程序代写代做代考 prolog Introduction to AI: Tutorial 2

Introduction to AI: Tutorial 2
Abductive Inference and EC Abductive Planning

Alessandra Russo

The aim of this tutorial is to practice with some questions on abductive inference and
Event Calculus Abductive planning. The material related to this tutorial is included
in Unit 3 and Unit 4. To answer questions, you can use the abductive engine available
in CATE. Note that the file in CATE has extension .pdf. It is not a .pdf file, you
need to remove the extension .pdf and call the file ”abduction.pl”. For information
on how to use the abductive engine, you can read the user guide also available in
CATE. Note that it is important that you know how to construct an abductive proof.
So please look at the proof derivations and proof trees that will be given in the model
answer for some examples.

Question 1

Consider the biological process of lactose metabolism by the bacterium E. Coli. The
background knowledge includes the following pieces of information:

E. coli can feed on the sugar lactose (lact) if it makes two enzymes per-
mease (perm) and galactosidase (gala). Enzymes (E) are made if they are
coded by a gene (G) that is expressed. Enzyme permease is coded by gene
lac(y) and enzyme galactosidase is coded by gene lac(z). These genes are
part of a cluster of genes (lac(X)), that is expressed when the amounts of
glucose (gluc) are low (lo) and lactose (lact) are high (hi).

1. Define an abductive inference task that explains the lactose metabolism (feed(lact))
of E. Coli, by addressing the following three points:

a Using the signature L given below, model in Prolog the above pieces of
information as background knowledge KB:

L = {feed/1,make/1, code/2, express/1, amt/2, code/2, sugar/1}.
b Define the set A of abducibles as ground instances of predicates amt and


c Define two integrity constraints that state respectively that the amount of
a substance (S) may not be both high and low; and that the amount of a
substance can only be known if the substance is a sugar.

2. Compute an abductive solution for the task given in part (1), with goal (feed(lact)).
Use the abductive engine provided in CATE.

3. Draw the abductive proof derivation of the solution generated in part (2).

Introduction to AI: Tutorial 2 2

Question 2

Consider the following legal reasoning extract. The background knowledge includes
the following pieces of information:

People born in USA are USA citizen. People born outside USA but resi-
dent of USA and naturalised, are USA citizen. People born outside USA
but registered in USA and with USA citizen mother, are USA citizen.
Mary is John’s mother. Mary is USA citizen.

1. Define an abductive inference task that explains the possibilities of John be
USA citizen, by addressing the following three points:

a Using the signature L given below, model in Prolog the above pieces of
information as background knowledge KB:

L = {citizen/2,mother/2, bornIn//2, bornOut/2, resident/2,
naturalised/2, registered/2}.

b Define the set A of abducibles as ground instances of the predicates bornIn,
bornOut, resident, naturalised, registered.

c Define the integrity constraint that states that John is not USA resident.

2. Compute all abductive solutions for the task given in part (1), with goal (citi-
zen(john, usa)). Use the abductive engine provided in CATE. State which one
are minimal solutions.

3. Draw the abductive proof tree of all solutions generated in part (2).

Question 3

Consider the following logical circuit for adding three binary digits (see Figure 1).
This is an extension of the logical circuit given in Slide 29 of Unit3 on abduction.

Figure 1: Logical Circuit for adding 3 binary digits

1. Building upon the example given in Slide 29 of Unit3, define an abductive
inference task that computes diagnosis of fault operations of the circuit.

Alessandra Russo Tutorial 2: Abductive Inference and EC Abductive Planning

Introduction to AI: Tutorial 2 3

2. Define a query that accepts an empty abductive solution. Would such a query
accept also non empty abductive solutions? Explain why and give an example
of a non empty abductive solution.

3. Using the abductive engine, define a query that requires a double fault in the
circuit as possible explanation, compute all abductive solutions and state which
one are minimal diagnostic outcomes.

4. Consider the query G = [add(add, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1)]. Using the abductive engine,
compute all abductive solutions, list them, state which one are minimal solutions
and which one is the most cost effective to check first for repair.

Question 4

This exercise is about abduction-based diagnosis to find faults in power supply net-
works. Consider a geographical region with a power supply control centre that gets
informed as soon as any village in the region is without electricity power. The centre
checks, using mobile phones, whether the remaining villages have electricity power.
On the basis of this information, the centre has to take the decision of where to send
the repair teams. The diagnostic system receives as observations the information of
which villages have or have not electricity power, and have to give suggestions of
which wires or power plants might be down, and therefore candidates for repair. A
wire can be in one of two states, state(w, up) or state(w, down) and similarly for a
power plant (denoted as pp). The electricity power network is depicted in Figure 2,
where pp is the only power plant in the region, w1w9 are the wires, n1n4 are nodes
in which a number of wires are connected, and v1v5 are the villages.

pp (n1) (n2) (n3)


v4 v5

v1 v2


w1 w2 w3 w4

w5 w6 w7

w8 w9

Figure 2: Power Supply Network

1. Define an abductive inference task for fault diagnosis of the above power supply
network, by addressing the following three points:

a Using the signature L given below, model in Prolog the above power supply
network as background knowledge KB. Note that you need to explicitly
define when a node or a village has no power. This is in order to be able
to abductively diagnose which wire is up and which is down.

