COMP110 Practical 2
Using the Departmental Linux Systems
1 Introduction
This practical is intended to familiarise you with the departmental Linux systems and relates to
the following two module learning outcomes:
• To effectively use relevant software packages and appreciate different types of software;
• To effectively use general IT facilities including organising your file store, taking advantage of
access control and security features of operating systems.
The tasks described below will guide you through the process of accessing and logging onto a Linux
system, using the Linux desktop, using command line interfaces, editing text files, and creating,
compiling and running Java programs under Linux.
This document is available in PDF format at
While you work through the tasks below compare your results with those of your fellow students
and ask one of the demonstrators for help and comments if required.
2 Logging in to the Linux systems
The lab PCs running Windows are only part of the department’s computing facilities. There are
also a number of systems running the Linux operating system (currently Scientific Linux 7.4), which
are available to all members of the department. These machines are not physically accessible, but
can be accessed over the network. You use the same (Computer Science) username and password
to log in to both the Windows and Linux systems (and also the Apple Mac lab), and they all
provide access to the same shared filestore.
Figure 1:
Commence by logging in to the Windows PC in the same way as you did
previously. Now double-click on the “MobaXterm” shortcut (Figure 1) on the left-
hand side of the desktop to open the MobaXterm application (Figure 2a). Click
on “Session” in the toolbar, this will open a window for session settings. In the
toolbar of that window click on “SSH”, this will open a new window in which you
can enter the connection details for a SSH connection to one of our Linux PCs. In
the text field to the right of the label “Remote Host” enter the name of a Linux PC, to, click on the button to the left of “Specify
username”, then enter your departmental username into the text field to the right of that label.
Click on the tab “Terminal Settings” below the text fields (Figure 2b). You will find an option
“Terminal colors scheme” with a drop-down menu to the right of it. In that menu chose the
option “White background / Black text” (unless you are really into retro colour schemes, in
which case you should start with “Black background / White text” and customise that to use
green text). Then click on the “OK” button at the bottom of the window. A new tab will open
in the main window pane of MobaXterm in which you will see a prompt asking for your password
(Figure 2c). Enter the password for your departmental account. You will then be asked whether
you want MobaXterm to store your password so that next time you connect to this particular
(a) MobaXterm (b) Open a SSH Session (c) Enter Password
(d) Save Password (e) SSH Session Opened (f) Logging Out
Figure 2: Using MobaXterm
Linux PC you do not need to enter your password again (Figure 2d). It is up to you whether you
do so, it is the typical trade-off between convenience and security. Independent of the choice you
make you now see a shell prompt in the main window pane of MobaXterm (Figure 2e). Also, note
that on the left to the main window pane you have a pane with a file browser showing the files in
your home directory on the Linux PC.
3 Using the Command Line Interface
As mentioned, in the main window pane of MobaXterm you see a shell prompt, typically, bash-4.2$.
This prompt, which will be represented throughout this practical by I, is followed by a square or
underline—the cursor. Anything you type on the keyboard will appear here. You can use the left
and right arrow keys to move the cursor back and forth within the command you have entered,
and this can be used to correct typing errors.
When you have finished typing the command, press the
run the command you specified, and report the results. It will then display another prompt, ready
for your next command. Here is an example that uses the hostname command to discover which
Linux machine you are using:
I hostname
Throughout the rest of this practical, we will not always show the command prompt in the exam-
ples. However, if you type in a command, press RETURN, and no new command prompt appears,
then either you have not completed the command yet, say, there is an open string that you have
not closed yet, or the command is still running, say, you have opened an editor ‘in the foreground’
and have not closed it yet. There are then three possibilities:
• If the command is not being executed yet, then you can try to properly complete the com-
mand and press RETURN again.
• If the command is being executed, but it does not terminate, then you can terminate the
execution of the command by using the key combination CTRL-C. Note that if the command
you are executing is an editor or software development environment, the text/program you
were working on might be lost.
• If the command is being executed, but it does not terminate, then you can suspend the
execution of the command by using the key combination CTRL-Z. You should then see a
command prompt again. With the command bg you can move the just-suspended command
to the background where it continues the execute, or, with the command fg bring it back to
the foreground. The combination CTRL-Z followed by the command bg is the most reasonable
cause of action if the command you are executing is a text editor, software development
environment, or similar.
