CS代写 Machine Learning

Machine Learning
Lecture 4: Linear Regression
Prof. Dr. ̈nnemann
Data Analytics and Machine Learning Technical University of Munich

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Winter term 2020/2021

scalar is lowercase and not bold vector is lowercase and bold matrix is uppercase and bold predicted value for inputs x vector of targets
target of the i’th example
bias term (not to be confused with bias in general) basis function
error function
training data
Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of X
There is not a special symbol for vectors or matrices augmented by the bias term, w0. Assume it is always included.
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Basic Linear Regression
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Example: Housing price prediction
Given is a dataset D = {(xi, yi)}Ni=1, of house areas xi and corresponding prices yi.
How do we estimate a price of a new house with area xnew?
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Regression problem
• observations 1
X = {x1,x2,…,xN}, xi ∈ RD
y = {y1,y2,…,yN}, yi ∈ R
• Mapping f(·) from inputs to targets yi ≈f(xi)
1A common way to represent the samples is as a data matrix X ∈ RN×D, where each row represents one sample.
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Linear model
Target y is generated by a deterministic function f of x plus noise
yi =f(xi)+εi, εi ∼N(0,β−1) (1)
Let’s choose f(x) to be a linear function
fw(xi) = w0 + w1xi1 + w2xi2 + … + wDxiD (2)
= w0 + wT xi (3)
From now we will always assume that the bias term is absorbed into the x vector
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Absorbing the bias term
The linear function is given by
fw(x)=w0 +w1x1 +w2x2 +…+wDxD (4)
= w0 + wT x (5)
Here w0 is called bias or offset term. For simplicity, we can ”absorb”it by prepending a 1 to the feature vector x and respectively adding w0 to the weight vector w:
x ̃ = (1, x1, …, xD)T w ̃ = (w0, w1, …, wD)T Thefunctionfw cancompactlybewrittenasfw(x)=w ̃Tx ̃.
To unclutter the notation, we will assume the bias term is always absorbed and write w and x instead of w ̃ and x ̃.
Now, how do we choose the ”best”w that fits our data?
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Loss function
A loss function measures the“misfit”or error between our model (parametrized by w) and observed data D = {(xi, yi)}Ni=1.
Standard choice – least squares (LS) 1 􏰉N
(wTxi −yi)2 (7)
ELS(w) = 2 = 2
(fw(xi) − yi)2 (6) 1 􏰉N
Factor 12 is for later convenience
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Find the optimal weight vector w⋆ that minimizes the error
w∗ =argminELS(w) (8)
=argmin (xTi w−yi)2 (9)
By stacking the observations xi as rows of the matrix X ∈ RN×D
= arg min 1(Xw − y)T (Xw − y) (10) w2
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Optimal solution
To find the minimum of the loss E(w), compute the gradient ∇wE(w): ∇ E (w)=∇ 1(Xw−y)T(Xw−y) (11)
=∇ 1􏰔wTXTXw−2wTXTy+yTy􏰕 (12)
= XT Xw − XT y (13)
See Equations (69), (81) from Matrix cookbook for details
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Optimal solution
Now set the gradient to zero and solve for w to obtain the minimizer 2
XTXw−XTy=! 0 (14) This leads to the so-called normal equation of the least squares problem
w∗ = (XTX)−1XT y (15) 􏰌 􏰋􏰊† 􏰍
X† is called Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of X (because for an
invertible square matrix, X† = X−1).
2Because Hessian ∇w∇wE(w) is positive (semi)definite → see Optimization
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Nonlinear dependency in data
What if the dependency between y and x is not linear?
εi ∼ N (0, β−1)
Data generating process: yi = sin(2πxi) + εi,
For this example assume that the data dimensionality is D = 1
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Solution: Polynomials are universal function approximators, so for 1-dimensional x we can define f as
Or more generally
fw(x)=w0 +􏰉wjxj (16)
=w0 +􏰉wjφj(x) (17)
Define φ0 = 1
= wT φ(x) (18) The function f is still linear in w (despite not being linear in x)!
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Typical basis functions
φj (x) = xj
−(x−μj )2 φj (x) = e 2s2
Logistic Sigmoid
φj(x) = σ(x−μj ), s
where σ(a) = 1 1+e−a
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Linear basis function model
For d-dimensional data x: φj : Rd → R Prediction for one sample
fw(x)=w0 +􏰉wjφj(x)=wTφ(x) (19)
Using the same least squares error function as before
 φ0(x1) φ1(x1) … φM(x1) 
 φ0(x2) φ1(x2) . 
