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The True Cost of Unusable Password Policies:
Password Use in the Wild
Philip Inglesant & M. Angela Sasse
Department of Computer Science
University College London
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
{p.inglesant, a.sasse}
HCI research published 10 years ago pointed out that many
users cannot cope with the number and complexity of
passwords, and resort to insecure workarounds as a
consequence. We present a study which re-examined
password policies and password practice in the workplace
32 staff members in two organisations kept a password
diary for 1 week, which produced a sample of 196
passwords. The diary was followed by an interview which
covered details of each password, in its context of use.
We find that users are in general concerned to maintain
security, but that existing security policies are too inflexible
to match their capabilities, and the tasks and contexts in
which they operate. As a result, these password policies can
place demands on users which impact negatively on their
productivity and, ultimately, that of the organisation.
We conclude that, rather than focussing password policies
on maximizing password strength and enforcing frequency
alone, policies should be designed using HCI principles to
help the user to set an appropriately strong password in a
specific context of use.
Author Keywords
Passwords; Password Policy; Usable Security
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI):
D.4.6 Security and protection, K.6.5 Authentication.
General Terms
Human Factors; Security
Despite a growing number of graphical and biometric
authentication mechanisms, passwords remain the most
familiar and commonly-used form of user authentication in
organisational settings. In this paper, we investigate the
impact of passwords, and their associated security policies,
on individual users’ productivity and experience. Password
policies govern not only construction and lifetime of
individual passwords, but also work with other contextual
factors to define the numbers of passwords users are
expected to remember and the frequency with which they
have to use them.
Over 10 years ago, Adams & Sasse [1] found that password
policies that do not meet users’ work practices caused high
levels of dissatisfaction, and led to insecure practices and
low security motivation.
Since then, we have seen studies of passwords using
controlled [22] and survey methodologies [10, 23], which
provide some understanding of the policy factors that make
passwords easier to generate, remember, and use, in ways
which are appropriate to the situation. So – has this
understanding been applied in practice? Has anything
We investigated password use in two major organisations.
Our study combines two forms of methods: a highly-
structured diary study to capture “what happens during the
day”, and retrospective interviews following up on the
context around the passwords identified in the diary. By
focussing on the password as the object of interest, we have
been able to “look around” instances of password use, to
identify problems in using passwords governed by specific
policies a specific context, and to understand how users
cope with them. We are not simply concerned with the
extent to which users comply with policy, but to identify
ways in which policy impacts – positively or negatively – on
users’ daily practice of password use.
In this way, we are able to understand more about
contextual issues of password use:
1. What specific aspects of password policy cause
problems for users?
2. What coping strategies do password users adopt to
overcome those problems?
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3. How do those coping strategies affect productivity, the
security of the specific systems, and organisation’s risk
management in general?
4. Are there unexpected password issues not covered by
existing policy?
Based on our results, we make three key observations:
1. When users cannot cope with the demands of strict
password policies, it a) reduces their productivity, and
b) leads them to adopt coping strategies – which usually
reduce security.
2. Although passwords are usually considered in terms of
authentication for a service or a device, today they are
encountered in many other ways in the workplace –
and existing password policies do not cover these. As a
result, users adopt ad-hoc solutions, which are usually
3. Security depends on the context of use. Context –
including virtual workstations, Single Sign-on, and
home and mobile working – impacts not only the
frequency of password use, but also on the risks
associated with it.
Organisations that continue to ignore HCI design principles
and impose unusable password policies pay a price in the
cost/benefit trade-off between the risk of loss versus the
cost of complying with security [12]. Password policies
should be as strong as needed, not more. Forcing users to
comply with policies which meet the maximum theoretical
risk is a huge cost, not only in monetary terms but also in
terms of the most valuable resource any organisation has –
the goodwill of organisation members.
Password policies are currently set at the organisational
level, with them aim of preserving the confidentiality,
integrity and availability of the organisation’s systems and
data. There is a growing body of evidence that people
cannot cope with the password policies imposed on them
[1, 7], and that, given the choice (that is, without imposed
restrictions) users choose the weakest password they can
get away with [10].
The User Cost of Password Policies
Factors in password policy that increase the user effort
include: password strength, type (character restrictions);
numbers of passwords the user has to remember; and
frequency of changing passwords.