3.1 Basic Commands
The simplest commands are those concerned with viewing and manipulating files and folders. The
following series of commands illustrate this for both Linux and Windows. Try working through
each set in turn, and watch what happens using the file manager (note: ‘l’ is the letter `, not
the number ‘1’). The examples assume that in Practical 1 you have created a directory structure
exactly as suggested. You have to adjust the examples if you have used different directory names
or a different directory structure.
Linux MS Windows
cd cd H: Start in your home filestore
pwd pwd Show the current directory
ls -l dir Long listing of the files and
folders in this directory
cd year1/comp110 cd year1\comp110 Move into a sub-folder
ls dir /w Short listing of files and
folders in this directory
cd .. cd .. Move back up a level (.. =
“parent directory”)
cat myBooks.txt type myBooks.txt View the contents of a file
more myBooks.txt more myBooks.txt View the contents one page
at a time (press the ‘q’ key
to quit)
cp myBooks.txt test copy myBooks.txt test Make a copy of a file
mv test test1 rename test test1 Rename a file
mkdir myDir mkdir myDir Create a new folder (direc-
Linux MS Windows
cp test1 myDir copy test1 myDir Make a copy of a file in a
different folder
mv test1 myDir/test2 move test1 myDir\test2 Move a file into another
folder (and rename it)
ls myDir dir myDir List the contents of a folder
rmdir myDir rmdir myDir Try to delete a (non-empty)
folder (which fails)
mv myDir/* . move myDir\* . Empty the folder (by mov-
ing the contents to the cur-
rent directory)
rmdir myDir rmdir myDir Delete the (empty) folder
rm test1 test2 del test1 test2 Delete the test files
Be careful when using rm. Linux assumes you know what you are doing. So, if you ask it to
delete a file, then it will be deleted. It will not simply be moved to the “Wastebasket” folder
(which is what the file manager does). So it’s typically not possible to “undelete” a file that has
been deleted by mistake—when it’s gone, it’s gone. The same holds for Windows and del.
Note that Linux uses a filesystem with case-sensitive identifiers—the folder Year1 is different
to one called year1. Be very careful to type the names of files or folders exactly as they appear in
the file manager, or in the output of ls or dir. Windows is more forgiving, and will ignore case
Also be aware that by default Windows Explorer will often hide the filename extension – the
last three or four characters after the final ‘.’. When using the command line, you typically need
to give the full filename, including the filename extension.
3.2 Wildcards
The third-from-last command above (emptying the test directory before deleting it) illustrates a
new idea—the use of wildcards.
Most of the commands above specify the name of a file or folder to work with. And as the last
command shows, it’s often possible to manipulate several files at the same time, by listing them
on the command line. But if there are large number of files to manipulate, typing all of them
out would be both time consuming and subject to errors. So both Linux and Windows provide a
wildcard mechanism, to match the names of multiple files (or folders) at once.
Create two copies of the textbook file, using cp myBooks.txt myFile1 and cp myBooks.txt
myFile2. Note that you may have given the textbook file a different name and that it may be in
one of the subdirectories of your home directory. Make sure that you are in the right directory
and that you adjust the commands to fit with the filename that you have used.
Next, try the following sequence of commands. Think about the results you see, and what
these patterns might mean.
I ls myFile?
I ls *
I ls *.*
I ls *.txt
I ls myFile*
I ls *File?
Also try the corresponding commands with the Windows command line (using dir instead of ls).
3.3 Redirection
Another useful technique is redirection, where the output of a command can be saved to a file.
I ls myFile* > out.file
I cat out.file
This can be very useful when you come to test your Java programs. But note that any errors will
still be displayed
I ls yourFile* > out2.file
ls: cannot access yourFile*: No such file or directory
I cat out2.file
Redirection works on both Linux and Windows command line terminals.
The main problem with this approach is that it only saves the output of the program, and not
anything that is typed on the keyboard. Redirecting output to a file also means that you will not
see any prompts or instructions that might be displayed by the program. In one sense, this does
not really matter—as long as you know what information you need to supply, you can type this
“blindly” and the program should run correctly.
