Write a generic Markov process solver.
The program should take 4 flags (which will be understood better later) and an input file.
● -df : a float discount factor [0, 1] to use on future rewards, defaults to 1.0 if not set
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
● -min : minimize values as costs, defaults to false which maximizes values as rewards
● -tol : a float tolerance for exiting value iteration, defaults to 0.01
● -iter : an integer that indicates a cutoff for value iteration, defaults to 100
mdp -df .9 -tol 0.0001 some-input.txt Grading
● out of 100: 90 points for correct behavior
○ This means numbers to align within a power of 10 of the tolerance.
○ e.g. if -tol=0.01 then your answers should be <= 0.1 from mine
● 10 points for well written code: clear data structures, methods, control flow, etc.
Markov process solver
You will implement the algorithm described in class:
𝜋 = initial policy (arbitrary)
V = initial values (perhaps using rewards) for {
V = ValueIteration(𝜋) // computes V using stationery P
𝜋' = GreedyPolicyComputation(V) // computes new P using latest V if 𝜋 == 𝜋' then return 𝜋, V
● ValueIteration computes a transition matrix using a fixed policy, then iterates by recomputing values for each node using the previous values until either:
○ no value changes by more than the 'tol' flag,
○ or -iter iterations have taken place.
● GreedyPolicyComputation uses the current set of values to compute a new policy. If -min
is not set, the policy is chosen to maximize rewards; if -min is set, the policy is chosen to minimize costs.
The value of an individual state is computed using the Bellman equation for a Markov property v(s) = r(s) + df * P * v
● v on the RHS is the previous values for each state
● df is the -df discount factor flag applied to future rewards
● P is the transition probability matrix computed using the policy and the type of node this
is (see below)
● r(s) is the reward/cost for being in this particular state.
Input file and State types
Node/state names should be alphanumeric The input file consists of 4 types of input lines:
● Comment lines that start with # and are ignored (as are blanklines)
● Rewards/costs lines of the form 'name = value' where value is an integer
● Edges of the form 'name : [e1, e2, e2]' where each e# is the name of an out edge from
● Probabilities of the form 'name % p1 p2 p3' (more below)
These lines may occur in any order and do not have to be grouped, so this is valid:
C : [ B, A] C=-1
A : [B, A] A % .2 .8 B : [A, C]
Probability entries:
A node with the same number of probabilities as edges is a chance node, with synchronized positions.
A : [ B, C, D]
A % 0.1 0.2 0.7
Indicates that from node A there is a 10% chance of transitioning to node B, 20% to
node C and 70% to node D.
Note: these probabilities should sum to 1 or your program should indicate an error.
A node with a single probability 'name : p' is a decision node, with the given success rate. As in the maze example, failures are split evenly amongst the other edges. e.g.
F : [C, E, G] F % .8
Given a policy of F -> E, transition probabilities would be {C=.1 E=.8 G=.1}, noting that
this changes with the policy.
Note: with p < 1 this is Q-learning where alpha=1-p
● If a node has edges but no probability entry, it is assumed to be a decision node with p=1
● If a node has edges but no reward entry, it is assumed to have a reward of 0
● If a node has no edges it is terminal. A probability entry for such a node is an error.
● If a node has a single edge it always transitions there. (this is useful for capturing some
reward on the way)
● A node referenced as an edge must separately have one of the three entries to be valid
● Therefore to create a 0 value terminal node you must do 'name = 0'
Your program should output the optimal policy (if applicable, a problem with only chance nodes has no policy), and the values of each node/state (under that policy if applicable).
See examples for the format.
1. Maze from slides produces solution.
2. Publishing Decision Tree produces solution.
3. Restaurant Decision Tree run with '-min' produces solution.
4. Student Markov Process produces solution.
5. Student MDP produces solution.
6. CMU Teacher example with -df=.9 produces solution.
● On Brightspace, a zip file containing: Code for the program
● Makefile/BUILD/pom.xml/etc needed to build your code
● README indicating how to compile and run your code
● In your README include any classmates you consulted with
● As previously indicated, the code should build on department linux machines
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