one it finds, in this
example it will return an empty
\n H e l e n \n …
H e l e n \n … …
7 7 \n H e l e …
age = 77
name = “”
FIT9131 Week 6
Some possible solutions
• use nextLine() to get all input (this will
remove the newline character properly)
• for this approach, the inputs may need to be
converted back to the correct format, eg. to
int’s if arithmetic operations are needed.
• so the previous example would become :
int age = console.nextInt();
String name = console.nextLine();
System.out.println(age + “, ” + name);
// obviously, this only works if we do not intend
// to perform any calculations on the age
String nextLine()
FIT9131 Week 6
Some possible solutions
• use a dummy nextLine() to explicitly
remove the newline character, before the next
real input statement. In other words, use an
extra nextLine() statement, but don’t store the
input for it.
• so the previous example would become :
int age = console.nextInt();
String name = console.nextLine();
System.out.println(age + “, ” + name);
a dummy getLine()
(note that the result is not
assigned to anything)
FIT9131 Week 6
The auction project
The auction project (Chapter04 from textbook)
provides further illustration of collections and
iteration … and some other concepts.
A field that has not explicitly been initialised
will contain the special value null by default.
We can test if an object variable holds the null
variable. If it does, it is not a valid object, and
must not be used!!
FIT9131 Week 6
Special value : null
• Used with object types.
• Used to indicate : ”no object”.
• We can test if an object variable holds the null
value, Eg :
if (highestBid == null) …
• if successful, this test indicates ‘there is no
bid yet’, since the highestBid object does
not exist.
FIT9131 Week 6
“Anonymous” objects
• Objects are often created and handed on elsewhere
Lot furtherLot = new Lot(…);
• If we don’t really need the object furtherLot after
this, we could have achieved the same effect using an
anonymous object:
lots.add(new Lot(…));
anonymous object (an object with no name)