Sub SolveAxb(Amatrix() As Double, bvec() As Double, ByRef xvec() As Double, _
N As Integer, iptr As Integer, jptr As Integer, kptr As Integer)
‘ Solve Amatrix(iptr:iptr+N-1,jptr:jptr+N-1)*xvec(kptr:kptr+N-1) = bvec(kptr:kptr+N-1)
Dim wAmatrix() As Double: ReDim wAmatrix(1 To N, 1 To N)
Dim row As Integer, column As Integer
For row = 1 To N
For column = 1 To N: wAmatrix(row, column) = Amatrix(iptr + row – 1, jptr + column – 1): Next column
Next row
Dim wbvec() As Double: ReDim wbvec(1 To N)
For row = 1 To N: wbvec(row) = bvec(kptr + row – 1): Next row
Dim wxvec() As Double: ReDim wxvec(1 To N)
Dim Vmatrix() As Double: ReDim Vmatrix(1 To N, 1 To N)
Dim Wvec() As Double: ReDim Wvec(1 To N)
Call DSVDCMP(wAmatrix, N, N, Wvec, Vmatrix)
Call DSVBKSB(wAmatrix, Wvec, Vmatrix, N, N, wbvec, wxvec)
Dim i As Integer
For i = kptr To kptr + N – 1: xvec(i) = wxvec(i – kptr + 1): Next i
End Sub
‘This is Module xlSVD from SVD02.xls
‘ Provide SVD subroutines IAW Numerical Recipies with examples
‘Date: 13 Sep 2003
‘ 13 Sep 2003 Added DMRQMIN, MRQFNC, and SVDFNC
‘ 12 Jan 2001 New
‘ DSVDCMP(A#(), M%, N%, W#(), V#())
‘ DSVBKSB(U#(), W#(), V#(), M%, N%, B#(), X#())
‘ Dpythag#(A#, B#)
‘ T. McCloskey, Clifton Park, New York, 12065
Public Sub DSVDCMP(A() As Double, M As Integer, N As Integer, _
W() As Double, V() As Double)
‘ Given a matrix A(1:M, 1:N), this routine computes its
‘ Singular Value Decomposition (SVD),
‘ A = U*W*TRANS(V).
‘ Notes:
‘ The matrix U replaces A on output.
‘ The diagonal matrix of singular values, W, is output as a vector W(1:N).
‘ They are unordered
‘ The matrix V (not the transpose TRANS(V)) is output as V(1:N, 1:N).
‘ 7 Jan 2001 – Remove line label dependencies
‘ 24 Dec 2000 – New
‘ From Module ‘SVD02.xForSpt’
‘ IMIN%(I%,J%)
‘ DMAX#(A#,B#)
‘ DSIGN#(A#,B#)
‘ From this module
‘ Dpythag#(A#, B#)
‘ Householder bidiagonalization and a variant of the QR algoritm
‘ are used. See references.
‘ This Visual/BASIC adaptation is an adaptation of the FORTRAN 77 reference [1],
‘ which appears to be a FORTRAN 77 adaptation of the FORTRAN 66 code of
‘ refernce [2], which, is an adaptation of the ALGO procedure of reference [3].