But it would be better if you could see the output (including any prompts) and still have
everything saved to a file. On Linux, this can be done using the script command:
I script -c “command ” out3.file
(where the -c option specifies the command to be run and capture). Try experimenting with this,
using some of the commands above. (Although it will only really become useful when you start
running programs that expect input from the keyboard). Note that script is only available on
the Linux systems – there is not an equivalent mechanism under Windows.
3.4 Pipes
A variation of output redirection is the idea of a ”pipe” – using the output of one command as the
input to another. Try the following in the Linux terminal window
I ls | sort -r
I cat myBooks.txt | tail -5
I ls /lib | less (press the ‘q’ key to quit)
(The symbol ‘|’ is to the left of the character ‘z’ on UK keyboards.) Compare the results of these
pipeline commands, with the output generated by the first command in each pipeline on its own.
Also, find out what the difference between less and more is.
Pipes are also available under Windows, though they are much less widely used. The last
command would work in much the same way (dir C:\Windows\System | more). Windows does
not typically include the same range of “filter” commands such as sort, head and tail.
Most (traditional) Linux commands are designed to process the contents of the specified files,
or (if no files are listed) to work on “standard input” as part of just such a pipeline of commands.
3.5 Command Line History
When developing a computer program, you will typically find yourself repeating the same sequence
of commands again and again – editing the file containig the source code, compiling this file, running
the resulting program, editing the file to fix any errors, compiling the corrected file, running the
program again, and so on. This means that you will end up typing the same commands over and
over again.
Both Linux and Windows command shells include a command history mechanism, which re-
members the previous commands that you have typed and allows you to recall them and run them
again. Try using the up and down arrow keys to step through this list.
3.6 Filename Completion
There is one final function of the shell to mention, namely, filename completion.
Quite often you will have several different files in the same folder, with significantly different
names. The Linux shell allows you to type the first few characters of a filename (sufficient to
uniquely identify that file), and then hit the
name of the file, just as if you had typed it at the keyboard. This is extremely useful – particularly
if you are using meaningful filenames (which can be relatively long), or if your typing is not
particularly accurate!
If the prefix you have supplied is not unique, and there are two files that could possibly match,
the shell will complete as much as it can, and leave you to complete it.
4 Editing Text Files
Linux offers a plethora of text editors. We will just mention three here: The default text editor
gedit, Atom, and Emacs. From the command line you can start these editors using the commands
gedit, atom and emacs, respectively.
(a) gedit (b) Atom (c) Emacs
Figure 3: Linux text editors
4.1 gedit
In the previous practical you have created a file containing a Java program.
Change to the directory in which you have stored this file. Make sure that you are in the right
directory by using the ls command. Now open the file in gedit by using the command
I gedit &
The ampersand & at the end of the line tells the shell to start the command ‘in the background’
so that you can continue to use the shell and do not have to wait until the command has finished.
This makes sense since you normally intend to use the text editor for a long time and might want
to do other things in parallel, such as compiling and running the program that you edit. It will
take about 3 seconds for editor to open as it is running remotely on a Linux PC.
Initially, gedit, with open in it, probably looks as shown in Figure 3a. gedit
uses syntax highlighting to indicate the structure of your code (as you saw with Notepad++ or Atom
in Practical 1). gedit uses tabs to manage the files you have open. Right now there is one tab for
the one file If you were to open another file, additional tabs would appear and
allow you to easily switch from one file to the next. For program development it is often helpful
to have the lines of the code numbered, as error messages by a compiler often indicate the line
number at which an error has been found. To enable line numbers in gedit, click on the so-called
hamburger menu, then on the entry “Preferences” in that menu. In the “View” tab, click on the
option “Display line numbers”. Also explore other options available in the preferences:
• In the “View” tab you could choose to enable the option that matching brackets should be
• In the “Editor” tab you could enable the option that a backup copy of files are created before
saving a file;
• In the “Font & Colours” tab you could change the colour scheme that is used by gedit.
If you make changes to a file, then you can save those changes by clicking on the “Save” button
or via the key combination
time. You open files from within gedit via the “Open” menu. The menu allows you to either search
for a file or to navigate to it via “Other Documents…” which will open a file browser. For each
open file, there will be a tab entitled with the name of the file and by clicking on a tab you switch
between open files. A tab containing a file with unsaved changes will have a star * to the left of
the file name in the title.