L = {has power/2, has no power/2, state/2}.

Alessandra Russo Tutorial 2: Abductive Inference and EC Abductive Planning

Introduction to AI: Tutorial 2 4

b Define the set A of abducibles as ground instances of the predicate state/2.

c Define an integrity constraint that forces a state to have only one of the
two possible values up and down.

2. Using the abductive engine, compute the minimal abductive solutions for each
of the following three sets of observations:

observe all butV 3:-
has power(v1), has power(v2), has no power(v3),
has power(v4), has power(v5).

observe all butV 1V 3:-
has no power(v1), has power(v2), has no power(v3),
has power(v4), has power(v5).

observe V 4V 5:-
has no power(v1), has no power(v2), has no power(v3),
has power(v4), has power(v5).

Question 5

Consider the simple abductive planning problem described in Slide 30 of Unit 3, but
extended with the following additional information.

• The domain includes four items car, tv, home, pc and money.

• You can buy(.) any item, except for money, if you have(money).

• You can hire any item, except for money and houses, if you have(money).

• You can hire a car if you own a driving license.

• Buying leaves you with no money.

• You can borrow anything, except for money and houses.

1. Formalise it as an Event Calculus abductive planning task. Assume 5 time
points (hint: define a time(T ) predicate using the range operator in Prolog)
and that the only integrity constraint is that given in slide 18 of Unit 4.

2. Use the Event Calculus domain independent axioms given in Appendix. Con-
sider the abductive solution
∆ = {happens(borrow(car), 1), happens(borrow(money), 2), happens(buy(home), 3)}.
Draw the abductive proof derivation of ∆ for this new task, with respect to the
goal G = {holds(have(car), 2), holds(have(home), 4)}.

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3. Assume now that you cannot borrow car unless you have a driving license. Ex-
press this information using an integrity constraint. State if the abductive task
has a solution for the given goal G = {holds(have(car), 2), holds(have(home), 4)}.
Modify the abductive proof derivation you have given in part (2) to show your
answer. What would you add to the BK to guarantee that the given gold has a

4. Using the abductive engine, explore what happens when your goal is not ground.
What possible plans would lead you to a state where the goal
G = holds(have(X), 3), is satisfied?

5. Modify the task given in part (2) to express the precondition of hire(car as an
integrity constraint. Use the abductive engine to compute plans for the goal
G = holds(have(X), 3). Give an informal proof tree derivation of the abductive
reasoning process that leads to the three solutions. Don’t unfold the clipped
literals and keep terms unground where you can.

Question 6

This is an adaptation of a planning problem proposed as part of the international
planning competition. The planning domain is about a catering robot that has
to prepare sandwiches for children in a school, where some children are allergic
to gluten. The problem includes two actions for making sandwiches. The first
action (makeSand(Bread, SandFilling) makes a sandwich and the second action
(makeNoGlutenSand(Bread, SandFilling) makes a sandwich taking into account
that all ingredients are gluten-free. There are also actions to put a sandwich on a
tray (putOnTray(Sandwich, Tray)), move a tray to the kitchen from a storageRoom
(moveTrayKitchen(Tray)), and serve sandwiches (serveSandwich(Sandwich, Child)).
The goal consists of having a child served with a sandwich to which he/she is not

• The domain includes four ingredients bread1, sandFilling1 (both gluten-free),
and bread2, sandFilling2 (both not gluten-free), two trays (tray1, tray2) and
two children john who is allergic to gluten and mark who is not.

• The robot can serve to a child, who is allergic to gluten, a gluten-free sandwich
that is on the tray, and to a child who is not allergic to gluten, a not gluten-free
sandwich that is on the tray.

• The robot can put a sandwich on the tray, when both the sandwich and the
tray are in the kitchen.

• A sandwich is in the kitchen only after it has been made by the robot.

• A gluten-free sandwich can be made using all gluten-free ingredient, whereas
a non gluten-free sandwich can be made using non gluten-free bread and any

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Introduction to AI: Tutorial 2 6

• Initially the trays are in the storageRoom.

1. Formalise it as an Event Calculus abductive planning task. Assume 5 time
points, and the only integrity constraint is that given in slide 18 of Unit 4.

2. Give the plans for the two goals holds(sandserved(sand(B,C), john), 5) and
holds(sandserved(sand(B,C),mark), 5) respectively.

3. Using the abductive engine, verify your answers to part (3), computing all
possible plans for the two respective individual goals:
eval([holds(sandserved(sand(B,C), john), 5)], Ans).
eval([holds(sandserved(sand(B,C),mark), 5)], Ans).

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Note that the range of the time point domain can change from question to question.

time(T) :- T in 0..4.

% Simplified Event Calculus domain independent axioms

holds(F, T) :-



\+ clipped(0, F, T).

holds(F, T) :-

time(T1), time(T),

0 #< T1, T1 #< T, happens(A, T1), initiates(A, F, T1). \+ clipped(T1, F, T). clipped(T1, F, T) :- time(T1), time(T), time(T2), T1 #< T2, T2 #< T, happens(A, T2), terminates(A, F, T2). Alessandra Russo Tutorial 2: Abductive Inference and EC Abductive Planning