Conversely, factors which can be expected to mitigate the
load on users are: Single Sign-on (SSO); password
synchronization – a single password covering multiple
services; and systems designed to help users cope with
passwords in a secure way, such as local password
Factors which place a load on the user
Strong passwords – in the sense of password length and
character set size – take many orders of magnitude longer to
crack than shorter, simpler passwords [14]. But – given the
choice – users tend to avoid non-alphanumeric symbols [10,
13], and passwords which contain such symbols are
significantly harder to recall and more likely to be written
down [23]. Allan [2] calculates a “breaking point”; there is
a maximum effective entropy – a pessimistic calculation
puts this at about 18bits – for all types of password;
exceeding this is likely to cause users to write passwords
down, so that trying to increase password entropy by
strengthening the policy will be counter-productive.
Another consideration is that strong passwords offer no
protection against phishing or key-logging [10, 12].
Frequent change and non-re-use of passwords across sites
are the common password policy recommendations to
mitigate such risks, but these measures are arguably of
marginal benefit [12].
Being required to devise high-strength passwords, with high
frequent changes, over many passwords which are required
to be distinct from one another, combines into a heavy load
for the user [14, 23]. Organisational policy generally has no
control over numbers of additional “private” passwords
users may have, but organisations can reduce the need for
multiple passwords within the workplace through technical
measures, such as Single-Sign On (SSO), or use of
alternative authentication mechanisms, such as biometrics.
The former has become more common over the past 10
years, but adoption of alternatives to passwords has been
The Impact of Password Policies
In this section, we examine the current guidelines on how to
select password policies, and the user load results from
different policies. Recent guidelines by the US National
Institute of Standards and Technology [14] organise aspects
of password policy around identified risks in the
compromise of password-based authentication systems.
Among the recommendations which impact on users, they
1. Secure transmission of passwords, to mitigate
password capture;
2. Construction of strong passwords, and a (high) limit on
the frequency of guesses, to mitigate guessing and
3. Password expiration and avoidance of recently-used
passwords, to mitigate the use of compromised
passwords; and
4. Use of Single Sign-On and local password
management, to enable stronger policies while
reducing the load on the user.
Other points which a password policy should consider
1. Timeouts and screen locking, to mitigate opportunistic
mis-use of an unattended desktop; and
2. Rules about sharing passwords – traditional advice [9]
suggests that this is to be avoided, but others [1] found
situations in which password sharing might be
appropriate in the workplace [1] or for personal
banking [20].
Password Policies in the Context of Use
Password policies need to be understood in the concrete
reality of daily use – which Dourish et al. have called
“security in the wild” [7]. In this real-life context, password
use is a secondary task, and an interruption to the user’s
primary task [4]. Moreover, password use does not occur in
isolation, but works alongside other access control
mechanisms and factors in the context of use.
What Passwords Do People Actually Choose?
Password policy sets out the constraints within which users
must operate; users choose passwords within those limits,
in ways which we aim to understand more. For example, do
they conform minimally or maximally to password
construction rules?
It might be expected that people will choose a strong
password for a sensitive application. Evidence for this is
mixed; Zviran & Haga [23], in a large quantitative analysis
of password choice, did not find any correlation between
password length and composition and data sensitivity.
However, we believe that there are issues around password
choice which can only be uncovered by an in-depth study of
password use in actual practice.
Choosing a weak password might be entirely rational, from
a user’s point of view; the direct costs of attacks might be
small and uncertain, but the indirect costs of additional
effort are immediate and certain. Herley [12] provides
important new insights into people’s implicit cost/benefit
calculations in deciding whether or not to follow security
rule. As he argues, e-commerce users understand the risks,
and they judge the likely personal cost from password
cracking or theft to be low.
However, in this paper we are specifically concerned with
password use in organisations. The costs of a password
breach might include significant losses for the organisation,
and serious consequences for the individual’s continued
employment.. Adams & Sasse [1] argue that most users
within organisations are security-conscious; insecure
practices are not the result of a relaxed attitude, but are the
result of ad-hoc attempts to deal with an unmanageable load
and conflicting demands.
The Problem for Policy-Setters and Policy-Users
It is clear that, to be effective, security policies need to be
written to balance the organisation’s security requirements
against the ability of users to perform security tasks [14].