Once you feel that you understand how gedit works, close it by clicking on the cross in the top
right corner, via the entry “Quit” in the hamburger menu, or via the key combination
4.2 Atom
Next try Atom. Open in Atom using the command
I atom &
Here the ampersand & is optional, Atom would start in the background even without it. Just like
gedit, Atom uses tabs to manage several files at the same time (Figure 3b). When you open Atom
for the first time it is likely there are several tabs open, possibly including “Welcome”, “Telemetry
Consent”, and a tab for the file you have opened. You might want to start
with “Telemetry Consent” and decide whether you want to send usage stats to the developers of
Just as the other editors, Atom uses syntax highlighting to indicate the structure of your code.
Atom should already show line numbers next to your code. Likewise, it should highlight matching
brackets: place the cursor on any curly bracket in the code; the bracket should then be underlined
and so is the opening or closing bracket matching it.
If you make changes to a file, then you can save those changes using “File→Save” or via the
key combination
the right-hand side of the title bar of the tab.
It is still worth exploring the configuration options of Atom.
• Use “Edit→Preferences”. A new tab “Settings” will appear in the main window pane of
Atom. In the left pane click on “Editor”, then in the right pane scroll down to “Show Line
Numbers”. Make sure that this option is enabled.
• Next click on “Themes” in the left pane and choose the colour scheme that you prefer. For
the “UI Theme” choose “One Light” among the options and for the “Syntax Theme” again
choose “One Light” among the options.
• Finally, explore “Install”. Atom is an extensible editor for which a lot of packages are
available that make program development easier. In the search field enter “Java” and press
Once you feel that you understand how Atom works, close it by clicking on the cross in the top
right corner, via “File→Quit”, or via the key combination
4.3 Emacs
The third editor we want to explore is Emacs. Open in Emacs using the com-
I emacs &
Emacs has quite a distinct look and feel from the other editors, some of the differences are due to
the fact that it can be used as a command line editor without a graphical user interface (using the
option -nw) and controlled solely via the keyboard.
Open files, as well as other things that Emacs is capable of, are held in buffers. Buffers are
shown in windows which in turn are shown in frames. Frames correspond to GUI windows and
contain one or more window. When you first open Emacs you probably see one frame, containing
two windows arranged vertically within the frame. Each window shows a different buffers, one
for the file and one called the startup screen. The later has ‘links’ to useful
information such as a tutorial and a manual. You should explore those later, for the moment close
the window with the startup screen by clicking on “Dismiss this startup screen”.
This leaves the window showing the buffer with the file Just as the other
editors, Emacs uses syntax highlighting to indicate the structure of your code. At the bottom of
each window is a modeline. Among other things it indicates the name of the buffer / file and via
L followed by a number shows you in which line of the buffer / file the cursor is currently placed.
Move the cursor around a bit so that you can see how that number changes. By default, matching
brackets are not indicated. To change that, click on “Options” then click on the box next to
“Highlight Matching Parentheses”, and finally on “Save Options”. Once you have done that,
check whether matching brackets are not indicated: Place the cursor on an opening curly bracket
or parenthesis, then the matching closing bracket / parenthesis should be highlighted. For the
reverse you have to place the cursor just after a closing bracket / parenthesis, instead of on it.
Give it a try.
If we want to have permanent line numbers to the right of our program code, then we have to
directly edit the configuration file of Emacs. Click on the “File” menu in the toolbar, then on
“Open File…”. This will open a file browser. Use the file browser to locate the file .emacs in
your home directory (note the dot at the start of the file name). Once you have selected the file
in the file browser click on “Open” and it will appear in a new buffer and window in Emacs. It
should look as follows:
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won’t work right.
’(show-paren-mode t))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won’t work right.
Most of Emacs is written in the functional programming language Emacs Lisp. What you see
above are expressions in that language. Add the following two expressions at the end of the buffer:
(global-linum-mode t)
(column-number-mode t)
The first enables line numbers in all buffers, the second column numbers. As you type in the
expressions, note that ** has appeared to the left of the file name in the modeline: This indicates
that the file has been changed and needs to be saved. Do so, using “File→Save”. Without further
action, the changes you have made would only take effect the next time you start Emacs. In order
to force an immediate effect, we need to evaluate the expression (basically, we execute the Lisp
program). To do so, click on “Emacs-Lisp” in the toolbar and then on “Evaluate Buffer”. Line
number should appear and in the modeline a pair of number consisting of a line number and a
column number has replaced the single line number.
