程序代写代做代考 python 19-classifiers-vectorspace.pptx


Ling 131A
Introduction to NLP with Python


Marc Verhagen, Fall 2018


•  Final project
•  Quiz 2
•  Unanswered question
•  Features to use
•  Vector space model and TF-IDF
•  Assignment 5 – word sense disambiguation

Quiz 2

•  All class notes starting with WordNet
•  NLTK Ch 3: 3.4 – 3.7
•  NLTK Ch 5: 5.1-5.2, 5.4-5.7
•  NLTK Ch 6: 6.1.1-6.1.5, 6.3-6.5
•  Questions:
– Python class, WordNet, decision trees or bayes,
taggers, classifiers, vectors, evaluation, trees and

Feature engineering

Temporal relation classification between events
test.xml-ei3-ei4 None e1-asp=NONE e1-cls=OCCURRENCE e1-epos=VERB e1-
mod=NONE e1-pol=POS e1-stem=None e1-str=fell e1-syn=vg-s e1-tag=EVENT
e1-ten=PAST e2-asp=NONE e2-cls=OCCURRENCE e2-epos=VERB e2-
mod=NONE e2-pol=POS e2-stem=None e2-str=pushed e2-syn=vg-s e2-
tag=EVENT e2-ten=PAST shAsp=0 shTen=0

Technology classification
2004|US6776488B2.xml|angle n doc_loc=22 doc_loc=23 doc_loc=92
last_word=angle next2_tags=,_IN next2_tags=. next2_tags=IN_NN
next_n2=,_for next_n2=._^ next_n2=of_inclination next_n3=,_for_example
next_n3=._^_^ next_n3=of_inclination_of plen=1 prev_Npr=inclination_of
prev_V=are_at prev_V=present prev_n2=at_an prev_n2=inclination_of
prev_n2=present_an prev_n3=are_at_an prev_n3=cranes_present_an
prev_n3=greater_inclination_of section_loc=DESC_later
section_loc=SUMMARY_later sent_loc=17-18 sent_loc=27-28 sent_loc=5-6

•  Morphological

–  Suffix: either from morphological analyzer or faking it by
grabbing letters

•  Word context
–  Previous_word, Next_tag

•  Syntactic
–  Path_to_top, subject, predicate
–  Sometimes by using a parse, sometimes faked

•  Semantic
–  WordNet sense, word class

•  Metadata
–  Position in document, author

Document level

•  Document level features can include
– all kinds of meta data like author, date, publisher,
topic, MESH headings, etcetera

– words from the document, perhaps stemmed,
maybe filtered with a stop list

•  Vector space model is relevant here

Vector Space Model

Vector Space Model

•  Aka Term Vector Model
•  Represent a text document or text passage as
a vector of identifiers

•  Used in information retrieval
– Mapping a query to a set of documents
– Both query and all documents are vectors

•  Can be used for classification as well


•  Query or document regarded as a bag of
– Terms can be words, lemmas, keywords, phrases

•  Vector is in multi-dimensional space
– Number of dimensions n depends on size of

•  Vector(q) =
Vector(d) = a weight is assigned to each dimension


•  Vocabulary = (dog, cat)
•  Document d1 = “dog dog dog cat”
•  Weights are 0 or 1
– Vector(d1) = <1,1>

•  Weights are absolute frequencies
– Vector(d1) = <3,1>

Similarity of vectors

•  Depends on the angle between two vectors
– The smaller the angle,
the greater the similarity

– The angle is usually
calculated with the
cosine measure

Example calculation

cos( , )

A . B = Sigma(i,n) AiBi = 3×4 + 1×1 = 13
|A| = SQRT(Sigma(i,n) Ai2) = SQRT(42 + 12) + SQRT(161) = SQRT(17) = 4.1
|B| = SQRT(Sigma(i,n) Bi2) = SQRT(32 + 12) + SQRT(91) = SQRT(10) = 3.2

A.B / |A||B| = 13 / (4.1 * 3.2) = 13 / 13.04 = 0.997

cos( , )

A . B = Sigma(i,n) AiBi = 3×1 + 1×4 = 7
|A| = SQRT(Sigma(i,n) Ai2) = SQRT(32 + 12) + SQRT(9 + 1) = SQRT(10) = 3.2
|B| = SQRT(Sigma(i,n) Bi2) = SQRT(12 + 42) + SQRT(1 + 16) = SQRT(17) = 4.1

A.B / |A||B| = 7 / (3.2 * 4.1) = 7 / 13.04 = 0.537


•  Until now we had weights as either a binary
value or a raw frequency

•  Often weights are the TF-IDF score
– Term Frequency
–  Inverse Document frequency

•  Reflects how important a word is to a
document in a corpus

Term Frequency

•  Binary (term occurs yes/no)
•  Raw count
•  Adjusted for document length (tf,d = ft,d / |d|)

Inverse Document Frequency

•  How much information does a word provide
•  Is the term common or rare in the corpus
(frequent terms count less towards the
similarity scores of two documents)

•  idf(t,D) = log2(N/Nt) + 1
– N = number of documents in corpus D
– Nt = number of documents in D with term t


•  Multiply the Term Frequency by the Inverse
Document Frequency

•  tf-idf(t,d) = (ft,d / |d|) x (log2(N/Nt) + 1)