Monads and Imperative Programming
Principles of Programming Languages
Course Evaluation
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
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And fill out the evaluation for the course.
Final Project
Start: 1st week of May (duration around 16 days)
Tentative dates: Start: May 8th, End: May 24th Similar in style to the assignments, but with the
following differences:
There will be an extensions part where students are count 25% of the grade.
A small report (in pdf/word) needs to be submitted.
free to define their own PL features. This part will
A Problem: Tracking Errors is Painful
Evaluating binary operators before errors:
deriving (Eq,Show)
type Env = [(String, Value)]
evaluate :: Exp ! Env ! Value Before errors
evaluate (Literal v) env = v evaluate (Unary op a) env =
unary op (evaluate a env) evaluate (Binary op a b) env =
binary op (evaluate a env) (evaluate b env)
evaluate (If a b c) env =
let BoolV test = evaluate a env in
if test then evaluate b env else evaluate c env
evaluate (Variable x) env = fromJust (lookup x env)
evaluate (Declare x exp body) env = evaluate body new where newEnv = (x , evaluate exp env ) : env
evaluate (Unary op a) env =
After errors
Error msg ! Error msg
Evaluating binary operators after errors:
case evaluate a env of
Good av ! checked_unary op av evaluate (Binary op a b) env =
case evaluate a env of Error msg ! Error msg Good av !
case evaluate b env of Error msg ! Error msg Good bv !
checked_binary op av bv
Can we make the code less messy?
w it should be clear why programmers do not always check a ause it is tedious and requires lots of code! What was original
evaluate (Unary op a) env =
Spotting the pattern
Error msg ! Error msg
Evaluating binary operators after errors:
case evaluate a env of
Good av ! checked_unary op av evaluate (Binary op a b) env =
case evaluate a env of Error msg ! Error msg Good av !
case evaluate b env of Error msg ! Error msg Good bv !
checked_binary op av bv
There seems to be a repeating pattern here.
w it should be clear why programmers do not always check a ause it is tedious and requires lots of code! What was original
and updating memory) and then evaluating the second ex l
updating memory as appropriate). They both have a simi with the evaluation of a and b. Factoring out the commo
mem let (v , m next-part
Spotting the pattern
part, the core of the pattern is:
We seem to have something like this:
case first-part of
Error msg ! Error msg Good v ! next-part v
This first-part corresponds to evaluate a env or evaluat versions. The second-part represents the remainder of everything that appears after the main pattern, but wit explicit. For the Checked case, the only variable need
How to capture this pattern as reusable code?
These patterns can be made explicit as a special operator t t
where the second part is a function with the appropria concrete, these parts are converted into explicit variables
Use a higher-order function!
Spotting the pattern
and the second-part, which is a function, is named F :
A BS F = mem let (
A BC F = case A of
Error msg ! Error msg Good v ! F v
These generic operators for Checked BC and Stateful BS the core pattern composing two Checked or Stateful co operators are called bind operators, because they bind
Revising the Implementation
Creating auxiliary definitions
The higher-order function capturing error propagation:
(>>=) :: Checked a -> (a -> Checked b) -> Checked b
Error msg -> Error msg
Good v -> f v
A function that creates checked values:
return :: a -> Checked a
return v = Good v
We will call this function bind (since it binds a value v)
Rewriting Evaluation
Here is the new version (4 cases) of evaluation:
evaluateM (Literal v) env = return v
evaluateM (Variable x) env =
case lookup x env of
Nothing -> Error (“Variable ” ++ x ++ ”
Just v -> return v
evaluateM (Unary op a) env =
evaluateM a env >>= checked_unary op
evaluateM (Binary op a b) env =
evaluateM a env >>=
\v1 -> evaluateM b env >>=
\v2 -> checked_binary op v1 v2
Propagating errors
evaluateM (Binary op a b) env =
evaluateM a env >>=
\v1 -> evaluateM b env >>=
\v2 -> checked_binary op v1 v2
evaluate (Unary op a) env = Propagating errors
Error msg ! Error msg with
case evaluate a env of
Good av ! checked_unary op av evaluate (Binary op a b) env =
case evaluate a env of Error msg ! Error msg Good av !
case evaluate b env of Error msg ! Error msg Good bv !
checked_binary op av bv
This code is definitely longer.
w it should be clear why programmers do not always check a ause it is tedious and requires lots of code! What was original
Propagating errors
evaluateM (Binary op a b) env =
evaluateM a env >>=
\v1 -> evaluateM b env >>=
\v2 -> checked_binary op v1 v2
Still, the use of bind may not immediately intuitive.
Monads are a structure composed of two basic operations (bind and return), which capture a common pattern that occurs in many types.
