Programming Assignment 1
Taste of Visual Analytics: Mapping Reported Crimes in Penn State
Required by federal laws, Penn State makes the public aware of reported crimes on campus. Relevant
information is provided on a website: http://police.psu.edu/daily-crime-log. While people can browse
the website to know what crimes have been reported, when and where they happened, it is still a
challenge for people who try to understand more about on-campus crimes, such as the distribution of
the crimes across campus.
Your assignment is to build a map-based tool to show the locations of these reported crime. Figure 1
shows a result of this assignment.
Figure 1: A result of the assignment.
In this figure, each reported crime is represented as a marker , and the location of the marker
indicates the location of the reported crime. When the cursor is over a marker, the name of its location
pops out.
The crime data used for this assignment can be found in the PSU_ReportedCrimes.txt document under
the folder of
An HTML document should be submitted to the CANVAS dropbox.
Grading rubrics (10 points total)
Display a map in the browser (1 point)
The map is centered on PSU UP campus (2 points)
Markers are correctly displayed (3 points, no partial credit)
Showing the location of a marker in its tip when moving cursor over it (3 points, no partial
Sufficient comments for JavaScript statements (1 point)
Bonus (2 points)
Each crime record contains more information than what a marker tip can show. One way to help people
know more about crimes is to the location, time, and detailed crime when a marker is clicked, as shown
in Figure 2:
Figure 2: Clicking a marker to show more information.
You will earn 2 bonus points for implementing this function.