Switch back to the buffer containing your program code. You do so via the “Buffers” menu in
the toolbar where you select the entry for You can see that in this buffer too
you now have line numbers and column numbers. Note that the toolbar now has an entry “Java”.
Explore this menu.
Once you feel that you understand how Emacs works, close it by clicking on the cross in the
top right corner, via “File→Quit”, or via the key combination
5 Compiling Java programs
In the last practical you created a Java program called This file contains the
source code which is readable text, designed to be understood by the programmer. In order for the
computer to be able to run the program, this code must first be compiled into Java Byte Code.
Figure 4: Printing in gedit and Adobe Reader
This binary “class” can then be executed by the computer in order to actually run the program.
Both of these steps involve typing commands into the (Linux or Windows) terminal window.
Start a terminal window under Linux, change to the directory in which you have stored your
Java program, and ensure you can see the file in the output of ls. If it’s not
there, use the file manager to locate this file, and then use cd in the terminal window to move to
the same folder. Ask a demonstrator for help if you are not sure about this.
Then run the command
I javac
If this compiles successfully, then the command will complete without displaying any further
output, and you should now have a file HelloWorld.class in the same folder. If you see errors
produced by the compiler, or the class file is not present, then open the file
in your preferred text editor, and check that the contents still match the code from last week’s
practical. Remember that on Linux, case matters—if the file is called, and
you type the command javac, then the compiler will not be able to find it.
The Windows shell ignores case differences, so this command would be successful under Windows
(that’s a bug, not a feature).
Again, ask a demonstrator for help if you get stuck.
Assuming that your code file has compiled correctly, you should now run the program, using
the Java interpreter command:
I java HelloWorld
(without the .class suffix). This should produce the expected output string (“Hello, World!”).
Again, be careful about case—you should type the name of the class file exactly as it appears
in the file manager (or ls). Note that the class filename will always be the same as the name that
you have in the statement
class HelloWorld {
at the start of the code in the Java file. This will normally match the name of the Java file,
but it does not have to. If they are different, the class file will follow the code, rather than the
6 Printing
If you want to print your Java program, in gedit you can do so as follows: Click on the hamburger
menu in the toolbar, then on the printer symbol at top of the drop-down menu that opens. This
will open the print dialogue that lets you choose a printer and set your print preferences (Figure 4).
The two main printers available to you are ‘Print to File’ and ‘University’. ‘Print to File’
converts your file to PDF or PostScript, University refers to the “Follow-You” printing service
of the University just as we have seen under MS Windows in the previous practical. Again, make
sure before printing that you choose the correct printer setting, e.g. single-sided or double-sided.
Once you press the “Print” button, another dialogue window will open and ask for authentication.
Enter your University username, in the form livad\〈userId〉, and University password; see the
right-most image in Figure 4.
Most Linux applications have print dialogues identical or similar to the one that gedit uses.
7 Logging Out
You end the SSH session with one of the commands exit or logout. You will then see a message
in the main window pane telling you that the session has been stopped (Figure 2f). If you do not
see this message, then there are still commands running in the background and the connection has
not properly been terminated. Make sure that any applications with a graphical user interface,
for example, text editors, have been closed, then click on the cross symbol in the top right corner
of the tab above the main window pane. Typically, you will be shown a prompt informing you
that one or more processes are still running and asking you whether you are sure that you want
to close the tab, and thereby close the connection. If you confirm, the tab will be closed and the
connection is properly terminated.
Note that the pane to the left of the main window pane changes. It now shows a list of
previous sessions that you have established, in particular, you see the names the computers that
you connected to and the user name you have used. You can reconnect to a particular computer by
double-clicking on the corresponding entry in the list. If you have authorised MobaXterm to save
the password that you have used, then the connection is reestablished without prompting you for
a password. Give it a try, check that a SSH connection is indeed established, then log out again.
Logging in to the Linux systems
Using the Command Line Interface
Basic Commands
Command Line History
Filename Completion
Editing Text Files
Compiling Java programs
Logging Out