ELS(w)= 􏰎wTφ(xi)−yi􏰏 = (Φw−y)T(Φw−y) (20)
 . . …  
φ0(xN) φ1(xN) … φM(xN) being the design matrix of φ.
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Optimal solution
Recall the final form of the least squares loss that we arrived at for the original feature matrix X
ELS(w) = 21(Xw − y)T (Xw − y)
and compare it to the expression we found with the design matrix
Φ ∈ RN×(M+1)
ELS(w) = 12(Φw − y)T (Φw − y). (21)
This means that the optimal weights w∗ can be obtained in the same way w∗ = (ΦTΦ)−1ΦTy = Φ†y (22)
Compare this to Equation 15:
w∗ = (XTX)−1XTy = X†y (23)
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Choosing degree of the polynomial
How do we choose the degree of the polynomial M?
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Choosing degree of the polynomial
How do we choose the degree of the polynomial M? 1
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Choosing degree of the polynomial
How do we choose the degree of the polynomial M? 11
−1 −1 0x10x1
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Choosing degree of the polynomial
How do we choose the degree of the polynomial M? 11
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Choosing degree of the polynomial
How do we choose the degree of the polynomial M?
1 M=0 1 M=1
0x10x1 1 M=3 1 M=9
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Choosing degree of the polynomial
Training Validation
One valid solution is to choose M using the standard train-validation split approach.
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Choosing degree of the polynomial
We also make another observation: overfitting occurs when the
coefficients w become large.
What if we penalize large weights?
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Controlling overfitting with regularization
Least squares loss with L2 regularization (also called ridge regression)
Eridge(w) = 􏰂wT φ(xi) − yi􏰃 + ∥w∥2 (24)
• ∥w∥2 ≡wTw=w02+w12+w2+···+wM2 -squaredL2normofw • λ – regularization strength
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Controlling overfitting with regularization
Least squares loss with L2 regularization (also called ridge regression)
Eridge(w) = 􏰂wT φ(xi) − yi􏰃 + ∥w∥2 (24)
• ∥w∥2 ≡wTw=w02+w12+w2+···+wM2 -squaredL2normofw
• λ – regularization strength
Larger regularization strength λ leads to smaller weights w
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Bias-variance tradeoff
The error of an estimator can be decomposed into two parts: 3 • Bias – expected error due to model mismatch
• Variance – variation due to randomness in training data
the center of the target:
the true model that predicts the correct values.
different hits (the blue dots): different realizations of model given different training data.
3See Bishop Section 3.2 for a more rigorous mathematical derivation
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Bias-variance tradeoff: high bias
• In case of high bias, the model is too rigid to fit the underlying data distribution.
• This typically happens if the model is misspecified and/or the regularization strength λ is too high.
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Bias-variance tradeoff: high variance
• In case of high variance, the model is too flexible, and therefore captures noise in the data.
• This is exactly what we call overfitting.
• This typically happens when the model has high capacity (= it ”memorizes”the training data) and/or λ is too low.
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Bias-variance tradeoff
• Of course, we want models that have low bias and low variance, but often those are conflicting goals.
• A popular technique is to select a model with large capacity (e.g. high degree polynomial), and keep the variance in check by choosing appropriate regularization strength λ.
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Bias-variance tradeoff
• Bias-variance tradeoff in the case of unregularized least squares regression (λ = 0)
The upper-left figure from: https://eissanematollahi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Machine-Learning-Basics-1.pdf.
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Correlation vs. Causation
Least squares fit
f (x) = 0.018x + 13.43
35 30 25 20 15
• The weights wi can be interpreted as the strength of the (linear) relationship between feature xi and y
• A weight of 0.018 shows a strong correlation (considering the different scales)
• With actual data, you would normalize the data to handle the different scales of X and y and find a weight of about 1
• But correlation does not imply causation! Putting more people in the pool does not increase the air temperature.
Outdoor Pool Visitors
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Air Temperature (°C)

Probabilistic Linear Regression
In the following section, we will use probabilistic graphical models. If you do not know them yet, watch our separate Introduction to PGMs video.