To achieve this balance, those responsible for setting
policies need to understand the users’ primary task and
context of operation, as well as the risks. As the same time,
it may not always be possible to produce an ideal solution;
there will always be some conflict between security and the
smooth working of users’ primary tasks.
Aims of the Study
We want to understand users’ experiences of password use
in organisational settings. It cannot be assumed that
organisational use has the same costs and benefits, for users
or for the organisation, as in studies of individual
performance with passwords or use of passwords by
consumers. From the organisation’s viewpoint, passwords
are subject to password rules and policies which are under
their control, as decided by policy setters – Chief
Information Security Officers or other senior managers.
From a detailed study of daily password use, we aimed to
understand more about specific problems faced by users in
conforming to password policies, and the strategies which
they adopt to cope with these issues.
Overall Approach
The research was conducted within the context of a large
project to model different aspects of organisational security
policies [21]. For that purpose, we sought quantitative data
about how long passwords take to enter, how often different
types of password are used, and an understanding of the
context of use.
Our research is also a rich source of qualitative data,
particularly the transcripts of voice recordings of debrief
sessions following each participant’s diary keeping.
Our approach differs from previous research in two ways.
First, by taking the password itself as the object of study,
rather than the user and their experience with passwords in
general, we were able to study the contextual factors that
surround the password. Second, we wanted to study users’
daily experiences with those passwords.
We asked our participants to record actual password events
that occurred in their working day; we hoped that this
would record problems and their immediate impact, and
provide a cue for discussing practices and lived experiences
resulting from particular password policies in subsequent
semi-structured interviews. In retrospect, our approach was
successful in identifying password practices, but less so in
bringing to light specific events.
Table 1: Participants in the diary & interview study
Three Forms of “In the Wild” Data
Capturing the situated actions of people interacting with
technology requires detailed recording of events as they
occur. However, video recording was not an option due to
the sensitive nature of passwords, and our initial attempt at
shadowing with pencil-and-paper recordings was cut short
because Organisation B thought shadowing staff was
commercially too sensitive. It was important for us to
develop a methodology which interfered as little as possible
with users’ flow of work. We thus adopted a combined
approach, using diary studies to record users’ actual use of
passwords, as accurately as possible within the limitations
of self-reporting, followed by an interview.
Diary Study
Diary studies are an established method to investigate
technology in use in HCI [5, 15]. It is important to be clear,
however, that in contrast to those studies, in our case the
diary was highly structured, apart from space for free-text
responses where participants were asked to give the
background task – such as starting work – and specific
reason for password use – such as authenticating to a
particular service.
Debrief Interviews
The debrief interviews were structured around a
questionnaire to capture details of users’ passwords, but
administered by the researchers and voice-recorded, with
participants encouraged to discuss the reasons for their
questionnaire responses in depth. In this way, our method is
between ethnography and quantitative methods. Our diary
study provides data which are amenable to quantitative
analysis, for example around the frequencies of various
kinds of password events.
Organisation A
Length 7 or 8 characters
Character sets At least one character from
3 of 4 classes
Character classes are upper case letters, lower case letters,
digits, and non-alphanumeric characters
Passwords must not consist of words or proper names,
including known foreign-language words, or variants
produced by exchanging I’s, L’s and O’s for 1’s and 0’s
Expiry 4 months
History Must not be similar to
previous 12 passwords
Password management Password synchronisation
– one password for many
organisational systems
Impending password expiry is signalled to users by an
email sent to their organisational address
Organisation B
Length Minimum 6 characters
Character sets Identical to Organisation A
Passwords must not include parts of the user’s name or
other common words
Expiry 90 days
History Must not be identical to
previous 9 passwords
Password management SSO for most
organisational systems
Impending password change is signalled to users by a
warning at log-on time for two weeks prior to expiry
Table 2: Password policies in the two organisations
Because we were concerned with organisational password
policies, we recruited participants from among staff
members within two organisations. Over a period from
December, 2008 to August, 2009, we recruited 32
participants who each kept the diary for 4-5 working days –
see Table 1. Participants were all volunteers and were
compensated with gift certificates. We recorded 17.4 hours
of interviews from these participants. Although this is a
relatively small sample size, it is appropriate for an in-depth
analysis of diaries and qualitative data.
