代写代考 IN2064 Machine Learning Lecture 12

IN2064 Machine Learning Lecture 12
Lecture 12: Clustering
Prof. Dr. ̈nnemann
Data Analytics and Machine Learning Technical University of Munich

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Winter term 2020/2021

Unsupervised learning
• Given some unlabeled data {xi} we want to discover latent structure in it.
Last week: Dimensionality reduction
• Given high-dimensional data x i ∈ RD , find a continuous representation zi ∈ RK with K ≪ D, such that the structure is preserved.
This week: Clustering
• Group objects xi into K groups (clusters) based on their similarity.
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Clustering: Examples
• Image segmentation
• User profiling
• Gene expression analysis • Data compression
• Visualization
Sources: https://blogs.sas.com/content/subconsciousmusings/2016/05/26/data-mining-clustering/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcriptomics_technologies#/media/File:Transcriptomes_heatmap_example.svg, and C. Bishop – ”Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”
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Problem definition
• CollectionofdatapointsX ={x1,…,xN}⊂X. Goal
• For each object xi find the corresponding assignment
zi ∈ {1,…,K} to one of the K groups (clusters), such that:
– objects within the same group are similar to each other;
– objects between different groups are dissimilar from each other;
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K-means Algorithm

Distance-based clustering
• If we want to group similar objects together, we need some notion of similarity to begin with.
• Typically defined as similarity function s (·, ·) : X × X → R.
• Alternatively: minimize dissimilarity, usually provided by a distance
function d(·,·).
• Typical distance functions include
– Manhattandistance: d(xi,xj)=􏰀d |xid −xjd|=||xi −xj||1
– Euclideandistance: d(xi,xj)=􏰁􏰀 (xid −xjd)2 =||xi −xj||2
– Mahalanobisdistance: d(xi,xj)=􏰁(xi −xj)TΣ−1(xi −xj)
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K -means Model
• Consider the standard RD space with Euclidean distance as metric.
• Each of K clusters is defined by its centroid μk ∈ RD .
• Cluster indicator zi ∈ {0,1}K with zik = 1 ⇐⇒ xi belongs to cluster i (i.e. one-hot encoding).
• The K -means objective (also called distortion measure) is defined as
NK J(X,Z,μ)=􏰉􏰉zik||xi −μk||2
• We need to find the ”best”centroids μ and cluster assignments Z
Z∗,μ∗ = argminJ(X,Z,μ) Z,μ
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Minimizing the K-means objective
• The joint optimization problem is difficult to solve (discrete optim.;
even if Z is assumed to be continuous it is non-convex) NK
minJ(X,Z,μ) = min􏰉􏰉zik||xi −μk||2
• However, the two subproblems
minJ(X,Z,μ) and minJ(X,Z,μ)
Zμ have simple closed form solutions!
• Idea: alternating optimization – update Z and μ in turns!
• This method for solving K-means is called Lloyd’s algorithm.
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Lloyd’s algorithm for K-means
1. Initialize the centroids μ = {μ1 , …, μK }.
2. Update cluster indicators (solve minZ J (X , Z , μ)) 􏰈1 ifk=argminj||xi−μj||2,
zik= 0 else.
3. Update centroids (solve minμ J (X , Z , μ))
μk = 􏰉zikxi where Nk = 􏰉zik.
Nk i=1 i=1
4. If objective J (X , Z , μ) has not converged, return to step 2.
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K-means in action
An interactive demo is available at
• http://stanford.edu/class/ee103/visualizations/kmeans/ kmeans.html
Source: Bishop, Figure. 9.1
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Initialization of the centroids
We saw in the interactive demo that the initial locations of the centroids μk greatly affect the performance.
So, how do we initialize the centroids in a good way?
K-means++ algorithm
1. Choose the first centroid μ1 uniformly at random among the data
2. For each point xi compute the distance Di2 = ||xi − μ1||2.
3. Sample the next centroid μk from {xi} with probability proportional to Di2.
4. Recompute the distances Di2 = min{||x i − μ1 ||2 , …, ||x i − μk ||2 }.
5. Continue steps 3 and 4 until K initial centroids have been chosen.
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Limitations of K-means
It is important to distinguish between the model (distortion J (X , Z , μ)
in our case) and the algorithm used to fit it (here Lloyd’s algorithm). Modeling issues
• Underlying assumptions are not explicit
• Can’t detect clusters with overlapping convex hulls • Sensitivity to outliers
• No uncertainty measure
Algorithmic issues
• Extreme sensitivity to initialization
How can we address (some of) these issues? Switch to the more principled probabilistic framework!
