CS代考计算机代写 /* wavefront.h

/* wavefront.h
* A Wavefront object defined from a .OBJ file. This can represent
* only a subset of all Wavefront objects.


#include “headers.h”

#include “seq.h”
#include “linalg.h”
#include “shadeMode.h”
#include “gpuProgram.h”
#include “linalg.h”

/* A material with lighting properties and perhaps a texture map

typedef int TextureMode;

class wfMaterial {

unsigned char *readP6( char *filename ); /* read a P6 PPM file */
unsigned char *readPNG( char *filename ); /* read a P6 PPM file */

static unsigned char defaultTexmap[];

char *name; /* name of material */
GLfloat diffuse[4]; /* diffuse component */
GLfloat ambient[4]; /* ambient component */
GLfloat specular[4]; /* specular component */
GLfloat emissive[4]; /* emmissive component */
GLfloat shininess; /* specular exponent */

GLubyte *texmap; /* texture map */
unsigned int width, height; /* texmap dimensions */
GLuint textureID; /* the OpenGL ID for this texture */
bool hasAlpha; /* texmap has alpha component */

wfMaterial() {}

wfMaterial( char *n ) {
name = new char[ strlen(n)+1 ];
strcpy( name, n );

diffuse[0] = 1.0; diffuse[1] = 1.0; diffuse[2] = 1.0; diffuse[3] = 1.0;
ambient[0] = 0.1; ambient[1] = 0.1; ambient[2] = 0.1; ambient[3] = 1.0;
specular[0] = 0.3; specular[1] = 0.3; specular[2] = 0.3; specular[3] = 1.0;
emissive[0] = 0.0; emissive[1] = 0.0; emissive[2] = 0.0; emissive[3] = 1.0;
shininess = 200;
texmap = NULL;
textureID = 0;
width = height = 0;

~wfMaterial() {
delete [] name;

void loadTexmap( char *filename ); /* read a ppm texture map */
void storeTexture( TextureMode tm ); /* record texture with OpenGL */
void setMaterial( bool useTex, bool useMat, GPUProgram * gpuProg ); /* set the current OpenGL context */
void unsetMaterial( bool useTextures, bool useMaterial, GPUProgram * gpuProg );

/* A triangle with vertices, vertex normals, texture coordinates, and
* a face normal

class wfTriangle {
GLuint vindices[3]; /* array of triangle vertex indices */
GLuint nindices[3]; /* array of triangle normal indices */
GLuint tindices[3]; /* array of triangle texcoord indices*/
GLuint findex; /* index of triangle facet normal */

/* A group of triangles sharing the same material

class wfGroup {
char *name; /* name of this group */
seq triangles; /* triangles of this group */
wfMaterial *material; /* material for group */
GLuint VAO;
bool VAOinitialized;

wfGroup() {}

wfGroup( char *gname ) {
name = new char[ strlen(gname)+1 ];
strcpy( name, gname );
VAOinitialized = false;

~wfGroup() {
delete [] name;

wfGroup( const wfGroup & source ) { // copy constructor
name = strdup(source.name);
triangles = source.triangles;
material = source.material;

wfGroup const &operator=( wfGroup const &src ) { // assignment operator
if (this != &src) {
name = strdup(src.name);
triangles = src.triangles;
material = src.material;
return *this;

/* A model consisting of groups

class wfModel {
char* pathname; /* path to this model */
char* mtllibname; /* name of the material library */

seq vertices; /* vertices */
seq normals; /* face normals */
seq texcoords; /* texture coordinates */
seq facetnorms; /* face normals */

seq materials; /* materials */
seq groups; /* groups (which themselves store the triangles) */

bool hasVertexNormals; /* ALL vertices have normals */
bool hasVertexTexCoords; /* ALL vertices have texture coordinates */

bool texturesInitialized;

wfMaterial* findMaterial( char *name ); /* find a named material */
wfGroup* findGroup( char *name ); /* find a named group */
void readMaterialLibrary( char *filename ); /* read all materials */

int lineNum;


mat4 objToWorldTransform;
vec3 centre; /* centre of point cloud */
float radius; /* radius of point cloud */
// Global vars controlling the rendering

static bool newGroupWithNewMaterial; /* create a new group each time the material changes */
static bool verticesAreCW; /* calculate opposite-to-usual face normals */

vec3 min, max; /* extents */

wfModel() {
texturesInitialized = false;
pathname = mtllibname = NULL;
objToWorldTransform = identity4();

wfModel( char *filename, TextureMode textureMode ) {
texturesInitialized = false;
pathname = mtllibname = NULL;
objToWorldTransform = identity4();
read( filename );
setupVAO( textureMode );

~wfModel() {

void read( char *filename ); /* instantiate this model from a file */
void draw( GPUProgram * gpuProg );
void setupVAO( TextureMode textureMode );
void initTextures( TextureMode tm ); /* assign texture IDs and store all textures */

void checkVindex( int v ) {
if (v < 0 || v >= vertices.size()) {
cerr << "error on line " << lineNum << ": vertex index " << v+1 << " is too large. There are only " << vertices.size() << " vertices." << endl; abort(); } } }; #endif