The forms collected during the structured interviews were
digitised into a relational database; this relatively formal
data structure allowed for rapid extraction of data.
Organisation A
A large research-intensive university; participants are
administrators, and lecturers or researchers in disciplines
removed from Computer Science and HCI, and teaching
Administrative staff 7
Lecturing and research (non-Computer
Organisation B
A large financial services organisation. Participants are
members of a security team and Human Resources
administrators. The security team members are of interest to
us as a sample of more security-aware users
HR Administration 5
Security team 12
Data quality
Where a participant kept a diary for more than 5 days, only
the first 5 days were included in the quantitative analyses,
although all days were nevertheless recorded for the
information they provide for qualitative analysis. 4
participants kept a diary for only 4 days each. All 4 were
part-time workers, and the 4 days comprised their work
days over the study period; we have included their entries.
For 2 participants, we felt that the diary data was unreliable
and have discarded it from the quantitative results, but
nevertheless used the debrief in the qualitative analysis.
This left 982 password events suitable for analysis.
As well as the paper record of password details taken
during the interviews, we had the transcripts and recordings
of the interviews, and so were able to double-check the
questionnaire data. We identified 26 passwords from 14
participants which were recorded in the diaries but for
which details were not reported in the debriefs, due to error
or for reasons such as an extension of the diary after the
debrief. We also noted 3 passwords recorded in the debriefs
but not recorded in the questionnaire results. These were
excluded from the quantitative and qualitative analyses.
We collected 196 separate passwords in total in the diaries.
However, some passwords are fixed by the architecture to
be identical to others, as a single password for use across
many systems. Some participants recorded these as separate
passwords while others chose to record them as one. This
applies to 52 passwords, leaving 144 unique passwords.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis
We analysed the data quantitatively and qualitatively in
terms of different uses for each password, to understand
specific triggers for password use. The basic method was to
identify common issues and correlations quantitatively, and
to add depth by focussed qualitative analysis. Our
questionnaire and diaries used 5-point Likert-style scales, in
some cases labelled.
The transcribed recordings were analysed using a variant of
Grounded Theory [6]. We used Atlas TI [19] to aid our
qualitative analysis. Unlike classic Grounded Theory, we
did not develop a single “core” code, but instead we
identified common themes around each of the following
clusters of codes:
1. Sensitivity of passwords, and factors which affect it;
2. Estimated strength of passwords and why participants
consider passwords to be strong or weak;
3. Coping with the demands of password policies, both
for devising passwords and for remembering them;
4. Similarity of passwords with other passwords used by
5. The “ecology”, or context, surrounding each password.
Each of these clusters of codes was then used to build a
“meta-code” and re-coded for common factors between
Our analyses of daily practices around passwords, and their
impact on users, produced findings that we can categorise
under three headings:
i. Conflict between password policies and the
capabilities of users, and the problems this creates;
ii. The ways users find to cope with this conflict; and
iii. The impact on security of different contexts of use.
Conflict Between Password Policies and Users’ Needs
We examined users’ perceived needs for compliance with
secure practices, and found that users are cogent in their
understanding of security needs, but nevertheless find the
demands imposed by password policies too difficult.
We begin by showing some of the features of password
policies that create burdens for users. Later, we consider the
strategies which users adopt to attempt to cope with these
demands; however, each coping strategy introduces its own
problems, as we shall see.
Our findings support those of Adams & Sasse [1] that the
majority of users are security-conscious, and can
understand the need for secure behaviour. On the other
hand, forcing them into behaviours which they perceive as
too stringent creates a conflict between their perception and
the enforced practice.
The Burden of Changing Passwords
Regular password changing is recommended by NIST [14]
and mandated in both organisations, with the intention of
mitigating the risk from compromised passwords: the risk
of a password being compromised increases with its
Users rarely change their password unless forced to do so.
We asked participants how often they change their
passwords. Apart from those passwords (network and
others – 40 in total) for which change is enforced, only 10
of the 144 unique passwords are changed more than once
per year, and even of those, 5 are only changed because the
participants forget them.
In minimising password change, participants are being
completely reasonable: changing passwords places a heavy
burden on users, both in devising a new password and also
in learning them.
