CS代考计算机代写 algorithm scheme concurrency Excel CSE130 Winter 2021 Syllabus

CSE130 Winter 2021 Syllabus
This course examines fundamental principles behind the design and implementation of computer systems and addresses fundamental concepts including resource management, concurrency, protection and security. Examples drawn from a range of modern computer systems illustrate these concepts; laboratory work and assignments provide practical experience in the design, implementation, and use of computer systems.
Learning Objectives
Students who pass this course should be able to explain:
• What an operating system is, what it does, and how it is designed and constructed.
• Process and thread concepts, including lifecycle and concurrency models central to
computer system design.
• Process scheduling, inter-process communication, process synchronization and deadlock
• Memory management schemes, including paging and virtual memory.
• Basic mechanisms for protection and system security.
Students who pass this course will have gained:
• Experience in writing operating system code.
• Familiarity with Unix/Linux, C programming, APIs, and System Calls.
• An appreciation of the performance impact of computer system design choices, including
the selection of algorithms within an operating system kernel.
• A practical understanding of a large body of production quality code written by parties
This course will be internally assessed through the following:
• Administration
• Assignments x 6 30%
• Lab1 5%
• Lab2 15%
• Lab3 15%
• Midterm Examination 5%
• Final Examination 30%
Mandatory Course Requirements
( not graded, but mandatory ) ( 5% each )
You must pass every component (administration, assignments, labs, and examinations) to pass the course.
UCSC BSOE CSE130 Winter 2021 Syllabus Copyright © 2017-2021 David C. Harrison. All rights reserved

For example, doing well on the assignments and examinations but submitting poor (or no) lab solutions will see you fail the class. Similarly, doing well on the labs and assignments but failing the final will result in you failing the class.
Late Submission Policy
No late submissions allowed.
It is your responsibility to submit your work on time.
If exceptional circumstances arise before the due date and time, notify me as soon as you become aware of the issue and it will be taken into consideration.
Extension requests received after the submission deadline will be ignored.
In order to maintain satisfactory progress, you should plan to spend an average of 10 hours per week on this class. A plausible and approximate breakdown for this time would be:
• Lectures:
• Labs:
• Assignments:
• Independent study:
3 hours 3 hours 2 hours 2 hours
Grading Bands
Grade Range Characterisation
A+ 95-100 A 88-94 A- 81-87 B+ 75-80 B 70-74 B- 65-69 C+ 60-64 C 55-59
Excellent in most respects
Very good
Good overall, but some weaknesses Satisfactory to good
Adequate evidence of learning Some evidence of learning
Below the required standard; fail
* C-
* D
45-49 F 0-44
used to satisfy a major requirement or a general education requirement, For more information, see the registrar’s site:
* Pass, but cannot be
and cannot satisfy a prerequisite for another course.
UCSC BSOE CSE130 Winter 2021 Syllabus Copyright © 2017-2021 David C. Harrison. All rights reserved