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Gaussian Mixture Model

Probabilistic unsupervised learning
• Goal: Design a probabilistic model for the data, p(x | θ), parametrized by θ which we have to estimate.
• It’s difficult to come up with a useful model p(x | θ) without making any assumptions about the data.
• When doing clustering, we implicitly assume that each point x belongs to some cluster (indicated by z).
⇒ Let’s model p(x , z | θ) instead!
• Let’s recall what tools we developed during our discussion of supervised learning, and see if any of them can help us here.
• For this, assume for now, that we know the true cluster indicators z , and are only interested in estimating θ.
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Parameter estimation
How can we estimate the parameters θ of a given model p(X , Z | θ)? Supervised learning
• Both X ∈ RN×D and Z ∈ {0,1}N×K are known. • Simple solution – maximum likelihood estimation
θ∗ = argmaxp(X,Z|θ) θ
Unsupervised learning
• Only the data X ∈ RN×D is given.
• Is there any way to estimate θ in this case?
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Latent variables
How can we estimate θ when Z is unknown?
Since we chose to model p(X , Z | θ), we can compute the joint
probability and obtain p(X | θ) by marginalization
p(X |θ)=􏰉p(X,Z |θ)=􏰉p(X |Z,θ)·p(Z |θ)
and optimize w.r.t θ
θ∗ = argmaxp(X | θ) θ
Since the true Z are never observed and are only our abstraction used to simplify the model, they are called latent variables.1
1Sometimes also called hidden or explanatory variables.
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Gaussian mixture model (GMM)
We decompose the joint probability p(x , z | θ) using the product rule2 p(x,z |θ)=p(x |z,θ)·p(z |θ)
In Gaussian mixture model we assume:
• Cluster prior is categorical p(z | θ) = Cat(π)
• Each cluster has its own multivariate normal distribution
p(x |zk =1,θ)=N(x |μk,Σk)
The parameters consist of the set of parameters of the prior and all
conditional distributions θ = {π, μ, Σ}.
2We assume that samples are drawn i.i.d., so consider only a single (x,z).
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Generative process of GMM
We can draw samples from a GMM as follows.
We have K Gaussian components (clusters), each with known {μk , Σk }, and known prior probabilities πk for each cluster k.
Generative process
1. Draw a one-hot cluster indicator z ∼ Cat(π). zk = 1 ⇐⇒ current point belongs to cluster k.
2. Draw the sample x ∼ N(μk,Σk) if zk = 1.
We only observe the sample x, and don’t know which k it came from.
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GMM likelihood
Using marginalization over z , the probability of a single sample x under a Gaussian mixture model can be computed as
p(x |π,μ,Σ)=􏰉p(zk =1|π)·p(x |zk =1,μk,Σk)
= 􏰉 πk · N (x | μk , Σk ) k=1
Hence,fortheentiredatasetX ={x1,…,xN}thelog-likelihoodis
N􏰆K􏰇 logp(X|π,μ,Σ)=􏰉log 􏰉πk ·N(xi |μk,Σk)
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GMM density
(a) Isocontours of each component p(x | μk , Σk ) with respective mixing coefficients πk .
(b) Isocontours of the GMM distribution
p(x | π,μ,Σ) = 􏰉πk ·N(x | μk,Σk)
k=1 (c) Surface plot of p(x | π, μ, Σ).
Source: Bishop, Figure. 2.23
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Learning and inference in GMM
Remember, that we are interested in two things
• We want to determine the ”optimal”values of the parameters (e.g., find values that maximize the log-likelihood)
π∗,μ∗,Σ∗ = argmax logp(X | π,μ,Σ) π,μ,Σ
• Given the parameters {π, μ, Σ}, we want to assign the points to clusters, i.e. compute the posterior distribution of cluster indicators
p(Z | X,π,μ,Σ) (This is the actual goal of clustering.)
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Inference in GMM
By straightforward application of Bayes’ rule, we obtain the posterior
p(zik =1|xi,π,μ,Σ)=p(zik =1|π)p(xi |zik =1,μk,Σk) p(xi |π,μ,Σ)
= πkN(xi |μk,Σk) 􏰀Kj=1πjN(xi |μj,Σj)
over the entries of Z. We will call this quantity the responsibility of component k for the observation i.
We also introduce shorthand notation for it
γ(zik) = p(zik = 1 | xi,π,μ,Σ)
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Inference: Example
(a) Data colored according to the true underlying Z .
(b) Observed data X .
(c) Data colored according to the inferred γ(Z ) (with π, μ, Σ known).