The Burden of Devising Passwords
Generating new passwords which must conform to a strict
security policy is a non-trivial interruption to users’
Password policies are highly restrictive – but users are
unclear about what the rules are. In Organisation A, users
changing a password were surprised that to find the system
would not allow anything it deemed similar to the users’ 12
previous passwords. This meant they were unable to apply
their usual method for constructing passwords:
so it’s got to the point where it’s … so difficult to make
one up, and difficult to remember, that I have to write it
The need to invent new passwords which are not obviously
similar to previous ones challenges the mental resources of
this one we do have to keep changing all the time, and it
gets harder to, to think of things
The Burden of Learning Passwords
Passwords which are used very frequently are remembered
easily; 59 unique passwords were said to be remembered
“automatically” in this way. This is so, even for the
complex passwords in Organisation A:
no I don’t forget my… I never, I don’t think I’ve ever
forgotten my [Organisation] one, not because I’ve got
such a wonderful memory but just because you type it so
Thus, requiring strong passwords might be acceptable, if
users were able to keep to one password which is used
frequently for almost all uses within the organisation.
Unfortunately, this does not overcome the problem of
remembering it in the first few days; this learning period
can be especially challenging for part-time staff: one
reported using a clue as a reminder on Monday mornings
following a change.
Moreover, it is not always the case that the organisational
password is used frequently, while others are used less
often: in Organisation A, some departments have a local
password, which means that the main organisational
password is used only occasionally – this was the case for
two of our participants.
The Burden of Forgetting
Forgetting a password is always an interruption; but, in
some cases, “remembering by reset” might be a reasonable
strategy in situations such as returning from vacation or for
infrequently-used passwords.
Unfortunately, in the case of Organisation A, arranging a
password reset is more complicated. A participant described
a typical scenario:
first I go through a series of passwords that I use, and
hope it’s one of them, and when it locks me out, I swear
at [Information Systems], and it has to be reset
which entails a call or visit to the helpdesk1; but once the
password is reset, it takes up to two hours before it has
propagated to all the systems.
The effort and, more importantly, the time delay involved
in resetting passwords raises a genuine fear of forgetting;
considering the disruptions it causes to users’ tasks and
productivity; another participant reported:
I get emails, think I’m too busy to open that, and then I
did it yesterday and I was down to you’ve got 10 more
days … I’ve just been too busy to risk forgetting the
password or having two hours where I can’t log in …
that’s happened to me before.
Coping with Password Policies
Users develop strategies to cope with matching password
needs to security requirements. when the requirements of
the policy exceed users’ capabilities, they are forced to
develop more complex – or, alternatively, less secure –
coping techniques.
Coping with Choosing Passwords
Most users we observed had developed (sometimes quite
imaginative) strategies for generating passwords – such as
using paired words from a cycle of non-English words. Of
course, if a strong password is mandatory, then users are
forced to be imaginative.
Paradoxically, upper limits on password length or character
set – which reduce the possible password strength -, as well
as fixed passwords, also block users from using their
preferred scheme. This is notably the case for the main
password in Organisation A, which must be 7 or 8
characters; bank passwords and some e-commerce (such as
train company) passwords also restrict the character set.
The most obvious scheme to generate passwords is to re-
cycle an old one, perhaps making some small change. Users
see “good” passwords (that are memorable and conform to
the policy) as a “resource”, which they continue to use for
new applications even if the original use is no longer
allowed. Of the 144 unique passwords, we found 14
currently also used for other work-related passwords, 17 re-
used for personal uses, and 22 not identical but similar to
other passwords – a total of 53. This is in addition to the 52
passwords which are forced to be identical by the
architecture of the system.
Re-use does not necessarily mean people are using the same
or similar passwords for “everything”; only two of our
participants admitted to doing so, even though in
Organisation B that would be quite possible.
1 A self-reset is now available, but was not, at the time of
this research
Writing Passwords Down
An obvious – and potentially risky – response to the demand
to learn a new password is to write the password down.
Of the 15 participants in Organisation A, 9 admitted to
writing down the main organisational password, either for
the first few days of use or if, because of the nature of their
work, they only use the organisational password
It could be considered small progress since the findings of
Adams & Sasse [1] that most users who write down
passwords now do so apologetically, and keep it in some
“safe” place, such as a diary. Even though this is some
progress, passwords in a “safe” place at home or work are
still at risk from attackers [12, 18], and, since wallets and
diaries can be lost, the coping strategy is not always
For comparison, none of the participants from Organisation
B wrote down their network or PC login password, and the
reason seems clear – although forced to change their
passwords as in Organisation A, small, easily remembered
changes are allowed. Unfortunately, this can lead to new
problems – the user remembers the basic password, but may
fail to remember the variations.
