ETW3420 Principles of Forecasting and Applications
Principles of Forecasting and Applications
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Topic 7 Pre-tutorial Activity
In this pre-tutorial activity, you will:
(i) Replicate the figures and results in the Section 7.1 of your lecture notes.
(ii) In doing so, you will learn how to plot graphs using the ggplot() function and perform
time series linear regression using the tslm() function.
Question 1
The data we will be using is uschange – the percentage changes in quarterly personal consump-
tion expenditure, personal disposable income, production, savings and the unemployment rate
for the US, 1960 to 2016. (Execute the function help(uschange) to see the information).
(a) Print the dataset to see how the data is arranged. Note the heading labels – we will be
making reference to these headings later on.
(b) Check the structure of the data set.
Note that it is a time series object, and NOT a data frame object.
(c) Plot the line charts of Consumption and Income within the same graph.
#First, execute the following command and see what you obtain.
uschange[, c(“Consumption”, “Income”)]
#Plot the line charts
autoplot(uschange[, c(“Consumption”, “Income”)]) +
ylab(“% change”) +
(d) Plot a scatter plot of Consumption vs Income using the ggplot() function. You should
read about how this function works: help(ggplot)
• Notice that the first argument that enters the ggplot() function is the data that must
be a data.frame object. From Part (b), we see that uschange is a time series object,
and not a data.frame object. Therefore we need to convert it to a data frame using the function, and label the new output as uschange.df:
uschange.df <- • The second argument is the mapping argument which requires us to specify arguments in the aes() argument. aes stands for ‘aesthetics’ and for the most basic use, this is where we specify our x and y variables. In this case, our x variable is Income, and y variable is Consumption. Execute the following command and see what is produced. ggplot(data = uschange.df, mapping = aes(x = Income, y = Consumption)) • You only get a blank canvas! You get a canvas with only the Y and X axis labelled. No points are shown. • The gg in ggplot() refers to the “grammar of graphics”, which describes how should plots really be generated. It is a way of thinking of how graphs should be generated. In essence, this grammar is about adding layers. • So the above code has just given us the first layer - a canvas with just the x- and y- • Now we need to add the data points to get the scatter plot. We do this by adding (i.e. +) another layer of points on this canvas. Specifically, we add a geometric layer called geom_point. So the code extends to become: ggplot(data = uschange.df, mapping = aes(x = Income, y = Consumption)) + geom_point() • Great! So we now have a scatter plot. But how do we also include the line of best fit? Well, by adding another layer! This layer is called ’geom_smooth‘. ggplot(data = uschange.df, mapping = aes(x = Income, y = Consumption)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = F) • In the geom_smooth() function, we specified ‘lm’ to be the method, meaning a ‘linear model’ (i.e. OLS). And se=F means that we do not want to plot the standard errors. (e) Regress Consumption against Income and print the results. • Since this is time series data, we shall use the tslm() function. If dealing with cross-sectional data, a linear regression model is fitted using the lm() function. • The summary() function then prints the result of the fitted model. • As tslm() works with time series object, we use uschange as the data set rather than uschange.df. tslm(Consumption ~ Income, data = uschange) %>% summary()
(f) Estimate a multiple linear regression of Consumption against the other 4 variables. Save
the output in the label fit. Obtain the predicted (i.e. fitted) values of Consumption
by the model.
#Estimate regression
fit <- tslm(Consumption ~ Income + Production + Unemployment + Savings, data=uschange) #Print results summary(fit) #Obtain fitted values fitted(fit) (g) Plot the actual and fitted values of Consumption - as line graphs and as a scatter plot. #Line chart autoplot(uschange[,"Consumption"], series = "Data") + autolayer(fitted(fit), series = "Fitted") • To produce a scatter plot, we need to use the ggplot() function. Recall from earlier on, the data argument to enter the ggplot() function must be a data.frame object. • We also only have 2 variables here: the actual and fitted values of Consumption. • So what we need to do is to combine these 2 variables to become a data frame (lets call it df) using the data.frame() function: #Combine Actual and Predicted consumption values into a dataframe, labeled as `df` df <- data.frame(Data = uschange[,"Consumption"], Prediction = fitted(fit)) #print to see what is produced; notice the heading labels • Now we can go ahead to produce the scatter plot: #Scatter plot ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x = Prediction, y = Data)) + geom_point() + ylab("Actual % change in consumption") + xlab("Predicted % change in consumption") Question 1 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: