CS代写 CS262 Logic and Verification Lecture 1: Introduction

2021/22 Term 2

CS262 Logic and Verification Lecture 1: Introduction

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Your expectations
What comes to your mind when you hear the words ‘Logic’ and ‘Verification’ ?
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We will cover the following topics:
the foundations of reasoning about systems and programs: induction/recursion
the syntax and semantics of propositional logic and first order predicate logic
proof systems: semantic tableaux, resolution, natural deduction
automate theorem proving; learn a logic programming language: Prolog
Boolean satisfiability: combinatorics, SAT solving formal systems for program verification: Hoare logic
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What is logic?
logic is the study of correct reasoning (philosophy, mathematics)
mathematical logic: captures reasoning in fully formal system
there are many different reasoning systems
four pillars of mathematical logic: set theory, model theory, proof theory, recursion theory
connections: CS132 Computer Organisation & Architecture (logic gates), CS130 Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1 (foundations)
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What has logic ever done for us?
Logic is not just in the background – it is fundamental
complexity: limits of computation/mathematical reasoning computability: Turing machines and λ-calculus
databases: SQL syntactic variant of first order logic
digital circuits: Boolean logic gates
reasoning about knowledge: AI, Machine Learning, Game Theory logic and functional programming languages: Prolog hardware/software verification: proof and model checking
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Example of logical reasoning
The politician’s fallacy
1 to improve things we have to make changes
2 our policy is changing things
3 therefore we are improving things
What make us believe someone’s argument?
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Capturing “correct reasoning” has been around for many centuries
Major premise Minor premise Conclusion
All men are mortal Socrates is a man Socrates is mortal
Aristotle: 384-322 BC
Syllogism: “Something different from the things supposed results of
necessity because these things are so.” Aristotle, Prior Analytics Very important idea: logical form rather than content
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Induction and recursion
Induction: Build a bigger structure from its constituents / proof technique
Example: arithmetic terms
variables x,y,z,…
sums/products of terms ((X + Y ) · Z )
Recursion: Decompose a bigger structure into its constituents / programming technique
Program to count the number of parenthesis:
f(x)=0 // x is a variable
f((X+Y))=f(X)+f(Y)+2 // X and Y are arithmetic terms
f((X*Y))=f(X)+f(Y)+2 // X and Y are arithmetic terms
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number of opening parenthesis = number of closing parenthesis

Syntax and semantics
Syntax: Formal specification of a language (often by induction)
Example: arithmetic
1, s(1), s(s(1)), +/×, x
s(1) + s(s(1)) = s(s(s(s(1)))), s(1) > 1, (∃x)(x + 1 = s(1)), (∀x)(x + 1 = s(1))
Semantics: Meaning of the formal symbols in a particular context domain of variables/quantifiers (natural numbers?)
formal language needs interpretation in a particular model truth/falseness depends on the model
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Organisational stuff
all information on Moodle page (slides, videos, literature, Prolog links, past exams etc.): https://moodle.warwick.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=46354
online events (lectures, seminars, labs) via Microsoft Teams
ask questions (me and yourself) 􏰀 discussion forum on Moodle/Teams chat
don’t just absorb, but do the course material
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Organisational stuff
Lectures: weeks 1-10 Seminars: weeks 1-7
weekly exercise sheets
Labs: weeks 8-10
weekly lab sheets
do the exercises and labs! do the exercises and labs! do the exercises and labs!
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Class test worth 10%
Tue, Feb 15 (week 6), online via Moodle
Lab work worth 15% May xx
Exam worth 75%
covers all aspects of the course; most likely f2f
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Melvin Fitting, First-order logic and automated theorem proving, Springer.
Particularly relevant for Prolog exercises/labs.
, The art of computer programming vol. 4A, .
particularly relevant for Boolean basics and satisfiability. Preprint: http://www.cs.utsa.edu/~wagner/knuth/
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