Users Want To Be Secure, But Do Not Always Know How
We have said that few participants showed a relaxed
attitude, eg., using the same password for everything. At the
same time, users need to balance what they perceive to be
reasonably strong passwords against the need to remember
them, especially if they are not frequently used.
Yet choosing a reasonably strong, yet memorable, password
is not easy. At least 3 participants – out of 5 non-security
specialist participants in Organisation B – described their
SSO password in terms which show that they are very weak
– for example “an item that is on my desk … and then add a
number to it” – even for what they admit are sensitive
applications. These participants nevertheless described the
passwords as secure or fairly secure. Whereas Organisation
A frustrates users by enforcing an overly-strong policy,
Organisation B appears to offer little guidance to non-
specialist users about appropriate password choice.
Such passwords are clearly guessable, but even apparently
strong passwords might be guessable by someone with
personal knowledge of the user – names or initials of
relatives and significant dates are a popular scheme. Such
passwords pass the stringent checking used in Organisation
A; this reliance on a technical approach of enforcement,
then, not only does not help users to learn how to make
better passwords, but also does not always detect poor ones.
The Importance of the Context of Password Use
A core HCI principle is that, to be accepted by users,
security policies must fit with an individual or
organisation’s primary task [1, 4]. However, it has been less
noted that the organisational context also covers aspects of
the security architecture which have the potential to make
life easier or more demanding for users.
Context impacts the frequency and ease of password use –
and, consequently, on the ability of users to become
familiar with complex passwords – as well as on the
sensitivity of passwords and risks from security breaches.
We typically think of passwords as authentication for a PC
or online service. However, in daily use passwords
encompass many other reasons for use, and the same
password is often used for many services, by user choice or
by the architecture of the authentication system.
For our questionnaire, we started with an a priori set
categories of password use, but from our analysis we
expanded this to at least 14, including some which are not
often considered when password policies are designed.
Space prevents us discussing each category in detail here,
but notable categories are well-known uses such as access
to company or third-party service and login to a local PC;
emerging uses such as Single Sign-On and login to an
online virtual desktop; and less-considered uses such as
work-related social networking, access to personal HR
information, and password-protecting shared files and other
Frequency of Use: Single sign-on vs. Single Password
The context of use is exemplified by the differences
between use of Single Sign-On and single passwords. Both
organisations have password architectures which require the
use of the same password for multiple services. However,
in Organisation A, this is a unified organisational password,
not true Single Sign-On (SSO): users are required to re-
enter the password for each service – and also following
timeouts of each service, a major source of frustration for
those who have to work on a number of different online
Organisation B, in contrast, has true SSO in most instances.
This might be expected to reduce password use. On the
other hand, company policy is that staff should lock their
PCs when leaving their desks, which generates an
additional set of usages – 317 in the diaries, by far the
largest number of usages, in fact, although each one
requires only a password, not the userId – participants report
that this is not a large interruption: they are not actually
interrupted by the password entry, but are returning from
getting a drink or some similar break.
Sensitivity Varies with the Context of Use
Sensitivity – in the sense of “what bad things could happen
from unauthorised access” – depends on what an attacker
could actually do with a password; and that, in turn,
depends on the level of access which the password gives. In
Organisation A, access control is implemented in particular
services; for example, in a student records system, only
authorised staff are able to enter student marks, although all
staff access the same system.
If a password is used to logon locally to a PC, then whether
this is sensitive or not depends, naturally, on the data stored
on the computer and that, in turn, on whether the PC stores
data locally or is essentially a front-end to a virtual online
desktop – an increasingly common architecture which is
widely used in both organisations. Access to network
filestore can be controlled – in Organisation B, a dedicated
team ensures correct authorisation to shared and personal
filestore. The actual data which might be visible is therefore
controlled, and also depends on the area of work – and can
change, as people move onto different projects. On the
other hand, some staff have access to drives which are
shared among other members of their department – and
which therefore contain data which may need further
protection, by passwords or other access control.