‘ Cambridge University Press, 1986-1992
‘ [2] Forsythe, G., Malcom, M., Moler, C., COMPUTER METHODS FOR
‘ MATHEMATICAL COMPUTATIONS, 1977, Prentice-Hall, Inc., NJ 07632
‘ [3] Golub, G.H., and C. Reinsch, “Singular value decomposition and least
‘ squares solutions.” in J. H. Wilkinson and C. Reinsch, HANDBOOK FOR
‘ AUTOMATIC COMPUTERS, vol II: “Linear Algebra”, Heidelburg: Springer
Dim i As Integer, Its As Integer
Dim j As Integer, JJ As Integer
Dim k As Integer, L As Integer, Nm As Integer
Dim Anorm As Double, C As Double, F As Double, G As Double
Dim H As Double, S As Double, Dscale As Double
Dim X As Double, Y As Double, Z As Double
Dim Rv1() As Double
Dim Atmp As Double, DsclTmp As Double
Dim Iflg1 As Boolean
ReDim Rv1(1 To N)
‘Householder reduction to bidiagonal form
G = 0#
Dscale = 0#
Anorm = 0#
For i = 1 To N
L = i + 1
Rv1(i) = Dscale * G
G = 0#
S = 0#
Dscale = 0#
If i <= M Then
For k = i To M
Dscale = Dscale + Abs(A(k, i))
Next k
If Dscale <> 0# Then
DsclTmp = 1# / Dscale
For k = i To M
A(k, i) = A(k, i) * DsclTmp
S = S + A(k, i) ^ 2
Next k
F = A(i, i)
G = -DSIGN(Sqr(S), F)
H = F * G – S
A(i, i) = F – G
For j = L To N
S = 0#
For k = i To M
S = S + A(k, i) * A(k, j)
Next k
F = S / H
For k = i To M
A(k, j) = A(k, j) + F * A(k, i)
Next k
Next j
For k = i To M
A(k, i) = Dscale * A(k, i)
Next k
End If
End If
W(i) = Dscale * G
G = 0#
S = 0#
Dscale = 0#
If (i <= M) And (i <> N) Then
For k = L To N
Dscale = Dscale + Abs(A(i, k))
Next k
If Dscale <> 0# Then
DsclTmp = 1# / Dscale
For k = L To N
A(i, k) = A(i, k) * DsclTmp
S = S + A(i, k) ^ 2
Next k
F = A(i, L)
G = -DSIGN(Sqr(S), F)
H = F * G – S
A(i, L) = F – G
For k = L To N
Rv1(k) = A(i, k) / H
Next k
For j = L To M
S = 0#
For k = L To N
S = S + A(j, k) * A(i, k)
Next k
For k = L To N
A(j, k) = A(j, k) + S * Rv1(k)
Next k
Next j
For k = L To N
A(i, k) = Dscale * A(i, k)
Next k
End If
End If
Anorm = DMAX(Anorm, (Abs(W(i)) + Abs(Rv1(i))))
Next i
‘ Accumulation of right-hand transformations.
For i = N To 1 Step -1
If i < N Then
If G <> 0# Then
For j = L To N ‘ Double Division to avoid possible underflow
V(j, i) = (A(i, j) / A(i, L)) / G
Next j
For j = L To N
S = 0#
For k = L To N
S = S + A(i, k) * V(k, j)
Next k
For k = L To N
V(k, j) = V(k, j) + S * V(k, i)
Next k
Next j
End If
For j = L To N
V(i, j) = 0#
V(j, i) = 0#
Next j
End If
V(i, i) = 1#
G = Rv1(i)
L = i
Next i
‘ Accumulation of Left-hand Transformation
For i = IMIN(M, N) To 1 Step -1
L = i + 1
G = W(i)
For j = L To N
A(i, j) = 0#
Next j
If G <> 0# Then
G = 1# / G
For j = L To N
S = 0#
For k = L To M
S = S + A(k, i) * A(k, j)
Next k
F = (S / A(i, i)) * G
For k = i To M
A(k, j) = A(k, j) + F * A(k, i)
Next k
Next j
For j = i To M
A(j, i) = A(j, i) * G
Next j
For j = i To M
A(j, i) = 0#
Next j
End If
A(i, i) = A(i, i) + 1#
Next i
‘ Diagonalization of the Bidiagonal form: Loop over
‘ singular values, and over allowed iterations
For k = N To 1 Step -1
For Its = 1 To 30
Iflg1 = True
For L = k To 1 Step -1
