程序代写代做代考 prolog 1


Some Prolog Practice Questions

Define the following predicates in Prolog using any auxiliary predicates you wish.

Try to avoid using the cut.

1. subList(L1, L2) to mean every element in list L1 is also in list L2.

You can assume both arguments are grounded in the call.


subList([1,2,3], [1,1,3,2,3,4]) and subList([1,1,4,3], [5,1,3,2,3,4]) should both succeed.

2. difference(L1, L2, L) to mean L consists of all the elements in L1 that are not in L2.

You can assume both arguments L1 and L2 are grounded in the call.

E.g. difference([1,1,2,3, 5, 5], [1,3,2, 3,4], L) should give L=([5, 5]. The repetition in the list L is fine

and you may get the same answer more than once. That too is fine.

difference([a, c], [], L) should give L=([a,c].

3. sift(L, N, Result) to mean Result is list L but with all occurrences of elements greater than N

removed. You can assume both arguments L and N are grounded in the call.

E.g. sift([1,4,3,6,8], 3, X) should give X=[1,3].

4) common(L1, L2, I)

to mean I is the list of the common elements of lists L1 and L2.

You can assume both arguments L1 and L2 are grounded in the call. The resulting list I should have

no repeated elements. The order of the elements in list I is not important. If L1 and L2 have no

common elements then the output I should be the empty list [].


common([1,1,4,2,5], [1,1,7,2,3,4,4,8], I) should give the answer I=[1,2,4], but the order of the

elements in I does not matter.

common([1,2], [4,8], I) should give the answer I=[].


5. process(L1, L2, Consistent, Inconsistent)

where L1 is a given list of items of the form (Name, Number), and L2 is a given list of items of the

form (Name, Number, MoreInfo). Then the output Consistent should be those items (Name, Number,

MoreInfo) in L2 that agree on (Name, Number) with list L1, and Inconsistent should be whatever is

left over from list L2.

E.g. Suppose L1 has (Name , Age) items and L2 has (Name, Age, Marital_status) items.

Then Consistent should be those items (Name, Age, Marital_status) where for the same Name L1

provides the same Age.


process([(mary, 20), (john, 30), (pete, 40)], [(mary, 20, single), (pete, 40, single), (joe, 35,

widowed), (john, 35, married)], C, I)

should give the answer

C= ([(mary, 20, single), (pete, 40, single)]

I= ([(john, 35, married), (joe, 35, widowed)].

The order of the elements in C and I is not important.

6. split(L, N, L1, L2)

Split a list L into two parts L1 and L2 such that the length of the first part is N.


?- split([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k],3,L1,L2).

L1 = [a,b,c]

L2 = [d,e,f,g,h,i,k]

7. drop(L, N, Result) Drop every N’th element from a list L.


?- drop([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k],3,X).

X = [a,b,d,e,g,h,k]

8. enrolment(L, Student, Degree)

Given a list L of enrolments, and a student’s name, Student, the program finds the

degree of the student.

L is a list of students and their degree. Each element of L is of the form

(Degree, List of students).


For example given

[(msc, [john, mary, pete]), (meng, [bob, rob, tod]), (msc, [dave, mave])]

as L, and

rob as Student, the program should return meng as Degree.

9. student_list(L, Meng, MSc)

Separate a list L of students into the Meng students and the MSc students.

L is a list of students and their degree. Each element of L is of the form

(Degree, List of students).

For example given

[(msc, [john, mary, pete]), (meng, [bob, rob, tod]), (msc, [dave, mave])]

as L

Meng should be

[bob, rob, tod]

and MSc should be

[john, mary, pete, dave, mave],

although the order of the names in these lists is not important.

The Bratko book recommended in the slides has many exercises.