Use of Passwords for File Sharing
There is one type of password which emerged from our
findings that exemplifies unsophisticated security practices
which create serious risks: passwords used for protecting
shared files and shared web spaces. Although file
passwords account for a relatively small number of events
in our password diaries, such passwords are used
extensively among numbers of people. Our research found
situations in which shared passwords have become the de
facto method of controlling access to shared resources.
There are two categories of shared password – long-term
and ad-hoc ones. Long-term passwords are shared among
many recipients, and used many times – participants in both
organisations reported this practice, even for access to
sensitive information. Where files are genuinely shared
among users, this might be an appropriate practice [1];
however, at least some of the passwords we found shared in
this way are extremely weak, and unchanged for years: the
difficulty of distributing the new password to a number of
users discourages changing.
With ad-hoc shared passwords, participants devise one-use
file passwords which consist mainly of single words chosen
at random (for example, the name on a passing truck, or an
item on the sender’s desk); the password is emailed to the
intended recipient. We found that shared passwords did not
conform to the organisational password policies. Adding
the password is often the last obstacle to completing a time-
critical task (such as sending a monthly report or update),
and so users are keen to “just get it done”.
The conflicts and the issues we have uncovered with
passwords in actual use, can be traced fundamentally to ill-
considered password policies, in terms of 1) factors which
are covered in the policies: insisting on passwords which
are unfeasibly strong, or changed too frequently; and 2)
factors which are not considered in the policies: the
different uses of passwords, and other contextual issues
A large-scale web study found that users choose weak –
mainly lowercase-only – passwords whenever they can [10].
[11] argues that this failure to use strong passwords is a
rational choice, if the direct losses associated with a breach
are small compared with the user costs of choosing a strong
However, unlike many consumer transactions on the web,
breaches such as the loss of student records or details of
staff benefits could have incalculable costs. Weak
passwords are not a rational choice in those cases. Our
users understood this; if they continue to choose weak
passwords, it is not because they are irrational or lax, but
because devising and remembering a strong password is a
considerable effort and an interruption to their primary task.
In our study, both organisations prevent users from
choosing such weak passwords – at least for their main
password. However, this additional password strength
comes at a cost, not only for the users but also for the
organisation, in terms of time lost and, paradoxically, a
potential loss of security.
The True Cost of Unusable Password Policies
We have shown that factors in password policy lead to
frustration when users are unable to comply with password
policies; such policies clearly do not meet their needs, and
they are forced to adopt coping strategies.
We focus on Organisation A because it provides such a
clear example of impact of an excessively strict password
policy on the experience of users. Because the policy is
very restrictive in the passwords it allows, users are unable
to use their normal password methods for choosing
passwords. However, if – as is likely – their normal methods
for choosing passwords are weak, then this is not, in itself,
necessarily undesirable. Unfortunately, in the case of
Organisation A, the checking is excessive; this does not
guarantee that the password cannot be cracked (that would
be impossible), but it does guarantee that users are
frustrated in quite reasonable password choices.
But once they have chosen a password which is strong
enough, and have learnt it, users still do not have a
password “resource” they can continue to use. This is
because, when change is enforced, unlike in Organisation
B, small changes to passwords are not accepted. Unless
users can discover some unintended loophole to thwart the
checking, the entire process of choosing has to start again.
Users then have a double load: both to choose a new
password which is acceptable to the policy, and to learn it.
Thus, the unusability of the policy arises from the
combination of the requirement for the password to be
excessively strong and for it to be changed frequently and
for the new password to differ significantly from previous
passwords. In comparison, Organisation B does require
frequent change, but is much more lenient in the
requirements for password strength and, crucially, allows
for new passwords to be minimally different from previous
Adding to the emotional pressure on users, and impeding
their primary goals, is their awareness that, should they
forget their password, this will require a reset, with a delay
of two hours during which their access to essential
organisational services will be lost; in many cases they are
unable to work during this time.
Faced with this conflict, it is not surprising that a majority
of participants from Organisation A admit to writing these
passwords down, not in disregard of security policies, but
as the only workable coping strategy. Indeed, writing
passwords down is half-accepted by the Organisation A
policy, which merely says “don’t keep a record of your
userid and password together”. This is not a solution; our
point is that writing down is a response to an unusable
Strength and Change Frequency is the Wrong Focus
We have seen that Organisation A enforces passwords
which are strong to the point that users are frustrated in
their reasonable password choices.