Nm = L – 1
If ((Abs(Rv1(L)) + Anorm) = Anorm) Then
Iflg1 = False
Exit For ‘ GoTo SVDCMP002
End If
If ((Abs(W(Nm)) + Anorm) = Anorm) Then
Exit For ‘ GoTo SVDCMP001
End If
Next L
If Iflg1 Then
C = 0# ‘Cancellation of RV1(1), if L > 1
S = 1#
For i = L To k
F = S * Rv1(i)
If ((Abs(F) + Anorm) = Anorm) Then Exit For ‘ GoTo SVDCMP002
G = W(i)
H = Dpythag(F, G)
W(i) = H
H = 1# / H
C = G * H
S = -F * H
For j = 1 To M
Y = A(j, Nm)
Z = A(j, i)
A(j, Nm) = (Y * C) + (Z * S)
A(j, i) = (Z * C) – (Y * S)
Next j
Next i
End If
Z = W(k)
If L = k Then
If Z < 0# Then
W(k) = -Z
For j = 1 To N
V(j, k) = -V(j, k)
Next j
End If
Exit For ' GoTo SVDCMP003
End If
If Its = 30 Then
Call MsgBox("No Convergence in SVDCMP - aborting")
Erase Rv1()
Exit Sub
End If
X = W(L)
Nm = k - 1
Y = W(Nm)
G = Rv1(Nm)
H = Rv1(k)
F = ((Y - Z) * (Y + Z) + (G - H) * (G + H)) / (2# * H * Y)
G = Dpythag(F, 1#)
F = ((X - Z) * (X + Z) + H * ((Y / (F + DSIGN(G, F))) - H)) / X
' Next QR transformation.
C = 1#
S = 1#
For j = L To Nm
i = j + 1
G = Rv1(i)
Y = W(i)
H = S * G
G = C * G
Z = Dpythag(F, H)
Rv1(j) = Z
C = F / Z
S = H / Z
F = (X * C) + (G * S)
G = G * C - X * S
H = Y * S
Y = Y * C
For JJ = 1 To N
X = V(JJ, j)
Z = V(JJ, i)
V(JJ, j) = (Z * S) + (X * C)
V(JJ, i) = (Z * C) - (X * S)
Next JJ
Z = Dpythag(F, H)
W(j) = Z 'Rotation can be arbitrary if z = 0
If Z <> 0# Then
Z = 1# / Z
C = F * Z
S = H * Z
End If
F = (C * G) + (S * Y)
X = C * Y – S * G
For JJ = 1 To M
Y = A(JJ, j)
Z = A(JJ, i)
A(JJ, j) = (Z * S) + (Y * C)
A(JJ, i) = (Z * C) – (Y * S)
Next JJ
Next j
Rv1(L) = 0#
Rv1(k) = F
W(k) = X
Next Its
Next k
Erase Rv1()
End Sub
Public Sub DSVBKSB(U() As Double, W() As Double, V() As Double, _
M As Integer, N As Integer, B() As Double, X() As Double)
‘ Solves A*X = B for a vector X, where A is specified by the
‘ arrays U, W, V as returned by DSVDCMP. M and N are the
‘ logical dimensions of A, and will be equal for square matrices.
‘ B(1:M) is the input right-hand side. X(1:n) is the output
‘ solution vector. No input quantitie are destroyed, so the
‘ routine may be called sequentially with different loads B().
‘ 24 Dec 2000
‘ Standard back-substitution. Requires user to “zero” small
‘ entries of W(j), ie, after DSVDCMP call, but prior to DSVBKSB
‘ call, replace small values of W(j) for zero. One example
‘ coding to perform this edit automatically is as follows:
‘ Wtol = 2E-16
‘ Wmax = 0#
‘ For J = 1 To N
‘ If W(J) > Wmax Then Wmax = W(J)
‘ Next J
‘ Wmin = Wmax * WTol
‘ For J = 1 To N
‘ If W(J) < Wmin Then W(J) = 0#
' Next J
' COMPUTING, Cambridge University Press, 1986-1992
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, JJ As Integer
Dim S As Double, tmp() As Double
'Dimension Temporary vector
ReDim tmp(N)
'Calculate TRANS(U)*B
For j = 1 To N
S = 0#
If W(j) <> 0# Then ‘Non-zero result only if w(j) <> 0
For i = 1 To M
S = S + U(i, j) * B(i)
Next i
S = S / W(j) ‘This is the divide by w(j)
End If
tmp(j) = S
Next j
‘Matrix multiply by V to get answer.