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Probabilistic formulation of linear regression
Remember from our problem definition at the start of the lecture,
yi=fw(xi)+ εi noise
Noise has zero-mean Gaussian distribution with a fixed precision β = 1 σ2
εi ∼N(0,β−1) This implies that the distribution of the targets is
yi ∼N(fw(xi),β−1)
Remember: any function can be represented as fw(xi) = wT φ(xi)
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Maximum likelihood
Likelihood of a single sample
p(yi | fw(xi),β) = N(yi | fw(xi),β−1) (25)
Assume that the samples are drawn independently =⇒ likelihood of the entire dataset D = {X, y} is
p(y | X,w,β) = 􏰟p(yi | fw(xi),β) (26)
We can now use the same approach we used in previous lecture –
maximize the likelihood w.r.t. w and β
wML,βML = argmaxp(y | X,w,β) (27) w,β
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Maximum likelihood
Like in the coin flip example, we can make a few simplifications wML,βML = argmaxp(y | X,w,β) (28)
= argmaxlnp(y | X,w,β) (29)
= argmin−lnp(y | X,w,β) (30)
Let’s denote this quantity as maximum likelihood error function that we need to minimize
EML(w,β) = −lnp(y | X,w,β) (31)
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Maximum likelihood
Simplify the error function
EML(w,β) = −ln 􏰟N(yi | fw(xi),β−1) i=1
(33) ln 2πexp −2(w φ(xi)−yi) (34)
=−ln 􏰟 exp − (wTφ(xi)−yi)2
􏰉N 􏰚 􏰩 β 􏰖 β T 2 􏰗 􏰛
(wTφ(xi)−yi)2 − 2 lnβ+ 2 ln2π (35)
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Optimizing log-likelihood w.r.t. w
wML =argminEML(w,β) (36)
= arg min  (wT φ(xi) − yi)2 − w 2i=1
ln 2π (37) (38)
= arg min (wT φ(xi) − yi)2
least squares error fn!
= arg min ELS(w) w
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Optimizing log-likelihood w.r.t. w
wML =argminEML(w,β) (36)
= arg min  (wT φ(xi) − yi)2 − w 2i=1
ln 2π (37) (38)
= arg min (wT φ(xi) − yi)2
least squares error fn!
= arg min ELS(w) w
Maximizing the likelihood is equivalent to minimizing the least squares error function!
wML = (ΦTΦ)−1ΦTy = Φ†y (40)
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Optimizing log-likelihood w.r.t. β
Plug in the estimate for w and minimize w.r.t. β
βML =argminEML(wML,β) (41) β
􏰚β􏰉N NN􏰛 =argmin 2 (wTMLφ(xi)−yi)2 − 2 lnβ+ 2 ln2π (42)
Take derivative w.r.t. β and set it to zero
∂β EML(wML, β) = 2 Solving for β
(wTMLφ(xi) − yi)2 − 2β = 0 (43)
β =N (wTMLφ(xi)−yi)2 (44)
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Posterior distribution
Recall from the Lecture 3, that the MLE leads to overfitting (especially, when little training data is available).
Solution – consider the posterior distribution instead
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Posterior distribution
Recall from the Lecture 3, that the MLE leads to overfitting (especially, when little training data is available).
Solution – consider the posterior distribution instead
likelihood prior
􏰊 􏰍􏰌 􏰋 􏰊 􏰍􏰌 􏰋
p(w | X,y,β,·) = p(y | X,w,β)·p(w | ·) (45) p(y | X,β,·)
normalizing constant
∝ p(y | X, w, β) · p(w | ·) (46)
Precision β = 1/σ2 is treated as a known parameter to simplify the calculations.
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Posterior distribution
Recall from the Lecture 3, that the MLE leads to overfitting (especially, when little training data is available).
Solution – consider the posterior distribution instead
likelihood prior
􏰊 􏰍􏰌 􏰋 􏰊 􏰍􏰌 􏰋
p(w | X,y,β,·) = p(y | X,w,β)·p(w | ·) (45) p(y | X,β,·)
normalizing constant
∝ p(y | X, w, β) · p(w | ·) (46) Connection to the coin flip example
train data coin: D = X
regr.: D = {X,y}
p(D | θ) p(y | X,w,β)
p(θ | a, b) p(w | ·)
p(θ | D) p(w | X,y,β,·)
How do we choose the prior p(w | ·)?
Precision β = 1/σ2 is treated as a known parameter to simplify the calculations.
