CS代考 import java.io.*;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

class Edge{

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

public int[] nodes = new int[2]; /*The nodes connected by the edge*/
public Integer weight; /*Integer so we can use Comparator*/

Edge(int i, int j, int w){
this.nodes[0] = i;
this.nodes[1] = j;
this.weight = w;

public String toString() {
return String.format(“Edge(%s,%s,%s)”,this.nodes[0],this.nodes[1],this.weight);

public class WGraph{

private ArrayList edges = new ArrayList();
private ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
private int nb_nodes = 0;
private Integer source = 0;
private Integer destination =0;

WGraph() {

WGraph(WGraph graph) {
for(Edge e:graph.edges){
this.addEdge(new Edge(e.nodes[0],e.nodes[1],e.weight));
this.source = graph.source;
this.destination = graph.destination;

WGraph(String file) throws RuntimeException {
Scanner f = new Scanner(new File(file));
String[] ln = f.nextLine().split(“\\s+”); /*first line is the source and destination*/
this.source = Integer.parseInt(ln[0]);
this.destination = Integer.parseInt(ln[1]);
int number_nodes = Integer.parseInt(f.nextLine()); /*second line is the number of nodes*/

while (f.hasNext()){
String[] line = f.nextLine().split(“\\s+”);
/*Make sure there is 3 elements on the line*/
if (line.length != 3){
int i = Integer.parseInt(line[0]);
int j = Integer.parseInt(line[1]);
int w = Integer.parseInt(line[2]);
Edge e = new Edge(i, j, w);

/*Sanity checks*/
if (number_nodes != this.nb_nodes){
throw new RuntimeException(“There are ” + this.nb_nodes + ” nodes while the file specifies ” + number_nodes);
for (int i = 0; i < this.nodes.size(); i++){ if ((this.nodes.get(i) >= this.nb_nodes) || (this.nodes.get(i) < 0)){ throw new RuntimeException("The node " + this.nodes.get(i) + " is outside the range of admissible values, between 0 and " + this.nb_nodes + "-1"); if(!this.nodes.contains(source)){ throw new RuntimeException("The source must be one of the nodes"); if(!this.nodes.contains(destination)){ throw new RuntimeException("The destination must be one of the nodes"); catch (FileNotFoundException e){ System.out.println("File not found!"); System.exit(1); public void addEdge(Edge e) throws RuntimeException{ /*Ensures that it is a new edge if both nodes already in the graph*/ int n1 = e.nodes[0]; int n2 = e.nodes[1]; if (this.nodes.indexOf(n1) >= 0 && this.nodes.indexOf(n2) >= 0){
for (int z = 0; z < this.edges.size(); z++){ int[] n = this.edges.get(z).nodes; if ((n1 == n[0] && n2 == n[1])){ throw new RuntimeException("The edge (" + n1 + ", " + n2 + ") already exists"); /*Update nb_nodes if necessary*/ if (this.nodes.indexOf(n1) == -1){ this.nodes.add(n1); this.nb_nodes += 1; if (this.nodes.indexOf(n2) == -1){ this.nodes.add(n2); this.nb_nodes += 1; this.edges.add(e); public Edge getEdge(Integer node1, Integer node2){ for(Edge e:edges){ if(e.nodes[0]==node1 && e.nodes[1]==node2){ return null; public void setSource(int source){ this.source = source; public void setDestination(int destination){ this.destination = destination; public int getSource(){ return this.source; public int getDestination(){ return this.destination; public void setEdge(Integer node1, Integer node2, int weight){ for(Edge e:edges){ if(e.nodes[0]==node1 && e.nodes[1]==node2){ e.weight=weight; public ArrayList listOfEdgesSorted(){
ArrayList edges = new ArrayList(this.edges);
Collections.sort(edges, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Edge e1, Edge e2)
return e2.weight.compareTo(e1.weight);
return edges;

public ArrayList getEdges(){
return this.edges;

public int getNbNodes(){
return this.nb_nodes;

public String toString(){
String out = Integer.toString(this.source)+ ” ” + Integer.toString(this.destination)+”\n”;
out += Integer.toString(this.nb_nodes);
for (int i = 0; i < this.edges.size(); i++){ Edge e = edges.get(i); out += "\n" + e.nodes[0] + " " + e.nodes[1] + " " + e.weight; return out; 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com