For j = 1 To N
S = 0#
For JJ = 1 To N
S = S + V(j, JJ) * tmp(JJ)
Next JJ
X(j) = S
Next j
‘Release Dynamic memory
Erase tmp
End Sub
Public Function Dpythag(A As Double, B As Double) As Double
‘ Computes SQR(a^2 + b^2) without destructive underflow or overflow.
‘ 24 Dec 2000
‘ COMPUTING, Cambridge University Press, 1986-1992
Dim AbsA As Double, AbsB As Double
AbsA = Abs(A)
AbsB = Abs(B)
If AbsA > AbsB Then
Dpythag = AbsA * Sqr(1# + (AbsB / AbsA) ^ 2)
If AbsB = 0# Then
Dpythag = 0#
Dpythag = AbsB * Sqr(1# + (AbsA / AbsB) ^ 2)
End If
End If
End Function
‘Attribute VB_Name = “xlForSpt”
‘This is Module xlForSpt from SVD02.xls
‘ Provide some FORTRAN like Intrinsics
‘Date: 26 Oct 2000
‘ T. McCloskey, Sillwater, New York, 12170
Public Function DMAX(x1 As Variant, x2 As Variant) As Variant
‘DMAX = CDbl(WorksheetFunction.Max(x1, x2))
If x1 < x2 Then DMAX = x2 Else DMAX = x1
End Function
Public Function DMIN(x1 As Variant, x2 As Variant) As Variant
'DMIN = CDbl(WorksheetFunction.Min(x1, x2))
If x1 < x2 Then DMIN = x1 Else DMIN = x2
End Function
Public Function IMAX(iX1 As Integer, iX2 As Integer) As Integer
'IMAX = CInt(WorksheetFunction.Max(x1, x2))
If iX1 < iX2 Then IMAX = iX2 Else IMAX = iX1
End Function
Public Function IMIN(iX1 As Integer, iX2 As Integer) As Integer
'IMIN = CInt(WorksheetFunction.Min(x1, x2))
If iX1 < iX2 Then IMIN = iX1 Else IMIN = iX2
End Function
Public Function JMIN(iX1 As Long, iX2 As Long) As Long
'JMIN = CInt(WorksheetFunction.Min(x1, x2))
If iX1 < iX2 Then JMIN = iX1 Else JMIN = iX2
End Function
Public Function DSIGN(x1 As Double, x2 As Double) As Double
Dim x3 As Double
'Transfer of sign
x3 = Abs(x1)
If x2 < 0# Then
DSIGN = -x3
DSIGN = x3
End If
End Function
Function SciFmt(Mantisa As Integer) As String
' Purpose:
' To allow construction of a formating string
' for use with the Basic FORMAT function.
' Date: 1998 Jan 24
' Method:
' The format string is specific for Scientific
' format with one leading digit and a user specified
' mantisa length. Non-Negative values are preceded
' with a space, negative values are preceded with a
' negative sign. For example,
' Mantisa% = 3
' sFmt$ = SciFmt(Mantisa%)
' would yield sFmt = " 0.000E+000;-0.000E+000".
' This allows uniform formated listings for
' positive and negative values.
Dim sFmt As String
If Mantisa > 15 Then Mantisa = 15
sFmt = String$(Mantisa, “0”) & “E+000″
SciFmt = ” 0.” & sFmt & “;” & “-0.” & sFmt
End Function
Public Function IsEven2(k As Integer) As Boolean
‘ Purpose:
‘ Returns TRUE if integer2 variable is EVEN
‘ Date: 11 May 2002
IsEven2 = ((Abs(k) And 1) = 0)
End Function
Public Function IsOdd2(k As Integer) As Boolean
‘ Purpose:
‘ Returns TRUE if integer2 variable is ODD
‘ Date: 11 May 2002
IsOdd2 = ((Abs(k) And 1) = 1)
End Function