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Prior for w
We set the prior over w to an isotropic multivariate normal distribution
with zero mean
p(w | α) = N(w | 0,α−1I) = 􏰔 α 􏰕M2 exp􏰔−αwT w􏰕 (47)
2π 2 α – precision of the distribution
M – number of elements in the vector w
• Higher probability is assigned to small values of w =⇒ prevents
overfitting (recall slide 20)
• Likelihood is also Gaussian – simplified calculations
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Maximum a posteriori (MAP)
We are looking for w that corresponds to the mode of the posterior wMAP = argmax p(w | X,y,α,β) (48)
= argmax lnp(y | X,w,β)+lnp(w | α)−lnp(y | X,β,α)
= arg min − ln p(y | X, w, β) − ln p(w | α) w
Similar to ML, define the MAP error function as negative log-posterior EMAP(w) = −lnp(w | X,y,α,β) (51)
= − ln p(y | X, w, β) − ln p(w | α) + const (52)
We ignore the constant terms in the error function, as they are independent of w
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MAP error function
Simplify the error function
EMAP =−lnp(y|X,w,β)−lnp(w|α) β􏰉N NN
(wTφ(xi)−yi)2 − 2 lnβ+ 2 ln2π −ln􏰔α􏰕M2 +αwTw
(wTφ(xi)−yi)2 + 2∥w∥2 + const
(wT φ(xi) − yi)2 + 2 ∥w∥2 + const where λ = β ridge regression error fn!
=Eridge(w) + const
MAP estimation with Gaussian prior is equivalent to ridge regression!
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Full Bayesian approach
Instead of representing p(w | D) with the point estimate wMAP, we can compute the full posterior distribution
p(w | D) ∝ p(y | X,w,β) p(w | α). (54) Since both likelihood and prior are Gaussian, the posterior is as well!4
p(w | D) = N (w | μ, Σ) where μ = βΣΦTy and Σ−1 = αI + βΦTΦ.
• The posterior is Gaussian, so its mode is the mean and wMAP = μ
• In the limit of an infinitely broad prior α → 0, wMAP → wML
• For N = 0, i.e. no data points, the posterior equals the prior
• Even though we assume an isotropic prior p(w), the posterior covariance is in general not diagonal
4The Gaussian distribution is a conjugate prior of itself
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Predicting for new data: MLE and MAP
After observing data D = {(xi, yi)}Ni=1, we can compute the MLE/MAP.
Usually, what we are actually interested in is the prediction yˆnew for a new data point xnew – the model parameters w are just a means to achieve this.
Recall, that we assume β to be known a priori (for simplified calculations).
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Predicting for new data: MLE and MAP
After observing data D = {(xi, yi)}Ni=1, we can compute the MLE/MAP.
Usually, what we are actually interested in is the prediction yˆnew for a new data point xnew – the model parameters w are just a means to achieve this.
Recall, that y ∼ N(fw(x),β−1)
Plugging in the estimated parameters we get a predictive distribution
that lets us make prediction yˆnew for new data xnew. • Maximum likelihood: wML and βML
p(yˆnew | xnew, wML, βML) = N 􏰎yˆnew | wTMLφ(xnew), β−1 􏰏 (55) ML
• Maximum a posteriori: wMAP
p(yˆnew | xnew, wMAP, β) = N 􏰎yˆnew | wTMAPφ(xnew), β−1􏰏 (56)
Recall, that we assume β to be known a priori (for simplified calculations).
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Posterior predictive distribution
Alternatively, we can use the full posterior distribution p(w | D). This allows us to compute the posterior predictive distribution
p(yˆnew | xnew, D) =
Advantage: We get a more accurate estimate about the uncertainty in the prediction (i.e. the variance of the Gaussian, which now also depends on the input xnew)
p(yˆnew, w | xnew, D) dw
p(yˆnew |xnew,w)p(w|D)dw
= N 􏰎yˆnew | μT φ(xnew), β−1 + φ(xnew)T Σφ(xnew)􏰏
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Example of posterior predictive distribution
Green: Underlying function, Blue: Observations, Dark-Red: Mode, Light-Red: Variance
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• Optimization-based approaches to regression have probabilistic interpretations
• Least squares regression ⇐⇒ Maximum likelihood (Slide 32) • Ridge regression ⇐⇒ Maximum a posteriori (Slide 38)
• Even nonlinear dependencies in the data can be captured by a model linear w.r.t. weights w (Slide 13)
• Penalizing large weights helps to reduce overfitting (Slide 20)
• Full Bayesian gives us data-dependent uncertainty estimates (Slide 41)
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Reading material
Main reading
• “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” by Bishop [ch. 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.6]
Extra reading
• “Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective”by Murphy [ch. 7.2–7.3, 7.5.1, 7.6.1, 7.6.2]
Slides are based on an older version by G. Jensen and C. Osendorfer. Some figures are from Bishop’s “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”.
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