However, the password strength may not be the most
important factor in preventing unauthorised access. For
many personal mobile devices, the number of password
attempts is limited, so that online cracking is unfeasible.
For almost all online applications, the number of attempts is
also limited. There remains, however, the risk of offline
attacks, for example if the password file, even with hashed
or encrypted passwords, has been captured.
But password strength does nothing to prevent phishing or
key-logging [11]. The other key aspect of Organisation A’s
policy – password change – is designed to mitigate these
risks, along with the risk of “brute force” attacks. Whether a
single-character change, as allowed by Organisation B,
would be sufficient to deter a serious attacker is uncertain.
Clearly, if a computer is compromised by a key-logger,
merely changing the password will not fix the problem.
What is certain is that requiring users to make major
changes to their existing passwords creates conflict for the
user, between their primary goals and the requirements of
the policy.
Nor, as we have seen, does the Organisation A policy
provide much protection from passwords being guessed by
those with special knowledge of the user. And, crucially,
the Organisation A policy greatly increases the threat from
passwords left written down.
Returning finally to the costs and benefits to the user and to
the organisation, it might seem that an employing
organisation gains all the benefits from strong password
policies, while the staff members, as users, carry all the
costs. It should be clear from what we have said, however,
that this is spurious: even if staff are willing, or able, to
work the extra hours to overcome time lost through
password problems, this is at the expense of goodwill and
We have looked in detail at a snapshot of events for a
sample of password users; but every minute taken in
unnecessary password use needs to be multiplied by orders
of magnitude to account for all the password uses even
within one organisation. This is the true cost of unusable
password policies. Against the world-view that “if only
[users] understood the dangers, they would behave
differently” [12], we argue that “if only security managers
understood the true costs for users and the organisation,
they would set policies differently”. We conclude with
some suggestions for how this might be achieved.
Towards Holistic Password Policies
The vision of a holistic approach for security policies is not
new; Sasse et al. [16] outlined what such a policy should
contain. In moving to a holistic approach, there is no single
ideal policy, as the ongoing debate about writing passwords
down [12, 17] indicate.
Focussing on frequency of password changing, or password
strength, without considering the user in their context of
work, is clearly not holistic. Technical means can force
people to change their passwords frequently; if this leads to
weaker passwords, technical means can enforce strong
passwords. If users then forget those passwords, technical
services can be provided to assist password resets – and the
cycle starts again. It becomes, as Herley [12] puts it, “an
existing system [that] can only be kept going with constant
patching”. This does nothing to encourage security
awareness, but introduces usability problems which
antagonise users.
Beautement et al. [3] propose the model of the Compliance
Budget to understand how users balance the effort of
complying with a security behaviour required by an
organisation, against their own benefits in the context of
their production goals. This offers a positive way forward,
since the organisation can manage users’ compliance
budget through good security design and a security-aware
organisational culture.
In the age of cloud computing, it becomes technically
feasible to brute-force passwords, but the cost is a
constraining factor. Simple lower-case passwords must be
at least 12 letters long to keep within a cost of $US1million;
if uppercase, numbers, and non-alphanumerics are added,
10 characters is the minimum needed to do so [8]. If
policies continue in their current spirit, we can expect these
longer and/or more complex passwords to become
mandatory for everything. Our findings show that users
already struggle with the burden generated by current
restrictions – which are significantly less – and so we could
expect the behaviours we observed to be magnified, leading
to overburden and collapse. This puts all the more urgency
on reserving these strong password requirements for
contexts in which brute-force cracking is a realistic risk.
Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, we argue for a
flexible password policy tailored to mitigate the risks users
actually face. This flexibility needs to extend beyond
technical issues, to allow for the differing security needs of
different work groups. Alternatively, perhaps the cloud will
provide the motivation to finally move to a different
authentication mechanism.
The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of
Simon Arnell of HP Labs in the collection of this data, the
assistance of the other members of the Trust Economics
project (funded by the Technology Strategy Board), in
particular Robert Coles, and the very helpful suggestions of
four anonymous reviewers. Sincere thanks to all
participants for their time in keeping the diaries and
discussing their password use so helpfully.
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