Source: Bishop, Figure. 9.5
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Learning in GMM
Maximization of the log-likelihood w.r.t. the parameters appears to be more challenging. Recall that the log-likelihood is
N􏰆K􏰇 logp(X|π,μ,Σ)=􏰉log 􏰉πk ·N(xi |μk,Σk) .
Due to the summation over k, the logarithm doesn’t act directly on the
Gaussian density.
This happens to be a serious problem, as this means that the derivatives
w.r.t. the model parameters π, μ, Σ have no analytical roots.3 Is there anything that we can do in this case?
3i.e. we cannot obtain closed form expressions for the optimal values of π,μ,Σ.
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Learning in GMM
Recall from the Linear Classification lecture (Linear Discriminant Analysis) that parameter estimation is rather straightforward if Z is known.
That is, we know how to solve the ”easy”problem
π∗,μ∗,Σ∗ = argmax logp(X,Z | π,μ,Σ) (*)
Too bad we don’t know anything about Z… Or do we?
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Learning in GMM
Recall from the Linear Classification lecture (Linear Discriminant Analysis) that parameter estimation is rather straightforward if Z is known.
That is, we know how to solve the ”easy”problem
π∗,μ∗,Σ∗ = argmax logp(X,Z | π,μ,Σ) (*)
Too bad we don’t know anything about Z… Or do we?
Idea: use our initial beliefs γ0(Z ) = p(Z | X , π(0), μ(0), Σ(0)) and solve the easier problem (*).
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Learning in GMM: from p(X) to p(X,Z)
Instead of optimizing p(X ) directly, we introduce the latent variables Z
by taking their expectation and formulate the proxy objective
E [logp(X,Z | π,μ,Σ)]. Z∼γt(Z)
Now the log acts directly on p(X , Z ) and we can optimize the whole expression. Note, that γt (Z ) and the optimizers π∗, μ∗ and Σ∗ recursively depend on each other.
This motivates the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm that iterates the following two steps until convergence:
1. Evaluate the posterior distribution γt (Z ) with respect to the current estimate of the parameters {π(t), μ(t), Σ(t)}
2. Obtain the next iteration of the parameters by solving
π(t+1), μ(t+1), Σ(t+1) = arg max E [log p(X , Z | π, μ, Σ)] π,μ,Σ Z ∼γt (Z )
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EM algorithm for GMM
1. Initialize model parameters {π(0), μ(0), …, μ(0), Σ(0), …, Σ(0)}. 1K1K
2. E step. Evaluate the responsibilities π(t)N(xi|μ(t),Σ(t))
γ(z)=k kk. t ik 􏰀K π(t)N(xi|μ(t),Σ(t))
j=1j jj 3. M step. Re-estimate the parameters
μk = N γt(zik)xi
Σ(t+1) = 􏰉γt(zik)(xi −μ(t+1))(xi −μ(t+1))T k Nk k k
4. Iterate steps 2 & 3 until EZ∼γt(Z) 􏰂logp(X,Z | π(t),μ(t),Σ(t))􏰃 converges
π(t+1)= k whereNk=􏰉γt(zik).
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EM algorithm for GMM: Demo
Gif: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/69/EM_Clustering_of_Old_Faithful_data.gif Source: Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference – S.J.Prince
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EM algorithm in general
The Expectation-Maximization algorithm (EM) is applicable to more models than just GMMs.
In its most general form, the two steps are
• E step – evaluate the posterior γt(Z) = p(Z | X,θ(t)).
• M step – maximize the expected joint log-likelihood log p(X , Z | θ) w.r.t. θ under the current beliefs γt (Z )
θ(t+1) = argmax E [logp(X,Z | θ)]
Note: we do not get a closed form solution neither for γ(Z), nor for the
parameters, as γ(Z) and θ recursively depend on each other.
Therefore, we have to iterate between these two steps until the objective EZ ∼γ(Z ) [log p(X , Z | θ)] converges.
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EM algorithm: A justification
Let p(X | θ) be a parametric probabilistic model with latent variables Z and q(Z ) any probability distribution. Then we have
logp(X | θ) = 􏰉q(Z)logp(X | θ) Z
= 􏰉q(Z)log p(X,Z | θ)
= 􏰉q(Z)log p(X,Z | θ) · q(Z)
p(Z|X,θ) q(Z) =􏰉q(Z)logp(X,Z |θ)−􏰉q(Z)logp(Z |X,θ)
q(Z ) q(Z ) ZZ
+KL(q || p(· | X,θ)).