Monads in are implemented using type
class Monad m where
(>>=) ::ma->(a->mb)->mb return :: a -> m a
Checked as a Monad
Because Checked can implement return and bind it can be made an instance of Monad
instance Monad Checked where
return v = Good v
Error msg -> Error msg
Good v -> f v
Rewriting Code Again
Using bind and return from the Monad class does
not affect the code:
evaluateM (Binary op a b) env =
evaluateM a env >>=
\v1 -> evaluateM b env >>=
\v2 -> checked_binary op v1 v2
Rewriting Code Again
However, because monads are so pervasive, Haskell notation).
supports a special notation for monads (called the do-
With the do-notation we can re-write the program as
evaluateM (Binary op a b) env =
do v1 <- evaluate a env
v2 <- evaluate b env
checked_binary op v1 v2
In Haskell, code using the do-notation, such as:
do pattern <- exp morelines
Is converted to code using bind:
exp >>= (\pattern -> do morelines)
Monads, Functional Programming and Interpreters
Monads were introduced to Functional Programming by
See the paper below, which motivates monads through interpreters (much like the interpreters in the class)
The essence of Functional Programming, , 1992
Imperative Programming
Lecture covers:
Chapter 6 of “Anatomy of Programming
Languages” anatomy.htm
Interpreter so far
Our current JavaScript-like interpreter already
supports a number of features:
basic expressions (arithmetic & conditionals) variable declarations
function definitions & first-class functions recursion
Error Handling
Imperative Programming
Imperative Programming is characterized by mutable variables
a programming style that uses mutation and
iteration (loops) to implement algorithms
for (i = 2; i <= 5; i = i + 1) {
x = x * i; }
Imperative Languages
Most languages support Imperative Programming Classic Languages: Algol, C, OO Languages: C++, Java, C# Scripting Languages: Javascript, Python, Languages: ML, OCaml, Scala
Different designs are possible:
Mutable State
Mutation by default: Make everything mutable by
Adopted by most languages: Java, C, C#, Mutation: Make mutation explicit
Some languages, such as ML, adopt this
Explicit Mutation
In a design with explicit mutation, variables need to
be declared to be mutable:
x = Mutable(1);
for (i = Mutable(2); @i <= 5; i := @i + 1) {
x := @x * @i; }
We are going to adopt this design.
We are going to use addresses to model mutation:
Creates a mutable cell with an initial value given by e
Accesses the contents stored at address a
Updates the contents at address a to be the value of expression e
Implementing Mutable State
Addresses are a new kind of value
data Value = IntV Int | BoolV Bool
| ClosureV String Exp Env
| AddressV Int -- new deriving (Eq, Show)
The current value of all mutable cells used in a
program is called memory.
Logically, a memory is a map or association of
addresses to values.
Since addresses are integers, one natural
representation is as a list or array of values
type Memory = [Value]
Memory Operations
Two important operations on Memory: Access: accesses the value stored in the memory address.
access i mem = mem !! i
Update: updates the value stored in the memory
update :: Int -> Value -> Memory -> Memory
update addr val mem =
let (before, _:after) = splitAt addr mem in before ++ [val] ++ after
Monads Again!
Stateful Monad
Evaluating binary operators before state:
deriving (Eq,Show)
type Env = [(String, Value)]
evaluate :: Exp ! Env ! Value Before state
evaluate (Literal v) env = v evaluate (Unary op a) env =
unary op (evaluate a env) evaluate (Binary op a b) env =
binary op (evaluate a env) (evaluate b env)
evaluate (If a b c) env =
let BoolV test = evaluate a env in
if test then evaluate b env else evaluate c env
evaluate (Variable x) env = fromJust (lookup x env)
evaluate (Declare x exp body) env = evaluate body new where newEnv = (x , evaluate exp env ) : env
After State
Evaluating binary operators after state:
evaluate (Binary op a b) env mem =
let (av, mem’) = evaluate a env mem in
let (bv, mem”) = evaluate b env mem’ in
(binary op av bv, mem”)
the state around makes code messy! Can we do better?
Spotting the pattern
Evaluating binary operators after errors:
evaluate (Binary op a b) env mem =
(binary op av bv, mem”)
There seems to be a repeating pattern here.
let (av, mem’) = evaluate a env mem in
let (bv, mem”) = evaluate b env mem’ in
Monads to the Rescue!
We can capture the essence of threading the state around using a Monad!
data Stateful t =
ST (Memory -> (t, Memory))
instance Monad Stateful where
return val = ST (\m -> (val, m))
(ST c) >>= f = ST (\m ->
let (val, m’) = c m
ST f’ = f val
Rewriting code
Using the do-notation for Monads we can rewrite the code as follows:
evaluate (Binary op a b) env = do
av <- evaluate a env
bv <- evaluate b env
return (binary op av bv)
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