􏰄 p(X,Z |θ)􏰅 E log
L(q, θ) is a lower-bound on log p(X | θ) for any q.
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EM algorithm: The E-step
logp(X |θ)=L(q,θ)+KL(q||p(·|X,θ))
The lefthand side is constant with respect to q and the KL divergence is non-negative. Therefore L(q, θ) is maximal when the KL divergence is 0 which happens when q(Z) = γ(Z) = p(Z | X,θ).
This constitutes the E-step and ensures that the lower bound L(q, θ) is tight, i.e.
L(q,θ) = E log Z∼q
= E [logp(X,Z | θ)]+ H[q(·)]. Z∼q 􏰌 􏰋􏰊 􏰍
p(X,Z |θ)􏰅 q(Z)
logp(X |θ)=L(q,θ).
our proxy from GMMs
independent of θ
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EM algorithm: The M-step
logp(X |θ)=L(q,θ)+KL(q||p(·|X,θ))
After the E-step we have log p(X | θ) = L(q, θ). So if we now perform
the M-step and maximize L(q, θ) with respect to θ, either
• L(q, θ) does not change, we are at a local maximum of log p(X | θ)
and EM converges
• or L(q, θ) “pushes” up against log p(X | θ).
In the latter case, we receive parameters θ′ that have a higher data log-likelihood. Furthermore, the same equation that we started with holds again
logp(X |θ′)=L(q,θ′)+KL(q||p(·|X,θ′)) and we can perform another iteration.
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EM algorithm: Illustration
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EM algorithm: Summary
When should we use EM?
• Intractable to optimize the log-likelihood due to latent variables Z 􏰆􏰇
logp(X | θ) = log 􏰉p(X | Z,θ)p(Z | θ) Z
• Easy to optimize the joint probability
logp(X,Z | θ) = logp(Z | θ)+logp(X | Z,θ)
The main idea of EM
• Use our current beliefs p(Z | X,θ(t)) to ”pretend”that we know Z. • E step – update the responsibilities γt(Z) = p(Z | X,θ(t)).
• M step – update parameters
θ(t+1) = argmax E [logp(X,Z | θ)]
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Choosing number of clusters K: Heuristic methods
• Elbow/knee heuristic:
Plot within-cluster sum of squared distances for varying K. Look for a bent (knee/elbow).
• Gap statistic:
Compare within-cluster variation to uniform data. Choose smallest K such that gap statistic is within one std. dev. of gap at K + 1.
• Silhouette:
Per point difference of mean distance within cluster to points in closest other cluster. Maximize mean of all points.
Don’t forget cross-validation to prevent overfitting!
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Choosing number of clusters K: Probabilistic methods
Needs generative model that defines the data likelihood Lˆ = p(X | Zˆ , θˆ) (with optimal parameters Zˆ , θˆ).
• Bayesian information criterion (BIC):
Approximate model likelihood p(X | model). Balances number of parameters vs. likelihood, BIC = K log N − 2 log Lˆ.
• Akaike information criterion (AIC):
Estimate information lost by given model, AIC = 2K − 2 log Lˆ
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Hierarchical clustering
• Agglomorative: Bottom-up, merge cluster pairs iteratively
• Divisive: Top-down, split data recursively
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File: Iris_dendrogram.png
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Agglomorative clustering: How to choose pairs?
Cluster pairs are chosen by minimum cluster distance.
Linkage criterion defines cluster distance from sample distance:
• Complete-linkage clustering: Maximum sample distance
• Single-linkage clustering: Minimum sample distance
• Unweighted average linkage clustering (UPGMA): Mean sample distance
• Centroid linkage clustering (UPGMC): Centroid distance
• Weighted average linkage clustering (WPGMA): Distance defined recursively as average of distances in previous level (before merging)
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• Clustering: Group objects into K groups
• K-means: Alternatingly (1) group objects by the closest centroids and (2) set the centroids to the group means
Note: K-means update equivalent to isotropic GMM with σ → 0! (exercise)
• GMM: Fit set of Gaussians to the data (via EM), group is the Gaussian with highest probability
• EM for GMM: Alternatingly update (1) responsibilities based on parameters and (2) parameters based on responsibilities.
• EM in general: Alternatingly (1) evaluate the expected posterior γt (Z ) (E-step) and (2) update parameters by maximizing L(γt , θ) (M-step).
• Agglomorative clustering: Merge clusters recursively
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Reading material
Reading material
• Bishop: chapters 9.1, 9.2, 9.3.0, 9.3.1
• Murphy: chapter 11.4.1, 11.4.2, 11.4.7 (optional)
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